#sara salamo
stylestream · 2 years
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Sara Salamo | Goya Awards | 2023
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June 2024 (Madrid) | Wedding of Isco and Sara 💍⛪
photos: Sara Sálamo via Instagram
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footytea · 6 months
Another wag that's not simply a trophy wife is Asensio's wife. Last I knew, she was an architect (plus model). I don't know if she's working right now, though.
Also, Isco's wife (Sara Salamo) is a well-known actress in Spain. She acted in an Almodovar movie (Strange way of life) and in a Spanish movie with Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem.
Hakimi's ex-wife, Hiba Abouk, is also an actress.
More examples of independent wags ^^
I don't really like Hiba because of the age gap between her & Hakimi and the age he was when they met, but she does have an established career and didn't depend on being a wag
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wags-confessions · 10 months
Sara Salamo is a terrible actress. She says that she had to sacrifice so much for this, but people without acting studies play better than her. It's very tiring to watch her and I'm not surprised she didn't have any success. All her series and films are failures.
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footballconfessions · 2 years
I will not change my mind. Isco's ego jumped off the scale when he started dating Sara Salamo. Real Madrid have been hiding his behavior for the last three years (since scandal with Solari) but four months at Sevilla were enough for him to show his real face. She thinks she's special and she made him believe the same. What a perfect couple.
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vavalladolid · 1 year
El polémico comentario de Sara Sálamo sobre Rubiales que ha dividido las redes sociales
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usaphilomaths · 2 years
Sara Salamo sends Isco a love message for her new stage in Berlin: 'If I love you more, I'll explode' - USAPhilomaths
Isco and Sara Salamo changed course for their families on the final day of the winter transfer market. The player pushed his fortunes to the limit to continue playing football this season. He will do so at FC Union Berlin, who rank second in the Bundesliga, just one point behind Bayern Munich. Player’s partner Sara Salamo wanted to dedicate a few words to him ahead of his new challenge. in the…
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realmadridfamily · 2 years
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Happy 1st birthday, Piero!
,,Happy first birthday to the baby of the house! How lucky we are… For having the baby with the most beautiful smile in the world. We love you #deaquiAmarte! 💙😍 (A birthday full of balls, it couldn't be otherwise ... #obsession 🏈🏀⚽️🏉🎾)” - Sara
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whileiamdying · 6 years
‘Everybody Knows’ (‘Todos lo saben’): Film Review | Cannes 2018
Cannes opener 'Everybody Knows' was directed by Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi ('A Separation') and stars Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem.
Extended families, class differences, children being crushed underfoot (mostly metaphorically), long-ago secrets that reluctantly float to the surface — on paper, Everybody Knows (Todos lo saben) has the classic ingredients of the best work of Asghar Farhadi, who won Oscars for his Iranian dramas A Separationand The Salesman and who earlier worked in a foreign language in The Past, with Berenice Bejo and Tahar Rahim.
But instead of another perceptive family drama that examines questions of morals and personal responsibility from different sides, his latest feature — and his first in Spanish — has a more overt genre touch, revolving around a kidnapping and a ransom sum that needs to be found in a place where most villagers turn out to have more grievances than money. The result is an odd, somewhat underwhelming hybrid that’s part talky thriller, part family drama, though the package of Farhadi plus stars Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardemshould nonetheless make this a fairly appealing proposition at art houses worldwide.
After years in Argentina, Laura (Cruz) has returned to Spain for the wedding of her younger sister, Ana (Inma Cuesta), to Joan (Roger Casamajor). She has traveled with her teenage daughter, Irene (Carla Campra), and her young son, Diego (Ivan Chavero), though the kids’ Argentinean father, Alejandro (Darin), has remained at home. They are staying at the large village abode of Laura’s aging father, the former landowner Antonio (Ramon Barea). Everyone is happy to see Laura and her brood again, including her siblings, in-laws and family friend Paco (Javier Bardem), a successful local vintner married to the conspicuously childless Bea (Barbara Lennie).
The first reels are sun-dappled and leisurely in a way none of Farhadi’s previous films have been. One could initially be forgiven for thinking this was the latest in a long line of pretty-but-not-very-deep commercial films from yesteryear, like Under the Tuscan Sun or A Walk in the Clouds, in which the gorgeous vistas had more depth than the story.
It takes about 20 minutes before the first significant piece of information from the past surfaces, while the wedding mass is celebrated. Paco’s nephew Felipe (Sergio Castellanos) has escaped to the church’s bell chamber with Irene. In the room’s exquisite ochre light, he reveals to her that Laura and Paco used to be childhood sweethearts. Later that evening, a family member goes missing and it becomes clear that a crime has been committed when text messages start to arrive. This is when the wedding party — up until then in full swing despite a power outage (later thought to be intentional) and a torrential downpour (probably still natural) — comes to a screeching halt.
To what extent the past influences the behavior and decision-making processes of people in the present has been a recurring theme in Farhadi’swork. He’s been especially interested in how links to often-unsuspected antecedents can make people’s conduct seem illogical or irrational to others and how this, in turn, means that most people seem unpredictable. Using secrets that are carefully unraveled as a structural device has another advantage as well, as it allows the filmmaker to give his potentially sprawling family dramas a razor-sharp focus and a sense of mounting tension and unease that turn matters of morality and civility into the material of a thriller. 
Everybody Knows does have a few big secrets up its sleeve but, unfortunately, they never produce the same effect as in Farhadi’s previous works. This is firstly because the biggest revelation can be seen coming from miles away, robbing the proceedings of tension and of its potential to turn family history into a thriller. The actual abduction plot in the present — with all its suspects and red herrings — and the mysteries in the past are also not sufficiently tied together, so the narrative keeps hobbling from one plot strand to the other without ever really becoming a gripping maelstrom of revelations as things get progressively worse for the characters.
If the film remains largely watchable it is because Farhadi has cast some of the finest actors in Spain and they know how to breathe life into their characters even when they don’t have all that much to do (though a few of them have quite a lot to say). Bardem and especially Cruz impress in roles specifically written for them; their chemistry, but also their melancholy about what might have been, is palpable, while their worries over the fate of the kidnappee further complicate their emotions.
That said, there is not a false note in the entire cast, which is so large it is hard to keep track of everyone and their possible motives, especially when Alejandro also shows up from Argentina and a retired police officer (Jose Angel Egido) starts asking everyone uncomfortable questions. The perpetrators’ identities and motivation, when they are revealed, are barely explored, leaving the resolution feeling somewhat arbitrary and again robbing the film of a potential source of tension. More room is given to discussions of issues such as class, property and money — things that can be divisive in any family but here feel a tad superficial and repetitive. If everybody knew, as the title suggests, why isn’t that turned into a source of tension, a la Chronicle of a Death Foretold? 
The pic’s production design and costumes, while admittedly gorgeous, manage to just barely stay on the right side of Spanish-countryside clichés. The same can’t be said of the cinematography by Almodovar regular Jose Luis Alcaine, which is much glossier than the more modest realism that cinematographers Hossein Jafarian and Mahmoud Kalari have brought to Farhadi’s work in the past. Here, everything’s beautifully captured in a Conde Nast Traveler-kind of way, which works fine in Almodovar’s heightened melodramas but feels like an odd fit for Farhadi’s earthier and more sober storytelling sensibilities.
Production companies: Memento Films Production, Morena Films, Lucky Red Cast: Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Ricardo Darin, Eduard Fernandez, Barbara Lennie, Inma Cuesta, Elvira Minguez, Ramon Barea, Carla Campra, Sara Salamo, Roger Casamajor, Jose Angel Egido Writer-director: Asghar Farhadi Producers: Alexandre Mallet-Guy, Alvaro Longoria Director of photography: Jose Luis Alcaine Production designer: Maria Clara Notari Costume designer: Sonia Grande Editor: Hayedeh Safiyari Music: Javier Limon Casting: Eva Leira, Yolanda Serrano Venue: Cannes Film Festival (Competition — Opening Film) Sales: Memento
In Spanish 132 minutes
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Theo Alarcon and mommy
Pic: Sara Salamo
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Sara Sálamo
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imakarmabutterfly · 3 years
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wags-confessions · 2 years
10000000000% agree with this. Sara Salamo is a good example of this sort of hypocrisy. She’s all about vegetarian and healthy and cruelty free lifestyle unless it comes to the products she makes ads for to get money. Sometimes morals stop when it comes to paychecks. real furs are a absolute no go — B//
Definitely! Perhaps she is the most hypocritical of the WAGs! Hardly anyone in Madrid liked her, she definitely creates beautiful speeches but doesn't follow any of them!
who do you think is another hypocritical wag? - arlene
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realmadridfamily · 2 years
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10 maternity questions with Sara Salamo - interview for Lillydoo
Sara Sálamo is a film and television actress. She is also known for her activism for women's rights and animal rights. In this interview, she tells us how she is living up to now the experience of being the mother of Piero and Theo.
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1. What is the weirdest thing you've found in your bag since you're a mom?
Sara: Just last week, in front of my co-workers, I took out a wet baby bodysuit... My son had spilled something the day before and I didn't remember to take it out!
2. What is the song that calms your baby the most? And what’s the one thay your children like to dance with you the most?
To sleep I sing the songs of "La la land". To dance ... everything danceable! We usually put on different types of music and unleash the body.
3. Is it possible for you to watch some series during the day? Have you finished any chapter at once?
Yes! We have established the routines in such a way that mom and dad can watch a series or movie while having dinner. It's our time of day.
4. What is one thing you would never change about being a mom?
Being a mom! There is nothing I would change about the experience. I am learning a lot, even from myself. I am amazed at loving in this beast way.
5. What things have you learned about yourself since you were a mother?
I have more patience than I expected. I have learned that the level of self-demand with which I used to live is not necessary or healthy and learning to let go is important and, finally, I have learned to look at everything in a calmer way... My goals have multiplied and that two people depend on my decisions and attitudes, it makes me much less self-centered.
6. What golden advice would you give a friend who is pregnant for the first time?
That she surrounds herself well during the postpartum. With friends who are mothers, with a foster group, breastfeeding... It’s a lonely stage where feelings are very intense.. I think it;s necessary to have good support nearby.
7. What Google searches have you done the most since you became a mother?
I did one that makes me laugh...:,,differences between Braxton Hick contractions and labor contractions." Now, in the distance, I would say to myself: - Calm down, you will know.
8. How has your fridge changed since you became a mother?
In almost nothing! I have added some yogurts, but little else. I have been eating a mindful diet for a long time. Rich in fruits, legumes and vegetables, which is the same that my children have. 
9. How has your way of living Christmas changed since you were mother?
I have always liked and enjoyed Christmas, but seeing things through his eyes is magic. I want to immortalize every second...
10. What are your wishes for 2022?
Much health and work for all.
Original interview here. 
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