#same thing with a friend of mine who is scared because she has to get surgery
malpractice-morale · 2 years
i simultaneously am really great at putting up boundaries and really shit. my body and mind are literally screaming at me to just hole up and isolate for a few days to GET SOME FUCKING RESPITE but my morals are like 'what do your exams mean in comparison to xyz' and i always come up with 'nothing'
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klausysworld · 6 months
A prompt I had for a while: reader is a single widowed mother. Klaus and her become close but she’s reluctant as she’s scared to start anything with Klaus as she’s worried her daughter may get attached. Klaus is adamant he loves reader and her daughter.
Just fluff and stuff!
Bonus: smut? And even a lil addition to the family that’s a mix of Klaus and reader 👶
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Life goes on
I had only dated a couple of guys since losing my husband.
It had taken a while to allow myself to feel okay with being someone else, especially because of Luna; my daughter. She's only young, barely 6 and I didn't want her to think I was replacing her father, not that she really remembers him much now. Years had passed now and sometimes she would ask where her daddy was and why he couldn't visit.
I had only let her meet one other guy before and she was more heartbroken than I was when it didn't work out so I knew I needed to keep her away from that aspect of my life, especially while she was so young.
But that didn't mean that I didn't date.
It wasn't a frequent thing, just when I found someone I really liked and well, I really liked Nik.
We met at Luna's school actually. He also has a daughter who's a few years older and we had just dropped them off. I accidentally caught his eye when I took a glance round the playground and we smiled at each other politely.
He was a sight for sore eyes: good hair, nice eyes, charming smile, lean body and a nice sense of fashion. An annoying sense of guilt always filled me when I found another man attractive so I looked away and headed to work.
Still though, I couldn't help look for him and his smile every morning when I dropped Luna off and every afternoon when I picked her back up. He would always be looking back at me as his own daughter would run on over to him and he would take her backpack from her and give me a look as if to say "Kids, am I right?" and I would always smile a little wider and gesture to my own who would always be pulling on my sleeve telling me she wanted to go home or to a friends house.
It made me jump a little the first time he actually spoke to me, he had appeared behind me as though out of thin air and quickly apologised when I flinched away at the sound of his voice and placed my hand over my chest.
He chuckled as he spoke, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to frighten you"
His voice had a beautiful accent that made my cheeks blush pink and my attention to focus on him completely.
"That's okay, I just wasn't paying attention" I dismissed and he smiled
"I'm Nik" he introduced and I felt my heart flutter a little bit in a way that I knew I would feel bad about later.
"Y/n" I whispered and he hummed as he took my hand and kissed that back of it, I couldn't help but laugh at the outdated gesture and he rolled his eyes playfully.
I glanced over to the doors where I was waiting for Luna to come out briefly before turning back to him. He had a curious sort of look in his eye that made me ask if something was wrong but he shook his head.
"I just don't understand why you're single" he murmured and I felt my eyes go to the floor as I hesitated because there was no right way to every tell somebody that my husband had died and since then my life was a mess. So I turned away from him and tried to swallow the memory of my husbands death away but then I felt his Nik's on my arm and the gentle act reminded me of him. "I don't mean to offend you" he told me, his tone soft and it made me feel worse.
"You didn't, I'm sorry my daughters here now so I have to go" I whispered, walking forward to meet Luna as she already had her hand outstretched to hold onto mine.
I tried not to look at him the next day.
Dating was complicated enough, dating a man who's child went to the same school as mine was too much.
However, for better or worse, no matter how much I tried to ignore him, our eyes always seemed to meet and as the days passed we ended up stood closer and closer together. Once we were so close, it felt rude to ignore him so we would talk. Not really about anything important or deep, mostly parent things and what sorts of things the girls were up to. It was a conversation topic that was easy and didn't open up too many personal questions.
I started to like him, more than I wanted to. But so did other moms and teachers for that matter even though most of them were married. Woman were cruel sometimes, often I wondered if they just never evolved from highschool.
For whatever reason, they didn't like that I was a single mother, despite it not being my fault or choice. Luna and I had moved here after my husband died but I only had to tell one person for the whole town to know that I was widowed and struggling.
Klaus wasn't aware for a while, not until one of the other moms filled him in.
I had gotten to school a little late because work and ran over, I was never late but unfortunately I had been that day but I rang the school to let them know even though it was only a few minutes so that Luna wasn't stood waiting.
When I got there Luna was running toward me crying and I quickly lifted her up asking what was wrong.
"They're talking about Daddy" she whimpered and I quickly looked over. Two woman were talking to eachother, loudly. Nik was looking right at me and I felt my face heating up as the moms spoke about how felt for someone like me and they wondered how I managed to even get out of bed each morning let alone flirt with other men after losing my husband.
I kissed Luna's head gently and whispered for her to ignore it before walking briskly to my car and strapping her in. I wiped away the tears that threatened to spill and went round to my side of the car.
Fast paced footsteps approached me before I heard his voice. "Y/n, love, are you alright?" he asked, his hand going to my upper back in an act of comfort and it made my eyes water again.
"I'm fine" I whispered but it came out as weak and unconvincing as I felt.
I didn't have it in me to push myself away from him when he pulled me into a hug, his hand stroked the back of my hair and I cried into his shoulder. I knew Luna could see me hugging a man from her carseat and it made me cry harder at the thought.
"It's alright" he mumbled while his arms seemed to circle me tighter. I tried to apologise but he shushed my sorrys away and helped wipe my tears away. I glanced over to where his daughter, Hope, was stood. She gave me a sympathetic smile and waved a little, Klaus handed Hope the keys to his car and asked he to wait for a moment before turning back to me. "Hope lost her mother due to childbirth" he told me and I softened all that more.
"I'd say I'm sorry but... I know that's not really something you want to hear again" I whispered and he smiled a little.
"You'd be correct" he muttered and I glanced back at Luna who held a worried but curious expression. I looked back at him and nodded before letting go of me and opening my car door for me. I sniffed and thanked him before getting into my seat and watching him walk over to his own car before driving home.
Luna asked who he was and I told her he was just another dad from school, but I knew she wasn't as clueless as she acted.
Thankfully it was a Friday so I didn't have to see Nik for a couple of days, or any of the moms. Just Luna and I.
Once Monday came back around I didn't feel like facing the stuck up bitches of the community so watched Luna go in from my car and waved to her teacher at the door so they knew how Luna got there. I went to get back into my car when Nik's voice called out for me and captured my attention once more.
"I do hope you aren't avoiding me, love" he called as he grew nearer and I quickly shook my head.
"No, not you" I replied and his brows pulled together briefly before a look of realisation and sympathy washed over his face.
"They don't know what they're saying. Nobody knows how it feels until they've gone through it, not that I want any of them to but it would help a little if they understood at least a fraction of the pain" he expressed and I couldn't have worded it better myself.
"I just don't know how people can be so unempathetic" I mumbled and he nodded solemnly.
"The world" he muttered "is a cruel place. It always has been." somehow he sounded as if he truly knew that and I found myself questioning it.
"Will it always be?" I whispered and he shook his head.
"Not for everyone. Not for you, I won't allow it." he told me, honesty shining in his eyes that made a blush spread to my ears and a smile to creep across my face.
"I won't hold you to it" I breathed but he shook his head and took my hand, kissing the back of it making my eyes roll.
"I don't tend to break promises" he uttered before squeezing my hand and letting me go to work for the day.
Later we both got to school early to see the other though neither of us outwardly confirmed it, we both knew. That was when he asked if I was ever free to go out for lunch or dinner or anything. I was reluctant and he could see that,
"It doesn't have to be a date" he offered, "just friends getting something to eat or drink or going on a walk..."
After a moment I agreed and told him that one of my neighbours would be happy to babysit Luna for a couple hours after work or on the weekend. The elderly lady next door was lovely and welcoming, she gave sympathy immediately and loved Luna from day one and had watched over her a couple times throughout the last couple years.
We just went and got some coffee and went for a walk to begin with. It was nice to ease into it. The last guy I went out with expected way too much on the first date while Nik kissed my cheek and knew that was enough for that day. Somehow he seemed to know everything, when to make a move and when to slow down. He could read me like a book and under different circumstanced that would scare me but I didn't feel afraid with him.
So I started to see him more frequently, more romantically.
He would take me to fancy restaurants and refuse to let me even see the check which to begin with was cute but started to make me feel guilty which he picked up on and explained that he didn't want me to ever think about money when I was with him. He said that he had more than he knew what to do with and spoiling me made him happy. I wasn't completely settled with this answer but I accepted it a bit.
We ended up making it into a little game. We would see which one of us could grab the check the fastest, he almost always won but every now and then I would manage to snatch it up, he would be trying to get it off of me but I would threaten to scream so he had to stop tickling. On occasion, if he had to go to the bathroom, I would manage to pay the bill before he was able to intervene and he would strop over it and end up buying me something worth much more that the date.
Everything about it was heavenly, accept for the comments and opinions of others. However it seemed that people only seemed to step out of line once before they never spoke ill of me again, it was strange but somehow I knew that Klaus had something to do with it.
This was confirmed when he dropped be home and my neighbour: Dorothy, or Dot was stood outside with a hard expression on her face as she held a sleeping Luna. I approached with a confused frown.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried and her eyes snapped to mine.
"That's the man you're seeing?" she asked, her tone judgemental and I didn't understand the switch up. I nodded, confused and she tightened her hold on Luna making my eyes narrow in concern. "You stop talking to that man right now. He is no good and never will be. A monster is that man and I will not allow him to be in Luna's life nor yours." she argued and I frowned.
"Dot- what on earth are you on about?" I asked, alarmed.
"He is the devil reincarnated. You stay away." she warned as she handed me Luna. "You don't understand now but you will if you stay near him. He'll ruin whatever good you have."
I didn't know what she was on about, or why or how she knew Nik but Dorothy was not a liar and she was not a hateful person so to see her voice such a harsh opinion spoke volumes.
I was a little more skeptical around Nik, but I also didn't really know what I was looking for. He just seemed upset and stressed when I turned down the third date in a row.
It made me feel awful so I went to Dot and started to demand answers.
Now, I'll be honest, I thought she was losing it when she started talking about vampires and werewolves and witches. But when I tried to leave the door slammed shut without her touching it and the fireplace flames roared.
"You have to listen to me dear, and you have to really hear me to be able to understand" she whispered, leading me back to the sitting room where she went into depth regarding her own witch heritage and then the originals and Nik or rather Niklaus.
Luna knew something was wrong when I let her have a couple days off school and she asked if it was because of Nik. She wasn't naive and she knew that I liked him more than others.
Eventually she asked to go back to school, being at home for so many days was boring so I took her in.
There was no way of avoiding Niklaus when he was waiting beside my car with a look of hurt throughout him. I tried to ignore him and just open the door but his hand touched my arm and I pulled away quickly. He caged me against the car and I could feel fear consuming me.
"Y/n" he murmured, his tone so soft that it confused me again. "Love, if I've done something to upset to upset you or scare you..." He trailed, his hands cupping both sides of my face and I couldn't help but enjoy the warmth he always had. I didn't want to look at him, I didn't know how to get out of the situation I was in and it was making me panic further.
"I need to go to work" I whispered quietly, weakly.
"I know..." he mumbled, "but...I need you and... you won't even look at me"
"You don't need me Nik" I told him, "It was only a few dates-"
"It's not" he argued
"We haven't slept together so it's not a big deal-"
"That's a lie and you know it" he whispered, exasperated.
I glanced up at him, and then I wasn't able to look away. He was right, it was a much bigger deal than I wanted to admit. We had connected on a much more emotional level than anyone I had before, other than my husband those years ago.
"We can't be together" I whispered and his frown deepened
"Did I kiss you too soon? I never meant to rush you" he muttered, concern displayed across his face
"It's not that-"
"Then what-"
"You're a vampire!" I whisper-yelled and his mouth snapped shut. "Or a hybrid or something...I don't...I can't..."
He stayed silent and stepped back, allowing me to open my car door and get in. I didn't hesitate in driving away.
I didn't see him when I picked up Luna however I did receive a message later that evening.
Hello, my love I do hope you'll one day forgive me for keeping my true identity a secret. I never meant to frighten you or make you feel uncomfortable, however I suppose that's why I didn't tell you. I like you very much, more than I have liked someone in many years and I love that you're such a lovely mother. I've thoroughly enjoyed our dates and I had hoped that we would progress our relationship however I understand that you are afraid for yourself and for Luna. Know that I would never, ever harm your daughter. I have one of my own and I know what it's like to love and worry for a child. I would never hurt either of you. Still, I know you will probably feel alarmed by my presence so I'll leave you be is that's would you want, all I ask is that you please don't tell others of my species as it puts Hope's life endanger and all I want is for her and you to be safe. I don't expect a reply but know that I will always have a space for you in my heart.
I could feel my heart aching as I read down to the bottom line.
I didn't see him anywhere for the next too weeks and I found myself missing him terribly.
Eventually I couldn't take it. I found that I didn't see him as anything other than a man. Not a monster or a threat. Just someone I cared for deeply and knowing that I had hurt him made me feel terribly guilty.
So I ended up messaging for him to meet me outside a little cafe. I had already ordered and paid for our drinks and was sat at a table waiting for him to arrive anxiously.
He got there exactly on time like always and sat opposite me with a singular flower for in his hand which he held out for me and I accepted with a small smile.
"Thank you" I whispered and his lips curled up as his hand moved to hold my hand and I let him, holding his back.
We spoke for a while, discussed who he was and how he got here, his intentions and any of my other questions before talking about our relationship again. I told him about my neighbour and he said he knew her last name and that decades ago her family had been involved with his brother, Kol, which resulted in a rather brutal and tragic even.
He admitted to being apart of the massacre and didn't attempt to justify his actions but just apologised for them and offered to formally apologise to Dorothy.
So, I brought him to her home and she instantly attacked him. It was only when I got in the way and she accidentally hurt me instead that she stopped. I was holding onto my head and crying while Klaus held me to his chest and tried to have me drink his blood which I now knew would heal me but the idea of it made me gag. Eventually I let the metallic taste fill my mouth and swallowed it down, the pain went away in a matter of seconds and Dot was hysterically sorry.
Klaus wouldn't let her near me and instead lifted me up and took me home. Dot begged me not to invite him in but I did so anyway.
He sat me down on the couch and kept asking if I was still hurt no matter how many times I told him that I was okay. He seemed more sorry than Dorothy and wouldn't stop checking me over.
It made me see just how much he cared and how honest he was being when he said he didn't want any harm to come to me. I could also see him resisting the urge to go back over to Dot after her causing me pain.
Eventually we had to go get Hope and Luna. No other parents so much as glanced our way when we both arrived in my car and I glanced to Klaus with the sneaking suspicion that he had compelled some of the women there but I didn't ask.
I let him officially meet Luna and although she was shy, she told me that she liked him once we got home.
Hope and Luna had a couple of play dates and everyone was getting along.
Luna started to ask for Nik sometimes, and once or twice she had accidentally called him 'dad' or 'daddy' though she would deny it afterwards and cry because she didn't want her father to think she was replacing him which would break my heart without fail.
Hope was a little older than Luna so more mature, Klaus didn't have the same issues I was having.
It had been months, over a year since our first date and Klaus told me that he loved me. It was a reality check of sorts. It scared me a little.
I had to start really thinking. Klaus was immortal and hope had powers. Luna and I would never be anything more than human. We would never be powerful and one day I would get old and Klaus wouldn't love me the way he does now, for all I know another woman could catch his eye and he would leave Luna and I right back where we were. Alone.
It worried me more when Luna asked if Nik and Hope could live with us. It was something I know Nik had considered, he had spoken about it a couple times but we never really came to a final decision. However I had to think about that now.
Klaus was already adamant that I shouldn't have to work so much but the fear of him leaving, or worse...dying, made me cling onto my job for stability. I couldn't ever risk not having a roof over Luna's head and that meant never relying on anybody. I know Nik doesn't really understand that fear. He promises that, even though it won't ever happen, if we did break up then he would never let myself or Luna to be struggling.
"I could never do that to you" he promised after I told him of the thoughts that haunted my head.
"Not now maybe...but I don't know...what if something really bad happened?" I asked quietly and he frowned, cupping my jaw and kissing my forehead as we lay in my bed for the third night in a row while Luna and Hope had another sleepover a couple doors over.
"Nothing could ever be bad enough for me to do that" he whispered and I looked down as i traced meaningless shapes onto his bare chest.
"What if...what if you were killed or something?" I mumbled, wincing at the thought and memories.
"Then I would leave everything to you and you and Luna and Hope would be living like royalty" he murmured and I game him an unconvincing half-smile.
"Well...what if something happened to me?" I questioned and he went quiet, just looking at me for a moment before replying.
"Then I would raise Luna as well as I could, and we would think of you and love you always" he finally answered and I lay my head down against his shoulder, staring at nothing in particular.
“You have to promise…that even if you hate me, you can’t ever hate Luna” I whisper. His hold tightened on me and I was pulled as close as physically possible.
“I promise” he agreed as I closed my eyes as I tried to relax as much as I could.
I won’t lie, I had to be reassured more than I thought. I just couldn’t stop the worries.
But Klaus always had the perfect thing to say, he always made me feel safe and comfortable. He made Luna happy and he was a new beginning for both of us. Him and Hope were our family now, Always and Forever.
(I’m so sorry I didn’t add any smut or another addition…maybe I could make a part two and involve their family growing?? I think I got too invested in the emotional side when writing)
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anjellaufeyson · 7 months
I could treat you better - Bellamy Blake
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Time stamp: 1:38
My boyfriend was lovely–his friend wasn’t. Bellamy Blake was the rudest man I’ve ever come across; I only tolerated him for my boyfriend. 
Murphy kissed me before he got pulled away for work, he was doing guard watch. I sighed, why couldn’t Bellamy do this? He always had Murphy doing everything for him, and I’m sick of it. Whenever Muphy comes back to our tent he’s exhausted or too tired to even spend time with me. I left my tent and walked inside Bellamy’s, he was shirtless and a girl was lying on his bed. I immediately left with a disgusted look on my face. 
Soon he came out searching for me, “What do you want, princess?” 
I palmed my face while we strolled together through Arkadia, “I’d prefer if you wouldn’t call me that, Blake. Especially since some people say that when they’re together.” 
He tilted his head, his eyes gazing into mine, he glanced down with a bit of a smile, “Right, whatever you say, princess.” 
The need to correct and argue with him was there but I ignored it for the sake of Murphy. “okay–can you please stop keeping my boyfriend working late? I’m aware of how things are, like it or not I’m one of the smart ones and I think he’s being overworked and–”
Bellamy’s face showed confusion in itself, “Murphy gets off at the same time as everyone else. I work the late nights, I’m who stays up all night, every night.” 
I stopped moving, trying to process my indecision and incoming sense of betrayal. “Wait, you haven’t been keeping Murphy late or hanging out with him late?” 
He shook his head and crossed his arms, his muscles clenching to his tight shirt. His veins popping out. My eyes tore away, my emotions were my only focus. “No, I don’t think anyone has. We’ve been on a lockdown since Clarke went missing.” 
My brain racked everything Murphy’s ever told me since he began ‘working’ late. I thought of the girl I assumed he had a relationship with but when I questioned him, he brushed me off. Out of anger, I took off leaving Bellamy, who ended up following behind me calling for my name. I moved the tent side and immediately saw Murphy and the girl kissing. They stopped once they noticed me and how distraught I looked. 
I backed up and accidentally bumped into Bellamy’s chest, I didn’t cry. I felt like I should cry, my body begged to cry, but when you did here–it made you seem weak. And I’d never want Murphy to see me cry even though my heart did in return. I turned and tried to shield myself with Bellamy’s chest, but hesitantly he put his arms around me. Trying to comfort me but I knew we both detested each other. He never liked me with Murphy for a reason I am unaware of, and I just never liked him. He brushed his hand up and down my back, almost in circular motions. 
Murphy’s voice appeared from behind me but I didn’t dare to look back because I felt so vulnerable, I knew I would cry. “I need to talk with her, I can explain!”
Bellamy stepped in, holding me closer. His voice was demanding, his tone was deep, “Murphy, you should go. Now. If she wants to talk to you, she’ll do it later.” 
I could hear Murphy protesting before easily giving up, he didn’t care to try. I pushed away from Bellamy who almost looked shocked at how quickly I switched up. 
We had to go on a mission, and I found myself in a difficult position. A hand covered my mouth and once I realized I didn’t know the person whose hand it was I began to get a bit scared. I tried to fight them off but couldn’t–it had to be a grounder. 
The grounder pulled a sword on me and dug into my back, but not enough to hurt me but it pierced the skin. He pushed me onto my knees where my friends were–including Bellamy. The whole hunting group was in. Murphy seemed nervous. I guess I should be too, especially since it’s my life on the line. 
“Who’s valuable to her?”
What an odd fucking question–is this supposed to be leverage? Might as well let me die. 
Bellamy not even a second later stepped forward, “She’s with me, that’s my girlfriend.” He spoke so truthfully that even everyone we knew was aware he was lying through his teeth. 
“What are you willing to give me in turn for her life?” 
His eyes almost turned vulnerable, his words coming off as pathetic as his tone came off as pleads. “What do you want?” 
The grounder moved the sword which caused me to wince, “I want Wanheda.” Everyone shared a confused glance, who is that? “Give her to me and I won’t kill her.” 
“Take me instead, she has a better chance of getting through to Wanheda than me.” What is he doing? He’s going to get himself killed–I’m aware he can handle himself but this is almost suicidal. The grounder pushed me into Bellamy’s arms. He squeezed my hand for the quickest second and moved to the grounder who hit him immediately. 
I wanted to help him but I didn’t know how to, Bellamy could’ve attacked but stayed down, taking another punch with ease. I stepped forward but he put his hand up, “Don’t,” he demanded while blood ran down his cheek. 
Why was he willing to do this for me? We’ll never find her, I mouthed. He did a tiny nod. They need you, I mouthed once more. He got kicked in his ribs and I knew I lost his attention but while the grounder was distracted I quickly stole Murphy’s gun and shot the grounder. My aim was good, but I hated shooting, killing wasn’t something I wanted to do. But I had to–for him. 
Without processing what I did I went to Bellamy’s side. I hated his stupidity and I hated how he saved my life. “I hate you,” I said as I helped him up. He spit out blood, “I know,” he said while wincing from getting up too quickly. 
While Bellamy was getting medical from Abby, I was talking with Octavia and Jasper. Murphy approached grabbing my arm, “Were you and Bellamy seeing each other behind my back?”
His breath reeks of Monty’s moonshine, “Are you serious? You’ve been cheating on me, Murphy?”
“Were you yes or no?” 
Before I could say anything Bellamy put his arm around my waist. His hands slipped around my stomach. Holding me tight but just to keep himself steady from behind. “Yes,” he said in a raspy voice, still clearly in pain. I couldn’t turn my head, I’d be too close to his face. He groaned a bit in pain but still managed to keep his posture strong and himself looking composed. Bellamy pulled me in closer to him and that got a bit of a reaction from Murphy. 
“Fuck you both,” he said as he stormed off. Everyone else decided to leave us alone, I was going to Bellamy back to medic. There was a zero percent chance he was let out yet. 
He stopped me from walking, his tight and bloody shirt doing him every bit of justice. His hands took control so easily, “Why’d you do it,” I asked. 
His fingers traced along my neck, “Save you? Or help you?”
“Both,” I spoke breathlessly. His eyes were fixated on my lips and I wondered if Abby gave him painkillers or something for this type of behavior. 
Bellamy stared down at me, tension felt like it was rising, and the heat was radiating off our bodies. He kept one hand on my waist, holding me. His right hand pulled my hair to the side he leaned in, “because we both know I could treat you better,” he whispered into my ear.
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joonsytip · 7 months
So It Goes || Wonwoo
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Synopsis: Your acceptance of his rejection and attempt on moving on has been hurting Wonwoo to the bones, head and most significantly, his heart.
Word Count: 1.3k
Sequel to Say Don't Go and set in the Withering for You universe (can be read as a standalone drabble series).
Warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, mention of fucking once, making out
Next Part : All Too Well
[ SVT Masterlist ][ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
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"Take me with you, please."
Wonwoo double takes at you, finding it hard to believe that such words could come out of your mouth and not be directed at him.
You are grinning ear to ear, something you haven't done in a while.
"Are you sure because all I do is work.", Jihoon tucks a lock of hair behind your ear and says, "You'd eventually get bored of me."
"I can fill in for all the interesting things", you tell him coyly.
Seungcheol and his wife are expecting their first baby so the group decided to throw a party to the soon to be parents. The ambience is cozy, the lights are dim. Soothing music is filling in the space and after long and fun conversations all together, now you all are scattered in groups chatting the night away.
Jihoon is a new addition to the group, the prodigal musician who was initially bagged by Seungcheol's wife to manage the new branch of the academy founded by her and Seungkwan but ended up playing an important part in the reunion of Seungcheol and his wife and hence was adopted by the group instantly. Especially you, you've grown fond of Jihoon. Seems the same for him as well.
It's a pleasing atmosphere, everything is eye pleasing but also, such an eyesore to Wonwoo. Because though no one has asked him to be standing so close to you, he at his own will, is leaning against a wall adjacent to where you're seated across Jihoon who has now his hand placed atop yours. Wonwoo's teeth are sinking onto an empty cup, eyes sharp and hands fisted with all his attention spanned on you.
"You're making it so obvious."
Wonwoo turns his head to Seungcheol's whispering, the later grabs his arm and takes him away to a more secluded area. Seungcheol takes a quick jog to his wife asking her to call him if she needs anything, kisses her forehead softly and walks back to where his friend is standing.
"So what are you gonna about it?", Seungcheol asks.
Wonwoo doesn't meet his eyes, "About what?"
Seungcheol sighs, he understands where his friend is coming from and also feels guilty about his family painting this horrendous picture of the rich and powerful that has scared the person infront of him so much that he believes almost everyone is sick and twisted.
"Everyone in this room knows that you like Y/N.", Seungcheol says sadly patting his shoulder, "And not every family is sick like mine.", he smiles sweeping a quick glance at his wife, "But look we're back together, after everything, we're in love, we're gonna have a family soon. It's the best of anything I could have ever asked for."
To be honest, when Seungcheol got back together with his wife, it would given Wonwoo a hope, he could see the silver linings but he is still afraid.
"I have already rejected her and...", Wonwoo's gaze falls on you, a sad smile ghosting on his lips, "She looks happier with him, she's moving on."
You haven't looked at him once and he's unable to take his eyes off you tonight.
"You're mistaken.", Seungcheol says and hands him a filled cup, "You don't need to hold back everytime. Try living for yourself from now on."
It's not easy he thinks, not when his brother is lying unconscious, getting treated in the hospital, not when you belong to the family of chaebols, several heirs lining up to get married to you while he's just a secretary, who's still trying to meet ends.
Wonwoo doesn't hold back, he finds a seat at one of the tables and resorts to drinking which he has never done before as an obligation to himself to be the one to drive all others to safety, though never been asked.
"He's worse than her.", Mingyu tells Seungkwan.
"Shouldn't we stop him?", Chan asks, "He's drowning in his sorrows."
"Damn, Jihoon turned out to be such a great actor, even I'd have believed that there's something going on between Y/N and him, if I hadn't known.", Seungkwan mutters eyes going back and forth between the three of you, "It's funny knowing Jihoon has a motive to make Wonwoo jealous but sad knowing Y/N wants him to think she's moving on just not to be a burden to him anymore."
It's the dawn hours when Seungcheol who is as sober as day just so he could attend his wife anytime is begging everyone to dismiss the party insisting his wife needs to maintain her sleep schedule and rest well but she won't leave until everyone does.
"Okay, so my driver's coming , anyone wants to come with me?", Chan asks.
Seungkwan and Mingyu immediately tags along.
"Jihoon, Y/N what about you both?", Seungcheol asks.
"Take Jihoon with you both.", you say sighing, "I am not drunk, haven't had drinks."
"Okay, we are gonna take Wonwoo also--"
You cut off Seungcheol, "I'll take Wonwoo with me, don't worry."
No one objects, one by one they leave. You go to Wonwoo who hasn't sobered up a bit despite of the efforts of Mingyu from before.
"Come on, let's go.", you tell him, helping him to get up.
Drunk Wonwoo is chatty, his honeydew voice is eating off your ears as you struggle to put his big frame inside the car.
He's talking about how he keeps loosing the games nowadays because he lacks concentration. He talks about how happy he was when the doctors said that his brother can have a full recovery. He's spilling out random facts, cracking lame jokes and whatnot.
He's so cute, you think. You wanna record this version of him, wanna stop driving and give your full attention to him, to look at him. Because you know once he sobers up he's not gonna remember any of this, going back to his stoic self.
Seungcheol has texted you the passcode of his house and somehow you've ended on sheets under Wonwoo.
"Be here, with me", he mumbles, his soft breaths grazing your neck.
"Wonwoo, move", you huff trying to get him off you but fail one more time as his arms lock you in place.
He lifts his head to meet your gaze, removes the hair off your face and says, "You're so beautiful, Y/N. So good at everything you do, have so many people admiring you.", he smiles through the slurry words, "You could have anyone, anyone would be willing to be with you but out of all people you choose me."
You go stiff when he rests his forehead against you. And your whole body gives up when he confesses, "I love you, Y/N. Love you so much that it hurts. I'm so sorry for hurting you."
After some moments of staring, your hands attempt to push him again, "You're just drunk, you don't mean anything you're saying. Please--"
The words remain stuck in your throat as Wonwoo kisses you. His lips move softly against yours, the aftertaste of alcohol in his mouth intoxication you as well, as you find yourself giving in, kissing him back.
He takes both of your hands and pins them above your head, deepening the kiss. You moan, gasping for breath, letting his tongue lick your whole mouth. Every ounce of rational thoughts leaves your body, just like the clothes those stay discarded on his bedroom floor.
Wonwoo is fast asleep beside you, hugging your naked body after fucking you hard because you surely wouldn't call it making love.
You slowly remove his hand and get up. After putting back your clothes on, you keep the medicine and water on the sidetable.
"You probably didn't mean for any of this to happen between us.", you whisper, trying to hold back the tears, "You won't even remember all of this."
You peck the side of his head and take your leave.
When Wonwoo wakes up later, he groans because of the killer headache but also sobers up straight, panicking when he finds no traces of you in the house.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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k0juki · 3 months
Good things take time
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the pictures is not mine! Credit goes to owner! Not edited! Also BIG thanks to the @catherinewithu!! Couldn't do it without her.
Summary: If you promise something, you have to keep it. But even Joost makes a promise and doesn't keep it, just like you.
Warnings: alcohol, both sad y/n and Joost, mentions of sex but nothing is here!
A/n: I have mixed feelings about this xdd. Idk if it's happy ending...
Wc: 2.8k
Joost. Joost fucking Klein. That man was always very charming and he didn't even have to try. He was always the center of attention whereas you were just somewhere back, trying to fit in. Looking for your kind of people that lay back just like you. And if a year back someone would have said to you, that you're going to be in love with this man, you wouldn't believe them. Probably laugh in their face. You and Joost? Ha, you could never... could you?
He was the god of the party. Whenever he walked into a room, it was like the atmosphere shifted. People gravitated towards him, drawn by his effortless charm and infectious energy. He had this way of making everyone feel like they were the most important person in the world, even if just for a moment. Yeah, you know, Joost.
You and him met pretty easily, not in some grand, starstruck way, but through friends. It was at one of those low-key gatherings that start with a few people and end up with the entire social circle crammed into a living room. Joost was in his element, entertaining the crowd with stories and jokes. You watched him, intrigued by how natural it all seemed to him.
As the night went on, you and him somehow ended up in the same conversation circle. It wasn't long before you were chatting like old friends that have always known each other. He asked about your interests, your thoughts on music, movies, and life in general that night. And you found yourself opening up more than you usually did, his genuine interest made it easy.
Then, you started seeing each other more frequently. Your encounters were never planned, but always felt serendipitous. You ran into each other at the shop center, at friends' houses, and even at the grocery store. Each meeting felt natural, unforced, but then it wasn't just for talking and sharing stories. Now, you and Joost were friends, but with benefits. Of course you didn't mind at all at first. But after some time you wasn't so sure anymore. At first it was just because of some release. But after some time, you started to feel some...things.
Then came the night of this unforgettable party. You didn't want to come here at all, but your friend, f/n, she promised it's going to be just for a few hours and that Joost is going to be here as well. Maybe, that's why you actually agreed to go here. She knew about you and Joost, and how you actually felt about him. But she promise to not say anything.
Joost was, as usual, the center of attention. But this time, at this party, it felt different. Every time your eyes met across the room, there was a spark, a silent understanding that something was shifting between you and him. You watched him laugh, dance, and engage with everyone, yet somehow, it felt like he was always aware of where you were and what you were doing, of who you were speaking with and when you looked at him.
It was like sixth sense.
It started to get hot here, or maybe it was just the alcohol that flowed through your blood. Either way, you needed some fresh air, so you excused yourself from your friend that was just as tipsy as you and you made your way out by the back door that went to the garden. There wasn't anyone, but it wasn't so surprising. Whole party was thrown inside because of the cooler weather.
Enjoying the muffled sounds of a party in the house behind you, you were startled when you felt someone's hand on your hip.
"Hey, hey, easy here. It's just me."
"You scared me for life." Turning your head to look at him, you notice how his pupils were big.
"I'm sorry princess, I will try not to scare you away from me." You laughed it off. He was definitely a teaser. It was in his nature, to make people laugh, to forget everything, to enjoy their time with him.
"What are you doing here so alone, hm?" He whispered in the cold night and ran his hand that he had on your hip up and down. To warm you a bit. "It's cold out here."
"I know, but I needed some fresh air. I couldn't breathe in there." You said and pointed back at the house. Leaning your head on his shoulder you closed your eyes, but the drinks that your friend made you drink with her were a little bit stronger for your liking, so whenever you closed your eyes you felt the whole world spin, just like right now.
"Yeah, you're right." Joost put his chin on the top of your head after he kissed it, just as you relaxed in his hold. You always enjoyed his presence, but it wasn't just because of his personality, it was because he made you feel things that you believed that were never there. He was different, he made you feel different. Like no-one else before had. He lifted his hand from your hip and placed it on your arm, "You're cold." he said and raised his head for yours.
"It's nothing." You chuckled, "I will manage." you tried to assure him, but your skin was really ice cold.
"Yeah, in bed with a fever tomorrow morning. Come on, let's get inside." He took your hand in his and together you made your way to the house. He let you go in first, holding the door open for you like a true gentleman he is with a smile on his face. "Lady's first."
You returned his smile, never letting go of his hand. It wasn't strange for you to hold his hand and kiss here and there, but you weren't together, it made some people questioned your real relationship. But what they didn't know was that you and Joost have been sleeping with each other from time to time. And you had to admit, you were totally scared of your future with him.
He doesn't feel love. He never felt that way. You knew it because before you and him started to sleep together, you and him made a promise to not catch feelings, it's just gonna be about a sex. Nothing more, nothing less. And you knew you had crossed that line, but you couldn't tell him anything. That would ruin everything, it would have ruined you. So you swallowed your feelings and told yourself to not, ever, let or somehow show your feelings for him. Even though it hurts you.
"I need to find f/n. She's somewhere here and I need to stop her from doing something stupid." You told Joost and he actually laughed at that because he knew her and what she was capable of.
"That sounds like a good idea. I will be in the living room if you want to look for me after you find her." Joost winked at you with smug on his pretty face and left you here standing with red cheeks. No matter how many times he had flirted with you, you always gave in and let his charm affect you.
It took you some time to find f/n, but you also have found some other friends that were looking after her as well. They were leaving and told you they are taking f/n home too.
"Noo, Y/n I don't wanna go home." f/n pouted and hugged you before others basically dragged her off of you.
"You have to. I will text you in the morning, okay?"
She protested, but eventually gave in. Leaving the party and looking forward to your text when you will be leaving.
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a drink, not so strong this time and then you started looking for another person, Joost. But he already told you where he's going to be. Making your way through bodies to the living room, you greeted some faces you recognised. Sending friendly smiles and little waves. But just as you stepped to the living room, you couldn't help the shock that went thru you.
He was sitting here with some girl. No, the girl was sitting on his lap and what was even worse, they were making out. How his left hand was running through her hair and how his other hand was on her waist, keeping her closer, just like he did before with you. All you could do was watch the scene before you.
"Y/n?" Joost's voice was barely making any sense, but he knew that was you who he was kissing right now. He was so sure of it.
"Actually I'm Mila."
"You're not Y/n? My Y/n?"
"I can be her, if that's what you want."
"You're not her?" Joost asked the girl that he assumed was you, but she pulled him back to kiss her. He wasn't complaining, but he was hoping that was you who he was kissing right now and not some random chick.
When they pulled away to breathe, Joost looked around the room and saw you standing in the back with a shocked face and how it, in a matter of seconds, turned into a pained expression. That was the real you. You weren't sitting in his lap right now.
What were you thinking?
It hurt. It all hurt so much. You really thought he felt something for you, just like you did for him. But you were wrong, so, so wrong. "Y/n?" His words were slurred. "C'mon it was just for fun, you know that right?"
Drunk words are sober thoughts.
You heard him say somewhere towards you in his now drunk state, you couldn't even properly look at him, all you could do in that moment was to turn around and leave. On your way out of the house, you passed by people that gave you this kind of sympathy look. Did they think you and him were together too? You weren't, and he made that crystal clear.
"Y/N!" He was calling for you to stop, but you didn't. "Y/n! Can you stop for a second?!"
"What!? What is it Joost!?" You turned to him, stopping in your tracks. Barely holding tears in your eyes.
"What's wrong with you?!" Joost almost shouted, but held himself back because of other people near you two.
"What is wrong with me?" You had to ask. "With me?"
"Yeah, you're acting like I fucked that girl right infront of you, and even if I did, we're not together so it doesn't matter."
"I can't believe this." You avoided eye contact with him. "I'm such an idiot." Whispering, you looked down, letting the tears freely fall.
"What? So it's mine fault?"
"No it's mine."
An awkward silence was between you two.
Joost sighed looking down and put his hands on his hips. "Look Y/n, let's just get inside, get some drinks and forget about it. It wasn't that big of a deal anyway." He insisted and took a few steps towards you, trying to reach for you, but you backed down. You turned back around and said.
"Yeah, you're right, it's not that big of a deal anyway."
With that, you made your way home.
That was two days ago, and from that time you felt like shit. You barely slept and eating food was bad too. F/n was worried about you, she insisted on talking to him, herself or you. But everytime she threatened, you told her to stop. That you're going to deal with it by yourself. She stopped after that.
Two fucking days.
Your phone was blowing with missed calls and hundreds of unread texts from Joost, but you didn't want to talk to him. Not right now. His words still hurt you. "It's not that big of deal anyway." Yes, you promised something to each other, but his words hunt you.
As you laid in your bed and re-thinking every detail of that night, soft knocking brought you out of your head. At first you didn't want to get up and answer, if it's important then they will try it later.
But the soft knocking was getting louder and more annoying. You slowly got up and made your way to the door. Ready to scream on anyone that was behind them.
That made you stop in your tracks. Joost? What was he doing here? You didn't want him near you at all. That's why you distanced everyone.
"Y/n, open the door."
His knocking stopped and you saw his shadow under the door and how he was stepping from one side to another.
"Open the door. Please."
Joost begged. And that's something you never heard from him before. Part of you wanted to let him in and hug him, but the other not at all.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said that night." You heard him say behind the door. Him still waiting for you to open to him.
"You didn't say anything wrong. Only truth." You muttered on the other side.
"Yeah, but..." He sighed and leaned his head on the door. Closing his eyes for a moment before speaking again. "You didn't deserve that."
That made you cry. He was right, you didn't deserve it like that.
"I hear you cry." He lifted his head from the door and tried to open them again. "Please don't cry."
"You made me look so fucking stupid." You cried more. "I thought...I thought that we-"
"I'm sorry."
You took the handle and slowly opened the door, letting that awkward silence spread all around you and him.
"What do you want from me?" You finally asked as your eyes were red and swollen from crying for the past two days. Just like his.
"I don't know." He admitted. "Probably everything..."
"That's a lot."
"I know I want you in my life." He began. "I'm scared that if I told you how I feel, you're going to leave me like everyone else."
"And why would I do that?"
He didn't say anything to that. Like you had caught him off of guard. But that didn't mean that you felt any better. You wouldn't admit it, but you didn't feel better.
"My heart always seems to be disappointed." You admitted quietly, letting it sink in. "Maybe it was made just to be shattered into thousands pieces."
"No, no, don't say that. It's not the truth, you don't believe that." His eyes were pleasing yours to say otherwise, but he didn't find what he was looking for in them. "Do you?"
"What if I believe in that?"
Now you were more scared of his silence than your damaged heart. Is this it? Is this the very end of yours and Joosts path?
"Are you going to say something?"
"I'm sorry." He stepped closer and opened the door fully. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, I don't know what I was doing...I was drunk a-and I know that it doesn't change anything, but I'm still so sorry and I need you to know it." He kneeled before you and hugged your waist. Trapping you in his hold.
"Joost." You didn't know what to say. Or what to do at that moment.
"I love you." He breathed out. "I don't want you to disappear from my world, because you are my world."
You stopped breathing for a moment. He loves you? Joost loves you? From all of the people he knows and ever met, he loves you?
"I need you to know how I feel." Joost admitted and held your legs tighter. "I should have said that sooner."
A/n: I could do better.
Don't copy or translate my work!
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Interview, Matthew Gray Gubler
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He's so goofy, I love him
Word Count: 2.1k~
(C/n) : Character name for the show
I think even after all the years of doing acting, I will never be able to feel completely comfortable in an interview. Over time, it's gotten easier, but the lingering feeling of nervousness still creeps up into me. I always worry I'll say something that can be taken out of context, or I'll blurt out something I wasn't supposed to reveal just yet. However, if I'm with friends or co-workers during an interview, the anxiety isn't so prevalent.
Thankfully, right now, I'm in one of the rooms on set with four of my closest friends as a reporter from a nearby magazine publishing company interviews us. Kirsten, A.J., and Shamar sit along the largest sofa while Matthew and I share the loveseat in the room. It's fitting, actually.
Over time, Matthew and I have formed a relationship with each other outside of filming Criminal Minds. It wasn't planned, of course. We met on set knowing our characters would soon be forming a romantic relationship, and so, we started a friendship to better portray the chemistry on set. However, that chemistry went farther than I could've expected in such a short time, and now we sit as two lovers who can't reveal themselves to the world just yet.
In the show, my character, (C/n), and Spencer still haven't gotten together. They're perfect for each other, my character having been written specifically for Spencer's character, but they have issues like any other two people trying to get together. It's lead to a lot of ups and downs with many fans going online to tell us to just kiss already. Luckily for them, the next episode that's next to come finally breaks through that relationship barrier and our characters get together. Because of this, the producer has told us that it was alright Matthew and I could be together off-screen - however, we must keep our relationship secret and hidden away from the public to avoid any spoilers about the episode being released.
Due to the pressure of trying not to do any of the things I would usually do with Matthew, I'm a bit scared of this interview. I know the interviewer is going to ask us questions about our ever growing on-show relationship - that's a definite. With the increasing romantic tension between our two characters, I don't even think she has to ask any questions to get the answer she wants. It's happening, and it's obvious.
Once the interviewer enters the room, she introduces herself as Lacey and greets us all with a welcoming smile. Sitting down in the only arm chair in the room, she starts off by talking about the recent season to the camera while other cameras pan around to catch video of us all. With all of us being watched and recorded, Matthew waits until the cameras are pointing away from us before sliding his hand discreetly over to mine and linking our pinkies together. The simple action, makes me a bit calmer as a smile soon makes its way to my lips.
"So, JJ And Will," The interviewer starts, facing A.J. with the same smile as before, her arm draped against the arm rest while her leg is crossed over the other. "Are they thinking about having any more kids after this recent one? Maybe another boy, or a girl for change?"
At the question, A.J. smiles with a small laugh. "I think for now, Henry and Michael are enough for Jennifer," She explains, folding her hands together and placing them in her lap. "Plus, I think Mekhai and Phoenix are enough for me at the moment too," A.J. adds, causing all to laugh with her. The boys are wonderful, but with Phoenix barely six months old at the moment, I can understand why she would be apprehensive over thinking about another baby so soon.
"They are adorable kids, A.J.," Lacy tells her, earning a warm 'thank you' back. Turning toward Kirsten and Shemar, Lacey asks them her next question. "What about your characters?" She asks, "Are there anymore developing things to soon come along?"
"Just the same ol' incessant flirting from this old woman," Shemar jokes, earning a slap to his arm from Kirsten much to our amusement. However, Shemar quickly earns his friendship back from Kirsten with a hug as she struggles to keep her angry face. "But it's the flirting that I love! I love it! I'm glad it's incessant!" He further clarifies, taking Kirsten in his arms and swaying her as she laughs at him.
With that, our laughter grows until finally quieting down as Kirsten is back to wrapping her arms around Shemar's neck in a non-threatening gesture. This time, the interviewer turns toward Matthew and me with a smirk on her lips, his hand having already left mine moments ago as we felt the questions coming.
"Now," Lacey begins, her voice slow and calculated. I can't help but feel a bit anxious under her unmoving stare. "We have seen the relationship between (C/n) and Spencer grow and have breakthroughs on-screen, but, my question is..." She then pauses, her smirk turning into a grin. "What all do you have to say about yours and Matthew's relationship off-screen?"
Her question takes me by surprise. All of the questions we've been asked before were centered around the relationship between mine and Matthew's characters - never are they about me and Matthew in real life. We always chalked it up to the fact that we make sure we're careful in not revealing that we do have a relationship, but maybe Lacey just kind of sensed it. Although, how could she not?
"Oh, well," I start, looking over at Matthew as he smiles at me. To the others, it's just a plain, nonchalant smile, but to me, I can see the corner of his lips turning up into a smirk. "Our relationship is nothing more than friends," I lie, my voice calm as I continue lightly grinning. "We play around and joke around with each other constantly. We're very close," I add, being truthful for once. I know that Matthew desperately wants to stop hiding our relationship from the public, as do I, but we can't. At least, not for another week.
Lacey hums a response with the smirk back on her lips. "So, Matthew's arm around your shoulder was just a friend thing?" She can't help but ask.
"Okay, so, we're best friends!" I exclaim, rolling my eyes before letting out a small laugh. "Two friends can put their arms around each other without it meaning anything else. Right, Shemar?" I add, hearing the man in question agree with a 'I know that's right'. Meanwhile, Matthew has his own way of dealing with the unwanted questions.
"Whoah!" Matthew states, leaning back with a blank look, his hands help up in surprise. "Did you just friendzone me, babe?" He asks in a ridiculous voice, making me stifle a laugh. He's so goofy, but I guess he's trying to help me play it off all the while calming me down too. Like anything else he does for me, he's doing it successfully.
"You're lucky I even said 'best friend,' buddy," I add, crossing my arms with a smirk as I lean back against the couch rather than Matthew's arm like before. Meanwhile, Matthew just stares at me with his mouth agape, trying not to laugh at my words.
"Bu-buddy?!" He questions, purposely stuttering the word for a dramatic effect. "My heart!" He shouts, slapping a hand to his chest. This time, everyone begins laughing at our exchange as we smile at each other and slowly settle back down.
Thankfully, realizing that she won't get the answer she was wanting, Lacey doesn't question mine and Matthew's relationship again, nor does she ask anything more about Spencer and (C/n)'s growing relationship either. In fact, her attention is so far away from me and Matthew at this point that she doesn't even notice our new position with my back against Matthew's chest and his arm lazily strewn across my lap. Any other time, this wouldn't be happening, but with us establishing that we're just "friends" like Shemar and Kristen (funny enough, the only two that actually do know about our relationship), I feel as if we're in the clear.
After the interview is over and we're all released to head back to our dressing rooms, I make my way to mine with the intention of taking my makeup off before heading home and taking a nap. Of course, when I say 'home,' I mean mine and Matthew's apartment. Unfortunately, it's yet another thing we have to hide from everyone else.
Just as I toss my used makeup wipe into the trash bin, I hear my dressing room door open behind me before shortly closing afterward with a click. Turning around to see who walked in, I'm greeted by the person whom I want to see the most, and we can't help but smile at each other as soon as our eyes meet. Barely a few seconds pass before Matthew's arms are around me and my lips are on top of his.
Despite our touches being soft and sweet, they soon turn into something more as I find myself pressed against my dressing room counter with Matthew in between my legs and his hands planted firmly on my waist. "Matthew," I murmur in between kisses as his lips move down to my jaw. I know that if we don't stop now, there will be no stopping at all.
"Matthew, we can't," I whisper, pulling myself back to look at him. Staring back at me with lust blown eyes, I watch as he tries to catch his breath while I do the same. Having to hide our relationship everywhere we go builds up a certain passion that sometimes comes out in situations like now. Although, it's usually at home and not where practically anyone can catch us. "Not here."
"Why? No one's going to hear us," He quickly points out, shrugging as if it were nothing. Diving back into my neck, Matthew presses his lips onto the skin of my collarbone, prompting me to move a hand to his head and tug his hair back. Thankfully, this brings a halt to his actions, and instead of crying out in pain, Matthew jerks his head back into my hand and sighs through his nose, smirking. "Unless you keep that up."
Resisting the urge to laugh, I shake my head at him. "That's what I'm saying!" I almost exclaim, moving my hands to the sides of his smiling face. "Besides, we haven't come out as official yet. We were told to wait until next week's episode that way we don't give away our character's relationship at the same time," I remind him, feeling my heart slowly break as his smile falters.
Knowing that I'm right, Matthew sighs before laying his head against my chest in defeat. "I know, but I'm tired of waiting," He murmurs, his voice gentle and almost in-audible. Out of the two of us, I think Matthew's the one that this affects the most.
"Me too," I agree, my hand that had previously pulled at his hair now soothingly combing through the longer locks. "But, it's just another week, just one more," I point out, reminding us both that we don't have to wait that long anymore. "And then we can finally kiss and hold hands and hug without having a finger waved at us."
Nodding with a chuckle, Matthew continues resting against my chest as I massage his scalp. Although, a flip is switched within a matter of seconds and he's back to smirking. "You know, we could always just give them a sneak peek, nothing more," He suggests, turning his head to nuzzle further into the exposed skin from my v-neck blouse.
"Matthew, you are an animal!" I quietly exclaim, laughing as I have to once again push him away. With him grinning playfully, I move to stand back up in front of him, a similar grin making its way onto my face before I lean up and press my lips to his in a soft, but quick kiss. "I do love you though."
Smiling at my comment, Matthew tightens his arms around me and holds me close, my face now pressed into his chest for a change. "I love you too, (Y/n)," He murmurs, lowering his head as I feel him press a kiss to my hair. One more week is all we have to wait before revealing anything, and honestly, I don't know if this man is going to last that long.
And to be honest, I can't blame him.
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mastermindmiko · 11 months
Paring: Fred Weasley + fem!reader
word count: 2124
Summary: Angelina has been suggesting that you're pregnant, you're sure that she's wrong, but what's the harm in checking? She was right.
Warnings: Pregnancy, the future, ANGST with happy ending. Maybe some errors, I wrote this at 2 am.
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
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I've known that something was wrong for two weeks now. I've been feeling sick, and I've missed my period. I've been craving a lot of different foods that I wouldn't usually eat, and my friends have noticed.
Angelina pointed it out to me this morning and that's how we got where we are now. She's holding out not one, not two, but three tests for me to try. I shake me head and look at her incredulously. I chuckle, "No way, Angie."
"Yes way, You might be." Angelina says, waving them in the air. I pace around the room again, and then stop to look at her and say, "Fred and I are always safe."
"Condoms only work most of the time, not always." Angelina says, and I sit on my bed, contemplating the thought. Angelina adds, "You've been craving things, you've been moody, you missed a period!"
"There has to be another explanation. I'm sure. I am sure that I'm not pregnant!" I say, and then Angelina walks from her bed to mine and says, "If you're so sure, then what's the harm in taking these to make sure."
"Fine." I say. I grab them from her hands and hop off the bed. I head to the bathroom and I take the tests. I set them up one by one beside each other perfectly in a straight line, and wait anxiously for the results to appear.
Angie knocks on the door and I open it for her. She looks at the three tests and stands beside me. I nibble on my fingers, anxiously. Angelina opens her mouth to say something and I shush her loudly. She says, "What? Am I gonna scare them by talking?!"
I, once again, shush her loudly. She huffs and folds her arms over her chest. I stare at the tests then at the watch over my wrist, thinking, why the hell is time moving so slow? As the time is about to finish, I start to pace around the room, then shuffle on my feet. Angelina says, "You can hold my hand if you're nervous."
"I'm not nervous!" I shout at her, then after a few second of nibbling at my bottom lip, I grab her hand in mine. I look at the watch, then squeeze Angie's hand, anxiously. In any second, there's either going to be a piece of news that will change not only my life, but my life and Fred's life forever, or I could have spent a lot of unnecessary time worrying.
"I'm sure whatever it is, you'll be fine." Angie says, she already knows that I'm pregnant, she feels it in her gut. I'm too scared to think about it myself because I might get that same feeling in my gut. All the evidence is there, the fatigue, not being able to go through a few classes before heading to the toilets, the nausea. All signs point to yes, but the proof will be in front of us in a few seconds.
My hands start to feel clammy and I need to not be holding anyone's hand right now. I go to sit on the closet toilet seat, and Angie sits on the edge of the tub. She asks, "How are you feeling?"
My throat feels dry, and I rub my hands together before rubbing them on my pants to dry them. I shrug my shoulders, and exhale. I let out a nervous chuckle, then say, "I'm terrified."
"What will everybody think? We've still got a few months left of school." I say, and I start panicking thinking about all the things that can go wrong about getting pregnant. "How can I have my NEWTs while being pregnant?"
I think of the last thing, the thing that's on my mind the most. You don't need to take your NEWTs to have a career anymore, and who cares what people think. My hands start to shake and I cry, "What if Fred leaves me?"
Angelina rushes to my side when she sees me cover my face and start crying. She presses a hand to my back and rubs it soothingly. She says, "Honey, it's going to be fine. I'm sure everything will work out to what's best, really. You can choose not to keep it, or put it up for adoption, maybe. Besides, you'll always have me."
I lift my hands from my palms and see her giving me a nervous smile herself. I smile back at her gratefully, and wrap my arms around her. From behind her back, I notice that one of the tests has changed. I trample her on my way, reaching it. I place my other hand over my mouth as I notice the two stripes.
I look at the others and they all have the same result. The two stripes. All the tests are positive. I gasp, and purse my lips. Angelina doesn't say anything and still rubs my back reassuringly. I put the tests back beside the sink and wash my hands. My heart is beating a hundred miles an hour.
"What are you going to do?" Angelina asks, cautiously. I sit back down on the toilet seat and she crouches in front of me. I tilt my head back and stare at the ceiling. I reply, "I have no idea."
I hear Fred's voice say, and my eyes widen as much as they can. Angelina stands up immediately. I push her near the door, and whisper, "Go tell him I'm sick, or busy, anything like that. I can't talk to him right now, I can't!"
Angelina walks out of the bathroom, and I press my hear against the door, hoping to hear the conversation. Fred says, "Hi, Captain."
"She's busy right now, Weasley. She can't talk." Angelina says, in a steady voice, even though I know she's nervous. I can just picture Fred's face morph into confusion and then he says, "Why?"
"Is she in there?" Fred asks, I hear his footsteps coming towards the door, and I feel my blood run cold. He knocks on the door, and he says, "Darling? Are you in there?"
"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Fred asks, and I feel the urge to say, yes somethings wrong, something is very very wrong. I stutter, "No, everything's fine, Fred."
"You don't sound alright. Can I come in?" Fred asks, and I hear both Angelina and I shout, quickly, "NO!"
I hear Fred chuckle, but not his normal type of chuckle. He leans on the door, I know by the sound of the small thud against the door. Fred says, "What can Angelina see that I can't? I've already seen all of you."
That's the problem. I look down to the door handle and notice that there's no locks. I curse and it makes Fred say, "Love, I really need to see you, you're worrying me like crazy here."
I run to the counter, grab the tests and shove them into the trash bin. I let the toilet paper roll drop down hastily to hide them. I hear the door open, and I turn around to stand to face him. He looks worried, and I press my lips together. I give him an unconvincing smile.
"You look a little pale." Fred notes, he then steps closer to me, and leans closer. He adds, "You're sweating like crazy too."
"It's hot."
"It's November." Fred says, then grabs my hand. He leads me out of the room. I try to stop, but he's walking determined. I ask, "Where are we going?"
"To Madame Pomfrey, she's gonna have a full check up on you." Fred says, and I sit down on the floor to not move. If Madame Pomfrey does a check up, she'll no doubt find out that I'm pregnant. Fred stops too and looks behind him. He bends down and picks me up in his arms bridal style. Fred says, "You're going."
He takes me to the hospital wing with Angelina right behind us. Fred puts me on one of the beds, and then he sits down beside me, holding my hand, tightly. Madame Pomfrey comes to check up on me, she does scans and spells and everything. I wait until my secret is out to Fred. I don't think I can bare losing him.
Madame Pomfrey walks in with a paper, holding the tests' results. She walks over to us and then looks at the paper. Her eyes widen and I look at her desperately, hoping that she would lie for me. She clears her throat, and looks at Fred with a smile. She says, "Your girlfriend is completely fine."
"Just a little exam stress, you should make sure that she relaxes, and eats well." She continues, and I know a part of that advice is pregnancy related. She says, "Off you go then, Miss Johnson, if you could just stay for a second."
I couldn't tell Fred, and I couldn't look at him without feeling a nasty feeling gnawing at me, so my solution was to not be around Fred. I saw him at meals and during classes, but I never stuck around to see him after. This went on for a month, and I was already two months along. I was glad I wasn't showing.
I had decided to keep the baby, even when I don't know what's going to happen between me and Fred. Angelina has been the greatest help ever since Madame Pomfrey gave her my papers when I left with Fred the day I found out. She's been reading books, and making sure I'm eating right and everything. She supports me, the one thing she doesn't support me in is not telling Fred for this long.
"Is today the day?" She asks as we head down to breakfast. I've grown tired of the question. I shrug my shoulders, and give her the usual reply, "Maybe."
I don't get to go to breakfast because George walks out furiously and towers over me. He doesn't look at Angelina while he says, "If you could excuse us captain, I need to talk to my brother's girlfriend."
Angelina prepares a reply before I lift up a hand and say, "It's alright, Angie."
She hesitates before going into the Great Hall. George talks a few steps till we're out of the entrance of the hall. He glares at me and as soon as I lean against the wall, he starts the ramble, "I know I'm not supposed to interfere because this isn't my relationship, but you've been avoiding Fred for a while now, and he knows. He's been strong, but you're hurting him. He cried yesterday because he doesn't want you to break up with him, so that's where I draw the line-"
"George, I'm pregnant." I shot out, and he stands transfixed with his eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. He doesn't say anything so I grow more nervous. He stutters before spewing, "Is it Fred's?"
"Yes, of course, it's Fred's. What kind of woman do you take me for?!" I shout, furiously. Did he honestly think I would cheat on Fred? We've been dating for a while, If I would've cheated, I would've done it by now. George rubs the back of his head sheepishly, "Sorry, why haven't you told Fred?"
"I'm scared." I say, and look down at the floor. I bite the insides of my cheeks, and George nods his head understandingly. George knows what Fred would do, they're twins and they have this special ability to know what the other will do. George says, "I'm sure Fred will do what's right."
But what would Fred find right, that sort of thing is relative from one person to the other. He could leave, maybe that's what is right for him. I nod my head at George's words even though it doesn't soothe me. George asks, "How long have you known?"
"A month."
"A month!" George repeats, louder. He looks around to make sure no one heard him, even though it would be hard to know what the conversation is about from that word alone. George asks, "How far along are you?"
"Two months."
"Two months!"
"George, we're really getting nowhere like this." I say after rolling my eyes. George stares at the floor deep in shock. He asks, what I hope is the final question, "Are you keeping it?"
"Wow. That's my niece or nephew in there. Cool." George says, and I smack his arm, even though it relieves me a bit to find out that this is George's reaction, maybe Fred's will be the same. George clears his throat then says, "I really think you should tell him, soon."
I nod my head at his words, and he puts a hand on my shoulder before saying, "Whatever Fred does I want you know that I can help, it'll be awkward if Fred decides to be an idiot, but I'll be there for you, and either George the second, or Georgina."
"Thank you, George. I'm ignoring you naming my kid by the way." I chuckle at the end, and he smiles back at me. George says, "He's in the dorm, if you want to talk to him."
I nod at his words and then he leaves to go to breakfast. I'm going to tell Fred, now. I march over to the common room, and then to his dorm, trying not to overthink it, and trying to get as much out of this new confidence. I open the door to his dorm, and Fred's standing in the middle.
"Hey." Fred says, and I look at him. All the confidence flies out the window in a second. I feel my breath hitch. I stutter out, "There's something I need to tell you."
Fred nods his head, but keeps standing where he is. I sit on his bed that I know so well, and the place where this all happened. I take in a deep breath, in and out, and a couple more times. Fred stays patient I loved that about him, he wouldn't appear to be the kind of person who would be patient, but he always is with me.
He watches me attentively, and I take in the last deep breath. I remind myself that I can do it, and even if Fred doesn't want to stay, I can raise my kid on my own with Angie and George. Here goes nothing. I shot out, "I'm pregnant."
He doesn't say anything for a bit and his facial expressions don't change. I consider repeating it again because he might not have heard me, but then his eyes widen, and his mouth hangs wide. Same reaction as George, just much more dramatic.
I feel my heart racing in anticipation, I pray that the shock subsides and his reaction gives me any input on how he's feeling. He stands up straighter, and fixes his expression to neutral. I straighten my back, ready for an answer. He doesn't give me one, instead his eyes keep flickering from my eyes to my stomach over and over again.
I place a protective hand over my stomach, and I find the wait unbearable. I wait, wishing he would just do something. The more his mouth stays closed, the more hope I lose. I feel my eyes water, and my stomach sink. I let out a bitter chuckle then say, "Could you at least say anything?"
It takes him a second, but he does say something. He says it so low that I barely even hear it. He mutters, "Shit."
He turns around and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. As soon as it closes, I start sobbing. I guess George was wrong, Fred didn't end up doing the right thing.
"I still can't believe that jerk!" Angelina shouts, as she folds her clothes, folding them into her suitcase. I don't bother doing the same with my clothes. I'm staying at Hogwarts for Christmas this year. I sigh, "I really don't want to think about it Angie."
"Sorry." She says, and I find myself staring at the ceiling again. It's been like this for two days. All I've done was sob, this is the first day that I wasn't a mess. George tried to see me, but I couldn't talk to him, not when he looks so much like Fred. It's unfair to him, I know, but I can't bring myself to care.
There's a knock on the door, and I assume it's one of my roommates, coming to get her things. Instead, Fred walks in. I see him before Angelina does, but as soon as she sees him, she starts, "You! Get out!"
She goes to him and starts to push him out the door, but he places his feet firmly on the ground, and holds Angelina off. Fred says, eyes looking straight at me, "Please, I want to talk."
"It's fine, Angie." I sigh, and she looks at me with bewilderment and then glares at Fred. She steps out of the room while Fred steps inside. She closes the door behind her, and Fred looks at me.
Fred looks around the room, and his eyes land at the only, still messy nightstand, mine. He clears his throat, but says nothing. I grow agitated, I sneer, "If you're not going to say anything, just leave."
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I don't know why I left. I'm an idiot. I can't imagine how you must've felt. I am so so sorry." Fred says, rushing over towards me. He sits on the bed beside me, and takes both my hands in his. I feel my eyes water, and I look down. He takes my chin in his hands, and makes me look into his eyes. He continues, "I was so worried. I haven't turned eighteen, and I was so scared that I wouldn't be a good dad. I don't have a job. I want to open a joke shop, who knows how much money that'll make, and I-"
He chokes up, and he wraps his arms around me. I hug him back just as tightly. A few tears slip from my eyes, and I squeeze him harder. I missed him so much. Fred says, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me. I love you so much. I don't want to lose you...either of you."
And just like that I'm sobbing. I blame the hormones a hundred percent. I mumble, "I love you too, Fred."
I'm sure I've ruined his sweater with my tears, but I can't bring myself to move an inch away from him. Fred wraps his arms around my waist and squeezes me, affectionately. He freezes and pushes me away from him by my shoulders. He panics, "Did I just squeeze baby?"
"I'm actually not sure." I reply, and I place a hand on my stomach. I shrug my shoulder and say, "I feel fine, so I guess not?"
"Come with me for Christmas." Fred suggests, and I feel stressed out by the idea. I haven't told anyone besides George and Angelina, so by the time that break is over I'll definitely be showing. Fred adds, "Only if you want to of course, I just don't want to miss you."
"Sure." I say, and Fred beams. He hugs me again, this time less tightly, making sure not to squeeze the baby. He starts tearing up himself, and I find peace in his arms. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life like this, especially with a tiny set of arms joining the hug.
an: I'm thinking of writing like a tiny little one shot on how Fred would be with like Pregnant reader, but I'm not sure
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samandcolbyownme · 24 days
Okay babe, I need a good old fashioned childhood friends to lovers with Sam. Moms are besties or they grew up next door to each other. Maybe reader is a part of their social media team and lives in LA with them? Could comfort Sam after a breakup or reader has a severe panic/anxiety attack and only Sam can get her to calm down? Can turn into smut can just be super soft fluff, I’m open to whatever, I just need some snuggly cuddly Sam.
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Warnings: swearing, slow burn-ish, childhood friends to lovers, flirting, mentions of a break up, kissing, angsty fluff
Word Count: 3.2k | unedited
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
C h i l d h o o d
You giggled as Sam messed around with the keys of the piano, “I don’t think you’re supposed to play it like that, Sam.”
He laughs, pointing to the key, “You try.”
You tilt your head, poking at the keys with one finger. Sam giggles, reaching over to drag his hand over the keys from one side to the other.
“Sam.” His mom peaks his head into the room, “Gentle, please.”
“Sorry, mom.” Sam looks back at her and you look back, seeing your mom looking in, too. You wave and turn back around, laughing with Sam, “You got in trouble.”
“Did not.” Sam argues and you give him a dramatic sigh, “Did so.”
“Did not.”
“Did so!”
Sam laughs, gently tapping the keys of the piano, “Do you think we’ll be friends forever?” You look over at him, “Do you want to be friends forever?”
He nods, “Yep.”
M i d d l e • S c h o o l
“Is your teacher a jerk?” You looked up at Sam, “Mine yells over everything.”
Sam can’t help but laugh, “Mine spits when he talks.”
“Oh, that’s so gross.” You laugh as you pick at your lunch, “Do you want my fruit cup? I don’t think I’m going to eat it today.”
He nods, “I’ll trade you my brownie for it.” Your eyes go wide, “You love those brownies. Are you sure?”
He nods, sliding it across the lunch table, “Yeah.”
Everybody thought you were a couple. Whenever you weren’t in class, you were side by side, laughing at stupid jokes or making fun of how a teacher said a word - middle schooler stuff.
As middle school went on, you were each discovering yourselves. Both changing everyday in certain ways, but the only thing that stayed the same was your friendship.
H i g h • S c h o o l
High school rolled around and the two of you became three. Colby was added and you all clicked so well. The same speculation of you being with Sam, snowballed into you being with Colby, then you with both of them.
You know, the high school rumors.
No one ever let that get to them. Colby shut those rumors down when he got a girlfriend, and you and Sam just continued doing what you’ve always done.
“They’re cute together.” You nod towards Colby and his girlfriend, “Don’t you think?”
Colby’s girlfriend smiled, she didn’t mind having you around, “I think they’re making fun of us.” Colby scoffs, looking back at Sam, “Can you not.”
Sam laughs, “Sorry, you’re just an easy target. Are you going to that optional band rehearsal?” Colby nods and you chime in, “Going to try and not trip like last time.”
Sam rolls his eyes, “Can we let that go.”
You scrunch up your nose, shaking your head, “No, not for a while.” Sam sighs, “Fine, but only because it’s you.”
You couldn’t lie, there have been feelings for Sam, even way before you understood what they were. You liked being around him, talking to him, FaceTiming him at random times.
You developed a more serious kind of love for Sam, and you were scared of many different things going wrong, or even not going at all.
After graduation, you and Sam remained close, along with Colby. They started up a ghost hunting YouTube channel, and to say it took off, is an understatement.
They were flourishing, quickly at that.
They’ve gotten deals, interviews, requests from people to come investigate their properties, and of course you were there every step of the way.
T o d a y
“Guess who I just got off the phone with.” You say as you walk into the living room, glancing at Sam as you sit down.
He sets his phone in his lap and looks over at you, “Mm, I don’t know.” He smiles, “Tell me.”
You raise your brow, “What’s up?” He shakes his head, “Nothing, nothing. Who did you get off the phone with?”
You turn towards him, “I just got you and Colby and interview on The Evening Show.”
Sam jumps up off the couch, “What!?”
You laugh, nodding, “You heard me. I got you an interview.”
“With Charles Callahan?” He asks, his eyes wide with excitement, “Are you actually fucking serious?”
“Yes, Sam!” You stand up, scrolling on your phone to show him the details, “It’s all right here.” He lays his hands on top of his head, “Y/n, that’s like, a massively famous talk show.”
You nod, “I know.”
“With Charles Callahan.”
You nod again, laughing, “I know that, too.”
“Oh my god.” He wraps his arms around you, squeezing tight, “I don’t know how you managed, but I love you.”
You freeze. It’s normal for you to say it to them, especially Sam, because you’ve known him longer, but everything felt much different for you.
“Seriously.” Sam leans back, his hands on your shoulders, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”
You smile, “I get paid for helping you succeed.” You tease, clearing your throat, “You go next week.”
“We.” He corrects you, “We go next week.” He shakes his head, “Does Colby know?”
You shake your head, “I tried calling him, I don’t know what he’s doing.” Sam nods, sitting back down, “I’ll text him, tell him to come home as soon as possible.”
You nod, sitting back down, “Okay.” You prop your arm on the back of the couch, “So.”
He glances up at you, “So.. what?”
“You gonna tell me why you seem off?”
He shrugs, “It’s nothing.”
“It’s something.” You raise your brows, “What’s up?”
He sighs, “I didn’t feel.. okay.” He takes a deep breath, “I broke up with Leah, and..” he laughs slightly, “I don’t think she’s taking it well.”
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head and he shakes his, “She, posted a picture of us afterwards, you know once people started speculating that we did, and she’s just adding fuel to the fire and I’m just..”
“Trying to move past it?” You ask and he nods, “Exactly.”
“Why’d you, um, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you break up?”
A smile plays on Sam’s lips slightly, “She had an issue with you.”
“With me?” You scoff, “Sounds like she has bigger issues to worry about than me.”
He nods, “She said she didn’t like the fact that you lived with me, I told her that we’re not like that, we just- “ he stops talking, looking down at his lap, “If anyone has a problem with you, they now have a problem with me, you know?”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I feel like that’s the same for me. I guess a lot of people don’t know how to trust.” You shrug, “I’m sorry that you broke up with her.”
He shakes his head, “She wasn’t helping me in any way.” He looks up, “Not like you do.”
You go to ask, but the front door open, and Colby calls our, “Guys? What’s going on?”
Sam springs up, “Colby?!”
“What happened? Is everything good?” He looks at you and Sam and you nod, “Go ahead, Sam.” Sam looks from you to Colby, “Don’t sit down because you’ll just spring right back up when I tell you this.”
“Tell me what?” Colby asks confused, glancing from you to Sam, “What’s happening?”
“Y/n got is on with Charles Callahan.”
Colby’s goes go wide and he looks at you, “What?! No fuckin’ way, dude.” You nod, “Yes fuckin’ way, dude. You go on next week.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Colby walks over, giving you a hug, “Oh my god.”
“She’s the best, right?” Sam smiles and Colby nods, “The absolute best, holy fuck.”
You laugh, “It’s just an interview. Relax.”
Colby rolls his eyes, “Just an interview..” he mocks you, “Y/n. This is a once in a life time experience. I don’t know how you did it, but Jesus fuck. Good job.”
You smile, “You’re welcome. You’re welcome.”
“Come on, Sam. We have to come up with an announcement post.” Colby walks towards the steps and Sam stays there for a moment, staring at you.
“Go.” You wave him on, “If I get anymore details, you’ll be the first to know.”
He shakes his head, “That’s not-“ he sighs, walking over to press a kiss onto your forehead, “Thank you.”
You so badly want to pull him back in as he is walking away, tell him he missed and kiss his lips, but you don’t. You watch as he makes his way up the steps and sit down.
You start coming up with ideas because you know they’ll be coming to you for an announcement post.
Over the next few days, things seem to be more, interesting, between you and Sam.
He’s been everywhere you are, and you’re everywhere he is. You both use the, there’s a lot of work to do, excuse, but neither one of you will admit that you just want the other as company, mainly because you both just already knew it.
“So I was thinking.” You turn your laptop towards him, “This hotel is the closest to the studio, if you’re okay with that I can book three rooms? Each one has two beds and the one has a nice pull out couch, I think.”
“Why three?” He asks and you shrug, “You and Colby get a room, Mitch and Logan can get one and then I can finally get some peace and quiet.” You smirk at him and he laughs, “Oh I see how it is.”
“Do you want that room? I’m sure Colby won’t mind me-“
“No, no.” He cuts you off, “You’re fine, I was just.. messin’ around, you know.”
You nod, “Yeah, yeah. I got it.” You laugh, “Figured we could get there the night before and that way you and Colby have the day to kind of rehearse your answers.”
He nods, “Sounds good to me.”
You nod, going back to your computer before you sigh, “Can I-“ you look over at him and he’s already looking, “When you said that she didn’t help you like I did..”
You laugh slightly, “What did you mean?”
He shrugs, “Just that.. no one really knows me like you do.”
You nod, “Right, right.” You go back to looking at your laptop and Sam ask, his voice kind of quieter, “What did you think I meant?”
You shrug, looking at him, “Exactly what you said.” You give him a small smile and he nods, “Right.” He clears his throat, “Yeah, I mean. We’ve known each other since we were what, five?”
You laugh, “Yeah, yeah.” You tilt your head, “You still got in trouble for playing the piano the way you did.”
“I did not. My mom just told me to be gentle with the keys, but you remember that?” Sam laughs and you nod, “Yeah, I also remember you-“
“Y/n, I swear to god, If you say-“
“Tripped when you were doing your routine for the band.”
He groans, “That’s it.” He stands up, “This conversation is done. I have to go pack.”
“You have a few days yet, Sam.” You yell and he shakes his head, “Sorry, can’t hear you.” He laughs as he looks back at you, “Come on, help me pick out some good outfits.”
“I’ll be up, let me book these room quick.”
“Seems like you’re doing a good job on your own.” You smirk as you lean against his door frame, “Oh, gosh. Wait. I take that back.”
You walk over to his suitcase and pull out a pair of pants, switch these out with that black pair. That’ll go better with this stripped shirt.”
He nods, tossing you the pants, “Yeah, I do didn’t do that on purpose.” He chuckles and you roll your eyes, “I’m sure.”
You laugh, “a white tank will finish this look, is this what you’re wearing for the actual interview?”
He nods, “If you think it’s best.”
You nod, “Oh yeah, I like this a lot. Make sure, well, I don’t have to tell you guys, but just a reminder, as your one manager, take pictures for the gram.”
“It’s so weird.” He laughs and you tilt your head, sitting down on his bed, “What is?”
“You’re my boss.” He shakes his head, “I just, I don’t know. When you asked if we’d be friends forever, I didn’t expect this.”
“Me working for you? Sam, you’re my boss.” You laugh, “But yeah, I get what you mean. Never did I picture us living in LA, I never seen myself getting out of that place.”
“I was taking you with one way or another.” Sam sits down next to you, “You deserved more than what that place gave you.”
You nod, “So did you. And looks like we got it.”
He nods, “We got it.”
“Guys!” Colby yells from down stairs, “Where are you?!”
“That man has impeccable timing.” Sam rolls his eyes and stands up, “Yo, Colby. Up here, man.”
“Oh good, okay.” He walks in, “When do you plan on leaving? Like what day?”
“I booked the hotel rooms a day in advance, so we’ll get there on Wednesday and then your show is Thursday and then Friday we can either come back or so whatever.” You look up at him, “Why?”
“Because I was doing research and they have this bar that just overall looks like a sick experience.” Colby shows you and Sam his phone, “I figured we could do that Friday night?”
“I’ve heard about this place. We definitely have to go.” Sam nods, “Are you up for it?”
You nod, “Yeah. I’m down for it.”
The days leading up to leaving were busy. Everyone was around everyone. You had a celebration dinner, people were coming over, to talk about the upcoming show.
People were even talking about how great of a person you were for Sam and Colby.
It was, overwhelming at times, but fully worth it.
“You still scared of flying?” Sam teases as he nudges your arm. You scoff, “Please, with the amount of planes I’ve been on with you guys, that fear is well over conquered.”
“We do fly a lot.” Sam chuckles and you look out the plane window, “At least it’s a short flight.”
He nods, “kinda wish it was longer.” He shrugs, “I don’t know. I like flying.”
You smile slightly and lean back. The rest of the flight was Sam picking on Colby, who is sat in front of you, and small talk.
Mainly about the show coming up. Sam’s nerves, your nerves. Everything but what you wanted to talk about most.
Once you’ve landed and get to the hotel, you make your way up to the rooms, two in one, Sam and Colby in the other, and then you in your room.
You sit down, letting out a sigh as you lay back.
Your mind swirls around the thought of Sam, mainly wondering if you should just push the idea of anything happening between the two of you away or if you should jump on it.
You sit up, making up your mind right then and there.
You walk over to your door, pulling it open and you stop.
“Hey I was just-“
Sam cuts you off, “Can I come in?”
“Yeah, of course.” You move out of the way and he walks in, “I haven’t..” he turns around as you close the door, “.. been fully honest with you.”
You look down, “I know the feelings.”
Sam walks over, cupping your cheeks. He looks into your eyes and takes a deep breath, “You are the person who has been keeping me going. You, y/n..” he smiles, “You feel more like home than everywhere I have been and I just..”
“I have loved you since we were children, even before I knew what love was, Sam.”
“I can’t do anything with thinking about you, fuck. I think I love you a little bit more each day.” His eyes move between your lips and your eyes, “to spend life with you..” he chuckles, his thumb rubbing over your cheek, “..that’s my childhood dream and the more time I spend with you, the deeper I fall.”
Your hands slide up to his face as you nod, “Glad we’re on the same page.”
Your lips meet and he pulls you closer, “I couldn’t be with someone else, knowing you were right here.” He leans back, “I just must have been stuck on thinking it wouldn’t have worked out.”
“You said it first, I know you better than anyone and same goes for you.” You run your hand through his hair and he smirks, “Yeah, we just have that special connection don’t we.”
“We have somethin’ special.” You smile, leaning in to peck his lips again, “So I take it.. Colby is getting his own room?”
“Yeah, that’s what I came to talk to you about.” Sam laughs, “Colby said that if I didn’t tell you he was going to, and I think it would have been better if I just had the guys to do it myself.”
“It was.” You smile, “Definitely was.” You wrap your arms around him and he holds you tight, “I promise, I’m never letting go.”
“You haven’t let go, all these years and I’m still here.” You smile against his chest, “I really don’t want my life to be any different.”
“Really? You wouldn’t change anything?” Sam glances down at you and you look up at him, “I mean..” you laugh slightly, “How about you ask me that, after a nap?”
He nods, “you read my mind.” He smiles and pulls you with him to the bed. You lay down with him and take a deep breath, “Sorry I haven’t said anything either.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t do that, baby.” He kisses your head, “we’re here now.”
You smile at the name, “Yeah baby.” You look up at him, “We’re here now.”
He pulls you in closer, his legs hooking over yours to hold you closer, “I’ve stayed awake at night fighting the urge to just come and cuddle you.”
“You should have just given in.” You smirk and he starts babbling, “I didn’t.. I wasn’t sure if you-“
“Sam.” You lift your head, “I know, I know.”
He laughs and dips his head down to kiss you, “I regret the time I lost, not being able to hold you like this.” You nuzzle your face into his neck, just breathing him in, “It’s fine, Sam. We have the rest of our lives to make up for it.”
He kisses your head, “get some sleep. Colby’s got a list of plans for us for these next few days.”
You laugh, “Of course he does.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Thank you so much for reading! I love you all so much! See you in the next one! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Jealousy, jealousy
Warnings; Angst, jealousy, jealousy, mentions of blood, possessive Eddie, smutty, smutty smut, smut. 18+ minors do not interact.
Based on this idea of mine. I've changed a couple of small things but the plot is still the same.
Having vampire Eddie thots 👀😏 imagine Eddie using the reader as a source for blood and he makes sure she knows it means nothing and is just an arrangement.
Chrissy is in the picture (she didnt die due to Vecna's curse) and her and Eddie are trying to date but everytime it doesn't work out like they want and neither know why.
The reader finding out about Chrissy decides she could never compete with the blonde and knows she has to move on from Eddie.
For the last few weeks, she's been having deeper feelings for him but since he made it clear that their 'relationship' means nothing she decides to date someone else.
Eddie finds out when the reader hasn't been around for a few days and sees her with her date and the guy is cozying up to her, kissing her neck, and being very into her.
She's mine is all he can think in his head and hes just possessive and extremely jealous and doesn't want anyone near her which is when he realizes he wants to be with her and not Chrissy.
He scares the shit out of the reader's date and takes her home.
They argue and smuttiness ensues. He fucks her until she can't even remember her date's name.
That's as far as I get but it would be super fun to write.👀
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
If you enjoy this fic pls consider giving it a reblog, it is very much appreciated.
Eddie moans as yn's warm blood seeps into his mouth, she tastes divine and he pulls her closer her whole body is flush against his and he has to control the way he reacts to her pressed so tight against him.
He pulls away not wanting to take too much from her and she whimpers as he lets go.
Her eyes are wide, pupils blown and he smirks kinda enjoying the effect he has on her.
He gives her a little of his blood and the wound on her wrist seals shut.
Meanwhile, she watches him lost in her thoughts. For weeks now she had been falling for Eddie but she knew this thing between them meant nothing.
She offered her blood to him so he would have a blood source and he didn't kill anyone, he would heal her if he took too much and that was that.
They were friends... Sometimes they talked a lot, especially through the first few weeks of getting used to Eddie feeding on her but it was just so she was comfortable.
"What are you up to tonight?" she asks him curiously as he buttons up his shirt, the wound he made for her to drink from on his neck was healed already.
She tries not to look at his tattoos, or his chest, or anything like that because looking at him made her want him more.
"I'm meeting up with Chrissy" she pauses as he says this and her stomach sinks. Chrissy Cunningham?
"Oh... Are you together now?" he nods.
"We haven't decided anything yet" she is aware of her heart racing and the way it feels like it's aching too hard in her chest.
Swallowing the hurt she gives him a big smile.
"That's great Eddie" he doesn't reply, he's watching her concerned.
"You okay sweetheart? Your hearts racing? Did I take too much blood?" shit! she forgot about his vampire hearing.
"I'm fine Eddie" he doesn't look convinced but seeing the stubborn set of her jaw he backs down.
"Right, I'll see you tomorrow. Henderson's party" she nods and waits until he's left via her window before she sinks back on her bed feeling sick.
Chrissy and Eddie. It made sense as they probably trauma bonded with all that shit happening in the upside down and with Vecna.
Thank God that was all over with now that Vecna and The Upside Down were no more.
What was she thinking though? Falling for Eddie. Chrissy would always have his attention and not her, she could never compete with Chrissy.
Maybe Nancy was right and she should forget her feelings for Eddie and be with someone who liked her.
Eddie wasn't sure why things were so awkward with him and Chrissy? They had been together for a little while. Gone on a couple dates and kissed and while it was nice something was amiss.
Perhaps he was overthinking it? It's just as much as they bonded after Vecna and like his friends, she gave him a sense of normalcy... something still felt amiss.
She was sweet and kind to him and kissing her was nice but he didn't want just nice, he wanted to feel something... More.
It was stressing him out and he didnt know how to deal with it. He had asked Steve for advice and Steve said that if it wasn't working between him and Chrissy then he needed to end it and not drag it out.
He didn't want to hurt Chrissy though as she had been a good friend to him.
Honestly he just didnt know what to do.
With all the stress between him and Chrissy spending a moment with yn pressed against him as he sucked greedily at the cut on her shoulder made him bliss out for a few seconds.
Gripping her close to him, makes him forget all of his troubles, and he sucks in a pleasure-filled moan as her hand fisted in his hair.
He pulls away and she looks a bit dazed but once he has fed her a little of his blood she quickly recovers.
"You taste incredible," he tells her, not for the first time and she looks away flustered.
'You sure know how to charm a woman, Munson, what time is it? " he shrugs feeling deliciously at ease.
"Nearly six" her eyes widen and she gets up in a panic.
"Fuck" he chuckles amused at her.
"What's the rush?" she shrugs on her jacket and applies some lipstick.
"I'm meeting someone" something twinges in Eddie's gut.
"A friend?" she shakes her head.
"A date, I have a date. Nancy set us up" he is quiet for a moment and he doesn't like the way his stomach sours at the thought, a visceral twist of jealousy bubbles up inside him.
"Since when were you dating?" he asks confused and trying to tamper down that hot burning surge of envy in his body.
"Danny is a nice guy" the name registers and conjures up a blonde blue-eyed guy, a basketball player, friend of Carver.
"Him? the guy is a douchebag" she glowers at him.
"We're not in high school anymore Eddie" she points out to him sternly and he shuts up.
"Anyway, I need you to make yourself scarce, I'm meeting Danny, and we are heading back here. I'm making him dinner"
Eddie sits on the bed stunned.
"You're kicking me out?" he doesn't know why it bothers him so much but it does and she smiles at his expression.
"Quit pouting Munson" she teases him and then presses a kiss on his cheek. His hand touches the spot and it feels like his whole body is electrified.
Shit... he was fucked.
Truth be she had a nice time with Danny, he was fun to be around and kind. Her mind kept repeating Eddie's reaction to the date and she wonders if he was jealous?
No. It couldn't be that, there was no way. Perhaps he was just concerned as a friend?
Yeah, that must be it.
Turning her attention back to Danny and their second date she lets him kiss her and hopes it distracts her from those annoying racing thoughts of hers.
Well that's what she hoped but she didn't see Eddie walk into the diner and freeze on the spot as he saw Danny kissing her and then move to nibble at her shoulder.
Right, where Eddie's bite mark was.
Eddie meanwhile was stunned as he watched the pair. Up until Danny reached the spot on her shoulder where he had drank from her.
That's when Eddie's self-control snapped and it was on a very thin thread, to begin with.
Without thinking he walks over to the table and Danny who hears him approach and smirks at him.
"Anything you want Munson?" the sheer stupidity of the douche to be all smug makes Eddie's mood darken.
"I'd like to talk to yn for a start" he focuses his attention on her and she is watching him with a strange expression on her face- like she can't work him out.
Join the club sweetheart.
"She's busy" Danny insists stubbornly and a growl slips from Eddie's throat which makes Danny freeze the color draining from his features and yn looks up at him furious.
"I haven't made things clear dude. Leave" Danny whimpers then scampers away and he can feel the anger roll of yn in waves.
She storms out and he follows her, she gets in his van and won't speak to him until they are at his trailer and then she unleashes hell on him.
"Edward Munson! How dare you crash my date and scare him into leaving?" Eddie is distracted for a second by how beautiful she looks when she's mad, she's always been beautiful and now he is just noticing how much?
Great work there Eddie.
"The dude is a pussy and he isn't good enough for you" it's apparently the wrong thing to say as she gets even madder and her eyes spark dangerously.
"You frightened him half to death with that stupid growl! Coming in acting like some caveman and all-alpha male, it wasn't right"
"I wasnt... She cuts him off.
"Oh yes, you were! What business is it of yours who I date or kiss?" Eddie glares at her and he snorts.
"That boy could never please you princess" she walks right up to him and is fuming.
"Listen here, Eddie. You. Don't. Own. Me' she punctuates each word and then takes a breath calming down... slightly.
"I decide who I want to please me, not you. I don't know why you care so much since I'm just a blood bag to you. A happy meal on legs"
That is the thing that breaks the anger in the air and she turns away from him, theres tears in her eyes.
"Sweetheart" he doesn't know what to say to this because at first, he didn't know her well, she was just a friend of Steve's who he was just beginning to learn about for a month or so.
Then their arrangement started and he made sure she knew it was just that- an arrangement.
Still, he got to know her and considered her a friend. Not a blood bag.
"That's not what I think at all" he tells her furious and she turns around and faces him.
"Oh really? Is that why you showed up at the diner? For blood. Well fine" she tugs off her jacket and she's wearing a figure-hugging dress that erases all thoughts from his mind.
Her chest is heaving and he swallows as she uses her nail to create a thin cut right above her chest.
"Well go on then! Drink and then I'll leave since that's all I'm good for" she snaps and he races towards her using his vampiric speed and traps her up against the wall.
"You shouldn't have done that" he drawls and then he is kissing her and fireworks go off in his head.
When has a kiss ever felt this good? she moans into his mouth and he groans feeling how hard he is just by kissing her.
Eddie's lips are on hers and she kisses him back fiercely, both fight for dominance until he presses her flush against his chest and his fingers disappear between her thighs and begin to tease her aching core.
"So wet already sweetheart" he coos and she whimpers in desire and their clothes fall to the floor as they tear each others off.
Any coherent thought leaves her mind the minute that her naked body entwines with Eddie's and all she can think about is kissing every single inch of him.
The chemistry between them is electric and she can't get enough of the way his lips feel on her body, that wicked tongue.
"Eddie" she mewls desperate to feel him inside her and he winks at her, he slides into her his expression blissful.
"You're so tight, baby, so perfect. Mine" he grunts and she tightens around him slowly growing used to the feel of him deep inside her.
The moans that fill the room as he begins to move are sinful and she can barely hold back her orgasm as Eddie asks her too.
"Eddie, I can't hold back for much longer, I'm so close" his thrusts quicken and she moves along with him kissing him hungrilly.
"Fuck" Eddie shouts and his hands tighten around her wrists, his eyes flash deep red and he sinks his teeth into her neck as they both experience a mindblowing orgasm.
He sucks at her blood greedily then moves down to the cut on her chest lapping at the smear of blood.
The feeling of it has her teetering towards her second orgasm and she almost blacks out from the pleasure.
Eddie cuts his hand and lets her feed off him and the cuts on her body heal. She cuddles up close to him and he peers down at her.
"I hope you don't think we are finished beautiful?" he croons softly and she stares up at him stunned and soon turns into a moaning mess as his thumb rubs her sensitive clit.
"I plan to have my wicked way with you all night" all night? Her heart speeds up at the thought and heat pools in her lower stomach.
"As you wish handsome" she grins and kisses him again.
Eddie wakes up before yn does and watches her sleep for a few seconds. Everything feels so right, last night was the most mindblowing night of his life and now he knows he wants to be with yn he isn't wasting a second.
What a dumbass he is, he should have seen it from the start. Without hesitation, he gets dressed and heads over to Chrissy's for a long overdue talk.
It turns out that when he admits that he sees Chrissy as just a friend she feels the exact way about him.
It turns out she has been falling for Gareth and he urges her to tell him how she feels knowing Gareth has always had a crush on Chrissy.
Then he heads back to his and finds yn still sleeping, he strips naked and climbs back into bed kissing her hair.
She stirs and smiles kissing him softly and then snuggling into his chest while he tells her that he told Chrissy that he just wants to be friends.
When she hears about Chrissy's crush on Gareth she beams.
"How sweet! They will make such a sweet couple" she bites her lip and trails little circles around his chest.
"So are we together now Eddie?" he nods and kisses her forehead.
"Yes, I'm sorry it took you going on a date with a douche for me to realize my feelings sweetheart but I plan to make it up to you, my beautiful girl"
Her eyes widen.
"Shit! I have to speak to Danny and a least apologize for last night" he huffs and pulls her back into bed.
"No, stay" she relents just a little bit and then smiles wickedly.
"So I shouldn't take him out for a friendly coffee and apologize?" he knows she is teasing but his reaction is still the same.
Growling he pins her beneath him and kisses her until she is breathless.
"You. Are. Mine" he says each word between kisses and she giggles.
"Happily. So what was it you were saying about making things up to me?" he grins and captures his lips with hers.
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smoooothoperator · 6 months
18: Run Boy Run
Lando Norris x OC (Violet Sinclair)
same group friend, unrequited love, acquittances to lovers, ski trip, love triangle, life as lovers
Words: 4.8k
Warnings: fluff, races
a/n: next chapter is THE chapter!!!!! and of course I had to be a little delulu with this chapter
Official Playlist
previous chapter | next chapter
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Outfit? Check.
Make up? Check.
Bag? Check.
Phone… Oh, where did I leave it?
“Violet, keep calm” Lando chuckled, following me with eyes, watching how I walked around the hotel room.
“I can't find my phone!” I groaned, moving the cushions of the bed.
“Here” he smiled, grabbing it from God knows where. “Why are you nervous?”
I took a deep breath and looked at him, biting my lip, chewing it until I remembered I was wearing lipstick on it.
Why am I nervous? Maybe because of the fact that this will be the first time I'll be seen in the paddock, something who shall not be named really avoided the last few years. And not only that, this will be my first time walking with him in a place where we know there will be photographers. 
“I just… I don't know, what if I fall or something like that in front of every photographer? Then they will take pictures of that and I will be all over the internet” I said. “And not only that! Look at my outfit! And my bag! This is not sponsored or from a luxury brand! I bought this on Zara!”
“And you look absolutely gorgeous in this dress” he said, placing his hand on my shoulders and squeezing them softly, rubbing his thumbs on my skin. “Take a deep breath, okay? You are not going to fall because I'll be holding your hand all the time”
“You promise?”
“I promise” he smiled, pecking my lips softly.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him and leaning on his body. 
The last few weeks were hard for me. After knowing what happened with Eloise, it was hard for me to move on. At first I was mad, with myself and with her, because I felt betrayed and somehow I was disappointed with myself because I couldn't reach her before what happened. I couldn't understand how that happened, how none of her family or mine called me. They knew I loved Eloise like a sister, and still no one told me. 
I was betrayed by my own family. How am I supposed to feel about that? How am I supposed to face them after that?
Lando stayed with me as much as he could while he had free time from his duties, and when he couldn't be with me, he ma onde sure that Pietra came to my home to make sure I wasn't alone. 
But it felt weird. I was heartbroken, but I didn't cry. And it made me feel disappointed with myself, because I felt that I wasn't grieving her, not how she deserves.
“Are you sure it's only that?” he whispered against my hair. 
“You know the answer…”
“I just want to know if you are okay, Violet…” he sighed. “I still remember what you said to me, that you are scared of getting in the car. But I wanted you to remember my promise, hm?”
“I know… it's your job, you have to do it anyway” I sighed. 
“You won't get rid of me that easily” he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.
I smile and close my eyes, kissing the skin of his neck softly and taking a deep breath of his perfume.
“Come on”
I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag, hanging it on my shoulder and walking out of the hotel room with him. I wasn't used to the fancy treatment, of staying in a Hilton hotel, sitting on a McLaren and arriving at a place where everyone has something higher that 100€ on their outfit. It was overwhelming, somehow, watching supercars driving near us, hearing the engine of the cars driving through the parking lot. 
“Today I have to record things for the media, if you want, you can stay in the hospitality and do some work” he said looking at me, placing his hand on my thigh and squeezing it softly. 
I nodded and smiled, placing my hand on top of his. His touch is always gentle, even on bed. He always holds me, letting me know he's there. He always needs to have a hand on me whenever I'm close and sometimes I find him doing it whenever he feels anxious. 
“Oh, sure. I was going to catch up a little with the girls. They said something about having a little brunch date” I said chuckling, watching him smile and nod.
When he parked his car I felt his hand squeezing my thigh three times, rubbing his thumb on my skin. I looked at him and smiled, leaning closer and kissing his cheek.
“Ready?” he asked. “Stay close to me, okay? Don't let go my hand”
“As if I was going to” I joked, rolling my eyes.
When we got out of the car he immediately walked towards me, holding my hand and guiding me.
I have been in the paddock before, I was in one a month ago while I went with him to the testing of the new car. But somehow, this time it felt completely different. Walking hand in hand with him, hearing the people chorus his name and mine, calling us… it felt way more different.
“You can go take pictures if you want” I said, watching how some of the people behind the barriers were calling him.
“You sure?” he smiled weakly, making me nod and receive a kiss on my cheek before he walked away.
I saw him taking pictures with them, talking with them and even grabbing the gifts they had for him. I was so proud of him, of who he is, of what he achieves every time he comes to the paddock.
“Let's go” he smiled, holding my hand and walking towards the scanners.
“What did they give you?” I asked him, looking at what he was holding with his other hand.
“Oh, I think some bracelets as always” he smiled. “They just make them for me, it's like the ones they exchange on those Taylor Swift's concerts”
“That's cute” I laugh softly.
“I have a lot of them back in Monaco” he laughed. 
I smile looking at him, scanning my ID pass after him. I looked around, smiling. This is a whole different thing, a whole different world. 
I once brought him to my work and to my world, and now he is the one that is bringing me to his job.
His smile immediately changed the moment he heard the mechanics building the cars, when he recognized the people from every team. And the moment he held my hand tight made my smile look like his.
When people walked towards us and he introduced me to them as his partner, I could help but feel the pride in his voice. He placed his arm around my waist and then his hand on my hip, pulling me close to him, rubbing his thumb over my skin to keep me calm.
“So she is the famous Violet, hm?” I heard someone behind us.
“Hey, cabrón” Lando smiled, looking at his friend.
I smiled looking at him, watching how the Spaniard smiled and took a step closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder and kissing my cheek two times.
“It's about damn time you two are together, huh?” he joked, teasing Lando. “How long did it take you? Years?”
“Ah, fuck off!” Lando groaned, pinching Carlos. 
I laughed softly, watching them talk, and never stopped feeling Lando's hand on my hip.
I turned around, smiling when I recognized the sound of Lily's voice walking towards me next to Alex. I smiled looking at Lando, kissing his cheek before walking away towards Lily, hugging her.
“News fly around! You have a lot of things to tell us, hm?” she smirked, linking her arm with mine and walking. “Since when are you two dating?”
“Well, since Christmas actually” I smiled proudly, remembering that morning in his childhood room and how I confessed my love for him. “I think I had some kind of feelings for him after all. It was easy falling for him”
“Well, then I guess a brunch is a proper way to welcome you as a new wag” she said.
We walked towards the paddock club after showing our passes, going upstairs and being welcomed by a glass of mimosas.
“Finally!” Carmen laughed, walking towards me and hugging me. “George and I made a bet to see how long it took him to ask you out. I guess I owe him some money”
“No way” I laughed, shaking my head. “All of you knew?”
“It was pretty obvious” Lily said, shrugging her shoulders. “He even asked us recently for some tips for you so you could get used to this”
“I have to say that I was surprised by that, by the way” Carmen nodded. 
“Oh…” I smiled softly, blushing, about what we talked about after we made our relationship public.
“Yeah, true” Lily nodded. “He came to us in the last race of the season and told us his plan. It was pretty cute hearing him talk about what he planned for that ski trip and all”
“Well, I think it went according to his plan” I smiled. 
After all, he made me fall for him during the trip.
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Standing inside the McLaren garage during the practices was something different to what it feels like during the qualifying.
During practice, the mechanics and engineers do everything they can to take every data possible during an hour, making the drivers come and go from the garage. It's noisy, hearing them change things to the car and put different tyres.
But during the qualifying you can feel the tension, the anxiety, the hunger of having a good position for the race.
Every move is crucial, every waste of fuel is important as well as the time they let the drivers get out of the garage.
“God, I'm feeling nauseous from the anxiety around the garage” I whispered to Lily, Oscar's girlfriend. “It’s always like this?”
“You'll get used to it” she chuckled. “They just want to do the best. You saw the results of the practices, they can be on top if they aim for it”
I nodded and smiled weakly, looking at the screens.
Yesterday, when we came back from the track after the practices, I met a new side of Lando. His position after the second practice, finishing last, because of a mistake he made. Somehow, even if he was conscious of how good the car was working, he was too hard on himself.
“I just hate it when I make mistakes and I know that I could do a better job” he sighed, laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. “The car was feeling good, this time I know we can have a good pace during the whole weekend… But the problem is who drives it”
“Hey, don't be too harsh on yourself” I sighed, sitting next to him and looking down into his eyes. “You are driving amazing, okay? This morning you just put the car on the top 3. What happened at the second practice was nothing bad, the team understood it and they didn't complain. You did a great job”
“I could have done a better job…” he sighed.
“And you will. Tomorrow is another day. You have another practice and then the quali” I smiled. “Everyone in the garage is happy with how the cars are doing, I can feel that. Just trust your guts, the car can take you where you want it to go”
After trying to put some hope and common sense in him last night, watching him reach the fifth position in the morning made me feel proud. It made me feel listened. 
The people inside the garage clapping made me smile, letting go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and clapping too, watching how the mechanics walked out to go to their cars.
Somehow I was lost, following Lily around, hoping that she knew what was coming next. We walked out of the garage through the corridor that goes to the paddock, waiting for Lando and Oscar to come to us.
Watching cameras around made me feel nervous, observes. I can't make mistakes, I shouldn't. I know I'm the new wag, everyone's eyes are on me. 
“Hey” I smile, watching him walk towards me with the upper half of his suit hanging around his hips.
“Hey, love” he smiled, letting go of the straw of his bottle. He smiled, placing his hand on my hip as I took a step closer to him, cupping his cheek with my hand.
“I'm so proud of you” I said, pressing my lips against his, feeling his smile grow. “You did an amazing job”
“Yeah, we are in a good place for tomorrow” he nodded, making me smile and kiss his cheek softly. “I'm so happy with it”
Watching his smile made me smile too, ignoring the flashes around us. Right, they search every little gesture to find mistakes and something to talk about.
“Tomorrow will be amazing, I'm sure” I whisper in his ear. 
I felt him smile, hugging me tighter and hiding his face on my neck. I felt him take deep breaths, leaning on me some seconds longer.
“I have to do interviews and briefing” he whispered. “Wait for me in my room, yeah?”
I smile and nod, cupping his cheek and kissing him again, tasting the salty flavor of his sweat again. I smiled and looked into his eyes when he ran his hand up my back, patting me three times before letting me go.
“Good results! Right, girls?” Zak said behind us, standing between Lily and I while watching both papaya drivers walk towards the media pen. “It's good to have lucky charms in the garage, huh?”
“Yeah” Lily and I laughed softly.
And somehow, what he said made me feel good, part of the team. And the results after every race indeed made me feel way more proud.
Both cars were going amazing in the races, staying in the top 10, bringing points and big smiles to the faces of every mechanic and engineer. 
I tried to go to every race to support him, to stand in the garage and be his lucky charm, to watch him drive even if my own heart beat at an unhealthy rhythm every time he drove close to a wall. But he always came back, he always came back to me after every race to hug me and kiss me, asking me to help him put the bracelet I gave him.
“Why don't you keep it during the races?” he asked, getting dressed in the room of Bahrain's paddock.
“Huh?” I frown, looking up from my phone, watching how he gave me the twin of the bracelet I have.
“We can make it our ritual” he said. “Kevin has his daughter who gives him the gloves and puts down his visor, Pierre has his girlfriend to kiss him on the helmet every time he gets in the car. Why don't we make this our thing?”
“That's cute” I chuckled, blushing. “So you want me to keep it everytime you go into the car and then put it on your bracelet when you come back?”
“Exactly!” he laughed. 
“Cameras will be recording us every time” I laughed, putting his bracelet next to mine. “We will give them a sugar rush”
“Do I look like I care?” he smirked. “Let's give the fans some material for their edits. I just want to come back to my girl, let them mind their own business”
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Lando always told me that Austria was his favorite track of the calendar. He had his first podium here and he always had good results during that race, and since this season was giving him good results, he wanted the best in this track.
But even if he wanted it with all his heart, his self criticism was worse during this week. He was so hungry for the victory that he wasn't able to celebrate the good things, he only focused on every mistake he made.
“I just don't get it! I don't understand why the car is not doing what I want to do! And to make it worse, the FIA is being a pain in the ass with all those deleted times” he groaned, getting out of the car after the first practice. “If I wasn't that stupid, I could have been P1 on this practice!”
“Lando, come on” Max sighed. “It didn't only happen to you… And the results of this practice are not realistic, come on. They deleted so many times that the ones that stayed on the top 3 are old laps…”
“Exactly” I sighed, placing my hand on his arm. “Just look at the list, why would both Haas be first and second?”
“Because they didn't make mistakes like me” he groaned, grabbing his bottle of water and drinking it. “Whatever, I have to do interviews. See you later”
I sighed, watching how he followed his PR manager, not even kissing me before walking away. 
“He's too stressed” Max sighed, shaking his head. 
“And being too hard on himself” I said. “If he only saw the times… he did even a better time than Verstappen”
“Yeah, but you know him. He only focuses on what he does wrong” he sighed. “He can't enjoy the good results until he sees them”
The second practice didn't go better, at least not from his point of view. He had the pace, he was always leading the list. But only because of the track limits, his times got deleted. His engineer could feel how annoyed he was every time he told him that the time was deleted, and the mood in the garage wasn't better.
The rest of the day he was quiet, moody. He let Jon drive the car while he sat in the backseats with me. He ate dinner in silence, looking to a spot in the wall in front of him and blinking from time to time.
“Okay, this has to stop”
Lando looked at me, snapping out of his trance. Max took a deep breath and sighed, looking at both of us.
“Can the Lando I love come back?” I frowned looking at him. “Because right now, the one that is sitting next to me is someone I don't recognize”
“Violet…” Max sighed. “Not now…”
“Not now? Then when?” I frown, leaving the fork on the plate. 
“Okay, okay” Max sighed, raising his hands and sighing. “I think it's my time to go to my room”
I sighed, watching Max get up from the floor of our room and grab the plate with the food he ordered from room service. Lando was looking down at his own food, taking a deep breath.
“See you tomorrow” Max sighed, before closing the door behind him.
I took a deep breath and turned to face Lando. He was looking down at his hands, playing with his fingers.
“What is going on inside of this head?” I sighed, placing my hand on his nape, playing with his curls.
“I don't know” he sighed, and by the way he sighed I knew he was tired. “I just… It's like I'm losing control. I make mistake after mistake. I feel that I'm rolling down a hill and I can't stop it”
“You are just so deeply focused into the bad thoughts, Lando” I sighed, holding his hand. “Have you seen the screens with the data during the practice? I may not understand how it works, but I know that when the numbers are green and with a minus sign in front of the number it means that the times are good”
“You were flying Lando” I said. “I came to all the races, and I swear this is the first one I saw that you were faster than Verstappen!”
“But I still get out of the track” he sighed.
“And that's something you can fix! Tomorrow you have the last practice. You know your weak spots in this track, you know you can be on pole, but you can see it just yet” I said, holding his hands. “I believe in you, Lando. I really think you have a chance. Just please, believe in it too”
I don't know if my speech worked, but the next day during the last practice he was more talkative with his engineers, and he tried everything to be inside of the track. In fact, he had good times and barely got them deleted, making him be first at the end of the practice.
But then quali came. 
“Now should be the right time to pray” Max sighed next to me. 
“Oh believe, I'm praying to every God I know to make him be on pole” I whisper. “And to make Verstappen stay away from him”
“Naughty girl!” Max laughed. 
“I just want him to make a mistake! For once! It's not much to ask” I laughed softly.
Everyone was tense, hoping that both papaya drivers escaped the sensors of the FIA. No one wanted to clap or celebrate, not wanting to jinx anything. And when the time for the Q1 ended and both of the McLaren drivers stayed out of the elimination zone, everyone relaxed for a little amount of time. And it happened again during Q2, watching the cars drive fast and barely getting out of the track, not crossing the limits.
“Looks like whatever you talked with him about worked a little” Max whispered leaning on me. “How did you do that?”
“My charm” I smirked slightly. “And a promise of something you don't want to know about”
“Wha- Ew gross!” he gasped when he saw my smirk.
I shook my head and laughed softly, focusing again on the screens, watching Lando's untouchable time staying on top of everyone's.
He can do it. He can have a pole.
“Come on, come on…” Max and I prayed, holding each other's hand and holding our breaths, waiting for the last of the top ten to make his lap. 
And then it happened. 
The garage exploded with people clapping, cheering. I hugged Max and jumped with bim, celebrating that he finally did it. Everyone ran to receive him, to watch him get out of the car and celebrate his pole. I went there, grabbing the bracelet and having it ready in my hand to put it around his wrist.
“I did it!” Lando gasped, walking towards the team and towards me, holding my cheeks with his hand. 
“I didn't want to say it, but… Told ya” I laughed, watching him shake his head.
That was just the beginning.
Next day. Race day. 
Having pole position changed his mood for better, and somehow I could feel it with how he woke up. 
Normally, during races, he's grumpy the moment the alarm starts. He groans and holds me tighter, hiding his face on my nape. 
But today he woke up with a smile, pressing soft kisses on my shoulder as well as rubbing my stomach softly.
“Morning” I whisper, smiling. “Ready for today?”
“Oh yeah” he said, smiling. “Thank you”
“Hm? Why?” I frown, turning around and looking at him.
“Because you are always putting me in place” he sighed. “Always making me come back to Earth when I'm being an immature idiot”
“You are too harsh on yourself, Lando” I sighed. “Look what you can do when you believe in yourself! You've got a pole! You have a chance of winning this race, I believe in you”
“Thank you, baby” he smiled, kissing my forehead.
The moment we walked through the paddock everyone wanted Lando's attention, everyone wanted a picture with him. Everyone was congratulating him, patting his back and wishing him the best of luck.
“I think I won't need it, I have my lucky charm in the garage” he always said.
Time went fast, and before I knew it I was standing next to Max in the garage, watching the screens and waiting for the countdown to end, watching how Lando stopped the car after the formation lap, waiting for the lights to go off.
“He can do it, right?” I whisper.
“He has high possibilities” Max nodded. “If he has a good start he can keep the position. Max is away, even if his car is fast he has to overtake most of the other cars. And behind Lando is Oscar, as well as Lewis and Fernando. They are good with defense”
“But still, he can't relax” I sighed.
“He won't, I bet”
The race was hard. 71 laps of pure tension. Every movement was important, this time more than ever. The pit stops had to be fast, the overtakes, the defenses. Everyone in the garage was in silence, focused on the papaya car leading the race and the one following it. 
“God, I need to pee” I mumbled, not taking my eyes away from the screens.
“Go, I'll tell you if something happened while you are there” Max said, nudging my side with his elbow.
I took a deep breath and nod, walking to Lando's room and getting in the bathroom. I grabbed my phone, going through the messages and sighing when I saw the same notification as always.
Missed calls from unknowns (6)
I sigh, shaking my head and blocking those numbers again. Same as always. Maybe those are some spam calls.
When I came back next to Max there were only 5 laps left. And Lando was still leading.
“He will do it, right?” I said, taking a deep breath. 
“Oh yes” he smirked. 
It was happening. It was finally happening. I saw the mechanics getting up from the chairs, running to the wall when the last lap started, waiting to celebrate with him.
“Violet!” I heard Zak call me. “You want to come say something?”
“Can I?” I gasped, looking at him and then at Max.
He nodded and I just walked towards the engineers wall, connecting my headset and waiting for Lando to cross the finish line.
“Lando Norris, you are a race winner!” I exclaimed, feeling tears in my eyes when I heard his cries. 
“Violet? Is that you?”
“You did it! Baby, you did it! I'm so so proud”
“Oh I'm going to cry more!” he laughed. “We did it! God! I love you!”
When he parked the car behind the 1 he got out of the car, standing on top of the halo. Every crew member of McLaren was there, cheering, screaming. 
He did it. He won a race!
“Violet!” I heard him scream, jumping out of the car and running towards me, taking off his helmet. “I did it! Oh my God!”
“You did it!” I giggle, cupping his cheeks and wiping away the little tears. 
“I'm going to kiss you” he laughed, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips on mine. “God, I love you so fucking much”
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Without Eloise in the picture he knew he only had one person left.
He tried to come up with a plan, something that can eliminate him forever, making sure that Violet will be only his.
During his walks around her neighborhood, he discovered that they are living together. He saw his car parked in front of the building. He saw their figures dancing in front of the window. He saw them having dinner on the small balcony during hot days of spring. And now both of them were in every post about his win, with pictures of him kissing her after he got out of the car.
What did she see in him? He has to free her. He has to make sure she's safe and out of whatever spell he put on her.
And that's what he's going to do.
He recognized one of Lando's cars in front of the building, his Audi RSQ8. He always hated the amount of cars he had, how careless he was buying one whenever he wanted like he was buying new clothes. 
He considered many options, but the one that worked before was the winner: manipulate the brakes.
It was easy, he did it with Eloise's car and the results were impressive, with her losing control of the car thanks to the frozen road and then trying to brake when she saw she lost control of the car. 
Why not try it again? Maybe he can make Lando lose control while he drives. And the funniest part of it? That it goes slowly, barely noticeable, like a slow and agonizing death. 
He only has to wait. 
Wait and see the results of his masterpiece.
@elisysd @racinggirl @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @landoyesrizz @lorarri @bellwhysomean @leptitlu @aphroditeisamilf @brekkers-whore @copper-boom @sideboobrry11 @alltoomaples @f1madison @elijahslover @silkenthusiasts @chonkybonky @summerslike11 @randomgirlnumber-13 @is-just-a @whentheautumnleavesfall @malynn @mycenterfold @barackosteaa @izzy-marvel @ssprayberrythings @ophcelia
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
Critical Role's Previous Cameraman
I put up a post the other day about critical role's new animated introduction and I couldn't help but notice a sudden spike in the analytical stuff that I don't really understand. A more tech orientated friend of mine informed me that this was a good thing, actually. So, I thought I might capitalise on that and examine the previous campaign's opening sequence through the same lens and do some more analysis.
Let me explain.
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One notable thing about this song is when it starts. Exactly eleven seconds in. That's eleven seconds of wait before the final payoff. You catch glimpses of what's happening above, but nothing else.
And that is a key theme of this campaign. The unseen. The Mighty Nein was a party characterised by trauma, and a lot of the time, you don't see that, you only see glimpses. A flash of a fight they told you about, and the sensation of drowning.
But then we meet Fjord.
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He's falling, and I'd like to point out the direction in which he is falling. You will notice the scars on his back, signifying he was probably in the process of running away, or was betrayed by someone, and he is falling towards those scars. Backwards. There is also a neat thing of falling away from the light, into the darkness, into the unknown. THis is someone out of control, leaning into the pain. And what is it that sees that?
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There is a reason Uk'otoa's design looks so much like a leach. The creature is a parasite, it doesn't find someone strong to break down, it found someone weak, and at its mercy, and brought him under its control. What this shot does is highlight that creature's opportunistic nature, but it also associates it very clearly with the visual of that eye.
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And it's that eye that carries through. When Fjord washes up on the beach, when he is finally safe, he carries with him a little piece of Uk'otoa, a little piece of that trauma.
It's also notable of that it is an eye. It's obvious, but it colours his vision, and changes how he views the world. Its effects aren't physical, but mental.
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Beaureguard Lionet is a fighter. Not in the sense of class, because she isn't but in the sense of personality. Beau is a fighter in the sense that her first reaction to any problem is to punch it.
This transition is a wipe transition, but its important because of what it uses. It uses the opportunity to show off the uniforms of Beau's attackers, because otherwise the shadows of the rest of the shot make them hard to make out. These are wearing the same robes as her. Whoever they are, they are part of a team of some kind with her, they are people she should be able to trust, but look at how much damage they have done to her. Look at how heavily she is breathing. And look at what Beau does in response.
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She fights back. This is how the animation gets across this character. She isn't complex, she doesn't need a great explanation, she doesn't have different sides to her, she just hits things until they stop being a problem.
I will also point out her eyes again. They are blue, not an unnatural eye colour, but they are the same blue as her robes, and the robes of those who are attacking her. Once again, the has warped the vision of its recipient, and in this case, it's creating a cycle of violence as all she knows how to do, is hit things.
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We don't see Nott The Brave for a while in this animatic. We instead see, once again, the eyes. But I also want to point out that this was made before we knew about Veth. So we were just seeing the scared goblin.
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This is as close as we get in this scene, and its Nott actively hiding from the light. The warmth scares her, and for good reason, its the same heat that we see emanating from her eyes. Once again, the trauma that has contaminated a character's vision is changing their reactions to the world.
And with that, I would like to talk about Jester, and I would like to do that in context.
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The term "foil" in the context of a character was actually popularised by William Shakespear, who handily explained the metaphor for us.
"And like bright metal on a sullen ground, My reformation, glitt'ring o'er my fault, Shall show more goodly and attract more eyes Than that which hath no foil to set it off."
Put in English, I shine brighter when you have something to compare me to. And this is what a foil character is, a character who brings about elements in other characters that can easily be missed, or who shows off by contrast their personalities.
Jester is one of the two characters in the Mighty Nein who is not a child of trauma, and her introduction shows that. She reacts to her life by laughing, and contrast that with everyone else. Fjord reaches for a sword, the item of his trauma; Beau tries to fight her trauma despite that approach clearly not working; and Nott hides from it, unable to reach out for help.
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And it is notable that the first time we see an adult Jester, she looks normal (if a bit over cheerful), then is immediately contrasted with the rest of the Nein.
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This not only shows just how different her demeanour is from the rest of the crew, but it shows her effect on them. She makes them all smile. Jester and Caduceus are very much support characters in the truest sense of the word. They support others. Jester shows genuine kindness towards everybody else, and it reflects onto them.
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This shot is neat but not too special. Its a tracking shot on the hat of all things, because thats what important here, and it shows the traveling dynamic of the group. It's a tiny bit of tension in an otherwise calm scene, so the camera is steady, but speeds up slightly to match the movement of the object, then comes to a stop when it is caught. There is very little stress, but there is a sense of comradery.
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Similarly, this shot establishes some stakes with a rising pan to show the scale of the threat and to show some more information, but it is hardly a monster, so the camera isn't really in a hurry.
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Enter Caleb Widogast, born in fire. I don't think they could write a more thematic entrance if they tried. An abrupt cut shows the night, then it is entirely consumed by fire, only to reveal Caleb.
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There is no motion here. The camera is stock still. This is the exact same thing with Ashton and FCG in the Bell's Hells. Caleb is disassociating from the heat in front of him, and there is a fascinating reason behind that. Caleb has two characters that need to be introduced to better understand him, the man, and Bren, the boy.
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The flames consume the screen again, and then part to show a boy, staring at the screen, in horror. This is what you need to know about this character, this is a character forged in flames, born from the Ashes. Bren is dead, Caleb Widogast remains.
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And this shot, with Caleb, Astrid and Eadwulf silhouetted against the fire, shows what kind of trauma we are talking about, and what effect it has. This is guilt, and in contrast with the rest of his party, this guilt is paralysing.
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Yasha, however, is introduced in a calm way, in contrast to everything around her. The camera shows you a woman, meditating, and then pans backwards to reveal this:
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This is a woman surrounded by bloodshed, who has made a concerted effort to look away from it, and to look to the Storm Lord for guidance. This is a woman looking for healing, in comparison to everyone else, but that looking doesn't change the fact that that trauma is still there.
The next few scenes are cool, but don't really add anything to this analysis and I only have a few more images I can show here, so I'm going to skip to Taliesin's characters.
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Caduceus has two introductions. One is this shot, which is a cool action shot of him casting an epic spell and vanquishing a crowd of enemies. But instead of the incredibly animated (in the sense of exaggerated poses) nature of his companions, Caduceus clay is calm and collected. He is unquestionably the anchor of the group, and where Jester contrasts them emotionally, Caduceus does so on a philosophical level. Caduceus is a gardener of fungus.
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Mushrooms and other fungi are recyclers, they grow on dead trees and creatures and give a forest new life. They clear out the debris and make way for new things to take hold. That's what Caduceus does for the Nein, he helps them get through their trauma so that Jester can help them improve and become better.
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Caduceus's actual introduction is muted, and there's a point to that. He's not trying to be the main character, you don't need to understand his family life to understand him. You need to understand that can stand in a graveyard and see the light, that he is at peace with what has gone before him and helps people to get past it, and that his entire mission, to regrow the grove, isn't to bring back what is lost, but to help regrow something new in its place instead of the blight that lingers there.
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Mollymauk is introduced as a weapon transformed into a grave. That is what this transition is and I think that's really important. Mollymauk is, very clearly, a repurposed soul. He isn't the first person to inhabit that shell, and he isn't the last. I also want to point out how this character is represented here, not with a heroic memory, but with a quiet moment or remenicing on times gone by. He is a shadow that haunts the Nein.
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This is by far the simplest shot in the entire video, and that's because it isn't telling you anything. You bring your own emotions to the table here, you bring the memories to the grave, that's how grieving works.
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Once again, there is more to this video, but I'm only allowed to put 30 images in a single post. So I leave you with a quote from Niel Gaiman.
"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
DnD likewise, and all TTRPGs for that matter, are powerful because in them, with a little bit of help from friends, any monster, no matter how personal, can be defeated.
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headkiss · 1 year
Peter dealing with a reader who has a bad migraine and having to ask the others how to help because they’ve dealt with it before ☹️ scared of hurting her more but also scared of not being caring enough
hiii tysm for requesting!!! it’s a teeny bit different but i hope u like it all the same <33 | 0.7k of fluff
You and Peter have this unspoken agreement anytime there’s a need for partners in class. Your eyes searching for his, his already on you when you find them.
Then, you’ll go to one of your houses and start as soon as possible. It’s easy to work with him. He’s smart (like, insanely smart), kind, and you’d like to think you’re friends. It’s difficult not to get distracted by him. His soft eyes, messy hair, shy smile.
Even so, you’d rather be partners with him than anyone else.
You’re sitting at the small, round kitchen table in your apartment with him, textbooks spread out, pencils scratching against your notebooks. It’s a comfortable silence, a practiced routine that makes you not mind homework so much.
When you peek up at him, he’s bent close to his page, hair falling over his forehead. You hold your pencil tighter to stop yourself from reaching out and touching him. You look back down quickly.
As time goes on, it’s not him that distracts you so much today. Instead, it’s a pressure in your head, a pounding that’s getting louder and louder and harder to ignore. Having to look so closely at words on paper isn’t helping, and it isn’t long before you drop the pencil onto the table and rest your forehead on the cool wood of the table.
Peter notices something’s wrong. He’s always been good at that, now more than ever.
“You okay, bug?” He asks, and you think his voice is the only one you’d tolerate right now.
“Headache,” you mumble.
“You get them a lot?” Peter abandons his work, too, and leans over to brush his hand over your arm.
“Yeah, sometimes. Just give me a minute, and we can keep going.”
He shakes his head, “we’ll do it another day. What can I do to help?”
“There’s some meds in the bathroom. Behind the mirror. The blue label.”
Just like that, the warmth of his hand, of his presence, leaves you. It makes the pain a little worse, him being gone, like his touch was enough to help.
Peter worries easily, and when it comes to you, it’s only worse. He looks through the cabinet and finds what he thinks you wanted him to grab, but he feels like he should be helping more, he wants to help more.
He pulls his phone from his pocket and dials Aunt May’s number.
“Peter, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Just, um, what do you do when someone has a migraine?”
“Is your head hurting? You can come home and-”
“No,” he stops her. “Not mine.”
She knows he’s with you, and though he’s never told her outright, May also knows that he likes you. A lot.It’s pretty obvious with how often he talks about you, with how his face sort of lights up when he does.
“Ohhh,” she hums in understanding. He can’t see it, but she’s smiling on her side of the phone. “I see. Turning off the lights helps, and a cool towel on the face or neck.”
“Thanks, May.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
He hangs up and hopes he didn’t keep you waiting for long. It’s just, he’s afraid that he might hurt you, that he might make things worse and that’s the last thing he’d want. So, he had to make sure he knew how to help.
You’re sitting in the same chair, but your head’s no longer resting on the table. You’re sitting up with your eyes squinted, trying to block out the light a little.
“Here, bug,” Peter says quietly, handing you the small bottle.
“Thank you, Peter. You don’t have to stay, by the way.”
“I’d like to stay. If that’s alright?”
It’s embarrassing to be seen all weak, but Peter is nothing but gentle with you. He keeps his voice quiet like he doesn’t want to irritate you. You decide you’d rather spend more time with him than not.
“Yeah, that’s okay.”
You’ve ended up on the couch, the lights off and the apartment silent besides the sounds of Peter moving about.
He comes back with a small towel in hand, sitting next to you and guiding your head onto his shoulder. Slowly, he lifts his arm to press the towel against your forehead, and he keeps it there for you.
“This okay?” He asks.
“Yeah. Feels nice.”
It could be the towel, or the meds, or it could just be him, but you feel better and better by the minute.
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pinkandlilacroses · 5 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
part 6
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• summary {in which an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
• warnings {angst, it gets cute at the end tho}
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averys pov
“avery why cant we tell them” azzi yells, this has been our third fight this week about this topic
“azzi you know why we cant” i say, sternly
“no i dont, thats why im asking”
“azzi, bellas in the other room. shut up” i say
“ok, fuck you” say says, walking out
azzis pov
- u home
- pls dont come
- stay with avery please
- im coming
fuck paige has been weird lately, and she wont tell me
its definitely something with bella
i don’t know how bella doesn’t notice
paige is in love with her
“azzi what did i say” paige says, yelling, tears flooding her eyes and the neck of her shirt
“paige whats happening” i say, genuinely concerned for my best friend
she begins wailing. i’ve never seen her cry like this before
i quickly wall up and embrace her
“i fucked it” she says, barley getting her words out
“i want her and ill never be able to make her mine” she continues
“bella?” i question
“yes” she says, raising her voice
“im calling her”
“no, azzi, no, please don’t. please” she says, pleading, her voice growing louder
“paige, you need to talk to her. i’ve never seen you like this before” i say, authoritatively
“she hates me”
azzi is calling bella
“hey bella”
“can you come over”
“yeah ill come now”
call ended
“paige this is a good thing, you guys need to talk”
bellas pov
i know this is about paige
id be lying if i said i was fine about this situation
i’m reality, i’ve been crying. everyday. at any given opportunity
i dont have any resentment towards paige, even though i definitely should. i mean, what she did was fucked
and she never explained herself, all she could say is “i cant do it” like what the fuck does that mean
knock, fuck i should leave
knock, i hate her
knock, no i dont
“hey bella” azzi says, bringing me into her embrace. i know azzi and avery are dating, but they cant tell anyone because avery cheated on jake with azzi, and she hates what she did. but she truly does love the girl, cute. i hate love
“paige is in her room”
walking towards paiges room, nerves surprisingly aren’t present. i felt calm, normal
“who is it” paige yells, across the door
“bella” i say, yelling back
paiges pov
“shit shit shit” i say to myself, i look awful. i didn’t think she would actually show up
i’ve been crying for what feels like years, and i finally can get everything off my chest. but i’m more terrified than ever before
she opens the door. fuck
“hey paige” she says softly, i cant bear to look at her. i dont want to see how she has effected me
“paige look at me” she says, sitting down next to me, leaning over. hand on my knee
i look at her
shock plastered on her face
she says nothing, bringing me close and wrapping her arms around me, protectively
“im so sorry” i say into her chest
“paige its ok, im not mad”
“yes you are, i fucked up” i say, tears beginning to form again
she moves so we are face to face, her laying on top of me
“you dont know how bad i want you bella, but i’m, i’m scared” i say, i’ve never been this vulnerable with a girl before. i feel weak
“paige its ok, theres no pressure” she says, reassuringly
“i know you dont feel the same, thats why ive been so down”
“how do you know, paige” she says, sternly. contrasting her previous tone
“it’s obvious” i say. is it?
“no its not, i want you the same amount that you want me” she says, staring intently into my tear filled eyes, that are forming once again
“really” i say, genuinely confused
“yes” she says, slightly laughing
this cant be real, how, what, when, where, why.
after everything i’ve done, she still likes me?
“paige, you there” she says, commenting on my spacing out
“are you sure” i say, coming back to reality
she responds by gently pressing her lips to my own
this kiss was different than any others i’ve experience, its sweet, loving. reflecting of how i feel about her, and i guess how she feels about me.
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khaosrealms · 1 year
using syzoth x princess!reader's magnificent request; could you write a scenario where reader ends up arguing with her sisters, who were worried about her getting closer to the zaterran? — they are just wanting the best for their little sister.
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a/n: now how did you know that i just absolutely adore family dynamics? of course i’ll write a scenario for this! it would be my pleasure 💙
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“I forbid it.” Those are the first words that leave Mileena’s lips when you tell her of your newfound companion. Of Syzoth, the Zaterran you’d begun to make quick friends with. And, the same as many, many centuries of petty arguments and squabbles, you cannot say you are surprised. The only thing you can say you are, with certainty, is annoyed. Annoyed that you could already feel a headache stirring at your temples for what was to come. Annoyed that this was, without doubt, another lesson of Mileena’s you remember quite well from when you were younger.
“You— forbid it?” “I forbid it.” “And for what reason is that?” You can see the trepidation in Mileena’s features. Risen to Empress, she restrains better than she had before; but you know your sister, and you know Kitana, stood beside you, can see the very same thing. Musing with her hands, the same she often would her own fans. You three are alone here, no other company but the walls, but Mileena falls to a hush. Clutching your wrist; speaking beneath her chin. “He is a Zaterran, sister. Do you know what things the court would say if they were to discover who you make company of?” The court? The court which now fell beneath Mileena’s rule? The court that she, with a flick of her palm, could bend to her every will?
You despised the days in which fighting felt like the only way you could get through to your sister. Her problem. She started it first.
“And what will your court say? When they find their Empress has been infected with Tarkat?” “Excuse me?” The expression on Kitana’s face is all you need to know you’ve pushed the discussion down a route of no return. Her scrunched features hidden behind her hand; shielding her eyes from the sight of you both bickering. So you continue. If arguing is the only way forth— then that’s your choice. One step forward is all you need to cross the distance between you and Mileena, in all her seething, withheld rage. “Or are you perhaps the only one worth defending amongst your court? Mother knows you’ve thought only of yourself!”
“Myself? Only of myself?” The royal fabric on your chest strains against your sister’s nails as she grabs hold. Forcing you to remain in place. Forced to look up at her. “The only reason why you have not endured the savagery of the court is because I protect you! All your dismissed suitors, all those soldiers of Shao— did you think you alone suppressed those whispers?!” Even Kitana’s intervention is not enough to halt Mileena’s barrage. The hand on her wrist nothing more but an assurance that she should continue; spitting her words in your face. “It was mine and mother’s burden, always. Tending to your whispers! Tending to your desires!” “Mileena, please, it’s enough.” “No Kitana, it is not enough! You indulge her, same as I have!” How easy it was for your elder sister to get a rise out of you. The bitter sting that forms tears at the corners of your eyes; gritting your teeth to push them down. But she continues. Mileena continues, because at the very sight of her, you can tell she’s scared. Just as scared as you. “A daughter of Sindel making close company of a Zaterran will ruin you, sister. Ridding yourself of what little favor you hold in the court— do you want that?” “Mileena.” The sound of Mileena’s bracers creaking beneath Kitana’s palm is warning enough. When you are pulled away, it’s Kitana’s hand that urges you to stay firm; set on the small of your back.
“We worry about you, sister.” Kitana’s even words melted out from between her lips. Coated in earnest worry, there, even in the crease of her brow. And though you almost bite back, retaliating against her kindness— you blink past your tears, clearing your throat. She’s a mirror; the words she speaks are a reflection of Mileena’s own. Only easier to swallow, sweeter. As needed as the bitterness of your Empress’ sister. “We know his intentions are well, but the court will make their assumptions of a Zaterran. Harsher ones, when a princess is involved.”
“His name is Syzoth.” You feel Mileena’s eyes flicker to your face. Watch as you direct your words to Kitana, who absorbs your words as they leave you. “And he helped in the battle against Shang Tsung. He was there— saving the people of Outworld. Fighting alongside us.” When you turn and lock eyes with Mileena, you know then that she is listening. “If the court you rule is one that won’t defend one of its own protectors, then I want no place in such a court with you.”
For a moment, there is silence.
Filled only by the wind and inhaled breathes your sisters and yourself take. Kitana surveying your reactions, Mileena scanning your eyes, and your own, staring right back at her’s. The first to break the quiet— softening her eyes at your refusal to let go. “You know I can’t lose you too.” And it breaks Mileena’s heart, as it does your own. “Do you believe he has a place here, in my court?”
“Of course I do.” With utter certainty. So much so, it almost embarrasses you how quickly it escapes; a gesture not so easily ignored by Kitana. That peculiar smile of her’s filling her lips— the same one she gifts Mileena when she speaks to Tanya. You ignore it, as best you can. “A Zaterran might just be what you need, in your new era, Empress Mileena.” She would never just used to it, no matter how much Kitana and you said it, but it’s enough to make Mileena smile. Clearing the air of its sharpness and melting it down into exhaustion. Mileena’s gentle hand fitting into your own, gifting it a small squeeze. “Syzoth is a good man, I promise, sister.” You squeeze back and Mileena’s exhaustion warms to acceptance.
“Only as your confidant, I hope?” “Surely, it couldn’t possibly be anything more, could it, Sister?” Elder Gods, maybe you should died during the battle. Spare you from your sisters and their smirks as your cheeks redden under their questioning. Impossible to hide, as they corner you with their frames. Kitana poking at your side, Mileena tugging at your cheek as you squirmed. “A hug from a Princess of Outworld could surely be considered more, could it not, Sister?” “A Zaterran winning the affection of Sindel’s daughter— what gasping rumor to be heard in the court!” “You two keep talking and you’ll be joining mother and father in the afterlife!”
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kadextra · 1 year
having many thoughts about “you have only seen me when I’m crazy” because. yeah
q!Bagi doesn’t have the frame of reference everyone else does. she never knew q!Bad when he was red colored, and the responsible calm egg babysitter. she isn’t aware of how drastic this shift in him is. yet this new island arrival is SUPER worried for him, even more than the islanders who knew him before and got to watch his descent into madness in real-time. there can be multiple reasons for that
all the islanders have a prior perspective of q!Bad being the person who they rely on to help with anything. even if they see him going kinda crazy exploding mines & the changes of his appearance, this is q!Bad we’re talking about! the resident capable & put together guy, he always helps so they may think he knows how to handle it.
and you bet they have so much faith he will recover from… whatever is happening to him, as he always does from any difficult situation. this faith is why they have always trusted q!Bad with the lives of their kids. just gotta give it some time, because everything will be okay once the eggs return, right? (nobody knows the extent of the damage and the lines he crossed. he will have severe consequences)
the majority don’t continue prodding q!Bad with questions when he puts on the denial mask and starts lying to their faces, because they are also doing the same thing. everyone is going through their own unique sorrow, pain & self-isolation arc rn, so the focus/energy in worrying for others is kinda dulled… it’s understandable. the entire island is experiencing grief, so they accept q!Bad is too and don’t bug him much. however, even if they aren’t in the trenches always pushing him for answers, there’s still many people (like forever, baghera, etoiles) who are keeping a watchful eye on his declining condition. <3
q!Bagi is a very different situation though. “you have only seen me when I’m crazy” he’s right. Bagi is the only person on the island to have this unique perspective & understanding of q!Bad. she lacks all of the points above: doesn’t see him as the reliable guy, has no reason to put extreme faith in him, and isn’t emotionally damaged from grief. arriving with nothing, she sees the facts presented in front of her- a kind person she has spent lots of time with and considers her best friend, who is spiraling out of control and needs help.
it’s amazing how quick she adapted to his behavior and doesn’t accept his lies. Bagi is an investigator at heart and puts hard pressure on him to open up, the only other person doing that is q!Foolish. she doesn’t believe Bad is in a state that can be easily recovered from, rather that he is getting worse, and is scared that one day it’ll become too late and he will literally fade away if no action is taken. so she has been running around with urgency, catching onto any piece of relevant info about the eggs, his condition, anything she can use to help him ASAP.
…I want to really stress again how she has never known a version of q!Bad that isn’t flawed and broken. but she still sincerely says “I care about you and will do everything in my power to help you.” and that’s just. ough :(
of course q!Bagi would be the only person who he openly admits not being okay to <3
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sensei-venus · 1 year
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(Unedited) (Bullying, Kyler being Kyler, Happens before Miguel shows up, Bully!Reader is lovely-dovey down bad for a nerd, Hates herself for it but she can't help it, Reader doing illegal shit to Kylers car because she's a menace to society.) ( @gemini-sensei )
Recently thinking about this because of Bully!Reader.
What if Bully!Chubby!Reader, who is just a straight-up asshole to just about everyone, is kind of a loner, is new to school.
The minute she steps into school everyone just knows something's up. She's kinda punk like (maybe slimy like S1 Robby) and she walks around like she knows what the fuck she wants.
The first time she lays eyes on little Eli she just knows, she wants that dude.
She stares at him from across the room, maybe during lunch. Her eyes just dig into him, but he doesn't see her because he's too busy with talking to Demetri. They're too caught up in some nerd conversation about a new comic or something. She's just staring right at him while picking at her food. A sick little twisted smile on her lips.
But as the day goes on she happens across one of the many “Kyler” events where he's bullying Eli and Demetri. She takes more notice of the fact he likes going after Eli more than Demetri.
She doesn't like that one bit.
She wants to claim him.
For the next week, she basically stalks Kyler around the school maybe even outside of it. This leads to her finding his car, and let's just say that one day some very nasty stuff happens to his lovely car. Said thing involves major property damage.
While she's doing all of this, at the same time she racking up her own little “hits” of kids she messes with. Unlike Kyler she doesn't have a list of specific kids she goes after. Their random and just kids that piss her off in one way or another. Everyone gets the fact that she's doing her picking and bullying at random. No one wants to get in her way or on her bad side.
One day she finds Kyler and his goons once again messing with Eli. This time she catches him physically messing with the boy. Picking him up and getting in his face. Eli is scared shitless, halfway off the ground. They laugh at him and making nasty comments. From not only his body but about his lip. This sends Reader over the edge making her snap. She rushes over to them and physically pulls Eli away from Kyler’s grasp. He falls to the floor with a thud, rolling away, and pushes himself up against a wall. Too scared to even try and run off. He just sits on the floor with wide eyes.
Reader gets in Kyler's face spewing threat after threat. Each new sentence has his goons stepping back. Finally she gets to the point.
“Moskowitz is mine from now on. I'm call dibs on the little shit. Your going to stop fucking with him, unless you want another “accident” to happen with your car again? Maybe next time it will be something worse.” she grins at the way his posture changes. His eyes go wide just a little and he takes a small step backwards.
“What the fuck that was you-”
“I don't think you want to find out.”
He huffs before pushing his goons to leave. They slowly walk off, leaving him behind for just a moment.
“You can have the freak for now! But just for no— your fucking lucky bitch!” and he takes off to follow his friends.
She rolls her eyes and scoffs before turning back around to find her prize. She smirks as she looks down to find her prize. Still on the floor shivering in fright, he stares at her and loudly gulps. He knows her reputation. He has to be her newest victim. Whatever she said to Kyler was able to scare him off which wasn't at all easy.
She bends down, her cleavage right smack down in his face. He's too scared to pop a boner but he's happy about that. Clearly, she just called dibs on him, and Kyler’s bullying privileges have been revoked. She smirks down at him saying “Your mine now dude.” she laughs which sends a chill up his spine. He gulps down a huge spitball.
Apparently, he was trading in bullies for this semester.
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(Part two to this is going to be ✨freaky✨😈.)
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