6ghassan · 4 months
Ardiak Saibin by Jabi Artaraz
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manuti · 11 months
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Mira "Egunsenti ederra Saibin" de Jabi Artaraz que me gustó en flickr
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sunloversstuff · 1 year
Argia nagusi mendian by Jabi Artaraz Via Flickr:
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aradxan · 2 years
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Anbotoruntz begira by Jabi Artaraz LO QUE HACES CON DULZURA, REZUMA AMOR Donde siembras, recoges. Si pones dulzura en tu manera de cocinar, en tus alimentos… comes amor. Si pones dulzura en tu familia, en tus relaciones, en tu trabajo… estás creando un entorno de sanación para todos. Si pones dulzura en las tareas del hogar, estás haciendo de tu casa un santuario. Puedes elegir transformar tu mundo, y enseñar a otros cómo transformar el suyo, llevando la paz, la calma y el agradecimiento a tus acciones. Paso a paso, día a día, mes a mes… suma cambios amorosos que se irán estableciendo en tu vida como el “nuevo normal”. Con tu dulzura y tu consciencia, de-vuelve a tus palabras, a tus relaciones, a tus espacios y entornos… su importancia y su Sacralidad. En amor y por amor a la Tierra, y a todos los seres que la habitamos. Texto de Myriam Aram https://flic.kr/p/2o7ko57
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tomasoski2 · 2 years
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Jonen artaldea by Jabi Artaraz https://flic.kr/p/2nTHwqy
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vjhero · 1 year
SAIBI FX - The Way (Official video)
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ahmadazizi20 · 4 months
Perhhh terpancut kita tadi...Salina Saibi punya jubor memang padu dari dulu lagi😜😜🤤🤤😋😋💦💦
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mylancap1 · 2 years
Aku start kenal Salina Saibi masa tengok Gerak Khas dulu. Masa tu dia pakai baju uniform polis, aku dah nampak body cutting dia power gila. Aku rasa di sebalik baju tu ada aset yg solid. Tekaan aku betul. Memang kalau dia pakai baju biasa yg ketat, bontot & tetek dia memang gred A. Semakin dia umur 40 ni, makin solid sial. Aku rasa Salina Saibi ni MILF yang selalu dilupakan. Padahal aku rasa aura sex dia padu wey. Tengok la Aaron Aziz tak tahan nak lenjan Salina. Dan Salina tunjukkan dia pun nak dominate. Memang dekat ranjang, Salina jenis yg nak sama sama bersaing dominasi dgn partner. Sama sama dapat cum. Kalau partner jenis lembik mmg kena reject awal awal dgn Salina. Tengok tetek padu dia tu.... arghhhhh fap fap fap. Fuck you Salina...
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canmom · 2 years
Animation Night 148: Aeni (애니)
Hi everyone! It’s that time of the week.
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It’s been a good while since we covered Korean animation - or ‘aeni’, following the ‘anime’/‘donghua’ pattern - on Animation Night!
As you know, Korea has a lot of incredibly talented animators, but despite that the list of Korean animated films is fairly thin on the ground because South Korea is one of the major hotspots for animation outsourcing in the world, along with the Philippines. Nowadays, nearly all ‘American’ 2D animation is storyboarded in the States and then outsourced to South Korea for all the actual animation; occasionally the work gets passed further down the chain and ends up in North Korea as well.
Even so, there certainly are a number of original Korean animated films...
Korean animation was actually one of the first ‘animation from x country’ themes I wrote about on here, back on Animation Night 20. Back then, I talked about the impressive cyberpunk Sky Blue/Wonderful Days and the films of Lee Sung-Gang - the gentle fantasy of My Beautiful Girl Mari and the Miyazakiesque Yobi the Five-Tailed Fox. I also wrote a little about North Korea’s one major animation studio, SEK, and their war drama series Squirrel and Hedgehog. All those films are worth a look!
(A note on Sky Blue - much of the animation team that directed this movie would go on to create the impressive animation of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, American productions which allowed their Korean animators a much larger than usual degree of creative influence. More on them here and here from youtuber ‘The Canipa Effect’.)
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Much later, on Animation Night 77 we had a look at one of the films of Yeon Sang-ho’s film Seoul Station, the animated zombie film which preceded his popular live action zombie film Train to Busan. But before he was a zombie guy, Yeon Sang-ho’s preferred mode was dark, violent animated dramas, beginning with The King of Pigs (돼지의 왕 Dwae-ji-ui wang, 2011). Which is one of our subjects for tonight...
Yeon Sang-ho was born at the end of the 70s, and found the ambition to direct animation while at school, collecting a lot of anime with particular inspiration from Miyazaki. He achieved his ambition towards the end of the 90s with short films like The Hell: Two Kinds of Life (지옥 두개 의 삶 Jiok Dugae ui Salm) in which two people are confronted with the afterlife by an angel, and Love Is Protein (사랑은 단백질), in which fast food is unexpectedly delivered by anthropomorphic animals. You can watch ten minutes of The Hell here on Youtube with engsubs, but the quality is kind of terrible! Still, we can see some of the techniques Sang-ho was using at this time - quite a bit of rotoscoping. Love Is Protein is also available on youtube, though sadly sans subtitles.
The King of Pigs sees the adult reunion of an impulsive murderer Kyung-min with his former classmate Jong-suk. In their childhood, the boys were the ‘pigs’ at the bottom of the class hierarchy - but their fortunes changed when a third boy Kim Chul joined the group, who became known as the ‘King of Pigs’. But something happened to him, which Kyung-min now intends to reveal...
Like Yeon Sang-ho’s other animated films, it uses a realist style inspired by Satoshi Kon and the manga of Minoru Furya, mixing traditional animation and cel-shaded CG that pushes against the limit of its tiny budget. Nevertheless, the film was noted for its impactful, uncompromising depictions of pain, cruelty, and class, and brought international attention to Sang-ho, sending him to film festivals and giving him the chance to make more films.
Sang-ho described the film as drawing from real experiences of sitting by and witnessing bullying at his school, and even put himself in the film as a silent background character. He’d continue this approach with his next film, thirty minute The Window, based on his time in mandatory military service; then his next full-length film was The Fake (사이비 Saibi) about a cult leader challenged by a social outcast. We’ll talk more about that one down the line...
Tonight, at about the last minute, I’ve managed to get my hands on a copy of The King of Pigs. This one fits the harsh, violent model of Korean films about class in common with... well, most of what gets internationally popular I suppose, works like those Park Chan-wook and Bong Joon-ho, or Squid Game. So I’m quite looking forward to it.
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Then, for a change of pace, we have Ghost Messenger.
This is perhaps aeni at its most anime, stylistically as well as being full of nods to anime from Haruhi to Bakemonogatari - but it’s also about Korean traditions around death and folklore. The project, created by a studio called STUDIO ANIMAL, began as a cancelled phone game, which goes some way to explaining why the narrative centres on a possessed phone! Since then, it evolved through several formats, initially an OVA and then a movie series.
The story concerns psychopomps called Ghost Messengers whose job is to fetch spirits who refuse to go to the world of the dead. One of these guys, Kang Lim ends up imprisoned in a ‘Soul Phone’ used to capture ghosts, and guess what, it ends up in the hands of a hoodie-wearing blue-haired boy with strong psychic powers. But this means Kang Lim and his new companion are well placed to face a new threat manifesting demons and destabilisng the whole thing.
I’m not entirely sure what to expect from Ghost Messenger, but the wiki article is endearingly enthusiastic and it seems like it’s been something of a long-term passion project for its creators. And it’s definitely got some pretty stylish designs coming from that Korean folklore angle.
And for another, very different dimension we have 소중한 날의 꿈, Sojoonghan Nalui Ggoom (2011) which translates literally as Dream of a Precious Day but in English has the slightly odd title Green Days: Dinosaur and I. This coming of age story calls to mind the films of Hosoda, with elaborate traditional animation on paper and a kagenashi look. It sounds like it was a hell of a project, with the production spanning 11 years under the co-direction of Ahn Jae-hoon and Han Hye-jin.
The story follows anxious high school girl Yi-rang, growing up at a gender-segregated school in a small town in the 1970s. She’s struggling with the pressures of life and competition with her peers, socially and in running, intimidated by the pretty and poetic transfer student Soo-min. But then enters a boy called Cheol-soo, an aspiring astronaut, and their awkward first romance begins to change her outlook. It seems to be a largely low-key, slice of life sort of film, with (once again) a realist approach to animation against detailed backgrounds depicting the 70s rural village.
This film seems to have generally flown under the radar, never gaining a large audience nor much international attention. But the Korea Times is full of praise, and it made it to the Annecy shortlist - so let’s give it a look in!
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Animation Night 148 will be beginning at twitch.tv/canmom - going live now, films to start in about 20 minutes! The watch order will be Green Days, then King of Pigs and wrapping up with Ghost Messenger - hopefully that will balance the vibes without going out on a huge downer. Hope to see you there!
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spacenutspod · 1 month
4 Min Read Talented Teams Tackle Toasty Planet Simulation of a planet transiting its host star by Exoplanet Watch volunteer Guiseppe Conzo. Credits: Guiseppe Conzo Exoplanets, look out! Two NASA-funded teams of amateur astronomers are tracking you with their backyard telescopes.  These two teams, called UNITE (UNISTELLAR Network Investigating TESS Exoplanets) and Exoplanet Watch, have combined forces to confirm a new planetary discovery—a toasty “warm Jupiter”.   “I pinch myself every day when I recall that I have made a meaningful scientific contribution to astronomy by helping professional astronomers confirm and characterize a new exoplanet,” said Darren Rivett, a volunteer from Australia who contributed to the effort.  Planets around other stars, called exoplanets, sometimes block the light from the stars they orbit. When this happens, it’s called a “transit”. Amateur astronomers can observe exoplanet transits with their own telescopes by watching for the light from a nearby star to dim.   NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) sees these dimming events, too—many thousands of them. But just seeing a star dim once is not enough. You need to catch multiple dimming events (and perform various other checks) to know that you’ve found a new exoplanet. That’s where volunteers from the UNITE and Exoplanet Watch projects come in. These two teams of amateur astronomers have collaborated with the SETI Institute to detect the transit of an object called TIC 393818343 b (aka TOI 6883 b)—proving to the world that this object does indeed contain a planet orbiting a star.   First, the UNISTELLAR and SETI Institute team saw a single transit signal detected by the TESS space telescope. They gathered data to predict when the planet would transit again. They then alerted the UNITE and Exoplanet Watch amateurs to help observe the host star for signs of a transiting planet during the predicted time. The observations from the two networks showed two new transit detections, confirming the predictions, and demonstrating that a planet indeed causes the signals. This newly discovered giant planet falls into the “warm Jupiter” category of exoplanets,  meaning it orbits closer to its host star than Jupiter, or even the Earth does. Astronomers have even predicted that it might, under certain circumstances, migrate still further inward toward its star to become a “hot Jupiter.” Hot or not, thanks to some terrific teamwork, we are now one step closer to understanding the population of planets that lies outside our own Solar System. The news is now published in the Astronomical Journal, and all the citizen scientists involved, including a high school student, are co-authors on this scientific publication, “Confirmation and Characterization of the Eccentric, Warm Jupiter TIC 393818343 b with a Network of Citizen Scientists”. UNITE (UNISTELLAR Network Investigating TESS Exoplanets) uses the global network of observers with UNISTELLAR telescopes to gather data on TESS exoplanet candidates and long-duration exoplanet transits. To get involved, no matter what kind of telescope you have, visit https://science.unistellar.com/exoplanets/unite/ or reach out to [email protected]. Participation is open to everyone, regardless of citizenship. “What I find amazing about the NASA citizen science project is that they involve people from all around the world contributing meaningful observation data that leads to incredible discoveries!” Sophie Saibi, a high school student from California who participated. “Researching as a citizen scientist is something I highly recommend to anyone who gazes at the night sky with awe and wonder,” said Rivett. Congratulations to everyone on the team! The amateur astronomers who coauthored this paper are listed below. Mario Billiani Robert Gagliano Martti H. Kristiansen Thomas Lee Jacobs Daryll M. LaCourse Georgios Lekkas Margaret Loose Bryan Martin Nicola Meneghelli Mark Omohundro Darren Rivett Fadi Saibi Sophie Saibi  Hans M. Schwengeler Ivan A. Terentev Daniel Zaharevitz Facebook logo @DoNASAScience @DoNASAScience Share Details Last Updated Aug 21, 2024 Related Terms Astrophysics Citizen Science Exoplanets TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) The Universe Explore More 5 min read How Students Learn to Fly NASA’s IXPE Spacecraft Article 2 hours ago 2 min read Hubble Peers Into the Center of a Star-forming Powerhouse Article 2 hours ago 1 min read Hubble Examines a Possible Relic Article 1 day ago
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white-001 · 5 months
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Hediyeme sevgili aranıyor.
175+, iş güç saibi, yakışıklı olsun
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aradxan · 2 years
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elainekibaro · 7 months
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all-about-news24x7 · 1 year
Suspension Of A Match In Tunisia After The Attack On The African Coach
The referee decided to meet Olympique de Beji, winner of the Tunisian Football Cup title for the current season, and its guest, Club Africain, in the eighth round of the coronation group in the Tunisian Premier League, today, Wednesday, to stop the match after assaulting the African coach. The match was stopped in the 16th minute, after Saeed Al-Saibi, the coach of the African Club, suffered a…
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black-metal-artists · 2 years
Nara - Saibi (Full-length : 2022)
Atmospheric Black Metal From Spain.
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762175 · 2 years
HC declines to give lawyer Saiby Jose Kidangoor relief from arrest
The Kerala High Court on Monday declined to pass an interim order restraining the police from arresting High Court lawyer Saiby Jose Kidangoor in a case registered in connection with allegations that he had collected money from clients under the pretext of bribing High Court judges. When his petition seeking to quash the case came up for hearing, senior counsel appearing for him sought a…
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