#sailom my baby
I just wanna appreciate the absolute way Chimon nailed Sailom's expressions. Like during the CPR scene when Sailom was staring at Kang and we can see that tiny moment when he visibly kinda shakes himself out of it. And also those tiny moments when we see Sailom slowly start noticing that Kang probably likes Pimfah and his feelings would probably end up unrequited and at the end when Kang goes back for the Lock we see his suspicions being confirmed and him immediately accepting the fact that yes his feelings will be unrequited. We can literally see his entire being oozing disappointment and defeat yet also smth like acceptance.
This episode also made me think that all those moments we have been getting of them with a heartbeat in the bg is probably from Sailom's perspective only. It breaks my heart .
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Just a reminder that I knew I would love Dangerous Romance when GMMTV revealed it in 2022.
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This first episode had my blood pressure up because I HATE Kanghan, which only makes me love this more. He's the worst. He is spoiled. He is entitled. He is manipulative. He's a little bitch.
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His friends SUCK!
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Then, we have Sailom and his scholarship buddies. They are amazing. They are beautiful. They are perfect. They are Linda Evangelista.
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And Sailom is the best boy. He is smart. He is hardworking. He is a tired gay. He is my everything.
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I am THRILLED that these two HATE each other! Kanghan wants Sailom to beg him for forgiveness, and Sailom simply refuses.
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Kanghan goes as far as holding court to publicly humiliate Sailom (while unbuttoning his shirt!).
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Yet Sailom, the best boy, took a page out of The Eclipse's Ayan book and said "let's make this gay" and there was not one romantic thing about this kiss. This was hatred. This was aggressive.
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And these two are going to hatefuck too!
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The enemies stage is set, and we have what I'm praying is our lesbian goddess.
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So . . .
Welcome to my new personality for the next three months.
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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Dangerous Romance (2023) Episode 3
I rode my bike to school today. Need a lift? No, I’m good. I can find my way home. You won’t find a bus at this hour. Come on. I better give you a lift. Well, if you insist. Good. Come with me.
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chalkrevelations · 11 months
I am halfway lol, halfway throwing up my hands in despair in the DR tag. Six weeks ago, it was full of people being all, "I cannot BELIEVE that Kanghan has turned into a puppy just like that, how has this show forgotten what an ASSHOLE he was? How can I continue to watch this show?" and now it's full of people being all, "I cannot BELIEVE what an ASSHOLE Kanghan is!! How can I continue to watch this show?"
Y'all, he was never NOT an asshole anymore, it's just that only about five of us trusted the show enough to A) expect it to come back around again and be explored like the recurrent issue it is, once some stress was applied to the weak points of the infrastructure when the scaffolding Sailom provided was endangered and B) meanwhile appreciate how the show took the time to show-not-tell that he was so much more complex than just being an asshole.
Nothing about this was ever simple, it was never gonna be simple.
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srnileforme · 11 months
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thinking about how sailom just got shot at, they're in a random love hotel because his house is probably unsafe, he just quit school to get his brother to tell the truth and said brother is in jail telling him to forget him, but he was able to get some sleep despite all that with kang's hand on him reminding him that he's not alone.
it's not much, it's not kang's arms around him or his chest against his back like how he comforted him in the shower, but it's enough to ease his mind just a little and get him through another night of this hell teenage boys like them shouldn't even be facing.
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
So Kang said his English goes bad when he is nervous. But here? He was snarling with fury as he practically shielded Sailom while spitting English at the asshole and there was not a hint of nervousness. Truly nothing makes you lose your anxiety than the need to protect/commit murder for your 'friend'.
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spicypussywave · 5 months
i hope perth's character gets to be possessive again. or chimon. or both! both is good.
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kennyomegasweave · 10 months
I'm finally getting caught up on Dangerous Romance, so I'm in episode 9 and I just love Kang so much.
The boy really said "I won't use my dad's money anymore" and not 30 seconds later went "actually, I'll just pull out as much cash as I can and just spend it on stupid shit." The teenager of it all.
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neonsbian · 1 year
god....i need it to be friday so bad 🚬🚬🚬
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ppeonppeonhan · 9 months
Top 10 2023 BL Kisses
If you've seen at least a couple BLs you know that some of these actors are either uncomfortable kissing another man or just didn't get enough practice kissing literally anyone. So when they get it right and genuinely seem to be enjoying themselves, it is worth noting. Soooo grab a pen and paper, and take some notes:
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You Are Mine: This Taiwanese drama was problematique with the unbalanced workplace power dynamics, but this sweet upside down kiss was worth the wait.
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Dangerous Romance: This may not have been their first kiss, but it felt like the most romantic. By this point, they'd shared many scenes filled with awkward sexual tension, but this one didn't have an ounce of humor, and Kanghan and Sailom just melted into each other's arms.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me: The lighting for this kiss really emphasized their till-death-do-us-part themed dialogue where they vowed to die seconds apart.
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Stay By My Side: Lackluster supernatural subplot aside, this Taiwanese drama delivered the most adorable kiss as the main lead was too nervous to give in to his desires without closing his eyes.
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Be My Favorite: It took Kawi a frustratingly long time to pull his head out of his ass and realize he would be lucky to have Pisaeng even as a friend let alone a boyfriend. Thank goodness for Pisaeng's patience, cause ours was wearing thin.
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Love Class 2: Very happy Ma Ru realized he had feelings for his bestie and wasted no time making that clear with an epic kiss that I have probably rewatched a dozen times.
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Only Friends: Honestly, all of their kisses were incredible, because both of these actors went from supporting characters to lead roles, and did not skip a beat. There was no awkward beginner's kiss phase. Those intimacy workshops must've been lit.
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Step by Step: Their kiss chemistry was on point, but the car scenes were the most memorable for how very possible they would've been caught in the act in the parking garage of their place of employment. Caution meet wind.
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Wedding Plan: These two were about five seconds away from making a baby in that car, and if this were the omegaverse, they probably would've.
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Hidden Agenda: There was hunger in that kiss on both sides, and it took every ounce of strength in Zo to shove Joke out the door once he made his intention clear.
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Alexa, play Hey, Jealousy
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This whole scene, Kang is obviously feeling jealous, because Pimfah is listing reasons why she likes Sailom. But! It easily reads as Kang struggling to confront the truth of what she's saying. Because he knows all these things about Sailom, he feels the same way about him, but he hasn't allowed himself to contextualize those feelings as "why I like Sailom".
That reality is why Kang is struggling to maintain his friendly interaction with Sailom after.
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This is pretty straight forward jealousy.
Except that Kang got more upset when Sailom said that he pushed him to the cheerleading thing so that he could have a shot with Pimfah.
Kang thinks he's upset because Pim likes Sailom, but he's also upset because if Pim likes Sailom, then obviously Sailom will date her, she's great, but then Sailom will be dating her. And those feelings are very big and very confusing. Which we see here:
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For Kang, Pim and Sailom dating was the logical conclusion. Sailom is a great guy, and Pim is the best, of course they'll get together.
When they don't, it's a threat to the narrative he's created, where he's jealous of Sailom, not because of Sailom. Where he can put everyone and all his feelings back into little boxes if his two friends just get together like they should. Where he can deal with the blow to his plan to give his dad what he wants, and marry someone who can give him kids, if everyone would just behave like they're supposed to.
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This one is... this is the start of Kang figuring his shit out.
Guy literally rips Sailom away from Kang, and Kang can't even argue that Sailom is his friend, too, because he's very much not been a friend to him, and Sailom is actively keeping his distance.
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Kang arrives with breakfast excited -- his body language is a little nervous, but almost giddy as he runs up the stairs with that cautiously optimistic smile. He's ready to mend fences and probably apologize, and reestablish their friendship (and ignore Sailom's confession, because Kang is Not there yet).
And there's his future best friend in law Guy, taking care of Sailom the way he wants to be, and he's hurt, but he's also angry that he's missed his chance. This is where he's fully aware of the cause of his jealousy.
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Kang's friends are sure he's upset about the seniors being shitty to him and not acknowledging his contribution to the game. They're offering reassurances that he's earned his spot, but Kang hears none of it, because all he can see is Sailom hugging and congratulating Guy, smiling and being happy with Guy.
And here's where it all solidifies.
Where "Sailom works so hard, and he makes me feel like I should work hard, too" and "she likes you (why does that make me so mad)" and "I like you" and "he's my friend" all coalesce, and Kang gets it.
He understands that what he's feeling is romantic interest. That he needs to fix what he broke right now.
Of course, he's still 17/18 and dumb, because what he opens with is this:
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Which like, yeah baby, we know. But that's not the important information from that little revelation. And Sailom, bless his little angry gay heart, rightfully responds with "And? Who tf do you think you are?"
Kang is clearly struggling. Struggling with Sailom's anger, and with finding the right thing to say that will appease him and also be true-- the thing that will quiet the screaming in his heart, because big feelings are not his forte.
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And then Sailom deflates a little, and says "Please, can you just tell me?" and asks tiredly if he's somehow made Kang feel guilty again (because why else would Kang be there, there's nothing between them, right? They're not friends, Kang just feels guilty about how he's treated Sailom, right) And then, Kang knows what to do.
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(it's also Very Interesting to me that in an episode that told so much of its story in flashback montages, the one that we get right when they kiss is "I used to hate it, but I think I'm starting to like it", because despite everything, Kang has never hated Sailom. Dude has been obsessed from the start)
Anyway, this was going to be a funny post with just the pictures of our boy being jealous, and then figuring out why, but obviously I'm not normal about them and this happened. *shrug emoji*
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absolutebl · 11 months
This Week in BL - Gangsters Win
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top. Delayed October reviews included this week! (Still traveling but now in home territory and familiar hotels.)
Nov 2023 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My Dear Gangster Oppa (Thurs iQIYI) 2 of 8 - GIVING ME LIFE. How dare they be this… this... Just. How dare!
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 1 of 10 - I have been waiting for another truly sports centered BL since HIStory 2: CTL. This is nowhere near as good, but I don’t care. It’s great pulp and Sprite is a fab central character. I've realized that I love the pulps most when they’re ridiculously soapy (identical twins identity trope for sport’s fuck’s sake) but ERNEST about it (not campy). This one is taking itself seriously and it's so cute that it's trying so hard. Good little pulp. Dee mar.
Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 12fin - was it me or did this show kinda flag on you too?
Poor, struggling Sailom is forced to tutor his bully, Kang, and they fall for each other despite circumstances. I loved it for the first 4 eps, liked it for the middle 4, and then kinda lost interest. I think it's because the focus shifted from Sailom to Kang, and I just find a disenfranchised character more interesting than the poor little rich kid archetype. Ultimately the script waffled and failed these actors - the leads and sides were solid, and support cast on point. 8/10 pretty standard 2023 GMMTV fair
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) ep 6 of 12 - It’s sort of a paradox of emotions not just time. It remains sad and I remain wary. 
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) The Camp Fire ep 11 of 24 - Launched with an argument over rude pronouns and mistaken identity. Highlights the joy of camping. Ugh. I don't think this one is for me despite the pair.
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Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) ep 10fin - NO SINGING. I can't believe they brought in rando SIDEs just to sing! WHHHHYYYYY? Sigh.
An indifferent pulp with indifferent acting and poor chemistry (despite high heat) based on the reunion romance trope that was just... so... slow... It wasn’t entirely a waste of time but I can’t in good faith recommend it. unless you have a very high tolerance for Thai pulps and ultra tsundere characters. 5/10 ONLY WATCH IF YOU'VE NOTHING BETTER TO DO
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
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Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 12 of 13 - I don’t mean to be rude because you know I love the main couple in the show, but they are simply being out acted by the sides. They are so damn good. Ai Di and his dumb oversized sweaters and flappy flappy sleeves is EVERYTHING.
Bump Up Business (Korea Gaga) 5-6 of 8 - More language negotiation, so of course I like it. I also like that they openly let Eden admit to a crush on a boy. I like this whole thing way more than I should. Save me from myself?
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Viki) eps 9 of 10 - I don’t understand why baby boy is trying to escape so badly. (Except for plot reasons.) Running of the gays! Look at you Taiwan stealing Japan’s favorite trope. This show is fun but it’s a bag of tropes held together with some very thin fraying mesh plot. 
If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) ep 5fin - The leads are so painfully cute portraying a softly simple story of teen first love. This was a nice little piece with an early yaoi feel that come off as brief, as if it were meant to be a short story that had been extended into a series. Sweet but ultimately rather forgettable. 7/10  
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 6-7 of ? - yeah I forgot to watch again, I may be dnfing this by accident.
It's Airing But...
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - in classic JBL fashion, I Cannot Reach You could not be reached. It looks good though so I mgiht put some effort into finding it grey.
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Look at Japan dropping all the tropes in on scene: rooftop, kabedon, hand hold.
SHADOW (Thai Gaga) 1-7 of 14 - this is a horror BL with ghosts & paranormal elements in a boarding school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools. I'm holding off on this one and if told it's good I'll binge watch.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - I find this series more fun to binge, so I'm waiting until it completes its run.
One Room Angel (Japan Gaga) - adaptation of Harada’s manga of the same name (which I did not like) about a convenience store clerk who's stabbed, nearly dies, and returns home to find an angel waiting for him. With only 5 eps and a good chance this won’t end happy, I'm gonna wait and let you tell me how it goes.
Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office. I did some hunting but only found the manga, so I'm marking it cnf and moving on with life. This will be its last appearance on the weekly update.
I Finished It!
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Love in Translation (iQIYI) ep 8 - solid ending, man these two are a great pairing.
A sweet little pulp about a Thai boy with a crush on a Chinese influencer who ends up in a business relationship with her ex-bf. This show had truly great chemistry between the leads, cute found family with good rep, and an exciting (if silly) ending that almost, but didn't quite, make up for how incredibly annoying the main character was in the first half. Gotta say the make-out scene in the convenience store is one of the greatest in Thai BL, tho. 6/10 DEF WORTH WATCHING BUT FLAWED
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I Feel You Linger in the Air (grey) ep 8 of 12 - so that was A THING. I did a seriously extensive deep dive analysis, historical & linguistic extras, and review here.
I truly loved this time travel romance. IFYLITA is an exquisite BL, from filming techniques to narrative framework (much like Until We Meet Again). Steeped in history and family drama it edges into lakorn (but no as much as To Sir With Love and with way less scenery chewing). This is an elegant and classy BL… from Thailand which normally doesn't even try for classy. The main couple (both as a pair and individuals) were excellent, particularly Bright (Yai) whose eye-work acting style is a personal favorite of mine. Pity about the ending. Oh it wasn’t that sad but it wasn’t good either. This show should easily have earned a 10 from me except that it fumbled the… erm… balls. Argh. Whatever. 9/10
Only Friends (YT) ep 11-12 - What can I say, this wasn't my thing, it was never gonna be, and I didn't like it. Basically Thailand did the L-Word but with branded BL pairs and the only agenda seemed to be slut shaming and making sure those pairs stayed healthy and sponsor ready. Consequently, the pairs were all executing well and to the best of their ability (of course) but all other characters got shafted, both in the good and the worst possible ways. Unrated but if falls somewhere between 5 (hot mess) and 3 (what am I doing with my life?)
Next Week Looks Like This
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11/10 Middleman’s Love (Thai Fri Mandee's YT & iQIYI 1 of 8? - TutorYim (brand pair origin = Cutie Pie) with side couple KingUea (Bed Friends) from Domundi trailer here. This used to be a JimmyTommy vehicle before the pair split (also prev title Middle Love). Adapted from a Y-novel. Jade works as a graphic designer and has always been stuck in the middle - average. His heart is hardened after a life spent being overlooked because he is not as charming or good looking as the rest of his family or friends. When his office gets a hot new intern, Mai, Jade assumes Mai couldn’t possibly be intersted in him. Mai, of course, has other ideas. Warning this is a Cheewin comedy so tonally it could be very OFF, but the cast is solid, and I have liked his stuff on occasion.
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11/10 Last Twilight (Thai Fri YouTube) - JimmySea are bakc and maybe it's good this time? I dont' know, GMMTV isn't doing great right now. Burdened with heavy debt, Mork, a mechanic, is forced to take a high paying job as a caretaker for Day, a rich heir who suffers from partial blindness after an accident. Day recruits Mork as he realizes the latter does not see him as a disabled person, but rather as co-equals. As they spend time together, the two begin developing feelings for the other. However with Day just having 180 days until he becomes permanently blind, how will the two weather the trials ahead?Upcoming November BL
11/11 Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) qp 1 of 8 - Looks like House of Stars meets Boyband. I am not excited.
Upcoming in November
11/16 PLAYBOYY (Thurs ????) ?? eps - trailer here, high heat and it's helmed by Cheewin (shudder) with screenplay by Den (Only Friends) under Copy A Bangkok. It's gonna be a shizz show people. It's predicting Thai style "dark" (War of Y) one of my least favorites. Apparently there is a "plot" but when has Cheewin ever bothered with plot? A university kid who was involved with escorts, sex-trade, porn, online hook-ups, drugs, prostitution, blackmail, revenge, and so forth goes missing. His twin (sigh) and two friends look for him.
11/17 Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 1 of 14 - high heat teaser here, based on alittlebixth's omegaverse novel #พิษเบ๊บ’ set in the world of car racing (author says show will not be omegaverse). Charlie (fresh face), a young hot nerd, approaches his driver idol (Pavel "my love" 2 Moons 2) to borrow a racing car and win one for the team. Production house is new to BL but behind the Club Friday stuff. Show stars many known actors: Nut (Oxygen), Pop (Ram in La Cuisine), Pon (Phai in Gen Y, we LOVE him), Benz (twins in En of Love: This Is Love Story).
11/19 Bake Me Please (Sun Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - trailer here, stars Ohm (of OhmFluke) opposite Guide (bestie from IFYLITA) and possibly also Poom (well known, but not for BL). This looks like an actually gay version of Antique Bakery (play it again, BL). Still, I'm intrigued, it looks HELLA pretty.
11/22 7 Days Before Valentine (Weds ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk. Adapted from y-novel of the same name, directed by Tu (180 Degree) stars Jet (Why You… Y Me?). When you want your old love again, but fate sends you a reaper instead. All he can do for you is kill people. I'll likely give this a pass and wait to binge later. I'm planning to try SHADOW and I can only handle one Thai horror at a time.
11/25 The Sign (Sat ????) ep 1 of 10 - trailer here, horror-esk, but with a suspense and adult characters. Special investigators who loved each other in previous lives reunite with their new bodies, stars Billy Patchanon (BillySeng) & Babe Tanatat (new). Includes other SCOY favorites as a special investigation team. I may give this a try because I like the non-horror bits.
11/26 The Whisperer (Sun ????) 1 of 10 - trailer here. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). He has dimples (My Ride) but I don't think even that gives me the will. Maybe a binge for me.
11/26 Cooking Crush (Sun YT) 1 of 12 - OffGun are back, trailer here. Adapted from the novel “Love Course! เสื้อกาวน์รุกเสื้อกุ๊กรับ” by iJune4S this is about Prem who runs a not-so-popular restaurant with 2 friends. About to go on a cooking competition with a huge reward, Prem gets involved with Ten, a stressed-out med student who wants Prem to teach him to cook.
11/30 For Him (Thurs ????) ep 1 of 10 - high heat trailer, I suspect iQIYI will scoop this one up. From the people who brought us Unforgotten Night (please no) based on a y-novel, man nursing a heartbreak has a one-night stand, but the other boy didn't want it to end. It looks terribly trashy so I'm in! Maybe I'll do a trash watch?
VIP Only (Taiwan) - may be delayed/canceled
Wuju Bakery AKA Space Bakery (Korea) - this one may be DOA
A Breeze of Love (Korea) - I know less than nothing about this.
Nov 2023 line up with screen caps here. Not kept updated.
Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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Yang's little smile! Argh. (Love in Translation)
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This is our mean and grumpy gagster character talking about playing in game support roles. It's fucking adorable. Such a nasty criminal. (My Dear Gangster Oppa)
(Last week)
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 year
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Dangerous Romance (2023) Episode 2
Don’t you have tutoring today? I won’t do it. I’d rather just go home and play games.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Hey. First, just wanna say that, just like you, I'm living for Dangerous Romance. With so many shows on the weekend, this is the one I look forward to the most. If I had the time I think I would gif the whole episode, cause their faces are giving me everything I need.
Anyway. I came here because I just wanted to talk about Kang. That boy is just so touch starved. And also starved for everything else. But that's a whole other story. His reaction both times that he was hugged by Sailom was of someone who doesn't know how to deal with that. Specially in the pool, his face, it's like it's the first time someone hugged him like that. He seems uncomfortable both times he gets hugged by him, not because he doesn't like it, but more because he's unfamiliar with the gesture. At least that is my read. What do you think? (thanks for the space)
@nothingsbetterthancoffee, I've been looking forward to 1) seeing Joke and Jeng cry all week in Hidden Agenda
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2) getting to know why Top and Sand are the Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in Only Friends aka "Bad Blood"
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and 3) Laws of Attraction healing what it broke so beautifully last week.
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But above all else, I needed to know how A Sugar Daddy & His Baby The Series would handle Kanghan's shift from wanting to see Sailom beg at his feet by any means necessary to actually getting Sailom to beg at his feet and having no idea what to do with all those feelings™.
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So I'm thrilled the show leaned into this starting with Kanghan yelling up at Sailom like every lovesick prince calling out to his lover.
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Then we moved into Kanghan's facial journey going from smiling to contemplative as his friend explained "love tutoring."
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Which caused Kanghan to awkwardly stare at Sailom while Sailom was focused on his work before he collected himself and approached his crush tutor.
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Because as much as I'm with everyone else that Kanghan seeing the reality of Sailom's life snapped him out of his bullshit, I think the real kicker was all the feelings™ it brought up in Kanghan, and we see it happening here.
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When in danger, Kanghan knows what to do - protect Sailom.
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He threatens the gang members, he punches the tourist, and he grabs Sailom, with minimal hesitation if any.
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Kanghan is an aggressive kid, so, in a sense, he knows how to deal with a threat because he has always been the threat.
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But he has never known how to handle Sailom's responses because Sailom isn't a threat, or at least that's not what his head tells him.
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The thing that most people are discussing is why Kanghan is so fearful of his father. Kanghan's grandma shows him affection. It seems like Kanghan's dad loves him and isn't abusive, so why the ominous music when the father is around? Why did Kanghan's entire demeanor change when his father walked in, both times.
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And why was he so anxious? Why the father's response?
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I, surprisingly, don't have any wild ass theories, but the show is telling us to watch the boys' hands, especially Kanghan's, because that is where the truth lies.
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Strangely, Kanghan and Sailom have the same dynamic that Never Let Me Go's Palm and Nueng had, but for the opposite person. Nueng was the brain and rich. Palm was the body and poor. Here, we have Sailom who is the brain and poor, and Kanghan who is the body and rich, so Kanghan would struggle with English, while Sailom would thrive. It's words. But Kanghan knows what to do with his body.
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Even the way he pushed Sailom in attempt to protect him was aggressive.
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So what can he do with his body when it isn't needed to protect? What does he do with his body when he isn't the threat? What does he do with his body when it's Sailom holding him?
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We saw this in the first episode. Kanghan doesn't know what to do.
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I don't think he's touch-starved, but I do agree that it's unfamiliar. All roads lead to GayVille to me, so Kanghan's reactions seem more about feelings™ than anything else. Kanghan knows love. He knows touch. But when it comes to Sailom, he doesn't know how to respond because he doesn't know *this* feeling.
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He is not a boy of words. He is not a brain.
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He is a body that takes up space, even in his own house.
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So these feelings™ that surface whenever Sailom is around are unfamiliar. When Sailom wouldn't acknowledge him, it pissed Kanghan off more. He needed Sailom to look at him because to Sailom, Kanghan isn't just a body taking up space.
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To Sailom, Kanghan is a safe space.
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And being someone else's safety instead of a threat, being a wanted space instead of useless space, being a body needed for comfort rather than protection . . .
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That must be terrifying.
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Mostly because he doesn't even know he wants it.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
I have so many I want to ask but I'll do this one again.
5 biggest surprises in Bl this year.
(Thanks for the xmas message btw.) Rose💜
Ooo I like this one, there were lots of good surprises this year:
Shows that surprised me
Wedding Plan
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gif by @pharawee
Everyone has an opinion on MAME, and I do not blame them, but know that I am judging you hard if you did not like Wedding Plan and especially if you did not like Sailom. This show was phenomenal and if you have not watched it, you should.
Be My Favorite
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gif by @makesomehistory
Krist and Jittirain also have reputations on this website, and while I was not aware of the reputations of either of these individuals many of my friends on this website do and we entered this show ready to be mad at it, and instead we all walked away enjoying it and genuinely surprised by the fact that we had enjoyed it. So shout out to Krist and Jittirain I guess, and honestly Gawin too because he showed that he is a great actor in his own right in this show.
Bed Friend
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So I had seen the trailer for this show before it aired, and decided to check it out because it was marketed as high heat and I was curious to see what other studios were doing with high heat after KinnPorsche. So imagine my surprise 5 minutes in when the lights go out and we get the flashback showing baby Uea getting padlocked into the bathroom. Y'all. Jaw. Floor. I literally paused, I went back to the trailer, there was ZERO indication about his child abuse history. So that was probably my biggest surprise of the year for BL.
Characters that surprised me
I Like Phupa Now!
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Honestly, thank god for Aof. He really used Our Skyy 2 to finally give Phupa the character arc he needed. In A Tale of a Thousand Stars, Phupa served as the more traditional romance story male where we did not get a lot of actual information on him, and when I watched ATOTS it was my first EarthMix show and I wasn't good at reading Earth's microexpressions so Phupa fell flat for me. But now I love him so so much, because Our Skyy 2 finally gave me enough time to sit with Phupa that I finally realized how much he was struggling with internalized homophobia, and I wrote two essays about it.
Mond was Boeing All Along!
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Don't care what anyone thinks of Only Friends as a whole, so many people were sure that Boeing was going to be played by Mix, and I remember the posts flying when Mond showed up at the end. Jojo asking Mond if he'd kissed any boys and casting him because he said no, and then having Mond kiss almost every single boy in the show? Inspired.
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spicypussywave · 1 year
Kanghan and Sailom being openly cringe is my therapy
They literally did not think about others watching them. The thought probably didn't even strike them.
They're SO obvious and thank god Guy and Auto actually realised that!
None of the "don't, people are watching" bs AHHHHHHH YES MORE PLEASE
Be as gay as you want, my babies
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