#saunders murder case
jabbage · 11 months
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In the cover date May, 1939 issue 27 of the anthology series Detective Comics Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Commissioner James Gordon made their first appearance. They were created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Batman made Detective Comics so popular that the imprint renamed itself DC Comics. ("The Batman: The Case of Chemical Syndicate", "Speed Saunders: Killers of Kurdistan", "Buck Marshall: Bullet Bluff", "Bart Regan, Spy: The Mysterious Murders", "The Crimson Avenger: Murder on the Oceanic Line Docks", "Death on the Airwaves", "Bruce Nelson: The New Orleans Mardi Gras Murders pt 1", "The Insidious Dr Fu Manchu pt 11", "Cosmo, The Phantom of Disguise: Illegal Aliens", and "Slam Bradley: The Murder Vacation", Detective Comics 27#, DC Comic, Event)
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magicalmonsterhero · 1 year
Doc Samson Synopsis
A synopsis for my Doc Samson Disney+ series idea Notes: -If anyone has any ideas regarding casting, please post them in the comments. -This takes place at the same time as She-Hulk: Attorney at Law (assuming you are willing to consider that show to be MCU canon).
Episode 1: Leonard Samson is called to testify in the trial of Tony Masterson, accused of murdering several people who supported the repeal of the Sokovia Accords. During Samson’s testimony, however, Masterson uses a supposedly unarmed gun to shoot him, along with security guard Craig Saunders, defense attorney Diane Davids, prosecutor Kyle Barker, and NYPD officer Benjamin Tibbets before he is shot and killed by NYPD detective Clay Quartermain. Samson is rushed to the hospital, where Dr. Angela Lipscombe unwittingly gives him blood synthesized from that of Bruce Banner. As a result, Samson is turned into a green-haired superhuman with greatly enhanced strength. Quartermain meets with Samson and Angela to discuss the shooting, and the three decide to work together to solve the mystery.
Mid-Credits Scene: General John Ryker visits Philip Sterns in prison, and offers him a way to take revenge on the man who put him in there.
Episode 2: While going over his sessions with Masterson, Samson discovers that Saunders was present each time, and that he gave Masterson orders on behalf of an unidentified source telling him to kill Samson, Davids, and Barker. Further investigation reveals that the gun Masterson used was armed by a woman impersonating a court clerk, and the same woman also disguised herself as a nurse and swapped a regular blood bag with the gamma-irradiated blood that Samson received. A gamma-mutated Sterns, calling himself Madman, goes on a rampage, only to be fought and defeated by Samson. Quartermain, believing there is a connection to Bruce Banner’s work, calls in ESU physics professor Dr. Walter Langowski and his teacher’s aide Delilah ‘Dee Dee’ Dearborn to help.
Mid-Credits Scene: Samson works on adapting to his new strength.
Episode 3: Quartermain arranges a meeting with Michael Berengetti, a retired mobster who claims to have information about the victims. Berengetti reveals that he was contacted about making sure Davids (who normally took mob-related cases) would be Masterson’s defense attorney, but before he can say who asked him to do so, he is killed by two of his underlings Jessie Harrison and Louis Lembert, both of whom have received gamma-derived powers. Samson, Quartermain, and Dee Dee are able to subdue Harrison and Lembert, and the two confess they were convinced to betray Berengetti by Dr. Karla Sofen, who is identified as the woman impersonating the court clerk and nurse.
Mid-Credits Scene: Sofen makes a recording in which she describes several “experiments” she conducted, including psychologically manipulating convicted criminal Lloyd Bloch into giving her an unusual gem he stole, which she refers to as a Moonstone.
Episode 4: Continuing their investigation into Saunders and Davids, the group finds out the former was involved in the same mission to capture Banner that led to Emil Blonsky becoming Enhanced. Samson recalls his part in the events leading up to the fight in Harlem, and the group discusses Ross’s potential involvement. A former colleague of Langowski arrives in New York and tries to kill him, taking on the form of the Wendigo to do so, but is stopped by Samson with aid from Langowski and Dee Dee. Though it is determined that Ross was not part of the conspiracy, it is revealed that Ryker was also involved with the project that created the Hulk and that he has similar ambitions to create super soldiers.
Mid-Credits Scene: Sofen decides that Ryker is getting in the way of her plans, and decides to get rid of him.
Episode 5: In order to make sure there are no loose ends, Samson and Quartermain go over footage from Masterson’s visits, and learn that Davids gave him the order to kill Saunders on Ryker’s behalf. The group accompanies the police to arrest Ryker, but are ambushed by the electrical monster Zzzax, and are forced to take it down. Meanwhile, Ryker confronts Sofen and accuses her of having her own agenda. Sofen fatally shoots Ryker, leaving behind enough evidence to expose his part in the conspiracy and other illicit activities before fleeing.
Mid-Credits Scene: The FBI is contacted about Ryker and Sofen, with instructions to not allow the Department of Damage Control to interfere, as a number of their higher-ranking staff are are under investigation for abuse of power, brutality, corruption, and/or similar crimes.
Episode 6: No longer held back by Ryker, Sofen bonds with the Moonstone and abducts Langowski and Dee Dee. Samson, Quartermain, and Angela rescue them, though not before both are exposed to gamma radiation. An enraged Sofen goes on a rampage, but is stopped by Samson, as the latter fully embraces his Enhanced status, and Sofen is taken into custody. During the following celebration, Samson calls Bruce to say hello and ask if he’d like to join him in catching up with Betty.
Post-Credits Scene 1: Samson and Dee Dee discuss what they’re going to do now that they are Enhanced, and Dee Dee reveals that she had an ulterior motive for meeting Samson—she suspects that the two of them have the same father.
Post-Credits Scene 2: Langowski, now possessing the ability to transform into a superstrong beast he calls Sasquatch, receives a call asking him to return to Canada and join a new team being formed there. He rudely declines.
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entrepy · 2 years
a starter for huckles because he's raining on bucky's murder parade @e1igius .
Bucky’s path up the sixty-three storey office building hacking through secure doorways and evading cameras is proven all for naught when he finally gets into the penthouse office and is met with the whistling breeze coming in through the shattered window — and his mark head down on his glass-top desk in a pool of blood. ‘ God damn it. ’ 
Bucky’s noticed a pattern over the past couple of months of rocking up to a mission, only to find  his job completed for him. On paper, Bucky is no assassin. It wouldn’t do for word to get out that SHIELD was in that kind of business. They were supposed to be good guys, after all. But some cases required a certain touch and that was where people like Bucky came in. His mission directive was never to assassinate — but he’d earned his status by reading between the lines, and was therefore invaluable to HQ. This target, though, was not an assassination target. Even if it had been, SHIELD are a lot more subtle in their approach to execution and Bucky was skilled in the art of staging a natural death. There’s nothing natural about this. The guy was sniped out and even if Bucky tried to clean this mess up a little, a coroner would be able to figure out the cause of death probably with their eyes closed. 
‘ Everything okay, Barnes ? ’ comes the voice in his ear.
‘ No, ’ Bucky grits out, stepping over glass to jab two fingers at the fortune 500 CEO’s neck, checking for a pulse. There is none, obviously, and his fingers come away bloody. ‘ Mission’s compromised. Again. Someone’s getting to these asshats before us and it’s really starting to piss me off. ’
‘ Starting to ? You know all of Ops heard your row with Hill last time you tried to prove ‘ he was dead when I got there. ’ You gotta start wearing your body cam. ’
‘ No thanks. Hey, can you scan the building across the road ? Try, uh, the sixty-second floor. Or sixtieth, actually. Angle of the bullet’s low. ’ He wrinkles his nose, pushing the guy’s head down to inspect the entry point at the back of the neck. 
‘ Ah — floor’s empty. HVAC’s kicked in . . . looks like there’s a window left open. Wait, hang on — someone just accessed the elevator. They’re riding the emergency override down . . . That’s about — 82 seconds ‘til they reach the bottom — and counting. ’
‘ Got it. Thanks. Tell Hill I’m calling it a night. Mission’s a bust. Thanks for your help, Saunders. ’
He pockets his in-ear device. Fifteen seconds to set up his anchor and rope. Fifty-three to repel down the front of the building through the window his mystery sniper had graciously broken for him, fingerless gloves taking the brunt of the rope burn. It’s late enough, dark enough that he might just get away without being seen.
Thirteen seconds to cross the street. He curses under his breath — was he too late ? If he’d just sniped someone from another building, where would he go ? Rounding the corner takes him to the avenue that runs between the tall buildings that line the street. It’s poorly lit and deserted at this time and if he wasn’t looking for someone coming out of the emergency exit he would’ve missed the shadow slinking out into the dark.
‘ Hey ! ’ he calls out, pulling out his gun and breaking into a sprint. He’d been told the mystery killer wasn’t a priority by SHIELD, but he’d be damned if he was just going to let this guy get away with ruining all his missions.
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toulousewayne · 2 years
Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox
This is a concept for a live action version of Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox. This film would be released theatrically in theaters before moving to HBO Max.
Synopsis: The Flash finds himself in a alternate reality where his Mother was never killed. But as a result the entire world is altered.He finds the this reality in a World War between Wonder Woman and Aquaman. His must correct his mistakes before he forgets his world.
Runtime: 2 Hour, 45 Minutes
Rating: PG-13
Release: October 27, 2028
*Their will a section that’s tell you all the casting and storyline changes due to Flashpoint.*
Barry Allen/Flash………….Sam Claflin
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Thomas Wayne/Batman………Jeffrey Dean Morgan
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Cyborg…………..Michael Evans Behling
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Superman/Clark Kent…….. Pierson Fodé
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Wonder Woman/Diana Prince…..Christian Serratos
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Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash……Dan Stevens
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Aquaman/Arthur Curry……..Kellan Lutz
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Supporting Cast:
Iris West……………………Nina Dobrev
Nora Allen…………….Sharon Stone
Green Lantern/Hal Jordan……..Brant Daugherty
HawkGirl/Kendra Saunders………Eiza González
Zatanna Zatara…………..Sofia Carson
End Credit Scene: DCU: Batman is recasted after the events of Flashpoint.
Concept Art: All Artwork belongs to the original creator‼️‼️
The movie starts with Barry and Iris placing flowers at Nora’s grave. Barry still struggles with her unsolved murder and tells Iris he wasn’t fast enough. He trying to keep his emotions bottled up and Iris tells him he’s okay and that his mom would love the man he became.
Barry turns to Iris only to find she’s gone and everything around him isn’t as it seems. Barry shoots up from his desk and is confused. Captain Singh asks him has he finally woken up from his nap and tells him to get to his case files.
Barry leaves and find his mom in the lobby and it slowly becomes clear what’s going on.
He arrives to Gotham and goes to a abandoned Wayne Manor and enters the Batcave to find it in a less then state of the art state.
He is confronted by Thomas Wayne Batman. And is forced to explain his business and recently agrees to help him get his abilities back.
Meanwhile is the South of France Wonder Woman and the Amazons are in a brutal battle with human military as rogue Atlantans. Artemis one of Wonder Woman’s lieutenants slaughters Aquaman’s spy Tula. She brings her body to Wonder who tells them they must find Aquaman and end this.
After several different variations of the experiment to give Barry’s powers back he finally gets them back and saves Batman from nearly dying.
Hal Jordan is asked by a he President to fly a alien spacecraft into outer space. He noticed something in a sealed crate labeled Lanterns. He decides to check it out when the coast is clear.
Aquaman rises from the Sea and his army makes landfall in South America where his forces are met with resistance from Lex Luthor and Deathstroke’s militia. They are both defeated,but Lex’s sends his last known location by his watch in his last few minutes of life.
Iris West in this timeline is running through New Themyscira. She is on the run from Amazons who are ordered to kill her. A flash of yellow lighting swiftly murders the Amazon warriors and she meets several resistance members who are sent by Zatanna to help her escape.
Hal finds Aquaman’s underwater fortress in the Artic and attempts to fire the nano-bomb but is quickly shot down by Aquaman tank and then killed.
Batman,Flash and Cyborg arrive at a warehouse in Metropolis and break into it to find a sickly and imprisoned version of Superman. They free him and Superman not being able to use his powers kills the US Military and along with several scientists.
Iris West is being prepared to go into battle with Zatanna and several other heroes,villains and other members of the Resistance. Zatanna tells her team that this may be there last nights alive but they will fight for their freedom and put an end to this war.
Wonder Woman and Aquaman rage war in Europe and it’s brutal.
The resistance intercepts Wonder and Aquaman with Cyborg and Flash taken Aquaman and Hawkgirl arrives and fights Wonder Woman.
Batman is taken on both sides and saves Barry from a killing blow from Aquaman.
Barry rushes him to a nearby building where and bloody and in pain Thomas Wayne tells him to fix this universe.
Before Barry can react he’s attacked by Thawne. The two chase each other before Barry his beaten and forced to watch the deaths of Zatanna, Cyborg,Hawkgirl,etc. it’s only Batman’s single shot from the gun that killed Bruce that stops Thawne’s beating. And with his last few moments he gives Barry a Letter and tells him to give it to Bruce. And he promises to do that.
Barry weakly begans to walk, then jog and finally run and enters the speed force where he sees so many different realities. He runs until he sees everything around him shatter and is sucked into a wormhole with Barry running at the fast he can run.
He ends up back at his desk. Iris walks up to him and ask is he okay and that she hadn’t seen him since last night when he ran out of the cemetery. He hugs her tells her he’s so happy to see her and glad to find everything is normal. He tells her that he has a stop to make.
He arrives at Wayne Manor and knocks on the door and Dick Grayson answers he asks Dick to see Bruce. Dick looks at him confused and tells him that it’s not cool to joke like that. He asks Dick to elaborate and Dick unsurely tells him Bruce Wayne is Dead.
That’s the main flow of my version of Flashpoint. And now onto the effects/changes.
Bruce Wayne was originally played by Ryan Guzman but is being recasted to Oliver Jackson-Cohen for the remainder of the DCU. Some of the Batfamily is being recasted.
Dick Grayson; will be played by Josh Heuston
Jason Todd Red Hood will now be played by Wolfgang Novogratz.
Stephanie Brown will now be played by Teagan Croft.
Bailee Madison, Miles Brown and Pierce Brosnan will continue to play, Barbara Gordon, Duke Thomas, and Alfred Pennyworth respectively.
A Cassandra Cain film is next for my DCU Phase 4 slate and she is also recasted she will now be played by Ashley Liao . Tim Drake will briefly appear in the Cassandra Cain Movie and he will be portrayed by Louis Patridge from now on.
Damian Wayne now exist in this timeline and will be portrayed by Mystic Inscho.
The Superfamily is relatively the same with an exceptions. The first, is that Clark Kent and Lois Lane are now married the two were already on track to a relationship but now the timeline has sped the whole process up. Also, we’ll Jon.
Arthur Curry and Mera got married and Mera is excepting their first child.
Green Lanterns:
Hal Jordan is no longer a Green Lantern at the moment. John Stewart is the current Green Lantern of Earth. Kyle Rayner is the newest addition to the Lantern Corp.
Other Changes:
Most of the hero films are still cannon except for the Batman projects are loosely cannon but not as much as the other heroes projects.
The new Justice League main lineup is as followed: Superman,Batman,Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter and soon to be member Hawkgirl.(She was in the Flashpoint universe and is now brought into the main continuity.)
Aquaman is still a member however he will be focusing on her Kingdom for a while.
Zatanna and Constantine are forming the Justice League Dark.
Other groups are also beginning to take form like the Suicide Squad and will be shown in later phases.
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thatstormygeek · 10 days
First, completely aside from the point of this article, I went to high school with the lawyer and about spit my drink all over my monitor when I read her name. She's doing awesome works!
The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Lowery’s juvenile daughter, alleges officers used excessive force, and that the city did not sufficiently train or supervise officers. It also said that the city denied requests for body camera footage and other information, such as witness statements. ... American police can kill with little to no consequence because of an invented legal standard called qualified immunity, a rule created by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1982. It prohibits citizens from suing officers who violate their rights unless an earlier court ruling found that the very same action by officers was unconstitutional. Qualified immunity fits neatly into our society, where half of the population worships law enforcement and naively believe police don’t lie, cheat or steal despite mountains of evidence. Worse, we don’t have a national database for reporting police misconduct. State agencies remain stingy with the information each collects — video, files, etc. Consequently, prosecutors charge and convict few police officers.
[Lassiter Saunders] said when she and Lowery’s daughter’s mother arrived to view the video footage, it appeared to “totally blindside Lieutenant Sturgeon. It was clear he had believed the (police) report. He just kept saying ‘I don’t know,’ ‘I’m just seeing this.’ It was clear he knew he had stepped in it by allowing unfiltered access” to the video. So, what happened then? “By the time I brought (her) back to review footage, the city attorney and the Topeka Police Department had made the process harder to view the footage by establishing a $50-an-hour fee, the signing of a certification form, and restricting parts of the video,” Lassiter Saunders said. Garrett said the city fully complied with KSA 45-254, the statute that allowed for a “reasonable fee for viewings under its provisions.” The city generally waives this fee for the first viewing in cases of officer-involved shootings, but “reasonable fees” are charged for subsequent viewings, Garrett said via email.
This is fucked up on so many levels. First, all the fuckery the Topeka PD is pulling with the lying (unsurprising. cops lie. all the time) and the manipulation. But that "city generally waives this fee for first viewing in cases of officer-involved shootings" and then fucking charges the victim's family for additional viewings. So the city of Topeka is fundraising off of their cops murdering their citizens.
Such a functional society we've built.
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ulkaralakbarova · 7 months
A mysterious woman, known as Madame M, kidnaps forty pre-teen girls and transports them to a remote island to train them as the most deadly assassins. CIA operative Jack Chen follows the case for 6 years with no leads, but when a series of assassinations begin to occur, Jack suspects that Madame M is back in business. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Katherine: Anya Charlene Ching: Maggie Q Jack Chen: Daniel Wu Jing: Jewel Lee Faye Ching: Cheng Pei-pei Madam M: Almen Wong Pui-Ha Ryuichi: Andrew Lin Student murdered in Cage: Monica Lo Tattooed Yakuza boss: Benny Lai Chun Mr. Chan: Dennis Chan Kwok-San Drillmaster: Augustin Aguerreberry Little Jing: Chia-Li Mo Young Charlene Ching: Renee Nichole Rommeswinkel Little Katherine: Karine Kwok Fiona Birch: Marit Thoresen Crime Boss (uncredited): Mark Aldred CIA Agent (uncredited): Brian Banowetz CIA Agent (uncredited): Michael Clements Yakuza boss’s bodyguard: Marc Redmond VIP assasinated at Dragon Boat Rac: Johnnie Guy VIP Bodyguard #1: Matthew Sturgess VIP Bodyguard #2: David John Saunders VIP Bodyguard #3: Carl Ng VIP Bodyguard: Ho Chung-Wai VIP Bodyguard: Eddie Che Wai-Yin VIP Bodyguard: Vincent Chi Mo-Chun Fighter (uncredited): Jude Poyer Crime Boss (uncredited): Tullio Antiga Film Crew: Editor: Angie Lam Original Music Composer: Comfort Chan Kwong-Wing Fight Choreographer: Tony Ching Siu-Tung Costume Designer: Lee Pik-Kwan Executive Producer: John Chong Original Music Composer: Ken Chan Ka-Yip Director of Photography: Choi Sung-Fai Writer: Wong Jing Martial Arts Choreographer: Lau Chi-Ho Movie Reviews:
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Case File 10 - The Baffling Case of The Gentleman Thief
by HectorBomb
Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, and Renee Montoya investigate a baffling case where a gentleman thief breaks into the homes of wealthy citizens but leaves without stealing anything.
Words: 2135, Chapters: 6/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Gotham Chronicles
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Renee Montoya, Willaim Saunders, Paul Dekker, Crazy Quilt, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Hatters, Bruce Wayne, Linda Page, Mr. Courtly, Mr. Baffle
Relationships: Harvey Bullock & Jim Gordon
Additional Tags: Murder Mystery, Mystery, Detectives, Police Procedural, Strangulation
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47109484
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pulpman2 · 2 years
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“Farm implements, my eye!” exclaimed Doug Maddox, FBI Special Agent as he ripped open the the thin wood covering of the innocuously labelled packing case. Inside were a variety of automatic pistols, machine guns and rifles. “All heading to the drugs gangs, no doubt!” he added. Meanwhile Agent Susanna Davis was finishing overpowering the guard she and Doug had encountered at the beachside rendezvous. While the fight went on, Doug was staring with boyish satisfaction at the weaponrry, his eyes glittering with wonder at its desructive potential. “Gee, Suze,” he breathed, “imagine if we had some of this kinda hardware…” When all he heard was some furious male grunting behind him, the agent casually looked over his shoulder. “You ok there, babe?” he asked idly. Susanna had begun to tie up and gag the still struggling guard. She flashed her superior officer a suitably green eyed glare. “Everything is just fine, boss,” she replied tightly before clipping her prisoner across the head. “Stay still, you! I’ve not finished yet!”
Just then a bullet thudded into the sand of the beach even as the sirens of a police launch could be heard coming from the ocean behind them. “Cavalry and Indians!” Doug called out, producing his handgun to return fire. His red headed female partner pushed her manicured hand into the inside of the jacket of her furiously “mmmphing!” captive. “Mind if I borrow your gun, big boy?” she asked the bound and glowering man sweetly. “It is a much higher calibre than mine. Think of it as payment for laddering my pantyhose!”
My interpretation of the story behind this cover to Hot Spot Murder-Go- Round by Bruce Cassiday, FBI Detective Stories (April 1949); art by Norman Saunders.
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wetslug · 1 year
Sorry, last good True Crime rec.
Eli Saunders wrote While the City Slept. In my mind, it's the gold standard for how to cover true crime because it's two main focuses are the victims and the systemic failures that allowed the attacks to happen. The book is about a man descending into delusions and progressively worse crime culminating in a home invasion murder of a lesbian woman and attack on her partner. A huge part of the start of the book is just telling the life stories of the victim and survivor and how they met. It's basically biography instead of just "she lit up a room, anyway, then she got murdered." The rest focuses on how even though the murderer was institutionalized and medicated and incarcerated at different points in his life, none of it was really done in such a way that it helped him or actually prevented him from committing harm.
It's available as audiobook and a really good listen.
oooh that sounds rlly interesting !! i think ive heard of the case before as well.
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
The Penguin was introduced in Detective Comics 58#, cover date Dec, 1941. The new crime boss managed to frame the newly deputized Batman, see him arrested, and then arranged to have him kidnapped. The Penguin was created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane. ("Bat Man: One of the Most Perfect Frame-Ups", "Bart Regan, Spy: New Orleans - Queen City of the South", "Larry Steele: The Case of the Frieghtened Sister", "Cliff Crosby: Vacation at Lake Cobalt", "Speed Saunders: The Cigarette Murder", "The Crimson Avenger: Smith and Smythe" "Steve Malone: Murder in the Metropolitan Hotel", "Slam Bradley: Everything Happens to Slam", Detective Comics 58#, Comic, Event)
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Yarmouth, N.S., man found guilty in relation to the murder of Colton Cook
A jury has delivered a guilty verdict in the 2020 murder of a Yarmouth, N.S., area man.
Colton James Cook, 26, was reported missing from Brooklyn, N.S., on Sept. 27, 2020. Later that day, police found partial remains near his burned truck in Yarmouth.
A few days later, officers found Cook's identifiable remains near the intersection of Saunders and Raynardton Road in South Ohio, N.S.
Thursday night, the jury in the trial found Robert Charles Rogers of Yarmouth County, N.S., guilty of second-degree murder and interfering with human remains, according to Stacey Cook, Colton’s mother.
"Happy for the verdict. Right now, I'm overjoyed. It's hard to be there on our end and sit there and watch what you have to watch, hear what you have to hear, and have no say," she said by phone from her home in Yarmouth.
Wayne Richard Crawford had previously pleaded guilty to a second degree murder offence in the case.
A third man, Keith Arthur Siscoe of Yarmouth County, was charged with accessory after the fact to murder.
Cook says Rogers is scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 2.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/uTH93pD
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ukcorruptpolice · 2 years
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annarellix · 2 years
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The Silent Dead by Marnie Riches  (Detective Jackie Cooke Book 2)
Book Description: She was lying as if asleep on the wooden kitchen floor, beneath the fridge covered with a child’s colourful crayon drawings. But her frozen expression showed she would never wake again…
When Detective Jackie Cooke is called out to the scene, she’s expecting a routine check. The bottle of pills on the kitchen table, next to the note with the single word SORRY written in a shaky hand, make it seem obvious what’s happened. But Jackie is shocked when she recognises her old schoolfriend Claire – and she is convinced Claire would never take her own life. Determined to dig deeper, Jackie soon discovers evidence that proves her right: a roll of notes has been thrust down the victim’s throat. And when she finds another woman killed in the same way, she realises someone may be targeting lonely single mothers. As Jackie talks to Claire’s distraught children, one of them too young to understand his mummy is never coming home, she vows to find answers. Both victims were in touch with someone calling himself Nice Guy – could he be the killer? Pursuing every clue, Jackie is sure she’s found a match in dead-eyed Tyler, part of a dark world of men intent on silencing women for daring to reject them. But just as she makes the arrest, another single mother is found dead – a woman who never dated at all. Forced to re-evaluate every lead she has, with her boss pressuring her to make a case against the obvious suspect, Jackie knows she is running out of time before another innocent woman is murdered. And, as a single mother herself, she cannot help but wonder if she is in the killer’s sights. Can she uncover his true motivation and put an end to his deadly game… or will he find her first?
My Review: I wanted to read this book as I loved the first in this series and had high expectations. I wasn't disappointed and was hooked since the first pages. i'm not sure if I would be happy to be friend with Jackie Cooks: she's a clever and strong woman but there's plenty of serial killer ready to kill relatives/friends :) I found this novel less dark than the first book but more complex. The private life of Jackie is quite complicated, she must juggle career, a new born daughter, the older children, and a divorce. She's a good team player even if not always on the same page with her boss. I loved the empathy of the author with the victims. There's sadness, there's a lot of questions, and a list of partners who are terrible mate and fathers. The plot kept me hooked and turning pages, all the twists surprised me and i couldn't guess the culprit. I read it in one sitting as it's a page turner. Strongly recommended. Many thanks to Bookouture for this ARC, all opinions are mine
The Author: Marnie Riches grew up on a rough estate in north Manchester. Exchanging the spires of nearby Strangeways prison for those of Cambridge University, she gained a Masters in German & Dutch. She has been a punk, a trainee rock star, a pretend artist and professional fundraiser. Her best-selling, award-winning George McKenzie crime thrillers were inspired by her own time spent in The Netherlands. Dubbed the Martina Cole of the North, she has also authored a series about Manchester’s notorious gangland as well as two books in a mini-series featuring quirky northern PI Bev Saunders. Detective Jackson Cooke is Marnie’s latest heroine to root for, as she hunts down one of the most brutal killers the north west has ever seen at devastating personal cost. When she isn’t writing gritty, twisty crime thrillers, Marnie also regularly appears on BBC Radio Manchester, commenting on social media trends and discussing the world of crime fiction. She is a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Salford University’s Doctoral School and a tutor for the Faber Novel Writing Course.
https://marnieriches.com/ https://www.facebook.com/MarnieRichesAuthor https://www.instagram.com/marnie_riches/ https://twitter.com/Marnie_Riches
Sign up to be the first to hear about new releases from Marnie Riches here: https://www.bookouture.com/marnie-riches
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Audio Links: UK: zpr.io/vVndWKZu9Ujv US: zpr.io/Xq3hcfseUfCh
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kklomo · 2 years
Laura cook everwild
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Ī Match Made in High School, by Kristin Walker (Razorbill) Realistic Fiction. Find copies using the World Catalog and Amazon search boxes here on BookBag. Here are some recent books that look into life from a kaleidoscope of angles, from fantasy to poetry and points in-between. First published in the UK in 2010, this highly entertaining novel is one that fans of memorable characters (and magic) should not miss.Ī new year can bring lots of new ideas about relationships, school, and family. At first shocked by the prospect of life without a smartphone, regular hot showers, and lattes, Flora soon warms up to her roommates - and learns that they have a mission for her to fulfill. On her way by train to a school she does not want to attend (even temporarily), spoiled 21st-century English girl Flora Fox is transported not to posh Penrice Hall in the here-and-now, but to St. This wry, fun, and deceptively deep novel about romance, friendship, and saving the Earth will keep you laughing and is a great pick for fans of Jennifer Cowan's slightly edgier Earthgirl.īeswitched, by Kate Saunders ( Delacorte Press) Time-Travel Fantasy. As vegan eco-friendly girls, previously eco-hostile queen bees, and girls from across all social boundaries compete to out-green each other leading up to the Earth Day fair that Cody is organizing, life at Clifton Springs gets a little crazy. In this hilarious novel, attendance is up at Clifton Springs High School's environmental club since the drop-dead gorgeous new guy, Cody Lightfoot, joined. The Crazy Things Girls Do for Love, by Dyan Sheldon ( Candlewick Press) Fiction. This sophisticated mystery brings both New York and the period to life and features other historical figures as well, making it a good bet for fans of Scott Mebus' Gods of Manhattan. When his ability to see spells being cast is discovered, young Sacha Kessler becomes the apprentice of the New York Police Department's star Inquisitor, Maximilian Wolf - and his career as a detective begins with the case of the attempted murder of Thomas Edison. In this fast-paced novel set in an alternate version of early-20th-century New York City, people practice magic in secret and Inquisitors investigate magical crimes and attempt to stamp out enchantment. The Inquisitor's Apprentice, by Chris Moriarty illustrated by Mark Geyer ( Harcourt Children's Books) Historical Fantasy. Blending mystery and adventure with silliness and attitude, this second Accidental Adventure is a blast! Traveling from the ruins of ancient temples to the shadowy forests of the Amazon, Celia and Oliver ride a llama, race rapids, fly an airplane, and learn the proper etiquette for a cannibal feast before all is said and done. Last heard from in We Are Not Eaten by Yaks, twins and reality-television junkies Oliver and Celia Navel are - much to their dismay - off adventuring again in this exciting and frequently ridiculous sequel. Alexander London illustrated by Jonny Duddle (Philomel Books) Adventure. Those who can't get enough about the Titanic should also check out Allan Wolf's The Watch that Ends the Night, and fans of historical page-turners in general might also try Jim Murphy's gripping Blizzard! Archival photographs, survivor's accounts, and re-creations of Titanic memorabilia accompany the well-researched facts that the author weaves into a riveting story. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the disaster, this attention-grabbing book in the form of a newspaper tabloid presents the history of the building, launching, and sinking of the Titanic in a fascinating narrative. Titanic Sinks! Experience the Titanic's Doomed Voyage, by Barry Denenberg ( Viking) Nonfiction. Here, for example, are just a few of the new books recently released - from real-life stories to funny high-school fiction, there's lots to keep up with! Every month the number of fascinating books for tween readers to explore grows larger.
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cooldreamangelpony · 3 years
The death of Lala Lajpat Rai was avenged by the killing of saunders
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