#save me cliff unger save me
cliffungerstradwife · 6 months
just saw a tiktok slideshow talking about "video game men 😍😍" and one of the slides was clifford unger except 2 of the 4 pictures of him where actually higgs 😭 free me
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severly-different · 5 years
It's currently 1:50 am and i can't stop thinking of Cliff and John.... loving and respecting eachother while raising a healthy, happy, baby boy Sam. I'm going to
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zune-ishi · 3 years
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It was mid morning in the wayward home as the children were in one of the playrooms.
Giggles, playful shrieking and banter could be heard throughout the room. Zen had been playing in a blanket fort she had made with her stuffed bunny of course.
A few of the other children could hear footsteps getting closer an closer to the doorway.
at that second a few of the kids scurried into the fort zen was occupying as she gasps
" h-hey..?! This is my f- " the other kids shushed her as a new doctor was entering the room.
" Here we are doctor widow. I'll get zenna's paperwork for you in just a moment.." the nurse chimed walking out into the hall.
" Thank you.. " he said with a pleased tone.
The kids peeked out a bit not to be noticed.
" what's he look like? " One whispered..
He looked like any other person.. well doctor.. as the children put it. He was dressed in a suit dress shoes to match silver hair. It fit the bill for sure..
" zen.. you better come look- I think he's your new doctor..!? " The tot kept to herself as she hugged her bunny more
" I don't care I'll bite him~ "
Dr. Widow sighed as he looked at his wrist watch. Until he felt he was being watched. Little eyes an whispers caught his attention.
He playfully hums shaking his head.
How sweet..
" eeeeeekk..-!? We've been found out..!? " The kids panicked running in anyway they could as the fort collapsed upon poor zen.
The tot shrieks with a cry or two. Dr. Widow was quick to walk over to the yong one as he sat down upon his knees gently uncovering the girl.
Zen held her bunny with such a huffy face. Dr. Widow playfully cooed
" there we are..- are you all right..? Were those kiddos being mean to you- n'aaaw don't cry my dear.. " he smiles warmly noticing the child fitted the description from the nurse.
" A.. -are.. y-you.. g-going to-- g-give me-- a-- shot...!?- " Zen pouted with fear as tears streaked down her face. The little one was so used to this happening as she had been tramatized.
The doctor took out a handkerchief from his pocket while he gently wiped her tears and nose.
He shook his head no
" you must be miss zen.. my name is Dr. Widow...~ " he paused as the tot nodded . " I will not harm you my darling- I am going to be taking care of you from now on.. as a guardian... So.. no more tests no more shots.. nothing bad will ever happen to you ever again.." zen hiccups from her tears
" y-you promise..? " She held her pinky up with uncertainty. The doctor chuckled with a smile as he intertwined his pinky with the little one..
" I promise~ " he cooed.. zen smiles a bit as the doctor noticed her stuffed bunny. Zen noticed he was observing it as well.
" this is bii-bii..~ " she giggled with a playful smile. The doctor chuckled along with her it seems they were bonding. A few minutes passed by as the nurse arrived with the paperwork.
" here we are doctor wi- " she was caught off guard by the sight of him walking about the room with the little one in arms as she was sound asleep..
He was humming a lullaby as he then noticed the nurse..
" shh- " he gently whispered knowing he'll take the paperwork later..
It seems zen had been saved by a guardian angel..
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L’appel du Vide
Cliff Unger x Reader
L'appel du Vide (n.) The unexplainable desire to jump when on the edge of a cliff Call of The Void AO3 Link
Porters are going missing. You and Fragile are at each other’s throats, and you’re still reeling from your incident ten months ago. And, on top of all your shit, life decides to drop a Cliff on you.
The first time you met Cliff was on the beach.
It had been weeks since Sam had gone after Amelie to stop the Last Stranding. Things had calmed down on the outside; Die-Hardman was establishing his presidency, not that any of you were focused on that. You, Heartman, and Mama had been searching for Sam the whole time.
Your ability was an odd one, as far as DOOMS goes. You couldn’t teleport your whole body like Fragile could, but you could send your Ka to the beach - even to other people’s beaches if you had a focus.
The day you met Cliff had been hard.
You’d had an honest to god, knock-down, drag-out fight with Fragile - it would have gone to blows had Heartman not dragged you away. You escaped to the beach after that.
You’d been doing that a lot lately.
You started at Sam’s beach, like you always did. But you wandered for hours, coming up with nothing. You were for sure in someone else’s by now. The borders between beaches were all fuzzy now - it was easy to slip into one you didn’t mean to. You could feel the change in your gut, energy shifting. There were people here, you could feel it, but the strands were so tangled you couldn’t tell them apart. So you picked one and went with it. Maybe he had wandered off this way, too. He had a hell of a head start on you, though.
You kept stumbling on until you heard whistling in the distance. You’d found someone! So you took off at a dead sprint towards the sound, even as you were telling yourself it probably wasn’t Sam.
As soon as the man came into view, you deflated. You hated when you were right.
He was tall, and handsome, and strong-looking, but you were disappointed all the same.
Because he wasn’t the porter that saved your life two.
You let out a childish huff and plopped out onto the dark sand, exhausted. You would just lay down on your back and stare at the sky for a minute. Gather your energy. Then you would go.
The guy must’ve noticed you lying like a depressed starfish, though, because you heard footsteps, and then a crunch of sand as he sat down next to you. You didn’t bother looking over, instead opting to shift upright and stare at the waves instead, arms curling around your knees. The waves were more interesting than clouds, anyway.
“I assume you’re not having the best of days, either?” His voice was warm and raspy, almost saying it like a joke as much as it was a real question.
You had to barely stop yourself from barking out a laugh, looking at him incredulously, but you were amused nonetheless. His eyes glinted with playfulness, a wry smile on his face, like your reluctant, surprised smile was exactly what he was going for. You rolled your eyes and looked back at the sea. “That’s a hell of a question to ask someone wandering around purgatory.”
“I’m not wrong though, am I?”
You sighed, wistful humor draining out of you as you came back to reality. Your day had been shit. You shrugged, curling in on yourself even more. “ I had a horrible fight with one of my only friends. She made a decision to let a bad man handle his own shit. I think she should have killed him”
Oh, god, you were such a downer.
He didn’t seem to mind though, and looked thoughtful. “I’m sure she had her reasons for doing that.”
“Yeah, she wanted him to suffer the consequences of his actions or whatever, but, like.” You took a shaky breath in. A pit of dread opened up in you - you were starting to get upset again, chest clenching painfully. The cool air began to feel hot, suddenly. “He nuked a city. The world would be safer without him.” You clench your fists to stop your fingers from trembling and squeezed your eyes shut to stop the tears. Your heart hammered in your ears and for a moment you were back in your shelter, trapped and helpless again. You could still feel the blood all over you - your stomach, your hands. His voice.
A brush on your shoulder made you flinch back with a gasp, but you opened your eyes and there was no skull mask staring back at you, only warm brown eyes and a sad, sympathetic look on his face. You were on the beach, looking for Sam. You were safe.
“You still with me, there?” He said gently, like talking to a frightened cat. You wished you knew what was going through his head, but at the same time didn’t have the courage to ask. Instead you nodded and worked on following grounding exercises, focusing on slowing your breath. “Need help?” You shook your head and stayed quiet, looking back out at the ocean.
Sand between your fingers. Salty sea air filling your lungs. The taste of the ocean. The heat of the person next to you.
Awkward silence weighed down upon you.
But you eventually calmed down.
You took one last breath and spoke, voice still unsteady. “I’m looking for my friend. He’s lost somewhere in here. I just need to find him so we can go home,” You glance at him. “You see a tired-looking dude about six feet come through here recently? Shoulder length hair, scruffy beard, porter gear on?”
He shook his head. “Can’t say that I have, sorry.”
You shrug, sighing and getting to your feet. You had expected that, but it still sucked. “Thanks anyway.” You gave one more look around the beach before you got ready to re-enter your body. “See you ‘round, I guess, if you don’t move on by the time I’m back.” You began to walk towards the water. You needed a cold shower to scrub off all your ugly feelings. You waded past the breakers, walking to hip-height. The next bit was always the trickiest - returning to your body from the seam. If you did it wrong you would wake up in the afterlife instead of your room.
A murmur from behind gave you pause, though. “I’ll be here.”
You look at him questioningly. Most souls didn’t feel like lingering on the beach for long.
“I’m waiting for my son.” He says simply and with the same resolve you had, deep in your bones, that you would find Sam.
You gave him a small smile and a wave goodbye. It wasn’t often you met people out here. And this guy was nice. He had a warm voice and soft eyes. Not to mention the fact he was handsome. You ignored that, though. You didn’t need to catch feelings for a dead guy.
You’d decided you liked him, though. “I’m Y/n.”
As you dove into the Seam and past the surf, you heard the faint sound of whistling pick up again.
You hoped he found his son soon.
You saw him three more times before Mama found Sam - and joined him for short chats each time. Only a few minutes long each, just as the first had been, but just as comfortable - he steered topics away from his family, though. You didn’t pry at obviously healing wounds, and he didn’t ask about your panic attacks. So instead you talked about the stars, and your plants back home that were probably dying, and how well the UCA was doing now that people were connecting.
You liked talking to him. It was easy, really. He drew star charts in the sand for you, telling you about constellations and their stories, about Orion and Hercules. And you told him about your greenhouse, and cheesy action movies, and your cat, Rocky, and how to make little paper cranes. He whistled just to fill the silence.
Then Mama had found Sam, and your little “We-Love-Sam” club had been all hands on deck trying to get him home.
Even after you got him back, the rest of the world was a whirlwind of activity and bureaucracy and you were just trying your best to adjust to your new nightmares that had replaced the old ones, and trying to repair your relationship with Fragile, and setting up new software systems with Lockne.
It wore you down more every day. You weren’t meant to be at Bridges, really - you were just a nerd who got pulled into this mess against your will. Being on such a short leash here in the city felt claustrophobic. And you were exhausted, barely able to sleep because every time you closed your eyes all you saw was masks and blood.
You didn’t visit the beach for three more weeks.
You needed to go home, back out west past Lake Knot City. Where you had all the breathing room you wanted. No surveillance-state wrist cuffs or shitty cafeteria food. Come to think of it, your plants had probably all died by now. At least your mom had taken care of Rocky while you were away.
Fragile was feeling better and was making runs again; she had agreed to take you home, despite how tense your friendship was. You felt bad for being so pissed at her, but every time you looked over your shoulder or thought you heard Higg’s voice, you got upset again. She wasn’t the one who hurt you but it didn’t matter. You weren’t safe and it was her fault. You didn’t know how long it would be before things were okay again.
Everyone else was staying for a while after Die-Hardman’s big speech, at least for a bit. And even though you knew to the core of your being Higgs wouldn’t dare show his face at Bridges ever again, you still had to leave before you broke completely. It was only a matter of time before you lost your shit cooped up like this. You needed your mountains back.
You had gotten Sam back and made sure he was okay. You weren’t needed here anymore. You needed to set up a new shelter, one that didn’t hurt you just to see. Maybe closer to the rest of your group this time. More secure. Better to get started now then wait.
You were on your way to meet Fragile when Deadman stopped you.
“Y/n, I know you’ll probably be busy back home, but I could really use some help. I’ve been looking into this Captain Unger figure that kept trying to take Sam’s BB, but I haven’t been able to get to the rest of his file,” He started, and you didn’t like where he was going with this. He needed something from you. “I know that it’s hiding there, somewhere in the network, but it has so many layers of encryption I can’t get through it myself.” He made a pleading motion with his hands, tilting his head and looking like a hopeful golden retriever.
This guy’s been pulling stuff like this for two months.
And you caved every damn time.
At least this time it was something interesting and not some stupid password algorithms. You sighed. “Yeah, yeah, sure, send it to me. But I’m still leaving now, Deadman.” You looked away from him as you pulled him into a hug, uncomfortable and blushing. You weren’t good with goodbyes or physical contact. “Take care of everyone, okay?” You mumbled into his blazer. Your voice almost broke.
“Of course I will.” He gave you a hard squeeze. You didn’t protest. “But you need to take care of yourself, too.”
It was bittersweet, really. You cared about everyone so much, but you were being suffocated. You needed to go home.
And so you did.
Although, later that night, after settling into your new, empty shelter, and enduring dinner with your entire family like it was Christmas, you were already missing everyone.
You settled into your bed and opened your tablet, replying to Heartman’s sappy messages, assuring him that you would absolutely message him every day and would always visit him on the beach if he needed company. That was how you’d met in the first place. Lockne had run a few ideas through your DMs, but it was mostly just her way of working out a problem. It was clever shit, too, it was hard to feel helpful with her sometimes.
By the time you got around Deadman’s message your eyes were drooping and you were fighting back yawns - but you figured you would read through what he already had before getting started in the morning. Just a quick skim-through, no big deal.
It was a big deal.
Because when you opened the file, you shot up with a gasp, eyes bulging practically out of their sockets. Your Cliff and Sam’s Cliff were the same Cliff! Holy shit!
You got up and paced restlessly, hands moving from your mouth to your head to your hips.
Fucking hell! He’d shot at Sam! Motherfucker!
But he was so nice? And made stupid jokes, and helped keep you grounded?
You sat back on your bed, Rocky staring at you like you were nuts, and you ran through everything Sam had told you about Cliff. You fished through your memory, for when he recounted what nutso things Amelie had told him.
“Apparently that Cliff guy was brought back to teach me a lesson or something? I don’t know what she meant by that, but it did seem like he was pretty out of it most of the time. I don’t know if he’ll be hanging around beaches again or not, but he shouldn’t be botherin me and Lou anymore, and that’s all that really matters.”
Ah, screw sleep, you needed answers. This was going to keep you up all night, you just knew it. So you unpacked your PC and got cracking.
By the morning, you sent Cliff’s fully recovered file to Deadman. Sam deserved to hear news like that in person. His dad was… badass, honestly.
After that you slept until three PM. Then you went to the beach.
The world lurched around you as your soul left your body.
When you got to Cliff Unger’s - Sam’s Father’s - beach, there was no one there. Just the whistling of the wind.
He was gone.
You told yourself it was for the best.
You didn’t need to catch feelings for a dead guy, after all.
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just-general-stuff · 5 years
Bleeding Heart
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. John knew he was in big trouble the moment he ended up hiding under cover from the heavy gunfire aimed right at him. He shook his head wondering how he let his arrogance get to his head. He was supposed to be better than this, better than a reckless idiot who runs straight into enemy territory. His Captain taught him better than that.
And yet, he managed to throw every single training drilled into his head out the window.
Once the gunfire quelled down, he peeked slightly around the corner of the wrecked house he was hiding behind only for a bullet to end up embedded in the brick wall a few inches away from his head. “Goddamnit.” He curses under his breath. This was bad. He couldn’t get out lest he get shot up but he would end up killed if he stayed around here.
Essentially he was trapped.
Suddenly, his radio crackled to life and he heard the familiar voice of his Captain yelling out to him. “John! John, tell me of your position now!”
“I’m hiding behind a house just three blocks away from the town square! Right in front of a fountain!”
“Hold your position there! I’m getting you out of there!”
John balked. Get him out of this mess? That would be impossible! “What? Captain, you’ll get killed! Just go and get the others out of here!”
“I told you, John. I will never leave any one of my team behind to be killed! Ever!” The radio then went dead and John just knew. His Captain was coming to get him. And he felt a glimmer of hope as well as a sense of dread. Why did he feel things were about to go south?
He bunkered down, checking his ammunition. He only had a couple of rounds, just enough to help make his escape when the Captain came to get him but not much more than that. It felt like forever when a hand clamped down on his shoulder, and he whirled ready to slam the butt of his rifle into whomever grabbed him but stopped just short when he saw it was just the Captain.
“Easy, John!”
“Captain!” John exclaimed, stunned to see the man before him. He really did it. He actually came back when he should have just left and not risk his life for him.
“I told you I’m getting you out of here, John.” Cliff said, noting the surprised look on the soldier’s face. “I made a promise to all of you that I will never abandon you even when things go south.”
“You shouldn’t! You could have gotten killed on the way here! You shouldn’t be risking your life for me!”
Cliff shook his head. “You’re one of us and I never leave anyone behind. Not now, not ever.”
John felt his heart skip a beat at the Captain’s words. If he knew one thing about his Captain is that Cliff never broke his promises. Heart fluttering, he gulps.
God, this is probably why he fell for the man hard back then even if he swore he would never tell the Captain of his true feelings.
“Come on. Let’s get going.”
“But where? There’s too many of them!”
“I managed to sneak in behind their lines through this alley. It’ll lead us to the desert and from there our getaway vehicle.”
John nods, trusting the man. “Lead the way Captain.”
John followed the man’s lead, ducking low and sneaking out. It seemed like everything was going to go smoothly and that they would end up escaping from this nightmare.
That was until the last second when neither men didn’t see the enemy coming around the corner then.
The crackle of the gun echoed in John’s ears too late and he was suddenly barreled over by the Captain to the ground. He heard the Captain grunt as he lands on top of him and John cried out in surprise and pain. Seeing the man aiming his gun at them, John quickly fired at the man taking him down then.
Scrambling out from under the older man, John quickly checked the man for any injuries. “Captain! Captain Unger, are you al-?” John’s eyes widened when he saw the blood rapidly pooling underneath his Captain’s shirt and saw the red liquid on his trembling palm when he pulled his hand back.
Clamping his hand back again over the wound, John quickly pulls the older man up, apologizing when he heard the man grunt in pain. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He cries out, pulling Cliff’s arm over his shoulders and started for their getaway vehicle as fast as he could.
Putting his Captain into the truck, John runs over to the driver’s seat and starts it, pressing on the gas as he drove them out of there. Radioing for back-up, he gives them their location urging they hurry up. Once he had driven quite far enough, he stops the vehicle and starts to look after his Captain.
Clamping his hands over the man’s wound, John pleads to the Captain to hold on, trying to stop the bleeding but the red liquid keeps on seeping through his fingers in red rivulets.
“Hold on, Captain Unger! Back-up is on the way!”
Cliff coughs out blood, merely smiling through the pain. “I’ll be fine John.”
“God, this is what I was worried that would happen!”
“Like I... said... I... never... leave my... men... behind.” Cliff wheezes out, getting paler and weaker as he continued to lose blood.
“Captain. Captain hold on!”
“You’re... going... to... go... home... John.” Cliff manages to mutter out as his eyes shuttered close.
“Captain?” John quickly checks the man’s pulse, his heart dropping to the ground when he barely felt it.
Sitting by the bed of the man laying prone and still, John stared down at his feet, his hands clasped tight together as he prayed to a God he didn’t believe in, hoping that his Captain would pull through.
It had been too close. Way too close.
When the helicopter had come to pick them up from that hellzone, the Captain’s heart had stopped beating. He had to watch as the medic team worked on Cliff as they tried to bring him back from the dead.
For a moment, he thought this was it. He was going to watch his Captain and the man he fell for die before his very eyes and it would be his fault.
They had managed to bring him back then just as he was about to lose all hope. Only for them to lose him another two more times. One time on the flight back to base and the other in surgery.
The surgeon had told him that the bullet had nicked his heart. Another inch to the left and he would be done for. Talk about miracles.
Still, this wouldn’t have happened if he had listened to his Captain and not run in thinking he was some sort of an action hero.
The slow beeps coming from the heart monitor told him that the Captain was fine and alive but an irrational part of him feared that it would stop at any moment. Just then, he heard the sheets rustle and he looks up, reaching a hand forward and gripping the Captain’s hand as he watched Cliff slowly wake up from his slumber.
“Hrm... John?”
“Its good to see you awake Captain. I... I’m glad you’re back.” John said, guilt still eating at his soul.
Taking in a deep breath, John exhales shakily. “You died, Captain. Three times to be exact.”
“You. Died. Captain. At this point, don’t you think its better to just leave me out there instead of dying because of my idiocy? Or why don’t you just kick me out? It would be better for everyone including you!” John said, ripping his gaze away from the Captain’s face back to his feet as he pulls back letting his hand go from the Captain’s hand, too ashamed to look at the the older man in the face.
“You took a bullet for me in the heart! Another inch and they would not be able to revive you!”
“Why do you still keep me around, Captain!?” John demanded, his eyes burning with the onset of tears as his throat tightened with guilt.
This was it. This was the moment his Captain would see sense and kick him out.
Instead, he was shocked when he felt the Captain’s hand on his head.
“John, I told you, you are one of my men. One whom I personally trained. You were caught out in an ambush. You wouldn’t have known.”
“But I shouldn’t have run ahead!”
“John. What you consider is idiocy, I say its your judgment and I trust you to use your judgment on the battlefield. You thought it was all clear so you went ahead. Nobody not even I knew there was an ambush in waiting until it was too late.”
“I trust you John. And I am willing to take a bullet for you no matter what.”
John raised his head unable to believe what he had just heard. “Y-You must be mistaken.”
“Its no mistake.” Cliff said, shooting the younger man then his gentle smile that always left John’s heart fluttering.
“A bullet to the heart is nothing if it meant that you would live.”
John this time couldn’t stop the tears escaping and he wept, not realizing that Cliff had pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry into the older man’s shoulder. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t. Yet, hearing what is the closest thing to a confession of the older man’s feelings for him made him want to soar. He would continue to improve in his skills and be the best and most loyal soldier that the Captain would ever see.
He would not fail Captain Unger, not the man he loved. This he swore.
Cradling the gun in his hands, John couldn’t erase the image of his former Captain dead on the floor, two bullet holes through the older man’s chest over where his heart was.
The same spot where he took the bullet meant for him all those years ago except this time it was him that shot those bullets into the man’s heart, not any enemy force.
He failed.
He was a joke of a soldier. A traitor. Loyalty. Hah! Unlike Cliff, it shows that he was the one capble of breaking promises. He couldn’t save his former Captain and the man he still loved all these years because of his decision to follow President Strand. Even worse, the Captain’s son dead because of him. Only thanks to Amelie did the Captain’s son come back to life. A second chance for the child. Yet, it shouldn’t have happened. This shouldn’t have happened at all.
But he made his bed and now he has to lie in it. Tears rolled down John’s face and his frame started to tremble as he sobbed his heart out, letting the guilt, regret, grief and self-hatred swirl freely in his heart.
He truly was the cause of his Captain’s bleeding heart.
He was right all those years ago.
He wasn’t worth it.
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For fic writers, artists, or people who just want to know what on earth is going on with this game, I’ve created some resources, this is the Character Profiles but there is also a…
Glossary / Plot Outline
ALL OF THESE CONTAIN HUGE SPOILERS - THEY ARE THE FACTS AS I KNOW THEM - READING THIS WILL SPOIL THE GAME FOR YOU. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. If there’s anything that’s wrong let me know with a source to the correct answer, but I haven’t written anything I’ve not been sure of, but this is all based on my memory of the game, if there’s characters that should be added, please let me know.
Sam Porter Bridges - Also known as ‘Sam Strand,’ ‘Sam Porter,’ ‘Sam Bridges’ / DOOMS - Lvl 2 / Repatriate / Porter (Bridges, then Independent, then Bridges)
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The son of Clifford Unger and Lisa Bridges. Born to a still mother and placed into a BB pod, Cliff attempted to rescue Sam from the Bridges facility and failed resulting in both their deaths. When an infant Sam made it to the Beach, his bullet wound to the stomach was fixed, causing a cross scar on his stomach which is still present in adulthood, and was sent back into the ‘real’ world by Amelie and therefore made into a Repatriate. When back in the ‘real’ world he was brought up by Bridget (Amelie’s older ‘Ha’) as her son. Sam has nightmares in his youth and he ends up on Amelie’s beach where she helps him. Amelie gifts him a dream catcher to try and help him with his nightmares. He had a partner and an unborn child (a son he was going to call ‘Lou,’) lost prior to the start of the game. When the game starts Sam has no attachments, is living as a porter. He has a delivery to Capital Knot City and gets caught up in the death of the President, the woman who raised him, she asks him to complete the chiral network to bring the UCA together again. Sam acquires his BB during these initial tasks, from someone in corpse disposal who passes in a void out Sam survives. Sam is asked to incinerate BB because they believe BB is faulty, but doesn’t. Sam is pursuaded by Amelie to complete the task as laid out by the president, but not because Sam wants to bring America back together again, but because Amelie asked. Sam has to travel cross country connecting the Chiral network, he continues his job as a porter, making deliveries as he goes to help people and to persuade people to join the UCA. Sam has lots of success doing this, and word quickly spreads giving people hope. Sam begins to discover through his connections that the situation and the science aren’t as simple as he thought. He also starts to see what be believes are BB’s memories where Cliff is attempting to free BB from the control of Bridges but they aren’t sure what they mean. He works closely with Fragile, manages to defeat Higgs who heads up a terrorist organisation and makes it to the West connecting things up as he goes. Sam creates a close bond with BB and expresses a desire to live with BB, rejecting the idea that BB is equipment. After travelling all the way West Sam is told he needs to come back East, to meet up with all the scientists he’s met along the way in an attempt to end what the Death Stranding started and avert the extinction of humanity. They learn that Amelie is the key to the extinction and is causing it. Sam is transported to Amelie’s beach to convince her to give humanity a chance. Sam manages to do this, and Amelie will hold up the extinction as long as possible. Sam is rescued from the Beach and returns to life as a porter. After the inauguration of Die-Hardman as the new President, Sam learns of Die-Hardman’s betrayal of Cliff, and is then told that his BB, who he affectionately calls ‘Lou’ after his unborn child, has passed with the strains of their journey. Sam take Lou on one last delivery to the incinerator to stop Lou becoming a BT. Deadman deactivates Sam’s cufflinks so he can leave Bridges if he wants. Sam connects with Lou’s pod in an attempt to wake her up and see’s memories of Cliff attempting to save him as a baby, managing to talk with Cliff properly and they discover together they’re actually father and son. After this Sam burns his cufflinks in the incinerator but can’t bear to burn Lou and breaks the pod and resuscitates her successfully. Sam leaves with Lou giving up with life with Bridges. In connecting America back together again, Sam learns that humanity is worth it, worth saving and that if the whole country is worth saving, maybe he is too. Sam for a large part of the story has a fear of touch which affects him profoundly, but by the end of the story it seems to affect him less.
Fragile / DOOMS - Lvl UNKNOWN (Greater than Sam) / Porter Company Owner (Fragile Express)
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Fragile DOOMs gives her the ability to teleport to her Beach and then teleport in the ‘real’ world, so she is able to travel long distances quickly. She took over her father’s porter company, Fragile Express, to continue her father’s dream of bringing America together again. Fragile worked with Higgs for a long time, but was betrayed by him as Higgs hid an armed nuclear bomb in her cargo bound for Middle Knot City. The bomb detonated and the city destroyed. Higgs takes Fragile hostage, and has a second bomb which he gives to her in the middle of South Knot City, Higgs causes timefall and tasks Fragile with running the bomb, in her underwear through Timefall to save the city, or to vanish and save herself. Higgs only give Fragile covering for her head so everyone always knows her face. Fragile saves the city, but exposes her body to Timefall which drastically ages her skin. There was a lot of speculation about whether Fragile Express was a terrorist organisation or used by Higgs, so the company causes a lot of controversy in certain areas of America. Sam isn’t sure what to believe and doesn’t trust Fragile for a long time. Higgs attempts a false delivery again to get Sam to take a bomb to Fragile, but they discover it ahead of time and Sam throws the bomb into the tar pit. Sam and Fragile build trust over this. Fragile helps to send Sam after Higgs in an attempt to rescue Amelie on the condition that Fragile can finish Higgs off. Sam delivers Higgs to Fragile, weak but alive. Fragile gets information from him, but cannot bear to shoot him despite her desire too and offers to leave him stranded on the beach forever or he can shoot himself. Fragile offers to take Sam back east but Sam decides to go with Amelie and is stranded. Fragile transports the team working to end the extinction to Capital Knot City, hugely weakening herself and putting herself in a coma, and can’t manage to get Sam. Fragile then sends Sam to Amelie’s beach to stop the extinction at the end, at great pains to her. Once the extinction is avoided, Fragile gets the first private contract for Porters from the UCA, she offers Sam a job with her which Sam refuses in order to go off grid. Fragile says that Sam doesn’t have run and hide anymore, that he’s changed, got something to fight for.
Clifford Unger - Also known as ‘Cliff,’ ‘Veteran’ / DOOMS - None / Soldier
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 Cliff is in the American military, fought in many wars contemporary to us. Fought with Die-Hardman and was his Captain, Die-Hardman credits Cliff with saving his life repeatedly. Cliff is married to Lisa Bridges and Lisa falls pregnant with their first child together, Cliff leaves the military in order to be there for his wife and child. Unfortunately Lisa falls ill and is turned into a still mother, their unborn child removed from the womb at 28 weeks. Cliff is told repeatedly they’d attempt to get BB and Lisa out of their states, but this was a lie. Cliff is told this by Die-Hardman, that BB will be taken away and used as the base code for a Knot City and he gives Cliff a window to end Lisa’s life, a mercy, and take BB and try and get him out of the hospital. Cliff attempts this, but fails, is shot and captured by hospital/Bridges security. Cliff removes BB from his pod, and he survives against the odds, Amelie shoots Cliff to try and get BB back but accidentally shoots BB too. Cliff is seen on the beach in the distance when Amelie sends BB back into the ‘real’ world. It is presumed, but not shown that Amelie convinces Cliff to work for her in exchange for being able to get his child back again. Amelie gives Cliff powers and Cliff sets about attempting to find his child in the world. Cliff’s military background means that he connects with beaches created from the mass slaughter of millions of soliders in battles and his connection with Sam, as Sam is secretly his son, drags Sam into these battles. Both Sam and Cliff are of the belief the BB Cliff is looking for is Sam’s BB (Lou), and Sam fights Cliff to try and weaken him so Sam is allowed back to the ‘real’ world and Cliff tries to take Sam’s BB (Lou) by mistake. Bridges are of the opinion for a time that Cliff is actually controlling Higgs and the mastermind behind the extinction event. In the last battle, Cliff and Sam bond over their care for what is perceived to be the same BB, and Lou expresses a happiness to stay with Sam, which Cliff accepts, he hugs Sam and disappears. Cliff is next seen when Sam is accessing what he believes to be the memories of Lou who was dead at this point. Sam thinks he’s just watching the memories, but he’s able to influence them, he puts himself between Cliff and Die-Hardman’s gun. Cliff realises that Sam’s full name is ‘Sam Porter Bridges’ and puts the pieces together that Sam is actually his son. Cliff puts himself between Sam and the gun and Amelie shoots him, killing Cliff and what has been discovered to be the infant Sam at the same time. Cliff has associations and seems to gain his power from the BT tar, and has an army of dead soldiers he can command. He also uses Amelie’s substitute BB’s - the creepy dolls. Cliff’s motivation is simply to get his son back and show him the world. He gets peace from knowing that Sam has done that, lived a good life, done good things and helped connect America. At the end, Cliff says that he’s always been a stopping point, obstructive like a cliff face, but Sam has always been his bridge to the future.
Deadman / DOOMs - None / Doctor (Bridges)
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 A Bridges doctor, who was grown from embryonic stem cells and flesh harvested from cadavers. Because of his he has a Ha, a physical body, but no Ka, no soul. Deadman has a self-confessed dislike of BB’s, and Lou is aware of this and leaks artificial womb fluid all over him deliberately. Deadman says that he has no mother, no family, no friends, no beach. But in helping to save humanity he gains friends, and a bond with Lou. Deadman does a lot of research for Sam, finding out information he shouldn’t have access too and digging up details on Die-Hardman for him. Deadman pulls Sam off of Amelie’s Beach back into the ‘real’ world, he helps when Lou gets sick and helps them get better for Sam and helps Sam disappear at the end of the story for a life with Lou undisturbed by the UCA. Despite Sam not liking touch, he voluntarily hugs Deadman at the end of the story which clearly has a profound effect on him, finally building connections with people who aren’t dead.
Malingen - Also known as ‘Mama’ / DOOMs - Lvl UNKNOWN / Hardware Technician (Bridges)
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Twin sister to Lockne with whom she has an intense bond, they’re believed to be one Ka separated between two Ha’s. Malingen created the Chiral network and Q-pid hardware, is a genius of unknown proportions. Malingen had no viable eggs, and her sister was unable to carry a baby to term, so when her sister needed a surrogate, Malingen stepped up to carry her child. Whilst awaiting a C-section a terrorist attack meant the hospital was bombed, Malingen was trapped inside and gave birth whilst trapped in the rubble, the baby passed and became a BT whilst still connected to Malingen. Her child’s crying caused Mama to be found and rescued, but she was unable to leave the site because of her child’s connection with the site and the other side. Mama’s child is a harmless BT whom she can cradle and touch, but this is because Mama is dead, hiding her status by not wearing her cufflinks properly. There is an issue with the Q-pid, which requests Lockne’s help to fix, but Lockne and Mama grew apart after the issues with their child. Mama knows that to get the Q-pid fixed, she needs to see Lockne, to build their bond again and convince her to help bridges. Mama creates the umbilical cord cutting cufflinks for Sam using Sam’s own blood and gets Sam to separate her and her child by cutting the cord. Mama only has a short time to live without the connection to her child, and Sam transports her to Lockne and Mama passes once she meets her sister again. As Malingen and Lockne are on Ka, Mama is still able to converse with Sam through Lockne.
Lockne / DOOMS - Lvl UNKNOWN / Software Technician (Independent, then Bridges)
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Twin sister of Malingen with whom she has an intense bond, they’re believed to be one Ka separated between two Ha’s. Lockne wrote the software enabling the Chiral Network and the Q-pid, is of equal genius to her twin and runs Mountain Knot City. After issues with the UCA she wouldn’t accept joining until Malingen was brought to her, and accepted joining as one of her final wishes. Lockne felt Malingen return to her after her Ha finally passed and continued help to fight the extinction event with her and everyone else. Lockne takes care of Lou whilst Sam goes to convince Amelie to stop the extinction.
Die-Hardman - Also known as ‘John Blake McClane’ / DOOMS - None / Head of Bridges, President of the United Cities of America, Former Soldier
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 Formerly a soldier in a unit with Clifford Unger for the American army and credits him with saving his life on multiple occasions. Die-Hardman then joined Bridges, and was part of the security team supervising the hospital where Cliff’s wife and son were being treated. Die-Hardman gave Cliff the advice and window needed to attempt to escape. This escape is a failure, and Die-Hardman is ordered to shoot Cliff by Bridget, in the first timeline we see, he does this. Die-Hardman continues to serve Bridget until her death as the President of the UCA. He wants to finish her work and attempts to persuade and help guide Sam across the US. Die-Hardman is primarily the one giving Sam orders during the story. As time goes on, Deadman and Sam become less sure they can trust him, because of his involvement with the BB program and potentially hiding files. Die-Hardman is taken to Amelie’s beach but he manages to smuggle a gun. He comes face to face with Cliff once more, Cliff doesn’t kill Die-Hardman on sight which is what he expected, Die-Hardman believes this means Cliff has forgiven him. Die-Hardman is spared from the beach and reappears in Captial Knot City weak but alive. It’s unknown what happened to him. When we next see him he’s being inaugurated as the President of the UCA, in his speech, he thanks Sam for his work as an ‘unsung hero’ but doesn’t name him directly as he knows Sam wouldn’t want that. After the ceremony, Die-Hardman catches up with Sam and they discuss Cliff, Die-Hardman breaks down with the weight of what he did and expresses that he thinks that Cliff would have forgiven him and Sam reacts badly, Sam recovered the gun Die-Hardman left on the Beach, and gives it back to him, advising Die-Hardman that “the gun won’t work here.” When Sam manages to get back into his own memories, he’s able to be present there as an adult and effects them, he puts himself between Cliff and Die-Hardman’s gun, this forces Bridget to take hold of the gun and the trigger over Die-Hardman’s hand and shoots Cliff. Die-Hardman wears a mask for most of the story, it’s believed that his face is badly burned which is why he wears it, but actually it’s Bridgets mask, worn by Die-Hardman so people wouldn’t recognise him, after being inaugurated he removes the mask.
Heartman / DOOMS - Lvl UNKNOWN / Research Scientist (Bridges)
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Heartman lives and works in a distant lab, South East of Mountain Knot City. When Sam meets him Heartman is dead, an AED device he permanently wears over his check shocks his heart and he wakes up. Heartman advises Sam that he was undergoing heart surgery in a hospital when an attack destroyed the hospital’s generator, and Heartman was dead for 21 minutes. His wife and child were killed in the attack and Heartman lost them on the Beach. Since then, every 21 minutes his heart goes into cardiac-arrest and he dies, he’s dead for 3 minutes before his AED shocks him back. During this time, he searches Beaches for his wife and child. Heartman dies and is resuscitated 60 times a day, he has a collection of media which can be consumed within 21 minutes, he says that largely bodily functions can be fit into a 21 minute window, with the exception of sleep and sex. Heartman’s heart is drastically malformed because of the strain it’s under and is more
BB-28 - Also known as ‘Bridge Baby,’ ‘BB,’ ‘Lou′ / DOOMs - None / Bridge Baby
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BB-28 is first seen being used by a member of Corpse Disposal, Sam goes with CD and they’re attacked by BT’s, the CD person using BB-28 is taken by BT’s and he throws the BB away to save them. Sam survives the attack as he’s a repatriate and uses BB-28 to get back to Capital Knot City. Sam is tasked with taking the Presidents body for incineration and they include a still living BB-28 in the cargo for incineration as they believe BB-28 malfunctioned, leading to the void out. Sam doesn’t want to incinerate BB-28, and is attacked by BT’s in the incinerator, he uses BB again to get back to Capital Knot City, and says that he’d continue to use BB. Sam and BB bond through deliveries, avoiding BT’s and travelling together. BB’s usually don’t work for people with DOOMs, despite this Lou and Sam work well together and their connection is undeniable, Sam starts to refer to BB-28 as ‘Lou’ which we find out is the name Sam and his partner would have given to their unborn child who passed. When Sam gets to Mountain Knot City, Deadman says that Lou needs treatment as they’re drifting off balance and leaning more to the world of the living than the dead like other BB’s, and Sam said that this isn’t a problem for him as they want to live together. Deadman is able to restore the balance, but in doing so he wipes Lou’s memories of Sam and they have to rebuild their bond again. But they do this without issue. As the circumstances with Cliff become more apparent and they continue to visit him in the supercells, it’s believed that Lou is Cliff’s child, the lullaby that Cliff sings to his child makes Lou happy with Sam whistles it to them. As Sam travels to Capital Knot City again Lou gets more unwell, is unable to connect fully in their incubator. Sam leaves Lou behind to go Amelie’s beach with Lockne for safety. When Sam returns from Amelie’s beach and Die-Hardman is inaugurated, Deadman advises Sam that Lou has passed away, presumably from the stress of the journey. Sam takes it upon himself to deliver Lou to the incinerator to stop them becoming a BT. Sam at the last minute rescues Lou from the incinerator, breaks open their pod and attempts to resuscitate Lou, with only a 30% chance of success, but is successful. Lou is awake and alive when Sam steps out of the incinerator. It’s revealed in a post credits scene that Lou’s full name is Louise. Lou controls Sam’s Odradek which waves BT’s goodbye once they’re defeated and gives a thumbs up when you’re clear of BT’s. When Higgs shoots Sam, Lou uses the Odradek to protect him from the bullets. You can rock Lou, and Lou will give you likes. If you fall off a high ledge or walk in too high water Lou will cry and you need to soothe her by rocking her. Too many attacks from BT’s will give Lou autotoxemia and she needs to go back into her incubator in a private room to recover.
Amelie Strand - Also known as ‘Extinction Entity,’ ‘EE,’ ‘Bridget,’ ‘ Amerigo,’ / DOOMs - Lvl UNKNOWN / Extinction Entity, President of the UCA
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Amelie’s story is complex, to start with, she’s shown as someone who soothed Sam on the beach as a child when he had nightmares. She ran Bridges Expedition I which set up the Chiral Network, but was taken hostage in Edge Knot City and is unable to leave because of the terrorists. Sam can speak with her through Chiralgrams and Amelie convinces Sam to travel West and connect up the Chiral Network, Sam does this for her and her alone, as Bridget, the President of the UCA, brought them both up and Sam feels for her strongly. As Sam travels West he hears lots of stories of how wonderful Amelie is but that no one has seen her physically for a long time. Heartman and Sam come to the conclusion Amelie is an Extinction Entity, able to create an extinction and end humanity, that she is powerful and her Beach is greater than any other humans. As Sam gets to Edge Knot City, he reveals Amelie’s location to Higgs who supposedly takes her hostage on the Beach. Sam travels East again so Fragile can jump Sam to Amelie’s Beach, but they realize that actually, Amelie tasked Higgs with speeding up the end of the world, and gave him his powers. The creepy doll’s are Amelie’s version of Bridge Babies with ties to her beach and therefore it’s discovered that she also brought Cliff into the fold, again in an attempt to speed up the end of the world. Sam manages to get to Amelie’s beach, and Amelie said that she didn’t feel she had a choice, extinction was inevitable, and she thought she was doing a kindness by making it quick, Sam convinces her humanity is worth it, and convinces Amelie to hold back extinction as long as possible to give humanity a chance to evolve to avoid it. Whilst Sam is awaiting rescue from the beach, Amelie explains her true story. Amelie reveals Bridget is not her mother, but in fact they’re the same person. At 20 years old an operation meant that Amelie’s Ka and Ha were seperated, her Ha - ages and therefore becomes Bridget so people aren’t suspicious. Amelie and her Ka are stuck on the Beach, but can project herself forward. Amelie created the Chiral network as a part of the Bridges 1 Expedition to speed the extinction process up but increasing the amount of Chiralium in the world. Amelie planted the Bridge Babies at the centre of cities and that’s what she needed Cliff’s child for. When Cliff and the infant Sam are shot by Bridget, Amelie finds Sam on her beach, and sends him back to the ‘real’ world and in doing so grants the world with DOOMs and makes Sam a repatriate. Amelie then helps Sam through the nightmares and gifts him a dream catcher, Sam as a child gifts Amelie with a necklace, Quipu, which becomes a tailsman for their connection and helps them find each other on the beach. Amelie is left on the beach, holding back the antimatter back for what could potentially be hundreds of thousands of years.
 Higgs Monaghan - Also known as ‘Peter Englert’ / DOOMs - Lvl 7 / Ex-Porter, Terrorist, Leader of the Homo Demens
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Higgs was abused by his father, who he killed and watched become a BT. He worked with Fragile, but betrayed her and became a terrorist, tricking her into sending a nuclear bomb into Middle Knot City. Higgs is a separatist, claiming to be working for the independence of Edge Knot City and wants to stop UCA expansion. Higgs tortures Fragile by sending her into Timefall in her underwear to avoid another city being bombed. Higgs is found to have been given his powers and orders by Amelie, to speed up the extinction. Higgs has the power to summon timefall and BT’s and can control them. Sam chases Higgs to the beach to rescue Amelie when Higgs claims to kidnap her and weakens him, refusing to use weapons to do so. Fragile gives Higgs the choice between being stuck on the beach forever or shooting himself and Higgs chooses to shoot himself. Amelie is presumed to have created the terrorist cells to make the UCA believe building the Chiral Network was the best thing, when in fact that helps to trigger the extinction and also to find an excuse to being using Bridge Babies again. The UCA discontinues BB’s because of ethical grounds, but says that since the terrorists bring the technology back, they must start using them again, when in fact the terrorists are using Amelie’s doll sensors, linked to her beach and drawing their power from there. Higg’s terrorists have no desire for Cargo like MULEs, just to capture Sam and stop him.
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almostsweetangel · 5 years
11,15,and 48?
11. What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
WASTELAND! BABY. I'd been waiting for it to come out since it was first announced and I've been playing it over and over since. Also helps that's it sort of become my calming down music bc my anxiety has skyrocketed again ever since I've gone back to school. I've likely accidentally conditioned myself to have a Pavlovian response to Hozier's music though and immediately just go 'oh time to just chill' the second I hear it dhdhdjd
15. Which new ship/fandom has taken a lot of your time, attention and tears?
Good Omens TV coming out and Midam returning and getting canonized don't really count, I think? Because I've been in both fandoms for years dhdhdjd so just Death Stranding. I just (clenches fist) love the Bridges family so much.
Also my GOD, Cliff Unger's scene at the end and Sam trying to shield his dad with his body even when he knows it isn't going to do anything gave me literal chills. Mads and Norman nailed those roles. John trying to save them over and over was so heartbreaking. Tommie deserved an award for his monologue, it was phenomenal.
Also, I would die for Louise. She's a literal baby but also that much bebi energy killed me from the start.
48. If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this?
Iceland, I think (they have missing cases every year, you hear what I'm getting at 👀). I wanna see the grave for Ok in person. I'd go with my sibling.
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bastardsunlight · 4 years
FMK higgs, sam bridges cliff unger igor franks
“Igor’s waaaay ahead o’ ya on that one--saves me the trouble, doesn’t it?” Not that killing is any trouble for Higgs Monaghan. It has not been in quite sometime, has it? No, it is a joy to bring about extinction and if killing is the way to do that, then it, too, is a joy. “You know my feelings for our friend, Sam Porter Bridges, but I am a Bad Guy...” 
He disappears in a whisper and a flash of antimatter, naught left but chiral sparks, floating through the air and dissipating. 
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0 notes
entergamingxp · 5 years
DualShockers’ Favorite Games of 2019 — Michael’s Top 10
December 31, 2019 2:00 PM EST
2019 was filled with a ton of great games. Here are 10 of my favorites, one that I’ll continue to play, and one that I’ll never play again.
As 2019 comes to a close, DualShockers and our staff are reflecting on this year’s batch of games and what were their personal highlights within the last year. Unlike the official Game of the Year 2019 awards for DualShockers, there are little-to-no-rules on our individual Top 10 posts. For instance, any game — not just 2019 releases — can be considered.
Since I started working for DualShockers in 2017, one of my favorite parts of being part of this staff is deliberating on what my top 10 games of the year are. It’s a moment where I can actually celebrate video games rather than criticize them. 2019 is no different, but I would be lying if I said this was the easiest list I’ve created. In fact, it is the exact opposite.
Curating this list has been a struggle. Not because there was a lack of great games in 2019; there were so many I felt strongly about. The list you see below is my 4th revision, and I think I got it right this time. But before we go over this list, I want to get a couple of things off my chest.
2019 has been such a learning experience for me, both in positive and negative ways. My taste in games has changed dramatically, and I found a video game I truly loathe. Like, if someone mentions its name, I go on a 20-minute rant about why this game is bad. And I will now discuss these two topics with you now.
The Siegeman Cometh
I just want to take a brief moment to talk about Rainbow Six Siege. Initially, I had this game at the number 10 spot, but decided to dedicate a short section of its own. On my top 10 list from 2018, I put Ubisoft’s tactical shooter in that last number 10 spot. Although it came out in 2015, it was a game I started playing that year, and it has since become my personal “video game comfort food.”
Not only is it a brilliant shooter that is mechanically sound, and rather different than the rest of the shooters out there, it really changed the way that I play video games. This might be a whole other topic entirely, but playing the 100+ hour long RPG or whatever genre is just not for me anymore. They aren’t bad games, and there may be some long experiences on my list this year, but I put a lot of value in how I spend my time now. Rainbow Six Siege respects my time with its rewarding gameplay. I can play a match or two and feel satisfied, and then spend the rest of my day with my wife and my dog.
Now that I am actually looking at my list, that is sort of the theme here with my top 10. With a couple of exceptions, all of my favorite games of 2019 can be taken in bite-sized chunks but still be an absolute delight to play. Rainbow Six Siege taught me to respect my time, and the games that will be listed below are indicative of that notion.
YIIK: A Postmodern Piece of Garbage
Speaking of respecting my time, let me tell you about how my 2019 video game experience began. Back in January, I played an indie game called YIIK: A Postmodern RPG. I reviewed this game, which you can check out here. Playing this game was the antithesis of time well spent, as it is probably my least favorite thing I have ever experienced in digital media in my entire life.
Now, you may be staring at your computer monitor or laptop reading this saying, “this man is being hyperbolic to reel us in. It’s a trap!” I assure you, this is no hyperbolic notion. I think I hate this game. There are some good things I can say about it. Its music is pretty great. The gameplay is fine. I can maybe see why someone likes the look of its minimalist art direction. But none of that really saves the atrocity that is YIIK: A Postmodern RPG.
The moment that has stuck with me and made me realize why I cannot stand this game happens a bit later, when you have much of your party with you. You go to a mall, and there is a mysterious van you have to try to access, but you need a key. Alex, the main protagonist, asks if anyone can pick a lock. He doesn’t point to anyone, just asks generally.
Claudio, one of two black characters in your party, randomly says this:
“Wouldn’t it be hilarious if I could? Like, out of this ragtag band of misfit friends, the black guy could pick the lock. And don’t pretend you didn’t think it! So, to answer your racist ass question, I cannot pick a lock! Well, at least not a car lock. I went through a Sherlock Holmes phase and learned to pick basic locks.”
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG has moments like this where it’s as if some woke 14-year old teen decided to write about racism for Twitter likes. It doesn’t just stumble on these sensitive topics, which include racism and depression, but falls on its face creating a crater deeper than the largest crater on our moon. It is so terrible to the point when someone mentions this game’s name, even in jest, I go on this rant about how out of touch this game’s message is.
So, why am I even talking about this game? Well, for the same reason I mentioned Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft’s shooter taught me to respect my time, and make every session with a game as satisfying as possible. YIIK: A Postmodern RPG taught me that but in a completely different and unexpected way. In a way, it is important to me in its own unique and terrible way.
Okay. Here is the actual Top 10 list now.
10. Slay the Spire
As of this writing, I only started playing this yesterday. Going down the list of games the staff at DualShockers compiled for our Game of the Year deliberations, this one stood out for some reason. Maybe it’s the name, or how positively some of the staff was when talking about it; whatever it was, it convinced me to use my Xbox Game Pass subscription and try out Slay the Spire, and I absolutely love it.
Maybe I’m jumping the gun here by saying this is one of my favorite games of the year. I’ve only probably put an hour in with two runs — I unlocked the three playable characters — but it left me wanting to play much more. Mixing turn-based action with a card game, Slay the Spire is an incredibly satisfying experience, especially if you manage to craft a deck that actually works as intended.
Slay the Spire just has so much variety and possibility. With the three unique characters, the seemingly endless possibilities with building your deck, and constant surprises as you climb to defeat the spire’s main boss, there has yet to be a dull moment. Again, I may be suffering from some recency bias, but Mega Crit Games’ interesting amalgamation of the strategy and card game genres.
9. Death Stranding
Despite my own beliefs, Hideo Kojima actually released Death Stranding in 2019. I swore this thing wouldn’t be out until 2024, but here we are. Kojima’s latest certainly is a divisive game, isn’t it? Understandably so: there are some wild design decisions that, in some cases, works to its benefit. But there are other times you’ll just stare at your TV screen just saying, “why?”
Death Stranding makes a great first impression, as you are introduced to Norman Reedus’ character Sam Porter Bridges, a “porter” (a.k.a. delivery man) who eventually works for his mother’s company, Bridges. Yes, it’s pretty on the nose. From its use of Low Roar’s music to its intriguing story and visuals, it presents itself very well in those beginning hours. And then Chapter 3 begins.
My biggest problem with Death Stranding is pacing. Chapter 3 is such a slog with one of the least interesting narrative threads in the game. Fragile’s tale would have been told more effectively if it did not take up a third of a 45-60 hour game. With its constant backtracking paired with its clunky gameplay, it truly tested my patience.
Now let’s fast forward a bit to Chapter 5, the absolute worst portion of Death Stranding. Testing my mettle once again, the Mama focused chapter has the most laborious backtracking delivery routes within Sam’s adventure. This is where I almost quit. It was just filled with an overwhelming amount of tedium, having to trek up a mountain through 12 inches of snow. Add a terrible stealth section, and you maybe have one of the worst moments in a video game in 2019. But despite that garbage Chapter, I persevered.
With all this negative criticism, how did this game make it on to my top 10 video game list for 2019? Because I stuck around after Chapter 5. After you finish Mama’s arc, Death Stranding gets so much better. The story actually begins to unfold, with much of the quality bits of Kojima’s tale finally emerging. You also get to witness two of the best video game performances of all time. Tommie Earl Jenkins’ Die-Hardman and Mads Mikkelsen’s Cliff Unger put on amazing performances in those last two hours, making every slog through those snowy mountains worth it.
It is such a hard sell to tell someone who might be falling off Death Stranding to keep playing until the end. In fact, I wouldn’t. Please, play the games you want to play and enjoy. But by the end of Death Stranding, you’ll be happy you finished it.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Death Stranding.
8. Void Bastards
This is another game I found while browsing the ever growing list of games available via Xbox Game Pass. Void Bastards by Blue Manchu is a roguelike inspired by the immersive sim genre. It isn’t a full immersive sim, but it scratches that surface. I mean, it makes sense as it was made by former BioShock and System Shock 2 developers, two of the most influential immersive sims of all time.
Is Void Bastards on that same level? Not really. But it’s one of the most fun and goofy video game experiences I’ve had all year. You are legitimately exploring derelict spaceships and fighting weird creatures with a staple gun. Thanks to the randomly generated ship layouts, different client traits, and comic book-inspired graphics, Void Bastards continues to be such a joy.
7. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
So, I had quite a lot to say about Activision and Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare in my review, and I still stand by those statements. I do think the campaign is lacking. With all the messaging prior to release insinuating it would show the gritty reality of war, I thought maybe this will be something different. It wasn’t. There were some good moments and decent design deviations from prior installments, but it was a fairly standard Call of Duty campaign.
What has reeled me in since that review is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s multiplayer. I really only play Team Deathmatch and Domination, but I’ve had a blast with its slightly reworked gunplay. I do still have some problems with some of the maps and spawning. Specifically, St. Petrograd, Euphrates Bridge and Ramazza are such a dread to play in. But generally, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s multiplayer is the best the game has been since Advanced Warfare. Obviously, that is a personal opinion; please leave your “hOw cOUld yoU tHiNk CoD:AW iS gooD, bOotZ oN gRounD FTW!!!! #USUCK” comments below.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
6. Astral Chain
To be quite frank, I thought the Nintendo Switch’s slate of games in 2019 was weak, at least in comparison to the last two years. On a personal level, nothing really spoke to me. And the things that did, like Super Mario Maker 2, didn’t leave a lasting impression. Not that games like Luigi’s Mansion 3 or Fire Emblem: Three Houses are bad games; they just aren’t my jam. Despite that, one game that really stood out from the Switch’s exclusive lineup in 2019 is Platinum’s Astral Chain.
In some ways, I can see why someone wouldn’t like Astral Chain. There is definitely some clunkiness to its controls, as you have to simultaneously control the protagonist and a Legion, a living weapon that looks like something out of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Compared to other games by Platinum, like Bayonetta and Nier: Automata, the flow of combat isn’t as fluid.
However, if you can get past that clunkiness, you will find a very rewarding and synergistic combat system that is really a joy to experiment with. Once you’ve unlocked every Legion and weapon, there are so many combinations to choose from depending on what you are up against. You can upgrade your Legions with certain buffs or with its skill tree, which I found actually changed how I played the game. It really is an engaging combat system if you can get past that initial clunky hurdle.
Astral Chain also has a fairly compelling story that, at the very least, will draw you in from beginning to end. It’s not the Switch’s The Last of Us, but it’s a fun ride filled with satisfying, albeit predictable, outcomes. The Howard twins have a pretty wild adventure, and it’s one I thoroughly enjoyed.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Astral Chain.
5. Samurai Shodown
At PAX East 2019 I played Samurai Shodown for the first time, and I instantly saw its draw. It is such an approachable fighter, but has incredible amounts of depth. I feel like this description is apt for a lot of popular fighting games, but I think it is especially appropriate for SNK’s latest. Its slower pace, lack of crazy combos (i.e. Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct), and simple button inputs make Samurai Shodown so easy to pick up. But knowing when to strike, reading your opponent, and timing those super special moves is when things get a bit more advanced.
While my time with Samurai Shodown has dwindled since it launched earlier this year, it is a standout fighting game that is wholly unique. It is truly unlike anything else in the genre, especially in the competitive scene; it brings some variety to the typical lineup we come to expect. Sure, it may not be as hype as Tekken 7, but you better believe your heart will be racing after every round in Samurai Shodown.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Samurai Shodown.
4. NHL 20
Every year, I latch onto one sports game. In recent years, it has been one of the many entries from the MLB The Show and WWE 2K franchises. But since I didn’t get The Show this year, and WWE 2K20 was kind of a disaster, it was NHL 20 that took up much of my gaming time in 2019. I should preface by saying that I played this game when I felt my gaming time was limited. Turns out, I always felt like my gaming time was limited. I’ve played hours of EA’s hockey simulator, and it never felt like wasted time.
NHL 20 doesn’t do anything too out of the ordinary. After all, professional hockey has been and always will be professional hockey. But it was a solid version of that professional hockey experience filled with great features that go slightly beyond the traditional three-period matchup, namely with its additions to its CHEL suite of modes. Yes, I did play the battle royale inspired Ones Eliminator, and a whole lot of it too.
It also just feels like the best iteration in terms of gameplay. It hardly deviates from previous entries, but its moment-to-moment gameplay just feels more fluid, which is all I can really ask for. Also, my dreams can become a reality by bringing my poor Red Wings to the Stanley Cup Finals, because that is certainly not happening this year.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for NHL 20.
3. Devil May Cry 5
I don’t have much to say about Devil May Cry 5, except Dante impersonating Michael Jackson may be the best moment in gaming in 2019…
On a real level, Devil May Cry 5 has such diverse combat between the three playable characters, Nero, V, and Dante. Every character is unique, with their own moveset, movement, and metal jam to kill demons to. Imagine murdering demons while riding a motorcycle to the sweet sounds of deathcore. That is Devil May Cry 5, and it’s awesome.
It is also a testament to the RE Engine. While it was initially created for Resident Evil VII: biohazard, it has been implemented in other Capcom projects, including Devil May Cry 5. It’s a great indicator that this engine can do more than produce beautifully rendered dark and dingy zombie houses, and weird hillbilly freaks. It can handle all the wild combat you expect from an action game with hardly any hitches.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Devil May Cry 5.
2. Judgment
Oh, what a brilliant adventure that Ryu Ga Gotaku Studio has created. Every single piece of content in Judgment is why I play video games. There are so few games that really grab my attention the way Takayuki Yagami’s wild ride did. And I mean that generally, not just in 2019. What I’m saying is Judgment is one of the best games of the generation, and everyone should play it.
There is just so much to do in Judgment‘s Kamurocho and every piece of it is worth experiencing. You can go to one part of the map and play Virtua Fighter 5, and then go to another part and stop a group of perverts from ruining someone’s life. It is just varying degrees of ridiculous, with each activity being different from the rest. Yet, it manages to stay true to itself. Everything fits into Judgment‘s wild mold of Kamurocho.
Of course, there is a main story that maintains the goofiness the majority of Judgment upholds, all while telling a genuinely intriguing crime thriller narrative. I was so enthralled with Yagami’s personal story of defeat and his uphill battle to redeem himself to no one but himself. Alongside the whole serial murder plot, and some of the later portions of the story, I was captivated from the very first minute, and could not put the controller down.
To close this off, I want to show you a scene that brings me so much joy. When I am in a bad place, I just watch this scene, and I know everything will be okay. If you know anything of my interests, I think you can guess which scene this is. Yes, it is Yagami kicking ass while pulling off gnarly tricks on a skateboard. He does a kickflip while kicking a dude in the face.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Judgment.
1. Mortal Kombat 11
When I initially made this list, I was sure Judgment was going to be my number one. It has everything I want in a video game. A good story, great writing, a private detective kicking a dude in a face while doing a kickflip on a skateboard. But no game has taken over my life like Mortal Kombat 11 did in 2019.
I’ve been a fighting game fan since I played Street Fighter 2 for SNES. But I was never a proficient fighting game player. Sure, I could do some work as Green Lantern in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe or as Donatello in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters, but I was never actually good. I just kind of pressed buttons and hoped things would work out.
That ended with Killer Instinct for Xbox One, when I actually decided to learn a character (in this case, Thunder) and try to actually play competitively. I wouldn’t say I was amazing, but I could pull off some gross combos if I was able to get that first hit in. Then Tekken 7 released in 2017 (which was also my number one game for that year), cementing the fighting game genre as my official personal favorite. Again, I was better than average with Hwoarang, but I wasn’t great. But that didn’t stop me from learning.
In a way, that beginning step of learning a fighting game’s mechanics and picking a “main” is something I look forward to. You bet when Granblue Fantasy: Versus and Guilty Gear: Strive release next year, I’ll be doing exactly that. Finding a character that perfectly flows with your play style is one of the most satisfying feelings you can ever have while playing a game, and fighting games are filled with those moments. Heck, even challenging yourself and trying to be proficient with a character that doesn’t flow with your playstyle is equally rewarding.
Which brings me to Mortal Kombat 11, a tour de force in the fighting game genre. Like any opinion on the internet, it’s subjective. I could see why someone would think Tekken 7, Street Fighter V, Samurai Shodown, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, or any of the numerous fighting games out there is the best. But it is Mortal Kombat 11 that gets that title for me. I absolutely love this game.
It goes back to that idea of finding a character that suits your playstyle. In Mortal Kombat 11, Kabal is that character for me. But unlike Donatello, Thunder, and Green Lantern, the former Black Dragon member’s moveset just instantly clicked with me. Sure, I learned a few combos, but everything about the character just made sense to me. I haven’t felt that sort of connection to a game since the very first Rock Band came out, and I was able to play drums. But that was just because I play drums, so naturally, it was easy to familiarize myself with Rock Band drums.
That isn’t to say I didn’t get wrecked online. I have certainly been destroyed by better people, and I don’t believe I can go to a competition and do well. But this is the first time I thought that I was genuinely good at a fighting game; not just scraping by with a few combos. I actually understand the rules of this game, and I know how to use them to my advantage. It just depends if the other person knows those rules better than I do.
I guess the best way I can wrap this up is with a brief story of when I played a ranked match at DualShockers Managing Editor Logan Moore’s apartment. As usual, I played as Kabal and was fighting against either a Noob Saibot or Liu Kang player. Honestly, I don’t remember. All I remember is the character opposite of me was annoying as hell.
On the third and final match, I tilted a man into losing, and it was one of the greatest gaming moments of my life. Why? 1) I tilted a grown man. 2) I definitely should not have one that match. 3) Logan and I were howling at the TV because the match was so ridiculously close. There was so much excitement, anxiety, and happiness in just that one moment, and I can’t think of any other video game that has provoked such a response from me in 2019.
Check out DualShockers‘ review for Mortal Kombat 11.
Check out the rest of the DualShockers staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 23: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2019 December 25: Lou Contaldi, Editor-in-Chief // Logan Moore, Managing Editor December 26: Tomas Franzese, News Editor // Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor  December 27: Mike Long, Community Manager // Scott White, Staff Writer December 28: Chris Compendio, Contributor // Mario Rivera, Video Manager // Kris Cornelisse, Staff Writer December 29: Scott Meaney, Community Director // Allisa James, Senior Staff Writer // Ben Bayliss, Senior Staff Writer December 30: Cameron Hawkins, Staff Writer // David Gill, Senior Staff Writer // Portia Lightfoot, Contributor December 31: Iyane Agossah, Senior Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Senior Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Contributor January 1: Ricky Frech, Senior Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer
December 31, 2019 2:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2019/12/dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-michaels-top-10/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dualshockers-favorite-games-of-2019-michaels-top-10
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans
A 10 -week surf safari and volunteering platform along South Africas coast culminates in an teachers qualification that could developed you up for life. We assemble the brand-new intake
Its a bright afternoon on Cape Towns Muizenberg beach and Im hastening down the sand in a wetsuit, stopping to leap or star-jump as tutor Nikita roars prescribes. I may want to lie down and sob as I overheat and struggle to keep up, but different groups encouragement gets me through the bootcamp-style exercising before we plod into the brandishes for a two-hour channel-surf lesson.
This is day five of a 10 -week South African surfing adventure with Ticket to Ride, a British busines that runs surf vacations and cliques of all the countries. Im here to sample its longest tour( too run in Morocco ), which offers the chance of preparing as an school at the end and fitness qualify is high on the agenda.
South Africa surfing delineated
Some beings just come for the experience, but most end up doing academic qualifications regardless, says Chris Bond, TTR head of operations. Weve had terminated novices characterize its dazing to realize the mental and physical changes defendants go through in 10 weeks of being in the ocean every day. Plus its a great infinite to realise South Africa.
After two weeks in Cape Town, the 16 -strong group will jaunt east along the coast, the irrigate warming and smothering changing, and coming to an tip northward of Durban two months later. Its a roadway that the companys founders, Linley Lewis and Will Hayler, did independently while backpacking before university, and went on to recreate as a group safarus, pertaining best available local managers and surfer-friendly accommodation.
Besides surfing and training courses, theres abundance of span for researching. Community work with NGOs and goodness is another key part of the timetable, with daytimes dedicated to anything from comprising classrooms to discovering English or scavenging beaches.
Muizenberg beach. with golden sand and long, allaying brandishes.
Giving something back lies at the heart of which is something we do, says Chris.
Muizenberg, with its surfy vibe, golden sandy beach, long, gentle gestures and mountain backdrop is a perfect recognise to embark. Were staying at the oceanfront African Soul Surfer hostel, a bright, enjoyable locality with dormitories and a couple of private arenas. After a tough afternoon in the waves, we kick back on the terrace with a beer, exchanging channel-surf memoranda and playing pool.
Youd perhaps expect such a long expedition to lure children on a chink yah, shall be financed by wealthy mothers. But its a mixed knot, aged between 18 and 30, and some have been doing two jobs for months to save enough to come. Were predominantly Brits, with a sprinkling of Canadians, Dutch women and a guy from Dubai, and of mixed abilities; some ought to have channel-surf for years while others, like me, have scarcely held up on members of the board before. Innumerable are touring post- or pre-uni, but others precisely require a separate from daily life, like Taha from Buckinghamshire, a junior physician who is stepping out of the real world for a little bit. Some are scheming a job change hoping to swap relevant agencies for their own lives by the sea.
Its a shining desegregate of backpacking, volunteering and channel-surf and whats even better is you might get a qualification at the end of it, says Jennifer Snell, 20, from Wiltshire, who compounded an office plaza with driving as a fishmonger in Tesco to raise the money. Theres enough discretion, but everythings to arrange you so you can really focus on surfing.
Jane, on the left, contemplates for the wavings in Muizenberg
The next day were out early on the high seas again. As a novice, I practise popping up on my timber on the sand before taking to the motions. The education is patient and promoting and after numerous neglected strifes, I briefly stand up and wobble towards the beach. “Theres” tattered mansions alerting surfers to look out for sharks and a hilltop watchtower overlooks the duct but in the irrigate I soon forget my panics .( Chris, who has channel-surf here for 23 times, assures me hes plainly “ve ever seen” one and not while channel-surf .) More defendants expire taking selfies( falling off cliffs, being hit by prepares ), or from coconuts falling on their fronts, than in shark assaults, he tells me.
The buzz from catching a wave is amazing and I soon acknowledge the others addiction to surfing.
Staying a week or longer in each of the 7 demises indicates theres time to get out and do touristy situations. We call the penguins at Boulders Beach and hang out at a neighbourhood grocery one evening. Clambering Table Mountain and altering the nightlife are the order of the day more, as well as channel-surf Cape Towns more challenging marks, from Long Beach to Kommetjie.
Jennifer Snell with adolescents from the Billows For Change foundation. Photograph: no recognition
But a big part of the programme is working on community activities in each direction. In Cape Town, its Billows for Change, a footing would like first of all an former TTR employee, Tim Conibear, which gallops HIV awareness and youth leadership curricula in the townships, hiring surfing as a pulpit for education.
We join the girls for a warm-up on the beach before they jump into the ocean to practise their channel-surf insight with the assistance of the TTR group. Factor of the slew is that the children must go to establishment, and attend after-school assignments at development projects centre.
These teens come from wall st., from mob and devastated mansions, says Tim. We help them gain confidence, find a sense of belonging and learn important life the competences and they get a red-hot snack, terribly. There needs to be something red-hot to get them interested and channel-surf has that cool factor.
Our group will be back next day to facilitate colour the shipping containers is available as classrooms.
The beach at Plettenberg Bay. Epitome: Peter Unger/ Getty Images
Sadly, I dont have the indulgence of ten weeks at my dumping, so the next morning I set off ahead of the group with Chris to check out a few of the other targets on the itinerary. Its a beautiful drive to Plettenberg Bay, the next stop, and en route different groups will get the have opportunities to test the worlds highest connection bungee leap, at Tsitsikamma. Plett has a long arc of unspoiled sandy beach and the adaptation, Albergo for Backpackers, is a significant place with an open braai in the evenings.
Further along the coast, Jeffreys Bay is a channel-surf mecca a stop on “the worlds” tour and backdrop to Bruce Browns seminal 1966 surf movie The Endless Summer .( It was also the locate where surf champ Mick Canning formerly got attacked by a shark but we wont dwell on that .) Island Vibe, the hostel relied upon by TTR, sits on a headland overlooking Kitchen Windows, one of J-Bays most well known progress, and I can imagine the levity different groups will have here.
Plettenberg Bayalbergo for backpackers
Etienne Venter, manager of the South African surf team, will be working them hard too. Swim training in neighbourhood reserves, video analysis of channel-surf aptitudes, employs in surf politenes and lifesaving disciplines are all taught along the way. This is a turning point in their move, says Etienne. Theyll certainly start to put into practice and fine tune what theyve learnt so far.
Time will too be were included in township academies here, facilitating with maintenance and belief, as well as with the Supertubes Surfing Foundation, a community-run upkeep programme with a brilliant recycling initiative.
All too soon, the working day for me to run home from Port Elizabeth, sad not to have time to visit the most remote ends on the itinerary, but keenly mindful how just being out into the sea every day for 10 weeks must have a profound change on a person. As they go further around the coast the landscape will change again, the drastic rocky vistum of the Western Cape altering into the more tropical, luxuriant east coast.
Island Vibe hostel, Jeffreys Bay
Chintsa on the Wild Coast north of East London recalls warmer oceans( as the Indian Ocean heats up, wetsuits are cast aside ), drain motions and the chance to visit activity ballparks. Then theyll thought to Coffee Bay in the Transkei, another Africa wholly, with conventional villages and rolling mountains, where adjustment is at the Coffee Shack camp, run by Dave Malherbe, one of the countrys most successful competitive surfers. Durban, South africans channel-surf metropoli and Ballito, 45 minutes to the north, where the lifesaving and instructor exams take place, round off the trip.
Weeks afterwards, back in the UK, I email Jennifer learning about how the rest of the passing became. She prepared and is now schooling with Ticket to Rides Newquay office over the summer, be expected to eventually work for a surfing or ocean management charity.
Catching curves alongside dolphins, the glamour of the Transkei, calling traditional Xosha categories, channel-surf famous Jordy Smiths home break, constituting lifelong sidekicks shes hard-pushed to mention the foreground of the tour. I simply had the time of “peoples lives”, she concludes.
The post Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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just-general-stuff · 5 years
Guilt and Love
My first John/Cliff fanfiction! I do hope I nail it right and hopefully you guys enjoy this short piece. I do plan on writing more John/Cliff fics in the future so keep a look out for more of them. 
It’s been a week since Sam had disappeared off the face of the Earth with the BB that he was supposed to bring to the incinerator. God knows where the man was but John found that he did not mind that in the slightest. So long as Sam was alive and well, he was fine with it. After all, Sam had always been a lone wolf.  
Not to mention he also had to attend to the many tasks that came with being President of the UCA. So he wasn’t exactly left with enough time to attempt searching and investigating Sam’s whereabouts. He could send out some porters but they were as busy as it is and the UCA needed all the porters right now to move this country forward.
Still even as he tried to keep busy with his duty, the nightmares plague his dreams still, always looping from the very beginning of watching his Captain die over and over again right in front of him. Sometimes it was just the Captain, other times it would have both the Captain and Sam dead on the floor.
Every night, he would wake up with sweat dotting his forehead and tears brimming in his eyes. Guilt ate at his soul. He would always blame himself for not being able to protect and save his Captain, his son and his wife.
Poor Lisa. He wished there was some way to save her but it was clear that she was brain dead before he even arrived to visit the Captain and his son and there would be no saving her. But even when it came to the Captain and his son, he couldn’t even save them. He shook his head and gave a sad chuckle. It was always his Captain that saved him time and time again from the battlefields that the brass sent them out to but when it came to him saving his Captain and his son, he failed miserably.
He was Die-Hardman because he couldn’t die easily but when it came to the people around him, they would drop like flies all because he was weak.  
He was not like his Captain. Brave and ready to face danger and death in the face. He wasn’t like Cliff’s son, Sam. A repatriate and a person with DOOMS. Like he left in his recorded message before he was summoned to Amelie’s Beach, he was just a man. Nothing more.
A weak man. A worthless soldier.
A few tears managed to escape and rolled down his cheeks as he sat there on his bed in the pitch black darkness of his private room. A sob slipped past his lips and then another as he started to break down, clutching onto the sheets as he trembled.
He made an oath that he would do the best he could as President of the UCA. But he feared that he would even fail that job. After all, he failed his Captain. The man he still loved dearly to this very day.
At first, that love was familial but then it started to change over the coming years. It became something more but he didn’t dare tell the Captain then. It would not do anyone any good if he tried to pursue a relationship with the Captain and the Captain himself had fallen in love with Lisa.
He swore he was never going to be a homewrecker and while he ached of his lost love, he did not mind settling as friends with the Captain and his girlfriend who would later become his wife. They took him in, accepted him in their little family. Bless Lisa. She was the kindest person he had ever met and he knew she would have been a good mother if she had not ended up in that accident that would render her brain-dead.
Unfortunately, he lost contact with them when Bridget Strand made him her presidential advisor. The only time he would ever see them again was in that room and in the worst circumstances possible.
Seeing her in that glass capsule hurt him just as much as it hurt his Captain.
He lets out another sob, more tears falling onto the sheets.
“I’m sorry, Captain. I failed you and your family. I should have just taken you and Sam out, not leave you to find a way out on your own. I should have listened to my heart rather than my brain. And now I lost you.” He sobs.
“I still love you, you know. I never told you because it would just be wrong of me to interfere in your relationship with your wife.”
But he knew his Captain would never hear his words. All he had now were just ghosts of the past. He was all alone. Would be until the day he died.
If only he knew that there was a ghost from his past literally in his room.
Cliff watched with sorrowful eyes and a heavy heart as the soldier he once took in and trained sobbed his eyes out. He had grown older. No longer was he the brave but cocky and reckless young man but rather a hardened but broken man.
The silver-haired man had always suspected that John had feelings for him. He had noticed when the first time when the man started to act differently around him. Even catching him blushing whenever he got too close to him.
So to hear John finally admit it wasn’t that surprising.
Truth be told, he also had started to fall for the other man. But he was the Captain and he had to focus on keeping his team alive. There was no time for any relationships. But yet he fell in love with Lisa. Even when he fell for the woman who would become his wife, his heart still had space for the other man even if he didn’t act on it. Bless his wife. Lisa was just as sharp as he was and noticed how John and he would act around each other and was just understanding of their relationship. She did not mind that he kept John in his heart just as he kept her in his.
As she told him, he had big heart for the both of them.
Funny that he, a man who was good at dividing others, had such a big heart.
Hearing John sob his heart out made his no longer beating heart ache. He just couldn’t sit back and watch the soldier and the man he still loved break apart.
Walking over silently, Cliff slowly manifested into the physical world then sat on the edge of the bed, reaching a hand out and resting it on John’s shoulder.
John stiffened then. What was this weight on his shoulder? Why did it feel like his bed had dipped to one side?
Looking up, John’s eyes widened when he saw the man right in front of him.
“C-Captain Unger? But you’re… you’re dead.” John muttered in disbelief.
Yet here was the Captain right before his very eyes.
“I am. I’m a ghost that is haunting this world now John. I’m not like those… things. I can’t rest. Not when I’ve finally found my son.” Cliff explains. And you.
More tears rolled down John’s cheeks. “Are you here to kill me? If you do, I won’t resist. After all, I deserve it after what I’ve done.”
Cliff shook his head, clearly not happy of John blaming himself to the point that he was willing to die for his sins. “John… what happened wasn’t your fault.”
“I. Shot. You!”
“Bridget did. You were the gun John. She was the one who pulled the trigger. Who manipulated your love and loyalty to her and filled you with guilt.”
The other man shook his head. “No. No, you don’t understand.” He chokes out. “Even if I didn’t pull the trigger, I should have done more. I should have just gotten you and Sam out instead of just overriding the security systems and giving you a small window to get out. I should have known better that escaping that Bridges facility would be harder than expected.”
“Why don’t you hate me!? I failed you Captain! I failed you, your wife and your son!” He cried out.
Cliff could hear the silent words behind those cries. Hear John shout that he did not deserve his love. Did not deserve him.
Without speaking, Cliff pulled John into a tight hug, a hand on the small of John’s back and the other on the back of John’s neck, tucking John’s head underneath his chin. “I never hated you John. You did what you could. You were trapped in between loyalties to me or Bridget. And when it came down to it, I never wanted you to suffer if you fail to obey the President then.” He said.
“Ssshhh. Enough of your self-loathing. Again, let me be clear once more. I never hated you John. In fact, I have and will always love you.” He said softly smiling as he finally confessed to John of his true feelings.
John stilled, stunned at what he had just heard. Was he mishearing things?
“You… You love me?”
“Yes. I started to fall for you back when we were still in the army even when I fell for Lisa. Lisa knew too. She didn’t mind that I still held feelings for you even after we had gotten married. It never changed even after I died.” Cliff whispered before then planting a soft kiss on John’s temple.
John’s arms wrapped around Cliff, tightening his hold on him and clutching onto Cliff as if he were his lifeline. It just felt like a dream. It had to be.
But he could feel the solid frame of his Captain, feel how cold he is. And he noticed that the Captain’s chest never rose or fell. The Captain was dead yes but for some reason, he was able to physically manifest in the world of the living.
“I-I love you.” John chokes out. “I never stopped too.”
Cliff then smiled, “You should sleep. You’re a busy man now.” Cliff joked.
John shakes his head. “And you can still be the jokester when you want to be.” He laughs, wiping the tears from his eyes.
They both fell back onto the bed, with Cliff shifting slightly to let John lay his head on his chest. It was strange not hearing the Captain’s heartbeat. But the man after all was dead so it wasn’t too surprising. “Sleep, John. Now.” He heard Cliff speak up sternly.
Slowly as John drifted off, he had never felt as much peace as he was now. And this time as he fell back into a deep slumber, no nightmares came.
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just-general-stuff · 5 years
Tying Broken Strands (Part 2)
Final and second part of this quite short fic! I still enjoyed writing this CAUSE CLIFFORD AND SAM DESERVE THEIR FAMILY REUNION. 
When Cliff woke up back on the Beach, he remembered the memories he had when he encountered that brown-haired man for the final time. His son. Sam. Sam Porter Bridges.
He couldn’t remember back then, back at that horrid nightmare of a Beach, but when the man spoke his name, something inside his head clicked and the memories he had temporarily forgotten came flooding back.  
Guilt made his chest ache. All this time he had been attempting to kill his son so that he could take the BB. He had thought the BB in the pod was his son but it wasn’t. He was shocked to see that his son was now a full grown adult. He still remembered when he held him in his arms, still so small and frail. So weak.
But now he was strong. Strong enough to defend himself and even protect the BB with him. He had to admit, the BB was adorable and he was glad that his son was the one to look after the child.
Lou. He remembered his son mentioning the BB’s name and he smiled. The name was just perfect for the little BB. Any thoughts of his son and the BB he carried went away the moment he heard the mysterious stranger whom saved him speak from behind him.
“So now you know, yes?”  
Cliff nods. “Yes.”
“Your body is mended. Where you’re going, you will need to join body and soul first. No body and you won’t be able to make it back from her Beach.”
“And then what?”
“You’ll become a repatriate just as your son for a short period of time. But the moment you complete your task, your body will be returned to the world of the living. A connection for your soul to return to your body and once you have reunited with your son in the world of the living, you and him will no longer become repatriates. He would also no longer have DOOMS.”
“Why is that?” Cliff asks, turning around to face the mysterious man.
The stranger gave an evil smile and continued. “With the entity trapped at her Beach, I will seal off any means of escape for her and separate her from the other Beaches. This will cut off all connection to her including the abilities the few humans she has given. Being a repatriate, DOOMS. Also Timefall will stop and the BT’s will return to live in their rightful place so either being a repatriate or having DOOMS would no longer be necessary.”
Cliff was satisfied of the answer. But he had one question still lingering in his mind.
“I can sense you have something troubling you? You may ask.”
“How will you ensure that Amelie won’t start the Last Stranding from her Beach?” He asks.
The man’s smile grew even wider. “Simple. I’ll trap her, seal her ability to just be enough to start the Sixth Extinction but only when the time is right. I will put her in a deep sleep until then.”
The Messenger’s smile then dropped, his eyes shimmering like stars as he detected a familiar presence at the entity’s Beach. “Now go. It would seem that your son has found her Beach thanks to his friend. Use the doll that I gave you to reach her Beach.”
Cliff wasted no time, using the doll, the very same doll that Amelie had given to her little terrorist group to allow them to control BT’s. He did not know how the stranger got it. But he did not care. All that mattered now was getting to the woman who had taken his life and his son away from him.
It was now time to finish this.
Aiming his gun at her head, Cliff had never been so tempted to just shoot her dead. Make her pay for her deeds. He had attempted to attack her but his son had leaped in between them and no amount of yelling to tell him to move made him budge.
“Let me do the talking.” That’s what his son told him.
If it were not for the sorrowful and pleading look on his son’s face, he would not have given in.  
His son just could not bear him killing Amelie. So he gave him a chance, watching the two interact. Ready to shoot her if she so much as lay a finger on his son.
But as they continued to talk, it was clear that Sam still cared for her. Even after learning of what she had done, what she had been planning to do, she was still the closest thing to a family when he was gone. And he realized he would be no better than Amelie’s other half if he shot her down. It may not kill her as the Messenger said. But it would probably drive his son away from him.  
So he stood back and watched. Watched as his son showed Amelie that there was still more to life out there and yes even if mankind will one day all die out, there will always be hope for the future. That all they had to do was live one day at a time and enjoy the time they have left.
That’s what after all is being human.
But just as he finally convinced her, the mysterious stranger appeared. He would not lie when he smiled internally seeing Amelie pale when her sight fell upon the man.
“Y-You… How are you here? Why are you even here!?” She was still shocked that Cliff the man her other half killed had come back ready to exact his revenge. And now to see the being that always constantly haunted her nightmares, whom always had been taunting her and mocking her when she tried to fight her destiny. She should have known. How else would the Captain be able to return with his body and soul intact unless a greater power had been involved?
“You should know that you overstepped your boundaries, Amelie. You should have known better than to do that. The Universe is furious and It wants its due justice.” The man said and with a wave of his hand, Amelie fell into a deep sleep. His son cried out, catching her in his arms before she fell into the waters.
He listened to his son rant and demand angrily what the stranger did to Amelie, looking every bit like a ferocious lion ready to defend his pride.  
“I put her into a deep sleep along with weakening her. She would not have the strength to start the Last Stranding but rather a Sixth Extinction. But even then, that extinction will come on another day.” The man spoke, not even fazed by Sam’s anger.  
“And then what?” Sam spat out angrily. But the man knew the answer already.
“And then mankind will die. But for now, she will remain here and life will continue on.” The stranger spoke without a hint of emotion.
Cliff saw the troubled look on his son’s face and his sorrow. A jealous pang filled his heart but looking at the woman in the arms of his son, he also felt a small hint of gratitude towards her for taking care of his son when he had no one. However, he would never forgive her for her actions. If anything, he still held a deep hatred for the woman.
Whatever her intentions were even if they were good excuses, they only led to the Death Stranding to occur.  
After all, all good intentions pave the road to Hell.
“You should go and meet your father. It’s been a long time and you two deserve to be one. A family. As was always intended.” The Messenger said, taking Amelie from Sam’s arms.
Sam turned then, eyes wide seeing the man whom he fought and whom had embraced him after their last battle. “M-My father?”
“All will be known. You have the memories. They were just… repressed and you were too young to remember. No matter. You’ll remember them all before you wake up back in the world of the living.” The Messenger said.
Cliff then slowly started to walk towards the younger man, worried that Sam would reject him, perhaps even try to fight him. But the young man never did any of the sort. All he saw were eyes shimmering with tears and full of disbelief.
Taking in a deep breath, Cliff then smiles, “Hello Sam.” God, Lisa. If only you could see him now.
And as the planet in the distant horizon shone a bright red, father and son, reunited at last, fell into the cold waters and everything went dark.
Beeps filled his ears and the smell of antiseptic filled his nose, waking him up from the deep slumber he was in. Where was he? Cliff slowly roused awake still groggy as his eyes took in every inch of the room he was in. It was clear he was in a medical room but most of the technology seemed different. More… futuristic.
“Ah! You’re awake!”
Turning his head, Cliff saw a brown-haired man with an AED strapped to his chest right by the side of his bed. “W-Where-?”
“Ah, my apologies Mr. Unger. You’re in the medical bay back in Capital Knot City. We found you on the outskirts of the city just a few feet away from Sam. Sam was the first to wake up and it’s been nearly two weeks since you were unconscious. Gave us quite the scare too. Sam will be quite happy that you’re finally awake.” The man said. “I must say, it’s not everyday that you get someone who is not a repatriate to come back from the dead.”
Sam? Sam was here?
“I’ll let him know. Just give me a moment.” The man said, before then using some sort of cufflink to call his son.
It wasn’t even five minutes when his son came running into the room, panting and sweat dotting his forehead.
“You’re awake.” Sam breathed out.
“I’ll leave you two be.” The man with the AED spoke but Cliff didn’t hear the man let alone notice him leave. All his attention was now focused on his son.
God, how could he not recognize him for his son initially? He had a blend of his and Lisa’s features. It sickened him that he had attacked his own son. Before he could apologize, Sam rushed over to his side and sat down on the chair, seeming to debate on whether to grab his hand or not.
And then he started to tremble and the next thing Cliff knew he was engulfed in a tight hug.
“I remember. I remember everything.” He heard his son say shakily. Felt the tears falling onto his shoulder and wetting the hospital gown he wore.
Wrapping his arms slowly around his son, Cliff’s own eyes started to tear up. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you and your mother. I’m sorry that I attacked you.”
“You didn’t know. And I remembered. You tried. You tried and died. You did your best and I can’t blame you for that.” The younger man sobs out.
Sam pulled back then, wiping the tears from his eyes. “Die-Hardman or should I say John couldn’t believe you’re here alive. He’s still trying to process it all before the speech tomorrow.”
“Wait. John is alive and well?” He then remembered. The man on Bridget’s or Amelie’s Beach. The man with the black skull mask.
Sam nods. “He was unconscious too when the others found us. He was found nearly on the other side of the city though. He’s physically fine but mentally, he’s still trying to process all this.”
A puzzled look crosses the brown-haired man’s features. “That man. Who was he?” And Cliff knew whom Sam was referring to.
“…A Messenger he said. Of a higher power, a power that felt that what happened to you and I wasn’t fair.”
“I can’t believe… that Bridget… that Amelie… did that.” Sam muttered, tears starting to well up in the man’s eyes. While he wasn’t close to Bridget, he was to Amelie and to know they were the one and same person add in the fact the one that caused the Death Stranding and ripped him from his parents? It was just seemingly overwhelming.
Cliff couldn’t bear to see his son in anguish and reached over, resting his hand over his son’s head running his fingers through the thick strands. “She had her reasons. And while I still hate her for what she did no matter her reasoning, I’m a bit grateful that at least she or Amelie saved your life.” Cliff says.
“Heartman says my blood is now completely normal. I’m no longer a repatriate. You too apparently.”
“The Messenger did say that once he cuts off Amelie’s Beach from ours, the world would be normal again.”
“Oh. That would explain why there have been no chiral spikes these past two weeks.”
Both men then sat there in silence not knowing what to say. So many years have passed, so many things they never thought they could share and speak of and wanting to say them all out but not knowing how to start. That was until Lou gurgled and giggled, pressing her face against the glass of her pod wanting to take a closer look at the man on the bed.
Cliff smiled. “Lou is it?”
Sam then smiled. “Well, it seems I have it wrong. It’s not Lou but Louise. You want to hold her?”
“I do not mind.” Cliff replied, taking the BB from Sam and cradling the pod against his chest. It just reminded him of cradling his son back when he was a baby. He then started to whistle the lullaby he would whistle to Sam back then, happiness filling him when he saw Louise giggle and smile.
Sam even settled in, leaning against the side of the bed as he watched his father and Louise bond.
A Bridge Baby. A tool they say. But for these two men, she wasn’t a tool but rather a Bridge tying together two broken strands together connecting them both once more. Past meets Future. A reunion that had been long in waiting and rightfully deserved.
21 notes · View notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans
A 10 -week surf safari and volunteering platform along South Africas coast culminates in an teachers qualification that could developed you up for life. We assemble the brand-new intake
Its a bright afternoon on Cape Towns Muizenberg beach and Im hastening down the sand in a wetsuit, stopping to leap or star-jump as tutor Nikita roars prescribes. I may want to lie down and sob as I overheat and struggle to keep up, but different groups encouragement gets me through the bootcamp-style exercising before we plod into the brandishes for a two-hour channel-surf lesson.
This is day five of a 10 -week South African surfing adventure with Ticket to Ride, a British busines that runs surf vacations and cliques of all the countries. Im here to sample its longest tour( too run in Morocco ), which offers the chance of preparing as an school at the end and fitness qualify is high on the agenda.
South Africa surfing delineated
Some beings just come for the experience, but most end up doing academic qualifications regardless, says Chris Bond, TTR head of operations. Weve had terminated novices characterize its dazing to realize the mental and physical changes defendants go through in 10 weeks of being in the ocean every day. Plus its a great infinite to realise South Africa.
After two weeks in Cape Town, the 16 -strong group will jaunt east along the coast, the irrigate warming and smothering changing, and coming to an tip northward of Durban two months later. Its a roadway that the companys founders, Linley Lewis and Will Hayler, did independently while backpacking before university, and went on to recreate as a group safarus, pertaining best available local managers and surfer-friendly accommodation.
Besides surfing and training courses, theres abundance of span for researching. Community work with NGOs and goodness is another key part of the timetable, with daytimes dedicated to anything from comprising classrooms to discovering English or scavenging beaches.
Muizenberg beach. with golden sand and long, allaying brandishes.
Giving something back lies at the heart of which is something we do, says Chris.
Muizenberg, with its surfy vibe, golden sandy beach, long, gentle gestures and mountain backdrop is a perfect recognise to embark. Were staying at the oceanfront African Soul Surfer hostel, a bright, enjoyable locality with dormitories and a couple of private arenas. After a tough afternoon in the waves, we kick back on the terrace with a beer, exchanging channel-surf memoranda and playing pool.
Youd perhaps expect such a long expedition to lure children on a chink yah, shall be financed by wealthy mothers. But its a mixed knot, aged between 18 and 30, and some have been doing two jobs for months to save enough to come. Were predominantly Brits, with a sprinkling of Canadians, Dutch women and a guy from Dubai, and of mixed abilities; some ought to have channel-surf for years while others, like me, have scarcely held up on members of the board before. Innumerable are touring post- or pre-uni, but others precisely require a separate from daily life, like Taha from Buckinghamshire, a junior physician who is stepping out of the real world for a little bit. Some are scheming a job change hoping to swap relevant agencies for their own lives by the sea.
Its a shining desegregate of backpacking, volunteering and channel-surf and whats even better is you might get a qualification at the end of it, says Jennifer Snell, 20, from Wiltshire, who compounded an office plaza with driving as a fishmonger in Tesco to raise the money. Theres enough discretion, but everythings to arrange you so you can really focus on surfing.
Jane, on the left, contemplates for the wavings in Muizenberg
The next day were out early on the high seas again. As a novice, I practise popping up on my timber on the sand before taking to the motions. The education is patient and promoting and after numerous neglected strifes, I briefly stand up and wobble towards the beach. “Theres” tattered mansions alerting surfers to look out for sharks and a hilltop watchtower overlooks the duct but in the irrigate I soon forget my panics .( Chris, who has channel-surf here for 23 times, assures me hes plainly “ve ever seen” one and not while channel-surf .) More defendants expire taking selfies( falling off cliffs, being hit by prepares ), or from coconuts falling on their fronts, than in shark assaults, he tells me.
The buzz from catching a wave is amazing and I soon acknowledge the others addiction to surfing.
Staying a week or longer in each of the 7 demises indicates theres time to get out and do touristy situations. We call the penguins at Boulders Beach and hang out at a neighbourhood grocery one evening. Clambering Table Mountain and altering the nightlife are the order of the day more, as well as channel-surf Cape Towns more challenging marks, from Long Beach to Kommetjie.
Jennifer Snell with adolescents from the Billows For Change foundation. Photograph: no recognition
But a big part of the programme is working on community activities in each direction. In Cape Town, its Billows for Change, a footing would like first of all an former TTR employee, Tim Conibear, which gallops HIV awareness and youth leadership curricula in the townships, hiring surfing as a pulpit for education.
We join the girls for a warm-up on the beach before they jump into the ocean to practise their channel-surf insight with the assistance of the TTR group. Factor of the slew is that the children must go to establishment, and attend after-school assignments at development projects centre.
These teens come from wall st., from mob and devastated mansions, says Tim. We help them gain confidence, find a sense of belonging and learn important life the competences and they get a red-hot snack, terribly. There needs to be something red-hot to get them interested and channel-surf has that cool factor.
Our group will be back next day to facilitate colour the shipping containers is available as classrooms.
The beach at Plettenberg Bay. Epitome: Peter Unger/ Getty Images
Sadly, I dont have the indulgence of ten weeks at my dumping, so the next morning I set off ahead of the group with Chris to check out a few of the other targets on the itinerary. Its a beautiful drive to Plettenberg Bay, the next stop, and en route different groups will get the have opportunities to test the worlds highest connection bungee leap, at Tsitsikamma. Plett has a long arc of unspoiled sandy beach and the adaptation, Albergo for Backpackers, is a significant place with an open braai in the evenings.
Further along the coast, Jeffreys Bay is a channel-surf mecca a stop on “the worlds” tour and backdrop to Bruce Browns seminal 1966 surf movie The Endless Summer .( It was also the locate where surf champ Mick Canning formerly got attacked by a shark but we wont dwell on that .) Island Vibe, the hostel relied upon by TTR, sits on a headland overlooking Kitchen Windows, one of J-Bays most well known progress, and I can imagine the levity different groups will have here.
Plettenberg Bayalbergo for backpackers
Etienne Venter, manager of the South African surf team, will be working them hard too. Swim training in neighbourhood reserves, video analysis of channel-surf aptitudes, employs in surf politenes and lifesaving disciplines are all taught along the way. This is a turning point in their move, says Etienne. Theyll certainly start to put into practice and fine tune what theyve learnt so far.
Time will too be were included in township academies here, facilitating with maintenance and belief, as well as with the Supertubes Surfing Foundation, a community-run upkeep programme with a brilliant recycling initiative.
All too soon, the working day for me to run home from Port Elizabeth, sad not to have time to visit the most remote ends on the itinerary, but keenly mindful how just being out into the sea every day for 10 weeks must have a profound change on a person. As they go further around the coast the landscape will change again, the drastic rocky vistum of the Western Cape altering into the more tropical, luxuriant east coast.
Island Vibe hostel, Jeffreys Bay
Chintsa on the Wild Coast north of East London recalls warmer oceans( as the Indian Ocean heats up, wetsuits are cast aside ), drain motions and the chance to visit activity ballparks. Then theyll thought to Coffee Bay in the Transkei, another Africa wholly, with conventional villages and rolling mountains, where adjustment is at the Coffee Shack camp, run by Dave Malherbe, one of the countrys most successful competitive surfers. Durban, South africans channel-surf metropoli and Ballito, 45 minutes to the north, where the lifesaving and instructor exams take place, round off the trip.
Weeks afterwards, back in the UK, I email Jennifer learning about how the rest of the passing became. She prepared and is now schooling with Ticket to Rides Newquay office over the summer, be expected to eventually work for a surfing or ocean management charity.
Catching curves alongside dolphins, the glamour of the Transkei, calling traditional Xosha categories, channel-surf famous Jordy Smiths home break, constituting lifelong sidekicks shes hard-pushed to mention the foreground of the tour. I simply had the time of “peoples lives”, she concludes.
The post Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2yI78dN via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans
A 10 -week surf safari and volunteering platform along South Africas coast culminates in an teachers qualification that could developed you up for life. We assemble the brand-new intake
Its a bright afternoon on Cape Towns Muizenberg beach and Im hastening down the sand in a wetsuit, stopping to leap or star-jump as tutor Nikita roars prescribes. I may want to lie down and sob as I overheat and struggle to keep up, but different groups encouragement gets me through the bootcamp-style exercising before we plod into the brandishes for a two-hour channel-surf lesson.
This is day five of a 10 -week South African surfing adventure with Ticket to Ride, a British busines that runs surf vacations and cliques of all the countries. Im here to sample its longest tour( too run in Morocco ), which offers the chance of preparing as an school at the end and fitness qualify is high on the agenda.
South Africa surfing delineated
Some beings just come for the experience, but most end up doing academic qualifications regardless, says Chris Bond, TTR head of operations. Weve had terminated novices characterize its dazing to realize the mental and physical changes defendants go through in 10 weeks of being in the ocean every day. Plus its a great infinite to realise South Africa.
After two weeks in Cape Town, the 16 -strong group will jaunt east along the coast, the irrigate warming and smothering changing, and coming to an tip northward of Durban two months later. Its a roadway that the companys founders, Linley Lewis and Will Hayler, did independently while backpacking before university, and went on to recreate as a group safarus, pertaining best available local managers and surfer-friendly accommodation.
Besides surfing and training courses, theres abundance of span for researching. Community work with NGOs and goodness is another key part of the timetable, with daytimes dedicated to anything from comprising classrooms to discovering English or scavenging beaches.
Muizenberg beach. with golden sand and long, allaying brandishes.
Giving something back lies at the heart of which is something we do, says Chris.
Muizenberg, with its surfy vibe, golden sandy beach, long, gentle gestures and mountain backdrop is a perfect recognise to embark. Were staying at the oceanfront African Soul Surfer hostel, a bright, enjoyable locality with dormitories and a couple of private arenas. After a tough afternoon in the waves, we kick back on the terrace with a beer, exchanging channel-surf memoranda and playing pool.
Youd perhaps expect such a long expedition to lure children on a chink yah, shall be financed by wealthy mothers. But its a mixed knot, aged between 18 and 30, and some have been doing two jobs for months to save enough to come. Were predominantly Brits, with a sprinkling of Canadians, Dutch women and a guy from Dubai, and of mixed abilities; some ought to have channel-surf for years while others, like me, have scarcely held up on members of the board before. Innumerable are touring post- or pre-uni, but others precisely require a separate from daily life, like Taha from Buckinghamshire, a junior physician who is stepping out of the real world for a little bit. Some are scheming a job change hoping to swap relevant agencies for their own lives by the sea.
Its a shining desegregate of backpacking, volunteering and channel-surf and whats even better is you might get a qualification at the end of it, says Jennifer Snell, 20, from Wiltshire, who compounded an office plaza with driving as a fishmonger in Tesco to raise the money. Theres enough discretion, but everythings to arrange you so you can really focus on surfing.
Jane, on the left, contemplates for the wavings in Muizenberg
The next day were out early on the high seas again. As a novice, I practise popping up on my timber on the sand before taking to the motions. The education is patient and promoting and after numerous neglected strifes, I briefly stand up and wobble towards the beach. “Theres” tattered mansions alerting surfers to look out for sharks and a hilltop watchtower overlooks the duct but in the irrigate I soon forget my panics .( Chris, who has channel-surf here for 23 times, assures me hes plainly “ve ever seen” one and not while channel-surf .) More defendants expire taking selfies( falling off cliffs, being hit by prepares ), or from coconuts falling on their fronts, than in shark assaults, he tells me.
The buzz from catching a wave is amazing and I soon acknowledge the others addiction to surfing.
Staying a week or longer in each of the 7 demises indicates theres time to get out and do touristy situations. We call the penguins at Boulders Beach and hang out at a neighbourhood grocery one evening. Clambering Table Mountain and altering the nightlife are the order of the day more, as well as channel-surf Cape Towns more challenging marks, from Long Beach to Kommetjie.
Jennifer Snell with adolescents from the Billows For Change foundation. Photograph: no recognition
But a big part of the programme is working on community activities in each direction. In Cape Town, its Billows for Change, a footing would like first of all an former TTR employee, Tim Conibear, which gallops HIV awareness and youth leadership curricula in the townships, hiring surfing as a pulpit for education.
We join the girls for a warm-up on the beach before they jump into the ocean to practise their channel-surf insight with the assistance of the TTR group. Factor of the slew is that the children must go to establishment, and attend after-school assignments at development projects centre.
These teens come from wall st., from mob and devastated mansions, says Tim. We help them gain confidence, find a sense of belonging and learn important life the competences and they get a red-hot snack, terribly. There needs to be something red-hot to get them interested and channel-surf has that cool factor.
Our group will be back next day to facilitate colour the shipping containers is available as classrooms.
The beach at Plettenberg Bay. Epitome: Peter Unger/ Getty Images
Sadly, I dont have the indulgence of ten weeks at my dumping, so the next morning I set off ahead of the group with Chris to check out a few of the other targets on the itinerary. Its a beautiful drive to Plettenberg Bay, the next stop, and en route different groups will get the have opportunities to test the worlds highest connection bungee leap, at Tsitsikamma. Plett has a long arc of unspoiled sandy beach and the adaptation, Albergo for Backpackers, is a significant place with an open braai in the evenings.
Further along the coast, Jeffreys Bay is a channel-surf mecca a stop on “the worlds” tour and backdrop to Bruce Browns seminal 1966 surf movie The Endless Summer .( It was also the locate where surf champ Mick Canning formerly got attacked by a shark but we wont dwell on that .) Island Vibe, the hostel relied upon by TTR, sits on a headland overlooking Kitchen Windows, one of J-Bays most well known progress, and I can imagine the levity different groups will have here.
Plettenberg Bayalbergo for backpackers
Etienne Venter, manager of the South African surf team, will be working them hard too. Swim training in neighbourhood reserves, video analysis of channel-surf aptitudes, employs in surf politenes and lifesaving disciplines are all taught along the way. This is a turning point in their move, says Etienne. Theyll certainly start to put into practice and fine tune what theyve learnt so far.
Time will too be were included in township academies here, facilitating with maintenance and belief, as well as with the Supertubes Surfing Foundation, a community-run upkeep programme with a brilliant recycling initiative.
All too soon, the working day for me to run home from Port Elizabeth, sad not to have time to visit the most remote ends on the itinerary, but keenly mindful how just being out into the sea every day for 10 weeks must have a profound change on a person. As they go further around the coast the landscape will change again, the drastic rocky vistum of the Western Cape altering into the more tropical, luxuriant east coast.
Island Vibe hostel, Jeffreys Bay
Chintsa on the Wild Coast north of East London recalls warmer oceans( as the Indian Ocean heats up, wetsuits are cast aside ), drain motions and the chance to visit activity ballparks. Then theyll thought to Coffee Bay in the Transkei, another Africa wholly, with conventional villages and rolling mountains, where adjustment is at the Coffee Shack camp, run by Dave Malherbe, one of the countrys most successful competitive surfers. Durban, South africans channel-surf metropoli and Ballito, 45 minutes to the north, where the lifesaving and instructor exams take place, round off the trip.
Weeks afterwards, back in the UK, I email Jennifer learning about how the rest of the passing became. She prepared and is now schooling with Ticket to Rides Newquay office over the summer, be expected to eventually work for a surfing or ocean management charity.
Catching curves alongside dolphins, the glamour of the Transkei, calling traditional Xosha categories, channel-surf famous Jordy Smiths home break, constituting lifelong sidekicks shes hard-pushed to mention the foreground of the tour. I simply had the time of “peoples lives”, she concludes.
The post Boarding academy: How studying to be a channel-surf teach in ten weeks – in South africans appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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