#saying “shame on you” if they dont abide to your ideals
temporary-ss · 4 years
@birkastan2018 Hi! First of all, I’m not really here on tumblr anymore, I’ve deactivated a long time ago. I wanted to chip in on this because it’s spreading like wild fire, it’s the mere reason I’ve made this account.
I admire and understand what you have been doing, I really do. There’s nothing wrong with wanting reviews and recognition from your readers. Writers deserve it through and through! It’s okay to enjoy what you do at the same time ask for feedbacks, IT’S OKAY! No to shaming writers.
Now, let’s go to a more delicate subject which is the main reason I am here now. We want to encourage readers to interact with authors, that’s it that’s the advoacy here. Now, I came to see for myself what the fuss was all about, with some intensive backreading. So what I have noticed there was a “shift,” the one thing you were trying to build destroyed itself. I don’t know if you are aware of this. Instead of encouraging silent readers, name calling happened. Words like “shame,” “selfish,” “sociopath,” “parasites,” etc., all of which lead into this = WORTHLESS. I was shocked! I thought you want readers’ involvement so why? Those were not exactly confidence booster which I think one of the things silent readers lack. I thought you were the adult one. I’ll treat you the way you treat me, yeah do that but on a different account because you are destroying the purpose of this blog by applying this principle. Again, remember your advocacy: encouraging feedback. We are bridging gaps not widening it. Do not pit them against each other. No to reader shaming.
Mental issues is a very sensitive topic which you have adressed also. This has left a bitter taste in my mouth honestly. We don’t know what is happening behind everyone, be it authors or readers. You cannot compare how one handles his/her issues to others. We were always told this during my pre-med: Every person is unique. Everyone have different experiences, coping mechanism, signs and symptoms, etc. You cannot compare how a writer handles it from a reader and vice versa. I think you’ve said something along the lines: If an author with mental issue can manage to write something, readers have no excuse. This is exactly the problem of our society and how they approach mental health. It does not work like that. Patient A and Patient B both have the same diagnosis but present different sets of signs and symptoms - this happens, I’m not gonna go technical and bore you with medical stuffs. Both are important and valid, that’s the bottomline. Yes, it could be an excuse. Don’t undermine mental health. #MentalHealthAdvocacy 
I’m not here for a debate. I’ve read some of your responses, all of which have same points. (they were all long fyi you could easily condense it to one short paragraph. As someone who read thick medical books everyday, just a sight of long posts in the internet makes me puke. But here I am making one, oh the irony...ANYWAY). I am aware of the sacrifices our writers make. Yes, they deserve reaction from readers. It’s okay to feel sad if reviews are vast, its okay to seek it out. But you birk cannot simply force readers or guilt-trip them into leaving one (I haven’t seen writers guilt trip their readers, so this is on you birk, it is not good for the author community so please refrain from doing this). Isn’t it more satisfying to receive a heartfelt genuine review? I’ll choose that over thousands of guilt-tripped/pity/forced/don’t-leave/i-owe-you comments anytime of the day, it’s so fake don’t insult our writers like that. Let’s forget about statistics: Quality>Quantity.(Edit: Literally, the most reviewed naruto fic on ffnet right now is full of spam (70k), let that sink in) I am in no way encouraging silent readers to be silent readers forever. One by one they’ll come around, it may take days, weeks, months, or even years, but they will. Little by little, it may first start with a kudos, a like, a favorite, a follow, a reblog and by the time they left a review they are ready and they mean every word of it and it’s gonna be worth it. It’s very disheartening to hear, your kudos is just a slap in my face, do you think if you said those words it’s gonna make them magically leave a review? No. Instead, you’ve instilled fear and intimidation upon them, making any possible interaction from a genuine reader in the future impossible. Again, the goal is encourage readers not eat them. I know that is what you want, but your sudden deviation on a different yet same path (idk if you were influenced by someone im kinda observant that way...maybe choose your friends wisely) became a trigger for this to spun out of control. You can go back!
Lastly, the “fandom.” Everyone has their own definition of it. But what I can confidently say is that the backbone of the fandom is not you, not me, not the content creators, not the readers. It’s kishi, naruto, the anime, the manga, the characters, the ships. It’s those little canon moments. Isn’t that the reason why we create and built this fandom in the first place? We love them. I’m gonna give you a leeway for this because you’re still pretty new in the fandom. I can see how a person who had been here longer than you get mad at your sentiments. We make contents based of the canon. Many are still here because we cling on those canon moments. We take something and give it a different universe, giving rise to beautiful fan arts and fics, cosplays, conventions, dojinshi, etc. At the end of the day, we go back to those canon moments that we love. It had been so long since naruto ended, but you still see gifs, manga caps of the anime and manga, respectively, you still see analysis of moments, you still see people fighting how the story should have ended (let’s not forget the time when someone made a petition to change the ending like 🙄) or who is better. That is our backbone, our roots.
Additionally, the anon that said something like I will go down with this fandom even if I’m the only one left. I think it wasn’t at all meant to shame anyone. That’s a popular slang(?) in fandom culture: I will go down with this ship, I will go down with [insert anyone here]. That’s passion. That person love naruto and nothing will make it go away, he/she will enjoy naruto despite everything that’s a fan mentality. What do you expect some of us here have been fans since we were children, it had been a part of our lives for more than a decade.
And seriously? “Consumers”? Do it in another place, it is so inappropriate to use this in fandom culture. People are here to enjoy you make it sound so corporate, it is such a kill joy word. Maybe it’s an age thing? We’re not consumers, we are “fans.” Makes me think you see fandom superficially not capturing it’s entire essence.
Birk - do not reduce yourself to name calling, you are bigger than that. learn to see things with an open and clear mind. if you’re not gonna leave your bubble where silent readers are worthless & [insert the words you used to call them], you are not gonna get through with them. remember your goal always. Readers - your opinions and excuses matter and your self-worth can’t and shouldn’t be dictated by anyone. Writers - your’s also matter. its okay to want feedback. its okay to create patreons/kofi, ignore those who said otherwise. keep doing what you love, if passion gets too overwhelming take a breath and relax. if you want to quit doing it, it’s also okay you don’t have to keep doing if you’re unhappy anymore. self care first.
This had been said already but I wanna reiterate. Let’s not forget the real devils here: REPOSTERS, TRACERS, PLAGIARIZERS, ENTITLED PERSONS.
I hope you finish reading this and take it with an open-mind. You gonna meet me half-way here. Otherwise, this will not end. Thank you! P.S. I said I am not here for debate bec I understand your point. It’s okay not to answer me (if you will, don’t make it long, straight to the point but you do you) but let me know if you’ve already read this. 
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academicgeniality · 7 years
MINDFANG: -Arissa is entering the library, something she doesnt happen to do all that often given that she has her own book collection in her room, but after referencing the brutally powerful society of Spartans to Terezi a few times she wants to see if she can locate a book that will further defend her case for why they should have the ship crew shape its shit up.- 
MINDFANG: -Shes walking in between the isles and shelves looking for the right section.-
ARANEA: -she doesn't get much patronage in the library, so she ALWAYS notices when someone enters. much to her... well, admittedly mixed emotions, but mostly excitement, it's arissa who's visiting today and aranea promptly scurries into her aisle to annoy her.- 
ARANEA: Good evening, Arrisa! Can I help you with anything?
MINDFANG: -UUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH is her internal reaction, but she doesn't show it and remains passive looking as ever.- 
MINDFANG: -She looks loads more healthy then when Aranea would have last seen her (And she also notes that Aranea looks better as well) asides from the bandage across her nose that was the last remaining indication that it had been broken in the dream bubbles.- 
MINDFANG: I don't need any assistance, I'm just looking for something. -continues scanning the books after sparing Aranea one glance.-
ARANEA: What are you looking for? -she doesn't NEED help... but aranea WANTS to help.-
MINDFANG: -Gross.- MINDFANG: -Side eyes Aranea.- ........ An anthology containing information on the ancient earth society of Spartans.
ARANEA: Ah! It's down this next aisle. Follow me. -goes off that way.- 
ARANEA: Sparta was quite an interesting society, wasn't it? In comparison to most other human civilizations, they were far more 8rutal and warlike... And prideful! Not unlike the culture shared 8y most trolls. Which is what makes them the most fascinating of all. Generally, humans are not compara8le to us, 8ut Sparta has shown that humans are just as capa8le of that same elitist strength that has 8een engratiated in trollkind for thousands upon thousands of sweeps.
MINDFANG: -She hesitates, sighs, and then wills herself to trail after Aranea and sit through her.... insightful blather.- 
MINDFANG: They were quite something. Frankly I 8elieve it a shame that their civilization died out. Imagine this war if all earthlings were raised in that same strength 8uilding method. Not to mention, comparatively, their social structures in how they treated their various mem8ers of their own soci8ty was highly advanced for their time, given how most females were regarded with at least some manner of respect. Dying through the final stage of their reproductive cycle was considered a warriors death.
ARANEA: It's true! Many human societies throughout their history have treated differing genders, particularly women, as lower class citizens. To 8e considered warriorlike for carrying out one of the most classically feminine roles is indeed progressive in ancient times such as theirs. 
ARANEA: -plucks the book off the shelf and offers it to arissa.- It makes me wonder about the roles of women as a troll... Do you think we're more privileged? Do we have the same expectations as others? Or more, or less? Troll culture has largely 8een considered matriarichal, 8ut I've heard arguments of a different perspective.
MINDFANG: -Accepts the book into her hands but raises a very telling eyebrow at Aranea.- I dont put that much thought into it. Comparing myself to the soci8ty of another species. 
MINDFANG: We function as matriarchal 8ecause the leaders we have come from a caste line that happens to 8e almost selectively female. And yet there are other castes in positions of no8ility which are predominately male, like you or myself. We could go on for hours about the nuances of who or what really runs our version of society 8ut personally I focus less on the fancier politics of trolls and instead consentr8 on the age old rule. Survival of the fittest.
MINDFANG: It explains all surviving and thriving leaders, and has got a far more equal ring to it if you ask me.
ARANEA: -chuckles a little to herself.- That is certainly a philosophy to live 8y... Or survive 8y, rather.
MINDFANG: I would not say the correction was required. I find it easy enough to take pleasure in that life style motto. -Thinks on it a moment.- Hm. You and I had vastly different up8ringings though so perhaps you cannot understand that concept after all. 
 MINDFANG: Do I need to sign this out? -Holds up the book.-
ARANEA: No need. I'll keep a record of it myself. -does that RIGHT NOW on her tablet.- 
ARANEA: I suppose up8ringing would change one's perspective on living versus surviving. 8ut whatever makes you happy, Arissa! I'm content with my own personal philosophies.
MINDFANG: -Squints as she tucks the book under her arm.- What you wont even stand to fight for your own ideals? No de8ate or attempt to de8unk me? -Why does her sister have to be so PASSIVE G O D. What was their psycho mom thinking.-
ARANEA: Oh? Would you like a de8ate? I can do that. 
ARANEA: -shrugs- I only assumed you wouldn't want to listen to my argument anyway. You're a 8it set in your ways!
MINDFANG: I a8solutely am, and you wont 8e changing them. That 8eing said as idiotic as yours might 8e at the very least stand 8y your own opinions. -Shakes her head.- I cant stand people who walk around glass shards when it comes to their ideas.
ARANEA: ... -tiny eyeroll- 
ARANEA: You know, politely accepting the differences 8etween yourself and others is hardly the same as dancing around the su8ject of having differences in the first place. 
ARANEA: 8ut since you are so adamant a8out it, I will tell you that I think simply surviving is hardly the same as living. What kind of life is that really? Fighting constantly, living on the edge wondering when you will next need to defend yourself. Do you ever have the time to appreciate the finer things? Somehow I dou8t it and I find it crass.
MINDFANG: I absolutely do. Just because I believe in always maintaining caution in the things I do does not mean I dont take time to appreciate how I live my life. Survival and living is quite different, you are right in saying that, but I dont think that you need to strictly abide by only one or the other per say. 
MINDFANG: But quite frankly, I'd rather continue living then enjoy smelling roses for a few minutes.
MINDFANG: So if I give up a few comforts, so be it. I instead give myself more opportunity to experience them when the opportunity arises. Dead is dead, Aranea, its the worst thing that can befall someone and I'll give almost anything to prolong meeting it.
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