seaoftales · 9 months
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Marineford left a bitter taste in his mouth.
Ace, Whitebeard, his too late arrival to stop it all - so many dead. So many things had happened at once, even more things a bliss for him.
Shanks focused on what was important at the given moment, giving both Ace and Whitebeard a proper burial and commemorate them as the great pirates that they were. He couldn't even count how many were there - so many faces, both familiar and unfamiliar, united even if for a few moments.
And then there was Luffy. Word had it about injuries that were borderline fatal, which was reason enough for the red haired pirate captain to spend countless sleepless nights up on deck, wondering if he could have made a difference had they shown up on time, maybe even able to prevent it from happening altogether. Surely he'd hear by now if Luffy had succumbed to his injuries.
The worry for the boy had the Yonko have a change of heart. Beck was his eyes and ears, and it only took a few stops at various ports to have a semblance of an idea of what happened to Luffy. Rather than head back to their base island, the Red Hair Pirates sailed out to find the pirate surgeon who had very likely saved Luffy's life, for a very simple reason - to thank him.
As it turned out, tracking down a submarine wasn't exactly easy, and it took them several weeks before they finally made port at the same coastal town as the Heart Pirates.
Shanks moved down the gangway and headed towards where several crew members of the Heart Pirates were gathered by the submarine.
"I'd like to speak to your captain."
@sarcasticmercy ♥'d
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liecoris · 5 months
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Stowing away was always a risky move, Mukuro knew that well whenever doing so and this time it was an even bigger risk, typically Mukuro would have picked a crew that she felt confident that wouldn't pick up on her presence or a small enough crew that she'd feel confident she could put up a fight against if caught。 Mukuro wouldn't really even think of attempting to board a ship belonging to one of the Worst Generation。 But this was a time where it seemed like she had to do or else she'd be stuck here for who knows how long。
Besides, if Mukuro wanted to see this in a positive light, she could view this as a way to prove that she's been improving on her ability to be undetected。 Plus, Mukuro knew that if she started this out in a negative mindset then the worst probably would happen。
Thankfully, the smallest snake form she could take was at a size that she could easily squeeze herself in tight spaces and if it came down to it, disguise herself amongst some rope。
Had Mukuro been given more time to plan on how she'd do this, Mukuro would probably be more confident in this, but she had to act quick this time around and would try to slither as quickly and silently as she could into a nearby supply crate where she'd settle as close to the bottom as she could and hide there until she got hungry enough to leave her hiding spot and find food。
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closed starter for Law 【 @sarcasticmercy 】 
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sirensofthefiveseas · 1 month
KH 858/2 Days prompts, technically. | "Robin. That's a stick." asked by @sarcasticmercy
"Yes it is." Robin smiled, looking over the stick in her hand. She was carefully cleaning it off, taking advantage of the surgeon's equipment to pick dirt out of certain spots and wash it off. "And it is covered in poneglyphs." Holding it out she turned it to show him the deep carved in glyphs.
"I hope you don't mind me taking over your desk for a little."
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ikkaku-of-heart · 6 months
@sarcasticmercy replied to this post:
"The supposed dead guy is a religious thing. No one knows if it actually happened for sure." -shrug-
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"So, there's a whole religion that worships a guy who may or may not be a zombie. And we appease him through...chocolate, eggs, and wearing rabbit ears? Man, and I thought Joras' religious customs were weird. But so long as there isn't an actual zombie walkin' around, I guess it's still all in good fun."
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strwcptn · 6 months
"That's absolutely how that works."
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"if you're saying that's how it works, it must be true..." traffy was a doctor after all!
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intothewildsea · 8 months
@sarcasticmercy liked for a starter.
Being followed by some strange men wasn't exactly how Niamh had wanted to start off her morning. They had probably decided to pick her a target to be mugged, since she was alone, and were waiting for a chance to corner her. She was a little nervous - there was three of them and one of her.
No matter how many corners she turned or how much she weaved through the crowd, she couldn't seem to shake them. She needed to figure something out. She spotted a tall man with a black and white hat, but more importantly, a sword, and she made a split decision.
She went up to his side and slipped her arm through his. "There you are!" she said, hopefully loud enough for those other men to hear. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
She glanced back, then looked up at him, lowering her voice. "Some men are following me and I'm trying to get them to leave me alone, will you play along, please?" She gave him a pleading look. "Just until they stop following me?"
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heavens-sin · 8 months
Send me a ✆ to know your name/ringtone/picture in my character’s mobile.
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                                 @sarcasticmercy sent : ✆ Accepting
𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄 : Cupid / I write sins not tragedies / Teenagers
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❣ | @sarcasticmercy:: Liked This |
" Shit, "
He'd hid this injury all day - a by-product of back alley information gathering the night prior, endlessly looking for the next best place to go or hide - and he'd been hoping to get a quiet moment when his companion was asleep or distracted to fix it on his own.
But you didn't get to have that if you dropped something and made a bunch of noise before you could make yourself quiet: now he had to deal with getting caught attempting to cauterise it himself.
" This isn't a big deal; you can go back to bed. "
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opscurus · 2 years
(( @sarcasticmercy​​ // ask ))
      If they had expected more than a handful of survivors from this outing, they should have sent more seated officers. Hell, they should’ve at least sent a Lieutenant based on the reiastu. There wasn’t any way a group from 4th was going to get here in time to help anyone- even as it was, Law’s group was barely in time. Especially with another Shinigami falling as they finally came to a stop. That one wasn’t going to make it, certainly.          Was it assumed the threat would be gone by the time anyone arrived?
      Most likely, that was the case. Overconfident fucking upstarts. More focused on trying to make a name and prove themselves than self-preservation until it was too late. With everything else going on lately, you would think they’d be more careful about how they went about things. Patrols going missing, more frequent scrambling to defend some area or another-        Something was brewing. Hell if he knew what it was, but it was definitely something. He would have to poke around later to see if anyone else knew anything. There couldn’t be any way this was all going unnoticed.
      And it wasn’t likely whoever this was would want to answer questions- without being forced.
      It wasn’t hard to find the source of the carnage he had arrived to, though unimpressed by the threat that had been offered. Was it assumed he hadn’t known that already? By all means, it was a child’s threat. Had the other not been expecting anyone else to show up? “So will everything else in the world, get the fuck in line.” If he kept the Arrancar's attention on himself, at least, the rest would have more time to get what survivors they could back to the Emergency Relief Station. It wasn’t like Law had taken the job because it was supposed to be easy.
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Eyes decorated with sharp red designs underneath narrowed as the Zero Espada found himself standing on a number of feeble bodies and felt blood on the bottom his his shoes. The air crackled with Ichigo’s dense spiritual pressure, hints of black and red flashed able to be seen like lightning. The sword he carried was jet black, and dripped of blood as the confident creature felt not the urge to flick his blade and disperse the gore.
Feet dug further against the bodies, feeling and hearing bones break and flesh give underfoot, and Ichigo smirked. He was fairly quiet and composd, unlike another Espada he knew, Grimmjow, and didn’t swing first and ask later, lke Nnoitorra. Ichigo was a bit of a mystery as to just how he came into being so different from the others.
Tongue graced his lips as golden eyes flashed in the Shinigami’s direction. His threat clearly wasn’t enough, but it didn’t matter. Soon enough, he’d have the other begging for mercy in his grip.
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belovedcorvid · 2 months
Take a break prompts | "Stand up, walk around the table, at least."
❣︎ | Memes :: From Here | Prompts for People that can't Take a Break
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Rocinante stifled half a yawn and corrected his posture in his chair at Law's prompting. His back creaked and cracked in protest as he stretched long arms above his head, making him wince a little as he took off the reading glasses he'd been using. What time was it ? How long had he been in this spot ? Obviously a while, if he needed to bust out the readers and if Law - chronic serial over-worker - came in to check on him. " What are you still awake for - something on your mind ? " He diverted, pointedly ignoring the fact that when it came to insomnia, they were really more alike than either cared to admit.
Scattered across the table were newspapers, maps, and a notebook - various sliding tables of letters and half-finished missives tucked between the pages of the most recent issue. This was a well ingrained skill, had taken months or years of practise; even if it had been a while at this point, the method still came back easy. He used to receive intel and instructions this way, after all. Though he no longer knew which section was for which operative, the cyphers were the same. As long as they didn't abuse this knowledge, for that would make Rocinante himself feel deeply guilty, they could definitely use it to give at least the Marines the slip - maybe learn a little about what his brother was doing.
He chuckled a little as he rubbed a hand over his face, eventually turning tired eyes in Law's direction. " Ah I was just getting into the good stuff - aren't you curious about what kinds of irons the navy has got in the fire ? " Some of it was mundane, of course - especially the easy stuff only a level or two in. " We're really lucky, you know - a lot of the ciphers and keys still seem to work. "
0 notes
malpractising · 2 months
Storm prompts | "come here, i'll keep you safe. swear." | from Law or E.L., whichever you'd prefer
| Memes :: This One | Prompts :: Storms
| Law gets this one because Eden missed both of your boys - Eden and E.L. are gonna talk about that stick. |
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A single silvery eye peered out in the other man's direction from the darkness of the small crevice in the stack of crates he'd hidden himself under, dimly reflecting the storm-altered light from the outside as he considered it. Law, to his credit, sounded far more patient than Eden had expected him to, considering he was currently making the surgeon stand out in the inclement weather just because he was afraid to go back out in it.
This was embarrassing: surely an amount that would have killed him had he still been alive. He got a little nervous with even an ordinary rain because it was disorienting, but sudden aggressive rain like this made it difficult to hear and felt like suddenly getting struck from all directions - he'd reacted poorly. The storm had whipped up so suddenly he hadn't even really noticed the smell of imminent rain, so when the sky opened up blanketed the street with heavy rain immediately, he'd yelped and recoiled as if struck. His whole body writhed and he wrenched himself out of Law's reach, seeming to fold in on himself until disappearing with a crack, a brief, pallid flash like a burst lightbulb - placing himself here, in the first unoccupied out-of-the-rain location he could perceive.
Law found him eventually - he's not exceptional at tracking time. But after several moments' hesitation, a single pale hand reaches out to take hold of the one offered to him.
" Sorry, it um . . . it makes it hard to know what's where. "
0 notes
sirensofthefiveseas · 3 hours
Send 🚿 to walk in on my muse in the shower | Dealer's choice asked by @sarcasticmercy (the wheel picked Monet)
Monet hummed softly as she washed in the shower, luxuriating in the warm water. She had been busy clearing out several old labs for new use and it was dirty work. While she was mostly there to handle the children Caeser still pushed her into some manual labor.
When the door opened up Monet whipped the shower curtain back, glaring. "Do not let my hot air out!" She yelled, blinking in surprise at her intruder. She had expected Caeser coming to ask her something, not their newest guest
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ikkaku-of-heart · 5 months
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@sarcasticmercy asked: Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses! Send in ✏️ and I’ll use this (improved) incorrect quote generator featuring both our muses! (Still Accepting!!!)
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Law: Stop thinking whatever you're thinking. Ikkaku: Huh? Law: You always make that face when you're about to say something stupid just to piss me off. So cut it out- Ikkaku: I love you. Law: Ikkaku: Ikkaku: Also, cereal qualifies as a soup. Law: I KNEW IT!!
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warlordarcher · 2 months
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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Have you seen this hair? This guy definitely gets fluffy with the humidity! The turban helps him keep his hair somewhat tamed but if he takes it off, the static will make him look like a peacock 😂
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intothewildsea · 6 months
🍄 my favorite original character blog
I'm gonna cheat and list a few bc it's hard for me to choose just one!
@beautiful-mischief - I loooove Aislinn so MUCH
@notyetfixed - I just love all of Mackie's OCs okay
I know there's more but those were the first few that popped into my head!
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hunting-songs · 2 months
patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . | Law or whoever you're more interested in
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𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ! Senritsu listened attentive; listened to loud spiking up anger, fear, pain and honest worry. Honest worry about eachother, that made Senritsu smile, although the smile was small considering the fishermen and her had been the whole day out on the water with the sun burning down on them until they had been picked up.
Now with their burned red skin patched up and cups of water in their wrinkled hands the two old fishermen were still argeuing over who had not used the "good theard" for the patch on the sail which eventually had made the sail rip as easy as an old mans hair when the wind had picked up. The Colourful Cow lay as still on the waves as a shot animal and the small waves on the water cradled the small sailingboat like in soft wind moving grass.
Senritsu listened attentive; listened to honest care, kindness, angry bickering, worry and the loud beating of a hearbeat that twitched like a involuntary facial muscle from annoyance over the two fishermen still bickering and very much bickering since the sail had ripped, during their day on the open sea and even when the small sailboat had been discovered and they were picked up, patched up and given water. The musician had tilted her head to the side and while her eyes were still focused on a random point at the horizont marked by a with the stark, hot sunlight barely visible blue line between water and sky; she kept track of the bickering fishermen, of the swaying Colourful Cow, of the bigger ship, of everyone else on that ship, and of the one who had patched up the fishermen.
Senritsu listened attentive; listened to honest care, kindness, responsability and the distinct heartbeat of someone who really did his best to hide that care behind a heavy scowl. A care that made the other reach out for Senritsus bandaged arm.
The womans small hand was faster up than it should have been and closed around the others wrist to keep it on a distance, though the hold was not hard it was still firm. "No. I am sorry." carefully, as if the other was made of glass Senritsu let go of his hand, shaking her head with a just a little rueful chuckle: "Don´t sing me that worried melody. That is not an injury." Klaas and Humbert continued to bicker, by now gesturing so wildly that the fisherboat was moving a little too far to the sides as if the Colourful Cow was jumping around in the water.
The tiered smile on the Musicians round face was friendly, but far from reaching her eyes when she added : "At least nothing that could be cured." [ @sarcasticmercy ]
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