#satou x y/n
secretcheesecakecat · 2 years
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"Y/n!! *walk up to you* Wanna go watch football at my place? We can even take Ronaldihno and cuddle all together? *looks in your eyes and smiles softly* What you say?"
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frickingnerd · 2 months
dating rikido sato
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pairing: rikido sato x gn!reader
tags: romantic relationship, wholesome fluff, physical affection (holding hands + kissing), protective!sato, cute dates
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sato fell in love with at first sight! you just accidentally bumped into him and suddenly he wasn't just catching you, but feelings as well!
sato doesn't have any experience when it comes to dating, but he had a few crushes already and is into romance movies, so he has an idea about what to do when he starts dating you!
sato is quite direct, though sato will often be flustered around you and sometimes stumble over his words or not be courageous enough to tell you how he feels
he also loves holding hands with you or give you a kiss on the forehead, but other things, like actually kissing you, fluster him too much!
he blushes so easily! sato needs some time to get used to physical affection or sweet words from you before he'd stop blushing whenever anything happens between you two!
sato is a protective boyfriend, always having an eye on you during combat. he's always ready to jump in and protect you too!
most dates with sato include the two of you baking or cooking together! either that, or you two go to a cafe or try out a new restaurant together! and occasionally, some training dates happen too!
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buccini555 · 9 months
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𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨
★ What would it be like to date Ryusei and Chifuyu
★ H e a d c a n o n s!
★ 𝐹𝑡. Ryusei Satou, Chifuyu Matsuno
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The two together are a true perfect combo, both boys would make great boyfriends, certainly the most romantic and passionate you could have.
Ryusei and Chifuyu are caring, so they need a lot of attention at the same time, despite this, they reward you, as they give you love and attention most of the time while they are free from gang matters and delinquent problems.
Ryusei loves giving you flowers, Chifuyu always buys you your favorite food, they always know exactly how to make you love a gift.
They are not jealous, they do not feel jealous of each other since they also interact with each other whenever they feel like it, despite this, they both get uncomfortable when they see someone interested in you, even so, they maintain trust in the relationship.
Chifuyu is definitely the most affectionate or the one who knows best how to show affection, Ryusei has his unique "way" of showing how much he loves you, but he is also extremely loving.
You spend a lot of time together, reading manga, watching dramas or horror films, playing video games and also sharing food.
Ryusei likes physical contact while Chifuyu prefers acts of service.
They protect you, take care of you and certainly don't hesitate to do their best to keep you well and safe.
They wouldn't mind having Baji and Kazutora in your relationship.
Ryusei likes to hug you while you're on Chifuyu's lap, they really like being close to themselves and especially to you.
They love to "share" you in more intimate and private moments, even so, they respect all your limits and only do "something" together when you ask for it.
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yanderederee · 1 year
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April30th, 2004
Beware: bottom text leads to darker themes, as the story progresses! ♡
Before! › here! › After!
“What, the hell, are you doing, Ryusei?” Baji aggressively whispered.
“C’mon it’s fiine! All I did was invite her out with us!” The taller boy laughed. “It’s not like you have anything to hide anymore.” He grinned pointedly at his blonde friend, who bashfully looked away. “I already apologized, damnass..” Chifuyu muttered.
Baji clicked his tongue in annoyance, fussing with the back of his head in agitation. “Whatever. Arcade is canceled.” Baji waved off, leaving no room for discussion. “What!” Replied a displeased grunt.
“I was looking forward to going, though.” You announced with crossed arms. “And stop trying to disinclude me, it’s very rude!”
“You act like you got any say in the matter, shorty.” Baji waved your attitude off with a huff. He really was stubborn, acting this way. “Last time I checked I can make my own decisions, Keisuke.” You rolled your eyes at him, linking arms with Chifuyu.
“Cancel yourself if you’re gonna be a prude,” you gave Baji a teasing smile. “But Arcade and Karaoke sounds like a great way to spend my Saturday night.”
Baji became stunned at your blatant shots against him, mouth agape at your new demeanor. “That’s right!~ Pizza’s on me!” Ryusei laughed in reply, draping his arm around your shoulders; lazily observing his captain’s next actions.
Baji tensed up at this notion. “That’s not what I meant..!” He spat, giving an exasperated sigh. “Whatever, what the hell.” Baji finally returned the teasing grin, dropping his glasses into the pocket of his shirt. “Looks like I get to school you in something for a change.”
Once Baji finally came around, the day out went fantastic.
Chifuyu and Ryusei would get into an altercation every so often, but your blank stare paired with Baji’s threatening one seemed to keep the two in check.
“How are you so good at pin ball?” Chifuyu marveled at Ryusei’s high score. “I’m good at everything Chifuyu~” Ryusei bragged before settling you forward. “Your turn, pretty girl. Let’s see what you got.”
Blushing over the use of this overly affectionate nickname, you shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve played this before,” you admitted, checking the machine for all its buttons. “The concept is easy enough, I guess.”
Baji subtly pushed Ryusei, glaring. “Watch it,” he whispered to the other. “Make her uncomfortable and you die.” He spoke like a promise.
Ryusei readjusted how close he stood next to you, embarrassed at how clueless he felt. Ryusei’s own crush on you was slipping, and as oblivious as Baji was to signals, the overall closeness between you two was making his blood boil. “Sorry boss,” Ryusei whispered.
You’d been distracted by the game and Chifuyu’s little tips and tricks, he hovered his finger above the glass. “This tunnel gets you a bunch of points, so try aiming there!”
Smiling sweetly at Chifuyu’s innocent grin, you elbowed him affectionately. “Thanks chi! Here I go!” You hyped yourself up, putting in the token.
It took a little bit of trial and error, but before long, you were scoring higher and higher numbers, seemingly never losing the pin ball. “No way!” Chifuyu laughed with a huge grin.
“You’re freaking awesome, Y/n!”
The blonde’s praise boosted your ego, a wider grin setting in. “Check this,” you grinned back, flicking the nozzle just right to trap the pin ball, earning an overarching highscore.
“No shit!” Baji howled, ruffling your hair in praise. “Look’t that, new high score. The hell can’t you do?!” You embraced his words, leaning into his hand. “I wanna try that next,” you pointed, crossing the boys’ gaze across the arcade.
All three of them smirked. A fighting game. How ironic.
The four of you blazed past all the games, winning more than most and poking fun against eachother failures. Ryusei’s car racing skills was no joke. Chifuyu had a sharp eye for point and shoot games, and of course Baji’s favorite, were fighting games. (despite being his favorites, he didn’t seem to not be very good at them)
“THIS IS BULLSHIT!” He shoved the machine backwards, earning some nervous glances. “I totally—-!” Baji yelled, turning to complain further, but halted at your quirked brow, apparently amused.
Chifuyu noticed Baji’s wordless response, face turning red with frustration from losing his seventh round of MK2. “I’m hungry! Ryusei, treat us to pizza!” Chifuyu distracted the group, for his captain’s sake.
The night’s escapades came to an end after long, the four of you laughing in unison.
“Thanks for inviting me out guys, it was really fun!”
Ryusei chuckled and wrapped his arm playfully around your shoulders, pulling you into him. “You’re the one who made the outing fun, princess~ Really surprised me with that death metal voice though.”
You laughed, clearing your strained voice. “I admire many music genres! Metal happens to be particularly entertaining!”
Chifuyu failed in attempt to hide a laugh.
“Your genre tastes sure are interesting, y/n!”
Baji seemed to recall something suddenly. “Speaking of, I just finished Volume 12 for Berserk, mind if I trade off for Volume13?” He asked you, earning a gasping reply. “You were supposed to finish NaNa! No more trade offs until you’ve gotten through what you already have!”
“Everyone, heads up!~” Ryusei flipped out a cell phone, amused.
“Come on boys, let’s take a photo to commemorate our Triple Date~” he declared jokingly, earning a harsh ‘ehh?!’ from Baji— and a wide grin from Chifuyu’s huddled closer form.
The photo encapsulated was a little dark and a little blurry, but clear enough to make out your confused face being pushed cheek-to-neck with Ryusei, Chifuyu’s bashful grin to the right of you, holding up a peace sign. And, slightly in the background, captured Baji mid-yell, canines full on display.
The photo Ryusei took, and kept as his cell phone background.
The photo that got you wrapped up in this whole mess.
June21st, 2004
“Who’s the girl, Ryusei?” Kojiro spoke menacingly quiet.
“Is she your friend? Really?” He scoffed, eyes flaring when he swung his fist against Ryusei’s cheekbone again.
“Thought that little tramp was Baji’s girl. You’re telling me you’ve been friends with her this whole fucking time?!”
He yelled, pulling white hair tightly.
“No…” he narrowed into Ryusei’s crying face, alone and vulnerable with no one but Kojiro for witness.
“No… that’s right.” Kojiro smiled.
“You were never friends. You’ve been planning this for a while; right?” Kojiro cradled the injured boy in his hands lovingly.
“You were never friends. You were getting her to trust you. Nothing more.” He cooed.
“You always were the more charming of us two in that regard, I suppose.”
“So tell me, Ryusei. Who is Y/n L/n to Baji Keisuke?”
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eggtartz · 2 years
a/n : i accidentally deleted the request that asked for a part two of reader with mitsuri's personality 😭 (dear lovely person that requested this, i hope you see this 😣)
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summary : mitsuya + chifuyu + ryusei (hehe) relationship headcannons with reader with mitsuri's personality <3
- the moment mitsuya saw you, it was on sight. fell in love on first sight BOOM
- was walking with luna and mana when he saw you were on the swing, pushing your little sister too
- immediately striked a conversation with you when he saw luna and mana was distracted playing
- he felt that you were gorgeous, cute hell not enough adjective could be used to describe how he saw you
- you fidget your fingers a lot because no man ever talked to her (mitsuya couldn't believe that. really he can't)
- seeing luna and mana on the playground floor, exhausted mitsuya invited you for dinner sometime and slipped his number in your pockets
- (don't ask how he had that ready)
- you blushed furiously and softly said okay
- would come back from the shop exhausted, there were so many customers.
- stopped in his track as he saw you lifting the couch in one hand while the other vacuumed under the furniture
- you didn't realized him but when you did you dropped the furniture with a thud and turned off the vacuum to hug him
- "baby that couch is like heavy and you only lifted it with one hand?"
- "huh? i don't think it was that heavy? i did drink energy drinks this morning maybe it's that?"
- no it wasn't
- chifuyu knew you were strong, you were stronger than him (yk that dynamic of a warrior lady and the s/o that admires them)
- would tell you to not lift too much, worried the weight would affect you
- no, it didn't
- would bring sakura flowers on EVERY SINGLE DATE
- if asked why, he thought that the pink colour of the flowere reminded him of you, the scent too
- please he would tease you so much and you can't take it 😭
- one time, in school he declared that his girlfriend was walking and everyone to clear the way (the way you had to lecture him, but even so ryusei is a thickheaded so you asked baji instead)
- he would tease you during class, you'd turn red almost exploding
- "hey pretty girl, you braided your hair today. looks so good on you" he asked while twirling your hair between his fingers
- you can't focus in studying for god sake, he kept whispering teases in your ear 😭
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kidron · 1 year
Could you write a sharing food headcanons or fic with Ryusei, Chifuyu, Baji and Kazutora ?
Sharing = caring
─Baji, Ryusei, Kazutora & Chifuyu (Seperated + platonic)
─Summary: Sharing food with someone / someone shares their food with them
─Warnings: Nope, unless you count grammer
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"come, Let's share this in half !"
─if there was a food, he would mostly offer it to share with those who he know/friends.
─the logic is if you had food and someone else near didn't then share it, give it or don't eat it till you're alone. He prefers the "share it" option.
─He's mostly the one to share his food with anyone, however if the person also likes sharing he would appreciate it.
─he was taught to respect food and never be disgust / rude if there was a thing he dislikes. He would mostly eat anything he dislike unless it was boiled food (Baji hates boiled food by canon).
─half in half, neither of you is going to have more than the other. If you tried to take more he will beat you unless you were hungry.
It was an after school time, you were helping Baji to study for his next week chemistry exam. Either you were good or not at chemistry you for sure was better than him at studying so you helped in everything you understand. It was done now, he's abit confused and will most likley forget everything he learnt 5 minutes after the exam, however, he did his best and it's enough to pass.
As you was wandering around the school hallways lestening to him chicking on the things he studied today, your stomach growled, eating lunch at school wasn't something you liked after all. "You spent hours helping me to pass, i will payback with my best-Peyang-yakisoba-in-japan !!" He said as you stibbed out the school gate with the biggest grin untying his hair. Why not after all ?
The green sweet pepers wasn't that much of a taste personally, so avoiding them while eating the half ended up with him scolding you, however he made an order to eat one more bite of the Peyang nodels to make it actuall half in half -since you're not eating pepers-, he wasn't asking.
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"Oh no need to thank me for being so generous at all !"
─he usually use food to torture people till they throw up or looking like a bear preparing for hibernation... however he does share.
─he only share his food as a "i don't like this, you take it", being the person who doesn't show their feelings he is.
─mostly share only small things or give the entire thing, no between. Like giving the cherry on the plate or passing the whole thing.
─if you shared your desert with him you will regert it; Ryusei never stops. Your food ? Gone.
─if it was a about someone hungry things are diffrent, he's never giving anything unless he laughs enough.
He dragged you to play football once he knew you're also interested in watching football matchs, not even bothering to ask either you can play or not, of course not wasting a single mistake to tell how bad you are. You were offered a strawberry Parfait with fruits topping at his family "Misami snacks" by him, Ryusei's Parfait was chocolete chips and cookies, something you liked more.
The fact that you mentioned prefering chocolates before makes it clear that he did all of this only to tease you not having something you liked. Bastard.
However he still offered you something nice, very harmless. so you shouldn't let him win on this one and decided to enjoy it simply, it's not a big deal... But that one Chocolate-coated marshmallow on the top looked amazing...
"May i have it, Please ?" with no longer patience asked with strict looks, as if it was the most serious topic -honestly seeing someone eating a food you like on purpose is serious reason to beat them up- "oh you want that ? Although you have yours ? How greedy ! Since you asked politley and i'm very generous guess i have no other chance of how kind i am~"
One is having a free Parfit and a beloved Chocolate-coated marshmallow, the other having his fun messing around, great success.
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"Oh... you can have this one then" :]
─If you give him, he gives you. He never thinks of sharing unless someone shared their food with him first.
─He's warmed by the idea by someone giving him apart of what they have, espcially if it was the half ( Kazu's effected by Baji ).
─He share the same amount as what you shared with him. if it was the half, he gives the half. if it was something small he liked like a fruit, he gives something small you liked... etc
─Wouldn't share the same plate tho or something that was bite ( like a crape or a sandwich ), neither sharing drinks, even if it was different straws. He refuses to take so to that refuse to give anything.
─it's about showing that the other care for him, not the food that is important. He have some struggles showing his feelings so in general, something undirect as sharing things is what he like.
Both were sitting on the sidewalk, even though the sunset barley came down there wasn't much people around, mostly high school girls going home or gangsters fooling around. both shall go to their houses too, but only after finishing the corn cobs which was cut into pieces & slushies that was bought earlier.
Seeing that there was only one piece left on Kazu's plate beside the one he's already eating you took one of the two pieces of yours left and handled it to him.
"I ate too much but thanks !" He said with a wide smile just to put it on his paper plate taking the other piece of his handling it to you, there was no point of that since all the corns are the same. This is just how things work for both, it's not about the food, it's about showing care to the other.
His blue and green slushie looked cool, apples and blueberries, mostly color food but anyway, it's looks like the thing to freeze someones soul, nice... there was no way he will let your straw inter it to give it a try, unless you wanted to wash your face with the slushie and recive few punches.
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"Hey you have to try this out !!"
─Offers to share first, doesn't actually want a return he just share, just don't eat it all.
─he mostly share when he find a new amazing flavor, so mostly it will be a snack from the store, a limited or a new version he tried.
─unlike Kazutora, he doesn't find espcially it as a way to show affection/care, he doesn't think much of it it's just an "if you want some of this you can have some of mine" just like what he did with Takemichi and the ramen. Yet he may use it if the current atmosphere is on tense.
─He shares the food that cats are allowed to eat with Peke-j, Baji scolded him saying that just because something isn't inedible to cats doesn't mean that it's always healthy for them. So now he's more carefull.
You were at the Matsuno's family house in the guest room, his mom invited you earlier to eat dinner that she's curenntly making in the kitchen with Chifu introducing Peke-j. "Chifuyu ! Go to the store and buy tomato paste and red beans, The wallet is in my red bag !" His mom yelled from the kitchen. He went closing the door behind leaving the new guest to play with Peke-j.
"Do you need any help, Mrs. Chifuyu's mom ?" She thanked for your offer yet the response was "Go do something untill Chifuyu's back, i'm almost done with the dinner so nonworries", i hope that it's not a dish with texture that i can't handle.
Going to Chifuyu's room or play with Peke-J were Interesting options; so chosing both :].
You carried Peke-J as the baby sized he is to Chifuyu's room, wasn't that interesting indeed... there was a manga volume on the bed, Romance manga ? Too lame. Peke-J leaped to the ground so you followed to play, untill a chearfull vioce crossed the house, "I'm back !!" Chifuyu came so Peke-J was the first to go to him as ypu followed.
"I got you something" he whisperd after putting what his mom asked for, "what is it ?" Whispering back, there must be a reason for him whispering, of course. "I saw a grape flavored popping candy at the store and bought it, just keep quite or else mom's going to scold us for it" he finished whispering. The dinner is going to take quite abit so why not ?
Oh no...
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I thought of including Kojiro but i relized we don't know much about his canon personality, aw man...
Bye bye
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y-umiko · 1 year
hey tokyo revengers ryusei satou + fluff 5
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Requested for the 2k event Prompt: "who let you look so cute today?" a/n: for those who don't know, Ryosei is the previous 1st division vice captain. you can read his story on the spin off Tokyo Revengers: Letter from Keisuke Baji. — but it's still ongoing :>
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Ryusei was shocked when he walked by Baji's class and found the 1st division captain and Chifuyu dressed up in a cute high school girl uniform, serving drinks.
but his heart wasn't prepared when you walked out from the back, carrying a tray of mugs, in a similar outfit to the other two but more, how can describe it? tighter and sexier. well, it certainly used less fabric.
His gaze follows you, as you serve the other customers their drinks, taking in the small details of your outfit, how it uses less fabric than the other two, and how it fits your figure perfectly. trying not to get caught ogling you.
feeling his cheeks getting hot, Ryosei was quick to mask his blush with his usual addicting grin as he approaches you and sneaks towards you from behind, slyly wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
you flinch, confused and panicking who had abruptly wrapped themselves around you. your features softened when you smelled his familiar scent and heard his voice right in your ear.
"Who let you look so cute today?"
you turned around on his arms a fake expression of hurt on your face, while you gasp, "Am I not cute every day?"
he chuckles, "Don't I remind you every day?"
"you sure do" you agreed, because while Ryusei was always perceived to be very carefree and cunning for always making fun of people or simply annoying them, there was always a truth within his words, specially words that are directed at you.
he never misses a single day to remind you how beautiful you are like how his always confident with himself calling himself handsome. but no matter how confident he is, he can be possessive when he wants to be. specially when it comes to you.
Ryusei gently pushes you away within an arm's length, to closely inspect your outfit, how the skirt cinched nicely around your waist, he also took notice of the lack of fabric used on your outfit compared to the other two. a scoff almost leaving his lips at the ridiculous amount of skin you're showing.
so while Ryusei is having an internal conflict behind his smile you suddenly remembered your class is running a cosplay cafe. "do you want something to eat? or drink? though what we offer are all sweet"
"Maybe later" he grinned, remaining smiling as he shrugs his school blazer off and wrap it around you, covering all that there is to cover. a satisfied grin on his lips as he admires his work.
"what are you doing?" you asked, despite knowing full well about his attention and Ryusei knows it too. so he leaned down to your level to whisper right next to your ear, words only for you to hear. "that cuteness should only be reserved for my eyes"
and as if it weren't enough to make your heart pound, he continued, "As for the food…"
he trailed off before pecking your lips with his, officially stealing a kiss from you in a quick swift movement, not even giving you a chance to let a sound of surprised, your eyes widening for a split second. his chuckling from your red face earning the attention of those around.
"you're right, it's sweet" he amused, and he had the audacity to lick his lips right in front of you. maybe it was his playful personality or whatever it is but Ryusei always finds comfort and peace knowing that he alone can make you look like that.
meanwhile, Chifuyu was burning with envy and disbelief at the scene.
"Goddammit! How does a guy like that get a girlfriend!"
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saltedghost · 2 years
hi could you make a smut of ryusei satou x female reader bathroom sex
of course! I haven’t written smut in a while so sorry if it’s not the best 😭 hope u enjoy lol
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✩Solution to Stress✩
Ryusei Satou x fem!reader
warnings- smut
“Babe? That you? How was your day?” you hear your boyfriend, Ryusei, call from the sitting room.
“Yeah, it’s me. I’m gonna go have a shower. And my day was shit, thanks.” you snap back as you reach the top of the stairs. Fuck, you didn’t mean to be rude but you’re so tired.
Sighing as you hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs, you turn to go into your bathroom only to be stopped by arms wrapping around your waist.
“You ok? Rough day at work?” he questions, kissing you on the cheek.
“You know they way my boss is an asshole? Yeah well, one of my coworkers left and he just threw all of their work onto me.”
“Oh no Babe. Need something to help you with your stress?” he smiles, his hand moving down to your lower stomach. You knew exactly what he was implying.
“Yes actually, I need a hot shower and some peace.” You exclaim as you pull out of his grip and enter the bathroom. He starts to follow you in and you frown.
“Come on, I’m sure I could help you. Just give me a chance.” he grins, eyes staring down at your lips and he traps you against the sink with his arms.
You sigh. Why not. Although you wouldn’t admit it to him, maybe this would help.
“ Ok sure. Don’t be to rough alright?”
That was all the clearance he needed as his lips roughly clash into yours as he lifts you up and places you on the sink, his leg immediately moving between yours to grind against you. As you let out a moan , his tongue passes through your lips to explore your mouth. God, he is such a good kisser. You feel yourself relax into his arms.
“See? You just need to let off a bit of stress” he says smugly, a confident smirk plastered on his flushed face. His hand begins caressing your thigh, going higher and higher until-
“Wait. I should shower first. I just got home from work remember?” you say as you stop his hand, just as he was about to slip his slender fingers underneath your underwear.
“We can shower together after this. Just let me help you first” he whispers into your ear, lips just ghosting you skin.
You glare at him disapprovingly. His eyes meet yours and he smirks.
“Come on… I promise we can shower straight after.” he has a pleading look in his eyes, one that he is fully aware you can’t resist,
“…Alright. Go ahead.”
The a smug grin appears and his hand goes straight to your underwear, his thumb caressing your clit through the thin fabric.
A gasp bursts through your lips as he rubs circles onto your clothed sex, your wetness seeping through your underwear.
You hear him chuckle as his lips meet yours again in a heated kiss. It’s less gentle than the last kiss, more teeth and tongue than technique, but neither of you care, you just need to feel each other.
You feel his fingers trail up your hips until the reach the waistband of your panties, pulling them down roughly. He gave you no time to react before he plunged two of his fingers into your soaked pussy.
A loud moan escapes your lips, your eyes rolling back as you clench around him.
“This helping you with your stress?” he jokes, breaking away from the kiss.
“S-shut up, a-and keep going i-idiot.”
His skillful fingers pump in and out of you, curling against the spot he knows makes you cry with pleasure.
“God R-ryusei please!” you wail, grinding your hips against his fingers.
“Please what Sweetheart? Use your words.”
You glared at in defiance, too embarrassed to beg him.
“Come on. Tell me what you want.” he smirks as he starts pumping faster. You could see his hard on through his sweatpants and you knew he wanted it just as bad as you did.
“Ngh! Please- fuck m-me!” you whined, your voice filled with lust and pleasure.
“That’s all you needed to say Babe.”
He removes his fingers and kisses you forehead as you sob from the loss of contact. Pulling open the drawer on the bathroom cabinet, he grabs a a condom and begins pulling down his sweatpants and boxers. His length practically jumps out and you gaze at it longingly. He puts the condom wrapper to his mouth and rips it open, pulling it out and rolling it onto his leaking dick.
“You ready Sweetheart?” he questions , lining himself up with your entrance.
“Please Ryusei!” you beg. “ Please put it in!”
He pushes himself in slowly, careful not to hurt you. Your eyes begin to roll back and you can head him cursing. You finally feel him bottom out.
“Good girl. Y-you take me so well.” he praises.
“J-just shut up and m-move or i swear-“
“Alright, alright sweetheart.” he chuckles, slowly pulling himself out of you only to slam back in a second later. You cry out in pleasure and you can hear quiet moans and praises spill from his mouth.
He moves at a steady pace, aiming straight for your g-spot. He knows your body like the back of his hand and he feels you clench around his rock hard dick.
“Ah- shit Ryusei- ngh!” you wail, tears of pure ecstasy falling from yous eyes. His lips once again clash with yours and he starts to pick up his pace, thrusting into you at a fast, steady rhythm. You feel him hit your cervix and curses and moans spill from both of your mouths.
His pace starts to become more sloppy you hear him moan your name.
“Shit- ah- I’m gonna-“
“Ah- Ryusei m-me too- ngh!”
He slams into you as you both reach your highs, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pull him into a messy kiss. He lazily thrusts into you, both of you riding out your highs.
He begins to slow down, and finally stills inside you. As you press your foreheads together, breaths mixing he smiles.
“Alright! Round two in the shower?”
“Pfft” you laugh “Give me some time to recover!”
He brings his lips towards your cheek to kiss it and you feel him smile.
“I’m glad you’re laughing now. Seems I was able to help.”
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
WTF is this ???? 😂😂
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I can’t believe this, sorry Mikey but I’m leaving you for Ryusei now 😍😍
Ken-chin can have you all for himself.
Or you can go to Takemitchy.
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I’ve turned obsessed, ISTG !! 😭😭
Why is there practically no fan-fiction about him ?????
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10-10x · 2 years
One Shot / AU (s)
Tokrev x y/n / f reader / reader / 🐺❄️
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
I’m not sure if you’re still taking Halloween requests but can you please write a Baji, chifuyu, and (if you write for him) Ryusei x reader haunted maze with prompts 5 and 11
Thank you so much!
hey love! Thanks for requesting! It’s a little short and I just COULDNT fit in the quote for the life of me, but I really wanted to do this sooo (Hanma was added in as a bonus).
I also needed chifuyu after the new chapter…
Hope you enjoy <33
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reader is gender neutral!
characters: baji, chifuyu, Hanma, and ryusei
tw: cursing
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Now, I’m not gonna lie, Baji acts like he’s a tough guy. And he is…just not in the way you’d imagine.
Like in the haunted house, Baji most definitely resorts to violence immediately in a maze too. Someone jumps at him, scares him, he punches them, and they get knocked out. The only person he doesn’t do that with is the chainsaw person.
He knows damn well he can’t beat a chainsaw.
Unfortunately, 99.999% he gets kicked out of maze. He always curses out the security guards and the actors along the way saying, “they made it too scary”. It’s funny really. And at this point you’ve gotten used to the whole mess. You both have been kicked out of mazes multiple times. The security guards even know your name because of it!
The only maze that you haven’t gotten kicked out of was the first one where the actors were allowed to touch you. Did Baji knock every single actor who touched him? Yes. But did they have it coming? Also, yes.
The problem with that maze was the fact you guys got super lost…and I mean SUPER lost.
In the other mazes, you’re always being escorted out. But with that one, you weren’t and of course you got lost. After all, Baji isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and that maze was such a mess that you got lost in an instant. Baji punching actors left and right, and you constantly making wrong turns and finding dead ends, things just got terrible.
Eventually, you both got so lost that even Baji was loosing his shit.
You ended up needing to get rescued, which, by the way, was just embarrassing. The walk of shame out of there was horrible for both you and Baji. Neither of you ever lived that down.
Needless to say, you didn’t go back to that haunted maze. Any other haunted maze though, is fine.
You’ll get kicked out anyway!
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Ryusei is honestly the best, yet worst person to go to a haunted maze.
The guy gets a kick out of these things. Any scary movie, scary house, scary maze, is just a fun thing for him! He laughs whenever the actors jump at them and pats them on the back like a friend would. The few actors who actually made him flinch got some money from him, legit. That rarely happens though.
Yeah, he’s definitely a crazy guy. Even in the mazes where people can touch you, he just does his signature laugh and continues. It’s honestly interesting.
The bad part about being in a maze with him is how he makes fun of you.
He absolutely will taunt the shit out of you. Every little jump you make, he’s pointing it out and laughing at you. He always has this wide smirk and just laughs at you, picking apart every little moment.  Hell, he’s definitely snuck his phone in and taken videos of your worst moments. He’s got them in a black mail folder.
It’s truly horrifying, especially when he points out the genuinely embarrassing things. He will never let you live down any of those things.
On the bright side, Ryusei will happily go first in the maze. And he’ll let you cling onto him (with some grief, of course). Sometimes he even scares off the actors with his laughs. Of course, he somehow has a great sense of direction and can guide you out of the maze in like a half-hour.
It’s impressive if anything.
Overall, going to a haunted house with Ryusei is hell. But hey at least he has fun!
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Poor Chifuyu. He’s just a scaredy cat.  He can’t handle any of this stuff.
Now, don’t get me wrong. He definitely tries to act like he’s tough. He always tells you beforehand that he will “protect you” and that “you can cling onto him.” He even offers to go first, just so he can “protect you”.
Yeah, that definitely didn’t happen. If anything, the opposite did.
Seriously. At the first jump scare, Chifuyu was screaming like a little girl and trying to get as far away from the actor as possible. He immediately hid behind you and used you as a shield. He even went as far as shoving his in front of you.
That was pretty much what the rest of that maze was like.
If someone was chasing after him, he’d run in front and shove you behind him. If an actor jump scared him, he quivered behind you and made sure to shove you in front. He ended up shoving his face in your shoulder for most of the maze, so he barely even saw the jump scares.
Yeah, he’s a wuss.
By the end of the maze, he was pretty much clinging onto you like the world depended on it. Even after you got guided out of the maze, he would not let you go. He pretty much clung to you until the next day, where he finally relaxed.
It was truly traumatizing for him…so maybe don’t go to a haunted maze with him again. He might just shit himself if he goes again.
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We all know how Hanma is. In any other situation, he’s a batshit crazy guy who’s into all the creepy stuff. If anything, he’s IS the creepy stuff. And he, of course, is that same crazy, creepy guy in haunted mazes.
He has never once even FLINCHED in a haunted maze. Not when someone has jumped right in his face, not someone has chased him, not when someone literally GRABS him. He just laughs and then taunts the hell out of the actor.
The poor actors honestly. The guy will literally bend down, grin right in their face, and then absolutely rip them apart. He’ll call them weak, start ripping apart their appearance, their jobs, their lives. He’ll literally ruin them in anyways possible. You’ve seen a couple actors cry from it. It’s honestly sad.
Even worse, he scared the people around him too…kids included.
Of course, Hanma just carries on like nothing happened, and laughs it off. He really does just get a kick out of it. He is a freaky guy.
Your time in the maze, naturally, gets ruined from Hanma’s antics, which you expect. But at least you have the actual maze to look forward too, right? Nope. Hanma is so tall he can just peak over the maze and see where to go.
What can I say, the guy is a giraffe.
Overall, don’t take Hanma to the haunted maze. The guy will probably make a child cry…again.
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <33
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obsessiveotomelover · 2 years
A Little Misunderstanding (A Baji Keisuke Oneshot)
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SUMMARY: Baji Keisuke, your science lab partner, has been avoiding you like you have the Bubonic plague. Maybe one of his best friends, Ryusei Satou, could help you figure out why.
PAIRING: Baji Keisuke X GN! Reader
GENRE: Fluff, School-based story
WARNINGS: Some cursing. Also, not proofread! Read @ your own risk. ☠️
A/N: I was inspired to write this short story because of the spinoff series "Letters from Keisuke Baji." It's filled with so much fun antics and schemes, especially from Ryusei so I wanted to write something that would be in character for them all but to add Y/N in the shenanigans as well. Anyways, hope you like the oneshot~
If only your friend knew what you were planning on doing right now, they would say you were without a doubt, absolutely, out of your fucking mind! But in all reality, it really is all Keisuke's fault that you were even this desperate to get his attention in the first place.
Like, how else were you supposed to get his attention when he had been ignoring you all week even despite the fact that you two were lab partners and were supposed to be working on a project together? 
You had tried coming to him on his terms by being polite and trying to engage with him, but with the way he's been avoiding you those methods clearly weren't working so you decided to get his attention in the only other way you thought he might respond to, and that was by force. 
So now, you currently waited, eagerly, watching with labored breath as your science partner made his way down the school hallway, slowly, like he had all the time in the world. He didn't seem to be going anywhere in particular, but was just kind of lingering, which was odd…
Was Keisuke just killing time to get out of class? Or, did he actually have a reason for being out? 
Regardless, as you watched him approach closer and closer to where you were at, you prepared yourself. Crouched down beside the vending machine, you waited  just until he passed you up and that's when you jumped…
…on his back. 
Fifteen minutes earlier…
"Where the hell is he?" You mumbled to yourself as you tapped your foot, impatiently, against the tiled floors of one of the school hallways you were currently waiting in. You pulled out your flip phone from the jacket pocket of your uniform and opened it to check the time. 
10:15 AM
Nearly ten minutes. 
That’s how long you had been in the halls, waiting for your dumbass friend, Ryusei Satou, to meet up with you. 
About five minutes ago, while you were still in class, you had received a text from your friend, Ryusei, to meet up in the hallway to talk. Apparently he had something extremely important to tell you. 
You weren’t quite sure what about, but you assumed it had something to do with his best friend, Baji Keisuke, who was also your current partner for a science project. Well, he was your partner for now, that is, but you figured that was all about to change if Ryusei did manage to make Keisuke want to switch partners so that you could be with Ryusei instead. 
About a week ago, your science instructor had announced that your class was going to have to choose partners for a project he would be giving you soon. Since science was your favorite subject, you were already pretty excited about the project and had already thought of teaming up with your buddy that you, fortunately, sat next to in class, but your excitement soon waned once you saw your instructor pull out two hats and they began explaining exactly how partners would be chosen. 
Apparently, partners would be chosen at random based on whoever’s name each student drew from the pile in one hat, and then the topic of the project would be chosen out of the other hat. That's when you sadly realized that you would not be partnering with your go-to buddy, after all. 
Truthfully, you hated when partners were chosen at random because then you always ended up working with someone in the class you barely knew and it was always awkward. But your teacher was all about making all his students socially interact with everybody so that's how you ended up partnering with Keisuke after picking up that fated piece of paper from the hat with his name written on it.  
You had stared at the piece of paper with a dumbfounded expression for a minute before your teacher's voice finally drew you from your thoughts. 
"Read the name, Y/N, so that your partner knows who they're with." 
You sighed and read aloud, "Baji Keisuke." 
From your peripheral vision, you could see your friend beside you smirk, knowingly. You didn't even have to question why. After all, they were the only other person in the entire school who knew of your crush on the long black-haired male who wore eye glasses (both of which he pulled off ridiculously well). 
You had never told your friend outright about your crush, either. Partially because you had barely admitted it to yourself to begin with, but also because that just wasn't your style. Rather, your friend had just figured it out on their own since they apparently knew your mannerisms well enough to know when you liked someone and according to your friend, you liked Keisuke big time! 
"Great!" Your science teacher had exclaimed as they moved across the room over to said male who was seated way on the far left of the class. 
He had held out the second hat to Keisuke. "And your partner will choose the topic your science project will be on." 
You watched from across the room as said male reached into the hat and pulled out a strip of paper. He read the topic in his usual gruff tone that you loved so much. 
"Heat conduction."
"Ah, good choice!” Your instructor had said before turning back to the rest of your class. “Okay class, so I used Y/N and Keisuke as an example so you can see how your partners will be chosen and how you will get your project topic. I'm gonna continue to go around the class like this until all the strips in the hats are gone." 
With that said, your teacher went around the room just as he said, having students draw out the strips to read their partner's name followed by the partner choosing the topic. 
You had tried not to make it too obvious but you turned to glance at Keisuke from across the room only to unexpectedly lock eyes with him and you almost choked in response. 
To top it all off, you looked away so quickly, your neck snapped. At that, your friend beside you had snickered. Oh, you had it bad for Keisuke, alright. In fact, you had it so bad for him that when it finally came time for you two to meet up to discuss your project together during class, you refused to talk, look at, or practically engage with him at all. 
Now this is exactly what your friend has said about you whenever you have a crush and why they were able to figure out that you had one on Keisuke. Because apparently whenever you liked someone you always closed up like a clam. You couldn't help but be a bit shy when it came to your feelings though. Rejection was a major fear of yours and Keisuke was incredibly intimidating both in appearance and personality. 
You had lost count of how many times you had seen him bashing his friends Chifuyu and Ryusei in the head around campus (but the two of them were knuckleheads so it was a bit understandable). Or, how many times outsiders came to your academy just trying to pick fights with him. Or, how many students were always watching him like a hawk, whispering in the halls about his past and the people he associated with. 
It was unfortunate because you had taken notice of how much he genuinely was trying to clean up his act and do his best in school but it seemed old demons had a way of trying to pull him back to his old ways. If it wasn't his handsome face that made you nervous then his reputation most certainly left you dumbstruck. 
A few days later, when it had finally come time for doing your project together, you being the clam that you are, closed up big time. He would ask you a question and you would only reply with quick, one worded responses. Or, he would try to engage with you by trying to look you in the eyes to get you to look at him but you would just avert your own, refusing to budge in the slightest. 
But things got really bad when he had asked you for your advice on something he was unsure about and you gave him the wrong answer. 
As part of your assignment together, you were supposed to heat water in a beaker, but first, you had to calculate the temperature by converting Kelvin to Fahrenheit and then to Celsius to get the correct temperature. Keisuke had asked you if he had calculated correctly, but because you weren’t engaging with him due to your nervousness around him, you hadn't properly checked his calculations but just skimmed over his notes and said, "sure." 
Keisuke, having trusted your judgment due to you being well-known for being the science wiz of your class, went ahead and proceeded with heating the water. Everything was going smoothly, at first. But you did notice that he was raising the temperature a bit too often causing the water in the beaker to boil more and more enthusiastically. 
That's when it happened…
One moment the water was bubbling, ferociously, in the beaker, and the next, the glass beaker bursted and shards went skidding across the table. Luckily, you both had goggles on as part of safety rules when in the lab. 
Immediately, your science instructor rushed over to your lab table in a panic. 
"What happened?" Your science teacher had asked you both.  
Keisuke, looking genuinely confused, shrugged as he explained. "I-I don't know. I followed the instructions the best I could but the beaker still broke." 
When your instructor looked at both of your papers, he sighed and shook his head. "That's because you calculated the temperature wrong Keisuke. You made the water way too hot." 
Your instructor then turned to you and asked to see your paper as well, which you reluctantly handed over to him. When he read over your paper, his brows raised as he nodded his head.
"Well you have the right calculations y/n, which I expected,” your instructor said. He then looked at you questioningly. “Why didn't you help him?"
You remembered only briefly skimming over Keisuke's calculations and instantly felt guilty because he had asked you for your help to make sure they were correct. "Sorry, Sensei. I didn't realize his calculations were wrong." 
"That's why you are partners,” your instructor explained. “You're supposed to help each other with stuff like this. But class is almost over now so you'll both have to clean this up and stay during lunch to redo the assignment." 
At this, Keisuke did not look pleased, at all. His thick, dark brows furrowed on his forehead, and he looked extremely irritated causing your stomach to churn in guilt for not having helped him as you should've. 
You especially felt guilty later on when you overheard Keisuke speaking with your science teacher when you were on your way back to the lab to finish your assignment with him during lunch. 
"Sensei, may I have a different lab partner?" You overheard Keisuke ask your teacher just as you were about to approach the open door. 
"Uh…I don't think thats such a good idea, Baji,” you heard your instructor respond, unsurely. “What about your partner? Won't they feel bad if you leave them?" 
"It's just not working out and you know I really need a good grade on this to keep my lab grade up,” Keisuke explained. “I just don't think y/n and I work well together.” 
"Yes. I know how hard you have been working for your grade, Baji,” your teacher replied. “I'm actually really surprised by y/n. They're usually my number one pupil in class, but I guess that doesn't matter if you two don't work well together.”
“Well, I already spoke with Ryusei and he said he's willing to switch with me since he knows y/n better and then I can partner with Chifuyu." 
“Hmm…" your teacher paused as they seemed to be mulling the proposition over and you waited with bated breath for his answer. After a moment, he finally said, "Well, if y/n is okay with it, then I will allow the partner switch."
Your heart dropped as you felt deflated. You had to swallow a hard lump that had grown in your throat, feeling upset but you noticed Keisuke sounded the complete opposite.
"Great! Thanks, Sensei," he had practically exclaimed and when you heard his footsteps like he was headed for the door, you immediately ran for it.
You decided you had to find Ryusei. 
You searched around campus and ended up finding him hanging out in one of the quads, his unique combination of fluffy, white hair and tanned skin, hard to miss amongst the sea of students who usually donned the opposite, that is, pale-skin with dark hair. 
You marched up to him while he was talking with some friends. They were all laughing at something he was saying but all seemed to stop once you came up behind him and he spun around. 
"Oh, what’s up, Y/N?" he asked coolly.  
"Hey Ryusei, can we talk for a second?" you asked him. 
His thin brows raised questioningly. "Uh…sure?" He then gestured for his friends to leave the area so you two would be alone and they all scattered immediately. He then turned back to you. 
"So, what's up?" he greeted coolly like he had so many times before. He was always pretty laid-back. It was one of the reasons you got along with him but right now you weren't interested in just chatting and it must have shown because his demeanor changed once he saw your face in all its seriousness. 
"Did you talk to Keisuke about switching partners for our science projects?" you fired at him, accusingly.
He blinked, clearly not expecting such a question. "No. Why?"
Now you were stunned. You know you had just heard Keisuke tell your instructor that he spoke to Ryusei about switching partners.  
"He didn't tell you he wanted to switch partners so he could be with Chifuyu and me with you?" 
Now Ryusei looked outraged as his mouth dropped open. "No, he didn't! Why didn't he tell me this? I'm not giving up my cute little Chifuyu!" 
You rolled your eyes at this. He did seem to have an affinity for the blonde male. 
"Yeah, well you are now,” you told him. “He just asked our instructor if he could switch and our teacher said it was okay if I was okay with it so that's why I'm asking you to switch with me." 
Now he looked amused. "Oh Damn! What's the matter? You guys don't like each other or something? You really don't want to work with Baji-kun that badly?"
You groaned in frustration. "It's not me that doesn't want to work with him. It's him who doesn't want to work with me!"
Honestly, you couldn't blame Keisuke, though. After all, your nerves had made it so you couldn't even look at him let alone have the proper conversations necessary to do a lab project together. You knew you two couldn't continue this way so switching partners seemed the best way to relieve the tension. 
You fidgeted with your fingers as you added, "And after what happened in the lab, I really don't want to upset him anymore so…will you switch with me?" 
You looked at him, hopeful, but Ryusei didn't immediately respond with a yes or no. Instead, he stared at you for a moment like he was deciphering something about you. That's when he suddenly blurted, "Do you like Baji?" 
You blinked, completely stumped by the question before yelling, "What?!" 
But Ryusei just repeated matter-of-factly, "Do you like Baji-kun?"
You snapped your tongue and crossed your arms defiantly. "No!"
But it seemed your denial wasn't very convincing because Ryusei smirked. "Oh, please! Those big old eyes of yours don't lie. You practically looked like a wounded puppy when you said he talked to our teacher about switching partners." 
You bit down on your bottom lip to try to keep the embarrassed grin at being caught from showing. Ryusei had always had a knack for this. Reading people, that is. You guess that included you as well. 
But the longer you stayed silent, the bigger his grin got. His smirk had turned into a full Cheshire grin. "You do!" 
"Shut up! I don't!" 
He shrugged and turned like he was going to leave. "Alright. Then working with him shouldn't be a problem and I won't switch." 
"No wait!" You stopped him in a panic before finally admitting it. "Fine. I do. Well, I mean, you know…a little." You mumbled out the last bit.  
Ryusei grinned as he pulled you in by slinging his arm around your neck. "Awe. Little Y/N has a crush on my best friend! That's so cute! Fine you can tell our teacher we both agreed about switching tomorrow. And Chifuyu won't care." 
You nodded. You didn't know Chifuyu that well, but with the way he was always following Keisuke around you noticed he did seem particularly fond of him. Maybe even more than yourself so you were sure he wouldn't mind the switch. 
So the next day before class started, when Keisuke showed up just outside the door, you told him that you were okay with switching and that you were going to tell the instructor. But he just looked at you like he was confused as to why you were saying this. Regardless, you didn't question it and went to speak to your instructor. 
"Hello Sensei," you greeted your instructor the second you walked into class. "I spoke to both Keisuke and Ryusei and I'm okay with switching lab partners…" 
While you were speaking to your instructor, Keisuke stalked right up next to you causing you to trail off in your speech. You thought he would've been happy that you agreed to the switch but when you looked over at him, he looked quite the opposite. In fact, he looked even more upset than he did when the glass beaker broke. 
"Sure, that's okay with m-" your instructor had started to say only to be suddenly cut off by Keisuke. 
"No. I don't want to," he blurted out, causing both you and the instructor to look at him dumbfounded. 
"But yesterday, didn't you say…" the instructor began again but Keisuke interjected once more. 
"Yeah, I changed my mind. I wanna stick with Y/N as my partner."
The instructor glanced back and forth between the both of you, looking unsure as to just what was going on. "Uh…okay? Y/N is this okay with you?" 
You shrugged. "Uh…sure?" You could've scratched the back of your head in confusion. 
Afterwards, as you both went to your respective desks on opposite ends of the classroom, you couldn't help but think: Why did he suddenly want to be partners now? 
You really couldn't understand why because when you two went to work together again, it was like you two did a complete 180. You had decided to put more effort into working with him this time around so that you two wouldn't have a repeat of broken beaker incident, but no matter what you did, it didn't matter because this time he was the one who didn't engage with you while you were the one trying to get him to respond. 
Instead, Keisuke was aloof and stubbornly unresponsive which confused you even more because what was the point in being partners again if he was just going to ignore you? 
Regardless, that's how the rest of your week as lab partners remained. Keisuke wouldn't talk, look at, respond or engage with you under any circumstances. 
Even more, he practically vanished into thin air every time you two saw each other around campus which was unfortunate because your lab project was due the following week but you couldn't finish if he refused to speak to you.  
That's why you had ended up asking Ryusei for help in finding out what was going on with his friend. Ryusei had said he'd talk to him and get back to you. Then finally today, while in one of your other classes, you received a text from Ryusei to meet up in the hallway asap. 
And so that's how you ended up waiting in the hallway for Ryusei to show for nearly ten minutes. 
You knew you couldn't wait much longer though, otherwise your teacher would get suspicious as to why you were taking so long to use the bathroom. 
You were just about to leave and go back to class when you heard the sound of a door opening and closing. In a panic, you hid behind a vending machine just in case it was a staff member, but when you peeked out from behind the machine only to see none other than your beautiful, long-haired partner walking the halls, that's when you felt yourself fill up with an immense amount of irritation. 
Needless to say, you were fed up with being ignored by Keisuke. You two weren't going to get anywhere if he continued to act like you didn't exist which would result in a failing grade for you both. Something you definitely didn't want since it would severely plummet your grade and make it hard to bring back up. 
You were so caught up in your anger you didn't even realize how coincidental it was for Keisuke to be out roaming the halls at the same time as you. Instead, as you watched him walk down the hall, the gears in your head started to turn as you began to have an idea to get him to finally speak to you.
You grinned to yourself as your brain thought of a devious plan that was completely out of character for you.
In fact, if your friend knew what you were planning on doing right now, they would say you were, without a doubt, absolutely, out of your fucking mind! But in all reality, it really is all Keisuke's fault that you were even this desperate to get his attention in the first place.
You had tried coming to him on his terms by being polite and trying to engage with him, but with the way he's been avoiding you those methods clearly weren't working so you decided to get his attention in the only other way you thought he might respond to, and that was by force.
So now, you currently waited, eagerly, watching with labored breath as your science partner made his way down the school hallway, slowly, like he had all the time in the world. He didn't seem to be going anywhere in particular, but was just kind of lingering, which was odd…
Was Keisuke just killing time to get out of class? Or, did he actually have a reason for being out? 
Regardless, as you watched him approach closer and closer to where you were at, you prepared yourself. Crouched down beside the vending machine, you waited  just until he passed you up and that's when you jumped…
…on his back. 
Keisuke, in his completely unaware state, fumbled in his stride, and instantly started flailing as you now rode his back like a pogo stick.
"Ah! What the fuck?!" He screamed. 
 He was grunting as you covered his eyes with your hands.
In response, he jerked right then jerked left and you held on to him for dear life for riding his back was almost like riding a wild bull! You couldn't believe how strong he was. Normally, anyone else who had been attacked like that would fall to the ground instantly, but Keisuke ran around with you on his back for at least a minute before you both eventually fell to the floor with you on top of him. 
He had landed on his stomach but spun around, swiftly, while you were still on top of him in order to get a look at who was on him. 
At first he looked livid, but once he saw your face his expression turned to shock. You, in return, glared down at him with a triumphant grin on your face. 
"Y/N!" He stared up at you in bewilderment as if unable to comprehend if it was really you currently on top of him. Like his eyes were playing tricks on him. "What the-" 
"Ah, ah, ah Keisuke," you cut him off, while shaking your head. "I'll be asking the questions around here. You got it?" 
"What?!" He grunted again in that rough voice of his. "Y/N, what the hell are you doing? Get the fuck off of me!" 
He squirmed a bit to try to shimmy you off him, but you held onto his jacket uniform for dear life which caused you two to just rock back and forth on the floor. 
"No, not until you give me a reasonable explanation as to why you've been avoiding me like I'm the plague!" You shot back at him. 
This got him to stop squirming as he stared up at you again in disbelief. "What? I haven't been avoiding-" 
"This is the first time you've spoken to me all week," you informed him, cutting him off again in the process. "Which you're only doing because I'm literally forcing you to do so. Did you forget that we're supposed to be working together and that our science project is due literally next week? I thought you said you wanted to get a good grade?!" 
Keisuke rolled his eyes. 
"Stop yelling at me," he demanded. "And I do want a good grade!" 
You scoffed at this. "Could've fooled me."
Keisuke sighed, exasperatedly. He also looked extremely uncomfortable but you figured that was due to your entire weight currently pressing him down, but when he shifted under you again and you swore you felt a hard bulge, you realized his discomfort may have possibly been for another reason. 
"Seriously, Y/N, get the fuck off me," he ordered. He sounded winded now like he had just ran a marathon but when you showed no signs of moving he added, "before I make you get off me." 
You scoffed again, not really believing him. 
"You're such a-" but before you could even finish that sentence, you suddenly found yourself being picked up like you were nothing more than a rag doll and the next thing you knew you were on your back staring up at Keisuke. 
He had lifted you by wrapping an arm around your thigh, and flipping you both over so that your positions were switched.
Keisuke stared down at you with a smirk plastered to his gorgeous face, thus, causing his sharp canines to slightly peek out. "Hey, I think I like this position better." 
Now it was your turn to sound out of breath. "Keisuke, what are you-"
"Ah, ah, ah, Y/N. I'll be asking the questions around here. You got it?" He repeated you from earlier causing you to roll your eyes. 
As he stared at you his expression turned from one of humor to serious in a split second. "Why did you ask our instructor to switch partners so you could be with Ryusei?" 
You paused. You hadn't been expecting that question. But you could ask him the same, so you did.
"Why did you ask our instructor to switch partners so you could be with Chifuyu?" You threw right back at him. 
Keisuke looked surprised that you knew that. "How did you know that? Did Ryusei tell you?"
You shook your head. "I overheard you talking to our instructor after class and that's when I heard you ask him to switch partners." 
Keisuke snapped his tongue in irritation. "That's not the same thing! You asked for a different partner because you don't like me."
Your mouth fell open at his accusation. What the hell had given him that idea? 
"I don't like you!" You said in complete disbelief, emphasizing the first and last word. "You're the one who doesn't like me!"
Now it was his turn to be shocked. "No! What made you think that?!"
"Because you asked for a different partner," you began to explain, listing all the reasons why you felt he didn't like you. "You've been ignoring me in class and avoiding me every time I see you on campus. You literally can't stand to be around me." 
"I only asked to switch partners cause I knew you were uncomfortable with me and thought you would be better with Ryusei since you like him." 
"I don't like Ryusei, you idiot! What gave you that idea? I only like you!" 
At this reveal, Keisuke faltered and you realized what you had just blurted out. Oops. 
"R-Really?" He stammered in surprise before getting confused again. "Then why were you being all weird with me when we first started our project? You wouldn't look at me or talk to me."
You sighed in exasperation. "That's why I was being all weird with you because I like you." 
He was still staring at you, dumbfounded. 
"… but Ryusei said…" he paused and you could literally see the gears turning in his head as he seemed to be coming to grips with something. That's when his expression turned livid as his thick brows knitted together.
"Fucking Ryusei!" He gritted out his friend's name as he seemed to realize something. "He told me you like him and that you wanted to be partners with him but was upset when you got me instead and that's why you were so cold towards me." 
You couldn't believe it. That was a straight up lie! That's not what you had said to him!
"No, I told him that I overheard you ask our teacher to switch partners and asked him if he would consider switching, but the next day when you said you actually didn't want to switch, but then proceeded to ignore me all week, that's when I asked him to talk to you to see what was going on," you explained to him the truth of the situation.
"He told me he was going to figure out why you were ignoring me. That's when I got a text this morning to be out here so we could meet up to talk and I figured it was about you." 
Now Keisuke looked even more bewildered. 
"Wait, you too? He texted me this morning to come out here to talk, too!" 
He pulled out his cell phone from his pants pocket and showed you the message Ryusei sent him about fifteen minutes ago. 
You both stared at each other as a look of realization passed between you both. Ryusei had set you both up. 
"That fucker!" You cursed once you realized what his plan was. 
"Exactly," Keisuke agreed with your sentiment towards his friend. "I'm gonna kick his ass." 
By now, Keisuke had lifted himself off of you so you were both seated next to one another on the hallway floor. 
You both sat in silence for a minute contemplating all the events that had transpired over the last week all due to a certain fluffy, white-haired male lying to you both. 
You should've known better than to ask for help from Ryusei. You knew the guy did have a knack for messing with his friends, after all. You had long noticed that he seemed to get a real kick out of taunting Chifuyu, especially, but you had never seen him pull such elaborate pranks on Keisuke. Sure, he seemed to cause the black-haired male headaches with his crazy antics sometimes but this was the farthest you've seen Ryusei go. 
You just wished he hadn't included you this time, as well. But that's what you got for being a friend of Ryusei. No one was off limits when it came to his pranks. 
After a moment of sitting in silence, Keisuke spoke up.
"So you really like me, Y/N?"
You looked up at him only to see him staring, not at you, but straightforward. His dark eyes then slowly turned to look at you but your bashful side came back with a vengeance and you averted your eyes, quickly. 
You bit down on your lip and admitted, shyly, "Oh, uh…yeah." 
At this, he grinned, his canines peeking out again and he nodded. "What if I told you I like you, too?" 
Your heart literally leapt at his words. "You do?!" You turned to him, shocked. "Since when?" 
"Since the semester started, and I realized how smart you are in science," he admitted. "I always admired how you always knew all the answers to our instructor's questions and thought you were cute whenever you would get excited over any new lab projects he gave us. I had always wanted to get to know you more but had no chance to figure out how, especially since you always seemed a little frightened by me."
You nodded since that was kind of true. 
"I thought my chance to get to know you better finally came when we were partnered but then you wouldn't speak to me or look at me. I had complained about it to Ryusei, and that's when he told me you liked him instead and I got jealous especially after you asked our instructor to switch partners. I thought you couldn't stand to be around me and was desperate enough to ask the teacher to swap me out for Ryusei."
You nodded in realization. Oh! So that's why he had changed his mind about switching and had been avoiding you! Damn it Ryusei! 
"I always thought you might think of me as too much of a nerd to like," you admitted to him. 
"You are a nerd," he joked and your mouth fell open in shock. You playfully smacked his arm, but then he added, "…but I like nerds." 
That's when you felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment. "Yeah?" 
Keisuke chuckled, a deep rumble from his chest that just made your heart speed up more but it's what he did next that caused your heart to go into overdrive. 
He didn't respond to your question with words, but instead, leaned in to you, swiftly. It all happened in a split second, really. One second you were looking at him, and the next, your lips were meshed to his own in a searing kiss. 
Excited, you were definitely smiling into the kiss.
His lips were surprisingly soft and supple (he was definitely an avid lip balm user), and they glided against yours with ease.
But in all reality, it really was a split second kiss because unfortunately, it was during the middle of your heated kiss with Keisuke that you heard both your names called. 
"Keisuke and Y/N!" A booming voice called you both. "I want the both of you in my office immediately!" 
At the sound of the unexpected booming voice, both you and Keisuke practically jumped ten feet away from each other as if your previous touching lips suddenly felt like hot iron brands. It was way too late though. You both had been caught red handed. Now you would have to deal with the consequences…
But almost immediately afterwards, the sound of laughter erupted as a familiar figure appeared from around the corner of one of the halls. 
"Awe, fuck! Man, that was gold! You should've seen your faces!" 
You looked up and was surprised to see none other than an amused Ryusei followed along by a dumbfounded Chifuyu. 
Ryusei playfully tapped Chifuyu on the arm. "Told you they would be making out by the time we found them!" 
He then turned back to you and Keisuke. "Damn y'all! I don't think this is what our teacher had in mind when he put heat conduction in that hat! Is this what you two plan to show the class for your project?" 
He doubled over in laughter and you rolled your eyes at his stupid jokes. 
"Fucking Ryusei!" Keisuke growled as he got up from the floor and started to chase after his friend. Ryusei, on the other hand, immediately took off in the opposite direction. 
You walked up to Chifuyu who stood looking completely unimpressed by the whole ordeal. Like this was an everyday occurrence which, considering the trio involved, you wouldn't be surprised if it were. 
"Keisuke's gonna kill him," you said, feeling slightly worried, but only slightly, for Ryusei. 
But Chifuyu just shook his head. "Nah, Ryusei can handle his own. But we should probably try to stop them and get back to our classes before a real teacher finds us all and we all get detention." 
You nodded in agreement. "Let's go." 
And with that, you and Chifuyu chased after the two friends before any of you could get into any more trouble. 
Now that you were a part of their little inner circle, you figured this is what your life would be like from now on. But you didn't mind if it meant more time with Keisuke. Who knew that this whole time you liked him that he liked you too? And all it took to get you both to admit it was a little misunderstanding. 
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frickingnerd · 2 years
working at a maid cafe with sato
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pairing: rikidou sato x fem!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, workplace relationship, mentions of customers behaving inappropriately, protective!sato, maid!reader
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you and sato had met a couple months ago, when you started working at the maid cafe
while he was responsible for making the food the cafe offered, you were serving it to the customers as a maid
he had a friendly relationship with all the girls working at the cafe so it was only a matter of time until the two of you would become friends as well
he was a complete gentleman, always bringing the girls home or stepping in whenever a customer was behaving inappropriately
he didn't seem like he had any ulterior motives either. he really was just a kind guy
perhaps that's why you ended up falling in love with him
whenever he offered to bring you home you would walk slowly, so you got to spend more time with him
you were spending your lunch breaks with him, eating some of the sweets he had prefered for the cafe
and whenever he hugged you, you could feel your heart beating so fast that you got worried he might feel it too
you ended up confessing to him on valentines day with some chocolate you had made yourself
both of you were blushing so hard when you handed it over to him, telling him that you didn't mind waiting for his answer until white day
but he knew he would be a fool if he kept you waiting that long! 
sato stopped you before you could leave, telling you that he felt the same way about you and that he would be delighted to be your boyfriend
the two of you ended up having your first date and first kiss on white day, when it was his turn to surprise you with something romantic
he took you out to dinner after work and after he had walked you home and you had reached your apartment, you finally kissed the boy!
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buccini555 · 2 years
hi! can i please request any ryusei fluff scenarios? there are almost no fics tht i can find for this pretty boy
𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝔂 - 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐮
Ryusei can be a little shy at times, especially when he realizes he's liking someone, it's a strange and good feeling at the same time, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, his actions and attitudes always betray his feelings.
It's been a long time since the boy was interested in you, so, on any given day, he called you to go to his house, as they were friends, they used to go to each other's houses rarely.
You accepted the invitation, he immediately said he would pick you up in the late afternoon, you couldn't help but notice that your friend looked a little apprehensive, but you just let it go. When the afternoon fell, Ryusei appeared at his house, with a bouquet of flowers in his hands and some chocolates.
— Well, I couldn't come here empty-handed, could I?
Smiling, you found the boy's attitude strange, but you couldn't help thinking he was cute, he gave you the treats and called you to get on his motorcycle, right after you went in the direction of his house, which was not very far from there .
As soon as you arrived at Ryusei's house, he proposed you to play some games or watch some series, but first, he brought you some snacks. His mother was in the kitchen and soon came to greet you, she adored you and was always happy to see you, to make you more comfortable the kind girl went upstairs and went to the bedroom, you decided to play with Ryusei, he really accepted knowing that I would end up losing.
— Hey, Y/n? I... I really enjoy your company, you know?
You smile and say thank you, continuing to pay attention to the game.
A while passed and it ended up getting dark, you didn't feel like going home so you asked the boy if you could sleep there that night, he quickly agreed with the proposal and was happy.
You had dinner together and Ryusei went to prepare the room for you to stay, the boy's room was not very organized but you really liked to observe the random things that were in the place.
— Make yourself comfortable, okay? I swear I tried to make the room nice.
He laid down on the bed and you lay down next to him, you couldn't help but notice that he still looked nervous for some reason so you asked him to see if everything was okay.
— OK! Maybe it's not okay, I mean, I don't know how to explain it.
You looked at him with a confused expression, Ryusei looked at you still confused, until the boy got up the courage to tell you something that had been bothering him for a long time.
— And that... Y/n, I'm completely in love with you.
— Is that what you wanted to tell me?
— Hmm... That's it.
— I like you too, silly.
You said as you turned to the boy, getting even closer to him.
— Do you know what I think?
— Yes?
— That I should kiss you now, hmm?
— Yes, you must.
He leaned in and gave you a small kiss and while gently caressing your face Ryusei said:
You're amazing, you know that, don't you?
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yanderederee · 1 year
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March14th, 2004
:before…› here! › next! › …
For the next four months, Baji Keisuke has found himself in many frustrating situations.
Chronologically; once Ryusei caught hook of Baji’s interest in you, he was over the moon. He thought it was hilarious.
The Baji Keisuke: The mad dog of Toman, 1st Division Attack fleet Captain…
… turning into a tame lapdog under your scowl.
Chifuyu enabled this, especially when you agreed to tutor him as well. You were encouraging, putting together the most detailed of study packets together. How you made flash cards with cute doodles on some of them for hints or reminders.
… had you not already been spoken for, he would have fell in love on day one.
However, Chifuyu, above anything else, was Baji’s right hand man. Chifuyu would never intentionally disrespect him like that.
Your reputation took a bit of a dip anytime you were seen around school with them, so Baji became more strict of his friends’ boundaries. He couldn’t have your name getting out to a rival gang somewhere. He couldn’t risk you finding out his underground reputation.
That’s the part that always confused Baji.
Baji was confident in who he was. He would chew anyone out for daring to say any different.
Yet the thought of you seeing him in toman garb,
his fists red and angry,
the face of bloodlust taking his features to terrifying heights,
the things he prided himself in!
He felt scared.
Baji didn’t have the emotional maturity to really explain the reason for this reaction.
He just really wanted you to like him, even if it meant hiding who he really was, becoming soft, if only for a few minutes.
“Come on Baji, you can be honest with me!” Chifuyu mused loudly, still pulling manga out from the box he dragged up two floors of apartment stairs.
“You’re a dumbass.” Baji spat at the blonde, releasing Peke J from his hold once he was finally brushed through. Having an outdoor cat means taking care of their coat more often than usual.
Not like Sango, who was stuck being a indoor ball of energy. He was more surprised that his mom was so easy to convince after mentioning how he’d come across the injured cat.
No, Sango’s coat was fluffy and was inconvenient for his black wardrobe. But instead of blaming Sango, he simply bought a pack of lint rollers which were in every room of the apartment now.
“I don’t mean that honest,” Chifuyu snapped his fingers to get Baji’s attention back. “Just read the damn mangas!” He ordered with a confident grin. “Anything that’s confusing you, I’m sure you can find a solution among these babies!”
Finally looking at what brightly colored manga was being shoved in his hand, Baji instinctively threw the novel full speed into Chifuyu’s forehead.
“What the hell?!” Chifuyu screamed, covering his nose with whiny protest. “What the hell is right! Don’t give me that crap! You know I ain’t interested in that kinda stuff!” Baji scowled his friend, face red.
It took him a few minutes to calm down, but after some gourmet peiyan yakisoba, and a few bribes later, Baji finally agreed to read the first three manga volumes. Chifuyu could be very convincing, after all.
Shojo manga were never really his thing. The fighting was too mellow and no one had the balls to actually say what they meant.
He thought it was so Lame.
But Chifuyu knows what kind of person Keisuke Baji was. He was kind and protective, misleadingly rude at times, but gentle when it mattered. Chifuyu did his research, and picked a select few golden titles amongst his collection.
The perspective of the titles he so gingerly picked were from the male gaze, and their thought process when falling in love with the female lead.
So lame.
Baji wanted to be bored, if only to spite his over dramatic underclassman. But fate be damned, when he actually sat through it, he became invested.
He accidentally finished first volume in twenty minutes. How the hell could it leave off on a cliff hanger though? Keisuke wanted to chalk it up to shitty writing but when he reached for the second volume it kicked in.
“No way! You read that way too fast! Com’on!” Chifuyu roared, accusing his friend of not actually reading it.
Baji lazily read through it a second time, taking in the words and considering things that made him feel the same way. It was so lame to waste so much time trying to relate to a dumbass who can’t even talk to some chick.
Yet there he was, middle of a page when a pang echoed in his chest.
The plot Chifuyu had picked follows a Male Lead who was born with a scary face, making it so no one would get close to him; who then meets a girl from the neighboring school. She is kind, and only sees him for his kind heart, helping him learn what it means to feel romantic love.
(“The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity”!! Please read !!!!! )
… And in this particular scene, the female lead gently admits ‘that was actually really cool!’ when he had scared off the group of guys who tried to attack the girl.
Do girls think being scary is cool?
Baji glared at Chifuyu, who was excitedly waiting for his reactions. “This is bullshit,” he rolled his eyes.
“No way! The hell you saying that for?!” The blond retorted.
“I didn’t want to say it but honestly Baji…” Chifuyu shook his head. “…you’re the real dumbass.”
You are here… › next! › …
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eggtartz · 2 years
I have no idea if requests are open but if they are, can I pretty please request a Ryusei Satou x Reader where the reader like hates Ryusei’s guts meanwhile he’s like completely in love with the reader and then after a while the reader falls in love with Ryusei? Idk I just thought this be a cute idea. Anyways thank you for hearing me out and have an amazing day/night 🙏❤️❤️
a/n : my requests are always open anon so don't worry ❤️ also i see a fellow simp of ryusei 🫶🏻 thankyou for the cute request anon and enjoy!
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you hated his guts since childhood because he always teased you. even in highschool, ryusei never moved on from teasing you, in fact the teasing got much worse. sometimes, his teasing would conclude small praises too that got you blushing for no reason.
ryusei would sneak up in your class and sit beside you to steal one of your pens. he would do this one thing where he exchanged the pen's cap so it'll be in different colours that he knew would piss you off.
sometimes when bored, he would doodle in your notes drawing a mini you (he drew it ugly for some reason alright) and on purpose doesn't erase it back.
while you're copying the words at the board, he would copy the words from your notes instead of looking up (his eyesight is fine, he just likes you looked annoyed at him)
if you're not present at school, he would rush to go to your house and bring some gifts too (your mom always called ryusei your boyfriend which made you more annoyed)
one day at the school rooftop you were jamming to some music until the door was kicked and the school bully appeared. out of nowhere she grabbed you and pushed you down the stairs and you couldn't do anything about it as it happened too fast. you checked that your elbow was bruised but either than that you were fine.
coming back from the nurse's room, you bumped into ryusei and groaned. he's gonna tease you so much for the bruise you can imagine so you tried to avoid him (he caught you anyways, he was searching for you after all)
"eh what's with the bandages y/n? poor girl fell down the stairs?" he teased. inhaling a breath you exclaimed "yeah ryusei, someone pushed me down the stairs you happy now?". his smile dropped, mouth opened ajar. "who?"
"not that it matters, im going home anyways. nurse's orders" you walked past him without waiting for a response. you woke up the next morning, your bruise already getting better.
at school, you saw a bunch of students in front of your locker and tried to reach your locker but to see yesterday's school bully was kneeling. in front of ryusei. ryusei was smiling (a bit sadistic you thought) and grabbed her hair "did you pushed y/n yesterday?" she nodded and ryusei let go of her hair. "you know, i don't beat girls but girls like you?you deserved it" ryusei said again.
glaring around, happy to humiliate the bully ryusei's glanced at you and beamed a smile while waving. he called some of his members to take the bully and her friends and walked right at you. "it's done pretty girl, no need to worry anymore"
your perspective on the boy changed that day. you noticed he teased you a lot but gave you compliments with them. he bought you a lot of pens and highlighters as an excuse he likes to mess with the caps but he knows you like your notes all colorful. he would drag you to the rooftop to sleep if he saw you were about to doze off. you noticed how ryusei did none to harm you, in cases he actually cared about you. like a lot.
"ryusei, do you like me?"
"tch, stupid girl. took you forever to notice it" he said while twirling your hair and you slightly giggled.
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