#saiouma neg
shsl-writer · 6 months
I think one of the reasons I’m iffy on Saiouma is because Kokichi as a person is actually rather childish and I think he really needs someone who indulges him in that. Not only that but I think he needs someone who bites back, who’s willing to challenge him and bicker and give as a good as he does.
I think from my perspective Shuichi is just a little too… grounded. He’s so serious and literal, he has a hard time playing along. Like in Kaito’s free time events when Kaito’s telling this long, obviously exaggerated tall tale Shuichi spends most of that time wondering why he’s being told the story rather than just enjoying it. It’s not that I think this is even a bad trait—hell I’m like this. It’s just that I think it doesn’t really mix well with Kokichi.
Like Saiouma does have that “chase me down and unspool me” aspect to it that does hit rlly nice, and I do think Kokichi wants to be understood. The problem I guess is I think Kokichi would eventually get bored since Shuichi doesn’t press back and play along much and is more inclined to just try and pry him for answers. I also think Shuichi would eventually grow tired of Kokichi’s games and the way he dances around truth and Information, stringing people along like a carrot for a donkey. Shuichi would want answers and I don’t think Kokichi would be inclined to give them as quickly or as openly as Shuichi would want.
Kokichi wants a playful relationship, a challenge. Shuichi wants someone who can help balance him and steady him. Their priorities are just very different.
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celtrist · 16 days
It's okay to be emotional over a ship.
It's okay to be emotional over a ship. It's okay to be emotional over characters. It's okay to share grievances over a ship as much as it's okay to gush over a ship. It's okay to feel so overwhelmingly negatively over a ship just as much as it's okay to feel so overwhelmingly positive.
While it's always going to be better to focus on positives, it can also be just as good to let out any negatives you might have about something rather than bottling it in and, for some, feeling alone in your thoughts about it.
It is so, so, SO OKAY to be so heavy in emotions concerning a ship whether negative or positive because it means you're invested in the characters and their relationships. When spaces seem to allow only positivity when some people might have some negative thoughts on a ship, it really negates any conversations about it and even understanding sides of why someone may or may not ship something.
While understandable, there is a double standard between being negative and positive about ships (or portrayal of characters). If you feel overwhelmingly negative about something, "you need to go touch grass". If you feel overwhelmingly positive about something, "go at it queen". I would personally argue we all need to touch grass.
It is NOT okay to harass others. It is NOT okay to let your emotions dictate that you should attack somebody for LIKING a certain ship or DISLIKING a certain ship. Your emotions DO NOT dictate how OTHERS should feel.
It is okay to be negative about a character or ship as much as it's okay to be positive about them. Neither side of being for or against a ship is more virtuous than the others. It's okay to have some fucking emotions regardless if their positive or not, because it means you CARE about the media and the characters in it.
No, you should not revolve your whole online experience in negativity. Find positive in things you DO enjoy. But to brush off people who vehemently might dislike a character or ship as "losers with no lives" is to disregard a person's emotions on something. And if you do wanna think that mindset, congrats, people who obsessively love a character or ship are just the same by your logic. Obsession is obsession, regardless if it's negative or positive.
TL;DR, If it's okay to be overwhelmingly positive in liking something like a ship or character, it should be just as okay to be negative in disliking something like a ship or character. Just as long as it's not the ONLY thing you focus on and no one is actively being bullied, attacked, or harassed about it. And of course, either way, positive or negative, it is all fiction, and a real person should not be attacked or harassed for it. And if you don't want to indulge in negativity you might have, 100% valid. Both sides always need to take a step back into reality.
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dwangan-wonpwa · 2 years
here's a negative-leaning rant about saiouma, or more about the amount of content about it. read if you really want to (read more included, because i know it would be a pain in the ass to try to scroll and ignore a post like this)
(also tl;dr at the end... i should've pasted it here but uh-)
i ship saiouma… sometimes. i used to love this pairing a lot, and it's what prompted me to love ouma more and more. but because of ouma being my favorite character, i decided to check out other pairings; from oumota, kiibouma, and oumeno, to irouma, oumami, and ougoku (side note: i can't really blame people for seeing this as problematic, but i truly don't believe it to be "toxic" or "abusive"). they're all really good ships which have my whole heart, so i focused on them more frequently, and took a break from saiouma. i even gave ouharu a shot, and yes, there's a lot of hate there, and i do prefer them to at least have a begrudging friendship, but like. it's interesting okay
of course, saiouma is the most popular ouma ship there is. seriously, it has around 4000 more works on ao3 than oumota, the second most popular. this is because it's the protag x antag ship, like komahina (which, holy shit, it has 5846 works on the sdr2 tag, while kuzupeko, the second most popular, has 987). so, being an ouma multi-shipper, who thinks saiouma is a decent ship but isn't that fixated about it anymore, seeing said ship pretty much everywhere? yeah, i was bound to get sick of it. well, not the pairing itself, mind you, but rather how oversaturated it was in my eyes.
it got to the point where, if i saw saiouma tagged in a fic, no matter how promising i thought the summary was, i would groan and try to motivate myself into reading it. like, if it had the same premise, but had a different ship/no ship at all, i would read it in a heartbeat. even if ouma was shipped with a character i had zero care about, then sure, i don't mind. (well, there certainly are exceptions, i have to admit)
yeah, that might sound a bit immature, but it's not like i won't read saiouma fics no matter what. it's just that oftentimes i simply can't gather the motivation to indulge in the pairing, if that makes sense. so it's a bit tiring when i keep seeing it when i really don't feel like it.
there's also the thing with their dynamic. they're foils for truth and lies, yes, i can't deny that. but i feel like the main appeal of the ship is the fact that "saihara is a detective, and ouma is the personification of a mystery!"
…except, saihara kinda sucks at figuring ouma out? yeah, he can catch on to ouma's lies better than others, but if i remember correctly, that's only in the ftes/bonus modes. in the canon storyline, he couldn't realize that, hey, ouma is a liar, and his lying patterns tend to be quite complicated! that means he can lie about whether or not he's lying! but nope, let's just believe his claims to be the mastermind, because he's the only one cruel enough to manipulate a murder into happening without remorse, so there's no need to consider any other possibility besides the one he conveniently laid out for them. oh, not to mention the points that he makes occasionally, but they come from ouma, so there's no use to thinking about the validity of such statements.
saihara, you are an incredible detective, and you are the furthest thing to undeserving of your ultimate, but i don't think behavioral patterns are up your alley. i don't think saihara hates him, as he's more capable of tolerating him than most, but sometimes it's like he gets dumbed down for the sake of making ouma the antagonist.
(the saiouma fics i used to read had saihara getting flustered as a result of ouma's advances and "flirting," but in canon, he doesn't have much of a reaction to ouma's "my beloved" comments about him, at least, that's what i remember. i don't think "but the canon!" is a good reason for not shipping something, so this part is pretty minor, but i just had to point it out.)
as i'm writing this, i realized: holy shit, when i first started to like ouma, i only got into saiouma because it was the most popular ouma ship. the only unique traits that charmed me about the pairing was saihara's ability to see through ouma's lies, and the sudden boldness he'd exhibit, but aside from that? i essentially treated the former as a blank canvas (sorry, saihara), only wanting some shippy ouma content. but after going through other pairings, those "unique" traits weren't so unique after all (a very good example is oumota. while yes, he trusts the notion he has of ouma, telling him he's a bad, untrustworthy person, he's still perceptive. this is shown by the way he's the only one who acknowledges the change in ouma's behavior in chapter 4. his boldness is also more prominent than saihara's, as well). how ironic that i'm starting to have a problem related with the ship because of the same thing that got me invested in the first place.
oh, but it's not like the aforementioned "detective and enigma" dynamic can't happen. we can be canon defiant and improve saihara's ability to understand and unravel ouma for the sake of bettering the ship. (ooh, and the methods of how he'll do so… fluctuating between analysis for ouma's lies and just spending time with him so that he'll open up at his own pace…)
so, it's not exactly a bland ship, but there are others that are more interesting to me, and deserve to have just as much popularity as saiouma does, in my opinion.
tl;dr: in my opinion, saiouma's a decent ship, however, it's popularity is a bit undeserved when you take other pairings into account. i don't dislike it, but as someone who isn't that passionate about it, it annoys me how much content there is, while ships that i felt had equal amount of, if not more captivating dynamics weren't as popular due to the fact that saiouma was the protag x antag pairing.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 6 months
Why are all the other Kokichi × Protag ships (NaeŌma, Ōmaru, Ōmatsu, etc.) So much more interesting then SaiŌma?
Shuichi just doesnt really mesh with Kokichi most of the time, he doesn't reach out in a way Kokichi really would respond to even when he does reach out while everyone else would either indulge him more or be more willing to try and figure him out, while Shuichi just goes "well Kokichis bleeding on the floor....anyways about the trial" he just does not give a shit lmao
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thelemoncoffee · 9 months
today's post is me rambling negatively- and probably upsetting some people in the process too, but i wanna get this out there before my brain inverts thinking about it.
honestly i don't like how the game treated Kaito's pushing Shuichi to keep being a detective as a good thing.
like- in the games Kaito keeps pushing Shuichi to be the ultimate detective, while Shuichi actively doesn't want to be a detective. i genuinely dislike this aspect of Kaito, he has alot of potential and individual traits that i love- but the game squanders it so much his canon depiction annoys me
with the Shuichi situation, detective work was obviously something Shuichi wasn't actually passionate about- as we learn he only started doing it to feel useful to his uncle- and he's proven time and time again that he isn't the kind of person who can handle the emotional strain the line of work puts on a person. but no matter what they kept making Kaito push him to be a detective anyways and framed it as a good thing despite everything pointing to the contrary .
Ryoma already fills the niche of "character who gave up on their passion due to trauma and needs to be encouraged to get back into what they love again"- we do not need to shoehorn Shuichi into it, especially when literally everything about him makes it noticeably unhealthy for him. i wouldn't have an issue with it if the game treated it like the negative it is, but it doesn't, the game thinks Kaito's pushing shuichi is actually a good thing and positive character growth. and that's my main issue with Kaito, really-
Kaito is a great character concept but the more i think about it the more the way he was used was so fucking shitty. i greatly dislike how they had the potential to show him as a super flawed wannabe hero doing the dumbest unhealthy shit cause he has a heart of gold, but they instead tried to play him as a tragic hero
he should have been called out for his shit more. he should have had a character arc where he learned how superficial his aid tactics actual are, and works up to do really heroic things. which- if you left ch5 as is- would make it a really cool instance of relapse into old bad habits under pressure, he would foil Kokichi 100x better like this too. while Kokichi descends into a paranoid mess, Kaito becomes a genuinely better hero- and Kokichi causes Kaito to relapse while he himself shows his true and more caring nature to Kaito in his final moments
but they didn't fucking do that.
Kaito was the tragic hero who was always right even when he was objectively wrong (read: Shuichi situation), a total hypocrite with zero repercussions for his hypocrisy (read: hates Kokichi lying despite lying more than Kokichi), and every character loved him no matter how shitty he was being.
i know he was intended to be a foil to Kokichi, but when Kokichi's relationships with other characters are more nuanced compared to his, it falls flat. Kokichi had people who liked and hated him to varying degrees, everyone had a solid opinion on him- but Kaito? i don't recall anyone outside of Kokichi, Maki, and Shuichi having any strong opinions on him (unless you count Tenko, but i don't cause her hatred was cause he's a man and not because of him as a person), which makes him feel way more flat compared to the variety of people's opinions on Kokichi and makes their foil connection way weaker
i just think Kaito could have been handled alot better- and i often tend to brush lightly on his problems in my posts that use him as a minor antagonist for saiouma
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pumpkinhimiko · 3 months
i don't want to generalize but since when did the oumatsu fanbase go from being basically japanese fans with fantasies of ntr r4p3 and kokichi being sadistic 4bus3r to…. the stereotype of saiouma shipper from 2020 straight ship ver
Pixiv's oumatsu tag is a trip, that's for sure.
But yeah, the arguments are startlingly similar: "ugh you don't get it Shuichi Kaede represents TROOTH and Kokichi is CANONICALLY in love with him her and the noncanon FTEs prove that and every negative comment Kokichi makes towards him her is a lie and every positive comment he makes is sincere!!" Like damn, right when it feels like the saioumers have cut back on this shit, a second plane hits.
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Alright imma say it
It totally makes sense why everyone would be more upset over Kaito's death than Kokichi
Idk why theres this sentiment that Kokichi's desth was unfairly overshadowed by Kaito BUT YEAH NO HARD DISAGREE literally none of those remaining classmates would have any reason to show compassion for kokichi over kaito
Shuichi: as he is mc/player character his perspective matters most, so ill say the most on him. Sorry to saiouma fans (dw i do think the ship is cute but honestly works better under different circumstances for the two) but Shuichi has spent more time with kaito. After Kaede's death, it is Kaito (in Kaito's questionable way) who helped get Shuichi's willpower back. Kokichi says as much in ch 4. With shuichi being a very sensitive detective, he needed that pillar of support from kaito, one kokichi, while providing help in trials, doesnt give emotionally. Sure u can argue bias on Shuichi's part, but it is Kokichi's plot in ch 4 that caused him and Kaito to have a falling out, injured and captured Kaito in a bunker, and is the reason Kaito becomes the blackened Shuichi is forced to exposed and now watch be executed
Maki: Self explanatory af, but kokichi exposed her talent to everyone to have her be isolated due to kokichi's own distaste for murderers, regardless of maki's intent. Kokichi is the one who fucked around in ch 5 with her feelings, making her harbor guilt over supposedly killing kaito. It's his plot that gets Kaito killed off as blackened so yeah dont expect sympathy from her
Tsumugi: while idk if confirmed whether Kokichi had gone off Tsumugi's script, if that is the case, Tsumugi would 100% frustrated for kokichi messing up her plotline. Shes devoted her life to dr and has been a writer in numerous prior seasons. To have some kid try to attack the mastermind directly by messing with the game would to her feel like infringing on the game's intended entertainment. Besides, if everyone else hates kokichi, it's best for her to go along with it to blend in
Himiko: there def is a weird dynamic between the two, with himiko falling for exisal kokichi twice which is weird ... but yeah no overall himiko has a negative opinion of kokichi. While he did indirectly help her releasing her bottled up emotions in the end of ch 3, it's Kokichi’s way of doing things, meaning it usually comes off as rude. Pretty sure what Kokichi (and Gonta to an extent) caused in ch 4 is unforgivable for himiko, since literally everyone liked Gonta. Himiko out of everyone believed kokichi was the mastermind, feeling great despair once he revealed the truth of the outside world. While not specific, himiko is more of a case of kokichi's general creation of distrust in others. In contrast, kaito is uplifitng to himiko, being the one to defend her in ch 3 when tenko's death was ignored and moving the group along during ch 5.
Keebo: keebo admittedly has the most sympathetic view of kokichi after the trial, alluding to his "hopeful" nature and such, as well as his logical understanding of kokichi's motive. But generally, kokichi is just robophobic to keebo for the sake of pestering keebo, as well as asking invasive questions (do robots have di-?)
Kaito: without getting into kaito and kokichi's relationship/rivalry, kaito id argue does have the second most sympathetic reflection on kokichi, providing the group with Kokichi’s last words. Tho he does doubt them, mentioning he believed kokichi's plan wouldnt work (i personally hc that as just bluff to make shuichi feel better tho). And since its kokichi who blackmailed him into the plan, kokichi is in a sense responsible for Kaito's death so he'd probably wanna focus on making Shuichi and Maki feel better
Kokichi is my fav dr character but ngl he's a little shit to the remaining survivors. While i as an audience memebr feel terrible for him, im not upset or shocked by the characters' disinterest in his death
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Saiouma with the Ship-O-Matic
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This was followed by the pitters immediately deciding that saiou would not get a cute moment from it, but a mundane one, so they would keep coming back trying to get a good one, but they would keep seeing the moments when they sleep or both are busy, or straight up negative ones like their kitchen being on fire, but they would keep making more ridiculous excuses to come back and keep trying, including claiming that it's testing for new kinds of compatibility that doesn't have to do with romance, because they don't want to admit to their obvious crushing and it goes on for a year. And that's when I come in
they would get banned for the sake of letting other people use it [like. the security leads them away so they stop hogging it. they get put on a "Not Welcome" List]
the good one they finally get is when they break in to use it and spend the whole night trying [think about their preparations to do it, the commitment it takes for Shuichi to be on board, all the quiet domesticity they see before they deem something good enough, the sunrise seeping in when they finally look at each other with understanding that they both want this future]
they're caught right after because it's opening time again
they get arrested so they have time to talk things out with each other before somebody comes to bail them out too!
ik it's another short one, but the only other option I have is writing out how their breaking & entering night went myself and I am not strong enough, there is an outline of a one-shot in my head, but nothing's going to come out of it, not on my own
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Okay I get where you're coming from with saiouma actually! It's gotten the, what's it called, "migrating slash fandom" treatment? People like it because of the tropes they can put onto the characters more than what they could actually do if they played with what the characters actually had going on. Which I get, I used to do it too! If you're new to fandom and shipping you have a specific idea you like and you just want to slap cute boys onto it sure, but it kind of ruins it for everyone else when it's a particularly popular ship for it.
I used to think saiouma was a cute ship, but I'd only read a fic for them if it was at minimum 10-15k and I could see at least 3 or 4 different tags relating to angst and actual issues happening rather than all the fluff floating around choking out anything of substance.
It's honestly why I've wandered away over to oumota, the fans over there seem to be slightly, slightly better about keeping them in character and using what the game gave us to make some beautiful slowburns
So yeah. Agreed that saiouma sucks but it's more the fans' faults than a fault of the ship itself I think. There's potential if people bothered to try and them not trying ruined it for everyone else
Youre absolutely not wrong, there have been some fics I REALLY like with the pairing, if it wasnt for its popularity i would probably be a lot more neutral but as someone who fucking FIXATED on Kokichi it's become such a negative initial reaction whenever i see it because I love Kokichi content with SO MANY OTHER CHARACTERS and i RARELY EVER GET IT
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poison-scene · 3 months
Hi! ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
This is my Danganronpa sideblog, but I mostly talk about V3.
I don't usually tag spoilers.
DNI: Basic criteria, proshipper, 16 or younger
Kokichi is my comfort character. Saiouma is my comfort ship. If you don't like them please don't be mean about it.
My ask box is open, just keep in mind I'm very selective. Don't send anything nsfw or disgusting, I will not answer that.
I'm open to criticism just please be respectful.
About me:
Name's Mery
Mother language is Spanish so if my English is weird, that's why
I'm a chronic complainer so sorry if I'm being too negative /gen
Tone tags are appreciated when talking to me.
This is my art account.
What I do:
I'm currently going through the drv3 gameplay so my characterizations will probably be off for a while. I'll probably make some posts with my opinions on the game too, take that as notes for future projects.
I have a couple aus in mind I'll let you know about them as time goes by.
If I make fanart I'll post it in my art account and RB it here. Most of what you'll find here will be sketches and prompts.
If anything here inspires you to make art/write, please tag me ^^
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your-localghost · 4 years
me, who has been in the danganronpa fandom for a very long time, loves the games and the anime, actively reads fanfic and looks at fanart, considers myself a part of the danganronpa fandom: god i hate the danganronpa fandom
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magioftheseas · 7 years
izuvi replied to your post: Do I seriously have to write a huge-ass meta...
I’m this ][ close being convinced by you to shipping oumota and I hate momota o(–(
Sometimes a pairing is so strong that you actually really ship it even if you really hate one of the characters involved. Never stops being weird. Cognitive dissonance in that case makes me space out.
Or that’s the dissociation again. Who knows.
Oumota is a good ship, though!! Ouma fusses about Kaito hanging out with Maki (he’s worried and for good reason) and Kato fusses about Ouma in general (which does come from a place of being concerned about him) so there’s also a fucking tsun edge to them. It’s really funny and cute and also sad for these emotionally constipated idiots.
Ouma would also trip Kaito and then joke about Kaito ~falling for him~ and I’m all about that life. Get rekt by your gremlin bf, space man.
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mmmaruda · 3 years
God can we stop with the "saiouma is toxic" "Kaede gets in way with saiouma" "Saiouma shipers cried when saimatsu-" "Shuichi hates Kokichi" stuff.
I swear I can't enjoy saimatsu videos anymore, because like more than half if not all the comments are about how bad saiouma is and how the shipers of it are toxic and how they dox everyone.
When I click on saiouma there're only a few negative comments about saimatsu and nobody likes them.
Or when I click on saimota or oumota there are none comments about other ships.
Literally the only one I see being pressed about it are the saimatsu shipers. Can't we enjoy the ships without the useless wars about it?
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 2 years
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Here's my ship tierlist! I'm not a very shippy person so most of these aren't very extreme feelings. I know there's a lot going on here, but here's the rundown:
My favourite ships are the training trio, Saiouma, Saimota, and Gokumota (which I had to add myself because the tierlist maker didnt include it!!). Saiouma is very entertaining (detective x criminal on the run) and also based on love hotel stuff Kokichi does like. canonically have a bit of a crush on Shuichi which is fun. Also, for gokumota, I think Gonta and Kaito could've supported each other really well if they had gotten to know each other a bit better before ch4, and trial 4 really solidified this for me.
the Yeah This is Good! Category are all the ships that I don't have particularly strong feelings about but think are great and like seeing them around.
The neutral Category is fairly self explanatory. Most I feel nothing about either way. EXCEPT Korekiyo x Angie, which I have simultaneous strong negative and positive feelings about, but cancel out for a very intense neutral.
The People ship this? Category is a subcategory of neutral. Its all ships that I'd never even heard of before I looked at this tierlist maker but didn't feel strongly about either way.
The Not my thing Category are ships that I'm not super into, but dont feel particularly strong about. I Probably won't reblog stuff about these ships but its not extreme
The very uncomfy Category is a very much a personal-preference category. The last one does just make me uncomfortable. But the first two I Get why theyre so popular and I can see where people are coming from when they like these ships.
O/ugo/ku specifically makes me uncomfy because of how intense/personal trial 4 was for me. I Do still reblog o/ugo/ku stuff because I love almost anything with Gonta in it and as Kokichi is so popular, there's gonna be a lot of stuff with them interacting. For me personally, it's always platonic.
O/umo/ta makes me uncomfy in a different way, in that I just dont see those two really? Liking each other? From my read, they hate each other in canon. I can understand the appeal of a ship dynamic between characters involving a lot of conflict being dramatically interesting, but when I participate in shipping I like it being a lot more fluffy.
The No Thanks. At All. Category are ships that make me uncomfortable in a way that isn't very nuanced. I just don't like them for reasons I think should be fairly self explanatory? Yeah
If you wanna hear my specific thoughts on any ships send me a message!! Also, for those who can't see the image or prefer a list, I've listed out all the ships on the tierlist under the cut
I LOVE IT tier: •Maki x Shuichi x Kaito •Shuichi x Kokichi •Shuichi x Kaito •Gonta x Kaito
Yeah this is good!! tier: •Kaito x Shuichi x Kaede •Kaede x Rantaro •Shuichi x Rantaro •Shuichi x Gonta •Maki x Kaito •Kaede x Miu •Kaede x Tsumugi •Kaede x Kaito •Miu x Kokichi x Kiibo •Shuichi x Kiibo •Maki x Shuichi •Kaede x Shuichi •Kaede x Tenko •Tsumugi x Rantaro •Himiko x Tenko •Tsumugi x Gonta
Neutral tier: •Kaede x Himiko •Rantaro x Kiibo •Ryoma x Gonta •Himiko x Gonta •Himiko x Maki •Miu x Kokichi •Kaito x Rantaro •Kokichi x Kiibo •Miu x Kiibo •Himiko x Kiibo •Kaede x Maki •Kaito x Kokichi x Shuichi •Kaede x Kokichi •Angie x Korekiyo •Angie x Himiko x Tenko
People ship this? tier: •Kaede x Ryoma •Kaede x Angie •Maki x Rantaro •Angie x Rantaro •Rantaro x Kokichi x Shuichi x Kaito •Kirumi x Rantaro •Kaito x Kiibo •Kaito x Maki x Kaede x Shuichi •Maki x Kiibo •Maki x Tenko •Ryoma x Rantaro •Angie x Miu •Kirumi x Maki •Kaede x Kirumi •Kaede x Kiibo •Kirumi x Tsumugi •Rantaro x Kaede x Shuichi •Rantaro x Kokichi x Shuichi •Rantaro x Kokichi •Angie x Kokichi •Himiko x Rantaro •Shuichi x Ryoma •Himiko x Shuichi •Tsumugi x Shuichi •Angie x Shuichi •Kokichi x Kaede x Shuichi •Maki x Shuichi x Himiko •Kirumi x Shuichi •Tenko x Shuichi •Ryoma x Kokichi •Tsumugi x Angie •Maki x Kaede x Tenko •Rantaro x Kokichi x Tenko •Tenko x Tsumugi •Kirumi x Tenko •Tsumugi x Kokichi •Maki x Tsumugi •Tsumugi x Miu •Tenko x Gonta
Not my thing tier: •Miu x Kaito •Maki x Kokichi •Miu x Rantaro •Himiko x Kokichi •Himiko x Kaito •Miu x Shuichi •Tenko x Angie •Tenko x Kokichi •Kirumi x Ryoma •Kirumi x Kokichi •Angie x Gonta •Himiko x Angie
Very uncomfy tier: •Gonta x Kokichi •Kaito x Kokichi •Gonta x Miu
No thanks. At all. tier: •Gonta x Korekiyo •Rantaro x Korekiyo •Himiko x Korekiyo •Kaede x Korekiyo •Kirumi x Korekiyo •Maki x Korekiyo •Kokichi x Korekiyo •Shuichi x Korekiyo •Tenko x Korekiyo
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thelemoncoffee · 26 days
i've been through a few of the longer phantom thief/detective saiouma fanfics and i find that they have this theme where kokichi has feelings for shuichi but is in denial because oh shit feelings? nooooooo. this results in disaster ranging from kokichi feeling too unsafe and trying to end it all to a misunderstanding that leads to few days of no contact or something like that
and i know that this does fit his personality and i do agree with it but i kinda want to see a different approach (which is totally not me projecting)
it goes like: ohh shit. so i may or may not have a crush on this really pretty detective. i actually do pay more than usual attention to him. i would definitely include him on my favourite persons list. holding hands and goofing around with him sounds really nice. i recognise his smell. i like the way he says my name. welp ok sure brain tf you want me to do about it i'm still gonna fxxk society up
he goes on his usual business and then it's like 'since you're my favourite person, you get to know me' and he starts dropping little facts in between all the lies when they have their five minute confrontation-conversations and it's just stuff like "i actually like socks with my slip-ons but i'm lazy" or "i once got my right toe run over by a car" or "i never once pulled an all nighter but i do constantly get only four hours of sleep, also naps are either nonexistent or come in the form of passing out while doing something"
the problem is that he will never go past this. it's either these subtle "i-trust-you"s or ridiculous claims about absolutely swooning and being sooo whipped for his beloved detective
and then saihara-chan has to get through his dense ass mind to realise wait does he actually trust me??
fluff ensues
i personally can't see Kokichi having a crush at the age he'd likely be as a phantom thief without some sorts of negative feeling holding him back (re: paranoia, anxiety, trust issues, self image issues) cause it feels to far out of line for him, but the idea of him being so casually whatever about a crush is quite amusing.
i will say tho, i also think there's an absurd amount of phantom thief au fics where disaster hits a little too hard? like i get Kokichi having issues and panicking about having a crush, but the amount of times writers instantaniously jump to him self destructing at full force is a little jarring. i can't see him not having an edge to him because of a crush, but i also can't see him self destructing over one either- ya dig?
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mukankei08 · 3 years
Sorry for the delay. Here's Saiouma week day 1: flowers
This is an AU I made called Hanakanjo. It is a heretic condition and unlike it's cousin Hanahaki, it is non lethal. It blooms when the person feels positive emotions like joy and wither and regurgitate flowers with negative emotions like rejection. So Kokichi has Camellias growing which symbolizes with love.
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