#satanic sneakers with human blood in them from
pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Can you talk about maybe Copia practicing magic? Like rituals and stuff? Special probably finds it super interesting, right?
"Everyone has a little bit of magic in them."
Copia has been told this since he was very small. As he got older, he came to understand that this wasn't some sort of Satanic church version of a greeting card slogan- it was, is, quite literal. He saw magic performed in the church for rituals and rites. He was taught that it was something he could do, too, someday. If time allowed.
Papa Emeritus the Fourth was sitting in one of the sub-basements. A mold ghoul- an Earth Ghoul by creation but one better suited to cultivating mysterious fungi than flora that required sunlight- had led the Papa down the claw-hewn corridors, faintly glowing with the bioluminescence of the lichen attached to it's horns. It stopped and beckoned the Papa through a narrow fissure in the rock. The Papa slipped through and found himself in a dark cavern. The ghoul reached out into the darkness and pushed forth a piece of it's own magic; the moss and slimes alone the cavern walls and ceiling began to faintly glow in a reactionary rainbow of chemical colours.
"Ah," the Papa said. "Neat."
He waved the ghoul away and withdrew a knife from his sleeve. He knelt, and started to carve.
The nameless ghoul known as Special is walking down the hall. Or, rather, he is running on the ceiling of the hall. He is a ghoul, but he is a strange ghoul who glamours up as a human and wears clothing. He is scatterbrained and obnoxious, usually. Today he is moving with a determination and single-mindedness that unnerves all of the humans in the church who are familiar with Special's ... special-ness.
The ghoul drops to the floor and continues his march down one of the more spiral-y staircases.
//WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU// one of his siblings asks, floating alongside him.
"I'm lookin' for C- uhh, the Papa."
"What? No, I'm- I'm worried is what I am." He stops to point at his glamoured face. "This can be worry, too."
The other ghoul stares, as ghouls do. //WHY DO YOU WORRY ABOUT THE PAPA?//
Special begins walking again, but with a bit less aggression in his steps. "I'm worried he's doing somethin' stupid. The Papas are able to do more than your usual human, but-" He stops again, and moves his hands and makes noises as though he is trying to weave the air into words. "There's a human phrase, it's like, 'you've bitten off more than you can chew,' and is not literally, uh, about eating, it's-"
Special blinks. He grins with perfectly imperfect teeth.
"Well, good. So you know what I'm dealin' with. Papa's bein' a bit of an idiom right now."
When Special gets to the sub-basement it is mostly empty save for a few mold ghouls motionlessly monitoring cheese wheels in one claw-hewn room and a pack of Aether ghouls on a low ceiling, gem hunting. Special hates being underground, in the dark and the quiet. It reminds him of the concept of death. It is not something of which he likes to be reminded.
He finds the Papa- Copia- by following his heart- that is, the sound of Copia's heartbeat (ghouls possess no hearts, nor any other meddlesome organ). Special wedges himself into the fissure in the stone and finds himself in the cavern.
Special's simulated sneakers slide on pebbles but he stops himself before he falls face-first on Copia's carvings. The floor of the cavern is littered with carefully carved circles and lines, every one precisely placed. Copia is in the center of the designs, standing with his arms spread, blood dripping from designs carved in his palms. Little slivers of black light begin to dance in the outermost circles like hungry eels, writhing for Copia's blood. Special walks onto the wall and moves onto the ceiling, disturbing the glowing fungus and causing spores to scatter.
"Whatcha doin' babe?"
Copia chuckles. "Magic."
Special sits cross-legged on the ceiling and looks down at Copia's work.
"What kinda magic?"
Copia smirks. He snaps his fingers.
The light in the cavern extinguishes immediately. Special glances around; even his ghoulish eyes cannot make sense of the utter Dark in which he sits.
Then, the black light in the carvings thrums to life. It pulses through the visible light spectrum, a heartbeat of something so ancient and so inexorably intertwined in Copia's blood, his heart, his existence. The moss and fungus ripple with their own light, too, and the cavern seems to sway with the energies that are mingling and dancing together. It is wondrous and unholy.
Special looks up to see Copia levitating near him.
Special shrugs. "Did you really have to come down to the basement to practice?"
Copia sputters. "The fuck, man? I'm a good six meters off the ground, here! Where the hell else am I supposed to practice this shit?? And the blood for the black light, you know how hard that is to scrub out of the tile upstairs??"
Special grins and stands. He and Copia are face to face. "You can do whatever you want, babe. You're Papa."
"So I can practice magic where I want to."
Special sucks air through his teeth, a feat considering he has no lungs most of the time. "I mean, I guess? Just lemme know next time?"
"Of course."
The lights begin to fade as Copia lowers himself but Special stops him with and excited noise. "Wait, wait!"
Special hops yp and down on the ceiling. "Gimme a Spider-Man kiss! C'mon, we're in the perfect position for it!"
The Papa sighs with a smile. "You are so weird."
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giftofshewbread · 4 years
Days of Prophecy
 By Daymond Duck             Published on: March 28, 2021
Jesus compared the end of the age to the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
So much Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, these days could also be called the days of prophecy.
Here are some recent events that caught my attention.
One, in early Mar. 2021, Israel announced plans to build the “Peace Railway” to connect Israel with the Gulf nations, China, the EU and others.
This could take a few years, but it is prophetically significant because China has already spent hundreds of billions of dollars building the “silk railroad” to the Middle East, and the Bible teaches that the Kings of the East (probably China and others) will invade the Middle East during the Tribulation Period.
Two, concerning peace in the Middle East: on Mar. 16, 2021, Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu said there are 4 more normalization agreements (peace treaties) on the way.
Netanyahu did not name the 4 nations, but it is believed that 3 of them are Indonesia, Mauritania and Saudi Arabia.
If 4 more agreements are signed, that would up the “Abraham Accords” to 8 nations.
Israel is moving closer to the covenant with death (Isa. 28:14-15; Dan. 9:27).
Three, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Mar. 19, 2021, Middle East expert Joel Rosenberg said “the threat of war between Israel, Iran and Hezbollah is rising.”
He noted that three Israeli leaders took emergency trips to Europe and Russia to relay Israel’s concern that war is coming.
Israel’s Pres. Rivlin and IDF Chief of Staff Kochavi visited Germany, Austria and France.
Israel’s Foreign Minister Ashkenazi visited Russia.
Rivlin has also secured an invitation to visit the U.S. to address a joint session of Congress (the time of this depends on when Congress can meet because of Covid).
Four, also concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on Mar. 21, 2021, it was reported that there is a growing alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey and a growing dislike by these three nations for the U.S.
Russia, Iran, and Turkey are working together to divide up Syria and gain more influence in the Middle East.
Five, concerning the U.S. being a blessing or a curse to Israel: on Mar. 18, 2021, it was reported that the Biden administration will reset America’s relationship with Israel in four areas: 1) The U.S. will re-establish diplomatic ties with the Palestinians; 2) The U.S. will return to the Two-State Solution (division of Israel); 3) The U.S. will oppose putting the “Made in Israel” label on products from the West Bank; and 4) The U.S. will return to giving the Palestinians millions of U.S. tax dollars each year.
Six, concerning world government: in a video that has reportedly gone viral on social media, a doctor from Ireland, Anne McCloskey, warned that “The Great Reset” is being pushed by globalist elite individuals and groups that want to drastically reduce the population of the earth.
McCloskey believes the Coronavirus crisis is a created event that people are using to establish a totalitarian world government.
McCloskey warned that these people are coming for you and everything you have, including all of your property, savings, and freedom.
It is important to understand that the Antichrist and False Prophet will use the economy (buying and selling) to control people and silence or eliminate those who disagree with their godless world government.
Seven, concerning the cashless society: it is being reported that one goal of “The Great Reset” is to completely transform the global money system into a cashless society.
Central Banks in several nations, including the U.S., are already discussing the creation of digital currencies that can be tracked.
These digital currencies will eventually make paper money worthless.
People will not be allowed to buy and sell without them.
For your information, the Republican Gazette recently reported that the cryptocurrency market has passed one trillion dollars in value.
This is fact, not a conspiracy theory that could be several years in the future.
Something like this could be a precursor to the Mark of the Beast.
Eight, concerning the coming economic collapse:
On Mar. 17, 2021, it was reported that Biden has asked Congress to reform the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, so he can raise corporate taxes to cover some of his spending, and the Tax Foundation has estimated that it will destroy 159,000 jobs (be aware that this is at a time when many businesses are locked down and facing bankruptcy).
On Mar. 17, 2021, it was reported that Biden signed an executive order on the day he was inaugurated that canceled the sale of oil and gas leases on 80 million acres of land in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association estimates that will endanger an industry that employs about 250,000 people (experts are warning that everyone’s utility bills will skyrocket).
On Mar. 22, 2021, it was reported that Biden regularly consults with former Pres. Obama on a number of issues (recall that Obama promised to transform America, spied on Trump, his people were involved in the Russian Collusion Hoax, etc.).
On Mar. 22, 2021, it was reported that Biden plans to spend more than $100 million on bus and airline tickets, hotel rooms, detention facilities, Covid treatment, etc., for illegal immigrants.
On Mar. 23, 2021, it was reported that Biden is preparing a $3 trillion stimulus package to deal with Climate Change, rebuild America’s infrastructure, etc. (Know that many U.S. citizens didn’t receive a stimulus check from the last stimulus package.)
Nine, concerning mandatory vaccinations and tracking people, on Mar. 17, 2021, the Israeli Knesset approved a bill to require certain people to wear an electronic bracelet that will monitor whether they are obeying Israel’s quarantine laws or not.
These bracelets, called “Freedom Bracelets,” won’t track a person’s movements, but if that person leaves the area that they have been quarantined to, the authorities will be notified.
Officials are using Covid as an excuse to race toward many kinds of tracking systems to locate and keep up with the movement of people.
Ten, concerning the Coronavirus, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that 85.01 million doses of vaccine were given in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Mar. 5, 2021.
1,524 people died in the first 48 hours, there were 31,079 adverse incidents (5,507 serious), and 85 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
The short-term risk of death or serious affliction is small, but it is there, and there has not been enough time to determine unknown long-term risks.
In addition to the above, on Mar. 16, 2021, the Office of Attending Physicians reported that only 75% of the members in the U.S. House of Representatives have been vaccinated.
Even though 25% have not been vaccinated, all House members are allowed to use the House gym showers, locker room and swimming pool.
So, why are gyms, etc., locked down in several cities and states when House members are using the House gym, etc.?
Eleven, I want to share an e-mail from a reader that doesn’t want to be vaccinated.
Much of it is over my head, but it is well-stated and, in my opinion, very important.
Knowingly putting the name of Lucifer into your body is literally identifying yourself with him (The enzyme that activates the quantum dots in Gates’ vaccine is called Luciferase. Lucifer was Satan’s name when he fell; Isa. 14:12).
Knowingly taking aborted human fetal tissue into your body is not much different than cannibalism (When you can’t eat by mouth, you get nourishment through an IV into your body, so what’s the real difference?).
Satan is behind this whole thing, because it is unnatural for a person to want to exterminate their own species; even animals have respect for their own kind!
He (Satan) started his attack on the human genome (DNA) in Genesis 6, and nearly accomplished his agenda, BUT GOD intervened and protected the human race through Noah and his family because they were the only people on earth who had clean genetics (the pure human genome).
Jesus came as a human with a pure, uncorrupted human double helix of DNA; therefore, His sacrifice was done as a human and is for human beings only, not for animals, or synthetics, or ‘transhumans’ because none of them are ‘in the image of God.’
This current vaccine will begin the process of altering the human genome, but it does not splice into the double helix and completely change the DNA; however, the ‘mark of the beast’ (the Quantum Dot Tattoo) will totally corrupt the human genome, splicing itself into the double helix, so that the person who takes it will no longer be ‘in the image of God’ but will be ‘in the image of Lucifer’ with an alien form of DNA, one that was not created by God but is an abomination just like the Nephilim.
I never thought I would see Hosea 4:6 so clearly as I do today: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” I wonder if the believers who take it will pay a price in eternity? If they are born again, they cannot lose their salvation, but God says they will not be ‘priests,’ and He will ‘forget their children,’ so does this mean that they will lose rewards? I think so! It’s up to each of us to be responsible for our actions, as God says in Romans 1:20 that ‘they are without excuse.’
Twelve, here is another interesting e-mail from a reader in MO.
No one is date-setting, but this is amazing, if true, and I pray that it will brighten your day.
The reader’s pastor asked his congregation at their Wednesday night Bible study to open their Bible to the last two verses in the Bible (Rev. 22:20-21).
The verses are 20 and 21 (as in the year 2021), and they read, “He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”
Some would love for Jesus to come quickly for His Church in 2021.
Finally, if you want to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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sucuretcannelle · 3 years
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Character Designs/Descriptions:
Nova (19): A 5’1” woman who was literally dragged here. She’s basically just the quiet kid who’s fed up with everyone’s shit.
Danniella (23): A 5’9” demon hybrid with more money than sense. She’s the spoiled rich girl and the one who encourages bad ideas.
Oli (19): He’s an overly loving dumbass who can’t walk for shit. He and Nova share a braincell and they lost it last week. At least he can still brag about being an inch taller than her.
Bonnie (20): A tiny 4’8” bitch with depression, anxiety, and too much self-awareness for one rp character to have.
Writer: She's 19, and a complete gremlin at 5'11. Currently wears long sleeved shirts and jeans with blue sneakers.
Prompt (30): The ex-prince of the Vybian Empire, and the only one with a brain cell. 8'0. Typically wears a black suit, black pants, and black dress shoes.
Alexi (22): The god of birds and travel, but this man is 8'9 of actual chaotic goodness. Wears a brown jacket with a gray undershirt, blue jeans and black shoes.
Amoris (20): The sister of Prompt and Alexi's 7'3 sidekick. Wears a brown cloak over a sapphire blue dress and black dress shoes.
Pippin (11): The pure hearted child and the 4'10 child of a demon lord. Wears a large brown coat with a white undershirt, black jeans and white sneakers.
Aibreanne/Moira (20): An immortal, 8'1, demon doe god that has issues upon issues and should probably be in a mental hospital. She has dark brown skin and freckles with brown hair that reaches halfway down her back. She has red horns that stick up and red and purple eyes. She wears an off the shoulder red dress that meets her 5 inch pumps. She wears a lace top and dress pants, a suit jacket and heels; all in mahogany red. Oh, and she has wings in all black.
Nash/ Xor'orek (27): An immortal, currently 10', demon/goat god that happens to be Satan's son. He has yellow-ish skin with idk what color hair cuz I'm lazy and green eyes. He typically wears an oversized varsity jacket, A black turtleneck shirt but like... sleeveless? And jeans with sneakers. Oh, and he also has wings...in all black.
Char/Charlotte (25): A 5'2 human that's from the same universe as Ai (Nostea) that happens to be a ginger. That's gotta suck. She usually wears a wife beater with a unbuttoned flannel shirt over it, which she has 12 guns hooked into, and denim shorts (Or jeans, depending on the temperature) with white sneakers
Jason/Jace: A 6'4 human that happens to be Char's older brother, and happens to be my oldest character from Nostea (At 27 years old!) He's a ginger with slightly curly hair that stops right below his ears, with tattoos all over his arms, and he has one on his neck as well. What he wears always changes so he doesn't really have one type of outfit that he wears.
Regina/Adelaide (23): A 5'5 human popstar from Nostea that happens to be friends with the rest of my Nosteaan characters. She has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and she typically wears a hoodie and baggy sweatpants when she's not performing
Atlas/Vretiel (24): The God of the Stars that was created from sand and his father's blood. He has dark purple skin with white hair and purple eyes. He typically wears a dark brown button shirt with black dress pants and dress shoes.
Orion/Onyx (22): A 12'0 demon/angel hybrid that runs on coffee and sarcasm. He has blueish-purplish skin with pink eyes and long white hair. What he wears isn't that extra, usually just a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.
Azrael/Azzy (25): A human/angel, 8'9 king that just likes to be a good person. He has soft white-ish blonde hair that reaches right below his neck, and ash brown skin. He wears a white suit with a black undershirt and a white tie. He also wears a crown that has orange and white gems. His eye color is unknown, as he keeps them closed.
Jay (19): A 6'1 demon that works under Nash and Cinna as a sniper. He had short black hair and green eyes, and he typically wears a black hoodie, baggy black cargo pants, and sneakers
Woods (26): Protector of the Mythic Vale. 6ft tall. Butterfly/human hybrid, with long green hair in a ponytail that rested on their shoulder, and they have yellow eyes. They wear a black fading to blue Hanfu. They also have extremely large butterfly wings on their back, which was a gradient of silver to gold, and they have antennae on their head. Most interestingly, they didn't seem to have a noticeable gender; they didn't seem to be male or female.
Dhruv (26): A shapeshifting dragon god. God of Cosmos and Planets in his world. He has iridescent wings and an iridescent feathered tail on his back, his eyes are a platinum color and his hair is a soft gray color that stops just below his ears. There are scars littered all over his almond-colored skin - namely his face and arms - some big and some small. He wears a loose white tank top and gray sweatpants.
Ilma (24): Goddess of Knowledge of Medicine. 6'1 feet tall. Has vanilla toned skin and bubblegum pink hair. She wears a red crop top with an unbuttoned white coat over top, along with light blue jeans and black sneakers. Her nails are long and painted red, and she typically holds a wooden staff that has a lantern on it. She has a second staff on her back that always has herbs on it. Deer antlers sprout from her head and she has a small deer tail.
Abaddon (24): God of Destruction and Chaos. 6′10 feet tall. He has espresso toned skin, with dark red hair along with cats ears and tail. His eyes are a muted pink while his sclera is black. He wears a brown jacket with a red button-up shirt underneath, with black pants and brown boots to finish the outfit. He wears glass and has a golden earring on one ear.
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
But how would the dark brothers react to cannon brothers, I feel like they would ridicule and make fun of how they treat mc saying their weak or somthing.
ALSO ASKED:  How do you think the dark alternate brothers react with the other brothers? Like the dark lucifer seeing his alternate and MC happily together?
Alright! Time for more mirror antics! Wherein we get the dark brother’s side of things! Prepare for a lot of grossed out demons, and a parallel storyline. As always, all brother prompts get long, so the rest is under the cut!
“Good, you all made it,” Diavolo grinned, his sharp teeth still sticky with drying blood. “Today, we shall all rival Barbatos in ability, for a moment.”
“The fuck does that mean?” Mammon replied sharply, arms crossing over his chest, before Lucifer’s hand collided with the back of his head and he hissed out a breath. “Goddammit!”
In front of them, was what was quite obviously a standing mirror covered in an elegant white cloth, stained with red. “A mirror?” Asmodeus crooned, stepping forwards to brush his fingers over the silk that hid his reflection from himself. “Oh, might I?” He bat his eyelashes at the Prince of the Devildom, who was laughing wildly. Diavolo grabbed the Avatar of Lust by the throat, lifting him from the ground, and throwing him into the opposite wall. Asmo moaned, rolling to his feet as he collided heavily with the floor. “Now, now, Daddy Dia, if you wanted to play, you should have just said so...”
“We’ll go in order of age,” Lucifer cut him off with a glare, to the exasperated eye roll of Satan. “Do you have an issue with that, brother?”
“I have work to do, so if we could hurry this along? You’ve yet to explain the... necessity of looking into a mirror. We have those at the House of Lamentation.”
“Very well!” Diavolo moved along the line, making sure the demons were in order, before he stood beside the mirror, pulling the cloth away with flourish. He presented it proudly. It was gilded, the glass reflecting brightly, as if it was brand new, but it looked quite old. “This was a gift from my father. When you look into it, you’re meant to be able to see what you’re doing in an alternate dimension. Exciting, isn’t it? I’ve decided to use you as my guinea pigs. Lucifer, you’re first.”
The prideful demon sighed, stepping in front of the mirror, filling it with his massive form. He stared intently at his own reflection, waiting for something to happen. It wasn’t long before the wish was granted, and the glass began to shudder and melt into liquid. Lucifer cocked his head, interested now in the artifact, his fingers running the width of the mirror, but it didn’t give under his touch. Suddenly, a picture began to appear. In it, was the Devildom, but nothing like he had ever known it. It... looked more like the human realm, on a warm, calm night. Lights from cozy little shops reflected off the wet pavement.
There, from around the corner, came himself. This was not the demon he knew himself to be, this version looked weak, over anything. He was small, in a casual human form with peacock feather patterns decorating his cloak. How utterly ridiculous, Lucifer thought to himself, focusing on the image. He wasn’t alone, there. Ah, MC. Well, at least this strange mirror version of himself still had a pet.
Or, no, that wasn’t right. MC was dressed ridiculously, not matching the other Lucifer in the slightest. They clung to his arm, giggling as he helped them over a puddle on the ground, gesturing to the movie theater. “So? Which movie would you like to see?” He heard himself question, and the true demon grimaced.
MC leaned up, and pressed a kiss to the mirror creature’s cheek, lacing their fingers together as they mumbled an answer. Lucifer felt sick to his stomach. What kind of demon had such capacity for kindness? It was disgusting, he wanted to force them both to their knees. MC’s throat ought to be opened for such behavior, and his own? Punishable by death. Lucifer couldn’t help the way his fists clenched, a snarl building in his throat as he turned away, the mirror solidifying behind him.
“Filth,” was all he had to say as he moved to stand at Diavolo’s side.
Greed cracked his knuckles as he stepped up, the grin on his face dirty and wide as he squared himself in front of the mirror. “Alright, you glitzy fucker, show me what I’m missing!” Behind him, Levi groaned and smacked himself in the forehead. “Ahh, shut up,” Mammon answered, rolling his neck as he met the gaze of his reflection. Just as he opened his mouth to admire his jewelry, his image began to ripple and fade, replaced by what looked to be a pawn shop. 
The first person he noticed in the picture was MC, strolling lackadaisically through the aisles, poking at the items they found interesting. He squinted at the sight, focusing in on the details. They were dressed in athleisure, with a basic black top over grey joggers and sneakers. “C’mon, Mammon! I’m supposed to go to the gym with Beel today!” There was no ring on their finger, and they clearly had no problem talking back to him.
Then, he saw it. Himself. Dressed... like he was poor? Both hands of his alter were planted on the counter of the pawn shop as he grit his teeth. “Whaddya mean they’re not real! I sto-- I borrowed ‘em straight from the Demon Lord’s castle!” The pawn shop owner shrugged, pushing the trinkets back across the counter. 
“Ugh!” He complained, snatching up the trinkets before looking around. MC was leaving. MC was leaving?! The artificial Mammon ran out the door, eyes panicked. “Hey! Hey wait for me! MC?!” The real demon’s nose wrinkled as he shook his head.
“No fuckin’ way,” he grumbled, looking away from the mirror. “Me? The Great Mammon? Chase some weak human?” He couldn’t believe it, spitting on the floor to get the bad taste out of his mouth as he moved aside.
Next up was Levi, who shoved his hands in the pockets of his oversized hoodie as he stepped up to replace Mammon at the front. “There’s a mirror just like this in Oh No, I Went Through A Portal And Now I’m The Ruler of A War-torn Universe Hellbent On Destroying Every Other Realm Because I Married The King’s Daughter And Then He Died In A Terrible Snowshoe Accident.”
“Can you shut the fuck up?” Belphie yawned from the back, his body twisting and curling in the back of the room.
Levi’s cheeks reddened in anger but he turned his attention to the mirror. Almost immediately it melted for him, the picture appearing clearly before his eyes. His bedroom, if it was for a child. His fish were tiny, with no visible teeth, just circling calmly in the tank. His Navy photos and weapons were gone, replaced by... dolls? What the fuck?
On the floor, his mirror image was sat on the floor with MC, both of them focused intently on a video game. As the weaker copy won the game, he threw his fist in the air in excitement. “YES!” He cheered, turning to MC with bright excitement in his eyes. They leaned in and kissed him hard on the lips, cooing their congratulations. The true demon watched with horror as his alter flushed bright pink, nervously jumping to his feet. 
“I-I, uh, I’m... OMG,” he hid his face and ran from the room, leaving a confused MC alone. Who was this whiny child? Leviathan was the Admiral of Hell for fuck’s sake! He didn’t run from a small kiss. Confusion and unhappiness welled inside of him, as he realized that in some small way, he was envious of even his own copy.
The Avatar of Envy facepalmed, shaking his head as he hissed his disapproval before looking back up, only to find the image gone. 
Satan’s tongue ran across his teeth as he side eyed his older brother, clearly unhappy with what he had seen. “What? The other Levi a better monster than you?” He watched as Envy burst into laughter, almost falling to the floor as he howled, and rolled his eyes, shoving him out of the way. “Finally,” he grumbled, “let’s get this over with.”
He met his own careful gaze in the mirror, and it began to ripple outwards,, revealing a face looking back at him. His own face, if he looked more pedestrian. Standing behind him in the bathroom was MC, looking anything but put together. A massively oversized traffic cone orange t-shirt with a hole in it on the bottom left. They yawned wide, stretching, before shuffling forwards to put their cheek on the alter’s shoulder blade, arms wrapping tight around him from behind.
“Mornin’,” they mumbled into worse-Satan’s button down bed shirt. The weak Sin laughed softly, warmly, turning to pull MC into their arms, pressing soft kisses over their forehead and cheeks.
“Good morning, Kitten,” he sighed. His eyes were full of love, a foreign concept to the real Satan, who felt the familiar burn of hatred in his chest. This other him, who did he think he was? He was okay with being nothing, and loving a human? 
It didn’t make sense, and not understanding only fueled his rage. No version of himself, no matter the universe, was allowed to be so weak, and useless to the cause. His hand smacked the mirror, earning a hissed warning from Lucifer, but he did not go through as he had hoped, to strangle this version that threatened to water down his legacy.
Satan’s fingertips were blackened with his hatred when he retreated, disgust curling his lips.
Lust adored a good mirror, and when he stepped up, he immediately leaned in to stare into his own eyes, falling in love with himself all over again, as was only proper for a demon as truly incredible as he was. He hissed in shock and unhappiness when his image became distorted and began to disappear. “How rude,” he complained, voice still a sultry low even as he complained. His attention was caught when he recognized himself at a club that looked as if it was meant to be The Fall, but it was so boring! There were no naked angels dancing for their lives, no one fucking on tables, and no blood anywhere, as far as he could see.
His mirror version was dressed, and not even immodestly, which was a tragedy in itself. More than that, he wasn’t dancing. He was sitting on the barstool, sipping a cocktail as he watched MC dance, with a dreamy look on his face. After a moment, they joined Asmo at the bar, grinning wildly as they ordered themselves a drink.
Asmo cut in before MC had a chance to speak, taking one of their hands in both of his, his eyes almost wet. “Maybe I’m just drunk,” he started, and on the other side of the mirror, Lust was already groaning audibly in complaint. “but I love you, MC. If I ever loved anyone as much as I love me, it’s you. It’s okay, if you don’t wanna sleep with me, you know? Because you like me for who I am, and no one has ever done that before. Thank you, okay?” 
MC smiled warmly, and kissed the tip of his nose. “Of course I like you for who you are, Asmo. You’re so special to me. I love you too.”
The Sin gagged at the sight. There was no Avatar of Love for a fucking reason. Because it was disgusting. That was the reason.  Why lay hands on someone to get absolutely nothing out of it. e wretched, and turned away from the mirror, sauntering to the other side of the room. “I’m much too pretty to be looking at such ugly things,” he huffed.
Beel’s hulking form would not fit in the mirror no matter how far back he stood, and he knew it, so he stood in the center of the room under the vaulted ceiling, and let his skin bubble and twist, melting in on itself as the excess sloughed off. Before long, he stood, almost human sized again. His fly wings still buzzed against his back, and his mouth watered as he fought the urge to feast on the flesh he had left behind.
Still, he had work to do, and work was the only thing to even semi-consistently top his starvation. He shook the viscera from himself as he looked into the mirror, stomach howling. The glass its solid form under his gaze, giving way to a view of a smaller version of himself, with no wings in sight, at a restaurant table. Hell’s Kitchen, the tasteful sign on the wall provided. Across the table was MC, gently holding his hand as they presumably waited on their meals to be provided.
The demon and human creature seemed to be chatting, laughing with each other, but Beelzebub was focused on how his mirror companion remained so calm, only mildly complaining about his rumbling stomach. It seemed this alternate version of himself was only hungry, not a glutton. Not really. What else did this man desire?
Apparently the answer was MC. When the food came and Beel dug in, he kept looking, making sure MC was fed as well. Unconsciously he leaned towards them, even going so far as to shift his chair so he was closer. When dinner was done, he sighed. “Do you want dessert, MC? We could share something. You deserve something sweet... Thanks for always being there for me.” The hungry small-thing smiled brightly, and the human laughed, leaning in to kiss him, hard.
Gluttony’s brow furrowed as he watched. This wasn’t a sin at all, this was two weaklings who loved each other and enjoyed dinner, nothing more. How DARE this mediocre copy use his name!
His anger, however, was short lived, as his stomach finally won out and he turned, dropping to his knees to bury himself in the remains he had left on the floor.
Finally, the seventh born. He blinked awake at the pungent smell of flesh, uncurled from the corner as he realized it was his turn to look into the mirror. His body coiled and twisted before settling in the shape of a man, his body more fluid and used to shifting than that of his twin. He stepped with solid foot to the ground, looking intently into the mirror, wiping his eyes as he yawned. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would be able to rest. A long moment passed, and then the glass began to dip into itself, shimmering into the last of the brother’s windows. 
There, he saw. A tiny looking creature, although perhaps it was part cow, carrying a pillow under his arm as he entered the living room. MC was there, on the couch, reading a book, but that didn’t deter Sloth, who simply crawled until he was almost in their lap, before closing his eyes. MC didn’t seem the slightest bit phased, simply lifting the book up and over his body while he got comfortable, and then freeing a hand to stroke through the sleeping cow’s hair absentmindedly.
Under their breath, MC began to hum a lullaby, but the real Belphegor growled at the mirror. It was a low sound, one that filled his chest before spilling from between clenched teeth. It didn’t make sense. This tiny sloth was much too vulnerable to be resting that way, and in the arms of a human? What kind of trust would that require, to know beyond doubt that they would not attempt to injure him in his sleep? He did not fear death. Death was impossible, as the Sins would thrive as long as humans lived, but he could certainly still feel pain.
Was this love? If so, it was less appealing than he had ever dreamed. His dead heart did not bother to stir or beat in his chest, as if in agreeance. Belphie studied the image in the glass, committing it to memory. Such an egregious error could not soon be forgotten. 
“Now that you’ve all had your share of the artifact, I’ll need a written report on your experiences. In the meantime, why don’t you give me a brief summary.
The room filled with discontented hisses and growls, along with the gnashing of teeth, as overlapping stories devolved from modern language, to ancient ramblings, and then into the deep chaotic rumbling of the Abyssal tongue.
Diavolo took it all in, relishing every word of what had happened. It was all so very interesting, especially the parts that horrified and angered them. The mutterings of “filth” and “fuckers” mixed with the howl of a language that had no words.
“How fascinating,” The Demon Prince beamed, gesturing to the door. “You may all go. I assure you in the name of my Father that such unsavory matters will be dealt with accordingly. Clearly, this weaker world cannot be allowed to survive. Thank you all for your participation. Meeting adjourned.”
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Lil Nas X's 'Satan' Nikes
Rapper and singer Lil Nas X launched a controversial pair of "Satan Shoes" featuring a bronze pentagram, an inverted cross and a drop of real human blood -- and they sold out almost immediately.
The black and red sneakers, part of a collaboration between Lil Nas X and New York-based art collective MSCHF, were made using Nike Air Max 97s, though the sportswear brand has distanced itself from the design.
In an emailed statement Nike said it was not involved in creating the modified sneakers. "We do not have a relationship with Lil Nas or MSCHF," the company said. "Nike did not design or release these shoes and we do not endorse them."
MSCHF confirmed via email March 29 that the limited-edition "drop" of 666 pairs sold out in less than a minute (though Lil Nas X will keep the first pair, MSCHF creative director Kevin Wiesner said).
They were priced at $1,018 a pair, a reference to the Bible passage Luke 10:18 that reads: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Each shoe's air bubble sole contains 60 cubic centimeters (2.03 fluid ounces) of red ink and "one drop" of human blood, according to MSCHF.
A MSCHF spokesperson said the blood had been provided by members of the art collective, adding: "We love to sacrifice for our art." Later, Wiesner explained on a video call that the creative team collected individual drops over the course of a week using the same type of needle used in at-home glucose tests.
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rokhal · 4 years
Flashfic: Oops
Characters:  Robbie Reyes, Eli Morrow
Rating/Warnings:  PG-13 (sexual themes) (not that way ohgod)
Summary:  Robbie and Eli spy on a cult. Robbie thinks they seem harmless, Eli insists they’re human-sacrificing demon-worshippers. They’re both wrong
I told you, Eli insisted as Robbie stared down at the firelit figures from his prone position behind a knot of sagebrush at the edge of a mining escarpment. Satanic death cult.
I don't see them hurting anybody. Robbie breathed slowly, tried to ignore the rock digging into his hip, the gravel embedded in his elbows, the twig by his face waiting to scratch his left eye out if he moved wrong. The two dozen people in home-made, flammable-looking robes were just chanting. Around a bonfire, under a Blood Moon, sure, but they'd started the night off with a tailgate party. The chant was in Latin, and Eli had bragged about knowing Latin before, but that didn't mean Robbie trusted him to know enough to translate or to tell the truth if he did understand them. It rhymes. Are you telling me Satanic death spells rhyme?
Of course. Demons like it when you humiliate yourself.
The chant wore on. Robbie watched for them to reveal a weapon, or a bound and squirming child, but so far it was just dancing. Someone sprinkled something on the fire that made it erupt in green sparks, and everyone cheered a bit, then started another chant. It was close to midnight, the night breeze was cool and comfortable, the rocks underneath Robbie were still warm and radiating up against his body, and he'd been up late facebook-stalking these people the night before. He let his eyes half-close. His foot jerked as he drifted off to sleep, and he picked his head back up, blinking.
Nobody below seemed to notice the noise. They finished another chant, stood in silence for almost two minutes, then drifted away to put the fire at their backs, facing the moon. Robbie watched them attentively, watched the trucks and the Dodge Caravan they'd arrived in.
All at once, the chanters shrugged off their robes, revealing two dozen firelit asses. Robbie snorted. They started howling, like kids pretending to be wolves, raising their hands in the air, then they broke off and ran around and around the fire in their sneakers and athletic sandals, bits jiggling, hair flying. Still no weapons.
I'm not wasting all night watching an orgy, Robbie resolved, and started crawling backward up the hill despite Eli's objections.
A rock, dislodged by his elbow, rattled down the escarpment. Two dozen moon-crazed pairs of eyes snapped up toward him.
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kaiqarker · 5 years
lost and found | part 1
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pairing: xavier plympton x reader
warnings: swearing, angst
summary: in which a savior of heaven is sent down to camp redwood to put an end to the bloodbath and help the lost souls that reside there.
tag list: @vixi3303
part one: the awakening
THE GIRL DIDN’T DARE let any of her doubts bleed to the surface while she took one step after another, entering the premises of the unholy ground that was camp redwood. she had done her research of course, learning the truth and the lies and how every drop of blood was spilt in between in all. the place itself was an undoubtable tragedy, and if her facts were right, so were the souls stuck here.
satan had been behind some of the most cruelest acts placed upon humanity, but she was was sure this was one of the worst. he had cursed the area; so whoever died (gruesomely in almost all cases) here, were trapped. this was a purgatory for them, a hell without the infamous flames and bloodstained sky. unfortunately, that kind of thing results in these ghosts giving up any sort of humanity they had left.
so not only did the living leave its twisted mark, the dead did too. some were plainly lost, forgotten that they had even perished. some were aware, but have been here for so long they were merely zombies, their hope and motivation to do much of anything gone. and then finally, there were the ones who decided that they would make the most of this opportunity, abandoning all sense of right and wrong and spreading their curse.
those were the people heaven were most concerned about. they were turning this campground into even more of a bloodbath than it already was. held back with no morals of any kind, they proved to be devious and heartless, willing to end of the life of any tourist that happened to wander into the area.
so heaven, the land of light and peace, had sent her. having been human once, they had thought she’d be able to get through to a few of them. and with her flawless ability to follow the rules and show compassion, she had seemed like the perfect choice to her superiors. she only hoped to live up to their high expectations, especially elijah’s.
branches snapped beneath her sneaker-covered feet as she followed a trail through the surrounding woods. her eyes shifted around, looking for any sign of another’s presence, and ultimately coming up empty. her eyebrows knitted together, not knowing what to think of the quiet hum of the forest and the blue jays that had just fluttered by. she had expected utter chaos and to be overwhelmed with the unresolved problems the camp harbored immediately. and yet, she dared to think that this place was almost... calming.
the pain that erupted from her shoulder blade pulled her out of her enchantment, a small cry of surprise escaping her while she stumbled forward, almost falling onto the ground where the autumn leaves would have barely cushioned her fall. she instinctively turned around, finding the sight of a smirking blonde standing merely a foot away from her, the bloody knife in her hand gaining y/n’s attention for a moment.
“sorry to be rude and not introduce myself, but i’m not in an introductory mood. quite frankly, i’m sick of talking in general. it can ruin the moment, you know?” the blonde said to her, twisting her wrist and making sure the blade was pointed directly at her.
the newcomer took a step back, standing up on her own and removing the hand she had placed on a tree trunk for balance. the irritation from her stab wound had almost completely gone away; she knew her ability to heal fast would probably come in handy down here.
“you call killing an innocent person a moment, montana?” y/n questioned, recognizing the doe-eyed woman instantly. she watched as montana’s red-stained lips turned into a flat line, her playful demeanor dropping.
“how do you know my name?”
“because i’m supposed to. it’s my job to.”
“that isn’t clearing anything up.” montana growled, gripping her knife tighter. she debated on whether she should let her explain or just kill her like she had originally planned.
“put the knife down and we’ll talk.” y/n replied with raised hands, indicating she wanted to do the ghost no harm.
“yeah, no thanks.”
montana lunged at her, the blade of her knife slicing the air and not her skin as y/n easily dodged the attack, more prepared than before. the soon-to-be angel studied the way she only grew more frustrated, huffing in displeasure before she went after her target again.
this time y/n didn’t just avoid the blonde, she grabbed ahold of her wrist, stopping the knife from being thrusted into her chest. montana tried with all of her strength to push against her grasp and allow the blade to burrow deep within the stranger, but y/n’s grasp didn’t falter. in fact, she twisted montana’s wrist just enough so that she would drop the weapon, and then pushed her away from her.
montana stumbled back, shocked and embarrassed at how easily she was overpowered. especially since she had been a feared predator ever since she had died and been stuck in this place. she loved the power she possessed and every plea of mercy she had gotten from her victims. and now, the blonde felt how she felt when she was alive, helpless.
“what the hell are you?”
“technically,” she began, picking up the knife that still had her blood coated on the blade, “i’m an angel. well, almost one. point is — i’m from heaven.”
montana was about to laugh at the outrageousness before her eyes happen to catch sight of y/n’s back, seeing only dry blood instead of a leaking flesh wound. she had stabbed her, she was sure of it. she had saw the blade puncture her skin and cut through her.
“no fucking way.”
“way.” y/n said with humor in her voice, letting herself be amused despite the fact she had someone who wanted to kill her right in front of her.
“what’s going on here?” a voice gained both of the girls’ attention, belonging to the one and only xavier plympton, who was clad in a pair of white shorts and a purple muscle tank.
his blue eyes find montana first but then they drift to the new girl, examining her pretty face, framed by stray strands of hair that escaped her pony tail. they lower down to where her white tank top clings to her chest and eventually past her matching shorts where her long legs were offered up to his view. he decided she definitely wasn’t hard to look at.
“who are you and why hasn’t montana killed you yet?” he asks, automatically becoming curious and taking a few steps towards both of them.
“i’m y/n. and believe me, she’s tried.” y/n gestured to the knife in her raised hand, wagging it back and forth for clarification.
“if you keep talking about me like i’m not here then i will kill both of you!” montana kicked off the tree she was leaning against, sending them both a glare that certainly didn’t intimidate either of them in the slightest. she took her place beside xavier, grabbing ahold of his shirt and yanking him down so his lips crashed messily against hers. her eyes closed in the satisfaction that she was still in control when it comes to things like this, wordlessly claiming he was hers to have and play with as she pleased.
xavier’s eyes stayed open for once, staring directly at the stranger and how uncomfortable she looked with the spontaneous action. he noticed her parted lips, averted gaze, and the blush that began to rise to the surface of her cheeks. she was innocent — and that sparked something within him.
finally montana pulled away with a pleased sigh, returning her focus back to the girl who had many surprises to offer. her eyes narrowed when she spotted her knife still in her hand, knowing she would get it back even if she had to break each and every one of her fingers.
“guess what, xav? she’s a fucking angel.”
“almost angel.” y/n corrected immediately.
“seriously? like an angel with wings and halos and shit?” xavier asked, tilting his head and believing it easier than montana did.
“they don’t actually have those. but... yes, i’m from heaven.”
“fine. what are you doing here then? because it can’t just be to ruin my day.” montana scoffed, crossing her arms.
“i’m here to help you.” y/n spoke with sincerity, eyes unwavering as they locked on both xavier and montana.
xavier felt the impact of her words, hearing the promise in her soft-spoken voice, and was unexpectedly affected. that itself confused him. he hadn’t allowed himself to care about anything since he died and got stuck here. there was no point. no rewards or consequences to any action. he had accepted years ago that this was his afterlife for the rest of eternity, and now he what? was supposed to believe this girl and have the hope she so clearly had? he didn’t. but a little part of him wanted to, and that’s what left him speechless for the moment.
“bullshit. get me back my knife and maybe i won’t cut your eyeballs out of your sockets.” montana rolled her eyes and held out her hand, already over this whole situation.
“really? after all of this that’s what you’re most concerned about?”
montana nods her head, lips pulled into a frown, and y/n shrugs nonchalantly as an idea pops into her head. “alright. fine. if you want it, go get it.”
before the blonde can say another word, y/n flings the knife with quite a force in a random direction, and montana can only watch as the weapon flies through the air and disappears into the trees. that was it. it was personal now.
“you little bitch!” montana hissed, ready to pounce on her again and give her murder another go, but she’s stopped by xavier’s grip on her arm.
“babe, stop. it’s just a knife. there’s other weapons in the sea.” xavier jokes, smirking at her enraged form, and he pretends that he wasn’t stopping her just to mock her.
“i don’t care. i just want her dead. let go of me before i kick you in the balls. dead or not i know it still hurts!”
“you can’t kill me.” y/n interjects, seeing montana cease her struggle in xavier’s hold. “i already died. that’s how i got to heaven in the first place. you can try, but i’d just come back.”
“fine. i can’t kill you. but i can hurt you. so i would leave while you still can, because i will make it my mission to torture you the entire time you’re here.”
“i’m not going anywhere.”
“then, i would start looking over your shoulder. you’ve seen what happens when you don’t,” montana grins wickedly as she nods her head to the dry blood still sticking to her skin, and without another word, she turns around and starts in the direction where her knife was thrown.
“she truly is lovely. i get what you see in her. so dedicated.” y/n mutters sarcastically, placing her hands on her waist while she wonders to herself how she will ever turn someone like montana around.
“montana sure is something,” she hears xavier respond from beside her, hearing the leaves crunch with each step he aimlessly takes towards her. she doesn’t notice until his hot breath fans her ear that he had gotten that close to her. “but she’s no angel.”
her neck pivots when she turns her head to face him, their noses almost bumping from their proximity from each other. his oceanic eyes held mischief and playfulness, staring directly into her guarded pair. it was clear he didn’t give much thought into having boundaries.
“i’m surprised you’re not trying to kill me too.” y/n states, managing to keep her voice steady and her face neutral even though the lack of space between them was unnerving to say the least. it was the most intimate situation she had been in since she was alive.
“little ol’ me? now what would make you think that?” he smiles charmingly but the dark humor in his tone is evident, his breaths from his words tickling her lips.
“i’ve read your file, xavier.” she breaks their little staring contest, taking a step back away from him. “you’re just as murderous and manipulative as montana.”
“and yet you’re not running for the hills.”
“because whether any of you see it or not, you’re redeemable.”
xavier can’t help but laugh, finding her words nothing short of unbelievable. “listen, angel. it’s cute and all that you think you’re gonna flap your nonexistent wings and fix our poor little broken souls, but most of us don’t even want saving. like me. i’m perfectly happy here. i have never been more free.”
“and your life alive was so horrible?”
“compared to this, yeah. i tried to save people, to do the right thing, and i just ended up dying — painfully by the way. morals blind you. they hold you back. it’s much more freeing to just let go. you should try it.” he explained, watching her let his response sink in. her face morphed into a frown, and he could have been imagining it, but her eyes seem to glaze with sadness.
“you’re... so wrong and you don’t even know it.”
“i’m not, angel. that’s just how it is.”
“then, bertie protecting you, saving you, that meant nothing?” y/n asked, watching his face harden for the briefest of seconds before he returned to smirking and raising his eyebrows at her.
“that was just pointless. i died anyway.” he shrugged, burying his hands in his pockets.
“still,” she argued, gravitating back towards him, “it was worth something before that. you were grateful and relieved and... sad when you saw the condition she was in.”
“maybe. but none of that matters now.” xavier dismisses, feeling something build up inside of him with the point she was making. his throat was tight and he clenched his jaw in an attempt to contain whatever it was.
“things could matter again, xavier.” she whispered, letting her eyes properly roam his face and all of its flawless alignments. he was beautiful, there was no denying that.
he allows himself to gaze shamelessly right back at her, studying the upturn of her adorable nose, soft, pink lips, and finally returning to her eyes that possessed so much depth it just about consumed him. it was no wonder she was an angel, every part of her was angelic and undeniably mesmerizing. his heart swelled with admiration, catching him off guard more than anything that had happened during their encounter. her influence on him terrified him.
“i don’t think so,” he declares coldly, newfound anger at her rising to the surface, masking any other emotion he was feeling.
“xavier.” she murmurs, surprised at his sudden change of mood. it seemed as if they were getting somewhere, and he did a total 180 on her.
“just do us all a favor and leave. because montana’s right, if you stay, we won’t take it easy on you.” he scoffs, glancing at her perplexed face one more time before he leaves her there on the trail, alone and questioning just about everything.
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tagged by: @theconfusedbabelfish
I don’t normally end up actually doing these things but I’m trying to get in a better brain space before bed so why the fuck not
Dem rules: Answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people!
1) Who are your favourite fictional characters?
Sara Sidle. Sara Crewe. Hermione Granger. Luna Lovegood. Gil Grissom. Tony Stark. that one black girl who has been manipulating the marvel universe who’s name I can’t remember but maybe it’s Miranda?, Squirrel Girl aka Doreen Green, Pepper Potts, Will Graham (but ONLY the version from Red Dragon the book, the others are all well and good but they are not faves), Cat Valentine, the stupid chick from Paranormal Activity, Sherlock Holmes, Xavin, Allison Cameron
2) Do you have any good TV shows (on Netflix or easily accessible) to recommend?
Haven? it’s what my brain is currently obsessed with but I haven’t even finished it yet. 
3) What mythical/currently-not-real animal would you want to be turned into right now?
tbh, I have absolutely no idea, something that can teleport me the fuck off the couch and off tumblr and into bed. maybe an Abra. they can teleport and they’re literally always asleep
4) If 10 million dollars turned up on your door step right now, what would you do?
Pay off my girlfriend’s debt, and buy my friend a car so I can just have mine back 
5) In what situation would you drink a liter of human blood?
tbh, I can’t think of a situation but there are probably multiples
6) Have you ever properly planned out someone’s murder?
no real people, but yeah. or at least, not realistic proper plans for real people. only the fictional get those. 
(I did once plan when I was like 12 about how I was going to arrange for George Bush to be eaten by alligators though)
7) What is your opinion on bees?
I like bees. One of them kept trying to eat my chips and guac last week. I tried to give him a chip so he’d stay out of my bag because it didn’t seem like a safe place for him, but he didn’t want the chip, he wanted the bag. 
8) How much money do you think is a decent yearly income?
I don’t even fucking know. Not what I make. 
9) Are you apart of the LGBT+?
Yes. On at least one point, probably. 
10) Are you a good dancer?
11) How many objects with the colour green on it can you see right now?
headphones, a sweatshirt, the bag of chips, the box of colored pencils, the one button on the calculator, phone charger, light on the phone, rainbow hat, mouse, mouse pad, wrappers, random ass display things, fish tank, paintings on the wall, giant glowing cat eyes, rainbow flask, some books, whatever is green and under the skull,  cat fountain, transformer, the tag on the spiderman thing, I think, a painting by my dad that’s hanging up on Jigglypuff, the frabbit on the TV, the dragon on the TV, sneakers, pokemon book, Sirius the gay pillow, the cat quilt I made when I was 10 before I forgot how to quilt, the box under the table that satan sleeps in
so like 28? 
My Questions (it’s 2 am, don’t expect quality questions here)
1. What cat is your favorite cat?
2. If you could go on a date with any fictional character who would you want to go on a date with?
3. What kind of cookie is the best kind of cookie?
4. Have you ever killed anyone? Would you ever kill anyone? (Don’t answer this if you’re on trial for murder.)
5. What Hogwarts house are you and how old were you when you figured out which house you would be in?
6. What is the very first fanfic you can remember reading? (If you don’t remember the first, just the oldest one you can remember reading)
7. Why do you think the number 11 was chosen for this quiz?
8. You have 30 seconds to create a mythical beast. Go. 
9. What’s the dumbest present you’ve ever given anyone?
10. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
11. What are your thoughts about prime numbers?
I’m just gonna tag the first 11 urls I can think of so... yeah. do it if you want, or not, or yeah or not @fuzzyfuckingllamas, @zukana13731, @thejollywriter, @quiet-fawn-of-the-galaxy, @emptymanuscript, @iambecauseiwrite, @a-wilde-handful, @cryptix23, @swiggity-swexual-i-am-asexual, @fangirlandproudofit, @just-your-average-tangerine
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skateofministry · 3 years
Lil Nas X Reacts to Tony Hawk’s Blood-Infused Skateboards – Billboard
Four months after Nike and MSCHF Product Studio settled their lawsuit over Lil Nas X‘s Satanic sneakers, the rapper is still wondering what really got people’s blood boiling after Tony Hawk promoted a new skateboard with his real blood on them.
The canned mountain water company Liquid Death revealed on Tuesday in a graphic video announcement that the legendary skateboarder’s blood would be infused with the red paint on its latest skateboard, aptly titled Hawk Blood Deck, which already sold out all 100 products. In the clip, Hawk says part of the proceeds from the limited-edition board would go toward “killing plastic pollution and to building skate parks in underserved communities.”
Lil Nas X
See latest videos, charts and news
See latest videos, charts and news
“Now that tony hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are y’all ready to admit y’all were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes? and maybe u were mad for some other reason?” Lil Nas X tweeted Wednesday (Aug. 25) in his own defense.
In the spring, to promote his Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 hit “Montero (Call Me By Your Name),” the 22-year-old artist partnered with the New York-based design company MSCHF to launch 666 pairs of limited-edition devilish kicks that may or may not have contained human blood in the midsole. Nike followed up with a lawsuit against MSCHF for trademark infringement, claiming the studio materially altered the sportswear brand’s popular Air Max 97 design without permission, which has since been settled.
See Lil Nas X’s tweet below:
now that tony hawk has released skateboards with his blood painted on them, and there was no public outrage, are y’all ready to admit y’all were never actually upset over the blood in the shoes? and maybe u were mad for some other reason?
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(@LilNasX) August 25, 2021
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from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/3f15h7B
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ezravon3 · 3 years
Demon Children
Okay so this is my 3rd ever post. All 7 demon brothers are temporarily turned into children physically and mentally. Diavolo decided to assign each brother's girlfriend to be that brother's cartaker until the powerful spell wears off. The girlfriends are my ocs so I'll give some basic instruction on them.
Faya: Lucifer's girl. Waist long black hair, wears a formal dark red and black dress, black stalkings and fancy dark red heels. Red eyes, slightly tanned skin and is very beautiful. Race: vampire.
Zylith: Mammon's girl. Medium length silver hair, purple eyes, light brown skin and very beautiful. Wears a purple dress, black legging and purple flats. Race: human
Yui: sholder length black hair, blue eyes, slightly tanned skin and is very beautiful. Wears a blue jaket falling off her sholder, a black crop top, blue short shorts, black thigh high socks and blue sneakers. Race: vampire.
Celia: Satan's girl. Waist long blonde hair, green eyes, slightly tanned skin and is very beautiful. Green dress, black leggings and green pin heeled ankle boots. Race: Shinigami (a cursed and immortal being with several different abilities and the curse is a shadow like demon who lives inside a Shinigami. A race I created. Not the death gods from Death Note)
Anastasia (Ana): Asmo's girl. Sholder length pink hair, white open jacket falling off her shoulders, pink key hole crop top, short pink skirt, white thigh high socks and pink pin heeled ankle boots. Race: Shinigami
Nina: Beel's girl. A beautiful girl with orange waist long hair, slightly tanned skin and ligh orange eyes. Oversized orange Hoodie over a black crop top and black shorts, normal black socks orange sneakers. Race: vampire
Lucille: Belphie's girl. medium length black hair, black eyes, snow white skin. Wears all black: a long sleeved dress, leggings and pin heeled ankel boots. Race: vampire
Now the post:
The seven girls in House Of Luminanation all heard unholy screaming and felt a small earthquake. They quickly followed the unholy screaming and saw their boyfriends as tiny children. Lucifer looked annoyed, Mammon looked confused, Levi's unholy screaming continued, Satan made another small earthquake, Asmo was examining himself in tge nearby mirror, Beel's stomach growled loudly and sounded like a loud animal growl and Belphie just laid there on his cow pattern pillow. Yui hurried over to Levi and gently scooped him up. The 3rd bor's unholy screaming stopped the second Yui was holding him and he clung to her as he sniffed quietly. Celia went to Satsn and calmed him down, Nina picked up Beel and brought him to the kitchen and Lucille carfully scooped up Belphie and his pillow. The girls love for their boyfriends went from romantic to platonic.
Lucifer: He's pretty easy to care for. He's satisfied with reading books, taking walks and coloring in coloring books for older kids. He's a pretty polit and independent child and doesn't need help with much. Although meantaly far younger, he's still smarter then other kids his age. Faya has to watch what he eats and drinks though since his pride keeps him from admiting if something is too spicy, too hot or too sour for him. Faya dresses him in lil suits.
Mammon: A rambunctious child with sticky fingers and a lot of energy. Zylith still manages to keep the lil greedy demon tamed and he clings to her when out in public. His shades are a safty object and he uses them to hide his face when he cries. Zylith has to keep a close eye on him. Mammon mostly speaks in 3rd person.
Levi: 100% a water baby. Loves aquatic things and anime. Always has a Ruri-chan plushy. A quiet child who's shy and cries easily. He clings to Yui a lot and she patiently helps him with the purnounciation of his words.
Satan: Celia knows how to keep the lil ball of wrath calm and happy. He, like Lucifer, is meantally smarter then children his age but is still meantally a child. He often wears cat onsies and often has a book or a cat plush in hand. Celia reads to him often and plays cat videos for him a lot.
Asmo: Ana knows just how to cate for the lil fashion king. Asmo has the vocabulary of a normal 3 year old. He doesn't have a filter and can look at himself in the mirror for hours. Ana dresses him in dresses.
Beel: Nina feeds him enough so he doesn't try to eat anything he shouldn't. Despite being a tiny todler, Beel has enough jaw strength to bite a bone clean in half and he's strong enough to pick up chairs and tables without a problem.
Belphie: sleeps on his cow pattern pillow with his pacifier in his mouth most of the time. A very quiet child and is the smallest of his brothers. His pacifier is attached to his onsie. He doesn't speak, walk or crawl. He sticks to Lucille like glue and will have a nightmare if she's not with him. Diavolo once picked up tiny Belphie only to get his hand immediately biten, drawing blood. Lucille caught Belphie before he hit the ground.
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kicksaddictny · 3 years
Nike wins a temporary restraining order to stop the sale of Lil Nas X 'Satan Shoes'
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According to CNN
In an attempt to halt a New York art collective from using their signature "swoosh," Nike has obtained a temporary restraining order against the makers of "Satan Shoes," a pair of modified Nikes decorated with symbols of the occult and a drop of human blood.
A US District Court in New York granted Nike's request this week, a move intended to bar MSCHF, the provocative company that produced the shoes, from fulfilling the rest of its orders.
The "Satan Shoes," made in collaboration with rapper Lil Nas X to coincide with his Hell-set music video for "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)," were made from modified Nike Air Max 97s and feature a bronze pentagram, an inverted cross and a sole filled with red ink and, according to MSCHF, "one drop of human blood." Nike claimed the "Satan Shoes" were "likely to cause confusion and dilution" or cause fans of Nike to believe it worked with MSCHF to create the shoe, the company said in its complaint.
Nike sues the maker of Lil Nas X 'Satan Shoes' for trademark infringement The company also reiterated that, even though the shoes bore Nike's signature "swoosh," the company was not involved in the sneakers' creation and did not endorse them. "Decisions about what products to put the SWOOSH on belong to Nike, not to third parties like MSCHF," the complaint read.
An attorney for MSCHF wrote to the court that the shoes were "individually numbered works of art" and argued they were protected under the First Amendment. She also said "all but one pairs of the shoes already have been sold and shipped," rendering the temporary restraining order unnecessary.
In response, Nike's attorneys said the "appropriate remedy is ... to order a recall of those shoes." Though Nike was granted the temporary restraining order this week, MSCHF can still attempt to prove the shoes are protected under First Amendment "rights of artistic expression," US District Judge Eric Komitee wrote in the order. Until then, though, the final pair of "Satan Shoes" can't be distributed. MSCHF and Lil Nas X say they're surprised and frustrated The "Satan Shoes" were priced at $1,018 each, around six times the price of a pair of Air Max 97s sold by Nike currently. It's a reference to the Bible passage Luke 10:18, which reads: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Just 666 pairs of the shoes were produced, and all but one were sold within one minute of their release -- Lil Nas X was set to give away the last pair on Twitter, but MSCHF said the giveaway has been indefinitely paused.MSCHF said it was "honestly surprised by the action Nike has taken" in a statement shared with CNN.
The collective questioned why Nike would request a temporary restraining order spurred by the "Satan Shoes" and not the "Jesus Shoes," a pair of modified Nike Air Max 97s that featured a steel crucifix and "holy water" that were produced one year earlier. "MSCHF strongly believes in the freedom of expression, and nothing is more important than our ability, and the ability of other artists like us, to continue with our work over the coming years," MSCHF said. "We look forward to working with Nike and the court to resolve this case in the most expeditious manner." A Nike spokesperson told CNN the company didn't have "any further details to share on pending legal matters."Lil Nas X expressed his frustration with the outcome on Thursday, tweeting that he's "legally not allowed to give the 666th pair away anymore because of the crying nerds on the internet," after teasing the giveaway earlier in the week.
"I feel like it's f****d up they have so much power they can get shoes cancelled," he wrote. "Freedom of expression gone out the window. But that's gonna change soon."
CNN has reached out to representatives for Lil Nas X and is waiting to hear back.
GOOD! Nike doesn’t deserve this.
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youngandhungryent · 3 years
Nike Sues MSCHF For Its Lil Nas x Air Max “Satan Shoes”
When Lil Nas X dropped his “controversial” visuals to “Call Me By Your Name (Montero)” we predicted that conservatives and “Christians” would be outraged and scream to the heavens over the video which featured LNX giving Satan a lap dance. Things really heated up for the once family friendly rapper teamed with MSCHF to drop 666 pairs of custom made Nike Air Max 97 “Satan Shoes” which featured a pentagram and actual human blood in the air bubbles. Needless to say Nike wasn’t amused with the promo and after days of religious fanatics railing against Lil Nas and his damned sneakers, Nike decided to sue MSCHF for remixing their classic silhouette into something that could be considered blasphemous.
Huffpost is reporting that Nike has filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Brooklyn based design studio, MSCHF, for trademark infringement and suffering “significant harm to its goodwill, including among consumers who believe that Nike is endorsing satanism.”
It argued that “unauthorized” shoes are “likely to cause confusion and dilution, and create an erroneous association between MSCHF’s products and Nike.”
“Decisions about what products to put the ‘swoosh’ on belong to Nike, not to third parties like MSCHF,” the suit added.
Though conservatives are upset at the whole “cancel culture” movement whenever racism or sexism is called out on their behalf, they had no problem calling for a boycott of Nike after the release of the sneakers.
Interestingly enough MSCHF released some “Jesus” Air Max 97’s back in 2019 which featured a cross and holy water in the air bubble, and Nike didn’t so much as serve them with a cease and decease order. Then again Devil worshippers didn’t give a damn so there was no need to.
Nike is asking a federal judge to completely stop MSCHF from filing any orders of the the Air Max 97 “Satan”‘s which are already fetching over $2,000 on the secondary market. After this you can expect them to go for much more as this kind of publicity will only increase it’s popularity especially if only a few actually get out there.
Lil Nas X for his part acknowledged the situation on Twitter and pointed out that the anger his video and hopes people “are mad” and “feel the same anger you teach us to have towards ourselves.” He then used some Spongebob clips to clown everyone he’s upset.
i spent my entire teenage years hating myself because of the shit y’all preached would happen to me because i was gay. so i hope u are mad, stay mad, feel the same anger you teach us to have towards ourselves.
— nope
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(@LilNasX) March 27, 2021
pic.twitter.com/m0R2Fa3dRU https://t.co/4sVit8vbKY
— nope
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(@LilNasX) March 29, 2021
me after the nike lawsuit pic.twitter.com/XVLjHlSrru
— nope
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(@LilNasX) March 29, 2021
We guess Spongebob is part of the illuminati now.
What do y’all think of the situation? Let us know in the comments section.
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lesterraeford · 4 years
The Christians have been told for the past few years to tone it down. It dont take all that. Lets just all get along cause God love everbody. I have personally watch preachers (PASTORS INCLUDED) repost messages on their pages from people who are OPEN SATAN WORSHIPPERS, then clam up when it was time to defend Chirist. However, they did manage to speak out against those of us who were on the frontline fighting for Jesus even when it wasnt popular? While we were being told to tone it down the devil and his camp were going full throttle with every wicked vice the kingdom of darkness had to offer. Now folks in an uproar over LiL NAS and a Nike sneaker with human blood in it, because NOW they see that satan is after our kids? Realistically SATAN HAS BEEN COMING FOR OUR KIDS WHILE THE SAINTS WERE ASLEEP! But instead of staying true biblically to what we were taught in sunday school, vacation bible school, youth services, revivals, and conferences, many have caved to the culture. Not knowing that it is actually Satan who controls the culture. Although Satan is undoubtedly defeated. The reality is he is succeeding in fooling alot of people to follow him instead of Christ, but I WILL NEVER BE ONE OF THEM. HE IS A LIAR AND HE IS UNDER MY FEET AND HE WILL NOT HAVE MY SON, GRANDSON, OR ANYONES CHILDREN THATS CONNECTED TO ME! Get in your prayer closets saints! Its gonna take more than a good praise break to fix this. Its time to shut off, shut down and SHUT IN! OLD SKOOL!
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tworking711 · 4 years
Lil Nas X releases unofficial 'Satan' Nikes containing human blood
Rapper and singer Lil Nas X is launching a controversial pair of "Satan Shoes" featuring a bronze pentagram, an inverted cross and a drop of real human blood.The black and red sneakers, part of a collaboration between Lil Nas X and New York-based art collective MSCHF, were made using Nike Air Max 97s, though the sportswear brand has distanced itself from the design.In an emailed statement to CNN, Nike said it was not involved in creating the modified sneakers. "We do not have a relationship with Lil Nas or MSCHF," the company said. "Nike did not design or release these shoes and we do not endorse them."Launching as a limited-edition "drop" of 666 pairs, each shoe's air bubble sole contains 60 cubic centimeters (2.03 fluid ounces) of red ink and "one drop" of human blood, according to MSCHF. They are priced at $1,018 a pair, a reference to the Bible passage Luke 10:18 that reads: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."A MSCHF spokesperson said the blood had been provided by members of the art collective, adding: "We love to sacrifice for our art." The group also confirmed to CNN that Nike was "not involved in this in any capacity."The 'Satan Shoes' will launch Monday as a limited-edition release. Credit: Courtesy MSCHFThe shoes sparked outrage online over the weekend, and attracted criticism from a number of high-profile political and religious figures, including South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and the evangelical pastor Mark Burns. The latter described the sneakers in a tweet as "evil" and "heresy." Some fans of the "Old Town Road" rapper, meanwhile, tweeted their support and desire to own a pair. เล่นสล็อต
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orbemnews · 4 years
These Shoes Contain a Drop of Human Blood. Nike Does Not Approve. Some workplaces encourage employees to donate blood as an act of charity. But six workers at MSCHF, a quirky company based in Brooklyn that’s known for products like toaster-shaped bath bombs and rubber-chicken bongs, offered their blood for a new line of shoes. “‘Sacrificed’ is just a cool word — it was just the MSCHF team that gave the blood,” one of MSCHF’s founders, Daniel Greenberg, said in an email on Sunday. (Asked who collected the blood, Mr. Greenberg replied, “Uhhhhhh yeah hahah not medical professionals we did it ourselves lol.”) A drop of blood is mixed in with ink that fills an air bubble in the sneaker, a Nike Air Max 97, Mr. Greenberg said. “Not much blood, actually” was collected, he said, adding, “About six of us on the team gave.” MSCHF will sell 666 pairs of the shoes — each pair will cost $1,018 — starting on Monday as a follow-up to a line of “Jesus Shoes,” which contained holy water. Mr. Greenberg noted that Nike was not involved in the process “in any capacity.” In a statement, Nike said: “We do not have a relationship with Little Nas X or MSCHF. Nike did not design or release these shoes, and we do not endorse them.” The Consumer Product Safety Commission did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday about whether there were concerns or legal issues about the sale of the shoes. “If we can make people a fan of the brand and not the product, we can do whatever” we want, Mr. Greenberg told the news website Insider last year. “We build what we want. We don’t care.” The “Satan Shoes” are a collaboration between MSCHF and the rapper Lil Nas X, following the release of a devil-themed music video for his song “Montero (Call Me by Your Name)” in which he gyrates on Satan’s lap. In the song, Lil Nas X, who was born Montero Lamar Hill, “cheerfully rejoices in lust as a gay man,” wrote Jon Pareles, the chief music critic for The New York Times. Lil Nas X came out in 2019, and the song’s title is an apparent reference to “Call Me by Your Name,” a novel about a clandestine summer romance between two men that was adapted into a film. The shoes are affixed with a bronze, pentagram-shaped charm and have “Luke 10:18” — a reference to the biblical passage that says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” — printed on them. Sarcastically responding to the uproar on social media about the shoes, Lil Nas X posted a video on YouTube on Sunday titled “Lil Nas X Apologizes for Satan Shoe” — but what appears to be an apology cuts to a lap dance scene. On Twitter on Thursday, Lil Nas X wrote to “14-year-old Montero” that the song was “about a guy I met last summer.” “I know we promised to never come out publicly,” he wrote. “I know we promised to die with this secret, but this will open doors for many other queer people to simply exist.” Source link Orbem News #approve #blood #Drop #human #Nike #shoes
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