#satan really wants to leave the demon world and move in with them
zephyrchama · 5 months
Belphegor followed you down the hall as you dragged your suitcase. It wasn’t very big, but it was still heavy and annoying to lug over the thick decorative carpets. Every time one came to an end, the luggage thudded loudly back onto the hardwood floor.
“You sure you have everything? You packed the pillow I gave you?” Belphegor sluggishly matched his pace to yours. Having long legs must be nice.
“Of course, I triple checked.” ”Good. That’s my fifth favorite pillow, so you have to come back and return it, ok?”
You nodded as the suitcase went over another bump. This was your third time going over this exact conversation.
It wasn’t just the youngest, all of the brothers were antsy about your little trip. It was written all over their faces as you arrived at the foyer where they were waiting. Satan and Asmodeus solemnly stood up from the steps they were sitting on. Mammon and Leviathan had a hard time looking at you, their eyes darted all over the walls and ceiling. Beelzebub offered to move your suitcase by the door.
Just one weekend away. That was it. Solomon volunteered to take you back to the human world for a bit. You couldn't let a rare trip home pass by, as who knew when the next opportunity would arise. You could eat some normal food for once and stock up on your favorite human things. Though, your housemates reacted like you were leaving for a year.
“Did you pack everything?” Lucifer asked.
“Of course, I triple checked.” Deja-vu.
“Even the lotion I gave you?” Asmodeus looked so worried. He loosely took hold of your forearm with a tear in his eye. “Don’t forget, the sun is awful this time of year. I’ll never forgive you if you come back looking like a lobster.”
“Asmo, I won’t.” You grinned at his silly concern and leaned in for a hug. Asmodeus did not disappoint.
Everyone else took a step forward, hoping for a hug of their own, as Asmodeus breathed into your ear, “I’ll be waiting.”
“You have my number. If anything goes wrong, call me.” Lucifer sounded so reliable as he placed a hand on your shoulder.
There were half a dozen chimes of “mine, too!” and “same here!”
You’d been away for longer trips. How in the world did these guys survive for so many millennia before you met them? You turned to look at Lucifer, wanting to counter that Devildom phones didn’t even work in the human world, but he probably knew that already.
"Don't talk to strangers," he reminded, "and don't go out alone at night. Some humans are worse than demons." He wrapped his arms around you and wished “safe travels.”
Mammon stepped up next. He forced himself to stare at you, haughtily playing off the sadness he was really feeling. His bottom lip jutted out a little more than usual. “Well! You’ll bring me back a good souvenir, right?”
“Oh? I don’t know, I might not have time…” It was playful banter, yet your words shocked him. Mammon’s eyes widened. He began stammering and gripped your fingers. You quickly performed damage control, “Joking! I’m joking, Mammon. Of course I’ll get you a souvenir.”
The younger siblings piped up, “us too!”
“I’m getting everyone souvenirs, don’t worry!” You already had a few gift ideas in mind.
Mammon put his forehead on your shoulder and a hand on your back that he rubbed. “But mine’ll be the best. I trust ya.”
“Don’t let Solomon give you any food he cooks,” Beelzebub warned. “Actually, don’t let Solomon give you any food. Ever.” He tried to give you a lumpy-looking cloth bag, no doubt filled with homemade treats to take with you. It smelled scrumptious. Only issue was, the bag was half your size.
“Beel, there’s food in the human world. I can’t take all this, why don’t you enjoy it with your brothers?”
Beelzebub frowned, setting aside his present. It tilted under the weight of its own contents. You felt a slight pang of guilt, but how could you carry it all? That much food could last you a week.
He picked you up for his hug, your toes dangling several inches off the floor until he gently set you back down. Belphegor caught you as you regained your footing.
His hug was simple and cozy. He tucked a strand of your hair behind an ear. “Don’t forget about my pillow.”
You suspected that if you ever actually tried to run away, these seven would go to the ends of the three realms to find you.
Satan nudged your luggage, observing the way it slided forward an inch. It was heavy to you, but clearly not them. “That’s really all you’re bringing? Do you have enough clothes?”
“Yes! You helped me pack!” The repetition was really starting to grate on you. Things were never this crazy when one of them had to leave the house for a few days. They wouldn't even care unless somebody went mysteriously unseen for over a week. “You all know I’ve got everything under control. I’ll be back in two days.”
“Hey, how come Satan got to help you pack?” Mammon complained.
“We did too,” Belphegor said, his twin in agreement.
“It was a group effort,” according to Asmodeus.
Mammon crossed his arms. "No way! You let these guys see your underwear?"
Satan ignored them. “Do you want another book for the road?”
“I’ll be fine.” You gave Satan his hug. After letting go, his fingers hovered by your side. “We’re teleporting there anyway. I don’t think there’ll be time to read anything.”
One suspiciously quiet demon in the back stared at the floor. “Two days,” he sighed. Leviathan did a poor job of hiding how upset he was.
“Levi, aren’t you going to say goodbye?”
“Yes!?” His head jerked up, met your gaze, and looked down again.
“I can’t leave until I get a full set of hugs from everyone,” you admitted. “I’m missing a very valuable part of the collection.”
Asmodeus and Mammon readily offered themselves for a second go. Leviathan’s cheeks flushed with envy and he grabbed you a little roughly, squishing his face into your shoulder. “You’ll take lots of pictures? A-and you won’t forget about us?”
You scoffed, “how could I forget about you? We’re bound together by a pact, aren’t we?” As for photos… you didn't know what would be interesting, but it couldn't hurt to take a bunch anyway.
Lucifer cleared his throat, signaling to Leviathan it was time to let go. "I miss you already," he muttered.
The seven of them followed you out of the house and down to the House of Lamentation’s front gate. It was like having a school of fish circling you. You could call it a miracle they weren't following you onto the main road, but if they went that far you knew they'd unreasonably demand Solomon take them along too.
“It’s just one weekend!” you reiterated. “Take care, you guys.”
They peered at you through the fence bars, waving when you glanced over. It was a sad sight, and possible attempt to make you come rushing back. If it was this bad already, you didn't want to think about how they'd act if you were going away for one week.
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temis-de-leon · 6 months
Demon Brothers as Single Fathers
What if the brothers already had a kid when MC first appeared in the Devildom?
Characters: demon brothers, gn! kid and gn! MC
Part 2
CW: lesson 16, death during childbirth mentioned, but there's nothing explicit. Some brothers are better fathers than others, but they all love their kid with a passion. Romantic interest towards MC at the end
There´s no way he’s having a kid with a random woman. I already posted a headcanon regarding demonic pregnancies, stating them as difficult, so my guess here is that he had a long-term relationship and his partner died during childbirth.
Of course, he’d cope with her death just like he coped with Lilith’s: hiding his feelings. He had his sister’s room hidden in the House of Lamentation without any of his brothers knowing, so it makes sense that he’d hide everything regarding his former partner from everyone, including his child.
Now, don’t get me wrong, he loves that kid, but he is who he is. A strict parent that wants his family to be perfect, obedient and loyal to Lord Diavolo. His child might get an obvious special treatment, but they still have to reach their father’s standards.
All of that, mixed with the load of paperwork he has to take care of on the daily, makes bonding time very limited.
When MC arrives, he makes sure they know not to bother the kid, his threats visible to anyone with eyes.
We know MC, however. They meddle and they become friends with most of the brothers very easily, so it’s understandable that the kid wants to get close to them too.
Lucifer tries really hard to break that friendship, not trusting MC at all, but the more effort he puts in that task, the more effort his kid puts in disobeying him. And we all know Satan is helping them just to anger Lucifer.
It all reaches an end when MC frees Belphie from the attic.
The kid doesn’t understand the situation, why their new friend is all bruised and bloody on the floor and why their uncle is laughing in such evil way.
Lucifer only gets how much his kid loves the human when he sees their distraught over MC’s death and their tears of relief when MC reappears in perfect conditions.
Time passes and the family is whole again, granting the kid a new feeling of happiness and comfort they’ve never felt before. Lucifer feels obligated to rethink the situation when he sees that.
Then comes the last day of MC’s stay at the Devildom and he knows he’ll regret not showing his desire of deepening their relationship before they leave.
His kid and his brothers are not the only ones that need MC anymore.
I kind of imagine him having a child with a one-night stand, to be honest. For the sake of this fic, the other parent is not in the picture, but Mammon loves kids, so there’s no doubt he’d keep his own.
And oh, how much he spoils them. He saves money just for them. Does he go right back into bankruptcy after that? Yes, but the intention is there, you know.
I also think the brothers would use the child to blackmail him, like “you’re such a scumbag, Mammon, you’re going to disappoint the kid”. A dick move, but they are assholes to Mammon most of the time.
And then comes MC, rocking Mammon’s world and, by extent, the child’s.
No matter how old the kid is, they can sense their father’s love towards the human. It’s almost painful to see and it brings so much second hand embarrassment, but Mammon’s happiness makes everything worth it.
Especially when MC starts to defend Mammon from his brothers’ insults.
The kid promotes themselves from child to matchmaker. 
They spoil their uncles' plans with MC so they can spend time with their father, boasting Mammon’s confidence and telling MC how good he is and how good of a couple they’d make.
At first MC thinks it’s pure childhood innocence, not suspecting the kid is acting on ulterior motives, but Mammon knows what his kid is doing.
He tries to defend his status as too good to be interested in a mere human, let alone date them. Of course, the child sees right through his bullshit.
No one stands a chance against his little hellspawn, not even him.
Suffice to say, MC and Mammon establish their relationship long before the year ends.
I love Levi, I truly do, but c’mon guys. I doubt he has any friends outside the online world, let alone a partner; we can all agree he’s a virgin. So, for him to have a child, I think he would’ve had to be either really lucky or unlucky (depending on how you see it), meaning that his brothers took him out of his comfort zone so he could lose his virginity and he left that one girl pregnant.
I think the mother wouldn’t have wanted to be in a relationship with him, leaving him more reclusive than ever. He needed his brothers’ help to lose his virginity and now not even the mother of his child wanted to stay with him? Yeah, he’s not leaving his room ever again.
It’s difficult for him to bond with the kid at the beginning due to the lack of knowledge on how to take care of a child and the kid being born out of a loveless meaningless one-night stand.
He watches and buys anything family-related, finally understanding that the way he became a father doesn’t have to influence their relationship, so he steps up really quick.
Don’t worry, the brothers offer their help the whole time.
They spend most of the time in his room, bonding over anime, manga, videogames and cosplay, especially about TSL. He also forces himself to get out of his room more often for the sake of his kid, even if it’s minimal.
He still distrusts MC when they arrive, not paying them any attention, but he has to reconsider a little bit when he sees the kid so interested in them.
The whole TSL quiz happens and he’s surprised to see not only Mammon and Beel helped MC, but his child too. He feels betrayed and irrationally mad at all of them for an hour or less, just until the kid insists on MC’s genuine interest on TSL and convinces him to give them a chance.
After that, their friendship develops quicker than anyone could've ever anticipated, as well as Levi’s crush on MC.
Another kid that evolves into a matchmaker, although their methods are more dramatic due to being based on anime and manga.
The rest of the brothers have a lot of fun witnessing the whole thing.
My man has contacts, he knows people all around the kingdom, he fucks. I’m not sure if the child came out of a long-term relationship or a one-night stand, but his contacts definitely have something to do with it.
His whole mission is to treat his child better than Lucifer ever treated him.
No baby voice at all, what nonsense is that? When he reads to them at night he uses different voices according to each character, same as when they play.
The type of parent that wants to respect his kid so much he kind of treats them like an adult. Full conversations and everything. More like monologues, actually, but Satan is patient enough to wait for his kid’s answer, even if it’s a babble.
Cats everywhere. Toys, clothes, bedsheets… You know the drill.
Overall, Satan puts his whole heart into his child’s development.
And when MC arrives, he’s only curious about them because Lucifer is on edge. He’d prefer if his child was left to their own devices, living their life in peace with no human bothering them for no reason.
Then he swaps bodies with Lucifer.
Boy oh boy.
The moment he sees his child running to his brother instead of him, he’s spitting fire. MC intervenes just when the kid starts to get scared, something he’s extremely grateful for.
After the pact is made, both him and the kid see MC in a completely different light, but he doesn’t think about taking them out on a date until his child trips and falls while playing in the garden.
MC tends to them, dries their tears and cleans their bloody knees before using some cute bandaids on them. Cat-themed bandaids.
How could he say no to that?
One-night stand one-night stand one-night stand one-night stand.
One-night stand? YES.
I’m surprise he doesn’t have a legion of children, Hercules style, but oh well, what do I know.
I like to think the mother tried to stay, but Asmo is a certified narcissist who loves spending time with himself and who’d also love the idea of having a mini him running around, ready to try new clothes on every opportunity and match him.
It’d be difficult to stay in a family like that, with a partner that monopolizes the child’s time so selfishly. It’s bad, but I could understand if the mother chose to leave. I don’t even know if Asmo would care, given that it was a one-night stand with no feelings involved, and he’d probably believe himself to be enough.
Asmo is as dirty minded as ever and he still has various relationships, but he tries to tone down really hard, at least in front of his kid.
They’re partners in crime above all, their chemistry is insane. ‘Don’t talk to me or my son ever again’ type of relationship.
Although the kid doesn’t have Asmo’s charming powers, they’re cunning. Doe eyed with a shiny glare and a brilliant smile, who could say no to them? Sometimes they even fool their own father.
Both of them are pretty superficial, but kind-hearted at the bottom of their hearts. It just takes some time and effort to see that.
The kid treats MC the same way Asmo does, although they have no ill intent, they just want to be like their father. So when Asmo starts to show some interest in MC, pursuing a friendship, so does his child.
Partners in crime, remember? It doesn’t take long for the child to act coy and cute, turning MC’s interest to Asmo. Again, no charm nor manipulation, but a little help from an innocent hand never hurts anyone, does it?
I don’t have a single idea where the child came from, but if there’s something I’m sure of it’s that they’re each other’s best friend.
Beel takes them everywhere, in his arms, strapped to his chest or sitting on his shoulders, he doesn’t care, but they’re together all the time.
Scared to his very core of losing them, but tries not to be overbearing, trusting his brothers to take care of them when he can’t, mostly Lucifer and Belphie.
They're the most important reason to control himself, Beel feels guilty when he lets loose and scares his child. Seeing your father eat a column can’t be pleasant, after all.
Another one that ignores MC when they get there, preferring spending time with his child. Now more than ever, since Belphie apparently went to the human realm as an exchange student.
When he breaks MC’s wall and they’re forced to share his room, he’s introduced to the dilemma of whether letting them sleep in Belphie’s bed while he shares his own with his kid or letting them sleep in his bed, with his kid in Belphie’s and him on the floor.
He’s very reluctant to let anyone but his twin sleep in the other bed. His nightmares lessen when he shares his space with the child as well, so Beel’s very conflicted.
MC offers to be the one sleeping on the floor, something he immediately refuses, so he finally agrees to let them both sleep in his bed while he’s on the floor.
He doesn’t sleep that night.
It isn’t until MC defends him from his own brother that he starts to think of them as a true friend. He trusts them with his kid and he even feels okay leaving them alone while he’s out doing his own things.
Days after MC goes back to sleeping in their room, his child confides in him how much they miss having the human with them and Beel can’t help but agree.
He asks for his child’s permission before taking MC out on a date.
Had the child with a situationship, but the mother thought he would be too absent to be a good father. She tried to leave with the kid, but Belphie insisted on keeping them. Being one of the Avatars of the Devildom, he had the upper hand.
As much as he tries to be present, he can’t help but fall asleep most of the day, so Beel takes the role of second father. Still, Belphie wants to be in the same room as his kid all the time, even when unconscious.
He’s able to enter other people’s dreams, so his favourite way of bonding is at night, interrupting his child’s nightmares and transforming them into beautiful dreams where they can do whatever they want to do.
He even made versions of Lilith and Beel for them to be together during those dreams.
Kind of entitled, to be honest.
Belphie is a brat and so is his kid, but the child at least has the benefit of the doubt.
When Lucifer imprisons him he’s ready to destroy the house. The only way he can talk to his kid now is through dreams and even then he isn’t sure what to tell them. In the end he decides to let the kid be, but he’s always on edge, trapped, not knowing what’s happening until everyone goes to bed.
MC’s presence feels like a gift. A pathetic gift, but a gift nonetheless.
He asks about his kid and he seethes when MC tells him they’re becoming friends, how much they like spending time with the child.
He focuses so much on revenge that he doesn’t even realize what the kid could think of him if he carried along with his plans; how they could feel when all of it is done.
Killing MC is satisfying and leaves him wanting so much more.
That look from his child, his own blood, takes it all away.
Why are they crying? Why are they hiding away from him? Trying to reach MC’s corpse despite Lucifer’s words or Beel’s grabbing hands, screaming in terror when uncle Mammon doesn’t answer their questions.
Then MC reappears, looking as perfect as ever, and Belphie is overwhelmed with relief, convinced that maybe his kid will stop looking at him that way.
But that doesn’t happen.
He sleeps with Beel that night, feeling lonelier than ever, hands aching and reaching for a smaller body that isn't there. He can’t find them in their dreams when he falls asleep and when morning arrives and he goes to the bathroom, he makes sure there’s no blood under his fingernails.
It takes days before his kid can even look at him without that angry pout on their face. They tell him they’ve been sleeping with MC, listening to their advice so they can mend their relationship with him.
Ever since then, Belphie can’t help but blush whenever MC is in the room.
Tagging: @deepestartisanhumanoidshark
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Y’all are awesome and I appreciate the hell out of this account! Any fics that are an attempt at a season 3? Preferably comedic ones! Thank you so much and keep up the amazing work! ❤️
Hello. We have a #good omens s3 speculation tag, so check that out. Here are more to add that have some kind of humour tag...
a place to be by kaiyen (NR)
In which Crowley moves back into his flat, Aziraphale has problems at work, and the Second Coming of Christ is but a stone's throw away. In the end, Crowley makes it to rolling green hills, leant against a stubbornly yellow Bentley. He remembers the first morning. He had slithered out of the ground not long before dawn, the dirt damp even before the first rain, the grass cool and crisp against his scales. And the sun had risen, jewels spilling across the great blue sky, warm and golden from the East. Crowley – Crawly, then – had wanted to follow it, had felt a great pull Eastwards. He went, too, until he found the ripe red fruit nestled amongst the lush green leaves and knew what they were for. It was luck, then, that the humans had left in the direction of the sunrise. Luck, or– ineffable. The sun rises over the South Downs, and Crowley finally wants to stay.
The Ineffable Shades of Gray (Good Omens Season 3) by altsernative (T)
After returning to Heaven, Aziraphale learns the Metatron's true intentions, finds himself disillusioned, and regrets his choice to leave Crowley, who has been working in the Temptations department. They reunite, and find themselves stopping the final war between Heaven and Hell and learning God and Satan's true intentions for the world and each other.
Demons are Forever by in_a_pickle (T)
After finallly finding the courage to tell his best friend his feelings, Crowley's dreams are shattered when Aziraphale once again chooses Heaven over happiness together. With ‘Great Plans’ afoot upstairs, Aziraphale discovers that the starring role he accepted comes with some unforeseen duties and that Crowley’s kiss has become something of a distraction. Crowley meanwhile is trying to come to terms with a broken heart and is trying to fathom why Heaven is so keen to have Aziraphale back in the fold. A mini adventure with our favourite group of two, written in case I get hit by a bus and never get to find out what happened next.
The Intended Effect by Esme_Abner (E)
A post-S2 fic that begins with a very sad Crowley and a conflicted Aziraphale and a surprisingly not-awful Jesus. It's all building toward our boys reconciling, because like everyone else, my heart is broken and I need to pick up the pieces somehow. And they might try to like save the world again, too.
(I just can't wait for) Season 3 Good Omens! by RCReveal (T)
After Season 2, I really needed to find out how Aziraphale and Crowley could get their reunion: a real reunion & not 'pretendy real'. They both have so much growing to do with neither of them, yet, being able to even say 'I love you' clearly to each other. Angel, what's going on? What kind of doublethink are you doing to still think that Heaven is the Good side & that you can't even admit to being friends? But you'll do anything to protect the World. Crowley, always planning on running. Sorry, but that won't work. If you had run at Armageddon there'd be no here to be in. But somehow, still a little seed of optimism. And wow! what you two can do together! Especially with a little help from old and new friends. So here's a story about averting the Second Coming with that great ensemble cast of characters in Heaven, Hell, and Whickber ST. Long set up, but then starts to speed up, kinda a wild ride from chapter 42 onto the end. This story is at about the same level of cursing, violence (well, maybe a little more Gaiman-esque), humor (definitely much more Terry Pratchett-esque) and romance as that of the second season.
There's a Special Place on Earth for Beings Like You by Kipje (T)
Set two years after Aziraphale leaves to become Supreme Archangel. It’s the Second Coming. Aziraphale is tasked with finding parents for the new Christ and returns to earth. He needs Crowley’s help, but the two haven’t spoken since the break-up. Crowley doesn’t want to forgive the angel, nor does he want to help out with the baby, but he finds it incredibly hard not to get involved. OR Aziraphale and Crowley raise the new Christ together; a girl named Eden. While they try to sort out their feelings and avert the apocalypse. Excerpt: Crowley had always assumed Aziraphale would want to run away with him in order to be together. He had never bothered to ask if there was a version where they would be an ‘us’ on earth. What was Aziraphale supposed to do once they arrived in the Alpha Centauri system. How would that even work with his book collection? Sure, Aziraphale had fallen in love with the demon – and it had taken him a while to be able to admit that – but he had also fallen in love with humanity, with earth. He had never planned on leaving. He knew earth would be no fun without his favourite wily serpent, but that did not mean he would be fine anywhere as long as Crowley was there. He had standards.
- Mod D
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vintage-c0balt · 1 year
Can you write a threesome between Satan and lucifer and Mc both brother wnat to have Mc for themselves, but Mc comes up with an idea of sharing her for the night
i’m so sorry this took so long darling but it’s here now and tysm for being my first ask on this blog ♥ ♥
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cw: threesome, gn!mc, slight body worship, double penetration, cursing, satan and lucifer being brats, collars and chains, dumbification, slight mentions of blood, satan is wearing a condom cuz he was a brat, dacryphilia, a bit of aftercare
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next time, you might think about ideas like this a bit more thoroughly. you really didn't expect these two to actually work together or for this scenario to even come true, but you underestimated the love the first and fourth born have for you.
"you're doing it wrong, satan. you're being too soft with them-"
stop talking. your presence is bad enough outside of this, i do not want you ruining more of my time like this-"
a sharp gasp from you made them cease their bickering. their eyes snap down to you as a small smirk appeared on their faces.
lucifer tugged on your leash, pulling your head back onto his shoulder, his ruby eyes looking down at your own tear-filled ones as a bit of drool dripped down your chin.
"are you enjoying yourself, darling?" lucifer's saccharine tone filled your head and as you were about to respond, satan decided to bite down on your shoulder, a sharp yelp leaves your throat as a bit of blood dribbled down your shoulder.
they both quickened their pace, your lilac collar tight around your neck as both men thrusted up into you. satan held your legs up as lucifer rested his hands on your waist, the leash of the collar trapped between his teeth as soft huffs left his lips.
"you are just... so beautiful my love... i cannot get enough of you.." satan groans near your ear as you babble incoherently. lucifer began kissing down your neck as his hands drift up and down your torso softly, finally resting on your chest and giving it a firm squeeze.
a broken sob rips from your throat as satan's grip on your thighs tighten, steady growls and groans push pass his lips, his forehead falling onto your shoulder as his thrusts became sloppier and erratic.
your moans steadily built up and reached a crescendo as you tightened around the both of them, finally reaching the precipice of pleasure, your walls pulsating around them, their groans grew in volume as satan finished first, spilling his release into the latex as he pulled himself out of you.
lucifer took the opportunity to shove you down onto your mattress, your hands dug into your sheets as lucifer pulled on the leash of the collar. throwing your head back, a high pitched scream left your lips when lucifer began to chase his own release, settling on a brutal pace for himself.
"that's it, be a good human and take everything i'm giving you" his fingers dug into your hip as his grip on the leash tightened, his thrusts grew sloppier as he grew closer to his release.
another sharp moan ripped from your throat as a sudden crash of pleasure hit you, a low moan from behind and sudden feeling of warmth filling inside you told you everything you needed to know.
you fell face first into the sheets as lucifer softly caressed your hips, satan approached and delicately moved you onto your side. your eyes were unfocused as your face was stained in tears and drool. you looked like an absolute mess but both demons thought you were the most beautiful creature in the world.
satan gently took off the collar from your neck as lucifer pulled a soft towel from the nightstand and began to clean you up with it.
both of the demons managed to help you into a baggy shirt and laid you to rest against your pillows. they each gave you a soft kiss on our face before they left to go clean up themselves.
"you couldn't have been able to get them to that point without my help by the way."
"whatever, i will be the one who finishes with them if they ask for this again."
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ reblogs and likes appreciated~
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rae-writes · 2 years
for you!
om x reader; Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Belphie
wc : 1k
warnings : none
synopsis : the boys feel like you’ve been ignoring/avoiding them cause you’ve been working so much, but really, you’ve just been working to buy them a lil somethin somethin 
a/n : giving gifts is one of my favorite things in the world asdfghjkl the feelings are just so nice
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His expression is carefully molded into a lazy smirk as usual, but you’ve trained yourself to see the small details, and the flicker of shock in his eyes makes you giddy
“This is the fountain tip pen you wanted, remember? I saw you eyeing it that day we went out and I wanted to surprise you! That’s why I took on so many shifts.” 
Lucifer’s smirk shifted, lips parting in a soft ‘o’. “That pen is the most expensive on the market right now- you must’ve worked yourself into the grave nearly. You didn’t have to do this for me.” 
The chuckle you let out set his cheeks ablaze
Your hands worked the pen out of its container gently, trailing the end over his gloved hand
“I didn’t have to, no. I wanted to. You’ve been working so hard- I thought it was my time to do something for you for a change.” 
You placed the pen in his hands, leaning up to give him a kiss on the corner of the mouth. “I love you, Lucifer Morningstar.”
He watched you leave his study in silence, feeling the rapid beating of his heart scream at him
Without a second thought, he ran after you and grabbed your wrist, twirling you around to face him. “I love you so much more, Mc.”
His expression was absolutely priceless, making you beam up at him even brighter, “I said I’m sorry for working so much but it was to get you this, so I don’t feel too bad.”
In your hands was the newest demonix watch model- in 24k gold. Which is to say, it was super fucking expensive
Blue hues darted from the watch to your eyes frantically, “Holy shit.” He took in a deep breath, “Holy. Shit.” 
Your laugh was loud and bubbly, sending him reeling from the amount of fondness in your tone. Carefully, you latched the watch on his wrist, smiling up at him like he was the one that hung the entire solar system 
“Surprise, Mammon!” 
He gasped for stolen breath, fingers twitching until they were crawling up your shirt to press into the skin of your waist
For a moment he couldn’t even speak. All he could manage to do was pull you closer, drink in the way you shivered when the coldness of the watch brushed against you, and crash his lips onto yours 
“I love you. I love you so fucking much, Mc.” 
In true Levi fashion, he just stands there and stares at you with a bright blush and wide eyes 
“You know you’re cute when you react like that, but can you help me with the box? It’s bigger than I thought it’d be…” 
Eventually you finally get the piece out of the box and jump up and down excitedly
It was a custom made Lord of Shadow’s castle for Henry’s aquarium. The entry ways were big enough to swim in and the inside was all hollowed out for him to move around
“Tada!! I saw it on Devtsy and immediately knew you needed to have it.” 
Levi was speechless as he examined the professional craftsmanship but then he jumped out of his skin, “THIS MUST’VE BEEN SO EXPENSIVE?!” 
You snorted, “why do you think I took on so many shifts these past two weeks?” your arms made themselves at home on his shoulders, “You deserve it. For being my best demon.”
“I-I…” his bottom lip trembled, “I love you, Mc! I love you, I love you, I love you!” 
“I love you too, Levi. Now let’s get this into the tank! Henry looks excited.” 
You know the blank look cats sometimes have with their eyes all wide? Yeah that was Satan
It made you do a little jiggle in excitement, “They actually had to restore parts of the leather and moonsilver embroidery, so it ended up costing just a biit more- which is why I took on the extra shifts after I said I was done working for a while.”
Satan’s eyes scanned the ancient spellbook - the one he’d been searching for for years - with a small disbelieving laugh bubbling up
His smile of pure joy sent you through the roof, hands squeezing and releasing the book rapidly. Your movement brought his eye down to the corner of the book where his name was engraved- in your handwriting
“Mc…” Almost too quickly for you to keep up with, he’d grabbed the book and set it down, hands now busying themselves with picking you up and spinning you around
You laughed loudly, “So you like it?”
“I love it, Mc.” Satan pulled back to smile at you again, “And I love you.” 
With the spellbook now back in his grasp, he waved for you to come sit in his lap, “Yeah.”
Normally Belphie’s lack of immediate reaction didn’t bother you, but you were nervous 
“It’s a star fragment -like the Japanese star candy- and it’s made of pure blue opal,” you hoped the shakiness of your hands wasn’t too apparent, “and when you put it on this light pedestal…”
The whole ceiling of the attic burst with stars and constellations; they even shifted and moved as time went by. The whole night sky brought into the room
“Those aren’t Devildom constellations.” The growing smile on his face sent your heart hammering. 
You grasped his hand, moving and pointing, “It’s based on the human world, see? This is the Big Dipper, Orion’s Belt, thaaat right there is the Virgo constellation..”
Belphie spun you around to face him, cheeks tinged a light pink, “You bought this for me?” He chewed on his lip, “T-this must have been…a lot..of money.”
“That’s why I worked for it.” your ‘duh’ tone made him deadpan, sending you into a giggling fit. “Seriously Bel, I loved the entire process of getting this because I love you and I wanted to surprise you. Just seeing your expression right now is worth every grim.”
“I will love you until every constellation is gone from both the Devildom and the Human world.” Belphie pulls you onto the bed, nose brushing against yours, “Lay with me?”
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orphicrose · 7 months
The Co-Host (Alastor x FemReader) VIII
< >
Summary: You are Alastors Co host in life, perhaps more. But are separated by a sudden death. When you are finally reunited in the under world, it is up to Alastor to figure out why you don’t remember him.
Warnings ! ! Mentions of Death and Bl00D
@cannibalcoyote @kahlan170 @sugxryratz @multifandom-superlover
Heart full of feelings that felt as if didn't belong to her. She felt like the shell of a person, not truly existing anymore. Having a constant out of body experience. 
While he, he grieved. Grieved a relationship that never had the chance to fully blossom. Grieved what could have been, grieved who he used to be or had the chance to be. Oh, what his mother must think of him now. He never even had a chance to think about what everyone still alive thought of him, his little secret having an audience to witness. Lose ends ruining his reputation as a beloved media presence, turning him into a notorious serial killer. He knew he belonged down here, he knew he deserved everything that came his way. But the question still begged, why was she down here. Was it because she sold her soul to th devil? Or was it for a reason far to unruly to share to the light. 
His hands sweat as the journal stay to close grip between his fingers. Never leaving his side. There was far more to read in a safer environment. His path was obstructed by a tall figure, appearing out of the thin air around him. 
"So we finally meet, Alastor" Satans demeanor cold, as usual, and his stance meaning one of business. Hands tucked neatly into his trouser pockets. 
"Satan, I assume?" Alastors smile gleamed in the light of the pentagram. Baring his sharp teeth like a predator. "How do i deserve this honor?"
Satan began to move towards the wendigo, towering over him. "As I'm sure you're aware, y/n works for me" He hummed, circling Alastor like he was going to attack at any second. "And you..." He paused to give out a deep laugh "Well, you are disrupting my line of production. You see, millions of sinners on Earth call my name daily. Wanting to make a deal. And the more souls I have, the more power I have. But y/n is the only one i trust far enough to have the duty of collecting said souls. and you" He leapt forward, holding Alastor's chin upwards with the tip of his cane. "You meddeling with her is distracting . You're costing me money, radio demon"
Eye contact was held strongly between the two, not wanting to fault to show weakness. "You want the closure of knowing your little pet isn't the saint you want to believe?" Alastor wanted to say no so badly, wanted to stay ignorant. Wanted to hold onto the belief that there was still hope for y/n to not be the same at him. He didn't want to be the Clyde to her Bonnie, he wanted to be the story she'd tell to friends in heaven. To her mother, or her father. 
"She's just like you" His voice taunted, leaning closer into his ear. The words he oh so desperately never wanted to hear. 
Y/n strolled through the lit up streets of hell, admiring the buildings towering over her. Something she had never really done before. Casual sinners in the streets cowering at the sight of her, leaving her a free path to walk in as they fled. Slamming doors behind them. What a skill to have, but how lonely it made her feel. 
She arrived at the doors of her place of work. At first, hesitating to open the doors. Afraid of what might wait on the other side this time. But when she did open them, she found nothing. Silence and isolation filled the chambers of the rooms. It was eerie. Usually tensions built with high stress levels as soon as she walked in, demons bouncing off each other as they run from room to room. But the haunting recent history of this workplace made it seemingly abandoned. Of course, they wouldn't get away with holiday for long, for as long as Satan breathed. But for now, she would revel in the periodic silence of the structure. 
Her office, the only untouched room in the building, brought her some comfort. Nothing having changed. Just as soon as she started to loosen up, her door flung open. The tall red demon appearing in front of her eyes. The same fear she felt the first time they encountered returning, sinking into her chair as he moved through the doorway and shut it behind him. "What do you want?" Her eyes showing a slowly boiling rage building up inside her. Seemingly, he was experiencing the same feeling. 
He took a seat opposite her, hands sat on the desk. "I want answers, miss l/n" She stood from her seat abruptly, moving backwards. His eyes turned from frustration to a saddened look. Confused as to her shift in temperament towards him. Had he missed something?
"When were you going to tell me we knew each other?" Her question caught him of guard, looking up to her and waiting for more. She relived the memory, him covered in blood. "What is this?" She slammed down the leaflet on the desk. Alastor let out a loud sigh, he must have forgotten to put it away yesterday. She spoke loudly, halfway to shouting at him. Tears welling and dropping slowly to the floor in a rhythmic pattern. 
"Are you the reason I'm down here? Did you murder me?"
"No!" His tone enraged by the accusation, rising to his feet to share her eyeline. "I think you'll find you're the reason I'm here, y/n"
She stood in silence, tears picking up there pace as they dampen her cheeks and collar. 
"When you left, I struggled. I lost myself along with you. I turned into someone I regret heavily" Alastor's voice cracked, dropping any radio sound effect he may have had. Struggling to maintain an effortless smile. "But it seems you weren't so much of a saint either"
"What? What do you mean?"
"You still don't remember?" 
The two stared at each other. Not truly understanding the wants or intentions of the other. 
"I- Only a small fragment. I remember coming back to Earth to see you. That's how i got this" She calmed herself down, seeing that miscommunication between the two would make the situation worse. "We were close?"
"And I did something to hurt you?"
"You died, y/n" Alastor rubbed his temple, suppressing any tears that dared to gloss his eyes. "I don't care, as to why you're here. We both did terrible things. Things that you may or may not ever remember. But..." A deep breath was taken to help steady his shaky words. "But for you to go to the lengths to forget everything, it must mean I was never held as dear to you as you were to me"
Alastor knelt to pick up the microphone left astray on the floor, brushing off his tie when he came back to his feet. Then turning to leave. 
"I made myself forget because it hurt" She shouted, desperately wanting him to stay. "The pain of losing everything was to hard to deal with. I'm down here because of my own actions, that's on me. But I never excepted anyone I care about to follow me here"
She moved closer to him, needing more answers. Or some sort of closure. "What if i remembered everything? Then what? We continue where we left off?"
"No!" He turned "If you remembered me, and then realized what I am, you wouldn't even want to look at me" His face solemn. "I'd rather you only remembered one version of me, not both"
"So what do you want from me?"
He looked down to his feet. "Closure"
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Chapter 12 Complete Summary
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Spoilers for chapter 11-12
Part one MC is in the dark and hears Nightbringer.
Nightbringer asks if they can hear him and asks explains he goes by many names and it’s been a while since he was called Nightbringer. He asks MC is they want to go home and explains he can’t send them home because if they continue way they are sure to find happiness. MC asks why they want that and he explains if they are happy so is he and that they both want the same thing—for MC to forge pacts with the brothers.
He then leaves MC with a cryptic message
“The scales are tipping, moving far out of balance. Darkness will overflow it’s golden plate, covering all in shadow… Night will come to this world and I will be the one to bring it.”
MC returns to reality and hears and sees all the brothers and Solomon and Thirteen begging them to hang on. They ask Thirteen for help but she says she did not make the fountain of knowledge and has no control over it.
Part two MC is in a deep coma, Levi talks to them first and explains he wished he’d known they were human and would’ve asked many things. He even kisses them (optional) after explaining even though he’s scared of most places still, he’d be willing to go out anywhere with them and only them
Part three Satan is now with Mc reading a human story to them. He admits he is glad he wasn’t there when it was revealed MC was human because he fears he may have accidentally destroyed them in anger. He comments that he isn’t sure why he was so angry but believes it’s because there was something about MC he didn’t know and asks MC why he feels this way.
Part four Beelzebub is eating next to MC and explains MC is surrounded by food and gifts brought to them by his brothers and wonders if he was also supposed to bring something sweet. He tells Mc he has a secret he hasn’t told anyone, not even Belphie, and to wake up soon so he can tell them
Part five Mammon escapes into Mc’s room from the commotion of all his brothers fighting. He scolds them for sleeping and leaving him alone. He then tells them about how Lucifer was injured in the war and that he decided he should step up as the big brother but wasn’t able to compare to Lucifer and that with MC there he began to feel like he could accomplish things if he put his mind to it.
Part six Asmodeus is now keeping MC company, complaining that after destroying the house they all have to sleep in the common room.
He then paints their nails and talks about first coming to the Devildom. He explains that when he first got there he was afraid to open the windows because it was so dark and he couldn’t see anything; in contrast to the Celestial realm—always bathed in a warm light. He suspects his brothers felt the same way.
As all of them were healing and cooped up in the castle he started doing their nails as a way to show they were connected and that’s why he’s doing MC’s nails too.
Part seven Belphegor is now with MC and immediately apologizes for blaming humans for Lilith’s death. He asks for forgiveness and says he knows he’s selfish for asking that. He goes in to exaolin Lilith’s love for humans and that she thought it was arrogant of angels and demons to “guide” humans as if they weren’t strong or powerful themselves. Belphegor says he didn’t understand her way of thinking until meeting MC the “coolest, strongest, cutest, most beautiful” person he’s ever met. He asks them to wake up and swear he feels MC grip his hand but plays it up and falls asleep next to them.
Part eight Lucifer is now with MC and asks why they are in the Devildom, why they have his ring, why they want to protect him and why they chose to give up his grimoire.
He then admits what really happened with Lilith and feeling responsible for laughing off Beel’s concerns with Lilith becoming so attached to humans.
He reveals Lilith was going to receive the harshest punishment for an angel—have her wings taken, be cast into the darkness forever and could never be reborn. All this for loving a human and this made him question his father for the first time—someone who should never be questioned.
He also explains that Diavolo turned her into a human and if his father or Michael ever found out it’d be an all out war between the Devildom and celestial realm but Diavolo took that risk anyway.
He tells them everyday it gets harder to look at his brother while keeping the secret Lilith is alive and that it feels like a dagger to the heart.
After asking MC to wake up, the ring of light starts to glow
Part A Beelzebub is on his way to his room when he runs into Levi who’s just left MC’s room. He next runs into Asmodeus who’s happy he’s just received new nail polish.
Beelzebub enters his room to talk to Belphegor and tell him about MC. Belphegor laughs that MC has been buried in gifts in what is essentially a shrine.
Beelzebub tells a worried Belphegor that MC isn’t the type to stay mad and will forgive him and he should go visit. Belphegor agrees but asks for more time.
Hard Mode we see Luke, Simeon, and Satan ready to greet everyone back home when Lucifer charges in with the comatose MC and brings them to their room. Simeon casts a blessing to help stabilize them and everyone asks what is happening. Luke suggest they discuss over dinner since he, Simeon and Satan helped make it. Everyone is surprised satan made something and excited to try it and thank him. Satan asks to speak with MC alone first.
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hyperfixat · 10 months
HAIII!!! ive been browsing your blog a lot recently and i love your writing sm!!! i wanted to ask if you'd be interested in writing the brothers (+ datables, luke, and others, if youd like!) living with an mc who is obsessed with plants? like to the point where the HoL has at least a few plants in every room? idk i just think it'd be interesting to see how human world plants behave in the devildom, and if special equipment (think grow lights, nutrient rich soil, etc) would need to be involved! im also picturing mc ordering plants off of (human world) ebay and the sender being confused like "wtf who is this what is the House of Lamentation"
UAAHHH first of all i love the idea of more noticable differences in the human realm vs the devildom and the game (understandably) keeps it more toned down and appealing to the average connoisseur.
like i own a few plants and have a small garden, and they stay alive and well in my house. bcs i live on earth. But. the devildom being soooo different in terms of soil and atmosphere… delectable.
i may make more stuff involving this idea but for now..
moving on (~500 words):
It’s been a rough few weeks in the Devildom, and not for the reasons many may suspect. It’s not the literal demons, rather the environment, more specifically the death that seems to cling to the air. The atmosphere, both in and outside of the House of Lamentation is suffocating.
It’s not like a couple of house plants would fix this issue, but perhaps the placebo of having some fresh living plants from the human realm would help ease the atmosphere.
Eventually you build up the courage to knock on Mammon's door to ask about and if he could get you an indoor plant. You aren’t picky, truly. After a little discussion you leave a victor, with Mammon having assured you he’d get you the best plant he can find.
It’s a dinky thing and looks like broccoli, but you love it. It’s green, a far cry from the toxic purples and deep blues that the Devildom flora holds. It’s home.
And what is Mammon to do when he sees the look on your face when he gave you that plant, but to get you more? He’s a weak demon! (for you alone.)
The others catch on, save for Lucifer (too closed off to associate so intimately with you), and Belphegor (trapped).
It starts small, Asmo presenting you with a bundle of live herbs he had imported from the human realm, assuring that they’d help with getting your beauty sleep. Beelzebub would occasionally gnaw on some of the leaves in your room, so together you grow some lettuce, so he would avoid getting a tummy ache from the inedible plants.
While you were doing some schoolwork for RAD in the library Satan had sat across from you, a large encyclopedia in his hands, detailing all human realm plants and their care and upkeep. He explains that he noticed your interest in keeping plants and is here to offer his assistance with acquiring and maintaining your collection.
Having all the plants around really does help improve your mood. It provides a hobby and a connection to nature that cannot be replicated elsewhere.
Though you may have underestimated how much space your room has, because it’s a battlefield trying to navigate your bedroom without knocking a vase or pot over. It seems your tripping as you try and place a eucalyptus (a gift from Mammon) had gathered some attention from a hallway passerby.
Lucifer stares.
He doesn’t visit your room often, but he’s fairly certain the only human realm plant they had installed was a tree, not whatever jungle you have going on. And jungle is a bit of an understatement.
You’d roped Leviathan into helping you set up some moss and algae tanks, just to add to the green that is your room.
“This is a fire hazard, MC.”
And with that, your greenhouse of a room gets spread throughout the HoL, a few plants in each room. It is a little frustrating to have to walk the whole length of the house when you need to water them and give them the concoction Solomon mixed up for you to help the plants not wither away in the hellish environment.
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
(HEADCANON) I've actually been meaning to ask you this for a while!! But would Luci, Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel + The side characters be willing to adopt? Let's say Mc's completely infertile, but they want to start a family. Which brings the question: Would the children be either from the Devildom or from the Human Realm? Trust that I will be binge reading all of your posts after I send this ask
A/N:Sorry for the late reply, I have been sent to tumblr prison for a while so I couldn't receive asks and stuff like that.
This is more focused on where they adopt the kid from rather than raising a kid, so if you want something along those lines, feel free to send another request! ^-^
All of the characters x gn!MC adopting a kid
They basically adopted Luke already so I am sure all of them will be more than ok with adoption. 😭😭
Simeon is Luke's legal guardian so he would 100% be on board with getting another kid.
Mammon pretty much adopted a child back in the human world too.
The demon brothers despite not being related by blood still see eachother as a family(basically adopted each other as family).
Family is more than just blood relation to all of the characters, so I doubt adoption would be a problem. They will still see the kid as part of their family.
Now onto whatever they would adopt from the human world or somewhere else:
Both options are sad if you stay and think about it. Adopt a human kid and your partner has to see both you and their child die from old age. Adopt a demon child and you'll never really get the chance to see them grow and they will have to see their parents die.
Don't you two have Satan already as a child??
He is pretty tied to Devildom so he can't really leave and bringing a human kid around could be dangerous.
The relations between Devildom and human world did get better but he doesn't want to risk it so he would prefer to adopt from Devildom.
He is already looking after his brothers and Diavolo, so what is another one. Hell! The kid might be better behaved than them.
Since Satan got born out of Lucifer's wrath...does that mean Lucifer can make other demon spawns out of his emotions???
He already takes care of a girl from the human world, you two might as well adopt her.
Since he isn't as tied down to Devildom as others so he doesn't have any problems with adopting from the human world and moving there. He is already pretty familiar with place.
I feel like he would want to adopt more from the human world because of the girl he took under his wing. But he doesn't have any real problems with a demon kid either and would love them all the same.
He is still an admiral right?? So I feel like he is still pretty tied to Devildom, even if his title is of no use.
Since he is more tied to Devildom you two are most likely to adopt from there too. But if you really want to adopt from the human world he won't argue about it. He will love and take care of the kid either way.
I feel like he would prefer a demon kid more because he is afraid of hurting a human kid by accident since they tend to be way more fragile than a demon child.
He is just as afraid of hurting a demon child too because of his wrath. He just doesn't want to be a failure of a dad.
There is also the fact that is part of the demon elite, so he is also a bit tied to Devildom. No way as much as others but still, it would make it difficult for him to adopt a kid from the human world with you.
Look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't have already a bunch of kids walking this earth both in the human world and Devildom maybe Celestial Realm as well
Jokes aside he doesn't have a preference about it, so it will be up to you to decide from where do you want to adopt.
You would think he wouldn't be able to really leave Devildom due to his fans but that's actually not a problem?? Somehow??
He doesn't care about where the kid is from, it doesn't make that MUCH of a difference to him.
He will maybe want a human child just a little bit more so you could actually watch them grow. He feels like it wouldn't be fair to you to not be able to watch your child grow, even if that means he will have to watch both of you die from old age unless 👀👀👀
After the whole attic incident he finally could let himself love the human world again just as he did in his younger days. Because of that he might prefer a human child just a little bit more
At the same time, he doesn't feel like he shouldn't after hating humanity for such a long time. He has mixed feelings about either choice
Because he is the king of Devildom he will need to have a demon child. Personally he would also love to adopt from the human world too but he knows that it will not be possible.
There is also the fact that he can't leave Devildom to go stay and raise children in the human world and he would hate to bring a human child in Devildom until the relations between the two worlds are way better.
He has to stay by Diavolo's side in Devildom, so he is against adopting a child from the human world and bring them in a dangerous place for them.
If there comes a future where Devildom becomes a safer place for humans he might think of also adopting a child from the human world.
At first it was a no brainer to think that a child from the human was the obvious answear but when you stay and think about it...he would also want a child with a longer life span.
He is really conflicted about it so he leaves the final choice up to you. Either choice would be ok.
Is Luke not enough for the two of you?
I don't think this time will be between a child from Devildom or the human world but a kid from the Celestial Realm or human world.
Tho with how....complicated things are up in the Celestial Realm in general I think the more obvious choice would be to adopt from the human world.
Since he became a human with a normal human life span, adopting a child from the human world is really the only sensible option at that point.
He is part of the nobility so even if he wanted to adopt a child from the human world he wouldn't really be able to due to his status
Friendly reminder that while he acts like an ass to everyone he has a big soft spot for kids, no matter the realm they come from! Idk how relevant is to the ask, but I think it's cute.
I guess every world is good to adopt a kid from??? She is a reaper, not really belonging to ONE specific realm. At least that's how the game shows it.
It's really up to MC to decide
Now I have this mental image of her having to lead both your soul and her kid's soul to wherever souls go to once both of you die :')
Again, it's between Celestial Realm and human world. Just imagine how the Celestial Realm would react to an angel adopting a demon kid and bringing them to past the Heaven's gates.
Unlike Simeon who isn't as tied to Celestial Realm, he has to stay there and idk how much the Celestial Realm is willing to let a human child run around.
MC has been there once(twice practically...It's hard to explain without spoiling something from season 3) but still...better adopt an angel child.
MC is more likely to be allowed in the Celestial Realm than some human kid.
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | events | ch. 1 | ch. 3
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leave it to me to make everything angsty
i'm a mammon shooter til i die
all he wants is to be rich (obv) and appreciated by his brothers :(
it seems as though he feels like they see him as a joke or as someone they can't look up to. like yes he's immature at times and a bit of an airhead but he means well. most of the time. but even still, he's a good big brother. i wish the devs touched on that side of him more, and i wish his brothers expressed their appreciation towards him in a way that isn't immediately followed by either a backhanded compliment or an outright insult
like yes, it's clear they love him and he loves them. but it's gotta be exhausting on both ends, especially if you're on the receiving end and constantly being (sometimes affectionately) shit on as someone who's already doubtful of their significance to their family and friends' lives
i'm lowkey surprised it was just levi and not lucifer there too...maybe it's bc he knows he's lucifer's favorite deep down and doesn't need it to be reiterated in his ideal world
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attic club sandwich...get it? cuz you're sandwiched between...but also...
...i'm sorry. moving on
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NEVERMIND NO MOVING ON WHY ARE THEY BOOTY BUTTERBALL ASS NAKED ????? i get that beel loves having his titties out but i did nawt need to be jumpscared like that
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satan vehemently denying asmo being his favorite brother and then asmo appearing first in his dream world is PEAK sibling shit
i love them
also asmo's little bow having a mix of pink and green in his ideal world ??? reminiscent of asmo painting his nails pink and green for satan irl ???? SOBS the brothers ever
and lucifer also being there :((((
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oh baby 😭 him and mams really just want acceptance and the ability to indulge in what makes them happy
"i couldn't be more proud" :((((( he's already proud of you
i wanna kiss him on the forehead and tell him he's doing a great job
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PLEASEEEEEE not luci just wants to fuck on peace 😭 are we sure asmo's the avatar of lust bc lucifer is always on demon time (no pun intended)
like he's arguably the horniest out of all of them.
"business as usual" is a CRAZY thing to say when witnessing a dream of propositioning and borderline foreplay in front of your man's brother /hj
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fym "hush-hush" ?? horny yandere type shit. doesn't he have any other friends ??? /j
ig sorcerers can be on demon time too. we love to see it
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i hate an ass kissing tsundere...BE UPFRONT
it makes me sad that the only interactions we have with them are side stories or hard lessons or devilgram, like just make them a part of the main cast atp. the devs have to know that everyone wants it
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my beloved girlfriend giving me advice for a long journey
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oh :(
simeon makes me so sad. so unbelievably sad. i just want him to be happy
ik he regrets not falling with the brothers, and he beats himself up about it constantly. it's why he helped them during the war. i already went on a tangent about his struggle to pick a side before the war here but GOD it still hurts reading this
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barbatos' ideal world revolving around diavolo is unsurprising, but also very telling of his character. he's so focused on everything and everyone around him, making sure space-time stays stable, that he doesn't have time to think about anything but that. not even when it pertains to himself and his happiness
barbatos' happiness revolves around fulfilling his duties as butler/subordinate, but also making sure he stays sane long enough to ensure that the instability and semi unpredictability of time itself doesn't prevent diavolo's wishes from coming true
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Hello The Queen of Crows and Raccoons and I would like Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, HorrorTale, and any others you can think of with a S/O who have befriended all the Crows and Raccoons in like the neighborhood. Maybe their on the surface but that’s up to you. Thank you and have a good day/night!
Undertale Sans - He doesn't mind. He's actually not helping at all by feeding the crows and raccoons because he thinks they're cute. As long as his S/O is happy with this, he's happy. Plus it's pissing off Papyrus everytime he visits and that's priceless.
Undertale Papyrus - He's losing his mind. Those wild animals are unsanitary, for the love of Asgore and his freackin mind, stop touching them! He will drag you to the bathroom every time you're coming back home to wash your hands. He doesn't want any of the animals in his house, but, well, he's not here all day long so he'll never know.
Underswap Sans - Oh cool! He can do that too! Somehow, all the raccoons love him and join him at night for no reason, now you two can do that together as a fun activity. You have raccoon reunions in the kitchen and you gave all raccoon and crow a codename in your new delirious plan to take control of the world. Your Karen neighbour calls the cops on you as you both start to laugh like maniacs.
Underswap Papyrus - He thought he would be done once his brother got his independance but here you are, in the middle of the night, comploting with raccoons. Is this a secret cult or something? Are you passing too much time with his brother? Why no one around him is having normal hobbies? He's having a mental breakdown.
Underfell Sans - "listen pal, that's none of my business, you do you and stuff. but if boss catches you with 150 random birds and raccoons home, ya're fucked and i ain't saving yar ass." Boss comes home right at this moment, making him your partner in crime as he's standing near you. Red sighs. Not only Boss will fuck you up, but he will sure do to after this.
Underfell Papyrus - He's screeching hysterically, doing wild arms movement to make all the wild animals flee in fear. The animals are watching him in consternation, wondering what the hell he's doing, then you, looking for an explanation. You shrug and they take that for you authorizing them to attack the big moving weird thing, all at one. Edge runs out of the house, screaming as he's running for his life chased by your true people.
Horrortale Sans and Papyrus - Oak for sure will tell nothing as he's exactly like you and brings all kind of wild animals home. You were cuddling against a bear, circled by crows and raccoons where Willow came home. He looks at you two, in disbelief, then let go a "I WON'T EVEN ASK WHY. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. MAKE THEM LEAVE BEFORE DINNER." You both nod and he goes on with his day, not questionning it.
Swapfell Sans - In the morning, you wake up abruptly as Nox throws a tone of salt in your face. You scream, asking what is his problem. He screams back that he saw you doing satanic rituals with your hellbound pets and that's you're for sure not summoning any frickin demon in his house under his watch. He's going to purify you, stop moving and arguing!
Swapfell Papyrus - His room is already trash so a bunch of crows and raccoons in are no problem. He really doesn't mind and he's even digging in trash with the raccons sometimes cause it looks like fun. Nox is actively trying to kick both of you out of the house.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He hates animals. Any kind of animals. They're dirty, they're stinky, and right now they are everywhere in his house and he's rolling on the ground, throwing a temper tantrum like a 5 years old child. You're concerned, as he's screaming to take them away or he's going to scream. You're not obeying. He high-pitch screams so loud all the animals flee in fear, including you and Coffee, who was just chilling in the couch.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Wine said no animals home so you had to find a trick. Coffee tries to keep his face normal, but he's very uncomfortable, having 20 raccoons in his ribcage, fighting to get out. Wine is looking at him from his desk, frowning, wondering why he's going from outside to your room for the sixth time looking more and more weird. Coffee quickly runs in your room and lets go his raccoons, adding them to the 80 ones already in there with you. You tell him there's still some outside. He nods and goes back to fill his ribcage.
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
Part.4!! It ain't much but it's honest work hahaha ♡♡♡♡
Part. 1 2 3
Get out of my way 🌈
How you got out of there without Barbatos extinguishing your life with his own hands is beyond your comprehension. “Maybe he’s waiting for the right time.” “I wouldn’t disregard it.” The harsh words you said earlier kept coming back to your head and the thought of facing yet another quarrel scared you to no end.
What if Solomon is busy too? What if you came as an obligation for him too? “I’ll look for Solomon later.”
You went to the library, ignoring the curious glances that were thrown at you, although you had distanced yourself from the brothers, it wasn't a normal occurrence for you to be alone in the RAD corridors. Classes had already started but right now your problem seemed more urgent.
The hours passed and the pile of books were on the rise. The table you were at looked like a book fort, and under all those old papers and hard covers you could be found, feeling sorry for yourself. By the time classes ended, you had already read at least 30 books. Your head was throbbing for the effort, some of those books were imposible to translate even with spells.
There was nothing about these fucking annoying mini Little D.’s “You’re so ungrateful, Mc. We’re helping you!” You sighed for the thousandth time that day. You took one of the books he had brought you, reading aloud. “30 easy ways to teach a demon how to sing happy birthday to you.” The Little D. of envy nodded his head excitedly.
“Oh, here’s another one: Are demons born evil or they turn evil? A look into demonic DNA. You’re right! Thank you, you little piece of-”
“Are you looking for something specific?” You followed the voice that had startled the three of you. Satan was in front of you with a cup of coffee and a mischievous smile. You ignored his offer.
“Not really, no.” You stood up from your chair and stretched your back. It was time to call it a day. “Were you talking to yourself?” “You’re imagining things, I'll take my leave now.” “Why are you reading this?” Satan had in his hand a book with a very particular title "How to get ride of annoying demons." You laughed bitterly, you'd placed high expectations on that book but it turned out to be a mockery of human superstitions.
“I thought you would know it from the title.” Satan raised an eyebrow, it was safe to assume he wasn't delighted with your attitude. “Who's bothering you?” “Sadly, I live with them.” That was the last straw. He stood in front of you with a scowl.
“Stop. You were the one who told me to voice my worries. Please, voice your worries.” You sighed, tiredness getting the best of you. “I'm exhausted, Satan. I want to sleep, okay?” “Once you tell me what's wrong, sure.”
“Move. Now.” You were getting more and more impatient, but he wore a perfect mask of calm. “No. I'm worried. What happened yesterday? Are you injured?” He examined your face, looking for any wounds. “You’ve become an incredible sorcerer.”
You weren’t expecting that compliment. “Of course he would say that! He needs to be on your good side!” You knew that listening to the Little D.’s was stupid and a bad idea, but the words had some truth in them.
“Oh! So now everyone’s worried! Thank you so much for noticing me again, I was getting dusty.” You snorted and tried to leave but Satan took your arm and forced you to look at him.
The change in his features told you that he had figured something out, something entirely wrong. “Is this why you’re so angry? Are you… jealous?” You rolled your eyes, Satan didn’t budge.
“Let me go already.” He smiled, probably dismissing the whole thing. “That's stupid, MC. You know I would never...” “When was the last time you invited me out? When was the last time you asked me to read with you?” “Well that’s easy to answer. You brought me an encyclopedia of human world cats.” “That was a month ago!” “That is not true.” He did a mental review, finding hard to believe that he would be so busy as not to seek your company. But he did, and the guilt started to build inside of him.
You held his gaze until he looked away. “That's what I thought.” His grip softened until it was as weak as a caress. “I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. I don’t know how…” He looked ready to write an entire book full of apologies and that just angered you more.
You didn’t know if there were more Little D.’s but you refused to meet another, even though the rage inside you was getting harder to contain. Suddenly, a loud thump was heard and both you and Satan looked at each other before running towards the source.
Sc was massaging her head with a pained expression, a couple of books were lying on the floor. “Sc, are you okay?!” Satan arrived to her side in a matter of seconds. She had a small scratch on her forehead. “What happened? Are you okay?” You asked, something felt incredible fishy. “I was trying to take a book but I just couldn’t. It felt like a barrier or something.” You looked up to see a tiny demon with glowing blue eyes sticking his tongue out at Sc. “What book?” “Mc?” Satan seemed confused as to why you were so concerned about a book. “Maybe it’s cursed!” You started looking for it when something caught your attention, there on the floor was a white book with a very interesting cover.
You squatted down to examine it. The title read “They were little.” It looked like a children's story. But what really caught your attention was the picture in it. Seven Little D.'s surrounding a scared man. Great, your main source of information is a children’s book. Still, something is better than nothing. “God bless you, Sc.”
You quickly put it inside your bag without anyone noticing it. “I hope you're fine, Sc. I leave it up to you, Satan.” “Mc! Wait!” you dodged Satan's hand and rushed out the library. It’s just how they say, time is gold.
Part 5 ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Rushed? Greatly. I'm sorry? No.
Taglist: @yuumaofc @kodasstar @sc4ry4l3x.
Thanks for reading! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)💖
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luccfher · 2 years
steve/eddie/robin/nancy/max/dustin/lucas x kas!male!reader.
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N/A: You fuckers. Believe me, I am VERY grateful for the great support my first story got! As I said, it was my first time writing on Tumblr or writing something itself. In time I will try to find my "correct" and comfortable way to make my stories/oneshots/headcanon/canon etc!
+ If you like this type of content/story, it will help me get more inspiration for the future if you like or reblog! (or follow me). Whatever you want, you're free, my little duck. ♡
I'm going to emphasize something and that is that in the part where it is said that the reader is naked, you can really let your imagination run wild. (I say this because there can be both amab or ftm, honestly that doesn't matter, both are valid! ♡).
Summary: After the third victim of Henry/Vecna/01 he decides to “banish” you leaving your adrift in a completely different world than the one you were already used to. According to him, he no longer needed you because his plan had gone perfectly.
Warnings: detailed injuries.
ㅤAlthough this story doesn't contain anything ㅤsexual I still recommend that women o fetish ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤpeople don't read.
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—Ugh... My- my back..—: They're your first words when you woke up in another dimension that although you belonged before, you were snatched from that one several years ago. Your skin was completely pale, full of burns by the sun and by the pavement that boiled without forgiveness from God himself, Your naked body was surrounded by a white blanket that increased the heat and suffocating air. As soon as you became aware of what was happening, you couldn't help but feel pain and burning in your back, You let out a desperate and fearful scream causing several police officers who were securing the area to lift the blanket, them and some other people around when they lifted the blanket they all gave disgusted looks and even many of them began to say that you were an undead, a demon or Satan. The pain did not let you hear or think clearly, someone or something had scratched you to the point of leaving very noticeable marks because the blood was still fresh. They were deep wounds according to you, you could feel every ripped muscle and your weak bones.
—Kill that thing!—: Apparently everyone had forgotten about that boy who they were blaming minutes ago for your “death”. Weakly you stood up to try to run, but when you wanted to run it was impossible because the burns on your feet and your malnourished body didn't help much, you wanted to escape at all costs and it was what you did with a lot of effort, your legs were weaker and you felt like a deer learning to walk. In the end you ended up falling off a cliff which led directly to the forest. You didn't know what to do or where to go, the whole town already knew who you were and surely they were looking for you to kill you, due to the great loss of blood you crawled under a rock and fell asleep, you were waiting for death as soon as possible.
That hope of dying asleep was extinguished when you heard a boy with long, curly brown hair curse a guy named Jason and how he had ruined the best year of his life. You quickly sat up and moved your body to a part of the rock where you couldn't be noticed.—:Look at me, I'm Jason and I blame the first guy I've been picking on for years, blah blah blah:—Apparently he was so focused on his business that he ended up sitting a few meters away from you, so you tried to make as little noise as possible or else he might end up walking away and look for the rest of the town to lynch you.
You spent a while listening to the idiotic things of the boy who, to a certain extent, seemed to be telling them to you. Time passed and he tried to fall asleep telling himself that everything will be fine by dawn. He had finally fallen asleep, you were determined to get closer to see him completely and not just let yourself be guided by the shadow you saw half an hour ago, you were delicately approaching for two reasons, your injured body and because you feared that he would do something to you.—:pretty:—you whispered under your breath and ran your fingers over her hair and cheeks without even touching them, although there came a time when you rested your hand on her shoulder.—:Who the hell are you? Will you hurt me?:—A brittle and somewhat thick voice came out of nowhere, it was that boy who by inertia took your wrist and clumsily squeezed it tightly.—:my wrist.. you're hurting me:—you exclaimed letting out internal moans due to the pain, you knew that the pressure exerted would leave you with a bruise.
—“shit, I'm sorry.”
—“no problem.”
—“Correct me if I'm wrong, but.. you're naked?”
—mhm? oh!:—you were dying of embarrassment and you didn't know how to cover half your body, you were so nervous that for the first time someone from this town wouldn't treat you in a disrespectful way.
—:don't worry! take my jacket if you want, I don't need it so much now:— he got up to be able to take off the black leather jacket and give it to you carefully.—:And..uhm, why- why are you like this? naked..:—He turned around so you could put on your jacket more comfortably but he kept asking questions about your appearance.—:I was banished.. from a place:—The tone of your voice diminished as you remembered things, since at the end of the day that was Henry, he rejected you but then when he needed something from you he came back to look for you.
—“Oh, I see, problems with your parents?”
—No.. no, Henry and his stupid plan-:—And once again, your mouth was faster than your thought.
After a long night under that rock, you and the boy were trying to explain several things that happened since the first death, you finally got to know who Jason was and why he had screwed up everything, likewise he also knew more about Henry/01/Vecna. It was a night full of laughter, discoveries and to some extent full of tears for both of us—:Look, I don't know if you know dustin, but I hope I can get in touch with him in the morning and ask him to bring some clothes, okay, vampiboy?:—A “yes” came from your lips as you hugged your legs and buried your head between them. That night they also came to introduce themselves to make the atmosphere less heavy (Eddie's idea!), the truth is that you didn't know why he gave you such a strange nickname.
—“Eddie, what's..."vampi" mean?”
—“Well, they are like bats, but human and they feed on human blood, they don't like the sun because they burn if they get under it”
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—“Eddie. Holy shit. Are you okay?”
—:Nah man, pretty... pretty goddamn far from okay:—You listened to Eddie while you just hugged your legs and rest your head on them.You listened to Eddie while you just hugged your legs and rested your head on them. His plan was to introduce them to his new deadlooking friend and pray to God that everything went well.—:that's near Cornwallis and Garrett-:—Munson was stopped by Steve before realizing the location:—:I know where that is:—After that you only heard how Dustin told him repeatedly that they were coming, they didn't even give him time to tell them the clothes or that he was accompanied. You started to overthink how he would deal with them and how he would explain to them without the need to tell them that you are almost dead.
When he finished speaking he noticed how you were looking at a fixed point and you hardly moved, it was very obvious that you were worried about the fact that he didn't have time to ask them for some food or clothes as minimum, he didn't know how to cheer you up or comfort you, he was going through something hard too, how could he help you if he constantly heard people cursing at him through the news. It's Eddie though, so he started making lame jokes about the situation and surprisingly got a smile out of you causing your fangs to look pretty visible.
When they finally got there the first thing they saw was Eddie throwing himself off a small rock and saying to Dustin “butthead”, You still didn't come out of hiding until the brown hair started talking about how he had met a new friend, everyone was surprised since he claimed that he had had a long talk with a vampiboy and since he was someone close to a guy named vecna—:Poor, running away is getting to him:—Max exclaimed mockingly as he kept his arms crossed and turned around to face the forest.—:No... I'm here..:—When you came out from under the rock you felt the looks of fear/shock from most, you looked at the ground while one of the girls, Robin, he was covering your naked body with his body—:Why the hell r you all staring?! Let's go, we have to get clean clothes for... I'm sorry, what's your name?:—Several woke up from that trance after seeing you halfnaked and noticing the pale color of your skin.
Arriving at the truck you sat in the trunk in front of Eddie, you felt how he was constantly looking at your hands and lips, perhaps he was very amazed since minutes before he almost had a cardiac arrest when he saw very widely your fangs. Throughout the trip you complained when several holes in the street passed, since, Ever since you were under the rock, you never told Eddie about your injuries.—: Guys! I don't think we should take a complete stranger with us... what if he attacks us or something? Eddie said he was close to vecna and-:—Lucas was interrupted by Max with a blow to the stomach with his elbow, it was not the right time to talk out loud about what was right or wrong, only they knew why they helped you.
You managed to hear Lucas and it was for this reason that Max elbowed him. You let out a sigh and ignored all noise just by closing your eyes, this was tormenting you so much, you felt that all this was almost a vision of Henry or even an illusion to torture you, your thoughts were diminishing little by little just like your guard.—:He's falling asleep, Eddie... could you?:—Steve said without concern and giving him a small gesture that was enough to know what he really meant, Eddie just nodded and gently settled your head on his lap and the rest of your body he tried to accommodate it for the remaining space that the trunk had. He didn't know where to place his hands and he hadn't thought about putting them on you, he had noticed from the beginning that you felt discomfort in your back, in the end he ended up putting his hands behind his head.
During the trip, everyone began to make theories about how a human could be in such conditions, however they did not deny that you had very... particular things.—:vampire?:—It was the first response that was obtained from Lucas after a time.
— “hey, guys... maybe he was right?”
— “What?”:—They all said the same answer.—
— “It would be like a type of "vampire", rather something similar to a vampire bat. They are characterized by consuming animal blood, but the thing it's that he can survive 6 months without food, now the question is... where he come from?”
—:I think the answer is very simple, if monsters and shit have come out of an alternate world, why shouldn't a vampiboy come out?:—For a moment most of them stared at him after his sudden and ironic response, but he wasn't wrong and less so after the talk they had had under the skull rock, everything made sense. As soon as they got to Steve's house, he and Eddie tried to pick you up so they could get in, when they managed to make you aware of the situation you started denying strongly and unconsciously your nails on the Munson boy's arm.—:Light... makes my skin... u-uhm...:—The lack of words made you feel useless, you didn't know, or rather, you couldn't find the right ways to express what you needed.
When they managed to understand you, they decided to take some clothes to the truck and that you will change in there, when you were finally about to put on a blue jacket with white lines, Nancy came in from the other side and very conspicuously noticed the large scratches that you had all over your back.—:what happened to your back?!:—His shout alarmed the others, causing them to approach in a hurry—:What are waiting for? bring alcohol, cotton and some bandages!:—That's when they started looking like crazy. Time passed while Nancy tried to heal your wounds and you just writhed from the immense burning when she placed alcohol to disinfect the wounds.—:Hold still, I don't want to hurt you more than you already are:—You resisted for a few moments and made the suffering end as soon as possible, obviously you had to bite your lower lip to not let out any kind of noise. Luckily the burning stopped when he put on some gauze pads with tape and the bandages.
When you put on your shirt, everyone settled back in their respective seats while they went over the plan to get on the boat to look for the portal.—:And exactly what will we do when we get there? 'Cause I highly doubt we'll all fit in one boat:—Eddie was as nervous as everyone except for one person in particular, you. You knew what everything was like in that world, every "secret" inside the upside down so you had to be answering thousands of questions that they asked in search of calming their nerves, obviously your answers were very few and were more signs than anything else.—:As i told you, robin, (y/n) can't go with us 'cause his wounds they don't heal at all:—You admired the way Nancy seemed like a born leader, and especially how everyone had listened to her... well, almost everyone since Dustin spent a lot of time with his idea that he should go within the boat because he had discovered the portal and apart because it was his compass.
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the end was very dry and perhaps without much desire, I know and I'm sorry for it, but my brain was not giving for more. T-T
I used as a reference to the reader's wounds a photo of a character that was played by Joseph:
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Without further ado, I say bye bye and please, be patient with the stories.
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Hiii <3 do you have any demon!Shane fic recommendations?
hello! sorry it's been a minute but we've finally gathered some of our members' favorite demon shane fics for you!
fics marked with an ‘♦️’ are written by our server members, can have been written before or after they joined 💙
♦️ Hell and High Water by ouijaboy | T, 5K, ongoing
“I’m telling you, there’s something evil downstairs.”
“And I’m telling you that there’s something disgustingly holy upstairs,” Shane retorts, “but what else is new? It’s been years, Ryan. I really do think they’ve forgotten about us.”
- 𓆩✧𓆪 -
When Steven Lim moves his restaurant into a strange industrial block, all manner of prophecies and switcheroos start creeping into the forefront. Luckily, Steven’s managed to team up with an angel and demon duo… And they might even be halfway capable at saving the world. (Hopefully without bickering each other to death.)
A Good Omens AU. In progress.
Speak No Evil by drunkkenobi | T, 4K, complete
It was boring, sitting in the silence, waiting for any kind of noise. Everything was amplified, from the movement of their clothes to the various bugs chirping outside. Ryan’s heartbeat was loudest of them all, even in the relative quiet. He closed his eyes, repeating his mantras.
I am not my fear. I am not my fear. I am not my fear.
“Then what are you?”
For You Are With Me by goatman_entrapment | T, 36K, complete
“I’m telling you right now if my eyes turn black, murder me.”
“And I’m telling you right now, I will not kill you.”
“Because I need to save you!”
Or: Shane finally gets possessed by a demon and it's not as fun as anyone wants it to be.
The Worst Demon Ever by drunkkenobi | E, 67K, complete
Shane is so bad at being a demon that he fell in love with his best friend. When he purposefully leaves evidence in an episode of Unsolved, Hell decides to punish him the best way they know how: by going after Ryan.
One True Weakness by blacktofade | E, 6K, complete
Shane steals Ryan's soul, but promises it isn't anything personal.
And I Was Never Afraid of the Dark (Oh, the Weapon You Made of My Heart) by sequence_fairy | M, 9K, unfinished
Shane pulls Ryan out of Hell at 3:37 on a Tuesday afternoon.
He’s not looking at his watch at the time, but he infers the time later after he’s finally managed to get up off the desert floor, and has hauled them both back to the car he’d parked in the lot at the trailhead a little over a week ago.
Ryan’s a deadweight in Shane’s grip, head lolling back against Shane’s shoulder and body limp and unhelpful in Shane’s arms. His eyes are closed.
Or: Demon!Shane WIP, unfinished.
defiant acts of creation by anarchetypal | M, 2K, complete
Ryan finds out Shane is Not Traditionally of This World, and that’s— that’s fine, really, when it’s all said and done. Adult life is already so goddamn weird; Ryan feels like he’s prepared to let most anything roll off his back, so. Demons. Sure. As long as Shane’s not going to drag him to hell or eat his soul or whatever it is demons do, Ryan’s fine to keep working with him and having popcorn-and-movie nights with him and tumbling into bed with him.
He’ll fuck a demon. Whatever.
Except Shane says he’s not a demon.
If It Brings Me To My Knees by orphan_account | T, 10K, complete
The boys make a detour to Satan's Hollow while in Ohio. A last minute trip that proves itself more dangerous than anyone could have ever expected. It's there that secrets are revealed and two lives are changed forever.
I'm clean out of air in my lungs by Hauntings | T, 16K, complete
Ryan and Shane have been moving around something that is coming to a head between them. After a car accident, on the way to an investigation, Ryan slowly starts to become suspicious that Shane might not be what he seems. He realizes, though, that he just might not care.
there's no use getting down by orphan_account | G, 2K, complete
ryan accidentally summons a demon while making a sandwich
or, the one where shane madej is the cutest little demon that's ever existed, and ryan just wants a hug.
The Devil's In The Details by chaoskiddeer | T, 87K, complete
Shane had never thought too hard about taunting ghosts and demons. But it only takes one badly placed joke to invite in something that is better off left alone. His and Ryan’s comfortable friendship is going to be tested to its limits when a demon unleashes a storm of uncertainties into both of their lives, and lies pile up on both sides. One thing’s for certain: Once the storm passes, his and Ryan’s relationship will never be the same again.
i carry your heart with me by abovetheruins | T, 4K, complete
“You… got me a dog?” Ryan looks more confused than displeased, which Shane counts as a win in his favor.
“Yep,” he answers, popping the ‘p’ and grinning as Ryan’s face scrunches up in annoyance. “You’ve been saying that you wanted one and she kind of… fell into my lap, so. Felt like a sign.”
Ryan laughs. “A sign, huh?” He’s playing at nonchalance but Shane can tell he’s curious now. “What does she look like?”
Shane bites his lip, recalling the red-eyes he’d had to magic away and the mouthful of teeth that would only grow sharper as she grew older. “She’s a little angel, Ry,” he fibs.
♦️Call it Magic when I'm with You by punk_rock_yuppie | T, 2K, complete
In a world where magical creatures exist, three dudes are just trying to live their best life. Together.
Myliobatoidei by izzyspussy | T, 1K, complete
“I am not a demon,” Shane insists. There, in his bathrobe, with his horns and scales and pitch black eyes, Shane insists that.
Point of No Return by saturdayskeptic | T, 1K, complete
In hindsight, Shane probably should have known better than to walk back to his apartment by himself after a night out drinking, but hindsight is 20/20. No amount of thinking back on what he could have done, what he should have done, would help him in his current predicament.
An Idiots Guide to Coming Into Your Demonic Powers and Social Standing by snapdragonpop007 | T, 35K, ongoing
Written by Shane Madej, Owner of Alton Bridge, Seventh Duke of Hell and Advisor to Lord Satan, Our Majesty, Edited by Ryan Bergara, and translated into Enochian by Lord Beelzebub, First Duke of Hell and Advisor to Lord Satan, Our Majesty
(Enochian copy only available in the Seventh Circle of Hell, by request only)
Lead us not into temptation by Agf | E, 6K, complete
"It's obviously a demon thing. And I know you're on board with the eyes and the horns and the-" Shane waves a hand over himself, "-but this is different. This is me, specifically getting off on the thought of corrupting your soul."
Look, having a demon boyfriend and not roleplaying demonic sex just kind of seems like a waste, leftover Catholic guilt notwithstanding.
if you enjoy, consider leaving a comment or a kudo! authors appreciate it!
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Obey me! Younger/middle brothers as romantic tropes
Satan [543]
-Forbidden love/beauty and the beast
He was the incarnation of wrath, you were a lost human thrown into the depths of hell. A lamb in the lion’s den. Everything in you warned you against falling for him, he could end your life in less than a second. If he wanted you gone- you most certainly would be and you were well aware of that. Your common sense screamed at you to run away while you still could, to not fall for his façade, that he was evilness as a whole. Your mind knew you were playing with fire, but your stubborn heart left you helpless. It’s not that you intended to fall for him really, but it was entirely out of your control. He was a beast capable of ending the world. It would be foolish to trust him in any capacity but your heart never reasoned with logic. As you imagined all of the possibilities of horrendous endings late at night you drove yourself to the brink of insanity. All because you loved a boy. You felt stupid. That word rang through your head in a loop. All you could think about was that stupid boy. A stupidly dangerous boy, a stupidly handome boy, a stupidly smart boy and a stupidly charming boy at that. Your thoughts started haunting you after you saw him unleash the demon he has been hiding after his older brother, Mammon, stole an ancient book to sell. One that he has been protecting for years. The anger wasn’t directed at you, it never has been but it still felt like a bucket of ice water dumped over you. The moment you made eye contact with Satan himself he fell to his knees. His head caged in his arms with his hands holding his sharp tattered horns. “Please leave.” He sobbed miserably, “I don’t know what I’ll do to you if you stay here any longer. I can’t control myself.” You could hear he was in pain, “keeping it in hurts and anything and everyone around me in danger. Run MC, run. Please, please, please..” his voice trailed off into helpless whimpers as green flames surrounded his body. You were completely torn, on one hand you knew the tender guy you fell for was inside of the demon in front of you. No, he was the demon in front of you and it was time to realise that. “GO MC” he screamed in pain, blood dripping from his own fingers that were encaging his horns. You had to leave, that much you knew. You couldn’t though. So instead of running you did the thing no sane person would do. You crouched in front of him and placed your hands atop of his. You were putting your life in danger to try and console him. “You won’t hurt me, I trust you.” The flames around him spread onto the walls behind him and his tail made holes in the floor. You saw his tears fall heavily onto the floor beneath him. “Why?” Was all he could muster out, “because i love all of you.” “What if you die because of me?” You shook your head, “I doubt I will but if i do, I’ll die with the love of my life by my side.”
Asmo [409]
Until I found you
For centuries upon centuries Asmo has always had someone or something who loved him. Always had someone to have on his arm for events. He has slept with an infinite amount of creatures of all kinds. While there were so many people who desired him, deep down he still felt unloved. Most of the time the people chasing him were purely driven by his own sin, lust. The times people fell for him he broke their hearts because of his fear of commitment. This was a constant loop, but Asmo was getting tired. He too wanted someone who he could share his heart and most inner thoughts and ideas. He had created a rule for himself to save him from heartbreak, a time limit for each individual. A free trial of some sort. He would sleep with them and then entertain them for a while until he got bored. When you, a helpless little human moved in with him and his several brothers- everything changed. Your innocence (compared to his) radiated off of you in waves, he was absolutely intoxicated by it. Honestly, his intentions were definitely not as pure as they should have been, but he still wanted to win you over. He thought he would have you in the palm of his hand effortlessly yet you proved him wrong. When his charm had no effect on you and you just stared back at him with confusion his self esteem started crumbling. Why would a meek human not fall in love with HIM? As time went by you astonished him with every breath you breathed. You were so different. He had so many questions, what craft have you roped him into? You came home with a tear stained face one day and Asmo immediately took charge. The is no way he would not take care of his precious MC. He couldn’t explain it but he was actually happy that he couldn’t charm you with his magic. He had set a goal to win you over as most people do. Getting to know each other better. Anyway, when Asmo saw your swollen cheeks and dark eye circles he immediately dragged you to his room. Your head in his lap as he talked about anything and everything, you listened intently while trying to stay awake but you heavy eyelids gave the secret away. Asmo giggled affectionately as he remover the face mask, “you really are something else, aren’t you MC?”
These nights became regular and you grew closer over time, you fell for his heart. Asmo never thought he was meant for pure love, until he found you.
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rhineposting · 23 days
I have to deeply disagree on Belos not being racist or misogynistic because of his interactions with Luz. They were very faux-polite; Trying to get Luz on his side, and latching onto her as a human above the witches. But just because he sees her as better than witches doesn’t meant he actually respects WoC, because Belos is just desperate for any human; But if Luz came with a truly human white boy, he’d have likely ignored her.
Belos still tried to murder her for not going along with his plans, instead of just dragging Luz to the human realm with him. He belittles and undermines Luz’s agency by saying witches have messed with her perception of reality; He’s calling her crazy. His interactions with her are no different than white Americans who kidnap native children and whitewash them into their culture to ‘save’ them, it’s deeply white savior.
He was a 1600’s Puritan, and every source I’ve found confirms they were the typical bigotry bag. Some weren’t, but that’s why Caleb exists. But Belos’ core is that he’s a bigot who doesn’t want to let go of being a bigot, he’s not going to examine his biases when he enjoys dehumanizing an entire group to wipe them out, and calls them ‘savage’. He’s a witch hunter, but that doesn’t exist in a void; That persecution is very tied up with actual real life biases and just because white dudes were also targeted doesn’t preclude witch hunting from being a bigoted practice.
In the end, I don’t think him being a man of science really matters much when elsewhere and elsewhen is about how Philip takes credit from others and steals their work, and makes exceptions for himself like any homophobic Christian who selectively picks and chooses from the Bible. Him entering Gravesfield as an outsider alongside Caleb shows that he knows Puritanism isn’t all there is to the world, he had a frame of reference for a life beyond that, and someone he’d trust over the Puritan strangers.
But he willingly converted to Puritan ideology by choosing to stick with it, because of its Christian white supremacy promising Belos would be one of the better, special ones. He didn’t just go along to survive, and leave when he had the chance. Belos began his mission attempting to murder a woman, and even though Caleb stayed in the colony until he was an adult, Philip never listened to him.
I don’t think he’s a bright mind doomed by his time when he had a whole demon realm to flourish in; Definitely a charismatic politician, but between Belos taking credit and thinking he’s special, the engineering at best reminds me of Elon Musk or Thomas Edison. Belos definitely represents everything wrong with the U.S., with televangelists who rage about pokemon being satanic, and with white colonialism as a whole.
Speaking as a PoC; If he looks like a racist and walks like a racist, he’s a racist.
my sibling in faith of your choosing i have not talked about the old man on this blog for well over a year i moved fandoms and fixations like thrice
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