#sagittariustigerfish asks
mashumiwu · 5 years
So i was being weird and I looked up random facts about animals (cuz that's how bored i am) and did you know that the chevortain is an animal that looks like a tiny deer with fangs 🙃
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honeyedlotuses · 5 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful. ♡
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and-you-found-me · 5 years
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 & 16 ☺️
2. oldest mutual(s)?
i’m basing this off my old blogs lol but~ 
@noona-clock @purityispink @sundropsoo @jongin-be-my-jagi @hardforexo @jaeyeolie @injunbf @baektempo @you-can-be-the-moonlight @kyungwhore @injunbf
4. cutest mutual(s)?
I got so many T-T 
@gravity-of-jupiter @hardforexo @baekberrie @fallen-for-sehun @meiiyue @j-ngin88 @jaeyeolie @lavandiaghostgirl @sagittariustigerfish @nottocreative @loser-dot-com @babybluesoo @baek-byunies @lleejeno @dearhongjoong  @laycitos @everybodyloveslaymond @exoberrymilk @yeolsangeleyes @ghastllyns @sefuns @isakwon @monschelon @sundropsoo @monicaexol @jonggdae @ayixha@urichannie @sugarboyuto @kyungseokie @skjdln @exo-saranghaha  @theloveinkimkai @cbxtual @mooninibear@freakingholland @redenemi@taestfully @the-freefeather @winniethepuff @kyoongies @janaans @vroomvroombaek @love4marklee @seaofsunbeams @anxietyishell @ohsehundipity  and all my mutuals tbh~
6. favorite mutual(s)?
in no particular order:
@jongin-be-my-jagi @baektempo @scarletsehun @jaeyeolie @hardforexo @kyoongies @everybodyloveslaymond @kyungsooskhakipants @gravity-soo @gravity-of-jupiter @flowerynameslover @purityispink @skjdln @baekberrie @kimjongdaely @glassbeadbeauty @j-ngin88 @sunmisgirl @omyeol @kaomyashka  @dream-exo-fantasy @guardians-of-exo @kyungseokie @exosmutxoxo @tempxo @byunayeon @xiuminscheeks @myforeverforlife @gravity-soo @loser-dot-com @midnight-blue-hue @exoberrymilk @monicaexol @urichannie @monschelon@havokhayley@p1nkgoth @justasouthernlady @vampwrrr @smut-wars @blondseonghwa @findingmyelysium @noona-clock @trishmarieco @sundropsoo @killjoy-loveit @yeoldontknow
8. mutual(s) you really want to meet up with?
That would have to be: @jaeyeolie @baekberrie @jongin-be-my-jagi @baektempo @scarletsehun @kyungsooskhakipants @hardforexo @everybodyloveslaymond @gravity-of-jupiter @j-ngin88 @sunmisgirl @glassbeadbeauty 
10. mutual(s) you’d sing for?
Lolololol i really can’t sing and trust me, my voice is super annoying >.> uhhhh,,, maybe @baekberrie?? sdjksdh actually no, she’d make fun of me for days XD also i really can’t sing T-T jkjk but if i ever sing, you have to as well Pola!!!
12. mutual(s) who know(s) a secret about you?
@jaeyeolie probs knows a lot of mine. 
14. mutual(s) you’ve shipped a package to?
None T-T i really get tempted to sometimes tho…
16. fact about one of your mutual(s)?
@jongin-be-my-jagi can play the piano and she’s also an INFP XD I say this because it’s the same as mine but i’m always forgetting and then i’m reminded it’s the same as hers skfsdhkd
Send in asks about mutuals!
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k-n-e-o · 5 years
45 & 54 with Minho? 😁
“You’ve been listening to it six times in a row” “You did that? While five months pregnant?” 
Prompt List 
It had been a while since you had seen the rest of Stray kids, and so you were enjoying showing them pictures you had taken during the time you were away. 
“You did that? While five months pregnant?” Hyunjin asked, pointing at the picture of a mountain in your hands, “I knew you and Minho went on a trip but I didn’t think you climbed a mountain” 
“Well, I didn’t climb all of the mountain” You mumble while looking for another picture to show. 
“Y|n only managed to make it about 15 minutes passed the beginning of the trail” You slap Minho’s butt before he sits down beside you. He looks at you surprised. 
“You promised me you wouldn’t say anything” He chuckles before kissing your forehead, “Sorry, but it was cute” You hum and start to stand up but before you make it all the way up Minho slaps your butt 
“Payback” You roll your eyes and head to your baby’s room. You press play on the stereo again and gently pick up your baby boy, softly rocking him in your arms. “You’ve been listening to it six times in a row, don’t you think it’s enough?” You shake your head and look towards Minho who’s standing in the doorway. “It helps him sleep” You hand Minho your son and watch he snuggles into Minho’s chest, his tiny hands grasping the cloth and pulls it closer to him, a small sigh leaves him and you swoon. Minho looks down at him and the smile on his face is just so precious. You pull out your phone and snap a quick photo, “Did you just-” You nod and leave the room to go show the rest of stray kids the photo despite Minho’s demands to see it first. 
Sorry it’s kind of weird 😬
But like imagine dad!Minho 😩😫
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yoonguurt · 5 years
bang chan
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You mean this hunk of beauty here?? He is so handsome. And fine and amazing
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sleepingrenjun · 5 years
bright, daisies, dovey & gem
bright - mermaids or fairies?
daisies - describe a moment when you felt free.
there are a few but one of the most memorable has to be the first time I drove on my own after I got my license... it was an amazing feeling!! I drove to the beach with my best friend and her sister and we got fish n chips and went dune surfing, it was so fun!
dovey - any paranormal/magical experiences?
I actually haven’t personally had any paranormal experiences! I’m grateful though, the thought terrifies me ngl
gem - who are your favourite tumblrs?
I’m so sorry if I miss anyone, I probs missed a bunch... but here we go!
@hyuckiebabie - daria, the first real friend I made on here. she’s hard working, extremely talented, passionate, kind, honest, GORGEOUS & just a really great person!!
@jen0baby - gina!!! has always been so kind to me, british (gotta stick together!!), super pretty & really cute blog & fics!!
@lovingyong @neocultvretechs @rubyyong @chocojaehyun @nothaechan @jaeminhours y’all have mad talent
@renjunar @aboveaveragewatermelon @hyucafe @127heaven absolutely LOVELY people 💗
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jaeyongf · 5 years
OMG THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME FUCK DOCIIDISICJFISID i ended things cause it honestly sucked and now im so fucking happy i did, also I'm that anon AND I CARE 😡😡😡 shush
Omg I’m so happy too!! I’m happy that we both decided to end things, could you imagine if we had of just gone along with it, how miserable would we both be? :( ugh some people suck, they really do. They don’t deserve us 😤 aksnsls thank you for listening to me ramble 💗💗
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doyoungdelrey · 5 years
all 85 pls
1. describe yourself.
a loud and annoying clown
2. if you could go anywhere for a week all expenses paid where would it be?
Nova Scotia
3. do you have siblings?
Two younger sisters.
4. what is your favorite constellation, why?
Big Dipper b/c its the only one I know.
5. favorite color.
Red, blue or green
6. what kind of music do you listen to?
K-pop, indie and classic pop/rock
7. favorite flower. (you can name as many as you want cause flowers are awesome)
Daisy, carnation, roses
8. if you could do magic, what is the first spell you would learn?
A spell where I could redo the past.
9. favorite childhood memory.
When my youngest sister was born.
10. have you ever been cheated on?
yes. Too hard to explain.
11. if you could describe your perfect room, what would it be?
Filled with plants, painted a light grey and surrounded by photography with the sun coming through the window.
12. favorite animal.
Penguin and Cat
13. what was the last photo you took of?
A ceiling at the Frick.
14. do you believe in soul mates?
Yes, I live that there’s one for everyone.
15. do you hang toilet paper over or under?
16. your go to place to eat & your favorite thing to get there.
Shake shack and cheese fries.
17. do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Ever since I was a kid, my mother has instilled that belief on us, so yes I believe this.
18. guilty pressures?
I think y’all mean guilty pleasures, so I admit I still watch Arthur (the one with the aardvark). Also, I admit I listen to Taylor swift and Camilla Cabello in occasional times of existential crises.
19. favorite mythical creature, why?
dragons. Idk why though.
20. something most people don’t know about you.
I met Andrew Garfield as I was walking home from school.
21. where did you grow up, what was it like?
I lived in a well-to-do neighborhood with a lot of rich people even though we weren’t rich ourselves.
22. do you believe aliens exist?
No, now leave me alone.
23. what was your last google search?
Nova Scotia.
24. what did your last relationship teach you?
To not rush and trying not to be vulnerable.
25. would you relocate for love?
26. do you hold grudges or forgive easy?
I’m 20 and I STILL hold grudges; I need to stop.
27. favorite book.
Little women.
28. do you consider yourself an extrovert or introvert?
I consider myself an introverted extrovert.
29. have you ever kept a journal, do you now?
I did in like third grade. I wish I still did :(
30. top 5 favorite movies.
Jules et Jim, Amelie, CMBYN, The Social Network, Before Sunrise
31. do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
32. what is your greatest fear?
Dying and getting rejected.
33. favorite alcoholic beverage.
I don’t drink.
34. most embarrassing thing you’ve done.
Get my build a bears stolen and my parents yelling at me in the first grade for having them stolen.
35. do you believe in ghosts?
36. what is the best and worst part of your personality?
I have the memory of an elephant but that means I’m clumsy AND I am lazy whilst holding grudges on people from three years ago.
37. should you split the dinner bill?
38. are you a good liar?
39. what keeps you up at night?
My past and the future.
40. would you rather go without your phone or music?
41. do you believe in god?
There is something up there, a spirit but not a being.
42. how do you relax when frustrated?
Listen to music and write mediocre poetry.
43. what’s something that offends you?
44. favorite food
45. if you were on a 10 hour flight and could sit and talk to any person the entire time, who would it be?
Suho and his translator. He seems like someone who has a lot to tell..
46. when do you feel the most confident?
In theater class.
47. what do you do on your free time?
Listen to music, go on Tumblr/ig, write, read, sleep, watch TV
48. is there anyone who has completely lost your respect
For someone who tends to hold grudges, no haha.
49. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
yes, I had a friend’s older brother who had a crush on me and I rejected him because I thought he was too awkward. I regret it now.
50. did/do you play sports in school?
51. when are you happiest?
When I heat good food and listen to good music.
52. coffee or tea?
53. what is one possession you own you wouldn’t want to live without?
My phone. Or my chanyeol pin.
54. what is the first thing you notice about a person?
The way they dress.
55. what is your favorite season, why?
Fall because I was born before halloween. I also love the autumn breeze.
56. what makes you laugh?
Anything and everything. I have terrible sense of humor lmao.
57. are you a clean or messy person?
58. what is important for a successful relationship?
Honesty and good communication.
59. what was your upcoming like?
I was raised partially by my grandmother. Once I was 5, I was raised by y mom. I was a troubled child, so she spent most of my childhood disciplining. Sometimes I want to tell berthings, but there are moments where I can’t say anything.
60. favorite holiday?
halloween. It is after my birthday.
61. what is the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?
Put the money in a savings account, give some to charity then the rest to my parents and other family members (sisters, cousin who I think of as a younger sister)
62. what’s the best pizza topping combination?
Broccoli and Pepperoni. Or mushroom and sausage.
63. favorite outdoor activity.
64. how are you? honestly.
I’m feeling good because I don’t have to worry about school for a week, but once I go back, I have to worry about finals, etc. I’m also worried about my future because IDK what to do after graduation.
65. would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
Stay at a resort, duh?!?!?
66. what is the most beautiful thing in nature?
The mountains, specifically the Adirondacks.
67. favorite type of candy?
68. if your life was a book, what would be the title?
Confused and Thirsty Clown
69. what movie quotes do you use of a regular bases?
You talking to me???
70. what was cool when you were young but not cool now?
Build a Bears. They’re over-rated and over priced.
71. what’s the craziest conversation you have ever eves dropped on?
When a woman was telling her friend about her husband (the woman’s husband) cheating her while she was in the hospital for cancer treatment.
72. what’s the most interesting documentary you’ve ever watched?
The ted bundy one on Netflix.
73. what’s the worst hairstyle you’ve had?
The bowl cut. Or my attempt of Wendy’s zimzalabim-era hair (minus the bangs. I still have this hair style)
74. what do you like to cook?
Roasted chicken and mashed potatoes.
75. what’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild?
A lion, when I went to animal kingdom.
76. what’s the funniest tv show you’ve ever seen?
The office. Stanley was and will be my favorite character.
77. do you usually follow your heart or your head?
78. what is your favorite quote?
79. what’s the weirdest crush you have ever had?
On the kid who played saxophone and picked his nose in middle school. He admitted to having a crush on me in the 10th grade. He was so sweet, yet he weirded me out. I regret notating him though.
80. what’s your love language?
81. do you ever feel alone?
Not gonna lie, I do. I have friends who have their soulmates, yet I don’t have mine. I also suck at making friends.
82. ever been bullied?
Yes. Too complicated to explain.
83. are you usually early or late?
84. what kind of art do you enjoy most?
Like romantic/baroque art, or any paintings made after the 1300s. Mostly impressionism or dutch realism.
85. what do you wish you knew more about?
Ways to be more organized
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sadienita · 5 years
all 30
I’ll answer what I haven’t yet here.
1. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yep, it wasn’t pretty.
2. Have you ever broke someone’s heart?
I don’t think so, I’m the one who gets more attached. People get bored of me eventually.
3. Do you believe in magic?
Ehhhhhhhh I don’t think so. I believe that things are God’s doing and that anything is really possible through Him.
5. Are you working at your dream job? If not, what would it be?
I mean I’m pretty close to it (I hope but like I’m also stressing) but I am going to be a teacher I’d love to be a singer tho so hmu if you want me in your girl band
7. Are you guilty of giving unsolicited opinions?
Oh probably. I usually go into “how can I help” mode and I love giving advice. No one has said that it was unwanted but I’m sure it has been here or there.
8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
This is a writing specific one but reader inserts in first person. I can’t I just can’t do it.
9. Do you consider yourself socially inept?
Nope, I consider myself very socially adept actually. I make friends really easily when I’m in “meeting new people” mode. Social interactions don’t worry me really, the only thing I can’t do is like super crowded parties where I don’t know anyone.
10. Tell me the most recent happiest moment you’ve experienced.
Ugh not much, it’s been a really rough week so at the moment there’s not much.
11. If you write fan fiction, are you ashamed or embarrassed to tell your friends IRL?
Nah. I don’t mind them knowing.
12. If you write fan fiction, do any of your friends IRL or family know?
Yep, I’ve told family and friends about it.
13. Have any of your IRL friends or family read your fan fiction before?
Only the ones that are fans of the groups I write for. If they’re not the type to read fanfic I don’t really go “look read this”
14. Did you go to prom?
Yeah. Honestly pre prom was great cuz of all the pictures. Prom was kinda boring but after prom was lit. Now the place I worked over the summer did a prom like event but we were all friends and the food was actually good so it was so much fun.
16. Have you met a celebrity before? How was it?
Nah, I have tweeted at some of have some seen my tweets or the things I’ve made them and I almost touched Josh Ramsay at an MTrench concert but that’s as close as I’ve gotten.  
17. If you went to college/university, do you regret going? AND 18. If you didn’t go to college/university, do you regret not going?
Nope I don’t regret it, I kinda miss being in school actually, I love learning and research.
19. Have you ever been divorced?
Nope and I really hope that never happens.
23. How many countries have you been to?
Two including the one I live in. I’m from Canada but I’ve been the the states a few times.
24. What are your thoughts on Christmas? Do you enjoy it? Loath it? What do you think you’ll be doing this year?
I L O V E it. It’s my fav time of year hands down. I love the decorations and the being with my family and the Christmas cheer.
25. Have you ever masturbated to fanfic before?
To fanfic, no.
26. List your top 3 proudest achievements.
Uhhhhhhh getting my degrees, visiting the schools I did my placements at and having the students be really excited to see me again, and having a student that I go through to that I didn’t think really cared that much about the class.
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submissivekpop · 5 years
4, 14, 24, 34, 44, 54, 64, 74, 84, 94
Thanks for asking 💕
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Virgo ♍
14. Are you psychic in any way?
Let's say that if I don't like a person when I first meet them, it usually turns out that said person isn't exactly a good person? Does that count?
24. Baths or showers?
Baths when it's cold, showers when it's hot. Unfortunately, I only have a shower at home :/
44. Do you have a strong accent?
It depends on the language I'm using, I guess. Let me explain: when it comes to Italian, other Italians usually can tell I'm from the north (some of them can guess the city as well). When it comes to English, on the other hand, people can usually tell I have a slight accent, but they don't know where it's from - especially because I tend to imitate more "standard" accents, like the British one.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
Super messy.
64. Are you a gossip?
...very much so. Not an annoying one, but yes, I like minding other people's business.
74. Are you ticklish?
84. What color is your hair?
My natural hair colour is brown, but I've been dying it red for almost six years - and it's been black and purple at some point. I'm currently trying to get back to brown, but it's hard :/
94. What are you strengths?
I'd say I'm pretty logical, if that can be considered a strength. I can't really think of anything else at the moment.
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mashumiwu · 5 years
I mean,,, you know haha,,,,,,,, all of them? haha 😬
You know what, i love you for asking me to do all these 💙
salmon — what songs do you listen to when you want to feel happy?
Already answered!
watermelon — what books do you need to read?
Ahhh, well i have this series of books that i still need to finish
rosewood — what very popular thing could you not give less of a shit about?
Honestly, have no idea?
magnolia — what is your hogwarts house?
Already answered!
carnation — who is your godly parent?
frosting — do you make a lot of dad jokes?
Nahh, those are my friends
french rose — what fictional characters do you have crushes on?
Main characters lmao
hydrangea — what is your favourite object in the room you’re currently in?
The fucking tv lmao
wild berry — what is your love language?
Korean, French, n Vietnamese
jelly bean — recommend me some fanfics!
Ahhh, there's a lot!!
satin — what is your fave rarepair?
fuchsia — what’s annoying you the most right now?
My friends being crackheads
bubblegum — tell me about some of your fav ocs
Do my ocs count? Well, Hwa-Young is kinda shy, but she is brave and stands up for her friends or anyone else that is in trouble. Beth, is a very brave girl who loves to explore a lot, but she also gets scared easily. But i love them both!!!
powder — what is a strange fear you have?
Fear of holes
soap — what fandoms are you really into right now?
Nctzen and STAY
tutu — what sports/activities were you in as a kid?
Soccer, dance, and gymnastics. Dance and gymnastics i still do
melon — favourite fairy tale?
Don't have one hehe
blush — how good is your memory?
Not very good
orchid — favourite cryptid?
W h a t ?
pastel — what do you eat for breakfast?
I didn't eat breakfast 😬
sakura— tell me about a video game you love
cotton candy — tell me what you think about me
A big mess, but i mean aren't we all? Also very funny and cool!!
quartz — do you still have any of your childhood toys?
lotus — do you like taking baths?
cherry blossom — what are some things that relax you?
prom — what are your gender/pronouns/sexuality?
Female/she/her/bi cerise — tell me about your favourite musical
Don't have one :)
strawberry — tell me about your crush
lipgloss — describe your appearance without looking at yourself
Ugly ://
pig — what games do you have on your phone?
Kpop games?
magenta — how much do you lie or use sarcasm?
Lie : 50% Sarcasm: 100%
raspberry — tell me about your favourite cartoon
Don't have one
taffy — tell me about your siblings (or any relatives or friends if you don’t have any)
My lil baby bro is super cute
ruby — who is the person you trust the most?
My bestfriends
passionfruit — what are your passions?
Honestly, hard to explain cuz i have so many!
hot pink — do you prefer loud or quiet environments?
shortcake — what movie soundtrack is your favourite?
flamingo — if you were a superhero or supervillain, what powers would you want?
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honeyedlotuses · 5 years
📏 📝 📻 👾
📏: How tall are you?
I am 5'2
📝:Favorite quote?
I haven't found one yet
📻Fave song?
Let me love you by WayV
👾:Do I believe in aliens?
Yes I do
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2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72, 82 & 92
2. How old are you?
25, I’ll be 26 in December.
12. What was your last dream about?
It was about Yuto and Yeo One from Pentagon.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Besides speeding violations and tailgating, nope.
32. How big is your house?
It’s small but it has a basement, main floor, and second floor.
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Eh, I’m okay at it I guess. I always seem to find the “broken” people and the people who seem to be the worst of people. So I guess that means I’m not 🤣
52. Favorite food?
Anything Carby
62. Are you a good singer?
Used to sing in a band that I was in while in high school, so I would consider myself an okay singer.
72. Are you scared of the dark?
... yes, PTSD reasons. 🤣
82. How fast can you type?
65-70 words a minute on a good day.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
For my boys: Jackie Wayne (for my grandfather, Aldalrich Dedrik, and Emory Mathis
For my girls: Tatum Addilyn, Wednesday Hadlee, and Magnolia Rhea.
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k-n-e-o · 5 years
you like cake?
Yes, I do. Any type of cake too.
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yoonguurt · 5 years
He's so damn cute
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sleepingrenjun · 5 years
all 25 ☺️☺️
rose - describe your crush
ngl I don’t actually have one at the mo...
cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight?
It’s a really interesting idea & I’m a bit of a romantic so I’d like to believe that it’s true but I haven’t yet experienced it so I’m not sure
daisy - what’s your best childhood memory?
getting up really early and going on long drives w my mum and listening to coldplay and take that as we drove over the hills, it’s still one of my favourite things to do!
daffodil - what colour suits you best?
I think either green or grey maybe? like a dark forest green or a light-ish grey...
peony - do you put more value in honour or truth?
iris - favourite 90s song?
I mean it technically came out in the 90s so I’m gonna say iris by the goo goo dolls - it’s my favourite song of all time! I think the lyrics are breathtaking and it’s a song that I never ever get tired of hearing. But also, a classic - smells like teen spirit by nirvana.
sunflower - sun or moon?
narcissus - your best physical feature?
hmmmm maybe my cheekbones or sumn idk
freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago?
this is a hard question cause there are a couple of diff people this could apply to but to cut it short - neither of them are my best friend anymore but I am still mates w one of them!
orchid - favourite fruit?
violet - have you had your first kiss?
gypsophilia - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends?
a few close friends for sure
gerbera - neon or pastel?
it depends on my mood! I like both :)
carnation - does true love exist?
I’d like to think so but who knows
alstroemeria - dream vacation?
a roadtrip around europe, australia or north america!! it’s been on my bucket list for years - hopefully it’ll happen someday! I’d love to camp for a bit and visit different national parks with my two best friends :)
anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology?
yeah man I find it fascinating! I read some books about it when I was younger and actually studied it a bit at school - hoping to get into it again at some point!
cymbidium - sexuality?
I’m straight :)
rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear?
the ocean/boats - but I love swimming & surfing so it’s just something I deal with
tulip - lucky number?
I don’t have one...
gladiolus - who do you look up to most?
honestly, probably one of my closest friends. he’s just wonderful & has a brill mindset - idk what I’d do without him
snapdragon - favourite mythical creature?
maybe a phoenix - they’re beautiful.
hydrangea - proudest moment?
I can think of 2 things off the top of my head. one would be flying to australia on my own (21 hours of flying from the uk) and two would be applying for and getting an unconditional university offer on my own - with no help from school etc!
heather - what’s your favourite musical?
I don’t really watch many musicals but either mamma mia or la la land!
delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you?
I’m a sagittarius and I think it fits me reallyyyy well - my friends tell me it’s perfect for my personality too hehe
ginger - least favourite food?
hmmmmm maybe mac n cheese - as a pescatarian it’s usually assumed that you love mac n cheese but ngl I can’t stand it oops
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