samthecultist · 2 years
hellooooo :D could you please write something where the reader is new in school and jason picks on him bc of his long hair or band shirt or something idk u can choose, but reader is a #grillboss who doesn’t take shit so he just annihalates jason in front of everyone and eddie instantly falls in love 🤭 if you like the idea hihi
HOLY SHIT — , I literally immediately fell in love with this prompt , because this would definitely happen if Eddie witnessed anyone stand up to Jason the way you do .
anyway thank you for the request lovely , I appreciate it <3
SUMMERY : of course being new had its perk , one of those being bullying , but you weren’t going to let that stop you from trying to have a good first day .
TW’s : the usage of the word f*ggot | Eddie being a big ol’ simp .
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Eddie Munson x Male! Reader
you wouldn’t say you were relatively all too new to Hawkins , but the last time you were here you were around the age of ten or so .
but that’s all behind you , eight years later and your back , but it was different .
you were now in high school , a public high school . all your life you had been home schooled so this was definitely new to you , All the people the horrid smell of the cafeteria food . the stench of sweat from the gym filling your nostrils .
yeah.. , this place was most definitely going to be the death of you .
you were dumb enough to not bring your lunch today so you were stuck with the school pig slop or ..whatever it truly was , but you weren’t gonna be the one to test what it was .
you sighed as your gaze came from the dirty tiles of the cafeteria floor to the rows of people sitting at certain tables , everyone at a individual table looked the same as the people sitting with them , you could just tell who was who .
the frat boys , the jocks.. , oh and how could you ever forget the frea-
just then you felt a broad like shoulder hit your own , the friction causing your hands to let go of the plastic tray you had been holding that held the cafeteria slop . your brows furrowed ever so lightly as you watched it hit the ground with loud clanks .
you really weren’t the type to take shit from anyone , you didn’t even ever bother anyone either so no one had any reason to give you any of their shit which is why you were slightly surprised at the contact .
was this really how public school was gonna treat you on your first day ? just throw you into the lion den and expect you to know what your dealing with ? to expect you to know all the ‘lions’ moves .
well of course you wouldn’t know , you were always fuckin home schooled , but that didn’t mean you didn’t know how to stand your ground .
you looked up from the messy plastic tray on the ground up at the people in front of you , it was quiet now , everyone’s eyes on you expecting your move .
you were definitely ‘bumped’ into by one of the school jocks . you guessed everyone had expected you to be one of his new victims .
you furrowed your brows a bit more as you turned around to face a golden haired male . he had on a green and white letterman’s jacket on . it had read ‘class of 86’ on the sleeves , so he was graduating the same year as you .
the front had a big ‘H’ on left side of the jacket which could only stand for the infamous Hawkins , right ?
as you made eye contact with the golden haired male his blue eyes piercing into your soul as you could only glare back at him .
he scoffed as a sly little smirk formed onto his oddly perfectly shaped face , you could only bet almost all the girls chased after him , you couldn’t necessarily see why . maybe it was the blue eyes and blonde hair , but that was probably the only two reasons .
the male crossed his arms over his chest as you watched his mouth open slightly , here it came . the mouthy little names he was gonna call you , because that’s all he knew what to say .
" listen — , it was a mistake, ‘kay faggot ? Jus’ get over it .. , mistakes happen all the time . "
the venom laced words caused the whole cafeteria to hurl out into laughter , but in the corner of your eye you could see someone start to get up , but the golden haired male was quick to shut that down .
" sit down , freak . ‘m not letting you defend one of your kind again . "
the jocks teammate laughed loudly at the joke as he began to high five him , the sound of the contact of their hands only pissing you off even more .
you watched as the male who had attempted to sit up slowly begin to sit back down , you didn’t get to have a good look at him but he had long dark hair , and you couldn’t tell , but you thought you might have saw layered clothing , but that didn’t matter you didn’t care about that right now .
your attention went back to the golden haired male in front of you as you had just gotten ready to bite back .
" listen here Goldilocks , your just a bottom feeding piece of shit and as a faggot I know how to do a lot of things to a man’s ass , and one of which , is kicking . oh and beware , you should sleep with your third eye fuckin’ open because ‘m coming for you in your worst nightmares and if you have a problem with any of that then you can drop right now and give me twenty blow jobs on the spot in front of this whole ass cafeteria and I still wouldn’t bat an eyes at any of you or your dumb ass insults . "
you practically spat out the words . they were laced with venom as you happily smiled , your brows slightly un-furrowed, but not fully . you weren’t gonna make him think you were done yet unless he had some witty comeback that would somehow top what you had said .
you hadn’t even noticed almost the whole cafeteria was laughing at your comment until you had stopped zoning out .
everyone looking at you and laughing hadn’t made you realize that the long haired boy from earlier was admiring your confidence .
you walked out of the cafeteria with a slightly smug look on your face . that was definitely gonna be the last day anyone ever called you anything .
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Eddie had practically admired you as you walked out of the cafeteria, I mean as soon as you walked out he roughly slammed his head on the table to avoid his club mates seeing his red face .
he wasn’t sure what the feeling in his chest was , but his heart was definitely pumping . he wasn’t sure if it was adrenaline from his last dnd campaign or something else .
he quickly sat up looking at the others , Eddie hadn’t known it , but from that day on he would practically worship the ground you walked on . when he saw your admirable performance you had just put up in front of everyone he knew he needed you in hellfire ..or maybe he just wanted to be next to you .
the male was quickly shaken out of his thoughts as gareth placed a hand on his shoulders .
Eddie directed his gaze from the cafeteria doors that you walked out of over to his friend .
gareth looked at the male with raise brows although they practically disappeared behind his short brown bangs that hung over his forehead .
" ya’ ‘kay , Munson ? "
He asked his club leader with a little concern in his tone , but not enough to seem like he was super worried or anything of that matter .
Eddie blinked slowly whilst slightly nodding . his gaze went back to the doors as he propped a hand under his chin . only small muttered words left his mouth as you were all he could think about .
" ..man — , I think ‘m in love . "
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
wouldn’t it be swell if i could get things off my chest? / “maybe you’d learn to live with what’s inside your head” / hexie mountains said
hexie mountains - orville peck
send me a 🪄 to get a song lyric i am not normal about
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
tee hee, so, hear me out...Kas!Eddie Munson x male!harrington!reader where Eddie makes it back and Steve comes home and him being like "what are you doing?" and the reader is just like "we're blooping!!!!" and Steve is freaking out yelling "HE IS A VAMPIRE!!!"
I will one day give you the most cracked out request. hehehehehhehhehhehhehhehhehehhehhhehe >:D
We're Bloopin'! - Kas!Eddie Munson x Male!Harrington!Reader
This is crack, literally just crack
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @mazettns, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @samthecultist, @qthetherapist, @rlmt1
Steve came home to quite a surprise, his baby brother sitting on the living room floor with a slightly different version of one Eddie Munson. One that now sported large wings, sharp fangs, and was somehow much taller than before.
"What the fuck are you two doing?" Panicking over the current situation, the two of us turned to look at Steve with huge smiles plastered on both of our faces.
"We're blooping Steve, he loves it, look!" I continue what I was doing before, poking Eddie's cheeks while saying 'bloop' with each poke.
"He's a fucking creature (y/n)! He's dangerous!" He tried to come towards us only for Eddie to stretch his wings out and block him from coming too close to me.
"He's not dangerous, protective maybe but he would never hurt me." At that point I just used my hands to squish his cheeks and make his lips look funny and squished together. Giving up Steve just sighed and let his shoulders drop, he worked a full shift and just needed to pass out.
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alexs-arcade · 2 years
You're The Best!
Eddie Munson x Male Reader
Summary: Teaching Eddie how to dance
CW: Hurt no comfort
a/n: this gets a bit cluttered at the end I am running on a three am brain with too many ideas I had for this that I tried to shove in it but enjoy
p.s. I recently set up a taglist that you can find at the bottom of my requesting rules if you would like to be tagged when I post :))
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Time After Time had been playing in the background on loop as you and Eddie stumbled around the living room for an hour. It was quiet the occasional giggle fit or loud crash when either of you tripped up. You had been teaching Eddie how to dance and it was going...bad. You didn't know what to expect anyway he wasn't really the slow dance type.
Eddie was slouching and barely following the lead that he should have been taking but he had no clue. Huffing, you take his hands and rest them behind you as you locked your own behind his neck.
"Are you sure I am doing this right?" Eddie questions shifting awkwardly with the slow pace and grimacing at the thought of fucking this up.
You sigh before meeting his eyes - the same ones you could stare into forever- and smile before speaking "Yea, you are doing great big guy. Can't even tell that you are stumbling every five minutes." you jab at him to ease his nerves.
He only looks down and chuckles before looking back at you. Everything in that moment truly seem to freeze nothing moved, except the both of you, even the music seemed to freeze. Eddie, the guy you have loved before you even acknowledge it. You were so used to him being loud and very bold but seeing him like this, so quiet and nervous was breath taking. You were the only person to see him like this see the total opposite of his usual character, but it was him on the very rare occasion of course, but it was him.
The moment didn't last long as there was a knock on the front door, and everything resumed and Eddie now pulling away from you and hitting pause on the music. Going to answer the door in came a well-dressed more than normal Steve Harrington throwing is arms around Eddie and kissing him.
Breaking the kiss Eddie looked back at you, "Thanks for helping me tonight, you're the best, but my date is here so I shall take my leave. I will see you later dude!" he said before taking Harrington's hand and tugging him out the door not waiting for your response.
"Yea...what are friends for." You say as everything freezes again but it isn't inviting it's a trap. A migraine shoots its way through your head as tears slip down your cheeks and blood start to drip from your nose. There is a ticking sound and the four chimes of a grandfather clock that snaps you from the moment as you blink away the tears that won't stop flowing. Grabbing your things, you rush home to the trailer just down the rocky street and lock yourself away.
It shouldn't hurt any more, you shouldn't even be doing this anymore, helping him, falling more in love with him, but Eddie was so addicting there was no stopping with how far you had fallen. Now all you can do is follow him like a lost puppy until he leaves you to be consumed by a darkness, a voice that makes you re-live the pain of unrequited love...
"It's almost your time Y/n, you will be the start of my great plan, you will be free of the pain."
until then, now, in this moment you stand in the middle of your room too occupied with the sheer pain of Eddie Munson. Tears flood your face more than ever as you sink to your knees as you break apart again knowing you will wake up tomorrow in this same spot and act like it didn't happen.
All cause Eddie really did just have to fall for Steve the king of Hawkins high
Taglist: @bakeryblood @samthecultist
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samthecultist · 2 years
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Eddie Munson x Male! Reader
This wasn’t requested , but I saw a couple gifs of Joseph Quinn wearing the Eddie wig holding a dog and I was like ‘wtf I need to write this’
SUMMERY: Basically you bring up the idea of adopting a dog to Eddie and this is how he would react <3
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You were definitely nervous when you brought it up , because you weren’t sure if he was a dog person or not .
" Ya’ know.. , Ed’s I was thinking maybe we could get a dog , yeah ? "
Eddie definitely hopped up in joy with the cutest face in the world .
Man already had a few in mind too , he was definitely waiting for this conversation to happen .
" what - , of COURSE . I was thinking we should get like a cool looking’ one with like a - , A SPIKED COLLAR — , so we can scare off all the homophobes ! "
You were surprised by the response , but Eddie earned a little laugh from you .
You guys went over the type of breeds you wanted and what the price range would be to take care of the dog and if wayne would be okay with it
but that wasn’t Eddie’s biggest concern at the moment .
" okay , hear me out , y/n ! a bull dog ! Or - or a rottweiler ! "
Eddie was just really excited, he just wanted something cute yet scary looking at the same time .
" would wayne really want that — "
" doesn’t matter ! not his dog , not his problem, babe ! "
you laughed about his excitement, it was definitely cute .
You were nervous bringing him to the animal shelter to look at the dogs , because he can be like a kid .
You keeps attempting to stick his hand through the fence to pet them all
" I wish we could take you all home ! but y/n wont let ussss !!! "
he tries to stuck his face up to the cage so the dogs can lick him
he just loves the little dog kisses
he keeps attempting to adopt all the cool looking ones that already have spiked collars .
" babe — , look , look ! HIS COLLAR ! "
" Ed’s , we can buy whichever one you like the most a spiked collar , ‘Kay ? "
He looked up in surprise like he didn’t know you could buy collars for dogs and hes stoked, because now he thinks hes open to more options .
It takes at least two hours for Eddie to come to a decision between two dogs .
hes stuck between a American bulldog and Rottweiler
But last minute his eyes land on the cutest dog he has ever seen
He quickly rushes over to it and just ‘claims’ it .
You weren’t really expecting him to pick a Saint Bernard , but here you were .
" y/n — , HES HUGE. This one - , this IS the one . "
you weren’t expecting to actually leave with the dog , but you were .
and eddie claimed to be the happiest man alive since he came with a spiked collar .
" we didnt even have to buy the collar ! "
as soon as you get home , wayne tries his best not to have a fit and it seems like he hates the dog
But secretly he loves it to death and likes to play with it more than Eddie does
wayne takes him into the yard and throws frisbees with him .
" y/n — , he stole our dog . "
" you didnt name him ??? "
" I — , I did ! his name is.. bruce ! "
you thought the name was super fitting for the dog .
Eddie got jealous of wayne playing with his dog so Eddie ran out there to join in on the fun .
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samthecultist · 2 years
do u do headcannons?
Of course ! I want to start getting to do them , so if you have any requests that involve headcannons go ahead and ask away <3
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samthecultist · 2 years
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Me when
Ponko stfu
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Hi! I'm a side blog so I hope it's ok to request this way 😅 Could I by chance get an Eddie x reader where reader is Billy's identical twin but is kind and pretty shy. Maybe he asks if he could join hellfire club.
Requested in DM's
You Two are So Different - Eddie Munson x Hargrove Twin! Male Reader
Male!Reader, I did a fraternal twin rather than identical so the reader is a little more customizable for each reader, still the same premise of a shyer Hargrove, also if you're the person that requested this in my dm's I hope you're doing well and sorry for going on hiatus right after you sent this-
Part 2 maybe???????
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @qthetherapist, @rlmt1, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @mazettns, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @samthecultist
"Hey I wanted to ask you about joining your D&D club, Hellfire right?" I played with the sleeves of my sweatshirt, eyes trained on the floor after building up enough courage to talk to Eddie Munson. He was the prettiest guy in school and I could barely grow the balls to talk to him. But today was different, it was my day, (y/n) Hargrove's day to ask Eddie Munson to join Hellfire.
"And who might you be, cute stranger?" I could feel the nervousness coursing through me, wanting to crawl into a hole and never come out. Eddie Munson called me cute, he probably thought I was a girl, that's the downside of keeping my hair long at my brothers request and speaking quietly I guess.
"Um, I'm (y/n) Hargrove, I was wondering if I'd be able to join Hellfire, it um sounds fun and I've never seen a D&D club outside of California." Eddie took a deep breath after I said my last name, and there was the fear that I always got from people at the mention of it. Guess that's the downside of being the new Hawkins High King's twin brother.
"Well that's a new one, how about it boys? A newcomer for our party? It's been a while since we've gotten any requests to join." Turning back to the group, Eddie leaned onto his hands, god I always loved when he did that, head tilted and smiling like an idiot. They all muttered amongst themselves while I stood there and watched them deliberate. After a couple minutes there was a nod from most of them, Mike Wheeler was the only one to deny the request.
"Majority rule Wheeler, he can join, and with that, welcome to Hellfire Hargrove, I look forward to seeing you every Friday." My heart was pounding against my chest, but I nodded anyway and began to walk back to the corner table I always sat at before a hand grabbed mine.
"Where do ya think you're going Hargrove, Hellfire sits together, and I happen to have a chair right here with your name on it." Without another word Eddie pulled me into his lap, I didn't even know what to do besides sit there shaking and burying my face in my hands while Eddie chuckled at me. "Ya know, I may not have known you for long, but you and your brother are very different."
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
So, I was thinking Kassified!Eddie Munson x Male Reader, where y/n is running from Eddie (who doesn't really know he died) and is like the "why are you running, why are you running?" vine? plz it would be so goofy and would feed my brain that lives off of these crack fics because you love me so much bestie hhehehhehhehehugyugfuigrarfugyvgrgyurghuihffiukshduikjhsdiuvkhfifkvh;uifkjv;uihfliughlvuhsovilnovhaooijvojvoivh
not even gonna use anon this time :>
WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RUNNNG - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
I feel like this needs to be an apology for the angst fic I just posted so here’s a crack fic to feel better.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @qthetherapist, @rlmt1, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @mazettns, @samthecultist
“Babe why are you running from me?!” Something that looked like Eddie screamed at me, he was bloody, bat wings stretched far past his arms wingspan, fangs and bright red eyes replacing his once deep brown iris’.
“You’re not my boyfriend, he’s missing!” I glanced behind me and he was even closer, less than 10 feet from me and sprinting closer.
“What are you talking about baby? I’m right here!” He finally caught up to me, wrapping his arms and wings around me without the chance or ability to escape. “(Y/n), please calm down baby boy, I’m right here, I’m still Eddie just a little different looking.”
When he snatched me I had shut my eyes very tightly, after a minute or two I finally opened my eyes, looking down at the slightly claw like hands holding me and saw his rings. Rings that only Eddie had in this shit show of a town. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, there he was, my Eddie, he may be a little different but he’s still my Eddie.
Tears welled in my eyes as I quickly turned around in his arms and tightly gripped his waist. Burying my face in his shirt I sobbed, tears streaming down my cheeks, body shaking, almost hyperventilating. All while Eddie just rubbed up and down my back, whispering sweet words to me, reminding me that it was him, it was my Eddie.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
| not sure if the requests are open , but here we go ! |
I was hoping you could write a Steve Harrington ( season 3 ) attempting to flirt with the male reader at scoops ahoy the same way he attempted to pick up the girls , if not it’s fine !
Aye Aye Captain! - Steve Harrington x Male!Reader
Fucking love this idea truthfully, very gay, very funny, I’m like giggling and kicking my feet rn for this
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @rlmt1, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @qthetherapist, @samthecultist, @mazettns
"Ahoy there! Can I accompany you on this wonderful flavor voyage? I'll be your captain, I'm Steve Harrington." Steve nearly made me jump out of my skin with how loud his 'ahoy' was, but I just stood there and processed what he said for a moment before replying.
"I think I'd love to take up your offer Captain Harrington, how about, I get a sundae with your favorite flavor." Perking up he immediately snatched the scooper out of his waist pouch and grabbed a sundae glass off the counter behind him. After he finished up the toppings he placed it in front of me and held his hand out for the cash, handing a five I made sure the other piece of paper also made it into his hand before taking my sundae and going to sit in the corner booth.
"Uh I think you left something in my hand!" He didn't quite yell it but it wasn't a normal volume for an inside conversation.
"I meant to Harrington, maybe read before you yell." Looking down he noticed I had left my number on the back of a random note of paper I found. A bit of red made it's way to his cheeks, smiling slightly and tucking the paper into his back pocket.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
hello!! I had just been looking if your request were open and suddenly you opened them :0 !! I hope you don't mind me requesting a little fic of a male/gn reader doing corpse paint on Eddie? maybe he walked in on the reader painting his face and asked if he would do it on him too? thank you very much <33 have a lovely day
Do Me Too! - Eddie Munson Face Paint Headcanons
Masc!Reader, he/they used, absolutely love this request, always nice to see when people get excited that my requests are open, I also hope you have a lovely day darlin
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @eddieverse. @alexs-playground, @rlmt1, @qthetherapist, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @samthecultist, @mazettns
"Whatcha doin' there pretty boy?" Eddie startled me slightly and making me drop my brush onto my lap.
"Jesus Eddie, I'm doing some face-paint, got bored and decided to pull out my old pallets. Why, what's up?" He seemed super curious in the pallet in my hand while I grabbed the brush out of my lap and began to paint again.
"Will you do me?" I choked on air at the question, he definitely didn't realize the implications behind that question.
"Do you mean paint your face too?" Nodding frantically I scooted over on the couch to let him sit next to me in front of the small mirror I had propped up with books and records. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "Close your eyes, don't need you getting paint in them."
Doing as he was told I started to paint out a general pattern with a thinner brush, lining where I was going to do larger portions. Circling around his eyes and adding spokes along the top and bottom of the circle I did the same to his lips. Lining them with the black, adding some lines going up or down here and there. It took another 15 minutes before I was done and let him look in the mirrior.
"So whatcha think handsome?" He was still holding the mirror in his hands while deciding if he liked it or not, looking back up at me his eyes were beaming.
"I love it!" He glanced down at the mirror in his hands admiring the face-paint.
"Glad you like it pretty boy. Now put the mirror down I need to finish mine."
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
So…hehehehehehehehe please bestie i need a fic with:
“You’re a funny looking thing aren’t you”
“Don’t that’s my grandma’s!”
“Thats my grandma’s…I ATE MY GRANDMA!”
With Eddie Munson x male reader pfft :D i am creative genius
Don't Touch That! - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
Bro, we talked about this in vc, it's gonna be weird as fuck and short, welcome to crackville bitches
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @qthetherapist, @rlmt1, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @mazettns, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @samthecultist
"Well you're a funny looking little thing aren't you?" While everyone was trying to get their lives together after the "earthquake", Eddie was trying to stay alive in the upside down after morphing into a demobat-human hybrid.
"Hey don't touch that, it's my grandma's!" He was holding me up against a wall with one of his now massive hands that had wrapped itself around my waist. He managed to find a way back into our world, but he wasn't the same, physically and somewhat mentally. He seemed to be fighting someone else for control of his body.
"That's my grandma's, I ate my grandma! It took a week, she was absolutely humongous." His response shocked me, first the mocking tone, then saying he ate his grandma which couldn't have been true.
"Edward Munson you put me down right now or I'm kicking your ass back down to the upside down." Taken aback he dropped me to the floor, letting go of my waist almost instantly, after I stood back up from the fall I looked him in the eyes, accusatively pointing a finger at him. "Now whoever is changing my Eddie better leave him the fuck alone before I find your ass and kill you myself."
After a couple seconds his eyes started to well with tears, the bat ears on top of his head beginning to point down.
"Why're you yelling like that, my ears are sensitive." I felt bad after I realized me speaking slightly louder than normal was almost yelling for him.
"I'm sorry baby boy, c'mere, I missed you." He bent his knees down so his head was almost level with mine and wrapped his giant arms around me, this was the Eddie I missed.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
and if i entered your ask box and politely offered you
"No forgiveness for this endless love / My goddess never looked at me" and/or "Kiss me tenderly, gently, violently"
for your eddie x male reader fic requests? (please. but also an additional please for just a shred of comfort. just a crumb. please.)
How about I give you a right and proper shit post that hurts instead?
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @rlmt1, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @qthetherapist, @mazettns, @samthecultist
Of course the Night I sat behind to help clean up with Hellfire is the night I see it, the night my heart breaks into two.
“Kiss me tenderly, gently, violently, just kiss me Harrington.” There Eddie was, pushed against the hood of Steve Harrington’s car, hands wrapped around Steve’s neck.
A little bit of me died when they closed the distance, absolutely sure no one was watching them, but there I was, standing just outside the door of the main building, tears blurring my vision.
“No forgiveness for my endless love, my god never even looked at me as I looked at him.”
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
hurt/comfort Eddie munson x male reader fic based on the chorus of the song "Eddie Baby" by Felix Hagan & The Family
Oh Eddie Baby Won't You Come to My Arms Tonight? - Eddie Munson x Male!Reader
Alex, you're talking to the wrong person for hurt/comfort, this is going to be literal suffering for you tonight bestie, I hope you enjoy the pain you're about to go through
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @alexs-playground, @eddieverse, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @mazettns, @qthetherapist, @rlmt1, @samthecultist
It had barely been a week since Eddie died, since he laid in my lap as the light left his eyes. We had loved each other for so long and known each other for even longer, his death broke me. The only thing I could do was listen to his tapes on loop for days on end. There was one song that came along that hurt the most, Eddie Baby.
"The cameras captured all of the glances and all of the chances we missed we raged. And we spun for all of the dancers the song as it lasted was bliss." My voice was shaky as I sang along to the lyrics, almost pleading with myself to keep it together just long enough to sing the song. Seeing him die in my hands hurt the most, having him tell me to take care of hellfire with Dustin, make sure Wayne knows he loved him, he just wanted the best for me but I couldn't give him that.
"But now the years have eaten the songs we believed in, and nothing is left but the sound of six billion people ignoring the magic we found." Eddie was on the other side, there left alone without anyone he loved, revived and mutated as a creature of the upside down. Listening to the songs play endlessly from my stereo, it still managed to echo into the other dimension, along with my singing. Tears began to cloud his vision as he wished with all his might to be there for me, just hold me, but he was stuck here without a portal to get back.
"Oh, but I hear your voice. It calls me like the night it's singing in each syllable I write oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms tonight? I beg and plead you, please succumb to my charms tonight." Continuing to sing my eyes got blurry with a fresh set of tears, somehow surprised that tears were still a possibility for me after the endless crying. Eddie hummed along to the lyrics with choked sobs on the other side, large wings wrapping around him as he sat against the headboard of my bed in the other dimension.
"I give my heart but you take it, and you break it, and you tear it apart. Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms." The lyric was true but it was in the song, he didn't break my heart, not ever, he was too kind to me to hurt me like that. I gave him my heart, and he gave me his, we treasured them with every last fiber of our beings.
"When hormones were raging whilst sweetly teenaging, we cackled at thoughts of decline. And every chord that the people ignored is preserved in my mind for all time." Memories of us fucking around at school, running through the hallways and football field, the forest we always had secret dates in, even hellfire sessions where I would sit in a corner and just watch him have his fun.
"And while the years have clawed at us and tears have gnawed at us. The song in my head still resounds and I hope that one day, dear friend, you will come around." He was sobbing at this point, body shaking, tears freely flowing, wings no longer still around him but trashing slightly at his broken singing, words barely understandable.
"So scream and shout, we're burning out like everyone, so face the crowd rage at thunderclouds, just jump into the fire and run." My words were almost just as hard to understand, sobs and tears replacing the words as I tried to keep up with the song.
"Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms tonight? I beg and plead you, please succumb to my charms tonight." He wanted to run to my arms, wanted to succumb to my charms, he wanted so desperately to tell me that he was alive.
"I give my heart, but you take it, and you break it, and you tear it apart. Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms. Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms. Oh Eddie, baby, won't you come to my arms." As the song drifted off my words were fully replaced by sobs and tears, body shaking, blankets pulled all around me and up to my face where the tears stained the fabric. In that moment Eddie realized that we were both suffering such heartbreak, he was stuck in a place where we could never see each other again, and I was barely alive on the other side crying myself to sleep yet again.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Hear me out Bloom, you know Technoblade (may he Rest In Peace) and his famous line of “Technoblade never dies”, right? We’ll hear me out, Vecna absolutely smacks the shit out of reader when they’re fighting, still with me? Good. Soooo, reader gets knocked down or something, and then, then they get back up, look back at Vecna and scream Techno’s line. Just like trust me on this one bestie 😻
I Never Die Bitch - (Implied Eddie Munson x Male!Reader, Steve simping like a true bisexual)
This is 1000000% a shit post and there’s no other way to describe it, but yeah that’s pretty much it, let’s get into this nonsense shall we?
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @rlmt1, @mazettns, @qthetherapist, @eddieverse, @alexs-playground, @mother-dragon-and-her-hatchlings, @samthecultist
As stupid as it sounds we were fighting Vecna in the upside down, each taking our swings at him, either with the first weapon we could get our hands on just punching and kicking him. I was taking a couple licks for myself when suddenly one of his tentacles wrapped around my ankles, dropping me on my face and dragging me upside down into the air. Everyone started attacking it only to get tossed to the side by either his powers or another tentacle.
"You're not so powerful once the rats are scattered." Standing to his full height Vecna began to walk towards me and reach his creepily long hand towards my face. "Any last words?" He was trying to taunt me, but I just smirked knowing the perfect thing to say.
"Yeah bitch, (Y/N) NEVER DIES!" I still had my knife in my hands and stabbed him right in the face which stunned him long enough for the tentacle to drop me and allow me to keep stabbing, kicking, and punching him. Almost everyone slowly made their way back over to keep beating down on Vecna, everyone besides Steve and Eddie who were in shock at the move I pulled off.
"Holy shit I can't believe I pulled him, he's so out of my league." Eddie had his jaw damn near dropped to the floor while Steve was just about the same beside him.
"He's out of everyone's league, be happy you got him before I did Munson." Steve patted Ed's on the shoulder before jogging over to the group to continue the assault. Eddie made a mental note to ask Steve what he meant by that later.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
x Male reader Cooking with Thoma :)))))
i beg.
I need cooking with the male wife!!!!!
Cooking with Thoma Headcanons
Male!Reader, he/him used, I hope you like this Bestie, enjoy your male wife Headcanons for Thoma, a little short sorry bout that
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Tags: @samthecultist
He’s good at cooking
Not like Gordon Ramsey type shit
But he’s good and can do more than boxed macaroni
He’s a mess when he cooks
Constantly covered in whatever he’s cooking somehow
Because of that he’s been gifted several aprons with matching oven mitts
One does in fact say “kiss the chef”
That was per his request
Prefers baking over cooking
Mainly because he likes to lick the batter off the spoon
He is 1000% the one who eats a whole bowl of raw cookie dough as a movie snack
I can see him in his apron
Feet on the coffee table
Movie on the tv
Fucking CHOWING down on a bowl of raw cookie dough
Granted I would join him, I’m fine with salmonella
He bakes a cake for every birthday
Yours, his, someone y’all are close with, he doesn’t really care, just as long as he can make it
Loves having you help in the kitchen
Especially to make dinner because half the time he doesn’t know what he’s doing
So it’s cute to see him lost in the kitchen come dinner time, with a dessert already finished in his hands
He’s such a sweet guy, 10/10 male wife
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