#sanctuary (tv)
angsty-violet · 5 months
Sanctuary Weekly Writing
Will dithered for a few moments before making up his mind. He had wanted to pick Watson’s brain for a while now, since they had come to the Sanctuary together, and tonight seemed like an opportune time. Magnus and Ashley were out on a recovery, Henry was busy with repairs and Biggie seemed to have occupied himself otherwise.
It seemed, that they were the only ones there out of their small group.
Will walked toward the wing of the building where he knew the library was. Watson was staying in the residential wing, like everyone else, but he barely seemed to be there. Most of the time he could be easily found camped out in the library, working his way through a huge stack of books.
Will didn’t usually like to bother him, but it was likely that Watson would return to his own Sanctuary to start preparations for a handover and Will didn’t want to miss the chance to talk to him. That didn’t change Will standing there, dithering over whether or not to bother him.
“Come in William, and tell me what’s got you mincing your words. That’s unusual for you with us. Normally you just speak your mind.”
Will stepped in and sat at the table across from Watson. “I’ve got a question to ask you.”
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
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my father sent me my copies so now I don’t have to watch them piecemeal with poorly-placed/-timed commercial breaks on 2+ streaming platforms anymore!!!!
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
Still trying to understand why athena would consider the kids delivering medusa's head to them as something to be embarrassed of. Like idk about you but if my 12yo daughter managed to kill the monster who disrespected me I'd be so proud of her you would see me taking photos with that head but I guess athena ain't a good mother nor a girls girls
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I saw this bumper sticker and said “yes I know immediately who this belongs to”
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Sanctuary The Lost Webisodes Links
Requested by @thegrandempressofinsomnia
Sanctuary originally premiered as eight fifteen-minute webisodes, but the numbers are a little off when watching them now. Parts are labelled as they are presented, not in the format of the originals. (Minutes are rounded to the closest minute)
From Various Sources on DailyMoition
Part 1 on DailyMotion (17 minutes long) (Opens in White Chapel, ends with Magnus giving Will the business card)
Part 2 on DailyMotion (Just shy of 17 minutes long) (Opens with Ashley, ends with Magnus introducing Ashley as her daughter)
Part 3 on DailyMotion (18 minutes long) (Opens in infirmary, ends with Magnus, Will, and Biggie in the car)
Part 4 on DailyMotion (Opens with Ashley and Druitt, ends with Magnus recruiting Will)
Part 5 on DailyMotion (7 minutes long) (The start of 'Part 2', open with Helen's flashback, ends with the with the opening sequence)
Part 6 on DailyMoition (14 minutes long) (Picks up after opening, ends with the witches holding hands)
Part 7 on DailyMotion (15 minutes long) (Opens with another flashback, ends with the witches destroying the labs)
Part 8 on DailyMotion (13 minutes long) (Opens with lab aftermath, ends with the keepers breaching the Sanctuary)
Part 9 on DailyMotion (12 minutes long) (Opens with Ashley vampire hunting, ends with the credits)
YouTube has blocked five webisode uploads, but here are the three that survived, unlisted but watchable:
Part 3 on YouTube (18 minutes long) (Opens in infirmary, ends with Helen, Will, and Biggie in the car)
Part 4 on YouTube (18 minutes long) (Opens with Druitt and Ashley, ends with Magnus recruiting Will)
Part 5 on YouTube (21 minutes long) (The start of 'Part 2', opens in with Helen's flashback, ends with the sisters holding hands)
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ladyantiheroine · 1 month
I’ve learned that a big a reason I don’t love romance novels as much as I want to is because they all insist on having male love interests who are jealous, macho alpha-males while my type is men who look like they would cry if they stepped on a bug.
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mo-mode · 9 months
Okay but quick super random thought: If monsters can still come back from Tartarus after Medusa turns them to stone, but their former stone self is still there…do you think a monster has ever happened upon the emporium a second time, seen themselves, and gotten some crazy deja vu?
Has someone ever come over, seen their friend’s statue and gone “HAH her face looks so dumb in this one, I’m gonna buy it and give it to her as a gag gift” Do some people return immediately after and kick down the door like “hey SNAKE LADY that’s kinda fucked up that you put me in the FRONT for everyone to see!!! Anyway, I forgot my bag-“ Has anyone ever purposefully come over to get a sculpture of themselves, and they just come back a month later for it?
If Medusa can’t kill monsters, she must have made some friends along the way, and I think that’s an adorable idea. I hope she started a book club or something, and that’s why she has such a big dining table.
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samabigailalan · 10 days
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Sanctuary - complete series box set guide book.
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filmtvfandom · 1 year
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Declan Macrae - Sanctuary (2008-2011)
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angsty-violet · 4 months
Sanc Weekly Writing
In Helen’s opinion there was in fact a perfect mission.
A mission that had just the right balance of intrigue, excitement and information to keep her interested while simultaneously not having too much of any of those things. Yes, in her mind, there was a perfect mission.
Despite never having had one of the missions in question, she was certain that one day there would be one.
It just wasn’t going to be today.
Helen ducked behind a crate and scowled deeply. She could see Will having taken full cover behind a wall, which was good as he could manage a combat situation but wasn’t amazing in them. While Kate attempted to move to a slightly better position.
Helen fired off several shots from her position and wondered how she was supposed to get to her goal with three poachers standing in the way. That little fire snake needed to be given a full-size habitat and left alone to leave in peace. Not peddled away as a trinket to a collector and treated like a rock.
Kate made eye contact and did a series of complex motions. Helen held her breath and did a series back, trying to deter her from making a huge step into a lot of danger. Kate seemed to refuse and shook her head several times. There was really nothing for it.
Helen held her breath and waited for Kate to make her move.
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nireidi · 5 months
I haven’t seen any Sanctuary/Magnus Archives crossovers and this is a tragedy.
Especially when you consider, Helen Magnus, and Jonah Magnus could in theory be siblings, the time line works out pretty well, Jonah as the older sibling who fell into the more occult side of things and Helen as the sister who follows in her father footsteps and finds the scientific explanation for things.
The Entites as hyperspecies abnormals with psychic abilities, and the ability to bring abnormalities out in human DNA, it honestly fits into the Sanctuary Universe really well.
Helen finding Jon cuz his constant distress is causing psychic ripples and one of the psychic species in the Sanctuary tells Helen about him.
A showdown between Jonah Magnus, the older more entitled sibling and Helen Magnus the younger more favoured sibling, the family fight to end all family feuds.
There’s a lot of directions you could take it in honestly, but that’s the point, why has no one else written this crossover? Surely I can’t be the only one who’s a fan of both?
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jeandejard3n · 6 months
Sanctuary: Magnus Office
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perfectlittlesoul · 3 months
my next con is in november. in australia and yet, i think this should be my next cosplay because i'm obsessed with her hat
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Sanctuary + Text Posts 6/?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
(Fourth picture of this post may need to be zoomed in on/clicked on to be read)
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 9 months
Hey. Hey! HEY!!!
I've talked a bit about the tv show Sanctuary, and the goddess know as Helen Magnus played by grand empress of sci fi Amanda Tapping, so if you have ever in your life been interested to watch it-- IT'S ON TUBI.
I finally caved because I wanted to watch The Nevers, and I was browsing to build my watchlist, and it's THERE.
My poor heart. Time to get lost in the rabbit hole again....
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