#sassy medina lol
marlaluster · 2 years
More corny and fake sounding comments shared and written by me to try to destroy the Matrix or somehow end this false reality...
Some fake positive seeming comments I left on Quora were bad for devil land to continue, my soulmates told me in my mind. I'm going share the comments (that are meant to sound as corny and fake and I can muster without being too overly obvious) here (below) and links to the posts I left the comments on...
Here is the comment I left on the post above: Some women are fierce in the skill of getting and keeping a guy. It's a thing some are to stand apart from the rest for. You're being open and HONEST about your trouble in this area is a very vulnerable thing to do and very BRAVE. Sounds like you're making the most of the hand this WILD and AMAZING world has doled out! That's the best we can do!
Here next is the comment I left on this post linked to above: Ah yes, nights out with the gurls! Awe shucks, this is such a SWEET story! Our bonds are greater than our divides, that's for sure and this TRUE story shows this! I'm lovin it! Our world is so AMAZING!
Here next is the comment I left on this post: A story of TRUE LOVE. It is so valuable for people to share their TRUE stories, despite mankind's UNDERSTANDABLE and characteristic preference for PRIVACY! Sounds like your choices were definitely not a mistake, or something NOT MEANT TO BE. Awe shucks, that's such a worthwhile story to share!
People like this make our REAL and AMAZING world what it is. To earn one's keep is SO IMPORTANT. And this fellow has HELPED someone to do just that! Now that someone is WORTHY of the things needed AND MORE! What a BLESSING! I'm oh so MOVED!
Then here next is a comment I left on a post I didn't get a link to. The post shared a story of a mom whose very young daughter was wearing a shirt saying "Sassy" but it was partially covered by her jacket and so it looked like it said "ass."
My comment: Oh boy, I bet she is a SASSY wee one! What would we do without the CHILDREN?! Oh my, how I hope we never know!
Here next is the text of another comment I put on a post on Quora that I didn't get the link to. The post I left it on shared the story of a woman who said her husband fell out of love with her and she had trouble giving up hope of them getting back together.
Here's my comment: Ah yes, unrequited love is a bitter truth of our REAL and NATURAL world. Good thing the truth has another side and is SOMETIMES what we WISH to HEAR, but it may seem to not happen often enough. LOL.
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s02e10 Lessons Learned review - or more aptly named, holy shit I can’t believe they put him in harm’s way, I’m going to fucking kill those bastards, oh he’s all right, good. fuck you assholes.
Episode 10 – Lessons Learned
Okey dokey, so we’re nearly halfway through season 2, and I’ve only been working on it two days (in actual reviewing time, I’m divulging some inner secrets that can only be divulged to those privileged few who deign my words worthy of reading, so shhh!!!). Pretty intense shit is going on over here.
I just called one of my friends to get rid of cockroaches. I know, it’s pussy thing to do, especially for a lady, but come on! That’s like the one bug that really gets my goat! I can deal with spiders, ants, mosquitos, even flies. But not roaches. Ugh. So gross. That and rats are my two weaknesses.
So, back to Criminal Minds, because let’s face it, Shemar and Matthew are so much better than dealing with household pests. Let’s see what this episode has in store.
Let’s see what happens.
Whoa, that’s a SWAT car. Yikes. This is gonna be intense.
A lady team leader. I love it.
Hey! It’s Professor Short-Skirt from Community! Awesome!
Well, it’s not a meth lab, but there is an escape tunnel, and that’s a fucking bomb.
Who the fuck wakes Hotch on a morning sleep-in. Damn. Poor thing.
God, I can’t believe that he has to do this to his wife. But come on, it’s his fucking job. I love Hotch so much.
Straight to business.
Wait. Emily knows Arabic? Damn.
I love you already, Prentiss. Awesome.
I love how everyone’s like, awesome! We could use her!
And then Penelope dazzles everyone with everything. Lol.
Jin d’Allah. Meaning soldier of God. Lovely.
Oh god, he’s part of the Jihad. Yikes.
Wait. Wait. Hold the presses. Reid read the Koran? Damn.
They have to do in 48 hours what the CIA haven’t been able to do in two months? Fuck.
Wait. Gideon is heading to Guantanamo Bay? Oh my god. That’s intense.
Yup, they should assess Prentiss on the field, and she’s willing enough, what’s the harm?
Dale Turner: “Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future.” Who is this guy and can I marry his brain?
Gideon, why are you being so harsh on Prentiss? And Prentiss, he’s right, this isn’t a treat to go with them to Guantanamo. You have to prove your worth, and you have to not interrupt[t Gideon while he’s playing chess with Reid, and you need to tone down your sassiness. Capiche?
Oh Reid’s ‘oooh snap’ face is everything to me.
So Gideon is a genius.
Haha the whole chess board just went kersplat. I love it.
There’s a mandatory 90-degree turn when you approach Gitmo? Damn.
And Reid was winning! Wait what, Gideon would have had him in three moves? Damn. Prentiss is good.
Wait, it’s a bio-chemical bomb? Damn.
Hey! Hey! Why torture the guy? You want answers, that’s not how you get them.
So Gideon’s going to swoop in as the hero who is juxtaposed to his usual tormentors? That’s awesome.
Crap. A list of chemicals. Damn.
So Jin d’Allah is so convinced he is going to suffer, he won’t even cooperate? Youch.
A list of chemicals needed to weaponized Anthrax. What’s that? Some kind of explosive that’s deadly? From your tone, Derek, it sure seems that way.
So even the smallest amount of this Anthrax is deadly to many people? Yikes.
God, I already love Prentiss. She’s like – he’s Egyptian, from Cairo, wait, no, he might be from Yemen, but most like Egypt. You do you, Emily.
So he’s slightly impressed by how much Gideon finds out about him through conversation rather than violence.
Gideon’s worst enemy is ignorance. Welcome to the club, buddy.
Aww, he’s letting him pray! That’s so amazing!
Yikes! Those details are driving me nuts! So turns out that the NSA is routing its satellites to the USA during emergencies of electronic traffic. Meaning, they can basically monitor whoever they want at any given time and just not tell anybody. Well, that’s an unsettling thought there, guys. My condolences. Of course, I don’t know how it works here in Israel, either, so it might very well be happening here, too. In which case – NO ONE IS SAFE! WE NEED AN ESCAPE PLAN TO MARS!
Wait, those CIA assholes kept those water bottles there to remind him that he couldn’t have any? Wow, talk about extreme measures to get him to crack. Yet, they were unsuccessful, so what’s the point? I’m learning a whole new mass of information about the American law enforcement system, and some of it isn’t to my liking at all.
“How can you ignore the fact that Muhammad preached passivity while he was in Mecca? ‘Do no violence.’” Wow. That is true.
“His later message from Medina was perfectly clear. ‘When violence comes upon you, you must fight back with violence.’” Seriously? Turns out he’s not even quoting the Koran, but the Hadith. “The Verse of the Sword”. Which the Muslims argue cancels out earlier teachings. Someone’s spin on the words of the prophet. Oh dear lord.
Fight and slay infidels wherever you find them and seize them in every stratagem of war. – that’s in the Koran?
Ah! Unless they repent. Establish regular prayers and practice regular charity.
So those who embrace the Jihad basically spin everything that Muhammad said and the Koran to support their violent ways to justify their killings as the will of Allah? Oh god, that is seriously messed up, brother.
“How is it that my faith would allow you to live and worship as you please, and yours would take my life and snuff it out?” Amazing. Simply amazing.
“You are simply misguided people of the book.” PAH! “But if you revert to Islam …” seriously? That’s the only way to repent for their ‘sinful ways’?
So he survived a bombing on a bazaar in Cairo? Damn. And he was only eight? Yikes.
Let’s verify it with Oracle of All Knowledge.
Half his family died in the bombing? Damn. Poor thing. But that is not the reason to go on a killing spree in the name of a god, and call it holy revenge. It isn’t.
Wait. They’re going into a site, where there might be an active bomb, an active chemical bomb no less, with no coms? Oh god. Please let my baby boy survive this. I won’t be able to cope with it at work today.
So he’s relieved by telling him that they found the sites? What’s wrong with this guy? Oh my god, he’s the one calling the shots on the bombings. Fuck. Get out of there! The bomb is there and is about to blow!!!! I know it! Morgan, get out of there, leave Professor Short-Skirt, take Hotch with you, and scram!
Oh snap. So they may have gotten the Anthrax from a foreign lab? Damn.
Oh crap, the girls can see the bombing in Annandale, oh god.
Please pick up!
Oh thank god.
“Don’t worry. Don’t think you’re gonna get rid of me that easy.” Thank the almighty lord of chocolate Adonises and chiseled abs. I wouldn’t live without Shemar XD
“Do you need anything?” “I know who to call if I do. Thanks, baby doll.” Aww, just kiss already.
So they didn’t use Anthrax in the two first bombs. But the third one will involve it.
Jind, don’t fuck with Gideon, and don’t fuck with me. You suck, you are evil, and you need to stop.
Wait. He’s changing his story now? His son is the kid who got blown up in the bazaar bombing, and he was the one who survived? Fuck you, asshole!
His real name is Jamal Abaza. Go to hell.
Hey, CIA assholes, why you so rude to my Gideon? Not nice. He’s trying to school you.
Fuck protocols. Assholes.
“How goes with the CIA?” “I don’t know what Gideon said to them, but they are feeding me information like crazy.” Ha, I love Gideon and I love his power of persuasion. I would believe anything that came out of that pretty mouth of his.
Seriously? Jamal, seriously? You and Gideon breath the same air, you are comprised of the same biological components that make you a male human being. Just because you believe in different faiths does not make you all that different. Just means you believe different things. And the fact that you believe your god would like you to eliminate anyone who doesn’t believe in him, but that’s beside the point, am I right? I’m not? Well, fuck you asshole.
Oh. So he’s less than human? You try to kill other humans. Come on.
And yet Gideon is still gracious to him.
That should count for something.
20 grams of Anthrax missing. Ruh-roh.
“No one wants the other kids peeing in their sand box.” Ew, Garcia, simply ew. I mean, true, but ew.
Soft entry. As opposed to what? Cuz you just banged open a door. That’s hard for me.
Whoa. That’s a lot of dead bodies, dude. Fuck.
So he’s bringing in Reid to talk to him? What the hell are you doing?
He’s making jokes? Seriously?
Oh god. Mandy’s horrified expression is just amazing. So touching.
Oh crap. He’s going to blow up a mall. Fuck.
Ha! They manipulated him to think it’s a different time, and they just let him show his final hand. I love you Gideon, and I am so sorry for those people. I hope they get there in time. Shit.
Please, Hayley, postpone the pictures, you need to not go to the mall.
Shit. They’re going through the air vents. Damn.
Yes! My baby boy got him. And now they’re saying it was a robbery? Come on. Let’s not pretend it was anything other than a terror attack.
Oh thank god, Hotchner’s family are okay. Thank god.
Hahahahhaa Jack is so cute!
Ralph Waldo Emerson: “In order to learn the most important lessons of life, one must each day surmount a fear.” Meh, somewhat true.
Boom. Gideon schooled Reid again.
Aww! He’s letting Prentiss play him? That’s nice. So they’re finally trusting her. Good.
 Okay, so this episode hit close to home. Not because I was raised in a Jewish household, but because I was raised in Israel, and Muslim extremists and the Jihad were always a threat hovering over our heads. I really hate terrorism. Because it’s a group of sad, pathetic people brainwashing an entire group who believe in a certain faith that in order to prove their faithfulness they have to kill others and maybe die themselves. This episode was extremely powerful. It made me appreciate Prentiss, and make me like her. It had me anxious over my baby boy, Derek, on whether or not he was going to live, and thank goodness he did, and it had a bit of Penelope going nuts over him as well, which was awesome.
Amazing episode, amazing writing, and I hope this season continues to amaze me.
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