#same weird power dynamics and soul bonds as omega verse
luci3skydi · 2 years
Prompt: Full Steam Ahead
(This is my second fill for this prompt)
Pairings: pre-Daniel LaRusso/Johnny Lawrence post-Ali Mills/Johnny Lawrence
The kid wrapping himself around Ali and a soccer ball is a Sentinel. Johnny knows this before he even knows him or hates him. He knows because something calls to Johnny across the sand that has as much to do with why he rumbles down, full steam ahead, as his need to pry Ali away from it.
If some Sentinel thinks he’s going to sniff Ali out with his freak senses and sweep her up with his unnatural strength, well, he’s got another thing coming. (Johnny’s fist. That’s what’s coming. Or maybe a cool kick, however the situation decides itself.)
3 notes · View notes
agreateryesterday · 4 years
Wincest - ABO fics
Love Bites by DarkSammyProdigy02
*Finished* 10 chapters
A demon hell-bent on snatching psychics, a hunter on a “God-given” mission, having to run for dear life, being captured and forced to participate in a fucked-up gladiator fight - These are the things that bring alpha Dean Winchester and omega Sam Singer together. But, the two will learn through thick and thin that no matter what people say... love bites.
like cinnamon and ginger by savorvrymoment
*Finished* 3 chapters
Dean closes the distance between them on instinct, lays his hand on Sam’s back and rubs between his shoulderblades. His smell is strong from so close, though not the same heat-scent Dean remembers, and it’s not just a mix of sick and unhappy omega Dean can smell. No, Sam’s no longer cloyingly sweet, but rather settled into something softer, velvety and musky. No longer lush and fertile, Dean realizes. And of course, Sam’s thirty-nine years old; on top of that, his brother’s body has been through the wringer over and over and over again. It’s probably why he hasn’t been cycling for years now, and Dean’s not sure why he’s having another heat again out of nowhere—maybe one last stand before the hormones and pheromones start giving out entirely—but here they are…
Sam The Omega (part 1)
The Werewolf Book (part 2) by Sparxgirl
*Finished* 18 chapters & 13 chapters
Sam and Dean find a case close by, the killings are obviously that one of a werewolf. The strain on their bond after everything that had happened seemed to be solved and everything seemed as good as it was before. Until the pack turns out to have the alpha, Sam is kidnapped and Dean can't seem to get through his skull that not all monsters are the supernatural. After the events of 'Sam The Omega' have taken place Sam finds out that the book his brother so desperately wanted may hold the reason why the wolves kidnapped him in the first place. During his recovery Sam struggles with everything and it is not easy on his mind and body, a lot has happened in the past year and a half his brother kept him prisoner. His mind is wrecked and what he thought he knew is no longer useful. And then there is this weird encrypted book. And a person that knows way more than they're letting on.
Of Wolf and Man (part 1)
Welcome home (part 2) by Merenwen76
*Finished* 7 chapters & 1 chapter
„I told you so and you!“ Dean looked up at Sam. “Damn it’s like a fucking joke: Two hunters go to a Werwolf wedding!“
Set 4 weeks after the main story. Sam and Dean are trying to adjust to new living conditions.
The Art Of Persuasion by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
Toni Bevell is an expert at getting people to tell her things she wants to know, but so far Sam Winchester has proved resistant. But when she learns Sam is with pup, another plan forms. If she is Sam’s alpha....he’ll tell her everything. All she has to do is make it so.
Out Of Bounds by Anonymous
*Finished* One Shot
It’s only been a short time since Dean finally mated Sam, but since then his brother’s been a total nightmare. Dean just can’t figure out why. Is Sam tired of him already? Is something else wrong? Help from a friend sets him on the right track, and then all he has to do is give Sam the attention he’s been craving.
Conversion Therapy by Casey679
(Last updated Jan 20, 2020) 24 chapters
Sam walks out after a fight with John, only to encounter an aggressive group of alphas. After he beats them soundly in a fight, they turn the tables and force him through a barbaric "bitching" ritual to turn him omega. John and Dean must now find a way to get Sam to behave like a "proper" omega, under the threat that Sam could be taken away, publicly humiliated and/or assigned to some other alpha. Sam resists, because he's still the same competent hunter he always was and he doesn't see why he should be treated differently. It all comes down to a painful-drawn out battle of wills between John and Sam against a ticking clock that will bring ramifications none of them expect. The Winchester family dynamics will have to shatter and be rebuilt from the ground up if the three of them are to come through this crisis intact.
And My Baby Makes... by DWImpala67
*Finished* One Shot
Written for Spnkinkmeme bingo 2020 Nothing, just Sam and Dean having passionate sex...only Dean gets overboard with the idea of finally getting to breed Sam.
Mated and Matched by Brokenlittleboy
*Finished* One Shot
Sam and Dean are forced to mate due to a sex spell during a hunt. Things are not pretty after Mary finds out and discovers Sam is pregnant.
The Beginning of a Golden Age by Kissmewinchester
*Finished* One Shot
Sam wants to go to college, like the mundanes do, before settling down, but John, who’s Pack Alpha, doesn’t approve. These are the chain of events that folllow.
Born Omega by Writelikethat
*Finished* 16 Chapters
In a world with Alphas, Omegas and Betas, people live their lives connected to a pack. But every once in a while, an omega will be born to human parents and when the time comes the Omega will be in search of a pack. Everyone wants to take in the Born omega with a pure line to their roots, and this time is no different. Sam has grown up, unaware of what his status means to those around him. Dean is a grown up Alpha with a good life, but with a limited future because of his unmated status. The new omega is stirring with Dean's set view of his life.
Make a Good Omega Out of You by Multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Prompt: That last Omega!verse prompt inspired me. May I request an AU of the AU that last Anon set up where instead of escaping to Stanford Sam was mated to Dean before he could get away and like a good Omega Sam follows him on hunting trips when John goes missing. But one day Sam finally snaps and yells and scratches and all that and Dean decides it's time to give him an educational night on how Omegas should be; Sam can't fight back well because John belived Omegas shouldn't hunt and never taught him.
That's My Omega by Jld71
*Finished* One Shot
Sam has always known he was Dean’s omega and his mate. It just seemed that Dean didn’t feel the same way about him. That was until another alpha showed interest in him.
Sam's Inner Omega by TammyRenH
*Finished* One Shot
There are two sides to every Omega; the side that wants to be cuddled and pampered. And the side that wants to be pinned down and fucked roughly like a bitch in heat.
Soul Searching by kansaskissedlips
*Finished* One Shot
It's taken a long time to manifest, but Sam discovers that he's an omega at the most inconvenient of times.
How An Omega Should Be by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
dark wincest with omega!sam being forcibly mated to alpha!dean by traditionalist alpha!john (with dean in full agreement) but sam escapes to stanford But, dean manages to find him and he's not too happy so he shows sam how an omega is 'supposed' to be by noncon knotting and reclaiming and that's the real reason sam leaves with dean to go hunting again
Joy Taken, Gifts Given by Katlover98
*Finished* One Shot
After Dean comes back from Purgatory he is never not pissed off at his mate, Sam. Sam had abandoned him to go play house with a Beta. What Dean doesn't know is that Sam is keeping a secret from him and it could be that Sam has suffered more than Dean knows while he was stuck in Purgatory.
Odd One Out by hunter_king
*Finished* 6 chapters
Dean cares about Sam. He cares about him a lot. And John is worried that Dean cares for Sam a little too much.
First Heat by hunter_king
*Finished* One Shot
When Sam presented as an Omega on his 13th birthday, his father quickly put him on suppressants. Now, at the ripe age of 35, Sam experiences his first heat.
The Claiming by TammyRenH
*Finished* 8 chapters
When Sam saves Dean rather than killing Michael, the hunters from the tear decide that he no longer deserves to be a leader, or an Alpha. Through magical means, two of the others painfully change Sam from an Alpha to an Omega. There is a claiming competition where several Alphas fight for the right to claim Sam, but at the last moment Dean (and Baby) come in and save the day - but he still has to claim Sam, or someone else will.
Incognito by deanandsam (J2 fic)
*Finished* 17 chapters
Jensen is a rich TV producer, who's no longer happy with his lifestyle . He's also an Alpha in search of his mate.
Somethin’ Like Soulmates by Chuchiwan
*Finished* 60 chapters
Sam is an Omega who is the furthest thing from the “typical omega” concept. He’s tall, muscular, and has trained himself to not be submissive. He has been living as beta for so long, hiding his true nature, that he has isolated himself from forming any form of relationship. Dean has been trying to stay afloat for years. But a shattered family past has left him numb to the idea that someone might actually like him or that it’s okay for him to like someone. Something like fate keeps pushing these two together and it starts to become clear that they just might be meant for each other.
At Dawn A New Sun Rises by rhyaenv
*Finished* 3 chapters
Since he presented as an alpha at fourteen, Sam’s always felt a disconnect with his dynamic. He’s kept it a secret from most, along with a few other things—especially from Dean. One night Sam wakes up alone in an alley with no idea how he got there, only to discover the following day that he’s not an alpha anymore—he’s an omega. Now everything Sam’s tried to keep hidden slowly starts to unravel.
Be A Good Omega by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
AU where alpha dean is a demon and one day he blindfolds 18yo omega sam and knots him while mary and john try to stop him he uses his demon powers to prevent them from moving
Heat of the Moment by lotrspnfangirl
*Finished* One Shot
Sam sets out to prove his father and brother wrong. He’s not some knot slut, unable to control himself simply because he’s in heat. He’s in complete control. At least, until it comes to his brother.
Lien on my soul by cillasstuff
*Finished* 8 chapters
Sam watched his dream of Dean becoming his Omega die at the hands of Metatron, or so he thought. The MoC allowed his brother to be returned, but it wasn’t Sam’s Dean who came back from the dead. In his brother’s body was a demon who took what he wanted and he wanted Sam…
Love Me Please by addictiontofiction
*Finished* 8 chapters
Sammy loves and hates school. He loves to learn, but hates his classmates. It's just like Sammy loves and hates Dean. Dean is the most oblivious Alpha he's ever met. Maybe he's oblivious because they've just been so close for this long, but Dean never seems to scent Sam's distress or need- at least it doesn't look like it. And Sammy doesn't understand, all he knows is he wants Dean to love him the way he loves Dean.
Damn Witches by wonderussam
*Finished* 2 chapters
After a hunt, Sam starts to go into heat after touching a cursed object. Dean helps.
House of Wolves by gothpandaotaku
*Finished* One Shot
Dean never imagined that the puppy he found when he was four would turn out to be a werewolf, or his mate.
Everything Always Falls Apart by sp00kyskeletons (TRIGGER WARNING)
*Finished* 4 chapters
“I miss the time it was you, Dad and me. Where we were all happy, where I wasn’t pushed out, where you paid attention to me, where you would actually sit down and talk. Not just ignore me and focus on Cas.” Sam said to himself, having no idea if Dean heard it. Walking into his bedroom he slammed the door, locking it, before sinking down to his knees, not even trying to mask the sobs that left his mouth. Maybe soon it would be his time to hit the vein and bleed to death behind his locked door, or swallow the pills in the bathroom and just die. No more suffering, no more pain. He would be dead, finally. All Sam was, was an emotional wreck.
Beautiful ... in a way a forest fire is beautiful by Sanshal
*Finished* One Shot
Dean goes to get Sam at Stanford and is surprised to find out that his alpha brother is now an omega... and has a pup. Unfortunately, tragedy strikes the Winchester family again and now Dean's got two dependents in tow and he still doesn't know where his dad is. He could marry Sam off or claim him for himself, but he can't stay unmated - taking an unmated omega on the road is asking for trouble. And worst of all, his little brother is now everything he never let himself fantasize about when they were growing up.
Just Submit by orphan_account
*Finished* One Shot
The cure failed; Dean is a demon for good. Sam can't bring himself to kill him, not now that Dean has gotten him pregnant. Now all Dean wants is submission - can Sam bring himself to submit to this new version of his brother?
I Like The Disease by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Based loosely during the scene when Dean was after Sam in the Bunker during Soul Survivor after I had seen the promo for the episode, and with a/o/b added to the mix.
Fields Of Jasmine by BruisedBloodyBroken
*Finished* 37 Chapters
Dean is an ex-hunter, working as a mechanic on the salvage of his surrogate-father Robert Singer, from Monday to Friday, 9-5, sometimes overtime. He quit hunting after a severe injury to his right calf and hip. He built a small house behind Bobby's where he's living. One day, a young man runs in front of his car, who's chased by a vampire. Something that will irrevocably change his life forever.
Never Too Late by Amanda_Yates
*Finished* 10 chapters
Dean Winchester is forced into an arranged marriage to Sam Campbell by his family, two years down the road Dean is still stubborn about not claiming his mate and living completely separate lives as he wants nothing to do with Sam. Right when Sam is finally giving up on him Dean finds himself intrigued for the first time and let’s hope he’s not too late to grab onto Sam before he bails.
Heart of Darkness by Lodovicus
(Last updated Aug 21, 2015) 8 chapters
Dean Winchester has just come back from hell. Something isn't quite right, Dean is scared, but Sam is trying to stay strong for the both of them while keeping his demon blood habit hidden from Dean. Story diverges from the shows plot right from the beginning of Season 4.
Equals by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Omega!Sam getting hit on by an alpha while Alpha!Dean is away for a moment. The alpha hitting Sam when he ignores him.
Mate (Part 1)
Voice (Part 2)
Heat (Part 3) by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
omega!sam and alpha!dean who leave in a society where omegas have become more and more controlled and they have a law that says that an omega above certain age can't be mateless, and well sammy is older and the want to force sam to mate a stranger, and the only way to prevent it is that dean mates him first, even though sam doesn't want a mate, and dean feels guilty because he always wanted sam
how their dinamics would change
sam experiencing his first heat
My Omega (part 1)
Fill and Breed (part 2) by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shots
alpha!demon dean and omega!angel sam and how dean has been trying to corrupt sam for centuries now but sam wants to remain pure, until one day he finds sam and giving him a little of his blood induces sam into heat and sam can't help wanting dean?
more alpha!demon Dean and omega!angel Sam
Help From Alpha by multishippinglover
*Finished* One Shot
Alpha/Omega Sam and Dean mpreg
Sticks and Stones by itsoundslikeabadjoke
*Finished* One Shot
Dean was an incredible mate, always near, loving and protectful, beautiful and amazingly attentive to Sam’s needs. In the deepest part of the younger brother’s heats, Dean would force him to slow down and enjoy what was being given to him. Which is why Sam was so confused when, nearing the end of one of his heats, Dean decided to listen to his pleas and take him as he wanted to be.
Beauty Of The Beast by Cozy_coffee
*Finished* One Shot
No description
The Lycan Vessel by DevilsDontFlyButJustYouWatchMeTry (KissMyAssButt67)
*Finished* One Shot
In which Dean and Sam are werewolves. Dean is the alpha who doesn't want to hurt his brother, Sammy is the boy who just wants Dean. They're in love, John's still an ass. Dean would never hurt Sammy, and Sammy causes trouble as per usual.
Orion by hellhoundsprey
*Finished* One Shot
(From Sam’s pov) You are supposed to stay pure. (Sam is 17. Dean is 21.)
The Wolf You Feed
The Wolf You Choose by orphan_account
*Finished* 2 chapters, 2 chapters
Sam and Dean are expert hunters, in their own way. So of course they know everything about werewolves, about their weaknesses and the best way to send them to Purgatory. Dean knew not to get bit. He didn't know of the possessive hunger that came with getting bitten.
It's been a week since Sam presented as an Omega, after Dean had bit his ass, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. The sex was great. The constant submission? Not so much. And now they were back to hunting and Sam was confused, because his body was feeling unnaturally hot...
When the Sun Came Up (You Were Looking at Me) by orphan_account
*Finished* 3 chapters
Azazel isn't a demon, the Winchesters don't hunt, and when Sam is taken to Cold Oak, he's turned into an omega. Dean is his alpha.
To Have Worth by darkroses
*Finished* One Shot
Dean claims Sam from a young age to be his omega. Sam wasn't sure how he felt about that. His feelings changed with time. All he wanted was to be worth something. No matter what Sam offered, he could never have what he was searching for.
Missing Piece by orphan_account
*Finished* 10 chapters
The one in which Dean and Sam (unrelated) happen to be true mates and a lot of teasing and chaos happens.
The Claiming
And nothing else matters by waywardelle
*Finished* One Shot, One Shot
At age 32, Sam Winchester presents as an Omega. No one is more surprised than Dean, the Alpha who's been pining over his little brother all his life.
Dean inexplicably pushes Sam away when their mother returns to their lives. After she leaves, Dean stays away anyway. Sam wants to kill Dean for ignoring the fact that they're fuckin' mated, but the omega in him tells him to be patient. So, he waits. And he misses his Alpha like crazy.
Just As He Thought by Dragoneyedgirl990
*Finished* One Shot
Dean Winchester was 18 years old and has long since proudly presented as an Alpha much to his fathers relief. John would never admit it but he had been worried for a little while that his oldest son would be an Omega, with his pretty looks and willingness to obey. He had no doubts that his younger son would present as an Alpha as well, Sam was hard headed and fought his father every step of the way. Definitely an Alpha.
The Sheriff's Son Sam by Wonchostors (orphan_account)
(Last updated Sep 16, 2015) 1 chapter
Dean Singer is Sioux Falls' resident troublemaker, and the biggest thorn in Sheriff John Winchester's side. He causes trouble and wreaks havoc just for the fun of it, and always gets away with it. But that all changes when Dean meets Sam Winchester, a sweet omega that turns out to be John's eldest son. But by time Dean figures out exactly who Sam is, the two have already fallen in love. John wants nothing to do with Dean, and he wants him as far away from his son as possible. But Dean will do anything to stay with Sam. . . and their unborn child.
Fever Heat by bloodandcream
*Finished* One Shot
Maybe Dean was an early bloomer or maybe Sam was just a late bloomer. But the kid was thirteen and he still hadn’t popped his knot. Dean had been eleven when he had presented as an alpha. Dad had given him a box of condoms, a slap on the back and an ‘atta boy’. The extent of “The Talk” that he’d gotten was a shrug and a ‘you’ll figure it out’.
What A Time to Have a Baby by littlefirefly31
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is pregnant when he is trying to cure demon Dean and he goes into labor
My Baby Brother by raviolisinspace
(Last updated Nov 21, 2015) 24 chapters
This story takes place in a world where the supernatural is unknown to the Winchesters. John was said to be cursed by a witch after getting into trouble with the wrong people when he was younger. The witch cased a curse which ensured John's first born child to be a werewolf, and a possessive one at that. This story follows the Winchester's lives through new dangers and newly discovered truths that emerge along the way.
What Part of Forever by AnnaNocturnal
*Finished* 5 chapters
Sam is an Alpha, like the rest of his—maybe dysfunctional—pack, until he’s kidnapped and turned into an omega as revenge for the vampire Luther’s death. After rescue, Sam is overwhelmed, his nerves chafed by his now smothering and over-protective pack. His mind is already bucking against his changing body and new instincts, but then the other shoe drops—Dean is Sam’s true fated mate. Sam bolts, taking off in the night, and ends up stuck in a backward town where omegas—particularly males—are treated as property, awarded to the last Alpha standing in a grand public spectacle of won dominance. Dean manages to find Sam in time to save him, but at what cost?
About Damn Time by orphan_account
*Finished* One Shot
Sam forgets his suppressants and goes into heat unexpectedly. Dean's there to help.
It's New to Me by littlefirefly31
*Finished* One Shot
All of Sam life he thought he was a beta as he never presented as an Alpha like Dean or Omega. Years later as Soulless Sam something triggers it after the goddess of truth "Veritas" case, it could be because Cas did that Body Cavity Search it trigger his dormant Omega gene. Anyways Soulless Sam is not suppose to feel anything. But his logical processing brain is failing him he does not understand what is happening to him, so for the first time he panics! Cue Dean who is trying not to care, but its just in grain in him when he sees his little brother hurting- he has to fix it...and then Sam full on omega scent hits him....
Calling It True Love by Rebldomakr
*Finished* One Shot
Sam couldn't say he hated being an Omega. He hated how feminine his body looked compared to his brother, hated how he was so short because 'Omegas typically do not grow during their first years of maturity'. But, he loved the attention his brother dumped on him like water and how his father stopped complaining when he wanted to coil around Dean. He hated how he got tired of school because of the Omega-special classes were too easy, so easy he just pleaded to stop being registered. He loved being able to spend all the time he wanted at the library, reading whatever he wanted and being able to learn at whatever speed he wanted. Then he's suddenly fourteen, and his first heat hits.
Collar Control by Sanshal
*Finished* One Shot
For years Alpha-aggression has been controlled electronically... but when the power grid controlling the alpha-aggression control collars fails; Sam must decide how to deal with Dean- his alpha.
Sweat by kittenofdoomage
*Finished* One Shot
“What’s wrong?” “It’s just… something’s off.”
Not How I Wanted by AnnaNocturnal
*Finished* 2 chapters
Sam never wanted to be mated to his brother. He loves him, sure. Admires him, of course. But he never imagined taking his brother's knot. Until Sam forgot to take his suppressants. Now, in the throes of brutal heat, he finds himself begging for it, for Dean to mate him. Will Sam accept Dean as his Alpha when the heat subsides?
Without You [I Live Without Love] by non_tiembo_mala
*Finished* One Shot
Sam Wesson has been successfully hiding his Omega status his entire life, thanks in part to his uncharacteristically large and muscled Alpha-like body. But he isn't Alpha, or Beta, no matter how much he tries to blend in, and he's never found anywhere he belongs. Dean Smith is the quintessential Alpha. He's smart, fierce, works hard, and has never encountered trouble when he has an itch that needs scratching. But more and more he finds himself longing for that rare connection only found between True Mates. Just when he's ready to give up hope on the dream of finding his, life throws him Sam Wesson.
The Smell of Fear by AnnaNocturnal
*Finished* 3 chapters
All Alphas are collared, tracked and controlled by the government as part of the Collar Initiative, a set of laws put into place in the 1960s. They temper an Alpha's wild nature, protecting omegas from their more violent counterparts. That is, until the power grid fails one day. Sam watches the chaos on the news, and it's a moment before Dean enters his mind. When he looks toward the bed his brother was lounging on, he's gone, the sight of the Alpha's abandoned collar sending chills down Sam's spine. The omega considers running, but when he turns he finds himself face-to-face with Dean, no collar between them.
Bring You Back by littlefirefly31
*Finished* One Shot
Sam resolves himself to do the one thing he knows will make demon!dean jealous enough to come back to him.
Been Here All Along by orphan_account
*Finished* One Shot
Sam is a late bloomer. Traditionally, omegas found their partner and went through their first heat by sixteen. Sam is about to turn eighteen, and he hasn’t even let out a whiff of heat. He’s never been interested in any of his suitors, either. And Sam has had plenty. Dean can’t help but be pleased as punch about the whole situation.
Bitten by MsImpala67
*Finished* One Shot
Sam hates being an Omega. He absolutely does not need anyone the way Omegas need their Alphas. He can make do with his fingers or toys when he has heats, and that's that. But it's not good enough. It's never good enough. Just when Sam thinks he'll die from it all, Dean changes everything.
Pathetic by femmefatales
*Finished* 3 chapters
Sam has been hiding the fact that he's an omega from Dean for almost 5 years now. What happens when he slips up and goes into heat in the middle of a case?
Homecoming by HazelDomain
*Finished* One Shot
Dean battles his way out of purgatory to find his omega shacked up with some beta woman. He is not pleased.
Tempting Sin by blackrose_17
*Finished* 5 chapters
Dean Winchester rules New York City underground and always gets what he wants so when he lays eyes on the newest dancer at his club a sweet little omega named Sam Campbell he knows that Sam is meant to be his and nothing and no one will stop him from claiming his omega. Sam never had much luck in love, his one and only boyfriend used him and then dumped him like trash so when Dean starts to court him Sam surprises everyone when he's the one who seduces the playboy alpha.
Americana Exotica by Little_Winchester
*Finished* One Shot
Dean loved Sam, he really did. He loved everything about him, from his mile-long legs to his slender waist to his fox-slanted eyes which darkened gorgeously every time Dean touched him, be it an arm slung around his shoulders or a hand creeping up his thigh. The one thing that turned Dean’s head upside-down and made his stomach turn was the way Sam teased him.
Coffee and Balsam and Leather-bound Books by AutumnSwitch
*Finished* 4 chapters
Sam makes it home for Christmas, but something is not right. When Dean finds out why his brother's scent is unfamiliar, he is determined to make it all better with sex, love, and gingerbread.
Soaked by castielsstarr
*Finished* One Shot
There were a few things Sam hated about being an omega. One was the way people treated him like he was a fragile thing and would break. Two was when people talked about him like he wasn’t in the room. And three was when he would start leaking slick for no reason.
Taking Care- Double Dragons by Boogermeister
*Finished* One Shot
Dragon siblings Sam and Dean receive a letter from a friend about something but the older brother doesn't want to go and instead kills some time with him through some intimate persuasion.
Just Them
The Green Room by compo67
*Finished* One Shot, One Shot
The condom broke the last time (alpha!)Dean was in heat. But they figured Sam was young, so maybe their chances weren't that high of getting him pregnant. Wrong. And it would be wrong now to think they could do this again without anything happening.
Pregnant with triplets and the parent of a nine month old, Sam is given the chance to nest in a house, not a hotel room on the road. This is the start of a new direction for the Winchesters; one change happens after another and life moves fast. But through it all, Dean sees to it that Sam has everything he needs and more.
And They Call It Honeymoon by hellhoundsprey
*Finished* One Shot
How about some alpha!Dean Smith taking care of his sweet, precious omega!Sam Wesson. Possibly during office hours on Smith's desk with Wesson wearing a pretty pink chastity belt because Sam is his and no one else's.
Post: Part 1
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