#saw a video where the class average for the test was 14%
theamazingannie · 2 years
Every time I see people talking about the class averages for STEM class tests, all I can think is that this is the reason we don’t have a cure for cancer
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All weird asks!! They're so good!
Sorry this is a bit late, babe! I wanted to wait til I had the opportunity to answer all these uninterrupted!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs! tbh I drink tea out of coffee mugs because who actually uses teacups? I mean my grandma has tons and I would use them, but the handles are so tiny and I am v clumsy so it scares me.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars!!! I’m too impatient for lollipops and plus they always get coated in saliva which just...drips down my chin since my mouth is already full.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubblegum! I love cotton candy but I can only handle a bit at a time tbh. Also I haven’t had bubblegum in almost two years bc of braces and I miss it so much I can’t wait to have it again.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Okay, so even though I’ve always been homeschooled, when I was in elementary school we did this program with a ton of other homeschoolers where you could take actual classes and stuff. My teachers always said I was quiet and focused and studious, and you could always count on me to be lecturing everyone else on the instructions if they hadn’t been paying attention. (does any of that surprise anyone?)
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? GLASS SODA BOTTLES. nothing beats soda that’s been bottled in glass rather than plastic. You ever had orange cream soda from a glass bottle????? SLAPS ASS MY DUDE.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Pastel/boho/preppy/goth, my dude. I have so many sides to my fashion and aesthetic.
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Tv shows tbh because even though I can binge 4 eps of 45 minutes each per night, they’ll hold my attention a lot more than a movie. It’s weird.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Thunderstorms/petrichor, also natural bogs. PEAT BOG SMELL FUCKING SLAPS.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None. I liked trampoline time back when we took gymnastics, if that counts. I also liked jump roping and Irish step dancing.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Nothing lmao. I sleep til like noon and then I microwave something for lunch.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
My catchall playlist, Things I Love, my summer playlist, Summer Songs, my Gryffindor playlist, My Queen And Country playlist for writing, and my playlist for The Raven Cycle. (after I post this I’ll edit it and link them)
13. lanyard or key ring?
Keyring, a lanyard would like constantly detract from my outfit if that makes sense???
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids or Swedish Fish.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Between The Grapes Of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, The Handmaid’s Tale, and To Kill A Mockingbird!
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Just fucking sprawled every which way.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
My grey converse if it’s comfortable out, my silver flip flops if it’s hot, and my fur-lined black combat boots if it’s cold.
18. ideal weather?
65-70 degrees, partly sunny, breezy, not humid.
19. sleeping position?
I need to sprawl to fall asleep, but once I’m asleep I curl up into a little ball.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Laptop and notebook ONLY IF I’m sure of myself, which isn’t often. But I do write dense, scribbled paragraphs on sermon note pages if something comes to me during church lmao.
21. obsession from childhood?
The American Revolution, weather, astronomy, and mysteries/ghost stories.
22. role model?
Idk tbh? Lately I’m just trying to define and live up to my own standards?
23. strange habits?
Pulling the collar of my shirt up to my mouth and sucking on it. Also being a perfectionist in my writing. I don’t do messy drafts. It’s all perfect by the time I write it, and I edit/spellcheck as I go.
24. favorite crystal?
Amethyst (my birthstone), bismuth, opal, and blue goldstone.
25. first song you remember hearing?
Other than nursery rhymes/kid’s songs, it was Light Up The Sky by The Afters, or California Dreamin’ by The Mamas And The Papas.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Find shade/a cool spot and read with a cold drink.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
ALSO READ. And snuggle with thick socks and a cup of tea and play DS games all day.
28. five songs to describe you?
My five faves atm -
I Am Here // Pink
The Pines // Roses and Revolutions
Soldier, Poet, King // The Oh Hellos
Traveler’s Song // Aviators
Hymn // Kesha
29. best way to bond with you?
Share my interests about politics, history, books, true crime, paranormal, tv shows, and also be kind and understanding when I don’t text for long periods bc I don’t feel up to talking.
30. places that you find sacred?
The woods on the hill behind my house. Dense, deeply green, secluded woods. Hedge mazes. Old and crumbling castles. Anywhere beneath a clear sky and a full moon. Your heart when you’ve come to terms with your fears and made peace with yourself. Anyplace with historical significance. Bookstores on an autumn/winter day. Libraries.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A kickass plaid, bruh. Also my leather jacket - once I lose enough shoulder weight to fit in it again.
32. top five favorite vines?
Fre shavoc ado, the one where the dog eats the butterfly, the Lin-Manuel Miranda one where he’s brainstorming, “what the FUCK kind of weather is this, and the dad and son with the saxophone and the oven door.
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“oh mood”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
“WOW! It’s NatureStone!”
35. average time you fall asleep?
Right now it’s 4-5 am because I suck.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
I Can Haz Cheezburger, My mom used to look at the website with me when I was like 10.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
They both have pros and cons. :/ Duffel bags are easier to carry but suitcases keep stuff from getting broken better.
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon meringue pie!!! my stepdad made a really good one the other week.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Nothing, since I was homeschooled. Same weird shit that always happens at home. Our safe word for when I got overwhelmed in math was “quokka” and we’d stop and look at cute quokka pictures.
41. last person you texted?
My gf :)
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets because things are not only hard to fit in girls’ pants pockets, but if you put a chapstick/lipstick in there it starts to melt :(
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
Irish Spring soap or the blue Dial bars smells better and cleaner than anything to me.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy. It can take me a bit to get into it, but once I do, I love it. I only do sci-fi if it has rebellion and isn’t heavy on the sci. And superhero movies are great but a lot of the tropes are meh. Fantasy has a lot more versatility if you ask me.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Sweatpants/leggings and a soft, well worn tee.
47. favorite type of cheese?
Parmesan, white cheddar, or Muenster.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“do no harm but take no shit.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
A really poorly edited political ad on tv a couple years ago. There was weird jazz playing, flames in the background of an image of the Capitol Building, and then the top of the dome opened and this guy’s face was inside. It is the single funniest ad I have ever seen and I laughed for 10 minutes so hard I was like an inch away from passing out.
51. current stresses?
Passing my driving test next month, getting a job, figuring out if my math skills are okay enough to take the SAT or an equivalent test.
52. favorite font?
Baskerville or Georgia!
53. what is the current state of your hands?
My fingernails are short bc I picked them while reading earlier, my cuticles suck bc I pick at those two, and my pinky is obliterated and scabbed because of when I accidentally sliced through the nail with a razor while shaving the other day. So, not great, but I’m living.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
That kids can be really annoying but also really cute and hilarious if you can get them to calm down. And also that baby fingernails are surprisingly sharp.
55. favorite fairy tale?
The OG Princess and the Frog where it’s implied the prince and “faithful Henry,’ his carriage driver, fall in love and ride off together at the end. JACOB AND WILHELM GRIMM SAID GAY RIGHTS.
56. favorite tradition?
Every December, my mom and I drive around after dark at night and I play Pokemon and we rate everyone’s Christmas decorations based on tackiness.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
So isolated I was as a preteen/early teenager, my self harm, and the internalized anger over my abusive relationship and PTSD.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing, puzzle solving, singing, and calligraphy.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Benvoli-no.” (I recently remembered I used to say that a lot and I need to bring it back)
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
Dark, fairy tale anime with a lot of secrets to uncover and some dark woods.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
TV show - “I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself.” - Doctor Who
Movie - “It’s not about deserve. It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love.” - Wonder Woman
Book - “If you never saw the stars, candles were enough.” - The Dream Thieves, by Maggie Stiefvater
62. seven characters you relate to?
Dean Winchester - Supernatural
Sam Winchester - Supernatural
Jack Kline Winchester - Supernatural
Charlie Bradbury - Supernatural
Gansey - The Raven Cycle
Blue Sargent - The Raven Cycle
Hermione Granger - Harry Potter
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Final Song // MO
Call Home // Heathers
I Am Here // Pink
Babylon // 5 Seconds of Summer
Shake It Off // Taylor Swift
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yes, I have several that remain from self harm, scars all over my left knee from being a clumsy child, and most of all a major scar down the center of my chest from heart surgery when I was a baby.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Rose, lavender, lilac, and dahlia.
67. good luck charms?
Not really???
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Olives, mushrooms, radishes, cottage cheese, and ranch dressing are all foul.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Martin Luther didn’t actually nail his 95 theses to the church door, he just kind of passed them around, which is a lot less dramatic tbh. Also light-up signs were first used in New York City in 1884.
70. left or right handed?
I’m left-handed!
71. least favorite pattern?
I think zebra stripes, leopard print, and houndstooth are super ugly.
72. worst subject?
Math for sure. Even science would be easier if it didn’t involve so much math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Wendy’s fries and chocolate frosty!!!
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I think a 7, usually. My pain tolerance is pretty high because of a) years of self harm, and b) due to my PTSD my muscles are constantly tense and in pain anyway.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I was 4, and it had been loose but it fell out when I was trying to blow up an inflatable ball.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Fries or roasted potatoes that are charred and crunchy on the bottom. Chips are a close third.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Idk, my grandma’s the one with the green thumb mania lmao. But She keeps a lot of violets and arrowhead plants in the windowsills!
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Never had a school ID, but my temporary license photo is actually pretty good right now!
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I really like earth tones for myself.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
THEY ARE THE SAME MF THING. Also I call them both, it just depends on what comes out of my mouth haha.
82. pc or console?
PC, I guess, though I don’t really game. I just watch my stepdad game.
83. writing or drawing?
WRITING. I cannot draw to save my life.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts, talk radio is so annoying.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, although I loved both.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
Mythology I guess??? Although again, I love both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Rejection, losing people I love, people secretly hating me. Also drowning, spiders, clowns, and guns.
88. your greatest wish?
To be a semi-successful author and work in a library/museum.
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My mom and my gf.
90. luckiest mistake?
Almost dropping a knife blade first on my foot but it landed between my toes.
91. boxes or bags?
um boxes I guess? I’m really good at fitting things in tetris style.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Ell, Alexander, Ellie, Little Lion, and Nerd.
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr or Spotify. Two apps I couldn’t live without.
96. desktop background?
Tumblr media
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
About a half dozen. Mine, my mom’s, my stepdad’s, my grandparents’ home number, my grandpa’s, and my grandma’s.
98. favorite historical era?
Both the American Revolutionary period and the Victorian Era (esp in Britain)
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babywhereyougone · 6 years
Tumblr media
[Translation] The Television 2019-01 - Wild Sexy (Part 2 - 20 Questions) (original scans: nsnsns_mmm@twitter)
1. When’s your birthday? Ryo: October 30, 2000 Mizuki: October 31, 2000 Yuto: November 15, 1999 Soya: September 20, 2002 Ryuto: September 30, 2002
2. Where’s your hometown? Ryo: Kangawa Prefecture Mizuki: Kanagawa Prefecture Yuto: Kanagawa Prefecture Soya: Tokyo Ryuto: Kanagawa Prefecture
3. What’s your blood type? Ryo: O Mizuki: AB Yuto: A Soya: A Ryuto: O 4.What’s your hobby/special skill? Ryo: My hobby is billiards. I have been playing it for about a year and have gotten pretty good. My special skill is talking with people I’ve never met before. Zero shyness. Mizuki: My hobby is shopping. My special skill is eliminating my presence. No matter the circumstance, I can disappear with ease and have people wondering where I went (laughs). Yuto: Baseball. I played it from second grade to my first year of high school. I also love watching it. Soya: To debate and talk about the world news and topics. Ryuto: Playing the ukulele is a recent hobby. I bought it when I was abroad, and I got really into it after I played it as a break from the test studying period. My special skills is turning things I hate into things I like. Such an example is acrobatics! 5. On average, how many hours of sleep do you get a night? Ryo: 6 hours. I sleep at midnight and wake up at 6 in the morning. Mizuki: About 7 hours. Today was 6 hours. Yuto: 8 hours. Today was about 8 hours, but the ideal is 24 hours. I can sleep all day! Soya: 6 hours. I got 11 hours today so I’m super content. Ryuto: 7.5 hours. It was about 6 hours today. 6. What’s your favorite thing to eat lately? Ryo: Beef tongue. I buy a block of beef tongue, cook it in sesame oil, and mix it with some spring onions. Eating it like that is the best. Mizuki: The smell of truffle. (Iwahashi) Genki went to this place and had truffle french fries that were super good and now obsessed with, but I haven’t had the chance to try yet (laughs). Yuto: Convenience store oden. I must have daikon and sometimes I’ll also buy egg and kon’nyaku, too. Soya: Cream croquette. Crispy on the outside and soft, melty center inside. Ryuto: Convenience store kalbi bento. 7. What did you eat today? Ryo: For breakfast, I had yesterday’s leftover yakiniku. For lunch, I had curry. Mizuki: Bacon cheeseburger. Yuto: Kimchi. I wasn’t feeling too well this morning, but I felt better after eating kimchi. Soya: For breakfast ad lunch, I had beef tongue rice my mother made. Ryuto: For breakfast I had cereal. I was studying for tests during lunch so I didn’t get a chance to eat… When I’m immersed in something, my appetite takes a break. 8. How many texts do you send in a day? Ryo: About 50. I have about 10 people I talk with regularly. I call in my downtime, so I don’t text much. Mizuki: Almost zero. I immediately reply when I get something, but I rarely send anything myself. Yuto: About 50. Soya: I don’t answer my phone when I’m busy so zero. I usually only text my family, the group members, senpais, and some other people, so maybe about 4 a day. Ryuto: About 3. I call more than text. 9. Who in Johnny’s did you message most recently? Ryo: Shime-chan (Shimekake Ryuya) texted me, “Why didn’t you come to the stage show,?” and I replied, “Because of work and tests.” I want to go if I could~ Mizuki: Nishimura Takuya of Kansai Johnny’s Jr. When I have time, I’d ask him how he is and he sends back a nice reply. Yuto: 7MEN Samurai’s Sasaki Taiko and I entered the company at the same time, so he’s always being cheeky with me. For instance, he saw the TV show I appeared on recently, “Everyone looked amazing …except for Yuto” (laughs). Soya: Tanaka Juri-kun. He gave me advice on the rap I did for “The Shounen Club.” Ryuto: (Sasaki) Taiko. He wants to get something simple across but can’t find the right words for it so the text comes off as angry (laughs). 10. What’s your favorite emoji? Ryo: Cute, funny faces emojis. Mizuki: LINE stamp of the white, round character with his thumbs up. Yuto: Stamps of my favorite anime character. I use the “OK” and “Thank You” ones a lot. Soya: Surreal character stamp of a slim kid. The one where he’s bowing going, “G’mornnnnn!!” is convenient so I use it a lot. Ryuto: Grinning and laughing white bear. I like the relaxed, half-baked ones. 11. What’s on your homescreen? Ryo: A picture taken at Disneyland of JUNIOR 5, including Saku-chan. Mizuki: It’s completely white. I can see the icons easier this way. Yuto: A picture of Mount Fuji I took outside of the hotel window on a family trip. Soya: It’s a photo of a single red rose I purchased. The photo quality on my phone is really good so the red is so vivid and beautiful. Ryuto: The view of the ocean at sunset. Around the summer, it was of Yuto’s expression upon taking a photo with Matsumoto Jun-kun in the dressing room. 12. What’s the most recent photo you took? Ryo: Of my own hair. Just dyed it black. Mizuki: Choreo video. Yuto: A picture of Matsumoto Jun-kun during his concert. The pose he was during while wearing pink gloves was really cool so I took a picture of it without thinking about it when I saw it in a magazine or something. Soya: A picture with friends taken in front of the emergency stairwell on the day of the school culture festival. But we took it with the light the wrong direction so it was a big fail (laughs). Ryuto: Taiko holding a ukulele. 13. What sort of pictures do you have the most in your camera roll? Ryo: Pictures with friends. When we go out, we ask people nearby to take photos for us. Mizuki: I don’t really take photos, they’re pretty much all choreography videos. Yuto: Photos of the members’ selfies when they steal my phone. I dunno what kind of faces Hashimoto-kun makes, Saku-chan’s photos are of eyes wide open, etc. (laughs). Soya: Family. My older sister loves photos so there’s a lot of everyone. I’m like cut off to the side. Ryuto: Of the members. I turn my camera towards the members in between rehearsals. I have a lot of good faces from Yuto. 14. What do you always have in your bag? Ryo: Breath mints. Mizuki: Mask and tissues. And a train character chewing gum. I loved that gum since I was kid so I always have it. Yuto: Perfume. I’m into scents, and I’ve been into jasmine lately. Soya: Hand wipes. I use it when there isn’t any hand soap when I’m out. Ryuto: A ballpoint ben. It’s the kind with both black and red ink together and it fits into my wallet. 15. What’s your most recent purchase? Ryo: Hawaiian jewelry. I bought something that has “strength” associated with it. Mizuki: A red smartphone case. (Takahashi) Kaito gave me a case that has a built-in battery that I’ve been using, but the color faded… so I went and bought the same color and style! Yuto: Hawaiian ring. Soya: Five rings from Hawaii. My fingers look pretty when I put them on. Ryuto: Mobile battery. 16. What do you want the most right now? Ryo: Motorcycle. I want to ride one during a concert! I have to get a license first, though. Mizuki: I want to try living on my own so I want a one bedroom apartment (laughs). Yuto: White sneakers or boots. I surprisingly like white, even the wristwatch I’m wearing now is white. Soya: A super amazing massage chair for when I’m tense. I never experienced it before, but I want to experience the first class cabin of an airplane. Ryuto: Macro lens for an SLR camera. 17. What type of girls do you like? Ryo: A girl who looks good with short, brown hair. Mizuki: A girl who supports and doesn’t reject my opinions. Yuto: Someone who isn’t clingy, a girl who is a bit of a tomboy. Soya: A bit of a dreamer who says funny, innocent things at times. Ryuto: Someone who talks for me. I don’t hate conversation, but I’m bad at bringing up topics… 18. If you were a girl, which member do you want to go out with? Ryo: None! I know too much about them all so it would be bad (laughs). If it’s any other group, then (Yoshizawa) Shizuya-kun. He’s so nice. Mizuki: Sakuma! Since he wouldn’t be disagreeable with me (laughs). Yuto: None (laughs). But, if Saku-chan was my boyfriend, it would be pleasantly fun. Soya: Hard pass on all (laughs). But if I had to choose someone, the person that fits the answer to the last question the most would be Sakuma. Ryuto: I guess Mizuki-kun. If I were his girlfriend, I’d probably fuss a bit over if he’s sleepy. 19. When do you feel the most happy? Ryo: When I’m talking with my friends at school about how we’re graduating soon. It’s a bit sad though—that only have a little bit of time left together with my classmates. Mizuki: When I hit the snooze button. And, when I eat yummy foods! Yuto: That feeling when I realize that so many different people love me now than ever before. Soya: Shampoo (hair wash) at the beauty salon. Ryuto: When I can relate to a book I’m reading. 20. What’s one thing you want to say to yourself about this past year? Ryo: You’ve grown up a lot! You now like black costumes more than the sparkly ones, you now have an interest in cars and motorcycles, your tone suddenly changed. Mizuki: Blossom. It’s your final year of high school, and it feels like it was spent brilliantly blossoming. Yuto: It was an incredible, spectacular year! Soya: You worked hard! Deserving of praise! Ryuto: You worked hard! You gave everything you had in all the work opportunities given this year.
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The Best of Both Worlds
“To all outsiders Min Yoongi was your typical high school loser: a nerd who had maybe two friends and was the epitome of what it meant to be average. He got good grades, never spoke out of turn in class, and although he wasn’t a teacher’s pet they seemed to have a liking for him.
Like he’d describe it himself, “a whole ass loser”.
But this whole ass loser had a huge ass secret that could potentially change all of that; indeed, Min Yoongi was also world-famous hiphop artist Agust D.
And he just wanted the best of both worlds.
Starring Kim Namjoon as Billy Ray, Kim Taehyung as Lily Trescott, introducing Min Yoongi as Hannah Montana and many more… 
Slipping his backpack off his shoulder and onto Yoongi’s kitchen table, Taehyung spun around to face his best friend.
“How can you honestly tell me you don’t want to see Agust D tonight?” He asked incredulously. “Do you know how many times I had to call into that radio station to win tickets?”
Yoongi inwardly scowled, trying his hardest to make Taehyung drop it. “I don’t want to go, and besides, we said we were going to study and your ass definitely needs it.”
“But it’s Agust D, Yoongi. He’s been my favorite rapper since I was like 14, and you’ve never even given him a chance! You’d like his stuff if you’d just listen to it.” Taehyung pointed an accusing finger at his friend.
“If you want to see Agust D so bad then ask Jimin to go with you, because I’m not going!” Yoongi huffed out a heavy sigh, turning on his heel towards his room.
“Damn, what crawled up your ass?” Taehyung mumbled disappointedly, but relenting. He soon followed after his friend, dragging his backpack along with him.
Taehyung followed Yoongi into his cramped room, and flung himself onto his small twin bed with a loud groan. He sat his bag next to him, and pulled out his well worn science textbook, flipping few a through pages.
“What chapter is the test over again?” Taehyung asked, perfect eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
Yoongi hesitated, “I think three? I’m not sure -”
Suddenly the voice of Yoongi’s dad rang out, “Yoongi, can I speak with you for a minute?”
“I have to go right now,” he stood and announced. “You know how pushy my dad can be, making him wait long could hurt his achy breaky heart.”
Taehyung nodded absentmindedly, still searching through his textbook. Yoongi sat his own bag down on his desk before exiting his room to find his dad waiting in the living room. Namjoon stood imposingly at the end of the couch, his embroidered brown cowboy boots adding a few inches to his already tall frame.
“What’s up?” Yoongi asked, flopping down onto the worn couch, which caused Namjoon to sigh.
“I overheard Taehyung asking about a certain rapper.” Namjoon sat down himself, folding his long body onto the short couch. “He was being really pushy, Yoongi. You don’t think he’s getting suspicious, do you?”
Yoongi snorted at this idea, finding it completely ridiculous. He pushed up his black framed glasses before answering his father.
“Dad, please - Taehyung’s my friend and all, but he can be kind of ditzy sometimes. He’s more of a pretty face than a brain. I promise, there’s no way he knows I’m Agust D.”
Back in Yoongi’s room, Taehyung was busying himself with skimming over the chapter he should’ve read a week ago. As he turned the page, a heading stood out to him; Mr. Lee had explicitly told the class the information would be on the exam.
Taehyung paused, pulling his bag closer to search for the one highlighter he owned. After a few moments of searching to no avail, he let out groan. He rose, intending to go ask Yoongi if he had one that he could borrow, but when he heard Yoongi and Mr. Kim still talking, he changed his mind. He’d always found Mr. Kim a little intimidating - any man who could wear cowboy boots as confidently as him was not one to mess with.
Taking it upon himself to find a highlighter, Taehyung began his search around Yoongi’s room. After checking his bag and coming up empty handed, he walked over to his desk. Jerking open the top drawer, he dug through its contents; he found index cards, actor Jung Hoseok’s leaked nudes, post-its, paper clips - but no highlighter.
He took a moment to scan the room, his eyes eventually landing on a small cup filled with various writing utensils sat on a shelf on the bookcase, where Yoongi kept all of his CD’s. With a grin on his face, Taehyung made his way to the bookcase, hand reaching up to grab a treasured highlighter when something caught his eye.
“I knew he was lying.” He exclaimed giddily, a huge smile breaking out on his face. He reached for the CD, about to pull it out of its spot on the shelf. “I knew he liked Agust D.”
As Taehyung pulled the CD out of its position the rest of the way, a mechanical groaning made its way to his ears.
“What the hell?” Taehyung mumbled, but continued to remove the CD anyway. The second it was fully in his grasp, the shelf and the small area it sat on began to move. “Holy shit!”
Taehyung latched himself onto the front of the shelf, too scared that if he moved back he’d get caught in the moving contraption. As it quickly whirled around, Taehyung kept his eyes clenched shut - only opening them once the movement subsided.
And the moment he opened them, he saw something he never, ever could’ve imagined would be hidden away in his best friend’s room.
Upon hearing a familiar sound of machinery, Yoongi’s eyes snapped towards his dad’s; they both knew what that sound meant. The two of them sprinted towards the room but they already knew their worst fear had come true. 
Why did Taehyung have to be so nosy?
Yoongi and Namjoon rounded the corner into his bedroom, racing to the bookshelf that housed his darkest secret. It was back into its normal place,and  to anyone else it would seem like nothing ever occurred, but Yoongi knew that meant nothing; the shelf was built to go back into position once it was opened.
Namjoon pushed the button that rested where the Agust D CD should’ve been, and both he and his son were soon moving into his vast, hidden closet.
“What are you doing in here?” He advanced to where he saw his friend examining one of his on-stage robes.
Taehyung slowly broke away from the designer outfits and turned to face his best friend.
“I think I should be the one asking the questions here, Yoongi.” He said quietly, an utterly confused look on his face. “Why the hell do you have a moving bookcase? Why do you have all these clothes? Are they yours?”
Yoongi shot a quick look to his father, who seemed unsure as to how to proceed in this situation.
“Well…y-yes, they’re mine,” Yoongi began, causing his father’s jaw to drop. He hadn’t expected his son to come right out about it.
Taehyung glanced around the room a bit more, until one outfit in particular caught his eye. He shuffled over to it cautiously; he slowly reached for the dark coat with a skull imprinted on the back. He inspected the coat, pulling it around to look at it from various angles; all too soon, a chain shining in the light distracts him the jacket. It dangled from the same hanger as the coat; a small gold necklace, with small metal feathers hanging from the chain. He gently touched the metal, sucking in a sharp breath as he does so.
Taehyung had seen the exact necklace so many times; he always commented on how much he liked it every time he watched the Agust D music video.
“Tae -” Yoongi started, taking a step in his direction, but he’s quickly cut off. Taehyung whirled around, his gorgeous, dark eyes as wide as saucers and sparkling with wonder.
“You’re him.” He sputtered, finally connecting the dots. “You’re Agust D.”
This stopped Yoongi cold; he never wanted this to happen, but he doesn’t see anyway to come back from it.
“Shit, Tae,” He sighed deeply, reaching up to pull his glasses off his face. As he does so, Taehyung’s expression grows even more shocked, which makes Yoongi laugh even in the dire situation. “You’re not the brightest. It was a fucking pair of glasses.”
“Well, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect my best friend to pull a Clark-fucking-Kent on me. Excuse me for not seeing through your excessive layers of bullshit.” Taehyung exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air out of frustration.
Namjoon awkwardly clears his throat, before excusing himself. However, he only leaves after tripping over his huge, steel-toed, boot-clad feet.
“Well,” Yoongi awkwardly scratched the back of his head, “Do you still want to see Agust D tonight?”
“Do I still want to see - of course I want to see Agust D tonight, are you kidding me.” Taehyung said quickly, shooting Yoongi a dark look. “Just ‘cause he turned out to be your dumbass doesn’t mean the songs aren’t certified bops.”
“Don’t ever call my songs bops ever again.” He laughed, but the urgency of the situation still hung heavy in the air. “If anything, they’re lit.”
As Yoongi turned around and began walking to the closet door, a thought popped into his head.
“Wait -” He spun around to face Taehyung, who stopped suddenly to avoid running into Yoongi. A wide smile broke onto Yoongi’s handsome face. “Wanna pull a Clark Kent with me?”
“Remember,” Yoongi - no, Agust D - strutted around the stage, microphone held close to his mouth. Love myself, love yourself, because life’s what you make it. Peace!”
With that, Agust D ran off the stage to the instrumental tune of So Far Away. Blood still singing with the sound of the crowd and a rush of adrenaline from the show, Yoongi ran to his dressing room, eager to go home and recover from the intense concert.
He opened the door to the private room, and was very quickly bombarded with shouts from Taehyung.
“Holy shit, Yoongi. Oh my god, that was so good - oh my god.” Taehyung rambled excitedly, hands flying everywhere and mouth moving a mile a minute. “When did you learn how to do that? I’ve never seen you speak - rap, so quickly. You can’t even give a presentation in class without fucking up your words.”
Yoongi scoffed at Taehyung backhanded compliment, choosing not to push the subject.
“And can I take this stuff off now? This wig is itchy.” Taehyung pulls at the fire engine red wig that had been secured onto his head. Yoongi told Taehyung that in order for him to go backstage and be a part of his ‘entourage’, as Taehyung had called it, he had to wear a disguise just like Yoongi. Yoongi suggested the wig, and also threw in some dark green contacts. He was adamant that Taehyung dress the part to avoid discovery.
Well, at least that’s what he told Taehyung. He honestly just wanted him to look funny for the concert, but of course, Taehyung actually looked good with them on. He’d also have to make a mental note to never let him wear this specific GUCCI suit again, he didn’t know what he’d do if Taehyung decided GUCCI was his thing.
Yoongi sometimes swore that boy could wear a trashbag and still look like a god.
“Go for it,” Yoongi said, breaking out of his thoughts when Taehyung asked again. “But leave in the contacts.”
Yoongi busied himself with gathering his things to leave as Taehyung busied himself with taking off the bothersome wig.
“You ready to go, guys?” Namjoon asked, walking into the dressing room with loud steps.
Both of the boys nodded, heading out the door, but Namjoon laid a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder, causing both boys to pause.
“Taehyung…” He began, shifting his weight from side to side, as if he was nervous. “I need to make sure you to understand something before we leave. Yoongi has worked so hard to get where he is today. He’s spent so much time and effort to become Agust D. You cannot tell a single soul about this, Taehyung. It could all come crashing down.”
A heavy weight falls over the room at Namjoon’s words. Yoongi spares a glance at his friend, who has visibly paled at his father’s words.
“I would never, Mr. Kim.” Taehyung said adamantly, shaking his head. “Yeah, I like Agust D and all, and it would be cool to say I knew him, but Yoongi means too much to mean to mess this up. I know he’s trusting me with this, and I won’t let him down. I promise.”
Taehyung answer seemed to appease Namjoon, but as much as Yoongi wanted it to do the same for him, he couldn’t help the unease that he still felt.
He trusted Taehyung, that was certain, but Taehyung didn’t always think before he spoke. He meant well enough; but though he may have been born with the perfect body, he wasn’t born with a perfect filter.
With a sense of anxiety filling his mind, Yoongi followed Taehyung and Namjoon out of the dressing room, and back into his life as Min Yoongi.
“By the way, right now I’m not Taehyung. I’m Agust D’s much more handsome sidekick: V!”
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Fear Factor: Season 3: Episode 1: Part 1
I hope you all like this special version of Fear Factor Season 3 with all your favorite cartoon characters.
Fear Factor Season 3: Animation Edition
Imagine a world where your greatest fears become reality. Welcome to Fear Factor. Each show, 6 characters from your favorite cartoons battle each other in three extreme stunts. These stunts are designed to challenge the characters both physically and mentally. If a contestant is too afraid to complete a stunt, they're eliminated. If they fail a stunt, they're eliminated. If they succeed, they move one step closer to the grand prize: $50,000. Six characters, three stunts, one winner. Fear Factor.
Episode 1: Counter Balance Beam; Weenie Roast; Swinging Rope Bridge
The six characters walk towards their destination on a windy day in the San Fernando Valley. They have been brought here for one reason: Stare fear in the eye for a chance at $50,000.
Daphne Blake
Mystery Inc.
"Despite my so called pretty girl appearance," Daphne said. "I'm a fierce warrior. I take karate lessons. Once they realized they underestimated me, they're going to wish they didn't even met me. And if I win the money, I'm gonna give most of my winnings to my co workers because they've been good friends to me."
Timmy Turner
Average Kid who no one understands
"I'm a simple middle class kid," Timmy said. "I know I'm young, but I'm gonna use that to my advantage. I just hope I don't see any clowns on this show. That would be a line I do not want to cross."
Francine Smith
Langley Falls, Virginia
"My husband happens to be a CIA agent," Francine said. "Years I spent living in the shadows of my house, not willing to take risks. I'm ready to prove to myself that I'm more than a housewife."
Total Drama Contestant
"Most people know me from Total Drama," DJ said. "I'm ready to shed my image of a simple soft guy. I'm also willing to finally overcome my anxieties for some real dough, dawg."
Peach Creek
Cool Girl
"Most people think I'm a simple minded blonde," Jazz said. "But I'm much more than that. If I win the $50,000 dollars, I'm gonna throw the most rad party ever! How cool would that be?"
Pleasant Hills
Average Kid
"I guess I'm kind of the underdog," Todd said. "But I can use it to my advantage. After all, everyone loves a underdog. It's great confidence for people. When I win the money, I plan to buy out Fleem Co."
They then saw the host, Joe Rogan waiting for them. He smiled as he saw the contestants. "What's up? What's up?"
"Hey Joe!" Timmy, Nazz, DJ, and Todd greeted.
"Hi Joe." Daphne and Francine greeted. Joe then started the usual introduction.
"You six people have been brought here from all over the country for one reason: To stare fear in the eye as you compete for $50,000. Now to win the money you're gonna have to complete 3 extreme stunts. Stunts that will not only test you physically, but mentally as well. If you're too afraid to attempt a stunt, you're be eliminated. Try a stunt and fail to complete it, you're gone. However, if you do succeed, you'll move on to the next round and be that much closer to $50,000."
Now that the rules have been explained, it's time to play. "Alright, here's your first stunt." Joe then pointed to a platform that's hanging high above a dusty cliff. "Hanging over 100 feet in the air is an 8x24 foot platform that'll rock back and forth as you move. When I say go, you'll try to collect as many flags as possible while trying to maintain your balance and keep from falling off the platform. The two men and the two women who collects the most flags the fastest will move onto the next round. We have randomly selected today's order and DJ, you're lucky number one."
DJ's eyes went wide as he realized he was picked first. He was afraid of heights, but he was willing to do the stunt anyway. "Ready man?" Joe asked him.
"Yeah dawg." DJ said.
"Alright let's go." Joe walked with DJ to get him ready. While they were away, the other contestants got to know each other better.
"So, how do you think DJ's going to do?" Timmy asked.
"He looks tough. I think he'll do fine." Nazz replied.
Francine shook her head. "I think he's going to fall. Then you're all going to fall, and I'm taking the money for myself!" She said with her best ego voice.
Daphne smirked at Francine. "Is that how you wanna play it? With trash talk?" Francine nodded. "That went out of style with that shade of blonde in your hair a few year ago."
Francine frowned as the other players, except Nazz, snickered. "What's with the mood?"
Todd then approached Nazz. "So, you wanna get a soda right after the show?"
Nazz giggled. "You're so cute..."
As Nazz walked away, Timmy stood next to Todd. "She wants me."
"Yeah. I can tell." Timmy said sarcastically.
At the platform, Joe decided to make small talk with DJ. "So, DJ the nice guy from Total Drama. This is a big step."
"Yeah. I get a little tired of being recognized from it though. I hear you and Chris McClean were friends."
"Yeah. We actually went to the same college together. I actually gave him the idea for the Phobia Factor and Brunch of Disgusting challenges. So, what do you plan to do with the money when you win?"
"I'm gonna give most of it to my mama." DJ replied.
"Aw...That's nice. Remember. You're setting the bar. So, good luck." Joe then left.
"Hey momma!" DJ said to the camera. "About to win you 50 G's!"
Joe then approached the others. "You guys rooting on DJ to win?"
"Yeah. He looks tough." Nazz said with a smile.
"He's gonna fall!" Todd said.
"Come on. He's a nice guy." Nazz said.
"Yeah. Well, nice doesn't pay to win, Carrot Top!" Francine said. Daphne gasped.
"Like you're one to talk...Blondie!" Daphne shot back. Francine gasped.
"Looks like we have a cat fight in the making." Joe said playfully.
They then watched the platform rise with DJ on it. "OK DJ, I'm gonna ask you to stand up!" Joe called out. DJ did just that. He then started turning white as he saw how high he was. "You ready DJ?" DJ nodded. He was scared, but he had no choice. "Here we go! In 3, 2, 1...Go!"
With that, DJ got to his knees and started moving slowly as the platform started swaying. It was windy, making it hard for him to focus. He got the first three flags, but then started feeling himself slip when he got the fourth and fifth flags. "No! Mama!" DJ screamed as he thought he was going to die. Once the safety rope caught him, DJ breathed a sigh of relief. "Man. Five measly flags."
He then made his way back down and joined Joe and the others. "DJ. What happened? You only got five flags." Joe said.
"It's probably because of the wind. It makes it really hard for you to concentrate when it's blowing in your face." DJ explained.
"Well alright. You got 5 flags in 16 seconds. Let's see if that holds up. Timmy, you're next. You ready?"
"I'm ready man." Timmy replied.
"Alright. Let's go." Joe walked with Timmy.
"Good luck!" Nazz called out. She then looked at DJ. "You did a nice job."
DJ smiled. "Thanks."
"Please! You're nothing but a simple cream puff!" Francine said.
"Well, Mega Bitch Godzilla is on the loose!" Daphne shot back.
Francine grew furious. "You take that back!"
"Nope. It's already out there."
Joe then stood with Timmy next to the platform. "So Timmy, you learned anything from watching DJ?"
"Yeah. Don't get on your knees. Just do a little squat."
"Good technique. What do you plan to do with the money if you win?"
"I'm gonna buy a whole lot of video game systems."
"Good. That's typical for a ten year old boy. Now how many flags you think you'll get?"
"8 in 12." Timmy said with confidence.
"8 in 12. Good estimate. Well, good luck." Joe walked back to the others as Timmy got prepped. The platform rose again with Timmy on it. "Alright Timmy, I'm gonna ask you to stand up!" Timmy did just that. "You ready?!" Timmy nodded. "Alright remember, you have to beat 5 in 16 seconds! You do that, you are in tomorrow! In three, two, one...go!"
Timmy then got into position and started collecting the flags. "One...Two...Three...Four..." He was able to get seven before falling off. He then made his way down and back to Joe and the others.
"Timmy. Nice job! 7 flags in 14 seconds." Joe commented.
"Hey. It was almost a piece of cake." Timmy said.
"Alright. Todd, all you have to do is beat 5 in 16, and DJ goes home. Ready?"
"Yeah! Let's do it." Todd said.
"Alright." Joe then walked with Todd.
"Man little dude, I underestimated you." DJ said with a smile.
"Thanks. I did the best I could."
"Yeah little dude. That was so rad." Nazz said.
Joe stood with Todd next to the platform. "Alright Todd, tell me about yourself."
"Well, I have a older sister, a dad who's a daredevil."
"A daredevil dad like Evel Kenevil? That's cool. Let guess, you also have a spy mom?"
"Actually yes. How did you guess?" Todd asked surprised.
"Just took a crack. So, give me your best estimate."
"Eight in 10. Easy."
"Eight in 10. Great. Well, good luck buddy." Joe then walked back with the others. Todd then sat on the platform as it rose high into the air. "Alright Todd, I'm gonna ask you to stand up!" Todd did just that. "Alright Todd, you ready?" Todd nodded. "Alright. Here we go, in three, two, one...go!" Todd then got onto his knees and started collecting flags. But, he was only able to get five before sliding off.
"Man! Five flags! Dang it!" Todd complained. He then made his way down and back to the others.
"Cheer up little dude." Nazz said.
"Alright Todd. You got five flags. You're tied with DJ." Todd frowned, as he and DJ thought the verdict was clear. "But, you got them in 14 seconds." Todd smiled. He was moving on to tomorrow. "DJ. I'm sorry. It was nice having you here, but we got to send you packing."
"It's cool man." DJ said with a sad smile. "It was fun."
"Alright. Take it easy." Joe said as DJ walked the walk of shame.
"Bye DJ." Nazz waved off.
"I guess I still have to overcome some of my anxieties. I'm really disappointed that I didn't get far though. I just hope my mama doesn't get pissed at me." DJ said.
Joe then walked with Nazz to the platform. "Nazz, how are you feeling?"
"Totally pumped, dude!"
"Good to know. Anyone special you doing this for?"
"My sweetheart Kevin."
"Aww. That's nice. Listen, you're the first girl. So you got to set that bar. You got that?"
"Alright. Good luck." Joe then walked back to the others.
"Man, Nazz is cool." Todd said dreamily.
"Please! She's so not into you." Timmy said.
"What? You want her?"
"No. I already got a girl of my own back at home."
Nazz then got onto the platform as it started to rise. "Alright Nazz, stand up!" Joe called out. Nazz did just that. "Alright, are you ready?!"
"Alright! Remember, you're the first girl! So set that bar high! In three, two, one...go!" With that, Nazz got onto her knees and collected as many flags as she could. After she got the fifth flag, she slipped and fell off. "Five in 18 seconds!"
"I'm so gonna beat that!" Daphne said.
"Well then, have fun falling, red head!" Francine smirked.
"You say one more insult, and I'll smack you!"
Nazz then made her way back to Joe and the others. "Nazz! Very impressive. 5 in 18. How was it?"
"Well, it was a lot like DJ said. Very windy. But, I did the best I could."
"Well, let's just hope that holds up. Daphne, you ready?"
"Yes Joe. I am."
"Alright. Let's get you prepped." Joe then walked with Daphne. "So Daphne, I heard you and Francine talking a lot of trash talk to each other."
"I just don't want her to win." Daphne admitted.
"I totally understand that. So, other than the money, what's your motivation for doing this show?"
"My friends at Mystery Inc. Even Shaggy and Scooby."
"Well, that's nice. Good luck."
"I hope that girl falls hard." Francine said.
"What's your deal?" Nazz asked, confused by her behavior. The platform then rose with Daphne right on it.
"OK Daphne, stand up!" Joe called out. Daphne did just that. "OK. You ready?"
"I'm ready!"
"Alright! You have to collect five in 17 seconds! You do that, you are in! Here we go! In three, two, one...go!" With that, Daphne got onto her knees and started collecting as many flags as she could.
"Fall now!" Francine called out, trying to throw Daphne off her balance. To Francine's shock, Daphne moved quickly and got 8 flags before falling.
"Nice job, Daphne!" Joe called out.
"How many I got?!"
"8 in just 9 seconds! You not only collected the most, but you got the fastest time! Congratulations! You are in!"
Daphne made her way back down and to Joe and the others. "Wow! That was so awesome!" Nazz said.
"Thanks. Let's see you beat that...Blondie!" Daphne smirked.
"Knock off, bitch!" Francine shot back.
"Alright Francine, come with me." Joe then walked with Francine. Francine was nervous. She had to collect the most flags or she was going home.
Francine decided to skip talking with Joe in order to get focused. She sat on the platform as it rose. "Alright Francine, stand up!" Joe called out. Francine did just that. "OK, are you ready?!"
"Just count me down!" Francine said.
"Alright. Remember, you have to get 5 flags in 17 seconds, or you are going home. In three, two, one...go!" With that, Francine moved slowly and grabbed the first and second flags. The wind really made it hard for her to concentrate. She was wasting a lot of time. She only got to the fifth flag before falling off. Francine knew she lost. "You know what?! F*** this! And f*** everyone of you!"
"She got 5 flags, but she got them in 25 seconds! Nazz, you are moving on!"
Nazz cheered and hugged Daphne. We now had four players who were closer to $50,000.
"Well, congratulations everyone. You are all moving on. Let's get out of here and see what tomorrow has in store for you."
"Let's move it!" Timmy announced. With that, the four contestants started walking away, to get some rest for tomorrow's stunt.
Stay tuned for the second stunt
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j-exclamationmark-l · 7 years
BPM Scholarly Contest for the Front Page -Japanese- (English)
Translator’s note: Kanji in Japanese is complicated. Depending on how a character is used and in what context, it could be pronounced differently, and different kanji can be used to make different sounds. It’s rather inconsistent, and as you can see from this video, it’s hard even for Japanese people sometimes.
Teacher: Alright, everyone, let’s begin. Good job on completing the test.
Everyone: Thank you.
Teacher: In order to make this more exciting, I’ll be announcing the top three overall scores.
Everyone: Wow! Yes!
Teacher: First, number three… Codomo Dragon’s… Hayato.
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Teacher: As for your score, out of a total of 100 possible points, and an average of 54, you received 71.
Voices: Wow! That’s incredible! You did well!
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Number 3: Hayato Codomo Dragon (vocalist)
Average class score: 54
Japanese: 14 Math: 20 Science: 6 Social Studies: 15 English: 16 Total: 71
Teacher: This is of course based on 20 points per each of the five subjects with a total of 100.
Subaru: Oh, is that how this works?
Teacher: Continuing on, at number two… Kiryu…
Takemasa: OH! That’s one of us, one of us, one of us… Hey, the camera ain’t pointed at me…
Teacher: It’s Junji.
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Teacher: Junji received a total score of 75.
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Number 2: Tokai Junji Kiryu (Drummer)
Average class score: 54
Japanese: 18 Math: 20 Science: 12 Social Studies: 12 English: 13 Total: 75
Junji (after pumping his fists in the air and dancing around): That makes me a little happy.
Teacher: And now I’d like to announce the top score in the class.
Junji: It’s definitely Hiyori.
Takemasa: I don’t think anyone here doesn’t think it’s Hiyorin.
Junji: Shh, shh.
Hiyori: …The hell, dude.
Teacher: And now, number one… Kiryu…
Subaru: Oh!
Takemasa: Nuh-uh, it’s me! It’s me, me, me, meee!!
Mitsuki: The camera’s pointing at you.
Takemasa: OHH? OHH?? OHH??? ♡ ♡
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Teacher: Number one is Hiyori.
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Junji and Hiyori: Whoo!!
Mitsuki: He looks so happy he’s going to cry!
Takemasa: Crybaby! Crybaby!
Hiyori: I’m… I’m speechless…
Takemasa: What score’d he get?
Teacher: He earned a score of 82.
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Number 1: Isshiki Hiyori Kiryu (Bassist)
Average class score: 54
Japanese: 16 Math: 20 Science: 20 Social Studies: 13 English: 13 Total: 82
Voices: Wow! That’s a high score!
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Takemasa: His face! His faaace!
Mitsuki: The rest is all downhill from here.
Teacher: Now, I’d like to examine your results.
Japanese test results
Teacher: We’ll start with Japanese. First, you were asked to fill in the blanks from a four-kanji compound word.
Teacher: Two… space… three… space. I would have accepted 二束三文/nisoku sanmon (dirt cheap) or 二人三脚/ninin sankyaku (three-legged race).
Subaru: Ohhh.
Teacher: 二転三転/niten santen (changing back and forth) would have been acceptable as well. However, unfortunately… Codomo Dragon’s meN-meN.
meN-meN: Yes?
Teacher: You kind of went off-track.
meN-meN’s answer: 二人三客/futari sankyaku (It’s close to one of the correct answers, but he used the wrong kanji for “kyaku” so instead of “three-legged” it’s “three guests”, making a compound of “two people, three guests”)
Teacher: What… what exactly does this mean?
meN-meN: I started to write “leg” and then I erased it.
Teacher: Next.
Teacher: Liquor… blank… meat… blank. The answer is 酒池肉林/shuchi nikurin (a plentiful feast, literally “a lake of liquor and forest of meat”). Of course, the kanji for lake…
Subaru: Lake! Lake! It’s lake?!
Teacher: Yes. It’s “池/chi” as in “lake,” not “地/ji” as in “ground.” Several of you got this wrong. It’s a lake of liquor and a forest of meat. That being said… there was a somewhat… grotesque answer. I mean, I get where you were coming from. Kuina of Royz.
Kuina’s answer: 酒地肉輪 (shuji nikurin. A ground full of liquor and a wheel of meat)
Hiyori: What’s a wheel of meat?
Teacher: Would you care to explain?
Kuina: Well, you understand what I meant.
Teacher: There was one more from Royz. Koudai. This is a gluttonous answer.
Koudai’s answer: 酒飲肉食/sakenomi nikushoku (Carnivorous drunkard)
Subaru: Wow! Amazing!
Kana: That’s a good phrase.
Subaru: He’s not wrong! He’s not wrong! He’s not wrong!
Hiyori: I’ve heard that saying before and I’d say he’s correct.
Mitsuki: You’re just talking about food.
Teacher: It is easy to understand. Moving on to the next question, filling in the blank.
Teacher: A face covered in (blank). The correct answer is 顔に泥をぬる/kao ni doro wo nuru (literally “a face covered in mud,” which means someone who is disgraced). I saw many different answers here. First, Chamu.
Chamu: Yes?
Teacher: This was Chamu’s answer.
Chamu’s answer: 顔に土をぬる/kao ni tsuchi wo nuru (a face covered in dirt)
Subaru: Close! Close!
Mitsuki: I suppose mud used to be dirt.
Chamu: I was in the right realm.
Junji: That’s just so close!
Hayato: Just add water and you got yourself a good answer.
Teacher: It looks like you were going to add something else after dirt.
Scattered agreement.
Teacher: Next, there was an answer that was maybe a little too wet. Kuina, your answer was…
Kuina’s answer: 顔に沼をぬる/kao ni numa wo nuru (a face covered in a swamp)
Mitsuki: Ohh, that’s close again!
Subaru: I don’t know…
Kuina: It’s a good answer.
Teacher: That would be really drippy.
Teacher: Alright, number four, please write the following words inside the brackets in their proper kanji.
Subaru: I’m glad.
Teacher: This was maybe a little difficult. These questions are all having to do with your bands.
④ (1) 己龍、唯のボーカル(クロサキマヒロ)/ Kiryu’s ordinary vocalist (Kurosaki Mahiro)
Teacher: So, please write “Kurosaki Mahiro” in kanji. Next.
④ (2) Royzの(シップウジンライ)はライブで盛り上がる / Everyone is excited when Royz performs (Shippuu Jinrai) at concerts.
④ (3) コドモドラゴンの(シュラ)はかっこいい / Codomo Dragon’s (Shura) is awesome.
Teacher: Well, everyone… I thought it would be great if you could all at least answer questions about yourselves, but… anyhow, number one, Kiryu’s ordinary vocalist, Kurosaki Mahiro… Kiryu’s junior BPR member, Chamu…
Chamu: Yeah?
Mahiro begins giggling.
Answer: 黒崎眞弥 (Note: Only half of the participants got this question correct)
Teacher: Kurosaki Mahiro. Many, many of you got this wrong. Hiro is written with “弥“ (extreme), not “広” (wide, commonly used in boys’ names). Anyhow, Chamu, your answer…
Chamu’s answer: 黒崎真矢 (Kurosaki is correct, and while the “ma” he used means the same thing as Mahiro’s real kanji, truth, it’s wrong [眞vs.真]. For “hiro” he wrote “arrow” and it kind of looks like he wrote “Kurosaki Maya.”)
Teacher: Maya.
Kana: Really?
Chamu: Well… I thought “hiro” was… was written with the kanji that was normally pronounced “ya”…
Junji: That’s right, it’s (弥) usually pronounced “ya.”
Chamu: …So when I thought, “What kanji is pronounced ‘ya’?” I thought it had to be “arrow”.
Teacher: Alright, alright. Obviously, you’re not even from the same band, so it can be excused. It’s not something you regularly have to think about. That being said… Mahiro.
Junji: It’s him! It’s him!
Someone: Your own name…?
Teacher: Let’s look at Mahiro’s own answer.
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Kurosaki kind of sloppily written, “ma” isn’t 100% correct, and “hiro” is backwards.
Takemasa: It’s your own name!!
Junji: What were you thinking!?
Subaru: What is that?
Mahiro: My name is really difficult.
Takemasa: This is your seventh year being Kurosaki Mahiro, your seventh year!
Mahiro: I don’t actually often get the chance to write it by hand. Before now, I’ve written it once, maybe twice.
Teacher: That’s not much!
Mahiro: I mean, I’ve written it before, when I decided on it, but since then I’ve sort of forgotten how to write it.
Hiyori: What did you do when you had to write your name at the top of the test?
Mahiro: Yeah, at the top, that was the first time I tried writing it in kanji.
Teacher: Oh, yes, that reminds me. Let’s take a look at what you did at the top of your test.
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Name: Kurosaki Mma hi Mahior (and spelled out phonetically above).
Junji: You messed up your own name!!
Hiyori: And to the left, when he wrote “Kiryu”, too…
It’s written sloppily.
Takemasa: Where you wrote your name, to the far right… isn’t that the Chinese version?
Translator’s note: No.
Mahiro: I can’t remember how to write “弥” no matter what!
Hiyori: Yeah, the right side is where the left should be…
Teacher: That’s right, it’s backwards…
Mahiro: No! That’s right!
Mitsuki: No.
Subaru: No, it isn’t!
Teacher: Moving on, number two. Everyone is excited when Royz performs (Shippuu Jinrai) at concerts. This was kind of difficult…
Junji: Can anyone get that right?
Teacher: Yes, some did get it.
Voices: Ohh.
Takemasa: Only a genius.
Teacher: Yes, it was only a few. The answer is “疾風迅雷“ (Lightning Speed).
Subaru: Oh, close, close.
Junji: Oh, I reversed those two…
Teacher: Okay, first, Royz’s Subaru. You were… correct.
Teacher: However, your three bandmates…
Subaru: Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
Takemasa: Who wrote the lyrics?
Subaru raises his hand.
Takemasa: Oh, it was you, Subaru.
Hiyori: Then that makes sense that he’d get it.
Someone: Don’t forget, Mahiro got his own name wrong.
Teacher: Okay, okay. Tomoya of Royz, you wrote this:
Tomoya’s answer: 疾風人来 / Shippuu Jinrai (”Shippuu” is correct, but “Jinrai” is not. Together, he wrote: a strong wind of people approaching.)
Subaru: Who’s coming?
Tomoya: I got “shippuu”, though.
Teacher: Moving on, Kuina. Kuina wrote…
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“Wind” and “Lightning” are correct. For “Jin,” he writes “Benevolence”. Hiyorin, master of kanji, leans in and frowns, trying to read it.
Subaru: I can’t read the first one.
Teacher: Last, Koudai. Again, it’s hard to read.
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I don’t think the first one is a kanji, and the second one is unreadable, but I’m assuming it’s supposed to be 風, which is correct, though it’s really sloppy. “Jin” is wrong (people), but “rai” (lightning) is correct. It kind of looks like ~~people lightning.
Mitsuki: Are you trying to hit people with lightning?
Teacher: Well, the vocalist wrote the lyrics and he can remember what he wrote, so I guess it’s okay. However, Mahiro…
Mahiro: Yes?
Teacher: I think you tried to write it… What you wrote instead was…
Mahiro’s answer: 波風神雪 / nami kaze kami yuki (Waves of wind and the god of snow. It looks very grand)
Mahiro: Yep, that’s a big mistake. I couldn’t remember “shippuu” for the life of me. I’m just bad at kanji.
Subaru: That’ll be our new song, new song!
Hayato: And “snow” at the end!
Junji: Shouldn’t that be pronounced “Hafuu Jinsetsu”?
Mahiro: Heyy, let’s make that the name of our next tour!
Teacher: It does indeed look like the name of a new single.
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Hafuu Jinsetsu, The God of Snow Comes on Waves of Wind. New Single by Kiryu.
Teacher: [Number three], Codomo Dragon’s (Shura) is awesome. Shura’s kanji is “修羅”, meaning a scene of carnage.
Note: “Shura” is taken from the name “Ashura,” the fighting demon from Buddhism.
Teacher: Half of you got this right. Mitsuki of Kiryu.
Mitsuki: Yes?
Teacher: Shura…
Mitsuki: Yes?
Teacher: I understand what you wanted to say. You wrote this.
Mitsuki’s answer: 酒羅 / shura (he replaced the first kanji with the kanji for “alcohol")
Everyone laughs.
Subaru: Scary! Scary!
Mitsuki: Yeah, well… I mean… ain’t it?
Subaru: No, it’s a different kind of scary!
Mitsuki: Well, either way you look at it, it’s violent. A scene of carnage is scary, and…
Takemasa: Yeah, getting drunk and brawling is kind of scary, too.
Teacher: Alright, last.
Please use the following word in a short sentence: あたかも / atakamo (as if, as it were, as though, at that moment, right then, just then)
Teacher: So use the word “atakamo” appropriately in a sentence. There were many things you could have put for this that would have been correct. Most of you wrote appropriate answers. However, Mahiro of Kiryu…
Mahiro stares blankly back for a moment, then looks down at his paper in surprise.
Mahiro: Oh, but I’m pretty confident in my answer…
Teacher: Is that so? Well, I got kind of a… scifi vibe from your answer.
Junji: You used a scifi example in your sentence during a Japanese test?
…is… is that bad?…
Teacher: Let’s take a look.
Mahiro’s answer: At that moment, yes… it suddenly made its appearance.
Wild laughter.
Mahiro: Well, when you say “at that moment,” that’s just the first thing I thought…
Hiyori: Waaaait…
Teacher: Well, just take a look here…
Junji: I can’t believe that’s your answer!
Teacher: Exactly what are you looking at?
Subaru: I wanna know now.
Mahiro: But I used it appropriately.
Subaru: It’s not wrong, it’s not wrong.
Mitsuki: If it’s just a matter of grammar…
Mahiro: At least give me a “close” and don’t mark it wrong completely…
Teacher: Uhh, well… yeah, I guess.
Voices: He guesses!
Teacher: And with that, the Japanese portion of the test is finished. Now, I’d like to announce the ranking. First, out of 20 points, the top score was 18. This score belongs to… Junji.
Everyone: Ohhh!
Teacher: However. However. The lowest score… three of you received only eight points. Royz’s… Kuina and Koudai.
Junji gestures to Mahiro.
Junji: Aaaand?
Teacher: Kiryu’s Mahiro.
Mahiro: Whaaaaat? Well, I guess our band is well-balanced.
Mitsuki: Well, I guess we’ll forgive you since we have both the highest-scoring and lowest-scoring people on our team.
Kuina: Didn’t you live abroad?
Mahiro: Yes, yes, yes.
Subaru: His parents are Filipino.
Caption: He’s agreeing.
Takemasa: That’s a big, fat lie.
Teacher: Japanese is finished.
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
If all the chips fall Democrats’ way in November and beyond, Tuesday could be remembered as the day that launched some prominent political careers.
In Georgia, former state House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams won the Democratic primary for governor, 76.5 percent to 23.5 percent, over former state Rep. Stacey Evans. While Abrams was expected to win, her margin far exceeded the average lead of 22 percentage points she held in the polls, and it’s likely to bolster her reputation as a rising Democratic star. Abrams admits it’s her intention to run for president someday (just not until 2028 at the earliest).
If elected in November, Abrams would make history as the first female African-American governor of any state. In addition to being a milestone in American history, that would be an important achievement for the Democratic Party. Few voting blocs are more loyal Democrats than black women (according to exit polls, 94 percent of them voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016), but Democrats have faced criticism for taking their support for granted and not having enough black female party leaders. Had Abrams lost, that criticism would have likely intensified.
Abrams’s candidacy will also be a test of Georgia’s politics. While her primary opponent, Evans, promised to reach out to Republicans and independents, Abrams has staked her campaign on maximizing minority turnout in the general election. Georgia has favorable demographics for such a strategy (it’s 47 percent non-white), but it’s a gamble. Georgia is still a red state. No Democrat has won a gubernatorial, U.S. Senate or presidential contest there since 2000. And Georgia has a lot of Republican voters who have at least partially soured on President Trump and could perhaps be persuaded to back a Democrat for governor.
Theoretically, Abrams’s strategy can work: Democrat Jason Carter lost the 2014 gubernatorial race by 200,443 votes in a year when more than 1 million African-American voters stayed home. And, in another departure from typical campaign strategy, Abrams has devoted the lion’s share of her campaign resources to a massive field operation to identify and turn out those voters. Abrams enters the general election as the underdog. But any Democrat would be the underdog, and if nothing else, it promises to be one of the most ambitious political-science experiments ever.
In another closely watched contest a couple states to the north, former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath defeated Lexington Mayor Jim Gray 49 percent to 41 percent in the Democratic primary for Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Although national Democrats recruited Gray into the race, it would be a mistake to view McGrath’s win as a blow to the party establishment. Democratic pooh-bahs sent signals that they would be equally happy with McGrath as their candidate. In fact, some are even suggesting she could be Democrats’ U.S. Senate candidate against Mitch McConnell in 2020.
This will probably be the race about which you’ll read the most hot takes today. Sure, it’s possible that McGrath’s win is another sign that Democratic primary voters are rejecting “establishment” candidates — McGrath’s campaign rhetoric sought to frame Gray as the choice of Washington insiders — but that’s not consistent with Tuesday’s other major races (see below). McGrath furthers the trend of women dominating in Democratic primaries so far this year, but Tuesday was actually a bit of a down night for women overall, as they won six of their 14 head-to-head matchups with male candidates.1 Personally, I would take the race at face value: McGrath’s powerful announcement video yielded a flood of campaign donations, giving her more resources to spread her message. (She outspent Gray $1.7 million to $892,000.)
National Democrats initially preferred Gray because of his proven ability to win the 6th District (he carried it 52 percent to 48 percent as Democrats’ U.S. Senate candidate in 2016). But Tuesday’s results suggest that McGrath may be an even stronger general-election candidate. While Gray won Fayette County, where he serves as mayor, McGrath won all of the other counties in the district — mostly rural areas that vote Republican in general elections. Turnout in the Democratic primary also spiked in those McGrath-won counties, whereas it was almost flat in Fayette.
Of course, primary electorates aren’t the same as general-election electorates, but Kentucky is unusual in that it has lots of registered Democrats who consistently vote Republican, a vestige of a time when it was a blue state. At last count, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans 55 percent to 36 percent in the 6th District, and Kentucky has closed primaries, meaning the only race those registered Democrats could vote in was the Democratic primary. The fact that registered Democrats in red counties appeared enthusiastic for McGrath’s candidacy bodes well for her ability to compete for their support in the fall.
McGrath still faces an uphill climb against incumbent Republican Rep. Andy Barr. According to FiveThirtyEight’s partisan lean metric,2 the 6th District is 17 percentage points more Republican-leaning than the nation as a whole. Yet immediately after McGrath was declared the winner, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released an internal poll showing her defeating Barr by 15 points. We’ve warned you about the inaccuracy of internal polls before, and this one seems way too good to be true for Democrats, but it’s still notable that the party is acting quite so confident in such a red district.
Finally, deep in the heart of Texas, perhaps Tuesday’s most anticipated primary ended up fizzling out: Establishment pick Lizzie Pannill Fletcher trounced #Resistance activist Laura Moser 67 to 33 percent for the Democratic nomination in the 7th Congressional District. Although everyone in the other 49 states saw this race as a referendum on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee after it released an opposition-research dump on Moser in February, both campaigns had seemed to put the kerfuffle behind them. (The runoff was even described as “boring,” and a debate moderator expressed annoyance at the lack of differences between the two.) That may have allowed anger over the DCCC’s attack to subside — or maybe, despite conventional wisdom that the attack backfired and propelled Moser into the runoff, it never actually mattered to voters in the first place. Local Texas reporters suggested that most of the outrage over the incident came from outside the district.
Regardless of how it happened, Democrats got the stronger candidate they needed to maximize their general-election chances in this R+7 district, and the local party, at least, appears unified and unaggrieved; Moser endorsed Fletcher almost immediately after conceding.
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vsplusonline · 4 years
India's changed media consumption habits may remain post lockdown
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/indias-changed-media-consumption-habits-may-remain-post-lockdown/
India's changed media consumption habits may remain post lockdown
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Initially, it took a nudge. Ramayan was airing on Doordarshan (DD). In Mumbai, the seniors in the Singh family had a plan. “We had grown up with Ramayan. We had emotions and nostalgia attached to it. We wanted our kids to know the story, too,” says Ajit Kumar Singh, a banking sector executive. The family of five comprises Singh, his wife, son, 17, daughter, 26, and his 77-year-old mother-in-law.
“In the beginning, we had to push our daughter a bit to watch the serial,” he says. Many episodes and weeks later, things have fallen into place. During the lockdown, breakfast is about the family watching Ramayan together. “Initially, I was just curious. What was this serial that held people so much in thrall in the 1980s? Slowly, it has grown on me,” says the daughter, Parul Singh.
But it’s the granny, Mandvi Singh, who is the happiest. Life in the big city is a constant chase. “Everybody was busy. We rarely sat down together,” she says. Even when people had the time, they would watch their favourite programmes — news, cooking shows or one of the many soaps — in their own spaces. “Watching Ramayan together in these difficult times is a refreshing change,” says Ajit.
The Singh family has a lot of company in these locked-down days in India. On the back of reruns of old serials like Ramayan, Mahabharat and Buniyaad, for the first time since 2015 (when BARC was launched), the state-run DD has become the topviewed channel in the country (see box).
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Note: % change refers to change in numbers between Jan 11-31 (weekly average) and Apr 4-10 Source: All data, unless otherwise specified, are from BARC and Nielsen, which are tracking weekly shifts in consumer behaviour before and during lockdown.
And its audience engagement has only grown week after week. Who would have thought that amid the plethora of slickly produced sitcoms, movies and originals, mythological shows produced in the 1980s would keep a nation spellbound in these difficult times? “Retreating into the world of Ramayan and Mahabharat is not just about viewing and entertainment. It is a combination of therapy, nostalgia and remembering god amid an unprecedented crisis,” says Santosh Desai, CEO, Future Brands.
A national lockdown that has gone on for five weeks has seen Indians embracing a quieter life. The cacophonous physical world outside has fallen silent, only to be replaced by a vibrant virtual life — experiences streaming via cable, broadband and 4G. News, fantasy, crime, comedy, mythology and pornography all jostle for attention, offering homebound Indians, the more fortunate of them anyway, endless possibilities to stay informed and escape the harsh realities and uncertainties of one of the most tumultuous times in memory.
We have been equipping ourselves with necessary gear for a while. This is a country where buying TVs for homes has historically taken precedence over building toilets. Our affinity for media has only been amplified by a surging smartphone usage (50 crore-plus handsets) and internet connections (72 crore plus), thanks to low-cost Chinese phones and the world’s cheapest data plans.
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A life where the virtual takes precedence is a delight for marketers and sociologists. Flows of terabytes of data, relatively easy to measure, can offer an unparalleled peek into human behaviour, the shifting patterns and emerging trends.
Not surprisingly, multiple outfits — from research consultancies such as Nielsen, BARC and Similar-Web to search giants such as Google to platforms such as Razorpay in fintech and dating app Truly-Madly — are watching closely. Nielsen (for smartphone data) and BARC (for TV data) have been releasing in-depth weekly reports since the lockdown began, slicing the data to understand the shifts. ET Magazine mined a slew of data sets to bring you insights on India’s digital life in the time of lockdown.
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PM’s Speech
Going Retro Time spent on both TVs and smartphones has gone up, with TV getting the largest share. In both variety and time, viewers are seeking more. Average weekly viewing minutes on TV rose by 38%, even as average number of channels being watched rose from 16 to 22. Some are obvious, like the sharp growth (76%) in non prime time as against prime time (which saw only a 5% uptick) viewing, even as weekly advertising time dipped by 26% to 20 million seconds. With people staying at home, TV viewing time is now spread out through the day. “Content satiates emotional and mental needs as anxiety and panic have risen. We have seen a huge growth of DD and non-prime time viewing,” says Sunil Lulla, CEO, BARC India. Unlike popular perception, DD’s growth has come from across income classes, with upper income households leading the surge.
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Intergenerational Co-viewing Sees a Boost Mandvi Singh, 77 Retired PSU executive, Mumbai LOCKDOWN SWITCH: For the first time, three generations have their breakfast together, watching Ramayan on TV “Earlier, we rarely sat together for anything. It is good to see even today’s kids liking Ramayan”
“Appeal of DD’s shows cuts across segments with very sticky viewers,” he says. Not only has Ramayan’s viewership grown week after week, it is also marked by co-viewing (22% of children are watching with their grandparents) where families get together to watch. Prasar Bharti CEO Shashi Vempati says, “The viewership growth for DD is across segments. What we are witnessing here is the calculus of segmentation being turned on its head, with wholesome family viewing returning. Many decades back, TV was the glue that brought families together.
That is happening again with the epics.” For DD, the lockdown strategy was simple. “We wanted to engage families so that they could stay home to stay safe,” he says. Encouraged, it has launched DD Retro on a pilot basis as a channel to recreate the nostalgia. Meanwhile, consumption of news has grown sharply (219%), followed by movies (73%). “We have seen a viewership surge. Morning viewing time is getting extended into the afternoon. It is also about fresh content. Unlike general entertainment channels (GEC) and sports, news is the only category that can generate fresh content under lockdown,” says MK Anand, MD, Times Network. (It is owned by Times Group, which publishes this newspaper.) GEC saw only a marginal growth of 7%.
There are two possible reasons for this. One is obvious — little availability of fresh content in a lockdown. The second reason is interesting and could offer some clues into how the battle for remote control is shaping up within homes, says Desai. Women, who are a dominant chunk of GEC viewers, may have had to re-prioritise their access to TV amid household chores and stiff competition from kids and men. Interestingly, sports channels that saw a sharp dip, with the cancellation of live sporting events, have witnessed a spike with the live-streaming of WrestleMania and reruns of Indo-Pak cricket classics.
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Online Sessions Keep Classrooms Going Ashwini Kumar, 16 Student, Sitamarhi, Bihar LOCKDOWN SWITCH: He’s in Class 10; his tuition teacher now conducts virtual sessions & tests “My studies had stopped totally. My tuition teacher now sends notes & tests via WhatsApp. It helps”
Smartphone View Multiple sources offer insights into smartphone usage in India. “The biggest thing that struck me is how both men and women have taken to digital news at every level of socio-economic strata in metros and non-metros,” says Dolly Jha, country head, Nielsen India. It has been tough for family oriented Indians to practise social distancing. Forced to cut off physical connections, they are making up in the virtual world. “The share of time Indians spent on calling and chatting is 29% as against 12% in the US,” says Jha.
Covid-19 is on everyone’s mind. More than 1 in every 10 respondents used the government’s Aarogya Setu app in the first week of its launch. Also, 40% of Google’s top 100 searches are related to Covid-19, says Nielsen. Time spent on chat and VoIP (19% on average, with women hitting higher at 22%) leads smartphone usage, followed by social networking (15%), video-streaming (14%) and gaming (9% on average, while 15-21-year-olds spend 11% of their time). Santanu Basu, founder, Let’s Game Now, an esports platform, has seen the user base of gamers surge from 17,000 pre-lockdown to 50,000 now. Based on data from SimilarWeb, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and You-Tube are the most popular apps in India. During the lockdown, downloads of almost all these apps have remained stable or dipped, except for TikTok, which saw a big rise. “The sweaty energy that TikTok exudes is a good representative of what is happening in the society at large,” says Desai. He says the depth and breadth of content in TikTok around Covid-19 is far richer than that in other platforms.
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World of Smartphones
YouTube search trends echo some of these shifts. News, gaming, at-home workouts and recipe searches for dishes like panipuri saw a big spurt, says Kaushik Das Gupta, group head, insights and partnerships, Google India. OTT player MX Player (owned by Times Group, which publishes this newspaper), which launched seven shows in March, has seen time spent on its platform jump 2.5 times as compared with pre-lockdown days. “Our offering of Hollywood films like Baywatch and Transformers, dubbed in Hindi, is doing well,” says Karan Bedi, CEO, MX Player. Snehil Khanor, cofounder of dating platform TrulyMadly, has seen the number of active users, their engagement and time spent rise even as peak activity time has got extended.
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Beyond the Lockdown Whenever the world resets to normalcy, many of these shifts might prove to have been transient. But some could stick or accelerate trends that were already afoot. OTT viewing is one of them. Virtually, all major streaming platforms have witnessed a jump in user base. Some of those users may not log out after the lockdown.
Similarly, digital transactions have witnessed interesting shifts. A recent report by Razorpay, a fintech company, based on pre-lockdown and lockdown transactions, shows that payments for utilities, IT & software, and media & entertainment saw a growth of 73%, 32% and 25%, respectively, even as sectors such as travel dipped by 87%. “Demonetisation was a short-term event. Lockdown will lead to long-term shifts. Behavioural change will be a lot stickier,” says Razorpay cofounder Harshil Mathur.
Indians are also waking up to the convenience of virtual workout coaches. Universal Music MD Devraj Sanyal has used the lockdown period to focus on his physical and mental well-being, spending two hours daily shuffling between fitness regimens. “Those two hours, I think of nothing else. It’s a great way to de-stress in these difficult times. I am 100% sure some of it will stay post-lockdown,” he says.
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
100 Things You May Not Have Known About Me…
or care to know about me, but here ya go anyway...
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? I think it was a rum and Coke, but I’m not sure. It’s been almost 5 years.
2. Do you follow college football? Nope. Or any sports at all.
3. Who took this survey before you? Jamie.
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message My mom.
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? Like 6 years ago.
6. Are you happy? No.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? I went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago.
8. How do you feel about your hair? It needs to be dyed again. I also could use a little trim and maybe add some layers or something.
9. Where do you live? California.
10. Last thing you ate? A breakfast burrito.
11. Do you wish you were some place else right now? No.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Yes.
14. AIM or MSN? I don’t use instant messengers like that anymore. I haven’t in years. The only thing I use is Facebook messenger or the chat thing on here sometimes.
15. What classes are you taking? I’m done with school.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week? Zero.
17. Who do you like right now? Alexander Skarsgård.
18. Do you watch the olympics? Nope.
19. Last restaurant you went to? Bubba Gump.
21. Who was the last person to call you? My mom.
22. What’s your sign? Leo.
23. Do you have a favorite number? 8.
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? It’s been awhile. :X
25. What do you spend most of your money on? Foooood.
26. Where does most of your family live? Here.
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? I have two brothers.
31. Favorite kind of beer? Ew, none.
32. Have you ever experienced true love? Well, I thought so. Not so sure anymore.
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Nah. I mean I had some, but I wasn’t like super into it.
35. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook. Myspace is deadddd.
36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.
37. What is your favorite subject? English was always my favorite. Psychology as well, I mean I did major in it.
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? Yes. Or just a better version of myself.
40. Are you an outcast in school? I was.
41. Last time you saw your parents? Last night. They both went to work before I got up today.
42. Do you have any talents? Nope.
43. Ever been in a wedding? No.
44. Do you have any godchildren? No.
45. Last movie you watched? I watched some of Going in Style last night.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Yes.
47. Did you take a nap today? I’ve been up for like 4 hours, ha.
49. Ever been on a cruise? Nope.
50. Favorite vacation spot? Beach vacations.
51. Favorite genre of music? I like variety.
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? No.
53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.
54. Would you give your ex a second chance? No, that’s done.
55. Are you multi-tasking right now? Yeah. I’m doing this and watching a YouTube video.
57. Could you handle being in the military? No.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? I’m hungry.
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-Fil-A.
60. Favorite Nightclub? I don’t do nightclubs.
62. Do you own a camera phone? Yeppp.
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No.
65. Can you speak any other languages? Only a little Spanish. I’m only fluent in English.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Years ago.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like maybe 7.
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? Not anymore. I used to use Photobucket back in the day.
69. Last place you were at? A friend’s house.
70. What is your school mascot? No longer in school.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas Yes.
72. Ever been to Mexico for spring break? No.
73. Have you ever bought condoms? Nope.
74. Do you have any regrets? I have a lot.
75. What do you think is your best feature? Uhhhh.
76. Have you ever been gambling? Yeah, once. Not a fan.
77. How old are your parents? 50 and 53.
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? Nope.
80. Favorite place to be? My bed. And the beach.
81. Have you ever been to New York City? No, but I’d love to.
82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Bubba Gump is a cool place.
83. Ever been to Disney Land/World? Disneyland.
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? I love Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Pooh Bear from Winnie the Pooh.
85. Last thing you cooked? A microwave bowl of soup. ha.
86. How is the weather today? Hot.
87. Do you e-mail? No. I mean I have an email, but I don’t like email anyone.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? A birthday card from my Nana.
89. Favorite store? Target.
90. Are you dating someone right now? Nope.
91. Last voicemail you received. I don’t recall.
92. Do you drunk dial? Nope. Even when I used to drink I never drunk called anyone.
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped one in a cup of Sprite on accident.
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? Best city in the state that I live in? San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, and Los Angeles. Those are the places I’ve been. There’s others I have yet to visit, but would love to. 
95. Favorite band? I don’t have a particular favorite.
96. Last time you were sick? Always in some way. I haven’t had a cold or anything like that in like two years, though.
97. Are you lactose intolerant or do you have IBS? I am lactose intolerant.
98. What’s the last concert you went to? Green Day a few years ago.
99. Ready for the weekend? I’m looking forward to my cousin’s graduation party.
100. What did you do last night? Watched a movie with the fam and just Tumblr-ed.
7 notes · View notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
What’s up, guys? And welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, guys, we’re going to be talking about one bullish thing happening right now with Bitcoin. That actually last time this happened, Bitcoin went up over 170 percent. Yes, you heard me correctly. A hundred and seventy percent. So we’re gonna be talking about that in today’s video. We’re also going to be doing some Bitcoin price analysis as well. Not only that, though, guys, but we’re also going to be taking a look at some data showing you should be buying Bitcoin right now. And in the past, when you’ve done it when these indicators flashed, you will have been a very, very profitable. We’re also going to be taking a look at the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. We’re going to be going over that in today’s video. And finally, guys, towards the end of the video, usually I do every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll do the giveaway today at the end of the video. We’re going to be giving away this largest storage device. So definitely stay tuned to the end to see if you have one. So without any further, you guys sit back, relax, and let’s get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I do really appreciate that. As you know, if we haven’t already, please try and reach that goal of 1000 lights on this video smashup, the likes. That will be absolutely amazing. And if you are watching my videos and you’re not subscribed, what are you doing? Just simply hit that subscribe button and take the notification bell so you get notified when I post my next video. And as always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you want to be entered to in the legit nano X device in the next giveaway, which is going to be next week. So comment literally anything down below and you can be entered into that giveaway. So without further ado, guys, let’s get into the video and let’s get on with some Bitcoin price analysis. All right, guys. So without any further ado, let’s get into today’s video. First of all, I do want to address the elephant in the room. And I do want to talk about this golden cross, which is potentially going to happen in the next few days. The Golden Cross is basically when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average. And if we actually go back before the little mini ballroom we had back in the summer of last year, we can see the cross happened exactly here. And then we had peaks of all the way up here. And if we actually take the price and we can see roughly we had about 174 over 170 percent gain in the space of about two to three months, which is absolutely amazing. So if we were to see that 170 percent gain again. Well, you can only imagine what price the Bitcoin will price Bitcoin would actually be. And that will be really, really amazing. We did, in fact, have a bearish cross back here, and that is when we saw the price decline heavily due to many, many different factors. However, now it’s looking more bullish. We’re having this bullish golden cross and actually we could, in fact, have a nice price, targets upwards of 14 K quite easily in the coming months. So that is a really, really interesting thing that is going on. If I just remove now the Golden Cross and let’s jump into the four-hour chart and let’s have a look what’s going on over there. So now taking a look at a four-hour chart, guys, we can quite clearly see the Bitcoin is having a lot of trouble crossing this range here. And that range, no surprise, is actually the 10K range. And we have crossed this very, very recently in the past. We have crossed it a few times. However, we’re just finding it very difficult to cross that tangi mark. A game topping out at about nine thousand nine hundred sixty-nine thousand hundred and eighty, depending on which chart you’re looking at. Every time we go and touch this 10K range, we are getting rejected and we are, in fact, getting sent back down to this nine-point five or even nine point two K range. So here we’ve got some back down to the nine points to two K range here. We currently got sent back down to the nine-point five K range, which is a level of support we did. We can’t we can, however, see a nice little bounce from this nine-point five K range. Whether this is going to be sustained and we all going to test this 10K level again, that will be very, very interesting to see. However, we did have quite a large drop. We can see in the last four-hour candle, I believe it is around about three to four percent. Yeah, about three percent. We had a fairly large drop, which is fairly normal for Bitcoin on a four-hour candle. We can see many of them in the past. I really do hope Bitcoin can, in fact, test this. If I can use the chart correctly, Jack, I really do hope we can test this 10K level again. And as we all know, guys, the more times we test the tank level, the more times we test any level, the more likely it is to break. So, yes, we have tested this nine-point two K level and we’ve tested this nine-point five K level quite a lot. So really, the next move for Bitcoin could be very, very crucial if we do, in fact, see a move up here to 10K. Well, then we could, in fact, be breaking 10K. Now, what happens if we break 10K? Well, I have covered this in the previous video. But if we do, in fact, go ahead and break 10k, most likely our next target would be about ten point five K y, ten-point five K. Well, if in fact, we go back to the daily chart where we started today’s video, we can see that this ten-point five K level, and I’ve mentioned this before, has become apparent many, many times back in February of this year, back here in October of last year. Again, we have many more weeks or even months here, September. Yet many weeks here in September of 2019, we’re at this 10K level, just the tank, the ten-point five K level, sorry, is a very tricky level for Bitcoin to, in fact, pass. And that’s pretty much where Bitcoin went from, being very bullish too, in fact, being very bearish, that ten-point five K level. So if we can get up from this current level, we’re out now. And in fact, test this ten-point five K level up here. That will be very, very bullish. We can break it and close above it. And that would in fact if we did go ahead and test this 10K or even ten point five K level. No doubt the Golden Cross will happen. It will probably happen in the next few days regardless. However, that will just make things even more bullish for the upside. So, guys, if you were in fact interested in trading these levels or trading at all with any leverage, personally, I recommend theme X is pretty much my number one go-to exchange when it comes to the leverage trading and. Did want to use you, Max. Use my link, Downbelow specifically, and you’ll get a hundred and twelve dollar bonus with only zero point two Bitcoin deposit to your trading account. So they offer many, many great features, including SoBe accounts, so you can trade along on one account trade show on the other. And yeah, there’s a lot of customer customization going on right there. And if you guys do want to learn more about leverage trading down below the theme X link, you will actually see a link to a free one. Our training right here. You can go ahead and click it. It will take you to this page and you’ll also get a free reward. Five simple steps to become a profitable leverage trader e-book for attending that training as well. So the free training and the link for Phoenix is linked down below. So, guys, let’s move on with this part of the video now. So class note actually posted something on their Twitter very, very recently. And I think whenever they post something is very important to cover it as the information they have is absolutely amazing. So we can see here the Bitcoin pool multiple has dropped back in the Green Zone, which is currently right here. And this is a result of the reduced Meiners revenue due to the halving. Historically, this zone has been marked as excellent, has excellent periods for investors to accumulate BDC for outsized returns. So we can see back here in January of 2019. We actually flagged in the green pool multiple zones again. And actually, after this, this was pretty much the bottom around about three K three point six came after that. We did see massive explosive growth up to that. I believe it was about 14 K, which we saw. And we’ll go over to the daily chart. We can have a look at exactly where and how and what they are talking about. So we can see here back in January, which was down here. This zone actually flushed in the green, which we’re seeing right here. And after that zone actually flushed. We can see just flushing down here. We can see the amazing explosive growth up to that 13, 14 K levels, which we know and love back from last summer. And right now, the same thing is happening again, guys. And the pool multiple is actually in the Green Zone again, which historically has been a good time to buy Bitcoin, according to this data. Of course, this is Bitcoin. The volatility is very high and things can happen, especially during these economic times that aren’t usually meant to happen or may not have happened in the past. However, just keep that in mind when you’re investing. This is a great signal, though, and it’s a really, really great piece of information. And go and check up glass note on Twitter. If you do want to find out more about it. So now, guys, moving on to the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. Going to play a quick 30-second video I found on Twitter, and then I’ll jump into the article as the Fed has done all it can do. Well, there’s a lot more we can do. We’re not out of ammunition by a long shot. Now, there’s really no limit to what we can do with these lending programs that we have. So right there, you can see that they’re actually saying there is no limit in what they can do with these lending programs they have. What I really want to know from you guys right now, though, is I want you to leave a comment down below. If you think the Fed Reserve is just going to keep printing dollars until the currency just becomes an absolute joke. Let me know down below and that will actually enter you into that ledger storage device. So going back to the article, this is really, really interesting. It covers, again, what was said in the video at the Federal Reserve chairman. Chairman claims the Fed is not out of ammunition. During a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explained that the central bank has essentially been flooding the markets with money in order to thwart a full-blown recession and basically to avoid a full-blown recession. He also stated that a central bank digitally printed money as needed, adding they are not out of ammunition by a long shot. And a reality check. They are never going to be out of ammunition. And the one thing that I can absolutely guarantee is that the Federal Fed Reserve will be doing everything we come to support the people we serve. And that means providing some relief and stability now. It means supporting the recovery when it comes. So basically, they’re just saying they’re going to just continue printing money. And Jay Powell is going to do all the legwork for Bitcoin is a non-sovereign handicap supplying global, immutable, decentralized digital store of value. It’s an insurance policy and it’s an insurance policy against this. Even outspoken Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff noted that Paul’s comments show the fiat currency is essentially worthless. Here, he says, Powell just said that there is no limit to what the Fed can do. Since all the Fed can actually do is print money, Paul believes that there is no limit to how much money the Fed can print. This is only true if the Fed is willing to keep printing money until the money is worthless. And that is a crazy statement as the Fed Reserve continues increasing its involvement with the markets. It is highly likely that this will further cut catalyze Bitcoin’s growth and adoption, which is absolutely crazy. So leave your comments down below, guys. I will enter you to win this guy. What do you think about this? Do you think the Fed is going to continue printing money during these times? And what effect will that have on the dollar? Will we see just crazy inflation coming? And what effect will it have? Let me know down below in the comments. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for the video. And without any further ado, though, let’s jump into the giveaway. If you haven’t already left a comment down below. Leave a comment down below. You can comment anything and to be entered to in that ledger, no x storage device. So we’ve got three hundred and thirty-seven comments from the random video chosen from last week. Let’s see who the winner is going to be. As always, if you are already e-mailing me as the winner and the winner is I’d rush and he just come on. It’s a love heart. So congratulations, dude. And you are actually the winner. I do. In fact, check the winners and check if they’re legitimate. Check their YouTube channels. Ask for verification, because every single win I have, I have like four or five people, different email addresses, different accounts claiming to be the winner. So if you are making a new account just to win the fifty dollars or whatever it is, just stop doing it. Do let the person who’s won actually claim their prize. It’s a really stupid move to be doing. So that’s pretty much it for the end of the video, guys. As I said before, I really do want Bitcoin to in fact cross this 10K level and go on to cross this ten-point five K level. If we are to remain bullish, that’ll be really, really nice. As always, guys, if you did want to do some trading based on this or based on your own opinions, of course, my link for a theme X will be Link Downbelow. Of course, it’s only for more experienced traders, but if you deposit zero point two Bitcoin, you actually get one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for free. And if you wanted to learn more about leverage trading, just watch. When you’re watching the video, just scroll down and you’ll see the free one-hour leverage trading lesson. You can go ahead. It will take you to this page, simply click register and you’ll actually go ahead and get a free one hour worth of training. So thanks. Watching today’s video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-last-time-this-happened/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618746813467492352
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? And welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, guys, we’re going to be talking about one bullish thing happening right now with Bitcoin. That actually last time this happened, Bitcoin went up over 170 percent. Yes, you heard me correctly. A hundred and seventy percent. So we’re gonna be talking about that in today’s video. We’re also going to be doing some Bitcoin price analysis as well. Not only that, though, guys, but we’re also going to be taking a look at some data showing you should be buying Bitcoin right now. And in the past, when you’ve done it when these indicators flashed, you will have been a very, very profitable. We’re also going to be taking a look at the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. We’re going to be going over that in today’s video. And finally, guys, towards the end of the video, usually I do every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll do the giveaway today at the end of the video. We’re going to be giving away this largest storage device. So definitely stay tuned to the end to see if you have one. So without any further, you guys sit back, relax, and let’s get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I do really appreciate that. As you know, if we haven’t already, please try and reach that goal of 1000 lights on this video smashup, the likes. That will be absolutely amazing. And if you are watching my videos and you’re not subscribed, what are you doing? Just simply hit that subscribe button and take the notification bell so you get notified when I post my next video. And as always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you want to be entered to in the legit nano X device in the next giveaway, which is going to be next week. So comment literally anything down below and you can be entered into that giveaway. So without further ado, guys, let’s get into the video and let’s get on with some Bitcoin price analysis. All right, guys. So without any further ado, let’s get into today’s video. First of all, I do want to address the elephant in the room. And I do want to talk about this golden cross, which is potentially going to happen in the next few days. The Golden Cross is basically when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average. And if we actually go back before the little mini ballroom we had back in the summer of last year, we can see the cross happened exactly here. And then we had peaks of all the way up here. And if we actually take the price and we can see roughly we had about 174 over 170 percent gain in the space of about two to three months, which is absolutely amazing. So if we were to see that 170 percent gain again. Well, you can only imagine what price the Bitcoin will price Bitcoin would actually be. And that will be really, really amazing. We did, in fact, have a bearish cross back here, and that is when we saw the price decline heavily due to many, many different factors. However, now it’s looking more bullish. We’re having this bullish golden cross and actually we could, in fact, have a nice price, targets upwards of 14 K quite easily in the coming months. So that is a really, really interesting thing that is going on. If I just remove now the Golden Cross and let’s jump into the four-hour chart and let’s have a look what’s going on over there. So now taking a look at a four-hour chart, guys, we can quite clearly see the Bitcoin is having a lot of trouble crossing this range here. And that range, no surprise, is actually the 10K range. And we have crossed this very, very recently in the past. We have crossed it a few times. However, we’re just finding it very difficult to cross that tangi mark. A game topping out at about nine thousand nine hundred sixty-nine thousand hundred and eighty, depending on which chart you’re looking at. Every time we go and touch this 10K range, we are getting rejected and we are, in fact, getting sent back down to this nine-point five or even nine point two K range. So here we’ve got some back down to the nine points to two K range here. We currently got sent back down to the nine-point five K range, which is a level of support we did. We can’t we can, however, see a nice little bounce from this nine-point five K range. Whether this is going to be sustained and we all going to test this 10K level again, that will be very, very interesting to see. However, we did have quite a large drop. We can see in the last four-hour candle, I believe it is around about three to four percent. Yeah, about three percent. We had a fairly large drop, which is fairly normal for Bitcoin on a four-hour candle. We can see many of them in the past. I really do hope Bitcoin can, in fact, test this. If I can use the chart correctly, Jack, I really do hope we can test this 10K level again. And as we all know, guys, the more times we test the tank level, the more times we test any level, the more likely it is to break. So, yes, we have tested this nine-point two K level and we’ve tested this nine-point five K level quite a lot. So really, the next move for Bitcoin could be very, very crucial if we do, in fact, see a move up here to 10K. Well, then we could, in fact, be breaking 10K. Now, what happens if we break 10K? Well, I have covered this in the previous video. But if we do, in fact, go ahead and break 10k, most likely our next target would be about ten point five K y, ten-point five K. Well, if in fact, we go back to the daily chart where we started today’s video, we can see that this ten-point five K level, and I’ve mentioned this before, has become apparent many, many times back in February of this year, back here in October of last year. Again, we have many more weeks or even months here, September. Yet many weeks here in September of 2019, we’re at this 10K level, just the tank, the ten-point five K level, sorry, is a very tricky level for Bitcoin to, in fact, pass. And that’s pretty much where Bitcoin went from, being very bullish too, in fact, being very bearish, that ten-point five K level. So if we can get up from this current level, we’re out now. And in fact, test this ten-point five K level up here. That will be very, very bullish. We can break it and close above it. And that would in fact if we did go ahead and test this 10K or even ten point five K level. No doubt the Golden Cross will happen. It will probably happen in the next few days regardless. However, that will just make things even more bullish for the upside. So, guys, if you were in fact interested in trading these levels or trading at all with any leverage, personally, I recommend theme X is pretty much my number one go-to exchange when it comes to the leverage trading and. Did want to use you, Max. Use my link, Downbelow specifically, and you’ll get a hundred and twelve dollar bonus with only zero point two Bitcoin deposit to your trading account. So they offer many, many great features, including SoBe accounts, so you can trade along on one account trade show on the other. And yeah, there’s a lot of customer customization going on right there. And if you guys do want to learn more about leverage trading down below the theme X link, you will actually see a link to a free one. Our training right here. You can go ahead and click it. It will take you to this page and you’ll also get a free reward. Five simple steps to become a profitable leverage trader e-book for attending that training as well. So the free training and the link for Phoenix is linked down below. So, guys, let’s move on with this part of the video now. So class note actually posted something on their Twitter very, very recently. And I think whenever they post something is very important to cover it as the information they have is absolutely amazing. So we can see here the Bitcoin pool multiple has dropped back in the Green Zone, which is currently right here. And this is a result of the reduced Meiners revenue due to the halving. Historically, this zone has been marked as excellent, has excellent periods for investors to accumulate BDC for outsized returns. So we can see back here in January of 2019. We actually flagged in the green pool multiple zones again. And actually, after this, this was pretty much the bottom around about three K three point six came after that. We did see massive explosive growth up to that. I believe it was about 14 K, which we saw. And we’ll go over to the daily chart. We can have a look at exactly where and how and what they are talking about. So we can see here back in January, which was down here. This zone actually flushed in the green, which we’re seeing right here. And after that zone actually flushed. We can see just flushing down here. We can see the amazing explosive growth up to that 13, 14 K levels, which we know and love back from last summer. And right now, the same thing is happening again, guys. And the pool multiple is actually in the Green Zone again, which historically has been a good time to buy Bitcoin, according to this data. Of course, this is Bitcoin. The volatility is very high and things can happen, especially during these economic times that aren’t usually meant to happen or may not have happened in the past. However, just keep that in mind when you’re investing. This is a great signal, though, and it’s a really, really great piece of information. And go and check up glass note on Twitter. If you do want to find out more about it. So now, guys, moving on to the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. Going to play a quick 30-second video I found on Twitter, and then I’ll jump into the article as the Fed has done all it can do. Well, there’s a lot more we can do. We’re not out of ammunition by a long shot. Now, there’s really no limit to what we can do with these lending programs that we have. So right there, you can see that they’re actually saying there is no limit in what they can do with these lending programs they have. What I really want to know from you guys right now, though, is I want you to leave a comment down below. If you think the Fed Reserve is just going to keep printing dollars until the currency just becomes an absolute joke. Let me know down below and that will actually enter you into that ledger storage device. So going back to the article, this is really, really interesting. It covers, again, what was said in the video at the Federal Reserve chairman. Chairman claims the Fed is not out of ammunition. During a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explained that the central bank has essentially been flooding the markets with money in order to thwart a full-blown recession and basically to avoid a full-blown recession. He also stated that a central bank digitally printed money as needed, adding they are not out of ammunition by a long shot. And a reality check. They are never going to be out of ammunition. And the one thing that I can absolutely guarantee is that the Federal Fed Reserve will be doing everything we come to support the people we serve. And that means providing some relief and stability now. It means supporting the recovery when it comes. So basically, they’re just saying they’re going to just continue printing money. And Jay Powell is going to do all the legwork for Bitcoin is a non-sovereign handicap supplying global, immutable, decentralized digital store of value. It’s an insurance policy and it’s an insurance policy against this. Even outspoken Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff noted that Paul’s comments show the fiat currency is essentially worthless. Here, he says, Powell just said that there is no limit to what the Fed can do. Since all the Fed can actually do is print money, Paul believes that there is no limit to how much money the Fed can print. This is only true if the Fed is willing to keep printing money until the money is worthless. And that is a crazy statement as the Fed Reserve continues increasing its involvement with the markets. It is highly likely that this will further cut catalyze Bitcoin’s growth and adoption, which is absolutely crazy. So leave your comments down below, guys. I will enter you to win this guy. What do you think about this? Do you think the Fed is going to continue printing money during these times? And what effect will that have on the dollar? Will we see just crazy inflation coming? And what effect will it have? Let me know down below in the comments. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for the video. And without any further ado, though, let’s jump into the giveaway. If you haven’t already left a comment down below. Leave a comment down below. You can comment anything and to be entered to in that ledger, no x storage device. So we’ve got three hundred and thirty-seven comments from the random video chosen from last week. Let’s see who the winner is going to be. As always, if you are already e-mailing me as the winner and the winner is I’d rush and he just come on. It’s a love heart. So congratulations, dude. And you are actually the winner. I do. In fact, check the winners and check if they’re legitimate. Check their YouTube channels. Ask for verification, because every single win I have, I have like four or five people, different email addresses, different accounts claiming to be the winner. So if you are making a new account just to win the fifty dollars or whatever it is, just stop doing it. Do let the person who’s won actually claim their prize. It’s a really stupid move to be doing. So that’s pretty much it for the end of the video, guys. As I said before, I really do want Bitcoin to in fact cross this 10K level and go on to cross this ten-point five K level. If we are to remain bullish, that’ll be really, really nice. As always, guys, if you did want to do some trading based on this or based on your own opinions, of course, my link for a theme X will be Link Downbelow. Of course, it’s only for more experienced traders, but if you deposit zero point two Bitcoin, you actually get one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for free. And if you wanted to learn more about leverage trading, just watch. When you’re watching the video, just scroll down and you’ll see the free one-hour leverage trading lesson. You can go ahead. It will take you to this page, simply click register and you’ll actually go ahead and get a free one hour worth of training. So thanks. Watching today’s video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-last-time-this-happened/
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
What’s up, guys? And welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, guys, we’re going to be talking about one bullish thing happening right now with Bitcoin. That actually last time this happened, Bitcoin went up over 170 percent. Yes, you heard me correctly. A hundred and seventy percent. So we’re gonna be talking about that in today’s video. We’re also going to be doing some Bitcoin price analysis as well. Not only that, though, guys, but we’re also going to be taking a look at some data showing you should be buying Bitcoin right now. And in the past, when you’ve done it when these indicators flashed, you will have been a very, very profitable. We’re also going to be taking a look at the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. We’re going to be going over that in today’s video. And finally, guys, towards the end of the video, usually I do every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll do the giveaway today at the end of the video. We’re going to be giving away this largest storage device. So definitely stay tuned to the end to see if you have one. So without any further, you guys sit back, relax, and let’s get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I do really appreciate that. As you know, if we haven’t already, please try and reach that goal of 1000 lights on this video smashup, the likes. That will be absolutely amazing. And if you are watching my videos and you’re not subscribed, what are you doing? Just simply hit that subscribe button and take the notification bell so you get notified when I post my next video. And as always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you want to be entered to in the legit nano X device in the next giveaway, which is going to be next week. So comment literally anything down below and you can be entered into that giveaway. So without further ado, guys, let’s get into the video and let’s get on with some Bitcoin price analysis. All right, guys. So without any further ado, let’s get into today’s video. First of all, I do want to address the elephant in the room. And I do want to talk about this golden cross, which is potentially going to happen in the next few days. The Golden Cross is basically when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average. And if we actually go back before the little mini ballroom we had back in the summer of last year, we can see the cross happened exactly here. And then we had peaks of all the way up here. And if we actually take the price and we can see roughly we had about 174 over 170 percent gain in the space of about two to three months, which is absolutely amazing. So if we were to see that 170 percent gain again. Well, you can only imagine what price the Bitcoin will price Bitcoin would actually be. And that will be really, really amazing. We did, in fact, have a bearish cross back here, and that is when we saw the price decline heavily due to many, many different factors. However, now it’s looking more bullish. We’re having this bullish golden cross and actually we could, in fact, have a nice price, targets upwards of 14 K quite easily in the coming months. So that is a really, really interesting thing that is going on. If I just remove now the Golden Cross and let’s jump into the four-hour chart and let’s have a look what’s going on over there. So now taking a look at a four-hour chart, guys, we can quite clearly see the Bitcoin is having a lot of trouble crossing this range here. And that range, no surprise, is actually the 10K range. And we have crossed this very, very recently in the past. We have crossed it a few times. However, we’re just finding it very difficult to cross that tangi mark. A game topping out at about nine thousand nine hundred sixty-nine thousand hundred and eighty, depending on which chart you’re looking at. Every time we go and touch this 10K range, we are getting rejected and we are, in fact, getting sent back down to this nine-point five or even nine point two K range. So here we’ve got some back down to the nine points to two K range here. We currently got sent back down to the nine-point five K range, which is a level of support we did. We can’t we can, however, see a nice little bounce from this nine-point five K range. Whether this is going to be sustained and we all going to test this 10K level again, that will be very, very interesting to see. However, we did have quite a large drop. We can see in the last four-hour candle, I believe it is around about three to four percent. Yeah, about three percent. We had a fairly large drop, which is fairly normal for Bitcoin on a four-hour candle. We can see many of them in the past. I really do hope Bitcoin can, in fact, test this. If I can use the chart correctly, Jack, I really do hope we can test this 10K level again. And as we all know, guys, the more times we test the tank level, the more times we test any level, the more likely it is to break. So, yes, we have tested this nine-point two K level and we’ve tested this nine-point five K level quite a lot. So really, the next move for Bitcoin could be very, very crucial if we do, in fact, see a move up here to 10K. Well, then we could, in fact, be breaking 10K. Now, what happens if we break 10K? Well, I have covered this in the previous video. But if we do, in fact, go ahead and break 10k, most likely our next target would be about ten point five K y, ten-point five K. Well, if in fact, we go back to the daily chart where we started today’s video, we can see that this ten-point five K level, and I’ve mentioned this before, has become apparent many, many times back in February of this year, back here in October of last year. Again, we have many more weeks or even months here, September. Yet many weeks here in September of 2019, we’re at this 10K level, just the tank, the ten-point five K level, sorry, is a very tricky level for Bitcoin to, in fact, pass. And that’s pretty much where Bitcoin went from, being very bullish too, in fact, being very bearish, that ten-point five K level. So if we can get up from this current level, we’re out now. And in fact, test this ten-point five K level up here. That will be very, very bullish. We can break it and close above it. And that would in fact if we did go ahead and test this 10K or even ten point five K level. No doubt the Golden Cross will happen. It will probably happen in the next few days regardless. However, that will just make things even more bullish for the upside. So, guys, if you were in fact interested in trading these levels or trading at all with any leverage, personally, I recommend theme X is pretty much my number one go-to exchange when it comes to the leverage trading and. Did want to use you, Max. Use my link, Downbelow specifically, and you’ll get a hundred and twelve dollar bonus with only zero point two Bitcoin deposit to your trading account. So they offer many, many great features, including SoBe accounts, so you can trade along on one account trade show on the other. And yeah, there’s a lot of customer customization going on right there. And if you guys do want to learn more about leverage trading down below the theme X link, you will actually see a link to a free one. Our training right here. You can go ahead and click it. It will take you to this page and you’ll also get a free reward. Five simple steps to become a profitable leverage trader e-book for attending that training as well. So the free training and the link for Phoenix is linked down below. So, guys, let’s move on with this part of the video now. So class note actually posted something on their Twitter very, very recently. And I think whenever they post something is very important to cover it as the information they have is absolutely amazing. So we can see here the Bitcoin pool multiple has dropped back in the Green Zone, which is currently right here. And this is a result of the reduced Meiners revenue due to the halving. Historically, this zone has been marked as excellent, has excellent periods for investors to accumulate BDC for outsized returns. So we can see back here in January of 2019. We actually flagged in the green pool multiple zones again. And actually, after this, this was pretty much the bottom around about three K three point six came after that. We did see massive explosive growth up to that. I believe it was about 14 K, which we saw. And we’ll go over to the daily chart. We can have a look at exactly where and how and what they are talking about. So we can see here back in January, which was down here. This zone actually flushed in the green, which we’re seeing right here. And after that zone actually flushed. We can see just flushing down here. We can see the amazing explosive growth up to that 13, 14 K levels, which we know and love back from last summer. And right now, the same thing is happening again, guys. And the pool multiple is actually in the Green Zone again, which historically has been a good time to buy Bitcoin, according to this data. Of course, this is Bitcoin. The volatility is very high and things can happen, especially during these economic times that aren’t usually meant to happen or may not have happened in the past. However, just keep that in mind when you’re investing. This is a great signal, though, and it’s a really, really great piece of information. And go and check up glass note on Twitter. If you do want to find out more about it. So now, guys, moving on to the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. Going to play a quick 30-second video I found on Twitter, and then I’ll jump into the article as the Fed has done all it can do. Well, there’s a lot more we can do. We’re not out of ammunition by a long shot. Now, there’s really no limit to what we can do with these lending programs that we have. So right there, you can see that they’re actually saying there is no limit in what they can do with these lending programs they have. What I really want to know from you guys right now, though, is I want you to leave a comment down below. If you think the Fed Reserve is just going to keep printing dollars until the currency just becomes an absolute joke. Let me know down below and that will actually enter you into that ledger storage device. So going back to the article, this is really, really interesting. It covers, again, what was said in the video at the Federal Reserve chairman. Chairman claims the Fed is not out of ammunition. During a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explained that the central bank has essentially been flooding the markets with money in order to thwart a full-blown recession and basically to avoid a full-blown recession. He also stated that a central bank digitally printed money as needed, adding they are not out of ammunition by a long shot. And a reality check. They are never going to be out of ammunition. And the one thing that I can absolutely guarantee is that the Federal Fed Reserve will be doing everything we come to support the people we serve. And that means providing some relief and stability now. It means supporting the recovery when it comes. So basically, they’re just saying they’re going to just continue printing money. And Jay Powell is going to do all the legwork for Bitcoin is a non-sovereign handicap supplying global, immutable, decentralized digital store of value. It’s an insurance policy and it’s an insurance policy against this. Even outspoken Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff noted that Paul’s comments show the fiat currency is essentially worthless. Here, he says, Powell just said that there is no limit to what the Fed can do. Since all the Fed can actually do is print money, Paul believes that there is no limit to how much money the Fed can print. This is only true if the Fed is willing to keep printing money until the money is worthless. And that is a crazy statement as the Fed Reserve continues increasing its involvement with the markets. It is highly likely that this will further cut catalyze Bitcoin’s growth and adoption, which is absolutely crazy. So leave your comments down below, guys. I will enter you to win this guy. What do you think about this? Do you think the Fed is going to continue printing money during these times? And what effect will that have on the dollar? Will we see just crazy inflation coming? And what effect will it have? Let me know down below in the comments. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for the video. And without any further ado, though, let’s jump into the giveaway. If you haven’t already left a comment down below. Leave a comment down below. You can comment anything and to be entered to in that ledger, no x storage device. So we’ve got three hundred and thirty-seven comments from the random video chosen from last week. Let’s see who the winner is going to be. As always, if you are already e-mailing me as the winner and the winner is I’d rush and he just come on. It’s a love heart. So congratulations, dude. And you are actually the winner. I do. In fact, check the winners and check if they’re legitimate. Check their YouTube channels. Ask for verification, because every single win I have, I have like four or five people, different email addresses, different accounts claiming to be the winner. So if you are making a new account just to win the fifty dollars or whatever it is, just stop doing it. Do let the person who’s won actually claim their prize. It’s a really stupid move to be doing. So that’s pretty much it for the end of the video, guys. As I said before, I really do want Bitcoin to in fact cross this 10K level and go on to cross this ten-point five K level. If we are to remain bullish, that’ll be really, really nice. As always, guys, if you did want to do some trading based on this or based on your own opinions, of course, my link for a theme X will be Link Downbelow. Of course, it’s only for more experienced traders, but if you deposit zero point two Bitcoin, you actually get one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for free. And if you wanted to learn more about leverage trading, just watch. When you’re watching the video, just scroll down and you’ll see the free one-hour leverage trading lesson. You can go ahead. It will take you to this page, simply click register and you’ll actually go ahead and get a free one hour worth of training. So thanks. Watching today’s video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-last-time-this-happened/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-170-last-time-this.html
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
What’s up, guys? And welcome back to another video. So in today’s video, guys, we’re going to be talking about one bullish thing happening right now with Bitcoin. That actually last time this happened, Bitcoin went up over 170 percent. Yes, you heard me correctly. A hundred and seventy percent. So we’re gonna be talking about that in today’s video. We’re also going to be doing some Bitcoin price analysis as well. Not only that, though, guys, but we’re also going to be taking a look at some data showing you should be buying Bitcoin right now. And in the past, when you’ve done it when these indicators flashed, you will have been a very, very profitable. We’re also going to be taking a look at the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. We’re going to be going over that in today’s video. And finally, guys, towards the end of the video, usually I do every Monday. However, I didn’t upload yesterday, so I’ll do the giveaway today at the end of the video. We’re going to be giving away this largest storage device. So definitely stay tuned to the end to see if you have one. So without any further, you guys sit back, relax, and let’s get ready for the video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. I do really appreciate that. As you know, if we haven’t already, please try and reach that goal of 1000 lights on this video smashup, the likes. That will be absolutely amazing. And if you are watching my videos and you’re not subscribed, what are you doing? Just simply hit that subscribe button and take the notification bell so you get notified when I post my next video. And as always, guys, drop your comments down below. If you want to be entered to in the legit nano X device in the next giveaway, which is going to be next week. So comment literally anything down below and you can be entered into that giveaway. So without further ado, guys, let’s get into the video and let’s get on with some Bitcoin price analysis. All right, guys. So without any further ado, let’s get into today’s video. First of all, I do want to address the elephant in the room. And I do want to talk about this golden cross, which is potentially going to happen in the next few days. The Golden Cross is basically when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average. And if we actually go back before the little mini ballroom we had back in the summer of last year, we can see the cross happened exactly here. And then we had peaks of all the way up here. And if we actually take the price and we can see roughly we had about 174 over 170 percent gain in the space of about two to three months, which is absolutely amazing. So if we were to see that 170 percent gain again. Well, you can only imagine what price the Bitcoin will price Bitcoin would actually be. And that will be really, really amazing. We did, in fact, have a bearish cross back here, and that is when we saw the price decline heavily due to many, many different factors. However, now it’s looking more bullish. We’re having this bullish golden cross and actually we could, in fact, have a nice price, targets upwards of 14 K quite easily in the coming months. So that is a really, really interesting thing that is going on. If I just remove now the Golden Cross and let’s jump into the four-hour chart and let’s have a look what’s going on over there. So now taking a look at a four-hour chart, guys, we can quite clearly see the Bitcoin is having a lot of trouble crossing this range here. And that range, no surprise, is actually the 10K range. And we have crossed this very, very recently in the past. We have crossed it a few times. However, we’re just finding it very difficult to cross that tangi mark. A game topping out at about nine thousand nine hundred sixty-nine thousand hundred and eighty, depending on which chart you’re looking at. Every time we go and touch this 10K range, we are getting rejected and we are, in fact, getting sent back down to this nine-point five or even nine point two K range. So here we’ve got some back down to the nine points to two K range here. We currently got sent back down to the nine-point five K range, which is a level of support we did. We can’t we can, however, see a nice little bounce from this nine-point five K range. Whether this is going to be sustained and we all going to test this 10K level again, that will be very, very interesting to see. However, we did have quite a large drop. We can see in the last four-hour candle, I believe it is around about three to four percent. Yeah, about three percent. We had a fairly large drop, which is fairly normal for Bitcoin on a four-hour candle. We can see many of them in the past. I really do hope Bitcoin can, in fact, test this. If I can use the chart correctly, Jack, I really do hope we can test this 10K level again. And as we all know, guys, the more times we test the tank level, the more times we test any level, the more likely it is to break. So, yes, we have tested this nine-point two K level and we’ve tested this nine-point five K level quite a lot. So really, the next move for Bitcoin could be very, very crucial if we do, in fact, see a move up here to 10K. Well, then we could, in fact, be breaking 10K. Now, what happens if we break 10K? Well, I have covered this in the previous video. But if we do, in fact, go ahead and break 10k, most likely our next target would be about ten point five K y, ten-point five K. Well, if in fact, we go back to the daily chart where we started today’s video, we can see that this ten-point five K level, and I’ve mentioned this before, has become apparent many, many times back in February of this year, back here in October of last year. Again, we have many more weeks or even months here, September. Yet many weeks here in September of 2019, we’re at this 10K level, just the tank, the ten-point five K level, sorry, is a very tricky level for Bitcoin to, in fact, pass. And that’s pretty much where Bitcoin went from, being very bullish too, in fact, being very bearish, that ten-point five K level. So if we can get up from this current level, we’re out now. And in fact, test this ten-point five K level up here. That will be very, very bullish. We can break it and close above it. And that would in fact if we did go ahead and test this 10K or even ten point five K level. No doubt the Golden Cross will happen. It will probably happen in the next few days regardless. However, that will just make things even more bullish for the upside. So, guys, if you were in fact interested in trading these levels or trading at all with any leverage, personally, I recommend theme X is pretty much my number one go-to exchange when it comes to the leverage trading and. Did want to use you, Max. Use my link, Downbelow specifically, and you’ll get a hundred and twelve dollar bonus with only zero point two Bitcoin deposit to your trading account. So they offer many, many great features, including SoBe accounts, so you can trade along on one account trade show on the other. And yeah, there’s a lot of customer customization going on right there. And if you guys do want to learn more about leverage trading down below the theme X link, you will actually see a link to a free one. Our training right here. You can go ahead and click it. It will take you to this page and you’ll also get a free reward. Five simple steps to become a profitable leverage trader e-book for attending that training as well. So the free training and the link for Phoenix is linked down below. So, guys, let’s move on with this part of the video now. So class note actually posted something on their Twitter very, very recently. And I think whenever they post something is very important to cover it as the information they have is absolutely amazing. So we can see here the Bitcoin pool multiple has dropped back in the Green Zone, which is currently right here. And this is a result of the reduced Meiners revenue due to the halving. Historically, this zone has been marked as excellent, has excellent periods for investors to accumulate BDC for outsized returns. So we can see back here in January of 2019. We actually flagged in the green pool multiple zones again. And actually, after this, this was pretty much the bottom around about three K three point six came after that. We did see massive explosive growth up to that. I believe it was about 14 K, which we saw. And we’ll go over to the daily chart. We can have a look at exactly where and how and what they are talking about. So we can see here back in January, which was down here. This zone actually flushed in the green, which we’re seeing right here. And after that zone actually flushed. We can see just flushing down here. We can see the amazing explosive growth up to that 13, 14 K levels, which we know and love back from last summer. And right now, the same thing is happening again, guys. And the pool multiple is actually in the Green Zone again, which historically has been a good time to buy Bitcoin, according to this data. Of course, this is Bitcoin. The volatility is very high and things can happen, especially during these economic times that aren’t usually meant to happen or may not have happened in the past. However, just keep that in mind when you’re investing. This is a great signal, though, and it’s a really, really great piece of information. And go and check up glass note on Twitter. If you do want to find out more about it. So now, guys, moving on to the Federal Reserve chairman just made the ultimate case for Bitcoin. Going to play a quick 30-second video I found on Twitter, and then I’ll jump into the article as the Fed has done all it can do. Well, there’s a lot more we can do. We’re not out of ammunition by a long shot. Now, there’s really no limit to what we can do with these lending programs that we have. So right there, you can see that they’re actually saying there is no limit in what they can do with these lending programs they have. What I really want to know from you guys right now, though, is I want you to leave a comment down below. If you think the Fed Reserve is just going to keep printing dollars until the currency just becomes an absolute joke. Let me know down below and that will actually enter you into that ledger storage device. So going back to the article, this is really, really interesting. It covers, again, what was said in the video at the Federal Reserve chairman. Chairman claims the Fed is not out of ammunition. During a recent interview with 60 Minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell explained that the central bank has essentially been flooding the markets with money in order to thwart a full-blown recession and basically to avoid a full-blown recession. He also stated that a central bank digitally printed money as needed, adding they are not out of ammunition by a long shot. And a reality check. They are never going to be out of ammunition. And the one thing that I can absolutely guarantee is that the Federal Fed Reserve will be doing everything we come to support the people we serve. And that means providing some relief and stability now. It means supporting the recovery when it comes. So basically, they’re just saying they’re going to just continue printing money. And Jay Powell is going to do all the legwork for Bitcoin is a non-sovereign handicap supplying global, immutable, decentralized digital store of value. It’s an insurance policy and it’s an insurance policy against this. Even outspoken Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff noted that Paul’s comments show the fiat currency is essentially worthless. Here, he says, Powell just said that there is no limit to what the Fed can do. Since all the Fed can actually do is print money, Paul believes that there is no limit to how much money the Fed can print. This is only true if the Fed is willing to keep printing money until the money is worthless. And that is a crazy statement as the Fed Reserve continues increasing its involvement with the markets. It is highly likely that this will further cut catalyze Bitcoin’s growth and adoption, which is absolutely crazy. So leave your comments down below, guys. I will enter you to win this guy. What do you think about this? Do you think the Fed is going to continue printing money during these times? And what effect will that have on the dollar? Will we see just crazy inflation coming? And what effect will it have? Let me know down below in the comments. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for the video. And without any further ado, though, let’s jump into the giveaway. If you haven’t already left a comment down below. Leave a comment down below. You can comment anything and to be entered to in that ledger, no x storage device. So we’ve got three hundred and thirty-seven comments from the random video chosen from last week. Let’s see who the winner is going to be. As always, if you are already e-mailing me as the winner and the winner is I’d rush and he just come on. It’s a love heart. So congratulations, dude. And you are actually the winner. I do. In fact, check the winners and check if they’re legitimate. Check their YouTube channels. Ask for verification, because every single win I have, I have like four or five people, different email addresses, different accounts claiming to be the winner. So if you are making a new account just to win the fifty dollars or whatever it is, just stop doing it. Do let the person who’s won actually claim their prize. It’s a really stupid move to be doing. So that’s pretty much it for the end of the video, guys. As I said before, I really do want Bitcoin to in fact cross this 10K level and go on to cross this ten-point five K level. If we are to remain bullish, that’ll be really, really nice. As always, guys, if you did want to do some trading based on this or based on your own opinions, of course, my link for a theme X will be Link Downbelow. Of course, it’s only for more experienced traders, but if you deposit zero point two Bitcoin, you actually get one hundred and twelve dollar bonus for free. And if you wanted to learn more about leverage trading, just watch. When you’re watching the video, just scroll down and you’ll see the free one-hour leverage trading lesson. You can go ahead. It will take you to this page, simply click register and you’ll actually go ahead and get a free one hour worth of training. So thanks. Watching today’s video, guys, and I’ll catch you in the next one.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-last-time-this-happened/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/crazy-bitcoin-pumped-170-last-time-this-happened-bitcoin-breakout-to-14000-soon
0 notes
Net Nanny Review: Great for Managing Screen Time, but Weak When It Comes to Filtering
Overall Rating
Device pause button
Location tracking
No social media monitoring
Plans start at $39.99/yr.
Visit Net Nanny
Compare Plans
Last Updated: A day ago
We asked a parent test Net Nanny on her kids' iOS and Android devices to see if we still like its features and performance. Find out why Net Nanny dropped from four stars to three in this updated review that digs into all the good and bad of this parental control app.
Net Nanny is a great tool to control my kids’ screen time, but it’s a pain to set up—and the holes in its content filters made me question its effectiveness.
Net Nanny Pros and Cons
Pause button
Website blocking
Location tracking
Screen time limits
Confusing installation
No social media monitoring
Weak content filters
How We Tested Net Nanny
To test Net Nanny, we signed up for the five-device plan. We downloaded the Net Nanny child app to a Moto4 and an Android 6, and we used a Google Chrome browser on a MacBook Pro to control the online parent dashboard.
Over the course of several days, we saw how Net Nanny performed with normal device use and we also actively tested specific control features.
Our full methodology gives more details about how we test and review products like Net Nanny.
Net Nanny Pricing
Total Yearly Cost Yearly Cost Per Device Trial Period Return Policy Contract Length Learn More
1-Device Desktop Plan 5-Device Family Protection Pass 20-Device Family Protection Pass $39.99 $54.99 $89.99 $39.99 $11.00 $4.50 None None None 14 days 14 days 14 days 1 year 1 year 1 year Visit Net Nanny Visit Net Nanny Visit Net Nanny
Data effective 8/14/2019. Offers and availability subject to change.
Unlike similar software products that base plan pricing on the number of features offered, the only difference between the various Net Nanny packages is the number of devices covered. All packages come with the same protection features, so you don’t have to trade more money for more control.
The average family with two to five children will get the best deal by purchasing the 5-Device Family Protection Pass, but a larger family will benefit from the savings offered by the 20-Device Pass.
Tech and Equipment
Net Nanny software works with Windows PCs, Macs, Kindle Fire tablets, and iOS and Android devices, but older operating systems may not support it.
I couldn’t install Net Nanny on my youngest daughter’s device because it’s my old iPhone 4S. If you’re like me and your kids get electronic hand-me-downs, be sure to check the Products tab on the Net Nanny site for compatibility before you commit.
Many parental control software products use a website’s history to determine whether it’s safe for kids, but Net Nanny actually analyzes website activity in real time with its Dynamic Contextual Analysis. It’s kind of like the difference between reading a Yelp review to find out what a restaurant is like versus sending someone to the restaurant to find out in person.
We like that Net Nanny is gathering up-to-date info based on what’s on the website at any given time, not just what category the website is in.
Despite its real-time web filtering technology, Net Nanny caused no noticeable delay on my kids’ devices after installation. Also, adjusting a control on the Parent Dashboard translated to their phones almost instantly.
Net Nanny Features
Screen Time Limits and Scheduling 
Net Nanny offers both time limits and schedules, so you can control the amount of time kids spend on their devices each day and what times they’re allowed to use them.
Similar parental control devices like Disney Circle limit only internet activity, but Net Nanny actually pauses the smartphone or tablet itself, which is exactly what I hoped for.
Net Nanny also notifies the child with a full-screen message that they’ve used up their screen time or that their scheduled screen time has ended. In all of my tests, the screen time limits worked perfectly, and I like how easy it was to control them from the user profiles on the dashboard. I also loved the instant pause button.
Content Filtering 
I’m not impressed with Net Nanny’s content control filters.
I blocked my daughter’s phone from content related to suicide, but in testing I was still able to access graphic scenes on YouTube from a popular show about suicide.
On the flip side, when my daughter tried to access a video about doll refurbishing, Net Nanny blocked it, and I got a notice that she was being blocked from “mature content.” I watched the video in question and saw nothing in it that could be considered mature.
Net Nanny’s filters might provide more inconvenience than protection.
App and Website Blocking 
Net Nanny lets you block specific websites and apps, and while website blocking worked well, the app blocking was glitchy.
A word game continued to work for several minutes after I’d blocked it, and then Net Nanny told me an app I hadn’t blocked was blocked. I also wish that the app blocking feature had an alert option like the website blocker does, rather than just a total block option.
Location Tracking 
Net Nanny’s location tracking is a nice bonus for this kind of software. It will update your child’s phone’s location on a map every minute so you always know where they are—or at least where their phone is. In our tests the location tracking worked perfectly.
Installation and Setup
Installing and setting up Net Nanny on my kids’ devices took almost an hour and it was a hassle.
The parent page instructs you to install the software on your children’s devices by using your children’s devices to go to a website. But when I entered in the web address I came to a webpage that was not optimized for mobile users, and I couldn’t use it to install the mobile app.
I finally searched for the Net Nanny child app in the Google Play store. Fortunately, once I found it, downloading and installing it was easy. I used the same technique for my oldest daughter’s newer Android.
Because this is an app that tracks your child’s phone usage, most of the setup was the app asking me to say yes to all the permissions it asked for. As a security-minded parent, I was nervous handing over all that access to an app, but without it, the app can’t do its job.
To learn more about what the company does with the data gathered from the app, you can check out Net Nanny’s privacy policy.
Parent Dashboard
The Parent Dashboard was tricky to figure out at first.
It was only by chance that I realized one of the icons on the dashboard was the same as the icon I click in my photo editing program when I want to edit an image. When I clicked on it, sure enough it opened up the parental control options and let me edit each child’s filters, blocks, and screen time.
The wording is also confusing on the dashboard. For example, “Paused from Schedule” doesn’t mean that Net Nanny is pausing the schedule. It means that the device has been paused because of the schedule you’ve set.
“Current Rule: Standard, Applied Manually” means that the device’s current status is standard, meaning no screen time restrictions, and that it’s on that setting because you manually set it to standard (not because it’s scheduled).
It took me awhile to decode Net Nanny’s jargon, but once I did, it made sense and was easier to navigate the various tools and options.
One thing I liked about the Parent Dashboard was the family feed that showed all of my children’s activity. I could see their internet browser searches and view notifications if they tried to access any blocked content. Clicking on the content took me right to the blocked site so I could evaluate it for myself.
How Net Nanny Stacks Up
Yearly Starting Price Content Filtering Screen Time Monitoring Social Media Monitoring Location Tracking Learn More
$39.99 $99.00 $49.46 ✓ Yes X No ✓ Yes ✓ Yes X No ✓ Yes X No ✓ Yes ✓ Yes ✓ Yes X No ✓ Yes Visit Net Nanny Visit Bark Visit Qustodio
Data effective 8/14/2019. Offers and availability subject to change.
Net Nanny FAQs
Are Zift and Net Nanny the same thing?
Yes, Zift parental control software recently “married” Net Nanny software, and together they became Net Nanny 10.
Zift subscribers retain the same features and control they had with Zift, but with a name change and additional Net Nanny features like the Parent Dashboard.
Likewise, Net Nanny adopted some Zift features, like the App Advisor that informs parents about the safety of different popular apps.
Does Net Nanny work with the Google Chrome web browser?
Yes, according to Net Nanny, “Net Nanny products work with ALL internet browsers.”¹
Will my kids know I’m monitoring them with Net Nanny?
Yes. Unlike other parental control programs, Net Nanny does not offer a stealth mode for parents.
According to the Net Nanny Help Center, “Net Nanny does not offer an option to run in Stealth Mode because we encourage open and honest dialogue between family members regarding the importance of surfing the internet safely.”²
Once I got through some installation roadblocks and spent some time using the tools on Net Nanny’s Parent Dashboard, I found it easy to use.
I loved the screen time controls, but the inappropriate content that snuck through the web content filters was troubling, and the app blocking wasn’t always reliable.
I might be willing to give Net Nanny another shot just for the screen time control and handy pause button, but I wouldn’t trust it to protect my kids online.
Visit Net Nanny
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1. Net Nanny Support, “Is the Net Nanny Website Not Working Like You Expect?” 2. Net Nanny Help Center, “Stealth Mode“
The post Net Nanny Review: Great for Managing Screen Time, but Weak When It Comes to Filtering appeared first on SafeWise.
Article source here: Net Nanny Review: Great for Managing Screen Time, but Weak When It Comes to Filtering
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caribmdguy · 6 years
There were times when I thought I couldn’t get through, was homesick, seriously doubted my ability to learn this stuf, but I somehow managed! First year of med school and MPH is done, and feeling pretty relieved and thankful to have made it this far. So as long as work on the island goes, I’m over half way done now, and am a brand-new MS2. Feels good! So first term MPH, Term 1 med, Term 2 MPH (summer), and Term 2 med are done. I did also start an online MBA starting on Term 1 med, and all of my degree requirements are complete and just waiting on confirmation. I thought it would be a good idea…but it was a lot of work on top of everything…so while I don’t ultimately regret overextending myself it was a beast of a year (technically year and a half). Looking forward, I’ve got terms 3/4 starting this January-tomorrow (really just one very long term, which is 5 1/2 months) and term 5 left on the island. And my capstone and internship to do at some point between now and starting rotations to finish up my MPH. So by early December ’19 I’ll be done in Grenada and back to the states with my wife to study for the Step! AH! Still so far to go.
“Don’t like pizza today, foolish human” -our cat
I’ma look back on how each of the terms went, what I did to study, things I’ve learned. While I’ll do a more detailed post, Term 1 was intense in that you’re still acclimating to life in med school and life on the island a bit. While I thought a lot of my class appeared to drop out (we started with 452 people in the main cohort and ended with 385 in Term 1), anecdotally the people that actually left seemed to do so because acclimation was hard for them-coming down here just wasn’t a good fit. From adapting to a new way of life in a foriegn country away from your creature comforts, to being hopelessly far from family, to being at the whims of the school as large as mine is (easy to feel like just a number)…it all can be super frustrating on top of your actual studies.
And to be real, by now everyone in my circle of friends has had some family/friends problems from back home. Anywhere from breakups with long-term SO’s to deaths in the family. Just not something you think about when you first come down. In this past term an uncle of mine passed away after a long battle with cancer, right before a test. Couldn’t be there for the funeral, couldn’t book a flight that fast and be back for the test, felt horribly guilty for not being there, a bit broken inside because I hadn’t talked to said uncle since he was at our wedding, and it weighted pretty heavily on my mind. Still sat for the test, and while I passed it, it was my worst one by far. But my experience isn’t unique…sadly dealing with these realities is something that anyone has to work through and it’s difficult enough with med school. But being so far from home when things like that happen just makes you feel…completely helpless. By term 2 most people, myself included, were pretty burned out and/or getting depressed. People don’t like to talk about these things but it’s true. And to be fair I don’t think our feelings are unique as med students as all-everyone gets burned out at some point, but being so far away is one more thing to worry about.
I will say that I started to feel more optimistic about my overal situation after term 1. Turns out theres a lot of saftey net here as long as you’re putting in the work and at least get past term 1 (gotta get at least a 69.5 I believe for term 1 but have to keep above 75 cumulative), in that those with academic problems were put into ITI (“Interactive Team Instruction,” a group based learning format) with more one-to-one learning and a more stringent (more class-time) schedule. When they leave for ITI, they’re taken out of the lecture based format group, making the actual class size look smaller than it is. Those that improved were sent back to lecture based format. And a decent amount of people repeat a semester here or there or are given the option to do so to improve their grade. This is super important in term 5 I’ve been told, because it’s mostly reviewing all the things from terms 1-4 to prep for the step, and the school wants you to pass it on the first go ideally scoring over 225 (average last year was 229). That said, last year about 120 term 5’s aparently repeated the term (out of around 900 I believe).
They give a step style test (NBME exam, they write the step and use old USMLE questions) at the end of years 1 and 2 that correlate well with your step score and cover all the material you’ve learned up to that point, and showed us that repeating term 5 boosted those that were struggling to get into this ideal score range to where they need to be to be competitive for residency. While I’m doing pretty well and am not worried about repeating… I really don’t want to be on the island longer than needed. One hell of a motivator-but anything can happen. That’s what I’m most scared of at this point as well as leaving an awesome group of friends behind. It seems like term 4 is super difficult and term 5 is really stressful because of the step style tests that are worth a majority of your grade (along with hospital visits and everything else). So I will say that the drop-out rate isn’t nearly as high as it looks, but there is a pretty big chunk of people that repeate a semester and take longer to complete, making it look much worse than it really is. From all that and what I’ve seen so far, attrition is not that bad here, at least not as bad as I was led to believe coming down. But it’s not the full story. It’s equally fair to say that it’s pretty common to take longer than 4 years to complete from repeating a bad semester.
As per what SGU said, only 14 people completely “dropped” out of the program due to academic reasons this past year, but they were pretty vague about this. This past fall they accepted the largest term 1 class to date, rumored to be at about 1,400 students (now broken up into 9 “colleges” with seperate classes/groupings or something like that, I’m not completely sure), and they reassured us that there is an abundance of clinical spots available to all of us. I was worried before this and rumors started spreading, because thats a huge class, and our class of about 420? will be vying for the same clinical spots as the incoming August class…and I was fairly sure we have about 1,000 clinical spots… but just get through term 5 and kill the step they say. I wish they were a bit more transparent about all of this but for my own sanity I’m removing my skeptic hat and am just going to focus on doing the best I can. And as far as I can tell nobody has ever had trouble getting a clinical spot here so…I think it’ll work out. Staying positive. New years resolution? Get through it and off the island!
Saw Imagine dragons!
haven’t kayaked in a while
and some hiking 😀
Term 2 MPH was not that bad! The only thing that kinda sucked was that it started immediately after term 1 med, as in we finished our last test on a Friday and started classes on Monday. Thankfully they changed things around and began offering many (but not all) classes online, so I was able to do this from home in NY instead of having to stay in Grenada longer. More time with the wife! I stayed an extra week on campus because the ticket prices spike when everyone leaves the island and I waited a bit too long to book this time. But MPH classes are nothing like med classes, and was honestly a good change of pace since medicine is so laser focussed on details and memorizing facts, so it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture from a population/societal standpoint. Lots of reading, discussion posts, essays, and video type presentations. This term was 2 months long with 3 classes (9 credits) and that gave me a little more than a month to “relax” before starting term 2 med.
But I’m a nerd, and always feel like I need to be doing something. So I worked ahead on my MBA program during my break so I’d have less to do while in med school. I did this through Smartly, an online program I discovered while waiting overnight at Charlottesville airport to fly in for Term 1 med. I was actually searching the web for how to do accounting, since I had just filed my business as an LLC and needed to keep more stringent books for upcoming taxes. Super exciting, I know. But I came accross their program like this and they had an open “Business Foundations” course that included accounting fundamentals, and I learned basically what I needed to learn with that, for free, with some extra information that was useful for running a business. Then I found that if you were accepted the program it’s free (seriously, it’s pretty badass), so I submitted all the things you’d normally submit to an MBA program and finished up the Business Foundations course as they use as part of the admissions process.
Accepted-it’s free too!
Part of the Business Foundations course breakdown
I’ll do a post to talk more in depth about my experience with this more in the future I promise. But the low down–>It’s not accredited, first and foremost, by AACSB (although neither is SGU’s MBA), but it’s also very new, with the program launching in 2016, and it does take years to accredit. If you’ve ever used Doulingo before, it’s kind of similar to that. There’s bite-sized 5-10 minute lessons that you can do more or less as you please even on a cellphone, using active learning with a “smartcase” at the end of each block (that are graded). So you can do it in small chunks and work ahead when you have time. They use slack to interact with classmates and there’s some projects to do, along with two major tests. I thought it was a great opportunity to learn more about how to run my business better…man have I been fucking up…and really, learning more about business is a good idea for those in healthcare, especially for anyone dreaming about opening up a private practice one day or doing their part to un-fuck this wretched health system we have in the US. I’m by no means saying that a free online MBA is the equivelent to Wharton, and actually my wife is doing her “real” MBA now so we compare notes on this, but if it’s not going to be your “primary” thing you need to know, why not learn what you need to learn for free, right?
Made my way a begrudgingly back to the island for term 2 med and moved off campus too, which was pretty exciting. Term 2 was overal more difficult feeling than term 1. I’ve been told this is kind of a…theme. While I do think there was objectively more information to learn than in term 1, by now we had already had a better idea of what we were in for, and how to go about studying things. For example, how I study for histology, anatomy, biochemical pathways, and all the rest remained pretty similar to what I had figured out and done in term 1. I already had a study system to work with and had an idea of what I needed to do to learn the things. But by now, with more information coming our way, I had to find ways to be more efficient and constantly adapt and find new or faster ways to learn. I found some useful tools and tricks I wish I would have been using faithfully like I did in term 2 from day one in term 1.
For example, I stopped listening to lectures about halfway through term 2. They did make a major change here, across the board they cut lecture time in half (2 a day instead of 4), and lectures focused on difficult/high yeild topics. They moved a lot of content to “directed learning activities” (DLA’s), which honestly, I loved. Because we did so much more of the DLA’s, which I could rewind on difficult parts and watch over and over, and watch at double speed, I realized I could do the same with lectures since they’re all recorded. I also noticed that a lot of the high-performing people in our class showed up for lecture but studied/did different things, not paying attention. So what I ended up doing essentially is that throughout term 2 I’d “post-read” the lectures by making flashcards on Osmosis (like supercharged Anki, I’ll talk about this more soon), and the next day I’d do those flashcards in lecture, clicking in to get the attendance point. I did feel a bit guilty about this at first but I was technically there anyway.
Then I’d watch the lectures online at 2x speed, effectively saving about an hour-ish of time and working through part of my flashcard que early in the morning. I’m not sure if thats going to work going forward but it worked really well in term 2 in that I saved a lot of time and to be completely honest I think I learned the material better that way, because I could fly through the easy or low-yield things and rewind over the hard parts until I got it. I also cut down pretty significantly on my note taking and focussed a lot of time towards making and doing flashcards, making my own picmonics/mnemonics, reading first aid, and videos. Basically anything to take the more complicated lectures and simplify it. Also prioritized anything that required active recall/learning over passive.
But term 2 was hugely rewarding; I went into med school thinking I really wanted to be a neurologist, and our neuro/behavioral block was a 10 week/3 test beast at the end of term 2. I LOVED it. It was hard, but I did well on it. Everything we learned was highly clinically relevant and brought all the other systems of the body together nicely. I started to see things from the bigger picture. This was especially true while prepping for our BSCE/NBME exam (worth 15% of our grade, the largest of our test grades), which is made by the same people that make the USMLE step 1 exam and is basically a “half” step. In that it’s half the length and about half the content since we havent really delved into pathology in ton of detail yet. For this I reviewed all of the topics we learned in term 1 from a more broad point of view using Osmosis similar to how I imagine I’ll be prepping for the step in another year. We didn’t have a lot of time to do this though, since we still had our psychology block exam and our objective structured physical exam that week. So I triaged–>things I sucked at I tried to go over first. I ended up doing way better on this one than I thought I would, and actually improved my overall grade from what I had term 1. So it was a pretty sweet way to end the term!
With the last test on the books, a fried brain and flight out the next day, getting on that plane back to the frigid north was like a breath of fresh air. I was getting burned out, sleep deprived and missing my family. But alot happened in 2018, and it was time to recharge. The wife even came down to Grenada a little bit before classes start for a vacation, which was perfect!
Time to start Term 3!
First year of med school on the books! There were times when I thought I couldn't get through, was homesick, seriously doubted my ability to learn this stuf, but I somehow managed!
0 notes
friday4econlive · 6 years
Monopolistic Competition of the Game Market and Fallout 76
My daily life usually includes me playing a video game somewhere. I really don’t pay attention to price trends in any other sort of medium, so it was difficult for me to see any sort of economics happening in the real world around me; however, there has been recent news in the gaming industry that I thought related to what we learned in this class pretty well.
I believe that the gaming market is a monopolistic competition. This is because there are a ton of game companies both big and small. Some include Bethesda, Nintendo, Sony, Bandai Namco, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, etc. Most of these are big name companies, but there is also a huge amount of smaller game companies. This fulfills one part of the definition of monopolistic competition: many firms. Each of these companies make their own spread of video games all differentiated from each other, which is the second part of the definition for monopolistic competition. Some of these games are of different genres and are dissimilar because of it, like Riot’s League of Legends is a MOBA and Obsidian’s Pillars of Eternity is an isometric RPG. Even games of the same genre are differentiated. Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. franchise and Capcom’s Street Fighter series are both fighting games; however when compared to each other, the two are vastly different.
Because games are different and most of the time cannot be substituted for one another, I sometimes have trouble deciding if I’ll like a new game series or not. I usually turn to YouTube for gameplay footage and reviews in order to gauge if I’d be interested in the game at all. Now for a game series that I have already played and enjoyed, I usually just buy the game after watching some gameplay to hype myself up for the game.
I have been a Fallout fan since 2011, just after Fallout: New Vegas was released. I purchased a pack that had Fallout 3 and New Vegas bundled together. After playing a bit of 3, I instantly loved the game. I then brought that love for it into New Vegas and loved it even more. The lore of the game, learning about all the unique NPCs, and doing multiple playthroughs to see all parts of the game. I loved it all. I then learned that Fallout 1 and 2 exist and that Fallout didn’t just start at 3. Fallout 1 and 2 are vastly different games than 3 and New Vegas, but I still loved those games because they had the same sort of aspects that I loved from the Fallout series. Fallout 4 came around in late 2015, didn’t like it as much because there was a lack of variety in the story, but it was still a pretty good game. Earlier this year Fallout 76 was announced, and I was excited because I could finally play with my other friends who enjoyed Fallout. About a month ago there was a beta for the game. I watched some gameplay for it, and it had a lot of problems with just existing as a game. At this point I wasn’t worried about the problems with the story and quests because I saw game breaking glitches and major stuttering problems. I hoped these would be fixed before it was released, but just a few weeks ago Fallout 76 was released. With all of its problems intact, and It wasn’t just me who was thinking about not buying this game.
Some content creators and reviewers were able to play the game before the beta happened, and they described their issues with the game. This caused some people to cancel their orders for the game, but some held on waiting for the beta so they could test it themselves. The beta was very similar to the version that was played early. These content creators were bashing the beta causing even more people to cancel their pre-orders. At this point I, along with a lot of other people, had almost assuredly given up on buying the game.
The purpose of a beta is for players to give feedback to the developer so they can make changes and overall improve their game. This was not the case for Fallout 76. The beta was released at a pretty good time in the development cycle for the game; however, the game was released too early, 2 weeks after the beta, for Bethesda to make any meaningful changes. The “finished” product was very similar to the beta, still a lot of glitches everywhere. This caused even more Fallout content creators to warn potential players about the problems with the game.
All of these negative opinions decreased the demand for this product, which, according to a simple supply and demand curve, should decrease the price of the product.
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Most of the time, new games from AAA publishers will usually stay at the normal $60 price tag for their games for a long time, changing after the game has been out for a while. Successful games like Red Dead Redemption 2, HITMAN 2, Pokemon Let’s Go were released at around the same time that Fallout 76 was, and they have retained their full price. Really new games don’t usually drop their prices for black friday due to the unfair treatment to people who just purchased the game for full price on launch day. Notice how I said “usually”. Fallout 76’s price dropped to $40 on black friday. It was released on November 14, black friday was on November 21. It dropped price literally 1 week after release because it was so bad. I considered buying it at this price, but none of my friends were going to buy it so I didn’t.
According to the cost curves in long run Demand in a monopolistic competition is equal to the Average Total Cost. In the short run it can move to be above the ATC to run at a profit, or below the ATC to run at a loss, but they always sell the quantity where Marginal Costs equals Marginal Revenue because when running a profit, this is the quantity that maximizes profits and when running a loss, this is the loss minimizing quantity.
Now Fallout 76 is in no doubt running at a loss as evident by the price drop and overall negative reviews of the game (it got an average critic score of 53 out of 100 according to metacritic and an average user score of 2.7 out of 10).
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Fallout 76 is a live service. It is always online and needs a player base spending money on the game through microtransactions to keep the game afloat. They planned to have this game to continue to evolve and update as time went on, but people need to be playing the game in order to make these things worthwhile. Because of the cost of maintaining servers and constantly creating patches and content updates for this game, an Average Variable Cost may actually be a part of this graph, and if P ever dips below AVC it would be a good idea for them to shut down the production of this game as stated by the shutdown rule. If this were to happen, then even if I bought the game in the future, I might not be able to play it to its full extent 20 years later like I do for Fallout 1.
This game is an irreversible blemish that hit Bethesda, and could possibly mar the future of the gaming world for them. Some people are now more skeptical of Bethesda’s games due to this happening, and are worried if this will affect their new games coming down the line including a new game in the Elder Scrolls series and also a brand new IP called Starfield.
Alec Whyte
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