by Peter Sanlon | Simplicity means that God’s essence is identical with His attributes. God is not some unrevealed being who possesses attributes such as love and knowledge. Rather, God is love and God is knowledge. This truth is tremendously reassuring, for it means when we encounter God’s love or knowledge, we are genuinely meeting with God. Were attributes…
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theperfectpints · 8 months
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Gleniff Horseshoe, County Sligo
© Robert Sanlon
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444names · 1 year
towns and cities in both the republic of ireland and south korea BUT excluding "h"
Abbey Abbeyrang Abric Abrin Abristoo Aburnelis Acasslay Adeonstles Aesan Agalan Aggus Agock Aguntiogue Aigurnfor Ailconbon Aisslane Amnam Ampyeck Andown Angdon Angimon Anglegue Ankidge Apopo Apoqua Ardford Aretty Arnam Ateenon Ateenvoree Aullastow Ausejon Avangan Bacen Baeju Bailma Bairroe Balbon Baleaustlen Balinbrin Ballack Ballaggyeon Ballan Balle Balled Balleelgen Balleryeon Balletown Ballier Ballies Ballieunine Ballim Ballimstoe Ballin Ballis Ballogee Ballongder Ballounlin Balls Ballston Balltumsam Ballus Bally Ballybore Ballyclod Ballyga Ballygard Ballyjan Ballylas Ballylongju Ballyma Ballynague Ballyneen Ballyr Baltinju Baltor Baltys Bandung Bangjumbet Bansuir Barry Bawlestown Bayan Beaggyeon Begang Begocknon Begyeon Belan Bellang Beltowne Bergure Blannyan Blastleent Bliannisbuk Blinry Bofins Boollyclow Boseju Branacasan Brate Briff Brissintim Brock Brumnaslin Buamp Bubla Bubladfin Bublinam Buksteragu Buyeon Bwollan Béall Carbal Cardfen Carey Carnarri Carriell Carrit Carriterst Carry Cascroe Caseok Caskeen Cassand Castletran Castoe Castown Casunling Caulspitty Ciallyla Ciamyan Cilculliff Civock Clack Clactur Clagra Clalle Clang Clangjine Claskermann Cleckrag Clian Cliestown Clinastel Clinewtown Clock Cloeung Clogo Clogord Clomon Clond Clong Cloodewon Clougue Cloungyeon Clourn Clourt Clous Cloylard Clurri Cnockman Cobel Colelly Colgyane Coman Comeara Congdeon Congown Contbridge Coomakeslay Coomitim Coote Coree Corgu Courry Cries Croman Cromeers Crosam Crossmord Crout Crovints Culard Curboft Curne Daebelculla Daill Damgry Dampary Darva Delan Doode Doodes Doong Drang Drateenses Dridlen Drock Drood Dross Drossmore Drumbel Drumord Drumovilda Drumurs Dunce Dúnacaul Edmormong Enamp Eongaklaguk Ernaewong Eumkeel Eungbuk Falveelle Fedmous Forman Framseon Freen Furcollyon Furet Furry Gakert Garoire Garridgead Garry Gater Geationju Geonaju Getood Geupseock Gijan Glinala Goksan Gollise Gormisron Gormo Gorown Gorryknon Gortbrossax Gosker Grang Gransan Gungju Gwangsangan Gwomany Gwongi Gyang Gyeon Idgeon Iksaggla Iltown Inagane Injeon Innisong Innyallen Inseon Ireekstown Janewan Jangaklong Jangi Jannaskilla Jeong Jeonnitrot Jikste Jineystown Jings Jintown Jockan Judim Keixna Kiend Kilcodeon Kildan Kildcas Kildoncrity Kildton Kilemonbu Kilen Kilermor Kilferood Kilfin Kilfing Kilfinseon Kilfwaw Killa Killas Killemyvan Killsan Killy Killyo Kilmall Kilmeare Kilmell Kilminden Kilmon Kilmory Kilmu Kilmulsan Kilmun Kilnanju Kilstong Kilstown Kiltown Kiltyforeek Kines Knocard Koreastle Labragap Ladaeig Lascrosack Lassangju Leddeona Linan Lindang Linroe Liseusk Litrat Littaneyre Logum Logyan Longney Loomore Loong Mackmarna Maklogore Mallone Marry Meastown Meensan Merry Meste Midge Milculebrum Mitasky Modeon Mollenna Morkeent Moung Mourry Muiwoo Mulintuam Mulleong Mullitinaga Mullysaney Mulsane Munce Murne Nagan Namel Namyan Nangsok Nastlecknay Nesunt Newballa Nockraire Nogujeon Norring Nurráirí Oegson Offall Oindon Olycung Petoad Pillary Pills Pogyeon Porooldcast Porrang Promaller Prossbrid Pyeon Pyerneg Quaittemar Ragarvan Raigort Rangburel Rangne Rannigan Rastle Rasundroe Raterfor Ratow Reseone Riddy Rivoy Robworryle Romoy Ronaylan Rootee Roseonvord Rowkee Ruselgappo Saclouiry Sanlon Sapyeongju Scoobirt Scoot Seolene Seonbridge Seone Seumly Seung Seusk Seylin Sinew Skesung Slarrand Sokstown Spamcon Spare Spettleison Spidgeon Spite Stleela Stongork Stown Swaylin Taekpo Tainstobel Tastier Tastown Teeltown Timord Tionack Tonampiter Toodastown Tumkeeksam Turne Turry Uingseon Uncen Vilennagard Villenna Vilwawn Wacklood Wayane Wayannaggle Weldy Yeomailes Yeone Yeong Yeongay Yeongtown Yeonn
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phuhoaan · 5 years
Địa chỉ sản xuất tấm nhựa lót sàn chuồng heo, chuồng chó uy tín
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champeon23 · 8 years
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besides #sanlon, what else are we having here today? #phoreal #homecooking #goodeats #phoweather #haveaniceday #thegoodlife #successfulliving #livethelifeyouwant #livehappily (at San Francisco, California)
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Jean/Marco fanfic part two
Levi slowly opens his eyes. He stares at the ceiling fan, trying to focus on one of the blades. After a minute he gives up and cranes his head to the side, someone is sat in a wooden chair besides the bed he's in. The man is Erwin Smith. And he is asleep.
It must be dawn, cause a single strip of morning light is painted across his face, the golden thread of his stubble  is sewn into the skin of his jaw and Levi notices his looks exhausted, even in sleep. He's still in his Scouts uniform, the green cloak draped over his shoulder, and there is a half healed cut through his left eyebrow.
Levi attempts to sit but feels a horrible pain in his side, he grunts and placed his hand where the pain still lingers. He knits his brows together as he feels some sort of padding beneath the hospital gown he's wearing. Ignoring the pain, the corporal straightens himself and leans against the headboard. He looks down the collar of the gown and sees a patch of gauze and bandages.
"Oh you're awake," comes a smooth, deep voice, Levi looks up and sees Erwin's awake. He gives him a look over again.
"What happened?" He questions while making a small gesture to his side.
"Your rib broke and did some damage to your Chest wall, Dr Sanlon said you got Pneumothorax and they had to do a small surgery on you," Levi nods solemnly to his response. He cringes at the dryness of his throat, tasting and feeling like the long forgotten bones in sandy tombs, and coughs, the pain in his side jumping to his chest.
Levi surveys the room he's in, small and cubicle, with peeling, egg-shell white walls and a dark oak flooring. Above the desk besides the bed, a square window is clothed with pale yellow curtains and moves occasionally against the breeze that sweeps through the barely open window. The corporal spots the tall glass of water on the desk and Erwin notices his thirty gaze towards the drink, so he passes it to him.
"What happened back there, Levi? You froze up and- a Scout saved your you before you were fucking eaten," Erwin sounds frustrated and desperate as he speaks and watches Levi down the drink, drips of water slipping from his lips and trailing down his neck. From the reflection of the sun they shine like tears. After he's wiped his face, Levi holds the glass in his hands, his fingers circling the rim and he stares with a vacant expression.
"The Titan was Isabel Magnolia,"
The room falls into a deep, suffocating silence. Erwin swallows firmly and he feels a dreadful feeling swell in his chest. He feels hesitant to speak, because Levi hadn't mention Isabel nor Farlen since that faithful, rainy evening.
"...Isabel Magnolia is-"
"I know she's dead, Erwin, but that's what I saw, that's what it was. Her face, her hair, her- her fucking eyes!" Levi throws the glass across the room, it smashes against the far wall and the glass gathers on the floor like a pile of rough diamonds. He sneers at the mess he's made.
"Explains a lot," Erwin says and they both stare at the glass for a while, watching it glitter in the light that is splashed across the shards. This silence is a little more comfortable, but not by much.
"Who was it that saved my ass back there? Was it you?" Levi asks with a broken sharpness, as broken and as sharp as the blades of glass on the floor, and Erwin shakes his head.
"Not me, Jean Kirstein, only recently joined us. A lot like you," he replies and Levi looks up at him, cocking an eyebrow.
"How so?"
"He lost someone, the first person who understood him, the only person who understood," Levi's brows knit together and his frown deepens, a look of thought. Erwin doesn't know if Levi gets it or not, so he continues.
"Like when you-"
"Like when I lost Farlen and Isabel, they were the first to understand," 
He finishes with a hollow voice.
"He was the boy in Trost...."
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, ending with the letter sequence "On"
Aacherbelon Aarkon Agaétaleon Aldon Alichon Alilheon Alinatanon Aliston Alleon Alphanton Altedon Altericton Alton Alvicton Alérikon Amattimon Amélikon Anciston Andon Andrion Angeon Anifton Anlon Anmaron Annaudon Annion Annon Annyanon Ardon Argenton Argiston Arickimon Arlenon Aston Audon Aurison Aximon...
Baprilton Barstifton Bason Belangeon Bellon Belmirkon Benton Berhon Beristimon Bernhon Bernon Bestannon Bradertleon Braimon Brauron Bresussimon Brikaton Brison Brommarkon Camon Canarnon Candon Cangeon Carlon Cason Cathon Caton Catrison Cecton Celson Chanton Charon Charton Cherdon Cherison Chewaymon Chimon Cholon Choron Chowarvéron Chriettamon Chèleon Clauricon Clippamon Colaudon Colfrégion Coloémyron Cougerndon Couguelson Crison Cusabiannon Dagaymon Dagginathon Daminninton Danton Darnon Daron Debon Degardon Degotton Deleon Denton Dereilmaron Dernon Doredron Dorion Dorylaudon Dwilleon Elion Elson Emarthlon Erison Erton Ertron Eston Ethon Fannifton Fanton Felannon Ferton Flonion Florion Fraulrion Fraymon Fridon Friscon Gandron Ganelmaron Garon Garredon Gaymon Gayton Gebon Genton Georicton Georon Germardon Geron Gilison Gison Gistimon Gleon Goron Graqueston Guilenrion Guillon Gusannison Gwenrison Gwereston Géron Haelson Hamon Hanneterton Haraymon Hardon Heangeon Heileon Helison Helliernon Helmaron Helmutton Helson Herenton Hernon Hertimon Herton Hiecton Hophylleon Horton Hubenon Hugeodon Hugeon Hugunon Hunon Irgeon Irkon Isamon Isterdon Iston Istrison Jachopennon Jacyron Jaimon Jamarnon Janon Jasmicarton Jaston Jaymon Jeandalison Jeandon Jeanion Jeanon Jeanton Jeason Jeatraymon Jefayton Jeffanton Jefforgison Jeffraymon Jenetelson Jenrandron Jenton Jerisanon Jernolleon Jeron Jeston Jimon Joanon Jocélicon Joelson Joharion Joharon Jonadon Jonarton Jorthison Joscolon Josephimon Joyanlon Juaron Judon Julanton Juleon Julianton Junon Juthon Jutton Karanton Kardon Karon Karridalion Karstergeon Katon Katron Katscon Katton Kayton Kaëlleon Kelson Kenton Keron Kimon Kolion Kricheon Kriliason Krison Kuron Langeon Lanifton Lason Laudon Laymon Leanneatton Lernon Lexison Liamon Lichon Liedon Listyleon Liviraymon Lleon Llion Lodelson Loleon Lordon Loricoraron Louistifton Louiston Louron Ludon Luidon Luistyron Luzacyron Léathon Lérilton Lüton Madon Madron Maelon Maldon Mamirkon Mandarnon Mandron Mandyston Manton Marairkon Marildrodon Marithilion Maritton Markon Marlienton Marnon Marobbyron Maron Marston Mason Maton Matton Maugebon Maximon Maymon Mederbarkon Mellikon Mellion Melmunton Melson Melydiandon Menton Mernhon Micelion Micilifton Migion Milicon Milinason Milinton Milison Mindon Mineverhon Minton Mirguiston Mison Mordon Munon Myricton Myron Mélon Naldikon Naulivichon Nielsabron Ninemaximon Nièleon Notheon Odilton Oleon Olgeon Opharon Orricton Ostimon Otton Pamerhardon Pascon Pason Pathardon Pathon Paton Patron Patton Paulainon Paurion Pauron Paurtriston Petton Phamon Phanton Pharstimon Phimon Rachelson Raudon Retton Riennon Rikon Robyron Rodoldanton Roldon Rolilion Romaymon Roscon Rosefaymon Rudon Rundon Rédéron Rélinon Rélon Sabraymon Samon Sanlon Sannion Santon Sarison Saymon Sayton Sephelicton Seron Shanton Sharoldon Sheidon Sheliamon Sherton Shimon Siciason Sicon Silmunton Solaingeon Sonikathon Stalton Stamyron Stergion Sternon Stiankardon Stimon Suelhesimon Sustienton Sveron Sverton Svesanderon Svetton Taberton Talton Telon Thellynton Thimon Théron Tinason Tolietton Tomamon Torison Tracheon Trion Ulaudetton Uleon Ulion Urton Uweron Venon Veron Vinhernon Vinton Visamyron Waldon Walernon Walmargeon Waron Warton Wayton Wenikon Wenjamon Wenton Wernon Whilexiston Wigison Wilienton Willeon Winernon Wison Wolon Zacolison Zandetton Éliamon
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champeon23 · 8 years
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#dinnertime #stickyrice #sanlon #garlic #basil #bakedchicken #jiew #kimchi #sweet&soursauce #imnochef but #icancook (at San Francisco, California)
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champeon23 · 8 years
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#dinnerfortwo #sanlon #khmufood #imnochef but #icancook (at San Francisco, California)
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