sashitheeblogger · 7 months
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Please don’t take me seriously this is all jokes aside I am not doing well
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sashi-ya · 3 years
To all my people here who has periods, ever happens to you that your uterus decides to stab himself inside your body and you just lay there asking for it to just stop?
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This might sound like a tmi, but come on people have periods.
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Minecraft Diaries Rewrite: My Aphmau Rewrite/Revamp 💜
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[ 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝒾𝒶 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾 𝒹𝒾𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓀:𝓅 ].                       
💜𝒜𝓂𝒶𝒾𝒶 𝒩𝒶𝓋𝒶𝓇𝓇𝑜💜
𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜 𝒸𝒶𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝒾 𝒶𝓁𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝒶 𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁:𝓅
not going to mention the fact that she has a scar because she had a mental breakdown Pre-Tu’La  and that’s how she got that scar on her face in the first place because she had turned into a rabid Angel during her mental breakdown and she accidentally scratched herself on her nose* 
Afro-Hispanic [black + hispanic]
brown eyes, darkish tannish skin, longish fluffy hair, has a scar on her nose because of being Irena’s Relic Holder just know she's going to have more than just that scar, I also explained how and why she has the scar she's around my height like 5'3, she's thick but she's like my size thick if that makes sense
Meif'wa but she was self-conscious so she got into the habit of hiding her ears because she was insecure and no one took her seriously because of it
Late Teens [18] [yes these kids age up there is no fifth-teen year time skip I repeat there is no fifth-teen year time skip
shares looks and similarities with her mother, people often say she's a spitting image of Lady Irena starts her imposter syndrome and having an identity crisis later down the line.
only child but after getting to Phoenix Drop and being around Reese and them she feels like she has more siblings than she asked for [referring to Garroth, Laurence, and Dante]
was formerly a townsperson of Tu'La until the jury of nine destroyed the village and took over so she resides in Phoenix Drop as a refugee
roles consist of Lady Reese's Apprentice,  Lord In Training, Lady Irena's Relic Holder/Descendant, Necromancer Rogue Magicks User
personality type > [INFP-T Mediator]
personality traits > she's more introverted and she slowly becomes extroverted when Reese starts bringing her around to everyone, she's very intuitive, open-minded, and she's curious about everything and anything                                                                                                                                                                    she's a very empathetic person cough it's going to be her downfall she's also emotionally vulnerable as well
she's very flexible and she's really good at improvising and adapting to new opportunities that come her way, when Reese gives her the opportunity to be her apprentice she's quick to accept it and adapt to it.
she's self-conscious in herself, she tries hard to be a people pleaser and prove she can do just as much as everyone else does, she's eager to improve herself and she's very success driven (I don't see her being a perfectionist) she's creative, imaginative, passionate, and childish cause she's a kid at heart even though she's eighteen and always trying to prove herself she's just a happy bright spirit she's both idealistic and empathetic (down-fall) but deep down she feels lonely and invisible at times (i'll elaborate on this) she's a very vulnerable and emotional girl, she tries her best to understand others and try and figure out what to do since she's a lord in training and doesn't want to upset Reese so she figures she can handle it but that goes to shit really fast (this is going to be filler episode as well)
gets overwhelmed and stressed out easily even though she keeps up a happy high spirited facade, really she feels invisible inside, she doesn't feel like herself, she feels like she's just Lady Irena and the fact that she's her relic holder and she's responsible for keeping her relic in balance [also like how Lady Irena succumb to the affects of her relic corrupting her and consuming her and turning her into a Rabid Angel the same shit is going to happen to Amaia but when will it happen again I can't say] i'd like to add that at some point she suffers from Imposter Syndrome because of her being Lady Irena's descendant/relic holder especially when she was still in Tu'la everyone just saw her for Irena and never for herself so she had an identity crisis all the time because of it even to the point where she would have mental breakdowns because of it
[that's why she's so self-conscious and doesn't really know how to adjust to Phoenix Drop because everyone gets to be themselves outside of who they use to be so i'm also going to focus on that in her character era in the early parts of season 1 cause yeah] her personality traits consist of her being empathetic, generous, open-minded, creative, passionate, idealistic, and unrealistic (let's face it she has a tendency to be unrealistic about certain things cause she's eighteen she doesn't know any better)
her weakness traits consist of her being unfocused, emotionally vulnerable, desperate to please, self critical, and she's self conscious of herself. she's also a hopeless romantic (will see how her and Laurence work out lmao)
[other notes cause i'm on a roll today]
before Tu'la had fallen Amaia never really enjoyed her life there because everyone gave her a hard time about her being a Meif'wa, every-time she tried to help people or try to involve herself in the community along with her parents they'd doubt her ability to really help so she stopped trying to help anyone and isolated herself
because she was a descendant of Lady Irena they only saw her for that and not for herself, which caused her to have mental breakdowns to a point where she went into rage mode and the rabid angel came out and she caused a huge scratch on the bridge of her nose
(it had to take for her mother to calm her down from that episode)
people often doubted her abilities to be a relic holder after her mental episode
since she was really introverted during her time in Tu'la she taught herself on how to be a necromancer and eventually she became a rogue necromancer magicks user
she had a hard time making friends because of how she caught on to rogue magicks faster the kids often despised her and looked down on her for it but she didn't care at-least she was able to make shit explode  ( cue explosion noises )
she came up with a spell in which it changes the color of her hair depending on her mood or based on an outfit she's wearing  which I think is really cool cause that explains how much of a creative person she is (I got this from this thing from Ecanto it was an old concept where Mirabel was like walking into this room and like the colors based off the tone and the setting of everything changes)
also besides her rabid angel rage mode she's not OP, like even though she is the relic holder and Lady Irena's descendant, the relic affects her and her necromancer abilities
since Lady Irena was the time-keeper she has a pocket-watch that Hyria gave to her she does have the ability to freeze time and stop time, she can make portals that you can go through but it won’t take you to dimensions or anything it more or so will teleport you to the other side and she can make portals through walls and she can also make secret entrance portals
[when Amaia makes her treehouse she comes up with a secret entrance portal to get up there]
also her necromancer abilities being bounded to her relic abilities limits her from doing stuff that Lady Irena was able to do
Lady Irena was able to put herself in a deep sleep and freeze herself in time, she was also able to make bigger portals that would teleport you to other dimensions and she could time travel as well
Amaia doesn’t have the ability to fully do that herself yet
Lady Irena could go back in time and try and prevent her friends fates and Amaia can’t really do that
Lady Irena was able to hide off some of her abilities that she knew her other reincarnations wouldn’t be able to do but have other abilities that she never really made use of and put them within the relic
but the rabid angel thing she Lady Irena wasn’t able to seal off
when you go into rabid angel mode you have no sense of human instincts if that makes sense it’s more of like animal and feral instincts and you could end up hurting others or yourself, although it was only the first time Amaia had went into that state and was able to come out of it with her mother calming her down that doesn’t mean it can happen again and no one won’t be able to calm her down from that
side affects of Amaia’s relic necromancer rogue magicks powers
certain things that Lady Irena was able to do Amaia can’t do
because of the rabid angel she’s in danger of hurting herself again and others if no one she trusts is able to calm her down
if she does a spell or a magicks ability that she herself knows she’s not strong enough to handle she wears herself out easily and ends up passing out
if she does certain magicks that obviously are prone to exploding she’ll get burn marks from it
gets side affects from being in rabid angel mode and scars
[also imma throw in there that out of her rabid angel form her wings are painful to adjust to so they are like normal sized to suit her but there a pain in her ass because she can’t lay on her backside so she has to lay side ways]
also she can’t open portals cause it will either result in more scars or death
she can’t make huge portals to dimensions because it’s not possible for her to do so
[ Amaia’s Main Weapons ]
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so this is how I envision it since she’s a timekeeper’s relic person
I figured the butterfly reacts to the magicks that’s fused into it and that gives her more of a good usage of her abilities
and yeah she’s super cool with it lmao
[Amaia’s Backstory]
<just to note no one has a birthday because this is in the Middle Ages and I don’t feel like pulling out my age calculator>
so Amaia was of course born in Tu’la, so just so we are clear her father isn’t a Meif’wa but her mother is
so that’s how she got the genetics and what not
and obviously Hyria told her mother that Amaia was the relic holder of Lady Irena so once word got around about that the rage was pretty much on ten about Amaia being the reincarnation of Lady Irena and what not
also Amaia is an only child since her parents didn’t really want anymore kids
but anywho Amaia was content with it, people seeing her for a reincarnation, people being happy and grateful to her for doing basic stuff for them or just helping them out in general, she was content with it for so long that at some point she grew tired of it
she grew tired of Hyria constantly asking her if she remembers her, if she has any memories of any of her friends or if she has any memories of her, like how is she supposed to remember she was a normal person before a relic was inside of her being and now everyone is going nuts over a person that she is very much not
[side note > I forgot about the pocket watch I’ll insert it after I finish this back story
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anywho as Amaia got older she tried being herself outside of her reincarnation/godhood but the people were not having it, they got on her case about how she shouldn’t be doing anything outside of what she’s supposed to be doing
and it got to a point where people didn’t bother depending on her anymore or really relying on her for help
she tried being as helpful as she could even going with her parents to prove she could be helpful like everyone else but they never wanted her help once she tried being herself and doing stuff outside of what everyone saw her as
that’s when she started isolating herself and shutting herself off from everyone accept her parents because they meant the world to her and saw her for who she really was there daughter and not some reincarnation
since she was often by herself she kept herself busy by teaching herself magicks which turned into rogue magicks and eventually she was able to teach herself necromancer magicks as well and she was very proficient in that field which caused the kids to look at her side ways
but she didn’t care as long as she got to blow stuff up she was satisfied and proud of what she was capable of doing
she was quite content with how everything was going for her, she was a rogue necromancer skilled in magicks, a relic holder, and a reincarnation of someone what could possibly ruin that sense of normalcy
something she had no real control over which was something Hyria did not explain and Amaia didn’t know what it was until it consumed her
the rabid angel is something lady irena herself had no control over herself and could not seal off from to keep her next reincarnations of herself safe
when she turned into this fit of rage that had no control whatsoever and was a threat to herself and others, she accidentally harmed herself by scratching the bridge of her nose and it took for her mother to see blood flying everywhere for her to calm her daughter down
after that commotion that’s when the townspeople didn’t rely on some eighteen year old anymore, and started doubting her abilities of actually being help to the people
they often gossip saying how could some kid be a reincarnation, how could lady irena make such a foolish choice to chose someone like her she already can’t control her womanly emotions so why chose someone like her
they already didn’t want her help when she tried to be herself now there doubting her to
after awhile Amaia just stayed in the comfort of her home and often lashed out and had mental breakdowns, she just couldn’t understand why this was her life, this was her sense of normalcy, why couldn’t she be a normal teen, why did she have to be a reincarnation of someone who’s memories she herself can’t even recall
at some point she felt invisible and lonely, and she felt like Tu’la wasn’t even a place to call home anymore
eventually she wouldn’t even have a place to call home anymore because a big bad was coming there way to conquer and seek power and control
Amaia tried to protect everyone but it was no use because the one precious thing that was passed down to her was taken away 
the one thing that she was really fond of and was so precious to her, Lady Irena’s amulet that was gifted to her from her mother was stolen away from her by a jury of nine member
and she went from a townsperson to a refugee heading to a whole other village that she had know knowledge of and she didn’t know if she would fit in with anyone
all she could do was hope that things would be different for her and that she could finally have a sense of normalcy in her life for once and finally be comfortable with herself
[ and yeah that’s it for Amaia’s backstory ]
Note > the reason that her father is not a Meif’wa but her mother is is because, it’s very much rare to have a kid of Meif’wa genetics in Tu’la so yeah.
I’d like to think that Amaia is the first born girl that was born as a Meif’wa
[other notes for Amaia]
colors I associate Amaia with are Purple and Blue
celestial symbolism I associate Amaia with is the moon which often symbolizes femininity, intuition, and emotions
it can also represent magic, mystery, change, and transformation
sometimes the moon is also used to represent beauty
flowers I associate her with are Daisies, Daffodils, and Poppies
Amaia is the Marcy wu but executed better in my story
she’s going to be the empathetic character snaps/has a downfall
happy tragic gal falls from grace
empathetic gal tragic situation but at what costs
welp Amaia’s done y’all
Reese is up next
[imma put more emphasis on Amaia cause I have to write on how she’ll contribute to the story itself]
More of Amaia cause I love her sm
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Just so y’all know this now when the owl house airs this will not be a spoiler free account I repeat this will not be a spoiler free account, if I do post anything related to the special I will do a spoiler warning thing before you see anything.
This applies for any show.
I know some people are like “oh well that’s not my fault”, but for y’all I’ll do it cause I respect others so yeah.
“Forgot to mention that I will be tagging my spoilers to”
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Mabel, Marcy, Luz, & Melody
Being tragic nerds✨
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Me “nope”
*goes and associates Melody with Marcy, associates Asina with Anne, & Associates Violet with Sasha but S3 Sasha*
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Ok so when I get everything together does anyone want to hear about my Minecraft Diaries Rewrite???
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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Would y’all like to hear about my visual novel game???
I’m just curious because I figured why not:3 and I love sharing stuff with you guys^^
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
Ok y’all so I schedule some stuff that’s owl house related tomorrow and I’ll share my thoughts on what I thought about the first special tomorrow so yeah:333
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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Bye the way I’m throwing Ein in my Minecraft Diaries Rewrite is crazy to me:p
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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Downloading mods is fucking something but the rewrite is coming along well, I’m finished with Amaia I just have to put her designs in Gacha and then I’m moving straight to Reesie poo:p
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
It’s my birthday today
I’m finally 21!!!
it’s your favorite internet moms birthday:p
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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Welp everything is organized and squared away for my Minecraft Diaries rewrite I can’t wait to share with y’all what I have so far for it.
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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Just pretend I’m funny lmao
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
*sighs* so as well all know Amphibia is ending tomorrow and that’s so crazy to me, one minute we were on the first season and this fandom was very much small at one point.
And the next minute the fandom grew fkin huge and everyone was on this show and honestly I’m very happy that Amphibia got the recognition it deserved cause it deserves the world<3333.
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I’m really going to miss this show it changed so many things for me, I made so many online friends because of this show, there are so many things that happened because of this show.
This is literally the only fandom I’ve actually stuck with and stayed in, because any other fandom I just said whatever and left.
But this show and this alone will always have a special place in my heart.
Thank you Matt Braly for giving me a show that I could enjoy every Saturday this means so much to me.
Anyways that’s all I have to say.
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sashitheeblogger · 2 years
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