#same thing applies to my other age gap favs: kakasaku sasosaku kisasaku
mayskalih · 8 months
I’ve had TsuKaka on my mind for a while now and can’t help but wish they were in the same Gen. Despite that, I don’t think Kakashi would even work up the nerve to court Tsunade, only because he’s never shown interest in women in his Gen….. idk.
Well, to each their own and we all have our own preferences and views, nothing wrong with that!
As for showing intererst in someone - it's shounen, it's not expected to have interest unless it's big part of character's design (Jiraiya) or drives the plot to help someone to level up (AsuKure and Shikamaru). So if we only ship characters who expressed love interest in canon, the list of characters we can ship gets very small and boring.
As for same gen Kakatsu, I don't think it would've worked. They need all that emotional baggage and maturity to see something in each other and help each other. And actually have gut to dare each other. But this is my opinion.
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