#sakuya or itaru maybe
everwisp · 2 years
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crownconstellation · 6 months
so with this year’s April Fool’s event, which is themed after the Chinese Zodiac, A3! has given almost every character confirmed official birth years depending on what zodiac clan they were assigned to! these are as follows:
?????? - Guy, Azuma (they were assigned the cat, which is an unofficial / excluded zodiac sign. clever move, Liber.)
1987 (Rabbit) - Sakyo
1991 (Ram) - Homare
1992 (Monkey) - Chikage, Hisoka
1993 (Rooster) - Tsumugi
1994 (Dog) - Tasuku, Itaru
1995 (Pig) - Citron
1997 (Ox) - Omi
1998 (Tiger) - Misumi, Kazunari
1999 (Rabbit) - Tsuzuru
2000 (Dragon) - Banri, Juza
2001 (Snake) - Sakuya, Tenma, Taichi
2002 (Horse) - Masumi, Kumon
2003 (Ram) - Yuki, Muku
2004 (Monkey) - Azami
(Izumi got assigned Rat, which would be 1996, but based on canon statements about her age (her knowing Sakyo as a kid + her being the same general age as TaTsm), she’s presumably a 1992-1993 baby & she got put in Rat solely bc no one else filled that slot.)
#a3#a3! act addict actors#listing all this has made me realise the way a3 labels ages is…. interesting.#bc of how it does things people who may be only a few months apart in age will be listed as an entire year apart#because based on these birthdays it lists everyone as the age they’re turning within that act (going april to march)#so say… tasuku who’s only a few months older than itaru is listed as a year older than him bc he turned 23 right before act 1. whereas itar#turns 23 at the start of it. and then tasuku turns 24 in february. and then for acts 2 on the ages just tick up one#so even tho for most of the year they’re the same age tasuku will be listed as older#this is the same for masumi & kumon and sakuya & taiten#this makes a lot of age assignments for the students Interesting also bc they seem younger than they should be?#maybe i got too used to how enstars does the age stuff but 15-16 for 1st years 16-17 for second years 17-18 for third years…#but a3 has the third years turn 17 During their third year & etc. sakuya turns 17 at the very end of the school year#and it can’t be the march birthdays being the start of the year loop bc then sakuya would be a 2000 baby and masumi 2001#i think i’m overthinking this LOL. well anyways!#i also saw someone point out homare is three days too early to be a goat so LOL i don’t think they thought this through past general year#on that note is it goat or is it ram. i see people use them interchangeably. well anyways#bri.txt#omi literally only five (5) days younger than me…#also i just realised. tsuzuru being assigned rabbit LOLLLLLLLLLLL he is never getting past the white rabbit
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purpldawne · 4 months
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jujumin-translates · 5 days
[A3!] Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR++] The Garden that Bounded the Four Seasons | Courtyard Time Capsule: Spring
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Citron: …And to make a long story short, that is that.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, I didn’t get any of that.
Citron: That is why I am going to use the time thing to put into a capsule!
Masumi: That’s way too hard to follow.
Sakuya: He’s talking about a time capsule. Like how each troupe is burying a time capsule in the courtyard.
Sakuya: That’s why we all have to decide on one thing to put into it.
Citron: Please decide by next week!
Tsuzuru: Ohh, a time capsule, huh? Sounds interesting.
Itaru: Sweet, I’m gonna bury my billing records.
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Masumi: That’d be pointless.
Chikage: I suppose it’s nice feeling the impermanence of worldly things, isn’t it?
Sakuya: Putting billing records aside, it should be something that you’ll be able to look at in ten years and really feel how the time has gone by.
Itaru: If that’s the case then maybe I could use one of those… Just last week, I bought a bunch of copies of the software for this one game to get a store-specific bonus, so maybe I could throw one of those in or something.
Tsuzuru: Why game software?
Itaru: Maybe it’ll become some legendary game in ten years.
Chikage: Just out of curiosity, what’s the review average for it online?
Itaru: 3.2 stars…
Chikage: Seems like it could become very legendary indeed.
Citron: You are not being very imaginative. You will not be surprised when we open it up! 
Masumi: Well, I guess that’s fair, but what exactly should it be then?
Citron: It should be something with more heresy! 
Tsuzuru: Sincerity?
Sakuya: Something with sincerity… Maybe something handmade?
Chikage: Something we made with our own hands would definitely carry more feelings ten years from now than ready-made products would.
Itaru: Hey now, let’s not ask for something unreasonable again…
Sakuya: (Something handmade… I wonder what I should bury.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: …Hmmhmhmm, scratchy and prickly~.
Sakuya: What are you sewing, Citron-san?
Citron: The item I am going to bury in the time capsule!
Sakuya: A felt doll?
Citron: Yes. This is the plan!
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Sakuya: Whoa, it’s a new Citron Junior! 
Citron: A Sleeping Beauty version! It is very romantic to wake up after sleeping for ten years!
Sakuya: I see! So he’s a Sleeping Beauty because he’ll be sleeping underground for a long time.
Sakuya: (Citron-san really is amazing. That’s the perfect theme for a time capsule and it’s a really Citron-san-like thing to do.)
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
*Knock on door and the door opens*
Sakuya: Tsuzuru-kun, Masumi-kun, the room we’re rehearsing in for afternoon rehearsal has changed.
Tsuzuru: It’s already about time, huh?
Masumi: I’ll be there once I’m done.
Sakuya: What are you making, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: A picture frame.
Masumi: I’m going to put my favorite recent photo of the Director in it and then bury it in the time capsule.
Tsuzuru: That’s like idol-fan worshipping behavior…
Masumi: I’d be really happy to be able to compare the Director’s smile here to her smile ten years from now.
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Sakuya: I see! That really is an idea only you could’ve come up with, Masumi-kun.
Sakuya: Have you decided on what you’re gonna bury yet, Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru: It’s not really that much, but… it’s handmade, so it should work.
Sakuya: A notebook?
Tsuzuru: It’s got stuff like the plots for story ideas that I’ve had to scrap so far written in it.
Tsuzuru: Maybe the stuff that I’ve had to scrap because I couldn’t handle it now will be something I’ll be able to write about ten years in the future.
Sakuya: I’m sure that ten years from now, you’ll be an even better writer than you already are, Tsuzuru-kun!
Tsuzuru: I hope so.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Knock on door and the door opens*
Sakuya: Itaru-san, Chikage-san, the room we’ll be rehearsing in for our afternoon rehearsal has been changed.
Chikage: Ahh, got it.
Itaru: Gotcha.
Sakuya: By the way, have you both decided on what you’ll be burying in the time capsule?
Chikage: I’m thinking of bottling up an extra hot spice combination that I’ve come up with and then burying that along with the recipe for it.
Chikage: This is the best combination to me currently, but… I might come up with an entirely different recipe ten years from now.
Chikage: I think it’d be fun to compare them.
Sakuya: Spices! That’s a very you thing, Chikage-san. I bet the Director would love to know that recipe too.
Chikage: I bet she would.
Itaru: And I’m thinking of making a homemade strategy guide to bury with the software since I’d never hear the end of it from Citron if I only buried that.
Itaru: It’s basically just a notebook with a hand-drawn map, gameplay notes, reviews, etc.
Itaru: I used to write out strategy guide notes by hand, but now that I’ve got the wonder that is the internet, I don’t really do that anymore.
Itaru: So I’m gonna try unleashing my little gamer boy heart again.
Chikage: You say that as if you’re not still basically a gamer kid.
Sakuya: That seems like it’d be more memorable than if you just put the game in.
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Sakuya: (It’s incredible how everyone’s found something that’s so uniquely them… Just what am I going to bury?)
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: (Hmm, the sun is so warm and nice today.)
Sakuya: (Our time capsule is gonna be buried in this garden and then we’ll all dig it up ten years from now…)
Sakuya: (Ten years from now… I wonder how much everyone will change, including me. I’m really looking forward to digging it back up.)
Sakuya: (But before that, I need to figure out what I’m going to bury in it…)
Sakuya: Hmm…
Izumi: Ah, looks like I found the first guest.
Izumi: Omi-kun made gâteau au chocolat. Would you like to have some with me?
Sakuya: Sure thing!
Izumi: What are you thinking about?
Sakuya: I actually haven’t decided on what I’m gonna bury in the time capsule yet…
Izumi: It seems like the other troupes that buried theirs before put a lot of different things in theirs too.
Izumi: Pictures, poems, design data, autographed balls, keys for a treasure hunt, things they use on a daily basis…
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Sakuya: I’m thinking of making something homemade, but I’m not particularly good at making anything…
Izumi: Being homemade doesn’t mean it has to be good.
Izumi: The feelings you put into it and the reason you made it are more important, don’t you think?
Izumi: It should be something that’ll make you happy when you dig it up ten years from now.
Sakuya: I see… I guess you’re right.
Sakuya: I was also just looking forward to digging the time capsule up in this courtyard and imagining what it’ll be like.
Izumi: That reminds me, the first generation said that this courtyard was full of their memories, too.
Izumi: This courtyard really is a special place for MANKAI Company members, isn’t it?
Izumi: It’s full of fun times, happy times, troubled times, and lots of other times too.
Sakuya: Yeah! It’s a place that I really, really love too.
Sakuya: --Ah.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: Alright, it is time to put our things in the time capsule one by one!
Tsuzuru: Alright, I’ll start with mine since it seems easy to put in.
Itaru: Mine’s flat too, so it’ll be fine being at the bottom.
Chikage: Mine can go next.
Citron: I will put mine in too~. Good night, Junior~.
Masumi: I’m putting my picture of the Director at the very top.
Itaru: That’s a disgusting amount of bubble wrap.
Tsuzuru: I think you might’ve over-wrapped it a bit.
Sakuya: Alright, mine can go in next then.
Chikage: A watercolor painting? Did you paint that, Sakuya?
Citron: Ohh! It is of the courtyard’s scenery!
Sakuya: It honestly kinda sucks, but… I borrowed some art supplies from Kazunari-san and painted a little bit of it every day.
Sakuya: I hope this view of the courtyard I love will still be the same in ten years when we all dig up the capsule.
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Sakuya: I painted this with that wish in mind.
Itaru: I’m sure it won’t change.
Citron: Just like our bond.
Sakuya: Yeah!
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A3! Mikage Hisoka | SSR - Aiming to keep you in check | Translation
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The Role of the Novice King / 1
Izumi: (I’m pretty sure those materials were here—) 
Hisoka: Zzz… Izumi: Whoa?!  Izumi: T-That was scary…  Hisoka: …Director?  Izumi: Good morning. It’s surprising to find you sleeping in this place.  Hisoka: …It was chilly in the courtyard and attic because of the cloudy weather, and Arisu was so noisy in our room.  Hisoka: Azuma is not in the dorms either. The only place where I could sleep peacefully was here.  Izumi: That makes sense. But, why don’t you just stay awake?  Hisoka: …The winter troupe will drink together and have a chess tournament tonight.  Hisoka: I’m sleeping now because of that.  Izumi: (But you’re always sleeping, Hisoka-san.)  Izumi: Is the chess tournament for your role study? Your role in the event was… Hisoka: The… king… Hisoka: Zzz… Izumi: Fufu, he fell asleep in mid-sentence. Have a nice dream. 
Izumi: (I interrupted Hisoka’s nap, but, on the bright side, I got the materials I needed—) 
- Doorbell sound - 
Izumi: (...A guest?)  Izumi: Yes? Member of a troupe: Hello~.  Izumi: Ah, hello. Thank you for the other day.  Member of a troupe: I should say that. You did a lot for us that day.  Izumi: It was nothing, really. But… how can I help you today?  Member of a troupe: Oh, I’m sorry to show up without notice. But we were sorting some props and found some useful ones. So I brought them to you.  Izumi: Props…  Member of a troupe: You mentioned you wanted these props we didn’t use and were about to throw away if there was something still useful. Remember?   Izumi: Oh, yeah…!  Izumi: Thank you, and sorry to make you bring them.  Member of a troupe: Don’t worry. I was near here.  Member of a troupe: I’ll leave them here, then. See you some other time.  Izumi: Of course, thank you! 
- The member left - 
Citron: Was that a friend, director?  Sakuya: Whoa, there are so many props!  Izumi: Nice timing. Can you two help me carry these props? 
The Role of the Novice King / 2
Citron: –Phew~. And that’s all!  Izumi: Thanks.  Masumi: What’s that?  Izumi: Someone from a troupe I helped before gave me these props they no longer use.  Itaru: Again…?  Chikage: Don’t you think we start to look like a junk removal place?  Izumi: A junk removal… Hey! Many things there can still be used!  Tsuzuru: In any case, we should sort out what we can use in performances or practices and what we cannot.  Hisoka: Yawn… Good morning.  Izumi: Hm? Are you awake now?  Hisoka: I wanted to eat marshmallows.  Citron: Help us organize these blobs, Hisoka! Tsuzuru: Organize these props.  Hisoka: …Sounds like a lot of work. Chikage: Your luck ran out when you woke up. Quit complaining and come help us.  Hisoka: Sigh…  Sakuya: There are many things here.  Masumi: Everything is trash.  Itaru: I’d agree, but one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.  Tsuzuru: Ah, we can use this pot in the dorms… wait, where is the bottom?!  Tsuzuru: What play could have needed this…? Itaru: That’s quite intriguing. Look, over here are bending chopsticks.  Izumi: Fufu, that comes from a company that does some surreal comedy. This box feels light. Maybe there are costumes inside… Izumi: …A crown?  Sakuya: Ah, there seems to be a cape underneath!  Izumi: (A crown and cape… Ah!) Izumi: Don’t you want to use them, Hisoka-san? Your role for the next event is a king, after all.  Citron: Oh! It could help in his role study if he wears it!  Hisoka: Role study… But it’s not a very complicated role…  Citron: Hisoka, you can’t become a king poltergeist. Hisoka: …I wasn’t planning to.  Tsuzuru: He means overnight.  Itaru: A strong statement from a former crown prince despite his broken Japanese.  Chikage: Indeed, one can’t acquire a regal aura immediately. Hisoka: When you say it like that… I feel like I have to do a role study for it.  Citron: Then me and Itaru will help!  Itaru: Eh, me too? Sure, I guess…  Hisoka: This became more problematic…  Chikage: Good luck.  Citron: Let’s start right away!  Izumi: But first, let’s tidy all this up. 
Itaru: Okay, now that we finished tidying up everything, may the role study begin.  Hisoka: … Citron: In the first place, it’s the flavor of a king. Itaru: Behavior.  Citron: I’m pretty sure the costume for the performance will have a fancy cape. So try to make the cape flutter smoothly.  Hisoka: …Okay.  Hisoka: Like this? Itaru: Exaggerate it some more. It would look cooler if you lift it higher.  Hisoka: …Like this? Itaru: No, it’s more like… this!  Hisoka: …Is this okay?  Itaru: Hmm…  Citron: Non, non. That makes it look like you have chuunibyou instead of a king. It needs more elegance.   Itaru: Severely criticized by the royalty.  Hisoka: Elegance…  Hisoka: Like this?  Citron: Yes, yes! Perfect!  Hisoka: …I could use this as a reference. Maybe. Hisoka: Then, I’ll take my leave…  Citron: Moving on to the next one!  Hisoka: …There’s more?
The Role of the Novice King / 3
Hisoka: …Marsh… mallow…  Izumi: You’ve worked hard, Hisoka-san. Here, take a marshmallow. Izumi: How was the practice for your role study?  Hisoka: …It was useful at the beginning.  Izumi: What do you mean?  Izumi: —Wait, that black rod thing isn’t…  Hisoka: Ah, I brought the whip with me. I’ll give it back to Citron later.  Izumi: A whip!? Why would you need that?! Hisoka: “What insolence! What disrespect! You, lick my boots!”  Izumi: HUH?!  Hisoka: …And we had a whipping lesson.  Izumi: So it was the King of Hearts becoming the King of Harm… Hisoka: It happened during Arisu’s performance too.  Izumi: (Right, it did happen something like that…) Izumi: But Hisoka-san’s role doesn’t have that personality, right…?  Hisoka: No. That’s why I said it was only useful at the beginning. It was a behavior lesson.  Izumi: (I was the one who suggested it… I’m feeling a bit guilty about this…)  Hisoka: Yawn… So sleepy… Hisoka: I finished my king role study. That’s why… director, lower your head for a moment.  Izumi: Eh? L-Like this?  Hisoka: “I bestow this upon you. Consider yourself honored.” Izumi: …The crown?  Hisoka: This is also part of the king’s role. 
Choice 1: You’re right. 
Izumi: Fufu, you’re right.  Izumi: So, this is how it feels to receive the crown from the king.  Hisoka: How do you feel?  Izumi: Hmm… a bit nervous, but excited? Something like that…  Izumi: Like if you receive a special gift.  Hisoka: …I see. 
Choice 2: You were like a real king. 
Izumi: It felt like you were a real king.  Hisoka: Do you mean I acted like Citron? Izumi: Hmm… It was a little different… But I could feel a royal aura coming from you.  Hisoka: Even if I didn’t move the cape?  Izumi: Cape…?  Hisoka: …I was talking to me. I’m glad you felt I was like a king. 
Izumi: Then your role study seemed to work well.  Hisoka: That’s why I gave the crown and cape to you, director.  Izumi: It’s an honor, but… someone else needs it more than me. So I’ll have to decline.  Hisoka: Someone else needs it…?  Hisoka: …I think I know who it is. Then, I’ll give it to him later.  Hisoka: I’m tired. I’ll sleep until the winter troupe comes. Director, please… wake me up…  Hisoka: Zzz…Zzz… Izumi: Good night, your Highness.
---------------- Translation notes: 
-> Citron's mistakes
Original: お豆腐の整理 (otofu no seiri) → 小道具整理 (kodougu seiri) Adaptation: Organize these blobs → Organize these props. 
Original: 胃腸炎と咳 (ichouen to seki) → 一朝一夕 (icchoisseki) Adaptation: Poltergeist → Overnight
Original: 立ち飲みシュウマイ (tachinomi shuumai) → 一立ち居振る舞い (tachiifurumai) Adaptation: Flavor → Behavior
Notes:  When Hisoka says “It happened during Arisu’s performance too”, he might be talking about receiving Citron’s help in the Witness From the Past backstage (MLAM Hisoka’s SSR). 
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musings-ofthe-unamused · 10 months
A3 Reactions To:
A3 Reactions to: calling them beautiful
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Spring Troupe:
Sakuya (P):
He will smile that bright smile of his
And you just say “Has anyone told you how beautiful your smile is?”
He’ll get slightly embarrassed 
“No…thank you.”
“I’ll just have to tell you more often then!”
Pat his head (threatening)
Masumi (P):
Masumi doesn’t necessarily enjoy being called beautiful 
He tends to like more masculine terms like handsome
But sometimes compliments just come out naturally, and you happened to call him beautiful
He’ll get bashful. Any praise from you is good praise
Then he’ll start trying to get called that more
Tsuzuru (R):
It catches him off guard
“Tsuzuru, I just can’t get enough of your beautiful writing. It’s just like you.”
“Beautiful?” He’ll ask
“Of course!”
He smiles to himself. He doesn’t really know how to respond
Instead, he’ll just lean in closer and ask for your favorite moments in his writings
Itaru (R): 
You two are messing around on a game
You decide to distract him and call him beautiful
“That won’t work” 
It does
He loses
Prepare for payback
Citron (R):
Call him beautiful, and he’ll immediately call you beautiful back
He gets all flirty, methinks
Starts to play with your hair, gives you a smile
“You really think I’m beautiful?”
Chikage (R): 
Chikage will use this against you
“What about me is so beautiful?”
You’ll get flustered as you try and list all the qualities about him 
With every word, he gets closer and closer
And then he leans down and-
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Summer Troupe:
Tenma (R):
Little bitch Tenma would act like a typical tsundere
You call him beautiful after seeing him in a commercial
“What? Don’t call me that!”
“Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing!”
“But it’s cute when you’re embarrassed!”
Yuki (P): 
Yuki would get shy, but feels very proud
You compliment him, his outfits, and his ability to look good in anything
No one in this whole entire game knows how to take a compliment, including Yuki
He would be smiling to himself the rest of the day though
It’s so adorable
Muku (P):
“Muku!! The world’s most beautiful prince!!”
“Ahh!!” Why would you say that?! Now he won’t be able to focus!
His face is red for the rest of the day and whenever he sees you
It’s adorable
Call him that every once in a while to throw him off guard
Misumi (P):
It’s hard complimenting Misumi
The best you could come up with is “You’re like a beautiful triangle”
It works, because his eyes are sparkling and he has a giant smile
He then gets all serious and says 
“You are like a precious triangle that shines in the moonlight”
Surprisingly sweet
Kazunari (R): 
Ok I lied, maybe Kazunari is the only one who knows how to take a compliment
“You think so? Thanks!”
He smiles and then compliments you back with no effort
Damn extroverts that are good at people pleasing
But it’s fun to compliment him (he will brag about it)
Kumon (P):
Kumon doesn’t think he’s beautiful
He just kinda…doesn’t think about his appearance that much at all
So when you call him beautiful, he’s taken aback
He’ll kinda switch the subject and say it’s a part of a nutritional diet
Whatever tf that means
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Autumn Troupe:
Sakyo (R):
“You’re beautiful.”
Sakyo would lean back, a blush spreading from the center of his face outwards until it reaches his ears
He would scowl, pushing you away
“Don’t say that!”
Just smile and say “I’m only speaking the truth!!”
He’ll leave from embarrassment after mumbling out a thank you
Juza (P):
Juza (derogatory) kinda glares at you
Not in a mean way, but in a “wtf” way
His heart is pounding into his chest because who in their right mind would call him beautiful?
You’re not in your right mind, obviously
Juza will eventually mutter out a “thanks” and then run away never to be seen again
Banri (R):
“Ya think?”
He gives you a goofy ass smile and then (roughly) pats your head
He laughs his cute little laugh and your heart melts
“I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true”
“Ok, that’s enough”
He’ll  get “annoyed” and then try and change the subject
Rare embarrassed Banri!!!
Omi (R):
Omi (sobs) would have a really sweet reaction
He’ll gasp a little bit and go “you don’t have to say that”
“But I do! People should state the obvious”
I feel like he would click his tongue and hug you
God, I wanna hug him
Taichi (P): 
“Taichi!! Oh, I love the outfit today! You look beautiful today.”
“Thank yo- what?!”
He’ll be so surprised like :o
He seriously doesn’t know what to do and starts stuttering out some responses
“Why didn’t you just call me cool?!?”
Runs away crying
Azami (P):
Ok I lied again, Azami takes compliments like a pro
“Wow! You’re really beautiful today, Azami”
“I tried out some new skincare products. These ones may be expensive, but give a really good glow and smooth finish”
“Show me your ways”
On the inside, he’s smiling like a doofus, but on the outside he’s seriously teaching you about skincare
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Winter Troupe:
Tasuku (R): 
Tasuku wouldn’t really know how to react
He just kind of stares at you blankly
“Because you are.”
“Oh. Thank you?”
You think his reaction is funny so you keep calling him beautiful whenever you get the chance
Homare (R):
Oh god, here comes the theatrics (i love it)
“Beautiful? Beautiful?!?! My dear, my beauty cannot be compared to that of yours. Your beauty is like-”
He starts rambling on and on
Of course you’re listening, but you’re also smiling at the way the tips of his ears are tinted red and his words slightly shake from embarrassment 
So cute
Tsumugi (R):
Give him a flower that means beauty and suddenly whoosh
He’s blushing and laughing that cute awkward laugh of his
“Are you trying to say something?”
“I’m trying to say you’re beautiful.”
“Hehe…thank you.”
He likes that flower a lot more now
Azuma (R):
Damn it…this bastard gets called beautiful all the time!
You can’t even get out the compliment
“Hmmm? What is it? You’re stuttering.”
Yeah, anyone would stutter with Azuma looking at them like they were a dessert!! 
“Just that you’re- uhm…really..prett- I mean. You’re beautiful.”
Why are you the only one flustered in this situation?
Hisoka (R):
“You look so beautiful when you’re sleeping…”
You only whisper it so he can’t hear
Yet he suddenly shifts and grabs your hand
You both know he’s pretending at this point but…
You don’t say anything. Just watch him and smile
Guy (R):
“You’re beautiful .”
That was his response. You didn’t know why you called him that, it just happened
Now you’re both standing there awkwardly
He’s just staring at you
You’re fidgeting and getting uncomfortable…
“Thank you.”
Finally a response with a small smile
Your heart skips a beat 
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emilycollins00 · 6 months
Hiii I don't know if you would write it (it's okay if you don't) but to change the tone a bit, could you do a list of toxic traits/red flags of the troupes members? I saw it in another fandom and thought it would be interesting! love your stuff btw
Thank you for waiting love!! 💕 That said, hope you are still around aksdjkdn it's been a while.
I wasn’t sure if you meant in a relationship or just in general, so I went with the flow a bit and did whatever felt more suitable for each at the time (hence why some are longer)
Warning: I focused on showing bad traits and exploiting them so my apologies if any fan doesn’t like what I chose, don’t take it too much to heart!
A3! and their toxic traits
Sakuya – Conflict avoidance / Insecure
He struggles to voice what he wants because he’s afraid of upsetting others, this leads to Sakuya never deciding anything which can become kinda... vexing.
Of course, when there’s a fight he just doesn't wants to argue, and definitely avoids discussing certain topics. Not to say he’ll just apologize, but he will often try to find a solution (even if it doesn’t make much sense) to pretend it’s all good and everyone is content when in reality, no ones is.
Itaru – Childish / Half-assed
Has a tendency to talk about people behind their back when they do something that upsets him, instead of talking it out.
Sometimes going out with him feels like babysitting. He tends to complain if he’s in a place he didn’t want to be. It’s his day off and you two already saw one another three days ago, couldn’t he just have stayed at home?
Incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering special occasions but try asking him when is the birthday of his favorite character… or maybe don’t.
Masumi – Overly intense / Tunnel focus
This boy’s downfall are relationships. Masumi has incredibly intense feelings – that’s no surprise, so when he finally falls the beginning is perfect, almost fairytale like.
But then he asks opinions about choosing a wedding venue. Asks about a having kids. When going to the store he even begins to look for baby clothes. First week gone and he’ll want to meet with in-laws. Want to move in together.
He loves so much that it’s overbearing and doesn’t realize how pressuring he is – how fast he’s willing to move everything. Still, what’s there to think? Their partner must want the same thing.
Chikage – Righteous / Emotionally Distant
Being with him, whether it’s in a romantic relationship or friendship, is emotionally draining.
While people pour everything they have into their relationships, Chikage, aside from the people from Mankai, won't even be half as invested. And all the time, patience, and effort that should've come from both parties is off unbalance which ofc turns into an eventual distance.
IF he’s ever confronted about it he sighs, because as expected, it now has become a tiring task for him. People know he’s usually like this. Why getting angry or bothered by his persona? It’s not like he was lying or anything to anyone.
Tsuzuru – Workaholic/ Untrustworthy
I think at first his relationships would be great. Tsuzuru does try to make time for friends/partners/family after all.
But sooner than later, he’s again cramped up with scriptwriting, uni, work... you name it.  People notice the pressure he’s under, so he’s usually proposed to take a break, to go with someone somewhere, but he just doesn’t listen. 
He will be apologetic “I’m so sorry, I have to complete this before the end of... “I forgot we were…” “I’ll make it up to you next time!” and it’s understandable, but he’s always like this.
If anyone insist too much, he might get irritated and snap, and if the person snaps back or leave he does realize how badly he messed up… but half the time, he won’t make a move. He’ll tell himself to talk it later.
Citron – Toxic Positivity / Overthinker
King of no one can be mad if we don’t focus on the issue? A little bit tactless given the situation as well.
And god bless him but while he takes notice if anyone is not feeling well, partner or not, he decides to be absolutely oblivious to their bad moods. If they want to talk about it he doesn’t get it either. Why is everyone upset about it, at least it’s over now!
Doesn’t like taking responsibility for his actions, making excuses to justify his behavior.
Tenma – Accusatory / Invasive
Always has something to say, no matter the argument – even if he's clearly the one in the wrong. Instead of working it out rationally, he shifts the blame away and pins it on the other person, guilt-tripping into thinking he's the one compromised.
If others were indeed wrong however, prepare for a non-stop nagging for days to come. If driven by his ego, this will escalate and in eeeevery conflict, this will be brought up.
In a relationship Tenma thinks he has the right to intervene in his partner’s personal affairs, meaning if they have something going on or someone they have a problem with, he’s going to lash out even if he was asked to leave it alone. What-? Why are you mad? You should be thanking him!
Muku – Pessimist / Passive
He want to know everything about everyone and in a relationship, his partner is always free to tell him about their problems… but that’s when troubles begin.
Overly sensitive, and when stresses he’s the type to blame himself in any situation which makes dealing with him kind of exhausting after a while.
That said, despite his kind self, Muku is overly passive in his communication. He often avoids direct confrontation, leading to unresolved issues which given his pessimistic nature as well have him tensed all the time awaiting when his actions might turn against him.
Since it really always his fault, you don’t have to remind him.
Misumi – Uncommunicative / Dismissive
Misumi, as many here, has a tendency to avoid confrontation and suppress his emotions, leading to communication barriers and unresolved issues in any type of relationship.
As it goes, this lack of communication prevents any relationship from progressing and resolving underlying issues, creating a stiff dynamic... at least from other people's view, since Misumi likes to get over things quickly and expects everyone to do the same. A little bit tactless in that sense.
This includes having a hard time taking the blame. He wants it to be on everyone. Even if it’s his fault, the closest anyone’s ever going to get is something like Mmm we all said and did things we shouldn’t, right? let’s try to move on!
Kumon – Overwhelming / Unattentive
He doesn’t even know he usually speaks over or interrupts others but definitely knows he has the need to protect their partner.
He’s so deluded into thinking he’s doing a good thing by pulling their partner away from the slightest danger. Sidewalk is too crowded? He’ll insist to walk on the busy road. Too hot today? Maybe it’s better to stay inside. He pulls everyone away every time he thinks they are close to getting hurt. At first it’s nice, but does become suffocating.
And if it's his partner tells him they don’t need his help, he’ll laugh before assisting anyway.
In general relations sometimes he will not stop even if you can’t keep up with him if he’s too excited. He’s just go go go all the time.
Kazunari – Liar / Dependant
On one hand Kazunari knows he can be completely honest with his partner, but he can’t differentiate between being honest in a way that supports a healthy relationship without… sometimes being honest in a way where he says something to hurt their feelings. So yeah, he sometimes lies.
He also involuntarily crosses boundaries (no consent in certain lives, photos uploaded…) and suffocates with constant attention. He struggles with trust issues too, constantly seeking validation from his partner or others to alleviate his insecurities.
This behavior in the end becomes draining if he’s in a relationship, as his partner feels trapped and unable to maintain their independence.
Yuki – Non-existent filter / Accusatory
During intense moments of blinding anger, Yuki jabs out everything he thinks without ever sugarcoating it, and there really isn't much to stop that.
Also maybe because while logical most of the time, he’s a bit short-tempered in certain situations (especially when stressed), so if provoked or at least he feels recriminated, he'll say some really hurtful things, insecurities that people took time to open up to with him.
If something goes wrong and he’s not in the fault he’s quick to complain as well. He already knew what was going to happen, so why did everyone insist on doing it? And why would anyone think he will sympathise afterwards? 
Banri – Expectations / Charge
Wants to be in charge of everything. Prone to micromanaging their partner while stubbornly refusing to ask for help even if it’s obvious,
He has so much going on that if anyone crosses him, romantic relationship or not, Banri will play with the “I will leave if you want”. Because he would leave and he wouldn’t even feel regretful.
Because of his good memory and capacities, he tends to wait for people to catch things quickly. He didn’t bring coffee to class and expects people to know that he drank it on the way because morning rehearsal was rough. He didn’t answer anyone’s text so he expected everyone to know that needs revision – to him, that stuff is easy. What? No one knew? He always does similar details for everyone – he shouldn’t have to say it out loud every time.
Specially his partner. They should know what he’s thinking in these moments. If they don’t, maybe they didn’t love him as much as they said.
Taichi – Jealous / Low self-esteem
This boy lacks confidence in himself and the relationship no matter the type.
Catches himself thinking how everyone is much better than him – and in a relationship he’s scared his partner would leave him for anyone. Makes sense. They are perfect and kind, he’s just... him.
Of course he would want to be with their partner all the time, very clingy and overly emotional when arguing with him or when they tell him off. Might have taken a look or two at his partner's notifications of messages. He felt bad after though, he promises!
Juza – Self-esteem / Walls
Usually clueless about what he’s doing wrong and can’t seem to know how much effort to put into a new relationship, romantic or not. It could be days of not talking with him or him not answering just because he didn’t know if it would feel abrasive.
So yeah, I wouldn’t say he’s blinded by his anxieties and worries but then again, it’s not like he’ll ever talk about it with anyone either.
In a relationship, Juza wouldn’t think they love him enough to stay if he reveals all his insecurities. In his eyes, his partner will leave him one day, he knows it. They are too good for someone like him.
Sakyo –  Rigid / Controlling
Exceedingly strict but only when it’s related to him. Like, he doesn’t pick up the phone during work time because that wouldn’t be professional of him, yet when he’s with others? He continues mentioning work-related stuff or leaves to take calls.
There’s also certain controlling behavior in his romantic relationships. While he may initially come across as caring and devoted, his need for control becomes evident as the relationship progresses, leading to feelings of suffocation and resentment.
When in a fight, Sakyo is rough with his words and has to have the last word no matter what. His anger also lasts for days and the silent treatment is a huge thing. Will act like nothing has happened after that.
Omi -  Low esteem / Unwillingness to commit
This man's steps on eggshells with relationships, romantic or not. Omi is terrified to let anyone in and see their eyes judging.
In a relationship he’s too scared to show how much he loves his partner and honestly that very own cautiousness, that unwillingness to fall, hurts more than he realizes.
Omi is also someone who never expresses complicated feelings, either. He might just need time, but never asks for any.
People are left feeling like they might only be in the relationship because he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. When asked he hesitates, which hurts the most. He can’t seem to understand he needs to let himself go. This happens again and again because in the end, Omi decides that it’s best to not fall at all – he doesn’t need another scar.
Azami – Extreme / Overly guarded
Azami is prude but as he grows, he becomes not so… accepting.
He scoffs wherever he sees something he doesn’t approve, and if in a relationship their partner wants to hold his hand, he’ll rip it away and lecture them angrily about how it might look to others. You should know by now.
As such, he tends to be emotionally distant and closed-off in all relationships. He struggles and often avoids discussing his feelings or concerns.
This emotional guardedness creates insecurity in the relationships, as many feel like they are unable to connect with him on a deeper level. His reluctance to open up leads to communication misunderstandings as well.
Their partner or friends must not love him, that’s the only reason he can think of – but he won’t show his fear of that possibility.
Tsumugi – Distracted / People pleaser
This young man doesn’t make it on purpose, which is all the way down frustrating.
He will have periods of time where he’s attentive to everyone, and in a relationship his partner is his number one priority.
Others becomes overly focused on his own pursuits, leaving little time or energy for nurturing any type of relationship. When he notices, he becomes again hyper attentive, doing anything for the relationship to not deteriorate.
But since additionally Tsumugi struggles to communicate effectively about his emotions and decisions, this leads to more distance to grow.
Hisoka – Ghosting / Short-tempered
Honestly he doesn’t look into the care and delicacy relationships take. Doesn’t answer messages nor call and if he does it’s quick and short.
He’s sparse with his attention. No, he doesn’t want to go out, partner, friend, or whatever should stop asking. Also it’s becoming annoying. When in a fight, if he finds it’s not important, it will always seem like he doesn’t care about anything.
Hisoka won’t compromise either, he won’t be more attentive, he doesn’t want to be, that’s too much work. And if they try to force it? Then people just don’t get him and probably just want to change him.
People unwllingness to accept and understand who he is only proves to him that this specific relationship whatever people what to call it, wasn’t meant to be, so he shrugs it off.
Azuma – Façade / Bottling emotions
No matter what, he refuses to share information about himself and can’t keep everything equal, whether you are a friend or his partner.
If there’s a feeling like something is off, and anyone mentions it rather than admitting what’s on his mind he’ll simply say that it’s fine, that all is good and perfect, and then proceed to bury it even deeper within him.
Azuma keeps burying his feelings in and trying not to resent whatever is causing him like this more and more until one day something happens and his emotions erupt out of him and he’s crying or worse, leaves for some time.
If anyone wants to know where he’s been, well, good luck trying to figure it out.
Tasuku – Rough / Absent-minded
Prioritizes his own needs and desires above others, resulting in selfish and insensitive behavior. I can’t imagine Tasuku changing his routine to fit someone else in, lover or not.
To him it’s pretty straightforward If someone doesn’t fall into sync with him, that’s life and this relationship just wasn’t meant to be. What? Why should he change the time he goes to the gym – shouldn’t his partner just get up earlier if they want to eat breakfast with him?
Or with his friends, sure he gets along, but why should he alter the way his life is, and try to finish rehearsal earlier? He doesn’t get the reason to change and tends to avoid fighting, not just because of cutting contact, but because he doesn’t want to fight with anyone... he doesn’t have time for whatever it is.
Homare – Overly worried / Opinionated
By now everyone should know that he will not give you much space when there’s a problem. He will constantly be asking questions about it and little time does he tries to listen to all versions or if he even should intervene.
And holy molly does he intervene often enough.
Also Homare doesn't get mad almost never, but becomes incredibly distressed when something goes wrong.
He won't say anything when he's feeling like that though. It's hard for him to control his emotions during a difficult time period and usually needs to be comforted to calm down but becomes so difficult when it’s time to allow people into the real him.
Guy – Distant / Trust
If this man ever has any type of problem, most people, partner included, will never know.
It’s not that he’s actively trying to keep things away, but he has no way of knowing that he should be sharing certain things.
Everyone is held at arm’s length. His partner might think being his partner would make them close, but it always feels like he confides in his troupe more than them.
Guy doesn’t have a good example of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, so don’t expect him to do anything romantic unless anyone tells him so. He also doesn’t have a filter, meaning he’s brutally honest. No one should be surprised if he hurts feelings in his monotonous voice.
Hope you all enjoyed it, definitely interesting to think of them in these terms.
Have a wonderful day! 💕💕
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ichinisankaku · 5 months
Backstage Translation - Sharing Out Cuteness (Part 2)
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Sakuya: Muku-kun, have you had this chocolate before? Looks like it's being sold at a nearby supermarket for a limited time next week.
Muku: Ah! That truffle's from a brand that's super popular online. You can't order it, so I thought I wouldn't be able to eat it.
Sakuya: Let's go check it out together, then!
Muku: Yeah!
Homare: Ooh, here you two are!
Sakuya: Homare-san?
Muku: What is it?
Homare: Right. I have a present for you two.
Muku & Sakuya: These tea bags are…!
Homare: They're the rabbit ones you showed me the other day. I happened upon them at a supermarket just earlier.
As you said, Sakuya-kun, there are animals other than rabbits, and so I bought a whole variety of them. I'll give these ones to you.
Sakuya: Thank you very much, I'm so happy!
Muku: Let's drink them right away! I'll boil the water.
Sakuya: I'll prepare the cups, then.
Homare: …
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Homare: Fu fu fu…
Hisoka: …You're in a good mood.
Homare: Ooh, you're here, Hisoka-kun!
You see, Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun were very pleased with the animal tea bags I gifted them.
Their happiness made buying them worth it. I know! I shall give one to you as well, Hisoka-kun!
Hisoka: …Marshmallows'd be better.
Homare: Hmm… for you, perhaps a cat rather than a rabbit? Or maybe a penguin…?
Hisoka: …You're not listening.
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Izumi: …Phew.
(Shouldn't be too long now until these documents are done… wait, it's that late already?)
(Well, I'll keep going until I reach a good stopping point anyway.)
*door opens*
Homare: Oh my, I was wondering who it was. If it isn't Director-kun.
Izumi: Homare-san! So you're still awake.
Homare: Indeed. I was making good progress on my writing, and before I knew it, night had befallen us.
Izumi: It's hard to stop when you're on a roll, isn't it.
Homare: Are you working as well?
Izumi: Yeah. I plan on going for a bit longer.
Homare: Wonderful timing, then. I was about to brew some tea, would you care for some as well?
Izumi: Oh, I'd love some!
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Homare: Thank you for waiting.
Izumi: Wow, cute! It looks like the rabbit's soaking in a bathtub!
Homare: Doesn't it just? Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun told me about them.
Izumi: Seems like the type of thing those two would like. It smells lovely too, just looking at it is soothing.
Homare: I shall gift you some too. They're a good companion for work.
Option 1: I'll take you up on that
Izumi: I'll take you up on that, then.
Homare: For you, maybe a cat, or a dog… no, you should have both of them.
Izumi: I can have two?
Homare: Of course. After all, it was thanks to you that I came upon them at all.
Izumi: It was?
Homare: They were at the supermarket we stopped by during the day.
Izumi: Oh, it was then! I noticed you bought some stuff, but I didn't think they would be this cute.
Option 2: I'd feel bad
Izumi: I'd feel bad, though.
It'd be better to give these to Sakuya-kun and Muku-kun…
Homare: No need to worry about that. They were the first ones I gifted these to. Therefore, you can accept them without restraint.
Izumi: You're sure? In that case… I'll take these.
Izumi: Thank you very much. I'll use them when I want to feel relaxed.
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Sakyo: …
Izumi: Sa-Sakyo-san, do you think it's maybe time to take a break?
Sakyo: …Good call.
Homare: If you're taking a breather, you should try one of these tea bags!
Sakyo: Excuse me?
Homare: For you… I know. This lion one is rather good, isn't it?
Or perhaps your preference lies with this herbal tea penguin?
Itaru: …Homare-san's been handing out a lot of those recently, hasn't he? I got some too.
Hisoka: …He said he went to buy more just to hand them out.
Izumi: Everyone's pleased with them, so I think it's great.
Yuki: Well, it's not like it's an issue to get tea bags.
Tsuzuru: Even so, Arisugawa-san butting in when Furuichi-san looks like THAT is… pretty amazing.
Taichi: When Sakyo-nii's irritated from the numbers not adding up, I can't talk to him! Not at all!
Hisoka: …Alice doesn't know fear.
Part 1
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the-himawari · 10 months
A3! Usui Masumi - Translation [R] The Glow of Candlelight (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Sakuya: Woah, this gift shop is huge. I bet we’ll be able to find everyone’s souvenirs here. So, the little guys and the figure…
Masumi: There it is.
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Sakuy: Huh!? Which one?
Masumi: The figure. But it’s bigger than I thought. We’ll buy it on our way home.
Sakuya: It is pretty large. Alright, let’s look for Citron-san and Tsuzuru-kun’s souvenirs first then.
Sakuya: Is it this?
Masumi: …Probably not. It doesn’t have a strong attached to it.
Sakuya: I see… Hm. This place is so big. It’ll be quite tough finding what we’re looking for.
Masumi: We’re not getting anywhere. I’ll go ask a shop worker.
*walks away*
Sakuya: Ah, hold on. Masumi-kun!
Masumi: “Excuse me. We’re looking for what’s in this photo.”
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Shop worker: “Oh, the popcorn bucket?”
Masumi: (So it wasn’t a plushie?)
Shop worker: “You won’t find those here. They’re only sold at one place in the park. From here, go to the right…”
Sakuya: What did the worker say?
Masumi: They said these are sold at a food cart outside. That’s the only place you can get it, so apparently there’s going to be a really long lineup.
Sakuya: I see. Alright, let’s go line up together!
Masumi: …*Sigh*.
Izumi: Oh? Sakuya-kun and Masumi-kun.
Masumi: !
Sakuya: Director!
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Izumi: Are you two going to line up for this food cart?
Sakuya: Yes. Citron-san asked us to get this popcorn bucket as a souvenir for him. Chikage-san also told us to eat the delicious food here, so we thought we'd would try some popcorn while we're at it.
Izumi: Makes sense. Maybe I’ll join you guys in line in that case.
Masumi: ! You can stand beside me then. The staff asked us to form two lines.
Izumi: Oh? Really?
Sakuya: Okay, I’ll stand behind Masumi-kun.
Izumi: What kind of popcorn bucket did he ask for? It looks like there’s several different types.
Masumi: This one.
Izumi: Wow, how cute! It’s a special Christmas one, huh? I’d love that one too.
Masumi: Leave it to me. I’ll buy one for you.
Izumi: Wait, what about the souvenirs?
Masumi: …I’ll buy Citron’s and Tsuzuru’s while I’m at it too.
Sakuya: Can we carry that many back with us? We’re also going to buy Itaru-san’s figure on our way home, aren’t we? I wonder how it'll fair if we stuff it into our carry-on luggage…
Izumi: It might break if you squish it.
Masumi: Then we won’t buy the figure. Itaru mentioned he can buy it in Japan, so we don’t have to get it for him.
Sakuya: But then Itaru-san won’t get a souvenir…
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Izumi: Alright. Just leave mine out.
Masumi: Huh? Why?
Izumi: We’re going to have a lot if all of us buy one each. But if we share three, then we’ll be able to take them home with us. I’m fine as long as I get to eat the popcorn. Ah. But I’d like to try lots of different flavours, so I’d be happy if you’d share yours with me.
Masumi: Sharing with Director…! Sure. That works.
Izumi: Great. The popcorn buckets will also be souvenirs.
Sakuya: Right! Thank you, Director!
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 14: The New RomiJuli
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Masumi: (I have to go to Building A for the next lecture…)
Masumi: ?
Masumi: (“Recruiting participants for a summer internship”... Though most people who participate in this kind of thing are third years.)
[Flashback starts]
Misaki: “Is this something you should be taking so leisurely? Students who take it seriously have their eyes set on an internship the moment they enroll.”
[Flashback ends]
Masumi: …
Masumi: (Our company’s name is in the list of companies with past success…)
Masumi: (Come to think of it, the company’s got a promotion department. If I go there, maybe I can learn things that will be of help to the Director.)
Masumi: (If I ask Father, he’ll probably let me participate, but…)
[Flashback starts]
Izumi: I appreciate the offer, but this requires a certain kind of knowledge. Right now, I’d rather you focus on yourself and the Spring Troupe, rather than me.
[Flashback ends]
Masumi: …
Mizuno: Please excuse me.
Mizuno: Oh?
Masumi: Ah…
Mizuno: Hello. So you’re a student at Fuyou University.
Masumi: Why are you at the Career Center?
Mizuno: Our company will also be accepting internships this year. I was in a meeting about that.
Masumi: Why are you doing that?
Mizuno: I want to gain as much experience as possible while I’m still young, so I poke around various departments.
Mizuno: It’d be rather troubling if I took over the company and knew next to nothing.
Masumi: … Is that something you absolutely have to do right now? Even if it takes up your free time as a university student?
Mizuno: It’s not that I absolutely have to do it. I’ve just always had an interest in this to begin with.
Mizuno: But I’m glad to be doing it, because this way I’m of help to people important to me.
Masumi: … I see.
Mizuno: It seems like it’s been difficult for theater companies, too, what with the announcement of the New Fleur Award.
Mizuno: If there is any way I can be of help, please let me know any time.
Masumi: Sure... Ah, Tsuzuru’s script writing is going smoothly. He’s more enthusiastic than usual, and he’s not pushing himself too hard.
Mizuno: Eh?
Masumi: I’m repaying you for answering my questions.
Mizuno: Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to your next play.
Masumi: (Since Tsuzuru’s progress is going well, I’m sure it’s about time…)
Tsuzuru: … How is it?
Izumi: … Yes, it’s good! It feels like a new RomiJuli!
Izumi: I hadn’t even considered this while thinking of how the sequel would turn out.
Izumi: What I like most is that Sakuya-kun, Masumi-kun and Chikage-san–
Sakuya: We all have two roles!?
Sakuya: This is the first time I play two leading roles, it seems very rewarding!
Masumi: We absolutely wouldn’t have been able to do this during our debut.
Izumi: Right. It’s got a very ‘we can only do this because we got this far’ feel to it.
Itaru: So the amount of characters has increased accordingly because the stage features both Verona’s present and past?
Chikage: Looks like I’m in charge of connecting the past and the present. That’s quite the responsibility.
Sakuya: It suits you very much, in a way!
Izumi: That’s certainly true.
Citron: I’m happy my lines have increased~!
Itaru: The two who ran away coming back all grown is a heartwarming classic.
Tsuzuru: This is my first time writing a sequel, so I wasn’t sure how to go about it, but I felt like it should be something that addresses the root of the problem.
Tsuzuru: I thought the most Spring Troupe-like resolution would be for the two to return from their trip and have their big happy ending.
Izumi: I agree, I think this is a very Spring Troupe-like RomiJuli, let’s hurry and bind a few copies and—
Tsuzuru: Ah, no… I’d like to adjust it while watching the practice, so could I ask you to wait?
Izumi: Then, let’s not print a full script today. Let’s make it so that Tsuzuru-kun can adjust it until he’s satisfied.
Masumi: Isn’t that a good thing. Both Sakuya and Tsuzuru can work flexibly because of who they are now.
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to emphasize the “because of who they are now”.
Sakuya: Ahaha, that’s true.
Tsuzuru: But, well, I’ll accept your praise.
Izumi: (It looks like they’ve finally gone back to normal.)
Izumi: (They were so conscious of the New Fleur Award’s ranking system that it was making them nervous, so I’m glad.)
Izumi: (I hope our preparations continue smoothly…)
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otomehoneyybearr · 5 months
Act 12
Episode 9: Emergency Meeting
Working w/ Maybelle Lace
Note: As you read, you will see that some sentences highlighted in a different color, this is what they indicate. Pink: Flashback Blue: Characters are acting
Zen: Are ya'll okay?
Syu: They've done one hell of a job.
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Izumi: Zen, Syu, you all came too.
Kasumi: We saw the news and rushed here. Is everyone alright?
Yuzo: Anyone hurt?
Izumi: We’re fine. Thanks for worrying about us.
Sakyo: At any rate, we need to make an official announcement as a theater company.
Manager: We've received a large number of inquiries.
Izumi: In order to reassure the fans, we need to announce that no one was injured.
Sakyo: And about the show tomorrow...
Sakyo: I’ve already prepared statements for both partially canceling and fully canceling performances.
Yuzo: You work fast, kiddo.
Sakyo: We have to decide which one we're going to use as soon as possible.
Izumi: Let's discuss and decide it with all the troupe members.
Tenma: Either partially cancel or fully cancel all the shows...
Misumi: I don't like either one~.
Kazunari: But we have to choose one.
Yuki: Since we sold so many tickets for the live streams, if we refund all the money now, it'll be a significant loss.
Sakyo: I haven't done an estimate yet, but it would be pretty grim.
Kumon: Then, maybe we could do it in a different theater!
Azami: Yeah, that's probably the best way to minimize losses.
Tasuku: Even if we found a theater for now, we'll still need to find a new place going forward. It'll be difficult performing without our own theater.
Tsumugi: It may take some time until we get something of similar quality.
Tasuku: It will be seen by a large audience via streaming, and above all, it'll be an important performance with the Fleur Award at stake.
Tasuku: It’d be best to cancel all the performances and rebuild.
Homare: I think it would be best if that could be done, but wouldn't there be risks for having such a large gap between the first part and the second part of the performance?
Tsuzuru: Even with the archive streaming, I'm still worried about whether people will interpret it as a standalone story or that it'll be forgotten entirely.
Kazunari: And right now is the perfect time for the new Mankai Company to attract attention.
Muku: I was planning on doing my best for the show tomorrow...
Taichi: It’s just too much!
Omi: This must be why they've chosen this exact timing to take such measures to ensure our destruction.
Juza: Damn it, we can’t forgive this.
Banri: On another note, I'm also concerned about the threatening email we received.
Azuma: It's possible that it’s just a threat, but we can't go on with a performance if the audience will be affected.
Guy: We need to think of a different approach to handle this.
Masumi: Should we have no audience?
Chikage: That is one option.
Citron: Let us change our name to Manzai Company, and fool our enemies!
Tsuzuru: They'll definitely find us out right away!
Hisoka: Marshmallow Company...
Chikage: The name isn't the issue here.
Itaru: Whatever method we go with here, there'll be pros and cons to it.
Izumi: As the lead role, what do you think about this, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Well... I understand that there's not much we can do about our current situation...
Sakuya: But, if possible, I’d like to bloom the precious "seeds" that we inherited from the first generation members of Mankai Company.
Sakyo: However, we don’t know when the Mankai Theater will be rebuilt...
Izumi: (What should we do? I'm still in shock from the fire and can't think properly.)
Izumi: (I'm sure everyone else feels the same way too, considering our precious theater fell into disrepair right before the performance.)
Izumi: (At times like this, I have to be strong, but…)
Manager: W-We have a bit of a problem here!
Izumi: ?
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Executor: Pardon the intrusion.
Sakyo: What’s going on?
Executor: This dormitory has been seized under a court order. Please vacate it immediately.
Manager: A foreclosure?!
Izumi: W-Wait a minute. What are you talking about?
Executor: If you are unwilling to move out, we will forcefully remove your belongings in a week.
Izumi: I-I’ll confirm this later! Please just leave for now!
Executor: ...Understood. We will return at a later date.
Izumi: ...
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Tenma: What the hell is going on?
Syu: They've even gotten their hands on the dorms.
Zen: They’re pushing us into a corner.
Tsumugi: Do you know something about this?
Yuzo: Well, we should properly tell you guys about this.
Syu: The mastermind behind these incidents is a person who has harbored hatred for Mankai Company since its first generation.
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meenatranslates · 10 months
[SSR] Citron | Affection and Respect
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Everyone from the shopping district is a truly wonderful friend of mine! One must eat the taiyaki that you get as you bump into someone!♪ If I ever missed Juliano from my homeland, I’ll hug this cushion rea~lly tightly♪ quote taken from yaycupcake
Citron's Channel~ (Tentative) - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Courtyard (Night)―
Tsuzuru: Excuse me-.
Citron: State the password!
Tsuzuru: Huh!?
Citron: “Man”...?
Tsuzuru: ...”kai”?
Citron: Wrong, try again!
Tsuzuru: Wha- You’re the one who called me over!
Citron: I thought for sure you’d know the answer. Ueehh, I’m so disappointed...
Tsuzuru: Ngh... Fine, let me redo this one more time.
Citron: “Man”?
Tsuzuru: “Zai”!
Citron: Okay, you can come in~!
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―Room 101―
Sakuya: Welcome, Tsuzuru-kun!
Tsuzuru: Can’t believe I had to go through that to enter here...
Izumi: Citron-kun must’ve really liked passwords, huh.
Itaru: That reminds me, he made us say them when we had a strategy meeting before.
Masumi: I couldn’t get in the room right away that it was a hassle at that time...
Chikage: In a way, you could say it’s the strongest security.
Sakuya: Anyway, what are we gathered here for tonight, Citron-san?
Itaru: Eh, even you don’t know?
Sakuya: Yes, he said that he’ll tell us only when everyone is here...
Masumi: What's the big deal.
Chikage: Maybe it’s about a classified information or something.
Citron: Exactly! It’s a serious matter that could shake the whole nation...!
Sakuya: EH!?
Tsuzuru: W-what do you mean by that?
Izumi: Uh, you see...
―Hallway (Night)―
Izumi: (Huh, there’s someone talking in the practice room... I wonder if he’s having self-training?)
Citron: Oh, Director!
Izumi: Citron-kun! Oh, you were in the middle of video call. Sorry about that!
Citron: It’s ok, it’s just Tangerine~.
Tangerine: “Good evening! Long time no see, Director-san.”
Izumi: Good evening, Tangerine-kun. Seems like your Japanese has improved again.
Citron: Director, you’re such a “light fowl” for staying up this late at night~.
Izumi: “Light fowl”? You mean “night owl”, right?
Citron: Yes, that!
Izumi: Well, why did you bother to take the video call here? You could’ve done it in your room or the lounge.
Citron: As for that... It’s because this transmission is a consultation of a crucial classified information...
Izumi: Classified information!?
Tangerine: “We were talking about ‘Citron’s Channel~ (Tentative)!’”
Izumi: ...It sounds so laid-back that it’s not like classified at all.
Citron: Geez, you have no sense of comedy, Tangerine.
Tangerine: “?”
Izumi: Um... Sorry if it’s really a classified information, but what’s “Citron’s Channel~ (Tentative)”?
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Citron: It seems that the number of Zahran citizens who are interested in Japan has been increasing ever since that Kabuki performance.
Tangerine: “Many of them, especially the young ones have great interest in it, so we were discussing about opening a video channel.”
“If Onii-sama introduces the culture and lifestyle of Japan using the channel, all the Zahrans will love Japan even more!”
Izumi: Wow, it’s definitely a great idea!
Citron: There's a problem though. We’ve agreed to make one video as a trial, but still can’t decide on the main content...
Izumi: In that case, why not try asking everyone else about it? They might have some good input.
Citron: I see, they do say “thousand heads are better than one”, after all!  
Izumi: Haha, that’s a bit too much. You’re supposed to say “two heads” there.
Citron: Alright, I will call everyone in Spring troupe along with Director and have 7 of us brainstorm ideas together!
Tangerine: “I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of video you’ll make with your friends, Onii-sama~!”
Citron's Channel (Tentative) - Part 2
Citron: ...And that’s about it!
Tsuzuru: Geez, don’t surprise us like that. That wasn’t even a classified information at all.
Itaru: Well, he’s not wrong about it being a national project.
Masumi: “Citron’s Channel~ (Tentative)” sounds too laid-back as the name for the official channel.
Sakuya: It’s memorable and very Citron-like, so I think it’s good though!
Chikage: For starters, I guess we should do our best to make some content for the video.
Citron: Me and Tangerine have tried to think of several ideas. Here’s one of them.
Sakuya: “Grand Plan: The One who Lies is the Golf”...? ( 1 )
Tsuzuru: You’re supposed to write “the Wolf” instead of “the Golf”...
Citron: Oh~, that’s our Tsuzuru! Never miss a beat to retort!
Masumi: To begin with, that plan itself doesn’t make any sense.
Chikage: Like I thought, for stuff like this, isn’t Chigasaki the expert?
Itaru: Hmm, let’s see. First off-.
―Kitchen (Day)―
Izumi: Okay, the camera’s ready~.
Citron: Today, I will introduce you to okonomiyaki! A fun and delicious Japanese dish that the whole family can make and eat together~.
Itaru: Well, we can try going for the classic, which is a cooking video.
Sakuya: The attraction to delicious food is universal after all!
Citron: The main ingredient is the cabbage! We will now chop it into bite-sized slices...
Masumi: He said that, but he’s cutting them big though?
Itaru: Bite-sized has lost its meaning.
Citron: Next, we add the flour and the eggs! Bam! Into the frying pan they go!
Tsuzuru: He’s putting everything in one motion...!
Chikage: You can’t really call that an okonomiyaki.
Izumi: At this rate, false information about Japan will spread around the world...!
Itaru: Hmm, so cooking’s a no-go. In that case-.
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―Dining Room―
Citron: Now then, let’s eat Citron’s handmade okonomiyaki! Itadakimasu~!
Itaru: We’ll try doing an eating video. It’s another popular genre.
Citron: Oh-! This is...!
The crunchy cabbage and the mushy batter create a completely new texture!
Masumi: So you’re saying it’s undercooked.
Tsuzuru: Of course it is! From the way you cooked just a while ago...
Chikage: If this makes people think that Japanese food is not delicious, our image will get damaged for sure.
Izumi: Hngg, I guess this video is a flop, even though we recorded all that...
Omi: I’m home. ...What an amazing sight I’m seeing here.
Sakuya: Ah, Omi-san! Welcome home!
Tsuzuru: My bad for making a mess here. We were shooting a cooking video just now...
Izumi: Sorry, we’ll clean it up soon.
Omi: No, I don’t mind that you used the kitchen. Just that, what were you making?
Citron: Okonomiyaki!
Omi: Okonomiyaki, you say... Did you use up all the cabbages?
Citron: Not all, there are still some of them here.
Omi: Ah... They’ve all been cut already. What to do...
Izumi: What’s wrong?
Omi: I was thinking of making stuffed cabbage rolls for tonight’s dinner.
Izumi: EHH-!
Chikage: That’d be impossible to make with all these shredded cabbages.
Citron: Sorry, Omi~.
Omi: It’s alright. I’ll think of a different menu using the ingredients that we have now-.
Itaru: No, my mind and tongue are dying to eat cabbage rolls already.
Tsuzuru: Your rolls are really good after all.
Omi: But we’re out of cabbages...
Citron: I just remembered! The greengrocer old man said he got some good cabbages yesterday!
Sakuya: Then we might be able to make very tasty rolls if we use those!
Citron: Alright, let’s go to the grocery store and buy those cabbages~!
[1] I ransacked my brain to do this one. I really like the original joke here but alas, it’s hard to keep it. Hopefully you can understand what I’m trying to explain here.
Citron originally wrote “ダジャレを言うのはダジャレ大作戦” or “dajare wo iu no wa dajare dai sakusen”, which translates to “Grand plan: Pun’s the one saying a pun”. What it should’ve been written is “ダジャレを言うのは誰じゃ大作戦” or “dajare wo iu no wa dare ja dai sakusen” which translates to “Grand plan: Who’s the one saying a pun?”.
Citron's Channel (Tentative) - Part 3
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―Shopping District―
Itaru: ...It’s not like we need EVERYONE to go, do we?
Chikage: Walking around the shopping district should help you get some exercise.
Masumi: I’ll be the one to carry all your luggage.
Izumi: A lot of cabbages will be too heavy for one person to carry.
Elementary school kid A: Hey, it’s Citron!
Citron: Oh~, are you all back from school? Welcome back~!
Elementary school kid B: We’re back~!
Elementary school kid C: Let’s play games, Citron!
Citron: Sorry, we’ll do it next time because I’m going to the grocery store right now~.
Japanese sweets shop granny: Oh my, Citron-chan!
Citron: Hello~.
Japanese sweets shop granny: Good thing you came, I have some freshly made dangos here. Please take them with you.
Citron: Thank you!
Izumi: As always, you’re very popular.
🌸CHOICE 1: What’s the secret?
Izumi: You must have some kind of secret to being popular. Citron: I don’t have that! I just chat with everyone like normal. Madam A: Citron-chan always compliments me so I feel happy whenever we talked~. Citron: I’m just being honest~. Madam B: Of course we’ll be happy if a gentleman like you compliments us~. Citron: If I’m a gentleman, then both madams here are gentlewomen! Oh, was that the right word? Madams: Ahaha, you’re the best~! Izumi: (I think I saw a glimpse of the secret behind how he naturally attracts people...)
🌸CHOICE 2: You like everyone
Izumi: You really like everyone here, don’t you? Citron: I do! Everyone is very kind, so every day is fun~. Izumi: That’s great! It’s nice to have many people you like. Citron: Yeah! I like the madams, and the people from the neighbourhood association-. And especially everyone in the MANKAI Company. Izumi: Fufu, I see. Citron: ...And of course, I like you very much as well. Izumi: Thanks, I really like you too.
Fishmonger madam: Citron-chan, why don’t you come by our place today? I saved the best sweet shrimp for you.
Citron: As always, you’re so good at inviting people, madam~!
Itaru: He’s constantly being greeted by a lot of people as soon as we entered this place.
Sakuya: As expected from the prince of the shopping district!
Izumi: ...That’s it!
Sakuya: Eh?
Izumi: We should just take a video of him interacting with the people in town!
Chikage: I see. It’s a familiar sight to us, but it might look fresh to the people of Zahra.
Tsuzuru: A Japanese shopping district itself are rare, but it’s also rarer to see the sight of their prince blending in with the common people.
Sakuya: On top of that, they might be very happy to see him being loved even in another country as well!
Taiyaki shop owner: How about some taiyaki, Citron-kun?
Citron: I was craving something sweet earlier! Nice timing~!
Granny: I made a cushion of a pet that I saw from your photos before, Citron-chan. Do you like it?
Citron: Oh, Juliano...! It’s a spitting image!
Granny: I’m glad to hear that! I’ll give this one for you then!
Citron: Thank you~!
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Izumi: (We finally arrived at the grocery store...!)
(But seems like we got enough footage to be used for the video.)
Citron: Old man~! I’ve come here to buy some cabbages!
Greengrocer old man: Welcome, Citron! Ya remembered that I got a lot of good ones, didn’t ya?
Citron: Of course!
Greengrocer old man: That makes me happy. A’ight, I’ll give ya the best one for free!
Citron: Thank you! As thanks, I’ll do a belly dance for you!
Izumi: W-wait a second, Citron-kun! I’m still recording, you know?!
Citron: I don’t mind! I want everyone in Zahra to see my belly dance too~!
Sakuya: Ah, Citron-san! Your shirt...!
Masumi: Is that good as thanks?
Greengrocer old man: Yer such a funny guy, Citron. Ah-ha-ha!
Itaru: ...He really likes it.
Chikage: Even so, a half-naked prince doing the belly dance would be an international issue.
Izumi: You’re right... We’ll cut this part out.
Citron: Oisa, oisa~!
Story Clear!
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freshie44 · 8 months
Finale Celebration
A little final write-up for my precious Juza since I wrote that bit of fic at the beginning of the final poll, I might as well write something at the end of it as some kind of epilogue.
Juza fell to the stage, breathing hard. Their body felt sore it felt like they had just gone through an intense workout. They put everything into that performance, ignoring the scoreboard until they heard the buzzer.
"Damn, those Shadow Girls were no joke. They set such a high bar I'm not sure if I was able to clear it," Juza said through pants of exhaustion. They had one eye open as they checked the scoreboard. What, that can't be … The scoreboard showed that they won. They, they actually did it. They actually won …..
They heard footsteps rushing the stage, they knew it would be the Mankai Company rushing to congratulate them. However, they heard the voice of the shadow girls.
"Have you heard the news? Of a thespian unsure of even who they were that enter a struggling company in the hopes of following their dreams," said one.
"Yes, I have heard of them. Their skill grew but their self-doubt never went away. Now what will they do when presented with evidence that they are truly skilled in their art," asked the other.
"I would celebrate, I would screech to the heavens, maybe gorge myself on sweets. But we are not them now are we?"
"No, No, we will wish them well and continue our observing and see whether they continue to refuse what in front of them."
"Either way, congrats Juza," they both said before fading into the shadows again.
As they faded the Mankai boys made their way to them. Juza was in a stupor still as they felt people hug him from behind and by their sides. If they had to take a guess it was probably Kumon, Muku, Taichi, Sakuya, and Citron. They felt two strong arms pull them up. No doubt Tasuku and Omi with how easy they did it. They then came eye to eye with Sakyo his arm crossed with a smug but proud smile on his face. Banri was slightly behind him to his right giving a big smile not even pretending that he wasn't happy for his rival. Behind them stood Tenma, Azami, Yuki, Tsugumi, Itaru, Guy, and Azuma the more reserved member that wouldn't want to be part of the dogpile of the more excitable members. The others probably stood just behind them making sure those excitable members let Juza get their footing again.
"Hyodo, I want you to tell us and everyone who you are. Don't mince words we all want to hear it," said Sakyo.
Juza gulped, they knew the words but did they truly …. no, they promised Sakyo before the finals. They had to do this, no matter what the voice in their head said. They had literal undeniable proof. "I ….. a true thespian …. I'M A TRUE THESPIAN! I deserve to stand on this stage and say that I'm a talent to the craft!!!!"
There were smiles all around and they felt tears rolling down their face. They realized they had a huge smile on their face as well. They couldn't remember the last time that they smiled this hard. Not even after their first performance with Mankai. They had always controlled their emotion to the best of their ability. They knew they didn't have to with the others but some habits were harder to break than others. But today their true emotions wouldn't be hidden as they were brought into a group hug.
To say the others were a bit shocked to see for a second time today to see one of their most reserved and tough members crying at first would be an understatement but that smile. It was worth it, they knew that Juza wasn't one to show much emotion. But that pure unbridled smile. It was something they would protect and do their best to coax out again. As much as Juza was self-conscious of their look their smile was truly beautiful.
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 14 - New RomiJuli
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Masumi: (My next lecture was moved to Building A…)
Masumi: ?
Masumi: (Recruitment for summer internships, huh… Usually third years are the ones doing this kind of thing, though.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Misaki: “Now’s not the time to be so leisurely. Students who are seriously considering things have their eyes set on getting an internship from the moment they enroll.”
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Masumi: …
Masumi: (Dad’s company’s name is on the list of companies that have done well in the past…)
Masumi: (Now that I think about it, they do have a promotion department. Maybe I can learn something useful for Director there.)
Masumi: (I could probably ask Dad to get me in, but…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: “I appreciate the sentiment, but that requires a certain amount of knowledge to do, and right now you need to focus on yourself and Spring Troupe’s performance rather than on me, Masumi-kun.”
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masumi: …
Mizuno: Now then, if you’ll excuse me.
Mizuno: Huh?
Masumi: Ah…
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Mizuno: Hello. I didn’t know you were a Fuyou University student.
Masumi: Why are you at the Career Center?
Mizuno: Our company will be accepting interns this year. I came to do a briefing session regarding that.
Masumi: You’re the one doing that kind of thing?
Mizuno: I want to gain as much experience as I can while I’m still young, so I like to go around to all different kinds of departments.
Mizuno: It’d be rather troublesome if I didn’t know anything about the company when I eventually take over.
Masumi: …Do you really have to do that right now? Doesn’t it take up your free time as a college student?
Mizuno: It’s not necessarily a matter of having to do it. For me, it’s in part because I was interested in doing it to begin with.
Mizuno: But I’m glad I’m doing this because it lets me help the people I care about.
Masumi: …I see.
Mizuno: Seems like it’s a bit of a rough time for theater companies, with the details of the new Fleur Award having been announced.
Mizuno: If there’s anything I can do to help, please do let me know.
Masumi: Okay… Ah, the script’s been going well for Tsuzuru. He’s even more fired up than usual and he’s not overworking himself either.
Mizuno: Huh?
Masumi: It’s payment for answering my questions.
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Mizuno: Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to your next performance.
Masumi: (Tsuzuru’s making good progress, so I’m sure it’s almost time to…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tsuzuru: …What do you think?
Izumi: It’s really interesting! It definitely feels like a new RomiJuli!
Izumi: I had my ideas of what a RomiJuli sequel might be, but I never even considered something like this.
Izumi: What I like the most is that Sakuya-kun, Masumi-kun, and Chikage-san all have--.
Sakuya: We all have two roles!?
Sakuya: I’ve never had two roles as the lead before, but it seems like it’ll be a really fun challenge!
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Masumi: It’s definitely something we couldn’t have done back during our first performance.
Izumi: For sure. It really feels like something we could only do now that we’ve made it this far.
Itaru: So there’s more characters this time because it’s set both in the past and the present in Verona?
Chikage: I never thought I’d be playing a role that connects the past to the present. I’ve got quite the responsibility.
Sakuya: It’s kinda fitting of you, in a way, Chikage-san!
Izumi: That’s definitely true.
Citron: I am happy that I have many more lines~!
Itaru: The two who ran away coming back all grown up is a simple approach, but definitely heartwarming.
Tsuzuru: This was my first time doing a sequel, so I wasn’t entirely sure what direction to take, but I wanted it to be something that deals with the root of the main conflict.
Tsuzuru: I thought that a happy ending after the two return home from their trip would be the most Spring Troupe-like conclusion for it.
Izumi: Yeah, I think it’s a very Spring Troupe-like RomiJuli sequel. Let’s get some copies together right aw--.
Tsuzuru: Ah, wait… I’d like to watch the rehearsals a bit more to get a better feel for things, so can we hold off on that?
Izumi: Alright, we’ll go ahead without printing the script in full. No matter how long it takes, let’s make this into something Tsuzuru-kun’s satisfied with.
Masumi: Fine. It’ll let Sakuya and Tsuzuru be more flexible with things considering how they’re “like that” now.
Tsuzuru: You don’t have to emphasize “like that” so much.
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Sakuya: Ahaha, that is true.
Tsuzuru: Well, whatever, I’ll take it as a compliment.
Izumi: (I think we’re finally starting to see our usual Spring Troupe again.)
Izumi: (They were so nervous about the Fleur Award rankings, so it’s good to see them like this again.)
Izumi: (Let’s just hope all our preparations continue smoothly all the way up until the performance…)
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maritessa · 10 months
Day 6 Monochrome
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I'm sosososo late but AAAAA I need to hop in on this!!
A giant but guarded gray heart.
Chikage's always thought he's not capable of love but his family always feels loved by him. They know his heart is big that he's just scared of what love meant.
I'm a giant ChikaIzu shipper but I ship them alterously! Chikage loves Izumi but in the same way that he loves Sakuya, Masumi, Citron, Itaru, Tsuzuru, Hisoka, and maybe even August. He knows that she's his family.
There are no labels needed for them to know that the other will always be there to support them. They built their foundation through their small conversations, promises, and plans of the future. Chikage's heart is guarded but when he let the director in, she felt just how big his heart is.
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shukufuyu · 3 months
[Event Story TL] Weeping Star On a Summer Night (Chapter 2)
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December: I’m glad you weren't April. I’d be annoyed if he was the one who came along.
Click below to read more
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December: …Cold
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August: You’re awake? Morning, December.
December: I’m glad you weren't April. I’d be annoyed if he was the one who came along.
August: Eh…
Haha, I guess, I’m glad you didn’t get annoyed——
August and December: ——!
Cat: Meow——
December: It was just a cat…
It’s good that April wasn’t the one who came along after all.
The cat’s leg looks like it’s injured, the fur doesn’t look great, Is it because of its age…?
…Ah, It slipped under the shade.
August: Perhaps, that child acknowledges that it will soon meet its death.
December: Eh?
August: Cats tend to hide their appearance from their owner when it's nearing its end of life.
Hisoka (put screenshot here): …
August: Let’s put it down over there, shall we?
December: Yeah——
December: Just now, there’s…
August: Hm? What’s wrong?
December: …A shooting star.
I almost mistook it with a plane…
August: It might be hard to distinguish it especially at this late in the night. Have you conveyed your wish yet?*
December: …I didn’t have the time to do it.
August: That makes sense. But then, if another star appears, what kind of wish do you want to make?
December: …..
I want to eat unlimited marshmallows from the sweets shops all around the world, all free of charge.
August: Well, then those shops would go bankrupt wouldn’t they?
December: I can’t think of anything else.
What would you want then?
August: Hmm, that would be…
“...I hope my family’s wishes come true”, something like that.
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location: dorm outside
Hisoka: ….Mm, a dream…?
(...No, It’s a nostalgic memory from back then.)
(I couldn’t decide on a wish in the end.)
(...that’s also the case for now though.)
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Chikage: I was wondering who was sleeping outside, I knew it was you.
Hisoka: Welcome back.
Chikage: Yeah, I’m home. This sheet of paper fell, was it yours?
Hisoka: Yeah. Everyone was decorating their papers for the bamboo over there.
Chikage: I see, it seems that Tanabata is getting closer.
Hisoka: Each person gets one sheet of paper, I haven’t come up with mine so you can take it.
Chikage: A wish, eh?
Hisoka: ….
Sakuya: Omi-san said that dinner’s already, let’s finish putting up our wishes!
Citron: I’ll stick mine on the higher place!
Itaru: They say the higher you put your wishes, the better chance of it coming true.
Wait, senpai, since did have you arrive?
Chikage: Just now. After seeing such tall bamboo, I couldn’t help but come over.
Citron: Ah! Are you two also going for the higher space!?
Hisoka: …I’m not.
Chikage: We’ll let you take the highest space, Citron.
Tsuzuru: See, Chikage-san also said it, let’s finish it up quickly. I’ll wrap up my decoration simply…
Masumi: You got one of the characters wrong.
Sakuya: “I want to improve more as a playwright”, Is so fitting for you, Tsuzuru-kun!
But I don’t think there are typos…?
Tsuzuru: “I hope we can achieve whiskery in the Manzai competition” …Wait, isn’t this Citron-san’s!? The typo is terribly written!
Citron: I wanted to add up to Tsuzuru’s wish. With me, we will take top position in the next Manzai Competition!
Itaru: By whiskery, it’s supposed to be “Victory”...
Sakuya: Those letters do look alike!
Masumi: …No it doesn’t.
Tsuzuru: The typo is just implausible…
Chikage: Wouldn’t it be better to rewrite it?
Tsuzuru: Well maybe…But my wish doesn’t seem to have a typo on it, so I think I’ll put it up as it is.
Chikage: Even so, God doesn’t always look at things upfront, and isn't always necessarily willing to fulfill both wishes in that case.
Tsuzuru: When you put it that way, it does make sense…
Chikage: Fortunately, there’s a sheet of paper left for you to use.
Tsuzuru: Isn’t this yours, Chikage-san?
Chikage: It’s fine, I’m still coming up with mine.
Itaru: Senpai, you’re not saying you’re not even intending to write anything, right?
Chikage: How could I? I need to keep up the quota as a member of society, no?
Hisoka: …
Someone worse than me when it comes to writing wishes exists.
※update: changed the title translation for consistency
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