#saw jeremy pope on colbert earlier and it was so beautiful of him to understand how personal this story is
bloodyentrails · 1 year
the inspection was so beautiful to me. it's very much a movie that makes the homoeroticism in the military, or similar spaces, text and it was so refreshing to see.
it is also a movie very much in communication with movies about the military (and the USMC) that you might have seen before, full metal jacket, jarhead is mentioned explicitly, but it seeks to show us a different side to them.
(there is in fact a scene of the protagonist sitting on the toilet that is very reminiscent of full metal jacket, but what he's about the swallow is not his gun XD )
there is a poetry to the images and i loved the emotional pitch of each scene, i'm so in awe of how precisely you feel them but also in how subtle they are. it's a huge achievement.
i don't think the movie subverts the genre as such but it queers it and gives you small bits of insight into this life from the perspective of someone who experienced it. there was a post about past lives the other day, about how pragmatic it is, and i think the inspection is similarly pragmatic and not tempted by melodrama. it's a very refreshing mood to witness.
it's a hugely impressive film to me and i'm really glad i caught it. top notch acting, top notch cinematography and just a beautifully conveyed story.
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