#saying the only things supposed to be in ovens is food and he doesnt want crayons in the oven
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
#can not stop thinking about yesterday when nick learned the crayons his sister has been talking about making for a week#were going to be made/melted in the oven and he got so PISSED at this news#saying the only things supposed to be in ovens is food and he doesnt want crayons in the oven#and they dont belong in there anyways#that they dont sell ovens in a craft store for a reason#i can not believe he has never made or seen made like homemade crayons or whatever before#its also baffling to me that he knew his sisters intentions but never questioned how she was melting them#i did ask him how crayons are supposed to be done then and he was like 'i dont know! but not in an oven where FOOD goes'#he googled the definition of oven in the car and/to emphasize the point theyre for food#he then googled it while we werebout eating and i dont know what all he googled but he was quiet for a bit and then doubled down sort of#by nentioning that if they get too hot theres toxic fumes and our oven doesnt cook right#but i then texted his sister that i could bring them to my parents house sometime qhile she was at work#and she said nick told her she could use our oven#and then was like 'arent you sitting across from him' and i was like yeah but hes annoyed i didnt agree with him and i was taking your side#and he was also probably annoyed that he googled it and everything said it was fine#dont mind me#tag rambles#he kept saying they were going to bubble and pop and pieces were going to get stuck to the roof of the oven#and then fall into food later on when we have food in there#when i told him i was offering to take it to my parents house before the google he kept going off about how i shouldnt do that to them
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buttybarnes1917 · 3 years
An Unexpected Party
AN: There probably wont be any smut in this story, it just doesnt feel right; however, I am PROBABLY going to make this an AU because nerdy!bucky has my whole heart and I am OBSESSED with the characters that are creating themselves out of this whole story.  
Chapter 4
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Honestly?  Bucky was REALLY fun.
You went to dinner on Monday, lunch on Tuesday, and bowling with Wanda, Vis, and Yelena on Wednesday night.  He surprised you with coffee before work on Thursday, and that night, you had plans to watch a movie. Bucky was very excited to show you a cult classic, The Room.  You were a little confused on the premise, but Bucky promised you it was supposed to be bad. For people that were fake dating, you spent a hell of a lot of time together.  You were actually happy with him, and were perfectly fine ignoring your growing feelings for the man.
That was, of course, until you got a call from Tony.
“Heya kid, you busy?” you heard as soon as you picked up your phone. “Just kidding, I don’t care.  When am I meeting this new boyfriend of yours?  He’s been all over your Instagram.  I’m assuming you’re bringing him to my wedding.”
“You mean Pepper is still marrying you? God, I would have thought she had been sick of you by now,” you sighed as you loaded the dishwasher.  “Why do you need to meet him, anyway?  Does it matter to you?”
“Matters to me if there’s gonna be drama at my wedding, seeing as my best man is your ex-boyfriend.”
“Your best man broke up with me for no damn reason, and I have every right to date someone new, just like he’s doing,” you snapped, not able to hold yourself back, and Tony was quiet for a minute.
“So you know, I reamed his ass for that,” he said quietly.  “I have your back on that one.  What Steve did was wrong.  One hundred percent.  I just wanna make sure that Pep has the best day she can.  I know she’s nervous about… people seeing people together.”
“I understand that, Ton, but I am not gonna start anything.  Promise.”  You pulled out the cookies you were baking from the oven.  “Plus, Bucky is just a friend.”
“What kinda guy goes by the name ‘Bucky’?” Tony grumbled.
“A very sweet guy,” you say, unable to stop your voice from going a little softer.  Tony definitely noticed—you could tell by the silence—but thankfully he didn’t say anything.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy,” he said softly.  
“Thanks Tony.” You said softly. “Anyway, the wedding is almost here,” you changed the subject, and Tony knew better than to push you.
“Sure is.  Only one more night,” he chuckled softly.  “Dad’s not coming,” he added quietly and you sighed softly.
“Can you blame him, Tony? You remember Christmas—”
“He insulted Pepper—”
“Because you kept pushing about the government contracts and upsetting mom, and you know it, Tony.” You said quietly.  “Both of you took things too far.” Tony grumbled on the other end of the line.  “Have you tried calling him?”
“I’m the one getting married,” he pointed out, and you stayed quiet.  Tony heavy sighed. “Fine.  I’ll call him.”
“And apologize?”
“I said I’d call him.”
“And apologize.”
“…fine. And apologize that he’s such a self-righteous dick—”
“Anthony Edward Stark—”
“And I’ll apologize for being a bitch, okay?” Tony sighed. “God.”  There was a shuffling on the other end and you heard Pepper’s soft voice calling Tony to bed. “Ball and chain is calling.” He said teasingly and you heard Pepper snap at him giggling
“Call her that again and I’ll slap you during the ceremony,” you retorted laughing.
“Yeah yeah.  I’ll see you at the rehearsal tomorrow, kiddo.  Feel free to bring your… friend to the dinner.”
“Thanks, Tony.  I’ll see if he wants to go.  Sleep well.”
Tony hung up and you leaned on the counter, looking at your phone.  You heard a knock at your door, then the door swung open.
“Babe, you gotta make sure to lock the door,” Bucky laughed as he walked in, carrying a bottle of wine and a thin wide box.  “Anyone could just walk in here.”
“Sorry,” you giggled a little.  “Force of habit.  My ex always forgot his key.” You smiled as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, placing the wine in the fridge.  “Hey, I have the rehearsal tomorrow… my brother wants to know if you want to come to the rehearsal dinner afterwards.”
“Do I have to wear a suit?” he sighed dramatically.
“Mmhmm,” you giggled softly and wrapped your arms around his waist.  “But I’ll have to wear a dress, so it’s even.”
“Well, can’t say no to free food.” He chuckled softly.  “Anyway, I made your brother a wedding present,” he said a little nervously.
“Oh?” you asked in surprise.
“Yeah, you mentioned that you, and your brother and your parents would go upstate,” he said. “Ya know, before school started again?  Well, you kept talking about how pretty it was and… I guess I thought it would be nice for you to give your brother something that reminded you both of a happier time,” he said a little sheepishly, and pushed the bigger thin box he had brought in across the bar.  You glanced at him, then slipped it open.  Inside was a canvas with a beautiful dark wood frame. Painted on the canvas was a beautiful scene of a family of four, canoeing across a lake, the trees a gorgeous mixture of red, yellow, orange, and brown.  You covered your mouth, your breath catching in your throat.
Somehow, Bucky had gotten the exact memory you had described to him.
“Bucky this is…” you breathed out, tears pricking your eyes.  
“Fuck I'm sorry,” he mumbled, reaching for the box. “I’m sorry, it’s not good enough, I shouldn’t have caught you off guard, you don’t have to give it to him—"
You cut him off by rounding the side of the counter, cradling his cheeks in your hands, and kissing him deeply, pressing your body against his.  He groaned in surprise, stepping back a bit, his hands on your hips to steady himself.  You felt your eyes drift shut as he kissed you back, his lips working against yours, and for a second, time seemed to stop.
It never felt like this with Steve.
You slowly pulled away and he opened his eyes, looking down at you, his cheeks flushed pink.  “What did I do?” he asked chuckling a little.  “So I can be sure to do it again?”
“That was… the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” you said softly. “Or for a family member they’ve never met.” You touched his cheek.
“I…Really?” he said softly. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“I think it’s perfect,” you said softly.  “You painted it yourself?”
“And made the frame,” he blushed, and you kissed him again, pulling him closer, your fingers slipping through his hair.  He shivered almost immediately and panted a little as you pulled away.  “Okay so, making things equals kisses.  Got it.” He chuckled a little. “I’ll furnish your whole apartment if you’re not careful.”
“I don’t want you to come to the wedding as my fake boyfriend,” you said quietly and he nodded, after a second’s hesitation.
“How about… as your real boyfriend?” he asked hopefully and you nodded, grinning. His face lit up and he kissed you again, pulling away, then pressing kisses all over your face as you giggled.
“Real boyfriend sounds much better to me.” You whispered.  
@ceeellewrites​ @anna-kaye​ @toothhurtyam​
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Father Dearest
With the help of the ever amazing @acealex-blueiguana , we wrote some angst about Cecil’s not very nice father.
TW: racism against Carlos, homophobia, deadnaming, misgendering
Cecil puts the phone down, his face paler than usual. He leans on the counter and presses a hand over his mouth.
Carlos looks up from his work at the table. "Cecil? What is it?" He stands. "What's wrong? What happened?"
Cecil turns, burying his face in Carlos's shoulder.
"Love, I need you to talk to me." Carlos says softly, rubbing Cecil's back.
Cecil picks up his head. "My father is coming over for dinner." He whispers.
"I thought your father was dead?"
Cecil shakes his head but doesn't look up. "No. I wish I could say he was though."
"Maybe he wants to make amends?"
"You really think so?"
"We shouldn't rule it out."
Cecil nods but doesn't look convinced. He lets out a soft sigh and looks away. "Michael will be home soon."
"What are we going to tell your father?"
"It's none of his damn business!" Cecil snaps before taking a breath. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm sorry."
"Hey." Carlos murmurs, cupping Cecil's face. "We'll figure it out. I promise." He turns as the door opens. Michael stands there for a moment, laughing and waving at presumably at Mika.
Michael walks into the house, shutting and locking the door behind him. "Home!" He calls out and carefully walks to the kitchen counter to lay his backpack down.
Carlos steps away from Cecil after giving him a soft kiss. "How was your day?" He asks,pulling open the fridge. "I'm thinking lasagna for dinner. What do you think?"
"There was a fight at school. Bet ya can guess at least one person involved." He smirks. "Whatever you make is always good. Still better than my house." The words come so easily. This is home to him now, but when did the change in his mind happen?
Carlos laughs. "Even Cecil's cooking is better than your house.'
"Hey! Rude. My cooking isn't that bad."
Carlos closes the fridge. "You made toast inedible."
"Maybe I like it burnt."
"Not even Khoshekh would eat it."
Cecil huffs a pout before looking at Michael. "Michael...um...my father is coming over tonight. I wanted to let you know."
The boy tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed. "Your father? How did he even find you?" He asks before shaking his head and twisting his sleeves. "Do- um- do you want me to stay someplace else while hes here then? I can stay at the station or see if Mika will let me crash with them- theyre normally down for it…"
"I have no idea…" Cecil shakes his head. "No. This is your home and if he doesn't like it, he can leave." As much as he didn't want to admit it, having Michael there would help to keep him grounded.
"Okie dokie." He pauses. "Um… if you change your mind, let me know. I can get Mika to pick me up if needed… I'm not really the greatest kid, and I dont wanna cause problems with your da- father."
"I'd rather have you here than him." Cecil says with a small smile.
Carlos puts the pasta dough and a jar of homemade sauce on the counter. "Do you know anything about your father?"
Cecil shakes his head with a sigh. "Never met him."
"Samesies." Michael says, trying to lighten the mood, before giving Cecil a hug. "We'll figure it out."
"Yes we will because that's what we do." Carlos smiles.
Cecil nods a little, wrapping his arms around Michael. "Yeah."
Unsure how to help right now, the boy changes topic to get Cecils mind on something else. "Mika was in the fight. They did good as usual. They also got suspended but promised they'd still walk me there and hang around until its time for us to go home."
"Who did they fight this time? And why?"
Carlos shakes his head with a laugh. "That kid is something else." He says as he starts to roll out the dough.
"One of the jocks on the football team. They threw food at Roger, so Mika threw a fist." He smiles. "Roger's okay. We checked on him before they got dragged to the office."
"Ah that means I'll be getting a phone call from a conflicted Earl later then." Cecil chuckles softly. "Oh well. I'm glad he had someone to stand up for him."
Carlos looks over his shoulder. "I don't condone fighting but i hope Mika kicked their ass."
"We both try to stand up for him, but Mika does a much better job." He nods. "They definitely kicked his ass. The dude didnt even know what was happening at first."
"I'm sure you won't have a problem with him anymore."
Carlos lets out a loud groan, making Cecil jump. "We are out of garlic!"
"Carlos it's not the end of the world."
"It's bad luck. My mama said that if you don't have garlic in your house when a stranger comes, bad things will happen."
"So get more garlic?" Michael offers. "Did you have garlic when I showed up?"
"Course we did. It wasn't fresh though…"
"I'll just run to the store and-" Cecil is cut off by the doorbell. He pales a little. "He's here." He whispers.
"Breathe, dad. We got this." The boy hugs Cecil tighter. "I'll get the door if ya want."
Cecil shakes his head. "No. I'll be alright."  He takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders before crossing to the front door and opening it. He stared at the man on the other side of the door in shock. He looked just like Cecil, same deep eyes and platinum hair. He was lacking the winding tattoos though as far as Cecil could see. No wonder my mother hated looking at me. Cecil thinks.
Brian stands for a moment before crossing his arms. "You going to make your old man stand outside all night?"
Cecil quietly moves to the side, watching the man enter the house.
Michael grabs his bag off the countertop and slings one strap over his shoulder. "I'll- um- go put my stuff away…" he says to Carlos: his tone hinting at his growing anxiety. Visitors at his house always meant stricter parents than normal. After all, they have to save face and br the happy family the Richardsons claim they are.
He cautiously walks into the living room, doing his best to stay hidden and out of the way. He just has to make it to his room.
Carlos nods and puts a reassuring hand on Michael's shoulder before joining Cecil in the living room. "Hello Mr. Palmer. I'm-"
"Cecil you got yourself a maid?" Brian asks, looking impressed.
"I'm not-"
"Carlos is my husband." Cecil corrects.
"No. No son of mine is a fag."
Michael tenses at the word. "Not really your son." The kid, against his better judgement, mumbles under his breath as he's halfway across the room.
That catches Brian's attention and he studies the child. "You must be Michelle. The nice lady in yellow at the station told me about you."
"His name is Michael." Cecil says, shoulders tense. "And-"
Sensing that Cecil is about to ramble, Carlos speaks up. "Would you like a drink? Dinner is in the oven so we have about forty five minutes before we can eat."
"Got any whiskey?"
"We don't drink."
Brian cocks an eyebrow. "Since when? Last I heard you were a drunk and a whore." He snaps at Michael. "Get me a drink girl."
Of course she did. Lauren is just wonderful that way isnt she. Michael tries to brush off the sinking feeling in his stomach. He still has to put his bag away after all, so he ignores the request. Brian makes him feel similar to his Father, but Cecil and Carlos wouldnt let him hurt him. Right?
So Michael just grips his strap tighter and continues walking to the guest room. Theyve got forty five minutes to survive this "pleasant" conversation. He can manage that.
"Leave him alone. I'll get your drink." Cecil stands, grateful for the excuse to leave the room. He gets a glass of water but leans on the counter to collect himself. He hears his father call after him, something about not liking his attitude.
"Kids these days. To lazy to even listen." He looks at the Hispanic man he was left alone with. "It's bad enough my son is a fag but he settled for a mexican of all people?"
Carlos tightens his jaw and waits before answering. "I am not a Mexican. Not all Hispanics are from Mexico. I'm from Chile."
"I don't care what you are."
Michael flings his bag onto the bed. "People fucking suck." He says to himself. He doesnt want to go back out there, but he doubts Carlos or Cecil would be happy with him hiding away. So he snags his rubiks cube off the night stand and makes his way back to the living room.
"I'm not going to sit here and let you insult me."
"Well you're free to go back to the field you came from with-" Brian clicks his tongue. "Six bastard kids?"
"Here." Cecil interrupts before Carlos could answer. "All we have is water." That isn't the truth but his father didn't need to know about the bottle of wine stored away for a special day.
"Damn took you long enough. I see your mother didn't teach you anything about good manners."
"She was too busy raising two kids by herself."
"And what's your excuse with her?" He gestures at Michael.
Michael glances up at him before turning his attention back to the rubiks cube. It's the only way to keep himself from misbehaving. The click of the cube and the ability to keep his hands busy help his anxiety in a manner that doesnt destroy the sleeves of hoodies. Hes trying to swallow the growing pit of dysphoria, knowing that this evening will only make it worse.
"He's fine." Carlos sits down in a recliner as Cecil settles in the rocking chair. "You're hardly in a place to give parenting advice."
Cecil looks over, his face pale again. "Carlos…"
Brian shakes his hand and sets the glass down with a thud. "What you know about being a father? Besides the fact that you're supposed to throw sandals at them to shut them up."
The boy flinches at the cup and bites his tongue. He wants to say something. He wants to stand up for his dads, but hes scared. He doesnt know how Brian will react, and hes only just starting to heal again after being beaten by his own father.
"Is there a reason you're here or did you just come to insult my lifestyle?"
Looking away from Carlos, Brian looks at Cecil. "You'll do well to speak when spoken to boy."
"You'll do well to-"
"Why don't we change the subject?"
Michael keeps his head down, afraid of what might happen if he steps out of line. He's nearly done with solving the rubiks cube. Click. Click. Click. The sound near deafening when the conversation has silences.
"Fine. Straight to the chase then."
Cecil doesn't answer, pulling out his latest project and a set of knitting needles. He does look up when he feels eyes on him.
"Do you have any sense of manhood at all?"
"He could kill you with those needles." Carlos muses. "And I'd help."
Click. Click. Click. The boy smiles as he solves the cube. "Carlos?" He asks. Waving the cube at the scientist, he silently asks for him to shuffle before tossing it across the room to him.
Carlos catches the cube and looks at it for a moment before beginning to shuffle it. He turns it and shakes his head, shuffling it more before tossing it back. "There ya go."
"Some of us appreciate the beauty in art and take pride in what they make." He looks up at his father. "Even if it isn't what you want." He had a cold but sad look in his eyes.
"If it isn't good enough, toss it away and start over. That's common sense."
"The Chinese fix broken things with gold to show they are still beautiful despite being broken."
"Well last I check we are not Chinese. And we are to good for broken things. When something breaks, throw it away."
Michael scoffs at Brian's first words. That's what his birth parents did, but Cecil is different. "And you know all about common sense." He mutters as he works on the cube again. The kid knows he's not suppose to speak but cant help it. This dick is a moron, and hes lucky that Mika didnt stay for dinner like usual.
"Excuse me little girl?"
"You're good at throwing things away." Cecil whispers.
"You will not speak to your father that way."
"You cant call yourself that. You're just a deadbeat sperm donor." Michael snaps before he can catch himself.
"That is definitely out of line…" He mentally scolds himself. "Mika will find this amusing."
"You gave up the right to call yourself my father when you walked out before my mother and I even left the hospital." Cecil snaps, dropping his project to his lap.
"You haven't earned the right to have me be your father."
"You never even gave me the chance to try and be good enough for you!"
Carlos flinches at Cecil's words but tenses as Brian stands.
Panic and fear flood Michael's system when Brian stands, but the idea of him hurting Cecil forces himself to his feet. A giant on one end and a teen a little over five feet on the other. Brian is like his Father, but for some reason he doesnt feel as terrified standing up to him. "This is not your house. You do not get to talk to my dad like that." He growls.
Cecil keeps his eyes level with Brian as he stands, despite his heart pounding in his chest. Especially when Michael speaks.
Brian stops his track toward Cecil and turns on Michael. "You do not tell me how to deal with my son. I'm too late to make a decent man but I'm sure that can change."
Cecil stands and moves across the room, stopping in front of the older man. "I am not afraid of you, Brian Alexander Palmer."
Cecil barely flinches when a wide hand comes across his face.
"You do not get to address me like that. I am your father!"
"Abby was more of a father to me than you ever could have been."
Carlos manages to catch Brian's wrist before he can hit Cecil again. The motion causes Brian's sleeve to slip down a little.
Cecil's eyes fall on the marks on Brian's arms. The needle marks he knew all too well. I'm just like him….
Maybe Mika wasnt the best influence, or maybe they were the best one Michael could have.
As soon as Brian hit Cecil, Michael was reacting. He would gladly take pain if it kept Cecil safe. Rage immediately flooded the panic that was in his chest, and he throws the rubiks cube directly at Brian's head. "Asshole!" Michael yells. Hands clenched into fists; his body moving forward towards the bastard. Fight or flight. For once the boy chooses to fight.
Brian's head snapped to the side when it was struck by the plastic cube and he jerks his hand free from Carlos's grip. "You little bitch!" He brings his heel down on the cube, feeling it break under his foot. "I'll put you in your place since my worthless son can't seem to do that."
Cecil and Carlos react at the same time, rushing toward Brian as he lunges toward Michael.
Carlos manages to get ahold of the back of Brian's shirt but Cecil gets an elbow to the Face and stumbles back.
Too late to change my mind now. Michael's eyes dart to Cecil as he gets knocked back, but he stands his ground. Fists clenched, and eyes determined. He knows how to dodge and throw a punch. Hes not allowed to defend himself, but hes not defending himself right now. Hes defending Cecil. Hes defending his dad.
Carlos pulls Brian back towards him and away from Michael. "Not in my house."
Brian struggles against Carlos's hold. "The little brat needs to know her place."
Cecil picks himself up, nose bleeding a little but he didn't care. "You will not lay a hand on my son."
"My place is here. You do not get to talk to my dads like that." Murder in the boy's eyes.
"Where is your real family? Cause I sure as hell know this isn't it. Cecil's to dumb to keep anything alive more than a week."
"Out." Cecil says, voice shaking a little. "I want you out of my house."
"I came for dinner and we haven't eaten yet so I'm not leaving until I get what I came for."
Carlos brings his free and up to grasp the back of Brian's neck. "You heard him."
"This is my real family. But you havent met everyone." His eyes hold fire as he stares at the bastard. "Trevor! Can you help? Please!" The boy yells, making sure the sheriff's secret policeman can clearly hear. "Be lucky Mika didnt stay for dinner, or youd already be dead. You are nothing but worthless scum. So get out."
"Who the hell is Trevor?"
"If you bothered to stick around, you'd know." Cecil couldn't fight the smirk as the door was flung open.
"In my defense," Trevor says as he makes his way toward where Brian was struggling in Carlos's hold. "I would have intervened sooner but I didn't want to spook you. Also I found cool lizard in the bush." The Secret Policeman stops in front of Brian. "I was wondering if I'd ever see your face again Brian. I haven't missed it." He punches Brian in the nose, causing a satisfying crack. "That's for hitting an upstanding member of our town." He then thumbs Brian's forehead. "That's cause you're ugly."
"I appreciate it, Trevs." Michael smiles. "Did ya get any pictures of the lizard?"
"Hold em for me?" Trevor takes Michael's hand and puts down a blue gecko with orange spots. "It's not poisonous. I already checked. I'll take this" He takes ahold of Brian's arm. "And be back soon."
"You better take your hands off of me! I have rights!"
"Night Vale doesn't work like the outside world and I'm sure you'll find that out." Carlos calls with a wave before looking back at Cecil.
His nose had stopped bleeding which is good but he still was shaken up.
"Hey" Carlos says softly. "It's alright. He's gone now."
The boy cups his hands to keep the gecko in his hold. "I'm sorry for not behaving and staring a scene… I didnt mean for you to get hurt…" Michael whispers. He made it worse. Maybe he shouldve stayed with Mika.
Cecil shakes his head. "I was dumb to think he would be a nice guy." He sits down and puts his head in his hands. "I'm sorry I let him in here. I should have known better."
"There's no way you could have known…"
"I should have known! And what if I turn out just like him? I already am like him…." He groans. "I should have known."
Michael plays with the lizard as he walks over to Cecil. "Hey…" He gently taps Cecil with his foot. "You're not like him. I can prove it. Do ya want me t list all the ways I already know you're nothing like him?"
"He has my face and…" he leans down and rolls up his pant leg, revealing the needle scars. "It's easier to hide on my legs. I'm no better than he is."
The boy ignores Cecils attempt to argue. Hes not shocked by the scars; Em had told him about Cecil's past before. Still playing with the lizard, he sits on the floor.
"You dont drink. Ya dont misgender me- not accidentally and never intentionally unless it's to keep me safe from Mother and Father. You dont snap demands at me. You're not racist or sexist. Ya see good in broken things, and you dont see them as just trash to be thrown away. You havent walked out on your family." He lists. "Ya never broke my rubiks cube before." He gives a small smile. "You let me play with Tic Tac which I know he wouldnt ever allow if they belonged to him. You're a good dad."
"According to Abby so was he until I came along."
"And yet...you made the best you could with a shitty hand and you didn't let it beat you. Because you're stronger than he is. You are not your past. And you are not him. You are better than him."
"According to my case worker, Mother and Father were good people before I came along. Does it make it my fault that they're not good people now?" He asks wanting to prove a point.
Cecil opens his mouth to argue but whatever he was going to say was cut off by the over going off.
"See? Even the oven disagrees with you." Carlos chuckles. He stands and goes to the oven to pull dinner out.
"I know this shouldn't bother me as much as it does but it's a...chain isn't it? Hereditary?" He runs a hand through his hair. "I don't want to be like that."
"Theres no way you'll be like that. Carlos wouldnt let ya. You arent your father. Hes more of a sperm donor actually, and that doesnt determine how the kid will turn out. I dont know my birth parents, but I dont think I'm like them. I mean I wouldnt give up a defenseless kid and have them left in the snowy night only a couple hours of being alive. That's just a messed up thing to do." He pauses, taking one of Cecils hand and letting the gecko crawl onto it. "You already have shown that you're much better than Brian. You're a dad. Hes a deadbeat."
Cecil gives a small smile at the lizard before looking up at Michael. "It isn't often we switch roles." He says, his expression soft. "You're such a good kid."
"No, I'm a terrible child." He smiles. "Mika is so gonna have a field day when they find out I yelled and threw my rubiks cube at your sperm donor."
"I hope he's locked away when you tell them about how I let myself get slapped because they might go nuts."
"You didnt even flinch! I dont know how you did that! I flinched when he put his cup down too hard."
"I think I knew it was coming. I've spent enough time with pissing off Lauren to know when I'm about to get hit. Or stabbed. Or kicked. Or- yeah. I think you get the idea."
"I'm use to it too, but I still flinch. Even when m not gonna get hit, I still flinch. Its impressive."
"Tell ya a secret. I almost went into cardiac arrest. It's amazing I didn't."
"How about you stop talking about dying and come eat before this gets cold?" Carlos calls.
"I propose after dinner we watch a movie and try to salvage this evening. What do you think?"
"I couldve fought him. You and Carlos were quick to shutting that down though. Lame." He giggles and stands up, grabbing Cecils arm and trying to pull him up. "What movie?"
"I didn't want to risk you getting hurt. I can take more than you can." Cecil points out as he stands. "Coraline?"
"If I can knock you on your ass and slam Father into a wall with my ankle more sprained than usual, I think I could handle Brian." He huffs before smiling. "Okie dokie."
"I had never met him. I don't know what kind of damage he could do. I refused to risk your safety. And that's all I'm saying on it." Cecil says, hoisting Michael over his shoulder and depositing him at the kitchen table.
The boy squeaks when Cecil lifts him up and laughs when he gets dropped off at the table.
"Children. Settle down so we can eat." Carlos said,sitting the pan on the table. "Don't make me smack you both with a spoon."
"Uh rude."
"Oh hush and eat."
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Rainy Days in Insomnia
Young Prince Regis and his crew all cope with the rain differently. So, which one overthinks things and who gets to spend the entire day listening to jazz?
Prince Regis
Contrary to belief, Prince Regis loves the rain.
In fact, he rejoices whenever it pours.
The main reason for this is the fact that he has the excuse to stay in the Citadel.
And when he has nowhere else to go, then he’s got a very good reason to go and visit his father, King Mors.
The prince would engage his father in every conversation possible, or challenge him to a game of chess to which the prince always, always loses.
He doesn’t mind his chess blunders, however. Every moment he can spend with his father, whether he gets a good scolding, a long lecture on chess, politics or even ehem, adult things,  Regis doesn’t mind at all. At least he doesn’t have to attend to his princely duties that would take up so much of his time away from his father.
During rainy days, Regis is very much the only person who is active in the Citadel.
He’d bother Clarus to no end with his talk, or ask Cor Leonis to  spar with him. 
Sometimes, Regis would pitch some of the Crownsguard or Kingsglaive for Cor, amused in the confused expression of the young soldier whenever someone tries to flirt with him.
If no one else is available to be engaged in conversation and other such things, Regis amuses himself with books.
The other thing he ever bothers himself with is music. He can’t play any instruments save for a couple of songs in the guitar, but he listens to his collection of valses, concertos and most of all, songs by the latest Jazz or country singers. 
With the latter, Cid was a huge influence. Not the cowboy kind as the prince is not fond of it even one bit, but the relaxing, home-feel kind of songs.
Expect Regis to drink a hot beverage, especially chai tea whenever the weather gets cold and dreary.
Owns a very expensive foldable black umbrella. He likes keeping it with him if he has no choice but to travel in the rain. He would share it, but of course, not with strangers. 
He’s the one who, if he had the choice, would buy a transparent umbrella. But he’s supposed to be incognito out in the streets so he can’t.
Also, speaking of choices, if the young Prince can be extra lively in the halls, he would. Although, he’s the one who’s bound to be greeting everyone with an extra cheery tone just to lift the mood. 
Sleeping on a cold night is one of Regis’ favourites. He looks forward to it with a smile on his face.
He curls up in his luxurious Lucian duvet, feeling the soft texture of his bedsheets against his skin even as the Fulgurian shows his might in the grey skies.
He likes to spray his room with a light scented perfume to help him ease in to beautiful sleep.
Regis is actually very indulgent of himself in the rain. Expect him to reach for a nice slice of decadent cake and a glass of wine as he’s all cozy in front of the fireplace either in his study or in his father’s solar as the rain pours outside.
A warning or not. Don’t sit beside Regis on the couch, especially on a rainy afternoon.
Because if he falls asleep, he’ll cuddle the next person until he wakes up half an hour later. Everyone learned this the hard way. 
Not even Cid’s excessing cursing of ‘son of a garula’ or ‘wretched bastard’  or ‘gerrofff me or I’ll strangle yer royal throat kid’, Regis won’t budge. And boy, Cid would never stop making everyone wake Regis up. It makes for a good photo op for Weskham, however.
Clarus Amicitia
Clarus is a sleepy man on rainy days.
Nothing lulls him to sleep better than the soft pattering of rain on the roofs and windows.
No one is surprised to see the man nodding off on meetings or curled up in a corner of the solar, a book laid flat on his face, snoring the rainy day away.
No amount of coffee wakes him up.
The only thing that could stop him from falling asleep on a grey day is a sparring match.
So when the rain comes, everybody shuffles away from the young Amicitia’s path.
No one wants to be his sparring partner for the whole day, not even Cor. He’s much too strong for everyone.
Regis made the mistake of accepting his request and ended up looking as a haggard, rain-soaked and ruffled chocobo after that. Never again, said Regis.
In days when Clarus can resist the temptation to sleep in as it rains cats and dogs outside, he’d be found walking around the perimeter of the Citadel several times.
It is during these rare days that Clarus can be engaged in any kind of conversation. He’s a bit of a curt man, but when it rains, he relaxes somewhat, thus making him quite open to socialising with people he works with.
Clarus is the one who can detect if it’s going to rain because of his hobby of watching his environment.
As soon as Clarus predicts the rain coming, Weskham would buy all of his ingredients to stock up for his ‘rainy day comfort food’.
If he’s supposed to be out in the rain, he brings out his huge umbrella. It fits everyone under it.
Clarus likes to sleep in early during rainy nights. He can’t be made to stay up when the feel of his comfy bed beckons him to a wonderful night full of sleep.
Veritas a.k.a. V
She has a love-hate relationship with the rain.
Veritas likes the fact that whenever it rains, everybody stays indoors. It brings everyone together.
A busy Regis becomes very much engaged in every conversation. A sleepy Clarus is lightly snoring on the couch as everybody huddles by the fire. A contemplative Cor puts up the best topic for debate. And Cid, well…Cid brings in the fire in the cracker. Meaning, he’s the one who gets everyone either arguing or laughing in the room, even King Mors.
Veritas is very much inclined to delve into her ‘gentle hobbies’, as Regis likes to call it.
The immortal would curl up in one corner, preferably near the window or the fire and start doing some embroidery work. Sometimes, she’d take a pencil and her notebook and would start to either draw or write. And when she finds a new book, she’d be busy reading it, too.
Just don’t leave her with nothing to do on a rainy day.
Rainy day makes her feel down. She remembers the days she spent with the First King of Lucis and how he held her inside the Citadel for days just so she wouldn’t escape him. She hated those days. And the rain makes her remember such horrible things.
Cid is the one who is able to coax her to get up from her seat and hover over to watch the card game.
She’s highly likely to tell Cor Leonis of what cards Regis has in his hand, to which Regis calls her out on it, daring her to try the game herself. 
She tries it, but fails. All the time. She’s horrible with games.
She’s the target of one such Prince Regis whenever he’s in one of his dancing moods. He’d pull her up from her seat to whirl her about the room as his favorite valse is playing, says he needs to practice for that moment he finds the opportunity to dance with Aulea. She agrees; he can dance, but not without mischief.
She’s not averse to sparring. She’ll spar with Clarus. But only once. 
Her energy’s too low on rainy days.
Except when she has been engaged in some sort of activity the day before, then she’ll be inclined to try and finish it even on a dreary day.
She’s extra sociable in rainy nights. She’ll be happy to answer questions or tell stories. Just don’t ask her about Somnus Lucis Caelum her ex-something. She’d clam up and change the subject all too obviously. 
Veritas likes to drink hot chocolate as she gazes out into the window.
The smell of the rain doesn’t bother her at all.
Cid Sophiar
Rain? What rain?
Cid Sophiar doesn’t care whether it is raining cats and dogs or blazing like a hundred degree oven outside. Nothing stops him from doing whatever it is that he needs to do.
He likes to work on his cars and machines even if the rain is dripping down on his skin, as long as his precious leather jacket stays out of the way.
One is bound to find the mechanic strolling about Insomnia in the rain without his umbrella.
He doesn’t even get sick when he does so.
He likes to feel the rain against his skin, revelling in the way it falls on him.
When it rains and Cid is with his friends, expect a whole tirade of stories.
Cid likes to tell stories whenever the rain pours down. Everyone is there with him escaping the rain, so he has all the reason to be sociable, right?
He almost always tells the exact same stories that whenever he has the dialogues coming up, either Regis or Weskham would mouth the words quietly while doing the exact same gestures as Cid does when he blurts out the lines.
When he has the chance, he’d blast up the volume of his radio as it plays his favourite songs.
Regis curls in the sofa of Cid’s house, pulling the pillows over his head, groaning in contempt.
However Regis might hate Cid’s rainy day playlist of swamp music, the prince is delighted to partake in Cid’s delicious comfort food: tacos.
Everybody loves Cid’s comfort food for rainy days. Veritas especially loves the chili, to which she is the direct competitor to the limited stock of it against Cor Leonis.
But when the night comes and it is still raining, Cid Sophiar becomes quiet.
He likes to look out the window, watching the rain against the glass, the bokeh effect of lights beautiful in his eyes.
He stares a lot at his hands, too, wondering just how his life is going by in front of his eyes. He can be very mellow in rainy nights.
But when the morning comes, he forgets everything.
And he’s Cid Sophiar all over again. All fire and energy, as usual.
Cor Leonis
The sulkiest boy in Lucis.
Cor Leonis hates the rain.
Allergy boy. Sneezes incessantly whenever it starts raining.
He can’t go outside to get some fresh air.
Plus, it gets him into one of his moods.
On rainy days, Cor Leonis contemplates on his own existence.
He questions the decisions he’s made or the ones he is going to make.
His family is of a lesser status as those serving the Crown of Lucis. His decision was to make some sort of distinction for themselves. But he was wondering if he did the right thing.
Instead of going to school or acting like boys his age, he was serving the King of Lucis, secluded within the walls of the Citadel, hearing of news of threats against the kingdom instead of listening to jokes or lessons.
He doesn’t mind those, however. What he kept thinking about is if he’s worthy to be serving the royal family in the first place.
Aside from this, there’s just something about the rain that makes him feel so aware of things.
He’s extra observant of the way the light shifts in the room whenever a storm cloud passes by, or whenever the fire crackles in the fireplace, the distant sound of cars drowned out in the rain, or the sweet scent of hot tea as it lingers in the air of every room in the Citadel.
He likes to stand in front of the windows and just stare out into nothingness, a cup of coffee or barley tea in his hand.
He’s rather fond of the conversations that King Mors and Prince Regis would engage in. He’s often being invited to join, and the laughter or the banters that would echo in the room would comfort him from his rather dreadful reveries.
Cor likes the valses in the rain, too. He likes to listen as the records play out with the scratches echoing from the speaker.
He’d listen to the music as his hand touches every surface he could find, revelling in the way that his senses are even more sensitive in the rain.
Rainy days are the best time to make Cor Leonis memorise something. He’s got nothing else to do, so better make the most of it and ask him to memorise a military strategy or a poem, or anything at all. Except maps, of course. He’s bad at remembering geography.
Weskham Armaugh (before they left for Accordo)
The deep-voiced retainer loves to take things easy on a rainy day.
He’s not sleepy like Clarus nor is he moody like Cor.
No. Weskham drops every appointment he makes and stays indoors. 
He can do some paper work and research, but his priority is to sit back and relax as he listens to the rain.
He’s one of those ‘romantics’ who would light up a candle in his room, put up some incense or sandalwood scent, as well as playing some soft music like jazz to complement the mood.
He’s an intellectual, but he doesn’t shy away from feeling his senses, mainly those that eases some of his troubles away.
Expect him to run a bath at the end of the day, warm and relaxing, a glass of wine in his hand as he reads his new book.
Despite his ‘idle’ state, Weskham gets most of his work done during rainy days. The more relaxed he is, the more he can focus on his work.
Weskham whips up the best soup or pasta on rainy days and everyone looks forward to it.
His friends, and even some of the Kingsglaive would wait in the kitchen as he finishes up his delicious food.
The kitchen becomes one of the liveliest place in the Citadel because of him.
Even King Mors would look forward to Weskham’s famous Lucian Tomato and Olives Pasta.
He’s most susceptible to singing while it’s raining. It gets him into one of his moods wherein he can be heard singing from outside his door.
And he’s got a really good voice, too.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
heir!svt // kim mingyu
♥ fluffy and just a teensy bit angst if you squint
♥ 2.1k words
♥ summary: your inability to cook managed to get yourself a chef as a boyfriend
mingyu was a natural model - photogenic even with whatever he was doing
eating a bowl of ramen?? gorgeous
even he sneezes so charmingly
except the fact that he covers his mouth with his hands and continues touching up wonwoo's hair
and jun just looks at him with this disgusted look on his face
and somehow no one has the guts to say it to his face that he's sometimes really unhygienic
everyone in the school would agree that kim mingyu would still be able to make it into the fashion industry even if he wasn't the heir to his mother's modelling agency
although his mother's agency was ranked one of the best, mingyu has never spoken a word about his background
he didn't have to either because everyone already knew
who wouldnt know him if his mother was one of the most famous models in south korea during her time??
but even with all the attention he received, he was stil a humble bubby who loves his friends and cares for them
even if the 12 of them had maids and chefs to cook their meals, they all agreed that mingyu's cooking was one of the best
it just had the warm homey feeling yknow
and that warm homey feeling is like a tight comfy embrace whenever he sees his friends enjoy his food
and after some time, cooking for them and feeling like he was on cloud nine whenever they made those surprised and happy noises with mouth full of food
it clicks that maybe mingyu didn't want to continue the legacy of being the next top model of south korea
maybe he just wants to own a restaurant where he can cook food that makes people happy
but whenever he tries to bring up the subject, he just sucks it back in and never mentions it
because he knows how much his mother cherishes her career and his possible one if he wants to continue her legacy
and making his parents upset is the last thing he wants to happen
so for all his years up to high school, he never mentions his actual dream and keeps it to himself
that's until he meets you
in the kitchen room alone with a very messy apron and a very bad attempt at cooking spaghetti bologne
and mingyu was just passing by to get his home econs book because he needed to study for an upcoming test
but seeing the frustrated look on your face
and the way your fingers gripped the edge of the table
pushes him to greet you softly and offer help
and your just stunned because kim mingyu is talking to you
even if you guys share at least 3 classes, the both of you never really exchanged words because you guys have completely different friend circles
you preferred to blend in with the crowd than unintentionally stand out which the 13 boys became accustomed to
but mingyu pulls you away from your thoughts as he throws the burnt pasta into a bin and start everything afresh
even if you wanted to feel hurt from seeing your hard work in the trash, you couldnt help but accept the fact that it was literally inedible
"you dont mind if i see the recipe you're trying out?" mingyu questions you with a smile while you show him the page you had been staring holes through
with one look, mingyu nods and begins fetching out some ingredients and placing away others you had used
and youre just like?? but the recipe asked for butter??
and you dont realize you had asked aloud when mingyu chuckles and points to the next page, which was a completely different recipe of spaghetti carbonara
and you turn bright red from embarrassment but mingyu rushes to say that its okay to make mistakes!!
and slowly but surely, as the both of you are cutting ingredients, stirring the sauce while mingyu occasionally gives you tips which you write down
it doesn't feel as awkward
especially when he almost flips the pan onto the floor from accidentally hitting the handle
which nearly burned the both of you
but you brushed it off and burst out laughing, mingyu following suit
because kim mingyu, the model student and an actual model, is actually just a really clumsy yet talented puppy
and after 30 minutes, you place the sauce onto the pile of spaghetti on the plate and mingyu finishes it off with a parsley leaf and some cheese sprinkled over
"we did it!!" you exclaimed, heaving a sigh of relief as you stared at it in amazement
"no you did it, i just helped you prep the ingredients," he chuckled washing his hands and just flicking his wrists into the sink
and not even putting on some soap
wth mingyu you giant full of germs
"nononono put that fork down and use some soap. otherwise the whole plate is for me,"
"but im hungry :(("
"being nasty and using your hunger as an excuse wont work on me- doNT even thINK about giving me puppy eyes"
and after the whole argument, mingyu has his hands squeaky clean and dried and the both of you are just feasting on that one plate of spaghetti
because you made it?? and its edible?? and tastes so good??
"i just need to copy whatever we did today for tomorrow's practical and I'll actually be able to pass," you giggled, washing up and cleaning your counter
while mingyu stashed the ingredients back into their respective places
"i guess you're lucky that i left my home econs book or you would've been doomed,"
"UHMMM speaking of doom,,, do you think you could help me with dessert next?? i was trying to make soufflé but it,,somehow exploded in the oven,"
at this point, mingyu isnt even surprised and simply offers his help once again
but because he had tuition to attend to in the next half an hour
the both of you decided to meet up on thursday at the same room and at the same time
as the both of you walked out of the school grounds side by side, the school's vicinity nearly empty since students were either already left or busy studying,
it was time to split ways by the gate as you thanked him once more
"thank you so much for the help again! I'll promise to treat you to a better meal," you joked, waving goodbye while he mimicked your actions
"you better hold on to that, y/n" he smiled as he chuckled, before turning his heel
but that smile never fades away, even if he wasn't facing you
and somehow thursday seemed so far away
while there you were, patting your rosy cheeks to settle down as you rushed to catch your next bus
thursday comes and mingyu arrives before you, his own apron over his broad shoulders and everything is prepared
from the ingredients to the appliances and,,, does his hair look a lot more neater than usual???
"You're earlier than i expected," you joked, slinging your bag off your shoulders while he showed you that irresistibly adorable smile
damn it why is your heart reacting so much
you only started talking to him a few days ago
"soufflé is a pretty sophisticated dessert yknow. and well,,, its also because i just ended home econs class," he rubbed the nap of his neck shyly
you flipped your recipe book to the soufflé page and picked out a pen to take your notes
"shall we start, chef?" you inquired, tying your apron until a pair of hands surround yours
"not until we secure this in place," he mumbled, gently tugging the ropes from your grasps and tying it tightly around you "lets get started then!"
and youre just standing there, all red in the face and unsure of what you're supposed to do next while mingyu preheats the oven
but you snap out of it when he nearly hits the ceramic bowl off the counter
and you're lucky enough that it falls into your palms just as you reached out for it
"maybe i should've asked someone else to teach me..."
"stOp huRting my feeLingS :(("
"I'll stop when you stop trying to break anything around you,"
and he just hmphs and gives you the side eye but eventually burst out laughing when you're veryyy confused on what you're supposed to do next
and you look so adorable with your brows furrowrd from concentration and the way your lips naturally pout
and his heart unknowingly swells
"I'll prepare the next few ingredients while you continue stirring, and make sure not to overdo it either,"
and you follow his instructions closely and once he was done, mingyu has this proud smile on his face and he's,,, radiating sunlight
how can someone look so endearingly towards you??
"you'll be as good of a chef as i am once we're done with this soufflé!!"
"oh! you wanna be a chef?"
and when the subject suddenly takes a turn towards ambitions, his smile falters and it feels like the weight of his visible sadness is falling on you
and your chest tightens at the sight of him, no longer smiling as wide as he did seconds before
"I'm sorry mingyu, i shouldn't have brought it up i-"
"n-no dont apologize, it isnt your fault at all. i shouldnt have gotten so emotional in the first place"
and as much as he's trying to replicate that shining smile, it just,,, doesnt seem as sparkling as it did
“i know we’re not that close but i was told that im a pretty good listener. if you want to tell me that is,”
mingyu looks at you and the sincerity in your eyes urges him to spill every word out of him 
“I’ve liked cooking ever since i was allowed in the kitchen, cooking with the maids and helping them with whatever step i could do. but the thing is,,, i’m not sure if my mom would allow me to pursue such a thing,”
“why not?”
and the questions throws him aback a bit because he’s never really asked his mother about his dreams
and it didn’t seem like she was very persistent on getting him into the modelling industry
so why didn’t he tell her?
“i guess,, i was just a coward.” he chuckled nervously
you placed your hand above his, hoping in some way that you’re presence comforts him
“maybe you should try and discuss about it with your mom soon. we are going to graduate soon afterall,”
and mingyu’s heart is about to leap right out of his chest
because he’s never met such a person who’s so caring towards him and genuinely worries about him even though you guys just barely met
and his toothy grin crawls back onto his lips and it feels like everything is back to the way it is
“let’s finish this up before we break another bowl,” you joked as mingyu guiltily agreed
the end product of the souffle melted in your mouth like fluffy clouds
and your hopes of actually getting a good grade for home econs is stronger than ever
and that meant that you owed mingyu a whole lot, especially with the numerous tips he had given you
“you don’t have tuition after this right?”
“mm no? why did you ask?”
“let’s go then!!”
and you grab him by the hand and miraculously drag his tol bod to your favourite restaurant
as the both of you stood in front of an average food stall, unlike the one that mingyu frequented with his mother
you shone a bright smile towards him and grab two seats for the both of you
“this place has one of the best dishes and at such an affordable price?? it’s crazy how it’s not packed with customers!” you shook your head as a waitress hands you their menu
but it doesn’t even take you a minute to start ordering
and you order a bunch of dishes 
and when i mean a bunch, i meant like 2 whole tables covered in food
“y/n, i dont think the both of us can finish this up on our own...”
“dont underestimate me you giant >:[”
and the both of you magically finished the whole thing
but like you guys are about to sleep for a whole week because of the food coma and now the two of you are at your seats, dazed and sleepy
“next time we come here, we’re NEVER getting more than  we can chew,”
“there’s a next time?”
“yeah you owe me two times-”
“it’s a date then, giant,”
maybe if it werent for that food coma, you would have been a little more careful with your words
but at least now you got a super good looking, talented boyfriend ;))
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abitofafatass · 3 years
11-17-14 Grif and Kaikaina ( @bluegrif) (hsau)
Abitofafatass asked:  ((brother/sister angst ahoy!)) What did you do?
My muse visits yours in hospital.
“Grif?” Kai asked, leaning in the door. She wasn’t exactly sure what happened, but once she heard her brother was in hospital, Kai hauled ass. What did she do? More like what did he do? It was Simmons- she thinks- that told her that Grif was in hospital, but she doesn’t remember. Kai sat down and stared, confused and emotional. “What the fuck, Grif?”
Grif had a rather sour look on his face, and had one leg propped up in a cast. “I didn’t do anything. Some dickhole thought it was going to be funny to loosen the front tire of my bike before we started riding them.” But that didn’t seem to be the only reason he was here. They didn’t hook that many machines up to someone with only a broken leg. Also, he’d already been here a night. Didn’t they normally send people home once the cast was on?
She tried to put her hands on her hip, bumping her elbows an casually moving them back, her point failed. “Okay, but did you like, make him?” Kai tried. “Did you fuck with his shit first?” She leaned back, taking it in. “Can I draw on your cast when we get home? Cause, you’re all patched up, and there is nothing you can do to stop me.” She paused. “Wait, when are you coming home? I don’t see a release date…”
“No I didnt make him! I guess he thought it was a joke or something. Or maybe he was trying to get brownie points with Sarge…” Grif shrugged, and then bit his lip. “Well… I might not be getting out of here for a while, Sis. Turns out that my kidneys suck major cock, so… Gonna have to wait for a transplant…” In a way, it had been kind of a happy accident. Having to go to the hospital caught the problem before it started to actually get really bad. But that also put him at a low priority on the transplant list.
She frowned. “Awww, Grif! Why don’t you look after yourself? I mean… you look after me…” That deepened the frown. Since their mother fucked off, he had taken good care of her, and it was kinda upsetting that he hadn’t done the same for himself. “How many do you need?”
“Like, one working one.” He shrugged, “I guess they’ll see if you’re a match since we’re siblings, but it’ll suck since then you’ll only have one, and shit.” He leaned over to pull her into a hug, “Dont worry, ok Sis? It’ll be fine.”
“Just one?” She asked, practically squeezing her brother. “I mean, we only need one, right? Each, So I guess you could have mine. If it fits.”
He laughed, “It doesnt quite work like that, but yeah, thats the idea.” Grif rubbed her back comfortingly. “You gonna be ok at home by yourself?”
“Pfft, obviously. I’ll be fine, we have plenty of frozen shit. And it doesn’t take a genius to work the oven, right? I mean you do it every night.”
“Just dont forget about the food in there. And if the smoke alarm goes off, dont just unplug it because its annoying.” Grif was going to need to make a list of everything she needed to watch for, now that he thought about it. “Maybe I should just have someone stay with you.”
“Ew. No. You’ll pick Sarge or Simmons.” She wrinkled her nose. “I can be fine at home. Trust me. I swear I won’t have any wild parties again. At all. Not even a little one.”
“Like fuck I’m letting Sarge in my house.” Grif shook his head, mimicking her distaste. “Whats wrong with Simmons? Sure, he’ll make you healthy food, and try and make you do your homework… Actually, Simmons wouldnt be a bad idea.”
“No, no. He’s really dorky. No.” She pouted. No way was she letting Simmons in the house without Grif. He’d rearrange everything. Alphabetically. “Oh hell no. If Anyone, Make it Tucker, or Donut!”
He gave her a long look, “No. If I let Donut stay with you, I’d come home to a redecorated house by Martha Stuart or some shit. And if I let Tucker stay… Its best if you two arent even in the same room alone.”
“-But Simmons is your friend, and he’s not even the hottest.” She pouted. Okay, maybe Donut would take house sitting a little too seriously. And Tucker… Well, she wasn’t that smart, be she knew what her brother was getting at. Fucking like rabbits. It wasn’t even surprising. “Well, What about Church? He’s not really that good-looking, and he’s boring as shit? Or Caboose..?”
“Ok, maybe Church or Doc,” Grif conceded. Having Caboose over would be like the blind leading the blind. “Church is kind of a prick, and probably wont do that much, but I think he’ll manage to keep you out of too much trouble, and make sure the bills get paid on time.” He tucked a bit of hair that had gotten in Kaikaina’s face behind her ear and smiled. “Hopefully it wont take too long before I’m back home.”
“No way! Not Doc.” She retorts. “I don’t him doing all that pilates shit, or eat organic stuff. Gross.” She sighed. “fine. Church or Simmons.” A moment later, she gave a small smile. “You better get better soon, you know.”
Grif nodded, “Of course I will. And I’ll see if Simmons can stay with you soon. It might take a little convincing to get Church to do anything.” Now that that was settled, he leaned back in his hospital bed and relaxed. “So, how was school?”
“It sucks dicks.” She replied. “You won’t believe this, but they kicked me off the cheerleading squad again.”
“Really?” He heaved a huge sigh, “What happened this time?” How many times did this make? He couldnt remember.
“It’s the third, or the fourth. I can remember, but they were really bitchy.” The was an aggravated sigh. “Oh well, I guess I’ll just join the nerd club or something.”
He gave her a long look, “I’m sure there’s other clubs you can join. I don’t think the nerd club is ready for your type of awesome.” Or ready for a girl to be in their midst at all, really.
“No.. But I’ll be bored sitting at home.” She replied. “I mean I could invite people over, but Simmons will have an aneurism or something.”
“Simmons has an aneurysm every four minutes anyways.” Grif shrugged. “No wild parties. Dont do anything that would get you in a hospital bed, or the clinic.” She knew what he meant.
“Really? Maybe he should be in hospital too!” Kai gave a sigh. Crossing her fingers. “Fine. No parties. And no… Other stuff… Not like Simmons will let me anyway.” The last part grumbled.
That made him laugh, “I don’t think Simmons gets the whole talking to girls thing. He’d probably faint if you were just walking around in a bikini.” Besides, he was pretty sure that Simmons wasnt as straight as he made it seem (no he was not just hoping for his own sake).
“No shit. But It’ll be funny, so I’ll record it and take it in to show you. Maybe it’ll help your fucked up kidneys. Or made you giggle… And you totally know which one I’m talking about..”
He grinned and nodded, “Just make sure you dont kill the poor asshole. He may be a nerd, but… he’s not the worst guy in the world.” Grif felt bad for Simmons, almost. But what were friends for if not to take care of promiscuous younger siblings?
Kai wouldn’t be that bad. Not enough to kill him, obviously, because she didn’t want to go to prison. BUt that wasn’t the point, he seemed okay, but he was kinda a stickler for rules. And Kai, if not anything else, was one for breaking them. “Sure. No murder. Totally got it.”
“Good.” he nodded, and pulled her close for a hug again. That should take care of just about everything, he thought. “Sooo…” Grif started, “Anything, or anyone new in your life?” He may be taking care of her, but he was also her nosy older brother.
She raised a brow. “You wanna talk about boys?” That was new..
“Why not? Its not like I have anything better to be doing.” He was purposefully ignoring the stack of binders Simmons had left him that contained school work that he was going to miss.
“Awesome.” She replies, grabbing a marker and taking it to the cast. “Well, you know about Tucker. I mean that guy isn’t the worst I’ve had -  You remember that last one right?” Kai spoke loudly, working with the pen.
“You mean the one I told you was bad news, but you said he had a cute ass so it didnt matter?” He couldnt see what she was drawing from here. At least he could trust her to not draw too many dicks.
“Yeah, him! He was kinda cute. I suppose Tucker is better. Well, he seems kinda desperate, but it’s cool. He’s nice really.” She nods, writing ‘Kai was here.’ In block caps.
“As much as it pains me to say it, Tucker is the better option of the two of them,” and that really was difficult to say. At least he was sort of friends with Tucker.
“Yeah. I think that guy does hard drugs now.” She smiled, finishing up a drawing of a smiley-faced dick with a hat.
“Yeah… I think now would be the time that I say stay the fuck away from that.” Grif nodded, craning to see what she was drawing. “Awesome. That looks absolutely awesome.”
“Thanks! I called it Simmons… Cause his name is Dick, right?” She grinned. “But yeah. Not cool. Not hot.”
Grif snorted, and leaned forward to give her a high five. “Nice one! And nice choice. You usually dont get over someone like that this fast. Could it by my baby sister is finally growing up?”
She slapped his hand and grinned. “Ain’t I just?… And I’m not a baby. You’re like…. Only some years older than me. But Yeah. And that means I don’t have to be baby sat, right?” Truth be told she wouldn’t mind an extra person wandering around the house whilst Grif was gone.
“I’m still gonna ask someone to stay with you, just because I know otherwise the bills wont get paid, and then you’re going to complain that you dont have any lights. Or food because the fridge would be broken.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know..” She pretended to pout. “Suppose it could be awesome for you to come home to a place tidy and that.”
“I think it’s going to have to be when I get those transplants done anyways…” Grif shrugged.
“Still, that’s plenty of time for him to clean up the whole entire house.” She grinned before adding. “-And I bet he will.”
He laughed, “He’ll clean and actually like doing it. Why do you think I suggested he stay with you?”
“Yeeahh. But Donut likes that shit too. And he’s not as… Obsessive. ”
“Yes and no. Donut may not be as big a neat freak, but I bet you anything he’ll want to redecorate, and paint and shit. Be a lot more work in the long run.”
“As long as its him working, why would you care….” She paused. Donut seemed to favour ‘lightish-red.’ “Okay, fair point.”
“Yeah…” he nodded, “I know it wouldnt make much difference to you, but I do not want to come home to a pink house.”
“What, why?! You’re hurt. Why do I still have to do homework?”
Grif gave the stack of binders on his bedside table a sour look. They seemed to be multiplying already. “I dont get out of classwork either, you know. Some dickhead thought that he was helping by getting the work I’ll miss.”
“…Is it the same dick that’s on your leg…” Kai asked, he would get it. “I don’t wanna. Maybe I can talk Simmons into doing it all too.”
“Kaiii,” he whined, “You cant do that when that’s what I was gonna try to do! I’m the sick one here! And yes, its the dick on my leg.”
“Well, we can both do it. He can practice with mine, then do yours afterwards. See, easy? How else was I gonna pass Algebra?”
“I don’t think Simmons is going to think like that. I think he’s going to think this is the perfect opportunity to tutor you.” He smiled, “I think its kind of a good idea.”
“Urgh… Don’t go all ‘Mother bird’ on me, Bro. Not cool.” Kai shook her head. “When do I get tested?”
Grif just laughed, “I’m still your big brother, no matter how cool I am.” Then he grew a little more serious. “I’ll make an appointment for you this weekend so you dont miss anything for school. Or anything else important.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a dork, you know that?” OKay, so maybe it was probably better that she stay in school. Simmons would be too, and if she stayed home, there probably won’t be anyone there, unless she convinced Tucker to bunk off. “Okay, fine..”
Grif smiled and gave his sister’s hand a squeeze, “Thanks for being willing to go through that for me Kai. Even if we’re not a match, it means a lot to me. I love you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You big dork. Ditto.” Kai gave a smile, and nudged her brother with her shoulder. “I mean you would do it for me.. Though mine are probably healthier…”
“Probably.” He agreed. “I dont want this to be you in the hospital bed for the same reason a few years down the road, ok? Dont do whatever it was that turns kidneys to shit.”
She frowned. “…What does turn kidney’s to shit? I have no fucking idea… But yeah. I’m not going to bust my body, so it’s all cool.”
“You know… I actually dont know what does that… They said it was genetic, but I dont know if that means that we both have shitting stuff, or what.”
“Nah.. I’ll be fine, Bro. Don’t worry about it, yeah?” Then she sighed. “Trust our mother to fuck us over one last time, I don’t care how cool the circus is, that’s fucking mean.”
Grif bit his lip, and shook his head, “… She had to go follow her dreams man. Where else is she going to be able to show off those wonderful talents of hers?”
“Yeah, I know.” She agreed reluctantly. “I mean who else can be fa,t and bearded, and a woman all at the same time? I don’t think I can..”
“I wouldnt want you to try, either.” Grif laughed. “It seems like it’d be fucking difficult, doesnt it?”
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freerebelmentality · 8 years
The apple of my eye
AN: The apple of Chibs eye? Or Koziks? You are Chibs niece and he would do anything for you, literally. Kozik is the person you fell for.
Word Count: 3,676
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You live with your uncle Filip after two years, at first you were only suppose to be visiting but something about Charming made you change your mind. You work at a bakery, Wayne hooked you up with the owner and gave you a job on the spot.
“Y/n what are you still doing here? Your shift ended like half hour ago” Your supervisor says while you mix up the dough.
“I know. I just wanted to finish this up and I’ll clock out” You tell him as he nods and proceeds to do something else.
Once you finish with the dough and prepared it for the oven is when you cleaned your station for the next person to take over. You clock out and head home.
“He is actually home” You mutter to yourself as you pull into the drive way and see your uncles bike parked there.
“Aye sweet heart” Your uncle greets you at the door once you enter the house
“I wasnt expecting you home” You tell him while setting your bag by the stairs and placing the keys into the bowl
“Didnt need me for the run. Clay took Jax, Tig and Happy” He says while getting beers from the fridge and handed you one. You took the beer from his hands while twisting the cap off.
You went up the stairs to shower and went to your room to get dressed. When your done, you came back down the stairs and into the kitchen but no uncle. Your phone rang and sent it straight to voice mail.
“Hey babe, Its me. This is my fourth message already. Call me” He leaves another message on your voice mail.
You look to your phone and delete the voice mail. Herman told you he loved you after a night of spending together. All you wanted was sex, nothing more but once those words came flowing out. You said nothing, got dressed quickly and left him hanging. You knew he couldnt chase after you because he would get caught by your uncle.
You have been sneaking around with Herman for a few months after meeting at a lock down, he introduced himself and the both of you started talking right away. After that the casual sex started. Well until he said those words and just made you panic. You had the same amount of feelings for him he has for you but something deep down made you scared.
“Is y/n coming tonight?” Juice asks looking to Chibs
“I didnt tell her there was something going on tonight” He simply says while he finishes the last of his beer.
Herman came back into the club house looking frustrated as ever. Juice looks to him all puzzled while Bobby does the same. Tig on the other hand just brushes him off.
“Whats wrong with ye?” Chibs asks looking to Herman.
“Nothing just nothing” He says and slams his shot of tequila
He knew something was wrong with him but he didnt push. So he just left it at that. Herman continued on with his day working at the garage, doing pick ups for Gemma and she saw the frustration in him. She wanted to pull him a side and have a chat with him when he got back to the garage. Gemma sees Chibs walk out of the club house and goes to his bike.
“Where are you going?” She asks walking towards him
“Im gonna head back home and see what my niece is up to” He says as he puts on his helmet
“You should bring her by later, havent seen her since she started that new job” She says as she lights up a cigarette
“Aye, dont think she has seen anyone from the club since she started working. I’ll let her know” He says and kicks starts his bike and begins to drive out of the parking lot.
Your in the kitchen preparing dinner for you and your uncle. You didnt realize how much you made until you finally looked at your cooking.
“Shit” You mutter to yourself and you hear a bike pulling into the drive way.
You looked out the window to see your uncle walking up the drive way and came into the house.
“Smells amazing in here” He says with a smile on his face as he walks towards you and kisses your forehead.
“Sorry, I cooked way to much and I wasnt paying attention to what I was doing” You tell him as you finish everything and serve two plates and set them on the table
“Its alright, I can call over Juice” He says while pulling out his phone and invites him over for dinner. Within a matter of minutes he is pulling in the drive way and walking into the house.
“Wow smells amazing in here” Juice says once he enters into the house. You serve him a tremendous amount of food and sit down with your uncle and best friend.
“Sweet heart ye cook like ye mother. Makes me miss home” Your uncle says while looking to you with a sincere smile.
“Thank you Filip. Makes me miss home as well” You smile back to and get up to get yourself another serving of food.
“I didnt realize how hungry I am” You add while getting yourself another serving of food.
“Good thinking, mind if I take more?” Juice asks before he gets up to serve himself
“Please help yourself to more food. It doesnt bother me, I didnt realize how much I cooked until I finally was paying attention to what I was doing” You tell him while your uncle gets up from the table and brings out the beers and serves each of you.
Herman drives by the house with his truck and sees Juice’s bike parked in the drive way along with your uncles. Is that why you are blowing him off? You are spending more of your time with Juice instead of him. Did Chibs say something to you about him that you had to spend more time with Juice? He was thinking a million thoughts and that made his blood boil in annoyance and anger.
“We are having a party at the club and Gemma wanted you to come by. She hasnt seen ye in a while” Your uncle says before he forgets all together.
“You should come, maybe sing a song for us” Juice says while looking to you in hopes that you would
“Why not, havent seen anyone in a while and you would need to get me good drunk just to sing in front of a crowd” You tell him while smiling to your uncle and best friend.
“Done” He says and chuckles
“Not to drunk, dont want ye falling off my bike” Your uncle says as he chuckles as well
You get ready while your uncle and Juice are waiting for you to head to the club house for the party and you are worried that Herman will do something stupid. Well not really since you want to talk to him and even declare your love for him as well. Maybe.
Once you are ready, you walk out the door while Juice and Filip follow behind you, uncle locks the door and walks to his bike. You put on the helmet while he does the same and kick starts the bike. He drives in the direction of the club while Juice follows behind.
“Sweet heart its finally good to see you” Gemma says once she sees you walk in with your uncle and best friend.
“I know its been a while but have been busy at the bakery” You tell her as you pull away from her hug.
“Mind if we talk?” She asks and you see Herman while a crow eater is all over him. You contain your anger and follow her to a quiet place.
Herman sees you hugging Gemma and walking away with her to one of the dorms. Clay’s most likely.
“What did you need to talk to me about?” You ask once you sit on the chair and she closes the door behind her.
“Kozik” Is all she says and you went numb
“What about him?” You ask while your knee bounces up and down
“Well I noticed that the two of you were getting comfortable and lately hes been frustrated” She says with concern across her face.
“I didnt want to say anything to Chibs because he is your uncle” She adds.
“We did get comfortable, after that we even started sneaking around and after he told me his feelings. I got scared and left him hanging. I have been ignoring his phone calls for a while now and Im beginning to regret it” You admit to her feeling incredibly defeated about your feelings but felt good to let that out.
“Why are you scared sweet heart? Is it because of your uncle?” She asks while worry begins to take over
“I can handle my uncle, Im not worried about him and I can work him. Im his niece after all well his only niece” You say while reassuring her not to worry.
“What is it then?” She asks looking to you.
“Before I moved here, I was in a relationship and it was good. It was really good. Only lasted a while then went to shit. He started coming home late, at times gone all night. But when he came home thats when we would argue. Arguing turned to slapping. Slapping turned to more beatings and I would end up with a few broken bones. When I had enough, I left and came here. Well I waited till the bruises and broken bones were healed then I came here to surprise my uncle” You tell her while she kneels in front of you and rubs gentle circles on your back
“Im scared to open myself up like that again. Im scared to let him in and wait for something to smack me in the face again. I know he wouldnt lay a hand on me but just the idea of allowing myself to be vulnerable with someone” You tell her while Herman is on the other side of the door listening to your conversation.
He now understands why you have been ignoring him, why you have been so distant lately and why you ran out on him after he told you that he loves you. You were right about not laying a hand on you because thats the last thing he would ever want to do to a woman. Especially you.
“Sweet heart, Im sorry you had to go through those things and I am happy you came here. Only a coward like that lays a hand on a woman and you have every right to get away like that” She says while looking to you.
“Herman on the other hand, he wouldnt dare lay a hand on a woman like that. I see the way he looks at you and he would never dare to cross you. Give him a chance, I have a good feeling about this” She says while lifting your chin and kisses your forehead.
Herman hears someone walking in the hall way and he goes into the washroom right away. Someone knocks on the door of the dorm room. You and Gemma look to the door and see Juice leaned against the door frame.
“Y/n there has been a request for your live performance and we got a band for you” He says with a wide smile.
“I didnt know we had a rock star amongst us” Gemma says looking to you.
“I only sing when no one is around and a few times my uncle has caught me. Juice has caught me as well” You tell her while wiping away the tears and a smile forms on your face.
Juice heads back to the bar area. You and Gemma walk out of the room together side by side. She kisses your temple. Once you get to the bar area, you notice Herman who smiles to you, Chibs notices and begins to piece everything together, he thought you would end up with Juice because of how you two got along but Kozik is another story.
“For the first time ever for a live performance. Miss Y/n Telford” Juice announces while every looks to you in complete shock. Everyone looks to you really quickly while your uncle on the other hand is smiling and cant wipe it off.
“You guys know the song all the same by sick puppies?” You ask the band while they smile and nod in agreement which you are happy about because you want to send the song to Herman.
“Before I go and sing this song um. This song is for you and Im sorry. You know who you are” You say into the mic while your uncle looks to Kozik right away.
“Listen, you treat my niece good and we wont have any problems. Im watching ye” Chibs says putting an arm around Koziks neck and pulling him closer.
“I dont mind where you come from
As long as you come to me
But I dont like illusions I cant see
Them clearly
I dont care, no I wouldn't dare
To fix the twist in you
You've shown me eventually what you'll do
I dont mind
I dont care
As long as you're here”
Everyone loved that you can sing, your best friend and uncle couldnt wipe the smiles off their faces. Herman on the other hand is amazed that you could even sing, you have never mentioned anything about singing and he loved that you can.
You sang through the whole song while looking to Herman, like as if he is the only person in the room.
“Go ahead say it
You're leaving
You'll just come back running
Holding your scarred heart in hand
It's all the same
And I'll take you for who you are now
If you take me for everything
Do it all over again
It's all the same”
You finish the song and look to Herman right away. Everyone is amazed by your talent
“Hey Tacoma” You say while looking into his blue eyes.
“Hey Telford” He smiles wide for you.
You felt eyes on you. You looked to where your uncle, best friend, Tig and Gemma stand. Gemma and Juice were the only ones who were smiling away. Tig and your uncle well not so much.
“Y/n may I have a word with ye?” Your uncle asks as he takes you by the arm and takes you away from Kozik.
“Dont worry sweet heart, uncle is just worried about his only niece” Gemma says while linking arms with him.
“How come ye never told me about Kozik?” He asks looking to you as he sits on his bike
“If I would have told you, what would you have said?” You ask looking to him
“To leave”
“To leave him alone and never see him again” You cut him off and knew what he is going to say because he is Filip.
“I only say that because I want the best for ye. Your my niece, I see you as my own and I cant help but want whats best for ye. I promised your ma that I would keep an eye on ye and keep ye safe” He says while looking around the parking lot and setting his gaze on you.
“You mean the type of best that never came home at night, argued, slapped me around and left me with broken bones. Is that the type of best you want for me? Because I thought I had it but turns out it wasnt. Herman is whats best for me” You practically raise your voice to your uncle and he is caught off guard by the things you are telling him and that you are raising your voice to him all together
Your yelling caught every ones attention which you didnt want but its to late. You form tears in your eyes while telling Filip about the abuse you suffered. By the looks of it he didnt know that part either.
“I know you want to keep me safe and you have. I love the fact you do these things for me but at times your such a stubborn prick and I just want to beat the living shit out of you. At the same I cant because who else am I going to put up with?” You continue while you smile to your uncle and place your hands on both sides of his face. You give him a peck to the forehead and you both smile
“You just know how to capture my heart” He says while looking to you lovingly
“Callum? He did all of that to ye? Why didnt ye tell me?” He asks in complete shock
“It doesnt matter now. Im happy with him, he makes me happy. Herman makes me feel safe just like the way you make me feel safe. I actually feel loved when Im with him and not the way Callum treated me. Herman is whats real” You tell him while leaning against his bike and your arms are across your chest.
“At least with this one, I know where he is and who he is with. I know that he is loyal, selfless and I know that he would never ever in the slightest moment lay a god damn hand on me” You add while looking to your uncle and pointing to Herman.
“If its love then you know I cant get in the way of that. I just cant get used of ye being with one of my brothas is all. No im lying, I thought ye would end up with Juice” He corrects himself in a hushed tone but loud enough for you to hear.
“I cant get used of this right away. I need time to get used of the fact you are going to be with my brotha. All I ask is give me time” He says looking up from the pavement and to you.
You look to Herman while he gives you a nod, Filip looks back as well and sees him nod.
“Aye, I can do that” You agree with you smile to your uncle
“Dont move out on me just yet either, like I said. I need time” He adds as he gets up from the bike and pulls you into his arms.
“See told you, she has him wrapped around that pretty little finger” Gemma says looking to Kozik
“I am already wrapped around that pretty little finger” He says while looking to the love of his life and the uncle that sees her as the apple to his eye.
“You’ll be wrapped around Chibs dick thats for sure” Tig says from behind Kozik
“And ye, dont make me regret this” Chibs says looking to Kozik as he comes walking to him
“Give me some time to get used of ye being with her. She is like a daughter to me and I expect ye to guard her with your life and if she comes home crying to me then we are going to have a problem. Treat my baby good” He adds while looking to him while he claps him on the shoulder and holds him tight.
“I will. I just want you to know that I love her and I always have. I would hate myself if I ever did anything to her. She is the love of my life and there is no one else I would rather be with. She is for me” He says looking to his brother and meaning every single word he has said to your uncle.
Chibs nods and hugs him. As he pulls away is when he walks towards Juice and give him a knowing expression.
“Im making a call to Belfast to take care of the asshole right?” Juice asks in hopes he is getting the right signal.
“Aye, tell Mcgee to say hi to dear ol wee Callum and makes sure he doesnt see the day of light again” Chibs says as he takes a gulp from his beer. Juice gets on the phone right away to make sure your ex is being handled and to make sure no other woman will be treated the way you have by him.
“Im sorry” You tell him as he pulls you into his arms where you belong
“You dont need to apologize. I heard what you told Gemma and now I get it” He admits as he looks into your eyes
“I would never hurt you like that, I would never stay away from you, I would never leave you and I would never treat you the way he has” He says while he still has you in his embrace.
You knew he is telling the truth and those are the words you have always wanted to hear and feel loved the way a person should feel.
“I love you to much to see you hurt” He adds while your foreheads are touching
“And I you” You close the gap between you.
You can finally be with the one person who makes you feel loved in so many ways and makes you feel wanted. Herman is happy to have his girl in his arms and with him. He didnt know what he would do if you kept ignoring him and left him with a broken heart. All he knew was he wouldnt be in Charming any longer of that were the case.
Chibs couldnt believe how much you were keeping from him until now and he couldnt believe his baby niece found the love of her life. He is happy for how things turned out anyway and he wouldnt change anything for your happiness or Koziks. He knew you would be kept safe and you would always be safe. As long as him and Kozik are around.
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