#sansa deserves happiness
danymst · 5 months
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and i would find love in you
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petittdove · 14 days
❝ there are no heroes... in life, the monsters win. ❞
edit by alicuntapologist.
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anxiouspotatorants · 6 months
Not me shipping Sansa with Podrick in year two thousand and twenty four
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imaginarianisms · 4 months
g-d..... some of the takes is see for jeyne poole in the fandom is. smth else. can yall be normal about trauma survivors specifically r///amcoa survivors & survivors with extreme trauma jesus fucking christ..................... (impossible. apparently)
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vii-is-free · 2 years
Imagine an AU
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Post season 8, when the newly governed Westeros and the free North are still recovering from the Long Night/the destruction of Kings Landing.
Dorne, angered at Cersei’s actions and murder of their royalty, take this chance to storm the Marches.
Queen Sansa sends reinforcements, knowing the importance of a free world.
A young man from a small house, named after his most famous ancestor, works his way up the ranks from a lowly soldier to commander, newly knighted after an impossible victory.
Imagine Criston Cole meeting Sansa Stark
THIS IS @rambrant’s FAULT
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psychcwound · 3 months
@bcnedict said, [ teach ] sender, an expert at something, takes time to teach receiver how it works and how they can get better at it, too / maybe for sansa in his asoiaf verse? (he from a noble house in highgarden)
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"it's a lost cause!" she was POUTING -- a rare occurrence. there's a chance she might have not used that facial expression since childhood, since before the story of her life took a drastic and horrifying turn. she was staring at the canvas in front of her and the horse she attempted to paint that ended up looking like a sickly dog. she USED to be good at these things... sansa was incredibly out of practice.
"and if you laugh, i shall not speak to you again," came a grumble soon after. it was RARE that she could spend a moment of time in peace. being happy. when was the last time she didn't feel as though she were standing on the edge of a cliff? she glanced over to the gentleman with a sigh, looking down at her paint covered fingers. "how is it that you seem to do this without any effort whatsoever? anything i make will make a child's attempt look like absolute artistry."
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loggiepj · 18 days
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To Love A Lannister
chapter 9 | chapter 10
You had always thought being betrothed to the one you love would finally make you happy. The one you'd remember as you grew old. A memory you'd cherish forever.
Yet you never thought it would be a complete torture — wanting someone who doesn't want you. Not even a bit.
Queen Mother Cersei continued to ignore you through the days that come, as if you were a common guest in the Red Keep. Queen Margaery however, were already talking nonstop with you, asking how the two of you first met and interacted with each other.
Everyone had apparently heard the news. Tommen had avoided you. Jaime looked bitter everytime you saw him at dining halls and hear his father Lord Tywin discuss your engagement to Cersei and where to hold such event.
The Tyrells did not take it lightly at first, but knowing Ser Loras' character, the decision was for the best. In fact, the Tyrell Lord was happy he was set free from marrying the vicious queen, he'd always talk about inviting you both to see Highgarden to spend time as newlyweds.
Of course, there was always the talk about your sexuality and your special appendage, and you knew Cersei was shamed about all of it as she kept shoving glass of wine into her mouth, as if she needed to be drunk for that kind of conversation. You knew then her father meant this proposal as her punishment. And yours.
Tommen was crowned as King the following day, finally diminishing the gossip.
Yet, the continuing appearance of Jaime inside Cersei's chambers, or along side her at times, never not following her, only made your blood boil. Even after the engagement, he knew how to make you furious, he knew what was your weakest point.
One time you even stopped Jaime by holding unto his fake hand, making him almost stumble. He was about to follow Cersei into her chambers once again. You knew he was part of the Kingsguard, yet it didn't sit well on you for him to guard Cersei. You'd request Lord Tywin to change that once you had the courage.
"What are you doing?" you spat, glaring at the golden haired man.
"Following the Queen—"
"You don't have to do that," you interjected, maintaining your hold. "I trust another loyal Kingsguard can do your job."
He then laughed. "Are you jealous I might start another scandal?"
"He's my Queensguard and my brother, Lady Y/n," Cersei spoke, making you both glance her way. "Let him go."
You swallowed a lump in your throat before your grasp weaken.
"I hear congratulations are in order," Tyrion said, laughing. "Here I thought you had listened to my advice. Yet you had to wear the noose or lay your head down unto the guillotine."
You sighed as you looked at the ground, kicking dirt after dirt. With nothing else to do and nowhere else to hide, you decided to visit Tyrion in his cells in the castle's dungeons.
"I . . . I don't know what I'm going to do," you said. "I . . . I have sent a raven to ask for my father's help. She . . . She doesn't . . . doesn't return my feelings."
"See, I told you she's cruel."
"I . . . I have loved her, you know. I . . . I know she has done terrible things in life, but I. . . I still find myself at a loss of words around her. My heart would still skip a beat every time she's near me. And I hate it. She's . . . She's my weakness and I hate it."
Tyrion looked at you sympathetically. "She's always adored when she doesn't deserve it."
You only stayed silent. Tyrion observed your dilemma and sighed. "I was once betrayed by the one I truly loved."
You glanced at him. "Surely you're not talking about Sansa—"
"No, no." He laughed. "Shae. She's a whore. I fell in love with a whore. And I truly believed my feelings were reciprocated. I should've trusted my gut that it was all a farce. I thought she was different. I thought she'd love a dwarf like me. Funny how that turned out when she told the court the other day how I was guilty in killing Joffrey."
You both stayed silent for a moment, regretting about your past actions.
"I mean, it can't be that bad, right?" you asked expectantly. "Marrying Cersei."
"She'd torment you, of course."
He coughed, leaning against the wall. "I want to feel sorry for you though. However, I might no longer be there to give my sympathies."
"What do you mean?"
"I requested for a trial by combat as a result of betrayal in court," he began. "And Cersei picked the Mountain as her champion."
You stared at him in disbelief. "The Mountain?"
The Mountain. Gregor Clegane. He was the largest, strongest and most feared man in Westeros. No one had ever outmatched him.
"You see, Y/n. When my sister hates someone, she'd do everything in her power to get rid of them. I have lost Bronn to my father's nicer offers. I lost my brother Jaime to Cersei even since birth, but I doubt he can even fight with one hand against the Mountain."
"What are you going to do then?"
"Well, Y/n," he said, smiling weakly. "I have always enjoyed having our talks, no matter how brief. But I believe this is goodbye."
You were heading back to your chambers when you accidentally bumped into Jaime only coming out from Cersei's. It made you push him against the nearby wall and clutch his armor.
You were envy, it wasn't a question anymore. You couldn't decipher how attached the twins were, and how no one could intervene.
"What do you think you're doing inside? Queensguard are supposed to stay outside the doors."
He chuckled, making you let him go. "She's in a good mood right now, Y/n. Don't try to break it."
"I told you we have each other's backs no matter what," he went on in a whisper. "I know you'll be married one day. And one day, Cersei will finally bear another child. I'm sure you couldn't help but wonder once your son or daughter would be born with golden hair," he leaned closer into your ear, "Would it be yours or mine? Robert didn't notice. But I know you're clever enough to see."
The argument stopped when Cersei stepped out the door of her chambers. Your gazes met, and somehow underneath you could still see the Cersei you had known the past couple of weeks. And you knew then you had to let her go. For your own sanity. And hers.
What was once a hardened gaze softened as you stepped away from the Knight.
"Your Grace." You bowed at Cersei before hurriedly leaving.
You had avoided the Lannisters the following days. It was the only way you could move forward without getting affected. You knew you had to face them one day, but at the moment, you'd savor the time away from them.
At dinners, your seat was always empty, making Lord Tywin ask Oberyn of your daily activities.
You had found a secluded place in the Capital, one that's rarely visited. You could see the entire King's Landing from where you sat and wondered how you wanted to leave that place, how you wouldn't want to be tied down to Cersei in such a depressing place.
If she could only love you, her love would make this view bearable. But she didn't. She wouldn't.
You were still waiting for your father's response to your letter. The violent way was to offer Princess Myrcella, Cersei's daughter, in exchange. But you doubted Tywin would see that as a threat. And you knew you wouldn't choose that way anyway.
You met with Tyrion in his cells later that night when a certain idea finally came to you.
It was the only thing keeping you sane as you finally made your presence known inside the Red Keep. Oberyn even wondered why you were suddenly enthusiastic out of nowhere.
And even when you saw Cersei and Jaime as they entered the dining halls together, you didn't let it affect you. Oblivious of the way Cersei's eyes widened when she saw you at your seat, you went on talking to Margaery about her upcoming marriage to Tommen. You then could see why Cersei never liked Margaery. She was a parasite. And she thought you were too, marrying the Queen Mother and all.
Offer him Castle Yronwood. He'd set you free from the arrangement.
Yronwood. The castle you won fighting against the lords from the Stormlands when you were young. It was the reply your father sent to your raven.
You knew you had to offer it to Tywin to set you and Cersei free. She wouldn't ever have to marry anyone she doesn't like. She wouldn't have to marry you.
Deep in your thoughts, you didn't notice Cersei approaching you in the balcony.
You greeted and stepped back as she approached the railing and stared at the horizon.
The Queen would always stay beautiful in your eyes, no matter how ugly she was inside.
"Can't sleep?"
You shook your head. "Been thinking a lot."
She snorted a soft chuckle. "Aren't we all these days?"
You smiled at the horizon. There was a long silence before you spoke, "Don't you feel like running away from all this?"
"To where?"
"Having cold feet?"
And you laughed, realizing she was referring to your marriage.
"I am not," you managed to reply. "It would be an insult to deny your hand, Your Grace."
She looked at you. "Why are you still nice to me when I'm nothing but awful to you?"
You fell silent as you avoided her gaze. She went on. "Kindness is a weakness, Y/n. For women like us. You should know that by now."
You could see Jaime on the grounds below, talking at another Kingsguard and when you finally looked at Cersei, she was also looking at him. And if your heart could only break more, it would.
"I am cold," you announced as you shivered, stepping away from the Queen. "I'm heading back inside. And I suggest you do too, Your Grace. It won't be wise to catch a cold these days."
You stopped in your tracks. "Yes, Your Grace?"
"Nothing happened between me and Jaime," she said, making you glance at her. She sported a genuine look in her face. Yet, you didn't know if you should believe her or not. Maybe, she did care for you. Or maybe she's scared you'd tell her father about it.
But what was the difference if she was saying the truth. She didn't want you. She'd never love you. She hadn't ever loved you once. And you knew that now.
"It's okay, Cersei." You gave her a weak smile before leaving.
"What the seven hells is this, Y/n?" Oberyn's yell surprised you when you entered the breakfast hall where the Martells dine the next morning. Ellaria was holding back his hand as if to control his temper. But you knew, she had no chance of doing that.
You then looked at the scroll he threw at you, giving him a sarcastic smile before reading the contents.
"Your father would kill me, Y/n!" he said. "The Mountain would kill you."
Yes, you had offered yourself as Tyrion's champion for his upcoming trial.
"I had to help him, Oberyn. Someone has to help him—"
"It doesn't have to be you!"
"Come on, my dear," Ellaria interrupted, rubbing Oberyn's chest to calm him down. "I'm sure Y/n can still back down-"
"And let the innocent man die? There's no justice in the world unless we make it."
You had never seen Oberyn this furious before. And you were at the receiving end. He then looked around the soldiers and ordered, "Leave us."
You then added once the Dornish soldiers had left, "Besides, Cersei won't get to marry me if I die—"
"You can't die, Y/n. Not in my watch. I won't let you die," he said with gritted teeth.
"Thank you for your support. I can fight well on my own—"
"The Mountain has his own mind. He only knows two things, and that is to kill and kill."
"I've fought worse enemies than him, you know that, Oberyn."
"You can't die because you are one of the rightful heirs to the throne," he said in a whisper.
"You're my brother Doran's bastard daughter."
"Our cousin Prince Doran? You must be losing your mind."
"He had an affair before Robert's Rebellion, before the Mad King became madder. And Doran had no idea, of course. Still has no idea. For he would have given you away, Y/n. Your mother hid you under her Maester's care in the Capital, but before your mother left for Dragonstone, she sent for me to take you to Dorne. Me and Elia took you to Y/f/n, a distant relative of ours, under your father's care."
"Why would he give me away?"
"Because your house was meant to be removed from existence. Because you weren't supposed to be alive. Your mother is none other than Rhaella Targaryen."
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dwellordream · 1 year
"she's patriarchy-pilled" and why it doesn't apply to fictious pseudo-medieval women
a pretty common meta commentary leveled at certain female characters in ASOIAF is that you can divide the women of the setting into two groups.
the first group is full of strong feminist women who resist the patriarchy in all corners, and who refuse to submit to victimhood. the second group is full of placid, smug sheep, who enjoy being weak and condescended to by men.
reasons why this is bullshit:
comparisons between modern day 'trad wives' or 'red pilled women' who advocate for rejecting feminism and returning to lives of happy homemaking and female submission and fictional characters living in a pseudo medieval world just... don't work well.
Westeros has never had a feminist movement. there is no sense of 'getting back to tradition' because they are still living in a feudal patriarchy. while internalized misogyny can still be displayed in the books, and women certainly judge other women, these characters aren't actually 'rejecting their own freedom', because they quite literally have no choice in the matter.
for example, while a woman in 21st century America might willingly quit her job or drop out of school for a relationship with a man, a female character like Catelyn or Alicent or Cersei... isn't actually sacrificing hopes of a career or an education. they are being shunted down a path with little to no alternatives.
sometimes fans go "well, they could have run away! they could have joined the Faith?" how? with what money and resources? who is going to protect them on the road? how are they going to subvert the will of their fathers/brothers/etc?
don't get me wrong. there are absolutely unironic examples of internalized misogyny in ASOIAF. Cersei, for example, spends much of her time sneering at and degrading other women for being victims or weak-willed. HOWEVER, what many fans don't seem to grasp, is that being sexist towards other women doesn't magically make Cersei 'win' at the patriarchy. she herself is still abused, demeaned, and used as a political pawn, well into her tenure as Queen Regent.
in the endless battle of Sansa versus Arya stans, for example, Sansa stans will often claim that Arya is 'not a victim' and 'deserves less sympathy than Sansa', because Arya for a time is treated as a young boy and has training with a sword. yet this ignores the fact that Arya is still constantly threatened with or exposed to sexual violence, even while masquerading as a boy, and while she can defend herself in some instances, is far from this super-powered action chick on a 'fun road trip in the Riverlands'.
conversely, Arya stans will insinuate that Sansa 'deserves less sympathy than Arya' because 'being at court is what she always wanted' and 'the patriarchy favors her due to her self-serving, submissive ways'. yet this ignores the fact that while Sansa has more material privileges than Arya, being afforded regular meals, a soft place to sleep, and the veneer of civility, she is still regularly viciously abused by Joffrey and his Kingsguard, and ostracized and isolated from the rest of the court. Sansa's not winning any competition here.
to move on to Catelyn, many of Catelyn's proud 'antis' will claim that Catelyn is a woman who willingly and knowingly profits off the patriarchy while condemning women who do not fit that mold. yet while Catelyn and Arya's relationship is complex, we also see Catelyn treat Brienne and the Mormont women, all female warriors, with warmth and kindness, and there is an underlying current of resentment and anger in her chapters towards the men in her life, even though she is in many ways the 'ideal Westeros wife'.
finally, to dabble briefly in HOTD, Rhaenyra and Alicent's different reactions to the prospect of marriage and motherhood are often compared to triumph Rhaenyra's strong will and sense of rebellion. while Rhaenyra's determination to choose her own spouse and her disregard for the ridiculous notion of 'virginity' should be admired, she is also actively groomed by her uncle, a man thrice her age, and she ultimately does agree to an arranged marriage with Laenor.
meanwhile, Alicent is often derided by fans for 'allowing herself to be used as a pawn', yet this ignores the fact that Alicent is a 14/15 year old girl with no incomes or property of her own, who does not even have the threat of a dragon to demand respect. what was Alicent meant to do? kick and scream as she was dragged down the aisle? defy her father and the King, and be, best case scenario, permanently ostracized from court and her family for it? this sort of blatant victim-blaming dominates in the tumblr HOTD fandom.
in conclusion: to claim that women play no role in promulgating patriarchal and misogynistic views is silly.
women do play an active role in shaming and abusing other women, and this is often handed down from mothers to daughters. it allows patriarchs the veneer of genteel nature, in that the 'dirty work' of berating young girls for not conforming is passed off on mothers, sisters, and aunts.
however, in fandom discussions, the the woobification of male characters is so strong that we spend most of our time blaming women alone for patriarchal restrictions and values, as if it were something girls developed in their free time, purely for their own amusement.
to imply that a character in a fictional feudal patriarchy has the same range of choices and autonomy as modern day women do is absurd. the trad-wife movement is defined by its knowing, pseudo-intellectual rejection of second and third wave feminism. the entire point is to turn away from abortion, from birth control, from reproductive and LGBT rights, to leave behind women's suffrage, sex positivity, and criticism of gender roles.
but what do Westerosi women have to 'reject', exactly? they're not playing with the same full deck.
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hell-heron · 1 year
Garlan/Willas to Tyrion are: "What if my actions were sincerely appreciated. What if I had a loving wife. What if anything I could ever possibly do might make up for my disability. What if literally anyone ever was proud of me. What if I could have a friend."
Margaery to Cersei is: "What if I too had the chance to love what I am doing with my life. What if I had made Melara into my first ally instead of my first victim. What if my father had killed a king for me instead of throwing me to one like a sack of grain. What if my brother made me feel whole not through sex but unconditionally simply because I exist. What if I could have been loved and happy."
Loras to Jaime is: "What if I'd been mentored. What if I had someone to confide in. What if I'd been protected and had been enable to protect. What if I'd given my first loyalty to someone who I thought deserved it."
Loras to Sansa is a nonthreatening fantasy of a boy who is pretty and does not humiliate her but more importantly Margaery to Sansa is: "What if I had not been alone. What if I had been just the tiny tiny bit older that could have made the difference. What if I was smart and extroverted. What if I had been lovingly hand-held into intrigue instead of being half-sheltered half-pushed in. What if I had been allowed to be more than a stupid little bird and I wouldn't have been put in the situation to do what I've done."
Loras to Renly is: "What if I was a third son and got more instead of less attention for it. What if everyone loved me. What if I was part of a family that has luxury and joy and cooperation instead of starvation and coldness."
I see why they don't have POV chapters and why I'm seriously seriously worried about their fate
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unserenedreaming · 4 months
on the "Sansa being the true loner of the Starks"
I just saw a post saying that Sansa is the 'odd one out' amongst the Starks because she's surrounded by her brothers and a tomboyish sister (Arya). It is true that she is surrounded by brothers and a sister who rejects the patriarchal roles of a woman (Arya) but she is by no means a loner.
The two other named young noblewomen in Winterfell are Jeyne Poole and Beth Cassel. Jeyne is the closest thing to a best friend for Sansa, while Beth is described more as a hanger-on than an actual friend. Jeyne strived to make Sansa happy, often at Arya's expense: Jeyne would often whinny like a horse or call Arya Horseface when Arya would walk by. When Mycah is unjustly killed by the Hound, Jeyne taunts Arya by telling her the Hound cut Mycah into so many little pieces that his own father assumed it was a bag of meat to eat. Jeyne Poole was the daughter of Winterfell's steward. Arya was the daughter of Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. In my opinion, it is only by her close friendship with the other daughter of Lord Stark that Jeyne feels emboldened enough to make such a comment.
And then let's talk about Catelyn. There is no denying that Catelyn Stark loved each and every one of her children with the fury of a thousand suns. In fact, the older I get, the more I understand her (excluding her treatment of Jon which deserves an essay all on its own) She saw Sansa as the perfect daughter:
"Sansa was a lady at 3, always so courteous and eager to please. She will grow into a woman far more beautiful than I ever was, you can see that." These are words from Catelyn Stark about her elder daughter.
"Arya was a trial, it must be said. Half a boy and half a wolf pup. Forbid her anything and it became her heart’s desire. She had Ned’s long face, and brown hair that always looked as though a bird had been nesting in it. I despaired of ever making a lady of her. She collected scabs as other girls collected dolls, and would say anything that came into her head." These thoughts from Catelyn Stark about her younger daughter.
Sansa fit into the traditional patriarchal view of what a noble woman was supposed to be, which made her easier to manage for Catelyn. Arya does not.
The only person that Arya truly, honestly and deeply feels akin to is Jon. This is not me saying that the only person who loved Arya was Jon. Her family loved her deeply. But I am examining the POV of Arya and Sansa.
Arya loves and gets along with her siblings, but she is an outsider compared to them: they all have the red hair and blue eyes of the Tully's. Only Jon shares the looks of the Starks. This to me has always been the most obvious divide; the physical differences between Robb, Sansa, Bran, & Rickon and Jon & Arya. Jon and Arya have always relied on each other more than anyone else, pre-canon or into ADWD.
To wrap this rambling post up, I disagree that Sansa was considered an outsider/the odd one out in the Stark family. In truth, that position doesn't even belong to Arya, though she is the odd one out amongst the trueborn Starks. It belongs to Jon and Theon. Both are boys who desperately want to be Stark children but can never be, and their subsequent actions, both positive (Jon) and negative (Theon) are direct results of that desire and lack of result.
AND AGAIN, THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON SANSA. This is a response to a comment I saw from a (presumed by me) Stansa. Sansa absolutely deals with isolation in the series as the books goes on as a captive in Kings Landing. All the Starlkings do as they are separated across the continent and eventually Essos (Arya).
Anyways, hope this wasn't too much of a pain to read, I'm buzzed right now. Love Y'all.
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Dark Platonic Mothers! HOTD/GOT (Cersei, Alicent, Sansa, and Rhaenyra) x Reader
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Cersei Lannister
"You never love anything in the world the way you love your first child"
You are Cersei's first and only trueborn child with Robert.
Even though, your mother hates your father, doesn't mean you are hated, it is quiet the opposite.
Cersei would sacrifice everything to ensure that you stay by her side.
She would fight off any possible arranged marriages that Robert might have in mind for you.
Marrying you to Robb Stark? Cersei will make sure that Robert has horrible nights, until he removes this idea from his mind.
Joffrey doesn't dare to harm you in any way, because he knows what his mother would do to him if he touches a hair on your head.
After your younger siblings' deaths, Cersei becomes filled with paranoia that she might outlive you too.
She will make sure that you are kept safe even if it means stripping you away from your freedom.
Alicent Hightower
You are her favorite child without a doubt.
Maybe it is because you are not as drunk and perverted as Aegon or as vengeful and dangerous as Aemond or as dreamy and strange as Helaena.
Of course, there is also Daeron but he is in Oldtown, so he is not around as much for Alicent to favor him.
As a baby, you never caused tantrums when she came to spend time with you.
You consider her your friend, and tell her all your secrets.
Even that secret where you had a crush on a stable boy.
Strange how the boy disappeared the next day with a trance.
When Otto suggested the idea of marrying you off to Tyland Lannister, Alicent turned the idea down.
She would never give up your happiness, she would kill for your sake.
Sansa Stark
You are hers and Ramsay's daughter.
But you were given her last name, as Sansa didn't want you to be connected to the Boltons.
She thought she would hate you, but when she held you in her arms for the first time, she couldn't help but love you.
Like a little pup, you started following your mother around ever since you learned how to walk.
Sansa prefers it that way, you and her spending time together.
You filled the hole in her heart after her mother's death, she wants to have the same mother-daughter relationship with you as she had with her mother.
Everything was going on well, until Arya decided to visit Winterfall.
The moment your Aunt started speaking about her travels is the moment you realize you want to explore the outside world.
Sansa made sure that her younger sister is not welcome to speak to you again, especially after she accused her of locking you away like some bird.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Your mother turned into a completely different person after the death of your younger brother, Luke.
She announced the annulment of your marriage to Aemond, even though it was already consummated.
She has forbidden you from returning to King's Landing to get your daughter, claiming it was too dangerous for you, and that your daughter is better off with her father.
Rhaenyra can't bear to lose you just like how she lost Luke or Visenya.
When you try to escape, you are caught and your dragon is taken away from you, given sleeping herbs to put the beast to sleep.
When you called her a hypocrite for wanting to protect you as a mother, but at the same time, forbidding you from seeing your own daughter.
Rhaenyra would only hug you tightly and forcibly by grabbing into your head.
"You have to sacrifice for me, just like I sacrificed for you and your siblings"
This is when you realize that your mother truly deserves to be compared to Maegor the Cruel.
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butterflies-dragons · 4 months
Why was Jon so mean to poor Myrcella? There is absolutely no indication that she was "insipid" or "stupid" at all. In fact she is quite intelligent and kind compared to the rest of the family.
This is the quote:
"Close behind came Robb, in grey wool trimmed with white, the Stark colors. He had the Princess Myrcella on his arm. She was a wisp of a girl, not quite eight, her hair a cascade of golden curls under a jeweled net. Jon noticed the shy looks she gave Robb as they passed between the tables and the timid way she smiled at him. He decided she was insipid. Robb didn't even have the sense to realize how stupid she was; he was grinning like a fool." —A Game of Thrones - Jon I
Jon was mad jealous of his "true born" siblings, that's all, specially jealous of Robb, who, according to Jon, was grinning like a fool.
Jon was like "I'm not a fool and I wouldn't like to escort some *insipid,* *stupid* princess at all." And this is very much like his famous quote about rescuing a princess in a tower:
Why not? thought Jon. They are all convinced she is a princess. Val looked the part and rode as if she had been born on horseback. A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her. —A Dance with Dragons - Jon XI
Look how he uses the words "he decided;" he is accommodating reality, because he thinks he can't have what he really wants. He obviously would like to be a true born Stark and be able to escort and rescue princesses, but he tells himself he won't, because he's a bastard and can have those things.
Being a true born Stark would also allows him to train with the royal prince:
"Why aren't you down in the yard?" Arya asked him. He gave her a half smile. "Bastards are not allowed to damage young princes," he said. "Any bruises they take in the practice yard must come from trueborn swords." —A Game of Thrones - Arya I
And that resentment also makes Jon insult Joffrey, but in this case he deserved it. At least this one:
Jon looked down on the scene with a frown. "Joffrey is truly a little shit," he told Arya. —A Game of Thrones - Arya I
But Jon was so extra that he gave us these gems:
Sansa, two years older, drew the crown prince, Joffrey Baratheon. He was twelve, younger than Jon or Robb, but taller than either, to Jon's vast dismay. Prince Joffrey had his sister's hair and his mother's deep green eyes. A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar. Sansa looked radiant as she walked beside him, but Jon did not like Joffrey's pouty lips or the bored, disdainful way he looked at Winterfell's Great Hall. —A Game of Thrones - Jon I
She looked at Arya. "What did you think of Prince Joff, sister? He's very gallant, don't you think?" "Jon says he looks like a girl," Arya said. Sansa sighed as she stitched. "Poor Jon," she said. "He gets jealous because he's a bastard." —A Game of Thrones - Arya I
Sure Joffrey was a little shit, but feeling "vast dismay" because Joffrey was taller, and saying he looked like a girl was *extra* hilarious.
Again, Jon was mad jealous of a "true born" (lmao) prince escorting a radiant lady. Sansa was right about the origin of Jon's jealousy was being a bastard.
But take note that, even being so jealous of his "true born" siblings, Jon at most called Robb a fool, while he said a lot more against Joffrey. And while Sansa and Myrcella both looked happy to walk beside Robb and Joffrey, he only insulted poor Myrcella calling her "insipid" and "stupid," but he called Sansa "radiant." Basically Jon channeled his jealousy towards the Lannisters, and not against the Starks, because as jealous as he was, he loved them the most.
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gulnarsultan · 8 months
What about some Yan! House stark with a Adopted child reader? Like found around the time Arya was born?
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Hello. I hope you like it, honey.💋
" Scenario "
The new member of the Stark family, Arya, was born just a few days ago. Catelyn was happy to be able to give birth to another healthy child. Days after her birth, soldiers returning from hunting returned with a baby in their arms. The baby was so sweet and adorable. When Ned held the baby for the first time, it was curled up against his chest. Ned enters Catelyn's room with the baby in his arms. At first, Catelyn is afraid that this baby is another bastard. When Ned explains the events, Catelyn's maternal instincts kick in. Catelyn immediately takes this adorable baby into her arms. Catelyn moves her newborn daughter Arya and the baby's crib into the same room. She acts as if she gave birth to the baby herself. Frankly, at first Ned is worried about Catelyn adopting so many baby. Robb is surprised by the news that he has two sister at the same time. However, he swears that he will protect both of his sisters. Robb is the protective older brother. In fact, Jon is hesitant to approach his sisters because of his identity. However, Jon is almost clingy to the two sister. For the first time, Jon feels loved and accepted. Sansa is delighted to now have two new sisters to play with. However, if Sansa had to confess, she would not hesitate to say that she preferred her other sister over Arya. As the years pass, two more members join the family. Bran and Rickon love all the brothers. However, they are more fond of the reader. Rickon always loves to be on his sister's lap. Bran gets angry because he always has to compete with his little brother. Arya is clearly very reluctant to share the picture. After all, you are her twin. So she thinks she deserves your love and attention the most. They all love and adore your precious sister. The rivalry between the brothers ends immediately under the disapproving gaze of the reader.
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msandss · 3 months
My toxic trait is not being able to choose a side on the Song of Ice and Fire books.
I can’t help it, I just love almost everyone of them. Like, of course I’m rooting for Dany to take her dragons to Westeros and take “her throne” but I’m also loving Jon Connington and Young Griff’s audacity to go and take it, even if Young Griff is or is not Aegon Targaryen (which doesn’t really matter if you ask me).
At the same time, Stannis is the true heir and I don’t think anyone can deny it. And he might not be very charismatic (even to the reader) but I love Melissandre and ser Davos. Besides, he’s trying to kill the Boltons which gives him plenty of extra points.
And then we have the Starks, my children. I kind of don’t care if they get the North to be independent but I need Sansa, Rickon and Arya to reunite (and Jon and Bran but I’m not sure how that is going to play). I just want Sansa to go home and make snow castles and be happy and Arya… I’m not sure if I want her to complete her list or being able to let the past go.
I freaking love Cersei’s craziness as well. Like, I don’t want her to win and get the throne but her chapters are so good and her voice is so well constructed that I find myself rooting for her every time I’m reading her. And I have a soft spot for the pretty caring Tyrell manipulators.
I don’t know. Maybe it is because I’ve just finished A Dance with Dragons but I think I will be happy with almost anyone being king/queen as long is as well written as George RR Martin has done in the past.
Except Jon, I don’t want Jon to be king. And I love Jon but I think reducing him to being heir just because he’s Rhaegar’s son (that we are not sure yet) is disrespectful to his character. He deserves a lot more than that. He’s not the common hero of any story. Jon has earned a better ending to his story than having everything he’s done forgotten and becoming Rhaegar’s son and I will die on that hill.
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Thinking back how Cersei told Sansa she'd have to learn how to use sex as leverage, to put it delicately lol, and she was right: Sansa promptly had two fat golden geese dropped into her lap: first Tyrion, then Littlefinger, both of whom may be lacking in the Hot Sexy Knight department, but are two of the wealthiest, most cunning men in all of Westeros. If Sansa had used the tiniest bit of cunning, she could've flipped either one to her advantage and been in a prime position to not only restore Winterfell, but to possibly communicate with Jon and fortify the Night's Watch.
Maybe it's just because I'm older and jaded, but it's just so frustrating reading Sansa's chapters, like, bitch, I'd throw my whole pussy at a man that'd weaseled himself near a quarter of the kingdom, call me by my mom's name, granny's name, whatever makes you happy, boo. Especially after everything Ned went through with Lyanna, I understand him wanting to protect his firstborn daughter, but he really did her a bit of a disservice, sheltering her like that. I guess he assumed the boys would always be there to carry the name, but uh, about that... And there's no way he could've assumed there'd just never be any Targaryen-related blowback to his family ever.
I just hope, hope, HOPE Sansa learns some kind of ruthlessness between now and WOW, I really want her to just go apeshit. She deserves it.
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jackoshadows · 10 months
What I don't understand is why Sansa stans, who want to get rid of Arya in Winterfell, go for the laziest fanon of Arya being a tourist - a theory that's borrowed from ultimate hacks D&D and the garbage TV show and which ending GRRM has repeatedly disavowed.
Arya becoming some kind of world explorer at the end pretty much ignores her book story, narrative arc, characterization and throws away the material in her so far written 32 pov chapters for an ending they came up with because of a made up headcanon. An headcanon which is far removed from the book character.
If one wants to get rid of Arya in Winterfell to make way for Sansa, the least they could do is actually read Arya's chapters and attempt to come up with an ending that makes more sense for the character.
Arya is a character who wants to help. From Mycah to Weasel to Samwell Tarly, Arya is someone who stands up against injustice even at great risk to herself. She's selfless and would sacrifice her personal happiness for the greater good. She wants things to be better, for herself, for her friends, for the smallfolk.
One ending could be Arya Stark as a leader of the Riverlands, helping rebuild from the ravages of war, helping the people who survived. Arya, who has the empathy and the skillsets to help them, who has listened and learned from her father on how to govern. We see Willow Heddle take care of orphans and managing an inn with a quiet efficiency that mirrors Arya's and Gendry hanging around helping her. I could see Arya and Gendry continue their relationship, fall in love, marry and settle down in the Riverlands while Arya either rules the Riverlands as the Tully heir/Cat's daughter or as Lady of Harrenhal helps Edmure Tully rebuild the Riverlands.
Or, if Jon Snow leaves for beyond the Wall as the leader of the new territories and lands there, maybe Arya goes with him. Considering their close bond and love for each other and the fact that home is where each other is - something else that is again established in the books - if she had no choice but to leave Winterfell, going with Jon Snow to help him lead the freefolk beyond the Wall could be another option.
Or if Bran does end up becoming King on the Iron Throne, then she could stay in KL to help her much loved baby brother. She wouldn't like leaving Winterfell, but Arya is a character who sacrifices and does what's right, no matter how hard it is for her to do personally. Plus, she wanted to be a king's councillor and build things. Her training and skillsets with the FM would also make her alert to any future LF/Varys types trying to plot against Bran - not that someone who can see into the past and present needs a master spy...
Or Arya and Brienne start a school for young girls who are interested in learning different things and have teachers who actually develop their talents based on what they are good at instead of being hateful for what they cannot be.
In my opinion, any of these endings is better than 'Arya, world explorer' an empty, nonsensical ending that has no connection to the character's book story and is actually contemptuous of the suffering and trauma this child has been through over several books. Meet new people and learn new languages? What do these folks think Arya has been doing so far? The girl's been traveling from her second AGoT chapter, meeting countless people. sailed the narrow seas, engaged with new cultures, learned new languages. She's been there, done that.
What's even more ridiculous is that it's Sansa stans who often engage in the oppression olympics of Sansa having suffered the worst, that Sansa 'deserves' Winterfell because she suffered the most abuse, that the only ending that makes sense for Sansa is being back in Winterfell because she suffered so much etc. And yet according to these very same folks, Sansa is going to roll up her sleeves and tirelessly work to lead the people of the North, while Arya is going on a cruise ship vacation and vlog about the new cuisine she is trying out...Hey, maybe after having suffered the most of ALL characters in the series, maybe it's Sansa who deserves the cruise ship vacation, you know?
We have the author himself saying that Arya's harrowing experiences and journey through Westeros and Essos has aged her up so much that he considers the character older than some of the 40 year olds in the books! And yet there are still people harping on and on about tourist Arya ffs.
I personally think Arya will be in Winterfell at the end of the books, either helping her younger brothers Bran/Rickon lead the North or more probably as a leader in her own right.
Arya is a central character in the series, the female character with the most POV chapters. There's no way GRRM has one of his lead female characters end up playing a supporting role in her brothers or sister's story. No way.
The author has given her the character development in the books to lead the North. She has a hulking huge grey direwolf at her side - the sigil of house Stark. She is the lone Stark who has the Stark look. Her direwolf is named after the first Dornish princess who changed female inheritance in Dorne - a big clue for a character who has chafed against patriarchal restrictions on what women can and cannot do. I mean this is how we are introduced to Arya Stark in her very first AGoT chapter:
“The Lannisters are proud,” Jon observed. “You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s.”
“The woman is important too!” Arya protested. - Arya, AGoT
It's clear to me that her arc is heading towards her being the first Lady of Winterfell/Wardeness of the North, nicely bookending her arc which started with her wanting the woman to be as important as the man, arguing for equality when it comes to their house. That's how organic story telling and building a narrative actually works.
I am aware of the principal Internet forums about A Song of Ice and Fire and I really used to look at the American and English groups. Nowadays, the most important site is Westeros, but I started to feel uncomfortable and I thought it would be a better idea not to get to these sides. The fans use to come up with theories; lots of them are just speculative but some of them are in the right way. Before the Internet, one reader could guess the ending you wanna do for your novel, but the other 10.000 wouldn’t know anything and they would be surprised. However, now, those 10.000 people use the Internet and read the right theories. They say: “Oh God, the butler did it!”, to use an example of a mystery novel. Then, you think: “I have to change the ending! The maiden would be the criminal!” To my mind that way is a disaster because if you are doing well you work, the books are full of clues that point to the butler doing it and help you to figure up the butler did it, but if you change the ending to point the maiden, the clues make no sense anymore; they are wrong or are lies, and I am not a liar. - GRRM
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