gloriouswhispers · 4 months
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Age & Birthday: 39 years old, April 4th
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female / She/Her
Species: Witch
Birthplace: Syracuse, New York 
Connection to Asphodel and/or the Syndicate: Frey
Job/role: Instructor
Positive personality traits: Quick-Thinking, Empathetic, Opportunistic
Negative personality traits: Devious, Stubborn, Blunt
Eccentricity might be an Ackerman trademark, but who can really say? Sasha has always been a bright and brilliant personality, witty and quick-thinking which eventually came to serve her well as she got older. Her trials and tribulations were quite small in the grand scheme of things, little white lies and bends of truths that saw her in and out of trouble. Besides, it was especially needed when her younger brother was born, and slowly Jeremiah entered his own trials and tribulations when he grew. It became clear her brother was different, a host of mental health issues that made navigating his magic ten times more difficult. Considering he’d wake up as Jerry and forget he even had any. Sasha tried her hardest to be the responsible older sister, and she had every intention to help him through all of his hardships.
But Sasha longed for freedom, in similar ways Jeremiah did when he he took himself off on adventures. When she turned twenty she decided to hit the road herself with a group of friends, feeling a tinge of guilt for leaving her brother behind and also her parents to deal with Jeremiah’s erratic ways. She’d visit whenever she could, always returning home with bent-truths of stories to conceal all of the small scale cons she needed to make money. Not wanting to burden her parents when they had enough on their plate. She’d also always return home to check in with Jeremiah, whenever he was around for her to do so.
One day she returned to the discovery of her home burned to the ground by a group of hunters. Her family dead, and it was the first time she was so thankful to learn that Jeremiah had taken himself on one of his own adventures when it happened. Sasha remained close by for the following days, not only dealing with the aftermath of the losses but waiting for her brother to show his face again. As always, he did and once the loose ends were tied up, they were on the road together and Sasha finally learned how to step into the big sister boots she always wished she could fill.
While traveling together, it became apparent that while she loves her brother, she simply isn’t equipped to keep him safe. At least not alone. When they eventually settled back around in New York, Sasha requested the help from Asphodel Institute while knowing that they were better equipped to support her brother. Simply living out of motels and running scams to feed themselves was never going to cut it and Sasha still harbors guilt that she can't be the perfect big sister for him. As Jeremiah attended the institute, he and Sasha started up a stall at The Frey where they specialize in magical inventions.
It's been this way for a few years now, and Sasha considers herself to be at home. Until recent months have shaken her belief that New York is even a safe place to be. It doesn't help that her brother is taking it upon himself to be a sleuth, but of course, when he's Jerry and has no idea he has magical powers that can protect him. This is why Sasha doesn't take any questions about her chain smoking seriously. She just gestures around herself at her life.
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oleaspur · 11 years
your shirts look dashing
thanks amy
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oleaspur · 11 years
okay i understand not wanting to get others involved cause i'm kinda like that but please don't for one second believe that we wouldn't care because we want to be here for you and we all love you very much so don't think that
ilu amy
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oleaspur · 11 years
i know you think tomorrow's gonna suck but you are strong and brave and wonderful and don't you forget it okay
thakn u amy
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oleaspur · 11 years
goodnight!!! C:
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