mikrokosmcs · 2 years
El  anden  del  metro  recibe  y  despide  toda  clase  de  personas,  toda  clase  de  colores  y  clases  sociales.  Suyeong  ha  contado  en  todo  ese  tiempo  varios  estudiantes  rezagados  de  sus  clases,  trabajadores  de  oficina  que  volvían  a  casa  luego  de  horas  extras,  personas  que  al  parecer  volvían  de  las  copas  habituales  luego  de  los  trabajos.  La  voz  del  auricular  anuncia  el  próximo  tren,  de  los  últimos  antes  de  cerrar  las  puertas  del  transporte  para  recibir  a  los  mismo  estudiantes  y  trabajadores  al  día  siguiente.  El  productor  suspira  largamente  deseando  poder  tal  vez  fumar  un  poco  del  cigarrillo  eléctrico,  pero  en  lugar  del  veneno  en  forma  de  vapor,  descansa  un  caramelo  en  su  boca  deshaciéndose  hasta  una  pequeña  laminilla  de  bordes  punzocortantes  y  la  tritura  entre  los  dientes.  Mantiene  las  manos  en  los  bolsillos  de  su  chaqueta  de  cuero,  sus  ojos  bien  abiertos  y  sus  oídos  captando  cada  sonido,  por  más  mínimo  que  fuese.  Suyeong  no  se  había  arriesgado  a  ponerse  auriculares  y  escuchar  algunas  piezas  de  sus  propios  trabajos  a  entregar  o  música  de  cantantes  conocidos,  no  cuando  tenía  varios  días  yendo  a  ese  mismo  anden  donde  había  escuchado  la  voz  más  angelical  y  perfecta  que  había  oído  en  toda  su  vida.  No  era  cosa  de  todas  las  noches,  no  cuando  debía  terminar  proyectos,  quedarse  hasta  tarde  estudiando  teoría  o  teniendo  vida  social  que  le  hacía  olvidarse  de  aquel  sonido  que  él  consideraba  perfecto,  ideal  para  cualquier  pieza  de  composición  de  su  propia  marca  y  con  su  propio  sello  personal.  Pero  todas  las  mañanas  volvía  a  despertar  y  esa  pequeña  obsesión,  se  volvió  una  composición  completa  y  luego,  agregó  una  letra.  El  tren  sopla  aire  directo  a  su  cara  y  Suyeong  cree  que  es  otra  noche  perdida,  sacando  su  teléfono  celular  y  los  airpods  para  colocarlos  en  sus  oídos,  la  pantalla  de  su  móvil  muestra  una  canción  de  Cigarettes  After  Sex  y  su  dedo  vacila  sobre  el  botón  de  reproducir.  El  tren  abre  sus  puertas  tan  rápido  como  llegó  y  es  en  ese  preciso  momento,  en  ese  efímero  instante  donde  alza  la  cabeza  para  observar  al  otro  lado  del  andén  entre  todas  las  personas  que  abandonan  el  transporte,  y  puede  ponerle  una  cara  a  su  ángel.  No  es  la  misma  canción  que  escuchó  hace  semanas,  pero  Suyeong  podría  reconocer  ese  timbre  de  voz  en  cualquiera  lugar.  No  es  una  presentación  como  tal,  puesto  que  se  acercaba  la  media  noche  y  con  ello,  se  cerrarían  las  puertas  del  espacio,  pero  Suyeong  cree  que  el  otro  solo  desea  poder  deleitar  a  las  personas  con  una  muestra  de  su  gran  talento  que  inclusive  sin  grandes  micrófonos  o  amplificadores,  lograba  transmitir  emociones.  El  más  bajo  de  los  dos  traspasa  el  vagón  de  tren,  entrando  por  una  puerta  y  saliendo  por  la  otra  con  una  disculpa  plana  a  las  personas  que  se  quejan  por  su  extraño  comportamiento.  El  tren  avanza  detrás  de  su  espalda,  pero  sus  pies  están  en  la  misma  plataforma  que  el  cantante  y  se  deleita,  sus  parpados  se  han  cerrado  y  la  música  logra  recorrer  su  torrente  sanguíneo  como  una  droga.  -  —Increíble…  —  - 
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nettra · 26 days
In order to survive, we often must act fast based on limited information. Here’s what it really takes to act fast: You’re right about that thing you want to do You can do that right thing That thing is near to you That thing is easy for you You’re able to actually finish that thing
Carly Rose Gillis (via Feel like you don’t have enough time? Redefine “enough” | by The Medium Newsletter | Aug, 2024 | The Medium Blog)
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wielsonf · 8 months
satisficing slot shortage
when we can't optimize, we satisfice (satisfy+suffice).
i personally do not like that anyone in the uplb faculty has to resort to this, but the teacher was left with no other ethical and moral choice, hence, the satisficing.
the issue of limited slots in courses is not new. i vividly remember being one of the summer students in 2010 ̶b̶e̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ queuing for a slot in nasc 10 (forests as a source of life), a general education (ge) course and the lone ge out of ~27 offered that summer at the heart of the makiling forest reserve. from 160, the class size became 220 due to the teacher's prerogative, an institutionalized mechanism in the up system where a professor (in this case, a team of faculties-in-charge) may accept additional students on their own volition.
it has been at least a decade and this problem lingers. increase faculty items, decrease class sizes, more facilities - a few of the possibly many solutions a true national university deserve.
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ariel m. bombio on facebook
ᵖˢ. ˢᵃʷ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ⁱⁿ ᵖᵃˢˢⁱⁿᵍ, ʳᵉᵃᵈⁱˡʸ ᵏⁿᵉʷ ⁱ ʰᵃᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁱᵗ
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usunezukoinezu · 9 months
''...most of us are split into two categories of decision-makers: satisficers and maximizers. The maximizer is someone you might be familiar with. They want everything possible, and they’ll try and try until they get it. They’re picky to the point of being frustrating, and take all of their allotted time to make a decision, every time. Even then, they’ll still second-guess themselves and regret their decision. The satisficer, on the other hand, can more accurately determine what really matters and focuses on those things. They get in and get out, and happily move on with their day.''
-Peter Hollins, Mental Models
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pininghermit · 1 year
Overstimulating Afab Alucard with Cunnilingus and spoiling him with praise and affection afterwards
AN: I hope you like this nonnie. Sorry I mentally am not capable of writing smut but here we go-
Warning: Cunnilingus, cunt used for Adrian, gn reader, minors dni
Adrian's thighs quiver on your shoulders. Perched on the kitchen counter his skin feels flush against the cool marble. His fingers grip your hair, pulling you closer into him.
His hips move to meet your tongue lapping at his cunt. He wants you everywhere. His lips, the edge of his collarbone, his sensitive nipples and his cunt. He wants too much.
Your tongue inside him is warm. It sets alight a bundle of nerves that leaving arching. Your hands hold his hips, tracing unknown patterns on his skin.
You are both sweaty it feels like time has stilled. Its been hours, maybe days Adrian does not know. He cannot bring himself to care. Not when you have kept him dwindling on the edge of his building orgasm.
Even now as you tongue retreats right when he found himself close to getting undone. He can feel your smug smirk.
His cunt clenches around the emptiness and Adrian whines for you. "Hah y/n ummh," your breath on his folds is enough to keep him teetering on the delirious edge of pleasure. "Please,"
"Please what my love?" your voice sends vibration up Adrian's body. Even after hours of this...your voice does not falter like his. It is husky from the labor of your own choice but there not an iota of exhaustion or wear. Your hand cups his face while other maps the trail of your marks on him. "Please let me cum," Adrian pleads. "Please," Adrian's eyes lose focus as you nip the vulnerable skin of his thigh. So close.
And without a word your mouth returns on him. Your efforts doubled from before. Your hands grip his thighs.
Your tongue laps his juices. By now you smell entirely of his arousal and it satisfices some primal instinct in Adrian's brain.
You suck him emptying your cheeks and the delicious pressure of the vacuum thrusts Adrian into the oblivion of his orgasm. Adrian falls back on the cold counter slab but not without the cushion of your hands supporting his head.
Every pore of his body trembles with pleasure and sensitivity. "You did so well," your voice sounds distant from the haze of pleasure clouding him.
He does not gather when you carry him into your room or when you clean him without the slightest discomfort of oversensitivity. Comfort of sheets that smell of you and him envelop Adrian.
And when he wakes up dressed in your shirt and his hair braided he does not question. Neither does he find it surprising when you greet him to a clean kitchen and a hearty dinner. He has learned not to question your gestures or the motives behind them. Instead, a flutter of affection fills him with the very sight of you.
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intynidad · 1 year
Hi can I request a sadistic Darling and the things Loner would let them do to him? Maybe some hcs!
(Thanks for using they/them for lone!) Loner is a masochist and pretty much would let you do whatever you want to them,but they have some limits though
They are a little afraid of blades so knifes or anything like that would make them uncomfortable
Humiliate them.that it's. Call them a needy little whore and spit on their cheek and they will m e l t
Kinda into cheating, not them though, explicitly cheat on them and tell them they are not enough to satisfice you and they will launch at your feet pleading to let them prove it to you while they rub their crotch into your shoe.
Let them watch you have sex with other people, they have a huge voyeur kink and would absolutely masturbate at the sight of you being pleased by another person. (The other person would mysteriously stop contacting you after that but that another story)
A little sensitive around their neck so more than choking him i think graving his neck would have the same effect
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pluralthey · 1 year
can i ask for more about shiloh? She has such an unique design and her and Jessie's relationship seems interesting :0
shiloh is hard to describe from any one angle i feel like. when i made her character, i needed her to be someone who would immediately catch jessie's eye just walking past her, someone who would willingly enter a relationship with god without fear, and someone who had some kind of power in the relationship between them. she ended up as someone older, more experienced, and more confident than jessie, someone eccentric and unafraid to look the part, and someone who isn't necessarily trying to drown but isn't trying to paddle to shore either.
as a naked mole rat, she can't really feel pain. whatever fear reflex people learn from pain, she did not, although other naked mole rats might still have more self-preservation due to a natural predispositions. i see her as someone closer to having an unnatural level of analgesia even for a mole rat; she isn't incapable of feeling pain, but it will only be in areas where a lot of nerves would be clustered anyway, because adult naked mole rats' pain tolerance comes from a reduction in nerve population to conserve biological resources (they are born with a normal amount, and i think shiloh was born with an already reduced amount of receptors that became even sparser). that's not to say that shiloh doesn't feel fear, but it isn't in the back of her mind in the same way it might be for others. she doesn't look at a flame and think "i shouldn't get too close to that" without actual conscious effort to recall it.
shiloh seeks rather extreme sensations, partially due to a perceived sense of physical ennui, with the other component being a literal sense of ennui. the thing i see in common between her and jessie is a pervasive sense of boredom or dissatisfaction. extremes are more unique. they're less predictable... less boring. i've said it before but i think her relationship with jessie could easily still work out without the god powers due to jessie's erratic emotional states and stupidity - they make her entertaining to shiloh and force her to think in new ways if only to explain a concept she feels is common sense. this is Because shiloh is a person constantly seeking relief from boredom.
she is a super spiritual, but not religious (at least, until god announces herself...) person, and she could probably be described with nietzschean philosophies. she had a hard time believing free will existed prior to The Jessie Event and certainly stopped believing in it after that; it doesn't make sense in a world created by an all-powerful god. shiloh, however, channels this nihilistic take into a strong belief in fate. she may relinquish control in ways other people find absurd because she wants to see her fate. she wants life to have meaning very badly - otherwise, it's all noise... boring, boring noise. actually, i already wrote about this a while ago in my notes. here:
shiloh can frequently be passive because she deliberately refrains from constructing narratives. She wants a meaning told to her by life instead of finding it herself. This lack of an intrinsic narrative makes her particularly receptive to a wide variety of ideas and subtleties, but it also makes her unable or unwilling to definitively shut the book on the relationship with Jessie no matter how many red flags.
aside from that stuff... shiloh is a logic-driven person who seeks and finds patterns easily. novelty often feels meaningful to her because she can quickly categorize interactions, and novel interactions can't be categorized without fabricating a new category. you'll see her in the story notice more about jessie manipulating reality than jessie would prefer even when her memories are altered because she notices discrepancies in patterns that jessie just. does not. as a foil for jessie... shiloh is also kind of a pleasure maximizer, whereas jessie is a pleasure satisficer. if you've never heard of the maximization paradox, it's an interesting topic and very relevant to shiloh in particular: maximizer types will sacrifice more resources into a decision for additional options in order to (potentially) maximize the return on the decision -- however, this type of behavior reduces satisfaction. the more thought and effort you put into a decision, the less satisfying the decision tends to be. (jessie as a satisficer picks primarily from immediately available options based on the most satisfactory result and finds even childish, stupid solutions gratifying as an exercise of power, conversely.)
i've described shiloh as a "this is how it is" person, which can sound like someone who's kind of rolled over on their back and submitted. she's like this whether she's the one dominating or being dominated, though. she's not morally bankrupt like jessie, but she's not the most moral person, either -- especially in terms of choosing to intervene with suffering instead of remaining apathetic. like what happens to her, what happens to others is fate. it's more interesting to see what happens to them than trying to impose a desired meaning onto reality. notably this acceptance of both dominating and being dominated means that, while she prefers to submit and have the powers that be decide, she is willing to exercise her own power, and she enjoys doing so when she does. when i mention things like shiloh seeing taking GOD's virginity as a badge of pride or knowing she's going to be living in jessie's head rent-free forever, the knowledge that shiloh is someone who enjoys having power over others can make it make more sense. it isn't a side of her that gets much attention in the story because she simply can't exercise that much power over someone all-powerful. any act of outsmarting jessie is temporary as she learns. i think i find her to be a uniquely interesting character because while i have to have other characters who ultimately accept jessie's godhood, shiloh is a character who DOES NOT shy away from how fucked up it is. some of the other characters may just hope it turns out well or cope by assuming they're only dreaming, but shiloh is like "this is horrible and it's actually kind of fucking awesome"
i think i talked a lot about her psychology that makes her feelings for jessie sound detached and manipulative, she is just... smitten. in her own way. she is a detached person, but she still has human feelings and investment in an emotional life.
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sabakos · 5 months
i think pop music and other forms of mass culture are typically satisficers rather than maximizers. Which isn't a problem, it's useful for music to exist that can be played in any context that will be taken as pleasant to the majority of people listening. But there's something specifically repulsive to others about having your favorite be something that's designed to be mid; your favorite band should be one that would be offputting or offensive to the median person who heard it, much like their favorite might sound that way to you. And in this way we can actually all be hipsters for our own tastes without a contradiction.
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max1461 · 1 year
Premature optimization is the root of all evil. Outside of very narrow domains where the bounds of a problem are well understood, all optimization is premature. Satisfice or logarithmically discount effort with uncertainty or something, or doom yourself to various ends.
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mentalisttraceur · 2 years
One of the things it is genuinely good to be a satisficer with is taxonomies.
Drawing crisp boxes of kinds of things is inherently an exercise in "good enough", since it is reducing the truth down to a convenient simplified summary.
You're going to get things wrong. You're going to realize later that actually some similarities were just superficial, and discover other very non-obvious similarities.
Most of all, you're going to have changing needs. Taxonomies are relative to purpose, and only sometimes that purpose is to track your best approximation of the truth.
So if you find yourself paralyzed trying to figure out how to correctly classify things, ask yourself instead how you could empower yourself to easily change these decisions later.
Then just pick whatever taxonomy is good enough to start with.
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agoatnamedscape · 11 months
Paradoxical Romantics. (Revisited)(repost?)
Love can be everlasting, as long as you nurture it as it grows. But some of us are not inclined to having a green thumb and it shows. They say that in both love and war “anything goes”. But what’s love got to do with a heart which has froze?
Paradoxical romantics,
Separate but equal antics.
Love for the physical,
Lust for the astral.
Delicate as the pedals of a rose, so sometimes we misinterpret the feelings that arose. Many will satisfice with chasing gold, meanwhile others will be planting seeds for goals. A wise gardener can tell how water one can hold, yet a well placed garnish is worth more than the hose.
Paradoxical romantics,
Separate but equal antics.
Love for the physical,
Lust for the astral.
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joshy-tomato · 1 year
I really random headcanon based on my strugle to make myself a crochet scarf.
I want to believe that Weiss scarf was something that Oscar made for her during his bed rest after the fight in Heaven.
Like, I imagine that the kid was really nervous and didnt know how to befriend the others even if he really wanted to, and then boom, you have the Schnee dust company ex-heiress there too and Oscar was even more lost of how even aproach her.
Maybe a gift would suffice but he didnt have much money to buy anything that would satisfice her, neither were the other allowing him get uo the bed. So he asked at the very least give him yarn and a crochet hook and he started working. He made a scarf because it was the easiest thing he could think of that would also be useful on their travel to Argus.
When Weiss got the gift she was surprised and deeply grateful, I like to believe that hand made gift are the ones she apreciatest the most.
(This is 100% platonic, if anyone needed that clarification.)
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sliptohk · 2 years
FFXIV 2022 Prompt Masterlist
Behold, prompts! Everyone of them, including the late one. It’ll be included in the walk of shame like when I never got around to doing that Musical one I was planning on.
Prompt #1: Cross (Katja Revel)
Prompt #2: Bolt (Rolo Scolaighe)
Prompt #3: Temper (Qata Ooja)
Bonus Prompt #4: Unhinged (Fen Lohro) from @chocolatebunnycake
Prompt #5: Cutting Corners (Katja Revel)
Prompt #6: Onerous (Katja & Lindi Revel)
Prompt #7: Pawn (Shezrah Abadi)
Prompt #8: Tepid (The Grand Revel)
Prompt #9: Yawn (Sehkrah Ooja)
Prompt #10: Channel (Shezrah Abadi)
Bonus Prompt #11: Sapid (Fen Lohro) from @idanwyn-et-al
Prompt #12: Miss The Boat (Katja Revel)
Prompt #13: Confluence (Cordial Raccoon)
Prompt #14: Attrition (Rolo Scolaighe)
Prompt #15: Row (Shezrah Abadi)
Prompt #16: Deiform (Abadi History)
Prompt #17: Novel (Fen Lohro & Qata Ooja)
Bonus Prompt #18: Satisfice (Katja Revel) from @idanwyn-et-al
Prompt #19: Turn A Blind Eye (Rolo Scolaighe)
Prompt #20: Anon (X’tahma Zhazi)
Prompt #21: Solution (Katja Revel)
Prompt #22: Veracity (Fen, Nefalia & Ghemala Lohro)
Prompt #23: Pitch (Galiah & X’tahma Zhazi)
Prompt #24: Vicissitudes (Shezrah Abadi)
Bonus Prompt #25: Sporadic (Katja Revel) from.. uh.. the dictionary.
Prompt #26: Break A Leg (Katja & Lindi Revel)
Prompt #27: Hail (Rolo Scolaighe & Katja Revel)
Prompt #28: Vainglory (Rolo & Hruodolf Scolaighe & Saehild)
Prompt #29: Fuse (Lehz & Fen Lohro)
Prompt #30: Sojourn (Qata Ooja)
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perrosasilvestrados · 1 month
he escuchado mxo sobre libro específico de bolaño, en volá es una señal de que deje de hacerle el quite jsjs / qué ternura tu motivación tan bien público-aporte a la sociedad, eres la primera persona informática q conozco que quiere más que desesperadamente trabajar en una corporación para tener una casa gigante y bien amoblada jsjsjs / JSJSJS QUE ME REÍ CON ESTA WEÁ, efectivamente no habría sido un fun fact que te hubiera creido / soy alguien que te sigue y que difruta mxomxo de tus posts uou y que disfruta de la comodidad de conocerte sin revelarse juju
síp, lo recomiendo total !! deja de hacerle el quite jsjs / sí, me considero bixo raro en el área en muchos sentidos jsjdj principalmente xq hago esto x gusto y no x querer forrarme sin mover 1 dedo, o sea, igual kero estabilidad económica, pero solo eso / jsjsjsj excelente, satisfice tu curiosidad / pxa, y pq razón prefieres el anonimato? puedes enviar asks cuando lo desees
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reflectionmdc730 · 3 months
What are the biggest barriers to successful media planning from an advertiser’s point of view? How does this affect the consumer. 
Naturally when we think about media planning our thoughts immediately look towards the consumer. The AIDA – Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action model allows us to strategise with the customer journey in mind. Hanlon (2023) states that as marketers we both consciously and subconsciously apply this model to our strategies as we are all consumers. 
These theoretical elements can help media planners understand the basics. We need to hit the right people (target audience) in the right place (geographic location/advertising medium) at the right time (are consumers in the market for conversion/has the advert been seen at the right time). Without this we effectively disengage a consumer and can push them towards other well-known brands. Sharp (2010a) tells us that as consumers we have a filter on brands and advertising. Essentially a brand must be noticed and considered for successful conversion. 
Whilst the model helps us to strategise it also provides us with clarity on some key-factors that could put a barrier in place for successful media planning:
Target audience and their behaviours
The unpredictability of buyer behaviours is increasing. Sharp (2010b) shows us that our target audiences are busier than ever and there are a rising number of brands that are constantly competing for their attention. He compels this notion further stating that our consumers ‘Satisfice’ when purchasing rather than optimising. Essentially meaning that we go for the brands that we know, when we are under pressure.
Thus, leading us onto the notion that we as marketers need to understand the consumer. Who are they, where they are, what gains their attention and keeps it driving them to purchase from a specific brand. Ultimately, how do we as a brand make the product speak to the consumer and change with their behaviours.
Some key steps for marketers to take:
Collection of 1st & 2nd party data – Barron (2022) Helps to show us that by utilising data i.e. CRM data, Consumer touch points, demographic information etc. or working with a trusted partner. Help to create tailored ads, assist leads and remove sales friction, assisting the consumer to conversion.
Once you know your customer, Ensure the customer journey is right for your audience. If a customer engages at the initial advert, Sharp (2010) shows us that the advert has pushed through the cluttered advertising world. We must then ensure that there are no hiccups in the purchasing arena.
Consumers are constantly battling with who to purchase from. With growing busy lives, if a media planner doesn’t understand a consumer’s behaviour the consumer can completely disengage from the brand and product.
Integration of new platforms
Keeping relevant on social media and keeping up with new/changing social media platforms causes holes in marketing strategies and could lead to brands missing or not hitting the mark with their target audience. 
Barnhart (2024) shows us that 49% of marketers have reported that identifying new trends and responding to them is their biggest challenge and looking at this challenge globally draws barriers in understanding what platforms your global audience is on/have they migrated to a new platform. Using inbuilt analytical tools can help media planners to understand if their target audience is engaging and how to best position themselves. 
Consumers see hundreds of adverts a day through cross-channel platforms, as a consumer it’s easy to become blind to adverts, particularly if they do not resonate. Planners need to be aware of this impact and how integrating on the wrong platform is a waste of resource but also misses the customer and therefore does not convert the sale.
With growing commercial uncertainty, marketing and media budgets are consistently being stripped back. Essentially business want media planners to deliver the same KPI’s and Ad-performance for less budget. However, this is not necessarily possible. 
Brands are focusing on shorter term benefits and not looking at the longer-term resonation – with a focus on small quick interest peaks. Those who remain visible across multi-channel platforms typically deliver superior shareholder return as stated by Inskip (2021), He further shows us that brands who focus on budget and investment, reap the rewards of ROI as they stay more relevant and in the forefront of the minds of their consumers. 
Ratajczak (2024) furthers this statement showing that it costs a brand more long-term by trying to regain their consumers through mindshare. Therefore, if a brand cuts budget for short-term gain it disengages customers through lack of market share and essentially, they need to be reconverted. 
Barnhart, B. (2024) What to do when faced with these 10 social media marketing challenges, Sprout Social. Available at: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-challenges/ (Accessed: 05 July 2024). 
Barron, S.B. (2022) A basic definition of first party, Second Party, & Third Party Data, HubSpot Blog. Available at: https://blog.hubspot.com/service/first-party-data (Accessed: 05 July 2024). 
Carmicheal, K. (2022) Target audience: How to find yours [+ 5 campaign examples], HubSpot Blog. Available at: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/target-audience#how-to-find-audience (Accessed: 05 July 2024). 
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gerdfeed · 7 months
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella once said to me, “We [humans] don’t optimize. We satisfice.” (This idea goes back to Herbert Simon’s 1956 book
The Alignment Problem Is Not New
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