#same to enki tbh
cynoglav · 1 year
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voidmitsuki · 6 months
They fought over the girl's custody after escaping the dungeons.
D'arce said she should take the girl with her and raise her with Le'garde. She was the first to be excluded from the list by all the others.
Le'garde doesn't actually want to raise her. I can't even remember if he knows that she's his daughter tbh, does he? Anyway before he could even finish saying "I guess I can take care of the-" Ragnvaldr said "no".
Ragnvaldr would love to raise her, but he's afraid that he'll be unable to protect her and that she'll meet the same fate as his family.
Enki doesn't want to raise the girl either, but I can see him taking her with him if no one else wanted to. "I guess if I can teach her how to read she could be a good priestess".
Cahara would KILL the others to raise this girl with his beloved wife. He begged and cried and screamed. She ended up going with him. He's very happy about it!
Nas'hrah said he wanted to raise her. They all begged him not to. He agreed, but not because they command him or anything.
Additional Enkivaldr moment:
If Enki and Ragnvaldr are together, they would ask to adopt her, too. Ragnvaldr misses having a family and he wants to give the girl what he couldn't give to his son. Enki would reluctantly accept it, but would end up wanting to raise the girl too, in his own way.
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Diares Rewrite - Divine Relics And Their Warriors
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This was mainly done for one because I don’t really like the many of the original designs tbh- AND TWO! I wanted to put effort into the symbolism behind the shapes and gems, because symbolism makes me happy, and I like over analyzing things 😌
This one is going to be a long one, so I’m gonna go ahead and put a cut here, lol
Irene (Aphmau)- Purple Diamond
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Irene’s relic is based off of the purple diamond! One of the most rare gemstones and a sign for nobility. Irene, being the head of the warriors, slides into this role, as well as the theming of pride and spirituality, for, obvious reasons.
This one didn’t really get a redesign since it’s so iconic
Enki (Travis) - Lapis
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Besides wisdom being a key tenant of Enki’s divinity, I thought this worked a lot with Travis and the storyline I’m planning to put him through.
From someone who flirts to hide their their own feelings and thoughts, to someone who is more open and an advisor of sorts. I view Travis as someone who is genuinely very smart and always listening and adapting his actions and words to what people want. The conclusion to his story would be to put a focus on him learning to do what he wants, and to being more genuine and open. To learn that his not just what he can do for others, he’s not just his fathers jailer. That these things are great and all, but that him just being himself is all that really matters
I kept this pretty much the same as the old design again since it looks cool and also I think having the two little gems bracketed leans into the “keeper” title. Especially with the people of their line being all about keeping the demon warlock/evil forces sealed away.
Shad (Aaron) - Ruby
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Lets be soooo for real, the story tells itself. From the past hurts, to martyrdom, all the way to being protective of family and having a distorted veiw of one’s self. Shad and Aaron both fit all of these to a T
Annnndddd for the shape I took inspiration from this Slavic symbol!
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Like…. Fire…… war……… going through shit….….. also the whole “child” thing!? What started his whole downfall was his daughter being turned into a relic. This relic. To be exact.
I get to be a little devious. As a treat >:3c
Esmund (Garroth) - Pink Garnet
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Ok so, the name obviously matches but omg I swear I didn’t realize until much later XDDD
Funny coincidences aside, I thought the themes of loyalty, devotion, consistency, etc. really match him and the stability that he brings to those around him. Not to mention the whole “used to ward off evil“ blah blah blah. AS WELL AS the part where it says that it’s believed through being cut and polished (put through hard times) are when a garnets ability truly shines through. Showing how before he was nothing but a cog in his father’s wheel until he went through adversity and re made himself!
I wanted this to have the general shape shield as well as include the reoccurring shape I put in Garroth’s redesign!
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radiantidiot · 29 days
I wanna see some of your headcannons tbh. Either game works.
(Pls, if thats not to hard. If you don't mind)
Ok so I answered a similar question here, but I'll expand on some stuff and say new things here.
D'arce is a lesbian, Le'garde is her comphet. She was originally gonna be lesbian, and there was a piece of concept art you've probably seen of her with the ghost women, in my heart she never stopped being lesbian.
Le'garde knows this, and finds it useful. In my heart he's gay, this is partly due to the fact that he's based off of one of the gayest possible people, but I think one of the reasons he keeps her around is she deflects suspicion. He can't be gay, look at this child of Alll-mer he is likely together with.
I might have said this before but d'arce and Samarie are the same person to me. Not really a headcanon, more just like vibes. Two lesbians who feel such a profound emptiness, but have found someone who fills that emptiness. And upon finding someone who makes the emptiness go away, they're willing to do terrible, terrible things to keep them in their life. Samarie out of love, but D'arce out of like religious devotion (insert three paragraph rant sky Le'garde Alll-mer symbolism, I've ranted about it before tho so I'll spare you the repeat) but she interprets this devotion as love as well.
(This one is fully stolen from modern man traditional medicine, one of my favorite fics ever) Daan has a hard time being close to people. I think his childhood plus the creepy ass arrangement with the baron have kinda made it impossible to be like intimate with anyone in any way that doesn't feel like a performance. I think he kinda sees sex and intimacy as like a favor or a transaction, cause that's all it's ever been to him. The background option that teaches loving whispers is also implied to be like prostitution so like......
Abella would have loved factorio. This is like 100% projection cause I love factorio and I love abella, but I really feel like she would have liked it.
Uh cahara uh beautiful pretty man uh I forgot what I was gonna put here
Karin is homophobic. There's a very real chance this was on the last post too but I don't remember lol. This one's kinda Canon, based on what she says at the train if you're playing as daan, but it's especially funny cause in my heart she's bi.
Enki is ace. He crashes the game if you try and make a marriage with him. He could just refuse, but in my brain he accepts and then exerts what little control over the game he has to hurt the real human playing the game by making them lose their save. This one's got the stamp of approval from my ace best friend.
I would love to hear your head canons as well! This is mainly directed at herta, but random passerbys are also encouraged to give me your head canons!
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
ok guys i finished the poppy war wtf. i feel so hollow right now. i feel so... unsatisfied by the ending but not necessary in a bad way??? i have to read the other books and see what happens but at the same time it feels so hopeless and i dont approve of rin as a main character anymore (tho i am aware that it doesnt matter whether i "approve" of her or not) but i will still definitely read the other books bc i loved the book overall. i just think that the storyline rn is very... surreal?
(spoilers below)
i NEED TO KNOW what the fuck happened to nezha bc i just know that rf kuang has smtg cooking for him. my personal theory is that he didnt die from the gas bc he secretly is connected to the god of healing (hence why his spine healed so fast and enki speculated abt his dragon insigna) and so hes alive and maybe imprisoned? maybe he was sent to a science lab to, or he somehow ran away, or he pretended to join forces?? idrk but im sure that hes alive and its got to do with his dragon insignia
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im so sad that everybody from sineguard died/isnt in the story anymore (other than kitayyyyyy thank god. im so glad he reappeared) bc i tbh dont feel much of an attachment toward the cike members 😭 like idk i love Qara and Chaghan but the others are eh to me, like i would trade their presence for Irjah's or Raban or Niang or EVEN JUN 😭 tho im just being sentimental, i dont actually mean it. (tho i would like to see a jun reappearance and redemption...)
oh btw i think i rate this a 4/5 star read
my criticisms are as such:
- the middle part where they kept losing was very dreary (tho i imagine kuang was trying to make it seem desperate/devastating and tense, it was just droll to read tbh).
- the sudden reconciliation between nezha and rin felt very unnatural (like i understand the feeling of "who cares abt our petty rivalry when theres literally a whole ass war happening?" but then again, this is just fiction and it wouldve been nice to read their familiar banter- or at least have it dragged out a bit before the reconciliation). i feel like it was just very unnatural, unless.... unless nezha fell in love with Rin when she erupted into flames at sineguard???? if THAT happened then i feel like the reconciliation would make alot more sense bc when nezha came to khurdalain it was like he was desperate to make Rin like him/forgive him ???
- a few things were pretty predictable. it was pretty obvious that Jiang was the gatekeeper, which was disappointing because if that was a little less obvious, i feel like the scene were Rin and Altam discover Jiang in the Stone Mountain would've had a bigger emotional impact on the reader (me)
though here are the things i liked:
- Rin at the first half of the book was the best mc everrrr
- Kitay. i have nothing wrong with Kitay. he's my favourite for sure
- Jiang's style of teaching (i loved how they just conversed and would come to nonsensical philosphical questions that made Rin frustrated but made Jiang delighted. eg "Why do people dream what they dream?")
- the way Kuang described the god realm vs the human realm. it was all very believable and assured. it wasn't vague at all, in my opinion. theres ofc alot of questions abt the different planes still, but the genius of it is that she wrote about it in a way that assured that it was normal to have questions, and even more normal to not get answers for them, and that we should just accept it (idk, thats the vibe i was getting. like, she didnt say "just believe it" as an excuse for lazy writing, she said "just believe it" because, well, just believe it.)
ok yeah thats all i have to say for now :)
if you've read the poppy war, PLEASEEE INTERACT (no spoilers tho pls)
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transmasclaius · 6 months
I chose Cahara on my first playthrough and so far I have met Enki and Ragnvaldr. And pocket cat for like 2 seconds with no legs then a cave wolf killed me. I need Enki dead tbh /pos
How do you make progress though man TT the same fucking dogs kept killing me in this secret garden thing and then I got trapped in this tree door because they caught me before the loading zone and got stuck and had to die. It probably doesn't help that my only rpg experience is undertale, pokemon, an hour of hylics 2 and 40 minutes of that final fantasy but pokemon game
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pack-coven-thing · 2 years
Gimme your Irene HCs (politely, of course, I’m a gentleman)
WOOOOO (also sorry this took so long, we're in the midst of finals week lol)
People describe and depict Irene as having flawless and untouched skin, when they paint her, when they sculpt miniatures, you name it, they're always making sure it's perfect
But Irene was proud of her "imperfections". Her scars showed her age, her victories and her losses
She didn't mind the eyebags, showing her restless nights, or the way her hair frizzed in Gul'rak's humidity
(MCD!Aph keeps these scars and any time someone asks about them, she can't really place her finger on how she got them- which is weird, considering how many there are)
Also Irene transcends gender and uses any/all pronouns <3
Life with him and the divine warriors wasn't always war and peacekeeping though, even though that's what everyone thinks
There were plenty of times where they just laughed together, Enki encrypting spells while Kul'zak and Irene told exaggerated versions of their latest adventure to an injured Menphia who missed it, just to get under her skin
That's what held off the inevitable for so long, what kept Irene sane, those moments of companionship
The revolution against Ru'aun's monarchy really crushed everything tbh, it caused the deaths of the other warriors
She hadn't lost all of them at the same time before, and the time it took her to place them again- it was a tipping point
I also have a whole thing about Shad and Irene and how the two being divine warriors was their relationship's downfall
But I digress
Irene's always been low empathy, it wasn't just a switch one day
Xe always had trouble connecting with emotion, especially if it was emotion coming from other people
Despite that, xe's always had a strong moral code, right vs. wrong
That's what drove a lot of the warriors' journeys
And is another part of why her and Shad couldn't work out, they had conflicting ideas of right and wrong
It's something that they could have actually worked through, communicated about, if they had the time
But the warriors didn't have a lot of time for relationship control
Conflicts get spread out until they're forgotten or a fight blows out of control
Because ultimately being the worlds' main group of protectors is hard
Especially when they're still people, not omniscient gods (though Enki has gotten close to it /j)
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rxtgallows · 6 months
tbh i havent played or seem enkis s ending so idk how he acts but i dont feel like enki x nosramus wod NOTbe very touchy like all the one million fanarts say. i think they would barely even ever touch each other at all. just my opinion i think people shld be better at defining relationships individually instead of making them all the same gushy shit
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
A request for you~
Do you happen to have any cute headcanons for Samon? 🥰 like dating or with like a super affectionate s/o?
dating samon goku: headcanons
[𖤐] hi, thank you so much for the request!! i love writing nanbaka so as usual, this was super fun to write! if you want a seperate one with an affectionate s/o, i would be more than happy to oblige :))
[𖤐] these headcanons do contain some very minor manga spoilers, but please do read with caution!
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❧ masterlist
✗ first of all, samon will be super protective of you whenever he can sense that hajime is near, (i really do think he has an internal hajime sensor).
✗ it really doesn’t take a lot to get hajime and samon to start fighting, so if samon even catches hajime glancing at you, he will completely go off on him.
✗ “you ugly gorilla, don't even dare put. your eyes on something so beautiful!!”
✗ he’ll share his popsicles with you, especially if it’s hot out and you guys are sweating like crazy in your uniforms.
✗ hajime will try to not associate with you at all, and this is entirely because he does not want to deal with samon. there will be times that you two will have to work together, (probably supervising inmates) and samon will literally be livid, but he will just barely hold it together because it’s an order from the warden, so it has to be done.
✗ just overall, he is very protective, even when hajime isn’t around. i mean, this is an all-male prison, so i don’t suppose you can really blame him for being a little jealous whenever you’re talking with another guard. samon definitely needs to have a little bit more chill though, because sometimes he can be really intense with this, but as jealous as he gets, he completely trusts you and the fact that you would never cheat on him.
✗ when you guys are doing late paperwork in the office, he’ll take a few minutes to just watch you as you work. he thinks you’re really cute when you’re focusing on something, and with all your habits that you have.
✗ he’s the type of person to dedicate his everything to his s/o, even if he knows deep-down that they would neve do the same for him, so please don’t hurt him.
✗ he’ll let you trace over the tattoos he has on his arms for however long you want to; he loves the feeling of your soft touches on his skin. it feels like little zings! Everytime you make contact with him.
✗ when he’s feeling tired and needs a break, he’ll lean his head on your shoulder, whether its when the two of you are sitting side by side, or he’s standing in front of you and has his head leaned down.
✗ he’s pretty normal with pda, except at work. when you guys are at work, he will not be giving any signs to anybody that you are in a relationship, (this most goes for when there are inmates around). since you’re a guard underneath him, he also does not want to show favoritism towards you since you guys are dating. outside of work though, he’s fine with whatever you’re comfortable with; as long as it makes you happy. hand-holding, kisses, he’s down for all of it.
✗ samon will talk big game with you and will flirt a lot to try and make you flustered, (it probably works) but the second you fire back with something, he will be trying to cover his face because it’s turning red. he’s really down bad for you.
✗ when he does manage to get you flustered, he will be such a cocky little shit, so you better think of something to get him back with.
✗ sleeping on his shoulder on the monorail when you’re on the way to another building or leaving work is definitely a common occurrence. nanba is a lot bigger than a lot of people realize, so the monorail ride will usually take anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half.
✗ samon is overall a pretty cliche sort of romantic guy. he’ll get you your favorite flowers if you guys are going on a nice date, and he’ll clean up pretty nice. definitely the type of guy to set up a candlelight dinner for you, along with your favorite foods, (even if your favorite food is mac and cheese, he will find a way to make it look nice).
✗ he doesn’t really like to mention it, but he will be doing a lot of small things that he thinks will make your day better, even though he has a very busy schedule himself. he’ll do things like make your coffee in the morning, file your paperwork for you, do your laundry if you’re busy, and he’ll make you food and give it to you throughout the day because he wants to make sure that you’re doing alright and that you’re taking care of yourself.
✗ samon will definitely tell you a lot of stories from when he grew up in the mountains with enki and noriko, like how enki would train him and how he was so excited to get stronger, and how noriko would make the most amazing food out of what seemed to be nothing. you can tell by the way he looks when he’s talking about it that his childhood holds a lot of fond memories for him.
✗ the two of you will probably argue over really stupid shit, especially since samon gets pissed off pretty easily. you guys will also make up easily though, and samon will always apologize, (because let's be honest, he probably got annoyed that you were buying too many snack or some shit lmfao)
✗ he’ll definitely introduce you to noriko, and she is super sweet and really likes you. she had always wondered if samon would ever be able to get a girlfriend due to his rowdy personality, so she’s glad that there’s somebody who’s watching over him.
✗ when you guys cuddle, he’ll be cradling your head close to his chest and rubbing the back of your head with his hand. having your presence close to his makes him feel a lot more calm, and he also feels a lot closer to you in general.
✗ he’s a pretty clingy monkey whenever you two are alone, and he’s always going to want you attention on him, so expect for him to be hugging you from the back, mumbling about how you’d been “ignoring” him all day.
✗ “samon, we literally just cuddled in bed for three hours, i really don’t think i’ve been ignoring you.” “you haven’t talked to me >:(.” “we were asleep????”
tbh samon in the manga kinda broke me
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yamayuandadu · 2 years
Weekly Wikipedia repair roundup: the court of Enlil
First things first, I added a large number of deities to the list article; Nanshe regained her rightful spot in the “major” category, too (her page will eventually require work, though, it’s not great). You might notice most of the additions are articles I wrote recently. The rest are either pages which already exist and are of high quality, but not my work (Kabta, Kilili) or pages you can sooner or later expect from me. There is still much work to do when it comes to the list itself, though - many of the major deities have very low quality descriptions atm (Nergal...); I think an additional sub-list for collective terms (anunnaki, igigi, etc) and types of deities (sukkal, lamma, udug, “personal god,” ilu lemnu etc) could be helpful, too.
Ninkasi - the goddess of beer and Enlil’s brewer. Not exactly a major deity, but I consider this an important article too since she has arguably more modern recognition even than some of the major deities. I do not think most of the previous version was bad (calling Inanna a goddess of “procreation” and the baffling hot takes about Ninkasi’s parentage were, though)  but a set of various contextless ETCSL quotes is hardly an “article” to put it lightly - the Nashe article is an even more severe case of this. I’ve also added the relevant information from here to the Laṣ and Manungal articles, but there is nothing in them that’s absent from this one.
Ninlil (and Sud!) - Enlil’s wife (and the goddess of Shuruppak identified with her), daughter of Nisaba, mother of a considerable number of deities, including Nergal, co-ruler of the Mesopotamian pantheon which I feel popular sources often leave out. I’ve included most of what I could think of - temples, identification with Shalash, small note on Assyrian reception - but I think more could be done still. Also included are summaries of both major myths dealing with Ninlil and Enlil. As a fair warning, one of the summaries contains discussion of potentially non-consensual encounters so bear that in mind. The other, Enlil and Sud, does not, though, and tbh it’s worth reading just because it’s very funny and has a solid cast.
Lugaldukuga - Enlil’s father. Well, one of the options, at least. New page.
There are still many Enlil-related articles to write or rewrite, so expect another week with the same theme - I was planning to post more this week but Ninlil took ages to complete. The Enlil article itself would be such a massive project that it’s not in the plans for now even though I find it lacking, though. Enki-Ninki deities probably aren’t coming any time soon either. Same goes for much needed rewrite of Ninurta. Do expect Nuska, Sadarnunna, Kusu, Ennugi, Sirash and expansion of Ninimma and Nintinugga relatively soon, though.
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sag-dab-sar · 3 years
The Word “Cult” and its Usage
Its a word with two meanings that could use some explaining.
The word holds a very negative connotation to a lot of people. I can completely understand this. I do not use the term cult statues or cult images for my animated representations of the Gods on my altar; I use the term Idol. Despite the fact that, in academia, “cult statue” is the non-derogatory term and “idol” is derogatory. I don’t like hearing the word cult in regards to my own practice but I understand and use its academic meaning in other situations. Also just kinda feels nice to “”reclaim”” the word idol tbh.
When I write online about ancient religion I often use the terms Cult / Cultus because they mean something specific. They are more narrow than the general term “religion.”
🔹Cult includes the priestly system, the temple and its complex, the types of rituals, the importance and role of the God in that place, and the beliefs about that God in that place.
🔹For example, the beliefs and rituals to Athena in Athens vs the beliefs and rituals to Athena in Sparta may have differences. Indicating that Athena has two different cults despite us putting them both under the label “Ancient Greek Religion.” Thats how some epithets arose which many can be refered to as “cult titles.” (Not all, some epithets arise from poetry and other ways.)
🔹In Mesopotamia “Cult Center” implies that the God is the most important God to that city. Kutha with Nergal, Nippur with Enlil, Isin with Ninisina (Gula), and Eridu with Enki. They still worship the other Gods of course, polytheism interlaces the Gods in numerous ways that cannot be split, but there was still a sense of a particular God(s) being especially important to that specific city or settlement.
“Religion” is too broad in many cases to be useful when writing about ancient polytheism and cult is usually a neutral term in academia. I have even come across some academic journal articles where the author specifies which definition they mean.
Lets look at this example (that I just wrote myself):
“Despite the city of Nippur never being the seat of a ruling dynasty the city held a vital role in Mesopotamian Religion. It was the cult center of Enlil, King of the Gods, and thus the place where kingship was bestowed”
I wouldn’t say “religious center of Enlil.” Religion implies some sort of cohesion. For example, Sunni Islam is the same in Y place as it is in X place, while interpretations of things vary greatly, for the most part the foundation is the same: same Quran, same prophets, same prayers, same prayer motions, same calendar, same holy days, same language used, same 5 pillars, and all Muslims face Mecca no matter where one is.
Ancient polytheism is not that cohesive, the Cult of Enlil at X city and the Cult of Enlil at Y city may be very different even though they still have the same common threads and basis of Ancient Mesopotamian Religion connecting them, such as the need for purity, general cosmology, role of magic, need for elaborate rituals, the sheer importance of the cult statue, prevalence of spirits, status of humans in relation to the Gods, etc.
Despite those common threads the prayers, the role Enlil plays as a city God, the functioning and administration of his temple, the other Gods that are worshipped in the temple, and the priestly hierarchy may all be different between X city and Y city. Thats why it should not be called a “Religion of Enlil” as it carries a connotation of cohesion between different localities and their worship of Enlil.
Thus the terms “cult / cultus” and “religion” can carry significanlly different meanings when speaking of polytheism.
Hope this helps explain the usage you might come across.
May 19th, 2019
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papirouge · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
I remember being asked the same question a few months ago about this same satanic group.
Yeah sumerian gods were just another demon worship so it's not surprising to see satanists worshipping them.
But tbh, I'm more concerned about undercover satanist than those outright bragging about it.
You know, many satanists pretend to be Christians and those are the one who should be exposed. Satanists branding themselves as such will never be taken seriously imo. But "regular good guys" who are raping, killing & sacrificing children on the low are actually elevated in society ; these are the satanists should be the main concern of Christian.
I don't think the antichrist will manage to make the whole world bow down to him by being outright evil. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.
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autisticstarseed · 4 years
if u could, perhaps, bless us with all the applicable symbols from that fic ask for hvh 👀
ooOoOOOoOO Rub s gay hands togehter omg ty friend 😍;;;;;;
💡 - What was the motivation behind the story?
hHH i hadnt written in 10+ years so when i latched onto this plot idea i just thought itd be a good time to jump the shark and try it again !! i just wanted smth really edgy and depthful bc im emo and the rest kind of snowballed
💎- What was your favorite part?
osdlfksd;lf it’s hard to pick a fav but the drunk scene was definitely the most fun to write at least
⛰️-  What was the hardest part?
THE SCENE WHERE THE GANG IS KIDNAPPED BY ENKI,,,, i debated toning down the violence but in the end i knew where the story was going (and where its still going) and that its gonNA be kinda dark so why hold back now ig
🎭- What was the feeling or mood you were going for?
BITTERSWEET AF,,, sort of just treading the line of ‘hopeful’ and ‘hopeless’ at all times to fully portray the feeling of being at your lowest, but with that classic tss ‘silver linings just around the corner’ kind of undertone
🏟️- Who was your intended audience?
mostly all the adults that watched tss as a kid and felt like spirituaLLY MOVED BY IT cuz i really tried to tap into that Emotion Tee Em we all felt when we found out that zak was [redacted]
🔬- Was there one scene you were building up to/knew you had to get just right?
hHH theres actually a LOT of scenes like that and i think a lot of my general motivation to keep going comes from that ‘WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT’ vibe slkdf:SDF but the Plot Twist tm in the latest chapter was definitely a big’n, and theres a few more of those still to come :^)
🗝️ - What were you thinking when you wrote it?
kjdjFSDs:DF tbh whenever i start really writing, [’im shifting into soup mode’ seinfeld meme voice] im shifting into maladaptive daydreaming mode
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
:^) devilman crybaby pls forgive me for everytHing
📈- Was there a clear character arch you wanted____ character to go on?
i actually have a short list of what i somewhat consider to be the story arcs in my notes !! mostly just for organization and obvs i wont list the future ones but so far we’ve seen the kushtaka arc, the enki arc, and now we’re in what i call ‘the annunaki’ arc.
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
ALL OF IT JSHDJSKD, but again a lot of the enki scenes i was worried would be too edgy TM, and the whole annunaki plot as well i was worried might be too ‘out there’ for ppl, but it takes the story exactly where i always wanted it and lines everything up perfectly so i went for it lol. i was also ofc worried if people would like ila or not bc oc but most ppl love her actually which is so 😭❤️
☠️- Did you consider killing off any of the characters? Did you?
8^) [mickey mouse voice] this is a surprise tool that will help us later ,
✉️- Did you title your chapters? What title do you like best?
yes! the next one actually has my favorite chapter title yet, but so far i like ‘so strikes the harpoon’ since its a throwback to the first couple chapters
☀️- Was there symbolism/motifs you worked in?
o every single paragraph is an overly thought out middle school poem im entering in the talent show actually
🎵- Did you have a playlist/piece of music that went with this story?
Yes !! i have HVH insp part 1, Part 2, and an extra one for all those songs that have the vibes but just dont fit enough to make sense in a playlist
📜-Do you want to write something like this again in the future?
probably ! ive learned i definitely like the edgy/darker and emotionally driven stories with ongoing plot, so that trend will almost definitely continue. idk if ill write a dystopia again anytime soon, but i think my future stuff will at least retain that long and heavy vibe
💁- Did readers influence/change any part of this story?
oh yEA like basically i was ready to quit after the very first chapter before it was even written and kinda just got it all out on a whim of motivation but was expecting to flake on it like i tend to do with projects, but the invested response to it was just so uplifting that its what ive been riding on all ten chapters and im so grateful for it :’)))
✏️-Would you go back and change anything if you could?
hHHHHHHH yes and ok this is terrible but i actually tend to avoid re-reading my older chapters until i hAVe to bc i suffer from that sO much ,,, , its just little things like tiny words i wanna change or bits i wanna take out/put in and once or twice ive even caught a mistake or plot hole/smth i forgot to add that i rly do have to go back and edit and i just turn to dust every tim e
⭐- What’s a scene/paragraph you’re proud of?
i really liked the northern lights scene!! it was meant to be a pivotal moment of that ‘bittersweetness’ vibe i was talking abt and it was another one of those scenes i had been planning for a while;;;
“ I think of how much the rest of the family would love this. This isn’t like the moon and the sun, where I can see it and know that even if it looks different, they’ll see the same one soon enough, wherever they are. This reminds me only that I am not with them. It stings. It seems unnatural for something so gentle and natural to appear before us as if we aren’t in complete, total fucking chaos. After all we’ve been through, and the sky still dances. “
📣-What was the best piece of encouragement you got?
🔦-Did you learn anything while writing it? About yourself? Writing?
isdfhSDF YEs, part of my hesitation to write came from this thing where i always just assumed there was a wildly high standard of writing in fandom spaces like in original literature spaces, where you had to have like 10+ sentences to a paragraph and you had to describe every tiny detail of a setting and you had to follow every single grammar rule or it was unreadable but like. genuinely its like sculpting with words as long as you have a shape ppl get the idea which is such a weight off my shoulders lol, its still a lot of work but so much fun to know i can to an extent do what i want and ppl actually like it like that. i also learned that like most other writers i have to cause my favs emotional and physical pain,
🎁- Any writing advice for people who want to write something like this?
hhHHHH 1. please do it its so fun just give in to the edge my guy , 2. try to get comfortable re-reading your chapters, for me its like when ppl listen to themselves sing/act but im trying to do better bc its so much more consistent when i keep it fresh in my mind and it also boosts confidence when u can pick out the things u like instead of the things u dont, 3. trying to have at least one scene in mind for each chapter that ur excited to write so u can have motivation to update faster! for me it doesnt have to be smth i think would excite the audience either like it could be the most basic thing but just having an idea of it and knowing i want to see it come to life rly helps me stay on top of it all
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mechaseraph · 5 years
You probably know what I'm going to ask you... SO ! EnKi, GouKi, HiroAtsu and Shinjou x Bernard (I already ship them, and I want to know if I'm not the only one X'D) HAVE FUN !! T3T
That some good ships I see here :,D------------------------------------------------EnKiA+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enoughEvery ships with Endou is sweet, but this one in particular is so sweet that it gives me caries. I REALLY LOVE their relationship and dynamic, honestly, they have such a good friendship and it’s just even more good with Kidou canonically calling Endou “his light”GouKiA+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enoughKidou’s relationship with Gouenji is also very nice and interesting. It’s also sweet I think, but in slight different way than with Endou, ‘cause well, Gouenji is different from him. I also see them as pretty inseparable(guess I ship both of these ships on the same level by now :,D I hope it ain’t weird or smthing)HiroAtsuA+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enoughGuess they might be nice, but I can’t say yet, ‘cause I need to see their dynamic on screen, ‘cause it might be similar to Hiroto’s and Haizaki’s, yet also might be different depending on situationShinjou x BernardA+: OTPA: I love itB: It’s really cuteC: Not a bad shipD: I’m neutral on itE: I don’t really like itF: NOTPN/A: I don’t know the ship well enoughI can’t say anything about it yet tbh :,D I didn’t even considered it? Pluse er... I think Bernard prolly has a wife (if she isn’t the same case as Shinjou’s kh... ‘cause yes I’m like totally convinced that he is Asuto’s dad) But well, we’ll see how their relationship will unfold later 
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pinktatertots99 · 6 years
for the fandom ships, nanbaka?
oh geez senpai
eheh, i did actually re-do a nanbaka ship list i made long ago by someone else, but yeah i’d like to add more recent ones that’ve come up. so i’ll paste em here. in NO (but kinda sorta are) in particular order:
qi x liang
nico x rock
momoko x noriko
honey x trois
honey x kaguya x trois
nico x upa
uno x jyugo
jyugo x zakuro
uno x rock
hitoshi x houzuki x seitarou
musashi x hitoshi
ahato x kiji
ruka x enki
mao x tomato
nijimasu x damian
Fuji-san x kusatsu
Fuji-san x qi x kusatsu
ringo x mitsuru
youriki x hitoshi
youriki x Taurus
Taurus x noriko
momoko x taurus
chikako x dread
chikako x mao
chikako x mao x tomato
kaguya x rock
kaguya x uno
kaguya x musashi
ruka x kiji
kenshirou x musashi
tsukumo x musashi
dread x kenshirou
shin x dread
inori x samon
mitsuru x hajime
rock x liang
trois x jyugo
musashi x jyugo
ikkaku x zakuro
ikkaku x uno (blame a conversation with sinny I had)
yamato x naravin
kazari x okina
rokuriki x hitoshi
noriko x seitarou (some idea I had when bored one time)
four x kujyaku (don’t tell me no one’s thought of shipping em i mean c’mon.)
ikkaku x kojirou (blame my stupid horny mind)
taurus x …any girl tbh
elf x the doc
manji x ikkaku (okay NOW GO BLAME SINNY FOR THIS ONE!)
hmmm that should be all for now.
also some uh, honorable mentions to oc x canon and self x canon ships. I kinda have some crossover ships but idk if they count or not. otherwise, thanks for your time. any ships I DIDN’T list are either notps or ships I just don’t really ship. some on here though I don’t ship MUCH but I just wanted to mention them.
aaaaand I’m just gonna put certain guilty pleasure ships under the cut caaauuuuse not everyone needs to see them. (just pls ignore them their not all that interesting tbh.)
nadeshikoxjyugo (ONLY WHEN ONE IS THE SAME AGE AS THE OTHER! either nade is the inmates age or the inmates are HER age. otherwise NO.)
nadeshikoxtrois (same as above. also cause it’s just a funny duo to think of considering they have a canon drawing from sho. though i can also see it as a little cutesy crush on nade’s half in canon lol.)
nadeshikoxupa (same as above. the sane couple.)
nadeshikoxnico (same as above. it’d be kinda cute.)
nadeshikoxliang (same as above. though I also see it as just a cutesy baby crush she would have in canon-verse)
…qixnico (ONLY WHEN ONE’S THE SAME AGE AS THE OTHER! *mostly nico aged up for it otherwise weed friends is a good other idea*)
their guilty pleasures cause of, well, canon age gaps. I only ever see em in where their close/the same ages in both parties. I do NOT ship them all in canon ages AND DON’T condone it. the closest I can think of for the ships in canon verse are little crushes that don’t lead to anything OR in more platonic or familial relationships but NOT romantic in canon-verse ages. I will NOT ship a 6 year old with someone 10 years older then them in canon-verse like Jesus Christ no!
even characters that are CLOSE to certain older age I will NOT ship unless their aged older cause shipping a minor with a 25 year old is…no. no no NO! so thank you very much! and please don’t be mean.
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sanzoumon · 7 years
I was reading something about monkeys and, while I don’t actually like polyships or OT3s, I got the idea of Enki and Samon coming from a family that practices and encourages polyandry (a woman marrying more than one man).
In the rare instances polyandry is culturally practiced, the men are often (tho not always) brothers.
My point being: Enki and Samon just expect to marry the same woman some day and it’s never crossed their mind that they wouldn’t do that. Like Enki never even bothered dating anyone, especially while Samon was a kid, because Samon was apart of this too and Enki didn’t want him forced into a relationship as soon as he was old enough.
That said, they’re both too concerned with work and rarely ever see women, other than few female staff members at the prisons they’ve worked at. Noriko would have been perfect but they both have mixed feelings about marrying her since Samon sees her as a big sister and Enki sees her as a little sister.
They consider themselves a package deal.
Their father was a bit of an abnormality in their family. He only had a bunch of sisters, but no brothers, so he just slept around with women and never got married. So Enki and Samon are half brothers because of this.
People sometimes make comments about their lack of a love life and get completely baffled when they each respond that “there’s no one me and my brother agree on and even when we do agree, they’re not up to being with both of us”. And people just get really confused by that.
If they did find someone tho, they wouldn’t care about whose kid was whose and they’d both be the fathers of all their kids.
They’re less concerned about finding someone they both love and more about finding someone they both like and who’ll accept being with both of them. They’re more loyal to each other and their family than anything.
They understand that they could marry different people but don’t understand why they’d want to do that when that would mean splitting their family inheritance and ultimately Samon not being a successor to their family. This way, they’re both successors and their children will be too.
TBH they mostly see marriage as a contractual thing. Samon likes to fantasize about him and Enki eventually settling down with a nice girl, having lots of kids, retiring from being guards and taking over their family dojo. Enki just figures he’ll somehow be the one actually taking care of the kids since he actually has experience (since, when Samon was just a baby, Enki took care of him before he left to train in the mountains). Also he’s seen Samon with their baby cousins… Samon’s an absolute disaster with children.
Hm, I grossed myself out writing this (what with my aversion and all) but making it non-romantic helped. I do like the idea of Enki and Samon wanting to remain apart of the same family unit tho.
Btw the thing about monkeys is one species has females taking two mates because they often birth twins, so that way the males carry around the offspring and only give them to the female to nurse. Or that’s the gist, at least.
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