#sarah rozenfeld
jewishsimming · 6 months
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As the months went by following Jacob's passing, the money he and Sarah had saved began to run out. With three children and another on the way (an unexpected and entirely unwelcome surprise), Sarah had no choice but to either find a way to live, or a way to 'take care of the problem', as her sister Perl put it bluntly.
"Don't be a fool," Perl chided her sister, when Sarah confessed the pregnancy to her. As children they had never spoken of such things, not even after Sarah had been married, for it was not really something you spoke to a younger sister about. But Perl was no child now, and in her work with the VAD she had seen things that ensured she would never experience the naivete of youth again. Sarah was not the first widow of war to find herself in such a situation, and she would not be the last.
Still, Sarah couldn't bring herself to let go of this last piece of Jacob, however irrational it was.
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myromancebooksworld · 5 years
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These are the 32 books I read this February!
OMG I’m still in shock when I know how much I read since the last couple of months ...
Like always there are some deceptions and some surprises … here we go with my 3 stars:
- “Vertige” by Sophie Jomain: I didn’t hate it.  It was a “nice” story but no more than that - “Within The Mind” by Alice Winters: this one drove me crazy.  I didn’t understood it, it was too crazy for me.  I DNF this book. - “This Time Is Different” by Mae Wood: the main couple was ok but the son of the heroine went too far for me and it went also too fast to be real for me ... - “Real” by Katy Evans: a true deception for me.  I always was attracted to Katy Evans books … until I read this one … and I DNF it!  While the Remington could be ok, Brooke was the worst. I gave a “3″ but it was more a “2″. - “Teamplay” by Rohan Lockhart: just like the previous book I hated one of the main characters and I DNF it.  Minho was hypocrite who wanted to everyone followed his desires …  His tantrum in the middle of the book was the end for me!  The first part of the book was written in a very impersonnal way for me.  I’m not familiar with the gamers world and the writer didn”t make it easy for me …  I gave a “3″ but it was more a “2″. - “Tormented” by Esme Devlin: it was OK but too far fetched! - “When Rivals Fall” by J.L. Beck & C. Hallman: it was the second book I read by these authors.  It was a little better than “The Bet” but it wasn’t a WOAW moment. I put “3″ on Goodreads but it’s in fact a “3.5″. I gave a 4 stars to those books:
- “Les Cendres De L’Oubli” by Carina Rozenfeld - “Blessures Muettes” by F.V. Estyer - “Fired Up” by Riley Hart: it reminded me of her book “Collide” - “Focused” by Karla Sorensen - “Le Marchand De Sable tome 2″ by Gaïa Alexia: a little too much at the end. - “Tyrant” by T.M. Frazier: a very good twists … Loved the book! - “#Fate” by Cambria Hebert: always a pleasure to read the story of Trent and Drew even though it would be better if I read this book after the BearPaw Resort because some characters are there in the book.  Too bad that my boy Lordhaven didn’t say one thing or two when it was needed ... - “For Pain” by Amheliie/Amélie C. Astier - “Stillhouse Lake” by Rachel Caine: I finally read it!  It is full of suspense and if it ends one a note, it also ended with a kind of cliffanger!  Gina/Gwen reminded me of Sarah Connor in Terminator.  They are the same kind of woman: naive and innocent at first who ended up like a mama bear ready to fight and kill to survive and to protect her kids! - “The First Girl Child” by Amy Harmon: a big surprise!  I was attracted by Amy Harmon’s books for awhile and after this one, I will surely read some more!  This book was a beautiful story of love and respect especially towards women! - “Four Ever” by Sloane Kennedy - “Brutal Prince” by Logan Fox - “Drifter” by Kristy Marie: at first, I thought that this book won’t do for me … but it did!  A very beautiful, nice love story about two people who learn to survive!  I really planned to read the rest of the serie! - “Worship” and “Adore” by Ella James: I really LOVED this duology! - “The Darkest Hour” by S.M. Soto: a beautiful story over the grieving process. - “Enemies” by Tijan: I loved the main couple but the other characters … I have some difficulties with them at time. - “Bad Liar” by Lauren Rowe: I had a very interesting moment with Reed and Georgina and I’m impatient to read the second book of this trilogy which will be release next Friday!
Those following books are my stars of the month:
- “Steel Princess” by Rina Kent: did I already say that I LOVE this serie? - “Pruge A Frange” 1 & 2 by C.S. Quill: to understand more the second book and to be in the right mind, I reread the first book before I read the second one … I loved them both! - “What I’ve Done” by Melinda Leigh - “A Merciful Silence” by Kendra Elliot - “The Book Of Ivy” by Amy Engel: I FINALLY read the first book and I fell in love with it!  I’m impatient to read the second book of this duology!
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tonoco · 7 years
Mura Masa - What If I Go from Yoni Lappin on Vimeo.
Nominated for UKMVA 2016: Best Dance Newcomer
Mura Masa - What If I Go
Production Company: Bad
Director: Yoni Lappin Producer: Callum Harrison Producer: Aaron Z. Willson
Director of Photography: Ruben Woodin-Deschamps Motion Graphics / 3D Photographer: Salim Adam 1st AC: Michael Hobdell 2nd AC: Thomas Oliver Camera Trainee: Daria Rozenfeld Gaffer: Josie Williams
Casting Director: Coralie Rose @ Road Casting
Art Director: Alfie Fielding
Stylist: Charlotte James
Runner: Kia Fern-Little Runner: Amy Harriot Gregory Runner Driver: Seth Elton
Editor: Fouad Gaber @ Trim Colourist: Jason Wallis @ Electric Theatre Collective
Commissioner: Emily Tedrake Director’s Representation: OB Management
Couple 1: Holly Muller Montell Martin
Couple 2: Luis Skitini Spacey Granison
Couple 3: Sarah Parsons Chardonne Cooper
Single Female: Tia Xiao
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vm4vm0 · 5 years
Mura Masa - What If I Go from Yoni Lappin on Vimeo.
Nominated for UKMVA 2016: Best Dance Newcomer
Mura Masa - What If I Go
Production Company: Bad
Director: Yoni Lappin Producer: Callum Harrison Producer: Aaron Z. Willson
Director of Photography: Ruben Woodin-Deschamps Motion Graphics / 3D Photographer: Salim Adam 1st AC: Michael Hobdell 2nd AC: Thomas Oliver Camera Trainee: Daria Rozenfeld Gaffer: Josie Williams
Casting Director: Coralie Rose @ Road Casting
Art Director: Alfie Fielding
Stylist: Charlotte James
Runner: Kia Fern-Little Runner: Amy Harriot Gregory Runner Driver: Seth Elton
Editor: Fouad Gaber @ Trim Colourist: Jason Wallis @ Electric Theatre Collective
Commissioner: Emily Tedrake Director’s Representation: OB Management
Couple 1: Holly Muller Montell Martin
Couple 2: Luis Skitini Spacey Granison
Couple 3: Sarah Parsons Chardonne Cooper
Single Female: Tia Xiao
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soylazaro · 5 years
Mura Masa - What If I Go from Yoni Lappin on Vimeo.
Nominated for UKMVA 2016: Best Dance Newcomer
Mura Masa - What If I Go
Production Company: Bad
Director: Yoni Lappin Producer: Callum Harrison Producer: Aaron Z. Willson
Director of Photography: Ruben Woodin-Deschamps Motion Graphics / 3D Photographer: Salim Adam 1st AC: Michael Hobdell 2nd AC: Thomas Oliver Camera Trainee: Daria Rozenfeld Gaffer: Josie Williams
Casting Director: Coralie Rose @ Road Casting
Art Director: Alfie Fielding
Stylist: Charlotte James
Runner: Kia Fern-Little Runner: Amy Harriot Gregory Runner Driver: Seth Elton
Editor: Fouad Gaber @ Trim Colourist: Jason Wallis @ Electric Theatre Collective
Commissioner: Emily Tedrake Director’s Representation: OB Management
Couple 1: Holly Muller Montell Martin
Couple 2: Luis Skitini Spacey Granison
Couple 3: Sarah Parsons Chardonne Cooper
Single Female: Tia Xiao
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vampireadamooc · 8 years
Shout out to the 3D and CGI Effects Crew on ALVH
all 722 of you.
This is part 2
Sam Prebble...creature technical director: Weta Digital
Jeremy Preissner...IT Supervisor: Stereo D LLC
Esdras Prudente...rotoscope artist: Method Studios Vancouver
Derek N. Prusak...stereoscopic editorial supervisor
Juan Carlos Quintana...senior stereoscopic compositor
Gunnar Radeloff...visual effects artist
Ula Rademeyer...lead texture artist: Weta Digital
James Raiz...matte painter
Karthic Ramesh...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Kade Ramsey...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Troy Ramsey...senior paint artist: Weta digital
Craig Douglas Rattray...rotoscope artist: Weta Digital
Justin Ray...stereoscopic compositor
Jorge Razon...cg supervisor
Marco Recuay...visual effects supervisor: Scoundrel
Benjamin J. Reesing...visual effects
William Reges...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Patrick Reilly...visual effects artist
Gerard Retulla...stereoscopic depth artist
Pedro Luis Reyes...stereoscopic compositor
Steve Rhee...additional visual effects editor
Mike Rhone...visual effects
Jason Richardson...stereoscopic compositor
Leroy Riche...stereoscopic depth artist
Bryce Rieger...compositor: method studios
Mike Rim...stereoscopic compositor
Agustin Rios...depth artist
Alexandra Rizek...visual effects production manager: Bazelevs
Andrew Robles...digital artist
Arturo Rodriguez...stereoscopic depth artist
Katherine Rodtsbrooks...lead stereoscopic compositor
Lisa Dawn Rogolsky...rotoscope artist
Casey Rolseth...cg lead: Method Studios
Zachary J. Rose...visual effects coordinator
Elliot Rosenstein...fur groomer
Brogan Ross...technical director (stereoscopic conversion)
Kuba Roth...visual effects
David Rozenfeld...compositor
Jance Rubinchik...lead animator: Weta Digital
Tumi Rufai...stereoscopic depth artist
Ryan Jae Wook Park...visual effects artist
Ruben Salazar...digital compositor
Dylan Sanchez...digital compositor
Theodore M. Sandifer...stereoscopic artist
German Sandoval...stereoscopic artist
Eric Sanford...lead stereoscopic compositor
Sankarasubramanian...paint & rotoscoping supervisor: BOT VFX
Tiago Santos...digital compositor
Mag Sarnowska...compositor
K L Sateesh Varma...bg prep artist
Davis Scott Porter Saunders...stereoscopic supervisor
Eric Savino...depth artist
Steve Sayer...visual effects artist
Adrian Scherger...stereoscopic assistant editor: StereoD
Sebastian H. Schmidt...visual effects artist: Weta Digital
Marcus Schoo...software developer
Daniel Schrepf...stereoscopic roto lead
Jameson Schultz...stereoscopic lead: StereoD
Brian Schumacher...stereoscopic supervisor
Raymond R. Scott Jr....stereoscopic roto artist
Michael Scott...stereo compositor
Dennis Sedov...visual effects production supervisor: Bazelevs
Carsten Seller...animator
Keith Sellers...senior compositor: Soho VFX
Paolo Emilio Selva...software developer: Weta Digital
Den Serras...senior technical artist: Deluxe
Paul Seyb...visual effects
Marnie Shachar...texture artist: weta digital
Rasoul Shafeazadeh...matte painter
Hitesh Shah...producer: BOT VFX
Stanislav Shapetskiy...compositor
Sam Sharplin...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Aurynn Shaw...production engineer: weta digital
Ahmed Shehata...CG supervisor: Spin VFX
William Sherak...stereo executive producer (Stereo D)
Sainath Shinde...international production: Stereo D
Jay Shindell...visual effects
Eric Sibley...stereoscopic supervisor
Tim Sibley...lead effects artist: SPIN VFX
Adnan Siddique...lead roto artist
Keith D. Simpson...rotoscope supervisor: The Base Studio
Kalyan Sirna...matchmove artist: Rotomaker studios
Joao Sita...digital compositor: RodeoFX
Lori Smallwood...senior animation technical director
Stephen Smart...wrangler: Weta Digital
Corey Smith...stereoscopic compositor
Marc Smith...camera TD: Weta Digital
Rick Smith...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Robert Snyder...senior in-house compositor/cg artist
Jordan Soles...chief technology officer: Rodeo FX
Joseph Soloway...rotoscope artist
Reyffer Sousa...compositor: Atomic Arts
Jonas Sperl...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Marco Spitoni...previs artist
Stephen T. Spurlock...stereo compositing artist
Frederic St-Arnaud...matte painter: Rodeo FX
Mike Stadnyckyj...compositor
Albrecht Steinmetz...camera lead: Weta Digital
Andrea R. Stephens...production coordinator: Deluxe 3D
G. Allen Stewart...stereoscopic conversion artist
Matteo Stirati...modeller: Weta Digital
Joshua Stirling...roto artist
Nicholas Stocker...stereoscopic artist
Bobby Stockport...visual effects artist
Justin Stockton...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Frederick George Stuhrberg...3d scanning
Allison Sturdy...stereoscopic depth artist
Kamalakar Suryavanshi...stereo compositor
Adrian Sutherland...digital compositor: Soho vfx
Josh Swanson...compositor: Stereo D
Sarah Swick...visual effects producer: Soho VFX
Mike Swiegot...visual effects artist
Raqi Syed...lighting technical director
Ronald Tacsion...rotoscope artist
Ronen Tanchum...effects technical director
Eric Tang...lead creature technical director: Weta Digital
Rob Tasker...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Andrew Taylor...shader writer: Weta Digital (as Andrew R. E. Taylor)
Brandon Taylor...digital compositor
Sandy Taylor...production manager - camera dept
Beau Teora...visual effects artist
Brandon Terry...visual effects editor: Spin VFX
Christopher Terry...lead stereoscopic compositor: Stereo D
Radley Teruel...digital artist
Kieran Tether...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Ainslie Thomas...project manager: Soho VFX
Craig Thomas...visual effects production coordinator: Weta Digital
Patrick Thompson...digital compositor
Eric Timm...stereoscopic artist
Robert Tobin...senior stereoscopic artist
Kar Hung Tom...system administrator: Rodeo FX
Egor Tomskiy...previz artist: animator
Audrea Topps Harjo...creatures production manager: WETA Digital
Viviana Torrellas...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D
Mariko Tosti...shaders coordinator: Weta Digital
Benoit Touchette...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Adrien Toupet...effects technical director: Weta Digital
Joseph Towe...junior compositor
Micole Toyloy...senior digital artist: Factory VFX
Derek Tracy...stereoscopic compositor
Khuong Tran...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Thomas Tran...Desktop Administrator (as Tomas Tran)
Tuong-Van Tran...effects technical director
Mark Victor Trappett...render wrangler
Chris Treichel...stereo production coordinator: Stereo D
Marjolaine Tremblay...senior staff: Rodeo FX
Gabriel Tremblay-Beauvais...CG artist: Rodeo FX
John Treusch...visual effects artist
John Trotter...stereoscopic compositor
Adam Trowse...digital compositor
Iyi Tubi...paint and rotoscope artist: Atomic Arts
Melanie Rose Tucker...stereoscopic compositor / stereoscopic painter
Barry R. Tuttle...visual effects coordinator: The Base Studio
Kraig Tytus...vfx assistant coordinator
Jimmy Uddo...visual effects production assistant
Alexey Uskov...cg supervisor: CGF
Elliottness A. Valentin...stereoscopic artist: Stereo D
Luke Vallee...digital compositor
Josiah Van Arsdel...stereo compositor: Stereo D
Sherin Varghese...stereoscopic lead: Stereo D
Aurelio x. Vera Jr....lead stereoscopic compositor
Fabrice Vienne...CG artist: Rodeo FX
Douglas Peter Viljoen...rotoscope artist
Isaac Von Leu...digital effects artist
Anton Voytenkov...character rigger: Spin VFX
Reed Wade...production engineer
Ghanshyam Sureshbhai Waghela...Visual effects artist, StereoD
Chris Walker...lighting technical director: Weta Digital
Brenda R. Wallace...production engineer
Kendrick Wallace...visual effects producer
Gwyneth Walton...visual effects artist
Jeffrey Warnhoff...depth artist
Gregory Watkins...rotoscope artist: Method Studios
Mark H. Weingartner...visual effects director of photography
Ashley Whitaker...visual effects
Faith Whitehead...depth artist
Jason Wilson...visual effects artist
Jay Wilson...stereoscopic compositor
Nicholas Wilson...senior digital modeler: Weta Digital
Ryan M. Wilson...stereoscopic artist
Greg Winhall...cg modeler
Andrew Winters...visual effects artist
Chris Winters...senior lighter
Garrett Winters...layout technical director: Weta Digital
Teresa Winters...layout technical director: Weta digital (as Teresa Hooper)
Paul Wojdylo...lighting artist
Alex Wolfe...stereoscopic artist
Bruce Woloshyn...sequence supervisor: Method Studios
Steve Won...vfx line producer: Method Studios
Clare Woodford-Robinson...digital modeler: Weta Digital
Noel Wright...compositor
Peter M. Wu...stereoscopic depth artist: Stereo D, LLC.
Trevor Wyatt...rotoscope and matchmove coordinator
Piotr Fox Wysocki...senior texture r&d and look dev artist
Junying Xu...texture artist: Weta Digital
Vladimir Yakovlev...digital compositor
Tuba Yalcin...effects technical director: Method Studios
Marvin Yanez...stereoscopic roto lead
Jose Yapor...visual effects artist
Viki Yeo...texture artist: Weta digital
Michelle Yhan...digital compositor: Soho VFX
Danyo Donghyun Yoon...previs artist
Joyce Young...lighting techical director: Weta Digital
Marvyn Young...visual effects producer
Kian Zand...digital compositor
Patrick Zentis...matte painter
Tristan Zerafa...digital compositor
Pedram Ziaei...digital artist
Lakshmi Ziskin...3D Producer: StereoD
Valery Zraghevsky...concept artist
Pankaj Brijlani...visual effects artist (uncredited)
Caleb Carr...rotoscope artist (uncredited)
Cody Charfauros...producer: rotoscopy (uncredited)
Colin Cunningham...lighting lead: SOHO VFX (uncredited)
William Jackson...digital artist (uncredited)
Hetal Jain...visual effects producer (uncredited)
Raechel Kasprzak...digital production manager (uncredited)
Goran Kocov...lead matchmove artist (uncredited)
Kire Maslov...matchmove artist (uncredited)
Radhakrishnan...rotoscoping artist: BOT VFX (uncredited)
Scott Squires...additional visual effects supervisor (uncredited)
Andy Wright...render wrangler: weta digital (uncredited)
Edward Paul Yu...compositor: Stereo D (uncredited)
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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The last picture Sarah and Jacob took before he left for the front.
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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Anyway here are the wedding photos, how fucking cute are they?!
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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How it started ^
How it’s going:
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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Samuel & Rachel Berkowitz were born on March 23rd, 1912.
It was not an easy labour. Sarah required bedrest for several days afterwards, and although Jacob was given some family leave, it was difficult enough to have one baby as a first time mother, let alone two.
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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Shots of Sarah and Jacob’s cute little weatherboard house, c.1911
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jewishsimming · 1 year
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How adorable are the infants?!
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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Esther Rozenfeld, 25 february 1870 - 17 April 1910
Zichronah lebracha, may her memory be a blessing.
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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update: it’s on
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jewishsimming · 2 years
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Sarah aged up to a young adult, so she had some more pictures taken!
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jewishsimming · 3 years
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While I'm on the subject of lookbooks, I decided to do proper lookbooks for my decades challenge sims in the hope this will help any of y'all wanting to find good maxis match CC for your old timey sims.
Check my WCIF page here for genetics.
Sarah's colours are purples, creams and yellows save for the drab grey wool for her winter coat (look, it was on sale okay). Most of her clothes are hand-made by Esther. Her party and inside dresses are made from one of Esther's old dresses, unpicked and remade into a little girl's dress.
CC links under the cut! If I don't list something it's in the game.
Look #1 - Everyday Hair | Hat | Pinafore | Stockings | Boots
Look #2 - Everyday Bow | Dress | Socks
Look #3 - Party Dress
Look #4 - Sleepwear Nightgown
Look #5 - Summer Hat | Dress
Look #6 - Winter Hat | Coat | Mittens
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