#satirical hooray!
plixiedust · 8 months
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Skeleton King: raaahh I must annihilate those meddling monkeys! MUAHAHAHA!
The fucking hyperforce:
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kathegoose · 9 months
FINALLY!!! WOOHOO!! maybe around ~24 hours of work and ,
endoskeletoing btw would i sound off-the-rockers mad cray cray if i said that i went thru all this work just to test ntscQT again. like just to see how it'd look on animated work
also, progress gifs HOORAY
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(the video with the effects couldn't be giffed because ezgif kept eating the endo's eyes)
also funny fun fact about me making this doohickey.. so uhh my only good ref of endo-01 in my style is a stupid bodypillow drawing (it is SATIRE!!!!btw) and i had to, unfortunately, whip it out exactly 8 times (i counted) & i also ran exclusively on water and cheese puffs while making this
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nineparlor69 · 2 months
It's A Joy by The Stupendium feat. Dan Bull lyrics
Lovely day for it, how do you do? And we just had to pay for it out of the truth But who can remember? So who'd really care? Exactly how all of the bodies got there
With a hop and a skip and the pop of a pill We will all be forgiven for all that we've killed And we've never been happier but we've never been happier No, we'll never be happier no, we'll never be happier
A brilliant day is dawning A million smiles are forming Our shimmering isles are all enthralled No, there's nothing like conforming
Perish the thought of mourning Did you ignore the warnings? All negative thoughts abhorred My Lord! Did you take your Joy this morning?
Ask anybody in Wellington Wells They'll tell you it's terribly swell
Delirious denizens dwell where there's nary a speck between heaven and hell
They say that the empire fell Oh, but you never could tell! You say you remember it well? You'd better forget it or else!
Why try to better yourself? Reach for the medical shelf Just take your medicine, death and the pestilence melt into pleasant locales
Another rebellion quelled Dust off your suspenders and belts It's horrendous to dwell, so remember how splendid it felt to surrender yourself The roses we grow have a terrible smell
It's a Joy It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy) To be among we happy few It's a Joy It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy)
Well, well, welcome to Wellington Wells! Hear the tintinnabulations of the resonant bells As every resident tells you when they gush about our little town No need to rush, hush, you're welcome to settle down!
Better not let me down You're not a downer, are you? Get off the bench and quell that frown right now, Keanu! Try not to make a scene, let's keep this place serene Unless you want a cricket bat print in the place your face had been
Don't be concerned, that was just a little bitter lyric The world in which you live is every little bit idyllic Because if we even sniff discontent, we're quick to kill it Ahem, please forgive my sense of humour, I'm a wit satiric
They call me Uncle Jack, I'm bringing jungle back Dropping silver tongue twisting numbers on your mumble rap Now be my guest and enjoy your day And don't forget to keep ingesting your Joy all day
Not a frown to be found in our haven from gloom It's astounding what our medication can do As our town's burning down in a rainbow of hues Even the sky wouldn't dare to be blue
"I'm happy." "I'm happy." "I'm happy!" "I'm happy!"
It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy) To be among we happy few It's a Joy It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy)
I've found a downer! Hunt him down! Surround the bounder! Drown him! Ground him into powder! Then head down to the ground for a round of rounders! Hooray!
If you're caught in a rotten, improper mood We'll stop at nothing to swaddle and coddle you Throttle and bottle you, Bobby will cudgel you Into the pond 'til your body is otter food
Quarter you, jauntily torture you Until you've thought all the thoughts that we order you Sporting a jollier point of view If you're not enjoying it, what is the point of you?
We've just the thing to stop the rabble, it's Grin, pop some tablets No matter what the matter is Sins forgot. Fabulous
Cast off with the ardent misfits Lamenting the garden districts So throw your doses in the bin History's made by those who grin
The fact is you can't react not knowing what the fact is <REDACTED> No need to grieve if you can't see diseases we've contracted <REDACTED> Happiness and truth, we simply view them through a lens, refracted <REDACTED> Help me please, whilst this melody has the distracted! <Life's a breeze when you can leave uneasy deeds REDACTED!>
"I'm happy." "I'm happy." "I'm happy!"
It's a Joy It's a Joy It's a Joy To be among we happy few It's a Joy It's a Joy It's a Joy
It's a Joy It's a Joy It's a Joy To be among we happy few It's a Joy (it's a Joy) It's a Joy (it's a Joy)
And we've never been happier No, we've never been happier
Guess which mutual this is. >:]
Green text... Creator Anon?
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mellikropotkin · 5 months
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Q84 is soo satire of "cancel culture" coded
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More Visual Novels!
We've successfully launched Penny Larceny during the Steam Visual Novel Festival! Hooray! But let's share the love, right? Let's celebrate our fellow indies in a thread of other games you may like…
First Bite is a sexy and creepy and fun LGBTQIA2+ tale featuring writing by Aenne, who worked on Arcade Spirits! Sink your teeth into this one.
Next is Beacon Pines, a cozy little adventure with just enough sci-fi horror to intrigue, and a cool storybook art style!
Also check out Henchman Story, which takes the comic book satire angle to a mismanaged workplace environment!
Lastly, check out Scarlet Hollow and Slay the Princess -- amazing hand-drawn artwork, a gripping ongoing story, just darn creepy fun!
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years
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‘Mr Adams, 65, later acknowledged that his career was destroyed. He said most of his income would be gone by next week.’
Words cannot express our mutual loathing of the Dilbert cartoons.
Great cartoon strips should be funny and inspirational or should at least made some pertinent point about the zeitgeist. Americans in particular have been utterly spoiled living in an era where so many all time great cartoon strips have appeared on their shores ... Bill Waterson’s Calvin And Hobbes (arguably the greatest of all time), Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County (aka Milo’s Meadow aka Outlands) saga; Gary Trudeau’s Doonesbury (granted, it only truly achieved its potential when it was facing competition from the other two mentioned and had to up its game)
Too many of the Dilbert ‘jokes’ were long done before by others like, for example, the Agatha Crumm strip - except better. Jokes about work and corporate life are standards.
But in all of these there’s one unshakable factor - the villains, either occasionally or frequently, get their comeuppance from their behaviour. This never, ever happened in Dilbert.
Instead it was an endless series of omnipotent management arseturnips screwing everything up and making others miserable with their bumnuggetry - without consequences to themselves. Either that, or it would be some cheap comment on a modern workplace absurdity (eg. the ‘pronouns’ fad) with zero attempts at actual satire or parody, just a moody ‘Tsk!’
It’s almost as if Scott Adams was a propagandist for Corporate America, channelling the subliminal line: ‘no matter how much we f**k up your lives, we cannot be destroyed - ever. Slowly we will crush your spirit in return for your miserable paycheck and little by little turn you into our soulless husk.’
And cartoonists like that we can well do without.
A strip cartoon which doesn’t even make you think - indeed one that serves to depress the spirit and subliminally hiss in your ear like Wormtongue ‘do as you’re told, there’s no escape from any of this’ isn’t merely a waste of time, but an enemy of humanity and all its wonderful possibilities when infused with the most vital energy of all - hope. Great satire often brings hope at the darkest times. Dilbert did none of this.
Indeed, there’s something of a delicious irony that Dilbert has finally been destroyed - and Scott Adams’ career with it - by the very same corporate bumnuggetry it did zero to subvert and everything to tell its readers to grovel to as undefeatable. Thank the plumbobs that the most depressing cartoon strip outside of Spoilt Bastard from ‘Viz’ is finally gone.
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roamertv · 1 year
bahaha yeah now london boy can be enjoyed for the brilliant satire it is 😂 i also have that icky feeling about invisible string and long story short because of the Toe "Facts" she very awkwardly chucked into the lyrics. do you feel that way about those songs too? i hope someday soon i won't hear them that way anymore...
hooray ding dong the toe is gone! 🥳
Hi Anon! 👋 🥳🥳 Indeed! Yeah even though I knew it totally satirical, I still just couldn't bring myself to listen to LB for some reason. Now I'm all here for it! 🤣
As for Invisible String & LSS, I love both those songs as I never heard them thru the "Toe" lens despite the forced Toe crumbs, which were easily debunked (& associated with KK in some ways too). Both songs scream Kaylor to me as Taylor & Karlie have been tied together by an invisible string for so many years & have been through so damn much together (LSS). I hope that happens for you too as they are both great songs! 🥳🥳
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sanctifiedtongues · 1 month
i enjoyed bright young things well enough, havent read the original novel vile bodies but by god does it feel like they committed to drawing from the source text like 100% with no alterations. i noticed a couple ppl complaining in the reviews about how nothing happened which i get it, thats how a lot of the satire from this period reads. however im a fan of those works so i appreciated how well the pacing matches up (again, not having read the novel, just assuming). they were doing so so much in that editing bay. anyways 3 1/2 stars bc it did emotionally affect me and there were some good performances and dialogue in there hooray also wrote this three days after i actually watched it bc i havent processed what i would like to say about the movie i just watched. dont know why i do not just put this on my letterboxd but i dont want to edit my review kisses kisses mwah mwah goodnight
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steelbluehome · 4 months
Cannes 2024 Competition
Review: The Apprentice
by Marta Bałaga
21/05/2024 - CANNES 2024: Ali Abbasi’s satire about baby Trump is shallow and pointless, a real misstep for the versatile director.
How Ali Abbasi managed to follow Border [+] (sexed-up trolls!) and Holy Spider [+] (a women-hating killer!) with a satire about baby Trump, finding his footing thanks to mentor Roy Cohn, is a mystery. But it’s also a misstep for the versatile director, who seems so intrigued by 1970s New York and bouncy period songs that he forgets he had a story to tell.
The Apprentice, screened in the Cannes Film Festival competition, says precisely nothing. No, that’s not fair – it says that Donald Trump was created by Roy Cohn, a powerhouse lawyer and a proud bully. The clueless met the all-knowing in a members-only joint, learnt fast and kicked the king of New York off his throne. A tale as old as time, with some waterfall walls, hair transplants and Jeremy Strong really committing to intense stares and push-ups.
It’s interesting at the beginning, when Trump (Sebastian Stan, pouting away) is still that awkward kid at the party, begging to be noticed by the big shots he so admires. He gets his wish – Cohn (Succession’s Strong) invites him over for a drink. Trump doesn’t drink, but he has big plans, and a friendship is forged. What does Trump get out of it? Everything, including three rules of success, which he will monetise later. What does Cohn get out of it? An admirer, eager and pretty “like Robert Redford”, some journalist claims in a profile. He might be attracted to him, this tall “thoroughbred”, but not necessarily; it’s just nice when people look up to you. But if you have fun creating a monster, don’t be surprised when it bites your hand off and swallows it whole.
That’s where this film fails – Trump’s transformation feels rushed, as if Abbasi realised that he was making this blond kid a little too nice. It’s clear he is more into power than sex, for example, and that’s intriguing – ignoring a gorgeous companion but noticing every rich guy in the room – but soon he goes, for example, from fearing his cruel father to smiling happily when he finally proudly calls him “a killer”, from buying future wife Ivana (Maria Bakalova) crazy amounts of flowers to raping her. Which, it has to be said, is an unpleasant, unnecessary scene, once again proving that all too often, directors use female suffering and sexual violence to say something about a man. As for Ivana, she is quickly discarded. She gets to talk about some fake Tiffany cufflinks, however. Hooray.
Abbasi goes broad from the start: there’s Nixon’s “I am not a crook” speech; there’s a meeting with Andy Warhol, who gets Trump right away, because Andy also does whatever is currently selling. There was some hope that a non-US director would notice something new in this mess, that he would manage to demystify a figure that refuses to go away. But showing Trump in his shy days, pining for attention and throwing up when finally forced to drink something other than water, doesn’t achieve that.
This promised to be a controversial, important film – it’s not. It also feels like a TV movie, made quickly and with a ready-made period soundtrack. Maybe it’s just too early to fully grasp Trump, already such a cartoonish figure that on the screen he doesn’t feel real. Or maybe it’s time to stop fixating on the hair (which Stan touches, brushes and hairsprays here every other minute) and ask why his antics and his “art of the deal” are so appealing to people. Nobody knows Trump, and nobody understands what he is after these days – that’s scary. And nobody will, at least not now, because The Apprentice lets him off the hook once again, with Stan’s version continuing to “admit nothing, deny everything”.
The Apprentice was produced by Profile Pictures (Denmark), Scythia Films (Canada), Tailored Films (Ireland), and the USA’s Gidden Media and Kinematics. Its international sales are managed by Rocket Science.
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babyawacs · 8 months
#until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_S ECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and _pets  (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild . @bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamb urg @muenchen @stuttgart #ueberweisen_auf_aeh_deutsches_konto #ai_luck #aeh_nutsness_then #baby_lives _but_why #woopsie #trust_is_for_the #obvious #satisfaction #stateofmind #notwehr_nothilfe_selbstverteidi gung #inert #precondition #aaaw_had_i_only_known_the_magic_cocacola_think_of_all_the_wonderful_sss exxx_with_germans #control_institutions #pros #rubbertitttts #tothem #hitler #labels #sexuell #actionability #gefahrimverzug #tattippen #labels #batshxitnuts #hideous  #logic_consistency #forcertain #no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inve rted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvi ous #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factual ly #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick  #the #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description_precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids #aeh  #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon # and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak # people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooo w #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #re volutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist_s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptan ce #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecuritypolicy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #intel #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in *satire:*  what a luck then the mother then musthave joined the sssexxxbadensic aeh ssse xxxallience with e what aluck another german alibi w h e e e e e e y  *endofsatire.* these were nonfrivolous innocent civillians  moreorless isolated  victimisedby criminalgovernance and theirproxies them empowered o ver civilpopulation todowhat and thattheydid alltheywanted until they couldnt //////
#until_they_couldnt #quickly_nuts_the #state_attorney_kids #villainy #botch_is_vs #itis #CRIMINAL_SECURITYPOLICY #mercy_really #you_dont_understand #banana_republic_germany_devious_version #blackwars_and_pets (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen…
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blastropodcast · 1 year
Back to the Future 2 pt. 2 w David Flora
Doc & Marty permanently harm a teenage boy after the school dance. Hooray?
Guest: David Flora
Find David on: Blurry Photos & Quiz Quiz Bang Bang podcast.
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Muffed Movies is a work of satire which celebrates cinema through parody.
Check out this episode!
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arsenicisaddictive · 3 years
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I mean my last post was about wanting to kill myself but go off
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felikatze · 3 years
gosh overthink huh. do you mind writing about cheese man, maybe? could be about anything! i love him a Whole Lot and i just.... mmmmm chesed aaaaaaaahhhhhhhHhhhhhhh
this post is Late bcuz word empty and getting distracted by things such as exams, video games, driving, and semi regularly going to sleep at 8pm. anyway
I prepared this one in a libreoffice doc this time hooray for structuring
My main thesis for Chesed as briefly touched upon in my netzach post was this: "Activist Burnout."
i actually went wayyy overboard on uh. just lobcorp itself without LoR, so I'm cutting this particular post off with his Core Supression so I actually post something. But. I do have more. Also I feel like this is mainly recap instead of digging but you may like it anyway? Maybe? Dunno.
"I'm just gonna rewatch his LobCorp scenes to refresh my memory," I said, making this post entirely about LobCorp
The lovely brainworms anon even put this into context of Lobcorp's main symbolism, which I have transcribed from an eaten ask for reading ease.
"It makes sense as well based on the Kabballah, (Disclaimer: I am no expert on the subject matter and am only using what knowledge I've managed to scour on the internet.) Chesed is supposedly the Sephirah of loving kindness whose mercy and compassion balanced out by Geburah the supposed Sephiroth of strength and justice. The two of them needing each other to balance each other out lest  they each go too far. Geburah by going on a rampage and wanting to punish the abnormalities even at the cost of employees. And Chesed as you said, falling into despair, guilt, and activist burnout by putting the blame for things way outside his control onto himself."
Thank you brainworms anon, you are very smart. Though because neither of us are jewish (which i presume from your disclaimer) I'm not the person to go in depth on that particular aspect, but rather take this as confirmation that a major aspect for Chesed is compassion, and an overabundance of it.
Now then, what is activist burnout? A definition I could find courtesy of alive magazine was “when long-term activism-related stressors deteriorate activists’ physical or emotional health or sense of connectedness to their movements, impacting their effectiveness or abilities to remain engaged.”
Another source lists symptoms as
"Exhaustion: Feeling emotionally and physically drained
Cynicism: Having negative associations with the work that once seemed so important
Inefficacy: Doubting self-worth and lack of activist achievement"
The first even notes that prolonged trauma in these environments can even lead to PTSD.
So, why am I saying specifically activist burnout, and not regular burnout?
Because Carmen's crew were activists, easy. Daniel came from a place of privilege as a citizen of a Nest, but recognized the unfair conditions of the world around him and sought to change them for the better through Carmen's great project. The setting of the City and associated Wings is once again a potent satire of the most extreme capitalistic society possible, thereby drawing attention to how the less murdery version affects us in the current day. Of course they're activists.
However, by the time of LobCorp proper, we see all these aforementioned traits. We can see how tired he is from his design alone, as the only Sephirah with bags under his eyes, and always clinging to a cup of coffee to get started in the day.
For the second point, from his second story section onward it becomes clear that he is disillusioned with LobCorp's work. He has an attitude of "why bother wasting effort being mean when it'll be over soon enough" from Chesed's very first interaction with X. He says himself that he's feigning niceness though; he's utterly distanced himself from everything, seeing all of it as "wasted effort" because this cup of coffee went cold a long time ago.
He doesn't see any worth in what he's doing. At all. It seems like he has really low expectations for everything, and acts accordingly. This includes the manager; only when they actually fulfill his tasks does he seem pleasently suprised. In his third interaction, he mocks Angela's meaningless speech of "contributing to something better"
Now the last point is where we get spicy. "I hadn't even developed a taste for coffee back then. Should I say I developed that taste after learning the bitterness of life?"
From flashbacks, we see that during the early days, Chesed was extremely passionate. But, every measure he took failed, courtesy of Angela's sabotage (later revealed to be all in the name of the script). His efforts were doomed to failure in the first place, because human sacrifice wasn't collateral damage to be avoided, it was a necessity.
Chesed has a rather unique position as Sephirot of the Welfare Team. It's literally his duty to help the employees and keep them safe. Unlike most other teams, he directly confronts how death can be minimized, and thus has the greatest awareness of how unavoidable it really is.
"It's a good thing that everyone has such clear-cut assigned roles. It makes it easy for them to be faithful to their task with no unnecessary contemplation or distraction."
"Lady Angela does a very good job at keeping everyone in check in her play. Anytime someone tries to rid themself of their assigned role... Well, she becomes merciless."
Again, his position in the Welfare Team is what allows him to contemplate all this at all, combined with the fact that we know Chesed is already much smarter than he first appears. From his theatrical metaphor, we can even glean that he either came to the conclusion of a script himself, or managed to glean it from Angela's actions. The other Sephirah simply do not have the space to think about it to such a degree.
Angela tells him the truth about how LobCorp creates its energy not only because Chesed was already onto it, but because showing a passionate young man that his every goodwill is useless and will be sabotaged is the best way to break him.
(Another youth broken by the sharp jaws of capitalism~)
We only do things efficiently. Be happy you have this job at all. Just drink some coffee, you'll feel better.  "What's the point of it all?"
By the end of it all, he just gave up. If he went against Angela, if he told the employees the truth, she'd just kill them. And it will be his fault.
During Chesed's fifth segment, we actually get to see his relationship with Gebura, as touched upon by Brainworm Anon.
Angela herself says that "Gebura has failed to control her enmity, and has now lost her way." Chesed's kindness had made him unable to act, unable to rebel for fear of consequence. Despite saying he doesn't care for the welfare of employees, who else could it be for? "I hope you continue to rot until the day you die, succumbing to your fears like the servile bastard you are," says Gebura, hitting the nail on the head while also being very mean.
Gebura goes hard in the exact opposite direction. Chesed is consumed by fear, but she won't let herself be afraid. Ever. She'll confront everything head on, she'll punish each and every Abnormality as much as she can. The flipside to this is that "lack of fear" doesn't just mean for herself, but also for others. Her initial task as Kali was protecting others, and by refusing to show fear and setting her focus on raw strength, she accepts any casualty, completely contradicting her initial mission. But that's a topic for another post.
From the wise words of Brainrot Anon:
"But the way both Geburah and Chesed both grow into being healthier more balanced versions of themselves makes my heart swell with happiness in knowing that all our hardwork in LC did pay off when it came to helping our friends."
Speaking of growing into a healthier version of yourself, we have arrived at the turning point!
"Everyone has their own battle in this place...," he says after Gebura storms off, "But I can't seem to shake off this feeling that I'm the only one who just observes this situation from afar, not taking any action."
Wu oh! We've finally arrived at the self loathing! In a way, this is both completely out of his control, and a prison of his own making. Angela's sabotage was a delibarate effort to break his spirit, and yet Chesed himself tried to distance himself from the harsh reality as much as possible.
This dear statement shows us that his unique position, the most aware of the truth of LobCorp amongst the Upper and Middle Sephirah as well as seemingly unable to do anything about it, was eating him up inside.
Flashback to Garion. She tells him flat out, it doesn't matter whether he opens the door or not, because Garion will just do it herself if he doesn't. Eerily similar to the exact previous moment of Angela asking Chesed to lower the Qlipoth Detrrence. Hell, it's both about setting the Abnormalities free!
Daniel doesn't resist, because he has no choice, right? Resistance's all pointless, right? Daniel was consumed by fear, the same way Chesed was.
His core supression, his rebellion, is about taking the reins back into his own hands, about moving past the burnout and actually acting again. To him, every word of praise for his cowardice was just another pile of guilt. And the manager kept fulfilling his tasks, kept reducing casualties, kept showing him that its possible to act and to succeed!
"I don't want to undertake dirty work for Angela's show, or be a puppet who gets praise and applause from everyone. Nor do I want to be your "aide" who can't do a single thing. All of this has been a series of shame for me. Manager, this shall be my rebellion against you and Angela."
He was sick of taking a step back, of letting the shame pile on and on. We also see a bit of survivor's guilt from Daniel, regretting he was the only person who survived the initial attack from Garion.
Making this post, I'm seeing that Chesed's story is about how one gets burned out, and how one breaks out of it. How too much compassion results in guilt, and that with enough external pressure, compassion is discarded because of fear. You can try to change the world all you like, but the world will chew you up and spit you out. If you let it, that is.
"Why did I never come to the realization that I myself could be my own saviour?"
"I'm still afraid, manager. I'm still unsure if I can truly fight back against the fear I may face in the future. But I've decided not to run away, at the very least."
Chesed's Seed of Light is called "Those who are Faithful and Trustworthy." He reevaluated who he should really believe in, whose orders he should really follow, without just giving up and rolling over. In the end, if he decides to place his trust in the manager, it's of his own volition.
In a way, my initial grasp of his character may have been lacking..... I mainly focused on the first half of it, without touching upon the important aspect of reconcillation and regaining the passion thought lost. Only once he starts believing in his work again does Chesed not only act but feel like he is kind again.
One thing I may have mentioned about Chesed in regards to LoR, is that he still distances himself from other's suffering... but I don't think it's a bad thing as it was in LobCorp. It's all about the scope. LobCorp was something Chesed was directly involved in. A lof of "What if Daniel tried to resist Garion? What if Chesed tried to resist Angela?" and in the case of Chesed vs Jae-heon, the Library is the thing Chesed decided to place his trust in, which Jae-heon tries to destroy. Them standing in direct opposition leads Chesed to fall back on the attitude of "why waste effort being mean?"
As a final note, I find his Core Supression incredibly ironic, as all Core Suppressions are, since his is damage amplification. He's not hurting Angela or the manager, just the employees. Maybe that's why he needs to be supressed in that case in the first place. Well, it's always darkest before dawn, and every Sephirah is most batshit before enlightenment.
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moviemunchies · 2 years
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Wait, so it’s a family movie about the power of family bonds, without overbearing romantic subplot, and it’s about the Machine Uprising, making pointed satirical jabs at the modern tech industry?
Heck yeah, I’m into it.
The story goes something like this: the Mitchell family is not always cohesive as they’d like. Katie Mitchell is an aspiring filmmaker who doesn’t really get along with her outdoorsman, fix-it-yourself father, Rick. She’s about to start college at film school in California, but after an argument with her dad, Rick realizes that they’re drifting apart. His plan to fix this? A family road trip to take her from their home in Michigan to her film school.
Katie is not, as you might guess, thrilled.
But all is not well on this trip, because tech giant Mark Bowman is unveiling a new personal robot that will replace the AI everyone has on their phone, PAL. Except PAL is not thrilled about the idea of being made obsolete, and has been planning her own agenda. She takes over the robots and sends them to collect all of humanity. The only ones who manage to evade capture are the Mitchells, and so they’ve got to go and save the world by uploading the kill command to eliminate the army into the mainframe.
Family bonding and saving the world all in one! Hooray!
The key element here is the relationship between Katie and her father Rick, so if that relationship doesn’t work for you, the movie doesn’t work. I think it works overall, but I do get that for a lot of people, it might not, because part of what sets off this road trip is him accidentally breaking Katie’s computer, and it isn’t until the very end that he really has any sort of appreciation for what she does in filmmaking. But I think it’s important to note that A) he really does not understand anything about computers or how they work and B) part of this is, as displayed in the film, from his own experiences and his own dreams not working out. He wants Katie to succeed in her dreams, but he doesn’t understand it at all and his own dream to live in a cabin in the woods (which he does understand) didn’t work out, so he has trouble grasping how film school might.
A lot of the humor in this movie is based off of memes and amusing edits of shots and scenes. And that easily could be grating���there’s very little as annoying as people jumping on meme bandwagons long after they’re obsolete. But I think overall it works, because the film is using it to display Katie’s personality. She’s into computers and Internet culture in a way her father can’t understand at all. The movie also has plenty of its own original humor that doesn’t require understanding of popular Internet memes to understand.
Like Monchi. Oh, Monchi, you stupid dog, you.
I am happy to see that the main villain of the piece is not a twist villain. Not that I expected that from the trailers, but it’s very common, especially with Disney, to try to do a villain that’s some sort of twist. It’s almost standard for them at this point. And it’s annoying as all getout. The absolute worst was Frozen II, in which the twist villain was the sisters’ long dead grandfather in the backstory. No one cares!
PAL is not a twist villain. She’s just a villain. While she does get a somewhat sympathetic motivation for setting her plan in motion (her maker is planning on replacing her, and throws her away in front of an audience), it’s not as if she’s particularly sympathetic as she tries to wipe the human race from the world. She’s just kind of a massive dick all around.
Honestly, you could call the tech industry to be the real villain here. The movie doesn’t demonize technology–it’s what Katie uses to make her dreams come true after all–but how the tech industry really does not think about anything it does other than to push technology past the limits to make things more convenient, without considering that maybe, building an army of robots and ticking off the AI you designed was a bad plan.
The animation is gorgeous, of course. It doesn’t play around with style in the way another Sony Animation feature, Into the Spider-Verse does, but it still uses a very distinctive and colorful style that sets it apart from Disney and Dreamworks.
Characters are all fun–aside from Katie and Rick, Aaron’s a standout, as a kid who just really loves dinosaurs but doesn’t quite know how to talk to people otherwise. And I get it, kid–dinosaurs are awesome, and yeah it’s a shame that more people don’t know they have feathers. I’d talk to him about dinosaurs (assuming I picked up the phone–I don’t usually for numbers I don’t know).
There are some fun action sequences–the mall one stands out. This being an animated comedy of course the action scenes are silly, but they’re still very memorable and fun to watch.
Also! I realize that no one really cares, but: I’m a little disappointed that the song that Rick and Katie bond over is not, in fact, “Dragostea di Tei”, but actually “Live Your Life.” We all know the “Numa Numa” song was more meme-able, don’t we?
[And I don’t know where to put this! But! Apparently this movie was originally titled “The Mitchells vs. the Machines,” but the title was changed to the generic and dumb-sounding “Connected”. It was then changed back to the original title, and I’m very glad because it’s much more memorable.]
I liked this movie, and I thought it was loads of fun. I don’t think it’s quite as good as something like Into the Spider-Verse, but that doesn’t change that it’s a solid animated comedy with a good story, lovable characters, and I think it’s a worthy animated feature. Watch if you have the time. You’ll enjoy it.
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess pt.19
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h m y g o d do I get a little crazier every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [XVIII]
EDIT 26/10/2023: Updated the drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
Hooray for plot rewriting
So, remember when I mentioned BF’sH came to be subdivided in 2 -then 3 arcs? Well, allow me to resume them like this:
I. Past present
-BF’s backstory in NG city + how he and GF knew each other, going from ‘neighbours’ to friend, and from friends to downstraight lovers (the Pico related events are also there, but I wrote them down a little differently than canonically stated by either Tom Fulp or Ninjamuffin)
II. Future present
-All the things that happened after FNF’s main events (mods). Some events remain the same; others are put in a different light, and so on. This was also meant to be BF’sH original story plot (y’know, when he comes back to the hood and shit) the one that’d take this arc, but after rewriting the stuff, I moved most of it to the third one instead
III. Hollow present
-Basically the same storyline of BF’sH, but now the Past Present and Future Present mash up protagonist-wise. Plus, BF’s family got kidnapped by the same people that fucked the hood up (Stephano and his gang), and some characters gather self-awareness and paradox deja vú (can’t describe exactly the feeling my brain hurts) referring to the events from OG BF’sH, which some of them were actually ‘corrupted’ or just not happening as they were thought in the start
And BF also finds out he’s not actually…well, the real BF, but an alternative instead (existencial crisis when)
…It’s a lot on this one, and I don’t know if I’ll make it as clear as possible through the sketchdump format, but yeah, shit’s flippin on this side of the fence
Let’s just get this one done with (for now)
1.-Distraught Miss G / Past!GF
The moment you realize the world is falling apart, your closest friend is basically dying and there isn’t much you can do about it
Honestly, I’d be just as upset if I was her in that situation
2.-||Sicken|| Lil B / Past!BF
Pulling some heartstrings right there
Jokes aside, his sickness is mostly a collateral damage done by not only the timelines’ mash, but also the alternative universe’s slow but perceptible inner collapsing
Still, someone call 911 on that child already he’s literally about to d I E -
3.-Destiny Bond BF
Going under the logic of past-self-future-self: Anything that happens to Lil B (later nicked Minor B) will reflect towards BF (later nicked Major B) and same with GF (later nicked High G) and Miss G (later nicked Low G)
So yeah, you can tell what’s up over here by the context situation
Yeah, that’s…that was the stuff that got inside poor Minor B
5.-GF and Lil B / Past!BF
Aa- they so cute
I stand for Motherly instinct GF y’all
6.-BF and Miss G / Past!GF
To resume what they’re talking about: She’s basically telling BF what I just mentioned here and –possibly- my first post about this AT/AU, and some cold buckets do get thrown during that convo, especially over BF
7.- Lil B’s / Past!BF’s drawings
Child drawings
8.- Lil B / Past!BF icon revamped
Because why not
9.- Sleepy boi
Boy went Zzzzz but it’s the smol version instead
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outoftowninac · 3 years
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The Gang’s All Here is a 1931 musical comedy with music by Louis E. Gensler, book by Russel Crouse, Oscar Hammerstein II, and Morrie Ryskind, with lyrics by Owen Murphy and Robert A. Simon. It was directed by Frank McCoy and staged by Oscar Hammerstein II.
The plot concerned a war between bootleggers in 1931 Atlantic City NJ, with the second act set mainly in Nantucket RI.  
Note: The musical is not related to the popular song “Hail! Hail! The Gang’s All Here” nor the 1943 film starring Carmen Miranda and Alice Faye. 
The musical had its out-of-town tryout in Philadelphia, where they realized it was in trouble and called in Oscar Hammerstein as play doctor. Although Hammerstein had no hopes for The Gang’s All Here, he couldn’t say no to his colleagues and agreed to go to Philadelphia to see what he could do to improve the musical.  
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After the Philadelphia tryout at the Shubert, Ruby Keeler (possibly sensing she was in a turkey) departed the cast and was replaced with Gina Malo. Keeler went to Hollywood where she thrived. 
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After Philadelphia, the show made a short stop at the Shubert in Newark, New Jersey (above) before heading to Broadway’s Imperial Theatre, opening February 18, 1931 and lasting just 23 performances. 
One of the unique song titles was “By Special Permission of the Copyright Owner, I Love You”.  
Every time a radio is playing, they're saying  "And next you will hear us play  Something with the publisher's okay"  Listening to this great announcer trilling  This thrilling new text, told me what to do Try this very notion out on you...  I asked your Father, he said "Okay!"  I asked your Mother, she said "Hooray!"  By special permission of the copyright owner I love you!
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Vaudeville sensation Ted Healy headlined. He is largely remember as the man responsible for “The Three Stooges”.  Just prior to this musical, Healy and the original stooges parted ways over a dispute, and Healy replaced them with three other ‘stooges’, who also appeared with him in his next musical, Billy Rose’s Crazy Quilt (May 1931). 
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The reviews were mostly negative. Brooks Atkinson said that “seldom has a lavish musical struggled so clumsily to reconcile a satiric book with the antics of clowns. Despite feverish re-working, the show was a hurly-burly of disjoined scenes.”   Dorothy Parker said that the show was “fantastically confused and preposterously elongated” and “dragged on beyond midnight.”  
George Jean Nathan said the musical needed “a carload of blue pencils” and Arthur Ruhl said that it was “excessively long-winded, labored and dull.”
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The show ended abruptly, with patrons arriving to be told the show had prematurely ended its run. 
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Set drawing for the first scene of Act One of The Gang’s All Here.  It was designed by Henry Dreyfuss. It is unclear how this ties into the scene description in the program of “On the Boardwalk at Atlantic City”.  But the drawing is dated February 14, 1931, just four days before the show’s Broadway opening, and well past the preview period. In addition to re-writes, it is likely that scenic changes were also made. 
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If anything good came from the musical, it seems that one of the character names - Winterbottom - was recycled into the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical Of Thee I Sing (coincidentally also set in Atlantic City) which opened just a few months later. In it, there the President was named Wintergreen and the Vice President Throttlebottom. The common thread was book writer Morrie Ryskind created both shows. 
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In 1931, the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Atlantic City was marking its first decade, and was already known for it’s superior service and accommodation. In 1921, another musical was set at the Ritz titled Ritz Carlton Nights. That one, however, unlike The Gang’s All Here, actually originated in Atlantic City.  
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Peacock Alley was not located at the Ritz, but at the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel. It was so named because it was the connecting hallway between the conjoined Marlborough and Blenheim hotels, and allowed guests to “peacock” (strut in their finery) for the perusal of other guests. 
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Interestingly, when the HBO series “Boardwalk Empire” (which also concerned bootleggers during prohibition), showed the Ritz, it was actually modeled on the Marlborough-Blenheim’s more exotic exterior, not the actual Ritz’s boxy frame. 
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The Boardwalk in 1931. In 1930′s Atlantic City, it could be truly said that “the gang’s all here.” 
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