#sander sides fanfiction
Escapism in Yellow (MERRY CHRISTMAS @remuspenus)
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samders-sides · 9 months
I am trying to find a really good sanders sides fanfic I once read - it had all the sides in the imagination, and there were two female oc’s (one who was the big bad and the other a fairy godmother type). The big bads goal was to turn Roman and Remus back into one Creativity so that she could rule by their side once more.
There was also a scene where I think Virgil was being controlled and fought Roman? And succeeded in stabbing him (possibly killing him?)
Any help would be amazing ❤️
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a-r-a-h-a-s · 1 year
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Patton and Janus asked them to babysit while they go on date
Pat is calling to see how things are going
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darcylovette · 2 years
Creatures of the Night
By Darcy Lovette (ao3)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Ship/s: Logan/Virgil
Genre: Supernatural Romance AU
Tags: Werewolves, Vampires, Omegaverse, Magic, Drama and Romance, Hurt and Comfort, Witches, Mild Dom/Sub, Slowburn, Explicit (full tags on story)
A world where Humans, Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches live together in “harmony”.
It’s not uncommon for a Rogue wolf to try and make a life outside of a Pack, but for Omegas it’s a different story.
To keep their uneasy pact with the distrustful humans, all Omegas must be placed within a Pack, the exact place decided by their Leader. If one is found, they must be handed over at once, with no fair trial or say in the matter.
After ten years living free, Virgil is caught and forced to integrate with a Pack so large it became its own independent city. But unexpected complications see him placed in the custody of Logan du Bris - son of the infamous Lord of Vampires.
Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28
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lesbianyuuga · 2 years
we don't really like what you do
Pairing: Loceit (could be seen as platonic OR romantic)
Summary: Logan has always been seen as weird, it's hard to be normal when you're so different than everyone else.
Triggers: panic attacks
Word Count: 592
I originally posted this on ao3 under the username steampunkgoggles ^_^
 Logan was used to being different, from a young age he’d always been seen as an outsider, he was different from his peers. He had to wear headphones, he wore skirts instead of pants, he ate special food and all he’d talk about if given the chance was space. It’d never bothered him before though, he was perfectly fine on his own. That was until Janus came along. Janus was different then the other kids, which is why the two hit it off so well, Janus had vitiligo and heterochromia which led to bullying more often than not. Janus was sassy, sarcastic, and brutal. 
Logan loved him. 
“Eat your food Logan,” Janus said 
“Hm? Oh right” Logan replied, mouth full of sandwich. 
“You’re so lucky I’m your friend or you’d never eat” Janus exclaimed, picking at his own sandwich
“I am very lucky to have you I agree” 
Blushing Janus turned his attention back to his sandwich
“Janus gloves” Logan reminded 
“Ah, right” Janus mumbled eyebrows furrowing in concentration 
“I guess you’re lucky to have me too” 
“I was going to take my gloves off eventually!” Janus remarked
“I do not think so” Logan smirked 
Grumbling Janus took a bite of his sandwich. 
The two ate the rest of their lunch in peace, basking in each other’s comforting presence.
Logan hated P.E. he found it unnecessary and obnoxious, but worst of all, he found it incredibly overstimulating, the teacher was frankly an asshole who didn’t care to read Logan’s 504 or he’d know that Logan did not do contact with others (besides his parents and Janus) and he got overstimulated very easily. This was one of those moments where he could not move, people were swarming him on either side, their bodies too close to his, the smell of sweat overwhelming his senses, he was utterly screwed.  Breathing heavily Logan slowly slid to the ground attempting to recover his breathing 
‘Inhaleexhaleinexhaleinexhale’ Logan repeated in his head. 
With shaky legs and labored breathing Logan ran out of the gym and into the bathroom. 
It was a while before he felt safe enough to leave the bathroom, but by then it was already too late, word had spread around quickly of Logan’s speedy escape, making people stare and whisper at him as he walked down the hallway. Rushing Logan ran to the place he and Janus eat lunch, a stairwell in the back of the school. Sitting down Logan sighed in relief and sat down, he had a free period and so did Janus. Wrapping his arms around his knees Logan started to shake, he was so so overwhelmed. Rocking back and forth Logan pulled out his phone to message Janus
L: Will you be here soon? Nonverbal.
J: Yes, on my way now.
Dropping his head into his hands Logan waited for Janus.
“I’m so sorry I’m late Mr. Sanders pulled me behind after class to discuss my grade because I totally care about that,” Janus said panting.
Looking up Logan just nodded reaching out for Janus.
Sitting down Janus pulled Logan into his arms and held him tight.
“Do you want me to talk or do you want quiet?” Janus whispered 
Glancing away Logan held up two fingers 
“That’s fine,” Janus said gently holding Logan’s cheek with his hand and rubbing it. 
Logan closed his eyes and he drifted off, the sound of Janus’s soft breathing serving as a lullaby. Janus watched him sleep, knowing that even if it was just for a little bit Logan was finally getting a break.
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Request made by @girlcalledwhatsername a long time ago and I finally finished it. Less angsty that it was originally intended to be, but at least it’s here yk
June 4th, Mindscape.
So…Roman’s birthday…
It’s not that Logan wasn’t happy for Roman, of course his friend’s birthday was a great occasion. However he, as per usual recently, was being a bit ignored by his compatriots. 
But today was about Roman. If standing near the punch bowl, being addressed only for the occasional “Having a good time?” meant Roman has a great birthday, Logan would oblige. 
“Heyy.. Havin a good time?” Logan heard a sly voice from behind him. He expected it to be Patton or Virgil. Probably Patton, Virgil was pretty busy hiding his blush from his Prince. 
“Yes…definitely….When are we going to-“ He turned around and saw the slithering snake that was Janus, Deceit, whatever one could call him. 
“What? Are you really so shocked to see me, I mean I would hardly call myself a stranger.” He smirked devilishly. 
Logan tried to ignore the mild attraction he felt when Janus smirked like that. This guy was bad news, and this was not the guy to have a crush on.
“I strongly believe Roman would not want you here. I suggest you leave.” As he spoke, his demeanor changed from awkwardly standing with a drink, to threateningly towering over Janus. His words were calm, but his actions spoke mild aggression. 
“Goodness Logan!” There was that smile again, Goddammit. “I simply came to drop off Remus’ card for his brother, that’s all.” 
Logan knew he was most likely lying. He knew Janus most likely would try to ruin the party. But some part of him was saying to let him stay, at least to leave the card for Roman, who would probably tear it up quickly.
“Give me the card, I shall see that it gets to him.” Logan reached for the card but Janus flipped it just too far away from his grasp.
“Make me…” Janus hissed like the snake he was. Logan, however, was blushing. Hard.
“If you do not give me the card, rest assured, I will make you leave. This is no time for games.” Logan fought to make his face stoic.
“You’re no fun Logan..” Janus smirked. “I thought this was a party, after all..” 
He saw that Logan’s face remained stoic, or at least was trying to be stoic, so he eased up the act. 
“Fine, whatever, just make sure Roman gets it.” Janus moved his hand close to the side of Logan’s cheek, and revealed the card as if it had come out of Logan’s ear before handing it to him and walking out the door.
Logan was back to blushing. Not good. Before he could even process what he was feeling, he heard a voice behind him. Again.
“He doesn’t like you.”
Logan turned around. Virgil. Shit.
“Pardon?” Good job, Logan, play dumb.
“He might act like he likes you, but he doesn’t. You know lying’s his whole thing.” Virgil was nearly fuming, arms crossed and his face scrunched up in a defiant snarl. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Virgil.” Logan spoke in a monotone voice.
“It seems he’s rubbing off on you.” Virgil scowled. “You cannot trust that guy. I know from personal experience.” 
Logan responded quickly. “What do you mean by ‘personal experience’?” 
Virgil hesitated. “Honestly, Janus and I were…almost friends. As close friends as two dark sides could be. But when he found out I was starting to be accepted by everyone, he cut me out. He refused to talk to me and even turned Remus against me. He made me feel even more alone than I already did. He’s a backstabber and he won’t do you any good.” 
Logan shouldn’t be surprised. Deceit is literally in his name, it makes sense he would backstab his only friend, but something about the pain in Virgil, one of his best friends’ voices, made him very angry. 
“I won’t get close. I promise.” Logan’s stoic face tried to give Virgil hope. A weak attempt to say the least.
2 weeks later, Logan was visited by a certain someone again.
The studious side was minding his own business in an empty mindscape, with each of the other sides biding time in their own rooms, and reading a book. 
The Hounds of Baskerville, a classic.
“Hey, tough guy” Deceit magically showed up behind Logan (he was getting good at that) “What do we have here?” He yanked the book out of Logan’s hands.
Logan huffed. Did he enjoy the teasing? Perhaps, but he made a promise to Virgil. “Give me back my book, Janus.”
“Or what?” Another cunning grin spread across his face. He knew how this was making Logan feel.
So Logan walked away. Didn’t take his book back, didn’t give a response or second glance. He silently and calmly exited the room. Of course, his brain and chest felt as though they were on fire, but he masked that behind the wall of dead air he left within the room as he walked into the hallway.
This was the only way he could fight the feelings, complete cold shoulder. If he didn’t interact with Deceit at all, he would be better off.
“Hey!” He heard Janus call back to him as he kept walking. “I was speaking with you!”
Logan heard fast footsteps run to where he was. He remained quiet all the same. They continued to walk.
“Do you not know it is rude to ignore someone while they are talking to you?” Janus hissed on the letter s in the sentence. Truly a snake.
“I would rather not be speaking with you.” Logan gave a stoic reply. It was at this time he took the book from a confused Janus’ hand.
“I thought we were having fun.” Janus used a mischievous tone constantly. “I know how you feel about me…” The tone changed from mischievous to flirty on a dime. 
“I feel nothing but annoyance with you currently.” A lie. One that could give the lie’s receiver a run for his money. 
“Wow, I thought I was supposed to be the liar here. Turns out it’s both of us. We make a great team.” The short man kept coming up with responses like he planned this conversation in his head.
“I would never be on a team with you. Not after what you did to Virgil.” It came out. A small amount of the truth. Logan didn’t mean to spill the beans on why he was being so standoffish, but the words flew out all the same.
“What about Virgil?” Janus stopped Logan from walking any further, hand on his chest. This time, his tone was neither flirty nor sly. It was firm. Logan assumed he hit a nerve.
“You turned against him and made Remus abandon him just as you had. He told me.” Logan was cold with his words. Any adverse emotions in this moment would clue Janus to the fact he was much more angry about this than he would let on. 
There was a silence for a moment as Janus ingested the information. 
“I believe I should be go-“ Logan was cut off.
“-I thought he was leaving us for you guys…. I thought he didn’t care about Remus and I anymore…So I did what I thought would stop Remus and I from being hurt.” Janus slowly let out what felt to Logan as…genuine truth. 
“I-“ The next words seemed hard for Janus to get out. “I…regret what I did and how it affected Virgil and I’s friendship.”
Logan was shocked by the vulnerability Janus was displaying. He looked down and at that moment noticed the gloves were off. 
“Why are you telling me this?” Logan hoped the answer was what he wanted it to be.
“Because I really like you, Logan. Don’t know if you’ve picked up on that from the obvious hints I’ve been giving.” Janus chuckled. A real chuckle. Logan’s shock grew. He liked Janus’s flirty, teasing persona, but he might like this Janus even more. The Janus who can really laugh.
“Do you have anything to say? Or are you going to gawk like that until I sink down.”  Logan realized he had said nothing. 
“I may also be experiencing a similar sort of reaction to you as you…have to me..” Logan awkwardly rambled.
“So you also like me?” Janus did his flirty smile again. 
“I believe I..do.” Logan was full on red. The blush could not be hidden by a stoic face at this point.
Janus’ smile grew “Can I kiss you?” 
Logan’s face got more red, if that was even possible. It burned more than the sun it seemed. “I supposed that would be…satisfactory.”
“Ok, Dictionary man.” Janus did another real chuckle. Logan really really really liked that. Janus brought Logan down a tad to his level, and kissed him in a perfectly splendid way that made Logan melt.
After the kiss, Janus couldn’t help but ask. “How was it?” He knew the answer he wanted.
Logan adjusted his necktie. “Quite….Satisfactory.” 
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isabel3710 · 1 year
Haunted location for 'bad things happen bingo'
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This one is a tad shorter than other prompts are/going to be. But I was in a hurry and didn’t know how to take things
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Prompt: Haunted Location
Dipper Pines was laying on his bed in his college dorm room, staring at a computer screen. But for once he wasn’t doing homework. Instead he was on a random form in the backlogs of the internet.
The form was full of people talking about a bunch of different haunted locations. Or at least places they thought were haunted. 
“Been there.”
“That’s fake.”
“That place was torn down.”
Dipper muttered to himself under his breath as he went throught the list. Most places on this so-called ‘list’ he had already heard of or been to himself. Dipper paused when he came across a message about an old warehouse not too far from his apartment. 
“That one’s new.”
Dipper pulled out his phone, he should have some time tomorrow to check it out. Even if it was fake it still would be interesting to look into.
The warehouse was old and rundown looking, Dipper slipped around the back and found a slightly open window. He pushed it open and was able to get inside. According to the chat form this place had been abandoned after a workplace accident and was now being haunted by the spirit of the person who died here. 
Dipper hadn’t been on a proper mystery hunt since the last time he saw Mabel over the summer. It felt strange to be doing one without her but he decided he couldn’t wait. As much as Dipper loved college he was feeling a little stir crazy and a good old ghost hunt was just what he needed. 
Walking around, flashlight in hand, Dipper couldn’t find much to suggest that this place was haunted, there were some crates and a few old pieces of machinery but that was it. Most Ghost Possesed places had things thrown around and broken glass or something. There wasnt even any graffiti on the walls. 
Dipper pulled out his Journal and made a few notes, maybe the ghost was a lower category. Perhaps a level one. Not much of a threat and Dipper couldn’t really do anything to get rid of it. A bit disappointed, he was hoping for a good fight. 
(Unknownth to him there were hidden cameras following Dipper’s every move) 
He kept poking around and looking at stuff. It was a bit strange, Dipper thought this place was supposed to be abandoned but except for some dust there really wasn’t much evidence to prove it. 
Most of the abandoned or haunted sites Dipper has explored were run down and falling apart. “Maybe this place was abandoned more recently.” He mused. 
Dipper stopped, what was that sound. It sounded like creaking floor boards, like someone was walking around. He tightened his grip on his flashlight and began to move slowly and quietly to the sound. 
As Dipper walked he couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Maybe it’s the ghost he thought, maybe it’s toying with me. 
Wouldn’t be the first time a paranormal being decided to mess with him, Dipper just needed to be on guard and be careful. 
Maybe he should have brought someone with him…
No matter, Dipper could handle this on his own. 
(Dipper didn’t hear the sound of a car pulling up outside)
He turned a corner and saw a shadow moving in the distance. Dipper quickly ducked behind some crates and tried to catch his breath. He waited and listened, but the sound had stopped.
Dipper took a deep breath and slowly peeked out from behind the crates. He saw nothing but darkness. He turned his flashlight on and shone it in the direction of the shadow he had seen.
It looked like a person. 
He went to move closer but heard a voice speak behind him. “And who are you?”
Dipper turned around to see a human (definitely not a ghost) woman looking right at him. 
Oh no. 
Author's Note:
Another day, another prompt.
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ofdreamsandreality · 1 year
Three Plus One
Chapter one
/AN: tumblr spaces it weird. Idk why sorry. Been a while since I posted, and instead of updating my current fics I had to make a new one oops. I also tend to update AO3 more often than here, sorry! I hope someone likes this because I have a lot of plot ideas to put into future chapters./
“Morning my loves.”
The warm greeting was accompanied by the sound of their front door opening and closing.
“Morning, Pat.”
“How was your run?”
Roman and Virgil were in the kitchen of their small duplex, busy cleaning up from their breakfast. Virgil handled the task of washing and Roman was drying.
“It was great.”
“And how many dogs did you see?” The question was asked with a smile.
“Seven. And I got to pet three of them.”
“Good for you. Did you stop at the cafe or do you want me to make you something to eat?”
“I went to the cafe. But thank you, Virgil.”
Patton walked over to both of his partners, giving them each a respective kiss to the cheek.
“Speaking of the cafe..I met someone.”
Virgil tensed and Roman turned around to face Patton. A shocked expression on his face. This was an unexpected announcement.
“You met someone?”
“Yeah. I mean I haven’t said anything to them or anything about liking them because obviously I want to talk to both of you first..” Patton replied, a nervous tint to his voice as he grabbed a bottle of water from their fridge.
“Wow. Okay. Yeah I’m open for discussion. Virgil?”
Virgil could feel both their eyes on him as he continued to wash the dishes. Doing something with his hands always helped him to think and process. So neither Patton nor Roman took offense and neither pushed for a response. That’s just how their partner was.
“You met someone.”
“It’s only been a year.”
“I know.”
He wasn’t going to not give Patton this. So talk they shall.
Roman and Patton sat at their small kitchen table, while Virgil remained at the sink. His response had been simple but the other two understood it was approval for conversation to continue.
“Go on Pat.” Roman prompted.
“Okay. Alright. So he was at the cafe. I mean he usually is on Thursday’s. Not that I’ve been keeping track! But I noticed. And we’ve spoken to each other while in line a few times before. Just a hi and all. He always sits in the corner with a new book. But today we talked talked. Like a whole conversation.”
“What about? Is he attractive? What’s he like?”
Roman couldn’t help but be intrigued. Sure this wasn’t what he thought this morning was going to turn into but now he was kind of excited.
“Just about this morning mostly. But also about stuff we like. He told me about his book and I told him about the dogs I met. And I would say he is, he definitely stands out in a room. I think he’s good.
Roman of course would be interested. He always was a fanatic for romance. Not that Virgil would ever fault him for it. It was actually a trait that he loved.
But he had an uneasy feeling about this.
“So you want to date him.”
It wasn’t a question. Virgil could tell Patton was very excited about it.
“Well..yeah. Maybe. If he’d be interested. And only if both of you are okay with this. That’s why I want to talk. I think I’m ready for this.”
Virgil took a deep breath, finally turning around and leaning back against the sink, drying his hands with the towel.
“I’m not going to get in your way. If this is something you want then.. do it”
He wanted Patton to be happy.
“What do you think he’s going to think of us?”
Roman’s question was valid in Virgil’s opinion. Not many people would approve of their kind of relationship.
“I don’t know. I’d have to explain it to him first. But he’s really nice so I don’t think it’ll be a problem.”
At least he truly hoped not.
“Can I meet him? Do you think..never mind.”
“No, tell me Roman. We don’t keep things in anymore.”
“This is your thing. He’s your interest. I just..”
Roman trailed off, running a hand through his floofy brown hair.
“Ro, are you interested in dating?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? But I don’t want to hijack your crush.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“I didn’t think it would be right. I mean..Virgil’s right. It’s only been a year…I didn’t want to push. Not..not that you’re doing that! I was just..you know…”
“Roman easy. Breathe.” Patton soothed, grabbing the others hand from his hair and holding it in both of his. Roman would go bald one day because of that habit of his.
“That’s why I’m talking to you both now. I don’t want to push either of you. I know this isn’t the easiest thing to hear. And probably the last thing either of you would want to talk about. I’m sorry for that. I..can’t help how I feel though.”
“We know that. You’re overflowing with love to give. And I love that about you. I just..be careful with this. Please? Tread lightly.”
“Of course I will. I promise.”
Patton smiled at Virgil, looking to Roman.
“You’ll tell him about us?”
“Definitely. And I’ll be sure to mention how handsome you are if he’s interested in being a part of our relationship.”
“Your relationship. I don’t want anything to do with it.” Virgil added firmly. “If you both are ready to move on then fine great, I’m happy for you. But I’m not. I can’t.” Not again.
“Virgil baby, look at us.”
He had his eyes prev fixated on the floor adjusted to look at Roman when he was asked to.
“We would never force you into something you’re not comfortable with.”
“I-I know I just..”
“It’s okay Vi. We know.”
Patton assured him. Reaching his hand out across the table.
Virgil exhaled and took the few steps needed to be able to take Patton’s hand.
He trusted Patton and Roman with every fiber of his being. He would fully support their romantic endeavors. Even if he refused to be involved.
“If this doesn’t work out, I’m okay if you guys want to find someone else.“
“Thank you.”
“We appreciate that.”
“Yeah, good. Whatever. I have dishes to do. I’ve been abandoned. Left to do these chores all on my own.”
“I think you’re doing a fantastic job with that.” Roman quipped. Laughing as a hand towel was thrown his way, hitting him square in the face.
These two. They made Patton so extremely happy. He was lucky to have them.
They were all lucky to have each other.
Tag list: @frankiprowsworld @kindly-falling @darkle-elkrad @harry-niclach @lesbianturtle @octopushugs @monikastec @superfanboy19 @a-ghost @pearls-of-patton @pearls-of-patton-moved @crownswriter123 @nienna14
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So I have a few pages completed, my goal is to update every Sunday Starting HOPEFULLY this Sunday (23/3/23)! I am absolutely going to let y'all know ahead of time if something comes up. As this is my first time working on a comic (like. ever.) I do ask that you bare with me and be patient as my art style changes (I'm using a very new one for me) and CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS ABSOLUTELY APPRECIATED!!!!!
I hope you guys enjoy this, I know I've enjoyed planning things out. Oh also I'm going to be using the tag #ODAATCOMIC on every page so if you would like to keep track then it's all going to be under that hashtag!
Really looking forward to this and to finally be able to share stories I've had in my head without being in too much pain lol
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hope-star27 · 2 years
Hey I post fanfiction on ao3 under Casperthedragon. Fandoms: Sanders Sides, Roleslaying With Roman, Realta (a webtoon)
Here's a link to the fic I'm currently working on:
Enjoy :)
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maroisedot · 7 months
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I am returning to my roots
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samders-sides · 11 months
The Hunt for Prince Roman - Chapter One
Summary: Roman has been in the Imagination for two weeks straight and Virgil has grown concerned. What starts as a welfare check on the wayward Prince turns into a full on quest to find him because things…are not adding up.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51469459/chapters/130071607
Note: Hi! I am back again. I have two WIPs on here but this walked into my mind and I spent the weekend writing pretty much all of it… Will be updating twice a week until it is all posted on Thursdays and Sundays. Also I'm not great at titles. If anyone has any ideas I would be happy to hear them!
Chapter One: The Begining
It had been two weeks.
Virgil shoved his hands into his pockets and hunched his shoulders, shifting his satchel strap to a more comfortable position on his shoulder and moodily glaring at the scene. There were many places that he liked to while away his spare time. Cuddled up into the smallest ball imaginable in the soft armchair in the living room with his headphones on; sitting on the benchtop while he supervised Patton baking in the kitchen (ready to jump in at any notice with a fire extinguisher, should one be needed); sinking into a warm bubble bath…
Virgil smiled at the last thought. For his birthday, one of the gifts he had received was his own bespoke brand of bubble mixture, which, when mixed with water, created large sparkly purple and black bubbles. Blackberry and lavender scents soothed his nerves, and he swore that the bath water would remain the exact right temperature, no matter how long he soaked his troubles away. Roman had really outdone himself on that one.
Roman. Virgil’s frown returned to his face. The reason that he was here, in the imagination, instead of literally any other place that Virgil would care to be. His skin c­rawled.
Roman had been acting strangely since…well Virgil couldn’t quite pinpoint it exactly. He had been so focused on the threat of Janus, Remus and the Others, and the stresses of a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic that he hadn’t paid enough attention to the three knuckleheads in the light. Recent events sure had blown his failure on that point wide open.
The wedding was a big one, that had felt like an atomic bomb going off in the mindscape. In the space of a day everything had turned upside down. New friendships. New rules. New high score in Candy Crush…one big gaping hole in the fabric of his close-knit family. And maybe the hole itself wasn’t new but it sure as hell wasn’t anything like what it is now. Virgil could name a handful of days that were so significant in their lives to have had as big of a fallout as that one.
But pinning it all on just one (freaking terrible no good) day, was just one more mistake Virgil had to chalk up on his list.
Virgil shook his head and started walking. He was here for a reason.
Two weeks.
Two weeks with no Princey.
Lengthy absences weren’t necessarily unheard of, or even rare – especially when they were between major projects or Princey was working on something big. He was still functioning, Thomas still had his fanciful thoughts, reckless romantic urges, his ego, and his creative spark. They could all feel Roman’s presence in the mindscape, like he had sprinkled glitter over everything. Patton still set the dinner table for four. There was a growing pile of books outside of Princey’s bedroom door that Logan had come across and thought would be of interest to the creative side. Virgil still peeked into his room on his nightly rounds of the mindscape. Usually, the Prince would send some sort of message to them by now though.
“He’s probably just busy defeating some illogical amalgamation of fictional and non-fictional creatures and has lost track of time,” Logan had said, his voice clipped as he turned the page of his book, not even looking up at Virgil. Logan had said something further under his breath about the creative sides’ appreciation for time and schedules, but Virgil had chosen to ignore it. Instead, Virgil’s eyes had flicked to the four empty coffee mugs on the table, and the glass of red wine in the logical sides free hand, then to the clock on the wall which read 11:46 am. A feeling that Virgil could not quite place welled up within him.
“Yeah kiddo, Roman just needs some space at the moment, I’m sure there is no need to worry.” Virgil turned to look at the other side in the living room, Patton. Virgil had a retort ready to snap back about how could you claim to know anything for certain especially about Princey, but it died in his throat as he took in the newest addition to the father figure’s ensemble – a clumsily made yellow friendship bracelet. Virgil knew what feeling had been welling up inside himself that time.
Virgil blinked himself back to the present, not for the first time since the scene from earlier had occurred. One at a time. He had to sort out these buffoons one at a time before they destroyed themselves and Thomas. Something in his heart of hearts told him that Roman had to be top of his list.
He had appeared on a hill in Roman’s side of the imagination and had immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The weight in his gut lessened just a fraction.
The grass was an impossibly perfect shade of green, and the beautiful baby blue sky held no clouds. There were forests to the right and left of him, an expansive ocean behind him, and towns littering the path up to a magnificent Disney castle ahead of him. Cartoonishly cute birds and animals filled the scenes, and the ambiance could only be described as magical.
This hill had become a favourite spot of Virgil’s, on his journeys here. A large cherry blossom tree grew at the crest, with brilliant gardens radiating out around it in ever growing circles, paths weaving their way through the beds. Gardens weren’t entirely strictly his vibe, but Roman had created this one just for him. The flowers were all different shades of purple (with a few tasteful black roses dotted about here and there) and Roman had fashioned a bench underneath the cherry blossom tree, which was always in bloom. It was a peaceful place at a strategic vantage point so no one could sneak up on him while he was there. It was perfect.
Virgil had wavered here for a few moments, his eyes staring at the table in front of the bench which was set up with a Battleships board.
Roman and Virgil had tried chess, but admittedly Roman had struggled with the rules. The Game of Life had stressed Virgil out with the inevitability of death and taxes. Neither of them would ever emotionally recover from that Monopoly game…
Battleships was as much skill as luck. It had been the perfect medium to bridge the gap after Virgil had been accepted.
At least the imagination seemed to be in good nick. In ways that Virgil had yet to understand (and that Logan would kill to know), the imagination was inextricably linked to the Creative sides and their emotions. For the first time, Virgil started to doubt himself and his mission. If the imagination was this picture perfect, maybe the wayward Prince was fine. Maybe Patton was right…
And it was that thought that hardened Virgil’s resolve to continue, as he steadfastly made his way along the cobblestoned road to the first small town.
Since the wedding, and especially since the mall, Virgil had been spending a lot more time with Roman than he ever had before – including in the imagination. It wasn’t entirely his cup of tea but Roman had kept things low-key for him.
The imagination was always in flux, but there were a few constants. “Video game logic” is what Roman had dubbed it. The first golden rule – walk to a location and find a person to ask a question of. A tavern or a brightly coloured shop were your best bets to find such a person. Virgil’s gut said that he would find the Prince at the castle, but the imagination had spat him out onto that hill for a reason. Virgil had long since learned to trust Roman’s guiding hand when it came to the imagination.
And so, Virgil walked into the quaint town of Brightstar.
Roman had eagerly walked him through Brightstar before, and it was a favourite setting of Virgils’. The small French village had a beautiful fountain marking the centre of town, with cobbled streets reaching out from the fountain like a star. The houses had thatched roofs and were built with stone. It was very Beauty and the Beast.
Which is why Virgil frowned when his feet left cobblestone and hit a tar sealed road.
Brightstar was a hive of activity – which was not unusual. What was unusual was the kind of activity. People in high-vis-vests scrambled about in teams. One team hauled a massive machine down the cobbled streets, covering them in tar. Virgil wrinkled his nose at the smell. Another team were pulling up streetlamps and connecting them to electricity. The crew clapped as the first bulb flickered to life.
Virgil broke off into a run, his anxiety flickering to life. There were only a few streets in between him and the town centre and he didn’t stop until the water fountain came into view, blessedly untouched. Virgil slouched and clutched a stitch in his side, cursing Thomas for not going to the gym more often. The city centre had already been paved and electrified, but the local vendors and citizens seemed unbothered. Virgil took a seat on the fountain and dipped his hand into the cool water, forcing his breathing to come right and his heart rate to chill out.
Everything is okay.
Once again, Virgil chided himself. It was silly getting himself into a panic over nothing. Roman decided to update and change his realm almost on the daily, why was he so panicked over him deciding to update the facilities in Brightstar? Virgil tried not to feel too disappointed. It’s not like he was invested in the old school cobble streets at all…though they were far more his aesthetic than modern paving systems. Didn’t Logan once say that the old Ancient Roman roads were far better quality than anything we could construct now? Virgil looked up from his spot at the fountain and saw that another team of workers were replacing a thatched roof with tiles.
“Howdy stranger.”
Virgil just about fell backwards into the fountain, only just managing to catch himself in time. One of the workers had come over to him while he was contemplating the meaning of change. Virgil hurriedly stood up and tried not to look like he had just let out a screech that a banshee would be jealous of.
“Urgh, hi there.” Virgil grunted, shoving his hands into the safety of his pockets. The worker was clearly of elvish origin if his pointy ears were anything to go by. He had an orange hard hat on his head, green eyes, and a kind smile. He clutched a clipboard against his portly stomach and rocked back and forth on his feet.
“Sorry there friend, didn’t mean to startle you.” The man gave a reassuring smile. “The name is Bertram.”
Virgil sighed.
“No problem, er, Bertram.” Virgil cast his eyes about nervously. This was it; he was sure of it. He had found a person, now, to get the right question. “What’s going on here?”
“New orders from the big guy in charge, massive infrastructure upgrades realm wide and we have a week to do it! Management, eh? In truth, I liked the old look, but not complaining here. It makes sense to move away from combustible materials like thatched roofs. Never know when a dragon will take a special interest in our little old town eh?" Bertram laughed as if he hadn’t just made a joke about a dragon burning his home down. Virgil doubted he would ever understand the folk in the imagination.
“Management…yeah.” Virgil swallowed. He didn’t know why he was so anxious talking to a person that literally did not exist. “So, the Prince has done this? Is he around?”
“Where have you been?” Bertram laughed again. “We don’t have a Prince anymore.”
Virgil’s blood ran cold.
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a-r-a-h-a-s · 1 year
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hooksbooks · 2 months
This is the first of two books I bound for @renegadeguild's Tiny Books Bang.
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The story is (don't) take this the wrong way by @delimeful and was typeset by @little-cat-press for the Tiny Books Bang. It's a mermaid AU of Sanders Sides (Web Series), which I had never actually heard of before. But when I saw that it was a merperson AU, this idea popped into my head and I knew I had to try it, especially after I read the story and really enjoyed it.
The inspiration is medieval girdle books, which are books whose covering material (typically leather) extended past the book to a knot that was both used as a handle when reading the book and could be tucked into the girdle when the book was not in use, thus the name.
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Where my book is much smaller (it's a sextodecimo, about 2.25" by 2.75") it isn't designed to tuck into a belt/girdle, but rather is attached to a bracelet and dangles from the wrist when not in use.
When I think of mermaids, some things that come to mind are fish, treasure, and tridents, and I wanted to incorporate all three in the design. The book is covered in blue bookcloth, and then covered again in crocheted netting that was meant to bring to mind fishnets. I crocheted the netting from cotton-poly sewing thread doubled up. I incorporated a trident into the filet crochet, which is repeated on both the front and back covers. I blocked it on a piece of blotting...board? paper? It's soft and thick and meant to absorb moisture and came with my book press that started life as a flower press.
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I then sewed the netting to the bookcloth covering the boards with teeny tiny stitches. It probably took twice as long to crochet the netting as it did to the rest of the binding combined, but I really like how it turned out.
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The bracelet I picked to attach the netting to is gold-colored to invoke the idea of sunken treasure. Rather than attaching the netting from one end to the other, I folded both ends to the middle and attached it like that so when you have the book open it lays more nicely.
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The design of the endpapers looks like looped thread, and also reminds me of netting. I secured the bookmark to the bottom of the text block and let it hang from the top, which works better when the book is hanging from the wrist and doesn't get caught in the netting. I also sewed a little starfish charm to the end of the bookmark.
Technical details:
Sewn-on endpapers
Rounded but not backed
No headbands (I think I intended to, but forgot and then decided it didn't matter enough to try to pull the cover back off)
Things I liked about this bind:
I really like the girdle-book-on-a-bracelet design, it came out almost exactly how I had envisioned it.
Things I'd like to change/improve for next time:
I wasn't 100% pleased with how trimming went on these. It wasn't terrible, but I probably need to come up with a different solution than just a utility knife and a straight edge.
Crocheting the netting really did take so long. I'm not even done with the netting that's going on my copy yet, which is why all the pics are from the typesetter's copy. Probably would not want to do netting for anything larger than this one was.
Overall feels: Loved it! I enjoyed the story, the design came out pretty much exactly how I envisioned it, overall I'm well pleased.
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radioactive-dazey · 2 months
Overgeneralizing Sanders Sides fanfiction, PT 2: Prinxiety edition
Virgil: oh god. Oooooh god. WHY. WHY HIM? Why did I have to go get a crush on that self obsessed, pop-tart for a brain man >:( You know what? It's fine. It's not a problem, in fact it's FUNNY how much of a "non-problem" this is. I'm not gonna do anything about it. Then I will just sit here, not doing anything, except feel sorry for myself for potentially missing out on a great opportunity. I would have messed everything up anyway. I have no chance, he doesn't like me in the same way.
Roman: Oh god. Oooooh god. WHY. WHY HIM? Why did I have to go get a crush on that-- Edgar Allan Woe >:( he's unreasonably pretty, who let him do that? OK. It's fine. I'm going to stay in my lane. He probably doesn't want anything to do with me anyway, or with anyone for that matter! He's such a loser lovely person and if I try to force it, all I'll be doing is driving him away. *not even a full ten seconds later* What are his favorite flowers? Does he like pasta?
Meanwhile, in the Canon:
Virgil: Yo. I'm gonna watch a movie. Do you want to join?
Roman: ... You're inviting me to hang out??? :')
Virgil: eugh. Nevermind, you ruined it.
Roman: how did I ruin it- Virgil WAIT- WHAT MOVIE?!
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