#saw tickle fic
cringemesstickles · 1 year
Purposeful Loser
(TickleTober Day 3: Cuddles)
Summary: Adam starts a tickle fight so that he can lose on purpose (based off headcanon briefly discussed with @tickly-muffin >_<)
Pairings: Chainshipping
Word Count: 750
A/N: this is my first time writing for Saw and I’m low key scared to post this but I’m gonna do it anyways ok bye I’m gonna go hide
“you smell like a hospital.” Adam teased from where he was tucked away in Lawrence’s arms, making the doctor roll his eyes with exaggerated exasperation.
“Well, Adam, I am a doctor.” He said with a smile.
The atmosphere was warm and comforting and yet, Adam couldn’t help the nagging at the back of his mind; the one that yearned for a specific type of playful attention.
But how could he ask for it? That’s completely out of the question. Luckily, Adam had a plan.
Adam started poking and prodding at Lawrence’s sides, the doctor flinching and grabbing the younger’s wrists, keeping them firmly contained.
“Hehey! What do you think you’re doing?” He looked at the brunette, eyebrow raised with skepticism.
Adam’s eyes sparkled with mischief; he had the feeling his plan was working.
“What’s wrong, Doctor? Ticklish?” He snarked with a smirk, watching his lovers face and trying to figure out what he was thinking.
Lawrence wasn’t a moron. They had been together long enough for him to know a thing or two about Adam, and this was one of his typical ploys for tickles.
Lawrence gave a knowing smile but decided to play along.
He laid Adam on his back and held him in his lap, pinning his hands above his head so quickly that Adam yelped with surprise.
The doctor gave a smug grin, pleased with the blush that tinted the younger’s cheeks.
“Not so snarky now, are you?” He raised his free hand and began to wiggle his fingers threateningly over Adam’s stomach, watching his eyes widen in anticipation as he kicked his legs and squirmed helplessly, failing to suppress anticipatory giggles.
“Wahait, come on, Larry- you know I didn’t mean that doctor joke! Hospitals smell great!” He giggled frantically, watching the wiggling fingers inch closer and closer to his skin, excitement in his eyes.
“Maybe not, but I’m still going to tickle you till you can’t think straight.”
Before Adam could protest again, Lawrence plunged his fingers into the sensitive flesh, scribbling and scratching skillfully.
“EHEHEEK! NOOO, DOHOHONT!!” Adam shrieked, futilely squirming from left to right, only for the tickles to follow.
“Oh please. As if you weren’t begging for this.” Lawrence mockingly scoffed, skittering up to the ribs.
Adam snorted with laughter, happy to receive the attention he wanted, but also embarrassing.
Adam’s cheeks flushed bright red, and noticeably so.
The taller man hummed thoughtfully.
“Mm, no.. I don’t think I am.” He paused his attack.
“You see, what I think…” He pulled his hand back and moved to hover his fingers above Adam’s armpit, observing how his squirming got even more frantic.
“Nonono, dohohont!” Pleaded the brunette, an excited shimmer in his eye that was really pleading the opposite.
“Is that you really love…”
The fingers moved closer to their target.
“Lawrence, please!”
“To be…”
And closer…
“Haha- shut uhuhuhuuuup!!”
With that, the doctors skilled fingers dug into the hollow of Adam’s armpit, eliciting a shrill screech from the smaller man, his laughter loud and boisterous.
“EEEK! LAWREHEHEHENCE!!” He thrashed and kicked, screams of laughter filling the small room. Lawrence was almost worried they’d get a complaint for the noise.
“What’s the matter, Adam? Ticklish?” He mimicked Adam from earlier, taking pride in the absolute glee he was bringing his boyfriend. Adam’s smile could light up any room, even their own dusty apartment.
“SHUT UHUHUHUP!!” He blushed red, turning his head to try and hide in the crook of his arm.
Adam tried to tug at his arms, but it was no use; Lawrence was much stronger than him. And besides, he was already weakened from all the tickles.
His eyes were glittery with the joy of a kid on Christmas morning, letting himself laugh uncontrollably under his boyfriend’s playful yet loving touch.
The doctor paused and watched the younger man catch his breath, cheeks flushed and eyes watery.
“You okay? Have you had enough?”
Adam grinned cheekily, eyes brightening again. “Is that all you got, Larry? I can handle a hell of a lot more than that!”
Lawrence laughed at the typical snark and enthusiasm that came from his lover.
He shook his head fondly and leaned down to press a kiss to Adam’s lips.
“You’re too much, but I love you.”
“I suppose I am pretty lovable.”
Lawrence rolled his eyes.
Where Adam contained all his sass, he had no idea. But what he did know, was that Adam had plenty of tickles in his future.
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slavishslap · 11 months
The Razor Tickle Box | Saw Fanfic
Here's my first public fic! Let me know any improvements or stuff I could make, it's all appreciated! Not overly too much plot here, just some tickles and an idea I've been obsessed with for some weeks.
And just to note I've written this so that the razor box doesn't actually have razors in it, just some sort of suction to keep the wrists in place.
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A sudden sharp pain in her neck shot Addison awake. Great, still stuck in that room, her wrists cuffed to the glass box above her. She tried craning her head round, turning it to either side, attempting to get a look at what was happening behind her.
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?! Who's there!?" She knew there was someone there, she could feel their presence, but had no idea who it could be. "Let me out! Please!" She begged, looking up at her arms, which had surprisingly not started to tire out yet.
"There..." A voice behind her spoke gently, and to Addison's left, a person emerged. She recognised the woman immediately, from the short hair and the all blue outfit. Addison thought hard, trying to recall her name.
"You?! I-It's Amanda right? Get me out! Please!" Amanda looked up at her, and smiled, something that both confused and terrified Addison.
"Shut up will you... I just saved you." Amanda held up a needle, one that must have been containing the antidote that Addison had gotten stuck trying to get. "Did you seriously put both hands in that?" Amanda raised an eyebrow, pointing up to the box Addison was stuck in.
Addison watched as Amanda's eyes drifted away from her face, up to the box, and then sideways to her... armpits? Addison was only getting more and more confused, as she watched Amanda, who without speaking another word, dissappeared to behind her back.
"Wait! Where are you going?! Help me you bitch!!" Addison wondered if she would regret saying that.
"Yeah yeah, I will. But first, I just wanna test something out." Amanda was whispering up into the taller girls's ear, and if she hadn't just been in an intense death house, Addison probably would have been sightly turned on, evident by her cheeks now blushing brightly red.
"Just fucking get me out!" Addison watched as Amanda's hands appeared from behind her, and slowly made their way towards her armpits, all ten fingers beginning to gently wiggle inside, her short nails barely grazing the skin. "H-Hehehey!! W-Wahait!" Addison begun to giggle, whipping her head round wildly, her hair occasionally smacking Amanda in the face.
"What's the matter, hmm? Are we ticklish?" Amanda bit her tongue, watching as she was already trying to escape. "You're going nowhere." Amanda brought her head up to Addison's neck to whisper, the girl able to feel her breath on her ear.
"NoHOhohO! A-Ah-Amanda!" Addison was giggling like a little kid, squirming around upright, trying to move to escape the tickles, her clamped wrists prohibiting her from doing so.
"Awe, how about we go a little harder?" Amanda's fingers then begun to rapidly scratch and poke into Addison's armpits with more force, seeing an immediate reaction, as a squeal left her lips.
"AAAAH!! NONONOHOHO!! P-PAHA-PLEASE!!" Addison was now walking back and forth as far as she could, but nothing could get her away from Amanda's fingers. "I CAHAHAN'T!! I CAHAN'T!" Her words were squeaky, a pitch higher then her normal voice.
"Ohoho, you're really ticklish! I'm gonna have fun with you..." Addison's neck fliched everytime Amanda's whispered breath tickled her ear. "Hehe... tickle tickle! God you're pathetic." Amanda in an instant swapped the wiggling of her fingers to her drilling and twisting one finger into each armpit, seeing what would get her the best reaction.
"PLEEEEEEASE!! NOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!! STOHOHOP IT!!!" Addison was almost hopping on the spot, jumping around on one foot to the other. She could hear Amanda giggling behind her, not once letting up her tickling torture.
"Will you please stay still! I'm not even doing anything." Amanda retracted one hand from Addison's armpit and wrapped it around her waist, essentially holding her still. "Now... now you're fucked." She could feel Amanda's lips touch her ear as she softly whispered. A single hand drifted upwards, scratching all five fingers into one of Addison's armpits, making the woman squeal once again.
"EEK!! NONONOHOT THAHAHAT!! PLEHEHEASE!!! STOHOP STOHOHOP STOOOOOOP!!" Amanda internally congratulated herself, managing to reduce her subject to a flustered, squeaky mess with ease. Meanwhile, Addison was as red as a tomato, insanely embarrassed about the way she was jumping on the spot, screaming with laughter.
"Jeez you're fucking ticklish. You're like a little baby!" Amanda brought her lips back up to her ticklee's ear. "You a baby? Little baby Addison? Little ticklish baby Addison can't handle a few pokes?" Addison was hating how flustered Amanda's teasing was making her. The few whispered words made the torment so much worse.
Surprisingly, but thankfully, Amanda ceased her tickling in an instant, also unwrapping the arm round Addison's waist. A face appeared out the corner of her eye, and she turned to see a smirking Amanda looking at her, raising a finger to point to her face.
"You blushing? Is my teasing getting you?" Amanda was right, not that Addison would let her know.
"P-Please... Amanda... I cannot do any-anymore." Addison was breathing deeply in and out, trying to regain her composure.
"Why do you think I'm giving you a break silly." Amanda's face was plastered with an absolute shit-eating grin.
A break. Addison realised that meant there would be more to come, and judging by Amanda's head disappearing once more, they were coming now. And this time there was no teasing, no warm up, no gentle start. Amanda's hands whipped round to immediately dig all fingers into the exposed armpits, wanting to give Addison one last torture.
"FUHUHUCK YOU!!! HAHAHAHA!! I-I CAHAHAN'T!! AHAHAMANDA!! NONONONOHOHOHO!!" Addison was almost screaming now, twisting rapidly at the waist, her legs dancing around, trying turn her body away from Amanda's tickling hands any direction she could.
"Oh come on, you can take just a little longer, right? Not that you have a choice..." Addison's hair was slapping Amanda straight in the face, the taller girl resorting back to swinging her head around, seemingly with no idea of how to better cope with her torture.
"YOU NEED TO STOOOHOHOHOP!!!!" Addison let one final bellow out, barely managing to fit it between her laughter. The intense tickling had really tired her out, not even having the energy to wriggle around now, standing completely still.
Noticing how breathless that scream for mercy was, Amanda figured enough was enough, and gradually reduced her tickling to a light scritch on the armpits, before removing her hands completely, resting them on her own hips.
"Alright alright..." Amanda spoke softly, leaning her head back around one of Addison's sides to look the poor girl in the face. "I'll let you go now. Well, I'm gonna have to... uhhh... chloroform you first." Amanda had a smug smile on her face, looking like she was about to leave, before giving Addison one more comment. "I... uhm... I'll keep an eye on you, I'd like to do this again." With that, she headed out of the room.
Addison really hated herself for this, but she did kinda hope she would see Amanda again, just preferably with less laughing.
Thanks for reading! Let me know any potential improvements you may have for me. I am a huge shipper of Amanda x Addison (x Laura too) so couldn't help but include some more "romancy" things. (Lynn x Amanda supremacy though)
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oh-no-its-bird · 6 days
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Fan art for @hashiramashonkers 's very awesome fic that everyone should go and read, Sugar Pill
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tired-and-ticklish · 7 months
What Goes Around Comes Around
Third and finale part to Rough Day and Bonding Exercise.
Summary: Charlie is ecstatic her bonding exercise idea worked. Though, it might have worked a little too well, as she, Vaggie, and Alastor soon find out.
TW: Tickling, Swearing, Angel Dust being Angel Dust, Australian Slang and Swears
Disclaimer: I do not support V*v*z*epop, I simply like the characters and exploring their dynamics, usually in silly ways.
“Are you okay, Angel?” Charlie asked as she patted his side. Said spider was currently curled up on himself, trying to get rid of any lingering ticklish sensations.
“F-Fucking… peachy Charlie.” The pornstar replied, waving one of his many hands. “You’re both evil.”
“C’mon, like you didn’t enjoy yourself.” Vaggie teased, which made Angel’s face go slightly pink. “Otherwise you would have asked us to stop sooner.”
“Oh, fuck off!”
Charlie couldn’t help but laugh at the scene before her.
“Oh, you think this is funny, princess?” Angel Dust asked, a mischievous look in his eyes. “I’ll give ya something to laugh about!”
Before Hell’s Princess could react, the spider’s hands were already upon her, his upper ones tickling her ribs, while his lower ones squeezed her sides. The reaction was immediate, Charlie letting the giggles flow out of her. She kind of expected this retaliation, but it was okay. That was the point of the exercise!
“W-Wahhahaait Ahahahahangel!”
“Wait for what? For ya to tickle me again? Fat chance!”
Charlie squealed, kicking her legs out as she did. It was obvious to see that the Princess of Hell was enjoying this little ‘exercise’, laughing her heart out and not even trying to push the spider away. Vaggie couldn’t help but chuckle in response. It was no secret that Charlie loved silly activities like this, given the many tickle fights the two had during their three years together.
“Don’t bully my girlfriend too much.” Vaggie warned, getting a bit closer to watch Charlie.
“Oh, I won’t.” Angel said, removing the arms on his left side from Charlie. “After all, there’s two people I need to get back.”
That was all the warning the bodyguard got as both Angel’s left hands started tickling her. She jolted from the touch, biting her lip and trying not to laugh. Vaggie was the bodyguard of the hotel, for fuck’s sake, she couldn’t let anyone know (save for Charlie who already knew), that she was ticklish! But damn Angel and his extra hands! It was unfair!
“Didn’t think I could focus on two people at once~?” Angel asked, moving his hands toward Vaggie’s stomach. “Do you even know me?”
“Anahahahahangel yoohohoohhoh diihihihihck!” Vaggie cried out, causing the spider to gasp in mock shock.
“A dick? Now is that any way to talk to someone who’s making you and cha cha laugh~?” 
“Vahahahahahggihihihie beheheheh nihihihihice!”
“Sthahahahahay ohohohohout ohohohof thihihihis, Chahahaharlie!”
“Uh oh, the girls are fighting~”
It was completely unfair that Angel could tickle both of them at once! While the hands on his right side started moving to Charlie’s hips, the hands on his left went toward Vaggie’s ribs. The spider then decided to switch it up, using both his upper arms to slowly drag on the bodyguard’s ribs, while his lower ones drilled into the Princess’ hips.
The reactions he got were very promising.
“Oh my fucking God.” Angel’s face broke into a wide, evil grin. “You fucking bleated! Like a damn goat!”
“Hey, either of you ever heard the ‘itsy bitsy spider’ song~?”
"DOOHOHOHOHOHON'T!" Both girls pleaded.
"Man, you both make this too easy~"
“Well, Husker, I have to say that was quite entertaining!” Alastor mused as the bartender caught his breath. 
“May…Maybe for you, you sadistic asshole.” Husk said, glaring slightly at the Overlord, who simply shrugged.
“You can’t deny you’ve enjoyed yourself, Husker.” The Radio Demon teased, that smug grin never leaving his face.
“Well, I’m about to enjoy this a lot more.” The bartender said, still glaring at Alastor, but now with a malicious smile.
Before Alastor could react, Husk’s tail had wrapped around his ankle, dragging the taller demon over to him. The Overlord quickly realized what was about to happen, trying to free himself from the cat demon’s grasp.
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret.” Alastor warned, his normally terrifying smile twitching into a more nervous one.
“Big talk for someone who’s just as sensitive.” Husk teased, before poking at the deer’s sides.
The reaction was instant, Alastor freezing up before biting his lip. He really should have seen this coming, and perhaps he did. Afterall, if he truly hated it, he would have already teleported out of Husk’s hold, or mauled the bartender for even daring to try. Still, that didn’t mean he’d actually admit that, as he tried to shove Husk off him.
“R-Rehehehelease me at on-AHAHAHAHA!”
Husk’s hands made their way to Alastor’s hips, digging his claws into the sensitive area. The Radio Demon’s laughter poured out in earnest as he tried to grab Husk’s hands. The bartender simply kneaded his hands a bit harder into the deer’s hips, causing another scream of laughter.
“Damn, boss, no wonder you hate being touched.” Husk hummed “Imagine people finding out you’re this ticklish.”
“Huhuhuhusker! Dohohohohn’t tehehehease me!” Alastor exclaimed, kicking his legs a bit.
“What? You think I’m stupid enough to tease you?” Husk asked, greatly amused. “I’m just stating some facts, boss.”
Alastor attempted to protest, but he was cut off by the feeling of the feathered end of Husk’s tail tickling his stomach, making him shriek. He could feel it even through his shirt, the Radio Demon’s stomach was just that ticklish. Alastor mentally cursed Charlie for this ridiculous bonding idea, despite the fact he agreed to it.
Husk, meanwhile, hummed a bit as he poked and prodded at his boss’ hips, deciding to torment him there for a few more moments. Alastor then felt him stop, though the bartender’s tail was still tickling his stomach, before feeling Husk turn toward his legs. A screech of panicked radio static came from his throat.
“H-Huhuhuhusker wahahait! W-Whehehhe cahahaan tahahahalk about thihihihis!” Alastor attempted to plead as the bartender took off his shoes.
“Sure, you talk Boss.” Husk said, turning to give the Radio Demon a grin. “And I’ll tickle.”
The way Alastor howled as Husk slowly dragged his claws up and down the deer hooves was almost enough to make the bartender worry people would think he was killing the deer, until pleas of laughter burst forth, Alastor’s voice switching between radio static and his actual voice. It probably didn’t help matters that his tail was still tickling his boss’ stomach.
“You know, you can blame Rosie for me knowing this.” Husk told the Radio Demon, chuckling at his reactions.
“No you won’t.”
Alastor hated when Husk was right. He could never truly stay mad at the Cannibal Overlord for long, even if she had betrayed him and told both his ‘employees’ of his ticklish nature, and where to tickle to get him screaming. Despite it all, the deer could feel his tail wagging slightly under his coat, another reason he kept it hidden.
“Hey, you were giving me shit about my wings before, but your hooves are even worse off.” Husk mused, pressing into the pads. “Maybe I should tell Niffty about that~”
“Sure you won’t.” Husk chuckled. “You won’t directly tell her anything, but I know you, fucker. You’ll drop hints about it to her.”
“Maybe I should tell her to clean your ears too, make sure you can actually hear shit.”
Once Angel Dust and Husk had decided their revenge was thoroughly gotten, they had let their victims go. All five of them then met up with each other on the way back to the hotel lobby. Vaggie and Charlie had their hands on each other’s hips, Angel and Husk were walking close together, while Alastor simply strode close by, using his microphone as a cane.
“I mean, I also need to get Niffty back for tickling me in the first place.” Angel said, chuckling at the idea.
“Tough shit, legs.” Husk began, slightly amused by Angel’s confused expression. “She ain’t ticklish.”
“I’m afraid it’s true, my arachnid companion.” Alastor butted in, twisting his head toward the spider’s direction. “Our darling little Niffty isn’t the slightest bit ticklish!”
“Dammit!” Angel huffed. “That’s just unfair! Someone small and dangerous like her shouldn’t have that much power!”
“Try telling that to him.” Husk said, nodding his head toward Alastor’s direction.
“I’m insulted you think it’s my fault she’s like this.” Alastor said, placing a hand to his chest in mock hurt.
“Remind me not to give her any excuse to try with us, then.” Vaggie said tiredly. “Also you want to talk about unfair? How about the fact you have four arms?!”
“Six.” Angel corrected, popping out his third set of arms, which waved to the bodyguard, before pulling them back into his body. “Be happy I didn’t decide to use them on you and cha cha.”
“Though, I assume for balance, all of your underarms are terribly ticklish?” Alastor asked, his grin spreading wider as Angel sputtered in response, the pornstar’s face turning pink.
Before Angel could come up with a good comeback, all of them heard the sounds of someone screaming. They ran toward the source, each ready to fight whatever or whoever was attacking someone, only to be surprised by the sight of Niffty, dusting off Sir Pentious like she had done to Angel earlier.
“Ssssoohohohohomeohhohone gehehehehet hehehher ohohohohff ohohohohf mehehehe!” The snake pleaded, trying his best to grab the agile maid.
“You’re dirty!” Niffty replied, moving the duster toward his hood.
“Miihihihihisss Boohohohohmb, pleheheheesssehehhe hehehelp!”
“Nah, you’re on your own, mate.” Cherri Bomb replied, the others having not noticed her due to Sir Pentious’ reaction. She noticed them though. “Angie! Ya bitch, care to explain why tiny here is on a cleanin’ crusade?”
“She’s always like that.” Angel told her.
“Bloody ace.” Cherri replied sarcastically. “Pen and I just got back and apparently the shelia’s offended by how ‘dirty’ we are.”
“NOOHOHHOOT THEHEHEHERE!” Sir Pentious squealed as Niffty got to his neck.
“Well, perhaps this is an opportunity.” Alastor said, grinning.
“For what?” Husk asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, our newest residents haven’t joined in on our little ‘bonding’ exercise!” Alastor said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “It wouldn’t be fair to let them miss out, after all!”
“Oohoho, you hear that, sugar tits?” Angel asked, wiggling his fingers at Cherri, who immediately reacted.
“Angie, I’m fuckin’ warnin’ ya!” She said, going on the defensive. “I’ll make sure ya bloody regret it!”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Especially since he won’t be the only one helping.” Vaggie said with a grin, immediately tackling the cyclops. “Consider this revenge for blowing up our wall last week.”
“You’re still whingin’ about that?!”
“It did take some time for us to fix it.” Alastor mused, though instead of heading over to Cherri, he instead made his way toward Sir Pentious. “Niffty darling, may Husker and I be of assistance?”
“Of course, Alastor!” niffty said excitedly, ceasing her ticklish onslaught temporarily.
Sir Pentious caught his breath. “T-thank you, misssster Radio Demon ssssssssir.”
“Oh ho, don’t thank me yet.” Alastor said with a teasing tone. “Consider this revenge for ruining my coat, and for trying to spy on us for the Vees.”
“He did what?!” Husk exclaimed.
“Oops, did no one tell you~?” Alastor asked.
“Now guys, we aren’t doing this to be mean.” Charlie tried to plead, but she couldn’t deny her own mischievous grin growing on her face. “Even if it is a kind way to punish them.”
“Oooh, Princess has a dark side~?” Cherri asked. “Kink- whahahaait!”
“Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that.” Vaggie growled as she dug her hands into the cyclops’ armpits. “Only I get to talk to her like that~”
“Wow, you struck a nerve, Cherri.” Angel said with a chuckle, coming over and grabbing Cherri’s arms to pull them up and out of Vaggie’s way. “After you, vagina.”
“Getting you back for that later.” Vaggie threatened.
“Ahahahahanghiihihihe yohohohoohu cuhuhuhuhunt!”
Charlie gasped. “We don’t use that kind of language in the hotel!” She tsked, coming over to help her girlfriend and first patron. “Guess we’ll just have to tickle it out of you~!”
“Charlie, we swear all the fucking time.” Angel deadpanned.
“Well, not that word!”
“Now, Niffty.” Alastor asked as he held Sir Pentious. “Where haven’t you tried yet~?”
“M-Misssster Radio Demon, pleassssse reconssssid-”
“I haven’t touched his tail yet.” Niffty answered.
“Wonder if this would work.” Husk hummed, using the feathered end of his tail to stroke Sir Pentious’ own.
The results were much better than expected.
“Goodness me, quite a weakness!” Alastor teased. “Imagine your idols finding out about this~”
“Come on Boss, don’t be too much of an asshole.” Husk said jokingly.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Husker!”
“Not going to call you a liar, only because I don’t even know if you sleep.”
“Your concern is duly noted.”
Charlie was happy everyone was having fun and getting along. She needed to remember to put ‘weekly bonding exercises’ on their hotel schedule. For now, however, she was enjoying herself as much as everyone else, laughing along and tickling people to her heart’s content. She was sure the residents of the Hazbin Hotel would be redeemed in no time.
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kanene-yaaay · 3 months
Bunny Fields
Kanene's notes: Hi hi hiiiiii!!! Good afternoooooon!!!! The fic is finally here, let's goooo!! This is a gift for @squeaky-n-blushy for being absoluetly incredible and almost making me scream out loud w her comments and hcs and fics. Tu é um arraso, mana!
Warnings: There's a bit of animals tickling someone, not sure if it counts as warning but besides that, nothing more! Just a light cheer up tickles <3. Ticklish!Jin Ling and Ler!Shizui. Around 7.000 words.
Lan Shizui smiled. His eyes closed as the cold wind caressed his hair and filled his lungs, muscles immediately relaxing, making his usual straight posture falter just a bit. There was the rustling sound of the leaves and birds singing nearby to help the calm, relaxed atmosphere that fell over him and confirmed his growing suspicion that it was going to rain later after the sun set. There was still plenty of time to enjoy and spend on his favorite place, however. 
It took a few moments and no time at all for the feeling of something soft and fluffy graze his fingertips. 
Shizui bit back a joyful giggle. Restrain was difficult when he felt so at home like this, but he was no longer a tiny child squealing and gasping in wonder at each new joy, letting instead delight and contentment be shown in his small smiles and the happy dance of his heart and soul. 
As he opened his eyes, he was graced with the image of a small bunny hopping even closer, past his hand and right to his robes,  smelling them before lovingly chining it.
An indignant sound ressounded behind him and the young boy quickly put the bunny on his lap before it was scared away, again, petting it with care and offering a slice of cucumber in an appeasingly manner. From a nearby bush, another bunny moved and looked at him, nose twitching with the promise of food.
“Why do they keep coming only for you?!” Jin Ling complained indignantly, his new round of protests only coming to a halt when a pair of fluffy ears perked just about his right. 
His eyes zoned to them like an arrow to its target, robes twirling around him as he fastly turned to the animal’s direction and hastily offered the vegetable, one hand supporting him on the ground, keeping his expensive clothes away from the grass as the other stretched the farthest away as it was humanly possible in his attempt to attract the bunny. Initially it hopped a few inches away in a wary distance, making him have to stretch even more.
Even as impatience began nicking at his mind, Jin Ling kept his stance, until the bunny was back and staring at the food with interest, nose twitching and ears turned in his direction, its tiny mind clearly calculating the pros and cons of getting close to The Loud Human and having some free delicious snack or go back to its quiet safety but with no fresh snack. It was black with a big white spot on the base of his left ear and every time it moved the spot fluttered around as well. 
After a few moments passed, the bunny hopped close.
A surprised, sharp gasp came out from the leader of the Jin Sect and both boys held their breaths, watching as it stopped momentarily with his noise before coming closer and closer. The slice almost trembled on his fingertips with his barely contained excitement when the animal stopped in front of it.
An experimental nibble was taken. Pride and warmth began filling Jin Ling’s chest and he prepared to crawl in its direction, already imagining how soft and fluffy that fur would feel when he finally got to hold and pet-
A white blur passed like lightning under him, not even faltering or stopping its dash even with the loud surprised shout from the young boy as he fell on the ground with the scare. It simply continued its path and barreled on the black spotted bunny, hopping like crazy around it and then running away in all its glory and speed, quickly being followed by the first one with energy.
Jin Ling watched as they went away, his eyes narrowing when he saw something suspiciously green and round in one of the bunnies’ mouth, only then turning to look at his hand and realize that his fingers were holding onto nothing, the fresh treat being successfully stolen away.
He felt his entire face burning with the knowledge that he just had been outsmarted by a tiny and fast bunny.
He turned around and laid on the grass with his arms crossed, pout evident on his face and growing stronger as he heard Shizui’s quietly concealed giggles of amusement.
“Stupids rabbits!” 
Bunnies, actually, but the Lan didn’t think his friend would appreciate his correction at the moment.
Jin Ling stomped his feet once in frustration and for a moment the image of a small, round bunny wearing the yellow robes of the Jin sect and with a tiny red spot on his forehead, angrily stomping his feet on the grass flashed in Shizui’s mind, which didn’t really help him with the whole ‘not-laughing-at-your-friend’s-predicament’ thing. Jin Ling seemed to get even more energetic at this.
“That is why dogs are clearly superior! Even before being trained, Fairy already knew how to recognize a strong and trustful cultivator from a threat. Those rabbits are just scared of everything.”
Shizui did not point out who had just been scared by one of them not even a niàn ago, nor rolled his eyes at the other, knowing that even the half amused and half annoyed huff he let out in answer to his complains already tip toed the line of self control his sect was known and respected for.
“Do not bully the weak.”
“Weak?! Wasn’t you watching how it jumped on the other bunny and stole my treat? The only one bullying the weak here was it itself. Maybe you didn’t explain your rules to them well enough.”
Shizui felt his cheeks prickle with a small bound of heat. Since Jingyi told Jin Ling about his old habit of reciting the sect’s rules to the bunnies as a kid in order to better memorize them, the Jin haven’t left him alone until he showered said special place and bunnies to him (with Hanguang-Jun’s permission, of course).
Usually, and especially since becoming the First Disciple, Shizui shouldn’t engage in senseless banter. For a moment, he truly intended to ignore his friend’s clear provocation… but the need to defend his younger self was stronger. “They are good listeners.” 
“And clearly bad learners.” Jin Ling grumbled, watching with envious eyes the bunny on his lap and the couple more surrounding him before turning around sharply, only to find the pair of black and white still jumping around the grass, the slice of cucumber now nibbled to half and in the other’s rabbit mouth. 
He bit back a curse and turned to look at the sky. “Isn't it your obligation as the First Disciple to handle punishments? Go teach them something.”
A snort rang in the air and Jin Ling turned around just in time to see Shizui’s surprised smile for a flash before a long white sleeve ran to politely hide it.
“Maybe this one should ask shifu for some little brushes and paper? Before herding all of them to the Library Pavillion to copy the rules in handstands?” 
Only then Jin Ling realized the absurdity of his words, the mental image of a bunch of bunnies following Shizui in line with tiny brushes and books as students with bad behavior eased his frown and thawed his moping into amusement.
He didn’t smile, but also didn’t snark back and instead turned back to the clouds, enjoying the scenery. 
Soon enough his eyes began prickling with tiredness and he yawned, blinks getting slower and slower as the gray clouds continued to accumulate in the sky. Since becoming a Sect Leader, there was always something to do, some problems to resolve, a meeting to attend, emergencies that were of the utmost importance and needed his attention right now. Therefore, it was no surprise that his sleep became seriously affected by it, with little time to truly rest and even less time when his nightmares would leave him alone. It was rare to have… this. Time to just close his eyes and joy, to oblige his muscles to relax and let his mind drift away…
Something heavy lays on his robes and he jumps on the same spot with a shout, stopping himself from scrambling away when he sees that it was just Shizui by his side, now holding a bunny protectively against his chest as he petted it into calmness again.
“WHAT-” The bunny squirmed in the Lan’s hold and Shizui stared at him with a serious sharp gaze. Jin Ling frowned back, although his voice lowered, begrudgingly. He grabbed one more cucumber slice from the porch attached to his hip and offered to his friend to calm down the animal. Eventually, the bunny settled again on Shizui’s hold. “What do you think you were doing!”
Shizui watched him with such a neutral and unimpressed face that Jin Ling instectevely shivered with how similar to Hanguang-Jun he looked in that moment. In answer to this thought Jin Ling only scowled harder. If they are showing off their heritages he might as well prove his.
“Stay still.” With the corner of his eyes, he saw Jin Ling opening his mouth. “And be quiet.”
That only made his friend bristle even more, taking a deep breath in preparation for what could only be the start of a mix of threats, complaints and protests, so Shizui ran to lay the bunny again on his stomach, successfully shutting him up. 
Interrupting was against the rules, but technically he was just finishing his previous comment and Jin Ling hadn't started to talk yet, so, with a lighter tune, he quickly continued before the other found his words again. 
“They get easily scared with sudden noises and movements. We need to be careful.” 
Jin Ling didn’t bat an eye at him and his words, currently too focused on the bundle of fluff that hopped to his chest and sniffed his fingers when he offered his hand, letting him pet it without a fuzz.
He let out a soft gasp when the bunny lifted itself to its hinder legs and began cleaning its face. Shizui was pretty sure that no emergency or obligation in the entire cultivation world could convince Jin Ling to move a single muscle now, his entire form melting back on the grass, completely attentive simply only to the cute animal on him. 
Shizui could relate.
He watched the small smile blossoming on his friend’s expression and how clearer that made the heavy shadows under his eyes and his previous sour mood stood out.
Since he and lan Jingyi met Jin Ling, he had been energetic, grumpy and not afraid at all to speak his every thought in a way that Shizui could only wish to understand, going into dangers and ideas head first, defending what he believed with his entire being and bickering or even fighting with anyone who disagreed with him and tried to cross his path.
In those last months, however, it had been clear that the stress had been taking a toll on him. It was not as bad as the first seasons when his entire world came crashing down around him in a single night and he suddenly went from heir to leader of his sect. 
Yet, lately he was still clearly jumpier and easy to startle than normal. His presence had became even more scarce than previously during their usual night hunts, his remarks more painful and his regretting silence after those louder.
Each and every one of those details accumulated and flashed in front of Shizui’s eyes like flaring signals, asking without words for immediate support.
To see him now, taking it easy, being full of excitement and softness, it only made Shizui’s determination to keep cheering him up like this even stronger. Quickly, he turned around, gray eyes fastly jumping around the field in search of more bunnies to bury the other under.
There was nothing better for lighting someone’s mood than being under a pile of cuteness and fluffiness, of that he was sure.
He had just successfully coaxed two more bunnies on Jin Ling and had just turned around to attract a fourth one when a barely concealed giggle froze him on the spot.
Jin Ling tried to scrunch his neck, but stopped mid movement when the rabbit just shoved its nose even more on the spot. It had spotted his brilliant red ribbon and got closer, wanting to give it a few experimental nibbles before the human quickly maneuvered the fabric away, hiding it under his head and hair from the curious bunny. Now, very much likely in a petty show of revenge, the small ball of fluff began sniffing his neck non stop.
As soon as the uncharacteristic sound was stolen away by the wind, Jin Ling turned around with wide eyes to stare at Shizui’s back, hoping that he hadn’t listened to the most embarrassing giggle he just let out. 
(Look! He had been caught by surprise, ok? You try to contain your reactions when a stupid rabbit discovers your weakness and decides to start exploiting it as revenge for you trying to save its life!)
The Lan, however, seemed much concentrated to continue his mission of determinedly gathering more and more rabbits to absolutely submerge Jin Ling with them, for some reason. He would’ve sighed in relief if the moving ball of fur hadn’t just decided to start nuzzling right under his chin, resulting in a brand new round of giggles to bounce back and forth on his throat, being held back only by his lips being desperately pressed in a thin line. 
“You dumb animal,” the heir of the grandious Jin sect refused to acknowledge the slight tremble in his voice, whispering his words so Shiziu wouldn’t realize the predicament he is in. If he, or even worse, Jingyi discovered about him being ticklish he would have to kill them himself in order to not die from embarrassment. 
Besides, he was a sect leader, now. Sect Leaders simply were not ticklish. 
As if actively contradicting him, the little tickly sensations continued to assault his nerves. 
“Cut this off or I’ll break your legs!”
The rabbit continued being a rascal and ignored his warnings, pretty much like he himself when his uncle used that same threat with him, knowing he was all talk. 
He bristled indignantly at being ignored and quickly lifted his arms, scaring one of the bunnies left on his torso to the ground
The other flinched and looked at his arms with suspicion, not far from following the other’s lead.
Swallowing a loud squeak - because the stupid little demon on his shoulder decided that his ear looked very interesting and began nuzzling it too - he changed his path to pet the second little fluffy ball on his belly because he wasn’t actually so petty - different of some animals as it seems - to scare the rabbits Lan Shizui left under his care just because of a few accidental tickles. 
The animal quickly calmed down again and went dutifully back to search his robes for more snacks since the four slices of cucumber Jin Ling gave to it had already been devoured.
(What a greedy thing!)
It had just started to sniff his porch with curiosity when a tiny lick hit his neck and the one in yellow robes had to use all his self control to stop an honest squeal to leave from his mouth, transforming it into a yelp as his hands flew to grab the sneaky little rascal out of his shoulder. His cheeks burned from interrupting the silence with his uncontrolled reactions once again.
“I am going to roast you.” He brought the  big, round thing next to his face, right in front of his eyes so he could glare at it better.
Once again, he must not have put too much heat on his mumbled threat because the rabbit only squirmed on his hold, obliging the grumpy, frowing leader move his hands to better secure it, supporting the torso and bun, before it went right back to to excitedly licking his face.
With a protesting and dramatic disgusted sound, Jin Ling pulled it away from him and made a face, showing off his tongue in what he knew was a childish move, but after so much blatant disrespect, he didn’t care anymore.
“Stupid rabbit, I will start licking you back, see how you like it!”
“Do not bully the weak.”
“Shizui!” The surprised expression made clear that the Lan had been successful in his attempt to not be discovered watching such a cute scene with the corner of his eyes, smiling fondly with drops of exasperation. Jin Ling’s face was slightly red and contorted in a scoff. “Shut up!I am not bullying anyone, this… thing here is the one that started everything. He hates me!”
Both boys turned to look at the bunny, still sitting comfortably in the other’s careful hold and totally taking advantage of his distraction to chin his cheeks energetically. Shizui very carefully did not lift one dubious eyebrow when he turned to stare at his friend again, but for the way that Jin Ling jolted on the same place and made a face, eyes staring back in defiance, he must have realized his true feelings anyway.
The one in golden robes opened his mouth to say something - probably a snapping remark - but immediately choked, his mouth quickly clamping shut as his entire posture became stiff as a board.
“Jin Ling?” 
Said one looked at him with wide eyes, hands coming down to hurriedly drop the bunny in his hold back on his shoulders, which seemed to be trembling a little. His moves were forced and unnatural. 
Immediately looking around to find the reason for his friend’s sudden silence, Shiziu found his gaze being promptly captured by his torso, squirming around and almost dislodging the other bunny on his stomach, who kept its unrelenting digging on the porch tied on his belt, missing the target most of the time and giving the sides and stomach under it the treatment of the soft, stubborn paws, uncaring for how the torso under it kept trembling and shaking under it.
His eyes changed their focus now to Jin Ling’s arms that jerked to his midriff. That was the moment the bunny he had just decided to put down began delivering licks and nuzzles back again on his neck, now free from any restraints and enjoying the opportunity present with the best of its ability. 
Jin Ling's hands went up to his shoulder and then right back down, clearly not sure of each animal to take care of first, face getting even more red as the moments went by and the attack simply continued, lips pressed so firmly that they formed just a straight line on his expression, his cheeks starting to poof.
So it was true, Jin Ling definitely was…
Shizui tried to not smirk with mischievousness, doing his best to keep in mind and reflect in his body the sect’s rules. 
(Do not bully the weak.)
However, Jin Ling was a very strong companion, a capable cultivator and admirable leader. No other word could be more unfitting to describe him than ‘weak’. 
(Cherish your companions and friends. Value your family. Stay honest to your beliefs. Do not treat outsiders of the sect differently.)
He was here to help Jin Ling to relax and cheer up. If a new opportunity to do so presented itself so perfectly in front of him, it would be foolish to not acknowledge the benefits that resulted from it.
“Let me help you, then.” 
Jin Ling could almost breathe in relief when he felt the rabbit on his stomach being lifted away, taking care of half of his attack. With mind and arms now free from the uncertainty, he moved to move the other one as well.
The moment of peace was soon over, however, when nimbly fingers took over its place and began digging and scratching on his sides with much more skill and precision than the animal. 
He jolted with a squeal and the giggles that were already trapped on his throat spilled freely, seemingly to only encourage Shizui’s attack even more. The Lan focused in exploring every spot of sensitive skin, pinching and skittering everywhere those skillfully fingers could reach, finding the weakest spots and attacking them without mercy all while he kept evading without even a blink the clumsy dance of his own hands as they tried to stop him from his tickling and pulling the most embarrassing sounds from him.
A squeeze hit his hips and the initial giggly fit quickly grew to a loud laughter, his reactions seeing much harder to control when as soon as his barrier broke. With interest, Shizui’s hand latched on the spot, kneading the flesh and scribbling on the bone, very much satisfied with the answering guffaws that it resulted.
Such sensations spreaded like fire across his skin, a buzzing feeling that went from his hips to his entire torso in ticklish sparkles and funny tingles,  mixing with the soft feeling of soft and fluffy nuzzles on his neck like a unbearable dance that made his smile grow wider and his laughter stronger.
“No!” He tried to growl in protest, but it came out more like a whine as he held the other’s wrist in reflex, briefly pulling it away from his torso when another high pitched squeak scurried away from his lips. In a flash, his friend’s other free hand (where was the rabbit?) had been quick to jump to the rescue, diving under the captured one and latching on his torso with energy. Fingers hopping from rib to rib, playing on each bone like they were the strings of a guqin until he was more focused in scurrying to hug himself than to keep the hand secure in his hold, squirming at every prodding and vibrating that attacked the spaces in between them as if the was dutifully tuning an instrument. “D-do not! Shizui!! Whahahat are you doing?”
“Helping you.”
“You are not! C-cut it out!”
Shizui’s next words were drowned by a shriek as another cold thing touched his neck. With a foreboding sensation Jin Ling realized that the other rabbit had joined the first one next to his shoulder, also sniffing and chinning him in a horrible, revengeful attack.
(What had he even done to this one?!)
“Get out, leav-eek! Leave my ribbon alone!” His voice wobbled and his words were completely taken over by plenty of snickers and chuckles, eyes closed from how much he was smiling, the sensations exploding behind his eyelids like flares. “Why do you keep licking me!”
He tried to scrunch his neck again in a poor attempt of protection, not really being successful since the bunnies simply deviated their attention and buried their stupid fluffy bodies and their stupid tiny, pink noisy noses behind his ears with energy and obliging him to move his face away, by instinct, which, of course, only opened even more places for them to explore, more tittering snickers and protesting squeals filling the air.
“Maybe it’s because of your… sweet personality?” Shizui cringed internally, then deflated, somehow glad that his friend was very much occupied laughing his heart out to point his thoughts out. Jingyi was much better at puns. 
The fact that Jin Ling’s face still pulled into a frown, a quite weird one since there was a gigantic smile on his face, was still equally amusing, though.
“That was horrible! Bunnies do not eat sweets.”
“Fruits are sweet.”
“I am not a fruit!”
A twinkle appeared on Shizui’s gray eyes and for a moment he looked so much like Wei Wuxian that dangerous warnings began blasting on his mind. “Maybe they confused you with a red bayberry?”
Jin Ling felt his already blushing face be set ablaze with stronger flames. A series of offended and incoherent noises fell like a snowstorm from his mouth, legs starting to kick with giddy energy and his torso to more energetically twist away. The offending hands simply kept following him, although, no matter how much he turned this or that way, drumming quicker and stronger on his higher ribs for the trouble.
He prepared to string a completely cohesive and strong argument that may or not contain a few threats of breaking legs or imminent death when said worming fingers decided to climb and shove themselves in his armpits.
A shot cut across the air as Jin Ling arched his back. It took a few moments for him to realize that such inhuman sound had been his, especially as more and more shrieks continued to be fished from his lungs.
Shizui faltered for a couple of moments, surprised with his sudden stronger reaction, fingers stilling and trembling as he stopped himself from chuckling out loud in amusement at the reaction. Guffaws and snorts continued to fill the air and he gave the - as it seems - absurdly, awfully ticklish skin under his nails a quick, light series of scribbles.
Another screech left Jin Ling’s lips and he jumped on the same place, giddy, anticipatory giggling escaping from him even when the other stilled his fingers again. The first disciple of Gusu Lan felt his own mouth twitching into a grin. 
Humming in lieu of an answer, Shizui started once more his skittering, now trying to add some stronger pressure as he scratched every available patch of skin. He watched as Jin Ling’s legs began kicking again with a new kind of fervor, moves growing quicker and more frenetic the longer he went.
His eyes squinted a little bit in thought. Freeing one of his hands, he pulled one of Jin Ling’s arms upwards, ignoring the yelp (and more tittering) that this resulted.
Making his touch light and soft again - not unlike the quick tracing of brush on paper or the quick plucking of a guqin’ cords -, the Lan ran the tip of his fingers on his inner elbow, watching as the other  descended back to a hysterical snickering, kicks going from trashing to a steady pace of stomps.
(Lan Shizui tried to wash away all his smug thoughts of how hard it would be to hit such a sensitive place when wearing all the layers required by the mountains' weather. Such a pity the Jin’s golden robes weren’t as thick and numerous as Lan’s, truly.)
Then, with no warning he dived back to his pits, clawing them until another round of shrieking started anew together with, to his immense delight, energetic and quick kicks that continued to follow the speed of his tickling.
It was almost impossible to distinguish the red Vermillion’s mark in Jin Ling’s forehead with how red his entire face was. “Stop playihihihing!”
Jin Ling clasped his arms tight on his torso, trying to protect himself way too late and succeeding in only trapping his hands closer and looking one step closer of completely losing his mind.
“Get out of there!” But the rabbits also kept him let out the most embarrassing yelps and squeaks and Jin Ling no longer knew to whom his order was directed to.
“Lift your hands up and I will.”
The sect leader scoffed. It came out sounding like a snort. “I’m not falling for that!” 
With a sort of amusement, Shizui watched as his friend’s reactions began fluctuate once more, according to the kind of tickles he delivered, going from a hysterical, loud giggly fit when he wormed his hands a little down low and decided to poke and prod his higher ribs, - quickly jumping from one spot to other to hear those funny, lovely squeals that appeared each time Jin Ling was caught by surprise, - to an uncontrollable round of crackles and screeches when he decided to vibrate non stop on his pits, making him kick and squirm and arch his back with no real way to escape the ticklish feeling that flooded his nerves in a fun kind of electricity that would put Zidian to shame.
(May his uncle never hear this.)
It took several tánzhǐs before Jin Ling’s mind stopped screaming and the next words of the Head Disciple of Gusu Lan finally sank.
The fact that the rabbits finally got tired from (all the movement and decided to look for food somewhere else) messing and attacking him might have helped.
“Lying is forbidden in Cloud Recessess.” Shizui reminded, watching him with an unusual playful gleam that didn’t inspire a lot of confidence in his words.
But Jin Ling wasn’t a little, easily tricked kid anymore. He had grown up with plenty of… experience to know a trap when he saw one.
“You’re just going to-”  His voice disappeared in a loud squeal and he tried to give the boy in white robes an annoyed glare before it faded in the smile on his face, especially as Shizui continued to focus on that spot between his armpits and ribs, pulling more and more squealing laughter. 
However, he was the nephew of Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, and no one could shut him up when he had something to say!
He took a breath and spilled everything before the other could stop him again.
“You’re only going to tickle me more!”
Instead of the surprised face of someone who was caught breaking his sect’s main rules by being a dirty liar, Shizui only smiled calmly at him.
“I assure you. If you put your hands up, I will not tickle your armpits anymore.”
Then, he kneaded on the flesh and digged his fingers, as if reminding him how absolutely unbearable and insufferable the tickling truly was, taking all the breath he had just gotten away in a wheezing crackle. “Which I can not promise if you keep me trapped here.”
For a while Jin Ling was too lost in laughter to concentrate, arms trying to go up only to go crashing right back down as the Lan just didn’t stop tickling him. 
The sadic Lan he called a friend continued to soften his touches to a light, maddening scribbling just after each attempt, only to go back to full on drumming  on his poor pits the moment he managed to lift his arms the tiniest bit, cutting off all his progress.
“Why are you doing this!”
“Doing what?”
“Tickling m-” He cuts himself just as his mind caught his words, again, he turns a (non effective) frown and a glare (without heat) to his friend, who now loses the battle against himself and begins to softly snicker.
Jin Ling frowns harder at how warm that makes him feel. It is still a funny image with all the smiling and laughing. “I already said I am not falling for that!”
“You only need to put your arms back up, Sect Leader Jin, and I will not tickle your armpits anymore.” His tune had… something. If it wasn’t Shizui, it would almost sound as if taunting.
Still, it made Jin Ling bristle and, with all the strength he could gather, shot both of his arms up at once. They shook and trembled with plenty of laughter frolicking across the grass, yet they were kept high up.
Shizui stopped immediately and Jin Ling waited, anticipation prickling on his skin, for the moment those tormenting fingers would go back to assaulting his pits. 
With wide eyes, he watches, instead, as the other simply pulls his hands away with a tranquil, almost knowing look in his face.
“Lying is forbidden in Cloud Recessess.” Shizui, once more, reminds him.
There is still… a kind of light in his eyes that keeps titters falling from the leader’s lips and a tingling to run across his nerves. 
A breeze of air passed through them, making the hair on his neck stand up and him to prepare for another attack. He quickly pulls his arms right back down and Shizui adjusts himself so he is sitting on his legs, watching Jin Ling as if he is as silly as the big smile that is still plastered on his face.
Jin Ling begins to relax.
That is when, in a beautiful, blurring and fast flash of white, two hands latch on his stomach and started clawing with energy, scratching any and everywhere, kneading up and down, spidering all around, scribbling and pitching from side to side.
“No, no, no! Not the tummy, not the tummy! Shiz-” Another high screech was out of his lungs, a surprised, belly laughter (ha-) following right after. His voice got completely taken over by the force of the sound, totally unrestrained and unstoppable.
Lan Yuan really couldn’t help it.
He kept on tickling, kept looking for the spots that brought the most high pitched reactions, the cutest sounds, the sensitive places that made him bang his fists on the ground and try to roll away from the ticklish touches only to feel sneaking fingers swiping across his spine and dancing on his back over and over again until he was back to pressing his back on the ground, kindly putting his stomach right back at his tickly attention again and again.
It took him three tries, but soon Jin Ling was able to pass coherent words in between his slow, giggly and continuous descent into madness.
“I already commanded you to stop!”
And, just like magic, the tickling actually stopped.
Jin Ling kept feeling the ghost of the scribbles and tickles jumping excitedly across his muscles and nerves. He hugged his belly and tried to squirm away, but a firm touch on his torso prevented him from doing so, pulling his attention back to his friend as he kept trying to reign all the snickers flowing from him. 
His smile dimmed a little when he realized that the other was frozen, as if stuck in a daze.
What was that about? Did he just get hit by a curse? Was someone approaching? Maybe Hanguang-Jun? Was that why he stopped all of a sudden? Jin Ling supported himself on his elbow and looked behind Sizhui, trying to see any hint of white robes, a guqin or Wei Wuxian. 
When nothing besides a bunch of bunnies and trees catches his eyes, he goes back to stare at his friend, brows furrowed in confusion.
“You didn’t.” Lan Sizhui replies, as if this explains something.
He jolts on the place when his strong, watching gaze falls on him, looking determined. “You didn’t.”
He starts to smile, something bright and happy. Jin Ling squints his eyes.
“You didn’t ask me to stop.”
With a shock, this time the leader of the Jin Sect was the one who froze, eyes widening with realization, mind running across the moments since the attack began. He surely would… I mean, it wasn’t as if Jin Ling actually still liked… Shizui simply must have been confused!
The blush on his face grows darker and darker.
“That doesn't mean anything! Besides, I shouldn't even have to! I- I-” His tune is as squeaky as his laughter, words jumping out of his throat before he can think too much about it. 
Instead of giving up of whatever he was planning to do, however, Shizuis's face only continues to get fonder and fonder, transforming into something so utterly joyful and glad that it has Jin Ling stumbling to erase it before the other can start getting ideas. More sentences tumbles out of his mouth as his arms try to push him clumsily away. “You Lans shouldn’t even… We aren’t kids anymore!”
Shizui’s grin continues unchanging, shining in fondness and playfulness and Jin Ling continues to feel his neck getting progressively more and more hot.
“Animals still play as adults, especially bunnies.”
“What does that have to do with anything, we are not bunnies!”
“There is no age to have fun, A-Ling.”
Then his gray eyes got wide and panicked and the sudden change left Jin Ling so confused that, when the other hurriedly jumped in his direction, he only managed to defend himself in their wrestle battle for some moments before the mischievous hands were burrowing themselves once again on his armpits. Just the slight graze of the ticklish feeling was enough to turn his body into well cooked noodles until the other was able to bring him right back to the ground, kicking and laughing non stop as the drumming was right back.
“You said you wouldn’t tickle them anymore!”
His entire body shook with the peals of laughter, head being thrown back with the force of it. There was  nothing else his senses could feel except that it tickled. It really, really tickled, even more now that Shiziu seemed to catch on just how much he didn’t truly mind the playful attack at all.
There was still mercy in the world, as it seems, though. 
“That is true.” The digging stopped and Jin Ling barely had time to breath before his sides began to be attacked with some light and energetic spidering, rare pinches appearing here and there and making him buckle from one side to another with surprise. 
The sudden change caught him out of guard and his belly laughter to fall back to a series of his embarrassing snickery giggles. His shoulders hunched up and he pressed his face on them, trying to at least muffle a little bit of such undignified sounds.
Lan Shizui must have some kind of mind reader amulet with him because in the very next niàn the soft tickling went back to an unmerciful kneading that made him squeal and squirm uncontrollably until his face inevitably came out of its hiding place. He began kicking his legs with all his might, making the other one turn around to look at them with a critical eye.
“Very well.”
And, as if they just had an entire conversation and arrived to some sort of agreement, Lan Sizhui freed one of his hands to squeeze on his right knee, summoning a loud snort, more and more of them being successfully mixed with his now wheezing fit to Shizui's happy delight.  
The leader of the Jin Sect got stuck in a playful, tickly cycle of extending his legs in a poor and unsuccessful attempt to escape from the tickles, shaking them from a side to another since Shiziu discovered that scratching on the underside of his knees will get him wiggling and letting out an unending ‘eee’ sound and then getting his sides teased and scribbled on until he was a mess of giggles, pulling his legs up to another round of kicks only for his knee to receive even more squeezes.
Every step of the cycle kept being repeated over and over again, as thoroughly and carefully as possible, making him wheeze, yelp, squeal, snort (there was so, so much snorts, Jin Ling is never surviving this if Lan Jingyi ever finds out), snickers, guffaws and temporary barks of laughter that makes his shoulders bounce, his head to shake and his mind to go completely crazy with such a funny, unbearable sensation.
His core spinned and twirled with each moment, sending warmth and adrenaline across his every meridian, making every light touch, every poke and spidering much more ticklish than before. His smile is so big and there are so many memories of his childhood passing through his mind and he wants to pull and push the sensation away and…
And he giggles and giggles and giggles.
Finally, the tickling stops and Jin Ling just… melts on the grass. His mouth is still twisted in a smile longer after all his tittering and hammering heart calms down. Feeling so dizzy with adrenaline, giggly in joy and relaxed only highlights how much tense he was before. 
He closes his eyes and just stays there, catching his breath, enjoying the breeze and wondering if he should get his revenge right now or wait to first bribe Jingyi into spilling all of Shizui’s best tickle spots and then get him, perhaps even with his help.
When his eyes open, his friend is there, petting a bunny that got close with one hand and holding a porch with the other. Jin Ling moves to sit and glare when Shizui turns with a calm, happy face to offer him water.
He opens his mouth to say something - a promise, a threat, a complaint - but no words come out so he simply gets the poach and drinks the water greedily. 
Stupid noisy bunnies. 
Stupid attentive Lans.
“Are you feeling better?” 
Shizui at least has the sense of sounding a tad apologetic. As he should! Attacking someone (and a Sect Leader no less!) with such a… childish, unbecoming tactic. His uncle, Sect Leader Lan and not even Sect Leader Nie would be found fooling around like this in his place. Jin Ling almost bristles at him in answer.
The warmth and fact that he is the most relaxed he had been in days stops him. But still!
“What are you talking about?”
Shizui looks around and then at him, eyes catching his without fear or mockery and holding his gaze. They spend a moment like this until the other looks away with a soft sigh. 
“You seemed stressed, lately, so I-” 
(-thought to bring you to my safest space, where no worries can find you or matter.)
(-decided to tickle you until you looked and sounded so carefree that no problem would try to keep haunting your mind.)
(-remembered how easy and effortless it is to be playful around you.)
How silly would he sound should he say any of this. Words weren’t usually a problem for him and yet Shizui found himself not knowing exactly how to explain his motives.
“I wanted to show you the bunny fields. They’re always very effective to be calming and joyful.”
He decided to go with that.
“And since when do I need your help?” Jin Ling sniffed, “I am fine!”
Shizui blinked, stared at him, face showing no strong emotion. His eyes narrowed just the slightest bit.
He lifted one of his hands in a clawing motion.
“Wait! D-don’t! I just said that I am fine.” he made a noise between a scoff and a snickery sound. “Lying is prohibited here, isn’t it? As a sect leader, it would be unbecoming to disrespect your sect by not following them.” 
He crossed his arms and their eyes found themselves again. Without even meaning to, Jin Ling’s voice softened. “I am fine.” 
(Thank you.)
Shizui huffed, sounding both amused and relieved, smiling a little back. “Then I am glad.”
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cantwritethetword · 7 months
Waking Up Next to You
Fic Descript: Henry unconsciously steals the blankets in the middle of the night and refuses to return them, forcing Alex to get creative to get them back.
Lmao wassup. I've got a RWRB fic coming up for you all today ^^ based off of this meme that I saw aaaages ago lmao I thought I absolutely HAD to write something and these boys are PERFECT for it.
I still have to finish the book or watch the actual movie lmao... should probably get on that...
Hope you all are vibing <3
Enoy! ~
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It still amazed Alex that the sun actually existed sometimes in England.
Mornings like these, the amber rays leaking in through the curtains, the cool breeze wafting through the window, birds chirping faintly outside.
A gentle reminder that England was not the grey, dreary commonwealth of boredom he had once envisioned.
No, mornings like this were quiet, pretty, perfect.
Well, almost perfect.
Because somehow, during the night, Henry - the absolute love of his life - had stolen the entire fucking blanket.
Those amber rays? Rare patches of warmth and hope keeping Alex right on the edge of freezing to death. The cool, refreshing breeze? Jack Frost's pesky fingers trying to strip the flesh right off his bones. The birds and their sweet, beautiful songs? Evil little shits taunting him with their built-in feather shields, protecting them from the harsh elements he was currently at the mercy of.
Sort of... The heating was on inside the house, so perhaps he was being a touch dramatic.
Still, the question remained. Should he let Henry sleep in, or should he reclaim his rightful half of the covers?
His boyfriend did look quite adorable like this, his perfect hair all tousled, his face relaxed so far his mouth was slightly open. And while it was getting more and more common for Alex to see the real Henry, and not Prince Pompously Pedantic The Third, he still treasured these moments of pure unfiltered Henry.
Maybe if he just slowly pulled...
"Alexxxxx..." Henry mumbled, still half asleep, before pulling the blanket over his head and turning around.
Alex gave a soft, indignant gasp. "Well good morning to you too."
No response.
"You've got the blanket." Alex said flatly.
Henry stirred. "I do."
Alex's face fell into a glare. "All of it."
"Yes." Henry hummed. "And it's incredibly comfy."
The prince didn't have to turn around for Alex to know the little shit had a smug (albeit sleepy) grin on his face.
"And you're not going to share?" Alex shuffled himself closer, almost leaning over Henry's shoulder.
"Hmm..." Henry pondered, becoming more and more awake by the second (though he kept his eyes closed throughout the exchange). "No."
Alex rolled his eyes. "Come on, don't let me freeze."
"What if I don't want to freeze?" Henry said - trying to keep a straight face, but the corners of his mouth betrayed him.
"Henry, it's a king sized blanket! We'll both have heaps of space."
Unable to stop himself, Henry let his face fall into a smirk. "Yes, it's a king sized blanket. Fit for one king. That's me."
Alex flopped backwards onto the pillow, rolling his eyes with a laugh. "You're not a king yet!"
"I'm closer than you'll ever be." Henry mumbled, though he couldn't help the laugh that leaked into his tone.
And, just adding insult to injury, Henry wrapped himself even further into his blanket like a caterpillar into a cocoon. Alex didn't have so much as a thread to pull over himself after Henry's little burrito moment, but that might just play into his favour.
Realising just how much Henry had restricted his own movement, it was Alex's turn to smirk.
"You wanna stay in the blanket that badly?" Alex muttered under his breath, before jumping onto his boyfriend. "Fine."
"Ale-HEHEX NOHOHO!" Henry shrieked, jolted out of his fake sleep by Alex's hands squeezing ferociously into his hips.
Somehow, Alex had intensified the pressure of his thumbs to be the perfect level of force through the blanket. By the time it reached Henry's hip bones the sensations were unbearably tickly, and it was driving Henry absolutely mad.
"No what?" Alex teased, expertly keeping his balance atop his squirming partner. "What's wrong baby? Not quite the sleep in you were looking for?"
"STOHOHOP IT! PLEHEHEASE!" Henry thrashed violently from side to side, but the blanket restricted his movements so much he could barely move a few inches each way.
Alex grinned, opting to change his tactic to aim for Henry's exposed neck. "Too late for pleading baby, should have given me the blanket when I asked."
"NONONONONO!" Henry squealed, trying desperately to find some way to cover the ridiculously sensitive target. He couldn't decide what was worse, the drilling thuds of Alex's thumbs through the blanket against his sides, or the whisper-light scratches of Alex's fingernails on his bare skin.
"Unless..." Alex continued to tease, trailing off to allow Henry to put the pieces together. And just for encouragement, he brought one hand back down to squeeze up and down Henry's sides while the other continued to torment the future king's neck.
"YOU CAN HAHAHAVE IHIHIT!" Henry surrendered, his body caught in an odd dance between escaping Alex and unravelling the blanket to get both off his body. "TAHAKE IT TAKE IHIT TAKE IT!"
With a smirk, Alex ceased all his attacks and helped his beloved boyfriend emerge from the duvet.
"There." Alex smiled in satisfaction and the pair lay down next to each other - equally covered under the quilt. "Was that so hard?"
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mushiewrites · 1 year
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sapnap’s tummy……..I am simply thinking thoughts………..
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moongeonight · 2 years
A normal day
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A/N: this is my first fanfic... and my first post lol so if there is something wrong with my writing or My English please tell me.
(this was an idea from a fan art that made @ssnicker-doodless a time ago and a headcanon that Made @ticklish-ghost, hope you like it!)
summary: reigen, mob and serizawa are going to solve a problem with a spirit, Unexpectedly reigen is captured by two spirits, what will they do to reigen?
(This is a tickle fanfic!, if you don't like it don't read it)
It was going to be a normal day, that's what Reigen think, he had received several calls from people who said they heard laughter at different times of the day and after much insistence he decided to attend to the case.
"Well, we're here, let's finish this quickly to go eat something" Reigen said, arriving at the building together with Mob and Serizawa.
"Thank you Reigen for bringing me but... Couldn't mob do it alone? Serizawa said clearly nervous, this was from one of his first exorcisms.
"It's for your training Serizawa" Reigen answered confidently entering the apparently abandoned building.
They spent a few minutes inspecting the place but they found nothing, at one point mob and serizawa said they felt energy from a spirit.
"Yes, there's definitely a spirit here" mob said calmly, Reigen has called him again with a short time and he had to say goodbye to his friends, it was frustrating, he wanted to finish this as soon as possible.
"From what I perceive, it is a rather weak spirit that can be easily exorcised" Serizawa said calmer, seeing that the spirit was not a major threat.
Great, in that case you take care of the spirit and I'll go outside, what do you think?" Reigen said tired, wanting to leave immediately.
"Yes, master, we'll take care of it" mob said going to exorcise the spirit followed by serizawa.
"What a bother..." Reigen thought as he looked for the exit... Until suddenly he heard a noise in a room at the end of a corridor.
"huh?" Reigen said confused approaching the room.
"mob..? Serizawa? Are you here...?" Reigen ask entering the room without getting an answer, the only thing he saw was a closet.
"what the hell is this...?" He asked confused, he thought heard something inside the closet, a little scared, Reigen opened it slowly and... There was nothing.
*mm maybe it was just my imagination* Reigen thought ready to go... When he suddenly felt something lift him up!
"WHAT THE-" Reigen screamed before something covered his mouth.
"ooohhh what do we have here, another person to make laugh" said the one who was holding him, he was purple and had several tentacles made of smoke.
"yeah, finally another one falls" another spirit said coming out of the closet.
"THERE ARE TWO?!?!" Reigen thought panicking, will there be more? That must be the reason why mob and serizawa went another way.
"hehe... You know I'm sure you have a lovely laugh~" the spirit said with a mischievous smile.
Reigen panicked more *What were they going to do?*He thought.
Just as he was going to protest he felt something slide down his ribs and that's when the spirit pulled the tentacle from his mouth.
"what the hehelI?!" Reigen said totally confused.
"Oh honey, we tickle those who pass by accident here, we like to hear people laugh" the spirit said calmly.
"WHAHAHAT?!" tickle?! He couldn't take that! he was embarrassed to admit it but he was very ticklish, dammit.
Suddenly he felt his shoes go off, *oh no* he thought.
"NOHOHOHO WAIHIHIHIT" one started to tickle his feet and the other one his ribs, *perfect" he thought.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO, MOHOHOHOB HEHEHEHELP" Reigen screamed desperately, what else could he do? He couldn't fight and all he wanted at that moment was for the tickling to stop.
"oohhh look how cute you look~" the Spirit said tickling his hips now.
*REALLY?! NOW THEY HAVE TO MOCK HIM?!* Reigen could feel his face heat up and turn red like a Tomato.
"NOHOHO I AM NOHOHOT CUHUHUTE STOHOHOP PLEHEHEHEASE" where the hell were mob and serizawa?! He couldn't stand another minute, they were tickling his feet, hips and ribs and also make fun on him! Was this his end...?-
Suddenly, the tickling stopped and he felt relief, what happened..? He turned his head and saw mob next to serizawa at the door, mob looked confused and serizawa a little nervous but with an amused look.
"mohohob! Help mee!" Reigen screamed thinking that everything was over, meanwhile the spirits were nervous and worried.
"What... happened to the spirit we sent to distract them...?" the spirit with tentacles ask clearly nervous.
"We exorcised him" mob said without hesitation, "we defeated him easily and then we got out but we didn't find reigen, then we went in the building to looked for him but there was no trace of him... Until we heard his laughter"
*oh...* Reigen thought, he think that his face couldn't be more red but it was, how embarrassing...
"oh well you'll see boy, we were tickling this kind gentleman, if you stop us we'll have to fight" the Spirit said tickling Reigen again but this time in the neck as a warning mode.
"AH! hahaha nohoho stohop! haha ​​mohohob! Serizahahawa! Stohohop thehehem! Haha" Reigen yelled, his neck wasn't so ticklish but they still drove him crazy.
*Mmm* mob thought, he wanted to help his master and continue with his day but... Somehow he felt he deserved it, for all the times when he called him with short time, he looked at serizawa who was still watching the scene funny and gave him a look of "if you want to" to which mob said.
"we are going to exorcise you, but we will give you 10 minutes with him, so that you can go in peace"
"WHAHAT?!?!" Reigen screamed with total betrayal, DAMN, they were going to pay for it! But he didn't have time to think when he suddenly felt tickled everywhere.
"Well I guess it's better to die peacefully than fighting" the spirit said, knowing that before leaving he would tickle someone.
"Yes... I guess we have to take advantage of every second!" The other Spirit said pulling out more tentacles to attack every inch of reigen.
"DAHAHAMIHIHIT STOHOHOP HAHAHAHAHA" reigen could feel every part of his body being attacked, now he was completely crazy!
"HAHAHA SERIZAHAHAWA DOHOHO SOMETHIHIHING!" he yelled looking at serizawa thinking that he was his last hope.
"Well, I think this is better than fighting with the spirits right? Besides, it's just tickling, can't you bear it, Reigen?" Serizawa said, although he was nervous about what Reigen would do to them later, he was enjoying the moment.
*shit* reigen thought, who already had tears in his eyes from laughing, Why him? At that point he couldn't formulate words and the only thing he was doing was laugh and laugh.
The 10 minutes passed and the spirits complied and let go Reigen who was trying to catch his breath and too embarrassed to say anything.
"Thank you for at least letting us tickle him, by the way... Reigen right? Your laugh is adorable you should laugh more! And with that mob and serizawa eliminated the spirits.
"Okay, can we go now? Mob said which was already going to the exit next to serizawa.
"yehehes we should go now" reigen said still red, oh... They were going to pay one day.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
I’m looking at my old fics rn…
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And what the actual FUCK am I looking at-???
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cringemesstickles · 1 year
Father and Son
(TickleTober Day 5: Not Ticklish)
Summary: Daniel and Eric had another argument
Pairing: None, this is so incredibly platonic. the fact that I actually have to say that is just- 💀
Word Count: 1,091
A/N: I gave into the feminine urge to mend their relationship
The tension in the Matthews household was thicker than fog. Eric and Daniel had had another fight, ending with both of them shouting and Daniel storming off and slamming his door.
Eric stood in place, rubbing his temples and contemplating all that was said. It was easy to lose your cool when dealing with an angsty teenager, but perhaps he was too hard on Daniel. After all, he was still just a kid.
As much as Eric wanted to talk to Daniel, he knew the kid needed some time to himself and he didn’t wanna invade his space.
They would sort it out later.
After some time, Eric decided Daniel had probably cooled off by now and decided that now was the time to talk.
He took a deep breath as he stood outside his son’s door, already contemplating what he should say. Finally, he hesitantly knocked.
“Daniel? Can I come in?”
With permission granted, he turned the doorknob and entered the room where Daniel laid on his bed with his arms crossed over his chest, an expression of irritation on his face.
Eric sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.
For a moment, the two sat in uncomfortable silence, both having a hard time looking at one another.
Finally, the man spoke.
“Look, son, I know I haven’t been as… present as I should be.” He started, trying to find the right words. “I know the divorce has been difficult for you and I just wanted to apologize for everything I said… I shouldn’t have been so hard on you, and I’m sorry.”
Daniel seemed to contemplate the apology before giving an awkward nod.
“It’s whatever… I was kind of a douchebag too.”
With the awkward exchange over with, the tense atmosphere still remained, though less suffocating than before. Eric knew he had to lighten the mood.
Thinking back to when Daniel was little, he suddenly got an idea. An idea that would either lighten the mood, or make Daniel hate him forever.
“Hey, Danny… are you still ticklish?” He asked, looking at his son to watch for his response.
And what a response it was.
Daniel quickly sat up and pulled his legs close to himself, his cheeks turning pink as his eyes formed a wary gaze.
“No, I’m not ticklish.. I outgrew that years ago!” He claimed defensively, though there was a tinge of nervousness in his voice.
Daniel often wore a tough facade. He’d built himself a wall of teenage angst and he refused to let it break. Though he knew that if the knowledge of his ticklishness resurfaced, that would get washed down the drain.
Eric was unconvinced. He knew his son too well for that lie to work.
“Daniel, how are we going to build a better relationship if we can’t be honest with ourselves.” There was a playful tone to his voice. Deciding to put his son’s claim to the test, - even though he knew it was a lie - he finally reached over and dug into Daniel’s sides, earning a surprised squawk from the teenager.
“ACK- Dahad!”
The rare sound of laughter filled the room, Daniel squirming and shoving at his father’s hands, his facade broken almost instantly.
Seeing his angsty teenage son laughing and smiling like a child truly melted the detectives heart. It had been too long since he’d seen the kid look so free and happy; the usual scowl replaced with a bright smile, just like the one he wore when he was a child.
“Well, Danny, I’m starting to think that you lied about not being ticklish.” He teased, relishing in his sons laughter.
Daniel’s laughter grew louder when the tickling fingers moved upwards to his ribs, massaging the bones and digging into his back ones, sending ticklish sparks shooting through his nervous system.
“STOHOHOP! YOU’RE S-SO AHAH- AHAHANNOYING!!” The kid shouted through his guffaws, though there was a hint of glee in his voice, showing that he didn’t hate this as much as he claimed.
“Well, am I as annoying as you are ticklish?” “YEHEHES!!” Daniel walked right into the trap.
“So you admit you’re ticklish!”
Daniel’s face turned red, realizing what the answer implied and immediately regretting his response. He kicked his legs and bucked his hips, tears of mirth forming at the corners of his eyes.
Eric recalled all of Daniel’s tickle spots, remembering one in particular that used to get some pretty big reactions.
“If memory serves- and mine is never wrong- you used to be pretty ticklish riiiight here!” He shoved his fingers under Daniel’s arms, scratching at the sensitive hollows.
Daniel let out a childish squeal, throwing his head back with unrestrained joy, gluing his arms to his sides and trapping his fathers hands.
The teenager was in stitches. He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed so hard, if at all. It was almost freeing in a way.
“Told you I was never wrong. You might be even more ticklish than when you were little, son!”
Eric was enjoying this moment just as much as Daniel, his chest tightened with affection for his kid, looking at his rosy cheeks and scrunched up nose and seeing the bright little boy that he raised.
In this moment, Daniel wasn’t an angsty teenager, he was just a kid.
Not wanting to push too far, Eric let up, pulling back and ruffling the kids hair.
Daniel laid catching his breath, a smile still glued to his face.
“You’re such an ahahass…” He tried to glare at his father, but it wasn’t very menacing due to the rosy cheeks and goofy smile.
“Watch it, son. Unless you want a round two-”
“Nonononono!! I’m good I’m gohohood!” The giggling teenager held up his hands defensively, sitting back up and shaking his head.
Eric laughed and pat his son on the shoulder, assuring that there would be no more tickles for the time being.
The earlier tension had been lifted, replaced by a comforting atmosphere. When Daniel finally calmed down, Eric wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close, holding him in a side hug.
“I love you, Danny. No matter how many arguments we have, you’ll always be my kid.”
Daniel smiled at that and leaned into the hug.
“I know. I love you too, dad…”
“Wow, not too cool to tell your old man you love him?” The elder grinned.
Daniel snorted.
“Shut up.”
With their differences set aside, the two would continue to improve their relationship, father and son.
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mickeytheticklee · 2 months
Heartbreak high tickle hcs (Amerie, Harper, Quinni, Missy)
And when y'all tune into heartbreak high>>> I'm serious tho I finished this show a few days ago I love every minute of it
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She's a switch
But more of a lee leaning switch
She's good at tickling you and one place and then going to another
Evil teases followed by her doing a witch voice
Surprise tickles are pretty much her speciality
Super bratty, gives attitude in order for her to be tickled
Especially around Malakai and Harper
She tries to tease them into a tickle fight and automatically loses
Not really the strongest when she's tickled
The stomach is for her the worse spot
Sometimes Malakai shuts her up by tickling her
LOUD laughter, but it's still cute
Gets annoyed when someone tries to tickle the back of her neck
Never really asks for tickles, she'll just whine until someone figures it out and tickles her
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Certified ler
Well ler leaning switch if we had to be honest
Rarely expresses her lee side unless it's Amerie, maybe Ant
Only with a few pokes, never anything extreme
Because if it's a whole tickle attack trust she will tickle back harder
Literally enjoys pinning down her enemies until they beg not to be tickled
Then has her fingers up in the air, waiting to destruction to happen
A raspberry gal but doesn't want to admit it
When her and Amerie were younger she ended up discovering that she was ticklish
Has a gift of tickling anyone out of a slum mood
Only is ticklish on her sides and her pits
Only lost a tickle fight once and it was with Ant
That was truly the only given time she enjoyed being tickled
A very rough tickler, but will go soft if they ask
Knows that after a wild hour of tickling she'll treat you to sweets
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She likes being tickled but wouldn't be too obsessed with it much like Harper and Amerie
A very big lee, wouldn't think about being a ler
Sometimes when she's sad she calls up the two for a few fluttering tickles
Only in the sanction of her house, doesn't rlly enjoy tickles in public
Loves soft tickles around the back of her neck, knees, ankles, soles
Squeaky cute laugh that both Amerie and Harper adore
Loves it when the two whisper teases in her ears it makes her laugh more
Surprisingly the only person who can ask for tickles straightforward
She'll text them that she needs tickles and suddenly they'll arrive at her house
Quinni loves it, it's like a girl's bonding time when Darren is busy
Whenever the back of her knees gets tickled she laughs uncontrollably
Although she isn't a ler she sometimes exposes her friend group's weaknesses
The one time she exposed Darren's tickle spot in front of Ca$h
Needs a nap after being tickled
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A very shy lee
As soon as Spider knew she was ticklish and started teasing her she became less mean to him
Not because she likes being tickled but because she gets flustered so easily about it
At first she can't stand being tickled but give it a few teases and feet tickles she gives in
Short height big laugh
Can't hold eye contact whenever the t word gets mentioned
What gets her extra giddy is whenever Spider picks her up and then wrecks her with tickles
Teasing texts will get her blushing
Cursed with the ability to be ticklish everywhere
Only is a ler for Spider, because he enjoys being tickled to
Only if she's mad she'll turn into a ler
Her guilty pleasure is getting pinned while her feet get tickled
Or raspberries
Is known to have tickle dreams
Can't be bothered to win in a tickle fight
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do-re-lee · 2 years
Make a Wish
A birthday themed tickle fic / imagine
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You close your eyes and blow out the candles on your cake, repeating your wishes in your head, willing them to come true.
Upon hearing cheers and clapping you open your eyes, seeing the happy faces of all the people most important to you, wishing you the very best.
Standing up, you walk over to the couch where your partner is sitting. They open their arms, inviting you to sit and snuggle into them.
You sit and wrap your arms around them, laying your head on their chest as you listen to the rest of the party-goers talk and laugh as plates of cake and ice cream are passed around.
You close your eyes once more as you feel their arms wrap you up in a snug and comfortable embrace, and you both feel at ease.
A giggle escapes your lips as you start to feel a single finger trying to gently wiggle its way into your armpit, and you open an eye to glance at your partner, only to see them looking back at you with a soft smile and a look of pure adoration.
As quiet giggles continue to come flowing out of you, a blush slowly creeps its way across your cheeks and you bury your face into your partner's chest, embarrassed that the others might see you.
Once your face is hidden in their sweatshirt, their arms wrap around you even tighter, and it's as if everything around the both of you fades away as you just enjoy each other's presence.
Your partner presses a soft kiss to the top of your head as they stop tickling you and your giggles subside. Then, they lower their head and whisper at a volume only the two of you can hear:
"Happy birthday, love."
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after the disastrous Tournament of Betrayal, Cat Witchers raise their surprise kids on the Path by themselves for a few years before returning to the Dyn Marv Caravan, you know, Just In Case Anybody Gets Anymore Wise Ideas.
this means when they're on a hunt, they need to stash their kitten somewhere with nobody to watch them, but due to their school's reputation, no where is really safe enough to do so.
surprise kids can be little. just wee babes or toddlers depending on when the bio parents think it best to sever ties for their own sakes.
leave a baby in a town? chased out with pitchforks under suspicion for stealing the wee thing in the first place. left to wait with the horse? bandits could find a young mutant to kill or sell off to parts unknown.
so Cats have to literally hide their kittens on the Path. put the Horse one place, kid some other place that isn't too far from Horse place but also isn't so close to camp that a passerby might happen upon the vulnerable little thing. also, have to take monsters into consideration.
and there's the age of the child to consider. babies will scream for anything and are entirely defenseless. toddlers know how to walk and want to play and absolutely will forget complicated instructions within moments. proper kids, especially Destined-Cats, are curious and bratty and will do whatever they want sometimes.
so Cats-with-Kittens work out truces. shared places to keep their wards while they go out and earn coin. a neutral Clowder-den. usually between former members of the same cohorts. kitten-caches.
your pre-teen watches my wee one and vice-versa and we all go our separate ways when the respective jobs are done. young Cats socialize and learn who to trust, and their parents can get down to the less than honorable work that keeps them fed and supplied with the Wolves on the Warpath.
but sometimes the kitten-cache has to move before the Witchers come back. so the Cats have to call for their young ones in code to be sure that they stay where they've gone to avoid being found by enemies first.
so Cats chirp. like Cheetahs. nearly-bird calls, but no Witcher would mistake a reply they get for anything less than their kitten.
popular for a while, older kittens wrap a cloak fashioned from wolverine hides around themselves and curl up around smaller charges in tall grass. some climb trees and slip the babies into abandoned owl nests while they wait in camouflaged hammocks. one absolute rascal of a boy escaped a fiend by slipping into a hibernating grizzly's den and hiding his two toddlers in with her cubs.
it's generally shit being a Witcher, especially a Cat, for a long, long while. but at least, for brief instances, you were a child who someone cared enough about to protect from all the monsters of the world. and you knew that if you called, someone would come calling back for you.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
it’s so funny to me how much physical touch is NOT at ALL my love language and yet. and YET….
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Welcome to the White... Space?
Kanene’s notes: OKay, okay, since the first time I saw Omori interacting with the floating hands the FIRST thing that appeared in my mind was “t,,,,tickles,,,” and thank you so much for @soft--valentine and their awesome fanart that gave me inspiration to write this quick scenario. Also, please don’t forget to check that fic from @t0mm33th3m0nst3r that is also inspired by the fanart!
Warnings: Nothing much, just a small warning for floating magic hands and not being able to move your arms. Lee!Omori. Around 1000 words.
The thing is, when Omori opened his eyes, he didn’t notice anything different.
Of course, there was a something (because for him, there is always a something), a piece of a feeling, a sentiment nibbling at the corner of his mind, faint, but still wary enough to make he wonder curiously about the way the red hands that floated freely around the white space approached his room, stopping and trembling mindless in the air when he turned around to stare directly at them.
He blinked, looked at it in this way or that but nothing happened so he began searching for his knife on his inventory. There was just one way to get out of here, afterall.
In the corner of his eyes, something moved.
With a quick, swift move Omori was turning back, staring at the hands that were behind him  frozen once again in the air, trembling without a care in the world.
They seemed to be closer.
But... that didn't make sense. They don't move, not unless he is close enough to trigger their run-catch-take drill.
He turned back at the inventory, fingers closing around the handle just before a bright red exclamation strayed his attention again. This time, when he looked up, it was to see the shadow of an exclamation disappearing (was that a heart in the place of the dot?) and two hands bolting in his direction.
A quiet gasp and Omori was also running, his legs carrying him to far and away, knife securely held in his hands and thoughts trying to understand how did the hands get into his room and why the hands that he passed by also showed that weird heart-exclamation before following him as well. Two quickly became five and for some reason thinking about that line of floating red hands trying to catch him made a bubbly something want to squirm in his tummy.
They were getting close. They were getting dangerously close and Omori had no idea of what would happen when they researched their target. Everything only growing more confusing when he turned around and half one of them waving and the other half wiggling their fingers.
Omori realized too late that not looking for where he was heading while running away wasn't his best idea. When he turned back, there was another red hand in front of him and both wordless surprised sound that came out of his lips and the sharp turn he got to not stumble on the hand were clumsy enough to throw his balance off, tangling his legs and making his face go too fast to meet the floor.
He closed his eyes, arms in front of him.
But he never fell.
There was warm hands on his wrists, stopping his fall and for some pieces of second Omori's voice almost said a name that used to be there to save him. But that didn't make any sense. This was the White Space. His White Space. No one was there besides him. No one should b-
The hands holding him kept pushing him upwards until he was floating a few inches from the ground. Omori kicked his legs and tested pulling his hands from hold. He kept floating on the same place. Weird.
Two other red hands appeared right in front of him, quickly patting his face, shoulders and torso with care.
Were they looking for injuries?
Omori wiggled on the same place again when a hand got too close to his side, a faint warmth running on his face. He wasn’t a child. He was not going to cry and get hurt for tripping while running.
The hand on his side froze and he felt himself froze too in answer, feeling a buzzing of adrenaline spark in his veins again. Before he could concentrate on it, however another red hands (how much there was? Six?) waved in front of his face, pinching his nose when he ignored it in favor to look at the hand that was still dangerously close to his side.
Omori scrunched his nose and made a face at the second hand when it let go, wondering, once again, what was happening as it pirouetted in front of him, poking his cheek for some reason.
Was it trying to communicate?
Before any other question could be imagined, his side was squeezed and Omori couldn't help the surprise yelp and giggle that fell from his lips.
The hands froze.
All the other free three red hands turned their attention to the fourth on on his right side, who slowly began poking and prodding the tickle spot curiously. Each touch making a tickly shock run across his systems, inviting his mouth to turn into a smile and giggles to bubble on his throat.
Oh no.
Omori bit back his reactions, small ruffs and puffs escaping from him as the careful, delibered pokes simply did not stop and actually evolved to an awfully effective squeezing that made his legs kick and trash with all the giddy energy stuck in his system.
An involuntary squeak escaped from him when two more attacks made themselves known, one hand lightly - so light and so gentle that its only the tip of its fingers touched the ticklish skin - skittering and dancing freely across his armpit, drawing senseless lines and chasing the titters that couldn’t be helped when they scribbled from all the way from the top of his armpit until the spot where the highest rib was before going right back up and starting the entire cycle again and again and again.
The other hand, very differently, decided to take a much more rough approach, resting on the tickle spot and then digging as if there was no tomorrow. The thumb staying right in the center of the pit and the rest of the fingers energetically scratching the rest of the skin and refusing to move no matter how much Omori squirmed.
And squirm the boy did, while his arms trembled with the fact that he could not pull them down, the rest of his limbs had no such problem, legs caught in the middle of kicking non stop at every new squeeze tasing his side or just laying there and laugh his heart's content as more and more warmth filled his chest and traveled across his face, pooling on his cheeks and the tip of his ears.
And then a finger. A single only finger poked his bellybutton, the other four fingers fluttering in happiness at the crackle that was fished from this. So the index finger rested inside his bellybutton and began to scratch non stop.
All Omori's barriers were broken this moment, his eyes were closed, wrinkling at the corners, shining with unshed tears as crackles, chuckles, giggles, titters, snorts and squeals fell freely, in a lovely melodious laughter from his mouth, all the scribbles, digging, prodding, poking and scratching making his nerves buzz and dance with the fact that it tickled, it really tickled so, so much and for a moment nothing more in the world could matter beyond the tickling and the laughter and the fact that he couldn’t escape, that he was so helpless but still, it was fun, it was silly, it was unexpected, it tickled and he was not even a little afraid...
Sunny opened his eyes in the real world, a grin on his mouth, a warmth running on his face.
What was that?
Omori: Girl help I can’t escape
Us: U literally control the mindspace u can do anything you want, you can make them stop
Omori: I Do Not See It
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cyborgrhodey · 2 years
love reading good fic from a random old fandom, checking out the author's tumblr, and discovering they are now a ffxiv blog
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