#sav and his little shit friends
iiwaijime · 2 months
02. the much awaited cat adoption episode
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"y/n, you look weird," osamu tells you as you step into his apartment. "what are you hiding?"
"nothing!" you reply a little too quickly.
"meow," says your jacket. "meow."
"what the fuck." atsumu props himself up onto his elbows, peering up at you from where he's sprawled out on kuroo's couch, suna fast asleep beside him. "is that a cat?"
you nod sheepishly, unzipping your jacket to reveal a black cat, not fully grown, but not a kitten either. "he was outside, all alone. i'll take him home."
atsumu grabs it from you immediately, cooing and making stupid kissy faces at it. "what's its name?"
"his name hasn't been decided yet," you say, plopping down in atsumu's recently vacated seat. "mm, it's still warm here, thanks, tsumu."
atsumu scowls. "you're welcome, you little fu—"
osamu gives him a Look from where he's setting the table for dinner, and he twists his face into an uugly smile. "you little sister of mine, who i love very much."
osamu snickers, and you take the chance to discreetly sneak a glance at suna, who looks like he's melted into the cushions, still passed out. he looks pretty like this, all relaxed without the usual stupid deadpan look on his face. but you must have stared for a moment too long, because when you look away, the younger twin flashes you a knowing smile.
atsumu doesn't notice the silent exchange as he lifts the cat up into the air. "what should we name him?"
osamu examines the cat over his twin's shoulder before he sits down beside you, lightly squeezing you into his side. "dunno, but i like his eyes. hi, baby sister."
"hi, 'samu. you're just a year older than me," you say with a roll of your eyes. but you still can't hold back the fond smile that crosses your face.
"oh!" atsumu yelps, almost dropping the cat. "his eyes!"
"what about them?" you ask, confused.
"they're that weird shade of green, like sunarin! we should name him..." he pauses for dramatic effect. "we should name him sunarin junior!"
osamu groans, but he doesn't disagree, and as for you— "sure!"
"sunarin, wake up!" yells your brother, poking him harshly with a toe.
"whahuh?" he jerks awake, opening one eye groggily — atsumu is right, their eyes are eerily similar — before abruptly kicking atsumu, hard. "atsumu, what the fuck?"
"look, sunarin junior."
"we named him after you!"
"oh!" suna sits up. it's like he's fallen in love with the tiny creature, eyes widening as he zeroes in on it. "holy shit, he's my son now."
"what?" you ask.
"he's my son, give him to me."
"since when is he your son?"
"he has my name, so i get to have some parental rights, right?"
"well yeah, that's valid, but he's my son, not yours! i was the one who rescued him," you argue. the cat meows halfheartedly in your brother's arms.
"he's our son, how about that?" he says it carelessly, but a dizzying rush of... something rushes through you, and butterflies rise up in your stomach. you ignore the sidelong glance osamu throws your way, and cross your arms. "what the heck?
"give him to me," he repeats.
"pay child support first, at least," you say with a snicker, although it dies down pretty fast when to your surprise, rintarou suna digs through the pocket of his shorts before chucking a handful of candy at your face.
"there, now give him to me."
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authors note(s) !!
smau is sav's now like i love her sm [does it show that im not close to a lot of ppl on here. tbh im such a loser (/pos) that id be the same even if i had like a ton of close friends i think]
anyways, they adopt meowmeow <3
mom and dad ahuygiadhsuijk screams loudly.
i loved writing the sibling dynamics like. yeah.
me n my siblings arent the closest?? but like my brother and i stay up yapping ab jjk and my little sister and i do art shit together and my older sister crochets me cute shit and shows her affection by touching her leg with mine when we sleep at night or putting our pillows closer together and like sahsgajksdhjdsa i love my siblings basically
stress solving rubiks cubes then im suddenly being competitive f2l cfop kys
if u want fun in ur life follow @/urbluestbaby for funnies (this is a joke, thats my alt)
kenma is me i am him
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likes n rbs r appreciated <3 thank you !
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© iiwaijime 2024
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hunterthecharmer · 15 days
Unexpected - Part 4
Summary: You work for an events company and end up being assigned as a talent handler for a 2 week long convention. Your co-worker ends up assigned to Glen Powell, but you catch his eye. Can you remain professional and keep him from knowing you're actually a pretty big fan of his?
Authors note: we are finally off to the races with the Glen content. It’s only uphill from here 💙 inserting these pics because they’re my inspo for his look. Let me know your thoughts!!
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You awaken to the sound of your phone buzzing loudly on your wooden nightstand. You groan as you reach toward the glowing screen, eyes burning as you flip it over to see who’s blowing you up. It’s 5am, and Savannah’s contact photo fills your screen. You hit the answer button, sitting up in bed and rubbing your eyes. “Hello?” you croak, voice hoarse.
“Oh, thank goodness you answered! I've been trying to get a hold of you for the last forty-five minutes. I still feel like crap, is there any way you can take over Glen’s schedule today? I already texted our lead about it, and Dylan doesn’t have any overlaps so you’re good there.”
You blink slowly as you try to process her words. “Sure, Sav. I’m sorry you’re sick.” You finally reply. “When do I need to pick him up?” Savannah coughs on the other end of the line. “His first event is at 8! Thank you so much, I owe you big. I’m gonna go back to sleep.” She hangs up, and you fall back into the mattress.
“I’m gonna need 3 coffees this morning, thanks.” You hurriedly grab the drink carrier back to your golf cart before speeding over to Dylan’s cabin. “Morning Mr. O’Brien!” You grin at him, pointing excitedly to the coffee cups. “Heck yeah! Let’s do this.” He takes the cup from your hands and slides next to you. “Dylan, I have to cover for Savannah today with Glen so it might get a little hectic, but don’t worry. I promise you’re my priority, and you won’t be late to anything!” You smile at him as you drive toward his trailer, putting your sunglasses on with your free hand. Dylan sips his coffee, “No problem.”
Once he’s dropped off, you head to pick up Glen. You pull in front of his cabin and beep the horn a few times to let him know you’re ready. He emerges moments later in jeans and a blue argyle sweater, hair perfectly styled. His leather watch catches the sun as he bounces down the stairs, face lighting up when he spots the coffee in the cup holder. “You’re my hero!” You giggle before reversing the cart. “Bad nights sleep, Mr. Powell?”
“Just a lot on my mind.” He answers quickly, only glancing over to you out of the corner of his eye as he drinks his coffee. He then waves a hand in front of you both, continuing. “Woah woah woah, Savannah does NOT call me that. Does Dylan ask to be addressed that way? Cuz’ I will give him so much shit for that later.” You burst into laughter together, covering your mouth in embarrassment. “Look, we are technically supposed to address all talent this way. Unless they specify otherwise that is.” You smile to yourself as you drive.
“Well I am definitely specifying. You’re like, what, only a few years younger than me right? I’m just Glen. K?” You nod. “Understood.” You let silence fill the air as you continue to drive towards his trailer, a couple light giggles escaping from both of you.
“Also, I know you’ve heard already but I will be covering Savannah today, so anything you need, just text or call me. Okay?” you look at him and he shoots you a thumbs up, downing the rest of his coffee before you arrive at the trailer.
“Have a good class!” You encourage, and Glen spins around to wink at you while clicking his pen, journal tucked under his arm. You wait until he gets through the door before you drive away to check on your friend.
“Long story short, I’m feeling much better.” Savannah sighs as she cuddles further into her blanket, the tv lightly playing in the background of her room. “I’m glad to hear it. You think you’ll be back in business tomorrow? It’s getting a little difficult with Glen. Not in a bad way, it’s just that he is being really sweet and I…I’m trying really hard to be professional. But you know how I feel about him!” You exclaim in a hushed tone, flopping backward onto the comforter. Savannah nods knowingly. “Just keep being yourself, you can’t help how he acts or feels toward you. You just can’t forget that you have a job to do.” You listen to her, twisting your hair around your finger as your stomach drops. You spend a little more time with her before heading back to pick up the boys and continue to drop them off for their events the rest of the day. Fortunately for you, they both had events close in proximity to each other so you didn’t have to drive either of them far, which left less time for you and Glen to talk. By the time the day was over, you happily slipped off your shoes and took a shower longer than normal to release some of your nerves. Glen was a celebrity, and naturally charming. No way would he ever actually flirt with you, right? You’re a nobody. Just a normal girl who happens to be working an event he booked to help him further his career. His very real, very serious Hollywood career.
You allow the warm water to cascade down your back for a while before stepping out of the shower to slide into bed, flipping on the TV to watch a movie and enjoy your pizza the craft service sent you to your cabin with.
As the hours pass, a storm forms outside and you welcome the thunder with the occasional flashes of lightning making the room glow. It eventually lulls you to sleep until you’re ripped from your dream to the sound of your work phone buzzing from across the room. You instantly snap up in bed at the different ring tone, your brain telling you this is important. You lunge toward the phone and look at the caller ID - it’s Glen’s assistant. Confused, you answer the call.
“Hello, this is..” A female’s voice instantly begins speaking as soon as they have confirmation someone is on the other end of the phone. You listen closely, rubbing your eyes as you realize it’s 3 in the morning. You learn that Glen’s mom has been trying to get ahold of him all night but he hasn’t heard her calls; she and his dad were out riding their electric bikes that evening when his dad accidentally wrecked it, hurting his back pretty badly. They had been out and about downtown so his mom didn’t want Glen to hear it from a news outlet before he could hear it from them and know his dad was going to be fine. You feel your heartbeat quicken as you assure her that you’d let Glen know as soon as possible so he could give his family a call, since they were all still at the hospital with his dad. You hang up with her and start slipping on your tennis shoes and rain jacket, grimacing at your air dried hair in the mirror and deciding to throw on your hat to hide it. The rain was still coming down heavily outside, so you’d need to be quick. You rush out the door and onto your golf cart, instantly missing having a car here on the property. You make it to Glen’s cabin in no time, struggling to see through all the rain. The claps of thunder startle you as you put the cart in park and run to the front door. You knock loudly on the door, calling Glen’s name as you do. “Glen, Glen! Wake up! Please!” You bang on the door about 6 more times before the door finally swings open, a very tired and confused Glen standing before you in his sweatpants. “What’s going on?” His voice is raspy as he steps aside for you to come in, drenched from the storm. You stand near the front door and pull your phone out of your jacket pocket. “I’m sorry to wake you, but your assistant called me. Your dad’s in the hospital for a back injury. He and-” Glen cuts you off, eyes widening. “Oh my gosh, is he ok? When did this happen?” He paces over to his phone on the nightstand, raking a hand through his hair as he sees all his missed call notifications. “He’s okay, I promise! He had an accident on the electric bike with your mom downtown. She wanted to tell you before you heard it elsewhere.” You finally get out all the details, watching as he nods along while dialing his mom. They speak for a few moments before hanging up. You tried not to eavesdrop but you could hear most of what was said. They didn’t want him to fly all the way back to Texas, there was nothing he could do there that he couldn’t do here. They would discharge his dad in a day or so, it wasn’t like it was life threatening. Glen sits on the edge of the bed, his eyes wandering over to yours. “Thank you for driving over here to tell me, I’m a pretty heavy sleeper.” He shoots you a sleepy smile, the pain he is trying to hide all over his face. It hurts you to see him so upset, so worried.
“Of course, I’m just glad I heard my phone and that everyone’s okay.” You yawn, awkwardly shifting your weight as you adjust your hat on your head, irritated at how drenched you were. You were shivering in his doorway, texting his assistant to let her know you had told Glen and all was well.
“Hold on, is that a Longhorns hat?” He asks in disbelief, slipping a t- shirt over his head before suddenly standing to walk over to you. In one quick motion, you cover the logo with one hand and pull your hood over your head, body turning toward the doorknob. “Uh, yeah! Yeah, it is. Small world, right? Anyways, I’ll let you get back to sleep.” You stumble over your words, knowing full well that he could never know the real reason as to why you own the hat on top of your head. Never.
“You were already awesome, but this just tipped you over the edge.” He smirks playfully at you, his warm hands reaching for your cap and carefully lifting it off of you. He inspects the inside, giving a nod of approval before putting it back on you. “Yep, that’s official alright.”
Grinning at each other, you twist the doorknob and step backward, the cold rush of the rain and winds blowing the hood off your head. “What’re you doing?” Glen shouts, quickly slamming the door shut and tugging your wrist towards him, and back towards his warm room. “It’s nasty out there, no way I’m letting you drive back yet. You can hang here until it clears up.” Glen throws the blanket draped over the couch in front of the fireplace over to you, and you catch it with a huff. “No, Glen..do you understand that I will lose my job if anyone sees me leaving here at this hour? It’s extremely unprofessional.” You shake your head while draping the blanket over your shoulders, thankful for its warmth. Glen leans against the tufted sofa, crossing his arms as he purses his lips. “You came here to give me a message about my family. I don’t care who I have to explain that to. Now come over here and let’s get you warmed up.” His tone is quiet now, dripping with exhaustion and care. He was not going to take no for an answer.
Hanging your head in defeat, you kick off your shoes and jacket before heading over to join him by the fireplace. He flips a switch on the electric fireplace, the heat quickly warming your bones. You watch the flames dance along the screen, unusually grateful that it wasn’t a real fireplace at this moment because of the time it might take to get it going. Glen sighs as if he is having the same thought before taking a seat on the couch. He drapes an arm over the backside of it, as if to invite you to sit next to him. You opt for the floor, planting yourself on the soft shag rug. He clicks his tongue with a low hum before sliding down to join you, nudging your shoulder.
“I don’t bite, you know.” He began, before gently removing your hat from your head, your hands reaching up to smooth out your frizzy hair immediately. Glen slowly stops you, his own hands covering yours to pull them down. You stare at each other for a moment, as you wait for him to say something else. When he doesn’t, you speak up to fill the quiet space. “Thanks for letting me wait out the storm. I hope it clears up befo-“
Glen cuts you off.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
His blunt confession rattles you, suddenly feeling like a deer in headlights. Had you been that obvious?
Your mouth goes dry, mind swirling with what to say to him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean.” You lie, your expression one of stone while your tone betrays you. You so desperately wished that you could be more coy at this moment.
His sage eyes sparkle at you, his body shifting so that he’s fully facing you now, hugging his knees to his chest as he watches you go still.
“It’s 4am, you’re off the clock and I’m calling your bluff.” his lips curl into another smirk. Your eyes search his face, the glow of the flames making him look even better than normal. You make a mental note of his disheveled hair, not able to stop yourself from running your fingers through it. He exhales deeply, enjoying your touch. You search his face for any sign that he wants you to stop, but instead his eyes begin to close, head leaning forward into your touch. A few long, quiet moments pass, the storm outside and crackle of the fireplace filling the room.
“You didn’t deny it.” He finally whispers, his voice so relaxed you almost can’t hear him.
You slowly halt scratching his head, your hands moving to either side of his face to gently trace his features. He smiles softly at you, and it makes your heart leap.
His hands rest on your ankles as you face him, legs criss crossed. The contact makes your breath quicken, thankful they aren’t any higher.
“Alright, fine. Yes, I may or may not….” you pause, carefully choosing your words, “find you attractive.”
His eyes widen, hands suddenly raising to grip your upper arms before swiftly pushing you backwards to pin you onto the floor. “Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite catch that. I’m gonna need you to speak a little louder for me.” His tone is low, and extremely flirty. You giggle beneath him, his boyish expressions making you dizzy. You’ve already admitted the words to him, no use in trying to be bashful now.
“I find you attractive, okay?!” You admit, covering your face with your hands to hide your burning cheeks.
“Oh no no no, uh uh. Don’t go acting all shy on me now. Look at me.” He laughs with you, prying your hands away. He lowers his nose to graze yours, a warm hand pushing your hair back from your forehead.
You bring your eyes up to meet his gaze, the warmth of his breath and smell of his cologne enveloping you.
“Hi.” You whisper softly, the last few days of interacting with him feeling like a strange lead up to a moment like this. It felt like something out of a movie. Your mind was screaming at you to get up off the floor and drive back to your cabin for the sake of your job and being professional, while your body was paralyzed in place.
“Hi.” He softly exhales back to you, brushing noses with you again before kissing your cheek. His soft lips, the warmth of the fireplace and the wind blowing outside made you sink into the floor beneath him. How many times had you dreamt of a moment like this? And then for it to happen with your celebrity crush?
Lifting his head to get a better look at you, his eyes search your face for a reaction. You can feel your cheeks getting tight at how hard you’re smiling, heart beating out of your chest. You feel your lips part, eyes dropping back to his lips. Feeling brave and overtaken by your attraction to him you lace your hands behind his neck to pull him back down to you, lips crashing together. The kiss is soft but firm, your fingers drifting to find his hair before he deepens the kiss. A strong arm loops under your back, pressing his body closer to yours. You hum against his lips, tasting his minty mouthwash as his tongue intertwines with yours.
His other hand reaches up to hold the side of your face, his thumb gently circling your cheek, right near the edge of your lips.
Finally breaking apart for air, Glen lifts you from the soft rug and brings you to your feet, placing your arms over his shoulders to be back around his neck as his arms snake around your waist to pull you into him, his lips finding yours again. He guides you backwards towards his bed, your knees bending at the side of the bed frame to sit on the edge mattress while you both continue to kiss each other’s faces off. When his hands start to glide underneath your oversized sleep shirt, you pull back from him, eyebrows raised. “We should stop.” You pant, voice quiet. He pouts at you, fingertips running up and down your spine. You close your eyes, trying to gauge if the rain had let up. It sounded like it had, to your dismay. You were also trying to soak in this moment because chances were it wasn’t ever going to happen again. When you open your eyes, his are now closed as he continues to trace circles on your back. You run a hand through his hair to put it semi back to normal, gently tapping the side of his face to wake him up. “Hey, you should get some sleep. I think it’s slowing down out there so I’m gonna head back.”
His eyes shoot open, and you feel a tinge of guilt as you note the redness in them now. Yours probably matched. You place both palms on his chest to wiggle your body away from him off the bed, making a beeline for your shoes and jacket near the door. It was taking every last bit of willpower not to turn around to tackle him back onto the bed, your body already missing his touch. He follows you to the door, handing your hat back to you with a smirk. “Thanks again.”
Your brows knit together in confusion as you take the hat from him, pulling your hood over your head and feeling around in your pocket for the cart key. “For..?” Your voice trails off. Glen laughs, “For the update on my dad. And for the kisses.” He winks at you, and your cheeks flush. Unsure of what to say, you step closer to him, his body leaning down to you in response. Getting on your tiptoes, you quickly cover his face in kisses, the child-like giggle that escapes his lips making your heart swell. You purposely leave his lips out of it, kissing his cheeks one last time before backing away from him. He frowns suddenly, shaking his head.
“Why’re you running away?” His tone is still playful, making it harder for you to leave. You felt like you were having an out of body experience, shocked at your bravery to kiss his face like you’d daydreamed of doing while watching his films, running your hands through his sandy blonde hair and pressing your bodies together. You needed to let him sleep, and you needed to rest too.
“I’m not, we just need to be able to function tomorrow. Goodnight, Glen.” You smile sweetly at him, shimmying your long coat sleeve off to expose your left hand to give him a tiny goodbye wave. He groans, throwing his head back before holding the door for you, watching as you drive away.
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simmerandwrite · 2 years
Sink Into Me - 02 - mob!Steve Rogers x plus size! reader
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Pairing: mob boss!Steve Rogers x plus size female reader
Summary: You were simply doing a good deed, pulling the handsome stranger out of the way when a car jumped the curb. Little did you know that the life you saved belonged to Steve Rogers, the Army veteran turned art dealer with connections to the Brooklyn crime syndicate.
Steve Rogers, who won’t stop calling you his guardian angel.
Steve Rogers, whose new goal in life just might be repaying his debt to you.
Steve Rogers, who isn’t shy until it comes to his feelings and will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
Chapters: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Wordcount: 6k
Warnings: canon level violence (series), body image issues (series), very brief mentions of animal abuse
Notes: hello! meet your friends - Maria Hill, Claire Temple and Wanda Maximoff. thank you all for being here and reading!! I appreciate your enthusiasm soooo much. things are :) about to get :) complicated :) if you see me out in the wild, my main blog is @simmerandcry​
The skyline view from the floor to ceiling windows had been the real selling point to Steve taking the penthouse apartment at his latest investment property. Truthfully, he had been growing tired of the brick walls of his old place, despite their aesthetic charm. The new renters could live with that red dust now.
But the view into both Brooklyn and downtown towards Manhattan made him feel like he was exactly where he needed to be. Like he was on top of the world, his own little empire carved out in the heart of the borough. Most importantly, his apartment was his home. And that meant work didn’t come home with him, ever.
He drew that line very cleanly, even leaving the second bedroom fully intact as a guest room instead of converting to an office. Because this is where he needed to clear his head, to be Steve Rogers, the plain and simple Brooklyn born boy who loved his city.
Steve Rogers, the war veteran turned real estate mogul and art dealer, who sat at the top of what remained of an old Irish crime syndicate - that man worked on the streets, in the office, in his clubs and galleries and restaurants. That shit was not supposed to come home with him.
Though recently, it seemed to have started to bleed into what little time he spent at home. Mainly because of you and the whole incident outside the restaurant.
“Well, what’s the plan?”
“I already told you, Buck. I’m not retaliating.”
Bucky Barnes, Steve’s right hand man, his oldest friend and main confidant, the literal fist and brawn behind their organization, scoffed. “Someone sent an amateur barrelling into our territory to try and pin you between the hood of a car and your new restaurant - and you don’t want to retaliate? We coulda been weeping over your body right now, Steve.”
“I can recognize an act of aggression when I see it, I’m not an idiot.” Steve tipped his rocks glass against his lips once more, the scent of scotch lingering as he stood from the couch. “We don’t know if it was Rumlow or that new idiot creeping in from Staten Island.”
Steve rolled his eyes and cut off Bucky before he tried to add in his two cents again. “And if someone wanted to kill me, they wouldn’t hit me with a car. You know what. This was some stupid message that was poorly planned and equally poorly executed.”
Sam Wilson, who had been sipping his own concoction from the kitchen table, finally looked up from his phone and piped in. “I mean, I hate to admit it but Bucky is right. You would have been dead if it wasn’t for that beautiful woman saving your ass.”
“Sam.” Steve turned his head, eyes narrowed in a pointed glare. 
“What? I’m not blind. The hips on her were-”
Steve took another step towards his friend and trusted colleague, who had a particularly loud mouth and a flair for getting on Steve’s nerves, and held up a steady hand. “Stop.”
He wasn’t inclined to admit it, but the entire thing had been replaying in Steve’s minds for days now. Ever since you had saved him on that sidewalk, throwing yourself into a dangerous situation for him, a total stranger, something had changed. He was still living, breathing, surviving. And although he was dead set on figuring out just who was driving that vehicle and ensuring they paid for their actions, it was you he couldn’t stop thinking about.
You. Who had been in the right place at the right time, who had risked your own personal safety to make sure he didn’t get hit, who was insistent that it had been an act of good faith, a simple act of kindness. 
You, with the kind smile and generous curves. You, who swept off your actions as innocent and selfless, concerned more about the happiness of your dog than your own well being. You, who left Steve feeling curious and longing to get to know you, to make you smile, to hear you laugh.
God, what he wouldn’t give to have someone like you in his life. While he couldn’t stop thinking about the kind of person you were, he also had your face playing over and over again in his mind too. It didn’t help that his mom called him a few days ago, asking how you were doing and reiterating how much she enjoyed talking to you and…
“Still no news from Hammond?”
Steve knew Bucky couldn’t help but prodding, as if his fingers were itching to find a quick, efficient solution. 
“He said their tech department is behind. I’m inclined to believe him but my insisting this is a priority hasn’t been successful this time. I’m trying to play nice.” Steve gritted his teeth, finishing the last sip of his drink as he stood, tugging on the lapel of his suit. “So I asked Stark to help instead. We’re meeting him at the club.”
The only good thing about your dreadful basement apartment was the private patio space in the backyard. You had high hopes for it when you rented the garden level unit but once your lease had been signed, everything about the place seemed a lot less shiny. From the shared laundry with the loud, obnoxious upstairs apartment to the inconsistent water pressure and flickering lights, you were counting down the days until your lease was over.
But the backyard - you had done what you could to make it a safe oasis for you and Hercules, with a few pieces of thrifted outdoor furniture and string lights making it a bit more magical. It was a nice location when hosting your girlfriends, especially when such a thing happened so rarely now that your schedules seemed to conflict all the time.
You were so grateful to have your girls. Because at any moment, they all loved to share their opinions on the weird chaos that seemed to stir up in your life. While you had known Maria since college, you had collected Wanda and Claire into your life since starting your new job in the city. You had worked as a server at the same restaurant as Wanda a few summers ago and Claire, an ER nurse, had dropped into your life by chance one night when you were stood up on a date at a bar in Hell’s Kitchen. Your group had been solid since then - although girls nights were few and far between now, with jobs and the general grind of life making it hard to get together often.
“I’m not saying the man isn’t attractive. Because I have eyes,” Maria was on her third glass of sangria, legs extended out on the brick patio outside. “I just have no reason to trust him.” She squinted down at her phone screen. “What did he say he did for work again?”
You sighed. Perhaps it was a mistake to share Steve’s name and photo - that you found after an extensive internet search - with your friends, but you valued their perspectives. It’s not like anything had happened with the guy. You hadn’t seen him since that day you saved his life and hadn’t communicated either, outside of you emailing him the stupid photo you took.
You had added his number to your phone, though. Just in case. Just in case what? You had no clue. But he had written it down for you and all.
And he said he owed you a thousand favours…
Officer Hammond, though, had reached out to you a few days after the event - asking you to come in and try and ID the driver in a police lineup. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable but you supposed it was your civic duty to do it, if it could help stop this from happening again or to help in delivering justice for wrongdoing. You pointed out the person you best recognized from your blurry memory and moved on, trying not to think any further about the situation.
Although a few strange things seemed to happen since then, if you just used your head it could all be justified. Like seeing the same black, unfamiliar SUV on your street multiple times this week. That was probably just a new vehicle belonging to one of your neighbours.
And that one time you were walking Hercules and a stranger who seemed to be lingering outside your apartment asked to borrow your phone.
Which you promptly said no to, because you aren’t dumb enough to let someone run off with your phone. But instead of going inside with Herc, you continued to circle the block until the blond stranger disappeared. You wouldn’t consider your neighbourhood the safest place after dark, but in the daytime you never felt concerned. 
It was all just sort of weird. 
But completely unrelated to anything else, you were sure. 
That was all behind you now anyway, a strange footnote in the chapter of your life that was playing out. You’d probably never have to see Steve again, though he had crossed your mind a few times…
Okay, you had been thinking about him a lot. Which is why you had told your three closest friends about everything that had occurred.
You replied to Maria, who was nudging you with her elbow. “Oh. Uhm, he works in real estate, I think. He owns an art gallery and some apartments. Oh, and that club on Morgan Ave - Shield .”
“Sounds like a professional landlord. Thumbs down.” Claire chimed in from her chair too, shaking her head and dismissing the entire concept of Steve with a wave of her hand. “Rich at best, financially questionable at worst.”
“And he owns that restaurant the car smashed into?” Maria reached for her own phone. “The one owned by the mob. Okay, that settles it - he’s in the mob then.”
You laughed and shook your head. “The mob isn’t a thing, Hill. What’s your source on that again?” 
Wanda shrugged and finally chimed in, fingers tapping idly against her wine glass as she turned towards you. “Describe his aura to me.”
You groaned, smirking as Claire rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. “His aura?”
“You know, what kind of energy did he have?”
“Is that your way of determining the kind of person he is?” Maria got up from her chair to toss a small toy for Hercules to chase after. “I’d love to know the science between your aura theories, Wan.”
You delayed answering by grabbing the nearby bowl of popcorn and cradling it in your lap, leaving your phone and the thought of Steve on the small crate that sat between you and your friends. “He was very confident.” How could you do any justice to Steve’s intimidating Big Dick Energy without admitting your attraction to him? That last thing you wanted to do was bait your friends with any material to tease you with. Plus, really, it didn’t matter. You had no plans to ever see Steve again. And AND and, even if you did, what made you think it would be romantic in any way? 
Steve was beyond hot - from the trimmed beard and deep blue eyes, to his easy charm and well dressed body. You had no doubt in your mind that the man probably had some equally hot partner. If not, he could have his pick of the entire city. There was no way you would be on his radar.
“I don’t know,” Maria chimed in once more, clapping her hands quickly. “This is the wildest meet cute story I’ve ever heard. If the man is so willing to do you some favours, maybe you should cash in on it, mob be damned. You know what they say about tall guys..”
“You just said you don’t trust him!” You laughed, tossing a piece of popcorn at her.
Maria just scooped it up and popped it into her mouth with a shrug. “I don’t trust any man. I trust you and your judge of character, though. Plus, you haven’t been on a date in forever so maybe this was some sort of fate driven happenstance.”
“The universe does work in weird ways,” Wanda agreed. “And you said he really filled out that suit so…”
“You should text him!” Claire sat up tall and straight, pushing her hair over one shoulder as an idea formulated in her brain. You were nervous. “I think how he reacts to a sudden text will be a perfect test.”
“It’s a Saturday night, I can’t text him! And a test of what? All I did was save the man’s life, there is nothing else to..” This was not how you wanted this to go. The last logical thing you could think of doing right now was messaging Steve Rogers anything. What would he think if you texted him out of nowhere on a Saturday night? “What would I even say?”
“Here, allow me.” Maria plucked your phone off the table and damnit, why did you ever tell her your passcode? 
“It’ll be harmless, I promise!” She glanced up from your phone and opened her eyes wide. “You need to stop playing safe. What’s the worst that could happen? He doesn’t reply?”
You sighed. YES. The fear of rejection crept up like a weird pain in your chest. “Yeah, I guess. He might think it’s a wrong number or some sort of spam message...”
“Then no harm, no foul.” Her grin grew even wider as she typed something out on the screen. She took a deep breath. You leaned over to see what she had crafted together and sighed. “It’s just a simple little push..”
Normally Steve would ignore then block an unfamiliar phone number, but this had been intriguing. Given that you hadn’t reached out to him at all, he had tried not to give much of his time to thinking about you. But when the text came in, without a lot of context or forewarning, he figured it was a small gamble to see how it could play out.
Unknown number [10:47PM]: hey, I need to cash in a favour S Rogers [10:49PM]: who is this? Unknown number [10:51PM]: 👀 🍑 🎁 🔄 🥞 S Rogers [10:55PM]: am I supposed to just guess what this means? Unknown number [10:59PM]: yes ;) S Rogers [11:02P:M]: it’ll be easier if you just tell me what you want, angel ;)
You hadn’t struck Steve as the type to flirt like this. If it was you, of course. He could really only safely assume, considering only a certain number of people had his phone number. And now, he finally had yours.
Tony had consolidated all the info he could find about you earlier that week. Steve didn’t feel great about asking Tony to dig into you, but since he had sent your picture for analysis after the delay at the police station, it sort of just happened. Frankly, Tony said your online presence was minimal. You were smart about keeping your social media secure and had a very thorough CV on LinkedIn. Otherwise, he didn’t have much information that you hadn’t already shared. And Steve had no intentions of doing anything suspicious with any of it, it just helped him understand who he had invited into a small corner of his life.
If that’s what he could call it. But you had crossed his mind over and over, and it didn’t help that Bucky kept bringing you up. Especially the part about Steve taking you to the clinic for help from Sarah. That resource was a well kept secret in their family and the fact that Steve took you there had been a big risk.
Beyond Steve’s unavoidable racing thoughts about you, he had been deep into a plan to deal with the actual problem - the group of idiots spilling into his Brooklyn territory. Tony had helped him with that too, finding names and dossiers on everyone who belonged to Rumlow’s extended Stryke gang causing a mess in the boroughs between Queens and Brooklyn. 
For years, Steve had worked hard to make a respectable reputation for himself and now things were getting shaky. And it annoyed the shit out of him, especially when a few of the names Tony pulled were on the NYPD payroll.
“It’s messy,” Tony had said with a shrug, leaning back into the leather seat from their place at the top of the club. 
Another property on Steve’s growing list - Shield was a popular nightclub in Brooklyn, which served as a perfect location for arms deals and financial transactions to float. For Steve and his old friend, tech mogul Tony Stark, it was a safe place to share theories and secrets. The upper level served as a secure hideout from the general population while the downstairs dance floor catered to obnoxious crowds looking for a drink or something else to roll on. 
It was lucrative for Steve, to say the least. 
“Let me know if you want me to get Rhodes involved.”
Steve shook his head. “He’s got enough on his plate. Is he ready for the campaign announcement?” Steve had a serious interest in the upcoming Mayoral election, especially if James Rhodes, former DA, planned on running. And with Tony bankrolling the campaign and some additional under the table support from Steve, it was going to be a shoe in.
“Oh, we’re just getting started, big guy,” Tony stood up and patted Steve on the shoulder as he left the corner area, flitting off in search of whoever might be going home with him soon enough. 
Usually that would be Steve’s next step too, but damnit, if he couldn’t stop glancing at his phone for a response from you. Maybe calling you ‘angel’ again had been out of line. He contemplated sending another message, but no, he had to wait. He knew how to play this game.
The rest of the night carried on, with certain reports popping in with updates for Steve on what was happening out on the streets. Things like confirmed shipments at the dock and successful cash pickups. He had eyes across the whole of Brooklyn, with his growing syndicate working beneath him. Things mostly operated smoothly and this night was carrying on as normal.
Bucky showed up eventually, grumbling about getting turned down by some smart mouthed girl outside the club. Sam corroborated the story, lauding the woman and her tone. 
Steve checked his phone, again. 
“I saw Sharon downstairs,” Sam nudged Steve, eyebrows raised curiously. “Unless you’re off again-”
“We’re permanently off-again,” Steve rolled his eyes. “You have my blessing if you want to pursue, Sam. But good luck, don’t say I didn’t warn you..” That was all Sam needed apparently, finishing off his glass and heading back down to the dance floor below. Steve didn’t miss his cheeky grin.
“You’re thinking about that girl again, huh?” Bucky nodded and tried to hide his mischievous smirk as he scanned Steve’s face.
Steve scoffed. “No, no. I’m not..” 
Bucky laughed, hard and incredulous. “I haven’t seen your head in the clouds like this in ages. Since whatsername in high school, maybe. What was her name?”
Then as if by some weird shift in the universe, Steve’s phone started to buzz. He left Bucky’s commentary lingering as he looked at the screen. You. 
Ah, no text reply but a phone call? Okay, he could get on board. Standing, he headed a few steps from the lounge and brought his phone up to his ear, with a small smile. “Rogers.”
The first thing he heard was your frightened yelling. “Leave me alone! Jesus - oh my god, Steve? Is this Steve?”
He said your name quickly to confirm who he was speaking too but raised his eyebrows in concern. “What’s going on?”
“Someone is trying to - HEY! Stop -” Steve could hear banging in the background. “--trying to break into my fuckin - I’m going to CALL THE COPS! Leave me alone! Please, just..” 
Steve closed his eyes, doing his best to focus on the background noise. Behind your defensive yelling and the attentive reactions of your dog, there was a mixture of other voices. Something about the voices felt familiar. 
“We just want to talk.. Did someone offer you something for that statement? Was it Rogers?”
“If you tell Hammond you got the wrong guy, this will all be over very quickly, honey.”
“Walker, move, let me – Open the door, or we’ll open it for you. Let’s talk..”
“He didn’t offer me - Stop, please! I swear I -”
Steve nearly crushed his phone when the call dropped. He was off like a bullet train, shouting for Bucky to follow him as he pushed past his security guards on the stairs and rushed down towards the back exit of the club. He tried to call you back as he sped through traffic, blatantly bypassing stop signs and treating red lights like suggestions. 
A heavy twisting feeling in Steve’s gut had told him that the aftermath of this entire situation wasn’t going to go smoothly. Especially with dumbass dirty cops on the inside who could share information to the highest bidder.
Steve felt a new responsibility to keep you safe, until this whole mess had been taken care of. He had plans to deal with it all on his own but now, if he hadn’t acted quickly enough and something had happened to you.. God, he couldn’t live with himself. How could he explain that to his mother?
He got to your apartment first, hoping Bucky was close behind. Steve didn’t know what he might be walking into but having backup was never a bad idea.
Steve had not only visited but had also lived in a lot of seedy neighbourhoods over the years. The street you lived on didn’t strike him as anything especially dangerous, but that thought enough couldn’t squash the unsettled feeling in his stomach as he approached. He pushed his way through the small metal gate beside the front stairs, towards the door to your garden level apartment.
His jaw clenched when he saw the damage to your door, clearly kicked in with plenty of force before being shoved closed. He glanced to the front window, nearby - that had been smashed, too. He tried to contain the growing fury and pressed on the door, calling out your name as he made his way inside.
As someone more than familiar with the real estate market, Steve could tell the bones of your apartment weren’t in the best shape. The entire townhouse was in desperate need of updating. But what concerned him more, outside of the low ceiling and old light fixtures, was what he could only assume was a new mess. Your coffee table had been smashed, creating a pile of kindling in your tiny living room. Papers were thrown about, a coffee cup sat shattered on the floor. 
He called your name again as he went in, reaching inside his jacket to pull out his concealed handgun as he listened carefully. Once he stepped into the hallway leading to your tiny kitchen, he took a step back at the sudden lurch of your dog heading in his direction.
Then Steve heard your quiet voice. The dog retreated into the kitchen, planting himself in front of you as Steve turned to look in. His heart sank.
You were seated on the floor, back pressed against the wall. It was clear you were trying to hide, make yourself small. And was that… some sort of steak knife in your hand? When you finally looked up at him, your eyes were wide.
When you tried to press yourself even further back, eyeing down the gun in Steve’s hand, he slowly put it down on the counter and said your name. “Hey, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. That was just a precaution.” Shit. The way you reacted to the gun wasn’t a surprise but it made Steve even angrier. Whoever had been here, whoever had done this, well, they probably had guns too. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” Steve crouched down, keeping his distance while Hercules acted as your bodyguard. He was trying everything in his power to maintain his composure but god fucking damnit, Steve needed to know who did this and he needed to deal with it. “Are you hurt?”
You took in a deep breath then just shrugged, relaxing just a fraction when Hercules circled around and flopped down to rest his head on your knee. “There were two guys, they had.. They had guns with them. They said they just wanted to talk to me, to … they kept talking about whoever the guy was who drove that SUV.” Your breath picked up as you recounted what had happened. “They..they smashed my phone and..” Slowly, you moved your hand up towards your neck, gently dragging your fingers against the tender skin on your collarbone. “..One guy he..” You winced at the memory.
The heat grew more and more in his stomach as he saw you shaking with fear, recounting whatever the fuck had just happened. How dare any of those fucking imbeciles lay their hand on you? And because of him? If he wasn’t sure of his next steps before, he was going to figure them out now. Because someone needed to pay for this.
His phone buzzed. He stood up and saw a message from Bucky, wondering if Steve needed his help inside. Steve took a step back, turning towards the front door.
“Don’t go,” you pleaded quietly, letting your hand linger in the air as you reached for him. “Steve, please..”
Steve stopped and turned back to you, giving his head a firm shake. “Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.” 
A few hours ago you were saying goodbye to your friends as your sangria pitcher finally ran dry. And now? You and Hercules were in an elevator with Steve and his friend Bucky, heading to Steve’s apartment.
Everything that had just happened felt like a bit of a dream - a bad dream. A break in at your own apartment, being intimidated, harassed and assaulted by men with guns, zipping through Brooklyn with Steve as he promised you a safe space to stay for the night.
You didn’t say much to each other once you had left, but you could see the twist of concern and small decisions Steve started to make to ensure you felt secure. A hand at your back, a soft smile, extra attention being given to Hercules to make sure he was okay, too.
You hadn’t gotten into much detail yet but you knew Steve wanted to figure out who the men were who had done this. You were already dreading talking about it again. And god, you likely had another police experience coming your way. What was happening in your life and how could it go back to normal again?
“Hey,” Steve tipped his head towards the door as the elevator opened. You took the lead as you stepped out into the hallway, where just a small handful of apartment doors were spread out. 
Steve’s building was a place you could only daydream about living in. You followed him through the door to his apartment, checking over your shoulder to see Bucky guiding Hercules behind you. 
Bucky was incredibly kind to you throughout this whole thing, especially back at your apartment. He had patiently directed you as Steve made some phone calls, carefully standing outside your room as you packed a quick overnight bag. And he was very taken to Hercules, which you really appreciated. 
Once inside Steve’s place, you made your way into the living room just past the foyer. Steve and Bucky moved into the kitchen briefly, exchanging a few hushed sentences out of your earshot. 
When they joined you in the living room, they found you crouched down on the floor with Hercules. You tipped your head up to look at them. Bucky’s gaze was on his phone but Steve was watching you with a soft smile. 
“Do you think he’ll be okay here tonight?” Steve took a knee on the other side of Hercules, slowly reaching his hand out to scratch behind his ear. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling, just a bit, as you nodded. “Yeah, he’s pretty easy going usually.” As if on cue, your dog nudged his head against Steve’s hand for one more quick pet then trotted further into the living room, flopping down on the rug between the couch and windows. “All his adrenaline seems to have worn off.”
And so it seemed had yours.
A few minutes later you were sitting on the couch, with Steve planted in the chair across from you and Bucky standing over his shoulder, arms crossed. Steve leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he took you in. 
God, even in the low light of his living room, the man was handsome. Wearing just a navy blazer and matching dress pants, over a black button up with no tie, he managed to look effortlessly intimidating and strangely welcoming. Like you had no reason not to trust him, as if the dark shadows behind his eyes were a sign of protection instead of a signal of something to be feared.
You took in a long breath and leaned back into the couch.
Steve dragged his tongue over his lips then let out a sharp breath. “Okay, so I need you to walk me through exactly what happened.”
You knew this was coming. The moment Steve insisted on not calling the cops, something shifted for you. This whole situation had escalated beyond what you were used to, that whomever these men were to Steve - it probably wasn’t good. 
But when you looked over at Steve, as much as you wanted to shake with worry about what might happen next, you couldn’t. Despite being way out of your comfort zone, scared out of your mind, coming down from your own rush of adrenaline, you weren’t scared. Not anymore, not in his presence and under the additional watchful eye of his right hand man.
And so you told him and Bucky exactly what had happened. How your girlfriends had left, how you were finding the next episode of your favourite show to watch, how you had some writing to catch up on and planned on staying up late. Then you heard a noise outside, then a knock at your door.
Then… well, then you had called Steve when everything started unfolding.
And after the men managed to get beyond the door and push their way through to you, you had nowhere to hide. Once they smashed your phone, you were going to comply and do whatever they needed to, to get them out of your home but then one of them threatened Hercules, and even kicked him-
“Jesus,” Bucky muttered, teeth clenched. Before he could get his true feelings out, Steve held up his hand and had you continue.
“I shoved the guy who was closest to me, trying to go for the other idiot before he hurt Herc and then..” You closed your eyes, going into vague details about how the man pushed you back, how he shoved you into the wall, the kitchen counter. How he pulled out his gun and put his hand around your throat and..
When you opened your eyes again, taking in the silence of the room as you trailed off, Steve was watching you carefully. Though you safely assumed he was an expert at hiding his emotions, you could see a twitch in his jaw. His fists rested on his knees, clenched and turning white with tension.
“One of them got a phone call and I guess they were beckoned to leave. They had enough time to make more of a mess while I cowered away but..” You gulped, shaking your head. “What if they come back? I think I should just call Officer Hammond and-”
“No.” Steve stood up, taking barely a stride to make his way towards the couch. He took a seat beside you, extending his hand to ever so gently cradle your jaw, turning your head to look at him. He said your name softly, barely.. “I’m going to take care of this.”
Your safe feeling was depleting and as much as you wanted to argue, to put a stop to all of this, to do it the correct way, you couldn’t. Earlier, when the threat was outside your door, you didn’t think of calling the police. It was Steve who had crossed your mind. For some unknown reason, you had a feeling he would help you. 
Steve pulled his hand away and stood again, shooting a glance to his friend. 
Bucky cleared his throat, taking a step forward. “Doll, can you tell me what the guys looked like? Identifying features?” 
You wanted to ask a thousand questions about what happened now, about what Bucky was planning on doing, about his metal arm and lack of hesitation to help Steve. But you just played along, delivering all the details you could. Once you repeated it all and answered a few of his questions, you sat up and leaned forward. “Oh. One of them went by Walker. I’m not sure if that’s a first name or..”
“Last name.” Bucky gave one nod before muttering out a tired laugh. “That fucking moron.” He looked at Steve. “Okay, I know where to go. Nat’s gonna meet me downstairs.”
Steve followed him to the door and you could hear their quiet conversation once more. 
Twisting your hands together, you sat on the couch with your thoughts. You couldn’t believe how your night had played out. Really, if you thought about the last week of your life you’d be hard pressed to believe it was real life. How could the simple act of getting a person out of harm’s way lead to this?
When you heard Steve’s footsteps heading back towards you, after the door shut behind Bucky, you stood up and looked at him. 
Okay, you had to ask. Because a lot of this felt nonsensical, impossible even.
“You don’t really work in real estate, do you?” With the most courage you could muster you met his gaze, which was stoic as he watched you. “My friend Maria had this crazy theory and.. I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into here, Steve. But this isn’t… I just did the right thing and saved you from being hit by a car and.. Now what? People with guns are breaking into my home and threatening my dog? And instead of going to the police.. I’m right here in your apartment - with you, a kind, handsome stranger who keeps offering to help and take care of me and I just don’t get it. Is this real?”
He didn’t falter or let his facade break when you spiraled. Instead, he motioned towards his kitchen. “Would you like a cup of tea?”
You sat with a steaming mug of chamomile at Steve’s kitchen island. His kitchen felt impressively Steve somehow too, with dark granite counters and cool grey tones decorating the tall cabinets. The light blue kettle that sat on his stove somehow humanized him even more though. 
Steve opted to lean against the counter, shrugging off his suit jacket as he met your eyes. “So. First, let me just say - I don’t want you to feel like I brought you here for any other reason than keeping you safe tonight. I want you to feel safe here, with me. But if you don’t feel comfortable, you can leave. I will put you up in a hotel somewhere or if you have a friend you can stay with-”
You swallowed hard and brought your hand up. “No, that’s not.. I’m sorry for, uhm, going off a bit there. I just..” You left your mug on the island and leaned forward, balancing your chin on your hand while your elbow propped you up. You matched his gaze, somehow both honest and shy. “In college, my friends and I did this thing called honesty hour. Usually after a really late night or when we were a bit drunk. But the point is to be as honest as possible, but gentle, I guess. Feelings were always at risk but if it was after 2am, it was honesty only.”
A small smirk tugged at Steve’s lips as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. “Okay.”
“So. Honesty hour.” You nodded.
“What do you want to know?”
“Do you always carry a gun?”
“There are often dangerous, poorly- intentioned people in my line of work.”
You narrowed your eyes, pausing to take a small sip from your mug. “Your line of work - in real estate and art gallery ownership?”
Steve let out a quiet laugh. “The scope of my day to day work goes well beyond that.”
God, you had so many other questions but you had a feeling Steve was not going to share any details with you. Maybe it was better that way for both of you. Because answering some of your questions might ruin everything. “Would you rather I not ask about that? Your.. full scope?”
“I don’t think it qualifies for your honesty hour, no.”
You were ready to counter with something but you figured it wasn’t worth pushing his buttons. After another big breath, you closed your eyes. “Do you think those guys are going to show up again? At my apartment?”
The mug that had been resting in Steve’s hand found a careful spot on the counter. He took a big step forward and leaned onto the island opposite you.
Your name left his lips. You opened your eyes.
“I promise they won’t.” It was clear some things were being left unsaid, hidden behind his reassuring smile. His hand landed on yours as it rested on the table. “Trust me when I say I’ll never let that sort of thing happen again.” You looked from him, focusing on the warmth in his eyes and how his palm felt against your skin and…
“My turn.” Steve ran his thumb over the top of your hand, as if searching for the softest spot. “You called me. How come?”
You had never been so grateful to hear someone’s phone ring, because you did not want to answer that question. He tried to ignore it but the buzzing in his pocket filled in the quiet that lingered between you. Just like that, whatever that moment was or could have been - vanished. He gave you an apologetic glance as he stepped away. 
You sipped on your tea, feeling more and more run down by this whole situation. You were tired, finally and Steve’s big sweeping statements gave you some peace of mind. You trusted him, that was the only thing you were certain about. 
Despite everything, including the silly rumours from Maria and the broken remains of your apartment on the other side of Brooklyn… There was something about Steve that made you feel okay about all of this.
But the thought of talking any more about it now made your thoughts spiral out of control. Truthfully, you needed to sleep. And you really needed to talk all of this through in the group chat with the girls. You desperately wished your phone was still functioning.
Before you could even let your train of thoughts derail, you heard Hercules’ feet tapping against the floors in search of you. You took one final sip of your tea and met him in the living room. Your boy was ready for bed too.
You hesitated though, glancing from him to the door. He looked that way too. Maybe it would be smart to take him out one more time before you headed to bed.
Steve found you near the door and reached his hand out to stop you before you could even grab your coat. “Hey. I can take him out, if you want to get ready for bed.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Please, I insist.” He grabbed Hercules’ leash from the small entry table and rested his hand on your shoulder. “I’ve been thinking about adopting a dog for months now so this is a nice reminder about responsibilities.” 
Steve’s genuine smile was unmatched and, well, Hercules just looked excited for one last moment of fresh air. “Okay, fine. For your own research purposes. Thanks Steve.”
He waved his hand and pulled on a coat from the hanging rack. “The guest room is just down there.” With his free hand he pointed down the hall behind you. “First door on the right. Bathroom across the hall.”
The minute Steve was outside the door with Hercules, you made your way to the bedroom. You nearly gasped when you opened the door, considering the space was practically the same size as your entire apartment. And god, the view from the windows. A full floor to ceiling piece of glass illuminated Brooklyn below.
The bathroom was just as impressive. After finding a fluffy towel and figuring out how the shower and faucet functioned, you let yourself get consumed by the water. Though you felt far past your breaking point, you held back your tears. Yes, the entire night behind you had been a rollercoaster. And yes, you were nervous about what tomorrow was going to bring.
But you were safe. That’s all that mattered.
Chapter 01 - Chapter 03
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I need to gush about Origins and discuss Duncan okay, listen- DAO is so good for a plethora of reasons but it’s the origins, the thing that it’s literally named after. Which origin you play is the important decision on the players part that has an impact on everything you do, especially if you go hard into the roleplaying of it all, it makes me want to scream. I adore it so much.
So Duncan, right? Great character, love that dude. I read The Calling and he's one of the best parts of that book. If you haven't read it, I recommend it just for Duncan alone.
I enjoy reading opinion pieces on Duncan, especially when the poster mentions which origin their warden is. I find it so interesting because your origin can change your entire perception of him.
Playing as Aeducan or Brosca? Duncan has great respect for dwarves just as the dwarves do for the wardens. Duncan’s your hero. He saved your life. You would’ve been executed or left to rot in the Deep Roads if not for him. And since the wardens are so respected, it’s honestly an honor to join them, no?
Playing a Cousland? You’ve lost everything. Duncan not only does what he can to keep your father alive long enough for you and your mother to find him, but he saves you and gives you a shot to avenge your family by becoming a warden.  
Playing as Amell or Surana? Your best friend lied to you about being a blood mage and chances are you tried to help him escape rather than turn him in, and now he’s gone and Greagoir demands you be punished. But here comes Duncan to conscript you, to take you away from the prison known as the Circle of Magi.
And I know this can vary depending on how you play or what kind of character you’ve created, but I believe you’re waaaay more likely to have a better opinion of Duncan in these origins… but if you play as Mahariel or Tabris?
Mahariel’s more obvious, here. You’re Dalish, and odds are, you and Tamlen are on the same page about humans. Duncan, a human, dragged your ass back to your clan after the eluvian gave you the blight, and sure, that was nice of him… except when you go looking for Tamlen and Duncan destroys the mirror, he’s so dismissive. He doesn’t care about Tamlen. There’s no point in going looking for him, he’s dead. Also you have the blight and Duncan’s taking you away from your family to make you a warden and no, you have no choice in the matter. He'll force his hand if he needs to. Say goodbye, forget about Tamlen, you’ll never see your family again, you’re a warden now. Hope you have fun involving yourself in all these human affairs while everyone points out how different you are!
First off, I think most Mahariel players would agree that they’re still not over Tamlen. How many of you had the thought, “If we look just a little longer, we could find Tamlen and make him a warden, too!” only for Duncan to ruin that? I don’t blame any Mahariel for throwing a fit when he and the Keeper agree you need to go, nor do I blame them for any ill feelings toward him.
And Tabris? This one is personal; my canon warden is a female Tabris, Rosalie, and Duncan really gets to me.
Rose's already being made to marry a man she's never met, some human nobles made their first attempt to crash the wedding, and now here’s this other human waltzing in. Duncan is such a little shit here, too. When you try asking him to leave, he actively tries to push your buttons just to see what you’ll do. But that’s nothing. When Rose and the other women are taken by Vaughan and his buddies, Soris and Nelaros go to Duncan who pulls his bullshit “wardens can’t get involved, they must remain neutral, best I can do is give you a sword and crossbow, good luck.”
Duncan KNOWS what will happen to those women but nope, can’t get involved. Wardens must remain neutral, can’t upset the nobles. I firmly believe that if Duncan had gone with them, Nelaros wouldn’t have been killed and maybe they could’ve made it to Shianni in time, and that infuriates me.
And yeah, in the end it’s Duncan who saves Rose from the guard, but you expect me to be okay with going with him? Alone? After everything that just happened?
It almost feels like Duncan was more interested in testing you, to see if you COULD get out of that situation or what you’d do when the guard showed up. That gives me a lot of complicated feelings about Duncan, and the way the Grey Wardens do things in general. Because let me tell you, Rose hurls that “Wardens must not involve themselves, they must remain neutral” out the fucking window, even post DAO after the blight is over and things return to “normal” for the wardens.  
Side note, I like to think that the wardens out at Weisshaupt or wherever contact Alistair at some point like "What the hell is Warden-Commander Tabris doing over there??? She's breaking every rule we have??" and Alistair's just shrugs like "My wife killed an archdemon to end the Blight and survived, she gets to do whatever she wants forever and honestly, I love that for her."
But anyway-- I get it, Duncan. The Grey Wardens were booted outta Fereldan once before and we don't want a repeat of that. Sure. Fine. Makes sense...but also Rose doesn't give a shit about that? She may come to understand it eventually but that doesn't mean she accepts or forgives it, or would ever be willing to adapt the same attitude.
And I'm not even going to get into everything with the Joining and Ser Jory, because oh my god.
Everything Duncan does influences Rose's views on the Grey Wardens and their duty, like if there was ever anything she and Alistair have straight up argued about, it's Duncan and the concept of "being a warden is an honor."
And I think that's neat. Duncan's a consistency in every origin and even though he dies so early on, his influence remains with the warden no matter who they are.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
can I request some Gigi and Grayson hcs? (Not sure if that’s been done yet!)
gigi and grayson head canons
yesss, i absolutely love them. i hope we get to see them interact in tgg. @catapparently helped me with this one. like i've said in three of my other posts, i'm currently dying bc of my cramps so might be a little crappy, but i hope you like them<3.
gigi thinks grayson should loosen up and wear less suits so she buys him speedos.
they both talk about their favorite romance books bc gigi is clearly a reader and gray is secretly a hopeless romantic.
grayson gave gigi one of his credit cards for plushies and books
gigi regularly drags grayson out to amusement parks, arcades, and stuff. gray wins her stuff and she makes him eat corn dogs.
gigi dared grayson to put on a fluffy pink tutu and bows and twirl around the street
gigi talks shit about her crappy ex-boyfriends/crushes and grayson just sits there wondering why his sister has such horrible taste in men
they are both planning duncan's (sav's shitty bf) take down
gigi buys grayson flowers and takes one out of the bouquet and puts it behind his ear.
gigi, before she met lyra, made grayson a tinder account bc she thought he needed a gf.
gigi teaches grayson how to ride a bike (this dude didn't learn bc he always had someone to drive him places). he fell so many times, that grayson banged his head and ended up getting a concussion.
she takes videos of him and posts them on her tiktok bc her fans eat it up
gigi invited grayson to her prom (i think she's a year younger than avery so that means she hasn't had prom yet) and made him dance to the slow songs with her.
when gigi thinks grayson is overworking himself, she'll jump on him and start tickling him. she won't stop until he promises he's gonna stop.
grayson is the only one gigi feels comfortable venting to. she doesn't like worrying her sister with her problems, so sometimes she'll sneak into gray's room late at night and just talk to him about how much she hates having to pretend to be happy all the time.
although gigi never met emily, she absolutely hates her with a passion. grayson doesn't really like it when she talks shit about her, but knows what she's saying is true.
gigi has an obsession with grayson's baby pictures. she's literally asked everyone she knows if they have any, and has literally stolen phones to look at their camera roles to check for pictures.
gigi loves spying on people for absolutely no reason and will drag grayson along with her.
gigi has tried to cook food for grayson before but she ended up giving him food poisoning instead.
when gigi is feeling down, she'll get grayson to give her a hug bc, according to her, he gives the best hugs.
when she goes out with her friends to the mall, she drags grayson along to carry their bags
grayson only really laughs around her bc he finds her hilarious.
grayson literally hates slate (potential love interest for gigi, might not be one) (or any future boyfriends she might have), and will spy on her dates. he'll head to the restaurant they're eating at and hide behind menus and stuff.
gigi buys him clothes (other than suits) that she thinks would suit him. grayson only wears them bc gigi bought them for him (or that's what he tells himself, he actually kind of likes the clothes)
gigi gets xander to teach her how to hack grayson's insta so she can post cat memes on his account.
gigi has an obsession with iced coffees and milkshakes (overly sweet ones) and always gets grayson to have one when they go out even though he hates it with his entire being.
gigi practices her makeup on him. gigi always makes him keep it on so she can admire her hard work. sometimes grayson will show up at the family dinners with a full face of makeup.
gigi teaches grayson how to knit bc she loves it and wants to have someone to knit with
gigi loves reading romance books out loud. sometimes she'll be hanging out with grayson and just start reading the smut scenes out loud. grayson gets so uncomfortable, he turns red.
when she wants to take grayson out to the mall with her but he says no, she'll grab him by the ear and drag him out despite his protests.
gigi loves basic chocolate chip cookies, so grayson gets libby to teach him how to bake cookies, and he starts surprising her with some every once in a while.
gigi will get up really early and hide in grayson's closet so she can scare him when he gets up to get dressed.
gigi made grayson dress up as a tampon for halloween.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
BUGS!!!! Idk when you’ll get this but it’s me Sav (munsonology) 👾
What if Eddie catches you in the adult section at family video and you’re caught with the kinkiest tape they have 🤤 Eddie’s shocked because this is beyond the beginners level y’all are at but intrigued that his perfect girl is actually freakier than him 🥵
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Savvvvv I adore you and your smutty brain 💚 I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: smutttttt (18+ only, minors GO AWAY), adult films, bondage, piv, some crying, slight breeding kink (?) idk, language
WC: 2.1k
Eddie thought he knew you pretty well. You'd only been a couple for a few months, but you'd been friends for years prior to getting together. If someone asked him what your favorite pizza topping was, he could confidently say it was mushroom. You were definitely more of a night owl than an early bird. You wanted to travel the world; Eddie wanted more than anything to take you on an African safari like you'd always dreamed.
And up until the moment he caught you in Family Video, he would've sworn up and down that your guilty pleasure was cheesy romantic comedies.
You'd had to cancel your date with him to finish up a paper for the class you were taking at Hawkins Community College, so Eddie trekked over to visit Robin and Steve and find something to occupy his unexpectedly empty night.
"Hey, Munson!" Steve greets him cheerily. "How's it been?"
Eddie shrugs his shoulders. "Can't complain. Y/N has to get some work done tonight. Figured I'd see if you guys had any new releases I could check out."
Robin crinkles her nose. "Y/N?" she questions. "She's right over there." She points over to the curtained-off section of the store and glances at Eddie knowingly.
Eddie's jaw could've hit the floor. You watched porn? Sure, you were amazing in bed, always knowing how to touch him and turning him into putty. Was it because you had done extensive research in the adult section of Family Video?
He quietly shuffles over to where you're standing, browsing the various titles. You're not interested in the same-old generic "plumber fixes lonely housewife's pipes" or "pizza boy delivers extra-large sausage pizza to sorority girls." You want something different, something to relax you from your stressful midterms, something kinky.
A title jumps out at you: Bonded Babes. The cover shows a woman clad in barely-there lingerie, tied to the bed with a ball gag wedged between her crimson lips. Perfect.
"Holy shit." The sound of a man's voice startles you, and you let out a little yelp. You look up to see your boyfriend, his eyes glued to the VHS you'd just selected. You hide it behind your back, feeling your whole body blushing.
Eddie steps towards you. "Whatcha got there, sweetheart?" he prods, cocking his head to the side. "Because that doesn't look like a John Hughes flick to me."
"'S nothing," you mumble, embarrassment flooding through you. "Just wanted to decompress after writing this stupid paper."
"Mmm," Eddie says knowingly, "so let me see what helps you relax, baby girl."
You shake your head wordlessly.
Eddie laughs. "C'mon, you really think you're gonna scare me off?" he protests. "You don't even wanna know what I watch."
You raise an eyebrow and decide to explore that comment further at another time. "I-I should probably get home. Back to my essay." But he blocks your escape, placing a strong hand on your stomach.
"Hand it over," he orders, and you reluctantly oblige.
"Don't judge me," you plead. What if he sees what you chose and is freaked out? He wouldn't be the first guy who couldn't handle your kinks and desires.
"Hmm," Eddie says, looking carefully, "haven't seen this one yet." He gives you a mischievous grin. "Wanna watch it together?"
You clear your throat, caught off-guard by the suggestion. "It, uh, might not be your thing," you offer lamely.
"Well, I guess there's just one way to find out, sweetheart."
Your roommate is out for the night, drinking away her midterm week nerves, so you bring Eddie back to your place. He's all too eager to pop the video in the player, practically breaking down the door to the apartment.
"Okay," he says, plopping down next to you on the sofa and pressing play, "let's see what gets my girl going, hmm?"
As with most porn, there's no real plot. This one gives the smallest backstory about a woman who keeps talking back to her boyfriend. The boyfriend--a buff dude with a perfectly waxed chest--decides to punish her and shut her up while he has his way with her. He uses handcuffs on her wrists and ropes tied tight around her ankles. The pièce de résistance, of course, is the gag that allows for moans and whimpers and nothing else.
You bury your head in your hands. "I warned you," you whine, "it's, like, a lot."
For the first time in his life, Eddie Munson is speechless. He finally says, "Do you...want me to do this to you?"
"It's a lot, Eds," you repeat shyly. "We don't have to."
"What if I want to try it?" he asks, and you gawp incredulously, bringing a laugh to his lips. "I have all kinds of fantasies about you, baby. Don't be too surprised."
You maneuver yourself so you're straddling his lap, grinding your aching cunt across the crotch of his jeans. The friction from both of your clothes only makes you wetter. You kiss down his neck as he grabs your ass, squeezing and pulling you even closer to him.
"Let's try it," you whisper in his ear, biting his lobe. You hear the people on screen groaning and grunting exaggeratedly.
With that, Eddie lifts you, hands never leaving your ass. He brings you to your bedroom, dropping you on the bed and raking through your drawers for T-shirts, grabbing two of them.
"I got the cuffs," he says, patting the accessory on his belt, "but no ropes. Gotta improvise."
"So innovative," you tease, beckoning him back to you with a flutter of your eyelashes. His lips crash into yours, pushing you down onto the bed as he climbs on top of you. The weight of his body pressing into yours always gets you so hot; you try and cope by slipping your hand down into your jeans, beneath your panties.
Eddie breaks the kiss and hums disapprovingly. "Baby," he chastises, "you're not gonna get yourself off when I can do that for you." He removes your hand from your clit and pulls off your shirt, exposing a lacy white bra. He sucks on the exposed part of your breasts as he fiddles with the clasp, and you moan softly when he unhooks your bra and runs his fingers over your hardening nipples.
"You're not denying me this," he growls, tearing off your jeans. His thumb grazes your panties, and he throws his head back when he feels how wet you are. He gets on his knees and kisses your cunt through the thin fabric, loving each twitch of your legs.
Eddie hooks a finger into the waistband and yanks them down, shoving them in his back pocket. "Gonna need these later," he tells you, sending a shiver down your spine. "Lay back on the pillow for me, sweetheart."
You do as you're told, hearing the click of the handcuffs unlatching. Eddie snaps one on to your left wrist, loops the chain around one of the backboard spindles, and brings the other cuff around your right wrist. "Pull for me," he says, and when you demonstrate that you're stuck, he smiles wickedly.
He grabs the shirts--old concert tees, you realize gratefully, nothing expensive or fancy--and ties one around each ankle, then to the spindles on the footboard, legs spread widely. "Wriggle around for me, baby. Let me see how good I've got you." Sure enough, you kick your legs with incredibly restricted movement. "Perfect," he muses.
"Eddie," you whimper, "need you to touch me. Need your fingers or your tongue or your cock. Something, please."
He laughs at this, reaching back into his pocket. "Thanks for reminding me," he says roughly. You feel a piece of cloth between your lips as your soaked panties are shoved in your mouth. "Don't wanna hear a word from you; just those pretty little moans."
"Mhm," you manage.
“Oh, shit,” he mutters. “Safe words. Uh, just say peanut butter if you need me to stop.” You nod in response.
With that, he brings his lips to your torso, trailing kisses across your tits and down your stomach. The contrast between your completely naked body and his fully clothed one turns you on even more, if that’s possible.
You let out a whine as he licks a stripe along your folds, slick coating his chin. “Taste s’good,” he groans before finding your clit and sucking on it. A guttural sound escapes your throat at the sudden stimulation.
“Already overwhelmed, baby?” he teases, words vibrating into you. “Good.” He focuses his attention back to your sensitive bundle, caressing it with his tongue. You buck your hips as one finger enters your pussy, limited by the makeshift ties.
You’re waiting for him to place another digit inside you, like he normally does, but now is not the time to expect anything. Instead, he withdraws his finger and his mouth from your sex, undoing his pants button and pulling out his hard cock. He brings it to your lips, removing the gag, but stops you before you can suck it.
“Spit on it,” he demands, and you spit on his dick. He uses it as lube as he fucks his fist right in front of you, stuffing the panties back in your mouth.
“You see what you do to me? he snarls, “I want you to use your hands, but since you’re being punished, I have to do it myself.”
You want to tell him that he can fuck your face; or better yet, your pussy, but the gag prevents you from articulating this. You writhe against the handcuffs, craving touch.
Eddie uses his free hand to grip the wrist closest to him. “Nice try,” he smirks, “but you’re not gonna cum until I say you can. Got it?”
“Mhm,” you croak out. Tears gather at the corners of your eyes as your frustration mounts. He wipes one away with a smile.
“Poor thing,” he taunts, “wants my dick so badly that she’s fuckin’ crying for it, huh?” He pumps himself until he’s so hard it hurts, precum beading at the slit. “‘S your lucky day, sweetheart. If I don’t fuck you now, I’m gonna cum all over my hand. And why would I do that when your pretty pussy is right there?”
He places himself between your legs again, tapping on your outer thigh. “Lift these hips a little for me.” You lift them obediently. “That’s a good girl.” You whimper at the praise.
He uses the combination of your slick and his precum to push into you, stretching you and mixing pain with pleasure. “Can you say my name with your mouth full like that?”
“Eddie,” you groan. It comes out muffled but neither of you care. “Eddie, s’good.”
He thrusts into you harder, yelling out your name as he does. His voice is gravelly and intense. “Gonna cum inside of you. Gonna mark my fuckin’ territory.” You’ve been on the pill, and he knows this, but he’s never finished in you before without a condom, always pulling out and spilling onto your tits.
“Yes, Eddie,” you chant over and over as he rubs circles on your clit while fucking you. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me. Show me how good I make you feel.” As soon as he says it, you release all over his cock, clenching around him as you hit your peak.
“You feel amazing,” he praises. “Can’t hold back anymore. Y’feel too good.” He empties inside you, long hot spurts coating your walls. When he’s done, a sweating and panting mess, you’re too sore to move. Still, you miss him in you as soon as he withdraws.
Eddie immediately removes the panties from your mouth, unlocks the cuffs, and unties the shirts. “Baby,” he purrs, “that was hot as shit.”
You nod in agreement. “Best sex I’ve ever had.”
He plants a long, gentle kiss on your mouth and runs to the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth. “Let me clean you up.” He wipes down your inner thighs, kissing them when he’s done. “I know this wasn’t in the movie,” he says with a small smile, “but I wasn’t about to leave my girl a mess.”
You return the smile gratefully. “Thank you, Eds.”
He crawls back into bed facing you, pecking kisses on your nose. “I love you, my freaky girl.” He sighs dramatically. “I mean, I already knew you were the one for me, but this just sealed the fuckin’ deal!”
You giggle at his theatrics. “I love you, too,” you say, kissing his forehead. “And next time, you can pick the movie. I can’t be the only freak in this relationship.”
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archetypal-archivist · 4 months
Azul-Yutu Thoughts 0.1
Concept stuff for Azul-Yutu as based around @yuri-is-online's world building. Go read their stuff, it's good.
As dictated by canon, this guy is big, brawny, and absolutely has more brain going on than people realize on first look. He's a little salty that people keep having the worst assumptions about him but he's also reluctantly pleased because it means they underestimate him. Much like dear ol' dad Azul, he adores getting the last laugh.
Unlike Azul, however, if shit's going sideways, he's going down with the ship and taking everyone else with him. Azul might bail if the losses are stacking up too high- better to live to plot another day and cut his losses, especially when the losses are a single limb and staying might mean being eaten up by your resident shark mers entirely.
Yutu had fewer choices; upon being dropped into Twisted Wonderland and having the spectacular shit show that is The Bad Future sprung upon him, he didn't have the option to leave. For Yutu, it was stick it out or die and Yuu put too much love into raising him for Yutu to anything less than paddle for his life in this sink-or-swim situation. He's part mer now, call it instinct.
(Yutu is more stubborn than a rock and he loathes being told to sit down and shut up by anyone less than Yuu. If this world wants him dead, by the seas he'll live on in the name of spite alone. He refuses to give up even though he can't really see a way out of this shit situation and his future is bleak.)
Ends up in Savannaclaw for his tenacity and everyone is either nodding their head about their assumptions being proven true or utterly shocked because this is Azul's child, hello?? Yutu ends up a little frustrated again because seriously, what's with all the assumptions when these people don't actually know him.
He ends up getting into a lot of fights his first week and it's a bloody war of attrition that grinds Yutu down a lot. He doesn't let it show on his face but he's really, really tired by the end of it. Still, due to his efforts he gains the respect of the dorm and that lets him set up into chess-maneuvering his way to a better set of circumstances.
Yutu has a really hard time making friends at first, in part because he's too focused on getting used to this new world and in part because he's too used to bullies and always being in guard to get close to others.
Gets his unique magic about a month in when he was mentally envisioning punching one of his more persistent annoyances in Savannahclaw in the face. He was very surprised when a jolt of magic was ripped from him as if he had been punched in the gut and the other guy went tumbling backwards, having been, you know, punched in the face by a tentacle of cosmic magic.
Eventually does end up with friends, to his initial chagrin.
A beefy Savannahclaw second year who kept trying to 'show him his place' but lost every fight is first. Yutu shoving him down into the dirt and listing every way he went wrong about this particular attack and how Yutu would have done it better but hasn't yet because he's so 'benevolent'? Yeah, that kinda dragged out the guy's latent respect for Yutu and now he has a big beefy minion of his very own. Yutu doesn't trust him for a while and has no clue why this guy is following him around but when he reveals he wants to be Yutu's disciple in the way of ass-kicking-through-brain, Yutu kinda goes '!!!' Then he puts the guy through hell to see if he really means it, finally achieving mutual respect after three weeks. The pair play Guess Who using the students around them as characters as practice reading people. It's fun. :) To simplify, let's call him Sav.
The next two minions are a pair of siblings: one a second year, one first year, both hummingbird beastmen from Heartslabyul. They're tricksy and annoying and have a grand old time rules-lawyering the heck out of Heartslabyul's many rules. They'd gotten bored and had decided to make Yutu their next mark for a prank, which ended poorly for all involved. (Mutually assured destruction, plus a couple cauldrons as collateral damage. Crewel wasn't pleased.) Second year wanted to be done with the mess but first year has gotten it into his head that the incident made him and Yutu friends now. Second year tagged along to keep his younger sibling out of trouble (he didn't trust Yutu not to fling his brother into another wall) and ended up being the reluctant voice of reason. He 100% hates his life, he wants to go back to playing pranks and slacking off now. (No he doesn't, he's just going grey from worry over Yutu and company.) We'll call the first year Fior and the second year Thrush.
The last of the group is an excitable mousy-looking guy, very short and nerdy, a first year from Ignihyde. Thinks Yutu has main character energy; wants to be part of his 'five man band' and he's already specced himself into the role of white mage so he's perfect for them! C'mon, pleeeaaassseee? Yutu is deeply weirded out that this guy is literally asking to be used and that in the literal apocalypse he thinks his life is too boring. Still, he's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so he takes him on. The hero worship for Yutu between this guy and Sav is something the Heartslabyul first year, Fior, finds very funny. We'll call this guy Morry.
First time they run into an overblot monster is on a field trip that their combat and field first aid professor has planned. It was supposed to be a jaunt down to the abandoned dwarf mines for training against the penned up blot monster inside (it'd been weakened considerably by time since Yuu and company had last fought it).
However, it'd rained a lot the night before, which had weakened the rock blocking it into the cave. Agitated by the presence of the school group, it breaks through the barrier and goes on the attack. The professor is quick to drop the rocks on the monster's head and it squishes into multiple puddles. Thinking that the problem is solved, the professor turns his back only for the puddles to rise up into several miniature blot monsters, one of which jumps him to knock him out. This hydra-like effect is how the blot monster had kept reappearing, despite Yuu and company killing it twice years prior (once in the prologue, once at Vargas camp).
The students split off to fight and Yutu grabs his first year friends, Morry and Fior, to run for the treeline where they can't get attacked from behind. He then starts fighting back, mind caught halfway between panic mode and being tactical. He thinks he'll have to convince his buddies to do what he says but nope, Fior and Morry are actually worryingly eager to take his orders. Morry in particular is treating this like a video game and Yutu like the one with the controller, which Fior finds funny.
The three settle into a rough pattern of Yutu staying stationary and acting like a turret, calling attention to himself, Fior running in to backstab at close range, and Morry covering his retreat while Yutu sets up the next big blast. It works surprisingly well but Yutu knows the monster will come back if it's not destroyed properly, and hit and run tactics won't work for that.
He gets Fior to jab it full of flora magic while he and Morry pin it (Yutu tests the limit of his cosmic magic tentacles and finds out the hard way that it's based on his physical strength.) Then, using the flora magic as a wick, he sets the monster alight, upping the temperature with wind magic from Morry such that the monster burns down to almost nothing.
It's a very cool moment... And then Yutu, Morry, and Fior look around and realize that there's a lot more monsters and not all of their classmates are faring as well as they did. NRC attitude strikes again and way too many people are trying to solo their own personal bosses, which is going poorly. The trio's hearts sink and fear begins to catch up with Yutu and Fior as they realize this isn't a climactic battle, it's a war of attrition. They blew a lot of their power and hyped themselves up when they weren't even close to done.
Morry convinces Yutu and Fior to keep going, giving them a transfusion of magic with his Unique Magic, which is themed around Tantalus. It gives his power to others, thus fulfilling their needs, but it can never heal or replenish all the way- it's never enough. Worse yet, using it is addictive for both the receivers and the caster, so it's something Morry has to be very careful with.
It does give Yutu and idea though and he gets Morry and Fior on board with it quickly: they aggro all the monsters by running by and slinging spells at them, then shout taunts at the other students about how they're gonna kill the monsters before they will and other insults about being weak. They then converge so all the monsters are herded together and the enraged students cast their spells at the same target.
That much magic all together is enough to explode the blot monsters properly and Morry collapses with a cheer. Fior and Yutu share a look, then Yutu admits to being displeased with the results as that was way too close for comfort. Fior gives a little bit of a lore dump, explaining that blot monsters are a serious threat that they all train to defeat. As students, they aren't supposed to be fighting the monsters, but as living beings in a world out to kill them, they'll likely have to. Fior admits that he's glad Yutu was with him and at this point, Yutu blows his top and demands to know why Fior and Morry were so eager to follow him.
See, Yutu knows he's not well liked. He's got several latent self esteem issues compounded on the fact that his rise to prominence in Savannahclaw marked him as a threat, not a friend. People do what he says because he gives them no other choice, what made Morry and Fior follow his plans? They nearly died!
At this point, Morry sits up and points out that they didn't die. And that, in this world? When things go to shit like this? That's impressive. Yutu already has their trust by proving that he refuses to go down without a fight; Sav's dominance battles, out-pranking Fior and Thrush, putting up with transferring into NRC late? It grinds a person down and each and every time, Yutu has risen to the challenge.
Yutu points out angrily that he still nearly got them killed by not seeing the big picture, Morry calmly replies that he trusts Yutu to do better next time. And, if things go south again... Well, Morry has his magic. He wants to help, more than anything, and Yutu is his ticket to do that. Either Yutu screws up and Morry can make himself useful or Yutu succeeds and everyone gets out unscathed. Here Fior breaks in and points out that following Yutu led to the best possible outcome- no one dying- so he's gonna keep doing that, sorry if that's not what Yutu wants to hear.
And... (here Fior gets a little shy) Fior finds Yutu interesting. Pranking Yutu, getting pranked by Yutu, having the chance to fight by his side- it's the most fun he's had in a while. It feels nice to have something to enjoy, especially when death is a constant risk. So (and now Fior firms up, smiling) he's gonna keep following Yutu's orders. He trusts Yutu too, yeah? Morry cheers and Fior hauls him to his feet, steadying the Ignihyde student when he wobbles, laughing.
Yutu's mind is a mess at that moment, caught up how his parent, Yuu, suffered growing up and how Yutu couldn't do anything to solve the problem. His mitigation only went to far, and when they traveled to Twisted Wonderland only for his parent to die? He sat with them for what felt like trauma-packed ages doing nothing while the healers were trying everything they could to keep Yuu alive. Yutu... He's never felt like enough, not ever. And now he's being given the trust of these two? People are relying on him again? He's terrified.
However, and here Yutu is too grim and smart not to admit it, he needs their strength still. If Fior and Morry are so eager to do his bidding, he's not in any place to refuse. Yutu wants to survive, even if he doesn't have much to survive for other than spite and remembrance of his parent's love, and to do that he needs allies, people who can help him navigate this new world. He can only hope that he can be enough this time and they won't regret trusting him.
Someone conjures some ice water to dump on the professor and he wakes up with a splutter, hurrying everyone back to the castle where Crewel is waiting, thoroughly pissed off. Thrush and Sav are also there and they descend in the first year trio with a lot of worry. Thrush is darting around his younger brother looking frantically for injuries, Sav is vibrating in place trying to respect Yutu's space, and Morry is off to the side, looking on with a small smile.
Yutu explains what had happened and Sav calms down while Thrush froths up, furious that Fior didn't just run or climb a tree to go hide. Fior starts rising to his brother's challenge, arguing that Yutu knew what he was doing and Thrush grits out that it's not Yutu's judgement he distrusts, it's Fior's for going along with what Yutu planned. Surely Fior could have come up with a better idea? Something that wouldn't put him on the front lines?
Fior laughs back that Thrush should just come with next time, Thrush shouts that there should be no next time, but it's obvious that he's not turning down the whole 'coming with them' idea. Sav decides to funnel his energy into fussing over Morry, which seems to surprise the Ignihyde student... And Yutu begins to think.
This is a world where death is out to get them, blot monsters are roaming the world at large, and his parent lies dead with an empty grave at their side. His dad is still out there somewhere and Yutu has minions now. Friends. Or something. If... If he can get stronger. Smarter maybe, better prepared... Maybe he could do something.
Yutu's not sure what that something is, just yet, but the thought is there, niggling. Maybe he has hope for his future yet.
Maybe more to come as time and inspiration allow...
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munsonology · 2 years
sav maybe its cause I'm like super horny tonight but:
Perv!BestFriend!Eddie. He can't help thinkkng of you as slightly more innocent then him. Of course it isnt that you don't do anything (or maybe you haven't), but you stay at home more often than not whilst Eddie goes out to the bar to play with the band. Eddie would go to high school parties dealing, whilst you would much rather go see a movie or stay home reading a book. He suspects you haven't done much but isnt sure, which is why he always brings up his escapades.
He has mentioned things he's done with girls (and maybe a few guys) and you haven't really mentioned much. He likes to watch you fidget and squirm, clenching your thighs together subconsciously. The way he can tell you are flustered without blushing, makes his heart skip a beat. But you're best friends!! It's okay!! To tell each other!! And hey!! You're best friends!! Let's talk about kinks!! Totally fine!!
So one day you come in to his room, sit on HIS bed, and are like "okay so we are best friends right?" Which he scoffs and rolls his eyes at, DUH of course you are! No one else would willingly hang out with "the freak". You go on to mention how you went on a date- his brain stops. You never mentioned a date. Now he's flustered and interrupting every two seconds "uh best friends don't keep secrets what the fuck". "Well I wasnt sure if it would work out, so I didnt want to mention it". Eddie may be a little pissed but you distract him by saying "I need a favor." "Sorry sweets, can't go on the run for murder again". You roll his eyes and grab his hand, staring deep into his eyes as you say," yeah no, don't need that, but Kyle said I was a terrible kisser snd I want to be better so can you please teach me how to kiss?"
Which is the last thing Eddie expects but of course he will teach you how to kiss!! Only best friends get that honor right?! And hey, let's teach you how to give a hickey too! And maybe once you start grinding on him subconsciously, he'll help teach you how to make a guy feel real good with his mouth
(not that you had any intention for this to turn out such a way I mean cmon its not like you've had a crush on the guy and had gotten off to the thought of him before)
OH MY GOD!!! Bestie your mind has me 🤯 one of my fav types of fics is the character teaching reader sexual things. There’s a fic on a03 I never saved and it was the first Eddie fic i ever read last summer and like the talent on this app, it was a MASTERPIECE! I can’t remember who wrote it tho 😭
The chipotle people hooked my bowl all the way up and now I got the itis so apologies if this is all over the place 😭
I feel like since season 4 came out everyone on this app has synced and we’re all horny at the same time 😭 i can’t be the only one who noticed
But back to you! I love pervy bff Eddie too! I think he assumes you aren’t interested in sex because he doesn’t see you with anyone or talk about sex as openly as he does. And it could be because no one is Eddie and it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. So you focus on other things like school, your hobbies, etc
But when you go out on a date with Kyle (I giggled at this because there’s always a Kyle at school that does the most questionable shit 😭 was it just my schools??) Eddie loses his shit at the lunch table. He had to hear it in the hallway outside mrs. O’Donnell’s class so he couldn’t pay attention the entire class.
And suddenly you’re bringing this Kyle around the party. So he starts bringing his conquests around too. And even tells you in full detail how he fucked some girl in the alley behind the hideout or how he got a bj from the hot plumber fixing his neighbor Janice’s sink. It goes on for weeks like this, he watches how your thighs clench when he describes having a jerk off with Chase from the basketball team in the showers after gym and how Mandy from history class squirted all over the van seats (you did question why the floor was a little damp…). Each story is more than the next and eddie drops his pretzels on purpose just to pick them up (super weird for him because you’ve never known him to clean up anything at home!) and under the table what does he see? Sweet little you grinding your pussy and squeezing your thighs on the bench of the cafeteria bench. He notices the tremble when you cum too 😭
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But it isn’t until you ask him for help with that peabrain Kyle that he takes the opportunity to show you the ropes of sex. And not just fucking! He shows you how to kiss so good any guy would get hard from just that, and how brushes of the arm can ignite a fire. And it evolves to Eddie showing you how to give bjs and handjobs, and he fingers you, eats your sweet cunt (he’s saving your ass for a later time). It goes like this for months until finally you confess that Kyle ended things after 2 dates. You did all this to be closer to Eddie. And Eddie confesses he was showing you how he likes to be pleased, not other guys and especially not Kyle.
You wanna fuck him now! But he wants to take his time with you. Light candles around your room, scatter roses on the bed, worship your body how it deserves because you’re the goddess of his dreams! And you were right under his nose the entire time.
He’s super sweet when you finally have sex too. Guiding you through your orgasm, holding his until you’ve cum at least three times, cuddling. But in the moments after you ask “teddy can you show me what you like and not what you think I like?”
And this opens the door to every kink that’s ever run through his mind! He eases you into everything but he can’t wait to show you how he really uses those handcuffs! But over time he realizes you’re s freak too 😭 and now y’all can be freaky and nasty together!!!!
Which is what we all want right 😌 at least for meeeee 😭 lol
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bts fic recommendations | 01.17.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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motor head - @jeonjcngkook (jjk x reader | fwb, angst, smut, pwp)
summary: jungkook doesn’t like seeing someone else have your attention, so he decides he’s gonna do something about it.
feel like ive been here since the conception of this majesty?? like i was here for the horny discord chats n edits about motorcycle jk, therefore, it's only fair that i can gatekeeper him... mine. ALSO NOT U STARTING IT OFF W GETTING SANDWICHED BETWEEN MY BIAS N BIAS WRECKER?? THE DISRESPECT OF IT ALL!!!
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^the feminism leaving my body when sav writes about jk manhandling oc n having her use his bike as a vibrator
^^me regaining the feminism when she whips a whole tape measure at him theme shits is HEAVY LMAO
also like... your brain w this fucking smut bro?!?! it's literally one of the hottest smuts ive read in a v v v long fucking time?? THE JUMPER CABLE HANDCUFFS LIKE GTFO??? SHAKESPEAREAN OF SMUT REALLY!! and i completely get where oc is coming from bc some of the things he said had me side eyeing like... repressed feelings maybe? but then is he just super possessive and his anger/hurt came from ego n not emotions... genuinely love when the characters are hard to read like thats everything. n she better fuck taehyung >:( BUT RUN DONT WALK TO READ THIS UGH IT WAS SO GOOD BBY LIKE NO WONDER SHE WAS DOING ROUNDS IN THE TAGS!!!!!!!
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tales of broken hearts - @taegularities (kth x reader | ex2l, childhood sweethearts, fluff, angst, smut)
summary: when a work trip brings you back home, you don't expect for anyone to await your return or remember you. but despite the time apart, taehyung still does - still looks at you the same way he used to five winters ago.
rid, im not joking when i say this is everything i want in a fanfic. like ex2l always gets me, and you legit mastered it with this one. something about right person wrong time just does it for me. that opening line was so simple but so so so beautiful:
"Love doesn't bloom during frigid winters."
and your ability to fully write in the pov of the character that you've crafted is nutty. like on the outside, it seems like a simple thing to do, but ik from experience that it's really not. like the way you perfectly represented oc's bleakness in the beginning through the word choices, that only shifts when taehyung is being discussed, is a1 storytelling. and same with him, like even when things are falling apart, the metaphor compares oc to a star, n that's how he sees her despite the circumstances. IM EMOTIONAL!!!
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and idk dude i think i feel so strongly about this piece bc i relate to this oc sooo much. like the way ur desire to get out of ur current situation bleeds into every aspect of ur life n ruins relationships n u end up even worse than u started off in a lot of ways- NOT THIS FIC BEING A WHOLE HIT PIECE RID LMAO >:(
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posting this a lil early but who gaf :')
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angelasscribbles · 5 months
Isle of Misfits Chapter 11: The Final Cut
Fandom: Mostly TRR but a bit of others sprinkled in, as well as some OC's from the first few chapters.
Series: Isle of Misfits, Round Robin 2024, hosted by @choicesprompts
Word Count: 1,981
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Drake turned his head to take in Liam standing in the doorway, but he didn’t release Bertrand’s collar. “Not now, Li. I need answers first!”
“I…that…” Bertrand fumbled with the remote control, rewinding then pausing on a close-up of him with the redhead wrapped in his arms. “Look!”
Drake glared at the TV screen for a moment, and then the frown lines on his face eased. He released Bertrand and took a step back. “Oh, that’s not Liv.” Even from behind, he could tell it wasn’t her. He knew every line and curve of her body. If he had paused it sooner, he would have realized his mistake.
“Wait.” Olivia pointed to the date in the upper corner of the screen. “It couldn’t have been me. That was the night I was at that ribbon-cutting ceremony with Raleigh.”
Raleigh Carrera had gotten his shit together in record time. A thorough cleansing of alcohol from his room and a handful of public appearances had put him back on top of his career. He was off on a world tour with firm dinner plans with Olivia and Drake the next time he was in the country.  
Drake whirled on the elder Beaumont. “Are you cheating on my sister?”
“No…ah…” Bertrand turned ten shades of red as he stammered and stuttered. “She…that is…. I mean…”
“What is it, man? Spit it out already!”
Bertrand wanted to fall through the floor, but he managed to grit out, “The redhead is Savannah! She…. ah…”
Drake looked like he wanted to commit murder. “Did you make my sister dress up like that?”
“What? Heavens no! It was her idea!”
“Her idea?”
“Yes! This time, she wanted to be a redhead. Last month it was blond…she…ah…sometimes she likes to…um…. role play and…. well…”
All the blood drained from Drake’s face. “Shut up! That’s enough! No one needs to hear anything else!”
Olivia’s delighted laughter cut through the air. “I didn’t know little Savs had it in her. Good for her! Get it, girl!”
Drake shook his head. “Liv, no.”
Bertrand’s face had gone purple as he fought the ignominy. Clearing his throat, he changed the subject. “I think we should address Madeleine’s poor judgment.”
Madeleine gaped at him. “My poor judgment? How about asking why there are reporters on a private island? What about that?”
Bertrand gave his lapels a sharp tug as he regained his composure. “Oh, there will be a thorough investigation into that! Which still doesn’t answer the question as to why you would take one of our clients out in public outside of a prearranged appearance when our policy clearly states—”
“Pfft!” Madeleine flicked her fingers at him. “I didn’t read your employee handbook as I am not your employee! I am here at the behest of the king!”
“Yes, well, about that.” Bertrand straightened his shoulders as he turned to face Liam. “I allowed her to come here to help as a courtesy to you, Your Majesty. However, I’m afraid that I must inform you that the countesses’ services are no longer needed.”
“Of course,” Liam inclined his head slightly. “The Leviathan Group is your business. I’m sorry if I overstepped. I simply wanted to help my brother—”
“Which you did, by sending him here, to me. No other client has been allowed to have friends or family visit during their time with us. Please, Liam. Let me do my job.”
The king looked like he wanted to argue for a moment and then his shoulders slumped. “Yes, of course. I am sorry. I should also apologize for agreeing to help Trystan and then not being able to follow through.”
“It is of no consequence.” Bertrand waved him off. “Liv was able to step in. You have an entire country to run. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Seriously?” Madeleine fumed. “You know what? That’s fine. Get someone else to help Mr. never met a responsibility he couldn’t ignore or run away from. I’ll be on the next boat back to the mainland.” She spun on her heel and was gone.
“Thank god!” Leo commanded everyone’s attention as he slapped the newspaper again. “But what are we going to do about this?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to take you under my wing personally,” Bertrand assured him. “And since your wife is here, we’re going to enlist her help.”
Bertrand didn’t say it out loud, but he was fairly certain Katie was the security leak. Reporters had most likely followed her to the island. Though Liam was also a possibility. This was why friends and family weren’t supposed to visit.
Leo rubbed his eyes. “I’m not sure she’s even speaking to me right now.”
“Well, have you tried explaining to her why you were in that bush throwing up outside a Beverly Hills mansion at three a.m. while she was at home with two infants?”
“How the hell was I supposed to know there’d be a reporter there?”
“But why were you there in the first place? With that woman?”
Leo shook his head vehemently from side to side. “That woman just helped me back into the house because I was too drunk to stand on my own!”
“I believe you.” Bertrand clasped a hand on his shoulder. “But you still need to answer why you were there in the first place. For your wife and yourself, honestly. Katie shouldn’t be here, but since she is, I’ve arranged some couples’ counseling for you, and I don’t want to hear any arguments about it.”
Leo opened his mouth, then shut it again. He nodded. Couples’ counseling sounded good. He didn’t want to lose the family he was in the process of building. They meant too much to him.
“Okay, good!” Bertrand squeezed his shoulder tighter, then released it and slapped him on the back. “Why don’t you go talk to her right now?”
Leo nodded again. “Thanks.” He stopped in front of Liam on his way out. “I’m sorry I was such an ass about coming here. You might have saved my marriage, so…thank you for that.”
“I love you, man,” Liam told him as he pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, little bro.”
After Leo had left the room, Liam shifted from foot to foot awkwardly before blurting out, “So, what’s this about Riley and Max?”
Drake’s jaw clenched. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Li, but I saw them together this morning. Max was coming out of her room this morning. Early this morning!”
Liam stared at him in wide-eyed panic as his mind whirled with ways to mitigate this breach of decorum. He knew he could tell Drake anything, but his eyes flicked to Bertrand and Olivia as he scrambled for a cover story. “Ah… he was there to deliver an update about Leo. I was in an early meeting, so I asked him to deliver it to Lady Riley instead.”
Liam held his breath as he waited to see if they bought the story.
Drake’s eyes narrowed. It had been really early. But if Liam didn’t want everyone in the room to know his business, then Drake would respect that, so he simply replied with, “Okay. That makes sense.”
Liam’s body sagged with relief. He wasn’t ready for the world to know about him and Max or Max and Riley, much less him, Max and Riley as a throuple. “I appreciate you looking out for me, Drake. But next time please come to me with any concerns instead of blurting them out in front of others. It’s how rumors get started and I can ill afford those at the very start of my reign.”
Drake gave him a curt nod. “Of course. Sorry.”
Liam waved dismissively in his direction. “Your heart was in the right place. We’ll talk later.” He turned from Drake to Bertrand. “I’m going to say goodbye to my brother and then I promise not to come back unless you invite me. I should have trusted you from the beginning and stayed out of it.”
“I appreciate the trust you’re placing in me, Your Majesty.”
Drake watched Liam leave, then turned to Olivia. “Are you ready? I thought we could grab some—”
The redhead sauntered closer to her boyfriend and ran a hand down his chest, “I would love to do whatever the end of that sentence is but first….” She glanced back at her business partner. “I need to talk to Bert about something real quick. You go on. I’ll meet you in my room in ten.”
He gave her a salacious grin as he pulled her in for a kiss. She started to melt into him before remembering they weren’t alone. Mostly because Bertrand cleared his throat to remind them. She pushed him away with a teasing grin. “Go on. I’ll be along soon enough.”
When Drake was out of the room, she turned to Bertrand with a steely glare. “Would you like to tell me why the west wing has been closed off since our first night here?”
Bertrand’s body jerked. His eyes widened. “Oh… ah… we just aren’t using—”
“Cut the shit, Bert!” Olivia crossed the room to stand defiantly in front of him. “When I can’t sleep, I walk. I saw the ambulance that night. There were no lights, no sirens but I know what I saw.”
Bertrand let out a long sigh as his shoulders slumped. “It will be a relief to tell someone. One of our guests, an aging actor looking to make a comeback, was… done away with that night.”
Olivia blinked. “You mean murdered?”
Bertrand nodded. He had told Max it was a bad dream…. and it had been. But it had also happened.
“And you swept it under the rug because a murder the first night of your new business venture would be bad publicity?”
He nodded again.
“Any clues who it was?”
“Well, the young lady that found the body disappeared later that night.” It had been a miracle that no one other than him had heard her scream. Mostly because he had been the only guest in that wing, having insisted on complete privacy.
“Do we know who she was?”
“She was Natalia Karanova, here under the pretense of being the personal assistant to another guest, Krista Rodriguez. But upon further investigation, it turns out she is also the granddaughter of an actress murdered on the set of the 1980 movie The Deepest Cut.”
Olivia tilted her head to one side in contemplation. “Was she even alive in 1980?”
Bertrand shook his head. “No. But her mother was and by all accounts, she was never right again after losing her mother at such a young age. She struggled with lifelong depression and eventually took her own life. She named our esteemed guest in her suicide note.”
Olivia sucked in a breath. “That would be motive.”
“So did you tell the police?”
He shook his head again.
“Why not?”
“Because I read the news article about what happened to that young, aspiring actress. She didn’t deserve what happened to her, but perhaps her murderer did. The evidence was clear, but fame and money made it all just go away.”
“Wow, Bert. I didn’t know you had it in you!” She gave him an approving smile. “Good for you!”
“So, you won’t tell anyone?”
“My lips are sealed.”
Three weeks later, Leo discovered in therapy that he had been self-sabotaging his whole life because of deep-seated insecurities stemming from a childhood of neglect, abandonment, and mental abuse at the hands of his father.  
He cooperated with the rest of the program, repaired his public image, and, more importantly, his relationship with his wife.
He returned home to California with her and their two children and they all lived happily ever after.
The End.
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akaakeis · 28 days
gnawing at my nails rn i miss my bf (i dont have one) how do u pick like,,, one person to selfship with bc⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
like there r so many options ushijima i dont even know who's my favourite character rn ushijima like guys☹️⁉️⁉️
BUT I cant wait for savyaku😼😼😼😼😼 SOCUTE
goshiki is my babey though he is sososososososososo cute and i would want him irl and i bet i could even pull him irl toooo
yk what this type of starting is called! a HOOK sentence cuz u got HOOKED and now ur reading this long ass ask. WAIT FUCJ mattsun guys hear me out here ANYWAYS. HRU SAV!!!!!!!!!!!! its 4am for yew rn right!!
anyways.. its 4pm havent had lunch yet am so fucking tired but soft rice.. soft white rice.... i want to sleep but rice....... call me basic but soft white rice is the best fucking thing in the entire world right after u. teacher gave my english composition an 80 i think ill end up on the news. i just stood up abruptly and the world went 🌀🌀🌀🌀 should i be worried..!!!!
THERE WAS AN OWL ON OUR ROOF THE OTHER DAY SO COOL i almost started writing akaashi hurt comfort (???) at school today but i didnt get time and now im Too Tired :(
im reading and the mountains echoed by khaled hosseini and erm. the plot is so questionable at times like wdym the guy was in love with his chauffeur wdym she tried to kill her sister and changed her mind last second so it was only paralysis but its ok bc she killed her fr next time. wdym this one girl dated her moms ex and then married her friend's ex like guys.. guys i have Questions..
i cant wait for ur birthday #weirdkidthings Im So Funny Guys Im So Funny
im going to sleep so hard tonight grrgrgrhrgrg i had ice cream on the way home from school YUM and then math kid era p2 i finished this one thinf before everyone else even started and the teacher asked if i did it qt home cuz wtf. ew now i remember her using her nail to create indentations in the paper and i feel nauseous my skin is crawling
WHATEVER eRmmrmrm im sitting on the stairs rn hashtag procrastination ahahahahah ive been writing this and zoninf out for the past 7 minutes yyyyyippeeee
im so tired guys let me sleeeep
my parenrs were supposed to find baby gender today but the little shit kept its legs shut and didnt let them see (just like me frl)
correction im lying on the stairs rn ..
honestly me x goshiki would be Bomb why is he so unpopular all his fics are mid or questionable so far,,,, anyways. konoha is so beautiful i would want him excpet i have like no grip on his character so #tweaks. i hate andrew tate so fkn much. i cant wait till i turn 16 idk i feel like life will be significantly cooler then. anyways bb i take my leave gotta go eat lunch
i hope youve eaten by the time ur reading this!!! stay hydrated and safe and dm me to be silly together whenever >:]]]]] i hope u have a WONDERFUL day sav!! ily <3
look at my man hes so gorgeous btw
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alina... bf... :D alright then! umumumummm honestly there were many characters that i wanted to do a selfship with but i didnt want to be self shipping with the same character that someone im following consistently self ships with LMAO cause i feel like it gets weird for me at that point cause all the hcs in my head get mixed up? ANYWAY i just think of selfships with any character im hyperfixating on at that very moment... in fact my selfship very well may change!!!
anyway since im replying after you decided on yuulina... NOYA AGHHH U GUYS WILL BE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! IM UR NO 1 SUPPORTER THIS IS YUULINA SUPPORT CENTRAL‼️‼️‼️
savyaku sounds so funny i need to thank of something that sounds better stop rn 💔 BUT I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SO SO MUCH IM SUPER EXCITED TO DO SOME SELFSHIP STUFF :))
u would so pull goshiki irl 🙂‍↕️
HELP thanks for the english lesson lina 😭 those terms always make me shudder because they were drilled into my head in my college comp class it was horrifying. and NO not mattsun i do NOT approve of that at this point in time!!!! AND IM OKAY!! tired as hell and i have 3 projects to work on <3 (i stacked my classes this year, im not proud.) IT IS NOW 3 PM AS I ANSWER THIS ASK SO SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 12 HOURS WOAH
WHAT AN OWL ON THE ROOF THATS SUPER COOL!! bro i love owls :( and ugh i get what u mean i feel like sometimes the time just slips away... but its okay! you'll have time at some later date <3 make sure you rest enough!!
guys what my jaw just dropped?? THOSE WERE THE MOST RANDOM PLOT POINTS YOU COULDVE LEFT ME WITH. NOW IM JUST CONFUSED? KINDA WANNA READ IT NOW (my readlist has 100+ books on it)...
im excited for your bday too!! im trying to math away the time differences in my head so like i would dm at 12 pm the day before your bday so i would catch u at midnight i THINK.
i hope u are having an AMAZING sleep rn alina!!! and u are so smart <3 barf ur teacher needs to stop doing that thats lowk unsanitary? in my book
HELP ME NOT THE JS LIKE ME FR 😭😭 hopefully u guys are able to figure out the gender soon!! im so excited for you guys <33
goshiki is under appreciated as a character honestly and i think its cause of his fuckass haircut 😭 NO OFFENSE TO YOU WHATSOEVER IM SORRY!! HES CUTE BUT THE HAIR IS NOT FOR ME. when i saw him shirabu AND tendou i was like "what the HELL is wrong with shiratorizawa they are all fucked" no they werent they had semi and ushijima BUT THAT WAS FIRST IMPRESSION ANYWAY also konoha UGRHSHSBNDMSJABD hes so!!! so!!! yeah!!! i love him sm... also how did we get on the topic of andrew tate hes such a weird guy i dont like him 💀 AND SO REAL im excited to be 16 <3
AND I HAVE!! make sure u eat something nutritious before school! and drink some water!! i hope your day is lovely <3 ily!!
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greazyfloz · 1 year
Lovers & Strangers - Chapter 16
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“You fucked my best friend?!” Ethan yells at me, at the point I’m a mess. “Unbelievable” he says, shaking his sucking on the inside of his cheeks.
“Ethan, I didn’t know” I sob 
“If you knew, it wouldn’t have changed anything”
“Y-yes it would have” 
“How long have you been fucking him” he asks and I chose not to answer, “so it’s been awhile” he shakes his head then punches the siding of the house
“You know what, I’m done fighting with you. This is my wake up call to finally leave your ass to fail. I seem to be the only person that cares about you and this is how the world repays me. Y/n you’re going to ruin yourself at the rate you're going, and soon you’ll have no one” he says and my heart begins to rip out of my chest, 
“No Ethan stop” I sob “you’re being mean”. he rolls his eyes at me
“He's going to break your heart. And I won’t be there to put it back together” he says turning to the front door opening it. 
“Ethan, please” I beg through my tears. I just want him to listen. I can’t lose him but I think I have to. He looks back at me and I open my mouth but words come from his mouth first.
“Maybe Caleb was right about you. Because only a whore could fuck someone for years and not feel anything instead fucks their best friend”
My jaw dropped but I covered my mouth as the tears fly out of my eyes as I watched Ethan look at me with a slight shade of guilt before shaking his head and slamming the door. 
I dropped to my knees on his front porch trying to catch my breath. I sat on his front steps with my head resting on my knees sobbing hoping he would open the door. He never did.
I stand and walk down the street to Cassidy’s. Once I arrive at the door of her driveway I call her cell to tell her I am there, and she answers fairly quickly.
“I- I am here” I whimper in the phone
“At my house? One sec I’ll come to the front” she says and I can hear her rushing towards her front door. She opens the door and looks at me concerned as I walk towards her. “What happened?!” She asks me as Nicole who must of came home with Cassidy after the library comes out on the porch as well
“Ethan- Mark- I made a mistake I think” I sob and Cassidy walks out and gives me a hug. 
“Come inside” she says, rubbing my back as we make our way inside the house. “Come sit on the couch, it’s only me and Nic, the roommates are gone” she says walking us to the couch. 
“Do you want me to call Khlo and Sav?” Nicole says and I nod. Nicole leaves the room to call the girls and I tell Cassidy everything from top to bottom.
“Wow” Cassidy says, and I just nod. “I’m sorry, I have so many questions but I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask” she says as Nicole walks back in the room.
“What happened?” Nicole asks
“Ethan called me a whore” I shortened the story because I don’t want to explain it again and she looks at me confused.
“I’ll tell you after” Cassidy assures her
“What do I do Cass?”
“Well, have you taken a test?”
“Wait. A test?! Like pregnancy test?! By who?!” Nicole asks
“Ethan” Cassidy says
“Maybe Mark” I add
“Holy fucking shit” Nicole says sitting down, “I mean everyone kinda had a feeling you and Ethan fuck but I was starting to think maybe not because I thought you may have been fucking Mark, but both w-“ she stops when she looks up to see Cassidy shaking her head at her to stop
Later that night Khloe and Savannah had joined us and I finally brought my phone out to check my messages, nothing from Ethan. But a missed call and 3 texts from Mark.
Mark: you alright? 
Mark: text me when you can
Mark: Where’s Eddy? He’s late for practice
I look through to see a couple other messages from Mackie, and Luca asking me the same thing “where’s eddy?”.
“Ethan didn’t go to practice” I announce to the girls
“Because you don’t love him back?” Nicole asks, “I’m sorry but that is a little fucked up don’t you think? Like he is mad at you because you thought that there was no strings attached because he said there was no strings attached”
“I think it has more to do with Mark” Savannah says to Nicole
“Should I text Ethan?” I ask them
“No!” All 4 girls speak at the same time
“Hey let’s go to the bar! That will make you feel better!” Nicole says
“I’m down” I say and Cassidy looks at me almost horrified as does Khloe,
“You can’t drink if you’re pregnant y/n” khloe says
“Well I’m only late for my period, I’m not actually pregnant” I say back and Cassidy roll her eyes at me
“That you know of” she says
“It’s probably not even alive, did you guys forget where she was Sunday?” Nicole says 
“Insensitive… but true” I say
“Only after you take a test” Cassidy says 
“Fine” I say
[Ethan POV]
I made my way into the dressing room alone and sat at my stall and started getting ready right away. I didn’t bother warming up or stretching as everyone in the room is already almost in full gear.
I feel everyone in the room staring at me as they finish getting ready and make their way out of the room. I continue getting ready and Grano takes a seat in the stall beside me as I am getting ready, “you good?” He asks but I ignore him, bending down to tie my skates.
He awkwardly leaves me to get ready after I ignore him and now it’s only me in the dressing room. I don’t really rush to get ready as I stand grabbing my helmet and gloves before making my way to the ice. 
I’m about five minutes late when I step on the ice but everyone is still shooting around. Going over to the bench I place my water bottle down before turning to skate around and get my legs loose before practice. As I turned I hear Coach Naurato call out to me: “Nice of you to join us Edwards”. I turn and nod my head backwards before continuing to skate towards a puck, “loosen up” I hear behind me.I roll my eyes and think to myself what does it look like I’m doing. 
As I approach the puck someone cuts in front of me rubbing up against me to take it, “sup eddy?” I hear and look up to see Mark. My blood boils looking at him, but I hear the whistle blow calling everyone into the huddle by coach. 
Mark watches me as I skate away from him and take a knee in the huddle. We listen to the coach congratulate us and tell us to forget about it as we have to focus on Tampa now. 
We did a couple drills before doing breakout drills where it was basically 5v5. I headed to the corner as the puck was dumped in. Both Hallum and I were digging in the corner against Grano and Mark as Mark began getting more physical to win the battle. I back out a little and chop Mark’s feet so he falls forward onto the ice. 
The whistle blows and coach calls out, “ that was a penalty, next lines” as Mark stands back up to his feet.
“What’s your deal today?” Mark says, nudging my shoulder as he skates by. Instead of answering him I turn and cross check him hard above the number on his back making him fall to his knees again. 
This time Mark is a lot quicker on returning to his feet as he turns and cross checks be back against my chest making me lose my balance slightly, but bouncing back to push him “fucking prick”
“what the fuck is wrong with you” he says lifting his stick then slamming on top of mine so it falls from my hand. I look at him as my stick hits the ice before I tackle him to the ground
“What’s my problem?” I yell, keeping him in a headlock as some of the guys rush to pull us away from eachother, “sleeping with y/n behind my back. Fuck you” I say. They were quick to pull us apart, both Luke and Grano pulled me away as I looked down at him, “stay away from her” I say making my way back to the line, “I’ll fucking kill you” I say as I look back at him.
“Edwards, Estapa you're both done for the day. Showers” Naurato yells at Mark and I as I get the the back of the line, “don’t come tomorrow if you’re going to act like little boys, I have other guys that can fill the lines in Tampa” 
I leave the line skating towards the bench to grab my water bottle. As I approach the bench I lift my stick above my head and slam it hard over the boards, snapping it in two before throwing it on the ice. I grab my water, then leave the ice.
I get up to the room first, and throw my helmet hard into my stall. I sit and rub my face before dragging my hand through my hair. Mark walks in soon afterwards and sits at his stall. I don’t even look up at him, but I already know that he isn’t looking at me either. 
“I take it she told you” Marks says as me both sit back in our stalls still in our gear.
“Yeah, after she told me she might be pregnant” I tell him and I watch a confused yet scared Mark look over at me, “don’t worry might not be yours”
“You the other option?” He asks as if he already knows the answer to his own question. I just suck on my tongue and nod my head beginning to take my gear off.  “ so the rumours are true then?” he says looking down at his skates.
“ I’m glad it was that obvious to everybody, wasn’t obvious enough for her to see that everyone knew”
“ fuck, I’m sorry, Eddy. But.-“
“ I don’t wanna hear it. It’s fine just don’t smother me in your guys’ relationship.” I say standing up and leaving not even bothering to shower.
[Y/n POV]
We returned back to Cassidy’s after getting a test and I shut the door behind me as I entered her bathroom.  Savannah knocks asking if she can come in after she hears the toilet flush and I yell out that it’s fine.
She enters as I snap the cap back on placing the stick on the sink counter and I sit on the toilet. Savannah jumps up and slides her bum on the counter sitting with me, “when did you and Mark even happen?” She asks, 
“Started like a week and a half ago kinda” I say
“Started, so is it still a thing?” 
“I don’t know after this”
“You told him too?”
“No but I’m sure Ethan will”
“I feel like the chances of it being Mark’s is slim, if you know- you are… I mean I feel like it would take a little longer than a couple of days for you to miss a period” she says and I nod
“I shouldn’t have said anything to Ethan” I say shaking my head, “not until I knew for sure”
“But I needed Ethan” I say interrupting her, “and I couldn’t keep it from him anymore”
She opens her mouth but my alarm rings, telling me it’s time to check the test. I stand and take a deep breath before flipping it over exposing a single line. I breath out fast with a slight chuckle, “thank god”
“Oh my god, yay!” Savannah says, she smiles but quickly stops when she notices I’m not smiling, “wait, what’s wrong?”
“I just ruined my friendship with Ethan for nothing” I say
“Well I mean he kinda ruined it first falling in love with you, what were you going to say if you weren’t late?”
“True” I say, “I don’t think I’m going to go out tonight” I say leaving the bathroom and heading back to the rest of the girls to share the news. My phone started to ring when I reached the bottom of the stairs and my phone showed Mark’s contact, I was quick to answer: “Hey Mark” 
“Eddy tried to jump me at practice” he says not greeting me
“Mark-” I say but he cuts me off
“He told me“ 
“Please don’t be mad at me. Can we please talk about this?”
“I’m just confused, but yeah, I’ll come by your place now” he says.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there”
I quickly gather my things and head out the door. Cassidy follows me out the door and drives me home. I get home and Mark knocks on my door not even 5 minutes of me being there. I turn and swing the door open. I can’t tell what mood he is in or how he truly feels about the situation based on his face, yet I still find myself wrapping my arms around his waist. I feel his arms wrap around me and rub my back. 
“I’m sorry, Mark”
“Were you two fucking while we were?” Mark asks me and I pull away slightly to look up at him
“A little at first but things changed when you punched Caleb” I tell him and I see him smile only slightly
“Which time?” he says and I crack a slight smile as well
“The second time” I say, then wiping the smile off my face looking at him again seriously, “Mark you know if I was pregnant though, it would have most likely been Ethan’s” I say, immediately feeling gross and tears from uncomfortability leaves my eyes
“If? So you took a test?” he asks me
“Yeah” I say, “I’m not pregnant”
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year
Sav!! Please gimme some of that Plagued by Piercings for your Wip Weekend, pretty pleeeasseee <3
-Joey / matchingbatbites
Hi Joey!! Sorry this is late, I'll tag you so you don't miss this if that's cool! @matchingbatbites Also, if you'd like, here's the part just before this!
Sparkling in the afternoon sun, eye-catching within the dark curls of coarse hair, twin piercings stood out on Steve’s chest. Nipple piercings.
Eddie’s mouth went dry. He gulped, actually gulped, the whole embarrassing sound and all, which was better than whatever noise had been threatening to wheeze its way out of his throat. Holy motherfucking shit. Every goddamn sticky, guilty daydream, wet dream, whichever, that Eddie started having once Steve started collecting piercings like baseball cards had come to life, right in front of their friends and, like, God, on a sunny summer day and he couldn’t do a single, sinful fucking thing about it.
And Steve knew it, too. At a deliberate cough, Eddie’s eyes wrenched away from his chest and up to his face where Steve wore the most unbearably smug smirk Eddie had ever had the pleasure to witness.
“You seem a little warm, there, Munson,” he said, slowly walking backwards towards the pool where everyone had already jumped in. “Might wanna come cool off.” With an effortless jump, Steve, still smirking at Eddie, hopped into the pool.
Though the weekend is almost over, come make me write for my wips!!
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Oops (Joe x Reader)
(I genuinely didn't think I started this that long ago, but I started this at the end of 2020 and it sat for a long time until I finished it last fall. Oh dear... a long time to wait for a dumb little hurt/comfort)
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Words: 1,464
Prompt: 1984, Dublin. You're part of the DL entourage that's playing some scrimmage football matches with a local band. You end up on the opposing team, causing some accidental consequences...
Disorient and a sharp, throbbing pain were the only things you could feel. While you heard other people surrounding you- urgently trying to talk to you- all you could think to do was press your hands over your right eye, writhe, moan, and wait for the pain to subside.
"Hey, hey-" Mike's voice indicated he was kneeling by you on your left, "Easy now, how bad does it hurt?"
Joe was the next voice you heard as you felt him collapse to your right, "Fuck, Y/n! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"
"Is she alright?" Mutt sounded like he was running to your location.
You were still focused on what Mike asked, and you groaned angrily at him, "Uggh- fuck...!"
"Shit!" Joe cursed again, "I'm sorry Y/n, it was an accident, I swear!"
"I knoooow-!" you growled at him. Not wanting to sound angry at him was your goal, but the sudden shock of the injury kicked your adrenaline up.
"Lemme see, can I see?" Mike tenderly touched one of your wrists. He let his other hand rest on your shoulder to keep you still.
Everyone now sounded like they were surrounding you; the rest of the band, the band's extended friend group, and even the opposite team. The game had obviously been put on pause the second you fell to the grass.
"What happened?" Phil had finally reached the scene of the action.
Joe immediately confessed, "My fuckin' elbow hit her- but I dunno how!"
You opened your healthy eye, and with a hiss, you allowed Mike to remove your stiff hold from your injured eye.
All those surrounding you hissed in return once the sight of your developing bruise was visible.
"Oh my god-" Joe's voice went higher and an intensely guilty frown piloted his facial expression.
Mutt noted, "That's only gonna get worse."
"Can you open it?" Mike asked.
"Nooo..." the whine was accompanied by you cautiously pressing a hand back to your injury, "I don't wanna try..."
Sav, who was nearby, turned on his heels and began to run towards the sidelines, "I'll grab some ice-"
"She's gonna have a shiner from that; we should probably get her to the hospital just to be safe- make sure nothin' broken," Phil was crouching down while warning them.
"I'll drive," Joe wasted no time to volunteer himself, "It's my fault she's hurt."
Mike stepped up also, "You're not going alone- someone's gotta be there in case she kills you."
"Yeah, she'll do it with one eye closed, too." Steve remarked. You wanted to laugh,  but found it hard to show anything other than pain.
"How bad is it, Y/n?" Rick was directly at your feet in front of you. He held up a few of his digits, "How many fingers?"
"Four," you grimaced.
"Well, she's not THAT bad."
"Y/n, I'm so sorry-" Joe helped you sit up with great caution- as if he were terrified of injuring you again, "I'm so sorry- I don't know how it happened! One second we were fightin' for the ball and the next-"
"Ughh just shut up, Joe!" you snapped at him, the throbbing in your head getting the better of you, "I know you didn't mean it- can't you just let it go for now?!"
"Kind of hard to not feel guilty when your eye's turnin' into a grape right in front of me-!"
You took your right hand off your swelling eye, and fumbled around to find his shoulder. Your nails dug into him almost instantly when you snarled, "Just shut up-! Help me now and I'll kill you later!"
Joe hissed when your nails broke his skin, "Alright-! That sounds like a deal..."
Mike and Joe sat next to each other in the ER waiting room some time later. Each were looking down at their hands, but Joe was looking more at the contents he held in his hands. Every flower and half-wilted flower in the bouquet he grasped nervously glared up at him, mimicking his anxiety and remorse.
"I elbowed Y/n in the eye." he declared to no one in a tone of unfortunate acceptance, "I gave my sweetest and most tender friend a black eye."
"C'mon, Joe," Mike tried to cheer him with a little sarcasm, "Do you really think she's still your friend?"
The singer looked up at him with guilty horror lacing his eyes. 
"I'm kidding!" Mike assured him with a chuckle, "But seriously, you're gonna have to get more than flowers for her if you think you can patch this up with a present or two."
Joe gazed back downwards at his bouquet like a lost puppy, "Don't rub it in. It was an accident- and I'm STILL not sure how it happened!"
"I briefly saw it, actually. You were both scramblin' for the ball, Y/n slipped, and at the same time you were 'tryna nudge her away with your elbow, you just so happened to catch her eye while she fell."
Joe let his head hang in shame. 
"It was a one in a million accident, mate" Mike patted his back, "I'm sure she understands. In fact, she does, and she already told you so. So there shouldn't be any hard feelings."
"I'll believe that when she proves it."
Just then, a nurse approached the pair of them, "Y/n said she'd like to see 'The King of Offensive Offense'?"
Joe sighed, standing up with his head still lowered, "That would be me."
The nurse opened the door, and your head lifted up to see Joe walk in with a bouquet in both hands. He was reluctant to look at you, but after a brief lingering second, he lifted his head. For an instant, you saw his guilty green puppy eyes staring up at you.
Immediately, however, he let out a short cackle and covered his mouth right away. 
You just stared at him with disappointment, arms crossed. The eyepatch on your face limited the invisible pain you wanted to send to him. 
"I'm sorry-" Joe tried to mitigate his laughter and failed, "I wasn't expecting the-"
Instead of saying anything or smacking him like you wanted to, you simply lifted up your eyepatch. That seemed to shut his happy ass up.
"...eyepatch," he gasped with his now-fallen face. He stared in horror at the large, purple, swollen mess over your eyelids. 
He watched you stare at him with intense contempt, and saw your face slowly contort as you began to cry.
"No, no-!" he panicked and rushed to your side, tossing the flowers aside in the process, "No, don't cry, Y/n!"
Taking you in a side hug, he kept sputtering off as his own voice cracked, "Please don't cry-! I didn't mean to hurt you- I swear I didn't- and I'm so fucking sorry this happened-! I'll do anything I can to make it up to you, I'll do anything to..."
Joe lost his train of thought, as he noticed something different about you; your "crying" had turned into laughter. He broke the hug and watched you cackle to yourself, black eye and all. 
"I'm sorry-" you laughed to him, "I just had to make you feel a little worse!"
He only sighed with relief and put his face in his hands, "Yeah, okay... I definitely deserved that."
"I know it was an accident, hun," you patted his shoulder, "But I'm never playing football with you again."
"You're really good, you know."
"At football?"
"No," he shook his head, "At acting. You almost had me cryin', too."
"That was the point." 
"I know, I know, I deserved it," he nervously rubbed the back of his head, "But are you okay, though? Is anything wrong with your eye?"
You gently smiled and shook your head, "No, everything's alright, miraculously. You get to live another day."
He sighed in great relief, "Oh thank god- I mean that you're alright- not that... you're not gonna murder me for this."
"Get my other eye and maybe I will."
Joe picked up the bouquet he'd carried in and handed it to you once more. You took it this time and squinted down at the blossoms in it, then squinted up at him.
"Of course you picked these flowers."
"What makes you say that?" his head innocently tilted.
You deadpanned to him, "...I'm allergic to these."
He gasped and snatched them away from you, "Fucking- are you serious!?"
You began cackling this time, "I'm kidding! I just love messin' with you. Give em here."
Joe hung his head and outstretched the bundle of flowers again, "Oh boy, I'm in for a long guilt trip, aren't I?"
Taking the flowers and holding them under your chin, you grinned from under your eyepatch, "Yes, yes you are."
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jonismitchell · 4 months
I feel kind of obligated to talk to you about this because I had a really similar thing happen to me in high school. It was a little different because me and the guy did date for a while in the beginning, but we stayed friends when we broke up, and then would do all that lovey stuff for three years after. He’d say he’d pick me over anyone (while dating my friends) and tell others i was crazy/ obsessed with him (while planning our wedding in private) and say i was his best friend and the love of his life etc etc.
My friends figured out he was full of shit when his stories stopped adding up (you were alone with Sav at 11:30 that night? why?) and they slowly started coming back, even his gf who hated me. He did come back eventually, and I was so happy, just to find out he was doing the same thing to three other girls. It turned out that he had been trying to collect as many girls who were into him as possible, and he had them kind of ranked on his retainer. The fact that I was #1 was not a compliment. I would not give this guy a final chance.
You’re already doing better than I did because you seem to have a lot more self-worth. Professional help really helped a lot, and time of course. I really feel for you. It’s a kind of betrayal pain not many people understand. But I promise you the world is still full even without those people. The love you gave them matters, and the love you got from them matters even if you don’t talk. And new people will love you better than you ever thought possible.
god i'm so sorry that happened to you and i really hope you're doing better now. it sucks that this is such a universal experience, man. i appreciate the last paragraph more than i can tell you<3
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ladylooch · 11 months
When is Lio getting his shit together ? When it's the moment, that change happens for the oldest meier.
hahha great questions... well the short answer is that he needs to lose everything, including Lucie and Connor, before he does.
He loses Sav. He loses his parents. His little brothers don't care much for him. Then he loses his best friends and their baby.
The only one who doesn't leave Lio is Liv. Even when Luca wants her too.
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