zoetekohana · 2 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your reblog:
Lmao! @zoetekohana Zoe, need to know… team Stancy or Jancy? 👀
I always have been team Stancy and I always will be. 
I was so happy when at the end of S1 she chose Steve over Jonathan. Not only was it the unpredictable choice, I loved that she did because:
Before the breach to the Upside Down she and Steve genuinely really liked each other. They were adorable together.
Steve may not have been the best boyfriend at first, but he wasn’t the worst like fandom makes him out to be? He changed because of her. He liked that she cared for others, he liked that she stayed true to herself and her beliefs, and it inspired him to do the same. 
I can never get past the fact that Jonathan took pictures of her half-naked without her knowing, let alone without her permission. And then had the audacity to make himself the victim when Steve rightfully defended Nancy! Wtf no.
Steve and Nancy felt like “right person, wrong time”, because imo Nancy blames herself and Steve for Barb’s death. So I can’t blame her for gravitating towards Jonathan during S2, because of her guilt (that she associates with Steve) and because she shared that trauma, fight, loss with Jonathan. 
(I still hate how a grown-ass creep basically urged her and Jonathan to sleep together, and claiming she does not love Steve while he doesn’t fully know what happened and doesn’t even know Steve. But that’s a rant I don’t want to get into because *shudders*. Another reason why I will never like Jancy.)
It’s also obvious that Robin knows Steve still loves Nancy. I absolutely love the Steve&Robin friendship and how they respect and know each other so well. So it’s no surprise that she is dropping hints left and right with Nancy (her subtlety needs work, though, haha), as she has noticed Nancy still has feelings for Steve as well from their first interaction. Nancy was clearly jealous of the bond Steve and Robin have. 
I hope that with Nancy being under Vecna’s curse, she will get past her guilt and realise that’s the main reason she pushed Steve away. I do think he can become “right person, right time” after that.
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starlightments · 6 years
Hello there, Star! Ok, so about the Ask thing, I LOVED "About Us", it's one of my all-time fave Digimon fics. I know lately you've been more into the Voltron fandom, but I can't help asking for number 13: What music did you listen to to get in the mood for writing "About Us"? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading the fic? TYSM in advance and here's to hoping that maybe, one day, you'll grace us w/ another Sorato masterpiece.
I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!! Omg I cannot believe ;__; I’m so happy you (still!) like that fic!! It’ll always have a special place in my heart because it was the first story I ever shared with the internet and.... !!!!!!! Wow, craziness. But anyway, I’m always thrilled to talk about it! 
I listened to the album “It’s About Us” by Alex & Sierra, like, religiously. Hence the title of that fic, lol. It’s just a beautiful little collection of love songs that cover a lot of different stages in a relationship, and I think that’s why I resonated with it so much while writing it. The whole story revolves around three couples, all in various points in their relationships -- one is falling apart, one is coming together, and one is sort of re-discovering each other. So that album definitely helped inspire me along the way!     
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patamon-ears · 2 years
Right now I'm fluctuating between super flirty and don't talk to me.
I hate my moods RN. A hot and cold Hikari @sakurastar28 ? LOLLLLL
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whatplanetdididial · 7 years
Drabble Challenge
“Take. It. Off.” & “Come over here and make me.”
For the lovely @sakurastar28 who I can’t tag for some reason probably because I’m somehow still Tumblr illiterate. You made me smile today and hopefully I can return the favor!!
Type: Drabble Characters: Ishida Yamato, Takenouchi Sora Rating: T Word count: ~490
It was 01:42 when Sora finally ambled through the front door.
Yamato only happened to be awake at that hour because he had been so engrossed in a new novel that he lost track of time. It had nothing to do with his long-time, steady girlfriend being at a concert with her co-workers without him, and it most certainly had nothing to do with the headliner being a rival band of his.
He simply just didn’t want to put down his book. Until now.
“Yamato!” she cried out in surprise. “Why’re you still awake, hun? I thought you’d be sleeping by now.”
Yamato’s face furrowed at her words. She only used pet names when she was drunk.
“You didn’t tell me you’d be drinking tonight,” he grumbled, more to himself than anyone else. He trusted Sora wholeheartedly, of course, but she had a tendency to be a bit friendlier than usual when she was intoxicated. Yamato didn’t like the idea of anyone getting any funny ideas about his girlfriend, and he especially didn’t like that he hadn’t been with her to ward off any unwanted attention.
“I’m not a damsel in distress, you know,” Sora responded with a glint in her eyes. Yamato had to give her credit for being astute despite her drunken state, but that didn’t stop him from being annoyed at the whole situation.
Dropping her purse onto the ground, Sora made a show of sauntering over to his spot on the couch and grabbing at the ties of her coat.
“Do you want to see what I got at the concert tonight?” she asked suggestively.
He arched an eyebrow at the abrupt topic change.
“Okay…” Yamato said, deciding to play along. “What did you get?”
Sora slowly and deliberately unbuttoned her jacket to reveal a low cut t-shirt with the band members of 12 Midnight plastered on the front.
“Are you serious, Sora?” Yamato hissed. She leaned forward to give him a better look at the shirt, and coincidentally her cleavage, but her boyfriend wasn’t having any of it.
“You bought that garbage knowing that I can’t stand those guys? Tell me you’re joking.”
She took a step toward him with a sly grin on her face.
“It was a gift from the boss, refusing it would have been rude! Being rude to her would have been a bad thing, right, Yamato?”
Yamato opened his mouth to retort something back, but Sora had sidled onto his lap before he could get anything out. Positioning herself so that she was straddling his hips, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hovered over him dangerously.
All Yamato could focus on was the five-piece band mocking him from his girlfriend’s breasts.
“Take. It. Off,” he growled.
Sora bent down and placed a lingering kiss on his lips before getting up and wandering over to their bedroom door. She turned her head over her shoulder and looked back at him coyly before responding.
“Come over here and make me.”
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zoetekohana · 4 years
tagged – now you’re it!
☆ ☆ ☆ Tagged by the lovely @sakurastar28. ☆ ☆ ☆
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better, or catch up with:
Taichi/Mimi (Digimon) | always and forever the main otp
Henry/Amy (The Next Step) | I shipped them since s4 and they finally got together in s7. (I just wish their relationship got more focus in s7 before and especially after they started dating, though. And I wish we’d gotten to see a reaction from Summer, but yeah, this could turn into an entire essay so let’s not go there now.)
Johnny/Dutch (Killjoys) | I just need to watch the final season of this show, but I absolutely adore their relationship. It’s a best friends/platonic lifepartners/more than friends but not more than friends/soulmates bond and I love every minute of it.
Probably not the most original answer to this question currently, but I am slightly obsessed with Taylor Swift and Bon Iver’s “Exile”. I absolutely love love love Bon Iver (I was going to go to their concert last April but that’s postponed due to corona), and I was intrigued to hear them teaming up with Taylor, but gdi their collaboration is absolutely amazing. What a touching song! 
It doesn’t help with the obsession that I stumbled upon two wonderful fanvids for Jess/Rory and Jon/Sansa. The lyrics fit both perfectly, mostly Jonsa. (”Like you’d get your knuckles bloody for me.” and the parallels to Ned/Cat with “I think I’ve seen this film before.”)
But I’ve begun listening to Billie Eilish’s “My Future” a lot too.
Strangely (well, not that strangely considering everything) I haven’t watched as many films this year as other years, but the last feature film I saw was the cynical yet quirky “Destination Wedding”, starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder. 
The last short film I watched was the Korean “Summer, bus”. So very beautiful and heartwarming. I teared up.
I recommend both!
I recently began reading “The Turn of the Screw” by Henry James. As for fanfiction: now that I finally revamped my saved files of “My Captain’s Lady” by Pied Piper, I started a re-read.
Currently working through S6 of “Veep” and through S5 (aka the last season) of “Killjoys”.
I should start watching “Digimon Adventure 2020″, though. But I might watch S3 of “Killing Eve” first.
A glass of water. Yes, I’m very basic.  
More time, more hours in a day.
I’m going to tag @firstdove15 @beeftony @ribbonedcuriosa @ladyofodaiba and @eruriku
PS: I am going to reply to @sakurastar28′s message as well:
[[ @zoetekohana you’ve been MIA but I’m really hoping you’re doing ok!!  ☆(◒‿◒)☆ ]]
Thank you for having tagged me and for asking me how I’m doing! I know, I haven’t been around much the past... year? Wow, see, I desperately crave more time. But life has been very hectic. Health-wise I am doing better, minus the flurry of migraines, but there’s so much going on in my personal life, I am currently stuck, highly stressed (hence the surplus in migraines), and I can’t even bring myself to lie and say I’m okay, because I’m not. But I’m trying to persevere and hope for better times. (And if it’s any consolation, I have quite a few Michi projects in mind.)
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post:
Baby girl, you do you ✨💖 whatever makes you feel at peace with yourself and fuck what everybody else says 💅🏻
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH, BABE. I will try my best to follow that advice. ♡
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post:
Yes, yes, yes, to all of it!!! I’m working under the assumption that Sora&Yama arrive together everywhere lol! Like I’m sure they arrived together to that meet up when they were going to the sauna or whatever that was, lol I don’t remember, and then they actually showed them arriving just the 2 of them together in I think OVA 3?? But that scene in Bokura w/Takeru was a sure call to the 3 of them being a “future family”, so the parallel with Michi & Hikari works for my HC :P
I believe the sauna was in Ketsui, when Taichi and Mimi (+Hikari) arrived together on screen. And yes! You’re right that Yamato and Sora also met up with the others in Kokuhaku when they all decided to go back to the Digital World after the reboot. :D So they basically do always arrive together. ;)
PREACH! Everything else in the parallel adds up, so why shouldn’t the “future family” work for the Yagami’s/Tachikawa’s as well?
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post: 
Are you ok?? Sending positive vibes your way. Take care of yourself first and foremost.
Not exactly. I’m very stressed out because of all this college work and especially this paper. (What I was thinking trying to tackle this? I’m not smart enough.)
But thank you so so so much for the positive vibes! I could really use them. :D I’ll do my best, merci.
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your reblog:
Oh yeeeessss, do try please!!! Michi would be great :) <3
Awww, okay, you’ve convinced me. I shall try to do this 30 day otp challenge for Michi. ♡
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post: 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post:
Nooo, please post them! The Michi fandom needs some love
Awww. ♡  I’m sorry. I was very frustrated when they still didn’t show up in any of the tags after so many attempts. I’ll try again tonight. Hopefully it’ll work then.
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zoetekohana · 6 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post: 
Write it, write it! :)
Ohhh myyyy, you’re flattering me way too much. I don’t deserve it, but I truly and immensely appreciate all the interest in the knnw!au for Michi. Thank you! ♡
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zoetekohana · 7 years
@sakurastar28 replied to your post: 
Loved the “guess my pants” part! Great HC!!!! 💖💖💖
Awww, thank you so much! :D I’m so glad to hear you loved it.   
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zoetekohana · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
⤿ and nothing else matters
this may be a birthday present for myself, but i’d like to dedicate this to my digimon/michi fam: @ex-machiina @ribbonedcuriosa @piedrpiper @ladyofodaiba @stellarhime @pan-kuzu @biminie @sakurastar28 @ahornedgod @aeonsofgrace @mutemwija @kittykaibasblog @greenopalus @ashandpikachu  @shewhodancedinthemoonlight @yui0506 @thetaikamiya and @adventure-hearts
it’s not my best work, sorry, but i am incredibly rusty... hope you guys like it!
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zoetekohana · 3 years
Spell your url with song titles.
The lovely Juli aka @kittykaibasblog tagged me for this game.
Rules: spell out your url/username with song titles and tag as much mutuals as there are letters.
Z - “Zoo” by Red Velvet
O - “The One” by Jorja Smith
E - “Evergreen” by Broods
T - “Touch” by Shura
E - “exile” by Taylor Swift & Bon Iver
K - “Kyoto” by Phoebe Bridgers
O - “Obedear” by Purity Ring
H - “Honest” by The Neighbourhood
A - “Astronaut in the Ocean” by Masked Wolf
N - “Numb” by Linkin Park
A - “Armed and Dangerous” by Chaos Chaos
This was SO.MUCH.FUN to do! Thank you so much for tagging me, Juju. I liked it so much I even made a playlist of this for myself, haha.
Tagging: @fudeh @piedrpiper @ribbonedcuriosa @firstdove15 @rainbowsconnect @aarreplaneetta @wildest-dreems @ladyofodaiba @shewhodancedinthemoonlight @eruriku @sakurastar28 
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patamon-ears · 4 years
tagged -- now you’re it!
Thanks for tagging me @renchan7 xox
Rules: Answer these questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better, or catch up with:
Three ships:
- Shikatema (Naruto)
- Sorato (Digimon)
- Royai (FMA/B)
Last song:
Come On Over  - Christina Aguilera ... BAHAHA (it’s on shuffle) ;)
So On It - Miyavi (as I write this post)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (cover) - ONE OK ROCK ... dude, it took me three songs to complete this xD
Last movie: 
Bad Boys For Life (2020) - LOL. Not by choice. My friend dragged me. It’s not my usual cup of tea. 
Currently reading: 
* Trying to read  -  Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker (my colleague is not impressed with my sleeping patterns and my caffeine addiction. she thinks this book will change my life. yet, i haven’t brought myself to read past the first page! haha).
**I’m also trying to read the latest S.J. Maas series - House of Earth and Blood. I’ll get to it once I’m less busy. 
***On a weekly/daily basis (depends when they’re updated): A truckload of Webtoons - unOrdinary, Purple Hyacinth, Freaking Romance, Choco Latte, Your Throne, Rebirth, Unlovable Replacement, Marry Me!, Odd Girl Out.....just to name a few I’m actually reading more than this, so shh
****And, 2 weeks ago I was catching up with Tijan’s works and had a ridiculous binge, reading 8 novels written by her over one week. Haha. I’ve followed her since my FictionPress days - and Jace will continue to be one of my favourite baes of all time. I do prefer her older stuff more though because her plots do get quite repetitive. Typical bad boy x badass female protagonist. She’s my comfort author when I feel like an easy read, smut & being absolute trash ;)
To be honest, if you asked me this last year I’d just be saying I’ve been only reading Webtoons. I’ve been hermitting a whole lot due to COVID and work/ stress/studying/life, so it’s kinda nice to get back into my reading roots. Thus the semi writing hiatus. I’m kicking myself right now. I’ve been wanting to get that latest Chp of Lifelines up for a while. 
Currently watching: 
Youtube reactions (lol), Fruits Basket 2, Digimon Adventure (2020), Rewatching Naruto Shippuden & FMAB. Itaewon Class soon...
Currently consuming: 
Had a salmon onigiri and a hojicha latte an hour ago...if that counts? 
Currently craving: 
Hm...I think the onigiri/hochija has simmered away my cravings for now. I’m quite full at the moment. I do, however, have shabu-shabu for dinner...so I’m pretty stoked for that!
Tagging: YOU!!!!... @sakurastar28 @blueberrrykissses ...and whoever. hehe.
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