#sasuke is like when you’re obsessed with your friend’s pet. that’s what he is to me
transfemgorgug · 1 year
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animeomegas · 2 years
Naruto boys and the inside jokes they have with their alpha
(some are n-sfw lol)
Yours and Naruto’s inside joke also kind of includes Sasuke, in that it’s about him, but Sasuke doesn’t find it funny and reacts with violence whenever you two bring it up. 
(I stole this from that post I reblogged not long ago.)
Sasuke said dattebayo by accident once. He immediately wanted to forget it ever happened, but you and Naruto don’t let him. 
Whenever Sasuke asks you for anything, you always say ‘only if you say dattebayo’ as if you were asking him to say please. 
“Pass me that kunai, dobe.”
“Hmm, only if you say dattebayo.”
“Yeah Sasuke! Remember your manners!”
“I’m killing you both.”
It happened during one of his bad days. 
You were at a loss of what to do to help him when he was miserable and stuck in his own head. 
Your last hope was that maybe some physical contact with you would offer some comfort for him. 
You put a hand on his knee and just to make sure he was okay with it, you said “Does this help?”
Sasuke blinked at you for a moment before he cracked a smile against his will. 
You realised that you just asked if you putting a hand on his knee helped his massive trauma filled breakdown... 
You flushed and tried to back pedal, but Sasuke wouldn’t let you. 
Now, whenever one of you is stressed or tired or grumpy, the other puts their hand on their knee and says “does this help?”
“The mission was shit.”
“Oh, I’m sorry... Does this help?”
“I hate you so much.”
You and Neji were at the park, watching your daughter play, as normal, when you got chatting to another parent. 
Everything was fine until they called their child over and called them by name... Pika Pika. 
This parent had genuinely named their child sparkly... 
You and Neji made significant eye contact and when you got home, couldn’t stop laughing about it. 
Now, whenever something needs to be named, whether it be a plant or a pet, whatever, one of you always suggests Pika Pika, in the most serious voice you can muster. 
“I bought this little plant for the kitchen from the market. It needs a name.”
“Hmm, how about Pika Pika?”
“The 7th?”
“Yes, Pika Pika the 7th.”
Your inside jokes with Shikamaru are absolutely at his expense. 
Mainly on the topic of his weird Nara obsession thing and his old habit of trying to get away from his dad and to you by climbing out of the window. 
You once saw those spikes that people use to discourage birds from landing on their rooves and windows, and decided to cover your window sills with them as a joke. 
Shikamaru’s unimpressed face sent you cackling to the ground. 
Now, your kitchen window sill not only has spikes on it, but also a ‘do not cross’ sign and red tape in an ‘X’ shape. 
People always ask why, but you both refuse to explain. 
“I still have no idea where you found a bunch of miniature red cones.”
“Don’t they suit our window sill perfectly though?”
“That’s what you said about the ‘no entry’ sign you stole.”
“And I was right, just like I am now.”
This inside joke is  about Chouji’s magic touch with pups. 
Like, he can keep even the most unruly pup or the most fussy baby calm, it’s like magic. 
Before you had pups, you used to always say “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” when Chouji would interact with his friends’ pups. 
It was cute, but it become something of a habit, hence why, when you had your first pup, you turned to Chouji and said “You’re going to be an amazing oma/dad one day.” as he literally cradled your new baby. 
Sleep deprived, you both just blinked at each other, processing what you said. It was pretty funny. 
Now, whenever he does anything with your pup, you say that line. It always makes Chouji smile and roll his eyes. 
“Shh, come here little one, it’s dinner time.”
“Damn, you’re going to make a wonderful oma/dad one day 😌”
Whilst breastfeeding one of his many, many children, he had a milk clot in one of his breasts. 
His doctor said to use that breast often with feedings to encourage the clot out, which Kiba immediately decided meant you had to suck on his tit of course. 
When he brought it up, you genuinely and with a concerned voice said “but babe, I’m lactose intolerant 😞”
Kiba cracked up laughing for like an hour. 
Now, whenever one of you asks the other to do something, they use that response. 
“Hey Kiba, can you do some laundry real quick?”
“Sorry... I’m lactose intolerant :( “
You were punishing him in bed (spanking) and wanted him to count up the number he was going to get. 
You were giving him 20 for disobeying you, 5 for talking back to you, 5 for being too slow getting his collar and 5 more because he talked back again. 
You teasingly asked him to add up how many he was going to get. 
He said 35, which was correct. 
But you had added them incorrectly in your head and confidently said “Wrong.”
Kakashi’s brows furrowed. You could see him running over the number again in his head. 
At this point, you started to feel self-conscious and added them up again, realising that you’d made an embarrassing mistake. 
“I mean, that’s right.”
Kakashi snorted and the mood was ruined and you ended up stopping the scene. 
Now, whenever one of you is obviously doing something correctly, you just say ‘wrong’ to the other one. 
“I’m just putting on my shoes...”
Gaara will almost always get inside jokes wrong. 
He doesn’t really understand them, but he thinks he does. 
This creates inside jokes. Meta inside jokes, if you will. 
One time, Gaara misspoke and said ‘broccoli’ when you asked him his favourite drink because he was distracted and thought you were aksing about dinner for some reason. 
You laughed and next time he asked you a question, you said ‘broccoli’ back and then had to explain what an inside joke was. 
A few weeks later, you were having dinner with his family when Kankuro asked what Gaara put in the sauce because he liked it. 
Gaara smiled and said ‘broccoli’ before giving an exaggerated and very awkward wink and then looking at you for approval. 
Kankuro and Temari sat there confused as you burst out laughing at his attempt at copying the inside joke. 
And Gaara sat there proudly, thinking he’d made you laugh by successfully using the inside joke. 
“This sauce is great, what did you put in it?”
“Broccoli :D” 
(Ran out of ideas for the rest, so that’s it for now lol. Let me know your favourite.)
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bitchiha · 4 years
Incompetence (Sasuke Uchiha x Maid!Reader, NSFW)
A/N: Okay so uhm... Hi nobody fucking asked for this, but I was talking to a friend about this shitty dating sim game we used to play in computer lab in elementary school where you were a maid and like you fell for this super rich spoiled guy that you worked for and it got me thinking about writing something maid related and obviously I am hoe so like it turned into this. 
Summary: Sasuke’s a mean employer with a hardworking maid who is eager to please him, in more ways than you may think...
Warnings: did i srsly write about a maid licking Sasukes shoes? yes and this is your warning. NSFW. Uhm like bullying? maids r jealous lol, Sasuke being a perv, obsessive reader (yandere tendencies?), degradation, also mentions of voyeurism?? also long lol like ik i say that everytime, but this one acc is i got carried away.
You rush through the large hallways of the Uchiha mansion, the ringing of a bell echoing as you make your way through the twisting passageways. There were so many rooms, way too many, most of them were empty and only good for collecting dust. It made you wonder why they kept all the maids in such tight quarters when there were so many rooms just begging to be used—
Ring, ring, ring.
The bell cut through your thoughts and you began to quicken your pace. It was dead silent, save for the ringing of the bell (he never called for you verbally) and the pattering of your footsteps in time to the clinking of the silver trays contents in your hands. The ringing slowly begins to get louder as you move closer to the youngest Uchihas room. Trying your hardest not to disturb the contents atop the tray, you attempt to slow down, but as if your master somehow knew you had slowed your pace, the bell began to ring more frantically.
Finally after what felt like hours, you arrive in front of your Masters study, expertly shifting the trays contents onto one hand and opening the door with the other.
Sasuke immediately speaks, not even bothering to wait for you to walk through the threshold. “You’re late.”
It was difficult to breathe under your corseted maids dress - yet alone muster a response as you stared at him. He made no point to be discrete as he eyed at your heaving chest, breasts on display as they peaked out from the lace adorned neckline. Your older outfit had fit you much better and was much more modest; having buttons sealing fabric all the way up your neck, but Sasuke insisted that you needed a new when he assigned you to your new position... one with some modifications.
He had said that it was because the old skirt was too long and you couldn’t possibly do your work in it. Not to mention how your collar looked so tight it seemed as if you were choking. At the time you hadn’t bothered arguing against it, he was your employer after all, but there was obvious flaws to his explanation. For one; your skirt had only been slightly above your knees, the same length as all the other maids and secondly, you weren’t being choked by your collared shirt, it actually fit you quite comfortably.
You realize now though, with this new skirt that barely covered your ass that he had done it more for his own sake. It was embarrassing to be around your colleagues in this new outfit and you begged Sasuke to reconsider, but he wouldn’t budge. That’s why you had begun trying to avoid the other maids, entering the kitchens when you were sure most of them were gone.
Many of them had become more than a little bit jealous of your closeness to the handsome Uchiha and a few of the girls had even went as far as to call you dirty names behind your back. From what you overheard almost everyone of the staff members was referring to you as Sasukes pet, some members adding the word slutty in there too. You wanted to scream and tell them that it wasn’t true, but you preferred ignoring them instead.
That’s why you were so late in bringing him his food today, you were trying to avoid the petty insults from any staff members nearby. Sasuke seemed as though he didn’t care about your workplace troubles, though as leaned back in his comfortable office chair; enjoying your flustered face as his eyes now began to rake over your thighs, the lace garters of your stockings peaking out teasingly from the frills of the skirt.
“I-I’m sorry!” You finally managed to spit out, bowing forwards while still standing at the frame of the door, items on the tray protesting as you surged forward.
“Tch, you’re going to spill something like that and you know what you’re supposed to address me as little maid, where’s your respect for your master?” The master was spat out in such a taunting tone that you didn’t even have to look up to know he was smirking to himself. He had a nice nice view of your tits from behind his desk and it was an even better one when you bent forward like that, too flustered to notice the indecency. And to think you were such a modest girl...
“I... My apologies, master!” You corrected yourself and straightened up.
Entering the room, you began to move towards where the young man was sitting behind his lavish desk his gaze set intensely upon you. It felt like you were some little peasant girl, walking up to the prince in all his glory as he lounged atop of the throne, scowling at the meek sacrifice you had held in your hands... He always made you feel so small and the walk to his desk feeling like an eternity. You bend forward as you finally reach his desk, placing the tray atop the surface. He snarled displeased.
“Don’t place it over my desk, you incompetent little thing. Bring it around and put it right in front of me.”
You were too stung by his insult to remark that he always instructed you to put the tray over his desk like that. Incompetent little thing... You weren’t even that much younger than him, Sasuke was twenty; just two years older than yourself and incompetent you most certainly were not. You were always doing anything and everything he asked, everyone of Sasukes previous maids had barely lasted a few days before being fired, so far you’ve lasted a few weeks. Besides, all the other Uchihas thought highly of you and considered you a hard worker, the other staff had agreed at one point as well. That’s why - or at least that’s why you used to think - Sasuke had demanded his parents to make you his own personal maid.
But now his intentions had begun to seem foggy to you. Not that you necessarily minded that his intentions were blurred. You’d always had a little bit of an infatuation with him. Ever since you started working here you had clung to Sasuke like a moth to a light bulb. Always yearning to please him, even if his actions were always more than a little bit cold toward you, maybe even a little bit strange too. So if the blurred lines allowed you some room to fantasize you couldn’t really complain.
“...Sorry, master.” You managed to say as you moved the tray upwards again. Mind still racing with your own thoughts, you felt the heat creeping up your face as you walking around the desk.
Pushing his chair backwards he silently signalled for you to stand infront of him. Your heart began to beat rapidly and you felt yourself gulp harshly. His body was so close to your own... Once you managed to make your way between his legs and the chair, which was pulled out just enough to allow you through, you once again bent forward to put down the tray. He was silent as you did so, allowing you to prepare the food ontop of it. Gradually you had begun to focus back on the task infront of you, oblivious to his hand trailing up your thigh, busying yourself with pouring his tea.
“Huh. What a naughty girl you are, bending over and showing your master your panties like this...” His long fingers hooked themselves between one of your garters and pulled at the material, releasing it to let the band slap harshly against your thigh.
You squeaked in surprise, a stinging sensation dancing along your flesh. Oh no. You began to twist around hurriedly, you forgot about how short the skirt was. You hope he won’t fire you for the indecency. “Master, I’m so sorry-“
Your hand made contact with something cold atop the tray as you turned, a loud clank resounded in the room as the object made contact with the floor. With horror you looked down to see the small jug of milk, which you had brought for the tea had spilt all over the marble floor and onto Sasukes shoes too. Knowing better than to speak after such a mistake like this, you just stood there with your hands covering your mouth in shock. His shoes. Oh god. They must be more expensive than your salary. Oh god. Will he make you pay for them? You won’t be able to. Oh god-
“Well are you going to clean this up or just stare like a shocked little bitch?” He spat, shifting in his chair as he saw the tears pricking your eyes. Although you wished his words would have been something a little less mean, you were still glad for some sort of instruction on what you should do. You also couldn’t ignore the heat pooling in your core at his words.
“Right, I’m so sorry, I...” you clambered to your knees, which was difficult because Sasuke refused fo move his chair out any further, forcing you to bend at weird angles to finally get onto the floor. You were stretched forward on all fours infront of his shoes, your ass sitting on the back of your calves and your eyes blurring. Your body was as low to the floor as possible; as if you could sink through the floor and escape the embarrassment you were feeling right now. Then when you were finally in a somewhat comfortable position you reached for the cloth which you always kept in your tiny aprons pocket, but Sasukes voice stilled you.
“Don’t. I want you to clean it up with your tongue, that’s what incompetent little maids deserve.”
You stared at up at him dumbfounded. Sure Sasuke pushed you around a lot, but he never made you do anything like this before. But behind his anger you could see the glint of mischief in his eyes. Was this a test? Was he seeing how far you’d go for him? You didn’t want to pay for his shoes out of your own pocket, but more importantly you didn’t want him to replace you-
The thought of him replacing you made your tongue decisively slip out of your mouth. Without a second thought you swooped your head downward and began to lick the drops of milk off of his shoe. You had to hold back the gag building up within you as you felt the leathery material against your tongue mixing with the salt of the stray tears in your eyes. You didn’t want to disappoint him and you hoped he wasn’t too angry with you. You could do better, you could do so much better for him. You watched his face twist into satisfaction and your heart lurched with glee in your chest.
His look giving you a nice boost of confidence, allowing you to easily move onto the other shoe, swallowing down your urge to gag. Once you had successfully managed to lick everything off you bent even lower, head moving to the floor, but the tip of sasukes shoe caught your chin; forcing you to look back up at him.
“You can use the cloth for the floor. Gosh, I knew you were eager to please me, but I didn’t think you’d go that far.” His tone was degrading yet there was some satisfaction in the mix, even a little shock. It made your face burn as you retrieved the cloth, wiping up the rest of the mess, cleaning your mouth with the back of your hand.
Statsified with how clean the floor was, you grabbed the now empty jug and attempted to stand upright; struggling slightly considering how little space Sasuke had given you. You only managed to get to your knees before he grew impatient, grabbing you by your underarms and hoisting you to your feet like a rag doll. When he touched you, you felt your skin erupt into goosebumps and it felt as if a whole flock of birds were shooting around in your stomach. His hands were so soft and warm... One of them came to pat your cheek before retracting to pat his lap. Confused at what he meant, you just stood in front of him.
“Tch, Come on now... I didn’t think you were that stupid.”
When you still didn’t respond his hands snaked around your thighs, lifting one so that it was seated on one side of his legs. Losing your balance at this sudden action, you braced your arms against the top of the office chairs back; allowing him to lift your other thigh easily. This time he pretended to ignore the clambering of the jug falling to the floor again. Your legs were sprawled out on his lap. You were sitting on your masters lap! Oh, you were sitting on your masters lap!.. You were sitting on Sasuke Uchihas lap! The boy who you’ve been head over heels for since you first laid eyes on him. Your face felt as if it were on fire and you let out a needy whimper, making Sasuke laugh. 
“Do you want to make your master feel good, y/n?” You nodded your head and he snickered at your eagerness, his face was so close to yours that you could feel his breath fanning over your lips.
Make him feel good? Yes, yes, yes. you’ll do whatever he asked. “Yes sir! I’ll... I’ll wash your floors twice a day now and I’ll.. I’ll wash your sheets every day, anything! Anything for you, I’ll prove to you that I’m not incompetent. Anything, anything to make you feel good—“
Gosh. You really were stupid, did you not get what he meant? Nonetheless, your unwavering devotion was really turning him on and he didn’t know how much longer he could wait to slip his dick into you... he interrupted your ramble by bringing his hands down to grip your waist, bringing your hips down to grind directly against something hard. 
You stopped speaking coherently as he continued, the feeling of your cunt against that hardness had your promises to shine his shoes every hour turn into incoherent gasps and babbles. Sasuke continued to bring your hips down against what you realized after a few moments was his hardened cock. Was he really doing this? Oh, it felt so good. 
“Tch, you really are pathetic, getting off so quickly and I’ve barely even done anything to you... besides, aren’t you supposed to be the one making your master feel good?” Before you could blabber out another unintelligible sentence, Sasuke saved your brain the effort. His hands moving off of your hips in exchange for one cupping coming up to cup your jaw and the other resting on the back of your neck, pushing you forwards to let his lips smash onto yours.
The second his lips made contact with yours you moaned into his mouth and Sasuke let out another one of his mocking laughs against your lips. With the hand on your jaw he let his thumb slide down to your chin, pushing down on it so as to have your mouth grant his tongue access. You didn’t put up much of a fight against his muscle, easily letting him win and explore at his own will.
He took his time too, which didn’t help much with your already soaked core or the occasional uncontrollable shaking of your legs against his thighs, but that’s what he wanted. Breathing through his nose he kept violating your mouth with his tongue to the point where you couldn’t help it anymore. You were begging against his mouth, which he refused to remove from your own.
“Master... Sir... Sasuke... please, please, please I beg you please!” Was what you were trying to say against his mouth, but it came out all funny and it made him laugh again. Your face felt hot, your eyes began to get watery again and before you knew it you were grinding your hips onto his erection.
One of Sasukes hands remained at the back of your neck while the other moved to palm at your breast, which made you moan desperately into his mouth again. The fact that your panties had been soaked from the second you stepped into the room and the fact that you were actually touching the boy that you had fantasies about in the maids quarters after dark made your brain short circuit... Everything felt so good, he felt so good. It was like sparks of pleasure were firing in your brain everytime your core stroked over his cock and the feeling of his wet tongue licking up every crevice of your mouth... All that being said, before you really knew what was happening your body was spasming and you were making uncontrollable noises that Sasukes mouth swallowed generously and they became nothing more than little “hmphs” and “mmphs” amidst the creaking of his office chair.
Shortly after you came Sasuke pulled away, drool from both his spit and your own pooled down your chin. You looked as though he had just fucked you silly, when in reality you creamed yourself from him sticking his tongue down your throat gosh, this was gold. “Did you just fucking cum?.. I haven’t even put my dick in you yet.” You turned your head away embarrassedly, but he immediately grabbed your jaw and made you face him again. “You don’t get to be embarrassed after that little show. Your gonna ride me now and let’s hope this time you don’t cum in fifteen seconds.” You felt tears brimming your eyes at his meanness, but the new addition of slick added to your soaked panties hadn’t gone unnoticed. Despite your first orgasm, you already felt the bitter ache between your thighs begin to build up again.
With Sasukes hand still on your jaw, the other gripped the hem of your dress that was covering his view of your ruined underwear, holding the bunched fabric of the skirt to your mouth. “Say, Ah.” He said mockingly, shoving the fabric into your mouth once you opened it, waiting for you to clamp your teeth down on it before resuming his touching. He wanted to leave the dress on while he fucked into your cunt; after all, he’s thought about taking you in it too many times to count.
With the fabric out of his way now, he could see your stomach and your simple pink panties that he knew were completely destroyed now. He took your hands and guided them to his belt, silently instructing you to unbuckle it. You got the hint from there and once that was done you worked at his pants. There was spit pooling in your mouth now from the fabric sitting in it and you tried to swallow some of the saliva down, but it made a weird sucking sound and it just made Sasuke laugh at you for what seemed like the hundredth time, but this laugh seemed to be a bit sweeter; lulling your all too pliable mind into a false sense of security.
He lined himself up with your entrance and you felt your legs begin to shake against his thighs again. You could feel the spit pooling in your mouth again at the fabric and you practically choked with anticipation, but to your disappointment he didn’t make any other move to sheath himself inside you.
“M-master?” You asked confusedly through frills of fabric. Why did he stop? Your legs were shaking too hard that you couldn’t stop them from giving out, forcing your cunt to take all of Sasukes cock at once.
It hurt. He wasn’t too thick, more so he was long and despite his zero effort, his cock had somehow managed to hit all the right places as you slid down onto it. Knowing now that he wasn’t going to help you as he rested his hands on the armrest of his office chair with an impassive look; eyes trained on the spot where his dick met your pussy, you began to desperately roll your hips.
He had to bite back his noise, not wanting to give you any sort of satisfaction from him. You were working his cock good though, it felt as though you had been hit with a new amount of energy as you continued you bounce yourself on his lap. It reminded him of what you would do to yourself at night.
“That’s it, just like that.. just like how you hump your pillow at night.” You stilled your movement at that comment, your heart dropping. He... he knew about that?
“Whadda ya’ look so surprised for? I like to check up on my little maid some times,” you ignored the fact that you only did those nasty things late into the night when all the other nurses were sound asleep and that he came to watch you in the middle of the night. It also clicked that the sound of grunting outside the door wasn’t one of the maids odd snoring in the second room... “humping into your pillow and panting out ‘Sasuke, Sasuke..’ you’re fucking disgusting.” He snickered again, cock twitching inside you at that deer in the headlights look you were giving him, he couldn’t help but give his hips a firm buck, causing you to mewl pathetically.
The shock of pleasure knocked you out of that state of surprise and into another one full of pleasure as you began rolling your hips into him again. Still, another few tears had pooled down your cheeks, Sasuke - to your surprise - bent forward to lick them off your pretty little face.
“You’re disgusting you really are.. and a fucking freak too. I’ve heard what the staffs been saying about you, telling them that we’re gonna get married, you wanna have my kids.. I’ve heard you’re a mean one too. Calling other maids names when they were told to do tasks for me. What did you call them? sluts, playthings... scaring everyone away from the position of my personal maid. You naughty girl...”
Your heart was dropping at everything he was saying. You don’t want him to be mad at you. You were doing it because you wanted him to yourself, that you loved him, you loved him... “I love you Sasuke!! I love you, I love you, I love you, I did it all for us! For you.” You choked out between sobbing fits and gaps for breath as your legs began to shake again.
Your movements became sloppy as you felt that knot in your stomach tighten. Falling against his chest you buried your face into his neck trying to chase your high, Sasukes hands still resting on the arm rest of his chair and hardly making any sounds other than words of degradation. But you didn’t care, the twitching of his cock in your tight pussy was enough to motivate you.
“I’ll make you cum, I’ll make you feel so good. Nobody else can, but me. I love you, I love you-“ Sasuke shut you up by grabbing your hips and slamming them down against his own at a harsh pace. He loved hearing your confessions of undying love for him, but your legs were so shaky they could barely move anymore and he needed a release.
You came as soon as he began to take control, the spasms of your cunt helped make sure he wasn’t far behind. Fucking as deep as he could, the sounds of your shaky voice muttering about how thankful you were for him helped push him over the edge and he came with a small grunt.
For a few minutes after he came, the two of you layed still like that. You thinking about how you could die right now and feel as though your dreams had been fulfilled and Sasuke thinking about how he could do with making your skirt a little bit shorter.
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culticunti · 4 years
may i please get sasuke for the whole fluff alphabet? ty either way!
hi my love, thanks for stopping by! enjoy (o´ω`o)ノ
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A... Affection - How do they show affection?
Sasuke isn’t very physically affectionate, and will even push you away at times. He shows affection through words, and through sitting down with you at the end of the day, watching the dying embers of the fire, and pouring his soul out in words that are spoken too softly for their heavy meanings.
B... Babe - What kind of nicknames do they give you?
He’s not one for nicknames, but he does indulge in the occasional “babe” or “Honey”. Mostly, though, he calls you by your name, but for some reason when he says your name, it might as well be a pet name from the way it makes the butterflies in your stomach do laps.
C... Coddle - How differently do they treat you in a relationship/out of a relationship?
Outside of a relationship, Sasuke is very stoic. There’s always people begging and pleading for his attention, yet he’s always only had eyes for you. In a relationship, he’s much less stoic, but he still tries to keep his distance to avoid getting too emotionally attached. ( That doesn’t work, of course, but let’s let the poor man have one thing. )
D... Daddy - Do they get along with your parents?
Your parents absolutely adore Sasuke! When he’s away from the public eye, he’s so courteous that he practically had your parents begging you to marry him from the first time they meet him. 
E... Earful - How talkative are they about your relationship with other people?
Sasuke is relatively quiet about your relationship, though sometimes he’ll talk to Kakashi about how happy he is that you’re in his life. He can’t help but let a look of pure bliss slip onto his features, eyes crinkling and a light flush covering his cheeks, which rewards him with nothing less than a wide-eyed look from his former Sensei.
F... Flaunt - Do they brag about you?
Sasuke brags about you to the people who approach him to ask for a date. He'll probably say that he already has a partner that he has no intention of leaving, and his lips will curl on satisfaction when the group crowding him disperses. 
G... Gifts - Do they spoil you? 
Absolutely. Sasuke tries to compensate for his lackluster physical affection by buying you everything that you show even the slightest interest in. At first, it was suspicious, and you began to think that he wanted something from you, that he was trying to ask for through gifts. But no, he simply enjoys watching the joy on your face when you receive something you've been waiting for. 
H... Heartfelt - How do they compliment you? 
His compliments are soft-spoken, almost inaudible, and if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it entirely. His words are so achingly full of emotion that he gets choked up on them, reaching out a shaky hand to brush a strand of hair out of your face.
I... Intuitive - How easily can they read your emotions and comfort you?
Sasuke may seem emotionally constipated, but he’s anything but unaware. He can read your emotions like an open book, pages laid out and sorrows so plainly obvious to him that he can’t help but try to reach out with shy, comforting touches.
J... Jealousy - How easily do they get jealous over you? vice versa?
Sasuke attracts the attention of a ton of people, and you can’t help but be jealous. You knew none of the people who approached him had even a sliver of a chance with him, but you couldn’t help your heart racing and your face glowing in embarrassment as people who adored him looked at you like you were nothing but scum.
Sasuke was very overprotective of you, if not a little obsessive. Any man or woman who gave you even so much as a second glance was struck with Sasuke’s heated glare that seemed to strike their hearts as it sent shivers up their spines.
K... Kisses - Where is their favorite place to smooch you?
Sasuke isn’t the type to beat around the bush. He loves to kiss you out of nowhere, lips always tasting like some variety to juice. Full and greedy, his usual appetite doesn’t even compare to how constantly starved his lips felt against yours, like a starving man hungry for food.
L... Lonely - How attached to you are they?
He’d never admit it, but Sasuke simply can’t live without you. On any given day, he’d lay down his life for you, but at the same time, he still tells you to stay on your side of the bed. ( Even if this never works, and you always wake up with a Uchiha pressed into the crook of your neck. )
M... Mannerisms - What silly things do they do for your attention?
Sasuke almost reminded you of a cat, always curious and ever so push, but never in a blatant way. He’ll follow you around for hours, eyes never leaving the back of your head, silently trailing you like a predator stalking its prey, until you can’t take it anymore and ask him what his damn problem is.
A small smile creeps onto Sasuke’s lips as he laughs, wide smile and scrunched up eyes so contagious you can’t help but laugh along with him about his stupid antics.
N... Name Tag - Who’s name would they take after marriage?
Sasuke would keep his name, but it’s up to you to decide what to do with your last name. He loves you more than anything, and he’s not really bothered by the fact that your last name won’t be Uchiha, Sasuke is just happy to have you all to himself.
O... Oath - What promises have they made you?
A long time ago, when the two of you were all but children, Sasuke promised to marry you when the two of you were old enough, and not a single second later.
P... Provoke - What silly things do you do to get their attention?
It’s quite hard to piss your lover off, but you know how to do it in just the right way every single time. Your best ploy to date was subtle, yet effective, and it involved moving every single object in the house an inch or two to the left every single day until Sasuke noticed.
Q... Quiet - What are some things that they do that renders you speechless?
When the Sea breeze rustles his hair, salt flooding the air around the two of you, so dense you can practically taste it on the tip of your tongue. When he stares into the coastline, his frigid fingers weaved with your own, his eyes shining with unvoiced desire and hopefulness you’ve never seen directed at anything but yourself before. You can’t do anything but admire your lover as he has such an intimate moment with the sea, all you can do is stand witness to their holy matrimony.
R... Rapt - What part of you did they notice first?
It’s hard for Sasuke to remember his first time meeting you- you were only kids, after all, but the thing he appreciates the most about you is your honesty. He adores your sheer transparency about every topic, and your calm stature when faced with problems that may be even too big for you to handle.
S... Sour - What kind of candy do they like to share with you?
Sasuke loves bitter things, which you always joked was perfect for such a bitter man. Dark chocolate was a must-have in the (Last Name)-Uchiha household.
T... Truce - What’s one thing the two of you will never agree on?
Sasuke prefers sleeping on the left side of the bed, while you also prefer the left. The middle ground is sleeping on top of each other, of course, but after a few too many mornings waking up with kinks in your neck, you’ve collectively decided it was a battle neither of you could win.
U... Unconscious - What’s something they do around you without realizing it?
Sasuke has a bad habit of laying his hand on your thigh and mindlessly rubbing circles into it, his mind a thousand miles away and definitely not paying attention to the flush that carried from the tips of your ears down to your knees.
V... Vulnerable - What’s a topic that you should never bring up with them?
Naruto. Never speak of the man if you want your lover to speak to you for the rest of the month. Sasuke is very vocal about his dislikes for the two of you being on good terms. His reasons aren’t as shallow as you would think, though, he’s just worried that you’ll see something in Naruto that Sasuke just can’t compare to. For one thing, Naruto felt *alive*, his aura so welcoming and inviting that Sasuke simply couldn’t compare if his lover did leave him for his friend. ( Which - To clarify wouldn’t happen in a thousand years, but the poor man still worries. )
W... Weightless - What’s the happiest they’ve ever been around you?
Sasuke has honestly lost count of all the times that you’ve made him happy- for one thing, every morning that he wakes up to your relaxed face, his gaze softens and he runs a calloused thumb across your cheek, waking you up softly and with a tooth-rottingly sweet kiss.
X... Xanax- How do you calm them down?
When Sasuke is really, really, really mad, there’s no stopping him, but when he’s just plain angry, a careful hand slipped into his own and comforting words whispered in his ear calms him down almost immediately. 
Y... Yearning - How often do they find themself thinking about you?
Sasuke has much more important things to do than think of his partner- is what he would say, if that wasn’t the biggest, fattest lie he’d ever tell. You never leave his mind, whenever he’s out in public without you he’s always daydreaming about what it would be like if you were here with him. Even if he appears present in the moment, his mind is a million miles away.
Z... Zzz - Do they fall asleep easily?
Sasuke has a hard time falling asleep on his own, but with you wrapped in his arms, he sleeps like a little kid. There's just something so relaxing about feeling your chest rise and fall in time with his own, his senses being filled with nothing but you, and knowing that you’re his and not going anywhere.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Neji Headcanons Collection
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Requested from my wattpad account
For everyone who has requested, I’m slowly getting through them, but I’ve been busy and exhausted lately so it’s taking longer than I wanted it to, I’m sorry!
What He Looks For In An S/O~
• Neji is a pretty stoic, introverted guy, so he’d need someone who was more on the introverted side as well. However, he would love an S/O who could bring him out of his shell a little
• He definitely seems like someone who would prefer to date a fellow shinobi so he didn’t have to worry about them and since they most likely aren’t apart of the Hyuga clan, them being a ninja would help his clan be a little more approving
• He needs a PATIENT S/O
• Neji is new to relationships and someone who understands that and wouldn’t rush him would be ideal
• Although Naruto changed Neji for the best, he can still be a little insensitive sometimes, so a partner who has a thick skin is important
• Neji hates small talk with a passion, so he would look for someone who could hold intellectual conversations or who didn’t mind silence
• As an introvert, Neji is something of a homebody, but make no mistake; this boy is always training so you’d best be ready for rigorous training being a regular past time
• COMMUNICATION is key in a relationship with him
• As smart as Neji is, he does not have the aptitude or patience to deal with mixed signals, so just talk to him, please
Relationship With Neji Stuff~
• Neji isn’t clingy by any means, but you’re his girlfriend and he expects to see you often, and will easily become concerned or upset if his partner starts to seem distant
• Trust is the most important thing to him, if he’s dating you he clearly trusts you A LOT, and it will upset him if he notices you don’t trust him as much
• Your relationship will most likely be lowkey, in public at least, but that’s not because he’s ashamed, he’s just an incredibly private person
• Although Neji will enjoy sparring with you, he will also be up to other ideas for dates
• He loves taking walks with you, whether it’s after dark, before average people are awake, or in the middle of the day
• He’s the kind of person to have a certain amount of time set aside for you, whether you spend it out and about, or inside, he won’t interrupt that time unless it’s unavoidable
• He’s very good at picking up your moods and such things, but he doesn’t always know what to do about them, so he’ll help you in ways he knows how tea and training
• He has a great memory. Whether it’s certain dates, the timing of your week, or little things he’s noticed about you; you can trust he won’t easily forget it
• PDA embarrasses him, but he will allow hand-holding and the occasional cheek kiss
• He takes so much pride in his hair, he won’t allow you to touch it until way later in your relationship, but once he does… he’d rather die than admit, so sometimes he’ll wordless put his head in your lap and scowl until you take the hint
• Neji doesn’t just date around, he’s looking for something serious, so if he realizes that you’re not what he’s looking for in a wife he will immediately (and respectfully) end it
How To Lose/Annoy Him~
• Generally, Neji is a very forgiving person since he’s needed to be forgiven many times, but there are some things he won’t tolerate; cheating, slander, and genuine disrespect
• An S/O being rude to someone for no reason would turn him off
• He really can’t stand gossipers and busybodies so if you want to lose him, go off I guess
• Laziness is a major thing for him. He can understand being tired of at your limit, but he really can’t handle his S/O just lazing around for a long time
• Immaturity is a big no-no. Neji comes from a clan who only recognizes maturity and formalities so he would be uncomfortable with an overly childish S/O
• Selfishness or being chronically inconsiderate can and will make him angry
• He won’t even entertain someone with bad hygiene like he really doesn’t understand how someone could be okay with not being clean?
• Incessant complaining and whining will grate on his nerves like anything else
• Not respecting his boundaries, even if you don’t understand them, will have him running for the hills before you could even say ‘Byakugan’
Soft Neji Things~
• Neji isn’t one for constant affection, but once he realizes how much he enjoys the lotus position (you sit in his lap, facing him, legs around his waist) it’ll be a regular occurrence. Whether he’s reading or just savoring your presence you’d better get used to it
• He loves to read and sometimes if you ask beg he’ll read to you and he has the smoothest most ASMR voice ever??
• He actually enjoys shopping with you because he loves helping you choose (and he likes to spoil you)
• I strongly believe that Neji plays an instrument (piano, flute or violin) and sometimes he’ll play for you
• If he’s had a really bad nightmare or his family is stressing him out, don’t be surprised if he climbs in your bed at a random hour of the night
• Locked doors or windows have never stopped this boy, so you’d best expect him to just walk in like he owns the place
• Considerate to the max, he’s always thinking about you and doing small things for you
• You actually bring out a new side to him, he’s more playful and free around you
Random Neji Facts~
• Neji made it into a game without your knowledge to see how many times he can scare you by just waltzing into your house
• He’s incredibly competitive, so the second you mention being the best at something, even in jest, prepare to have to prove it in competition
• His love language is in between quality time and acts of service
• He doesn’t really expect gifts or anything, so if you really want to see him light up, get him a little ‘I’m thinking about you’ gift
• Neji likes to journal, he likes to write down little things about his day, or ideas or even quotes that he heard and liked
• He really enjoys domestic activities because he didn’t really think he’d be able to find anyone to do that with
• He loves receiving and writing letters, it’s intimate and it’s special and he’ll keep everyone you send him
• Neji has a love/hate relationship with his hair; he’s very proud of it, but he hates all the extra work that goes into taking care of it
• He always carries extra scrunchies/rubberbands on missions in case his hair gets loose
• He gets sunburns so easily, he’ll always have sunscreen during the hottest months
Little Things~
• Place to kiss- Your wrist pulse point; it’s intimate and it feels so natural for him, especially when he’s holding your hand
• Way to hug- He loves to place a hand on the back of your head and one on your back; he loves the feeling of being so close to you
• Things to do with you- He loves doing small things with you; reading, drinking tea, or cuddling
• Cuddle position- When he’s not busy, he loves to lay back on the couch with you on top
• Type of date- Lowkey ones, maybe a stroll through the park, or going to a nice little cafe/restaurant
This or That-
• He enjoys spring the most, he loves seeing all the new life after a long winter
• He’s a hardcore morning person, he lives to be productive and the day won’t wait for him to ‘get in the mood’
• He’s a good cook, but as I’ve mentioned, his love language is acts of service so you cooking for him means a lot to him every time
• Loves to read, either on his own or with you and his favorite genres are classics and nonfiction
Conflict Happenings~
• He has a very sharp tongue, but he really hates arguing with you and will try to avoid that for as long as possible
• However, if something needs to be addressed, he will not hesitate
• Would prefer to have a calm, rational, debate, so if either of you loses your cool, don’t be surprised if he just up and leaves
• However, if you say something that crosses the line… God/Pein/Jashin/Kami have mercy on you, this boy will go off
• After the fight is over, he’ll need space to calm down, but once he is, apologies and makeups are quick and sincere
• He refuses to fight over small insignificant things, he finds it beneath him
• He will listen, though, because if something is bothering you, that’s valid to him
• Don’t push him or test his limits, it’ll make him uneasy and feel like he can’t trust you, which can lead to your relationship self destructing
• After fights, whether big or small, he needs some good ol’ fashioned cuddles (you both do honestly)
• He’s a firm believer in not going to bed angry, so even if you’re still upset, he’ll do everything in his power to get rid of his own irritation
• It’s hard to hurt his feelings, but if you do he’s cut deeply, so watch what you say
Modern Neji~
• OMG this boy is one of those people that are always smartly dressed and no one can change my mind
• He’s not a teacher’s pet, per se, but he’s very polite and is always doing his best
• He’s one of those gym obsessed people, but very lowkey about it
• I could definitely see him into fencing and/or martial arts
• He’s the kind of person to only hang out with his closest friends because he feels most comfortable with them
• Most people would know he was from the esteemed Hyuga family, but no one would really process it because he’s not overly flashy and doesn’t really mention it
• He’s still pretty antisocial but after Naruto pretty much shoved his way into his life he started to open up
• Has so many fangirls and is always being asked on dates but is so confused, like why do these strangers always follow him? And who are these gifts from??
• I can really see a turf war between Neji’s fangirls and Sasuke’s fangirls over who’s better
• He most likely majors in business and finance to inherit the Hyuga company or at least have a fundamental role in it
• I think he’d like a roommate, especially if he lives off-campus
• I could see him living with someone like him so he’s not constantly overwhelmed by someone with Naruto’s personality
• Neji is always the model student and I could see him tutoring a few people (begrudgingly, of course)
• He’s always doing his best, but it might not seem like it? Neji is very good at retaining information, so the only time you’ll catch him really studying is if he knows he has trouble in that area
• His living space is meticulously clean and probably kinda bare
• He doesn’t really feel the need to decorate because it’s temporary, but if his roommate wants to he won’t care
• Neji is not a partier, but if his friends drag him to one he might stay for a while
• He’s such a lightweight and he might find himself drunk quicker than he thought possible
• Doesn’t have much of a hangover besides waking up disoriented and dizzy
• I love Neji honestly
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My Shika / Fem!Naru and Fem!Naru Prompts
If you’re interested in using one of this prompts (with the collaboration of the lovely ThatDamnKennedyKid!), please just tag me (lauravenclaw) when you post your fic (:
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Shikamaru is nervous about bringing his girlfriend Naruto to meet his parents for the first time. 
During the Fourth Shinobi War, a reanimated Minato (through Edo Tensei) finally meets his daughter (outside of a chakra imprint) and, unexpectedly, his daughter’s boyfriend.
For a festival, Yoshino helps her son’s girlfriend dressing up for the evening in a really nice yukata, while sneaking the Nara clan symbol on the obi. Shikamaru, their friends and their entire village won’t know what’ll hit them, seeing her all dolled up for the first time.
Naruto, the Hokage, and her husband and advisor Shikamaru end up time travelling to the past to their genin days (the shock about the two dead lasts as the shinobi power couple is assured).
Naruto and Shikamaru’s kids end up time travelling to the past to their parents’ genin days. Their oldest kids are around the age of their parents’ past selves. Naruto and Shikamaru to the rescue.
During her childhood, Naruto was always a tomboy: she kept her hair short, she wore baggy and practical clothes, she liked to train, hung out and skipping school with Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba, she liked watching Shino’s kikaichus and she didn’t care about crushes and romances. She was pretty disliked by her female classmates cause she was actually the only girl Sasuke talked to, even if to be teased and insulted. When Naruto returns from her three-year training trip with Jiraiya, everyone is shocked to see her grown up, incredibly beautiful, with more fitting clothes, long hair, more powerful and more confident in herself. Shikamaru always had a crush on her and when she comes back, he finally decides to tell her about his feelings.
Despite not being able to actually adopt her or publicly take care of her, little Naruto is not alone as she thinks. Kakashi and Minato’s guard platoon, Genma, Raido and Iwashi, always tried to guard her from the shadows, stocking her fridge and doing grocery shopping, cleaning her apartment and throwing out the food gone bacd, giving her gifts for her birthdays and stopping villagersfrom hurting her, and sending Kakashi’s ninken to play with her when alone at the playground.
Naruto and Shikamaru are dating but it’s not common knowledge (only the Nara clan knows cause they spend most of their time together at the Nara compound). One day, the village observes Yoshino, the Nara matriarch, taking Naruto with her to run some errands and doing some shopping, like a mother with her daughter.
When Naruto comes back from her training trip, she and Shikamaru get closer and closer together. When Asuma dies, Shikamaru is devastated and there’s only one person he goes to to find some comfort. Naruto helps Shikamaru take down Kakuzu, while he takes down Hidan.
When Naruto comes back from her training trip, she and Shikamaru get closer and closer together. When Asuma dies, Shikamaru is devastated and there’s only one person he goes to to find some comfort. After Jiraiya’s death, the roles are inverted.
 Little Naruto is lonely because the other kids don’t want to play with her at the playground. Even when she finds playmates, their parents always arrive and take their kids away hurling obscenities and insults at her. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, a very observant and smart boy, notices this pattern and decides it’s not too troublesome to befriend the lonely girl.
Naruto and Shikamaru are dating for a while and talk about having kids and Naruto wanting a big family. Shikamaru thinks it’s troublesome, but he’s actually a real softie who would do anything for the woman he loves.
After returning from her training trip, Naruto and Shikamaru start to spend more and more time together, training, doing missions and in their free time too and they’re slowly falling for each other. They’re also the ones helping the other through the grief after Asuma’s and Jiraiya’s deaths. During Pain’s invasion, SHikamaru dies trying to help her fighting. Like in canon, Naruto goes on a rampage, her dad stops her full transformation, she defeats the paths of Pain and convinces Nagato of her wat and he brings all the people killed back. While dead, Shikamaru is allowed to see a glimpse of a possible future where he’s married to Naruto and having a family with her. When Shikamaru wakes up, he joins the crowd waiting for her return and decides, for the first time in his life, not to think too much and go for it: he passionately kisses her in front of the whole village.
Shikaku starts to notice something unusual in his son: even when he doesn't have a mission, Shikamaru wakes up pretty early and goes out of the house saying he's going training, only to return at sundown and even later looking like he actually trained all day, and despite that, looking happy. He decides to solve the mystery (maybe enlisting his friends help, Inoichi and Choza, or maybe even Shibi's and his kikaichus) and he finds out Shikamaru doesn't train with his team or with his sensei. He follows Shikamaru deep in the Nara forest only to find out that he's actually training hard all day, but, surprisingly with Naruto (recently returned from her trip). And them training together isn't the only thing he witnesses, cause his son is apparently hiding that he also has a girlfriend.
Naruto and Shikamaru are both promoted to chunin after the chunin exams and the Suna-Oto invasion. Since are both chunin, they start doing more missions together, training together and spending more time together in general. 
Naruto starts to spend more time at the Nara compound because of her growing bond with Shikamaru. At the same time, the deer start behaving weirdly, coming and staying very close to the houses. The Nara clan members notice the deer behavior and they try to think of explanations for it: they think that they're sensing some natural phenomena like a earthquake or a storm, or maybe they're sensing danger and enemies approaching; but when nothing happens they still can't understand why the animals come so close to the houses. After a while, they finally notice that the deer come so close when Naruto's there. The deer wouldn't attack a stranger if authorized to be in the Nara forest, but they're still wary and cautious around strangers, while with her they behave as if she's a member of the clan, and even more friendly, getting closer to be petted, following her and bringing her their fawns.
Naruto is pregnant with Shikamaru’s twins. And her husband and her father-in-law go in overprotective mode and become their hawks. Shikamaru is with her everywhere, and when he's away, Shikaku is. Luckily, Yoshino is there to save her and give her some room to breath.
Tsunade assigns Naruto and Shikamaru to a mission where they have to do some recon and spying while pretending to be a couple. The pretending leads to something more real. 
Naras, despite their laziness and their seemingly aloof personalities, are perfectionists. They obsessively do things until they reach perfection and this apply to sex as well. Shikamaru is determined to be perfect at it and after some practice, he gets to run his girlfriend ragged. No one suspects that under good old lazy and quiet Shikamaru hides a sex god.
After the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto and Shikamaru have been together for a while and they're hanging out and watching clouds on a field on Nara grounds. Suddenly, a big group of deer come close to them and gather around them, with the young fawns cuddling up to her to be petted and one of them falling asleep with its head on her belly. Naruto and Shikamaru are surprised by their behavior and they don't understand why they're acting like that. Kurama answers them telling her it's because they're sensing she's pregnant. 
Returning to Konoha from a mission together, Naruto and Shikamaru stop to rest at a hotel with a mixed gender onsen.
Naruto and Shikamaru's kids end up time travelling to the past, when their grandparents are in their early 20s. They meet young Shikaku and Yoshino and finally get to meet the grandparents they never met, Minato and Kushina.
The Fourth Shinobi War goes differently than canon, it's longer, bloodier and ends in thousands and thousands of deaths. Naruto and Shikamaru (secretly married before the start of the war) are between the few still standing shinobis. Kurama tells them there is a way to erase all the tragedy: go back in time. They decide to go back to their genin days to prevent the start of the war and all the meaningless deaths.  
After her training trip with Jiraiya, Naruto comes back to Konoha and resumes living in her old apartment. Her apartment, though, since no one lived there for three years, is more run-down than ever. One night, the apartment's pipes burst and flood the whole place. The now homeless Naruto meets Shikamaru, who has pity on her and invite her to temporarily stay at the Nara household (temporarily, sure).
When she comes back from her training trip, the Konoha 11 girls drag Naruto to have a sleepover with them. The girls talk about boys and crushes, even if they never actually had a real relationship or had their first kiss. They think that Naruto, having had her romantic awakening later than the other girls (Sakura and Ino and most of the other girls already thought about boys and had a crush on Sasuke since the academy), never had her first kiss either (the accidental with Sasuke doesn't count). What they don't know is that, while she was away, she sent letters back and forth with Shikamaru, and they kissed and got together when she came back. 
Returning from a mission together, Naruto and Shikamaru are attacked by enemy ninjas. They defeat them, but they're tired, slightly hurt and stranded in the middle of a forest, soaked to the bone, under a rainstorm. They find shelter in a cave where they have to spend the night, while sharing a sleeping bag and trying not to freeze. 
Naruto notices that everytime she wakes up in the hospital, Shikamaru is there with her.
While Naruto is away, her and Shikamaru keep sending each other letters back and forth and end up falling in love. Nobody knows about their mail exchanging or their feelings, until, thanks to a summoned toad, Shikamaru receives a letter from Naruto in front of his whole team, Asuma, Ino and Choji. 
Shikamaru is a very observant guy, even as a kid. Since the academy, he always noticed that Naruto is treated differently from everyone else and there's obviously a mystery to solve. Shikamaru digs and investigates until he discovers that Naruto is the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. 
Sasuke always had a crush on Naruto and he thinks her never giving up on him is because of his feelings being mutual. After the Fourth Shinobi War, the two reconcile and he decides to come back to Konoha and reveal his feelings to her. But, after undoing the Infinite Tsukuyomi and waking up everybody, he gets a nasty surprise cause the first thing Naruto does is running in the arms of another man, Shikamaru.
Minato is messing with seals to find a way to strengthen his Hiraishin and ends up accidentally time travelling to the far future. Minato ends up in the Hokage's office where a blonde woman, really similar to him, is sitting at the Hokage's desk (maybe there are also her kids and her husband).
After the Kyuubi incident and the sealing into Naruto, the Sandaime knew that the village wouldn't treat her fairly. To protect her, he sends the newborn with someone he trusts to live in Uzushiogakure (the village wasn't completely wiped out during the war; it's not at its best, but there are still the remaining of the Uzumaki clan living there). Naruto comes back to Konoha for the chunin exams and later to become a Konoha shinobi. Tsunade assigns Shikamaru to be her guide and nobody expects the two to get along so well.
Naruto sees for the first time Shikamaru with his hair down (something not many people have seen before).
Naruto and Shikamaru are academy kids, when one day, Shikamaru witnesses how Naruto is treated by the villagers. He decides to accompany her to her apartment, but when they get there, the apartment is completely trashed and almost everything she owns is destroyed. Shikamaru decides that Naruto is not safe there anymore and he decides to bring her home with him. 
Naruto meets Jiraiya when training for the chunin exams finals. While training her, he gets to observe her relationship with the other genins and former classmates, and mostly her relationship with the Nara kid. Jiraiya notices something deeper than friendship between the two, something they probably didn't even notice themselves. He gets the inspiration to write the new Icha Icha book with the main characters based on Naruto and Shikamaru.
It's been a couple of years since Naruto started to live with the Naras. In the meantime, Naruto and Shikamaru got closer, living and training together, learning/teaching shogi, pranking and cloud watching. At the academy, the other kids don't know about their bond. During the chunin exams, in the face of danger, they get to see how close their two classmates really are. 
Asuma is team 10 sensei for only a few months, and despite being obvious Shikamaru has the intelligence to become a formidable shinobi, he severely lacks motivation. He tries to find ways to motivate him to physically train more. During the chunin exams, he's surprised to notice that there seems to be someone who can motivate the lazy Nara, the loud blonde girl who encourages him from the stands and then pushes him in the stadium. 
Naruto and Shikamaru get their friends together to announce they're expecting, and they're expecting twins.
Before the start of the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto and Shikamaru know that the war is near and they decide to get spontaneously married before Naruto has to sail off towards Kumo.
Iruka is a mother hen and he's extremely protective of his sort-of-little sister Naruto. While she was growing up, he already knew it would come the day when he would have to chase away all the boys looking at her. When Naruto fails to show up at their lunch appointment at Ichiraku's, he gets worried and goes searching for her at her apartment. The last thing he expects to find is his little sister lying naked in the same bed with another former student of his, Shikamaru.
Naruto finally enters the Fourth Shinobi War. When she arrives where the First and Fourth Divisions are, all the ninjas who don't know them are surprised of how the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki jumps on the Fourth Division Proxy Commander.
Naruto and Shikamaru have always been close. They were friends in the academy, they were getting closer as genins, they exchanged letters while she was away with Jiraiya and falling for each other, and they started dating when she came back. Nobody knows they're dating, at least until, at the end of the Fourth Shinobi War, when the Infinite Tsukuyomi is undone, the first thing Naruto does is kiss Shikamaru in front of the whole shinobi nations.
Naruto and Shikamaru are closer than people think. They spend most of their free time together since the academy and they still do it when genins. During the Suna-Oto invasion, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sakura and Pakkun are tracking Sasuke who went chasing after Gaara. When they realize they are being followed by Oto ninjas, Shikamaru makes the decision to stay behind to ambush the enemies, and, thus, sacrificing his own life. Naruto knows the possibilities of making it alive aren't much and doesn't want to leave him behind, so she kisses him and tells him he better makes it out alive.
Little Naruto doesn't understand why all her female classmates in the academy (and also most of the girls around their age in the village, save for Hinata) have a thing for Sasuke and think he's the cutest. One day, while having enough of the girls fighting over him, she explodes saying that she doesn't understand them and that other guys are better, for example, "Shikamaru is way cuter". Shikamaru sure isn't napping anymore after that. 
Shikaku observes his kid and how he interacts with the other children, while at the playground. Particularly, he observes how Shikamaru's relationship with the little blonde Jinchuuriki is so very similar to his own with his wife when they were Shikamaru's age. 
Yoshino is meeting her girlfriends, the other InoShikaCho's wives and Tsume Inuzuka, for their usual afternoon tea with gossip, and tells them how her son has surprisingly brought home Naruto, saying she's his girlfriend; how adorable they are together and how she can't wait to have her dark-haired, blue-eyed grandchildren.
During her battle with Pain, Naruto discovers her father is the Yondaime Hokage. After the battle, the first person she tells the secret to is Shikamaru. 
One night, Naruto is forced out of her apartment cause the heater broke down. She ends up outside Shikamaru's window. He lets her in and she immediately curls up with him on his bed to fight the cold. The next morning, Shikaku goes to wake his son and the very last thing he expects is to find a girl in his son's bed.
Shikamaru is tense about the upcoming war and his role of leading people under his responsability. Shikaku, seeing his son's predicament, suggests him to go visit his sort-of-girlfriend (she's not my girlfriend, dad!) Naruto, who's sailing towards Kumo. His sort-of-girlfriend (whom he's in love with) always has a way of making him feel better.
After the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto is a hero, respected and admired in all elemental nations. With all this though, it also comes the downside: dozens and dozens of marriage proposals from damyios' sons, high rank ninjas and kage's relatives from all over the world. The majority of the Council wants to marry her off to the highest bidder. She has to find a solution. Luckily, she still has people on her side; her friend (and secret crush) Shikamaru has an idea on how to keep her in Konoha and keep her from marry strangers who only want her power: marry him instead.
Little Shikamaru doesn't understand why everybody avoids Naruto like the plague and treats her like dirt. He decides to ask his parents. When his father asks him if he thinks she should be hated, Shikamaru, with a blush on his face, simply tells them that, sure, she's troublesome and loud, but she's also cute and funny. 
The Konoha 11 start to notice that the newly returned Naruto and Shikamaru spend lots of time together. They don't know why, sure they're friends, but they never were that close. They make a bet saying all possible (and also improbable) reasons why they're hanging out so much. They investigate and find out that, despite all their crazy ideas, the two are simply dating and in love with each other.
While training, Ino can't stop ranting about how Naruto secretly wants to take Sasuke for herself, about how she can try but she's too much of a tomboy while Sasuke likes girly girls, and about how much Naruto is just ugly and "who would ever want her?" Having reached the peak of his patience, Shikamaru can't stop from blowing up at her and blurting out how he would want her and that he thinks she's beautiful, shocking all team 10. 
During a guys night out (with their dads and senseis too), feeling the effects of sake, Shikamaru blurts out he has a thing for blondes. Since it's more than rare to hear Shikamaru talks about girls or about being attracted to someone, the other guys think he's talking about Ino or Temari. To most people's surprise (but not Shikaku's), Shikamaru is talking about Naruto.
While she's away on her training trip with Jiraiya, Naruto exchanges a lot of letters with Shikamaru and falls for him. When she comes back to Konoha, she finally reunites with him and the two end up making love for the first time.   
Before going on the Sasuke retrieval mission together, Tsunade orders an angry and anxious Naruto to reveal the Kyuubi secret to Shikamaru and the others going with them. Naruto ends up telling them while on the move.
After coming back to Konoha, Naruto and Shikamaru are on a mission together and camping out for the night. While falling asleep, Shikamaru heard Naruto moaning his name while dreaming. 
While at the academy, Naruto's class go visit the Hokage at the Hokage tower. While in the room with the Hokages' pictures on the wall, Shikamaru notices all the similarities between his classmate Naruto and the Yondaime Hokage. Shikamaru starts to investigate and where to start, if not from Naruto herself? 
Naruto watches how good is Shikamaru at playing and doting on Mirai Sarutobi and she decides it's time to start a family.
Naruto is pregnant with twins. Shikaku and Yoshino are overly excited by the news and they rock/paper/scissors over which one of the babies gets the "Shika" name and heir title.
After the chunin exams and the Suna/Oto invasion, Naruto realizes that no matter what she does, the Council doesn't want to promote her, stating that she's too impulsive and not mature enough. She decides to ask Shikamaru to teach her shogi and strategy (Shikamaru is surprised she wasn't promoted as well).
When Konohamaru meets Naruto, she's the only person who sees him as himself and not only the Sandaime's grandson. He gets a kid crush for her and declares she's his boss and his future wife. When he often sees her around the village always with the same guy (Shikamaru), he gets jealous and declares him his rival for the heart of Naruto.
Little Naruto is lonely. Around the village and at the playground the other kids don't want to play with her and those who want to, are quickly forbidden by their parents. One day, while wandering the woods on the outskirt of Konoha, she stumbles upon a little fawn. The little animal plays with her and keeps following her everywhere, until it leads her on the other side of the forest to a compound. The fawn keeps leading her towards a young boy her age and his parents. Maybe Naruto can find a friend after all, and maybe even a family. 
It's Naruto's and Shikamaru's wedding anniversary and they go out to dinner. They decide to leave their troublesome children (four? five?) with uncle Kakashi and his ninken.
A heavily pregnant Hokage Naruto, her advisor husband Shikamaru and their children accidentally time travel and find themselves in the past, in front of a heavily pregnant Kushina and her Hokage husband Minato.
After the win against Tayuya (assisted by Temari), Shikamaru doesn't return back to Konoha, instead, he goes ahead towards the Valley of the End. There, he's the one who finds Naruto unconscious and with a hole in her chest, just moments before Kakashi arrives too.
Before leaving with Jiraiya, Naruto and Shikamaru exchange a goodbye kiss; and during the three years, they send letters back and forth. Meanwhile in Konoha, Shikamaru is often working with Temari in organizing and proctoring the chunin exams and everybody in the village thinks the two are dating. When Naruto comes back, everybody keeps hinting at Shikamaru and Temari's relationship and Naruto is hurt. It's up to Shikamaru to solve the misunderstanding.
While in the academy, the Sandaime realizes that Naruto never had any traditional etiquette training in how to become a polite young woman (how to wear kimonos and yukatas, how to serve tea, formal greetings, the table etiquette...). He asks some older kunoichis if they want to give her lessons and Yoshino agrees. Naruto has to go to the Nara compound to take her lessons and becomes very close with her teacher and her family, her son Shikamaru included.
After returning to Konoha, Naruto and Shikamaru make a deal: Shikamaru helps her mental training by teaching her shogi, while Naruto helps his physical training by sparring together. One day, while sparring, their sexual tension reaches its peak and the two end up passionately kissing and making out.
When Naruto and Shikamaru get together, nobody, and even less their friends, expects the usually aloof Shikamaru being so affectionate with his girlfriend, even in public. Shikamaru literally can't keep his hands off of Naruto.
Shikaku and Yoshino find out that their son is dating, and he's dating Naruto. Yoshino forces her husband to go talk to Shikamaru about the relationship and to refresh the Talk. Neither Shikaku nor Shikamaru want to be there for that. 
Naruto and Shikamaru start having sex. Naras are extreme perfectionists and Shikamaru can't stop thinking he can be better and better at sex too. Shikamaru himself doesn't understand why he thinks and behaves like that, and the only solution is to, unwillingly, ask his father (embarrassing talk assured). Meanwhile, after being ran ragged a few times, Naruto decides to, unwillingly, ask explanations of Shikamaru's behavior to Yoshino (another embarrassing talk assured). 
Naruto wakes up after the failure of the Sasuke retrieval mission, finding Shikamaru at her bedside.She's distraught about nearly dying, about Sasuke's betrayal, about the failed promise to Sakura and the conditions of the other mission's comrades and friends. She asks Shikamaru to stay with her, so he climbs on the bed next to her and she finally lets herself cry in his arms. When Shikaku comes back with Yoshino, the two look around the hospital to find their son, only to find him sound asleep hugging a sleeping girl on her hospital bed.
Naruto and Shikamaru are the only ones in their age group with children. During a parents' dinner (Shikaku and Yoshino, Inoichi and Choza with their wives, Tsume, Hiashi, Shibi and his wife?, Mebuki and Kizashi), Shikaku and Yoshino talk about their grandchildren, making everybody jealous.
Shikaku is closely observing his son while they're waiting for news about his Sasuke retrieval mission's ninjas. Despite the seriousness, the other guys are going to be fine but there still aren't news on Naruto. With no news, Shikamaru gets more and more anxious. Shikaku senses his son's feelings for the girl are deeper than probably even his kid knows. 
After returning to Konoha and during a mission together, Naruto gets a slash on her chest and Shikamaru has to help her bandage it. Naruto doesn't have any problems in stripping her shirts and bra off, but Shikamaru didn't expect her actions and he has to help her, blushing like crazy.
A large celebration is organized for Tsunade's Hokage settlement. Even if troublesome, Shikamaru decides to ask Naruto to go with him.
While under the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Shikamaru dreams of a perfect world where he's married to Naruto (and they're also the Hokage and her advisor) and they have a happy family together, with also Shikaku, Yoshino, Minato and Kushina and where Asuma is alive. The first thing Shikamaru does, after waking up, is to ask Naruto to marry him. 
After the academy graduation, Shikamaru starts to feel things he doesn't understand for one of his former classmates, Naruto. He's a smart guy but he doesn't understand these troublesome feelings. He doesn't want to ask his parents, so the only person he could think of asking is his sensei, Asuma.
Yoshino is helping Naruto putting on the kimono, doing her hair and putting on make-up for her wedding with Shikamaru.
For once Kakashi isn't hours late to a team meeting, but, since Naruto thought she could sleep in a little longer, she fails to show up on the established time. Team 7 then goes looking for her at her apartment. The last thing Team 7 expects to find is Shikamaru, still half asleep and shirtless, opening the door. 
Shikaku is back from a mission and Yoshino tells him their son isn't back home yet, even if he was due back in Konoha hours before. Shikaku goes to Tsunade to ask for informations and she tells him Shikamaru was indeed back hours ago and he was in there in her office when he met the newly returned Naruto. Shikaku then goes looking for his son only to find him at Naruto's apartment after an afternoon of sex. He doesn't know that the two fell in love while sending each other letters while she was away and they jumped each others as soon as possible.
Everybody always underestimated Choji. He may not be the smartest guy, but he has always been a good observer, and he always knew his best friend, Shikamaru, pretty well. He knows him since they were toddlers and he always knew there was something different in the way he acted with Naruto, than with anybody else. When he was little, he could see it but he didn't understand it; when they grew up, he could see it more clearly and he began to understand that his best friend has always been in love with the girl. 
Naruto has always been a tomboy, with her baggy and oversized jumpsuits (contrary to popular belief, though, her hair isn't short, is actually pretty long and pull together in a messy bun). Naruto never liked festivals and ceremonies, or actually, she always wanted to go at one, but people have never been nice to her. Tsunade has to compel her to go to her Hokage settlement ceremony and she asks Yoshino Nara to help Naruto with the preparations (shopping for a yukata, dressing, make-up and hair). No one knew that under the tomboy, hides such a cute girl.
It's the middle of the night and Naruto and Shikamaru are peacefully sleeping, when in her mindscape Kurama tells her their babies are about to be born.
Naruto and Shikamaru found out she's pregnant with twins only a few days ago. And since then, Shikamaru is even more affectionate and touchy-feely with her than before, and often has his hands on her belly. Everybody notices the change even if they don't know why.
Kurama tells Naruto and Shikamaru that she's pregnant with twins. Overjoyed, the two go to Tsunade for a check-up and a confirmation. They decide to organize a family dinner with Shikaku and Yoshino and her big brothers Kakashi and Iruka, to announce the news.
While away on her training trip, Naruto keeps receiving letters from someone in Konoha. Jiraiya assumes the letters are from her girlfriends (not knowing Naruto isn't really the type of girl with lots of girlfriends), or from Tsunade, until one day, he accidentally reads the name "Shikamaru" on one of them. 
Shikamaru comes home from a mission, to his wife lulling to sleep their kids singing the tailed beasts counting song.
While Naruto is away, she and Shikamaru keep sending each other letters back and forth and end up falling in love. Meanwhile, Shikamaru starts leaving in a little apartment on his own and when Naruto gets back, they spend their free time and their nights there. Nobody knows about their relationship, until, after a week of not seeing Shikamaru, Team 10 shows up on his doorstep, only to find Naruto wearing only a shirt of Shikamaru's (with the Nara clan symbol).
Since she was a little kid, Naruto dreamed of having a big family one day. Despite her dream, she has a few insecurities about becoming a mother, since she never had one or even a mother figure while growing up herself; and she doesn't even know if her boyfriend Shikamaru wants kids. She's hesitant to bring out the topic with him; but Shikamaru is a very preceptive person and he knows what's going on in his girlfriend's mind; he can clearly see it everytime she looks at and speaks to kids. So he reassures her and ask her "what do you think if we make a kid?".
Since meeting Shikamaru, Temari always had a thing for him, thing that working often together never went away. However, Shikamaru has never answer to her flirtation and openly rejected the idea of a date and Temari doesn't understand why (she's pretty, she's independent, she's a great kunoichi and she's the Kazekage's daughter, what's not to like?). She finally understands his rejections when she happens to witness Naruto's homecoming and her reunion with Shikamaru. 
While Naruto's away on her training trip, she keeps exchanging letters with Shikamaru and they fell in love. Meanwhile, Ino started dating someone and she tries to find someone to date also for her teammates, not knowing that one of them is in love with someone already. She tries everything to convince him of dating one of her girl friends, until he simply blows up and tell her he's in love with Naruto, something he never even admit to himself until then, even less out loud and to someone.
Since she was very little, Naruto always dreamed of being Hokage. One day, while visiting the Sandaime, she discovers that every Hokage has advisors, so if she wants to be Hokage in the future she must find someone to trust to be hers. There's only one person she can see be her advisor, her classmate Shikamaru.
Shikamaru loves to be lazy, and his girlfriend Naruto knows how much he loves to be lazy. He loves even more when she surprises him waking him up while riding him and doing all the work herself.
Temari is thinking about asking Shikamaru out, when he receives a letter from Naruto. The, never seen before, soft smile on his face tells her about the situation and decides not to act on her attraction and decides to be an annoying best friend to Shikamaru, teasing him about his relationship with Naruto.
After having had several kids, most dark-haired but some also blonde, Naruto and Shikamaru are expecting again and when the new baby is born, they sure aren't expecting the baby's red hair.
Shikamaru doesn't know what exactly possessed him to write the newly left Naruto a letter. He surely doesn't expect an answer but he receives one. They keep writing each other and the letters become less and less friendly, and more romantic. They start to write cute things and admitting their mutual crushes, and, with the time passing and them growing up, some of the letters are less and less PG-13.
While travelling with Jiraiya, Naruto often exchanged letters with Shikamaru and the two fell in love. Since coming back to Konoha, the two started to spend more time together. One night, while Yoshino is out with her girlfriends and Shikaku is on a mission, the two teenagers take advantage of the Nara household to explore their newfound bond, at least until the clan head comes back home. Who's more surprised? The two caught in the act teens or the father who didn't even know his kid had any interest in romance and physical contacts?
 Even when all the boys his age started noticing girls, Shikamaru never really thought about it. Sure, his friend and classmate Naruto was maybe a little cute but that was it. While reaching adolescence, and the other boys' hormones were getting the better of them, Shikamaru still didn't really feel real attraction. Until one day, when, while wandering the Nara forest, he stumbled upon a naked Naruto bathing in a secluded natural onsen. 
Naruto can summon Kurama out of her body (depending on the level of chakra used for the summon, Kurama can change his own size). The beast will never admit out loud to have become quite fond, not only of his own jinchuuriki, but also of her mate and especially of her kits; kits who like to play and cuddle with him and be babysat by him.
During the Pain invasion, Naruto discovers her father was the Fourth Hokage. When she returns victorious to Konoha, she shares a kiss with Shikamaru in front of everybody and after that she asks Kakashi about her father and he asks her about her surprising relationship with Shikamaru.
When she comes back to Konoha, Sakura convinces Naruto to go on a date with a guy she met while training as a medic nin (mostly to find her a boyfriend so that she's not a rival for Sasuke). The guy, after seeing she's the jinchuuriki, run out and leave her at the restaurant alone. At the same time, Shikamaru is passing by and he notices an all-dolled up but sad and alone Naruto. He decides it's too troublesome to leave her there, so he takes the guy's place and the two end up sharing a very pleasant evening neither expected. 
On October 10th, the whole village of Konoha mourns its greatest hero and celebrates the defeat of the beast with a big and colorful festival, food, drinks, games and stands of every kind. In the midst of all this celebration, there are very few people who remember that October 10th is also Uzumaki Naruto's birthday. Naruto usually spends the nights of the festival alone sitting on the stone head of the Yondaime Hokage. She sure doesn't expect to be found by her friend Shikamaru, who remembered her birthday and brought her a gift.
105) After returning from her training trip, Naruto and Shikamaru start to spend more and more time together, training, doing missions and in their free time too and they're slowly falling for each other. They're also the ones helping the other through the grief after Asuma's and Jiraiya's deaths. During Pain's invasion, Shikamaru dies trying to help her fighting. Like in canon, Naruto goes on a rampage, her dad stops her full transformation, she defeats the paths of Pain and convinces Nagato of her way and he brings all the people killed back. While dead, Shikamaru temporarily ends up in the afterlife, where he gets to meet Asuma, the Yondaime Hokage and his wife Kushina, Jiraiya the Sannin and the Sandaime Hokage.
Minato and Kushina were always good friends with Shikaku and Yoshino. When Yoshino gave birth to Shikamaru, her very pregnant best friend Kushina goes visiting her and they joke and daydream about their kids falling in love with each other one day. When Shikamaru brings home Naruto saying she's his girlfriend, Yoshino remembers that day and that talk with her late best friend.
Kakashi is a young jonin, desperate because in a short amount of time he lost the members of his team and his sensei and his wife. Kakashi is granted to take a glimpse of the far future. He sure isn't expecting what he's seeing: himself in his forties, babysitting a whole bunch of kids who love him and call him "uncle Kakashi", having a blonde little sister and a whole acquired family with whom he has dinner every week.
It's the last night in Konoha before Naruto's trip to Kumo to learn how to control the Kyuubi's power, and the war is looming. Naruto spends the last night with her boyfriend, Shikamaru.
Before training, Asuma is going towards the Ino-Shika-Cho compounds to go fetch his three students. After fetching Ino and Choji, it's Shikamaru's turn. They surely don't expect to see Naruto leave the Nara compound (Naruto and Shikamaru got together after spending the three years of her training trip writing each other and falling in love).
Tsunade forces the Konoha 11 to attend a celebration because most of them don't want to go. She also forces them to go coupled up. Naruto and Shikamaru are coupled up. They didn't want to go, but they, unexpectedly, spend a nice evening together, dancing, talking and laughing.
When thinking about Naruto, Shikamaru never saw her as someone he could watch clouds with; she's just too hyperactive and energetic for that. After the war, Shikamaru finds out that Naruto's training in Senjutsu taught her the patience to stay still. Now he finally gets to watch the clouds with her. 
Naruto and Shikamaru spent the three years apart writing to each other and falling in love. When Naruto comes back, the two spend the first night on the Hokage mountain, talking, kissing and just enjoying their time together. That night though, Shikamaru had a guys night out with the other boys of the Konoha 11 and doesn't show up. The boys, worried, go looking for their missing friend. 
After Asuma's death, Shikamaru refused to see anyone who went to see him. Shikaku had to send away even his son's own teammates and, when he finds Naruto at their door, he thinks he'll have to send her away too. He surely doesn't expect his son letting her in and letting himself be comforted by her.
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war--lords · 6 years
Hi! Can i get some jealousy headcanons for Mitsuhide and Kenshin with a fem s!o. Like how often do they get jealous and what are the things that tik them off. And how do they handle their partner if they get jealous. Thank you!
I just realized I have like 18 asks in my askbox??? I don’t even answer one a day… at this rate yall are gonna have to wait for next year till the next askbox opening🙃 kill me
What do you mean ‘how often he gets jealous’
24/7, the guy’s a yandere
Some guy looks at you for one second too long? Cut. A vassal touches you in a friendly manner? Kill. Shingen sweet-talks you? Fight to the death.
It’s a bit toxic when you think about it, but you truly understand the root of his obsession, and he seems to be genuine in trying to improve.
At least it gets slightly better as your relationship with him progresses. He learns to trust you and let you do your thing instead of obsessing over you, though he still occasionally does. Especially in circumstances he knows you like.
That being said, the things that still tick Kenshin off is when you act really friendly around Shingen, or vice versa. It’s not that he doesn’t trust Shingen (despite how Kenshin appears to have a rocky relationship with Shingen, he respects him a lot and considers him a friend). Kenshin only feels slightly insecure because Shingen has a lot of things he doesn’t: the smoothness of his lines, the effortlessness in his behavior. Kenshin sometimes wonders if you’re better off with someone like that.
Another person that makes him jealous is Sasuke, but that’s mainly because you and the ninja are from the same time and can spend a lot of time talking about weird things he doesn’t understand, so Kenshin just feels alienated.
Still doesn’t like it very much when he catches some of his vassals staring at you. The good thing is he’s given up being violent about it.
Gets jealous but isn’t as blatant about it as Kenshin
At the beginning of the relationship, he’ll act a bit distant as a reaction to jealousy, so you’ll see him trying to avoid you sometimes. Most of this (somewhat similar to Kenshin) stems from the feeling that you don’t deserve someone like him in your life—he’s far too dangerous and has done things he doesn’t want you to know. 
Sometimes he can feel a bit jealous if you spend too much time working or playing with pets. Pretty petty things in his book. Still, he can’t help but crave for your affection, being unable to straightforwardly tell you to ‘pay attention to him’ more. 
BUT because he’s a busy person himself, the above ^ only happens occasionally during his downtime
Surprisingly gets jealous when Hideyoshi is with you. He knows that Hideyoshi has caretaking tendencies and has no qualms helping people out/making sure things are doing alright. His kindness extends to some physical contact here and there, like patting your head or shoulder as a way to comfort you. Actually, any physical contact from the other warlords are bound to make Mitsuhide jealous, but Hideyoshi’s is a special case because Mitsuhide feels like he can’t be as kind and outwardly loving as his comrade.
If he catches you and Hideyoshi, he’s going to act extra sweet with you in private, leading you to wonder what caused the change in his normally teasing behavior.
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papikakashikahn · 6 years
Ink Flowers - Chapter 2
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Here chapter 2 for ya’ll :). Here’s the previous chapter , 
“Ino…” Sakura sighed, staring at the blonde.
The two kunoichis sat together in the Konoha coffee shop.  
Sakura had stopped by to take Ino out for some coffee, a few hours after Sai’s appearance.
Speaking of Sai, his words were still stuck running through her mind from earlier.
She bit her lip.
The nerve of him, telling me that I lie about my feelings when he’s doing the exact same thing. He’s always hiding his emotions behind that stupid fucking smile of his, what a hypocrite.
“INO!” Sakura shouted, causing the blonde to jump as she realized she had zoned out again.
“Were you even listening to me?” She asked. “Pfft, of course I was, I just was getting blind from staring at that huge forehead of yours, Billboard brow.” Ino scoffed crossing her arms.
“Oh really Ino pig? What did I just say then, huh?” Sakura questioned her.   Ino looked to Sakura.
“Something about Sasuke I’m sure.” Ino responded. Sakura choked on her muffin she was eating at the time.
She hit Ino’s arm. “NO! I wasn’t! I asked you if you’ll be able to work a shift at the hospital tomorrow at 7!” Sakura exclaimed defensively. She looked to Ino nervously.
“W-why? Have I’ve been talking about him a lot?” She asked anxiously.
Ino couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend. “No, only the whole time we’ve been here.” She smiled taking a sip from her mug. Sakura turned almost as pink as her hair as she tucked her hair behind her ear timidly.
The truth was, that in Sasuke absence over the past year, the two have become closer than they were when they were little. Ino wondered if that was going to change now that he was back.
“O-oh. I’m sorry. I’m just a little excited he’s finally back and all. I’ve missed him a lot over the past few years and-” “-There’s no need to apologize forehead. I understand, it took a lot to get him back, but he’s back thanks to you.” Ino smiled as she held Sakura’s hand.
Ino proceeded to laugh. “Hell, if I had him back after all these years, I’d never let him leave my sight.” Ino snickered at the thought, but then remembered that the two had somewhat competed over him in the past. They still technically were, although the chances were low for him to break up with Sakura and crawl to Ino. She wouldn’t want that anyway. Sakura seemed happy, and she didn’t want to ruin that.
She glanced to Sakura for a reaction. There was a serious look upon the pink kunoichi's face, so serious, it made Ino swallow in fear. That was until Sakura burst out laughing as well - so loud in fact - the whole cafe sent questionable looks their way.
Ino let out a sigh of relief.
“Not tryna steal my boyfriend from me, are you pig?” Sakura teased. Ino shook her head and placed her mug down. She pressed her lips together.
“No, I think I’ll let you have him from now on, forehead.” she responded. Sakura laughed lightly but was a little shocked at Ino’s response.
“Hey, you feeling alright there piggy? Wouldn’t want one of my best medics getting sick on me now would I?” Sakura asked reaching over the table, to feel her friends forehead, until Ino smacked her hand away.
“I feel perfectly fine, in fact, better than ever, FOREHEAD. Now that I’ve let go of my obsession with your little boyfriend that is.” Ino crossed her arms, turning to look out the window again.
‘Ah yes. Lying as she called it’
Ino couldn’t help but tense at hearing Sai’s voice yet again.
She tried to shoo away the thought when looking to her friend.
“Oh really? I thought you’ve been in love with him for as long as I have?” Sakura said doubtfully to Ino.
Ino looked down a little gloomily. “I thought that too.” She muttered in the lightest voice.
“Huh?” Sakura asked concerned.
Just then, the two friends were interrupted as a chair was pulled up to their table to join them. The long dark blue hair automatically gave away it was Hinata. She smiled when greeting the two of them.  
“H-hey you guys.” She greeted in that light voice of hers.
“Hey Nata!” the other two kunoichis greeted her as she settled in her chair.
“S-sorry to i-i-interrupt, but I just stopped in for a c-coffee and I saw you guys sitting over here.” she explained, pushing her two index fingers together nervously.
“It’s fine.” Sakura laughed, giving Hinata a cheery smile.
Perfect timing too.
Even with the closest of friends, at first, you would always find Hinata stuttering over her words. But after a few minutes of conversing, you couldn't get her to STOP talking. Especially after a cup of coffee or two.
“S-So Sakura, how is Sasuke now that’s he’s back?” Hinata asked Sakura. Sakura held her head high in pride.
“Oh, he’s just wonderful. He’s so sweet since he's come back. Doing all the nicest little things for me, taking me out for dinner and such.” She bragged, blushing at the thought of him.
Ino rolled her eyes, wanting to gag. She thought they were just about to hop off this subject. He’s been back for about a month now, you would think everyone had enough talking about him. Ino certainly did.
“Oh, well that’s nice to see you’re happy Sakura.” Hinata said with a smile.
“Thank you, Hinata. How are you and Naruto? The two of you have been spending a lot of time together recently, huh?” Sakura asked nudging Hinata’s arm playfully, causing her to blush.
“O-oh. Naruto-kun and I-we’re v-very good... he’s been on a m-mission since last week, but he’s supposed to be r-returning either today or tomorrow, and in fact, w-we’re going out to dinner with my f-family on Thursday .” The Hyuga Heiress blushed furthermore.
“Wow! That’s a big step for the two of you! Congratulations!” Sakura said shaking Hinata’s shoulders.
“Yeah, if that screw up doesn't fuck it up like he usually does.” Ino rolled her eyes as she rested her head on her arm.
When Sakura sent Ino a glare and Hinata tilted her head curiously. Ino decided to change her tune.
Ino laughed nervously waving her hand.
“I-I mean. That sounds really big for the two of you Nata, I’m sure he’ll handle himself...at least he always does...when it comes to you.” Ino said giving Hinata a reassuring smile. Hinata regained her composure, and Sakura stopped glaring at Ino to continue eating her muffin.
Damn, to think that Hinata was going to be having a family dinner with her childhood crush was big. We’re all so proud of her for growing the balls to tell that idiot blonde she liked him in the first place. At least she chased her heart, and now she’s probably gonna marry her childhood crush. Just like Sakura probably will.
Ino sighed thinking about the fact that all of her friends were beginning to end up with the loves of their lives, while she was still just a florist at her family’s flower shop. She had started to regret ever looking that stupid Uchiha's way. Maybe she would be dating someone too by now.
“How about you Ino? Are you talking to anyone?” Hinata asked Ino interested.
No. Everyone I’ve ever looked at more than once already is taken, or a waste of time.
Ino thought to herself. She cleared her throat before speaking.  
“Uh… no I’m actually focusing on bettering myself right now. Hopefully, I’ll find someone when both of us are done with that stage in our lives.” Ino explained.
Hinata smiled at her answer and nodded understandingly.
“Oh shut up Yamanaka, that’s what everyone says when they’re just plain single.” A voice interrupted her thoughts, a husky, familiar one too.
She didn’t even have to look up to know it was Kiba, but she had to send him one of her glares anyways.
“Mind your business mutt!” She spat at him. He smirked at her in a way that showed off his teeth. Akamaru licked Ino’s leg which caused her to jump, but after realizing it was only him, she instinctively started to pet him.
“Sorry, it’s just you were talking so loud I couldn't help but overhear.” he snickered. She crossed her arms as a smirk came upon her face as well. “If I didn’t know any better MUTT, I’d say you were stalking me.” she suggested.
He scoffed and looked the other way.
“Get over yourself Yamanaka.” he responded while Akamaru barked, but Kiba couldn't help but look out the corner of his eyes at her.
She spun around to face her friends at the table, crossing her legs as she sipped from her coffee mug.
“K-Kiba. What brings you here?” Hinata asked the dog of a ninja.
“Well, me and Akamaru here come because they have the best iced coffee, and free dog treats for Akamaru.” he responded to her.
“Pfft, anyways Kiba, you have no place to talk, you’re single as well last time I checked.” Ino said, pausing from sipping her coffee to give him a glance.  
“Mhmm, try again blondie. I’ve been out on a few dates here and there with a few girls, but it’s not like I go around bragging about it.” he explained stretching his arms behind his head.
“Oh really? And by ‘girls’ you mean your dog, right?” she asked then proceeding to laugh as the rest of the girls giggled at her joke.
Kiba’s mouth gaped open at her joke. He then shut it immediately and looked the other way in frustration.
“Whatever blondie, but whenever you’re done grieving over the fact that you’re single, call me and maybe we can change that.” he said playfully as he smirked at her.
Ino almost choked on her coffee at his suggestion. She looked to him trying to see if it was a joke, but instead, she got a wink.
She had nearly fell over in her chair if it hadn’t been for Sakura grabbing her arm. “By Nata, see you tomorrow.” he said as he gave her a brotherly pat on their head. He then turned around and walked out of the cafe without giving her a second glance.
She looked down at her hands in her lap, reviewing what just happened.
“Seems like Kiba’s interested in taking you out sometime Ino, as well as a bunch of other guys I’ve noticed. Huh, leave it to Ino to have options.” Sakura shook her head while taking a sip from her latte.
Hinata looked over her shoulder to check if anyone was listening to her. “Well, Kiba is c-cute, isn’t he?” Hinata asked Ino.
Ino pressed her lips together. She hadn’t really thought about it much. Ever since she was young she always just saw him as the mutt he was. Still, it was hard to deny that over the past few years, Kiba had gotten hot.  The rest of the girls in Konoha had noticed it too. Not to mention that cute dog of his has helped him when it came to the ladies.
Nevertheless, Ino just couldn’t picture herself ever going on a date with a bonehead dog-nin like Kiba.
She cleared her throat. “Yeah, he is. Why, does Naruto have some competition he should be worrying about, Hinata?” Ino asked playfully as she raised her eyebrow. Hinata pushed her fingers together nervously.
“O-of c-course not. I-I love Kiba like h-he’s my brother. N-nothing more.” she defended.
“Hmm, I always thought Naruto looked a little like Kiba, how about you, Sakura?” Ino asked the pink kunoichi across the table with a smirk. Sakura returned the smirk as she responded.
“I always thought that as well, Ino.” Sakura quirked.
The two kunoichis started to burst into devilish laughter as Hinata blushed furthermore.
After the three Kunoichi finished talking about their love lives including Ino’s nonexistent one, they had left the coffee shop. While walking the streets of Konoha, a shop woman had told Hinata that she saw Naruto running around asking people where Hinata was and told her that Naruto was at the Hokage tower. After waving goodbye to the two other kunoichis, Hinata ran off towards the tower, leaving the two kunoichis to themselves.
“So what were you talking about in the coffee shop before Hinata came?” Sakura asked her. Ino kicked the ground as she walked. “I’m just telling you now, I’m happy for you Sakura. And that I don’t want you to worry about me liking Sasuke anymore.” Ino told Sakura. Sakura gave her a curious look. Ino turned to her and gave her a reassuring smile. “So I guess you gave up at winning his heart huh?” she asked. Ino smirked. “More like let you win.” Ino snipped. They both smiled as the two became silent again.
“Are you okay Ino, you seem a little-” “I’m fine.” She smiled, trying to reassure Sakura. She pushed Sai’s voice out of her head.  
“I’m just tired of competing with you over someone who doesn’t like me to begin with. I want my own happy ending Sakura, and I don’t wanna take away yours to have it.” Ino said looking to down. Sakura placed a hand on Ino’s shoulder. And without the two kunoichis having to say anything, they both reached an understanding.
“Ms.Haruno!” someone had shouted, causing the two girls to look up, only to find a medic-nin making their way over to the two in a rush. He bowed to Ino, before proceeding to turn to Sakura.
“Lady Tsunade has summoned you to the hospital. She’s in need for extra hands on a surgery.” The man informed her. Sakura raised her eyebrows surprised.
“Of course.” Sakura nodded, snapping out of her trance.
“I’ll come along as well.” Ino nodded. The nin turned to her, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
“S-sorry Ms.Yamanaka, but Lady Tsunade specifically requested for Ms.Haruno… I don’t know if -” “But you said she needed extra hands. I’m an experienced medic-nin, I can help!” Ino insisted. The man looked from one kunoichi to the other, obviously uncomfortable.
Sakura sighed, placing her hand back on Ino’s shoulder again. “It’s okay Ino, I’ll handle it. I’m sure you’re busy at the shop anyway.” Sakura assured to Ino with a smile. Ino’s mouth fell open wanting to protest, but Sakura and the other ninja had already made their departure for the hospital.
Ino gritted her teeth irritated.
As per usual, all her friends had left her behind for more important things… that didn’t involve her.
“Shit.” Ino cursed she accidentally burned herself from the hot water pouring over the rim of the pot. She turned off the burner immediately and washed her hands under the sink.
“Are you alright?” Choji asked, sitting at her kitchen table. “You’re the one who asked for the ramen to have a lot of broth!” Ino shouted, turning off the tap and shaking her hands.
“That doesn't mean fill it up all the way Ino, jeesh you’re going to be a horrible wife.” Choji sighed.
Ino gritted her teeth turning to her teammate.
“Shut up Cho!” she exclaimed.
Ino then carefully poured out some of the water from the pot into the sink.
She had closed the flower shop early today. She couldn't stand being behind the register any longer after Sakura’s comment.
“Where’s Shikamaru!?” Ino grumbled grabbing a bowl from her cabinet.
Choji only shrugged as he continued stuffing his face with potato chips. “Doing some work at the Hokage tower I’m assuming.”
Ino rolled her eyes with a scoff.
“Well he’s not on a mission, so he should stop by occasionally shouldn’t he?!” she questioned frustrated. Choji shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the tension suffocating the air of Ino’s apartment.
“I-ino… is something wrong?” he asked.
“NO!” Ino exclaimed defensively. Choji raised his eyebrows at Ino’s obvious exhaustion.
Ino pressed her lips together.
“You wouldn’t believe what Sakura said to me today!” Ino yelled, turning around to face Choji.
Choji sighed. “Here we go…” he began.
“Today some ninja came running up to Sakura saying Tsunade needed extra help with a surgery, but when i volunteered to come along he said he needed help from SAKURA! Even though I’m just as experienced!” Ino shook her head.
“You should have heard Sakura Cho! She said ‘It’s okay Ino, I’ll handle it. I’m sure you’re busy at the shop anyways’!” Ino mocked the pink haired kunoichi.
Ino stomped her foot on the ground, crossing her arms and looking the other way.
“What a condescending bit-” “Ino I'm sure she didn’t mean for it to come off like that.” Choji interrupted.
You could practically see the steam coming out of Ino’s ears from her frustration.
“But it seemed like that!” Ino insisted. Choji titled his head, trying to sympathize with her. Shikamaru was better at making her come to her sense than Choji ever was.
Ino looked up, her expressions softening.
“Sorry Cho.” she apologized with a soft mutter.
“That’s okay Ino.” Choji nodded. Ino turned back around to the counter.
‘It just feels like lately everyone’s been surpassing me.” she admitted shamefully.
Choji had to choke down his chips before speaking up.
“Ino what are you talking about?” he questioned. Ino rolled her eyes at him.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You, Shika, Naruto, Sakura, everyone! Everyone has been so much busier lately with all these awesome responsibilities, while I’m just stuck in my shop selling flowers!” Ino cried tiredly.
Choji furrowed his eyebrows together.
“Ino that’s not true. Running your shop is awesome responsibility too, it’s a hard job.”
Ino scoffed in response.
“Not to mention you work hours at the hospital! You have a lot to be proud of Ino!” Choji continued.
Ino only shook her head. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” Ino gritted her teeth stubbornly.
Choji rose out of his seat, walking over to her side.
“Chip?” he asked, putting the bag out to Ino. Ino looked over her shoulder to the bag, and then to Choji.
“I’m on diet,” Ino stated softly, looking up to Choji. Choji stifled a smile before answering.
“Diet? I don’t know her.” he responded, evoking a smile out of Ino.
Ino couldn’t help but slip her hand into the bag, pulling out one of the salty snacks.
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chocosvt · 7 years
❝ 92 statements tag ❞
i was tagged by jeonghan’s amazing gf @jeonghney for the 92 statement’s tag. thnk u my gold rose petal.
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people ! if there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new one :^)
THE LAST (1-5):
drink: h2o
phone call: oh gosh, i can hardly remember. pizza pizza? who doesn’t deliver so thnks for soiling my day.
text: to a group chat.
song you listened to: exo - touch it bc i appreciate art.
time you cried: lmao like yesterday bc i was watching an emotional ep of hotel hell.
HAVE YOU (6-11):
dated someone twice: nope.
kissed someone and regretted it: i dont think so?
been cheated on: in uno yes.
lost someone special: yep.
been depressed: depression is received at many levels. extremely sad yes, but not depressed.
gotten drunk and thrown up: im the one holding ur hair back.
light purple!!
made new friends: lots irl n online!!
fallen out of love: yes.
laughed until you cried: yes everyday bc i gave myself a laugh n a half.
found out someone was talking about you: nope.
met someone who changed you: i havent met them!!
found out who your friends are: ive been with the same squad for 4 yrs n we’re just chillin.
kissed someone on your facebook list: i have never used fb a day in my life.
GENERAL (22-34):
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: ^
do you have any pets: im living with 2 kitties right now!! but ive owned many different animals in the past.
do you want to change your name: she can stay as she is.
what did you do for your last birthday: my friends nd i booked a hotel room!!
what time did you wake up: 11:30am lol.
what were you doing at midnight last night: eating cereal!! every time i stay up past midnight i will eat cereal 2 celebrate all the hours of sleep im wasting.
name something you can’t wait for: to hang out with my bff’s we have not seen each other all summer.
when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday bc she broke into my room for m&m’s.
what’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: hmm, idk. i’d like 2 be taller bc i cannot reach the popcorn shelf!!! :(
what are you listening to right now: a lot of dua lipa!!
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yup.
most visited website: tumblr / instagram / youtube / twitter
moles: a few on my arms n a trail tht’s up my shoulder. tht’s abt it
marks: i have a mark on the side of my head but my hair covers it. n one on my knee from when i fuckinj fell down a bridge.
hair color: blonde.
long hair or short: medium length is more fitting.
do you have a crush on someone: i would rather crush on a thumbtack than half the b*ys in my division. there are some nice girls tho!!
what do you like about yourself: some days there are many things!! other days there’s like 2 things. so im not sure!! im just trying my best i guess!!
piercings: two lobe piercings on both ears n im set for an industrial.
blood type: i would know the scientific notation of the distance between earth and sirius b before i knew this.
nickname: i h8 when ppl make nicknames outta my real name so i dont have any.
relationship status: sasuke and i are going on a trip to berlin next fall.
zodiac: aquarius.
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: the office / teen wolf / house / american horror story / atlab
tattoos: nope.
right or left hand: right.
surgery: no surgeries.
hair dyed in a different color: ive been a blonde bitch my whole life.
sport: basketball / sleep.
vacation: i just got back from a vacay n it was gr8 i got 10/10 sky pics!!<3
pair of trainers: im rlly obsessed with shoes but ive been wearing the same vans for 5 yrs. (my feet never grow!!)
eating: i like eating watermelon, twix bars n marinated ribs!! just fuck me up.
drinking: iced tea n orange juice are my faves.
i’m about to: it’s just past lunch which means it’s time to eat breakfast.
waiting for: some mf’ motivation 2 punch me in the face so i can write some more today!!
want: i rlly want a specialized rice krispie spoon ive been trying for a year!!!! :((
get married: i just dont think ill ever like someone enough 2 wanna live in the same house as them for tht long.
career: an english or bilingual teacher. i wouldnt mind teaching chemistry either.
hugs or kisses: i rlly dislike physical contact so i would pick neither, but hugs!!
lips or eyes: eyes!!
shorter or taller: it does not matter.
older or younger: older, but i wouldnt mind if they were a few months younger.
nice arms or nice stomach: i have this weird attraction to forearms so. also next time u look at  a junhui pic look at his wrists he has such nice wrists!!! what cream is he using??!?
sensitive or loud: this is so complicated. i rlly dont like loud ppl just bc im easily overwhelmed n agitated with their… over-boisterousness?? nd i will always protec the sensitive ppl n respect their tolerance levels. we just dont mesh well bc ill always worry abt hurting their feelings. u just gotta get someone who knows ur vibe. idk what im saying. i guess loud.
hook up or relationship: relationship.
troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker lol.
HAVE YOU EVER (74-83):
kissed a stranger: nope.
drank hard liquor: just picture tht vine of the kid goin “yo, all this vodka down the hatch” then being completely revolted. tht’s me
lost glasses/contact lenses: every day of my life.
turned someone down: yes.
sex in the first date: nope.
broken someone’s heart: yes.
had your heart broken: i rlly try not 2 wallow in those emotions n instead distract myself so not entirely.
been arrested: no but someone called the cops on me n my friend. (it was just a misunderstanding. i swear i wasnt doin a line of cocaine in an alley way or anything like tht tjgnjt4e)
fallen for a friend: yes!!
yourself: *insert meme of me watching my own back*
miracles: it would be a miracle if junhui grew out his hair. but also chunks ahoy chocolate chip cookies.
love at first sight: not rlly. it’s usually falling for the idea of being with that person, instead of who they actually are as a person.
santa claus: im still waiting for my easy bake oven u jolly piece of shit.
kiss on the first date: maybe a cheek kiss? idk. a little spice is always nice.
angels: yes. who else is up there bowling?
OTHER (90-92):
favorite thing to do when you’re bored: zone off and completely disassociate.
do you wear socks to sleep: ive done it like 3 times. it’s not tht bad.
favorite movies: FLIPPED. captain phillips / my neighbour totoro / napoleon dynamite.
tagging : oh gosh idk (ofc this is optional!!) @jeonghangif / @sukaato / @meanei / @lolitasletters / @jaehyunsleatherpants / @boysbe / @seokshuas / @trbld-writer
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oceanlxve · 7 years
odd questions?
Oh boy. Sorry mobile users.
1. Who is your favourite character?
I don’t know. Can I say Sasuke as a joke and skip this question?
3. What is your dream job?
I’ve kind of always wanted to work as a programmer with NASA. As if, though.
5. What is your natural hair colour?
Blonde. I don’t really like hair dye.
7. Could you post a selfie?
I have a whole tag full of them over here.
9. Where do you want to live?
Anywhere with water I can swim in, honestly.
11. As a child, who were your favourite bands?
I didn’t really have a favorite band as a kid. But I did like the music my brother left me, old mixes he made when he was a kid.
13. How would a dog describe you?
I don’t know. @jadeyharls how would you describe me, Jade? ;P
15. If you had to be a tree, what type of tree would you be?
Orange tree. I’d like to provide for people.
17. If you had a fairy friend, what would you want your fairy friend to help you with?
Fae tend to be uncontrollable so I definitely wouldn’t ask them for help.
19. Are you more of a pizza person or a fry person?
Like, as in fries? French fries? Because I like those better.
21. Name a person that has hair goals
Me, myself, and I.
23. Would you ever go sky diving?
Probably. Maybe.
25. What is your favourite flower?
I used to have one, not so much anymore. I like roses and forget-me-nots.
27. Are you more of a space person or an ocean person?
How dare you make me choose between my two true loves. Ocean though, I guess, if I have to choose. But the ocean and the sky were my two best friends for a good portion of my life, so it’s hard to choose.
29. If you were a superhero what would your catchphrase be?
“Fuck. Shit. I fucked up.”
31. A Crow and Raven both want to be friends with you, do you befriend them?
Fuck yes I do. 
33. Do you have any OTPs? If so what are they?
Oh boy. Nobody needs to hear my shipping rants, really.
35. Flowers have taken over the world, do you like this idea?
Not really? It sounds kind of threatening to me.
37. Who would win a fight, the shopping carts or the shelves? And what are your thoughts on this?
Definitely shopping carts. I’ve raced into so many things on those, they can knock over anything. The shelves wouldn’t stand a chance.
39. Your favourite character decided to throw a water balloon at you, what do you do?
Probably just get distraught about possible hair ruining. Please don’t throw water balloons at me.
41. If you got to be a vampire for one day, just for a test run, how do you think you would do?
I’ve already been a vampire before. You can hear everything, it’s kind of cool.
43. Do you like Bruno Mars?
Some of his music is good, yeah.
45. What are your thoughts on pants with no pockets?
Evil. Pure evil.
47. What is your favourite vine?
I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand. 
49. Do you like your url?
It’s a song from a movie from my childhood. So, yeah.
51. Do you like rocks?
Rocks are my jam, please give me pretty rocks.
53. What are your thoughts on pineapples?
I like them, but they don’t belong on pizza.
55. Make a poem on the spot
A crown upon your head,You look down towards your subjects,With disdainful eyes.“You are lower than me,” you whisper,Voice sweet like venom,Drunk on power,A thousand lives beneath your thumb.
57. Do you like capes?
No capes, they are the cause of death.
59. The moon is phasing, do you still like her?
The moon always deserves love.
61. You just seen a dog, what do you do?
Continue on with my life? Unless it’s super cute. Then I might obsess a little.
63. Name your favourite appliance
Does Hal count?
65. Oh no, it’s a full moon and you’re a werewolf now, what do you do? What type of dog do you transform into?
I’d probably just be a generic wolf. Or a coyote. And I’d probably just hide all night in my room. Or lay across Prince.
67. Does pineapple belong on pizza?
We’ve just been over this. No.
69. Do you like seashells?
I love them. They’re gorgeous and I collect them like nobody’s business.
71. Do you like being a human? If you don’t pick something else to be
No, I really don’t. I wouldn’t mind being basically anything else.
73. Name your favourite commercial
Probably something dumb and catchy and childish. I don’t usually watch commercials though.
75. Do you own any rocks?
A lot of them. I have a collection.
77. Oh no, you have been bitten and now you are a vampire, do you tell your friends? Do you form a vampire group?
Yeah, of course I tell my friends. I don’t think I’d need a Vampire AA though.
79. Who’s a Queen in your eyes?
Again, does Hal count? If not, Hailey. 
81. Do you like night time or day time better?
Night, probably. It’s quieter.
83. There is a raven in your room, what do you do when you find out it talks?
Talk to it. Try to make friends. See if it’s secretly a witch.
85. Do you like berries?
I do. Berries are nice. I pick them in the summer.
87. What person and/or fictional character would you want to raise a baby dragon with?
Prince. Or Nea. Nea would be pumped about it.
89. What song do you have stuck in your head?
You Could Be Happy - Snow Patrol
91. Do you have any pets?
A lot of them.
93. You just finished a really good series, now what?
Onto the next one!
95. Do you think there are aliens out there?
Considering how I’ve met them? Yes.
97. What is the most iconic tm thing you have ever seen/ heard about
I don’t know what this question means.
99. Favourite Comedian?
Bo Burnham.
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So this is a short and smutty oneshot for a KakaIta Valentine. It's very short, but sort of smutty!
Itachi didn't know why he was laying here. He was very tempted to jump to his feet tand bolt down the street, pretending that he had never come to do something so unlike him. But he couldn't. He was an Uchiha and he would not turn from any type of hurdle. Even this.
It all started months ago while Kakashi was eating out his asshole.
 Itachi was on the bed ass in the air as Kakashi was behind him, spreading out his cheeks and going to town. Itachi had lost most coherent thought by this point and was whining and drooling against the pillow, not even trying to pretend that he had any self respect. Kakashi had a strict routine when they slept together. Foreplay, intense lovemaking, heavy petting, more sex and so on. Itachi didn't truly understand it all. If Kakashi wanted to eat Itachi's ass then who was he to complain?
"Your obsession with this particular part of me is quite concerning." He managed to gasp out as Kakashi finally pulled away. Kakashi chuckled, and kissed his way up Itachi's back, gently pushing the Uchiha to lay down. Itachi was boneless on the mattress, content to just bask in the afterglow. Kakashi kissed his shoulder, hand moving to wrap around Itachi's waist. Itachi could feel Kakashi's breath against his ear and the elder nipped at his lobe playfully.
"It's a piece of art." Kakashi hummed and Itachi sighed.
"Kakashi-" He began, but his lover waved him off.
"If I could have your asshole cast in gold, I would. I'm have it put on my wall like some work of art." Kakashi replied and Itachi made a face at such a suggestion.
"That's vulgar."
"More vulgar than my tongue in your asshole?" Kakashi questioned and Itachi reached forward his drag his lover closer to kiss him. The conversation was mostly forgotten about, but had Itachi thinking...Kakashi did have an obsession with that particular area. So, if Kakashi wanted a molding of Itachi's asshole, then Itachi would try to get it to him.
And of course, Genma knew a guy who could get exactly what Itachi was looking for. So here Itachi was, laying on some type of inverted bed with his asshole on display. Genma was sitting next to him, magazine in hand. The man performing the casting had Itachi pull his cheeks apart as he spread a cold paste over him. Itachi couldn't see what was happening, but Genma had a good view and was sniggering.
"How's it feel?" Genma asked, peering over Itachi's thighs as the anus doctor spread the paste.
"Cold." Itachi replied, watching his friend as the elder peered over him. Genma continued to snigger. Itachi huffed a deep breath and focused on the ceiling. It was all for Kakashi. He was doing this for Kakashi. Afterwards, once the molding was finished, both Genma and Itachi curiously stared at the little bronze sphincter.
"Well, it's an asshole." Genma breathed. Itachi nodded in agreement. Genma yawned casually, eyeing Itachi. "But still...I should probably do a side by side comparison, just to make sure." Itachi scowled at his friend and the other lifted his hands in defense. "Just wanted you to have your money's worth."
Weeks later, Valentine's Day came and the couple had a dinner together in Kakashi's apartment. Afterwards, Kakashi had gifted Itachi with a new tea set. Itachi adored the little green cups and was nearly nervous to give Kakashi his present. It was sitting in the box, just waiting to be seen and Itachi squirmed in his seat. What if Kakashi didn't like it? Well...Itachi was a nin of Konoha and he would face his fears.
"Happy Valentine's Day." Itachi hummed, kissing his lover's cheek and handing him the small velvet box. Kakashi blink and stared at the little box.
"What's this?" Kakashi questioned.
"Your present." Itachi replied, still offering the took the box from Itachi's hand, eyeballing his lover curiously while Itachi continued to smile at him.
Kakashi stared at the small piece of bronze, brows furrowing as he turned it in his hand.
"It's a molding." Itachi murmured and Kakashi looked away from the piece to gaze at his lover.
"A molding of..." Kakashi's eyes widened. "It's a molding of your...asshole?" He sounded nearly breathless. Itachi nodded.
"I had a molding done a few weeks ago...do you like it?" So vulgar...
"It's beautiful." Kakashi breathed, hand on heart. He reached out for Itachi and pulled him in for a deep kiss, free hand cupping Itachi's cheek. Kakashi placed the anus molding on the mantle, right next to Team 7's photo. Itachi was mortified, but the playful grin Kakashi shot him, hand the Uchiha swallowing down any complaint.
And a week later, when Team 7 came for dinner, Sakura commented on the pretty little bronze piece. Kakashi thanked her while Itachi tried not to choke on his ramen.
"It was a Valentine's gift from Itachi." Kakashi explained and Sakura sighed dreamily, looking at the pretty ornament while Naruto scrunched his face up at the romance. Sasuke glanced curiously at Itachi who did not look at him, cheeks flushed. Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he glanced at the figurine on the mantle.
Later, when the three left to return to their own homes, Sakura murmured about how romantic Kakashi and Itachi were and how thoughtful and pretty the bronze was.
"Looks like an asshole." Naruto commented, only for Sakura to scowl at him and whack him over the head.
"You're so immature!" She groused while Sasuke slowly turned to glance back at Kakashi's apartment suspiciously, but he shook his head and continued to trudge back home.
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I will go down with this ship: Chapter 5
Naruto had finally dressed himself in his pirate attire, he walked out of his quarters and looked over his crew. Karin making her way to the helm to change their course to Tsumi, Naruto placed his fisted hands on his hips and smirked at his crew. The clear, blue sky promising easy sailing.
"Ahoy, me Hearties! Avast ye!" Naruto called out, getting his crew's attention, "We be changing the plan slightly" Naruto stated, his crew all speaking at once before Naruto calmed them, "Don't worry, we'll still get our gold, but another way…" Naruto trailed off mysteriously, going over his exciting new plan with his crew. They eventually agreed, "Alright, what do you suppose we I go wake the beautie?" Naruto smirked, a rowdy cheer from his crew.
Naruto opened the stale, wooden door carefully, walking into the room where Sasuke lay on the straw floor. Naruto smiled lightly at the sleeping boy's form, his calm and graceful features flawless and almost cathartic. His body lifting up and down evenly, lost in the sweet slumber of rest. Naruto almost felt bad for awaking the sleeping beauty, but he needed him awake. Naruto bent down so he was perched on his ankles, he lightly shook Sasuke and saw the midnight eyes flutter open.
"Hey, love, you need to wake up now" Naruto spoke softly, Sasuke shifted before awakening properly and glaring at the blonde.
"Why do you disturb me while I rest?" Sasuke sighed irritated, Naruto returned it with a smile.
"To introduce you to the crew" Naruto countered, making Sasuke look incredulously towards him.
"Please tell me I misconstrued your words" Sasuke groaned, but Naruto shook his head and revealed a toothy grin.
"Nope, now come on" Naruto hopped up, offering a hand. Sasuke's natural instinct was to take it and let himself be lifted, sighing as he processed Naruto's instruction.
"Why on earth would I want to be associated with your crew?" Sasuke questioned.
"Because it's polite" Naruto answered, making Sasuke raise a delicate eyebrow, "What? What aren't you high-class type obsessed with politeness and stuff?" Naruto teased, Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Fine, I suppose I should know what names to report to my brother"
"That's the spirit!" Naruto chimed, taking Sasuke's hand and leading him up on the deck and gesturing to his crew, who were in a structured line, waiting to be greeted. "Alright, love, meet the crew" Naruto exclaimed, both of them walking to the first person in line. "First, this is my brilliant sailing master, Shikamaru" Naruto introduced. Sasuke looked at the bored-looking boy and over his simple green shirt and baggy, brown pants. Clearly not giving much thought to his appearance, "It's quite funny how I met him actually" Naruto stated, beginning his story.
Story of Shikamaru and Naruto (3 years ago)
Shikamaru sighed and grumbled to himself as he looked over the crates that he needed to carry to the boat. The young 16 year old wasn't motivated to do what his parents ordered and conform to harsh labour, though the boy wasn't really motivated to do anything really. He grumbled under his breath as he picked up a heavy crate, he desperately wished he could just have a simple, untroublesome job to do. Something simple, not annoying. Shikamaru wasn't given the luxury of vision with the crate blocking his view and tripped over a stone. Nearly face planting into the ground when someone caught the crate from the other side, Shikamaru looked up to see a blonde-haired boy at the same age as him.
"Hey, man, you look like you're having some trouble, want some help?" Naruto offered, Shikamaru didn't have to do the math to know it would save him a lot of time, Shikamaru gave him a bored nod and they got to work. The entire time the two boys conversed and spoke like old friends; Shikamaru finding him loud, but funny. Shikamaru placed the last crate onto the boat and wiped his brow, finally satisfied it was over. Shikamaru let the nice breeze sooth him for a while, the calm before the inevitable storm. Shikamaru cracked an eye open when he heard a man shouting in the distance. He looked to the side to see he was no longer tied to the harbour, but a considerable amount of distance away from it.
"What the…" Shikamaru muttered, looking around to see he was not on the right ship, nor was the crates. Shikamaru turned his head to see the blonde boy smiling at him.
"Hey, thanks for helping me steal these!" Naruto thanked, Shikamaru blinked a few times when it clicked in his head what had happened. His father still at the harbour shouting. Shikamaru felt Naruto place an arm around his neck, "Hey, since your dad is pretty pissed off with you and you just committed a crime, how about you become part of the crew?" Naruto offered, Shikamaru sighed and placed his hands in his pockets.
Sasuke shook his head at the story, the strangest way he's ever heard people meet.
"Ha! Now he's my trusty sailing master, he's real good with maps and hard navigation" Naruto informed, Sasuke and him moved onto the next person who seemed like a mix of dog and man. His shaggy brown hair, strange face tattoos and canine teeth. "Meet Kiba, my master gunner" Naruto introduced, Kiba gave a carnal grin and tipped his head.
"Hey" Kiba leered, unsettling Sasuke with the sheer unadulterated confidence. His clothing consisting of brown, leather pants; brown boots, a dirtied white shirt and a black vest-coat. Finished off with a long, red cloth tied around his forehead. Sasuke noticed the large, white and brown dog that wagged his tail, who was introduced as Akamaru.
"Me and Kiba hit it off instantly and he became my Master gunner!" Naruto proclaimed, Kiba grinning in the same insane way.
"Damn right, Captain!" Kiba laughed, Sasuke cringed at their loudness and hoped the rest wouldn't be as much of an earful.
Story of Kiba and Naruto (2 years ago)
Kiba was walking with Akamaru, both happily strolling without much care in the world. That was the deal until Akamaru decided to suddenly take off without warning. Kiba spluttered in shock before running after him.
"Damnit Akamaru! You can't go off willy-nilly, you damn mutt!" Kiba yelled, following Akamaru onto a boat. Kiba grumbled as he boarded the boat and saw Akamaru being petted by some random blonde, Kiba approached him with a contrite expression, "Sorry about him" Kiba apologised, but Naruto shrugged it off like it was nothing.
"It's cool, I like animals anyhow" Naruto responded, stroking Akamaru who happily took the attention. Naruto looked up at Kiba and smiled, "So where you heading?" Naruto asked, Kiba shrugged.
"Nowhere" Kiba answered indifferently.
"My favourite place"
"Especially the food"
"The service is great"
"More so the view" Kiba replied, it was silent for a moment before Naruto smirked.
"We're going to get along just fine" Naruto stated.
Sasuke never heard of a more idiotic conversation, where do you even get the idea to start a rapport with someone like that? They moved on to the next person who seemed greatly excited and jumped.
"Hello, Sasuke! We've only met a few times, but I believe we'll be great friends!" Lee cried out joyfully, scaring Sasuke slightly, "Like me and Naruto!" Lee exclaimed, wasting no time in telling their story.
Story of Lee and Naruto (7 years ago)
Lee stood at the empty beach, looking at the setting sun without his usual happiness. He'd just received news that he was to be wed and he was having a hard time comprehending it. He sighed lightly and gazed over to the calm of the sea, wondering how much his life would be changed by marriage. It was serene and still, even when a stranger stood next to him.
"Hey" The blonde stranger greeted steadily, Lee turned to face the 12 year old and gave a small nod.
"Greetings" Lee responded, not in his usual ecstatic mood.
"I'm Naruto" He introduced, offering a hand. Lee took it and nodded.
"Lee" He responded, it was silent for a moment before Naruto handed him something.
"Hold this" Naruto instructed softly before running away, Lee watched confused as Naruto ran away. It was then that Lee heard a loud, angry noise. Lee slowly turned his head to the other side to see a massive hoard of people. He blinked a few times because most of them were covered in orange paint. Lee looked down to see what was in his hand when the crowd began to shout at him, Lee was holding a bucket that was filled with the remnants of orange paint.
It suddenly clicked in Lee's mind, he took off running and eventually caught up with the blonde who gave him a smile.
"Oh, hey! Sorry about that, I just didn't want to get my ass handed to me, but if it makes you feel better I only gave it to you because you look like you needed cheering up!" Naruto exclaimed as the crowd screamed behind them, Lee looked puzzled at him but Naruto gave his trademark 'everything goes sparkly' smile, "And what's better than pulling a prank with your friend?" Naruto laughed, Lee looked at the expression and processed the answer, Lee began to smile too.
Because Naruto made himself Lee's friend.
"Yes! Let us enjoy the pranking effects of youth!" Lee cried out happily, his past unsettlement cured.
Sasuke would have be furious if someone did that to him, but Lee was always a bit strange. It was confirmed when sparkles surrounded Naruto and Lee as they clasped hands in a victorious way.
"Team Naruto and Lee! No one can take us on!" Naruto laughed heartily "Love, this is my boatswain!" Naruto presented enthusiastically, Lee reacting with the same excitement.
"Yes! We will triumph over everything and everyone will see our amazing strength as friends!" Lee exclaimed, hurting Sasuke's ears. Sasuke was sure he would lose all hearing by the time he'd meet all of them. The next person was a large man with red and grey striped shirt; faded, green, calf-length shorts with several patches. This male also had strange marks on his face, but what drew the most attention was the fact that he was messily eating a chicken leg.
"Meet the one and only Choji!" Naruto presented in a showman's manner, Sasuke was left rather unimpressed, Choji stopped eating and gave a smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ojo Sasuke" Choji greeted, always polite and caring of others even if he was a pirate. Sasuke was more satisfied to be met properly, so he returned it with a graceful nod.
"Alright, fancy-pants, no showing off, you're making me look bad!" Naruto joked, Choji went back to eating with a pleasant smile. "You know, love, he was a strange one to meet, but he's my rigger" Naruto chuckled.
Story of Choji and Naruto (4 years ago)
Naruto whistled as he went under the deck to grab some food supplies, they had been rather scare for the last few months for some reason. Naruto went through the first crate and was surprised to find nothing, he went through the next with the same results. He went through all of them before scratching his head in confusion, he suddenly noticed the man on the floor who was carelessly munching away at their food supplies. Naruto stared at him for a moment before walking upstairs, returning with his Captain.
"Er…Jiraiya, I think I knows what's been happening to our food…" Naruto stated, Jiraiya nodded.
"I see…" Jiraiya acknowledged, Choji giving them a mini salute as he ate, not frightened by stealing from pirates at all. "Well, it seems we have a new crewmate, we be needing a new rigger anyhow" Jiraiya stated.
Sasuke couldn't believe his ears. This man stole from them and they didn't care? They hired him without any background search?! And another thing, who was this Jiraiya? Is there another captain on board? These thoughts festered as Naruto spoke.
"Now that I think about it, that's kind of how we met Shino" Naruto realised, gesturing to the next person in line. Sasuke saw the mysterious man wore a long, grey coat. Revealing nothing but strange shades. Shino gave a nod, making Naruto chuckle, "We found him 5 years ago on our boat claiming that there was a rare insect on our boat and refused to leave, long story short he became our carpenter" Naruto shrugged, Sasuke sighing on the inside of the obscurity of it. "Anyway" Naruto changed, gesturing to the next person in line. "This is Tenten, one of my best A.B.S's" Naruto introduced, Sasuke looked at the smirking girl.
"Ahoy" Tenten spoke, Sasuke instead gave a judgemental gaze over her. Her brown hair in buns; high-waist, brown pants with a red sash around her hips. A loose, white shirt tucked in, buttoned down slightly. Black boots and a gold necklace.
"She and I go back a few years" Naruto stated.
Story of Tenten and Naruto (3 years ago)
Tenten's mighty sword clashed with Naruto's, they panted as they had been fighting for at least an hour. What for?
A sword.
The two had been in a weapons shop, both spotting the same sword and wanting it as their own, but using their swords instead of their heads to settle who had right ownership. Tenten swirled around and swiped a blow towards Naruto. Naruto jumped back and onto a small crate, lashing a blow down towards the girl. Tenten barrel-rolled out of the way before grabbing her knife out of her boot and sending it flying towards Naruto, Naruto ducked in time and grabbed a rope. Swinging over to kick Tenten down. Tenten was knocked over but quickly rolled out of the way of the incoming attack. She jumped back up and glared at the blonde.
"Give it up blondie, you're not getting that sword" Tenten hissed.
"Oh yeah, bun head? We'll see!" Naruto smirked, their swords clashed and clanged as they fought one another, Tenten moving out the way of one hit and the result being Naruto's sword whacking the wooden pillar. Naruto attempted to yank out the sword, but in the meantime he was vulnerable. Tenten swiped her sword but Naruto kicked it in time before it could do any damage. It was battered away and skidded across the floor. Naruto left his sword stuck in the wooden pillar and put up his fists, Tenten put hers up as well. They had a mini stare-off before lunging at each other.
"Oi" The shopkeeper called out, used to pirates fighting in his shop, the two looked at him annoyed, but he remained bored, "Before you two kill each other, I think you'd want to know that the sword was just sold" He informed, the two bewildered.
"H-How?! We've only been fighting for a few minutes!" Naruto exclaimed, Tenten had the same question.
"Actually, you two morons have been going at it for over an hour" The shopkeeper corrected, the two blinked and looked at each other.
"Well" Naruto started, "We failed" Naruto stated, Tenten nodding.
"Mm, usually I would have taken you down by now" Tenten proclaimed, Naruto nodding enthusiastically.
"Same! Geez, I must be getting rusty or something" Naruto sighed, scratching the back of his head, "Though I gotta admit, you got some sweet moves there" Naruto complimented, Tenten smirked.
"You too" Tenten responded, after that the two began to talk over moves and weapons, becoming friends quickly.
"Wait, so you two tried to slay each other and now you're all buddy-buddy?" Sasuke questioned, receiving a nod from both parties. He scoffed and shook his head, thinking it was insane. Another woman was next, one he recognised as they had met on a few occasions. "Temari" Sasuke acknowledged with underlying disgust.
"Princess high and mighty bitch" Temari retorted, Sasuke made a gasp and looked to Naruto for him to scold her.
"Ha ha!" Naruto laughed, but caught the deadly glare off of Sasuke, he gave him an apologetic smile but Sasuke refused it.
"I will not stand here and be insulted by disgraceful waste" Sasuke stated, turning around to go back to the room but Naruto laughed and got a hold of him.
"Hey, hey, hey, don't be so sensitive" Naruto chuckled, Sasuke sending him a glare in return, "It's just…part of her charm, okay love?" Naruto comforted, Sasuke sighed and stood by his side once more, "Think you can be a bit nicer, Temari?" Naruto asked with a knowing smirked, she rolled her eyes and huffed slightly.
"Whatever" She answered, making Naruto chuckle.
"She's my toughest A.B.S, we met last year"
Story of Temari and Naruto (1 year ago)
"Damnit!" Screamed another muscled man, defeated by the smirking girl who sat in the middle of the bar surrounded by men. She chuckled triumphantly.
"Come on boys, it's only little old me…can no one defeat me in a simple arm wrestling match?" Temari sighed dramatically, the men grumbled since she was the undefeated champion of Tsumi. Though a well-known man walked through the crowd confidently.
"How about me?" The blonde stranger said, the crowd instantly recognising him, Temari noticed how the men and few women were impressed with his presence.
"Fine" Temari answered, placing her hand in position as the blonde sat down and gripped her hand.
"You have lovely, soft hands, I can think of a better use for them" Naruto winked, Temari scowled at the flirty man and sent him a glare.
"Slapping the bitch outta you" Temari retorted.
"You read my mind" Naruto smirked, making Temari a little surprised since most men would be offended. She instead smirked as well and they began to arm wrestle. The crowd cheering and shouting at who they wanted to win, Temari didn't expect to struggle as much as she did, since she never struggled. Naruto was struggling too, but wasn't too surprised. Their arms were shakings against each other as it was clear that no one was able to win. "Wanna call it a draw?" Naruto asked with a smirk, Temari scoffed and refused. After the next 10 minutes, they had drew, much to Temari's dismay.
However, their competition lead to other games such as drinking the most in the quickest time, darts, holding up the most weight and they even went out the back to sword fight. They finished each one with the same result.
They panted lightly as they finished their battle.
"You're not so bad…" Temari started before smirking, "For a pansy" She chuckled, Naruto smirked in response.
"You're pretty good at rivalling me, for a…" Naruto trailed off, Temari expected to hear the word 'girl' or some other demeaning insult, but Naruto placed his sword away, "Total badass, seriously, you're one of the strongest people I've ever met!" Naruto exclaimed, placing his fists on his hips. Temari slowly put her own sword away and smirked.
"Hn, men don't usually like that"
"Well, I am a pansy" Naruto chuckled, Temari laughed lightly in return, knowing that she liked this guy already.
Sasuke couldn't believe that an Ojo would partake in such activities, it wasn't right. Ojos weren't meant to be strong, only enough for child birth and that's it. No silly bar games or petty competitions. Those were left to the peasants, though he realised that Temari must sneak out to do such things.
"She's one of my strongest" Naruto informed, Sasuke gave an unimpressed glance towards her as they moved on to the next person. A white-haired male with a top akin to Sasuke's, except it was purple. His dirtied, white shorts with multiple belts and straps. His smirk revealed his strange, sharp teeth. "This is Suigetsu, my first mate" Naruto stated, making Sasuke's eyes fly open and look incredulously towards Naruto, Naruto understood and chuckled, "In pirate terms, love" Naruto clarified, settling Sasuke.
"Hey, your older brother knows Kisame" Suigetsu stated, catching Sasuke's attention, "He has a magnificent sword…" Suigetsu added, Sasuke shifted slightly.
"Yes, I suppose so" Sasuke responded, never really paying attention to swords, but he paid attention to the devious smirk of Suigetsu.
"I can't wait to take that sword and make shark-fin soup out of him…" He chuckled evilly, making Sasuke chilled to the bone. The menacing aura that surrounded him made Sasuke give Naruto a questionable look.
"He's a bit…involved with killing Kisame" Naruto explained.
"How did you even meet someone this off-putting?" Sasuke asked, Suigetsu stuck in his bloody daydreams and every so often chuckling.
"One day, about 3 years ago, I was running away from the navy because I took some…things" Naruto stated vaguely, Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto's criminal behaviour, "Anyway, I noticed that someone was running next to me and I saw Suigetsu, who also stole some…things…then after we hid from the navy, we got to talking and I thought he was funny so he joined my crew" Naruto explained, Sasuke would never associate himself with a criminal, willingly anyway. "Annnnnyway" Naruto stretched, moving them onto the next person. That being a very tall, muscled man.
"I'm Killer Bee, always on a rapping spree, you see Naruto and me? We gonna conquer the sea!" The man rapped, Sasuke looked at him and saw (A/N I know it's lazy, but I just want him in his usual outfit) his clothing. Sasuke was slightly intimidated from the large man and hoped he was the 'friendly-giant' type
"This is Killer Bee, he's also one of my A.B.S's, a really good one at that, he saved my life!" Naruto explained, Killer Bee nodding.
"That's right, I'm always up for a fight, coming with that bite, with the fire to ignite!" He rapped, Sasuke didn't know why the hell he rapped instead of talked, but he ignored it and regarded it as mental illness. "Naruto was fighting the navy's crew, he was alone and nearly through, but then I came outta the blue, we were rubber and they were glue, we were crazy with our kung fu" Killer Bee rapped, Sasuke finding it mildly entertaining.
"Ha! Then we got to talking, showing off as we were walking, everyone was gawking, knew we were rocking" Naruto joined in, Sasuke surprised by the sudden song between the two and thought they were crazy.
"When we come through you know the world be shaken'" Killer Bee rapped.
"Greatest combination since eggs and bacon" Naruto sang back, before both rapping in unison.
"Take us on you'll be forsaken and don't ya get that mistaken!" They laughed, Sasuke rolled his eyes, though couldn't help but like the sudden improvise skills. Naruto pointed up to the quarterdeck to where Karin stood at the helm. Steering it and giving a small glare.
"That's my cousin, Karin, she's my quarter master, my second in command, the hook to my captain, the dick to my Moby, the thorn to my rose, the fly to my fruit, the donkey to my punch, the bitch to my slap, the con to my pro, the-"
"Bastard! Why am I all the shit things?" Karin yelled, Naruto rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
"Because you need the shit things in life to make the great ones shine!" Naruto answered, receiving Karin's boot in return.
"Shut up!" She screamed, Sasuke chuckled and thought that he could perhaps forgive her if she kept up the assault on the blonde. His thoughts were interrupted when one of the doors on the deck slammed open.
"I overslept! I overslept! I overslept! I overslept! I overslept!" Sakura called out, hopping up and down as she tried to get her foot into her boot, "I'm sorry! I overslept, I now we were meant to be ready for the switch and everything but-" Sakura stopped talking when she saw everyone staring at her, "Heh…um, hi" Sakura greeted embarrassed, Sasuke locked eyes with her and the air felt thick. Everyone sensed the tone and instantly walked away to do their jobs, beginning conversations and whistling to avoid the awkward conversation. Sakura walked over halfway, but halted.
"Well" Naruto started, trying to calm the tension, "I guess you two already know each other…um…but hey, love, what you don't know is that Sakura here is our surgeon" Naruto informed, Sasuke looked surprised at the girl.
"Surgeon...? Where and when did you gather the skills for that?" Sasuke asked in a scrutinising tone, Sakura shifted and wetted her unbearably dry lips.
"I…I've always been interested in medicine, I like to help people, so Naruto got me scrolls about surgery and medicine and let me train under a wise woman" Sakura explained nervously, not really looking Sasuke in the eye. It was silent between the trio before Sasuke spoke.
"And how did you two become acquainted?" Sasuke grinded out, folding his arms.
The story of Sakura and Naruto (2 years ago)
Sakura was crying and sobbing as she walked through the street, she had just met her future husband and couldn't believe it. The 45 year old was cruel, mean and horrible. Sakura had run away when her parents and the man went to a private room. So Sakura ran away and didn't stop, so now she was in the poor part of Konoha, she wished to find her dear friend Sasuke. Though she knew that he was on a trip with his brother, she turned a corner into an ally and was met after a few paces with a brick wall. She huffed and turned around, only to see three gruff men.
"Looky here, lads, we got ourselves a pretty little thing" The man chuckled, the other two with sinister grins. Sakura's eyes widened and stood frozen as the men approached her, she snapped out of it and tried to run, but the men grabbed her effortlessly. "Aw, where ya going? Don't you wanna stick around, little girl?" The man leered, Sakura tried to wriggle out of their grip and scream, but she couldn't do anything as the men began to rip her clothing. She cried as she expected to be defiled in the worst way possible. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the roaming hands when suddenly.
"Oi!" A voice called out, getting everyone's attention, Sakura saw a blonde-haired boy about 16 and felt a flicker of hope. The men looked evilly towards him.
"Get outta here, brat!" The man hissed, the blonde smirked and dashed forward, his sword plunging through the man's stomach. He let out a yowl of pain and Naruto withdrew his sword and swiped at the other man's neck, slicing the windpipe making the man choke on his own blood. The final man was delivered a blow to his federal artery in his thigh, making him bleed out. Sakura panted lightly as the dead men surrounded her.
"Hey" A kind voice said, Sakura looked up to see the blonde boy offering a hand, "I'm Naruto" He introduced, Sakura took the hand and felt the reassurance of his smile.
"I'm Sakura"
Sasuke was silent. Conflicted. Happy that the death of those men were painful, but to what had Sakura been then lead into? Sasuke was looking at Sakura who seemed ashamed, Naruto shifted and tried to change the mood.
"So…" Naruto started, attention now on him and he spoke, "I dreamt about smooching you, love" Naruto winked.
I realised that after this chapter the dates were all messed up. But er, Naruto is 19/20.
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