#sarah tpb
the-casbah-way · 2 years
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no one’s doing it like them
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coldstart · 7 months
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plutonium-love · 2 years
couples in trailer park boys that are canon because i said so
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hotcat37 · 2 years
Can I just say I love Sarah like fr she's really bitchy and sassy but is also the kinda person that gets along with everyone cuz she'll give advice to anyone who needs it. She's also pretty compassionate at times like taking care of Cory and Trevor or being gentle with Randy when she rejected him :") Idk like she's just as flawed as the other trailer park residents but I always kinda saw her as the mom of the group <3
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tpb-i-love-mr-lahey · 2 years
my bi panic when sarah from tpb
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optimal-breakfast-49 · 3 months
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I would die for her
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Sarah from Trailer Park Boys is polyam!!
(Donate if you want to support me! https://ko-fi.com/everyoneislgbt)
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r04ch4ch3 · 2 years
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Sarah Baartman
Sarah Baartman's tragic story is a heartbreaking narrative of exploitation, racism, and the dehumanisation of an African woman in the early 19th century. Born in South Africa's Eastern Cape in 1789, Baartman faced a life marked by hardship and loss. Orphaned at a young age, she entered domestic service in Cape Town after her partner was murdered, and their child died.
In 1810, under questionable circumstances, Baartman signed a contract with British ship surgeon William Dunlop and entrepreneur Hendrik Cesars, agreeing to travel to England to participate in shows. Her distinctive physical features, characterised by extremely protuberant buttocks due to steatopygia, made her a spectacle in London's Piccadilly Circus, where she was exhibited in skin-tight, flesh-coloured clothing adorned with beads and feathers. The fascination with her large buttocks reflected the prevailing fashion of the time, but Baartman's public display in so-called "freak shows" also highlighted the darker undercurrents of racism and colonial exploitation.
Baartman faced a tumultuous life in Europe, performing on stage, enduring private demonstrations, and facing questions about whether she willingly participated or was coerced. The British Empire had abolished the slave trade in 1807, but Baartman's treatment raised ethical concerns, leading to a court case against her employers, although they were not convicted.
Moving to Paris in 1814, Baartman continued her exhibitions under the nickname "Hottentot Venus." She faced further exploitation, possibly engaging in prostitution, and ultimately succumbed to illness, dying at the age of 26 in 1815. The postmortem exploitation continued as Georges Cuvier, a naturalist, dissected her body, preserving her skeleton, brain, and genitals. These remains were exhibited in Paris's Museum of Man until 1974, a grotesque testament to the objectification of Baartman.
The journey of Sarah Baartman's remains back to her homeland was a protracted one. Finally, in 2002, after years of advocacy and efforts, her skeleton, brain, and genitals were repatriated and laid to rest in the Gamtoos River Valley, where she was born. Baartman's story remains a symbol of the intersection of racism, sexism, slavery, and colonialism, prompting debates and discussions about the historical exploitation and the ongoing fight against injustice.
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readychilledwine · 8 months
I’ve just seen a TikTok where someone is showing off their paperback edition of HOFAS they’ve mentioned in the comments they’ve bought it from a store called Easons, it does have an online store and it ships from Dublin so i’m not sure how much shipping costs would be but here’s a link if you want to go have a look
You are a goddess. Shipping wasn't too horrible, honestly. Total cost was about the same as just purchasing a book in the US at full price 💕
Thank you so much! I'm so happy now.
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Open Day and Idul Adha
Hello, welcome back at my disposal!
Hari ini (Kamis) dan kemarin (Rabu) ku helping around di Open Day-nya department. Ku senang banget deh. Udah tahu sih kalau Kamisnya akan Idul Adha (di googlecalendar-ku kan kumasukin hari libur Indonesia juga ya), tapi pas sign-up ku mikirnya yaudahlahya it’s not like I’m going to celebrate hari raya Idul Adha in some special way juga. Palingan kalau ambil day off juga terus ngapaenn, mendingan saya kerja atau mencari uang. Tahun lalu sih kayanya berhasil solat Id di OXCIS ya sama Diny, tapi apa lagi hari Sabtu ya? Pokoknya siangnya lanjut ngopi di Starbucks terus rame orang gitu dan I didn’t feel guilty at all for not working. Nah yang ini tuh kenapa sign up buat Open Day adalah karena kerjanya dari jam 9-16 (paynya ga gede sih cuma £13/hour, tapi kalau dikali 7 dan dikali 2 lumayan lah ya) dan awalnya kupikir solat id bakal pagi (di Indo kan biasanya jam berapa sih, jam 7, atau paling siang jam 8 lah), eh ternyata di sini baru solat jam 9.30…. Mayan kebingungan kemarin. Awalnya padahal udah yang yah yasudahlah skip aja solat id kan sunnah, eh tapi kebetulan di dept ada Adewunmi teman muslim yang ikutan openday juga dan dia ngajakin solat bareng di RobertHooke jam 9.30 setelah ijin ke Sarah… jadinya ikut lah saya…. (which is REALLY GOOD, thank you Adewunmi….). Di Robert Hooke tapi PANAS banget sampe pusing dan super penuh ku nyempil-nyempil, begitu salam langsung buka mukena dan cabs balik ke dept…
Oh iya, OPEN DAY. Iya jadi open day seperti namanya adalah hari buka… Atau mirip kaya open house gitu kali ya. Kan University of Oxford ini seperti yang kalian ketahui (atau nggak ketahui? Tapi sekarang jadi tahu), sangat tertutup dan elit. Masuk college harus ngetap pake bod card, sampe ada email hati-hati di-tailgate segala. Setiap building department pasti akses harus pake bod card juga, atau kalau pun departmentnya open kaya Earth Sciences ya harus pass receptionist dulu di jam kerja weekday. Paham sih karena ini menyangkut masalah safety dan security kan. Kalau college ya karena living compound juga aja and you don’t want just any other people to get into your living quarter and then possibly take your stuff. Kalau di dept ya karena ada lab dengan data-data penting. Dan ya karena university adalah sekolah aja gaksih, supaya bisa belajar comfortably ya harus merasa aman dulu.
Nah tapi, kecuali 2 hari ini (hari ini dan kemarin), hampir semua part of Oxford open for prospective students (and their parents, or families, or friends), termasuk college-ku sendiri yaitu Exeter college, dan Department Earth Sciences. Tujuannya ya supaya anak-anak yang masih galau milih mau kuliah apa (dan orang tuanya) ini bisa lihat department jurusan yang akan dipilih anaknya ini offer course apa aja sih, apa yang akan dipelajari, ada fasilitas apa, siapa yang akan ngajar, gimana sustainabilitynya terhadap environment (if that is something that is valuable and important to their lifestyle), gimana diversitynya, apakah communitynya tight atau nggak, akan burn out nggak nanti karena kan ni sekolah anak pinter semua isinya, gimana mental health supportnya, etc2. WHICH IS REALLY GOOD. I was talking to Mas Felix earlier (karena kami ber2 dosen di UI, di department yang sama): “kita di Indo gaada gaksih mas kaya gini? Aku dulu kayanya sama mama papa gapernah ke openday ke ITB gitu, di UI ada gak ya?” Terus Mas Felix ingetnya ada sepertinya tapi emang yang ngerjain semua mahasiswa dan himpunan. Ku Cuma ingetnya dulu di FITB sepertinya ada semacam hari buat tur jurusan gitu, ke gedung geologi, ke meteorologi labbir, geodesi, tapi itu setelah masuk TPB, bukan sebelum milih jurusan di SNMPTN. Kemudian ku baru inget lagi juga ada acara “Aku Masuk ITB”, karena KPA pernah nampil di openingnya di Aula Barat, terus tapi aku gainget konsep acaranya gimana dan apakah ku pernah promoting jadi student volunteer buat promoting geology ke anak-anak SMA…. Sepertinya nggak….
Kalau di sini, yang ngomong ya emang betulan faculty-nya, bahkan selain talk introduction to earth sciences, ada juga talk yang lebih thematic, si Laura bahas research ice sheetnya, dan Ros bahas paleobiology. Terus tugasku sebagai PhD student sebetulnya ngeliatin aja cool volcanic rocks, volcano suits, terus microscope dan thin section, talk about field trips. Selain yang kusebut barusan, ada juga desk meteorite dan seismology. Si visitors ini juga di-offer buat lab tour, ngeliatin geological map, intinya dikasih tau lah apa yang bakal dihadapi 4 tahun ke depan. Bisa sampai nanya-nanya proses admissionnya juga, funding, sampai assessment exam.
Kemarin ku sempat ngobrol sama yang jauh-jauh datang dari Italia, France, China, beneran beda ya kalau world-class university beneran modelan Oxford. Terus paling lucu biasanya yang lebih excited dan tidak malu-malu nanya adalah parentsnya compared to the children, padahal yang mau skola kan anaknya ye, tapi ya apparently sama aja kultur barat atau timur kalau bahas parents mah. Terus paling nervous kalau parentsnya adalah GEOLOGIST atau EARTH SCIENTIST juga… karena kan ya emang common kan ya pattern orangtua encouraging anaknya to take the same path as theirs. Kadang kalau case yang ortunya geologist ini tapi bisa lebih enak juga sih, karena most of the time mereka sendiri yang ngejelasin ke anaknya jadi w tinggal ngangguk-ngangguk aja, ngeiyain.
Terus selain lab tours, talks, dan showcases of cool rocks, ada demonstration juga! Tentang atmospheric circulation dan seawater density. VERY VERY COOL. Asli ye. Kalau mama papa w kaya banget, pasti pengen banget ambil undergrad study di Oxford. Sayangnya cuma mampu sampai ITB aja dulu HUHU (but it’s okay tho Non, sekarang kan toh udah di Oxford juga??!).
Oh iya, terus dari sini juga tapi jadi belajar BANYAK BANGET aja sih, terutama ke “gimana mau bangun department geoscience sendiri nanti di UI”. Gak sendiri, tapi maksudnya, how we could do better. Tapi jujur ya, ku merasa bersyukurrrrr banget bisa ke Oxford. Ku dari sekarang udah meresapi as much as I can gimana si Earth Sciences departmentnya Oxford ini jalan terus udah ngebayangin implementasinya nanti sebaliknya ku di UI. VERY VERY EXCITED.
Selain buat Geosains UI, ku juga mikir, wah ini yang namanya well-informed candidate. Betulan sebelum milih mau kuliah apa tuh ya emang paling bener ya research kaya gini. Datengin sekolahnya, ngobrol sama orang-orangnya, ngeliat tempat tinggalnya kaya apa, baru make reasonable choice after considering and analysing all options. Ku dulu juga banyak banget sih ngelakuin research. Untungnya mamaku sangat pintar huhu jadi kami ke UNS liat FK-nya (dari luar doang sih, tapi at least ku tahu “Oh ini ya UNS”. Terus UGM mah gausah research banyak juga ku sudah banyak tahu dari pelatnas IESO untungnya (walaupun sangat biased karena ku cuma tahu FT dan Teknik Geologi aja). Terus ITB juga lumayan dari labbirnya udah banyak hangout di sana sejak SMA, dan di Bosscha bahkan ku hidup di sana sebulan (yang membuatku yakin bahwa ku gamau ambil Astrophysics because otak gasampe). Hm ke UI juga pernah, karena dekat rumah aja kali ya. Dan yaudah dari semua options itu ku akhirnya pilih ITB. Tapi gapernah tuh ku menghadiri open daynya Geologi ITB terus dapet informasi tentang sekolah geologi itu ngapain, kulap ke mana, dosennya siapa, typical day mahasiswanya kaya apa (untuk “apa yang dipelajari” tentu saja ku sudah khatam karena udah belajar sampai bikin penampang dari SMA jadi bukan masalah besar). Tapi bayangin kalau kalian bukan anak olim kebumian, mana tahu??? Terus yaudah milih-milih aja gitu random FITB tanpa tahu FITB itu apa (well, secara umum pasti tahu sih ada di internet), tapi to interact, to experience directly, kan nda. Btw kalau kalian di sini ada yang tahu uni di Indo yang ngadain open day kasihtahu ya.
Tapi ya emang balik lagi, ga murah juga sih, ku sadar di sini bisa kaya gini, dan bahkan orang-orang internasional ini bisa datang ke Oxford karena mereka mampu secara ekonomi. Mungkin konsepnya ya “liburan sekolah” sekalian lihat-lihat future campus, terus mereka ke UK dan kemudian ke Oxford dan Cambridge dan kampus-kampus London. Dulu kayanya Nadia juga sempat ngajak buat nemenin dia open day di UCL atau LSE gitu, terus tapi ku sibuk dan akhirnya Bu Yani yang nemenin.
Udah sih basically ini postingan cuma cerita aja kalau sangat senang habis bantu-bantu open day dan betapa konsep open day ini sangat bagus dan harus diimplimentasikan di Indonesia (yang setahuku belum ada? But I might be wrong).
Besok meeting sama Tamsin jam 10 gatau mau ngomongin apa, tadi Erdem ngemail ngajak ketemu bahas data RE tapi kubilang lagi bantuin openday jadi besok aja ye, jadi yasudah. Ini mau langsung pulang setelah beli makan malam gatau apa tapi, ke M&S aja kita lihat.
17.10 29/06/2023 @30.18
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losergendered · 1 year
resending my tpb/trailer park boys request; it's honestly a good show to check out, its on netflix
Julian from Trailer Park Boys is a gay man with autism, NPD, OCD, and HPD that uses he/him pronouns and is in a relationship with Ricky
Ricky LaFleur is a bisexual man with autism, ADHD, NPD, bipolar disorder and dyslexia who uses he/him and is in a relationship with Julian
They are both friends with Bubbles, a nonbinary, straight person who uses he/they and has autism, OCD, anxiety, PTSD, and undiagnosed DID. His special interests are trains, fixing shopping carts, and cats/kittens.
Ricky's ex-girlfriend, Lucy, is a heteroflexible, homoflexible woman who uses she/her pronouns and is dating Sarah.
Sarah is a futch, butch-leaning trans woman and a lesbian who uses she/her and they/them along with being neurodivergent.
Jim Lahey, Randy, Sam Losco, and George Green are all bisexual men who all use he/him pronouns. Both Randy and Lahey are boyfriends.
Jim Lahey's ex-wife, Barbara, is a heteroflexible, bi lesbian who uses she/her pronouns.
Lucy and Ricky's daughter, Trinity (there is an older/grown-up version of her bc she gets older in the show), is a nonbinary, demisexual, straight woman who is autistic and uses they/she pronouns and is married to Jacob Collins.
Jacob Collins is a bi darcian man who is autistic and uses he/him pronouns.
Jacob is best friends with Corey, a kenorosboy, masculine, demiturigirl, gay man with autism and separation anxiety who uses they/he pronouns.
Corey's boyfriend is Trevor, a kenochoric gay man who uses xe/he and has autism and separation anxiety.
Jacob's brother, Thomas Collins, is a genderqueer gay man who is neurodivergent and autistic who uses he/they pronouns.
Jim and Barbara's child, Treena, is a closeted gay (blue/green) trans boy who is autistic and uses he/they pronouns around close people.
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thetristoneera · 1 year
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This is the cast of Story #15: the Tri Stone Project. Have this in mind while viewing, this is the last universe of the Tri Stone Era before going to the chronological last universe. Which explains why I carelessly dropped so many backgrounds; cause they go be universe trippin…
Plot is about how the Devil of Creation comes up with a plan to metaphorically & literally destroy the Tri Stone Era. By creating a way to their many universes & conducting a genocide of power. By destroying series & series of main characters at the same time. In order for this to be a success, he needed a way to universe hop. He had many friends in high & low places, that helped him achieve such things. One, Vick Maze owns a record label. Obsessed with girl groups & girl bands. He made shifted three girl groups that helped rack in recognition & money. Two, a couple of goddesses would ensure he had the right rework materials for the activation of their first teleport. They literally opened up the gates… Three, a heavenly super being with so much body snatching experience; he’s even afraid of him. And he’s just a mortal… Mykondrak eventually made a full team of heavy hitters to take on the heavy hitters of the Tri Stone Era. Moves were made & characters were incapacitated. Until there were 36 left, an unknown safety net of the Tri Stone Era is the honeycomb effect. With 36 being the basis of oh my goodness powers, the Blue Spirit will come & guide them to safety. No matter the result of any kind of chaos coming for the Stones. The muthafuckin fight is so very much, hella on to the millionth power; when the Blue Spirit begins to address his Stones.
The idea of this story came along when I started fanficing the idea of the Nintendo Gamecube being a stand alone character that could’ve emerged in Smash Bros Melee. But I guess my imagination is stronger than Nintendo’s. 🙄 Moving along, in 2002, TG4 emerged & they were a giant inspiration to me. It was only right I turned the four of them into characters. When Girlicious emerged; I had plenty of dames to choose from & one of them was in TG4. Because their 1st single was called “Virginity”; it made the whole idea of Story #15 explode. With TG4 reemerging; I took Cassandra Porter & Jamie Ruiz with Tiffanie Anderson as inspiration for another girl group then asked myself… “Why not?!” To a third, cause All My Girls Like To Fight. I took four of my favorite ANTM girls I haven’t based characters off yet; to make the last group: Brittany Rubalcaba, Marvita Washington, Janet Mills & Sarah Rhoades. Yeah I know I’m the shit, I’ll share 36 Nintendo characters for the original fanfic idea someday. And that’s a strong someday. TPB out. 🤙🏽😋
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the-casbah-way · 2 years
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there is nothing in my brain but Her
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julianlafleur · 3 years
au in which Ricky and Julian raise Trinity alongside Sarah and Lucy
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jnjlen-ou-skinjbir · 4 years
Ricky: "Lucy isn't doing gay stuff anymore"
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some Sarah and Lucy together (you can thank @trailerparkbubbs for converting me on this ship)
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