saiyanprince541 · 4 years
The Light to my Darkness, Chapter 66
Sorry for the really long wait guys!! Hope you’re all faring well, during this INSANE crisis!! :D Here’s the next chapter for you, extra-long this time!! Hope you enjoy: Fanfiction link Ao3 link Be sure to leave behind your thoughts and review!! :D
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ladyvegeets · 6 years
I don't know if you have the answer to this or not, but I'm going to ask anyway. I've been following a story by SaiyanPrince541 for a year now on ao3 and they haven't updated since January 2018. That being said I noticed that their tumbler has also been inactive for a while as well. Would you happen to know if they are okay and have just lost interest in the dbz fandom? If not that's perfectly alright and I apologize for having wasted your time.
Oh, I’m afraid I don’t know :(  Hopefully @saiyanprince541 is okay and just moved on to other things. Does anyone else know?
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vegeebs · 7 years
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A little late birthday gift for fam @saiyanprince541 !! OvO
Hope you had a really great birthday!! :’’}
enjoy some cute Vegebul \\\(0 ^0)///
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rainstar-123 · 7 years
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Mm’kay, Happy Birthday to @saiyanprince541! He’s been kind enough to like my wacky OCs and ship them and want to write about them when I ask :’U I dunno why he does this, must’ve done something right--
Anyways, happy birthday to you! timezones notwithstanding
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hakuyamazakisensei · 7 years
List five things that make you happy then pass this on to the ten most recent people in your activity!😍
OOH fun fun!
1. Puzzles! (any kind….jigsaw, crossword, logic…I just love puzzles)
2. My Tumblr friends and what they share!! :D
3. Cooking shows on the telly. :D
4. Paper and pens…and the smell of old books.
5. Coffeeeeeeeee!!!!
A the folk who were most recent in activity on my page are:
@sbubbia, @yurionlce, @finrod-finwion, @nalufever, @saiyanprince541, @wesaverem, @gheleonsdemise, @eheartangel, @shell-senji, and @nanamiii
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vegeta9001 · 7 years
rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better
Tagged by @xladyg228x thanks for the tag these are some good questions
do you have any nicknames? My nickname is 'tony bellend' ive been called that for so long i can barely remember why. its also where i got my username from.
How old are you: 31
Star sign: Aquarius
who is your fave fictional character? I live and breath for Vegeta!
where are you from: London
who were your first childhood crushes? I had a thing for nightcrawler from the x-men and also Raziel from the game legacy of cain. Then its just Vegeta
name 3 OTP's: Kakavege, is my fave i love them. i like Tiencha too and chicollo xlxl
4 characters you have a crush on: i only have eyes for Vegeta. but Goku is a cutie too.
Have you ever talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/ having sex with? Well i'm married but if i wasn't, why not. My tumblr friends are hot.
where is the furthest you have been from home? atm in only denmark but in march im going to japan and then in may im going to texas for kamaha con, i cant wait
whats the longest yoyve ever been in a fandom? what fandom was it? DBZ 6 years and i'm not planning on going anywhere soon, your all stuck with me lol xlxl.
thanks for tagging me. im gonna tag @mrsvegetaouji @zoegts @ryotedeschi @saiyanprince541 @miraivashsfreak @dragonballseys @gokoyes @umbranemone @tree-milk @getasbabeart xlxl
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piccoloisgreen · 7 years
I’ve been tagged!
I was tagged by @dragonbabezee to answer some questions. I’ve tagged some peeps at the bottom to answer questions I ask!
1) Always post the rules
2) Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you
3) Write your own questions
4) Tag 11 people
Here are my answers:
1. Like the title of the song, have you ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with?  How did that go?
No (but kinda yes). I fell in love with my husband when we were in high school, which I think was meant to be. But before I started dating him, one of my good friends was head over heels for him, and I knew about this. My (future) husband and I shared a couple of classes, and I was sitting in accounting one day lamenting over why most guys were dicks, and why couldn’t they all be more like (future husband), because he seemed like such a nice guy. And that got me thinking about him. I knew we were going to go to different universities the next year (we’d all discussed in in class) and I had this sudden gut feeling that I HAD to talk to this guy because it was somehow really important to my future. So despite the fact that my friend was gaga for him I pursued him and 11 years later here we are.
About half of my friend group were really pissed off at me at the time. The girl who had the huge crush on him was devastated, and she didn’t talk to me for a month. So Yes I wasn’t supposed to love him in that I broke a major girl code.
BUT all was forgiven in the end - by the end of the month it was water under the bridge for most of my friends, and the girl forgave me. We’re still great friends and my husband and I just attended her wedding a few months ago.
I still feel a bit guilty, though, even though I KNOW my husband and I were meant to be.
2. What is the longest time you have spent apart from any of your family or friends?  Perhaps in the company of strangers, or perhaps completely alone?
Umm, 10 hours? I come from a big family, so I’ve always been surrounded by people. Like I mentioned above, I met hubby in high school so when I moved out of my parents house I moved straight in with him, and when I traveled overseas it was with him. I had to go on a couple of overseas trips for work, but was with my colleagues (who I consider friends), so it doesn’t really count. Although it did get near the end of the 2 weeks away when I called my husband crying over something trivial, because I was really missing having him there to bounce ideas off/reassure me. 
3. Are there any films that you have watched more than say, a dozen times?  In other words, what films have you been obsessed with?
Pride and Prejudice (2005). Holy shit I love that movie. There was one time when I was on break from uni and literally just had it playing on loop in the background for a week while I cooked/cleaned/lived.
4. Which musical instrument speaks to your soul the most?  Why and when?
Guitar. I love the fact that you can get so many different vibes out of a single instrument - it’s very versatile. I wish I could play. I listen to acoustic when I’m feeling relaxed.
5. Would you rather live a hundred years in the past or a hundred years in the future?
This is so fucking tricky... I love history and I love sci fi! Given the fact that 100 years in the past is right in the midst of WWI, I’m going to choose to live 100 years in the future instead. I hope by then people have stopped denying climate change and global warming hasn’t caused a Waterworld situation. 
Okay, here are my questions:
1. If you had a time machine for a single use only, what 1 event (in your life or in history) would you alter and why?
2. What would you do if you won 10 million dollars (USD)?
3. On average, how much time do you spend on Tumblr? Do you think this is productive or unproductive?
4. If you had to choose 1 song to represent you, what would it be?
5. Most importantly, are you a cat person, or a dog person?
I am tagging: @alienor-woods, @aquapen, @vegetapsycho, @baedock, @rutbisbe, @saiyanprince541, @kaava, @liftlikehells, @sanandchibi, @loveveggiehead, @msdbzbabe
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saiyanprince541 · 4 years
The Light to my Darkness, Chapter 67&68
Hi all, Update on the newest chapters of my fan-fic, Chapter 67 and Chapter 68. And here’re also the Ao3 versions of Chapter 67 and Chapter 68. Hope you all enjoy!!
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loveveggiehead · 7 years
I've been tagged
I was tagged by @piccoloisgreen to answer some question. Thank you for the tag ^^
1. Always Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you
3. Write your own questions
4. tag 11 people
here’re my answer
1. If you had a time machine for a single use only, what 1 event (in your life or in history) would you alter and why?
Yes, I would turn back time save my dog’s life so he would still be here with me.
2. What would you do if you won 10 million dollars (USD)?
I would establish an organization that supports Orphan Childern and start Orphan Childern’s Project.
3. On average, how much time do you spend on Tumblr? Do you think this is productive or unproductive?
It depends on how much time I have , sometime 1 hour a day or sometime 4 hours a day, I think its quite fun
4. If you had to choose 1 song to represent you, what would it be?
 What a wonderful world  xD
5. Most importantly, are you a cat person, or a dog person , Dog Person
Here is my question
1. If you could change the script in the Dragon Ball series what would you do ? Would you rewrite the new story and how your story’s gonn be ?
I'd like to tag @saiyanprince541 @froglady15 @jiitari @blacksheep1105 @ajiira01 @rutbisbe @mallie-3 @galacticpridefulprincevegeta @amazingmeplusone @dragonbabezee @piccoloisgreen @amazingmeplusone @xladyg228x @sarahw-world
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blacksheep1105stuff · 7 years
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Doomsday. @sarahw-world @ajiira01 @amazingmeplusone @saiyanprince541
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rainstar-123 · 7 years
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So, I’ve finally made fanart for @saiyanprince541‘s fanfiction The Light to my Darkness! 
I kinda wanted to go for that chapter title page you might see in manga. I know it looks simple, but I”m proud with how it turned out. Geets looks like Geets ;w; I hope everything is too your liking~
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maiikawriter · 7 years
I’ve Been Tagged!
Tagged by @saiyanprince541.  Thank you!  I hope you’re doing well XD ~(Nick) Name: Maiika ~Zodiac sing: Gemini ~Height: 5′4″ ~Orientation: Straight ~Ethnicity: Mostly Italian, plus a mess of other stuff ~Favorite Fruit: blueberries ~Favorite season: Fall ~Favorite book series: I’m not a big series reader.  Maybe Odd Thomas, and I liked Twilight at the time I read it  ~Favorite flower: calla lilies ~Favorite scent: leather ~Favorite color: white ~Coffee, tea or cocoa: coffee ~Cats or Dogs: dogs ~Average sleep hours: 8 ~Favorite fictional characters: Goku, Jaime Lannister, Chris Keller, Saul Goodman, Joker, and there are honestly too many to list ~Number of blankets you sleep with: 2 ~Dream trip: Japan ~Blog created: November/October of 2016 I tag: @kairi-yajuu, @dbzebra, @questdrivencollie, @tigerlover16-uk,  @courtneysmovieblog, @omggochichi, @agirlnameded, @redasuki, @ladycressa, @angelrin89, @fantasytigeress, @duhragonball, @mysticmeww, @shamelessmudfish, @s3mmy18, @ancelstierre, @jadefyre, @zoegts, @jay-sherman, @tenkaichii (wow 20 is a lot to tag!  Sorry if I missed anyone and if you’ve already been tagged for this)
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blacksheep1105 · 7 years
hey! :D Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
Uh uh uh uh uh uh... That's tough.. Also I'm too lazy to write huge paragraphs xD but still thanks lovelykotori.1. I have a ready tongue. It's really seldom that I'm speechless and can't give an equal or sarcastic answer. I'm a bit proud of it xD 2. I think I have a sharp mind and I'm quick with thinking. I pay a lot attention to things people say and think about it throughly. I was told I could be an investigator. You know what I'm talking about, @saiyanprince541 xD 3. I'm proud to speak English well enough to have complex conversations and I was told by native speakers that I'm pretty good. But still I know there is pretty much space for improvement.4. I'm very curious and want to understand EVERYTHING. I want to learn new things, want to know how to do things and I want to understand how and why the tiniest thing up to the universe is working! Especially I'm interested in science and doing things with my hands. 5. I like my eye color, my teeth and my boobs.
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dragonbabezee · 7 years
7 People I’d like to know better
I was tagged by @saiyanprince541.  Apparenlt Name: Helen Nickname: Saucy or Melons, depending on who you ask Starsign: Taurus Sexual orientation: Straight Hogwarts house: Slytherin :D  Yes, the surprise that wasn’t a surprise when I thought about it.  My patronus is an Iberian Hound, not that you asked. Favorite color: Green Cats or dogs: Neither.  One is too needy and the other I am allergic to. 🐶Favorite fictional characters: Vegeta and Bulma (DBZ), Sam and Dean Wincester (Supernatural), Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars), Claire and Jamie (Outlander), Raymond Reddington (Blacklist), Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica).  This is by no means an exhaustive list. 🍀When was this blog created: February 2014 Number of followers: 115 When did this blog reach its peak: It hasn’t peaked yet.  I’ve been here three years and still only have 115 followers!  I think I have only gained and not lost any followers, so still growing.
Now to tag some people.  Sorry if you’ve already been tagged.  You can just refer me to your answers if you want, or ignore.
@riskpig @dragondancer28 @politelycynical @cyevi @rutbisbe @froglady15 @redviolett @lovethecrystalrose
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vegeta9001 · 7 years
Cite the final line of five of you fave fics, then tag five writers who should do the same. Thanks for tagging me @saiyanprince541 this was fun. Even if it was almost impossible to pick my five faves. Here goes Monster by icecamero "His name is......". A cold chill went through the still air. The corpses eyes opened, and what was left of the lips created a horrific smirk "Vegeta". Deep circle by Chayron "If i get pregnant will we finally get a house of our own" he asked Goku, while sticking his middle finger up at Kamala. In your dreams by crimson tide A cruel smirk spread across his face as he clised in. It would be a pleasure killing Villa again, and this time, there would be no bullet to save him. The preist and the prince by @bringingyaoiback He let out a long sigh as he reminisced over what had just transpired. He should be praying for forgiveness, feeling shameful. But instead a smile graced his lips as he reclined in rest. How to unfrustrate a frustrated Goku by Ms Georgie "You better keep me happy" Goku growled and Vegeta snorted "That'll be easy kakarot, after all i was right, a good fuck and a good nights sleep and youre purring like a kitten". There you go. I dont know how to do the link thing so if anyone wants to read them you will have to hunt for them. They are all worth hunting for. Five writers who should do this @bringingyaoiback @mrsvegetaouji @vegetagirl9000 @everybodylovesgoku @nonrebloggingviewerswillbeshot
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saiyanprince541 · 5 years
The Light to my Darkness, Chapter 65
Here’s the next chapter for you, extra-long this time!! Hope you enjoy: Fanfiction link Ao3 link Be sure to leave your thoughts and review!! 😊
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