#say goodbye :(
septic-dr-schneep · 1 year
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“Egos + Onion headlines because I was bored” Part 3: Teeheehee
[Part 2]
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karsyntries · 20 days
Og fans getting October 2016 flashbacks.
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improved-twink · 29 days
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get these villainous charms/stickers before i retire em!
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galerymod · 5 months
How do you think everything could go down the drain?
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Just vote for Trump, he'll privatise America completely without those pesky human rights and nonsense like equality before the law.
Is that somehow good?
Yes, of course, if you're rich as shit and your company is then treated like a natural person.
Or you're in the inner circle of the future despot, sorry president!
that doesn't sound so good!
He has said that he will only play the dictator for one day!
This is historically a problem, nobody plays a dictator for one day.
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What has become of the ideals when a man of his ilk without any morals or understanding of the law can become the top candidate of a former Democratic Party? A country without value based on equality and equality before the law can become America, but then China will rise so fast that the rest of our democracy will be dizzy.
China is better at dictatorship and also has all the raw materials and means of production.
America will become the keleptodracy of a nazism obsessed orange hairy old man and his minions and hangers on.
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socialbutterfly19 · 9 months
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Letting go of all the crazy stuff that happened in 2023 let the new year bring happiness new love and adventure.
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alcameso · 9 months
so, my closest friends know that when i find david tennant attractive it means my mental health is spiraling-
by no means does that mean he’s unattractive or that i even usually find him unattractive, my friends just know i have a type and david tennant is not that type UNTIL i start showing the first signs of a depression spiral or a mania spiral
-anyway, so im watching david’s docotor who episodes for the first time (cause in middle school i only watched matt’s and on) and its this hilarious balance between me just naturally THIRSTING because im finally seeing his acting and my friends FRETTING because they cant tell if im about to run away into the night never to be seen again
like, last night we just watched the girl in the fire place which has a kissing scene and my boyfriend wouldnt let up on the bombastic side eye for the next 4 episodes
get yourself friends that know what the fuck is up
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fallingforfictionalmen · 10 months
nothing on youtube will ever compare to sean making anti-septiceye
like the build up was UNREAL. i remember watching a random video and realizing what was going on slowly. watching EVERY video in october as soon as it came out (even in class bc i was in high school) just to see where anti would be. watching the appearances become more apparent and more obvious until on halloween anti literally KILLS jack.
and then anti literally blames the audience. and even knowing that anti is a character and obviously sean was still alive, hearing “it’s all your fault! you made this happen! you could have stopped me. but you just watched as this happened.” bc the audience COULD have stopped him. but (in the sense of the lore) no one warned jack. everyone thought it was a joke. we all watched as anti took over jack. he said multiple times in videos he didn’t feel good, and no one actually told jack about anti.
so yeah, i know it’s not technically real, but the decision to have anti blame the audience is INSANE and i still get chills
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 3: Hairs breadth from death ➢prompt: Say Goodbye ➢Character: Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky ➢warnings: death, cancer, coughing up blood, dying, cannon character death ➢word count: 3k
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There were three times in her life where Y/N braced to lose the love of her life. The first was back in 1995. Y/N could remember that night so clearly. She had been asleep when she heard him start coughing. Tom was laying on his back, and rolled over onto his side, as he coughed. He inhaled sharply, trying to cough up whatever was sitting right in his throat. It felt like he was choking on something, but he couldn’t even think of what. He hit his chest a couple times as he swung his legs over the side of the bed to sit up straight. The movement caused Y/N to sit up, and rub her eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” She mumbled, rubbing her husband’s back. 
“I-” Tom could hardly say anything through his hacking. He turned on his bedside lamp, and reached for a tissue as he felt his body hack something up. Y/N looked over his shoulder as he stared in horror at the blood on the tissue. 
“Oh my god,” She exclaimed, and moved off the bed, running to his side. Tom’s lapse in coughing only lasted for a bit, before it picked up again, and red speckles of spit hit the white tissue, “I’m calling 9-1-1.” 
“No! It’ll wake the kids,” He wheezed out. 
“You’re coughing up blood, Tom!” Y/N cried, as she picked up the receiver and dialed for help, “Hello? My husband is coughing up blood. . .” 
The kids had woken up at the sounds of their parents being awake. Y/N instructed their son, Jack and their daughter, Lyla to stay in their rooms while she ran down to the front door to let the paramedics in. She led them up to the bedroom, where Tom was still sitting on the bed, blood on his shirt and hands. Jack had cracked the door slightly, so he and Lyla could see what was going on. 
“I don’t know what’s going on, he just started this,” Y/N said frantically. The medic nodded, and walked over to Tom, asking him a bunch of questions, while Y/N stood in the corner of the room, her husband’s blood still on her hands. She didn’t even realize Jack and Lyla were up until they came running over to her. She did her best to try and cover them from seeing what was going on, but they could still see everything. 
“We need to take him to the hospital. You are welcome to ride with us,” The medic said. 
“Stay. . . with the. . .kids,” Tom coughed out, wincing in pain. 
“Okay, we’ll meet you there,” Y/N said, and kissed her husband’s forehead, as they took him out of the house on a gurney, “You’ll be okay.” 
“What’s going on with daddy?” Lyla cried as she reached for her mother. Y/N picked up Lyla and held Jack’s hands as they walked down the hallway with the medics. Tom looked exhausted as he kept coughing, and they placed an oxygen mask on his face. He gave his wife a small smile and she blew him a kiss. 
“I don’t know sweetheart,” Y/N said, trying to keep tears out of her eyes, “Let’s go, come on, we gotta meet him there.” 
Y/N waited in the waiting room while the doctors were back looking at Tom. The kids hadn’t asked about what was wrong with their father, both a little tired and scared. Jack had seen the most of it, the look on his dad’s face as he coughed up blood, and the look on his mother’s face as she tried to calm down his dad. Y/N hated waiting, she had always been the wife in the waiting room and she had grown to hate it. However, Tom stopped going on the dangerous missions when they had Lyla and he got promoted to Admiral. The last time she really worried about him was back in 1986, when he was deployed right after TOPGUN. 
Tom tried to push the doctors away when he got to the hospital, after they gave him a nebulizer in the ambulance. He tried pulling the “I’m an Admiral” card, but it was useless when his wife was in the room too. Tom tried to brush it off, like it was a normal occurrence to wake up coughing up blood, but it was because he was terrified of what it meant. Was he dying? Was he sick? Was this going to ruin his career? He was just getting to the higher ranks of where he wanted to be. He couldn’t just stop now, but the death glare his wife was giving him was saying otherwise. 
“You need to get the test done,” Y/N said, crossing her arms over her chest, “It’s a simple scope to see what’s going on.” 
“Nothing is going on!” He yelled. 
“Fine, if not for me, do it for Jack and Lyla. They saw you last night Tommy, and it terrified them. Please, just get the test.” 
Tom sighed and looked down at his hands, “What if it ends my career? What if it grounds me forever? You heard what they said, Y/N, it was a spasm from the dry air. No blood clots, no obstructions. Just need to be on vocal rest like I’m Madonna or some shit.” 
Y/N giggled, and moved from the chair she was sitting in, and curled up in bed next to him. Tom sighed as he put his arm around her and pulled her into his chest. He kissed the top of her forehead, and rested his cheek on the top of his head. 
“If this happens again. . . you’re getting that damn scope down your throat, even if I have to do it myself.” 
“Ah, my sexy little nurse, huh?” Y/N smacked his chest at his comment, which caused him to cough again. 
“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” She said, lifting her head up, but couldn’t help but giggle. 
“You think it’s funny?” Tom asked, a smile on his face. She tried to suppress her laughter, but it was no use. They both fell into a fit of laughter as they laid in the hospital room. 
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Y/N had almost forgotten about that night in 1995. Tom had moved past it after spending almost a week off of work. Just as Jack and Lyla grew, so did Tom’s career. Tom was promoted to commander of the pacific fleet in 2006, which was the same year that Jack had graduated high school and headed for the academy. Tom was so proud to have his son following right in his footsteps. He’ll never admit it outloud, but he shed a tear as he dropped Jack off at college. 
2006 was also the year that Tom started coughing up blood again. He tried to hide it from Y/N, but Lyla had given him up. She had spotted the bloody tissues, and could hear him coughing in his office. Y/N reminded him of the promise he made years ago, and made him an appointment to go see the doctor (she might’ve had to bribe him with a promise of a sexy nurse outfit). She sat in the waiting room, tapping her foot anxiously as she waited for his doctor to come get him. 
Tom truly believed there was nothing wrong. That this was like what happened in 1995. But he didn’t expect for them to tell him he had cancer. It was like a bomb had been dropped, he heard the ringing in his ears as the doctor talked about treatment options, chemo, radiation, potential surgery. 
“Wait,” Tom said, snapping out of his trance, “How will this affect my career?” 
“Are you serious right now?” Y/N asked, turning to him, “Tom, you just got diagnosed with cancer and you’re worried about your career?” 
“Answer the question, doc,” Tom said, completely ignoring Y/N’s statement.
“Short term? Yes, you will need to have chemo radiation done to help shrink the cancer, and then probably surgery. Long term? We don’t know. This cancer is aggressive, and is known to return. You can be in remission for years, and then it comes back and it’s. . . everywhere.” The doctor said. 
“What do we do?” Y/N asked, and grabbed her husband’s hand. 
“Well, we will get you in touch with our oncology department, get some more tests, and start chemo. Admiral Kazansky, is that something you want to do?” 
Tom looked up from his hands, and looked at the doctor. He never imagined that he would be 45 years old, becoming commander of the pacific fleet, and being diagnosed with cancer all in the same year. He had only been in the position for six months. But he had more than his career to think about. He had his kids, even though Jack was at the academy and Lyla was in high school, he still couldn’t leave them behind. And Y/N. . . it would break her apart to lose him. 
“I’ll fight,” Tom said. 
It was the worst six months of his life. Trying to battle cancer, and be the commander. He had told his command team what was going on, but had no intention of slowing down. They made sure to keep on top of everything, being able to fill in where he needed the help. Y/N was by his side through it all, from rubbing his back when he threw up, to taking him to every doctor's appointment. Telling the kids was the hardest part. Lyla cried in her dad’s arms, and Jack thought back to that night in 1995. Tom assured his kids he was going to beat it, that he was going to be around for a long time. 
It was the spring of 2007, that Tom had entered in remission, after two rounds of chemo and surgery to remove part of his lung. He was determined to get right back to work, even picking up another deployment as the commander. Y/N was happy to have her husband back to good health, seeing the smile on his face as he was given yet another award. She thought it was all going to be perfect. That she was going to live a long healthy life with Tom Kazansky by her side. 
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She didn’t need to be told the cancer was back, she could just tell by the look on his face. He gave her a sad smile, and Y/N pushed the tears away as she walked over to him. He pulled her into his lap, and rested his chin on her shoulder. 
“No,” Y/N said, and shook her head, “You’re gonna be okay. You beat it before, and you can do it again. And we are right here with you.” 
“You know what they-” 
“I know, but doctors get stuff wrong,” Y/N said, and kissed his cheek, “We’re gonna be okay.” 
Tom had said that if the cancer was to ever come back that he didn’t want to do chemo again. Those months of losing weight, losing his hair, vomiting, his skin drying out and being in pain was enough to endure once, he wasn’t about to do it again. Y/N respected his choice, even though she didn’t agree, she knew it was up to him.
The day that she could tell he was in pain while talking, was the day she went out and bought him an ipad. He hated it, he’d rather be able to actually talk, than use some device, but he also couldn’t take the pain of trying to speak. The only time he would talk was when he was laying in bed next to Y/N, and it was barely above a whisper. 
“Mav is. . . in trouble. . .” Ice said as Y/N was working in the garden. 
“Oh no, who did he piss off this time?” 
“Another admiral,” Tom opted to use the text to speech feature on his ipad, “Bringing him here.” 
“Does he know?” Y/N looked up at her husband. Tom shook his head, and looked down at his feet. Y/N sighed, walking up to the deck, “Well, are we placing bets on how long he is gonna last under Simpson’s command?” Tom laughed and shook his head. 
“He can’t get in trouble. No more saves.” 
“Can you tell me about what he is doing?” Tom shook his head and held his finger to his lips. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes playfully, “You would think after spending the past 30 years as a naval officer I could finally get an inside scoop, Admiral.” Ice still shrugged, and lifted his head up to kiss her. 
Maverick had been at TOPGUN for all of a week before Ice got a call about him from Admiral Simpson. Ice and Y/N both knew that it was time to invite Maverick over and talk to him. Y/N had managed to get some more information out of her husband, and found out about the mission and the fact that both Jack and Bradley were going to be a part of it. She wasn’t all too thrilled that her actual son, and the boy who might as well be her son were on the team and Ice didn’t tell her. But she knew it was for the best. 
“Y/N,” Maverick said as Y/N opened the door. He greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her cheek, “It’s been a while.” 
“It has,” She sighed, and Maverick looked at her. 
“It’s come back?” He asked. Y/N bit her lip and nodded, tears in her eyes. She looked up at him, and Maverick felt his heart fall in his chest. 
“No one knows but the kids and me,” Y/N said, “There’s nothing else they can do. Even speaking is now too painful for him to do.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Maverick said, and pulled her in for a tight hug. It was the first time she told someone other than her kids what was going on. It felt like a slight weight off her shoulders as she cried in Maverick’s arms. They pulled away from each other and she wiped the tears from her cheeks. 
“He’s in his office,” Y/N said and Maverick nodded before going down to see him. She let out a sigh, and looked out into the backyard, seeing her grandkids running around and went to join them. 
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It was only a day after that meeting with Maverick, that things seemed to go downhill with Ice’s health. He had woken up again, coughing up blood and in severe pain. Y/N had called their on-call doctor to come over and help. The doctor had told her that this was the moment they had been dreading. The moment where everything shifted from “what can we do to help him?” to “how can we keep him comfortable?” Y/N had let out a sob as she stood in the hallway outside her bedroom.
“He’s asking for you,” A nurse said, and Y/N looked up at the doctor. 
“Y/N, we knew this was coming. . .” The doctor said, “It’s time to say goodbye.” 
Y/N nodded and the doctor squeezed her shoulder, before leaving her in the hallway. She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes before heading into the bedroom. Ice laid still in bed, his eyes closed, and his breathing shallow. The nurse had given him some morphine for the pain, and he was peacefully sleeping.
Y/N closed the door softly, and walked over to her side of the bed, crawling in next to him. Ice stirred slightly, moving his arm so she could come into his side. She softly laid her head on his chest, and placed her hand on his still beating heart. 
They laid in silence before Ice cleared his throat. Y/N lifted her head up and looked at him, his blue eyes fluttering open briefly, before closing. 
“I’m. . . sorry. . .” He said softly. 
“For what, Tommy?” 
“This. . .” 
Y/N gave him a smile, and gently caressed his face, “It’s not your fault. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” 
“You. . . want. . . forever. . .” 
“I said I want forever as long as it is with you. And you did just that,” Y/N said, “It’s okay, Tommy. You gave me everything I could’ve ever asked for. You gave me love when I didn’t think I deserved it. You gave me two of the most beautiful children I have ever seen. You gave me this beautiful house. You gave me everything, Tommy, and so much more.” 
“I. . . want. . .longer. . .” Tom breathed out, a tear falling down his cheek. Y/N wiped the tear from his cheek, and held his face gently in her hand.
“I know, and I do too,” Y/N said, tears now running down her cheeks, “We both deserve longer. But this isn’t the end of the book, it’s just the end of the chapter. It’s only temporary. We’ll be together forever, real soon.” 
“Not. . . too soon. . .” Tom opened his eyes again, and looked at her. He slowly moved his hand to her cheek, and caressed her cheekbone with his thumb. She leaned in and kissed his lips softly, and then his forehead, before laying back down on his chest. 
“I love you,” Y/N said, as she listened to the slowing sound of his heart. 
“I love you,” Tom breathed out, and Y/N felt the rise and fall of his chest stop.
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itsallmadonnasfault · 5 months
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Say Goodbye
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animebackgroundmusic · 5 months
"Say Goodbye" by: Yuki Kajiura from: .hack//Sign
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pinetree-poet · 14 days
DIDN’T I SEE IT COMING? © 2024 - G. Smith (BMI) ==================== Friday’s back in high school, Pep rally starts the day, Couldn’t wait for class to let out later, So we’d come back to watch ‘em play.
Didn’t have a very big team, And we didn’t win ‘em all; But we didn’t lose homecoming, The biggest game of all.
Nervous, I asked Katie, If I could take her to the dance. The cutest girl in my small town world, Didn’t think I had a chance.
But she surprised with her, “Sure!” I couldn’t believe my luck, I held her hand as she and her gown, Climbed in my pick-up truck.
Didn’t I see it coming? Didn’t I have a clue? Didn’t I know what I should’ve known, That dreams sometimes come true, come true, Dreams sometimes come true.
We had a wonderful year together, Movies and running about; Dinner at the Jade Dragon, Or the Dairy Queen when we’d go out.
Next thing we knew it was graduation, And we sat in the Waffle House parking lot, Watching the sun come up on tomorrow, Thankful for what we’d got.
Didn’t we see it coming? Didn’t we have a clue? Didn’t we know what we should’ve known? That dreams sometimes come true, come true, Dreams sometimes come true.
Katie went off to Valdosta, I struggled through math at Tech. We tried keeping in touch but that was so tough, And we ended up a relational wreck.
I guess we didn’t see it coming. We sure didn’t have a clue. How could we not know what we should’ve known; That dreams don’t always come true, come true. Dreams don’t always come true. Sometimes they do, A time or two, But not all dreams come true.
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livingforthewhump · 2 years
Whumptober No 3.
Gun to Temple|“Say Goodbye”|Impaled
“Whumpee!” Caretaker yelled, looking around desperately in between fighting off opponents. They’d lost sight of them in the fight. One moment Whumpee was right next to them, and the next—
“Drop your weapons.” Whumper’s voice cut cold and clear above the sound of violence, drawing the team’s attention as his lackeys drew back. As soon as Caretaker’s eyes fell on Whumper, their blood ran cold.
Whumpee was disarmed, a trickle of blood running down their forehead and into their dazed looking eyes. Whumper stood triumphant behind them, one arm looped around Whumpee’s chest and the other pressing a gun to their temple.
The sound of Caretaker’s weapon hitting the floor echoed in the room.
Whumper smirked at them, but they couldn't bring themself to be annoyed. Not when they were so terrified.
“Your friend here has the right idea,” Whumper drawled, looking over at Leader. “Do you really value Whumpee that little?”
“Let them go,” Leader growled, starting forward but stopping when multiple weapons immediately got pointed at them.
“That’s not on the table.” Their voice was cold, too loud in the empty space. “Your options are: drop your weapons, or say goodbye.”
It only took a few seconds for Leader to lean down, setting their weapon onto the floor. The rest of the team followed suit. And Whumper said, “Seize them.”
The henchmen closed in, and Whumper cracked the barrel of the gun against Whumpee’s head, catching them easily as their eyes rolled back into their head and their legs crumpled.
Leader and Caretaker shouted in protest.
“What are you doing?” Caretaker yelled, thrashing in their restraints.
Whumper gave them an appraising look before turning their attention elsewhere. “Leader, it would do you well to control your soldiers.”
Caretaker’s lips pulled up in a snarl, but Leader was as calm as ever. “What are you doing with Whumpee?” they demanded.
Whumper exhaled through their nose. “Isn’t it obvious?” Their lips stretched into a cruel smile.
“I’m keeping them.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
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spilladabalia · 4 days
Pere Ubu -- "Say Goodbye" (1988)
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nomoremaybe · 13 days
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socialbutterfly19 · 1 year
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Strike the match… walk away from everything and don’t look back Timing is everything
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