#sagittarius x sagittarius
astro-tag-9 · 6 months
Hi I saw your post and wanted to know if I was able to participate?!?! Anyways….
Me: Aqua rising, Sag Sun, Virgo moon
Her: Pisces rising, Sag sun, Virgo moon
Thank you in advance 🙏🏽
Marshall and Lily 👫💕
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grammical · 2 years
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Sagittarius male x Sagittarius female!
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hymn-to-mercury · 8 months
✨🪐Astrology observations🪐✨
These observations are all based off my own personal experience and are mostly generic - don't take it to heart if you disagree <3
🪐 No one seems to fully understand how Aquarius Moons work, including Aquarius Moons themselves.
🪐 I love how heavy Mars influence shows up in people's physical appearance! I’ve always noticed that people with a lot of mars dominance in their chart have a big forehead and/or a widows peak, as well as rosy cheeks or a naturally reddish/pinkish undertone to their skin.
🪐 Undeveloped Virgo and Sagittarius placements absolutely do not give a fuck about your feelings. They can be extremely self centred I've noticed to almost a dangerous detriment.
🪐 A lot of people give Scorpio women the Mean Girl rep, but honestly I think that title should be lent to Virgo women too 😭 They tend to have this hangup about perfection, and I think when undeveloped it shows more as an aversion to anything 'weird' or against the status quo.
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🪐 Cardinal Mars signs (that's Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) reallyyyyy can't hide their dislike for things 😅 people, food, celebrities, whatever. If they don't announce it verbally then you can at least tell by their face lmao.
(I once had to put on my ~emergency socks~ when I was wearing heels on a night out, and every time someone came up to me to tell me how nice my outfit looked I would say thanks and then just not stop yapping about how the socks were not originally apart of the outfit 😭 I couldn't let people think I approved of socks and sandals alksjdgfsjdh)
🪐 Scorpio placements can dish it but can't take it. Cancer placements will sneakily dish it under the guise of a joke and then start crying if you try to dish it back.
🪐 People with Leo Moon tend to 'perform' their activism a lot. That's not to say that they don't practice what they preach, but I think when they do speak up their image has something to do with it
🪐 If you were born under a Mercury Retrograde it might feel like you were destined to be misunderstood no matter how well articulated you are 🙃 I don't think it's a problem with yourself as much as it is with the people you encounter through your life though. Your biggest 'ops' might be people who are very particular and specific about word choice - think Gemini and Virgo Placements (if you are a Gemini/Virgo yourself, this may manifest for you as harbouring some self-hatred or significant self-consciousness).
🪐 Pisces want very badly to be carefree, but a lot of the time they severely struggle getting over their need for outside validation. Being carefree is also a trait they might find attractive in other people.
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the-defendery-189 · 8 months
Sag moons are often so carefree they might not take responsibility for their actions, be the perfect example of this Vivziepop.
I dunno how is astrology related to this, but I'll offer my neck it's the Scorpio sun - alll Scorpio suns I know do this - when somebody calls them out on something, they're never the problem and always try to save their face by calling the accusations bullshit, even when it's blatantly obvious they're wrong.
Also, a lot of Scorpio suns hate people just constantly criticising everything and despise the cinema sins and criticism of movies/books/ect culture.
Your 4th house sign is the relationship you have with your mother and 9th house the same with your father. Take it like your sun(dad) and moon (mom) sign, just better --- like seriously, mine are in the signs that my parents actually have.
Gemini are like the freakiest signs, but can piss a lot of Scorpios off. They can like do a lot of sex impulsively an be just too flirty and cutesy - which they themselves can find cute, but, sadly, the Scorpios - probably the only sign to do so - I'm also thinking capricorn but I never saw it irl - don't. They can also piss them off with their fake bullshit a lot. Scorpios are all about truth and raw and real things and Geminis talky falsely gossipy, twisting all the true things nature, goes directly into it and seeps into their veins like a venom.
Also, even if the scorps are extroverted, with people like Gemini and sags they suddenly are so closed off and introverted in comparison to them. And not even that they become like so closed off and detached BCS they're uncomfortable with them, no, just they can be the most comfortable and still be just more quiet in their presence.
Also, Geminis have the same with Leos and Pisces imo.
Also geminis are definitely more freaky in bed than scorps, even they are sometimes scared of them.
Leo suns can hate pisces suns a lot, they can view them as fake, sly and just straight up disgustingly manipulative and egocentric.
Sag suns are literally so imaginative, like the most creative sign I know imo, actually more than pisces who get praised for this a lot.
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impuls1veworm · 1 year
Unless you're into clingy men, dating Gojo would be so annoying. This mf won't let you leave the room without asking where you're going. He's not gonna follow you, but don't take too long. Even if you're just using the bathroom, if he thinks you're taking too long, he's outside the door asking what you're doing.
God forbid you try to go out with friends who aren't also his friends. He'll tell you to go out, have fun, and he doesn't care. Until it's 3 hours later and you hear a very familiar voice from behind you responding to what your friend just said.
This man is never leaving you alone. You're stuck with him for life.
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ellstronaut · 8 months
listen bro I need reader who’s obsessed with astrology dating Ellie who doesn’t give 2 rats ass and thinks it’s all pseudoscience
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sometimes she doesn’t even know why she puts up with you
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theshiki · 3 months
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
Mars signs and what sun sign draws them in
Aries mars is drawn to Pisces Suns
Taurus mars is drawn to Cancer Suns
Gemini mars is drawn to Capricorn Suns
Cancer mars is drawn to Libra Suns
Leo mars is drawn to Sagittarius Suns
Virgo mars is drawn to Virgo Suns
Libra mars is drawn to Taurus Suns
Scorpio mars is drawn to Scorpio Suns
Sagittarius mars is drawn to Aries Suns
Capricorn mars is drawn to Leo suns
Aquarius mars is drawn to Aquarius suns
Pisces mars is drawn to Gemini suns
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chouettecrivaine · 5 months
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Odile's Soliloquy [Honkai: Star Rail]
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Characters: Sparkle
Notes: 1.2k words, reader is referred to as prince but it's symbolic, sparkle has definitely disappeared an undescribed loved one of yours at BEST (and killed at worst)
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Sparkle was a woman of many talents. An ardent method actor, she could become anything she wanted to be. Since the beginning, her name deserved to be up in lights, glittering over an entire city and catching the ardor of all. This talent of hers only grew until she could don any mask, becoming more mirage than person. Sparkle could be anything. She could be anybody your heart desired.
…except the one your heart desired.
Sparkle was used to flimsy desire. The things that sparked her attention lost it just as quickly. She wasn't used to being enthralled so thoroughly, much less by something she couldn't attain. Sparkle knew she was a woman of taste, though, and she trusted that her enrapture was well founded.
Unfortunately, such trustworthy taste didn't seem to have blessed you as it had her.
The one who had your heart was, quite frankly, a fool - and not even in the fun way. But the universe was made of contradictory sameness, and like always attracted like. They couldn’t see a trap whilst standing inside one, and Sparkle always knew that they’d need to be dealt with as soon as they started poking their nose in the Fools’ business. 
Though, in the end, their presence wasn’t quite as burdensome as Sparkle once thought. They had something that Sparkle had been vying for - someone who occupied her thoughts far more often than she’d care to admit. And yet, despite the fact that you had decided to cast a blundering fool in such a pivotal role, Sparkle couldn’t force herself to be mad at you. After all, what understudy doesn’t secretly wish for the trap door to open beneath the lead’s feet and render them useless for the performance?
So maybe she pulled the lever, cut the rope on the sandbag, loosened a few screws on the lights. Actress or magician? Only someone as gifted in the arts as Sparkle could pull off both in one act. Hidden up her sleeves were numerous cards and secret tricks, all of which gave her the leg up in the battle for your affections. More than simply act the part, Sparkle could become anyone she wanted to be, so of course she jumped right into the role she had been vying for and placed herself snugly at your side. Your partner’s actions were hardly difficult to replicate, and their words weren’t exactly taxing prose. The only admirable thing about them had been their devotion to you - but even then, their adoration was nothing compared to hers. A candle could never compete with dazzling fireworks, after all.
Sparkle knew long ago that she found her calling as a body double, fancying herself a black swan masquerading the lovely, cursed princess. She could pirouette around your questions with ease and take your hand in hers without suspicion. Sparkle was your trickster, and you, her idiot prince; truly a match made in whatever paradise the Aeons fashioned for the departed.
But then, as usual, she got bored. 
She wasn’t bred of you, but of something she thought would always be her weapon of choice; the monotony of a mask. She felt her face plastered into the same smile every day, a plastic facade she could never force to drop an inch. Sparkle wanted more from you: she wanted to feel the maniacal grin on her face once she revealed her plot; she wanted to feel the smug, victorious smirk on her face as she watched yours crumble; she wanted to grimace and scream as she tore into her own chest, trying to claw at the stabbing pain as you ran away. There was so much potential, and an artist such as herself couldn't be expected to hold back at such a critical junction in her career!
Shows that outran their welcome were rarely remembered fondly. Sparkle had prepared for her grand finale, ready to reveal her identity to you just before the curtain closed. When finally she allowed her mask to clatter to the ground, abandoned, she bent her knees and curtsied. Thank you, thank you, for attending the show! What thrilling twists! Way to end with a bang! Her hair fell over her shoulders and swayed by the sides of her face, hiding the uncertainty that turned her appreciative bow into one that hoped to beget your forgiveness.
She had expected a shriek, perhaps a gasp of utter shock - anything but the bemused laughter and sardonic slow clap that met her ears. Rising slowly, Sparkle matched your easy smirk with one of her own, as if she was in on the joke. 
Is the show really over? That’s what you seemed to ask. Sparkle had spent so much time watching you, both closely and from afar, that she could read the unspoken question in the tilt of your head, the slight shrug of your shoulder. Your gaze burned her like a spotlight shining down as she forgot all of her lines.
Well. If all it took for such an adoring audience was to don the mask once more, who was she to deny you an encore?
Sparkle didn’t need to hide herself in entirety after that. Her plan had been successful, after all. Your foolish oaths of true love had been broken by her facade, just as she wanted. But you didn’t run and try to assemble the pieces of what she forced you to break. Instead, you grabbed her hand and changed the steps, pulling her along the stage while she mimicked you as best she could. Sparkle remembered then why she never coveted the true romantic leads before - for any romance to be interesting, there needed to be a heartbreak in the central act.
No matter how precisely she danced, Sparkle realized that the romantic overture would never play while she was center stage.
Most Fools believed that love meant nothing. Everything meant nothing in the vast gaze of the Elation. She knew you would make a fine Fool when the discovery of her facade meant little to you. For whatever reason, something about this costume of hers brought you joy. Her actions brought you memories of true happiness, and when she donned that ugly simpleton’s mask, you could pretend everything was the same as it had been before. Yet, in the form of her that was as close as she could get to ‘true,’’ you never called her name or looked at her softly. You had seen through her disguise from the beginning. If she didn’t need to hide, then you didn’t need to pretend to care.
But now, her greatest tool had become her greatest weakness. Why should she have to hide her emotions when she wanted to let everything out? You had managed to tear her to shreds, and she was restless with the desire to rip off the costume and hear seams pop, show you her tear-stained cheeks and blood red hands so you could kiss it all away. Sparkle was no longer playing a part; she was feeling, which was the one thing a mask could never do.
Having the tables turned on her had been her greatest dream as a bored Fool. But now, she was something far worse than a Fool; a simple idiot who wasted her time wishing it was her name that spilled from your lips with such sincerity. She wanted it more than anything; the day when you pierced through the final mask, when you saw through the puppet named Sparkle and unlocked who she was in her core.
That would be the day when she could shed her swan feathers and finally be yours.
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hi omg can you please elaborate on lee knows corruption kink and him being into the shy and naive type 😩🩷 do you think he's also the type to be into someone who's more on the opposite spectrum of his personality? someone who's bright and sweet and emotional and expresses their feelings clearly? or is it a little more different than that?
I am always happy on my fervent opinion that Lee Know has the biggest corruption kink out of all the members of Stray Kids- and let's do a deep dive.
The thing with Lee Know and his Scorpio Sun/Sagittarius Moon is he's quite adaptive with who he's interested in because there has to be SOMETHING about you that interests HIM and HIM ALONE.
So it's more than just being shy and naive or being bright and experienced- it's about having something inside of you that sparks the curiosity of Lee Know's mind and encourages him to bring it out.
Which is why I follow the idea of Lee Know and his corruption kink because it also entices Lee Know and his Scorpio Venus and their love for ownership/secrecy.
Combined with his Virgo Mars/6th House Venus- it's not necessarily your inexperience that he finds enticing but the idea that he's the FIRST- it's HIS hands on your body, HIS tongue on your cunt, HIS cock inside of you.
You have no one to compare it too, no one too imagine in your mind BUT him-and that's what gets his dick wet.
And with his Scorpio Mercury- best believe that he'd love to remind you time and time again.
'I love how it's my cock and tongue you think about when you touch yourself right? My body over yours- my face in your neck- and there'll never be anyone in your pretty mind but me-is that right honey?'
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astral-lucy · 1 day
opposite signs in a relationship
classic combo. they're both boujee, planning expensive dates from time to time. they like to show off their partner ! they probably move too fast, but that's because why would they ever be apart?
they're lowkey also the kind of couple that would break up and make up a hundrer times. and make that public every. single. time.
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the ones who are touching each other at all times; hand-holding, hugs, anything. stealing the others' hoodies, scrunchies, perfume. they make sure the other one feels safe.
the only bad thing about this combo is how possessive they are.
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the ones that look more like besties or even brothers rather than anything else. they're adventurous people ! their dates are either going on a hike or going to a museum.
the bad thing here - they're both pretty dettached signs.
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the old fashion ones. the ones making letters to each others, giving gifts to the other. probably the ones planning their future long-term since very early on in the relationship. they act as each others' therapist.
the only bad thing here is how both of these signs are scare to show their feelings.
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the fashionistas, the ones who take seriously the act of taking pics of the other. the ones who act like best friends a lot but french kiss each other everywhere. shameless.
the only bad thing with these people is how jealous they can get.
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their anniversary is their favorite time of the year and you can't tell me they don't think going to a library or grocery shopping is not a date. the kind of couple who would suddenly go on a trip without telling anyone or who suddenly moved in together.
i just don't think they act rationally when together.
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| i loved doing this! hope you enjoyed this as well.
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dotster001 · 2 years
A Sagittarius Chaos Throuple
Summary: Rook x Idia x FEM! Reader. What a polyamorous relationship looks like for NRC's hottest Sagittarius'. Requested by @stygianoir
CW: Fem Reader.
A/N: If people like this, I can do the other signs, (I'm Libra in case you're wondering 😂) and I can make a gender neutral version. Just let me know!
Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer-coming soon
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How it happens.
It all starts with Rook. We all know he's been trying to "get to know" Idia for a while. (let's be real. He already knows Idia. He just wants an excuse for an in that won't scare him)
When you come around, and he falls for you, it diverts him from Idia for a while. Obviously, Rook makes the first move. After he learns everything about you, that is. Now that he's got his beautiful girlfriend, you'd think he'd be satisfied, right? Nope.
In most cases, the reader proposes the Poly relationship. But this time is different. Roi de Ta Chambre is too alluring for poor Rook! If only his beautiful Mademoiselle Trickster could see it too!
He pushes you in the right direction, getting you into the games Idia is into, so that he will let you in. Then he joins on the escapades, as your boyfriend, thereby getting Idia comfortable with him as well.  After a while, he sits you both down and proposes a poly relationship. The trick to pulling it off is comparing it to an anime Idia has been really into lately, so that he isn't overwhelmed by the idea. 
What these three Sagittarius' get up to.
All three of you stay off the radar. But one day Rook is telling you about all the juicy things he hears when he hides in vents and trees, and now all three of you are doing it. Idia has created a smoke bomb, so that when you three gremlins get caught, you can make a hasty retreat.  While Rook is a little disappointed that his street cred as being undetectable is going out the window, getting gossip with his beloveds is definitely worth it.
Study sessions? Study sessions. All three of you work hard on your homework and study together, and sometimes, after that, you start studying up on one of your hyperfixations. Idia's new video game? You're all researching cheat codes, lore, and secrets for hours. Rook's new target? You're studying the school layouts and plotting how he's going to get them. 
Romance among Sagittarius is very affectionate, and it's no different here. It takes a bit for Idia to get past his insecurities, but once he does, he always wants a kiss from both of you for everything.  
Top kiss request quotes,
"Loves, I just killed that boss. Praise me."
"Rook, you forgot to give me a goodnight kiss yesterday, so now you owe me."
"If I don't have a lover kissing each of my cheeks in ten seconds, I'm going to hack your phones."
Meanwhile, Rook makes sure that you all get cuddle time at least once a week. He likes watching his partners fall asleep with his arms around them. 
He also sends you both off with a heated kiss before every class. Vil is this close to giving Rook another talk about PDA.
Rook teaches you both archery. When he realizes his throuple is made up solely of Sagittarius, he realizes you all need to be hunters. Under his guidance, the three of you become a menace to society.
Communication is great amongst you three. If something's upsetting someone, it's out in the open immediately. All three of you are very blunt about your feelings, but also very understanding. So resolutions are arrived at quickly.
Dates tend to be in Idia's room. You and Rook pretend it's for his comfort, but the reality is that none of you want to spend a lot of money on a date that you can go to in VR for free.  
Overall, it's a surprisingly happy trio (for everyone but Vil, who does not enjoy you and Idia enabling Rook's bad habits) You all work together to make sure the throuple stays happy and mentally stimulated, and cause some chaos together. What more could you ask for?
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youaremyhome · 2 years
Pieces of the Night: The Archer
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Warnings: Dark!Rafe Cameron x Reader, 18+ NSFW, smut, HEAVY non-con/dub-con, drug use, possessive behavior, DARK. More to add. Read at your own risk.
Notes: 3k words. omg yall i'm so sorry for the long wait, just started a new job and it's kicking my ass lol i'm real nervous about this chapter idk why so this will be the first time im asking to pls pls pls let me know if yall like it or not! thanks!
taglist: @belcalis9503
let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :)
True to his word, Rafe demonstrates how he fucked you when you were too high to remember.
How he had you on your side, one leg hoisted up to his shoulder, hugging it as he pumped into you. On your stomach, hips smacking on your ass as he kissed his way down your back.
The most sleep you got was a few hours before he was stretching you open again. The fight had weakened by your third orgasm, mind too foggy with involuntary pleasure to work your muscles against him. It was easier to roll in with him like the tide. When you did fight, he would grip your arms tight enough to bruise, and choke you until the air was the one thing you were worried about and not his cock in you.
Even now, in the hot shower that’s supposed to soothe your achy body, Rafe is a leach and demands your attention.
You don’t know how he’s managed to keep going all night like this, figuring he would get spent at some point. Clearly, you’re mistaken as his cock’s sliding slow but deep, hurting as you feel him right behind your bellybutton. You face away from him as he crowds you against the tiles, his hands on top of yours. The spaces between your fingers are filled in by his, his palm covers your hand entirely. Rafe leans on you, cheek to cheek as your moans twist together to create an echoing harmony.
Lazy scattered kisses are dragged across your skin, Rafe’s tongue peeks out to lick the water off you. His groans are almost infectious, a vibration at your back from his chest. You watch as his middle finger strokes down the length of your own.
“Next time you flip me off…I’ll bend this finger so far back you’ll never be able to do it again.”
Fear fires through you.
The queasy squirm in your stomach swoops down lower, creating a frenzy that revolts you. Your muscles squeeze hard, Rafe sighs your name. His face burrows against yours, hot shuddering breaths fan down your neck, his blunt teeth grazing your jaw as he speeds his hips. That heady burn breaks when the tip of his cock slides directly against that special spot. This orgasm is weaker than the others before, but it lasts longer, barely registering as Rafe spills inside you for the umpteenth time.
Big hands pet over your waist as he pulls his hips back, cock slipping out. The water rinses away his cum as it runs down your thighs. He steps away, going under the spray of the showerhead, not sure if the fog on the glass is from the stream or your activities. You lean on the wall, side-eyeing him as he begins to shampoo his hair.
The rest of the shower is awkward, at least for you. Rafe acts completely normal like nothing is out of the ordinary. Like he hasn’t forced himself on you throughout all hours of the night. He washes himself with small glances to you, no words to exchange now that he isn’t balls deep inside while he threatens and praises you. Wary, you stay away until he’s done and stepping out, only then do you take your turn.
Treading out into your room with dripping hair, towel securely wrapped around you, Rafe is there with his towel low on his hips. You advert your eyes when it drops to the floor, getting a brief flash of his ass as he steps into his pants. He comfortably moves about the room, fluffing his hair with the towel.
“I need Plan B.” You blurt out.
Rafe pauses. You can see his back muscles move smoothly beneath his skin as he turns his head to you. He gives a raised eyebrow. You despise the relaxed quiet he’s adapted as the result of your torment. An unrecognizable look shadows his face before it disappears.
He nods. “You’re coming with.”
The words are hardly out of his mouth when you’re interrupting. “No, you go and come back. You’re the one that came in me.”
Rafe sits on the bed, pushing his hair back, and stares at you. A small smile on his lips as he shrugs. “Looks like I’m not going then.”
“Ugh, are you always so childish?” You squeeze your arms against your chest, still in the doorway of the bathroom. You lose the staring contest with a defeated sigh and look away. “Let’s go.”
“Happy birthday to me.” Rafe claps and continues getting ready.
Sarcastic jerk.
Sneaking out is easy since you’re on the first floor, early enough for everyone to be sleeping in. The morning wind combined with damp hair gives you a small chill as you walk to Rafe’s car which he said was parked by the next house. Rafe looks annoyed when the wind tangles through your hair, another shiver racking through you.
“You shouldn’t go out with wet hair. It’s cold.”
“S’fine.” You mumble, keeping your eyes straightforward.
You drown out his rebuttal because that’s when you see his car. Correction, truck. The same one that drove by yesterday, all slow and curious. You itch to yell at him, run back to the house, and lock him out. Although you are on birth control, Rafe came inside you too many times to count. You were getting that damn pill. Even if that meant hopping into the passenger seat, slouching as Rafe started it and drove off.
It's just a few minutes' drive to a local pharmacy, radio playing in the background. Rafe parks, picks his wallet out, and hands you something.
“You have to buy it.” Rafe states, extending several twenties to you.
You blow a raspberry, but don’t move to take it. “What a gentleman.”
He rolls his eyes. “It’s a small town. People will talk if they saw me and tell Ward.”
“You got a warden?”
“My dad.” Rafe smiles amused.
“Ah, yes. Can’t let daddy know how deprave his son is –”
“Get the fucking shit before I take you back home without it.” Rafe’s hits the wheel unexpectedly. You flinch back.
Snatching the money from his hands, you jump out and march into the store. Angry, at least you found a weak spot of his: his dad. Poor rich boy.
Mulling over how to irritate Rafe with his daddy issues, you walk between the aisles, smiling when you get your hands on your desired product. Rafe gave you more money than necessary, so you head over to the refrigerated section for a drink. And there, staring at the clear glass of the doors is Kiara. Kie had been distant yesterday and you assumed was because of her intense dislike for the rich, which she now viewed you as.
Your feet stutter on the linoleum, shoes squeaking as you backpedal into an aisle. Changing directions you scurry to the cashier, keeping your head down as you pay, and fast walk yourself out of there.  
“What the hell was Kie doing in there?” You demand right as you shut the door of the truck. Glaring at Rafe. “I thought this is supposed to be the crook side?”
“Kook.” Rafe corrects. “And it is. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, her parents are kooks.”
“So… she’s a kook?”
“No. She’s a damn pogue.” Agitated, Rafe thumbs his forehead before flexing his palm out.
“But her parents… you said… you don’t make any sense. This whole island doesn’t!” Grunting in frustration, you prop your elbow against the armrest, leaning your head in your hand. Rafe pulls out of the parking lot.
“Then let me make this perfectly clear to you… I see you with those pogues again –”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ll punish me, hurt me.” You mumble. “Whatever.”
“No… I’ll hurt them.”
Cautiously, you angle your head to peek at him. That same fear from before ignites in the pit of your stomach. Veins weaving up his arms are bulging as he white knuckles the wheel, his eyes steady on the road. He’s relaxed back into the seat, but the tension of his shoulders is undeniable, the quick tapping of his fingers on the leather is louder than the music. The rhythm of his lower mouth tells you he’s biting the inside of his cheek as a strange air raft off him. And though he knows you’re staring, Rafe makes no move to look at you. Sensing you’re edging dangerous territory with this particular subject, you turn back to the window silently.
When the car enters your driveway, your fingers grip the handle in anticipation, and hearing the unlocking click you…hesitate.
Waving the little blue box, you keep your eyes down on the leather seats. “Thanks, uh – thanks again.”
“You didn’t thank me the first time.”
Rafe’s voice is tinted with humor, your eyes flipping up to see that stupid smirk. Instinctively – like a goddamn idiot – you smile back. Just a tilt of the corner and you’re pulling the handle to open the door.
Rafe says your name.
Halting your movements, you look on as small expressions twitch on his face. Mouth open for words but all there is, are audible breaths. His eyes bounce between yours, fingers twitching and tapping once more as you sit and wait.
“I, um…I –” A breathy laugh as he shakes his head. “Never mind.”
You dip your head down slowly in a nod, opening the door fully and slipping out. It isn’t until you’re on the first story that you look over at Rafe’s idle truck, wondering what he was waiting for. You finally hear the tires crunch on the gravel as you turn the corner of the porch. 
Inside the bathroom, you swallow the pill with tap water, letting the sink run as you slurp water from it. Wiping your mouth with your fingers, you distantly stare at your reflection. Gaze slowly losing focus until your vision is blurring, but you barely blink. You let your mind drain out your flooding thoughts, like a drain unplugging.
“Someone’s up early.” Your mom says as she breezes into the kitchen.
“I guess.” You mutter, watching the coffee drip into the mug.
“You ok, honey?”
You want to tell your mom everything, from that Halloween night up to this morning. Logically, you know she would be by your side. She would rally and fight for you. She would be your defender until her dying breath.
She would break.
Your mother had a big heart that was dominated with melancholy. A soft thing that bruises even in gentle hands. That would disintegrate with your confession.
Never wanting to add stress to her, you hid most of your conflictions. Why you choose the less expensive university when money was tight after your sister’s choice of an ivy league and hardly any scholarships had your parents struggling. Why you were the good girl, the easy child while your sister had caused constant head and heartaches for her.
All your mother ever wanted to do was to do good. To be good. Those same ambitions had transferred to you. You were cursed with your mother’s tender heart.
“I’m just sleepy.” You kiss her cheek as she walks past.
“We have dinner plans tonight so don’t be running off anywhere.”
Together, you and your mom enjoy your morning coffees. Lounging on the plush couch watching daytime TV, gossiping, and laughing. She’s in a bright mood today which in turn lifts yours, forgetting about the darkness that’s tainted on your skin in hickeys.
By late afternoon, you two have barely moved, total couch potatoes with various snacks and cups across the coffee table. Lauren and dad had joined but neither of them could sit for long, so they had come and gone as you two had stayed put. After another lifetime movie, you decide it’s time to get ready for dinner.
Mom had said it was a nice restaurant, so you opt for a white dress, the hem a couple of inches above your knee. Your mom approves when you show her, Lauren complaining about how she has nothing to wear. Lauren had always been about the dramatics, so you pull out an extra dress you had packed just for her.
 “This is where we played the other day,” Laurens says as you all walk into the country club.
“Aren’t you supposed to be like, members or something to be here?” You ask, looking around. People aren’t as discreet as they’d like to think as you catch eyes with multiple patrons.
“We were invited by this lovely couple we met; they have kids around your age too!” Mom smiles, following the hostess to the table.
You and Lauren share a dubious look. Sitting at the round, cloth table, long menus are handed out and you immediately flip it over to the back. The alcohol selection.
Skimming through it, you decide on a white wine when your dad speaks.
“Hey, Ward! How’s it goin’, man?”
Your eyes snap up over the menu, the unusual name clicking something in your brain. Your dad stands, shaking hands with a man. They’re all smiles as your mom stands too, hugging a blonde woman as they gush over each other.
Rafe rounds around your parents, his eyes immediately connecting with yours. Your menu drops to the table in shock as you gawk at him. This feels like horrible déjà vu, your eyes wide and frozen in your seat. His eyes darken as they take you in, quick to pick the seat right next to you.
“Well, hello there,” Rafe purrs your name.
Looking to the other side of him, Sarah has an alarmed expression as her eyes volley between you and Rafe.
“Oh my God, Sarah! Hey!” Beaming, you get up to hug her. Your voice lowers once you force her into the embrace. “Act cool. Don’t say anything.”
Sarah adapts quickly, hugging back and matching your tone.
“How do you girls know each other?” Ward chuckles. Everyone takes their seats and reluctantly you sit back next to Rafe.
“We met on the beach when she first got here, right?” Sarah asks expectedly.  
“Yeah! She showed me around the island.” You give Ward your best smile and it leads into a small conversation about the godforsaken town.
Ward goes around to introduce his family, and the man next to you is introduced last.
“And my son, Rafe. Goes to UNC –”
“Oh, Y/N goes there too! What a small world.” Your mom titters.
“Small indeed.” Rafe hums lowly.
The conversation is paused as the waiter greets the table and goes around for drink orders.
“I’ll have a vodka tonic.” You politely say.
“Make that two.” Rafe holds up two fingers, a quick wink to you.
The topic gets switched to Sarah and her gap year (going on two), Ward making a patronizing comment on how she’s just trying to figure out what she wants. Sarah interjects about how she’s taken this time to do different internships, learning various subjects with professionals in their field. You don’t miss the disapproving side eye Ward gives her, so you tell her how impressive that is.
“Yeah, I mean, look at me. Graduated from Stanford and I’m traveling around before I settle down.” Lauren simpers, taking a drink of her lavish cocktail.
You bit the inside of your lip to control the urge to smile, the look on Ward’s face disgruntled as he’s outnumbered.
“What classes are you taking this semester?” Ward asks with your name, wrinkles accented with his eyebrows raised up.
“Oh, uh, logistics, programming, ethics…”
“I am too. Which one are you in?”
Your brain struggles to compute that Rafe is openly talking to you. In front of both your families. When he had been filling you only hours before. Your eyes met with his again, he’s curious and with everyone waiting for your answer, you give it.
“Ethics in Marketing.”
“Funny. I wonder if we’re in the same section.”
“Probably not, I’m in the 8 am.”
“I thought you said all your classes were in the afternoon, hun?” Your dad asks cluelessly.
“…Yes.” You take a sip of your drink. “Must’ve been mistaken.”
The waiter saves you by returning to take the food order, but you wish this dinner would end already. The conversation flows around the table, but you can’t ignore the loud staring of Rafe. Lounging back in his seat as he sips on his drink, nibbles at his food.
Fine grooves graze at your bare thigh. Your knee jerks up causing the table to clatter noisily. Rafe snickers as you feel your face get hot.
“Sorry, had an itch.” You say softly.
Rafe continues to mess with you throughout dinner, but you paint your face with a polite smile and appropriate laughter. It feels like he’s trying to get your façade to break, going so far as to squeeze your thigh up high beneath your skirt.
When touches don’t work, he moves on to words, talking under his breath so only you can hear.
“Hm.” Rafe’s fingers pull at your dress, rubbing the cotton material between finger pads. “Who knew white could look so sinful?”
“You’re disgusting.” You hiss, hiding your words beneath the cloth napkin as you pretend to wipe your mouth.
“Did you wear this dress for me, angel?”
“Shut up.”
You earn a rumbling snigger for that one, Rafe having too much fun to get angry at your snippy tone.
It’s exhausting to try to appear normal as your new bully sits next to you. Dinner goes by painstakingly slow as both your parents take their time talking and eating. Once plates are empty and bellies are full, you hope it's finally time to leave soon. But then Ward makes a not-surprised-surprised noise and suddenly, a piece of cake is being set down next to you with a candle burning. People start singing.
Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear Rafe…
“Make it a good wish!” Ward calls out over the clapping.
Rafe’s eyes meet yours, a dark glint flickering as he genuinely smiles. The moment feels longer than it should, blue eyes the same color as the hottest point of the flame. Sucking in a big breath and puckering his lips, he lets out a forced exhale. Snuffing out the tiny spark.
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iipclaud · 10 months
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theshiki · 4 months
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Les rompieron el corazón, ahora ellos tomaran el mundo
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
What sign the signs need in their life
(All placements in the signs)
Aries: needs a Pisces and/or Gemini.
Taurus: needs a Leo and/or Cancer.
Gemini: needs an Aries and/or Pisces.
Cancer: needs a Virgo and/or Taurus.
Leo: needs a Taurus and/or Sagittarius.
Virgo: needs a Scorpio and/or Cancer.
Libra: needs a Capricorn and/or Libra.
Scorpio: needs a Virgo and/or Scorpio
Sagittarius: needs a Leo and/or Aquarius
Capricorn: needs an Aquarius and/or Libra.
Aquarius: needs a Sagittarius and/or Capricorn
Pisces: needs a Gemini and/or Aquarius
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