#sasha goes as a vampire because she thinks she looks hot as a vampire (she does)
t4tdanvis · 11 months
laurane is the one kid who has an entire plan for where hes gonna go on halloween just to get the most amount of candy possible. like he ends up getting multiple full size trash bags full of candy. he doesnt even like candy all that much he just thinks its funny
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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Twenty One.
I think I’ve made you guys and them wait for long enough... did someone say something about vampire sex? Hmm... ;)
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty
Words - 5,110
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Angel's POV
"Angel, I officially hate you. How dare you turn up here with a hottie like her, and then tell me she's your girlfriend, and that you plan on being faithful to her. That means I lose out on damned hot sex with you, and the possibility of you sharing her for some threeway fun," Sissy tells me playfully while she admires Edie over by the bar. I have to say, her reaction is much better than Natasha's, who is also here tonight. She took one look at me lavishing attention upon Edie and gave her the kind of look that could sour milk in two seconds, before moving away at speed.  
"Sucks to be you right now, huh?" I laugh, kissing her cheek when she gives me a dark look. She's quick to smile again, though, and when Edie comes back over to me is nothing but polite when she introduces herself to my lady.
"Hi, I'm Sissy. I used to play with him before you got your claws in. Nice tits, by the way," she says warmly, before excusing herself and heading back to the vampires she's here with.
"Well, she's certainly friendlier than Natasha. And she said I had nice tits! Being that they’re flat as pancakes, I’ll take that," Edie says once she's walked away.
"Yeah, she is. And you do have nice tits, you’re way too paranoid about them being small. They’re fucking beautiful, just like the rest of you.” I pause here, giving her a kiss, sliding my arm around her, pulling her near. “As for Natasha, she’s just jealous. She's young, so it goes with the territory. Sissy is beyond jealousy, very much so, considering I called out your name several times when I last had sex with her. She didn't care, just asked me who you were," I tell her, Edie raising an eyebrow.
"You did? And she didn't get pissed? Wow, I'd have blacked your eye for that shit." I can believe she would have, too. Remembering my time in the CD, I remember only too well that my girl has a mean right hook. I must prefer this version of Edie, the one draping her arms around me and nuzzling the side of my neck.  
Every damn vampire in here is checking her out, and they all hate me because she's mine. I feel on top of the world right now, much like Eric does with Sasha on his lap and everyone staring at what she isn't wearing. As it turns out, a certain outfit choice stands to land someone in a lot of hot water, but it's neither Edie nor Sasha. When Miley arrives ten minutes later, with Ahmed and whoever his girlfriend is, every single vampire in here locks his or her eyes on her, and they all practically salivate. We vampires have two quite conflicting juxtaposes we find attractive. We like them very innocent, or very bad. Miley just walked in dressed like a little pink fairy, so she falls firmly into the former category.
“Oh, man,” Eric winces, turning to me. “We got some VB at three o’ clock, dude.”
“What’s VB?” Edie asks, sipping her whiskey.
“Vampire bait, your friend Miley being exactly that,” I inform her, before nudging Sal. “Mano, I need a favour before Edie's friend gets gang bitten," I ask, not really wanting to, since I know his thoughts towards humans. He's only nice to them if he knows he can get something from them. He looks at me inquiringly before I continue. "Look at how she's dressed, she's gonna get decimated without a vampire by her side, I know that and so do you. Please, will you sit with her and lay claim?" He contemplates for a few seconds.
"Is she likely to put out?"  
"No, sorry but she’s no fan of the fang, unfortunately," I tell him, watching him frown as he shakes his head at me, and then looks back at Miley again.
"You owe me, ese. You owe me big time. What is little pink fairy's name?"  
"Miley, and thank you, I really do owe you," I reply before I watch him stand, waiting for her to finish greeting Sasha and Edie.  
"Miley, my name is Salvatore. Allow me to escort you to the bar." he tells her in a pleasant drawl, taking her hand and kissing it before steering her away from the table to buy her a drink. Miley looks half charmed, half terrified. Sal works his ass off, though, having her at ease quite quickly. Meanwhile, I play nice vampire again and try to reassure someone else who doesn't look comfortable.
"We don't bite unless you let us, you know. I'm Angel, Edie’s boyfriend," I say to the girl who looks like she's trying to hide behind Ahmed.
"Hi, hi I'm Brooke. Sorry, I've never actually met any vampires before. Ahmed told me you're alright though, but still, I'm a little uncomfortable," she replies nervously.
"Your man is correct. We're alright, but some others cannot be spoken for, of course. You'll be fine with us though, trust me," I tell her, before I become engaged in conversation with the huge Arab.
"You do realise you've turned one of my best friends into a nauseatingly happy, permanently smiling freak, don't you?” he begins, with a slight scowl. “Thanks for that.” His wide smile is the indicator to his joke.  
"You're welcome," I reply, welcoming the lady herself back onto my lap.
"I hate to bother you about work when you're away from it, but when do you have a free appointment next? I've had a tattoo design in mind for a while, but I've been struggling to find a good enough artist. After seeing what you put on Edie's back, well I think I've found him," Ahmed asks next.
"Not for about seven months at the moment, but if I get any cancellations, I'll tell Edie right away and she can let you know. Or we can try and arrange something around your hours at the CD now we're coming into winter, and I have more hours of darkness to work in. We'll talk about something soon," I reply, before turning my attentions firmly to the lady herself. "How's that whiskey going down?" I ask, moving the straw she stuck in there when she doesn't grasp it between her lips straight away.
"Very nicely, thank you," she replies with a smile. Whenever she smiles at me it's almost like I can feel my heart beating again. I've heard of the elusive phenomenon that some vampires can get, called a chest echo. It's when we're stirred so heavily by something that it almost feels like our dead hearts beat once more. I’ve never experienced one before right now, though.
"Good, I'll go buy you another, then," I pledge, before kissing her cheek and going back to the bar to fetch another quadruple Jamesons on the rocks. I'm not purposefully trying to get her drunk. Honestly. Alright, maybe a little.
"Is that just an act to keep you happy and Miley comfortable, or is he really enjoying talking to her?" she asks, nodding over to where Miley is sitting with Sal, who looks very content, talking to her.
"No, I think he's actually enjoying himself. I'd know if he wasn't, it'd be all over his face, but only in a way those who know him could read. He actually likes her. I’m surprised. He don’t even like other vampires much, except for me and Eric." I comment. He knows she isn't going to fuck him, so I wonder what it is he likes about her. Probably her naivety, I guess. He's likely trying to figure out ways to wheedle himself into her underwear. I wouldn't put it past him.  
After staying at the bar for about another two hours we head to Hell’s Gate, and I have to confess with the way Edie looks, I'm ready to call it a night and just take her back to my place and have my way with her. I might love the woman with all my heart, but right now, I hate her for making me wait.  
“So,” I begin, standing with her at the balcony rail, actually managing to convince her over to the metal room. I fucking hate dance music, all that new wave electro and hard house she thrives upon. Ugh. “These maybe’s you keep dropping. How do I get you to change them to a yes? Five days is a long time for a guy to wait when he has a girlfriend as fucking sexy as you. You’re not being fair.”
"I am being fair. Believe me, I'm more than worth the wait," she replies sweetly, with a wink.
"Devil woman." I complain, Edie giggling. In the cab earlier, I thought for a minute that perhaps my wait might be over tonight, but she still seems resolved to the same decision. I respect it, but I don't like it at all and if I can change her mind on it then that's just what I'll do. She should take it as a compliment. I don't think I've ever felt such desperation to have sex with someone before ever.  
I keep trying to wear her down for the rest of the night, and as 2:30am rolls around I think I'm all out of luck until after sitting and talking with EZ (who was out working a job previously this evening, meaning someone got shot in the head) Edie comes and whispers something in my ear that means my luck just might be changing.
"I think I want to go home. Well, back to my place first to get some clothes, and maybe find a few silver chains, and then maybe, just maybe, you might get lucky," she tells me as I run my hand back and forth up her leg, smiling to myself when I see EZ pull a face that speaks his envy very clearly.  
I turn to him with a grin. “Later, bro!” We say goodnight to our friends and head out, Edie stopping me just a few steps away from the club, giving me the kind of kisses that make my cock stir in a second.
"So, this maybe of yours, I think it's quickly turning into a yes, isn't it?" I ask as her hands wander all over me, and then stop in a very specific place.
“Hmm,” she hums, her mouth moving to my neck.
"If it's only a maybe then please, stop tickling my balls.” She snorts with laughter, shaking her head before jumping up to lock her legs around my waist.  
“Take me home.” Just over a minute later, and that’s where we arrive, Edie grabbing a bag full of her stuff, and I hope, I really hope, some silver chains, too. I mean, I’d rather not be bound in it, it hurts more than you could imagine, but I might not have any alternative.  
“Okay, and now take me to your home.” Ten seconds later and we arrive, standing on the porch, Edie grinning at me sultrily. “Alright. Now take me to bed.”
She doesn’t need to ask twice.
A second later, and I have her right there, Edie placing her bag down and pushing me back on the bed, letting her dress fall off, moving astride me, pulling off my vest, her nails dragging down my chest.  
"I think it's about time I let this free, to put it some place warm and wet," she purrs seductively, squeezing my cock where it’s bulging at the front of my jeans, undressing me at speed, moving back to straddle my thighs. “Fucking hell, that’s absolutely huge.” Pushing her wig off and letting her soft silver hair fall in waves around her shoulders, she then grasps my cock, giving it a few slow pumps, her mouth meeting mine. Fuck, that feels good, even better when her mouth drifts down, tongue circling my nipples, teeth leaving little bites over my abs, her gorgeous lips then wrapping right around my...
“God fucking damnit.” Yeah. I missed a hot mouth more than you can imagine.  
Edie's POV
Alright, alright, I couldn't make him wait any longer. I couldn't make myself wait my intended couple of weeks either. I had to have him, this has been building up for way too long now, but since we got together it's like somebody lit a fire under it, the desire we feel for each other. This has been slowly escalating all night as well, with the way we've been acting around each other, hardly able to keep our hands or mouths to ourselves. The level of sexual chemistry I have with him is simply too high to ignore or put off.  
A tiny little bit of me can't quite believe I'm going to have sex with him, a vampire, and a former detainee at that, but mostly because he's a vampire and I never thought I'd ever become carnally acquainted with one. I really, really like it, though.
Being intimate with a vampire is very different than with a human. They move differently when aroused, for one thing, and I can't explain it. It isn't just the speed they move at, but the way they actually move. It's almost like they move on the inside before the outside goes with them, very strange to watch and try to describe. Imagine the way a snake moves, it's similar to that. Also, when I gave him head, it was very strange at first, since usually when a man has an erection, they're hot to the touch. His of course was as cold as the rest of him, but it soon warmed after my mouth had travelled up and down its thick bulk for a while. Oh my god, it’s so big, too. At least eight inches, and fat. Fucking thick as hell.  
Just that alone, having him sinking right down to my throat while he fucked my mouth turned me on to the point of near agitation, imagining feeling all my inner muscles stretching to accommodate him. I blew him until my jaw hurt (and he was nowhere near orgasm, it takes a long time, apparently, because of being dead) until suddenly, I felt him move underneath me to where he is now, lying on his back just under my hips screwing his tongue in and out of my drenched hole.
When I feel his tongue, warmed by the heat of and wet with my want for him begin to slowly circle over my throbbing clit, my arms begin to shake, gripping the bed covers as I close my eyes tightly. I gasp and pant at the incredible feeling of each circled lick beginning to speed up, and then slow down again, my whole body feeling awash with exquisite tingles of ebullience. I then shriek and laugh a little when I feel one of his hands move and then slap down on my ass cheek in a hard spank. Those hands then push against my stomach, encouraging me to sit up.
"Thanks, I wanna watch you ride my face while I eat you." Mmm, gotta love a guy who nails the dirty talk. His tongue laves through my soaking folds, my hips starting to sway back and forth, Angel groaning deeply as he sucks at me hungrily, looking up at me with a wink, hands moving to tits, squeezing my nipples in a hard pinch. Moving his mouth away to kiss the inside of my thigh, he circles it over my flesh, hands gliding to my back and stroking down my spine. "Do you mind if I feed from you? It’s the best spot, right here, the blood is always sweeter when you feed from the femoral artery of an aroused woman."  
I pause on an answer, feeling apprehension for a moment. When he bit me before, it hurt like hell. I reason, though, this is completely different. We’re completely different. "Yes, you can.” With my permission, I hear his fangs pop, his fingertips grasping my hips before he bites straight into my leg. I gasp at the initial burn of such sharp teeth penetrating my vein, but god, it feels beyond erotic as he feeds from me, especially when he moves his hand to stroke his thumb against my clit. After he's fed and sealed the wound, I move to lie flat on top of him, kissing him while running my fingers through his hair, feeling his fangs graze my tongue as I taste a mixture of my own blood and sexual dampness in his mouth.  
Kissing my way back down his body slowly, I take time to appreciate the absolute beauty of him, running my tongue across every hardened ridge of muscle before my lips wrap around his cock again. This time, I get to spend a much longer uninterrupted period of time running my mouth up and down his thick, hard shaft.  
His hands become lost in my hair as his chest begins to rise and fall quicker, making me a little fearful over how close he's going to let himself teeter before stops me. It’s kind of twisted in a way, the ultimate thrill, one where my own mortality is potentially on the line, should he not be able to stop himself in time. It’s just as I’m thinking how insane that sounds...
"Edie, get the silver," he pants, moving his hands from my hair to rest them either side of his head while I slide back off the bed, grabbing my bag and removing the two old silver chains I found in the bottom of my jewellery box. They're both long, one to go over his neck and the other pulled into two to be draped over his wrists. I take them back to the bed, kneeling astride him and leaning forward to stroke his chest, kissing him deeply and slowly.  
“I’m sorry I have to do this.”  
“Isn’t your fault, beautiful.” I stroke his face, kissing him again. “It’s alright, just do it.” With his assurance, I nod, taking the first chain and draping it over his right wrist. He winces and grumbles in pain, closing his eyes tightly as I sit and pause with the second one, unable to move. Suddenly, a succession of memories from the time I did this to him at the CD, hurt him, tortured him with silver come flooding to the forefront of my mind, those memories completely throwing me off.
"Baby, are you okay?" he asks, watching me paused, my body stiffened, all my thoughts filled with scenes from my chamber, of the agony I put him through.
"I can't do it. I can't put you through that kind of pain again. Look at you, this should be something you're enjoying through and through, and already, only one of three chains in and you're in agony. I just can't do it to you, and I need... I need air," I gasp as I look down at him, pulling the chain from his wrist and darting backwards off the bed.  
“Edie, it’s alright, come back,” he reassures me, going to speak again.  
“No, I can’t do it!” I cut him off with. Pulling on his vest at speed, I pick up my bag, taking my cigarettes and lighter out and exiting the bedroom. Oh my god, that freaked me out so much. Okay, so I know running out on him wasn't the best idea, but as my feet pound down the stairs and I walk briskly to the front door, all I know is that I need to get outside. I feel really odd.  
The fresh air hits me, the night time dip in temperature soothing as I sit on the edge of the porch, trying to gather myself, calming my erratic breathing as I light up, sighing. Well, that didn’t go how I expected it too. Poor Angel, I bet it was the last thing he envisaged either, for his girlfriend to bolt on him like that. Just as I start feeling really awful about it, I realise that I'm not alone any longer.
His arms wrap around me, pulling me back against his chest. "What happened back there?"
Running a hand through my hair, I sigh, feeling ridiculous. "It all came back to me, everything from when you were in the CD and I was punishing you. It totally freaked me out.” Leaning back against him, I stroke the arm wrapped around me, feeling his lips press against the side of my head.  
"That much I got, that it freaked you out. Look at it this way, back then we were punisher and detainee. Now, we're something completely different, and you know that. We're together now, everything else is in the past. We have to do this, it's completely necessary. You're not doing it to hurt me. You're doing it to stop me from potentially killing you. You need to remember that this is my problem, not yours." he states, kissing my cheek a couple of times as he tightens his arms around me.
"I know, I know. I just felt so strange doing it,” I confess, turning my head to kiss his cheek. “I'll be okay, I won't bolt on you next time.”
He nuzzles me, mouth moving to my neck, his hands stroking up and down my arms. "Good, because I was very much enjoying what we were doing up there.”  
"Me too, prior to my little panic." He laughs quietly, kissing my hair, hands still stroking me adoringly. As I sit there on the steps smoking, with my gorgeous vampire wrapped around me, I feel the thoughts that had spooked me out starting to fade away, and as I warm to his touch once more, the thoughts of what I have to do become less daunting. Once I've finished my cigarette, he picks me up and carries me back upstairs again in the blink of an eye, taking off the jeans he'd put on to come outside, while I remove the vest I'd covered my nakedness with, resuming the position we were in prior to my swift exit.  
I stare down at him for a few moments, appreciating how gorgeous he is. smiling before leaning down to kiss him. I remember which part of the covers I put the chains down on before my mouth descends his body again and I resume giving him head.
The sounds of him becoming increasingly more aroused as I pleasure his beautiful, fat cock in turn boosts my arousal again to tingling, throbbing levels of want, but this time when he tells me to grab the chains, I steel myself to the task in hand, laying them quickly across each wrist and then his throat. I hate it, to see him wincing in pain, moving myself back down to take him into my mouth again, giving the absolute performance of a lifetime with my blowjob skills, in some hope I can counteract the fact he’s lying there with his skin smouldering. I suck him deep, slowly increasing the pressure of my lips as my mouth glides back up, whirling my tongue all around the head of his hardness, his groans sounding one hundred percent lustful.  
Taking over with my hand, I keep him caressed in a firm grip, sucking his balls in turn before repeating those actions until I’m certain that he's completely lost in bliss, imagining him inside me turning me on so much that I reach back and begin to touch myself. I can't deny, my heart starts racing quickly as I open my eyes to watch his chest fall and rise rapidly, deep moans coming from his throat as I know he's getting very close. It races with nerves over what is about to engulf him, the urge to kill.  
Even though I know he can't hurt me, the fact that it'll happen is still in my mind. When it actually does, his body shuddering and dick twitching before bursting a cold jet of cum into my mouth, the sounds of him at the point of orgasm give me such sexual thrill, I'm too aroused to remember for a moment, that very thing I was scared of. Damn, he sounded so sexy when he came. The noise that follows, though, well, it’s definitely new to me after letting someone cum straight down my throat.
Perplexed, I raise an inquiring eyebrow, kissing my way back up his chest. "Why are you laughing?"  
"Because the only thing that happened then was that I came so hard, I couldn’t see for a few seconds, and the only urge that I felt was to fuck you. My theory was right, I can't kill someone I love so much.” The happiness that runs right through me, to hear that, that the one time I had to keep him restrained will be the last.  
“Oh yeah, really,” he confirms, while I smile widely, reaching to remove each chain. “You know what that means?”
I grin, the last chain removed, thrown off the bed, unneeded. “I’m gonna get it?”
He rumbles a growl, licking his top lip. “Hell yeah, you’re gonna get it.” I’m grabbed quickly, turned onto my back in a second by a very, very aroused vampire. He takes a brief pause, kissing me, before... oh god, that really is huge, the thick wall of flesh that just slid inside me fully, Angel’s muscles rippling in response to how it must feel for him, to be surrounded by all he’s craved for decades. The coil in me tightens with a sharp tug, the feel of him incredible, if not a little strange at first, being that his cock is cool, like the rest of him. That, and him, begin to warm to my radiating heat, heat stirred so torridly as he sinks into me sedately at first, his mouth sprinkling kisses across my neck, pleasuring me with wet circling licks, the soft skim of his thick beard and the briefest hint of spine melting pain when he lays little bites that lead to my clavicles.
Those first intrusions of such thick hardness inside me are so good, I can barely form thought, his hands all over my body, running up and down my legs, my sides, my arms, through my hair, fingertips trailing down my cheeks as he kisses me. I feel like I'm drenched in a sea of lust as he retreats and re-enters me with steady, yet hard thrusts, my skin goosepimpled and tingly all over. Just the feel of him alone is enough to send my senses soaring, the contrast of the parts of his body that are warming against me and the parts that are still cold, like his broad, muscular back which I run my hands up and down as we kiss, biting his tongue in shock as I moan at feeling his cock hitting every last spot within me that his fingers first found.
"I'm so glad I'm a vampire right now, because you feel so good, you're going to make me… ahh, fuck… cum again.” he groans as his body shudders against mine. He doesn’t even stop. Recovery time? Zero minutes. Wow, that's one hell of a refresh rate. Sasha has of course told me before that vampires can orgasm and stay hard afterwards, that that's one of the advantages of being dead. They don't suffer from the usual human drawbacks.  
What I receive from him is about the furthest from usual, though, sexually speaking, his mouth at my neck as he begins to speed up, moving more rapidly within me than he did before as he chased his release. If that was slow burn, then this? Dynamite. In a flash, he’s up off me, my legs over his shoulders, body pounding against mine as his cock drives into me at the kind of pace that isn’t natural. Oh god, getting fucked at vampire speed. Truly, there’s nothing else like it, my body surrendering to the swell of pleasure that proceeds to snap through me like a thousand lightning strikes, every last nerve ending rich spot within me spasming around him, his thumb reaching to draw circles at my clit, drawing out another crest from my shuddering body, straight after the second... and then a third.  
I’ve never in my life had a multiple orgasm before... and he just made me cum three times in a row.  
I’m sure the neighbours could likely hear my screams of euphoria.  
Mother... fuck.  
Pulling me up astride him, he clutches my waist, bouncing me on my cock, forehead touching mine as he stares at me intently, his hands then moving, fingertips trailing my spine as I rock my hips against him, matching each of his upward movements into me, his cock hitting me so deep, I see stars. He is absolutely incredible, god, he knows a woman’s body inside and out, having over a hundred years of sexual experience behind him. Oh damn, it shows. Nothing is done on whim or test, he just knows.  
His hands cease their tour of my back, holding my body tightly to his as short nails claw at my sides, groaning deeply into my mouth, sucking my tongue, neck and nipples as I bounce upon him with increased vigour. Rolling my hips into his body fiercely, I want to make him cum again, hear those darkly erotic growls, feel him filling me with cum. He's so sexy when he's having an orgasm.  
A time later when he finally does, it boils through him so strongly that his deep, lust filled growls fill the room loudly, biting onto my shoulder and clinging on hard. It hurts so much and shocks my body so hard, I cum with a shriek, my inner muscles in rapid flutter around him, my cunt further drenched around his twitching cock. Clinging onto him, I feel his fangs retract and his lips softly kissing the tender spot as his rapidly moving body finally begins to slow after such exertion, and I take a moment to catch my breath, before he really shows me what being out of breath is all about.  
Too fast to register, I’m turned onto my front, Angel pulling my hips up and re-entering me from behind, one hand beginning to spank my ass, the other weaving through my hair, pulling my head back. The speed he penetrates me at is unreal, completely unreal, and the night, this night full of sex so passionate, so hot and so intense, well, it's only just begun.
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
attention, this is a n-s-f-w post abt martin's big guy between his legs so yknow, the rest under the cut
i personally hc martin as a cis man, so bear that in mind
i also hc him as having the biggest dick known to man
imagine. its halloween. tim, sasha n martin have matching costumes: sasha is ur run of the mill ugly evil cackling witch, tim is ur hot witch with one of those iconic sexy halloween costumes, and martin is their cat/familiar. he gets to wear a cat onesie for halloween. he's living the life right?
well, it was hard to find martin's costume at a reasonable price and within the limited timeframe they got from elias when he announced the institutes halloween costume party. sasha finds it somehow, because its sasha, but its like, right on the day of the party. so sasha goes to the tube looking like a green ugly witch with a huge bag with one (1) cat onesie and one (1) pair of properly patterned halloween tights that sasha already had. therefore, martin n tim are waiting for sasha to get their costumes on (btw, jon didnt wanna participate in such childish things as per s1 jon, but he does get those fake fang things for vampire costumes)
sasha gets there, gives them the goods, and leaves them to change in document storage. tim just needs to pull the tights on his legs and put on his high heels and he's done. martin needs to get naked. why couldnt he stay with his boxers on?? oh he will but both tim n sasha made him promise he'd wear halloween patterned underwear like them just for funsies so he already had those at the ready in doc storage. he's so preoccupied in understanding how a onesie works that he forgets tim's there
when martin takes too long, tim turns around and freezes. now, hes not gonna lie and say he's never thought of martin naked. man's hot, we all know this. but he just imagined it, never had the facts. NOW he has the facts. and they're big.
martin busts out tim's full goverment name when he catches him staring and tim is horrified and embarassed but martin just laughs him off and gets dressed, less terrified than tim would expect
tim learns later that apparently, from the admitedly little expreince martin has to getting naked in front of others, they always have the same reaction if they ever look down, so he's used to it atp. tim is still terrified but also horny cuz wtf?? big dick?? on sweet and big martin?? he needs to ride this man
anyways, martin in a cat onesie also does things for jon but theyre way less sexual and more like "omg martin is a big cat, like the admiral, awww- wAIT" and supresses the fact that he thinks martin looks cute as a cat. sasha was the one who had the underwear idea and did plan this, cause shes a menace to society and we love her for it
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ssurveycorpss · 3 years
this post keeps getting deleted which should be a sign for me not to post it but nothing can stop me now. happy late halloween enjoy this shitpost of what aot characters would be like on halloween. this is incredibly ooc and just for shits and giggles bc i spent my halloween studying and working instead of doing fun stuff <3
eren: the guy that throws on cat ears he got like 10 minutes before the party and gets wasted
mikasa: dresses up in the cutest costume, like a character from her childhood or an animal or something. like its just really cute. her toxic trait is that she digs through the bowls of candy at parties for all the good stuff and leaves the nasty things at the top
armin: either a character from like a classic novel (mr. darcy, jay gatsby, you know the works) or wears like one of those big costumes? like the ones that are just funny and go over normal clothes like a narwhal or shark or crayon
jean: is here to look hot and boy does he do it. is always in something like sexy and has the best costume hair and make up. he tries really hard but acts like it was so effortless like "oh yeahh i just found this at the second hand shop" yeah but you went to 9 different ones everyday for 3 months. he really does look hot though. i imagine sexy cowboy is a hit. takes a lot of selfies and thirst trap tiktok videos.
connie: ever since he was 12 he had a tradition of being a different bald character every year and even when he started growing his hair out he kept to it. hes consistent. he tries to get jean to join him and sasha in a group costume and jean is like "i am not doing that its uhhh so much work" but connie knows the real reason.
sasha: either the sidekick of whatever bald character connie is (when he was aang she was appa, when he was saitama she was genos, when he was gru she was a minion) and if she doesnt like or no what he is dressing up as she dresses up as iconic food mascots like ronald mcdonald or the green m&m. decimates the halloween themed sweets and snacks.
niccolo: puts on his work uniform and a comically oversized chefs hat and no one asks what he is dressed up as. he thinks it would be really cute if he matched with sasha but he doesnt want to get in the way of their tradition. makes all the halloween themed sweets and snacks that look like they came straight out of pinterest.
levi: is usually a generic spooky thing he can pull from his closet and make look nice with just cheap accessories or makeup, like a vampire or a witch or a werewolf. he puts more effort than eren definitely (thats putting the bar on the floor though) but nothing crazy, like he wont buy a new shirt or anything just for halloween but he'll consider buying fake fangs.
erwin: also usually something generic but he buys it from a costume shop, so like hed be like a doctor or astronaut or soccer player or a sailor. for some reason he never dresses up as a known character just like a job or something. takes awkwardly posed photos and always guesses everyones costumes incredibly wrong
hanji: is dressed as something terrifying. sfx makeup blood all over their shirt knife prop scary contacts. likes scaring middle schoolers in the streets. you can never recognize them because they have so many prosthetics on. honestly terrifying.
onyankopon: probably like a popular tv show character he likes. he does half diy and half bought and he always looks really good. really good at party games and he brings a dish even if its not a potluck. also offers to help levi clean up.
zeke: doesnt even wear a costume (runs in the family) and when you ask him what he is he says "struggling adult" or "scruffy hipster." says a different thing to everyone just to mess with them.
yelena: just wears a suit and grabs a nerf gun and says shes a secret agent. looks really hot doing it so no one cares.
floch: gets a shirt that says "this is my costume"
reiner: takes gabi and her friends out trick or treating before he goes to any parties. since he never wants to embarrass her hes usually pretty tame. dresses up as a superhero a lot.
colt: tags along with reiner since theyre going to the same place after and he wants to get some nice photos. unlike reiner he doesnt care about embarrassing falco but he never feels the need to go all out so the kid is spared. usually just a mask over normal clothes.
porco: cool skull makeup (that pieck did) over a fashionable outfit. not as concerned with looking like he stepped off the red carpet as jean but still wants to look hot and be on theme. when he was a kid his mom dressed him and marcel in matching costumes and they were always really awful so he refuses to match with anyone.
pieck: another person who doesnt do characters, usually dresses up based on like time periods. honestly doesnt put the most effort into her costumes. she likes halloween she just doesnt have the facilities to blow hundreds of dollars on a costume so just diys a lot. looks really cute every time tho.
annie: if hitch can manage to drag her into a group costume she usually goes with that since hitch picks cute costumes and she doenst have to put too much effort. if not, she pulls something generic from her closet just like levi, but unlike levi a lot of her closet has really pretty clothes she just doesnt wear so its a bit more shocking to everyone.
bertholdt: wears a onesie every year lolol. kinda just sits in a corner sipping on apple cider.
hitch: goes on social media and finds trendy group costumes and gets annie to them with her. like powerpuff girls (annie as buttercup and hitch as bubbles would be soooo cute), angel and devil, harley quinn poison ivy, etc. always looks really glamourous and pretty but is always taking everything off before the end of the night because its so uncomfortable.
historia: even though the party is at her house she makes sure she can hand out candy to all the kids outside. does a matching costume with ymir, also generic stuff thats a mix of spooky and cute like vampire princess or zombie cheerleader or fairy.
ymir: counterpart to historia, usually lets her pick the costume bc shes happy with anything and looks rlly good in everything. helps historia hand out candy by glaring down at kids that take a handful when she says only to take one. makes every single one drop what they have in their hands and reach for the best one.
bonus random hcs:
gabi dresses up as inflatable among us crewmate. you cant change my mind. reiner bought it. falco is a superhero sidekick character like robin or kid flash. zofia is a witch and udo wears like occupation costumes. they never plan group costumes. after they finish trick or treating they go to gabi's house and sort and trade candy and they give all the nasty stuff to reiner who is like "awww you guys thankkkksss" not knowing they just didnt want to throw it away.
one year mikasa really wanted to do a group costume so she eren and armin went as sailor scouts (armin was sailor moon, she was sailor mercury and eren was sailor jupiter) the costume wasnt cheap and eren threw up all over it so armin cried. theyve never done a group costume since.
connie goes crazy to the spooky scary skeletons remix. absolutely bonkers. starts breakdancing in historias kitchen.
erwins house is cutely decorated. i bet he like really meticulously stores holiday decorations and has a date marked on a calendar to put them up.
levi doesnt let anyone leave the party until historias house is clean. he is watching everyone. even if ur drunk or asleep he will wake you up and pick up the feather duster.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: The Mother Chapter 10 - The Lost Girls
Warnings: slight violence, slight language. 
Word count: 2.2k
Where it all began. 
Summary: Timeline of the Winchester family lives and deaths. Flashback chapter. 
Guest OCs: Joel Winchester (FC: Josh Brolin), Marie Campbell (FC: Fairuza Balk), Mandy Winchester (FC: Cristina Scabbia).
Guest Characters: Jacob Seed and Miller in war flashback. Archangel Michael, Raphael and Gabriel in flashback. 
Note: The italic red indicates different time periods so bare with me on this chapter. They’re all short mini chapters within one big chapter. 
June 1988
Joel Victor Winchester has enlisted into the U.S Army, and his father Alfred isn’t happy about it.
“Really? That’s what you’re gonna do?” he asks his son, “You’re gonna throw your life away?”.
“Dad, I don't want to hunt anymore. I want to travel. See the world” he explains to his father.
“Yeah sure, getting yourself killed will definitely help out with that” he sarcastically tells him. 
Joel grew tired of hunting monsters for a living. He wanted to change his life for the better, he enlisted into the U.S Army. His girlfriend Mandy was against it, but at the same time she didn’t want to hold him back. Within a few months he went off to training in Georgia. He felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders once he stepped off in that training base. 
Aside from the Sergeants getting into his face, and yelling at him. Making him do 100 push ups in 1 minute. Joel actually liked it there. Better than stabbing a demon in the face, or cutting off a vampire’s head. It’s better than getting chased by Hellhounds. 
November 1990
Iraq, the Gulf War. Operation Desert Storm. Joel along with his unit of 10 other men are passing through a desert town somewhere near the Persian Gulf. When an ambush causes Joel and his fellow soldiers to get separated from each other in the middle of the desert.
“This is Winchester to base do you copy?” he says into his radio, “Base this is Winchester do you copy?”. 
Nothing but static on the other end of the radio. 
“Now what?” Miller asks him. 
“We keep moving forward” he answers.
“Are you sure?!” another soldier asks. 
“Yeah, I’m sure” he replies. They all push forward through the hot desert as the sun shines bright on them. 
“I don’t think I can push forward” a young Jacob Seed tells Joel. Panting and stumbling through the hot sand. 
“C’mon Seed we have to keep moving” he tells him.
After several minutes of walking through the sand an explosion sends Joel, Miller, Jacob and a few others flying several feet away from each other. They all manage to find each other after god who knows how long. Almost dying of dehydration.  
“We gotta keep moving” Joel’s second in command tells him.
Joel looks around and notices they’re missing a few of their men.
“Where’s Seed and Miller?!?” he asks them. They look around for them, and accept that they were either killed, or they got lost in the explosion. 
“We have to look for them” Joel tells them. 
“Sir, we have to keep moving forward to base” his second in command tells him. They move forward through the desert and make it to their base. Not wanting to leave two of their men behind, knowing they could still be alive. 
December 1991
It’s been over almost a year since Joel came back from Iraq. He wasn’t the same after all that shit. He suffered from PTSD, night terrors and insomnia. He has burn scars on his right shoulder, bicep and 30% of the right side of his body. 
Thinking that Mandy would leave him because of his trauma and disfigurement of his skin. She stood by side through all of it. She didn’t see him any differently, she still loved him regardless. With the help of her sister Marie, he planned on proposing to her. On December 22 1991 just before Christmas. He proposed to her at a Christmas party in front of all their friends and family.
Taking a knee, the usual way of proposing. 
“Mandeline Lucille Campell will you marry me?!” he asks, ring in hand. The crowd of their friends and family “awe” in response. 
Her hands covering her mouth, she nods her head and softly mutters “Yes” to his proposal. 
Tears filling her eyes as he places the ring on her left ring finger.
September 7 1992
The wedding of Joel Victor Winchester & Mandeline Lucille Campell. 
"Are you ready?" Marie asks her older sister. As she dusts off her white wedding dress. 
Mandy nods her head, taking a deep breath, "Yeah, yeah I'm ready!". 
Preparing to walk down the aisle, and marrying the love of her life. Her long-time boyfriend, then fiancée and soon to be husband. 
“Do you Mandeline Lucille Campell take Joel Victor Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband. In sickness and in health. For good, or for worse. Till death do you part?” the priest asks.
Looking up at her soon to be husband, “I do” she answers. 
He asks Joel the same exact thing, and he gives the same exact response.
“I do” he says, looking down at his now beautiful wife. 
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the priest tells Joel, and he kisses his new wife. 
May 1994
Mandy announces her pregnancy with her first child. Waiting patiently for the results, sitting on the bathroom floor as Joel sat on the opposite side of the bathroom door. She got the results, and she is indeed pregnant. She opens the door, and immediately runs into Joel’s arms, tears streaming down her face. 
“What is it?!, what is it?!” he asks, excitedly. 
She shows him the stick, and he lifts her up. Kisses her.
“We’re gonna be parents!!” he mutters, excitedly. Lifitng her up off the floor.
July 1994
Joel and Mandy get the results on the sex of their first child. The ultrasound technician puts the gel on her stomach and uses the sonographer to scan her belly.
Joel holds onto Mandy’s hand in anticipation. Squeezing it.
“So let's see what we got here” she tells them, as she scans her stomach. 
“It looks like you’re having a girl!” she tells the soon to be parents.
They look at each other excitedly, in shock and in tears. 
“We’re having a girl!!” Mandy mutters to Joel, kissing him. 
January 19 1995
Mandy goes into labor a few months early, and gives birth to a healthy baby girl at the Phoenix Regional Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. After being in labor for 7 hours.
Weighing 7 pounds 6 ounces. Born at 2:15pm. 
“She’s so beautiful” Mandy says, cradling her daughter. A nurse walks into the room, with a clipboard in hand and asks “So what are we naming her?”.
“Paige Hannah” Joel tells her. She writes down the name and takes it to file it for records. 
“And you wanted to name her Dawn Mercedes” Mandy mocks him, looking down at her new infant daughter. 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I’m glad you changed my mind about it”. 
A few moments past and a man walks into the room.
“Joel and Mandeline Winchester?'' he asks, walking into the hospital room. They both look up at the man. 
“Yes?” Joel questions him, “Who are you?”. 
“I’m Michael” he tells them, “Archangel Michael”. 
They look at him in confusion, Joel stands up from the hospital bed and becomes defensive. 
“What do you want?” he asks in a threatening tone. 
He puts his hands up showing that he means no harm. “I mean no harm to you, your wife and the new addition to your family”.
He goes on to tell them that he is baby Paige’s Guardian Archangel. That he will protect and watch over her until the day she dies. 
"So what? Babies are assigned Archangels when they're born?" he asks. 
"Yes, I believe Raphael is Mandeline's guardian Archangel, and I'm yours" Michael tells them. 
August 5 1998
Mandy gave birth to another girl at the same hospital where she had Paige. 
Almost having her at their home which is 15 minutes away from the hospital.
Weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces born at 7:42am, now with baby number two in the family. 
Mandy’s sister Marie watched over Paige while they went to the hospital. 
After 3 in half hours of labor pain and contractions, she finally had baby Katella. 
“I can’t believe it” Joel mutters, looking down at his new infant daughter “We now have 2 beautiful girls. She’s so beautiful”. 
They both stare down at their new addition to the family. 
“I’m so glad Paige stopped me from naming her Sasha Georgia” he says to Mandy. 
She chuckles, “Yeah me too. Katella Evyanna is a better name for her”. 
“Gabrielle would’ve been better” a man tells them, who appeared out of the blue in front of them. 
They both look up at the man, Joel scoffs at him, rolling his eyes and looking up at the ceiling “Let me guess. Gabriel? Archangel?”. 
He smiles at them, and says with his hands up “Guilty!!”. 
“What do you want?” Mandy asks him, Already knowing what this is all about. 
He sighs, sitting at the foot of the bed “The same route my big bro Michael did with little Paige. I’m this little one's Guardian Angel. I will protect, watch over her and blah blah blah until she dies. All that jazz”. 
They both look at him in confusion, and also in a way underestimating the youngest Archangel.  
"It's not too late to name her Gabrielle Tricksterina" he tells them. 
"We'll stick with Katella Evyanna. Thanks Gabe". Mandy says to him. 
November 14 1998
Baby Katella is 3 months old, Paige is 3 years old. 
“What time are you gonna be off?!” Mandy asks Joel, from the kitchen table. 
“Same time as usual” he tells her from their bedroom “5:30pm”. 
He continues to get ready for work while Mandy feeds Kate her bottle, and Paige is sitting in her high chair eating cut up fruit.
He walks into the kitchen, and kisses her, and his daughters goodbye.
“I’m leaving for work now” he tells her. Kissing her head, as well as the two little girls. 
Going to his job at the auto shop where he works as head mechanic. 
Mandy is taking maternity leave from her job as a receptionist at a dental office.  
April 19 1999
The night where it all happened, the night where Azazel took Joel’s life by causing a house fire.
Killing him when he went to check on baby Katella. 
Confronting the demon that took his life. Killing him and pushing him up to the ceiling. 
Mandy woke up to the smell of smoke, thinking Joel was cooking something. 
She went to check on both Paige and Kate. Upon checking on her youngest daughter, a droplet of blood lands on Mandy’s hand, she looks up and sees her husband laying against the ceiling. 
Within seconds the whole ceiling was engulfed into flames. Killing Joel instantly. 
Paige runs to the room, and sees everything. Mandy grabs Kate from her crib and hands her to her eldest daughter.
Telling her to take her sister and run as fast as she can.
Running out to the front lawn as the house is engulfed in flames. 
September 2011
“Mom what’s going on?” 16 year old Paige asks her mother.
Des Moines, Iowa. A teacher from Paige and Kate’s high school had reported to Child Protective Services about some cuts, bruises and other wounds on Kate’s arms and hands. 
A cut on Paige’s left cheek, and bruised, bloody knuckles. 
Reporting that the 2 girls are being abused by their mother. 
Mandy would never lay a finger on her kids. Wasn’t able to convince the police and CPS that she would never hit her kids. 
Even with Paige and Kate coming to her defense. They still took them away from her.
“Everything is fine girls” she tells them. 
“Girls you’re gonna have to come with us” an officer tells them. 
They both look at him, and everyone else in confusion. 
“What’s happening?!” 13 year old Kate asks. Hiding behind her elder sister. 
“Girls I’m Nancy from Child Protective Services. You’re both gonna have to come with us” she tells them. 
“Why?!” Paige asks. 
“You both attend Des Moines Junior high?” the officer asks.
“Yeah” Paige answers. 
“A teacher reported some wounds, and other physical injuries on you” he tells them. 
They take the girls away from Mandy after they both resisted. Taking them away in separate vehicles. 
Mandy later would have child abuse charges against her, and she would flee Iowa shortly after. Paige and Kate were sent to live with their uncle Brent and aunt Laura. 
Mandy was charged, and had a restraining order against her. Forbidding her from seeing, or contacting her daughters until they turned 18. Once Paige turned 18 she took off and searched for her mother. 
January 2012
"There's a man in Hope County, Montana that needs protection" Raphael tells Mandy. 
"Okay, what's his name?" she asks. 
"God hasn't given me his name, but you are the one that must protect him" he tells her. 
Not understanding what the job is actually about, she reluctantly agrees to protect this man whom she has no idea who he is or what his name is. Not knowing what he looks like either. 
"Okay, I'll go to Montana and protect this man who I never met, nor seen" she tells the Archangel. 
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Short fluffy tma character headcanons
Cause this podcast and these characters are taking over my life
Jon Sims
Has a lot of really great hair - thick and wavy and soft
But its already going grey cause he is ~stressed~ literally all the time
Used to wear glasses but doesn’t need them anymore
Is not really an animal person but would literally die for any cat
Sleeps with his eyes open
Martin Blackwood
Wanted to be a high school English teacher before dropping out of college to support his mother
LOVES dogs and has always wanted one but never had the space or money
He actually doesn’t like tea very much
He’s more of a hot chocolate guy, but tea was his mother’s favorite and now it’s Jon’s, so he keeps making it
I said these were fluffy headcanons but literally every headcanons about martin is sad I’m sorry
Ummm he definitely jots down poetry and draws artsy flowers on his hands when he’s supposed to be working
Constantly suppressing the urge to ruffle Jon’s hair
Sasha (the og Sasha)
No time for Jon’s shit
Seriously I believe they became friends because she sat down with him at lunch one day like “please drop the terrible accent you’re not impressive and nobody respects you, if you actually want to make friends here’s what you’ve gotta do - ” and Jon interrupted her like... “but it’s my real voice”
They’ve been friends ever since
Constant prank wars with Tim
Small flower tattoo behind left ear
Tim Stoker
I like to think of Tim as the shortest original archivist
Sasha once made fun of him for it
He showed up to work the next day rocking spectacularly bedazzled 6-inch heels and towering over Sasha
Sasha was very impressed and ended up asking him to go shoe shopping with her
He’s kinda ripped - like, he actually goes to a gym and has probably eaten more vegetables in a week than Jon has in his entire life
Running joke with Sasha that Jon is actually a vampire
Is currently taking a fun family vacation camping with his brother, who is 100% alive
Elias Bouchard
He’s a total Taylor swift/ generic pop music fan
I don’t know why I believe this but it has become firmly fixed in my mind and pop music just feels so right for Elias
He uses his beholding powers to implant annoying songs into people’s heads
Every time an employee has a song stuck in their heads it’s because of Elias
He also occasionally air-drops memes into his employees brains
He literally just does this for fun
Basira Hussein
Has always been a bookworm
Joined the police force because she wanted to help people and go on adventures like the heroes of her favorite stories
Sometimes disassociates/ zones out because she’s making up a story in her head
Actually started writing a sci-fi novel but it got pushed to the side as her life became busier and busier
Has never told anyone but daisy about this novel, and even Daisy’s not allowed to read it yet
“Daisy” Tonner
Used to have really long hair but she completely shaved it after a vampire grabbed it in a fight and almost strangled her with it
Has lots of scars running up her hands and arms from the same vampire
Sorry I’m really failing in my “happy headcanon” quest
Has a kill list of people/ things she intends to hunt, she repeats it over and over to herself when she needs to focus or calm down
Jon Sims is 100% on this kill list
Melanie King
Bright purple hair
Elaborate, artsy tattoo running up right arm
Kinda looks like a harmless, artsy hipster
But she’s trained in jiu jitsu for like 14 years and could seriously fuck you up
Her dad worked at a jiu jitsu training center so she got free lessons from the time she was a little girl, and always loved competing
Always has at least 3 knives on her person
Seriously she’s started accumulating them at an alarming rate, someone should stop her
Georgie Parker
Redhead with extreme freckles
Loves cooking and experimenting with new foods
Isn’t actually a good cook at all
Jon did all the cooking when he was in hiding at her place
Doesn’t actually like cats very much - she’s more of a dog person
But she still loves the admiral and will loudly insist that he’s the only good cat she’s ever met
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thegnasticious · 7 years
Locker 0276
I’m bad with introductions so I’ll start with my name, that’s always easiest. My name is Paul Stark, I have an older brother, we call him Lou. He used to tell me a stories of the old high school, 3 years ahead of me, he saw what was the old build of the high school. Compared to the bleak white hallways, it sounded much more fun. That could've been because the beginning of construction dilapidated any sense of class structure that was left. As soon as a teacher tried to talk, a jackhammer or drill would go off outside, and as Lou put it you could always smell someone toking. He always used weird words like that around me “Toking”, and what not. I never got too much in to smoking or doing any drugs, I drank from time to time at local parties, but it didn’t do much more than spin me. Lou was different, he wasn’t just what people viewed as cool, he was the epitome of what they wanted to be. A Black leather jacket, tight expensive designer jeans, in some ways a transplant of what seemed like 80′s culture in the 2000′s. Chances were he was the guy blazing up the hallway well some horticulture class was running. He really didn’t give a shit about anything, at all. There was a rumor that he stole the running school’s supervisor, Mr. Bible’s keys. The keys accessed every part of the school. He could of stolen records, money, changed people’s grades, got every administrators password and personal info., but no, what Lou did was bring home full boxes of unopened Frito-Lay snacks and Hostess deserts. I never asked him where they came from, I kind of connected the dots later on as announcements were made and Mr. Bible was interrogating my friends. I’m pretty sure Lou threw the keys in a local watering hole, never to be found.
He did however keep one key to the old part of the school. For months he kept it secret from me, until one day I was working out after school until the late hours, and I saw him exiting one of the old locked off parts of the school. When he saw me, he took off and tried not to make eye contact with me. Later on that night I found Lou in his place in the attic, smoking something by himself. It reeked of a skunk. He didn’t seem to pay much attention to me, even as I approached right behind.
“I saw you leaving the old part of the school, Lou”, I said.
He kind of jumped as if he didn’t expect me.
“Wasn’t me. Someone else. Seeing shadows again Paul?”, He smirked and said.
“If you don’t tell me why you’re going there, I’m telling Mr. Bible where all that stuff came from and has been going. I know you still have a key” I said.
“Listen Paul, don’t go and do something like that. I’ll tell you what it is. It’s a stupid Locker, even when the old school was around it was kind of a myth. Basically one day a kid pulled at the metal in the back of his locker, one near the old swimming pool, and found a sort of cave that was technically in between the walls and corners of classrooms. Me and the boys used to go in their and smoke weed, drink, play hooky with the girls. I used to stash stuff in there. I’m trying to get it all out before I graduate. No big deal. You don’t gotta turn me in, and you don’t gotta go there. Starting your Freshman year in the shitter with a guy like me is sure to get you in trouble, so don’t say anymore stupid shit like that Paul, you’re better than that” he patted my hair and led me back down the stairs, “Don’t smoke this shit as well” he said, taking a deep inhale of a makeshift pipe.
I didn’t really idolize my Brother as much. Not as when I was younger and all of his tricks seemed unique. He was a music performer of course, and part drama guy. He was one of the most popular guys in school, I always felt like I was in his shadow, and it made it hard for me to really do anything. I was always his little dipshit brother, confused and going into the nearest fandom to delve from subversive and inevitable boredom. One morning though, things changed. I remember that morning like it was today. The sky was grey, and a soft November rain came down. It wasn’t quite hot, but it wasn’t quite cold. I rode my prototype Giant bike through the rain, blasting Interpol’s “Evil”. I’m sure it felt alot cooler than it looked. I loved biking, I’d blast by the bus, and pull right up to the metal bike racks, linking my bike with a nice sturdy lock. I walked through the halls still listening to Interpol’s antics album, volume at least at 90%. People said “Hi”, and laughed at me soaking wet, all prepared as if the day was rushing to them. I pleasantly flicked them off as I turned up the school’s stairs. As I neared my locker, something was off. For one, my iPod died, and as far as I knew it was at full charge. I looked at my locker and saw the number plate had been removed, my lock was open. There was a note on my locker, it read,
“Your locker has been switched to locker #0246. Please remove your belongings. Thank you.”
I opened the door to find my Carmen Electra pin-up ripped in pieces. Not sure what poor teacher’s assistant did this demolition job, but they had a sadistic sense of humor. 
Locker 0246 as far as I know was in the bufu sector of the school. It was this area mostly occupied by gigantic, apish seniors who would make me look like a Norwegian Dwarf(if such a thing existed). My brother was luckily nearby with his crew of skinny art club vampires who mostly scared the jocks into whatever corner was away from them. The welcoming reception wasn’t quite what I thought it would be. As I put my stuff in my locker, my Brother turned away as if he didn’t know me. Some big football player ran into me, knocking my agenda and papers on the floor. A girl nearby with red hair came and helped me gather my stuff. As she bent over to pick up my stuff, I couldn’t help but notice her well, form. She was beautiful. Unlike any girl I had ever seen before, and I was pretty sure for some reason I had seen her before. She handed me my stuff and said, “HI, I don’t think I’ve met you before, my name’s Sasha. I’m new here”.
“My name is Paul, they just switched my lockers today, I’m kind of new to this area of the school in a way”, I said and blushed. 
“Well hopefully I see you around”, she said and walked away.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I was late to my first period class, and most of the day I spent looking out the window at the Grey sky. I would imagine a tornado coming and sending the whole class into another dimension, to just find a pissed off teacher demanding my attention. I rode back listening to Interpol again, letting the boredom of the day blend into the rain still falling. I could hear the rings of each class bell as my bike’s wheel turned through the wet, grey reflective surface of the street. In my thoughts I could see my brother accessing something in the old part of the school. Maybe what he said was bullshit. Maybe he was doing something much darker in the old part of the school.
That night, as I fell alsleep, I saw the same image of my brother in the dark of the old school. The light of his headlight lit up a cave-like passage in the back of a locker
“Come Paul” he said, motioning me to come further into the darkness. I couldn’t tell whether I was asleep or awake but I followed his commands in an autonomous manner, as if what was me was paralyzed to the directive. As he led me closer to the opening, light started to seep through, as if it was sucking in the darkness. The air around it felt light, as if gravity no longer existed. The shimmer of light came from it in a multitude of colors. Before I could step forward. a big push shoved me from behind, and within seconds I was flying through the gate. I fell from the sky at a fast speed, like a rock breaking the horizon, I could feel the open world all around me. The darkness seeped through the clouds as I fell from a bright light high above. I fell through the roof of a house, passing through the wood as if it never existed. Gravity sucked me into a big bed, I felt a budge of the springs as I slammed down I lifted my hand up, and I saw I was much bigger, a man I think. I could feel I wasn’t me, I didn’t know what it meant. As I looked around the room I could see it was alike to my childhood room. Somethings were oddly different though, just subtle placements and little differences. I knew it was my home, but it didn’t feel like it.  I got up and walked to the front door. A multitude of colors flashed at bright lights outside, like a colored lightning store. I opened the backdoor and a gust of wind knocked me back through the wooden closet door. I could feel a splinter of wood slipping into my gut. Through the explosions outside a man in black emerged.
“Come Paul”, he said and held out a skinny dark arm. I grabbed it and everything vanished, I awoke to my brother shaking me in bed.
“Come Paul. Get The fuck up you preteen. Time for your daily dosage of fuckery and shaming” he said and threw his wet, used towel on me. I threw it back at his half-naked ass. Not too long after he slammed the door, and left without me, in some car blaring music with smoke billowing out the windows. I biked alone listening to Electric Light Orchestra’s, “Telephone Line”. It was an indian summer kind of day, and the music seemed to match the mood perfectly. I thought of that girl, Sasha as I rode. She was one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen, I’m not sure if I have a thing for red-heads, but she was really making me feel that way when I thought of her. I never had much experience getting girls, or being the kind of guy who goes about getting girls, so I thought of the different ways I could approach her as I road on. I could drop my stuff in front of her, but if one purpose it would be beyond obvious, or just approach her locker, but then that would be creepy because I’d have to find her locker without her showing me. I evaluated all the faux-pas and finally came up with a sufficient method that would avoid most, highly-explosive landmines. All of this culminated to me with a bunch of dropped books in front of her locker. She gave me a very odd, creeped out look and took off without helping me. The bell rung, and I was way late for first period. I gathered my books and walked back to my new locker solemnly. As I approached it, the whole hallway was oddly empty, as if everyone had left as soon as I entered it. The numbers “0276″ stared at me in there ancient braille font. I felt mocked by it, like I had been here before, this disappointment, this disconnect, if it had number it’d be “0276″. As I opened the locker, I noticed a note on the top shelf. I unraveled it and there was two pills, the note read
“Take what you know isn’t good for you, you will find her here”.
I saw someone slip into the bathroom down aways, I’m not sure if they were watching me.
I thought about it for a few moments, these pills could be anything, literally anything, should I take them or should I not? 
For once something broke in me, and I took them with a deep swig of water from the fountain down the hall.
Every thing was normal until about 2nd period. I was listening to music in the hallway and all of a sudden, I started hearing voices, like the thoughts of people around me. As these thoughts amplified I started feeling an almost vertigo, like I was no longer me. I kept trying to snap myself back into it. “Paul you’re you”, I’d think, and I’d kind of come back to my body. I felt like a boy flying a kite of his ethereal self far above. Every so often the face of an administrator or dean would come into view, and I’d have to play me for a few seconds. But damn, by third period, people were already looking at me like death. I felt like death. My palms were sweatier than an open pipe, I could feel everything around me. I thought about the history class I had the day before, where crazy old Mr. Sanders showed the class how an LSD experiment with a US general went wrong. Did that pill have LSD in it? I could feel myself panicking, I ran to the nearest bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my pupils were almost the size of the colored part of my eyes. I felt like everyone around me knew. Some people were actually laughing at me, I think. Instead of going to my next class, I panicked and I went to the music rooms. We luckily had a hall of pianos any student could access any time basically. I snuck past the check-in guy and spent a good couple of hours playing piano. I can’t play what I played that day now, but I know it was the most beautiful music I had ever heard. Something in the melodies led me out the front doors the next period’s transition. I undid my bike and rode off into the warmth of the day. The sun glistened on me as I rode on, I headed towards the Town’s local bike path system I had rode my whole life. I melted into the niceness of the day, the nothingness of life, of breaking from the regimented schedules of bells and clicks of pens. I looked at the clerks mindlessly working jobs as I passed by and saw the significance of nothing.
It was beautiful, but it was scary, finding the colors you knew were always there. It was a different world all within Locker 0276
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