#sasosaku fics
sasosaku-temple · 8 months
sasosaku fic masterlist
The time has come (and we have procrastinated long enough) to make a list of recent sasosaku fics.
The fics are sorted by rating (G-T, M-E, dd) and length, and we included the key tags for easier navigation. Some fics are in other languages.
P.S. The list is far from complete, so if you have a rec, dm or send an ask <3
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hirazuki · 2 months
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Sasori + Sakura moments by @justshipsandstuff, based on my fic.
This was such a lovely surprise to receive?!! 🥹 I absolutely adore your style, and these two look SO CUTE in it, and everything is just so soft and precious and your expressions are amazing, and the whole atmosphere is exactly the vibe I was aiming for in my writing, and and and and a;lskdjflksdjflsdkjf.
Thank you so much for this!!! 😭💖
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aprito · 5 days
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“Aesthetics and symbols are important,” he states simply, and by now she's learned that Sasori’s aesthetics differ widely from her mother’s optics. It’s not about maintaining a perfect image for external validation or finding a balance to please the senses. “What is the point of living if you just walk blind without trying to see the bigger picture? We're particles of dust, meaningless compared to the eternity of the universe.“  "You're really obsessed with eternity and beauty. Is this some kind of god complex?"
sos yappathon scene from the amazing @seoulfulnights's fic koi no yokan. please check it out!! <3
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coloriza · 11 months
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"Sakura had never felt so validated in her love until she met a man made better by her burning."
The Void Between Fireflies by @renaerys
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muffinmonstah-art · 5 months
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Echoes of an old life
Concept art/Cover for chapter #71 on my fanfic
Sasori has changed a lot after meeting Sakura and falling in love with her. But he did tons of terrible things back in his villain days. He helped conquer a country, for example. Tons of people were murdered, by him and his puppets. That was 10 years before he met Sakura. Now, after so long being officialy dead to the world and Akatsuki and dating Sakura in secret, he has to return to said country (the ex-Moon kingdom) for an undercover mission alongside Deidara. Deidara kept Sasori's secret safe and now puppet boy needs to assist him.
They meet Autan there, a local civilian who guides them to destination, without knowing the redheaded monk he knows by "Nishi" is in fact the puppet master who brought terror to his land and killed his people 10 years ago. In particular, Sasori killed Zetian, the general of the Moon forces in single combat during the war, and stole her body to turn her into a human puppet, making her part of his 300th human puppets collection.
All those past sins come back to him now. It's time to confront his past.
[Zetian during her last moments is the person he sees reflected in the ground]
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secretie · 2 years
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Waking from the dead with a SasoSaku tribute 🔥 Inspired by @renaerys incredible fic series, Burning Daylight
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mayskalih · 2 years
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The Void Between Fireflies by @renaerys
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renaerys · 1 year
Some More SasoSaku Fic Recs!
Hey fam. So I've been reading some very good SasoSaku fics and I want to rec them to anyone looking for some new content to add their queues!
A Scar with Your Name on It by @athelise
Rated M
This is a Kazekage!Sasori AU that reimagines the Naruto timeline. Not only is the prose beautiful, but the nuanced examination of both Sasori, Sakura, and the tensions and obstacles between them is very well done. Also, it's hilarious.
Paralysis by @lightweaving
Rated E
Very hot smut fic that takes place in a ninjaverse AU where Sakura apprentices under Sasori to learn toxicology. He's a very hardass teacher to impress, but she is determined to excel and impress him...and she succeeds. Bonus points for creative use of chakra strings in a mature scene!!
Bait and Hitch by Aelynthi
Rated M
Another modern SasoSaku banger from aelynthi!! This one features fake dating played out to its hilarious logical ends. Sakura needs a fake boyfriend to save face with Sasuke's family, and Sasori needs someone to vouch to Chiyo that he's turned over a new leaf as an upstanding citizen worthy of his inheritance. Bonus points for a very fun Ino, which I always appreciated.
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athelise · 2 years
Hey! It’s me again 😂
I was wondering if you could recommend some good ff ?
Hmmmm, some good fanfic!
I do love those. I'm assuming in the Naruto verse? I'll throw in some Reylo as well and a lil bit of Darklina since the stuff I tend to read falls pretty much in line with what I currently write, and so you might like it.
Now, not all of these will be complete, but I personally don't let that stop me.
For Naruto verse, I'd recommend:
Words that Tie, Ties that Bind by binx, a Gaasaku soulmate AU to crown soulmate AUs: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32162464/chapters/79690114
Broken by Mustsleep, an excellent characterization of both Madara and Sakura: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39953697/chapters/100049814
Burning Daylight, a positively sumptuous Sasosaku: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40998750/chapters/102748863
Really anything by fallen__alien, but particularly Cherry, a positively delicious Kakasaku BDSM with some teacher/student: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309717/chapters/53287255
And her series, Feral Love, which are all separate but connected one-shots, here is the first one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39906396
I don't need to say this but there are plenty more where what came from, but this is the jist of some of my favorite works in the Naruto Verse
As for beyond Naruto, here we go.
The darkfic upon which I cut my teeth: the hauntingly horrifying Little Animals by amybeegood: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19902718/chapters/47141557
Anything at all by MalevolentReverie, she's a fookin' GENIUS, but I'm currently obsessed with Moon-Shaped Pool and Oh, My My: https://archiveofourown.org/users/MalevolentReverie/pseuds/MalevolentReverie
Malfeasance by Vuas, an icon among us lowly peasants: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31435907/chapters/78263738#workskin
AND SO MANY MORE!!! I would rec them but my brain is completely fried from combing through some of the great works I love
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something-like-air · 1 year
Relationships: Deidara/Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura/Sasori
Sakura just got dumped.
Deidara just got dumped.
Ino is about to make $20.
pspsps @ino-supremacy
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hirazuki · 4 months
Haruno Sakura & Sasori; Haruno Sakura/Sasori (can be read either way), Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Sai, Yamanaka Ino, Hatake Kakashi, Kankurou
blank period | canon divergent | ongoing
It is two years after the Fourth Shinobi War and the world is finally settling down. Sakura’s life has also fallen into a steady routine of hospital shifts and increasing responsibilities, with a stability she hasn’t been afforded since her early genin days.
She should have known better than to think it would last.
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aprito · 9 months
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"He stared at her black and blue neck, rage boiling inside him once more. How dare he… handle her like livestock. There was no respect in his attack. She was a speck to him. Even he killed Chika with some element of ceremony. And yet, Sakura… wanted Sasuke home, even after all he had done. Sasori was once again reminded of why it was so easy for her to take him under her wing last autumn… “You said that mercy is useless,” Sakura replied, catching Sasori’s attention once more. He looked back up at her, his doll eyes reflective and gentle. He did believe that… “Your mercy saved me,” he admitted, speaking slowly."
At the edge of my seat with every update of A Second Chance by @evartandadam. She just gets both the themes of the series and these two <3 Please give it a read if you haven't!
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catastrofez · 1 year
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06.09.2023 “We Are Born To Die” para teste.
Capa teste, provavel descarte.
100% pelo ibispaint.
crédito de fanarts: @tenartist & @coloriza.
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mika080 · 6 months
Chapters: 2/8 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gaara/Haruno Sakura, Haruno Sakura/Sasori Additional Tags: Ambiguous/Open Ending, Treason, Pregnancy, Grief/Mourning, Doomed Relationship Summary:
It's dangerous to want the Kazekage's wife. It's even more dangerous when she wants you.
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themidnightguardian · 2 years
Day 9: Caught in a Storm -- Sakura
gen or pre-Sakura/Sasori | AU where the chuunin exams take place in Suna & Sasori is closer in age/not a puppet/not a missing nin | Content Warnings: sandstorm, unintentionally neglectful Team 7 (but only kind of)
Whumptober Masterlist
It was Naruto and Sasuke’s fault, Sakura decided as the sun beat down on her, sweat and sand-grit stuck to her skin. The vast desert around Suna sucked, but it would have sucked less if the boys hadn’t been bickering to the point of annoying Kakashi-sensei so much that he sent them off to run laps while he set up camp for the evening. He’d picked a landmark on the horizon: some tall cactus thing that looked a hell of a lot closer than it actually was.
Stupid flat horizon. Stupid heat distortion. Stupid fucking sand.
Naruto and Sasuke had turned it into a race between themselves, lost in their rivalry and unintentionally excluding Sakura as per usual. They were both faster than her anyway and with better stamina, though she’d been trying to fix that since the utter clusterfuck that was the Wave Mission. Still, she’d only had a few weeks before they’d had to leave for Suna and the chuunin exams, and there was only so much she could accomplish in one month when she’d been practically neglecting her training for the previous five.
(If it hurt that they never bothered to think of her anyway—if it felt, sometimes, like Team 7 was Naruto and Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei but not her—she tried to ignore it. Self-pity had never gotten her anywhere she actually wanted to be.)
But that meant that Sakura was jogging alone in the desert heat, only just now reaching the cactus a good half hour after Naruto and Sasuke had passed her on their return trip, still shouting and trying to trip each other. Unused to the climate, she all but dragged herself to sit near the base of the cactus for a moment, taking a few minutes to analyze the plant and catch her breath.
She knew she must have been out of it—dehydrated, probably, and exhausted, definitely—but she was still startled when a shadow fell over her face, and she jerked, kunai in hand, to find a pretty, red-haired boy who must have only been two or three years older than herself staring down at her impassively. He was dressed as a shinobi, though better prepared for the sun than her with his sand-toned, lightweight clothing, and the hitai-ate marked with Suna’s symbol gave his village allegiance away.
“Little girl, are you trying to die?” he asked, voice bland, and she would have taken him for entirely disinterested if not for the sharpness of his eyes. He had pretty eyes too: amber hued and wide, slanted elegantly and framed by thick, dark lashes.
How unfair, Sakura thought. This boy had the sort of looks girls would kill for.
And then she registered his words, bristling. “I’m not a little girl.”
One perfectly arched eyebrow quirked, though the rest of his face remained stoic.
“You’re not a little girl, but you are trying to die?”
Sakura huffed irritably. “I’m not trying to die either.”
His head tipped to the side, smirking. “You don’t seem particularly equipped for a sandstorm.”
“A sand…storm?” Sakura repeated, dread curling in her gut, and when the boy nodded in the direction behind her, she almost didn’t want to turn and look.
Oh fuck, she thought, terror and adrenaline spearing through her all at once. There was a wall of sand off in the distance, barreling towards them, but Sakura knew now that just because it looked far off didn’t mean it was. Everything was distorted in the desert. Something that looked only a few hundred feet in front of you could be miles away. Something that seemed far off could be minutes from closing in.
“I have to…I have to get back to camp,” she said, thinking out loud. Proper shelter, like a cave, would be best, but the tents they had back at camp would be better than nothing. And right now, nothing was what she had.
The boy snorted. “You think you can outrun a sandstorm?”
Sakura opened her mouth to argue, but no words came. Realistically, no, even on her best days, even if she was in Konoha where the terrain was familiar and steady, her current fitness abilities were not enough to outpace a sandstorm. And now, here, in the heat and with shifting sand underfoot, exhausted and drained, she’d never make it back to her team in time. It had taken her nearly an hour and a half to make to the damned cactus. She didn’t think she’d have that long before the storm hit.
Some of her hopelessness must have shown on her face, because the boy gave a put upon sigh. “Get up, girl. We’ll shelter for the storm, and then I’ll return you to your jounin-sensei.”
There was a part of her—the suspicion that Kakashi-sensei had all but beat into them—that did not trust this boy no matter the kindness he offered her, did not trust him even if Suna was supposed to be an ally. But she could not afford to refuse. Without help, she would die out here: not to an enemy nin, not to an assassin or a crime lord or an army, but to the weather.
Pathetic, she told herself sharply as she stood, scrambling for a moment on the sand. She would have to learn to be better than this.
The boy was efficient, at least, wasting no time in guiding her in the opposite direction of the storm. He stopped at a seemingly random dune, but before Sakura could ask what he was doing, his hands folded into quick signs and a small wind-jutsu blew the top layer of sand off of…what looked to be a sort of manhole? He unlocked the lid easily—some sort of puzzle-like mechanism, Sakura thought, curious—and then started climbing down the ladder inside, only pausing to wave her in with a vaguely impatient look.
Again, the suspicious, paranoid part of her wondered if this was a trap, but it was far too late to make a run for it, and besides, the wind was picking up, sand whipping sharp against her bared skin, signaling the oncoming storm. She scrambled down into the hole, surprised to find that it was a full-on bunker furnished with cots and a table and basic supplies.
“Get comfortable,” the boy said, closing up the bunker lid before settling at the table. “The storm will last a while.”
“Thank you.” Just because he was strange and brusque and blunt didn’t mean that Sakura had to be. And she wasn’t going to hold his attitude against him either, because even if his words were sharp, he had helped her. Saved her, really. She owed him. “I’m Sakura.”
His pretty amber eyes darted up to meet hers, assessing. For a long moment, she felt like he could see right through her, and she idly wondered if there were any Suna clans that had mind techniques like the Yamanaka.
He didn’t say much else beyond that, but that was alright. Sakura settled in on one of the cots, back pressed against the wall as she watched him whittle away at a piece of wood—just because he had helped her didn’t mean he wasn’t dangerous, and she wasn’t an idiot even though she knew her team thought she was sometimes.
But Sasori kept his attention on whatever project he was working on, and soon, between the dimmed whistle of the wind outside and her exhaustion and the cool relief of the underground bunker, Sakura dozed lightly as she waited for the storm to end.
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stargliders · 6 months
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Art by @kumeramen commissioned for chapter 3 of my SasoSaku fic, "Pas de Deux."
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