#sandb series
howtotrainyouragents · 11 months
I decided I was never gonna be emotionally prepared for Shadow and Bone Season 2 so I might as well watch it emotionally unprepared and let me tell you THAT WAS A BAD IDEA
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acquired-stardust · 11 months
Game Spotlight #9: Mega Man Legends (1998)
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It was the year 1998 and my parents took me to Blockbuster after I begged them to allow me rent a video game. The game that I picked out would be my first experience with the Mega Man games and arguably the most atypical title in that series. Hey it's Larsa here and this time I'll be discussing the very first 3D Mega Man game: "Mega Man Legends" also known as "Rockman DASH" in Japan.
Before some of the other major titans of gaming in the 1990s went in completely new directions another iconic series led by a mascot already reinvented itself years before the larger competition. Though in the shadow of these colossal series while still being iconic itself, many the world over knew about the series of video games "Mega Man" aka "Rock Man" (ロックマン ) in Japan. Mega Man series starred Mega Man, a chibi robot who now should need no introduction. After several years of success eventually Capcom's beloved Mega Man franchise went in a bold new direction with "Mega Man X" in 1993. This new Mega Man X featured more gorgeous detailed sprite work supported by the more advanced technology on the SNES console, it told a more cohesive story, and featured more fast paced action-oriented gameplay than the original main series. Capcom's 'Blue Bomber' was successfully reinvented for the Super Nintendo but Capcom did not abandon their original blue boy and in fact Capcom continued developing titles for both series of Mega Man games side by side throughout the next several years. While Capcom had two separate main titles of Mega Man games they treated as big deals, they were looking to release Mega Man 8 and Mega Man X4 on the new consoles that came out after the SNES. These two titles would be developed for both the Sega Saturn and PlayStation putting their flag down with two strong titles on the newer consoles of the mid-1990s.
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However while this console transition was happening it did not stop Capcom from reinventing the wheel yet again when they re-imagined Mega Man for three dimensional gaming. "Mega Man Legends " was a big departure from either previous two established ongoing series featuring Capcom's then-favored mascot. Instead of sprite based artwork we were now officially going to see Megaman in the world of polygons which was an exciting fresh prospect for many gamers of the time. Even though it bore the same name as a notoriously difficult franchise, this new series would be forgiving and more aimed at players of all ages according to producer Keji Infaune. For this title the Mega Man series would be focusing less on an intensive gameplay challenge and more on seeing and experiencing the world. Instead of being a challenging platformer the game would be an action-adventure title.
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The new tone of "Mega Man Legends " is immediately communicated with one look at our new lead, "Mega Man Volnutt". Volnutt is a new cuter take on Mega Man than the then-newest interpretation featured in "Mega Man X", who is an inexperienced kid looking for the world's treasures known in this setting as a "digger". You see he is not a 'Super Fighting Robot' or a hunter of dangerous virus-infected robots bound against their own free will. Our boy Volnutt is a part of a traveling family searching for secrets of the world from ages long past. His family is made up of his dependable sister Roll Casket, a dancing monkey known as "Data", and lastly his grandpa Barrell Casket all living aboard a ship by the name "Flutter". The game starts off right away setting the stage for its brand new location "Kattelox Island" and why you the player will be staying there. At the time of your arrival a group of pirates known as "The Bonne Family" have been spotted scoping things out on the island which has made the denizens of Kattlelox anxious. Teisel Bonne, Tron Bonne, and the Servbot army serving them are real scene stealers without giving away too much. "Mega Man Legends" is an ambitious game with an emphasis on the world being a sandbox in which Volnutt can travel to a various points at essentially any time. There would be much to do on Kattlelox Island and even merely talking to the various townspeople would become interesting as they change location and gain new dialogue as the events of the story progresses. As a player it makes the world feel that much more alive when NPCs potentially talk to you about the giant robot you thwarted recently.
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The entire game formula has changed in this new 3D title with an emphasis on exploration. "Mega Man Legends" has more in common with "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" than any previous game in it's own series. Many people compare Volnutt's adventures to "Ocarina of Time" naturally but it is important to note that "Mega Man Legends" actually game out several months before Zelda's debut on the N64 console. Unlike the other "Mega Man" games which were divided into stages this new take on the series featured a town that acted as a hub and underground ruins. The winding underground ruins are vast and they all connected through various obstacles that Volnutt can knock down to create new routes connecting locations which he can do as he gains new special weapons throughout the game. Speaking of weapons, you can utilize over a dozen special armaments in addition to the traditional Mega Buster which Volnutt can equip one at a time as a "Sub-Weapon". You don't need to defeat bosses for these weapons like one would normally expect in this franchise, instead to encourage exploration you discover weapon parts from various locations on the island. Likewise Volnutt can discover parts through the mass of ancient scrapped parts that enhances his armor in various ways giving the game some light RPG elements. This game was very experimental with the things it attempted to do. A hard to notice feature of the game is a morality system that changes the color of Volnutt's armor depending on your choices on the adventure though this feature is woefully underdeveloped but it does show the dev team were shooting for the stars with this game.
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The character designs feel like they would be right at home in the late 1970s animations and overall the artstyle of "Mega Man Legends" heavily resembles old Tasunoko cartoons. I feel the inspiration is obvious for any who is familiar with series such as " Yatterman ". As a result of putting focus on such a highly stylized designs the game's look doesn't feel as aged as some of the other titles released in this time period. I believe the original musical score still sounds great to this day the music can go from whimsical to heroic depending on the scene. The songs associated with the Bonne family are my favorite tracks in the game in part because they are just plain awesome and additionally because of how much they compliment the current mood of the scenes they play during. Now with that said at times some classical scores such as " Waltz of the Flowers " for example by legendary composer Tchaikovsky make it into the game. No offense to one of the greatest musicians of all time but hearing songs like this can be a little disappointing and distracting when you enjoy the original sounds so much and feels like it undermines the setting a bit. This is the most minor of nitpicks though and it doesn't truly detract from the game. At the same time it poses an interesting question for us all to ponder over while playing this game: Such as is Tchaikovsky actually still alive in "Mega Man Legends" and producing musical bangers on Kattlelox Island?
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"Mega Man Legends" has some flaws and can come across as slightly primitive even for the time. Thankfully the game gives you a very endearing experience which does not overstay its welcome by becoming a game that is overly long. You could feasibly clear this game in under ten hours which is a good thing in this case because by the time you finish the game you may kind of miss it. It is the kind of game that leaves you wanting more without feeling like it didn't give you enough in the first place and the lovable cast that play role in the story stay with you as well. Capcom would eventually create a sequel title and it would also get it's own spin-off that we may discuss someday.
A gem hidden among the stones, Mega Man Legends is unquestionably stardust.
-- Larsa
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
How highly requested is the Silver and Blue Series to continue?
Me: Yes.
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girlxtrying · 3 years
“two hours after sunset is when you go in jesper...”
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eloarei · 4 years
The possibility of sexual reproduction in super mutants (Fallout essay, 1669 words)
The goal of this essay: to support my hypothesis/headcanon (and fanfic plot, *cough*) that super mutants in the Fallout universe (primarily Fallout 3) would be capable of sustaining romantic/sexual relationships, and may be able to sexually reproduce. The TL;DR of it? Fallout is sci-fi, crazy science is a mess, and life finds a way.   Fallout is a popular video game series which has undergone multiple development and management changes since its inception, and therefore has varied lore, which sometimes contradicts itself from one game to the next (or even within games). Furthermore, though many aspects of the lore are well accepted by the community, much of it seems to have been designed to be ambiguous, lending the world a sense of realism, and safeguarding the writers from having to retcon (as much of) their previous work in the next installments.   Chief among ‘well-accepted’ lore are the details about the super mutants. Generally large, green, and violent, super mutants were created by exposing humans to the FEV, or “Forced Evolutionary Virus”, or a derivative of it. They completely lack sexual dimorphism (meaning that males and females appear the same), and are sterile. 
  Many fans (including myself) have not played the original pre-Bethesda Fallout games, so I will be focusing primarily on the mutants from Fallout 3, the “Vault 87 variant”, but addressing how previous and subsequent games’ lore might tie in. All knowledge of previous games is pulled from Wiki.   My hypothesis (headcanon) is that some mutants (among them Fawkes) would be capable of sustaining romantic/sexual relationships, and possibly producing offspring.   The commonly accepted reasons why mutants (especially Vault 87 mutants) cannot reproduce: 1. Scientific notes found in Vault 87 detail the process of transforming a human into a mutant. They state that the subjects lose “most of their visible female/male indicators”, “transforming them almost to an asexual state”. 2. No evidence for super mutant reproduction has ever been reported or rumored. 3. According to the Wiki, “Mariposa mutants” (from the earlier Fallout games) are stated to be sterile.   This leads to the reasonable conclusion that “V.87” mutants are not capable of reproducing. But let me state several more pieces of lore: 1. Vault 87 did not use the same strain of FEV (the original strain) that Mariposa used (in previous games). They used a variant for their EEP (“Evolutionary Experimentation Program”). They also used a different method of introducing the virus. While Mariposa apparently dipped their subjects into vats, Vault 87 exposed their subjects to an aerosolized virus. 2. Mariposa mutants are said to have retained primary sexual characteristics (penis/testicles, vagina/uterus), and are implied to be as interested in sex as normal humans are. 3. The FEV virus supposedly works best on human subjects with the least amount of radiation damage. (4. Related to a tangent, but V.87 mutants are said to continuously increase in size and decrease in intelligence as they age, resulting in dangerous super mutant behemoths.)   Now let us look at the specific example of the mutant character Fawkes, from Fallout 3. LW (“Lone Wanderer”, the player character) finds him in Vault 87, where he has been imprisoned for some time. He begs you to release him in exchange for his assistance. Fawkes (a name he gave himself) is unique in his interest/ability to speak properly, and in his lack of aggression. He claims that the other mutants imprisoned him for his differences, and that he trained his mind by reading on a computer console. He wears a tattered vault suit, and mentions a vague memory of seeing Vault 87 when it was still clean and full of humans in vault suits, indicating that he has lived there since before the vault’s failure, which is implied to have been fairly early on. It is generally accepted that he was born before the bombs fell, making him over 200 years old.   This brings me to my tangential ‘lore point 4’, which says that old super mutants become large and dumb. Fawkes is of average size (for a mutant), and above average intelligence, though he is likely one of the oldest mutants in existence. Therefore, the lore about behemoths cannot be entirely true, rendering much of the other lore less reliable. Alternately, both points can remain true if we take into account ‘lore point 3’, which says that the “best” super mutants (the most intelligent, most correct mutants, made as they were apparently intended to be) come from subjects without radiation damage.   If this is the case, and Fawkes was born pre-war, it explains his intelligence and lack of aggression, as well as his stable size. It does not, however, explain why supposedly all of Vault 87’s initial experiments turned stupid and hostile, creating a potential plot hole. We may then have to accept that too much is unknown (and was unknown by the scientists as well) about the entire process, and what exactly about the EEP virus differed from the initial FEV.   Returning to the argument about why super mutants cannot reproduce, let me address the ‘commonly accepted reasons’: 1. Subjects lose “most of their visible female/male indicators”, “transforming them almost to an asexual state”.   ---The issue here is largely in wording. First and foremost is “visible indicators”. Humans have something called “sexual dimorphism”, which means that you can tell male and female apart visually, without looking at genitals. Things like breasts, facial hair, basic body shape, and even voice are indicators, differences which many species do not have. Losing visible indicators most likely means this loss of sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, the note says “most”, implying that some visible indicators remain. The remaining indicators are likely to be genitals, as nothing else seems to remain.   The phrase “asexual state” is complicated, but the most important part is “almost”. To say that they have transformed to seem ‘almost nonsexual’ is not a very scientific statement, and probably not backed up by any further research. The fact that the scientists could barely get the subjects to cooperate (to the point where most of their subjects were euthanized) implies that they were unlikely to do any careful study of the subjects’ genitals, let alone their hormonal state or sexual inclinations.   Furthermore, even scientists are capable of making mistakes or failing to properly understand the complexities of the results of such experimental efforts. The few paragraphs of data to be found on Vault 87 terminals is by no means a comprehensive report of a wide clinical study. 2. No evidence for super mutant reproduction has ever been reported or rumored.   --- Frankly, there isn’t much to say about this. A lack of anecdotal evidence certainly implies that such a phenomenon would be very uncommon, but not that it is impossible. 3. According to the Wiki, “Mariposa mutants” (from the earlier Fallout games) are stated to be sterile.   --- According to the Wiki, “FEV perceives gametes as damaged DNA and corrects them”, gametes being reproductive cells such as sperm and eggs. “Correcting them” likely means returning the ‘missing’ chromosome, to return the haploid gametes to a regular diploid cell. If sex cells were diploid, that would result in an offspring with 92 chromosomes (if both parents were mutants; 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if one was human), which would “probably die” before birth. It can be assumed that this is true for Mariposa mutants, who were apparently otherwise capable of romantic/sexual relationships, and likely would have reproduced if possible. However, due to the unpredictable and unknown nature of the EEP virus, it is possible that this does not apply to mutants who originated from Vault 87.   Even if V.87 mutants do have diploid sex cells, it is not completely impossible that reproduction could occur. Rare cases have shown supposedly-sterile mules to be able to reproduce, because their gametes decided to contribute only the chromosomes received from one of their parents. While a ‘properly functioning’ FEV should stop such randomness from occurring, the experimental nature of the virus does not necessarily guarantee such an outcome.   Ultimately, the answer largely comes down to that: the unpredictability of the FEV virus. The FEV (and its EEP variant) have seemed to produce consistent, hardy, and homogenous results for over 200 years, but the existence of several unexplainable outliers (such as Fawkes) heavily implies that it is not immune to failure or change, for any of a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: human subjects’ natural immunities; improper administration of the virus; or the virus’ natural evolution. After all, if FEV is truly a virus, then it is a living thing, and living things naturally desire to propagate.   The fact that Fawkes is already an outlier compared to his V.87 brethren makes it statistically likely for any other FEV deviations to occur in him as well. Such hidden deviations may already be contributing factors to his uniqueness (and the uniqueness of the few other non-aggressive mutants).   In conclusion, the extremely experimental nature of the FEV and EEP virus (and the relative lack of scientists able to continue study as time passed), as well as the chaotic nature of the Fallout universe, make it difficult to say that any scientific or biological feat is truly “impossible”. The hardiness of the wasteland’s mutant creatures combined with the standard biological imperative to survive and to propagate paints an optimistic picture for the possibility of reproduction for any creature, and the many remaining “human” qualities shown by Fawkes and other non-aggressive super mutants could potentially indicate those subjects’ likelihood of advancing their species through natural means.   Most notably, the possibility of such a thing remains especially because of the sci-fi sandbox in which they live, where rules are at most implied, and often changed for entertainment purposes. But even within the constraints of what we know of the Fallout Wasteland, super mutant reproduction stands a slim but non-zero chance, and mutants conducting romantic/sexual relationships is not at all improbable (only statistically unlikely).  Thanks for reading! Have a shameless plug: I write sappy Fawkes/Lone Wanderer romance fics on AO3! 
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Ominous, moody, desolate. 
These were the three words that sprang to mind when I touched down on the Galapagos islands after a packed two-hour flight from the Ecuadorian capital Quito.
But on stepping out on to the scorched terrain, far from being desolate, I quickly found a myriad of wildlife waiting to greet me.
Dozens of crabs scuttled out from the rocks, giant pelicans swooped in all different directions, giant tortoises traversed the undulating greenery, while sea iguanas sat basking under the equator-fired sun.
The Galapagos Islands were discovered in 1535 when father Tomas Berlanga, the bishop of Panama, was en route to Peru
Mapped out: The Galapagos islands are located some 600 miles from the mainland of Ecuador (map – Shutterstock)
I’d only been in the Galapagos – some 600 miles from the mainland – less than an hour but it was enough time to see why the British scientist Charles Darwin described the archipelago as being ‘a little world within itself’. Today the spot is commonly referred to as ‘nature’s laboratory’.
Never in my life have I witnessed such an abundance of wildlife.
I had joined nine other people on a new excursion endorsed by famed naturalist Jane Goodall and run by the tour operator G Adventures.
Many in the group were drawn to the region after watching David Attenborough’s series, while I had developed a fascination with the islands after receiving numerous recommendations from explorer-minded friends.
Throughout our nine-day trip – which would take us to three of the 18 major islands – we were accompanied by naturalist Alex Arregui who would be our guide for the duration.
MailOnline Travel’s Sadie Whitelocks joined nine other people on a new excursion endorsed by famed naturalist Jane Goodall and run by the tour operator G Adventures
Nature’s laboratory: Sadie said never in her life had she witnessed such an abundance of wildlife (left, a marine iguana and right, a chirpy mangrove warbler)  
Coming your way! A Galapagos penguin flew past Sadie as she swam in the sea on Floreana Island 
The naturalist grew up on the islands and was extremely knowledgeable about everything on offer.
He revealed how much the islands had changed over the years, with a tourism boom fueling improved infrastructure.
While this has made the area easier to navigate, with speedier boat services connecting the islands, it did fill me with a sense of unease as I watched the tourists flood in.
Catering to this influx there is Wi-Fi across many of the islands, allowing visitors to Instagram to their heart’s content, and there is even a sushi restaurant on the busy island of Santa Cruz, inhabited by 12,000 people.
While it was more built up than expected, the Galapagos still retains something extremely special, if not magical.
On the island of Santa Cruz, we spent the first day visiting the Charles Darwin Centre, which has a turtle breeding program. 
Wise wonders: The Galapagos giant tortoise is the largest living species of tortoise and they can live more than 100 years
Walking back we came across the port-side fish market with giant sea lions pestering fish mongers for off-cuts. Giant pelicans also waited in the wings.
The tour with G adventures includes the majority of meals but don’t expect five-star cuisine.
The food was delicious and homely but fresh produce is in short supply and I found myself craving fruit and vegetables.
Some of the tastier treats I tried were the fresh coconuts and a succulent roast chicken dish.
The accommodation, however, was more appetising. On Santa Cruz we stayed in a super comfortable hotel, with fantastic views over the harbor and aquamarine waters, which glistened in the wild pink sunsets.
Sadie (far left) with some of the rest of the group she was travelling with – they hailed from Britain, Australia and Denmark
Ship ahoy: Sadie looks out to sea on a beach on Santa Cruz – there is a salt mine nearby used by locals
After a night in the small town we embarked on a two-hour boat ride to the more remote – and mysterious – island of Floreana.
En route, the ocean didn’t disappoint. As we chased the dying sun a pod of bottlenose dolphins danced before us. At one point I spotted seven in the water, with one leaping into the air and performing a balletic twirl.
Finally we pulled up at the island, where purple-hued clouds loomed over the volcanic mounds.
Unlike Santa Cruz, this island is barely populated with just 150 inhabitants residing there. Thirty two of these are children, who attend a tiny school just metres from the island’s black sand beach.
It was on Floreana where I had one of my most memorable wildlife encounters in the Galapagos – swimming with sea turtles and a speedy penguin!
Making our way along a path constructed by lumps of lava rock, Alex took us to a sheltered cove where the snorkeling was insane.
The clear waters revealed dozens of stingrays lurking on the white sandbeds, while sea turtles magically glided by. My finger constantly clicked away on the GoPro as things popped up left, right and centre. 
On a boat ride from Santa Cruz to Floreana, Sadie spotted a pod of bottlenose dolphins swimming through the sea
At other times of year and in certain areas, it is possible to spot whales in the Galapagos, too 
Moody: Flying into the Galapagos, Sadie was struck by how ominous and desolate the landscape looked
On land there was also an abundance of wildlife present, including hundreds of blood-thirsty mosquitoes. Venturing into the cloud-covered hills we visited a giant tortoise sanctuary to watch the incredible creatures lumber through the undergrowth, craning their wrinkled heads in search of food.
The word Galapagos is said to come from the Spanish for saddle, because the first settlers thought the giant tortoises looked like crawling saddles.
Along with the wildlife, the history of the Galapagos is fascinating. Tales of pirates, love affairs and, of course, Darwin’s nature discoveries. 
After an epic couple of days on Floreana, the group took another two hour boat journey to Isabela.
British scientist Charles Darwin described the archipelago as being ‘a little world within itself’
Alex revealed to us that this is where he lives while he’s not guiding, with his second wife who moved there from America. She admitted to us that island life takes a bit of getting used to and you ‘definitely have to be comfortable with your own company’.
Isabela is more built up than Floreana but less so than Santa Cruz, with a population of about 1,500.
This island is brimming with sea lions in lieu of Floreana’s feisty mozzies. The beach close to where the boats dock is littered with the dog-like animals, the air punctuated with the sound of them grunting and splashing around.
Several lay lolling on shaded benches, luring in droves of snap-happy tourists. In a bid to explore more of the landscape, we took a group trip up to the Sierra Nevada volcano where we hiked to the top to see the lava crater.
Luckily we got there just in the nick of time, as eerie mists descended and rain began.
Travelling back to the beach front, where the weather was considerably warmer, we instantly threw off the rain macs in favour of swimwear.
While some of the group when on a diving excursion – which wasn’t included in the G Adventures trip and cost an extra $120 – my friend and I decided to explore more of the island.
Alex recommended a hike along the 5km white beach to a jungle of mangroves. Along with the swimming with sea turtles, the mangrove trek was another highlight of the tour for me. It was truly magical wading through the bath-like waters, though snapping twigs caused us to jump.
There wasn’t another human in sight as we lapped up the untouched beauty. One thing that is definitely required during a trip to the Galapagos is some strong sunscreen.
Located close to the equator line, the penetrating sun catches you out and walking back from the mangroves, the back of our legs slowly roasted to a sore shade of bacon-pink.
Sea lions are rife in the Galapagos and often it’s difficult to walk down pathways as they lay scattered around
Sadie captured this image of a turtle in the shallow waters of Floreana. It happily grazed in the corals with a family of fish keeping it company
After 15 minutes or so, the turtle headed off into the aquamarine waters – but there were plenty more turtles to swim with
After two days on Isabela, we bid a fond farewell and set back off to Santa Cruz for our final night on the Galapagos islands.
The town has one bar called the Bongo Bar, which erupts into quite a party as we discovered on the Saturday night.
After all of the nature watching it was fun to let our hair down and attempt the salsa – shots of the local aquidente liquor helped us get into the swing of things.
It was hard to believe the tour was over and all of the group agreed it had been pretty life-changing.
I asked one lady from Wales, who booked on the trip with her husband and sister, if she would return to the Galapagos, and she echoed similar sentiments to others.
She said: ‘I’ve seen it but I will let the nature be still and hopefully the tourism won’t ruin what is so special.’
Luckily, with the collaboration with Jane Goodall, G Adventures is trying to foster locals to be more eco-conscious and preserve what they have.
In the words of Darwin ‘the natural history of these islands is eminently curious, and well deserves attention’ but let’s hope that this attention doesn’t get out of control.
G Adventures has recently launched a nine-day island hopping tour endorsed by world renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall.
The tour starts in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito, with a connecting flight to Baltra in the Galapagos. During the tour, there are overnight stays on the islands of Santa Cruz, Floreana and Isabela. 
The trip starts from £1,699 with flights from London to Quito, via Miami, available with British Airways. All accommodation is included, plus the majority of meals.
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So the Shadow and Bone season 2 trailer dropped
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 10.
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff
Tag-List: @jvcqneliue​, @gooplibrary​, @imaforeigner​, @wickizer​, @mychemical-friendship, @justmewondering, @stories1907​, @stressedinmedschool247​, @taeslittletiger​, @claireelise19​
A/N: Yall have waited a while for answers to your questions huh? lmfao Always a shout out to the squad @ladyartemesia​, @xjoonchildx​, @ppersonna​
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Everything moved so fast in your eyes. You couldn’t begin to understand how you ended up here. You pull at the chains that keep you bound to the wall before whining. 
The sound earns a multitude of eyes on you and Taehyung is quick to check on you before running his hands through his hair. 
You were strung up naked against the wolframite wall, your body shaking like a leaf as he fixes the blindfold on your eyes. Your body was still running hot, your skin feeling like you were in the presence of the sun at this point.
“Tae, unchain me!” You cry out, warm tears coasting over your cheekbones as you tug harshly against the chains that bind you.
His hand presses to his mouth as he flinches. 
“I can’t baby. I’m sorry. We don’t know how to fix you, yet.” He whispers and the sound of his voice brings a deep based growl from the base of your throat surprising even yourself.
He feels at a loss. This has never happened before, or not that he’s heard of anyway. Gold eyes were normal upon entering these hallowed grounds. It happens to human mates that are the only one for their counterpart. The symptoms of heat were also normal, he expected it. He was excited for it even, but this- the blood red eyes like you had the Parvovirus was something completely new and terrifying.
He can’t begin to understand the strength you gained. It took six werewolves that could lift over a ton to even pull you off of him. 
He stomps his foot angrily as he covers his face with his hands. 
He doesn’t understand the science behind it, he doesn’t understand anything and it frustrates him to his core. 
“So you’re saying this began after she took the Axelite?” The royal physician asks for the fifth time.
Arms wrap around your mate’s chest, holding him back as he bares his teeth at the question. 
“If I say my answer again, I will rip out your jugular and feed it to the wild beasts in the forest.” He seethes through clench teeth as his nails begin to sharpen themselves. 
The physician seems calm at the sudden aggression thrown at him but it’s no surprise seeing as how he has taken care of werewolves and lived to tell the tale many times over.
“Fix my fiance, she’s fucking dying over there. Our pups need her!” Taehyung says as he balls the doctors shirt up in his fists.
Jeongguk and Jimin pull him back as the doctor approaches you again. You can smell him, which is shocking because your senses were never the best. You can smell his fear and his inquisitiveness. It’s astounding you can even tell how he feels from a simple scent. 
Above all you can hear everything so clearly. You know whenever Taehyung takes a step or when Yoongi taps his fingers to his knee. You can hear the pups clothes rustling as they flail their arms or legs.
“What hurts the most?” The doctor asks as he presses his hand to your shoulder.
The touch of someone other than Tae makes your stomach violently ill, the queasiness coursing through you as you press your head back to the wall.
Your chest rumbles with a low growl and Taehyung pulls the doctor away from you before biting his bottom lip nervously.
“Everything hurts. My cunt, my head, my skin.” You mumble as you squeeze your eyes shut. 
The royal physician looks over at Taehyung’s aunt who sits passively on the chaise lounge holding one of the recently born girls. He tilts his head to outside of the room and she nods before following him out of your bedroom.
“Baby. I’m so sorry.” Taehyung whispers to you, his shoulders are deflated at a loss of what to do.
You tug harder on the restraints at the sound of his voice, your tongue licks at your lips before baring your teeth almost viciously.
“I want to hold my babies.” You growl and he whimpers gently before nodding.
“I know, baby girl. I’m so sorry.” He whispers before looking at his pack. 
The others don’t meet his eyes, staring at the floor as he goes through the bouts of hopelessness and anger. How could they fix you if this has never happened before? 
You can hear the physician whispering to your mate's aunt. You hear him tell her that there might not be a cure. It might be something you’re stuck with if they can’t come up with a solution and even through all of these mind muddling feelings, you feel yourself deflating at those words.
Taehyung hears them too and he kicks the wooden chest at the end of the bed, creating a hole in the now splintered wood.
The bedroom door reopens and you hear unfamiliar footsteps that accompany the others as they enter. 
Tae’s head lifts up at the intrusion before raising an eyebrow as an older woman with stark white hair follows behind the physician. 
Without a second thought, he lifts the blindfold off of you. 
“Are you crazy?!” Taehyung yells as your eyes snap open. 
Your blood red eyes dance around the room before finding purchase on your mate and you pull so harshly at the restraints, the wall groans almost giving way to your tugs. You growl at him, the sides of your mouth foaming before snapping your teeth hard in his direction.
He swallows thickly, his eyes beginning to well up with tears as Jeongguk and Jimin press you into the wall with their shoulders.
“Ah.” The voice is melodic and you pry your eyes away from your fiance before being met with amethyst colored irises. 
The woman before you was so breathtaking and so shrouded in her own white glow, your eyes squinted as if you’re looking head on into the sun. 
“My Lady.” She whispers and you feel yourself relaxing at her gentle voice. She sounds of wind chimes and bird songs and your head tilts as she approaches you. 
“This is the leader of the Fae, Raeuna.” Soojae announces and Taehyung steps forward protectively as she runs her hand over your cheek. Whether it was to protect you or her, he still couldn’t begin to understand.
“I see.” She murmurs as she curls her hand before a glass vial appears within her palm. 
“Do you feel pain, My Lady?” She asks as you feel your body molding into the wall and the werewolves before you.
Her question begins to bring back your troubles and your skin flares with pain as you groan. She begins to frown as one of your newborn daughters begins to cry. Your head snaps up and you pull your hands so hard against the metal that it snaps into shards. 
“Oh Jesus!” Jimin yells as the rest of the pack charge to keep you still. 
Your growl emanates throughout the room, the sound shaking Taehyung’s heart as he picks up your daughter and places her to his chest shushing her all the while. 
He eyes you nervously as you kick and thrash at the men as they dig you deeper into the wall, their heels skidding against the floor as you battle them. 
“Let me go. She needs me!” You scream before grabbing on to Namjoon’s hair. He groans at the tug, his jaw clenching to withstand the pain. You barrel your forehead to his and he whimpers at the pain before passing out, his body slipping through the countless others as he falls to the floor. 
You crack your neck before zoning in on your fiance as he ushers his aunt out of the room with two of the pups in tow. 
“Can you help her?” The royal physician asks Raeuna as she cups your cheek lovingly. 
Your fiance stares at you with pleading eyes as he backs up farther into the room with your daughter to his chest.
“Baby.” He whispers sullenly and above all the screaming and commotion from the werewolves holding you down, you can still hear him. 
“I can.” The Fae says and once more your body begins to shut down at the voice of her. She sounds so ethereal, so absolutely entrancing. 
“Wolf Prince.” She beckons him forward and you growl as he steps closer to you. 
He lays your daughter down on the bed before flinching as you snap your teeth at him. 
“She became this way after taking the Axelite?” Taehyung can almost vomit at the question as he hears it now for the sixth time. His nerves were shot to shit and it rattles him to the core to see you so fucking vicious.
“Yes.” He mumbles as you growl at him.
“Please help her, I-I don’t know what to do.” He begs the Fae as she smiles sweetly at you.
 The lit fire in the room crackles loudly as you begin to zone out into her amethyst irises, watching them swirl and sway with ease. It’s like watching a purple ocean, with low tides and misting horizons.
“I can help her. But, I have one question for you.” He feels himself teetering on the edge of psychosis. She speaks so slowly, so calmly he begins to think that she can’t grasp the bloodcurdling situation at hand.
If his pack lose control over you, who knows what could fucking happen? Who knows how damaging the results could be?
“Anything.” He says quickly as he watches your body go lax against the wall.
“Eyes on me, My Lady. That’s right.” She whispers before caressing your cheekbone with her thumb.
“Is she always fertile?” Raeuna asks and Taehyung does a double take of her face, seemingly shocked at the question.
“Y-Yes.” He replies and that answer seems to appease her as she opens the vile in the palm of her hand. The liquid is pearlescent and shimmering as it swirls on its own within the confines of the glass.
“Are you sure this will help her?” He asks quickly as she brings the vile to your lips. 
“Oh yes. This will help out My Lady in ways you could never imagine.” She replies as you part your lips for the viscous liquid. 
A sweet taste lingers on your tongue as she tips the bottle upwards. The liquid is icy cold as it careens down your throat. Your eyes squeeze shut and there’s a lapse in your thinking, your mind going completely blank before collapsing into the arms of the pack.
“Y/N?!” Taehyung calls loudly to you as he pulls you from Jin’s arms.
“When she wakes, she’ll be her old self again. Maybe even better than before-”
“Who are you to tell me how she should be?!” Taehyung barks out to the ethereal woman as he lays you down on the bed beside Rina. 
She hums at his words before sitting down on the chaise lounge his aunt was sat in previously. 
“When she wakes I must speak with her.” Raeuna says before fixing her dress as it pools at her feet.
Your fiance runs his hand over your cheek before pressing his lips to your forehead. His lips linger for a while as he hugs you to his body. He was frightened, so completely lost throughout that time. And, he realizes he would be a shell without you. 
The pack leave quietly as they whisper to one another at the strange events that have just taken place.
“Can you please explain why this happened?” The physician asks as he pulls out a leather bound book and a fountain pen.
Raeuna looks away from you before laughing gently, the sound is like water bubbling to a surface before breaking. 
“This will never happen again.” She says, putting her hand on his wrist stopping his hand from inscribing.
Taehyung’s eyes falter to the woman before sitting up straighter.
“And why is that?” He asks as he pulls the covers over your naked body.
She smiles sweetly at him before looking at your sleeping figure. 
“Because she’s one of a kind. She is unlike everyone and yet, she is above everyone.” The Fae Elder says before crossing her legs demurely. 
An eyebrow raises on your fiance as he crosses his arms. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t quite understand.” The physician whispers as he closes the leather book.
“Everything will be explained when My Lady wakes from her slumber.” Raeuna says before producing a glass of purple water and taking a sip as her eyes narrow at your sleeping form.
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You wake with a jump, your body springing up in the large bed. 
“Hi.” Taehyung whispers to your right and you turn your body quickly to him. You scramble to hug him and he chuckles as he presses your head to the base of his neck. His large hand runs comforting swipes over your back, his lips pressing to your temple repeatedly as he rocks you against him.
You whine in his arms, hugging him so tightly he groans with a chuckle. 
“I guess you kept some of that strength, huh?” He asks as he pushes some of your hair behind your eye. He kisses your lips sweetly, his plush warm lips pouring out his emotions as he holds you close. 
“So you’ve awoken.” Raeuna says as she enters the room. 
You smile at her before bowing your head, your thoughts subconsciously drifting to how calming and serene her eyes were as she helped you. 
“My Lady.” She whispers before approaching the bed. She sits on the wooden bench at the end before extending her hands and you take them happily as Taehyung runs his lips over your mate mark. 
“Thank you for helping, I-I don’t know how you helped me but I’m so appreciative.” You say earnestly as you squeeze her hands.
She hums happily before her smile widens. 
“Anything for royalty.” She replies before patting the back of your hand.
You nod before looking at your fiance and smiling, “He told me he was something of royalty.” 
The Fae Elder laughs before tilting her head, her wavy white hair falling into her eyes as she giggles. 
“Not the Wolf Prince. You. The Lady.” She says before sitting up straighter. 
Your breath catches in your throat before leaning into her touch. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand.” You whisper as his lips stop caressing your skin to pay attention to her words.
“You come from a long line of Fae Royalty, I can see it in your skin and your eyes. I can hear it in your voice and see it in the aura around you.” She says as you clutch onto her hands harder. You swallow before widening your eyes at her.
“So...You’re saying that she’s one of the Fae? She’s a magical creature?” Taehyung clarifies as he puts his hand on the small of your back.
Raeuna nods before wrinkling her nose at your hopelessly confused expression. 
“Shall I explain, My Lady?” She asks as you pull the sheets around your naked form tighter.
“Please.” You say before looking to your right as your mate gives her his full attention.
“When the world was dawning and brand new, there were lines of Fae Royalty that held precedence over many others. Some Fae lines tied to the land, to the fertility of soil . Some Fae lines were tied to the waters, instilling life in the vast oceans and lakes of the world. Some lines were tied to the fertility of the people- your people. The blood of the Fae in your line has been muddied over the years, breeding with all sorts of humans or hybrids but your blood still sings of times gone past. Your blood still sings of royalty even in this human body. This is why the Axelite did not work on you, for you’re not just human. You’re royalty and Fae Royalty at that.” 
Your jaw drops open at her admission and your hand presses to your mouth as you gasp. 
“Wow.” Your mate whispers before crossing his legs and listening intently.
“You probably have untapped potential coursing through you that you don’t know that you have. But, the Water of Life I have given you will bring some of those gifts to the surface over time. Of this I have no doubt.” She says before producing a small vile, the same as before. 
“Does that mean our pups are royalty?” Taehyung asks as he brushes your hair over your shoulder. 
She smiles widely, her eyes closing tightly as she nods. 
“Yes. All of the Fae are praying for their safety. We are behind you My Lady, in everything. You can count on your line.” Raeuna says, bowing her head to you. 
You can barely understand the situation but you bow back before clearing your throat. Is it hot in this room or is it just you? 
“Come to the Amaranth Forest when you have time, we would love to have you sit in with the Council.” She says before standing.
You take in the crystals that cascade from her white hair. They shimmer and glint as she stands tall, her hands clutch together before giving you a heart warming smile that makes you feel comforted. 
“My Lady.” She says.
She is gone with the wind before your very eyes. With wide eyed you look over at your mate as he whistles loudly. 
“Who knew I was marrying a royal fertility fairy.” He mumbles, earning a laugh from you.
He tackles you to the bed before chuckling and kissing you gently. 
“We’re going to need to talk with the pack.” He whispers against your lips as you hook your arms around his neck.
“Later?” You ask as you spread your legs. He situates himself between them before smirking.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
So! This is going to be insane but I completed a new chapter of SandB. WHAAAATTTTT!!!
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The chapter for Patreon users will be up tomorrow afternoon and the chapter will be up on Thursday for everyone else. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 12.
Genre: Werewolf!AU, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Feelings of Inadequacy, Use of Oc's Powers, Dirty Talk, Begging, Praise, Lactation Kink, Sexual Acts Involving Jeongguk, Jimin, Yoongi, Use of The Term: Bitch, Pregnancy Kink, Milk Drinking,  Cunnilingus, Knotting, (Minor) Jungkook Handjob, Cream Pie
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Being in Summit is eye opening on levels you never thought you would begin to grasp.
It's not just discovering you have powers, it's seeing how these two species you once considered mythological act around each other.
Even how they act within their own groups.
You've come to understand recently, or feel more accurately, that the Fae do not actually like the werewolves. In fact, there's a film of hatred that pours from their territory into the wolves.
It's shocking in all honesty, how do they keep up the charade? How do they keep the wolves from not knowing their fervent hatred?
It astounds you almost everyday.
What you've also come to realize is how different packs are than the one you're in.
Yes, even though you're a human, you've been told very rigorously by the servants that you are indeed still a part of the pack.
With your mate being pack Alpha, it seems that you're also held to a higher standard than all the other wolves in this group.
You can feel constant judgement from other female werewolves when you pass them in the streets or when they just pass by you on a whim.
Sylai, a female Omega you've been spending time with almost as much as Namjoon has been, seems to know all the hot gossip at the drop of a hat. However, she is timid and skittish at times whenever your best friend Alpha is around.
The pretty Omega is always quick to tell you why you're an outcast here and although you shouldn't be upset about it -- you almost always are.
You've come to terms with the fact that werewolves don't normally find their mates in humans, you've heard it from Taehyung's lips on more than one occasion, but you didn't think it would disgust others as much as it does.
When you've had the chance to view other packs, they seem to operate on levels of hierarchy you've never seen before.
The Alphas are always on top, the Betas a close second and the Omegas, most times, are treated like play things. Which is why you can understand that Sylai makes herself so small around Joon.
When you've been able to see other Alphas mates, they're very accommodating and docile. They're almost always pregnant which you understand and they bow to their Alphas every wish.
Sometimes you recall your past fights with Taehyung and lump forms in your throat. You can remember how he wished that you would just listen sometimes or not make comments and it truly makes you wonder… what if you aren't right for him?
You feel strong, thick muscled arms curling around your waist as you stare at the other packs down below your bedroom balcony.
"Hi, beautiful," your mate whispers, spreading his hand over your small belly.
"Hi," you breathe, letting your eyes flutter shut.
He's been away a lot recently, most because of the High Council asking his opinions of what to do with the rabid werewolves still at large -- including his parents.
"I missed you, baby girl." he coos, drifting his lips slowly over your mate mark.
You hum in agreement, running the tips of your fingers over his arms.
He peeks over your shoulder to look down at the random pack near the forest's edge.
He watches the Alpha snarl and snap his teeth at a Beta when he gets to close to his mate. Your fiance chuckles, burying his face in your hair.
"What's funny?" you inquire softly.
"Betas don't know how to behave sometimes," he replies, lifting the hem of your shirt to caress your growing belly.
Sometimes you feel completely out of your element and this feeling has been growing ever since you found out you're one of the Fae.
Maybe it's because you feel like you don't even know yourself anymore. You don't know who you are or who you should be.
The soothing scent of pine and musk breeches your senses once more and you allow yourself to be calmed by your mate at this very moment.
"Sylai has been spending a lot of time with Joon." you comment to him.
He hums in agreement, wanting to ignore his Alpha duties for just one minute of the day. If he accepts this fact, then his wolf will have to welcome someone new into the pack and he would just rather have these moments alone with you.
"I've seen it." he murmurs, pulling you closer to his body.
"Are you going to let her join your pack?" you ask, turning around to him.
You really like Sylai and you would really appreciate more female company around.
"Probably, Joon deserves to be happy." he answers, not wanting to dive head first into the matter.
"I mean, she's really sweet. I think she would be good for your pack."
The words 'your pack' don't sit right with your mate for a second. And he voices it openly as he pulls you over to the bed. "Why do you keep saying that? You keep saying 'your pack'? It's our pack. You're my mate, you're in this pack too." he inquires with a raised eyebrow, sitting down on the bed.
He pats his lap, leaning back on his elbows and like always you straddle him immediately.
"Well, I'm not a wolf. I'm a Fae or… just human so…"
He can smell your timidness, he can hear your heart hammering with worry and his wolf suddenly feels protective.
"What's wrong, baby?" he whispers, dragging his thumb over your lower lip.
You shake your head slightly, running your fingers over his tight black t-shirt that seems to hug each and every sinewed muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Hey now," he breathes, flipping you over so you're laying down beneath him.
You don't make eye contact with him, you don't so much as look above his stomach as he lays down beside you.
"Y/N?" he murmurs, kissing your temple.
It's stuffy in the room, you've come to realize or it just feels that way with his prodding questions.
"Y/N?" his voice is more forceful and you're just embarrassed to speak.
Werewolves aren't known for their patience. They need to know what's wrong, why this is happening and how to immediately fix it or there's very little in the world that will calm them down until the problem is solved.
The growl Taehyung emits throughout the room is a warning to you. It's a warning for you to speak up.
But you've seen Alphas immediately give in to their mates when they bare their necks. So you do so as well.
Taehyung's heart clenches in the recesses of his chest and he can almost scoff at your meekness. "Don't do that," he breathes, nuzzling your neck with his nose.
"Where's my spit fire mate today? What's wrong, baby?" he gasps, burying his face into neck.
"I'm sorry," you bleat.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You're perfect, baby."
Your fiance can quite literally feel his heart panging with worry. He can hear some of your thoughts like you're screaming in the quiet room.
"No, baby, no." he hisses, turning your face to look at him.
When your eyes don't meet his, he can only swallow thickly.
"I love you, baby girl." he promises, drifting his lips over your jawbone.
"I love you too." you mumble, looking down at your engagement ring.
"If-If you wanted to get another mate… maybe a wolf… I would understand."
The sharp breath Tae takes between his teeth, makes you shudder beside him. "Don't you dare, ever, suggest something like that. You're my soulmate, do you understand? You're my woman. My mate. I don't want anyone else, I could never be with anyone else."
"I'm not a wolf," you explain, turning to face him.
"So?! What does that have to do with anything?" he scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Well, most other wolves are disappointed that I'm a human. I'm not-"
"Who fucking cares about those newborn pups?! Who cares what the fuck they think?! They aren't in my pack and they aren't my mate!" he curses, sitting up and carding his fingers through his silver mullet.
You can see his chest vibrating with growls and snarls. You know you're pushing him to the edge but you just can't help it -- your insecurities are trumping everything right now.
"Are you embarrassed of me? Embarrassed of our children? Our pups?" Taehyung inquires, looking at you with hardened blue eyes.
"No," you reply, turning your body away from him.
"Then what is going on in that head of yours? You feel inadequate? Because wolves look at you differently?"
You stay silent, squeezing your eyes closed.
"Answer me, Y/N." he urges, running his hands over your back.
"They...They just look at me like I'm a disease or something. Like I'm not worthy of being with you. And… I don't want to be a burden to you or your pack."
He scoffs loudly, hooking his arm around your body and pressing his chest flat to your back.
"I don't care about others. You're not a disease. You're not a burden. You're mine. You're my beautiful, precious, headstrong mate who is just as much a part of my pack as Guk or Jin." he breathes.
When your silence bleeds throughout the room, he doesn't think he can stomach it for another second.
His canines drop out of instinct and he clamps his teeth softly down on your mate mark. If you were a wolf, you would be arching back into him needily already but it grounds him to know that things aren't so easy.
Yeah, you're stubborn and reflexive but you're his. And he loves that so much that if the Earth was crumbling he wouldn't care as long as you're in his arms.
Taehyung lifts the hem of your shirt, cupping your small belly. "I don't need anyone else but you, Y/N. You're a fierce woman and I count myself lucky to know you and to have you as mine."
"I'm sorry… I was just embarrassed… I don't want to burden anyone." you hiccup, looking down at his hand.
"Never, baby. You're never a burden." he promises, pulling the straps of your tank top down.
From your belly to your clothed core, his hand digs beneath the band of your leggings.
"Why would I want a meek little wolf when I can have a fierce fairy in my bed." Tae quips, turning you flat on your back.
Your breath hitches and you gasp gently when his fingers part your lower lips.
"T-Tae," you whimper, allowing him to position you as he sees fit.
As he climbs above you, his eyes roam over your body as if you're prey and you can't help the excitement that begins to bleed from your pores.
"Do a little magic for me, babe," he quips, kissing down your neck.
Snapping your fingers, you relish in the deep growl he gives when you both are stark naked.
"Pretty girl," he drolls, palming both of your breasts in hand.
When your nipples begin to bead milk, he can almost surely feel his knot twitching to expand already.
"I love you." his voice is a purr that echoes throughout your limbs.
"I love you too."
The kiss he captures you in is passionate and heated. You can feel the sharp points of his teeth raking over your bottom lip until your aching with need at your center.
"Flip over for me, my wolf wants to show you how loved you are." he coos, suckling at your nipple.
Flipping over onto your front, you perch your ass in the air for him and the complete sense of dominating ripples through your mate.
His eyes harden over, pupil dilating as he stares at the puckered mate mark that scars your skin.
"My bitch is so pretty full of my pups," the Alpha growls, knocking his forehead against your temple.
His movements are fluid and firm, spreading your legs to situate himself between them.
The head of his cock glides through your now sodden folds and you quiver with anticipation.
"Alpha, please," you beg, lowering your forehead to the pillow.
His sharpened nails dance over your spinal column, purring at how submissive you sound beneath him.
"What is it my pretty mate? You're aching? You need Alpha's big cock in you? Want me to split you open so well you don't even remember your own name?" he prods, rutting his cock to your core.
"Yes! I need it!" you preen.
His hands grip onto your hips, massaging the flesh within his large, warm grip.
"Well, if that's what you need," he hums, entering you in one intrusive motion.
Your mouth drops open into a silent scream, your hands fumbling to grip the sheets until your knuckles turn white.
This sex is primal and mind shattering -- and everything you need.
Taehyung can hear your thoughts screaming once more and he's pleased with what he hears this time.
Nuzzling your neck, he lets your cunt accept the intrusion of his large cock. He takes to caressing your three month pregnant bump to distract you.
"That's it, baby. You look so gorgeous stuffed with my cock inside your pregnant pussy." he mumbles against your ear.
You can feel his muscles contorting and hardening against your back.
"I would never love someone like I love you. I would never wish to be buried in someone like this, baby girl. Let them talk all the shit they want, because you're the one that gets this hard cock at night." he growls, rolling his hips for you to feel every inch of his cock within you.
Your mouth waters and a sharp moan emits from you at the feeling.
"No one takes my knot but you. And no one would ever take it so well."
Taehyung lets his prideful thoughts bleed past his lips because he knows you need to hear them. He knows you need the assurance. And he may be Alpha, but he's a slave to your love first and foremost.
When he pulls his length almost all the way out, your body sings with hot pleasure -- it's every thick vein and ribbed muscle along his cock that gets your mind numb.
"Only my beautiful mate," he thrusts back in to prove his point, "gets fucked stupid by my cock."
Your back arches, his name falls from your lips like a prayer and you don't even have the strength to lift your head up and look back at him.
He creates a dazing, relentless pace, fucking you just hard enough to keep you babbling but not hard enough to get your orgasm to approach.
He's proving a point. He's making you his again and again with every thrust.
His canines sharpen longer and they clench down on your mate mark just hard enough for you to feel a sting sing through you.
"Hey, Tae-" the door is thrust open and you can barely focus on who's just intruded but your mate just chuckles against you.
"Come in and sit." he orders, pushing your hair away from your mate mark.
His fingers glide over your distending skin, kissing down your back with soft, open mouth pecks.
"My mate thinks she's not enough for our pack." he announces and fuzzily you can hear murmurs of shock.
"She thinks she's not worthy of my knot and my pups," he growls, fucking into you harder.
"Tae!" you whine, pushing your hips back to meet every thrust.
"But she's a pretty bitch that still bends to my will," he coos, focusing on how much of your arousal has coated his long, thick length, "Yoongi, come."
He pulls you up by your shoulders, pressing you up against his chest with a snarl.
Yoongi sits before you, not knowing where to look but licking his lips hungrily.
"You want him to suckle? You want our pack to need you, bitch? Is that it? You want your scent all over all of them? To show these filthy mutts who live in this city that you're a queen amongst mongrels?" he inquires, kissing the shell of your ear.
You don't know what's driving you, you don't know if it's the insanely arousing thought of being above everyone else or it's the thought of being on top of this pack. But the sharp 'yes' you moan out has Yoongi growling with anticipation.
"Feed," he orders the Beta.
You gasp loudly at the foreign feeling of Yoongi's lips against your puffy nipple. You adore how his eyes screw shut at the taste of you. His hands grip onto your sides and you're lost for words when he ruts his clothed hard cock against your thigh.
"See, my beautiful mate, you're above all here." Taehyung coos, pressing his hand to the apex of your thighs and rubbing smooth circles to your swollen clit.
"Jimin." Taehyung calls and you hear the earnest whimper of your best friend.
"No, I don't think I should… I'm-" Jimin breathes nervously.
"Well fuck, if you won't I will," Jungkook groans, pushing Jimin out of the way.
Your head lolls back to your mate's shoulder and your vision becomes blurry with the attention your body is being given.
Taehyung knows that his wolf is sharing you for the sake of proving a point but he can't help the way his cock twitches within you as he watches Yoongi hump your leg like a dog in heat.
Jeongguk's lips on you are familiar and suddenly you can smell the forest from that fateful day when your fiance shared you with the youngest pack member.
"You gonna cum? Hmm, beautiful? I can feel your pregnant cunt trying to milk my cock," your mate growls in your ear.
The small whimpers of the wolves suckling from your breasts, sends you over the edge and Yoongi is quick to press his hands against your rib cage to keep you from falling.
"That's a good little bitch," Taehyung gasps, fucking you with a fierceness to cum inside you.
"You want it, baby? You want my cum?" he goads, kissing over your mate mark.
"Yes, please," you cry out, carding your fingers through both Yoongi and Jungkook's hair.
Jimin lets out a sharp whine, feeling conflicted on what to do. But, this probably will never happen again in his lifetime and even though you're his best friend… he's not missing this. "Fuck it," he curses, jumping onto the bed.
He eyes you wearily for a second, avoiding your stomach which he knows is solely the Alpha's property and heads straight for your swollen, over-stimulated clit.
Your mate on instinct cups your growing stomach, growling as his best friend makes his dissent.
Your body shivers like a leaf when Jimin's plush lips kiss at your bundle of nerves.
"Oh God!" you cry out, gripping onto the boy's hair harder.
Yoongi curses against your breast, pulling off your nipple to catch his breath as his shorts become sticky and slack against his golden skin.
"Fuck, baby girl. I'm cumming," Taehyung murmurs breathlessly.
The swiftness of Jimin's tongue knocks the wind out of you and you spiral into another orgasm with ears filled with white noise and eyes seeing stars.
"Shit! Y/N!" your mate growls, pulling you back roughly to his cock until you’re squirting your arousal onto his thighs.
Jungkook whimpers needily, guiding your hand to his swollen cock.
"Pup," Taehyung warns him, stilling your hips as his thrusts become erratic.
He takes a sharp breath between his teeth, cursing loudly when he begins to cum inside you.
His lips tremble against your mate mark when his knot begins to inflate and you can only whimper at the stretch.
"Good girl taking my cock so well," your fiance coos, pressing his index finger beneath your chin and turning your head to kiss him.
"Noona, please. God!" Jungkook whines, nuzzling his face to your breast.
Taehyung can only give a breathy laugh against your lips. "See how needed you are? Guk is going to explode if you don't help him."
Jimin pulls away from your core with innocent eyes and he kisses your forehead gently.
"I'm gonna go check on Baek and Chan." he murmurs, hopping off the bed.
Your mate's eyes follow him as he leaves the room and he doesn't appreciate the bloom of pheromones that bleed from the Omega. Almost as if he's caught feelings for you.
You haven't noticed with your attention on the youngest.
He suckles eagerly from your breast, whimpering and whining as he fucks up into your hand.
"Gonna cum, noona. Oh shit," he whines, burying his face into the valley of your breasts.
You hum sweetly, combing your fingers through his long black locks.
The warmth that explodes onto your hand is a knowing sign of the youngest's release and he cries out softly against your skin.
"Clean her up," Tae warns him and he's quick to do the Alpha's command.
You can feel your tiredness beginning to exhaust you and your mate knows it right away. "She's sleepy, let me lay her down," he whispers, laying on his side with you.
The tug of his knot has you wincing slightly but he makes up for it with his sweet kisses to the back of your neck.
"One time thing," he tells them.
Yoongi pulls at his cum covered shorts with a grimace. "Good enough for me."
Taehyung's large hand caresses over your head and he can't help but think of the scent that was drifting off Jimin in waves.
"I love you," you mumble, closing your eyes.
"I love you too baby girl. You and our pups," he replies, drifting his hand over your belly.
He knows your asleep when his breathing gets shallow and his knot finally deflates after a while.
Taehyung turns onto his back, perching his hands beneath his head as he closes his eyes. His ears perk up and he takes a sharp breath through his nose when he hears Jimin mumble across the mansion.
"I-I don't know. I just felt so-"
"Don't let Taehyung catch you talking like this! She isn't ours," Yoongi hisses to the younger Omega.
"I almost had her before Taehyung y'know, is it so wrong of me to still want her?! You all wanted her at that moment!" Jimin scoffs.
"Jimin, what we did was to help a member of our pack feel safe. You are becoming obsessed with her." Jungkook accuses.
Taehyung's eyes spring open, a deep low growl emitting through his chest. He can feel his canines and nails sharpening themselves. Gripping his shorts, he jumps out of bed with one thing on his mind -- vicious anger.
He can hear the maids and servants whispering nervously as he stalks through the wolframite hallways.
Your mate isn't in the headspace to calm anyone down at the moment, he can't possibly think of others when his wolf is yearning to tear out his best friend's jugular.
Slamming the doors to the dining room open, his eyes scan his pack before finding him.
"Oh shit," Jin mumbles, cupping his mouth.
"GET OUTSIDE!" Taehyung barks to the Omega.
The whole pack avoids eye contact even Jimin.
Taehyung is fast -- so fast that Seokjin's hair blows in the breeze he creates.
The pack Alpha grips the Omega by the neck, hurdling him over the wooden bench he's currently sitting on and dragging him towards the large glass doors that lead out to the backyard.
"Taehyung!" Jimin whines but he's quick to shut up at the feral snap of Taehyung's teeth.
"Someone go wake up Y/N! This is so bad!" Jin yelps, rushing after both of the wolves.
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SandB Taglist-  @jvcqneliue, @gooplibrary, @imaforeigner, @wickizer, @mychemical-friendship, @justmewondering-recs, @stories1907, @stressedinmedschool247, @taeslittletiger, @claireelise19, @neobanguniverse​, @kb-bangtanenthusiast​, @almosthappysublime, @thedarkwinterrose​
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Silver and Blue Series
Disclaimer: This werewolf series may not depict exactly the same ideas or known notions of how werewolves behave and their biology makeup. I am learning still and if something is wrong, I do apologize.
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Human!Reader
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Before The Series:
Silver and Blue | Two 
Series Beginning:
One | Two |  Three |  Four | Five | Six | Seven| Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen
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If you guys think I’m not losing my shit over the Shadow and Bone bts, you would be wrong
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Alpha Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 8.
Genre: Some Fluff
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The trip from your forest home to the dock to get on the boat was roughly around four hours but it felt like one hundred with the wolves. Like a never ending road trip that made you want to throw yourself out of the car and just say fuck it, goodbye. You've always hated being in a car for long periods of time, hence why you never went on college camping trips even when Namjoon and Namhyuk begged you to go.
In this Audi, as spacious as it was, you still felt suffocated. Something Taehyung had become aware of within the first hour, he could smell the annoyance and nervousness radiating off of you. Once his hand was snugly intertwined with yours, he never let it go. Jeongguk, Jimin and Hoseok had taken up the spaces in the back with each pup they protect. Although, putting those three together, it was like a laughter bomb was thrown into the back of the car. They were voraciously loud, and yet, they never woke up a single pup as if the babies were comfortable with the horrendously loud noise. 
Your attention would sometimes fall to your mate if you weren't staring at the scenery out the window of fast moving trees and waterways. Taehyung in the driver's seat, laughing at something one of the guys had said or singing along to the music on the radio made him seem so different. You've always just seen the Alpha in him, always protective and iron willed. The image of your man, his hand thrown casually up on the steering wheel; silver mullet blowing in the breeze, it was a beautiful sight to take in. He would look over at you when the car stopped from time to time. Squeezing your hand or kissing the back of your hand, trying to reassure you that everything was going to be just fine and you were grateful for that. 
The other boys made up for it in the back too. Every so often, stopping their chatter to mewl at something their pup was in the car seat next to them."Noona! Noona! Look! Hyera is gripping my finger!" You could feel the love for the new youngest pack members and it made your heart sing.
"Tae. You gotta pull over man." Hoseok murmured from the back, your mates eyes flickering up to the rear view mirror. "What's wrong?"
"Oh fuck." Jimin whispers before putting his face mask over his nose. "Rina shit, a lot."
The laughter that sputtered from both you and your mate had the boys in the back stiffening. Your body clung to his as you both wracked with giggles. Taehyung's eyes even began to water from the laughter as he pulled over to the service road. He wipes his eyes with his shirt before turning off the car and hopping out. You opened your door finally, happy to be able to stretch and the sight that greets you is a welcome one. Tae opens up the car door before pulling out his second born daughter. He picks her up before sniffing her back and grimacing, his face scrunches up eyebrows wrinkling before looking around to a picnic table closeby. "Guk, bring me the diaper bag, please."
You lean against the car, arms folding as you watch your mate press sloppy kisses to his daughter's cheek. "Did my Rina eat so well? Hmm? Thanks to mommy?" Your heart feels light as Jeongguk jumps out of the car to attend to his Alpha. You can hear Taehyung whispering sweet nothings to your daughter as she writhes around in his arms. The sky catches your attention, perfectly cerulean with small wisps of grey clouds coming in to litter the Earth with rain. It’s with a sigh as you watch your mate change your daughter that you realize how perfect your life has become. All from a simple run in at a park.
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“I can’t believe we’re going home.” You hear Jimin mutter as he rubs Baekhyeon’s chest. Your head turns to him as you catch the dock up ahead. “You’re from Summit?” 
Everyone in the car nods before your best friend speaks up, “You remember when we first met and I told you that we were chaebols?” You somewhat recall the drunken night at the forest party when you were first introduced to all of the wolves. 
“What do you do?” You ask gaining that liquid courage you’re happy to have with you at the moment. 
“I’m also a college student, all of my friends are. We don’t really need to go to college but it’s fun.” He says before downing his cup of his alcohol in one shot. 
“You don’t need to go to college?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. 
“Not really. We have to take over our parent’s companies.” Jimin says with a shrug. 
“You’re a chaebol?” You ask fingering at the plastic lip of your cup. Jimin rolls his eyes at the word.
“Yeah, I guess. I hate that word.” He says before waving at incoming figures. 
 You nod to your best friend as your arms dangle over the passenger’s seat. Jimin leans back in his seat before shrugging, “The ‘companies’ that I was talking about are all in Summit. We come from High Houses, all blue blood wolves through and through. All our families are prime members of the FWWA and we’ll take their places someday.”
You can’t help but think of Taehyung, his parents were in this Lunaris Chamber. Would he even have a place to stay? Out of the corner of your eye you can see your mate smirk and you turn your attention to him.
“I can hear your thoughts baby, don’t forget that. Even if it’s random, sometimes your mind is screaming,” You blanch at his words, a rosy tint gracing your cheeks as you clear your throat, “My aunt is the head chairman of the FWWA. We’ll be very welcome.”
“He’s like royalty.” Jeongguk whispers enthusiastically and you find yourself raising an eyebrow. Royalty? Why have you never known this before?
“Because it wasn’t important.” Taehyung mutters to you as you pull up to the dock, “Stop doing that, stop reading my thoughts.” 
You shove his shoulder as he chuckles. He lowers his window before hooking his hand behind your neck and pulling your body closer to his. His lips find your forehead before connecting his forehead to yours. “Stop thinking so loud then.”
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It was on the boat that you got the rundown of Summit and everything it entails. You can’t say that you were nervous to get there once learning that Alpha wolves don’t find their mates in humans almost ever and the wolves in Summit might see your children as tainted blood. 
Taehyung kicks back his driver's seat as you sail toward Jeju island, his seat presses against Jimin’s legs and he growls gently at the Alpha who only smirks before closing his eyes. “Y/N, when you get there, just be yourself. Be bold and strong like always and no one will fuck with you.”
You turn to Hoseok who looks at you sternly which is a vast contrast of how he normally is. You swallow thickly before nodding and looking at Taehyung who, even with his eyes closed holds up his hand for you to take it. “What else do I have to know about this place? I mean, okay, I know about this Lunaris Chamber and it was opened releasing really dangerous peopl-”
“They aren’t people, they aren’t wolves. They’re fucking mongrels.” Taehyung cuts you off with a whisper before opening one eye, his blue irises steeled over with venomous grit. You nod slowly rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand before continuing, “Okay, mongrels. Got it. Your families are super important. What else?” 
“Once we get to High Ground, our family neighborhood. You sit your pretty little ass in that house for protection until all of the mongrels are put back in their pretty little cage.” Taehyung mumbles before the boat horn sounds off. 
“Oh, and try not to eat anything out of the Amaranth Forest.” Hoseok pipes up from the back of the car before Jeongguk hands you your daughter for feeding time.
“Amaranth Forest...Got it.”
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The drive from the Jeju Island dock to where you were now was relatively short, only about a half an hours drive to this forest tree line. The other Audi pulls up beside yours and you look at Seokjin in the driver’s seat who stares ahead. The car was riddled with tension, no one made a sound for the last fifteen minutes. You can tell Taehyung is strung up, the hairs on the back of his neck standing tall as he looks over at you. “Take a deep breath and hold it. You might feel sick once we enter.” 
You look out at the trees in front of you before raising an eyebrow. “You’re going to drive into those trees?” 
“They aren’t actually trees. It’s a barrier of fae magic. You’ll see. Take a deep breath, baby.” You do as told, filling your lungs up with oxygen, your cheeks puffing up making your mate wrinkle his nose. “Hand.”
Your hand goes into his before he revs the car engine loudly. “We’re home.” Jeongguk’s voice comes above a whisper before Taehyung is zooming into the trees, your eyes close as an immediate reaction and your stomach hitches within your body as you whimper. Your body tingles before going numb and you feel your mind reel before snapping back into place. The pups let out a short whinge before being comforted by their protectors and you can’t help but squeeze your eyes shut tighter, the edges crinkling deeper as your mate grips your hand.
“You can open your eyes, my love.”
“Wah.” Is the first thing you mumble as your eyes open. This was a town nestled in a bunch of trees, although now seeing it you’re well aware that there was not a tree in sight. It was a civilization hidden away from human eyes. Taehyung pulls your face to look at him quickly and the first thing you do is realize just how handsome he is. Your body feels alive at his touch, his fingers sending jolts of what feels like electrical currents over your skin. Your heart rate picks up and all sense has been thrown from your mind. “She’s got it.” Hoseok whispers with a laugh. You feel your loins begin to coil, arms shooting up to your mates before trying to cross the middle console.
Your fiance’s face radiates a certain glow that entices you towards him. He looks practically ethereal as your body begins to warm within the glow. “Baby. Hey, baby.” Taehyung whispers gently as your body scrambles to jump on him. “Fuck you’re so hot.” 
He chuckles gently before pushing you off of him as you lick your lips. His shove is ignored by you as your body begins to move towards him on its own. Your mind screams out with lust, eyelids drooping as you go to cross the console once more. “I love you.”
His smile is breathtaking, one that makes you want to jump his bones even more as he pushes against your shoulders with an iota of his strength. “I love you too, baby girl. Jeongguk, hold her to the chair.” You gasp gently as hands grab at your arms before pressing you into your seat. Jimin’s hand shields your face from looking at your mates and within seconds you feel your mind relaxing. You almost feel drowsy as your stomach uncoils, head sluggishly lolling to the side.
“Well, now we know for absolute certainty that she was made for him.” Jimin jeers, the laughter that emits through the car makes your eyebrows wrinkle. Trying to jump his bones feels almost as if it’s a distant memory now as you look at the buildings that begin to pass as Taehyung continues to drive. 
This civilization is absolutely stunning, buildings made out of shiny grey material, streaks and hard edges define each stone and you can’t help but think that you’ve never seen this material before. “What is it?” You ask Jeongguk as his chin hooks over your shoulder keeping you pinned to the passenger seat. “Wolframite. It was found here and it’s our biggest export.” 
The pun doesn’t go unnoticed and you snort before the car stops short. Your attention is drawn to a woman with almost iridescent skin and purple eyes. Her attention turns to you and you gasp at the beauty of her outfit. It looks as if she is almost wearing nothing but a sheen wrap of silk around her body. Jewels cascade from her white hair down around her shielding her nipples from view. Her purple eyes narrow at the car before bowing her head. “One of the fae.” Taehyung notifies you, the sound of his voice makes your heart pick up. Your eyes hooding over before you try to scramble out of Guk’s touch.
“Don’t speak, it’ll drive her insane.” Hoseok chides the Alpha only to be greeted with a growl.  “It’s at least nice to know that she wants more babies, hmm?” 
His voice is deep, bass dropping an octave as he teases you and you struggle against the youngests grip as he tries to whisper calmly into your ear, your head thrashes wildly and you feel your mind become hooded once more. You could feel your gut twirling and coiling with every word uttered from your mates lips. “Wouldn’t you like that, baby? Get pregnant with more pups already?” You whine loudly and he laughs gently before continuing to drive. 
The roads are dirt, there doesn’t seem to be anything incredibly industrial about this place. It was perfect and you find yourself wondering in your sluggish state why they would have left it in the first place. “That’s the Amaranth Forest, don’t wander in alone. Fae are ruthless creatures that love to pick fun with others.” It wasn’t a forest per se, more like a vineyard that seems to lead to a flower garden. There was a statue in the middle surrounded by a fountain and the water within it was a shade of light purple. It looks inviting and you find yourself wanting to shove open the car door and enter it. Jeongguk holds you down as you shift towards the door before whining again.
“Man, she is just so susceptible.” Your best friend giggles and Taehyung pushes his hands out of the way. “Look at me.” 
Your head snaps to his and you lick your lips before struggling against the youngest. “Her eyes are gold.” Your hand reaches up to touch him and he smiles gently at you. His hand caresses your cheek before winking and you feel a fresh wave of arousal sweep over you before leaning over and biting Jeongguk’s arm. 
“Ow! Noona!” His arms recoil from you in pain and you jump over the console. Mind somewhere else as you kiss over Taehyung’s jaw, he hums gently before putting his hands on your sides. “I know. I know. I love you, too.” 
You straddle him, fingers carding through his silver hair as your teeth nibble along the skin of his neck. You can feel his chest rumble gently before putting both hands on your face and kissing you gently. “I know, but you gotta stay still baby. You’re too worked up.” 
You pout against him, hand reaching down to his crotch before you get hauled off of him. You thrash around with a scream before being planted back into the passenger's seat with a huff. “God!” Jeongguk whines as Jimin sits on the middle console to shield your mate from you. “I’ll take care of you soon, baby. I promise.” You whine loudly as the car begins to drive off.
The car finally stops in front of a gated community. Large houses all made of wolframite sit in a semicircle. The gates are made of iron with wolves embossed in the middle and you can’t help but lean forward in your seat to look at everything. Each house was almost the size of a mansion, with cobblestone steps leading up to the fronts. Long pillars of wolframite hold up the front of their structures and you can’t help but drop your jaw at the utter richness this place exudes. You take in similar looking folks like the ones that stopped in front of your cars tending to plants or cleaning the outside of the mansions as they fly around. “Wow!” 
It feels almost as if you’re in another universe, something straight out of a storybook. The gates begin to open and you find yourself lowering your window to peek your head out. There’s a scent on the breeze that catches you, lavender and you find yourself becoming enraptured with this place. Your mind reels and yet, at the same time you feel comfortable, like this is the place you were always meant to be. 
“We’re home. Welcome to High Ground.” 
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Series
Werewolf!Taehyung x Mate!Reader
Chapter 7. 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
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“Just one more push, baby.” If those words exit your new found fiance's mouth one more time, you’re going to slap him. Through your pained daze you can feel a towel brush against your forehead. Gritting your teeth and throwing your head back you give one final push before crying loudly. The pain radiates throughout your body, white hot pain courses through your veins as you scream loudly.
“There she is!” Taehyung cheers beneath you and you sag down on the medical table as the third and final child is pushed out of you. With a shaky sigh, you look up to the three chosen protectors of your triplet daughters. Jeongguk pulls the towel off of your head before giving a dog-like whimper as your fiance hands him your newborn daughter. His canines drop and you’ve learned from the first time seeing it that you hate to watch the werewolves teeth break your childrens skin. 
“She’s so beautiful.” Hoseok whispers at the little girl in his arms before looking down at you with a beaming smile. You want to return it as his cheekbones bounce high but all you can do is look down at your mate as he cleans you up. His lips press sweet kisses to your thighs, which are numb and can feel no touch. It’s then he feels your eyes on his and his crystal blue irises find yours before smiling. “You did amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you. I love you so much."
You want to tell him you love him and you love all of your children but sleep enshrouds your brain, drifting you off from consciousness as your head lolls back.
“Baby?” Taehyung whispers gently before standing up, his lips press to your sweaty hairline before looking at his pack members. His eyes begin to sting as he watches his daughters sleep before kissing your forehead, “You did so great, my love.” 
His canines drop as he grabs your wrist, daintily holding it before sinking his teeth in. You were so exhausted you didn’t even move, not even a whimper emitted from you in the medical room. “Did so good.” 
You slowly wake, eyes blearily opening before seeing your mate sitting at the end of the bed. He notices your slow movement before turning to you and smiling. In his arms was one of the three girls you had given birth to not too long ago. “Mommys awake!”
You give a soft smile before sitting up and holding your arms out. She is placed in your arms and your mouth drops open at how beautiful she is, she looks just like Taehyung. A cute button nose and perfectly pouty lips grace her features. “I like the name Jangmi.” He whispers softly before crawling behind you. His legs spread wide, pressing his chest to your back before kissing your mate mark. 
“Jangmi is a nice name.” You whisper as she opens her eyes. They were fully black, which isn’t so shocking the second time around seeing it. You know they’ll turn blue within a few days like Taehyung’s. “Thank you for being my mate and giving me so many precious, beautiful children.” 
A sloppy kiss is pressed to your cheek and you giggle at his sweetness before looking at the cradles in the room. “You made them their own room, why are the cribs in here?”
Your mate chuckles, almost as if he’s embarrassed. “Because, I put them in their room and I missed them.” You pout at his cuteness before elbowing him gently.
“Alpha has new girls to take care of. I’m going to be old news.” You joke as Jangmi begins to whine. You pull down your robe before putting her to your breast and you feel the small rumble emit through his chest. “Oh, no. You’ll never be old news, baby. You’re my everything.” 
His hand dances over your forearm, fingertips grazing your skin sweetly before kissing your temple. “Let me make you some food. You must be hungry.” 
"Alpha wolf must be really pleased to let sappy Tae come out to play." He snorts at that, a breathy noise through his nose before he stands up. “You do know that my wolf chose you as his mate as much as I did, right? The amount of love I have for you could rival all the stars in the universe. That’s what it means to be a mate. You see nothing, think of nothing, feel nothing for anyone of the opposite gender besides the one you love. And, fuck, do I love you.”
He kisses you gently, but you could feel the passion that radiates off of his perfect lips. “Let me go make you some food.” He leaves but not before kissing the forehead of his daughter at your breast and the other two that sleep soundly in their cribs. 
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The kitchen is cold when Taehyung enters, he can hear you whispering sweet nothings to your daughters upstairs and a smile spreads on his face as he approaches the refrigerator. He takes a deep breath before stilling. There’s a scent in the air, an unfamiliar one. One that makes the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. His body whirls around as he sniffs gently. It smells like another pack. Packs have been known to go through the woods at times, he even knows that Jaebeom and his pack regularly traipse through on their way to town but this is not that pack. 
His feet quickly pad to the front door, eyes hardening over at the sudden thought of danger where his family lives. He can hear movement on the front porch and his chest rumbles, a deep growl emitting from him. If this was a wolf outside, they would have heard it. He stops for a second before hearing more movement outside. His hand grips the door handle before yanking the door open. 
There stands a man, one he can very clearly recall. “Jo.” Taehyung's tone is brisk as he folds his arms before leaning against the door jamb. He takes in the tall, bald man before wrinkling his nose at the foul smell he emits. He watches with a lax expression as Jo stands tall, arms dutifully at his side. His heart begins to beat quickly, the sound filling his ears as he looks at the man. There was no good reason for an FWWA man to be standing at his house, one that he hasn’t registered on the wolf bill.
“You’ve been summoned.” His hand dug into his long leather trench coat before producing a black envelope with a bright red wax seal. Taehyung clears his throat, before grabbing the letter and throwing it behind him into the entryway. “Tell her no. I’m busy.”
Jo returns to his stand still position, and Ta can’t help but take in the new scar from the bald man’s temple to his chin. He must have gotten it in China just like his back scar. Sometimes wolves don’t heal the right way. “Can’t do that pack leader. She has summoned you.” 
Taehyung puts his fingers to his temples, rubbing slow circles trying to calm himself before jutting his head towards the forest. “Fine. Whatever. Get off my property, you smell like shit.” Jo growls gently, a noise Taehyung does not take kindly as his canines drop. His tongue licks at his teeth before chomping loudly. 
“Tae?!” He hears from upstairs and he sighs, “Get off my land, mutt.”
He closes the door gently as his sensitive ears hear your feet padding dully on the hallway carpet. He jumps to the entryway to retrieve the letter before shoving it down the back of his shorts as you begin to step down the stairs. 
You appear within seconds with a raised eyebrow as your body leans over the stair banister. “Were you talking to someone?” His fingers feel at the wax stamp before smiling at you and shaking his head.  
“Just myself. Are you and the pups okay?” You begin to smile at him and although his heart is hammering from the sudden surprise of the FWWA intrusion he finds himself smiling widely. “Yeah, I’m going to feel the other babies now.” 
He wrinkles his nose before blowing you a kiss, “I’ll make your food quickly, hmm?” You nod before jumping back up the stairs. His eyes falter to the doorway before feeling at the wax stamp and closing his eyes. What the fuck do they want from him now.
The letter is lightweight but feeling like a hundred pounds in the back of his pants as he briskly jogs to the pack house. Taehyung rarely sweats, it’s not in his nature and yet his body has developed a sheen layer. He howls loudly to gather the boys and he hears their surprise mumbling to one another as he gets closer. Namjoon responds first before they collectively howl. His body jogs past the front line of trees before the pack files out of the house with curious faces. 
Taehyung stops, hands on his hips. Their attention flickers to him and he can acutely smell the rain that’s about to fall from the cloudy sky. Could it be a sign? He produces the letter from the back of his shorts and a strangled noise comes from Namjoon who knows the meaning of the letter all too well. He received one right before his pack was taken by Taehyung. 
Once in the living room, Taehyung lets the letter fall flat on the coffee table. The wax stamp helps the letter fall flat and it hits the table with a small thump. He puts his hands in a prayer before putting them to his lips. “Only three things could be in this letter. I’m getting kicked, I’m being summoned to become a chairman or we have to go back to China.” 
All the wolves stare at the letter without looking at their leader. No one utters a noise although in the distance Taehyung can hear Baekhyeon crying and he cringes. He should be with you and not having to deal with this stupidity. It makes his skin produce goosebumps as he sits down on the floor, legs folding underneath him. “If they are kicking me, for some dumb reason, I love you guys.”
“We won’t let you go as Alpha, you’re a great leader Tae.” Namjoon whispers and he can’t say he’s surprised to hear that. He always just assumed Namjoon held some sort of resentment against him, although when they were in their wolf forms Namjoon’s thoughts never gave any inkling of it. It was probably just insecurity. Nonetheless, he was grateful for his words.
“We’re the best fucked up pack there is, no one is tearing up apart.” Yoongi mutters before leaning back on his hands, Tae smirks at his comment. Blue eyes flicking over to his hazel ones before looking back down at the letter. He has become acutely aware of his sweating palms. He wipes his hands on his shorts before picking up the letter. He lets out a shaky breath before hearing one of the newborn babies cry and he bites his bottom lip nervously.
His fingers, which shake to a degree, go to open the stamp before hearing Jeongguk call to him, “Hyung...I love you, just to...let you know.” The corners of the leader’s mouth quirk upwards before ruffling the younger wolf’s brown hair. “Love you too, pup.”
Jeongguk smiles warmly at him before Taehyung’s thumb swipes over the wax stamp. His eyes honing in on the brand in the wax. The wolf stands beneath a full moon and he closes his eyes, his heartbeat beginning to quicken. The wolves pick up on the noise, and they shift uncomfortably. The leader wasn’t normally like this, he was strong and steadfast, quick minded and equally quick witted. He was the best choice as Alpha and this the pack had no doubt. Jimin puts his hand over his leader’s squeezing it gently, showing his support. Taehyung looks over the letter at his friend from childhood before nodding. “Okay.”
His fingers lift up the wax seal, the sound of ripping paper makes him cringe. He swallows difficulty, as if someone had stuffed a ball down his throat. He pulls out the letter, gold lettering stamped into the black card of stock with blood red trimming. 
Alpha Kim Taehyung,
You have been summoned by the FWWA for Tuesday, February 13th, 2020. You, your mate, pups and pack are to arrive no later than midday. The Lunaris Chamber has been opened.  
Kim Soojae
He takes a sharp intake of breath before dropping the card as if it had burned him. His eyes go wide and the pack shifts awkwardly to his reaction. "Did you...Did you get kicked?" The voice belongs to the oldest member as Taehyung cards his hands through his silver mullet. 
The Lunaris Chamber has been opened?! A three thousand year old chamber containing the most dangerous criminal werewolves has just suddenly been opened?! Releasing mongrel filth into the world?! A chamber that has been guarded by magic as old as time itself has suddenly been unlocked. 
Taehyung stands up quickly making the other jump nervously. "Get anything that is important to you, anything you need. We're going away." His feet have a mind of their own, already walking towards the sliding glass door. You were alone with filth on the loose. He nor his wolf would stand for that.
"Why?! What's wrong?" Namjoon asks, picking up the letter with raised eyebrows.
"The Lunaris Chamber has been unlocked." The gasp he hears from the pack doesn’t go unnoticed to his ears as he begins to sprint back to your shared home. He can hear the boys shuffling around quickly and with a defeated sigh he runs at full speed back to the house.
“I-I don’t understand!” You tell your mate as he rushes to pack bags for you all as you feed one of the triplets. Taehyung grabs your clothes from the dresser before shoving them into the suitcase laid open on the bed. He doesn’t seem to be listening, he’s frazzled. His silver hair is a mess, blue eyes shifting from here to there but never landing on anything in particular. “Taehyung!” You whine loudly pulling the baby off of your breast to burp her. His eyes flit to yours at your exasperated whinge.
He rounds the bed quickly, hands pressing to either cheek before planting a very passionate kiss to your lips. Through this kiss you could feel ardor, sweetness and even nervousness. The way his bottom lip trembles has your heart picking up speed. He was never like this, he was always steadfast and yet, here he was nervously ticking over something. He presses his forehead to yours before sighing, his breath sweeping over your cheeks before closing his eyes. “We have to leave for a little while so it’s safe. Okay, baby?”
You still your hand on the baby’s back before pulling away from him, “We’re in danger? Will something happen to the babies?” His eyes narrow at you, index finger pointing at your forehead. “I will never, ever, let anything happen to you or my pups. Ever. And we are going to the Summit, for insurance.”
His words don’t make any sense and you mentally curse him for never truly telling you anything about his werewolf life. “Summit?! Where is that?! I don’t understand! I-” He cuts you off with a swift kiss, one that has you whining against his lips in frustration. 
He looks at the suitcase before sitting on the bed and putting his hands on your thighs. His eyelids flutter closed as his mouth opens gently. “The Summit is on Jeju Island. It’s hidden away by a magic that is very, very old. It cannot be seen by people who are not wolves or their mates. We have to go there because the Lunaris Chamber has been opened. Why, I don’t know but we need to go to make sure we’re protected.” You pause for a second before laying the baby down on the bed.
“Well why are you so nervous, you’re never like this. Something must be bothering you if you are so antsy.” There it is, you know him all too well. You don’t need hyper smell or hearing. You know him because he’s yours like you’re his. And, because of this he hangs his head in defeat.
“I-I-” He stutters before putting his hands over his face. Stuttering? That’s not in this Alpha’s nature. “Only the worst wolves go into the Lunaris Chamber, the most crazed demons of our kinds. The kind that turn feral during full moons and kill people like in those horror movies. Psychotic wolves that have been infected by this sort of Parvovirus. It spreads through the mind and body like a disease, we still don’t know what causes it but it makes the wolf go insane. Absolutely nuts, the only way to kill a wolf like that is to rip their heart out and burn it. The brain becomes jumbled and warped. Their eyes turn fully black, the veins in their face turn black, and they always foam at the mouth.” His voice trails off as his eyes glue to the skin of your knees as if he’s replaying some horrible memory within his mind. You put your hand on his shoulder as his eyebrows furrow.
“Baby?” His head snaps up before he gives you a shy smile, something you have NOT seen before and you find yourself stiffening. “I’m okay.”
His voice is so gentle. So full of hurt that you hurdle yourself at him wrapping your arms around his body. He hugs you back, chin hooking over your shoulder as he closes his eyes. “My parents were in there.”
The admission drops like a loaded bomb and you make no movement as you close your eyes. No wonder he is so scared, so nervous. He makes a dog-like whine and you can feel your eyes begin to prick with tears. “I hated them since I was a kid. Not because they got infected, they were terrible people. They made me-” He stops short before clearing his throat and letting you go. 
“Maybe one day, when they’re dead I can tell you. I have to finish packing up for us.” You sit there and watch him as he moves quickly without a word and your heart clenches within your chest. He was the epitome of everything beautiful in this world to you. He was so strong willed and determined. So ready to put his life on the line for you and his children and yet, as you stare at him now with this new found information you can see his guard lowered. You can see Kim Taehyung for everything he really is and your heart hurts for him. He has so much caged away to make sure his Alpha role is always present. He’s hurting and you’re just happy enough to know he trusts you with this. With everything. Because, you were his and he is yours. 
The front door opens with a loud slam and you jump at the noise. Taehyung doesn’t pay attention as he closes up the suitcase, his eyes flickering to you before smiling gently. “We’re going to be just fine, baby. I’ll always protect my family.” Of this you were sure.
“You shouldn’t have to protect us.” His smile fades before he’s lifting the suitcase off of the bed and rolling it into the carpeted hallway before it falls over with a thud as the wheels get snagged on the carpet beneath it. He kisses your cheek before letting off a low whistle. It’s silent for a moment before you hear multiple sets of feet stomping up the staircase. 
“We good to go?” His voice is rough as he picks up the bags on the bed. “Yeah, cars are ready to go.” He nods before holding his hands out to you. You take them quickly before standing up off of the bed. “Grab your pup and we’ll go.” 
His arm wraps around you as Seokjin folds his arms before pouting, “You better have another one quickly, I’m feeling left out.” Taehyung chuckles before kissing your temple.
“Once Y/N gets to Summit, you know how that goes.” The guys laugh as they enter the room to grab their protected pup and you frown folding your arms. “Why am I not clued in on this joke?” You ask quietly as you watch the men. 
“You’ll see. Summit is a magical place.” Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows as he holds your newborn daughter to his chest before kissing her forehead. “It’s not about magic, it’s about protection.” Taehyung mumbles stiffly before pulling on your hand.
“Let’s go baby.”
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
SandB Taehyung, how many pups are you and y/n planning to having? I love all your pups they are so cute and lovable. 🥺 Will your pups end up running the pack later on? What are your feelings towards finding out about Jimin? Also do you feel better about y/n having her abilities so she can help protect herself and others from the events that has happened? I wasn’t expecting this in the series but I love each and everyone of your family I wish I could be a part of it and help you protect your kingdom! Lots of love, Nikki 💕
Taehyung picks up Baekhyun with a playful growl, he smirks when his son buries his face into his neck. 
“How many pups?” he laughs at the question, looking down at his eldest son, “I’m not sure. I’m always grateful for my pups. When Y/N says she can’t handle anymore than that’ll be that, I guess. She carries them, I don’t do anything but enjoy making them.”
Yoongi laughs loudly, rolling his eyes as he picks at his food.
“Will the pups end up running the pack? That depends on who is an Alpha and who isn’t. Chan is a bigger Alpha than Baekhyun already so I’m not too sure what’s going to happen.”
He sits down, gasping happily at his son to make him giggle and the heart warming fatherly smile that spreads over his face makes everything worthwhile. 
“Jimin is another story all together. I’m not sure how I feel about that little fuck right now. It’ll take time for me to forgive him for thinking of my mate in such a way.”
Jungkook sits down besides the pack leader, stretching out his limbs and groaning loudly. He lays Jangmi down on his thigh, letting her wriggle around in her sleep.
“I’m really happy about Y/N’s abilities now. She can protect herself and the babies. It’s a really big relief in all honesty. She’s always been strong but now that she can do magic... it gives me a lot of hope for out future and protection. Thank you for being so sweet.” the pack leader beams, giving his undivided attention to his mate as she enters the room.
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
hi :) i’ve found your blog through the sandB series but i can’t find the masterlist think you can help me out? ANYWAYS. thank you and yeah :( keep up the good work pretty 🧸🎈
This is the link for the SandB Series <3
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