#sankt petyr
yangvik · 8 months
so i recently finished the lives of saints and now it's time for my specialty; making everything about inej ghafa. the stories behind the namesakes of all her knives can be found here but the one that stood out to me the most was that of sankt petyr, her first knife. as the patron saint of archers it's likely she named the knife after her family's saying ("the heart is an arrow, it demands aim to land true"). but what stood out to me about it was how petyr died. i've seen a lot of analysis about the water imagery in the series and so i couldn't help but notice that petyr was martyred fighting a demon possesing a body of water, as inej fights slavers on the water. i know she didn't know that she would end up there when she named it but whatever it's symbolism you get it!!
while i was searching tags to see if anyone else noticed this i came across this post that highlights a possible parallel between petyr and kaz which is so delicious since it's known he gave the knife to her. one thing the grishaverse series is gonna do is eat the fuck out of symbolism. it was also not lost on me that sankta margaretha patron of thieves and lost children was kerch that was a nice touch. maybe a future knife name idk a girl can never have too many!
and ps sankta marya being a suli girl and the patron of those far from home made me want to eat the book. what the hell. what the hell.
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map-of-obsessions · 2 years
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Crowtober Day 18: Blade
Sankt Petyr, not as romantic as geraniums, but more practical
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thinking about kaz giving inej her first knife. thinking about the way she named it sankt petyr. thinking about how sankt petyr had a brother that died before his 20th birthday. thinking about how he protected townspeople from a devil that lived in a lake. thinking about how the demon tried to seduce sankt petyr with the words of his dead brother. thinking about how when he finally lured it out of the water, sankt petyr was killed along with the devil.
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year
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"As she walked, she released the triggers on the sheaths at her forearms, feeling the grips of her daggers slide into her palms. Sankt Petyr, renowned for his bravery, on the right.” KANEJ APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 06. favourite object
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19burstraat · 9 months
so does anyone want to talk about how the respective Saints that Inej's knives are named after protect not just her, but Kaz as well? or will we all start throwing up and clawing at walls and stuff? Because Inej's knives are:
Sankt Petyr, renowned for his bravery, on the right; the slender, bone-handled blade she’d named for Sankta Alina on the left. She recited the names of her other knives, too. Sankta Marya and Sankta Anastasia strapped to her thighs. Sankt Vladimir hidden in her boot, and Sankta Lizabeta snug at her belt, the blade etched in a pattern of roses. Protect me, protect me. She had to believe her Saints saw and understood the things she did to survive.
Sankt Petyr, who protects archers (the heart is an arrow / I didn't like the idea of that arrow in your quiver)
Sankta Alina who protects orphans, and those with undiscovered gifts (Barrel boys don't have parents / But the cruelest discovery was Kaz's gift for cards. It might have made him and Jordie rich.)
Sankta Marya who protects those far from home (Kaz had been nine, still missing Da and and frightened of traveling from the only home he'd ever known)
Sankta Anastasia who protects the sick (the sickness was there, the need to run…)
Sankt Vladimir who protects the drowned (caught in an undertow... She understood suffering and knew it was a place she could not follow, not unless she wanted to drown too)
Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses (only one boy will learn your favourite flower).
(it's possible you could also do a reading where each knife is a crow; kaz is vladimir / inej is petyr / nina is alina / wylan is marya (!) / matthias is lizabeta (tulips....) / jesper is anastasia (there are many kinds of sickness) but they're interchangeable to some extent and they do also slot neatly with just kanej)
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
For anyone wanting a breakdown of Inej's knives and where she keeps them:
Sankt Petyr: kept in a quick release sheath on her right forearm. Named after patron saint of archers, who was renowned for his bravery. Petyr was Inej's first knife and a gift from Kaz.
Sankta Alina: kept in a quick release sheath on her left forearm. Named after Sun Summoner Alina Starkov, patron saint of orphans and undiscovered gifts. Described as a "slender, bone-handled blade." Probably also given to her by Kaz.
Sankta Lizabeta: kept at her waist on her belt. Named after Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses, the patron saint of gardeners. Described as a "blade etched in a pattern of roses."
Sankta Marya: kept in a holster strapped to her thigh. Named after Sankta Marya of the Rock, the patron saint of those far from home.
Sankta Anastasia: kept in a holster strapped to her thigh. Named after the patron saint of the sick.
Sankt Vladimir: kept hidden in her boot. Named after Sankt Vladimir the Foolish, patron saint of the drowned and unlikely achievements.
She also wears knee pads that have "tiny steel blades" hidden in each of them, activated by a trigger on her ankles.
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kanejforever · 1 year
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Kaz had taught her to crack a safe, pick a pocket, wield a knife. He’d gifted her with her first blade, the one she called Sankt Petyr - not as pretty as wild geraniums, but more practical, she supposed.
@kanejdaily‘s Kanej Week - Day 6: Favorite objects - Inej’s knives
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tough-n-dumb · 2 months
weave a lovers' tapestry: an anthology of stand-alone Kanej fics and ficlets
Latest fic—chapter 6
Inej is, perhaps, a bit more bloodthirsty than Kaz expects.
There was no fanfare when Kaz gave it to her, no ceremony. He’d simply pulled the knife from his pocket and held it out to her. When she hesitated, he’d stepped closer and placed it directly into her hand. With her heart more full than she knew how to handle, she couldn’t help but gently barb him to hide her rising blush, and he did the same in turn. It felt too dangerous to tell him how much the gift (though he’d never call it such) meant to her. 
It wasn’t much to look at, but, oh, did Inej look. That night, sitting cross-legged on her tiny cot, she ran her fingers gently over the knife. It was strictly utilitarian, the handle wrapped in dark, worn leather strips and the wickedly sharp blade crudely whittled down to a razor-thin edge. She had no doubt it was second-hand and specifically one of Kaz’s. She didn’t mind at all. 
It was the first of many, and always her favorite. Despite its knicks and the at-first clumsy way it fit in her hand—the leather molded to a palm much larger than her own—she cherished it; kept it lovingly strapped in a sheath on her arm, always at the ready. She’d named it Sankt Petyr after the patron saint of archers. Even then, perhaps, she knew the arcing path her heart had chosen and the boy that held its aim.
By the time her first year with the Dregs came to a close, Inej had used it to threaten, maim, and even kill. But its best use, she thought, had been on him.
Read on AO3
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Kanej Fic Recs
I've been thoroughly sucked back into the Grishaverse fandom after Shadow and Bone S2, so here's some Kanej fics for you to enjoy! But don't worry - none of these fics have spoilers for the show.
not like this by rebel_hearts (865)
Inej has been kissed before, but not like this. Not as if she's everything somebody could ever want - and not just because of her body, or her talents, but because it's her.
Drowning by witteefool (1.2k)
The shock of cold sent any stray thought from his mind, his body sinking as his wool coat grew sodden and heavy.
Then they were back. His demons grabbed at him from the depths, their bloated, grisly bodies pulling him downwards to the reaper. His escape had only been temporary. Jordie was ready to take him back now.
Tantalus Skin Hunger by PestilenceandSunshine (1.6k)
Why should they keep our Secrets? Keep us Safe? The Demon in his mind spoke.
Because they love us. They're our Friends, our Family. The Child answered again. They love us.
Dirtyhands did not speak again. 
Or: Kaz Brekker platonically pines and yearns, but Recovery takes time and is not a linear process
a laugh I could recognise anywhere by onthelasttrain (1.7k)
“Jesper Llewellyn Fahey, domesticated at last.” He freezes, his breath trapped in his lungs. All those months looking at maps, wondering where she is, and now he doesn't have to wonder. She travelled farther than any merchant or sailor ever did, and then she came back to the Barrel.
(Back to him, he thinks selfishly).
two solitudes by sixappleseeds (2k)
“I was going to say,” Kaz remarked. “That memory is a tricky bastard. It takes cheap shots when you’re not looking. Cuts you up when you least expect it.”
we wear red so they don't see us bleed by A_7187 (2.9k)
jesper fahey: this really hurts. after everything i’ve done for you
kaz brekker: which is nothing?
inej ghafa: im sorry?
Kidnapped by Youknowit (2.9k)
Inej's parents and some of her caravan are kidnapped by slavers. It's up to Inej and Kaz to fight the encampment and free those who were stolen.
a foreigner called candor by kallliope (2.9k)
A new strain of parem is tampered with to make a truth serum, which Kaz unknowingly consumes.
the end of a movie i've seen before by downn_in_flames (3.3k)
And then, standing before her, in a sober black wool coat, ink-dark hair tossed about by the wind, a small rolling bag at his side, is the very same person who’s taken up permanent residence in her dreams.
She’s not entirely convinced she’s not dreaming now - though if she is, this one’s an entirely new creation of her imagination, with not an ounce of intertwined past memory to be found. She entertains the thought of pinching herself just to be sure.
Six Fifteen by orphan_account (3.5k)
Every morning at six fifteen, gymnastics instructor Inej Ghafa sings in the shower. Her apartment neighbor Kaz hears her through the connecting wall, and one morning accidentally joins in.
love is not love which alters when it alteration finds by cameliawrites (3.8k)
“I do look forward to meeting this husband of yours one day, Captain,” the deputy drawls sardonically at her back.
Inej finds herself dangerously tempted by the notion. She caresses the blade of Sankt Petyr at her side as she takes her leave, the metal smooth and sharp as her lover’s dark gaze. The thought draws her homeward, and she quickens her steps, a single utterance underneath her breath:
“No, you don’t.”
By the Book by marycontraire (4.2k)
“You look like a pirate,” Kaz says.
“I am a pirate,” Inej reminds him as they emerge into the dark storage room. 
Kaz holds his bonelight aloft to illuminate the rows and rows of garments.  “Not this morning,” he says. “This morning you’re the bride of a respectable gentleman farmer."
home by northyard (5.5k)
When the assassin spoke, his voice was gravelly and strange. "Smart." He mused. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dirtyhands. I've heard a lot about you." His hands drifted to the two knives strapped to his thighs. "And I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to kill you. Most of Ketterdam wants you dead, Brekker." He added, hands deft as he unsheathed his knives. Kaz didn't miss the bulge in the forearms of his sleeves (more knives) nor the two tipped daggers that emerged from the end of his boots.
Kaz lifted an eyebrow, waving his hand in a nonchalant manner. "Tell me something I don't know."
The assassin grinned. "You've underestimated me," he fired back, teeth bared like a wolf. "Any person who crosses me does not live to tell the tale."
Kaz shot back a wolfish grin of his own, tipping his hat to the assassin. "It's a good thing I'm not a person."
Can I Watch You? by aknosde (6.7k)
The older they get the more late nights working on his bed mean. And sometimes they let themselves become a little more vulnerable. And sometimes their friends are nosy and annoying.
farmer kaz by cafatonin (7k)
Kaz cleared his throat. “It reminds me of home.” Inej’s head popped up, her senses finely attuned to Kaz’s sharing voice. She looked to where he was lounging on the bale nearest the door, bad leg lazily draped over the side. He didn’t dare look back at her.
my pain shouldn't be yours by dregstrash (11k)
In a world where soulmates exist, what do you do when you feel the pain of someone else? Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa share that singular thread, and neither of them wants to acknowledge it. Kaz Brekker, the boy who never admits to weakness, and Inej Ghafa, the girl who has her own scars, must learn to navigate the dangerous streets of Ketterdam while trying to ignore the bond between them.
Dinner & Diatribes by Thesuncameout (12k)
There wasn’t supposed to be a storm.
Time spent creating this plan had taken up almost a month’s worth of days and nights. Neither of them had slept more than four bells, too caught up in perfecting the swindling. Even Jesper had lost a few nights helping them figure out the heist. They planned everything. The ins and outs, the what ifs and possible dooms, the plan A all the way to Z.
And yet, they hadn’t bothered to look above and see the rolling clouds and rumbling skies.
i wanna hold the hand inside you (i look to you to see the truth) by hyperspecificplaylists (12k)
It's 7:00 a.m. on the day before Valentine's Day when Kuwei's listicle comes out and promptly exposes everyone.
Wherein Nikolai sings love songs for the internet and pretends they're not for Zoya (except they totally are).
O Loving Hate by this_pendent_world (13k)
‘The Ravkan Roast’ is the top coffee shop on the doorstep of Ketterdam University - or at least, it was until ‘Tooth & Claw’ opened up right across the street.
While her friends insist that they are at war with the rival coffee shop, Nina Zenik believes that Matthias Helvar is too cute to be her sworn enemy.
If only they weren't on opposite sides of the brewing war, and the street.
Ace by KatyaMorrigan (15k)
Healing takes time and work, but Kaz and Inej have been putting in the hours. While once it seemed that they may always have to love each other at a distance, it now couldn't be further from the case. Although, Inej's thoughts have been wandering, and now she isn't sure what they are working towards. Even though the possibility that had once seemed so slim is now an option, is sex something she wants? Is it something Kaz wants?
And if the answer is no, what happens then?
A coming-out-to-herself fic in which Inej and Kaz explore intimacy and come to the conclusion that, for them, sex isn't a part of the equation.
all in good time by terribletruths (15k)
Inej needs a powerful man dead. Kaz, busy conducting 'renovations' across the West Stave and feuding with famous stage actors, is glad to have the opportunity to eliminate a threat.
False Hearts by QHQ (16k)
This was the weirdest fucking job Inej had ever taken.
Kaz and Inej go to marriage counseling. The only thing is, they’re not married. They don’t even know each other.
Killing Me To Love You by venus_in_retrograde (31k)
Inej comes down with a bizzare illness that has her weak and feverish and at the brink of death. As a result, she is forced to confront some truths about her heart she's spent the longest time avoiding.
Truths meaning her feelings about Kaz Brekker. Feelings which, knowing him, are most definitely unrequited, and will therefore only make her suffer more.
All in all, it's a pretty dire situation. Things are bound to get messy.
But her time is running out.
Dealing with Our Demons by ravenyenn19 (747k, in progress)
Inej's first letter back to Kaz after she leaves on her journey to hunt slavers, reunion ensues! Will they continue to learn how to battle their demons in order to get close to one another?
If you have any other Kanej fics that you recommend, please let me know! And in the meantime, thank you to all the fantastic authors who shared their work with us and happy reading :D
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summersunqueen · 10 months
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this is so beautiful 😭😭 thank you for this, Christina, ilysm <3
...i can see this scene in my head: jack and his wide doe-eyes looking up at calahan with the softest smile at the beautiful term of endearment (which had a brotherly-sort-of-affection he never received before), while calahan just laughs, like, with a smile that lights up his entire face as he firmly, yet gently, clamps a hand atop jack's shoulder...i need to see them interact... AND THE FACT THE MATTHIAS CALLS WYLAN "LAMB" IN MULTIPLE EPISODES-
*inhales deeply, holding back a sheen of tears that coat my livid eyes, as I pick up my Exacto-Knives; Sankta Alina clutched in my left hand and Sankt Petyr gripped in my right
LET THE GRISAVERSE FANDOM RISE, FOR WE RIDE AT DAWN!!!!!! (six exclamations - one for each crow we shall revive once again from the wake of netflix's destruction)
and also...they're absolutely precious
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
She never walked West Stave alone. With the Dregs at her side, she could stroll by the Menagerie without a glance toward the golden bars on the windows. But tonight, her heart was pounding, and she could hear the roar of blood in her ears as the gilded facade came into view. ... Inej forced herself to look at the Menagerie as she passed. It’s just a place, she told herself. Just another house. How would Kaz see it? Where are the entrances and exits? How do the locks work? Which windows are unbarred? How many guards are posted, and which ones look alert? Just a house full of locks to pick, safes to crack, pigeons to dupe. And she was the predator now, not Heleen in her peacock feathers, not any man who walked these streets. As soon as she was out of sight of the Menagerie, the tight feeling in her chest and throat began to ease. She’d done it. She’d walked alone on West Stave, right in front of the House of Exotics. Whatever was waiting for her in Fjerda, she could face it. A hand hooked around her forearm and yanked her off her feet. Inej regained her balance quickly. She spun on her heel and tried to pull away, but the grip was too strong. “Hello, little lynx.” Inej hissed in a breath and tore her arm free. Tante Heleen. That was what her girls knew to call Heleen Van Houden or risk the back of her hand. To the rest of the Barrel she was the Peacock, though Inej had always thought she looked less like a bird than a preening cat. ... Inej’s vision blurred. Trapped. Trapped. Trapped again. ... Move, her mind screamed, but she couldn’t. Her muscles had locked up; a high whine of terror filled her head. ... Inej stood frozen, shaking. Then she dove into the crowd, eager to disappear. She wanted to break into a run, but she just kept moving steadily, pushing toward the harbor. As she walked, she released the triggers on the sheaths at her forearms, feeling the grips of her daggers slide into her palms. Sankt Petyr, renowned for his bravery, on the right; the slender, bone-handled blade she’d named for Sankta Alina on the left. She recited the names of her other knives, too. Sankta Marya and Sankta Anastasia strapped to her thighs. Sankt Vladimir hidden in her boot, and Sankta Lizabeta snug at her belt, the blade etched in a pattern of roses. Protect me, protect me. She had to believe her Saints saw and understood the things she did to survive. ... The run-in with Tante Heleen had left her shaken, and the heft of the daggers in her hands wasn’t enough to soothe her rattled nerves. She knew she should get used to carrying a pistol, but the weight threw off her balance, and guns could jam or lock in a bad moment. Little lynx. Her blades were reliable. And they made her feel like she’d been born with proper claws.
Six of Crows- Chapter 10 (Leigh Bardugo)
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
I've been scoping out the Grishaverse wiki pages recently and I've found a few things that fascinate me, possibly a bit too much. Sankta Magda's story mentions two spirits called the cold woman who lives at the bottom of the river and the shadow man who lurks behind doors. Sankt Petyr's story tells of a demon who dwells in a lake. Several times throughout the series characters talk about khitka. Clearly the Grishaverse has concepts of demons, spirits, and ghosts outside Grisha. We've seen creatures like Morozova's stag, the serpent, the firebird, and dragons (if you count KoS) appear in the series before. I could be mistaken, but in order for Ilya Morozova to have created these amplifiers, wouldn't these creatures needed to have existed beforehand? Or did he just merzost them into existence along with their amplifier status? If sea serpents and dragons are real, could things like the khitka exist in some form as well?
So. The Stag, the Sea Whip and the Firebird existed before they became amplifiers. What Morozova did was to find them (the first two), kill them and bring them back to life through merzost. And that's how they became amplifiers.
Now about the khitkii, I'm not sure. I mean there is a very blurred line between the real and the fake when it comes to superstitions. Some times superstitions and fairytales come true (in the case of the Stag, the Sea Whip and mermaids) while other times they're just fiction, born out of fear of the unknown.
So my answer about the khitkii is that I wouldn't be surprised at all if they existed. At least in the Grishaverse tales tend to lean more to the truth than to lies (mostly).
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theenchantress36 · 2 years
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Kaz had taught her to crack a safe, pick a pocket, wield a knife. He’d gifted her with her first blade, the one she called Sankt Petyr – not as pretty as wild geraniums, but more practical, she supposed.
Maybe I’ll use it on you, she’d said.
He’d sighed. If only you were that bloodthirsty. She hadn’t been able to tell if he was kidding.
Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo
(29 September 2015)
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jegulusofwesper · 2 years
what if this is what’s happening in this scene and we see inej get sankt petyr
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shoepolishpolice · 2 years
Something terrible will happen if I do not see a montage of Kaz teaching Inej how to fight, throw knives, pick locks, read and write in Kerch and become a Dreg ending with him gifting her sankt petyr in s2
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
ok so are we going to talk about the fact that Kaz actually gave Inej at least two of her knives? because everyone knows about Sankt Petyr, but I'm pretty sure that Sankta Alina was a gift from Kaz as well:
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