#sakti healing
urloveangel · 5 months
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his-heart-hymns · 5 months
People say "time heals; it helps you forget everything."
But Ahmed faraz wrote:
phir bhi maazi ka khayal aata hai gahe-gahe,
muddate dard ki lau kam to nahi kar sakti,
zakhm bhar jaye magar daagh to rah jaata hai,
duriyo se kabhi yaade to nahi mar sakti.
Even so, thoughts of the past come back now and then. Time might ease the pain but it won't end. Wounds may heal, but the scars still stay. Memories won't die, no matter how far away.
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iwan-fadila · 5 months
Yamaha STSJ Himbau Konsumen Segera Daftar Healing Bareng Lexi LX155
motogokil.com – Assalamu’alaikum wa rochmatullohi wa barokatuh, semoga kita semua selamat di perjalanan sampai ke tujuan. Kabar baik bagi para pemilik Yamaha LEXi LX 155, pasalnya PT. Surya Timur Sakti Jatim (Yamaha STSJ) selaku Main Dealer motor Yamaha area Jawa Timur dan Nusra mengajak seluruh bikers LEXi LX 155 untuk bergabung dalam kegiatan touring yang bertajuk Healing Bareng LEXi LX 155.…
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the-healing-words · 7 months
When they say,
"Time heals everything."
But Ahmed Faraz said,
"Muddatein dard ki lau kam toh nahi kar sakti, zakham bhar jaye magar daagh toh reh jaate hain."
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badrinathaushadhi · 1 year
How to use Ayurvedic medicines?
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Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that has been practiced in India since ancient times. Maintaining this mental, physical, and spiritual balance is the key to optimal health. Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of medicine that considers or discusses all the "doshas" or specific constitutions of each individual. There are some medicines in Ayurvedic medicine like Navratan Kalpna Ras, Amrut Johar Ras, Hira Bhasm, Kayapalat Sat Buti, Navratna Raj Mrigank Ras, Dev Ras, Mardana Sakti Swarn, Amrut Kalash Buti, Swarna Mundri Ras, Navratn Jinda Johar, Johar Bhupati Ras, Ratan Garbh Potli Ras, Calcium Buti Ras are many other Ayurvedic medicines which promote health and cure diseases as well as work to maintain balance in the body.
How are Ayurvedic medicines made in Badrinath medicine?
Ayurvedic medicines, commonly known as herbal remedies or Ayurvedic remedies, are Ayurvedic medicines made using minerals, traditional knowledge, plants and additional natural substances. A holistic approach to health and wellness is emphasized by Ayurvedic, India's traditional medical system, which looks at the interconnections between mind, body and spirit.
When using Ayurvedic medicines, it is important to remember that Ayurvedic medicines should be manufactured and administered under the supervision of licensed Ayurvedic practitioners or health care practitioners. Without the right knowledge or supervision, self-medicating can be dangerous and have negative consequences.
Ayurvedic Medicine Benefits
India is the country where Ayurvedic medicines used for thousands of years originated.  Badshahi Tilha, Swarna Mundri Ras, Navratna Raj Mrigank Ras, Kayapalat Sat Buti, Hira Bhasm, Amrut Johar Ras, Navratan Kalpna Ras, Calcium Buti Ras, Jauhar Ishak Amber, Dev Ras, Mardana Sakti Swarn, Navratn Jinda Johar, Postic Rasayan, Amar Joshila Tilha, Amrut Kalash Buti, Ratan Parbatavi Ras Etcs There are medicines that are based on the principles of Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine that seeks to harmonize mind, body and spirit to enhance general health. Following are some of the advantages of using Ayurvedic medicines:
Enhancing overall well-being: Ayurvedic practices, including herbal formulations and lifestyle recommendations, boost immunity and increase energy levels and promote a sense of well-being here.
Management of chronic conditions:- We use Ayurvedic medicine for a number of chronic conditions including digestive disorders, arthritis, skin problems, and stress-related ailments.
Natural and holistic approach:- Natural substances such as plants, minerals, herbs and animal products form the basis of Ayurvedic treatment. They are believed to support the body's natural recovery processes and focus on treating the underlying causes of illness rather than the external manifestations.
Personalized treatments:- Ayurvedic doctors tailor treatments for each patient based on their specific constitution. This personalized strategy works to bring harmony and balance back into the body.
Fewer side effects:- Ayurvedic remedies are believed to have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs as they are generally derived from natural substances.
It is important to note that we have been using Ayurvedic medicines for many centuries, Ayurvedic therapy is generally considered safe, but it is necessary to consult a qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioner or health care professional before using them. The quality and safety of Ayurvedic products vary, so it is recommended to buy them from reputable sources.
Ayurvedic medical treatments are given below?
Ayurvedic healing, which is an important component of Ayurvedic medicine, uses Ayurvedic medicine to maintain a balance between the spirit, body, and mind. Ayurvedic treatments attempt to improve health by restoring the balance of all the doshas in the body. Below are some popular Ayurvedic remedies:
Nasya:- In this Ayurvedic treatment, herbal powder or oil is inserted into the nose. It balances all the doshas related to the head and neck, clearing the nasal passages and improving respiratory health. It is often used to treat allergies, sinus congestion, and to promote mental clarity.
Panchakarma:- Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda is a comprehensive detoxification and regeneration process. It has five basic steps: vomiting, laxative, enema, nasal administration, and bloodletting. The aim here is to eliminate all the toxins from the body, release the doshas and restore the natural healing abilities of the body.
Shirodhara:- During Shirodhara therapy, warm herbal oil is continuously poured on the forehead and head. Due to this our body gets deep relaxation, due to which all the nervous systems of the body calm down, mind and emotions come in balance. This Ayurvedic remedy is often used for many neurological diseases, anxiety, as well as body tension and sleeplessness.
Sweden:- Herbal steam therapy encourages sweating and detoxification. This includes either sitting in a steamy room or taking a body steam treatment, which helps to loosen muscle tension, reduce stiffness, and improve circulation.
Abhyang:- Warm herbal Ayurvedic oils are used in a full body massage. It uses slow, rhythmic strokes to energize, relax, and draw out impurities from the body. Abhyanga helps in rehydrating the body and keeping the joints lubricated and strong.
Nasya:- In this Ayurvedic treatment, herbal powder or oil is inserted into the nose. It balances all the doshas related to the head and neck, clearing the nasal passages and improving respiratory health. It is often used to treat allergies, sinus congestion, and to promote mental clarity.
These are some examples of Ayurvedic remedies. Other treatments available in Ayurveda include herbal poultices, eye treatments and many other treatments and Ayurvedic herbs. Who can evaluate your specific needs and recommend the best treatment based on your specific constitution and health condition.
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byayunda · 2 years
Mulai hari ini sampai lima hari ke depan Sakti menjalani program healing detox di salah satu provinsi di Indonesia. Ya, Bali. Setelah melakukan banyak riset dan tempst terbaik dimana, Sakti memutuskan untuk rehat sejenak dari rutinitasnya dan berusaha memperbaiki serta menerima kondisi dirinya di masa lalu sehingga bisa lebih produktif menjalani kesehariannya.
Tidak mudah baginya menerima kenyataan bahwa istri tercintanya meninggal dalam perjalanan yang mereka tempuh menuju tempat orang tua Sakti. Ia begitu mencintai dan sangat menyayangi istrinya, Diandra. Orang yang secara tidak sengaja ia temui lagi di toko buku favoritnya. Setelah sebelumnya ia hanya bisa berpapasan saja di stasiun MRT, tempat mereka sama-sama transit dari dan menuju kantornya masing-masing.
Dalam sehari, Sakti wajib menkonsumsi lima macam jus yang berbeda. Iya hanya jus saja, kombinasi estrak buah dan sayur. Untuk sarapan dihidangkan jus dari buah naga dan kelompok berrys. Jus kedua ada campuran kunyit, lidah buaya dan jeruk nipis yang menyegarkan. Jus ketiga ada campuran apel, wortel dan seledri. Jus keempat ini green jus yang terdiri dari bayam, mentimun dan seruas jahe. Jus terakhir, satu jam sebelum meditasi itu ada campuran pepaya dan seruas jahe.
Selama program ini, semua peserta diwajibkan menkonsumsi makanan dan minuman yang hanya disediakan. Tidak diperbolehlan makan dan minum selain daripada itu. Bagi Sakti ini bulan hal baru karna semasa istrinya hidup, ia sudah terbiasa dengan menu hidup sehat seperti ini. Walaupun, terkadang ada cheating day.
Kegiatan hari ini ditutup dengan kegiatan meditasi dan untuk hari esok dimulai dengan bangun pagi sebelum matahari terbit. Kemudian dilanjut dengan yoga di pagi hari.
“ Baru hari pertama aja sudah semenyenangkan ini. Bagaimana hari esok ya?” batin Sakti.
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Pulau Dewata memiliki banyak bangunan pura sebagai tempat ibadah umat Hindu Bali dengan bangunan yang artistik dan pemandangan alam yang indah. Seperti Pura Rambut Siwi yang berada di Kabupaten Jembrana. Lokasi pura tersebut di sebelah timur Desa Yeh Embang, Distrik Mendoyo, Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali. Jaraknya sekitar 10 km dari Negara, ibu kota Kabupaten Jembarana. Sobat Turisian dapat menjangkaunya dengan menggunakan mobil, kendaraan umum, atau sepeda motor karena letak pura ini di jalan utama Denpasar - Gilimanuk. Pura Rambut Siwi ini memiliki bangunan Candi Utama terletak di tebing dan memberikan pemandangan Samudra Hindia yang menakjubkan. Candi-candi ini memiliki bangunan candi perwakilan yang terletak di samping jalan utama Denpasar ke Gilimanuk. Nama Rambut Siwi ini sendiri mengandung peninggalan yang merupakan kunci rambut bijak (Rambut) yang dihormati (Siwi). Tempat ini merupakan salah satu Pura Dang Kahyangan jagat yang terletak di Kabupaten Jembrana Bali. Pura Dang Kahyangan sendiri yaitu tempat suci untuk menghormati guru-guru suci seperti pandeta, Maha Rsi dan para Empu. Baca juga: Mengenal Lebih Dekat Kesenian Jegog Jembrana Bali Selain itu, Pura Rambut Siwi berkaitan dengan perjalanan suci Dang Hyang Nirartha atau Dang Hyang Dwijendra. Beliau mendapat gelar juga Pedanda Sakti Bawu Rawuh yang berjasa menanamkan ajaran-ajaran agama Hindu. Daya Tarik Wisata Pura Rambut Siwi Lokasi pura utama berada di atas tebing pinggir pantai, berlatar pemandangan alam laut Samudra Hindia. Sehingga suasananya indah, tenang, damai dan penuh aura spiritual, tidak mengherankan pura ini menjadi tempat meditasi ataupun menenangkan diri yang paling ideal. Cocok banget buat Sobat Turisian yang butuh healing. Tak hanya sebagai tempat suci, Pura Rambut Siwi juga menjadi salah satu objek wisata di Kabupaten Jembrana yang menjadi satu tujuan wajib saat Sobat Turisian wisata ke Bali Barat. Sebelum sampai di tujuan utama, kalian akan mendapat suguhan hamparan persawahan seolah menyambut kedatangan kita. Bangunannya sangat artistik, terlihat megah dan cantik berdiri di pinggir tebing. Berbatasan langsung dengan pantai dan suasana alam sekitarnya indah dan asri, bakal membuat Sobat Turisian betah berlama-lama mengagumi keagungan Tuhan ini. Terlebih kunjungan wisatawan ke Pura ini terbilang sepi tidak seperti Pura Tanah Lot yang selalu ramai. Sehingga membuat Sobat Turisian bisa lebih leluasa untuk bersantai dan menikmati keindahan yang tersaji. Lebih menarik lagi kalau kalian datang saat sore hari, keindahan sunsetnya menjadi daya tarik yang eksotis banget. 8 Bangunan Pura di Kompleks Pura Rambut Siwi Di kawasan ini Sobat Turisian akan menemukan 8 buah pura, termasuk Pura Pesanggrahan dan juga pura yang berada di bawah tebing tepi pantai. Tempat pertama persembahyangan adalah Pura Pesanggrahan kemudian Pura Taman, Penataran, Goa Tirta, Melanting, Pura Gading Wani, Pura Ratu Gede Dalem Ped. Serta tempat terakhir persembahyangan di area Pura Luhur (Pura Rambut Siwi). Baca juga: Sensasi Pacu Adrenalin Lewat Surfing di Pantai Medewi Jembrana Bali Kemudian untuk inti dari pura di kawasan ini adalah Pura Penataran dan Pura Luhur (Rambut Siwi), sedangkan lainnya adalah Pura Pesanakan. Pada pelataran utama Pura Luhur terdapat sejumlah bangunan suci. Di antaranya Padma, Meru Tumpang Tiga Linggih Ida Betara Pedanda Sakti Bawu Rawuh (Dang Hyang Nirartha), Pengayeng Betara Gunung Agung, Gedong, Meru Tumpang Dua Stana Batari Dewa Ayu Ulun Danu, Palinggih Rambut Sedana, Peselang, Taksu, serta sejumlah bangunan suci lainnya.*
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depnotfound · 4 years
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Trauma healing anak korban bencana tanah longsor with Sakti Peksos X Tagana Nganjuk
Ngetos, 18-19 Februari 2021
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tyaudahlah · 4 years
Makin lama di rumah, kewarasan dan kecerdasan rasanya makin menurun. Common sense yang gue banggakan perlahan lenyap. Ditambah lagi urusan skripsi sama magang yang ga jelas dan bikin kepala kusut. Gue jadi overthinking. Liat rumput tetangga dikit, gue insecure, ngebandingin diri gue sama orang lain. Marah sama diri sendiri, kenapa lamban banget, kenapa masih belom gerak.
Gue tau gue ga seharusnya begitu. Gue paham hidup gue ga balapan sama siapapun. Gue sadar kalo gue lagi ngebandingin behind the scene yang gue punya sama highlight reel orang lain. But I just can’t help it, dan itu bikin gue nyalahin diri sendiri. Gue mencoba cari distraksi, tapi bukannya malah ngerasa baikan, gue malah makin gloomy, makin bingung gue tuh sebenernya kenapa. Sampe akhirnya gue ngeh kalo gue lagi-lagi lupa bahwa gue cuma manusia yang bisa merasakan banyak macam emosi, bahwa ngerasa sedih tanpa alasan yang jelas itu valid, dan bahwa gue boleh untuk ngerasa ga baik-baik aja.
It’s funny how I always try to treat other people as humans as they are, but I often forget to do that to myself.
Beberapa malam yang lalu, temen gue bilang, "Gapapa, rasain aja insecuritynya. Jangan maksain diri untuk langsung membaik sekarang. Ntar lama-lama lo bakal muak dan memutuskan untuk memulai sesuatu."
Gue terdiam dan ga tau kenapa pengen nangis waktu itu. Cuma karena lagi di luar, gue tahan sambil ngalihin pandangan ke arah lain.
Trus gue jadi inget TED Talk paling sakti yang pernah gue tonton dari Amy Morin, seorang psychotherapist dan penulis buku 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. Katanya,
“The only way to get through uncomfortable emotions, the only way to deal with them, is you have to go through them. To let yourself feel sad, and then move on."
Kalo ada yang ngerasain hal yang sama kek gue, I’m sending virtual hug to you. Gapapa, this is not a time to feel okay. Your life is not the only one that’s messed up, lo ga sendiri. Rasain aja apapun yang lo rasain, trus kita pelan-pelan healing. Semoga kita semua bisa cepat waras lagi ya.
Oh iya, ini link TED talknya kalo mau nonton:
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Time Heals Everything
Awalnya saya tidak terlalu percaya dengan kalimat sakti ini. Sampai akhirnya datang suatu masa dimana saya mengalami kehilangan Bapak saya. What a miserable moment. Yang lebih menyedihkan adalah karena saya perantau, maka tak sempat mencium tangan Bapak saya sebelum beliau diantarkan ke peristirahatan terakhirnya di dunia. Sedih? Banget. Sampai saya berada di suatu titik bahwa obat kesedihan dan depresi saya adalah keyakinan kita sendiri. Bukan obat dan bukan pula kata-kata dari buku motivasi. At the end of the day, keberanian untuk bangkit dan yakin bahwa kita akan baik-baik saja seiring waktu berjalan. 
Sekarang, 3 tahun telah berlalu. Saat ini saya sudah bisa menatap foto keluarga dengan senyuman. Segala cita-cita yang dulu pernah terbayang, untuk mengajak Bapak saya menghadiri promosi doktor saya atau bahkan pengangkatan sebagai Professor kelak, menjadi sirna. Akan tetapi, saya yakin senyuman Bapak di alam sana akan tetap menemani langkah saya. Segala nasihat dan kenangan akan tetap ada dalam memori saya, settled di sana dan tidak tergantikan. Time Heals Everything. And remember, life must go on.
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urloveangel · 1 month
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We are all in this together.  And, We want you to feel immense Love, Support, and Gratitude for your Being! 
What is Shaktipat: 
Shaktipat is Yogic Initiation through means of Energy Transmission or gift. Sakti is Pure Energy or Power, unlimited potential. Sakti is a Super-Conscious Force, the very medium of all the Infinite Possibilities of Manifestation or Experience. When Sakti is Transferred or Awakened through Shaktipat, the Super Conscious Force of Sakti Herself (often personified as the Divine Mother) becomes a primary means and method of attaining the Supreme Form of Enlightenment. 
Sakti as Kundalini (infinite potential with the image of a coiled spring ready to JUMP) arises through the Sushumna Nadi(Central Energy Channel) towards meeting Siva (Pure Consciousness Awareness), bringing all of our Infinite Power and Potential(Sakti) into the illumination of the Full Light of Consciousness (Siva) as Self/God-Realization... 
Shaktipat Deeksha, and the post sadhana can indeed be a supreme means of attaining the Supreme Realization, as it says throughout the scriptures and upadesha (instructions) of the Awakened Ones, that the Supreme Awareness can only be Realized by the grace of That Supreme Reality itself, and not by one's efforts, or cognition. The reason for this is that all phenomena are seen like reflections in the Infinite Medium of - Siva and Sakti's ever ecstatic marriage and dance as Pure Omnipresent Consciousness (Param Atman- Supreme Self) and Omnipotent Power (Sakti) to experience Being, and therefore anything else is just "a part" or an effect of That Primordial Energy Dance appearing in That Infinite Field. 
Get Your Free Mp3->> Shaktipat, Healing, & Energy Transmission Through Ten Minute Affirmational Audio!  Can be an Easy Daily Practice, but  you get it  FREE now, to  start listening today!  Follow the Link->> http://tiny.cc/Free-Shaktipat-Mp3
Share this Video or Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5iXrcnkd_Xg
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hirakdesherrani · 6 years
what do you think is happening with the sindoor+griha pravesh-esque rituals? are they getting adiya stealth-married so when arshad comes along, she's already taken?why do you think they're doing it this way v/s fall in love/followed by wedding? just a suspense/build-up thing or something else going on?
Heylo friend! 
Yesterday, I was so in awe of Harshad and Jenny’s acting, that I forgot about everything else. 
Anyways, so coming to the plot. Like we were discussing a couple of days back, there seems to be a sudden upturn in the plot, at some point it almost feels like the post-leap plot is headed by a different set of writers? Everything is just too….sweet? I mean, yes, there is angst and emotional conflict, but its like too…easy?
I think the sindoor bit was just one of those symbolic/cinematic devices they use for an OTP, for example, roka ki chunri falling on a couple’s head, or the guy breaking a girl’s fast “accidentally”, etc. The usual ‘supernatural/coincidental’ stuff used to indicate that this is couple is ‘fated/destined’ to be together. 
Now coming to Arshad, at this point, he seems to be the typical third angle for the jealousy plot, but lets see. I don’t think the writers are trying to get Adiya stealth married though. It doesn’t look like that at the point, but who knows.
I don’t know if I am catching at straws here, but yesterday when Aditya was frantically trying to save Zoya, he keep on saying something to the tune of “tum apne best friend ko chodke kaise jaa sakti ho?” He didn’t say, “main apni best friend ko kuch nahi hone dunga” or something like that. 
To me that indicates that though Aditya definitely considers Zoya his ‘yaar’, she is not his best friend. His best friend is still Pooja. Which is fine, because no person can take another person’s place. 
But in the last few weeks Aditya has seen what Zoya has done for him, how she holds him in high regard, and now she has confessed that he is her “azeez dost”/best friend. I think all this makes him feel responsible for Zoya and somehow beholden to her. 
Another fact is that Aditya has not healed yet, like Zoya said, he’s still running away from his issues. He is still half-way with one foot stuck in the past and one foot in future. 
I don’t want Adi to fall in love with Zoya on rebound. I dunno whether the CVs are planing that or not, but I hope not. 
I really want to see Aditya dealing with his personal issues first, be whole again, and then, the love story. 
I have a feeling that Colors stepped in and asked the CVs to bring in some stereotypical shit that the TRP audience would eat up. The almost-aggressive manner in which Colors has continuously promoted Bepannaah, they want to see the returns on that and hence, the plot feels slightly rushed to me.
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dianesstari · 2 years
Dari Dapur turun ke Hati
#jangan dibaca asli random bikin kecewa
Kemarin pas di dapur lagi asyik masak. Suami nyeletuk.
"Tumis lagi-tumis lagi.... "
"Eh itu tahu sama kangkungnya... Nggak pake minyak sama sekali."
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Jadi sudah sebulan ini, sekitar awal hari tasyrik lebaran, suami benar-benar mengubah pola makanannya. Mulai dari menghindari daging-dagingan kecuali daging ikan. Juga semua bentuk minyak, tepung, gula dan perseketuannya.
Bahkan keranjangan shoopenya penuh dengan belanja suplemen makanan anti kolesterol seperti British propolis, susu nutriflakes dan sophaalpa. Semuanya karena ingin mengubah hidup sehat dengan pola makan yang baik dan teratur.
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Sejak perubahan itu aku yang mulai keliyengan setiap jadwal masak tiba. Aduuuh mau masak apa lagi yah?... Ikannya harus dibakar lagi? Tempe ma tahunya dipanggang lagi yah?
Dan nemu di youtube resep tumisan enak tanpa minyak. Pas lagi mulai buat di dapur suami lihat dan diberilah aku wejangan sakti mandragunanya.
Suami lalu duduk di sofa biru yang ada di dapur. Sambil.aku masih menyelesaikan resep masakan kangkung dan tahh.
Beliau memulai, "pas khutbah Jumat aku dengar ustadsnya bilang gini, kebaikan-kebaikan kecil yang dikerjakan akan menarik kebaikan yang lainnya. Begitu pun dengan kemaksiatan.
Aku lalu mengarahkan pandangan ke arahnya.
"Lalu hubungannya tumis kangkung tahu ini sama isi ceramah pak ustadz apa? "
Sambil nyegir memamerkan gigi putihnya pak Su pun melanjutkan.
Penjelasan pak Su aku rangkum karena banyak banget. Yang intinya, kalau memasak makanan adalah salah satu ikhtiar kebaikan bagi kesehatan tubuh. Terkesan sepele tapi penting banget. Kalau yang dimasak baik masuk kedalam tubuh juga baik akan memberikan kebaikan yang banyak bagi kehidupan kita.
Jadi kita ini ngatur pola makan itu sebenarnya bukan untuk sehat buat lebih lama tinggal di dunia. Bukan... Tapi pola makan itu membuat kita bisa sehat agar memiliki waktu untuk terus beribadah kepada Allah...
Kalau sakit gimana dengan amalan? Bukankah Allah sendiri yang bilang kalau dia lebih mencintai hambahnya yang kuat daripada yang sakit. Kesempatan beribadah dan beramal bisa lebih banyak peluangnya ketika kita dalam kondisi tubuh yang sehat ketimbang ketika dalam keadaan yang sakit.
Dan masak-memasak adalah salah satu kunci yang menentukan kesehatan seseorang. Food is the biggest factor of human health.
Jadi ikhtiarmu memasak juga bisa mengantarkan kita sekeluarga masuk ke dalam surganya Allah. Jadi perhatikan baik-baik dengan apa dan cara apa kamu memasak dan mengolah makanan untuk diberikan kepada keluarga.
Dalam hati jujur kok aku malah bilang ya Allah aku makin jatuh cinta sama hambahmu ini. Nggak tau kenapa kek aku bersyukur banget bisa memiliki laki-laki seperti beliau.
Tahun ini adalah tahun ke 5 pernikahan kami. Dan aku merasa semakin kesini beliaulah yang semakin istiqomah dan banyak perubahananya. Malah aku yang makin futur.
Tentang kedekatannya dengan Alquran, sholat malamnya, puasa sunnahnya Masya Allah. Semoga Allah selalu menjaga dan mengistiqomahkannya. Bahkan akhlaknya dengan istri dan anak-anaknya masya Allah.
Yang selalu ngingatin baca quran, bangunin sholat malam, ngapus postingan foto di ig ( dia nggak mau romantisme itu di publish2 padahal cuma foto berdua. Katanya udah buat komsumsi prbadi aja kasian ama yang belum nemu jodohny), ngingatin hand shock, paling bawel kalau aku keasyikan main hp, selalu ada nemenin nyelesain tugas-tugas domestik, selalu full time bersama anak main-main, selalu ajak kita healing-healing. Masya Allah tabarakallah. alhamdulillah binimati tatimussolihat... Paa, really i'm so proud having you. Uhibbukifillah....
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Keingat pas taarruf dulu begitu banyak orang yang meragukannya menjadi pasanganku... Teman bahkan keluargaku banyak yang tidak setuju. Namun aku mantap dengan doa istiharaku. Jika laki-laki yang kini menjadi suami adalah pilihanNya yang terbaik untuk dunia dan akhiratku.
Hari ini aku menulis tentangnya di tumblr ini agar ia tersembunyi dan bisa kubaca berulang-ulang kali. Bahwa sungguh hari ini aku begitu bersyukur memilikinya sebagai suamiku.
Jadi ritual masak kemarin malah bikin aku makin bucin sama beliau. Kek baru walimahan lagi... Wkwkwk
Oke lanjut nyari resep makanan tanpa minyak, tepung dan gula.....
Ada yang punya? Bagi donk.... Hehehehe
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WHO IS MARY MAGDALENE? On Sunday, July 22nd, join She Is Love’s Annalisa Derr—a Mary Magdalene devotee and scholar—and five incredible scholars, artists, and devotees as we dive into the question: “Who is Mary Magdalene”? This online event in celebration of Mary Magdalene will consistent of five interviews in five days! Also included are book recommendations by our Magdalenian guests and access to Magdalene resources from around the globe. Journey with us as we unravel the mysteries of Mary Magdalene the woman, the archetype, and the cosmic feminine. Our online event begins at 10am PST on July 22nd. https://m.facebook.com/www.sheislove/ Guest speakers include: •SUNDAY, July 22nd Dr. Sweta Chawla (Writer/Story-Weaver/Facilitator), takes us on a journey to the heart of pilgrimage and devotion. •MONDAY, July 23rd Sylvia Milo (Project Creator/Playwright/Actress), sees the legends and history of Mary Magdalene as revealing the truth of Magdalene’s spiritual and personal power, strength, and commitment to her own transformation as well as to the transformation of those around her. •TUESDAY, July 24th. Dr. April Heaslip (Mythologist and Educator) envisions Mary Magdalene as the Exiled Bride—representing the lost and denigrated feminine within the Christian tradition as well as Western society as a whole—whose return is needed to heal the Wasteland. •WEDNESDAY, July 25th Dr. Cindy Caldwell (Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator) illuminates Magdalene as an archetypal Everywoman, who represents a feminine consciousness that is rising up, demanding to be seen, heard, and treated with dignity and respect. •THURSDAY, July 26th Daniela Riva (Classical Indian dance performer and instructor) discusses Mary Magdalene through the lens of the Hindu cosmic feminine (sakti) as well as the sensual and devotional experience of sacred feminine embodiment. #marymagdalene #sheislove #sacredfeminine #devotion #femininestrength #everywoman #exiledbride #shakti #cosmicfeminine #divinefeminine #sacredcodes #goddesswithin #devi #embodiment #mythology #lasaintebaume #mariemadeleine #mariamagdalena #mariam #mariamaddalena (at Santa Barbara, California)
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weirdlydarkthots · 3 years
I just love how scary memories are what I also miss because they never came alone they came with nice memories toh it wasn't always bad and it always wasn't nice or easy either. Lol I still remember the way I fell over the broken "road" which just had small stones and I fell so hard and so far while chasing the chick who was running with my pranthas. The things I can do for pranthas 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 and how I was bleeding sooooooo badly but hid it with clothes because warden se nahi sun na tha just asked to go to smc and nikkal gyi thi and raat ko maasssttttt then roamed around with bandages all over my knee and my elbow lol and how at that time all I did was make fun of it lol because what else to do you can't shout at the bitch who's great idea it was to run with my prantha. She didn't ask me to run I could have just walked and she didn't tell me to wear a plaazo which was the reason why I had fallen in the first place.
My moto is "praan jaye lekin pranthey naa jaye" and I have I regrets xD I just couldn't bath and wax my leg and even that lead to a funny incident lol.
Bhai thaaa kya 2017-2018? I mean I am still shook till this date but jo bhi tha bawaal tha and I have 0 regrets no matter how painful it was 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 bhai next level pain jiskaa zikkar bhi nahi kr sakti lol
2020 made me stop and process it all. 2021 is doing the same. It said how far will you run away from us. Ek na ek din you will have to process us. The worst part is I didn't even remember the incidents I just get triggered one day because of something and then get flashbacks and suddenly all the forgotten memory are like huloooo remember you did this? 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
Matlb my past has a suicide story not one but two jinkey saath thank god I was not attached but they both still affected me in a very weird sense. Then there is also a murder in my past that affected me. Then all the fights and all the gundaa shit I have done and I do wish I could be all I dunno cute-sy and dumb and not know things and shit but I have seen shit know two people who got forced know people who had to abort and I have gone through praying each day that my friend would survive and when she did the other friend said I will make you worried and honestly I am empty cold and detached. I just want to have a normal experience. Bahot ho gya dora the explorer ka dark version I swear all I want and crave for is peace. And I crave it so bad.
It wasn't fun but it was and I went in back again fuck why have I become triggered so bad recently it's like memories are just catching up. This is exactly why I wanted to run away. It's sad how you can't run away from yourself for a moment and I know to heal you need to process the things. Feel it once or how many times you need to feel it and let it go.
Pretending like things never happened is easier because fir you are so clueless but damn the shit I have gone through I did transform I don't know about physically bit mentally yes I did. It actually feels weirdddddddddddddddddd.
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