#saito soma・ishikawa kaito dame janai radio
msyuksanh · 4 years
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PASH!編集部@magazine_pash·(2021.02.17) 【PASH!+】『斉藤壮馬・石川界人のダメじゃないラジオ』生配信レポート!お色直しで江口拓也さんの私物コーディネートに変身も! https://pashplus.jp/report/203756/ #ダメラジ #斉藤壮馬 #石川界人 #江口拓也
[PASH!+] Here’s the report on the live broadcast of “Saito Soma・Ishikawa Kaito’s Dame Janai Radio”! Using Eguchi Takuya’s personal belongings, they coordinated and transformed their outfits! https://pashplus.jp/report/203756/ #SaitoSoma #IshikawaKaito #EguchiTakuya
Soma looks ADORABLE and Kaito is killing it king
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damejanai · 4 years
S: It's here
K: It has come
S: It's here. And did you know? Around the world now, there have been monoliths sighted?
K: As expected huh
S: And? The first one was in America or something, Utah huh?
K: Hmm
S: And then in Romania, Holand, and England
K: Those are the things that appear, disappear, and then appear somewhere else right?
S: Yeah, what, are they?
K: That, was me
S: Eh? You?
K: That was me
S: That was your, YouTube project?
K: That was for promotion
S: HAHAHAA Well well if you think about it sensibly it's probably it right
K: It's promotion for outer space
S: Ahhh for outer space. If people are behind it, it's probably not just one person right
K: Well yes, it's controlled by organisation by me
S: Hehehe, for you
S: You are quick to reveal it then, if that's the case
K: I thought it was quite about time i reveal the information
S: This is, unexpectedly, my friends from university were also going on about it
K: Oh i see, they were helping to promote it?
S: Eh? You're still continuing that? Ahahaha
K: Coz, you casually brought the topic away, so i didn't know how long should i continue this
S: You know I like occult stuff, and many things happened in 2020 so, i was thinking, what, at the very last part there's something this mysterious happening too?
K: Me too, you know what shocked me most about this monolith talk was that, Yasumoto san was here before our recording, and I was talking to him. We talked about Hosoya san
S: Right
K: and how he is in ascension now. Of course he loves occult stuff and.... what? myths
S: Uh huh, yes
K: And Yasumoto san said, "Isn't Soma getting into that phase soon too?"
S: Hahhaa
K: We were talking about that and here you have it
K: I thought, whoa as expected you talked about Monoliths
S: First ascension after a few years break. But truthfully, like at one of the previous Damerajis, I said, "Ahh i feel like I'm going to go through ascension again". And honestly I think our moods for these few episodes were weird. Weren't we in rather high spirits?
K: Really?
S: Yeah so, it is starting
K: Just as expected huh
S: It's baddd eh?
K: We'll be going over together
S: You know it's the age where we can share our brains so
K: I know right, our databases are connected, by 5G
S: Totally....Can, we start?
K: Shall we
S: Saito Soma
K: Ishikawa Kaito's
S/K: Damejanai Radio
"in bloom"
S: We're gonna play one song later so it's not a bad radio
K: WooHOOOO Wowoowowow
S: You're reacting like that?
K: Hahhahaa
S: I've never even seen that on TV
K: Really? But isn't it common in anime?
S: No!
S: What is that?
K: Album's out next week, DoHYAAAAA
S: AHHHH Ohooooi!
K: Such a happy thing~ happy~
S: So one song will be played here~
K: Come on if it isn't played here, where else would it be played?
S: Right? Dameraji has really been promoting it a lot for me
K: Amazing right
S: More than me promoting it myself
K: If i knew Dameraji was promoting this much I would think about it more.... Well I'll only THINK but that doesn't necessary convert into actions~~~ ahhaa So today we will be playing a song, and hearing some insights... but for the song, it won't be available in the archives
S: Yes, just that
K: So please just enjoy the insights
S: Yes~~
K: Only today guys~~ that you will be hearing the insights of the song while listening to it~
S: Well I've not really talked a lot about the songs.... well I have in interviews but in my own natural voice
K: Natural voice...
S: That doesn't mean anything... really.. it hasn't started (ascension)
K: Monoliths and natural voice....
S: Ah yes, thank you, many have mentioned that, No Licence Driving
K: That's true right?
S: No no, all I did was sit in the driver's seat
K: Uh huh uh huh
S: I wasn't driving
K: But you know, those with no licence have no right to sit there
S: I was properly sitting in the driver's seat, not driving, but reading a book
K: Hahhahaha
S: Very properly
K: Seriously?
S: Uh huhhh. But this MV has been released and I've received quite a lot of comments.... many were saying that, " Isn't this a song about Kaito kun?"
K: Ohhhhh
S: I want to say it loud and clear, NO
K: Oh it's not a song from my point of view?
S: No no no, totally not
K: Hmmm
S: One thing was that, when i was writing the lyrics, i was thinking that i wouldn't like it but people might think that way
K: Don't say you wouldn't like it
S: wwwww
K: Whatever happened to the things you said last last episode?
S: www Well but you know, whenever i write songs, i don't really want to decide what kind of song it is about, and would like it to be interpreted differently
K: True
S: This "carpool" to me, is about youth. But it may be youth in your teens, or youth like us, before 30
K: Ho ho ho
S: So i think that hearing that the theme is "youth", you could still have different ways of interpreting it
K: Makes me want to hear the different interpretations
S: Yeah yeah yeah, at this point, it has one chorus and a little bit of the second part. But if you listen to the second part of the song, you'll probably think of it differently
K: Ohhhhh
S: Yes yes
K: That's interesting, so afterwards when we're not on air, you'll be telling me, "Actually I wrote it with this meaning in mind" (soma voice)
S: What, me secretly telling you stuff, sounds like that?
K: Huh?
S: No no
K: You don't realise it?
S: Nooo, "I wrote it with this meaning in mind"
K: "You know, I don't know how many people will get it though"
S: Don't do that your hair like that
K: That's what you do
S: That's true i tend to do that, well thank you, my album will be out next week
Song played: Carpool
K: I understand now, you know, when i was searching my name on Twitter, there were a lot of stuff that came up that made me go, "ah!"
S: Hahahaa, Like?
K: Isn't it about Kaito kun?
S: No
K: Ehhh!!
S: It's not a song about Ishikawa san
K: But you know, I don't mention it a lot but, my car is an open car, you know?
S: AHHAHAHAa..No.. STOPPP!! Doing what i'm good at
K: Screaming
K: Ahhh that's when you really hate it, when your life's at stake
S: This song... when I wrote the song, the lyrics came to mind at the same time. It's true since I don't have a driver's licence, so the driver's seat is "your special spot"
K: Yes, my special spot
S: Hahaha! But if you listen to what comes after, the last chorus, you'll have a different interpretation of it
K: Don't tell me.. it's death?
S: Ohhhhhhh
K: Ohhhhh?
S: Kaito kun, how do you always know?
S: It has begun huh
K: Right? Ahhh... is that it.... is that it...
S: That'll become like Kaito kun dies
K: So I actually recorded all of this before I died
S: You're a hologram? ( O.o! Just like one of the Mangas that Soma recommended on his daily recommendations)
K: I was told to record myself talking as if i was talking to Soma san
S: If that's the case then our conversations complement so well. Well rather than dying, well, I welcome everyone to have different interpretations but it's like singing about something you lost
K: Uh huh uh huh, I see
S: But youth, like what i mentioned earlier, at our age, we're still continuing to be youths but in a different form
K: I see
S: There's something you lost, but there's also things that are continuing, it's just singing it from a unique point of view
K: In "Date", you also went to the sea right
S: wwwww Right? I personally don't go to the beach at all
K: Because you get all sticky , you said
S: So, am I really going to the beach?
K: Oooooh
S: Well well, you can interpret it in many ways
K: This is scary....
S: Rightt www
~Dameraji Photo Studio~
Pose like a present box
Guests next week:
Nakajima Yoshiki
Sakakihara Yuki
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myaachanissocute · 4 years
Toriaezu Highball
With guest: Yashiro Taku
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Blu-Ray Rip
Please DM for the link
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yabaifeelings · 4 years
Saito Soma / Ishikawa Kaito’s not so great tips for falling asleep
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【🇯🇵 DJCD】Soma Saito & Kaito Ishikawa no Dame Janai Radio Season 2
DameRadi, the radio said to feel like it's over in 5 minutes (!?), presents its final DJCD of the Heisei era! This season, hosts Soma Saito & Kaito Ishikawa are joined by guests Kensho Ono and Taku Yashiro! HOW TO BUY: Just visit our Japanese store linked in our Tumblr header and search this code - 4549743229249
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damejanai · 4 years
Dame Raji
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Kaito: I have a friend who loves cars....he's Uchida Yuma by the way
Soma: wwwwww he's always bring brought up!
K: I saw him wearing a very fashionable coat that day and asked him about it, and he said, " You know, this year is the time to wear coats..."
S: wwww
K: "Winter is the time when you wear coats" i said
S: He's a genius!!! "This year is the time to wear coats", a philosopher of sorts! AHHAHA
K: HAHAHA, like, it's the coat season during winter, not just this year but next year, in Jan and Feb too. It was so funny
But his dressing was the mode kind of fashion, really stylish
S: But Yuma kun love the mode kind right...
K: I admire it too but i don't see myself wearing it
S: But since your hair is red now won't it look good?
K: Really?
S: Why don't you try my coat now
K: It's a long coat?
S: Long , long, it's really long
K: Will it be ok? What if i rip the sleeves
S: Uh it accommodates a little more
K: The furballs!!
S: Uh, it's past it's schedule for cleaning. Oh, it's that alright? This, you should photograph yourself using that gimbal (stabiliser)
K: The one i introduced last week?
S: Yea the one you introduced on smart news. Oh? Isn't that good? Might fit you just nice, better than me
K: Eh? Have I ever looked this cool?
S: wwwwww What kind of...
K: Ohhhhh
S: Isn't this alright?
K: Uhhhhh
S:Mmm? Mmm..
K: Uhhhh i see
S: Can you do this radio show??
K: HAHAHAA, Alright, I, like it
S: This year, i didn't buy a single coat
K: Ehhhhh
S: Because, aren't coats expensive?
K: Expensive yes
S: So i'd buy one that can last for at least 3 years. And the one i bought before this one is one of my favourites, so i wore it till it was full of furballs
K: Really? This one is, quite serious already
S: Can you please stop it? It's not that bad! I just removed them just now
K: How can you be walking outside in this?
S: I just took them off already, with a sponge
K: Because, look
S: wwwww
K: Shall I remove them one by one? ONnnnne, Twooooo
S: Shall we begin?!
~in bloom~
K: I wanted to play one song here though...
S: OOooh? Will that be okay?
K: It's not allowed right?
S: Not allowed? eh? It's fine
K: We shall just go ahead with it huh?
S: Really?
K: I've got permission
S: Oh you have!
S: Eh? Which one will you play?
K: Which one do you want to play? I think it'll not be allowed but, is there one song that you want everyone to listen to?
S: Well~~ There's actually a lead track for my album this time, and the lyrics are winter-ish too
K: Well so everyone, next week, we MIGHT be able to... welll we will be able to play it with .....8....9% chance
S: Hahaha that's high! That's like as good as confirmed!
K: And we miiiight be able to talk about it with.... well 99% chance
S: That's super high, thank you
~About nicknames~
Q. Do you guys have nicknames that stuck?
S: Well, kaito kun, we talked about nicknames before right?
K: We did, i said i didn't like nicknames
S: Kaijin
K: AHhhhh, you just said it...
S: wwwww
K: You said it...I have to say something bad about you now
S: wwww no no no there's no such equivalent exchange. And about my nickname, do you remember what i said? Probably not right?
K: Piiman (green pepper)
S: OOH?! EHH?! Why do you remember it?
K: Coz it's you *__* HAHAHAHA
S: EHHHH sdkhskhfksdlfsdf this is crazy really
K: Hahahhaa
S: No no no, i've ran out of oxygen
K: Hahahhaa i'm also tired
S: That's amazing !
K: Yea it just came to mind
S: That was shocking, i mean like i'm sure no one remembered..... OHhh you remember wwww
K: Ahhhh, then they're on the same level as me probably
S: Amazing..... but yes, once we've become adults, we don't get called by nicknames anymore
K: That's true, like, calling each other by our names has more impact right?
S: That's true
K: There are not many Soma sans... and there are more Kaitos recently but, it's quite unique
S: Well.... Murase Ayumu san calls you Kaity alot right, is there anybody else who calls you that?
K: The first one who called me that was Nishiyama san
S: wwwww Kaity
K: He called me Kaitis
S: Kaitis (in koutarou voice), that's totally what he would say!! Koutarou wwwww
K: "Kaitis, you know.." all of a sudden, it was not because of a show or anything, the day before of some event, ah it was the day before "Get up Get live", he started calling me Kaitis
S: Ahhh
K: Kaits? I thought
S: Wwww
K: Well i was happy so i thought that's fine, but when we went on stage, he called me "kaito kun"
S: wwww He closed the distance and widened it again
K: And then Murase Ayumu started calling me Kaity behind my back
S: Stop with with the behind the back thing
K: Coz he calls me "kaito kun" on programmes
K: That's why i call him Murase san too
S: wwww
K: Come on, don't call me nicknames behind my back!
S: Yes, we'd like them to call us that nickname in front of us
K: It turns my mental state upside down you know, like *sigh* irritates me, ahhaa
S: You give up in the end. Well nicknames right?
K: What do you want to be called?
S: Well, my name, maybe something unrelated to my name?
K: Piiman then
S: That piiman thing came from Soma piiman which became Sosama piiman, that's why. I say this but it doesn't make sense. And i won't approve it though! The me back then won't
S: If juniors call your name, would "kaito san" be more preferrable?
K: Ahhh
S: Than Ishikawa san. I would be more happy if they call me Soma san
K: Well I would be glad but there are not many who call me kaito san in the first place
S: ......Well moving on!
K: My seniors call me Kaito san though
S: wwww
K: Well when i ask them why they said, "well, nah, you know, you are older than me so"
S: wwwww stop it!
K: "Please let me call you kaito san!"
S: That gets messy
K: That guy, Tasuku kun
K: When will he.... the unfair part about it is that he calls Yoshiki san who is a little more senior that I am, "Yoshiki"
S: That makes you feel a little sad right?
K: So, what? you hate me?
S: Exactly that, that
K: When i asked him that, he was like, "no no it's not like that, kaito san, you have this, p p presence"
S: Hahahahaa
K: "I'm telling you!" hahaha
S: That happens right....
K: Even though i'm older than he is i have fewer years of experience
S: yeahhh
K: So i keep asking him why
S: Yesss, I would like Tasuku kun to talk to me in the casual form and call me by my name, and Taku as well! Taku talks to be in casual form but calls me Soma san
K: Ehhh? Is that so?
S: Yes Yes Yes
K: Ah Oh Ah, then, i'm sorry hahaha
S: Well not that I MIND it
K: Because, "kun" is not right, right?
S: Eh?
K: I call you Soma san too, and talk to you in casual form
S: But ... you know... I got used to it..kaito kun is you see..I...speak... i'm like trying to analyse here but, you said that you don't like to call me "soma kun"
K: I don't like it, and i did that once during a programme
S: Like slipped it in
K: Although you realised
S: I just accepted it. But for kaito kun, it's settled, but for Taku and Tasuku i feel sad
K: True, Yashiro kun.... keeps his distance i think
S: wwww
K: Shall we get him on the show again
S: Call... yes let's!
K: And properly ask him about it
S: Like recently when i had a job with Taku, when i said "really thanks for that time on dameraji" and he was like, "ahhhh" He had a really hard time apparently
K: Oh is that so?
S: We should get him on a normal episode where he can relax and have a relaxing chat
K: Get him on the show and ask, "Why do you call me soma SAN?"
S: No no no no, wwwww
K: WHY? you speak casually to me though? why do you call me soma SAN?
S: He'll just be, "Because..."
K: "Because, kaito kun does it too right?" Then we'll start this convo again
~Dameraji photo studio~
Theme: normal shot
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damejanai · 4 years
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S: This is just something I’m reporting to you but
K: uh huh
S: Just now I had another job
K: Ok ok
S: And it ended, and I was walking to Bunka Broadcasting with my manager. And I mention on this radio show that I always see feathers a lot
K: Uh huh
S: Then, amazingly, usually I see feathers on the ground, like in my room or something
K: Yes
S: But, it came falling from the sky, falling down and down, and this time, I had photo evidence!
K: Good job!
S: Not really a video but
K: Well the only ones who can film something so quickly are YouTubers
S: Look!
K: Ah! It’s a nice one
S: It’s like mainly white with some black
K: Probably a bull-headed shrike or something
S: And so, I searched up the colour of the feather and this one…The previous time I saw a feather it was grey
K: Uh huh, probably a pigeon or something
S: Twice, yes yes, ahaha stop concluding what bird it is
K: Hahahaa
S: So, for white feathers, it means *breathes in *
K: Ah you searched the meaning of it, not the type of bird
S: No not.. hahaha, is it that easy to tell what kind of bird is it?
K: Hmmm well…white and black huh… that’s not usually seen in the city
S: Right? I’ve not really seen it before. So, um, white feather means… ah, there’s no reception in here
K: Yes, there’s no reception in here so, you have to open the page before coming in
S: No, I had it open, but it…. loaded further..
K: Ah… then you have to take a screenshot
S: Damn, but well it’s something good, like you’re protected by something good
K: Ohh
S: It means like, you’re okay the way it is. My previous job was something that burnt a lot of calories, I really worked hard
K: I see
S: I talked a lot for like 4 hours. And when I was thinking, ahhh, I am so tired, I used up all my energy, this feather came down from the sky
K: The symbol of happiness
S: Well , um, I guess the gods are telling me that it’s okay
K: Uh huh, but there’s black in it too, is that okay?
S: And black means, super good luck
K: Ehh surprisingly?
S: Black is good too
K: I seeeee
S: And what I like about the explanation is that it says, “gives you a mysterious power to cut through darkness”
K: Whoa amazing
S: Ahahaha
K: It’s like you’re a hero
S: Yeah so, I’m the protagonist
K: Will you be reincarnated
S: While living? Ahhh, my time has come
K: There’s those like, the irregular at school blah blah show
S: You’re combining everything huh
K: You’re like the model student
S: Ahh well well true, if I was to be a genius or prodigy I’m more like a prodigy
K: Well yea, and with power from god and hard work, you gained a cheater ability
S: My manager was totally disgusted
K: Hahahhaa
S: It’s weird isn’t it? Just walking along and then, it’s not normal for feathers to come gliding down
K: Uh huh uh huh
S: And I silently take out my phone and snap a photo. My manager said, “what was it?” and I replied, “this happens to be a lot”
K: Ahhaha not disgusted, more like afraid
S: I was asked whether I sleep well recently
K: Hahahaha, I’m sorry but no
K: But my hair has turned into autumn leaves
S: Yess
K: I cut it again too
S: Well, I think it suits you really well
K: Reeeeaally?  (^^)
S and K: Ahahaha
S: What an interesting person you are. Well, I think you showed your hair for the first time, on a programme, and I watched that programme too
K: Well thanks for looking out for me
S: When I went to search it up, there were comments like, “Well Soma kun HAS to dye his hair blue now”. But it’s not like I said that or anything
K: Hahahhaa
S: But you know, I got permission from my agency for it. My agency and my musi label
K: Really?! Good job!
S: Well they said, “sure man”
K: Stop it! Although I said those stuff about it, the bleaching was super painful
S: It totally seems painful right. If you don’t bleach it enough the colour you dye won’t be seen right?
K: Yes yes. And after bleaching it, if you dye it red, it became super red, so after some adjustments, here and there, it became like this. The dye after the bleaching was also painful
S: Ahhh, well you haven’t really bleached your hair like that before
K: First time in my life
S: Right? But it became a really fashionable looking colour. Can I say something frankly? I thought red wouldn’t suit you but
K: Huh?!
S: But it totally suits you
K: Wait a minute
S: Well you know?
K: That’s terrible of you
S: You said you were only gonna dye it a little red right?
K: Uh huh
S: And I thought bright red wouldn’t be a little tricky for you, I ended up thinking like that
K: No no no no, the topic of discussion has changed drastically now, Soma san
S: Hehhehhee
K: Hey, it became like you didn’t think it would look good on me at all but in the end it was okay
S: No no no no
K: This guy is an enormous liar
S: Well, you know, that is, someone else’s life so I couldn’t
K: Well there are many types of lies, like white lies too
S: Yeah yeah yeah
K: That wasn’t a white lie at all
S: But! When I saw you on the programme I really thought it suited you! Didn’t I text you about it
K: Unexpectedly, you mean
S: No no no no, that thought has left a stain! Can you bleach it a little. Like you know, we don’t really text each other right?
K: Yeah, and I got a text, “the hair really suits you!”
K: But with my hair, I stand out too much, it puts pressure on people I walk past
S: Is… that… only because of your hair
K: Come on! I don’t stare people down while walking on the street
S: That would make you look quite crazy right
K: Well yea, because my hair stands out, probably people would think I’m some eccentric person, so I started wearing hats
S: Ahh true, you’re wearing one today
K: It makes my hair look brown due to the shadows
S: Ah! Totally! Wow. I can’t believe that the day came where I can talk about fashion with Kaito kun
K: I know right, like how many years has it been?
S: Yes, you deviated from fashion for a while right
Dameraji photo studio: Hair colour focused shots
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damejanai · 4 years
Dame janai radio
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~Ishikawa Kaito's birthday episode~
Guest: Nishiyama Koutaro
Soma: Ummm
Kaito: Yay! oops
S: wwwww
Koutaro: Did you hear that, Saito san?
S: Ummm, it's not time for that yet
Ko: I see i see, please wait a little will you?
S: Even if this is a radio show, there's also a programme to follow
Ko: Yes especially one for this episode
Ka: Got it got it
S: So after this we have several things to do
Ka: Got it, i didn't really understand
S: Umm, I heard your CD
Ko: Ahhhh, thank you!
S: The way the songs were inserted was also really great
Ko: Thank you
Ka: Hey that album looks like a different size from what I got
S: wwwwwwww
Ko: wwwwwww
S: You know I guess, mini albums are great
Ko: Yes yes yes
S: Like
Ko: It has 6 songs
S: It's not too few and not too many
Ko: Yes yes yes
S: Like you could have more songs but, it satisfies you too
Ko: That's true that's true that's true
S: Umm, Could I have an autograph?
Ko: Ah that yes, I actually wanted to sign it earlier
S: For reals?
Ko: But it wasn't the right time for it, when I passed it to you
S: That's true
Ko: Alright so, is now a good time? Pen?
S: Amazing! There's a pen!
Ko: Thank you!
S: As expected, amazing
Ko: Right?
S: Mikami san wwwww
Ko: Okay so
S: Could you right, "I like you"
Ko: "I like you", okay here!
S: Thank you! Shall we begin? This is Saito Soma's
Ko: And Nishiyama Koutaro's
S/ Ko: Dame janai radio!
S: Happy birthday!!
Ko: Thank you!!
S: Shall we?
Ko: No way! For reals?
S: Alright and so it's Nishiyama Koutaro's birthday!!
Ko: Wow! thank you! I really didn't expect this
S: This (shirt) goes really well with corduroy pants
Ko: Really? Can i open it?
S: Yes yes please do
Ko: Right away, wow wow wow! It's a shirt i think? a top. Ahhh, it's so nice! From Cullni
S: From Cullni yes, a long sleeved one
Ko: A top, a white one, i shall wear it now
S: wwwww it might have some CITY feel, i thought
Ko: This would totally match
S: wwwww It really suits you! www
Ko: This is great isn't it? This is
S: It's nice!
Ko: Good for the coming season, I could put a jacket over too
S: The size is not too tight fitting
Ko: It's awesome!
S: I don't know, it just, fits you so well wwww
Ko: Nah you have good taste
S: Wow i think it's good to end the radio for today here
Ko: Right? It was really really a good one, thank you
S: Happy birthday
Ko: I think there is, a guest whose birthday is today, and is debuting as a musician
S: Ah, I think i heard about that too
Ko: That's somewhat similar to me
S: That's true. So we don't know what kind of person is (he) yet but, (he) is already here so
K: Let's begin shall we, please continue listening to "Saito Soma and Nishiyama Koutaro's Damejanai radio"
Ko: Let's welcome the guest for today then, it is this person!
Ka: (In a debuted musician's voice) Good evening everyone! I am Ishikawa Kaito. I am very very very pleased to be invited here this evening
S: Ah, so Ishikawa Kaito san, am i right?
Ka: That's right
S: Your birthday was just around the corner am i right
Ka: That's right, it's one day before the on air date of this radio if i'm not wrong, not JUST around the corner
S: Ohhh! A very happy birthday to you! Is is true that no matter how old you become, you'll still be glad?
Ka: Ahhh yes it is. I guess as you grow older year by year, your songs get more deep. That's a good thing
Ko: Ohhhh I see! What did you do? On your birthday itself (It was the very day they were recording this)
Ka: Ahh, on the day itself, I was spending it with my listeners
Ko: Ahhh, you really think for your fans huh
Ka: Well it's because of our fans that we musicians are here
Ko: Ummm, yes, sorry, there's some stuff I do not know but, I would like to hear about your album in more detail. What kind of songs will you be releasing?
Ka: Ah right, in detail. Personally, I don't think the artist is supposed to be explaining about his own music in detail
Ko: Ahhhh I see, so Ishikawa Kaito just equals music, that sort of thing is it?
Ka: It's just what I can deliver to you guys
S: wwwwwww ummmm
Ko: wwwwww
S: For example, the music that you will be releasing soon, could you give us title of a song?
Ka: Soon? title?
S: Yes yes
Ka: Ahhhh, well today I am here to promote it as well so
Ko: Please tell us more
S: Could you tell us
Ka: Ah well, there is not much I can say but
S: wwwwww
Ka: But I'll answer your questions if you have any
S: Okay we will ask as we go along
Ka: Sure sure
S: By the way, Nishiyama Koutarou has released his debut mini album, "CITY", on October 7th, and in his album, he has sung songs from genres that he likes
Ka: Ahh, it's a great CD yes
S: What sort of music do you listen to, Ishikawa san?
Ka: .....
S: wwwwww
Ka: It's that... I listen to
S: Yes?
Ka: I actually like anime, and manga
S/Ko: Uh huh
Ka: Among those Otaku culture, i actually like voice actors
S/Ko: Oooooooooooh
Ka: That's also why I am here on this program
S: Yes yes yes
Ka: The one i listen to often is Uchida Yuma i guess
S: wwww
Ko: Ahhh i see
S: Ahhhh, yes he is quite close to us in terms of age and we're quite good friends with him too
Ka: Also there's the artist Saito Soma too, well i guess i listen to him
S: You guess you listen...
Ko: Ah i seeee
S: So you sort of listen
Ko: Could you give us one more?
S: Yes
Ka: Well speaking about recent releases, Nishiyama Koutaro's album, that was released around last week, the songs in there are splendid
Ko: Is that so?!
S: You're really updated huh!
Ko: Really updated!
Ka: Of course I am
Ko: So you have been listening to it
Ka: I guess for things you love, speed is important
S: Which song did you like? (laughs)
Ka: Which song?
S: Yesss
Ka: Which song?
Ko: He has a really bad expressions now
S: wwwwww
Ka: Welllllll, for that CD, there are songs that suit different times of the day
S: Yes
Ka: Out of those songs, the morning song is nice
Ko: Ahhhh okayyy
S: Okayy
Ka: I... don't remember the title
Ko: You already got your message across quite well
Ka: Soto wa hikari ga odotte iru, this is a good song
S: The song name
Ko: I'm glad you like it!
Ka: You know when we leave the house for work, it's morning
Ko: Yes
Ka: So i'll listen to it alot
Ko: Ahhh, so for Ishikawa san, you listen to songs in the morning to wake yourself up. So, among the songs you have released, there are also morning songs right?
Ka: Ahhhh, of course
Ko: What song was it?
Ka: With morning as the theme, it's that, "Tenshou Dynamite” (his character song from Dame x Prince)
S: wwww!!!
Ko: First thing in the morning! Dynamite!
Ka: Like going hunting and stuff
Ko: First thing in the morning!?
S: They're such mornings too right?
Ka: To pump it up and be on the move! sort of, That is a good song
Ko: You like those huh..
S: Thank you very much
Ko: There is something i would like to ask Ishikawa san
Ka: Ohhh what is it?
Ko: I don't have much experience performing live, do you have any secrets?
S: That's true....
Ka: Well, you know, it's good to have a catchy song that the audience get get hyped up on
S: That's true~~
Ka: That would make a lot of difference, after all everyone comes together to make the live experience better
Ko: What's the best song to hype up the audience?
Ka: Ummmm, one of mine you mean?
Ko: Yes
Ka: Well, yes, "Tenshou Dynamite"
Ko: Alright that's all the time we have for now
S: Ahh yes that's right
Ka: Before that, let me give you some advice
Ko: Yes
Ka: Your Chikipu, is really awesome
Ko: Ahhh thank you! I'm so glad to hear that!
S : Yeahh~
Ka: That's a word that really sticks
Ko: Thank you very much
Ka: If any Nishiyama Koutarou fans are listening now, please remember this and get hyped up during the concert
S: Wowww
Ko: Thank you! Lastly a word from Ishikawa Kaito san
Ka: I have a Youtube channel, so please subscribe and give it a like!
S: Well you know, this artist is quite quick to ride on trends...So lastly, could we get Ishikawa san to introduce the next song?
K: Hey
S: Huh?
K: Can't you tell from where this convo is going?
Ko: Huh?
S: Huh? Yuuzo? (Kaito's character from the Omikuji Yon Kyoudai reading live)
Ko: From Omikuji Yon Kyoudai?
S: Wwwwwww
K: You guys don't get it huh? I don't have any song! no matter how you try to put it
Ko: You mentioned "Tenshou Dynamite"
Ka: That is someone else's song! I just randomly introduced it as my own
Ko: Ahh... I see
Ka: I don't have music artist activities at all much
Ko: Then shall we play one of my songs ?
S: Shall we do that?
Ka: Can't help it then
S: So could you please do the honours?
Ka: Well, well well well well well, here's "Time Machine" by Nishiyama Koutaro
S: wwwwwww
Ko: And that was today's guest, Ishikawa Kaito!
S/Ko: Thank you!
Ka: I'll never come on this show again! hahhaha
Presents for Kaito~
*Soma gives Kaito his present*
K: Let's see... ah it's a blouse jacket! I'm really glad to receive this hahaa
S: Yayy!
K: I was just looking for something that would fit me just nice!
S: Yes yes yes something that would nicely fit
K: It does fit nicely!
S: I bought it to fit you just nice according to your current slimmed down build now
Ko: Amazing
Ka: It totally fits nicely, the sleeves too, oh wow
S: wow
Ka: Do you have a life sized figure of me at your house or something?
S: wwww
Ko: Right... it's like that huh
S: Hey stop telling lies that make it sound like I like you or something
K: Huh? That goes the same for you!
S/Ko: Hahahaha!!
Ko: You guys are really...
*Koutaro gives Kaito his present*
Ko: I got something that you can wear too
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damejanai · 4 years
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S:Probably, when this episode goes on air, it won't be the case anymore but
K: Uh huh
S: But recently, I've had quite many spiritual experiences recently
K: Oh i was scared right there
S: ?
K: I thought you were quitting or something
S: No no no no, why would i do something like that?
K: That scared me, thought you were going to say, 'when this goes on air, i won't be here anymore'
S: Hhahahaha that blew up
K: I was so shocked
S: That's funny, but you know, I often say I see feathers, right? I still see them now and then, but recently, I'm not kidding, crickets keep coming to me. When i'm watching TV at night... well I'm not watching TV but
K: What are you talking about?
S: You know like, my TV is like...that...
K: You are just watching the screen
S: Ah yesyes, that's scary! It's like I'm a psychopath or something!
K: So Soma san you were just watching screen when..
S: When I watch movies at night, there would be the tapping sound on my window, there would be nothing, and after a while i would hear it again.
K: Uh huh
S: And when i open the window, the crickets would be like, 'Let me in!'
K: That's so dramatic
S: I think there is a huge tree near my window, and so there would be tons of them there growing.
K: Ahhh, they would fall nicely at a 45 degree angle
S: And it's easy for them to come in but not go out. I realised that recently, they are not really coming anymore. I was wondering why, and it has been hot recently, so I've not been going into the veranda much. When I went out, I realised that the tree, wasnt there
K: Ehhhhh!??
S: It was totally trimmed, I guess there were tons of complaints coming from other residents about crickets coming into their houses too
K: Would they trim it because of complaints?!
S: It has a very clean haircut now.
K: I don't know if I should probe into it this much but is that tree within the estate?
S: Yes yes , it is, so it comes under their management. And actually I dont miss them at all and, i feel lucky in fact
K: And also it's nothing spiritual at all, just that the bugs are gone
S: Ahahahahaa
~About year end times and visiting their parents'~
S: It's hard for me to move around, like my hometown is in Yamanashi
K: Actually my parents home was in tokyo but they have moved to kanagawa actually, so they're like telling me, not to come back
S: Ahahahaa
K: And they got a cat, when I'm allergic to cats. And also since they're in Kanagawa, they might have some resistance to come to Tokyo. So, I can't go back!
S: Are you in contact with them?
K: Ahhh well yes
S: So that was when they told you that, they were getting a cat and stuff, and therefore
K: Telling me not to come back
S: I don't think that's what they think wwww
It's a tough time huh
K: Yes it's a tough family situation
S: Ahahahaaa what's that
K: Why are they going further away though...
S: I actually talked on the phone for 2 hours with my parents, after a long time, they seemed really happy i think. After that I think i heard from my sister that my parents told her about how i called them
K: Ahh
S: I'm usually the kind that doesnt contact people. So i guess this situation sort of makes us try to keep in contact. So not all's bad
K: I see, when i go back home, I'm like doing a radio show alone for 2 hours
S: Ahahahaaha
K: When i go home, I talk non stop, for like 1 hour and we laugh and laugh and then I'll be, 'Okay, I'm off'
S: Ahahahaa you're providing them one slot of entertainment
K: I'd be like, 'wasn't it fun?' , 'bye bye'
S: Does your style of talking take after any of your family members?
K: Nope
S: Ah
K: Totally no one. I'm the only one who talks this much
S: Ah, so they're rather quiet, all of them
K: My dad would talk when he's excited but is usually the listener. I don't really understand what my mum says at all
S: wwwww what does that mean?
K: Maybe we're similar?
S: Ahahahhaa
K: My younger sister doesn't ever come out of her room
S: Stop that
K: My elder brother keeps bullying others
S: wwwwww ok but
K: Maybe it's a hybrid, I'm all of those things at times
S: Well but you're nice on the inside
K: Yes I am! So is my family! Hahahaha
S: Haahahha
Q. There are not many events nowadays but it seems like there are many recordings and filmings these days?
K: No?
S: wwwww well in general for voice actors, probably all the recordings that were halted have resumed  maybe
K: By recording, what kind of recording do you mean?
S: wwwww what do you mean by what kind?
K: Well there's after recording
S: Ah ah ah, Ok then count it in
K: Ah, okat then Yes, it has increased
S: Ahahahaa
K: Yes, it's great. I don't really have recording for like songs
S: I think ive gotten more reading jobs nowadays, and I've always said i liked reading, but i had one where i had to read out everything myself, it was, really difficult
K: I guess you have to create and ups and downs right, that's tough right
S: And i think, it's not too good if you create too many ups and downs
K: Ahhh, it's difficult to decide when to hold back
S: Yesyesyes. And usually i would read books for leisure and books for work differently.
K: I see
S: And recently I end up thinking a lot when reading, like how should I make it more interesting
K: Ahhh that doesn't sound fun
S: Totally
K: When I have fun doing YouTube, versus when I use some editing methods because I feel it's good for my videos
S: And it goes on for hours, well it happens for radio as well, like 3-4 hours, to be immersed in one story for rhat long, we don't have it that much
K: Uh huh
S: Like... i want to improve my concentrating ability
K: Ahhh that...
S: Well....Kaito kun are there any types of jobs that you have more now
K: Not really... anything... it has been the same
S: So it has really gotten back to normal
K: Yes. I think I've had more free talk sort of gigs now
S: wwwwww
K: So, what do they see me as?
S: Well but you know you are able to do freetalk for 2 hours at your parent's house
K: No no no but well the freetalk at do at my parent's house goes like, 'this and this happened at work, haha, my partner for radio is this sort of person, he's really irritating
S: Wait wait, stop stop, can i rewind?
K: Ok ok ok, so like what i say at my parent's house goes like, 'my partner for radio is really irritating' something like that
S: wwwwwww
K: Hahahaha, just a little
S: You simplified it huh, from just now
K: I don't even remember what i said
S: But Kaito kun is someone who can just talk about something interesting when the time needs to be dragged a little
K: Really?
S: Isn't that so?
K: Freetalk is like... if there's nothing interesting that happened in your daily life, there's nothing to talk about so
S: Yes, that's true
K: So, i only say what comes to mind at that point
S: Yeah yeah
K: So, sometimes i read comments like, 'Kaito kun said this and this some time ago but now he's saying this and this'
S: Uh huh
K: But what i say is different at different times. So, recently I felt the need to accumulate things to talk about
S: Yes, that's also what you thought of due to this increase in free talk related gigs
K: Yes yes
S: And so you're actually
K: I wanted to note down stuff so, use my secret twitter account that I use for ego searching
S: Wait wait, why, why? Just use a notebook or something
K: Well but, I feel like tweeting them
S: Ahahahhaaa I don't get it! Your ego searching account
K: It has 0 followers, is unlocked, and has no interaction with anyone
S: I see I see
K: And I would tweet photos of my animal crossing game for my own keepsake
S: Ahahahaha huh? That's kinda scary
K: So I'm using it in place of a notebook now. My recent note was 'Human nails degenerate too fast, don't they?' They break all the time and it's painful and bloody', and I don't even remember what that was about
S: Oh my god
K: Scary right?
S: Totally scary, Posting animal crossing photos and leading to this is also scary. What's that about human nails?!
K: The fact that it's scary... already becomes a topic
S: I see I see, you noting down things and don't remember anything about it
K: And the fact that the first tweet was something really scary
S: Ahahahhaahaa
K: Hahahaa
S: But it's an account you would like to keep lowkey
K: If it gets circulated due to a bug or something that would be real bad
S: Please be careful!
~ Dame raji photo studio ~
Topic: Please express your favourite 4 word idiom with your body as much as you can 
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damejanai · 4 years
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Dame raji 
K: Ahhh ....nobody noticed at all huh... S: !! Ahhh K: Right? S: I'll go ahead and say it okay? K: Alright S: You dyed your hair K: Yes! S: Wahhhhh K: There's a reason for this S: Reason? 
K: I've mentioned it here and there about Ive been watching "tokai on air (youtube channel)' S: Uh huh K: My favorite members from there are shibayu and tetsuya S: I see K: Their hairstyles are really striking S: I see I see K: One has orange hair and one is blonde,  so I decided to go with red,  which is one of their theme colours, and went to the salon. I went to one that had a review saying 'they're good at doing mens casual hairstyles' S: wwwwww K: I dyed my hair there.. But I totally chickened out. S: Haha! K: Hahahaha S: Knowing how you wanted to dye it red, this is a little... K: I totally chickened out.  The stylist asked, "it's gonna be quite red, is it okay?" When I was asked, " is it okay?" , I couldn't say yes S: Ahahahhaaa, so did you bleach it? K: Yes I was at the part about whether to bleach it or not S: Ahahaha K: I chickened out from there. I asked if it could be red, without bleaching, they said it could be done ...and showed me the colour.. "Ahhh that's really red.... " I said.  And asked them if I could do it darker S: hahahaa K: It looked as good as brown but maybe the red can be seen...? So I told them to go with that.... Brown,  Hhahahaha S: Yeah,  if you didn't mention no one would have K: But if I walked in with red hair everyone would be shocked right? S: Very~ K: Righhhhht S: So did you ask your agency whether it was okay? K: Huh? Why S: You didn't ask? K: I didn't,  Well it's my own hair. So,  did any one realise ? See?  No! I specially said the word red a lot at our meeting just now.... S: Ahahahahahaa Well there's no way we can tell what you were thinking! S: I want to dye my hair blue! I've actually dyed my hair blue but it looked black. But it would look blue under the light. K: Like Yusa san S: Yeah I thought Yusa san looked really cool I wanted to do it too. Who here realised? K: Whoa amazing!   S: Yay!!!! K: Why didn't anyone notice mine?! S: Ahahahaha K: Well I know actually,  it's just not red. Let's retake our dameraji poster with me in red hair and soma san can dye your hair a little blue or something S: Ohhhh,  but I would like to try it K: If it's part of this programme it's easier to do it! I want someone to give me a push S: I see. You know I love the main character in persona 3, I want to dye my hair blue and let it grow long.  I wanna do it I wanna do it! K: That's good! S: I'll do it I'll do it K: How about it? Ehhh they said okay! But there's no okay from 81 produce S: Ahahhhaha K: There's sacra music too right? S: But I'd like to do it~~ K: It could be interesting .... Red huh.... S: You could make it a little redder K: You didn't realise? S: Well...  Umm...  It's brown !
--- ~Topic on video editing and software~ S: With music too,  when the number of stuff you can do increases,  you'd want to use less of it and go the traditional way.  Like going by chord theory,  after this chord,  usually this chord follows,  if you've grasped this concept,  the type of songs you can write broadens K: Oooooh S: Please continue to listen to me K: I'm listening S: Were you really listening? K: I was I was,  I'm just doing that while looking at the acrylic board S: hahahahaha,  you're like not looking me in the eye but looking at my reflection in the acrylic board K: No I'm looking at my own reflection S: Yourself! K: I was thinking about how brown it is hahahaha S: That's like what you always scold me about. Not to look at my phone when others are talking to me K: I was really listening!! S: And so.... I realised that with all these programs I start to lose flexibility. Like there are tons of stuff I can do with the programs nowadays,  but when I listen to my demos from years ago K: Uh huh S: Although the quality of those are really low,  I really felt like producing those songs K: Ahhhh. So like with the PC,  there's a limit to the things we can do on it S: True K: If it's for music,  you can put in the guitar sounds but there's definitely something limiting your creativity S: Totally K: The times when people were just composing on their own guitars was more free S: Ahahaha K: Told you I was listening?! S: Umm thank you! It just brings the image of Ishikawa san strumming the guitar,  like 'back in the day' kind if feeling.  Strumming the guitar in the sunset,  with red hair K: I played shitty songs... But we had the most freedom then. S: Ahahahaha K: Ahahahaha S: You're so convincing,  somehow K: I've not touched a guitar ever since I bought one in high school just to play "Fuwa fuwa time". It was impossible S: Yeahhh but it's true,  and songs in the past were more weird..  Like it wouldnt turn out like that normally.  Like I said that I added dissonance in the intro of my song "Petrichor", but it's not about that K: Uh... Huh? S: Ahahahaha K: What do you mean? S: What I mean is,  I've been listening to songs from long ago and thinking that they're really good,  but I'm also working hard on my songs now --- 
About the Summerholic!  MV S: We rented a house studio,  and they got ready ao many props for us,  like video games,  beach ball,  jenga. K: ooh ooh S: I had so much fun,  but because there were too many things and it was so fun, I toppled the Jenga blocks quite early on K: Uh,  that's purely,  clumsiness,  not that you had too much fun S: Ahhhhaa,  I sat on the sofa and played with the watermelon shaped beach ball and hit my right leg K: Ahahahaa you S: It crumbled like Jenga K: Ahhh that's like hard to put back together S: Yea they gave up putting the Jenga back K: Ahhh leaving it toppled is more indoor-like...  Leaving it messy ~ Dame raji photo studio ~ This time the photos were mainly focused on the hair,  so that the colour can be seen 
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damejanai · 4 years
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2020.08.12 S: I cried like shit recently....my heart was in pieces... K: Huh? What happened? S: After reading manga...it was so good, that it may be cry.. The one called 'Karakuri circus" K: Oh! S: it was the first time I read something by Fujita Kazuhiro, and it was so good, I finished it in two days, while crying K: Wow that's many volumes! S: 43 volumes... ... Recently my tabs are all related to 'Karakuri Circus' K: Ahhh, please, watch the anime too S: Yea and then I found out, Ishikawa san is in it! K: Yes S: You're in it, and it's a good role too K: Well well yeah I didn't have much air time but S: Ahhhh you know, I kept rereading the best lines from this work K: Uh huh, and hey, can I brag about something? Can I? I'm gonna do it S: Huh? You brightened up suddenly K: Hahahhaha, Manga artist Fujita Kazuhiro S: !!! K: Drew my character S: !!! K: and signed it for me S: Really?!?!?! K: I have it displayed S: That's awesomeeeee K: I've bragged S: I'm gonna cry K: Hahahhaha --- ~Summerholic! ~ S: Oh, " Saito san, it's almost time for your next single to be released on streaming.' huh? K: Oh! S: Yes, my next single will be released on 19th August, 'Summerholic!' K: That's next week! S: Eh? It's it okay for me to be the Artist Saito Soma? K: Ahhhhhh.... Well well yea K: Ahhhh that's quick eh? Since 'kagome kagome' (referring to the last part of Petrichor) S: Ahahhaa right, kagome kagome. For the jacket of this single, it was a photo during evening of a dimly lit room. If you watch the MV you'll understand K: You'll be releasing an MV too huh S: Yes, ahaha the MV will be something unlike anything I've done so far K: Really? Like what? S: If I had to say one thing about it, it might not the cool type of MV, it's those funny type. Hahaa I don't know if I can say this K: The songs that Soma san write aren't those funny ones right? S: the song is a upbeat band song, but the MV is like... 'Huh?' kind of K: Huh what what? You're raising my expectations S: Hahahahaha K: Will you be cosplaying? S: Hahaha, well it's in that direction K: Really? Tarzan would be good S: That's totally.... Quite holic-ish huh, totally enjoying the summer K: Summer-ish too, won't the tropical jungle vibe be good? S: Well like the title, it shows one enjoying summer in a certain way K: What... Are you going to do a cosplay of your past self? S: No no, what do you mean? That's a noo K: Will you be that tanned surfer dude? kind of summer S: With the M shaped bangs? K: Ahhhhh that would be exciting! S: That's why I grew my hair out? wwww --- ~Manga~ Q. I like romance comedies but one type I don't like are sibling romance kind of manga, because I have a younger brother who is 2 years younger than I am, and that's an age difference that appears in most sibling romance. Also he calls me 'oi' or 'omae' in front of others but calls me 'Yui chan' when we're at home. Please tell us your perfect type of siblings! S: That's cute~~~I'm okay with reading sibling ones but I don't have much heart fluttering instances K: Umm, there's a method to read them S: hhahahahaa K: You constantly doubt if they're related by blood S: Ahhhh K: As long as they're not blood related, it's still within my threshold. I have a sister 4 years younger than I am, so it's weird.. S: Ahhhh K: Wait, but I was okay with Oreimo though S: It was okay huh! K: Huh I wonder why... It's because it's Nakamura san! S: What kind of logic is that! --- ~Soma started buying manga online~ S: Ooh what's that about....i'll buy it....ah, i bought volume 13 by mistake K: Then you'll have to get the other 12 S: Ahhhhhh......oh well, i shall buy them S: Recently, dameraji has become like this... K: Just Otakus, welcome! To the undergound!! --- ~Kanji~ Q. Do you like kanji? K: Um well, I shan't talk about whether I like it or not.. I'm bad at it.. S: Ohhhh K: Because I can't read them, I, can't really read a lot of kanji S: Ahh is that so? K: After living with namikawa San, erm, living...em living sounds weird S: Hahahahaha, there were many weird things about what you just said K: I mean, I do a program with him.. S: Yes I see K: And when he asks me how to read a kanji,  I'd be like... 'I don't know',  and we'll check it together S: Ahhhh I seee,  like sometimes even though we may know the meaning by looking at the context,  and sometimes we miss it when were checking our scripts...and when we reach that part during the recording well be like,  huh? K: Totally happens~ and also for Smart News,  there's a section on 'difficult-to-read-kanji' and I'll always read it S: Yes yes,  that's convenient right? K: Totally convenient ~Dameraji Photo Studio~ K: Since they brought us the Number 24 karaoke collaboration drinks here for us shall we pose with them? S: Alright~
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damejanai · 4 years
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K: I like being alone right?
S: Yeah
K: But I'm, lonely
S: wwwwwwww
K: Do you get it? We still meet people but in small groups so, I meet the same few people a lot but.. We don't meet many people right?
S: Yeah
K: I'm okay but, I'm not okay
S: What's that, like 'it's a dream but not a dream'
K: hahhaaa
S: You get more and more lonely huh?
K: Yeah when I meet people, I become really happy you know? Hahaahaa
I can't give others a lift in nt car either since it's an enclosed space, I can't open the window but not when it's raining. I only have that short moment with people
S: You just wanted to mention that word, 'short moment' . So you are actually a people person huh?
K: Yea I'm interested in people but not too in depth
S: Ahh so the short periods in between recordings are perfect
K: Yeah it was great for me, and so fun
S: You did a really good crying voice
K: Ahh. Huh really?
S: Shall we begin?
They talked about how recordings are changing now with the new situation. They talked about acting, and how they have been always absorbing acting skills by observing seniors, and then they would act in reaction to that. Now there might be instances where they would have to record without certain actors due to scheduling, nd would have to do the scene alone without their 'partner' actors.
The type of anime might change as well, to smaller groups of characters, and thinking in the positive way, lots of potential lies ahead.
Q.When was the last time you had a fall?
S: I think I fall quite a lot
K: Me too. Eh, how big are your falls like
S: I mean, isn't it like, oops oops, slightly slipping kind of falls, not like 'Woahhh!!"
K: .....eh?
S: Huh-uh? Huh-uh?
K: hahahhaa
S: Huh so you, have big falls?
K: It was the rainy season right?
S: Ahhhh that?
K: It was super wet
S: Ahhh it's slippery right?
K: Yes... I hit my butt. The car park was those mechanical type so it was metal. It's slippery, it was so painful!
S: Oh, which part?
K: Did you just say, which part?
S: Which part of your butt?
K: The right side, so that's like even more painful right?
K: Hahahaha whatever whatever, well the right side, okay. Okay this conversation was heading in the wrong direction
K: This conversation totally slipped
S: Ahahahaa you're good!
They also played SolidS's version of "Dear Dreamer"!
~Dameraji photo studio~
Theme: Please act out a LINE sticker that you use a lot, with your whole body
Download the episode here!
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damejanai · 4 years
S: Today...
K: Ou
S: I was at the same job as kaito kun before this, which was unusual
K: Mmm
S: This is a continuation from what we were talking about just now but...
K: Mmm
S: I went to rewatch Dame x Prince
K: Oh!
S: Well... that show was crazy in a good way
K: Totally unthinkable right
S: You know, totally, i wanted to watch some comedies, and, i don't really rewatch the ones i was casted in but totally you know... episode 1..Nareku, who is voiced by Kaito kun
K: Mmm
S: Started doing ad-libs all the way
K: Right?
S: Hngh! Hngh! Hngh! Aannn! uuun!
K: That's totally un actor-like
S: You just went ahead and did it right? *laughs*
K: Hahahaa
S: Nobody asked for...
K: Since he was moving so much, as an actor, that's totally a sign for me to do something right?
S: Totally.. well, i, you know, I hope you take my words seriously but, Nareku was so funny
K: Right?
S: Hahahhaha, so pure!!
K: Hahhaa, well it's not only me who created Nareku
S: Well well yes, it was totally, i want to do it again, with that team
K: Well but it won't have a second season, probably
S: Don't say that!
K: No but! those who have watched it would understand, the story had closure
S: That's true
K: The princes also matured. Amongst the comedy, the princes had growth
S: True...
K: Are we able to... return to that? Hahahahaa
S: I.....will i be able to do Ryuze?
K: ....Ehhh you can!
S: well.....nanodesu (high pitched)
K: You did it!
Script: The streets are slowly beginning to look like Christmas eh?
K: Roppongi, or rather Keyakizaka? That area is totally..
S: *giggling*
K: Ah!!
S: Stop it! Stop it! I have recalled it!
K: I remember now!
S: For the details, please refer to... it's already in the archives? no?
K: But it was like from last year end, or the beginning of this year
S: Those who are able to listen please do...I too was... two men alone...what are you looking at? stop it stop it
K: It's still flashing...
S: Stop it! seriously... come on..
K: It was from then on right?
S: Stop it stop it, Recently you know... this is not good! like... i think this was my fault but... what was it about "from then on"
K: From then on, we began, right?
S: AHHHHH! WAhhhhh!! Ever since you started YouTube, you unlocked that kind of thing
K: AHahhahaa no no, what began was that I started driving Soma s-..... *giggle*
S: Hahahahahaa Oi! You don't have to do year-end tax adjustment for that too!
K: Oops, nothing's.. different
S: You know... I.... stop it? While doing Dameraji, the way we do radio has changed also?
K: Uh-huh
S: So, over there, when we spill our hearts out.. it has.. the buddy relationship has deep---*giggle*
K: I wonder why.... we... everyone has been saying that about us from the beginning..
S: Well well yeah
K: We being a pair, well regarding that, there was also a time when it was toned down...
S: There was, totally
K: Me especially
S: Well well, because of that, it became like, we should distance ourselves more.. right?
K: Stopped going for drinks, and stuff, well in times like these, more so, but it started even before this happened
S: Yes yes
K: I want to have a drink now! (together)
S: Me too, totally, shall we? Like before the year ends.. For Christmas?
K: Shall we? HAHAHA
S: Wahhhh, like, we are craving something
K: Craving.... no, we want to throw something away i think
S: Hahaha
K: This is bad, Okay! So the business talk shall end here
S: Hahahaha
S: * Talking a bout how the space FC is 440yen per month*
K: Wait a minute, is that price okay for you?
S: We thought about it over and over
K: That's unacceptable! come on! That many services and that price... makes my membership quality seem lower
S: Don't cut in before i'm done with this email, geez
K: But anyway, your FC is finally starting
S: Until now, i've done one concert, so from now on, if i am going to have concerts, or release CDs, we'd like to give fanclub members priority, and we also wanted somewhere to communicate with fans, so decided on the name, "space".
It's the pace of S
K: Oh, "space" doesn't mean that there is a space in between huh
S: No no no, the name of the FC is "space". When I/we thought of it, i realised that it could have different meanings. Like Soma Saito's space, or a space for everyone, or outer space
K: Space right?
S: So decided on this name, it would be great if it is a space created by everyone
K: Nice~
S: But it is still in the works... we will be trying different things so the contents might be changing. I felt that this one song a day recommendation, is quite amazing
K: Yea it is amazing totally, what's recommend?
S: *giggles* Um, like a song a day depending on my mood, or a book, everyday
K: Are you serious?! Crazy
S: This is totally....Well to make it a place where you would want to visit everyday
K: Wow... amazing! amazing! Wait wait can you list out the services you're providing again
S: Mail magazine, one recommendation a day, one person radio with video, and also, bonuses
K: Well, and also you're going to think of new things from now
S: Yes
K:....... That overlaps with mine
S: Wwww well there's one email here too, Ishikawa kaito has started membership on his YouTube channel
K: And also actually I also have an FC ahahaha
S: Who would have thought, this is a coincidence right
K: Well you know, when i saw the news that Soma san was going to launch his fanclub, i was actually already in midst of creating mine but, i panicked, and panicked, i thought, oh no!
S: Hahahahaa
K: And posted a video quickly
S: So, like i've heard alot about how Kaito kun was going to have membership on his channel, right?
K: Umm
S: Then i said, ooh this would be good too right... and stuff, while behind the scenes, i was actually planning my FC
K: And also like, you know our services overlap too
S: Hahahaa, what will you be doing?
K: I will be holding live streams every month for members, well probably it'll be like 2-3 times per month
S: Amazing!
K: Livestreams where i just talk casually. And on YouTube "community", i will be writing stuff that happened, like a blog, and also after events or event streamings, i have done some already, i would quickly film my reflections/comments on the events and just upload them
S: Ahhh i guess well you have the chance to talk about those on radio sometimes but everyone would be interested to listen to Kaito kun's feelings about your events right?
K: Yes yes, so i thought, "recommendations huh?"
S: Well well well, that would be a total rip-off wouldn't it
K: Everyday...
S: But for me, it's contradicting but, i have a lot of jobs where i have to write now, but, i'm a poor writer
K: Ooooh
S: Like, i feel that it is hard to write
K: Well because you have too many options
S: Don't know if it's that but, i was thinking about whether i would be able to continue my blog properly. Well but if people were to be paying for the fanclub and the writings are not that good, that wouldn't be ideal so i thought, maybe i could recommend something different everyday
K: I'm so afraid now hahahaa
S: Ishikawa san's membership, is it a monthly payment?
K: Yes.. i wonder how much it was but, i made it really cheap
S: Ahhh
K: I searched up the services and prices of the memberships of other YouTubers, and made mine around the middle quality type of services, and the price low. I am not doing music as well, so the videos i upload might not be viewed as "highly priced" and that would feel horrible so
S: Ahhh, true...
K: And I manage the YouTube myself so, when i have guests over, i might need, outfits and stuff
S: Uh huh..
K: Or certain equipment.. like if we were to be playing games together, I would need to buy the game so... the membership fees would go to that
S: Wow... that's awesome~~ When... shall i go?
K: So, what shall we do?
S: Wwwwww what kind of ... what kind of reaction is that?
K: I thought of asking Soma san on the channel, well we did one story reading before
S: Yes
K: So i do want you to come but, i can't think of anything to do!
S: Come on come on, you're saying that there's nothing to do, in front of me?
K: Coz, we could just do it here
S: Ahh, we should differentiate it from this, things we can do that are not done on Dameraji
K: Yes, if it's the both of us, it'll inevitably be this
S: Hahhaaa, i wonder what...?
K: What, reminisce about "Zankyou no Terror"?
S: wwwww
K: Hahahhaa
S: "AAHHHHHH!! Remember, us" ah that's nine's line
K: Why are you snatching away my line
S: I was already shot before that
S: Dun dun dun, dun dundun!
K: Ahhh cries~ cries~, Those who have not watched "Zankyou no terror," please do!
S: And well i really want to go on your channel, and i've already told my agency about this
K: Really? Ahh but your manager was nodding just now
S: Yes so it's safe to say that, it's approved already
K: Oooooh, ok so next i'll think about, what we are going to be doing
S: Shoudn't it be opposte?
K: Yess
S: Let's discuss then
K: Let's discuss, we have an expert here too
S: Won't that be Dameraji then!
~Dameraji photo studio~
Topic: Take a photo where the two photos would look like they're part of one photo
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damejanai · 4 years
~Personality test app~
S: Recently I've been playing this game app
K: ??
S: What's with that reaction
K: game app?!?
S: Hey hey, what's wrong with that
S: There was one where you read and story and it will analyse your personality. You'll have to gather the pieces to get the story and
K: Ooh?
S: And (laughs) i played it, there were two rounds of personality analysis, the same analysis for different routes. So i input the same answers for both and... i got, "split, denial of pure occurrences, perversion in the past, unconscious consideration of impulse, philosopher, mental conflict
K: Whoaa that's totally you!
S: Haha! This is crazy isn't it?
K: They're accurate
S: And also, there was one where you write stuff, and they will pick up words you wrote and analyse, so i decided to try it. I don't know how much i can talk about this but, i used some of my essays that i didn't publish, something like diaries
K: Uh huh
S: I wrote those in, and then. It said, "Your conflict is a type of mental conflict where you cannot find your place
K: Ooooh
S: So in this app there's a person who listens to you, and he said, "Probably, the existence of "me" became a mirror for you and made you say those words. Are there a lot of times when you think about things too much, and become mentally unstable? If it becomes to difficult for you to handle, you should not only seek help in my world, but also seek help from experts in your world. Don't over exert yourself." I was thinking, what's wrong with my essay?
K: It means, it's very introverted right?
S: I sent in something that was very positive
K: Uh huh uh huh
S: Like a comedic essay kind of thing
K: Uh huh
S: I was like, "huh?"
K: It means like it was too fabricated
S: Ahh it had an opposite effect
K: If it was this positive...
S: hahaha too weird?
K: Doesn't come out unless you are trying to change your actual self that is in denial. It analysed that such person doesn't exist, i guess
S: Hahaha, well so if we have time later, i will tell you what
it is, i want ishikawa san to do the test too, on another day
K: I'm using this one called M gram
S: Ah yesyes, that sort of app
K: It like, tells me monthly, "your last analysis was 2 years ago" I'm not using it at all
S: Umm it might be nice to have an episode just about that right
K: Hahhaa
S: Like a "read into yourself" episode, i like that sort of thing you know, and do it from time to time, but that kind of analysis
K: Scary isn't it
S: No matter how many times i take the test it says "split"
K: It might be, what's that called, if I explain in PERSONA terms it'll be like Thanatos
S: Thanatos type or something...
K: So scary...
S: Oh true, the lyrics i write have a lot of that
K: True, not darkness but it makes you feel a little glum
S: But, but i want everyone to know that, this is just, a topic that is positive
K: And anyway, isn't it attractive to have some shadow over you
S: Yes yes yes, there's a part of me that feels that, that is something cool
K: Ahhh, saying it outright makes you totally uncool though
S: Hahahhaa
~Kaito doing a presentation about Soma~
S: I get cast for some sports anime sometimes, but it's usually those passing ones. Yamaguchi is one of the more special ones
K: That's true
S: Recently, I've not had roles like Yamaguchi, those that are cool because they are quiet but hardworking, so that was quite a good experience
K: Those are the ones that really get you into it though?
S: Yes yes, even playing the character myself, it makes you emotional
K: Uh huh
S: It's the sort that I, Saito Soma, can identify with most. But most of the time (laughs) I usually get characters that have 2 sides
K: That's true
S: And those that pick fights with others, and smug characters
K: Those too, and intelligent characters and such, smart ones
S: I might have quite a few mystery solving ones
K: If i were to do a presentation of Saito Soma to all those with casting privileges
S: Yes?
K: His real charm is, his shouting
S: Ohhhh?
K: Um
S: Really?
K: To him personally, shouting may put a great burden on his voice, and if it would be tough if he did too much of that
S: Well well well
K: But from a by standers' point of view, it has this sound pressure, this desperation
S: Ehhhhh
K: So, he would be totally fitting for roles, like Yamaguchi in Haiykuu, in Haikyuu, at the fighting scene. If you don't have that sound pressure you can't produce that kind of sound
S: Hooooo
K: And that distance, very close to Tsukki, that minute tweaking of that pressure from that distance, is not something that can be easily done. So of course, he has the image of an intelligent person, or mysterious person, but the roles most suited for him are those where the character is very fired up
S: Whoaa thank you....
K: And that was my presentation
S: Wait a minute
K: Hahahhaa That didn't have a great impact did it?
S: On the contrary, we reacted in an unexpected way
K: Hahaha
S: It really sank in
~Dameraji Photo Studio~
Topic: Nostalgic games
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damejanai · 4 years
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S: I started cooking in a new way, rice cooker cooking. I put chicken in between banana peels and put it in the rice cooker,  and the meat became so soft. It's like cooking with a pressure cookerK: Then won't the pressure cooker lose it's purpose? S: Errrr I guess so? K: You can cook rice in a pressure cooker tooS: recently I've been wanting to eat curry,  and I found a recipe that allows you to cook curry and rice cooker in the rice cookerS: Well but the flavours of the food stay in the rice cooker and K: Ahh then I won't do it,  I willS: use a pressure cooker? K: I will buy from ubereats S: Hahahaha,  I've never ordered from them before K: why? S: I'm scared.... I don't want to meet anyoneK: don't want to meet anyone?  Living in a dark world you are
The weather this year has been weirdK: The rainy season was so long,  and summer is sooooo hot S: Yeah I actually release my recent singles to show changing season,  but, it becomes inaccurate hahaha
Writer: Have you been riding your bike or car? K: Ahhhh I've been using my car, it's impossible to ride my bike during summerS: But it seems nice though K: What are you talking about? The bike engine is hot,  and the sun is hot tooS: Ahhhh you're sandwiched between them
K: I bought a gaming mouse even though I am not good at games, it's like 17000yen. S: I see I seeK: And like a pro gamer told me he wanted this mouse,  and I went ans bought it for myself without telling himS: HahahahaaK: Today I went home and set it up,  and normally I don't do that but at the end,  I properly cleaned itS: Hahahahaaaa,  I totally get it!  Only at the very beginning eh? K: Only at the beginning.  My audio interface which should be more precious, is covered in dust now S: Hahahaha,  well,  it's the excitement when you first welcome it rightK: Yes,  like,  you've come to a good home you know? S: And recently,  how's you roomba doing? K: Really well,  but my carpet make a the brush of the roomba really batteredS: AhhhhhhK: I don't know if it spins too much or is my carpet too strong.... It doesn't clean anything upS: Ahhh well I have the same thing with appliances as well,  and stationery,  journals. So like look here,  hereK: Uh huhS: There's a line left by a ball point penK: Looks like 2S: Er yes,  and there's more behind as wellK: HahahahaaS: Like before it becomes battered like this,  I took care of it really well but,  once it becomes a little ragged, I'll be like, let's just stay as friends,  kinda,  hahahahahaK: Woww...  I wonder... It sounds like this is how you'll be treating girls in future S: Stop it stop it,  I was thinking that as I was saying it butK: I can't say any different about myselfS: hahahhaaa,  well maybe after a while we can do maintenance and make it last longer...  Ok nothing we say now can salvage the situation
Q. In what situations do you feel,  this is awesome? S: K: I play games with kensho san,  another friend,  and a pro-gamer,  and sometimes all of them have died,  and I was the only one left,  with many enemies around me. Then I take them alone and win,  I feel super good when that happens
Poll: Which do you hate more?A. You'll clean up after so you let the other party do the cookingB. You'll cook so you let the other party do the cleaning upS: A! K: B!  *silence*S/K: hahahahhhahahaa
(See,  you're made for each other) 
~ Dameraji photo studio ~
Do a pose of how you react when you enter a haunted house 
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damejanai · 4 years
Dame janai radio
Ishikawa kaito's birthday episode
Ka: Huh really? thank you!
Ko: Please wear it if you can, it's something that's very Kaito kun
Ka: I feel so bad
S: I see i see
Ka: Ohhh this! Underwear from Wacoal
Ko: It's underwear, but the thing that connects Kaito kun and I, is the underwear
S: There's something wrong with that expression but...
Ko: On the day we shared a night together
S: There should be another way to phrase this
Ko: Kaito kun bought many pairs of the underwear that i recommended to him
S: Many?!
Ko: So I thought he was in need of underwear
Ka/ S: Hahahahaa
Ko: So the underwear that I thought really fit me recently, are these boxer briefs from Wacoal. This one fits so well!
Ka: It's the super fitting kind
Ko: Yes.
S: But it's not too tight?
Ko: Right right. And since it's getting cold, it feels like you're wrapped tightly in it. Please try wearing it
Ka: Ok i'll be back
Ko/S: No no no not now
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