#sc: (late) queen evelina
tenebrous-if · 6 months
Omg A's mom is so sweet and romantic? Really sad that she passed away T.T what about MC's family did they ever thought that MC was gone for good?
If Evelina were alive, and it’s a Modern AU, her favorite movie would definitely be The Princess Bride, which should tell you all you need to know. 😂
You could more in depth insights on the family’s thoughts in this post.
In a general sense? They never lost hope, truly, but it became harder and harder to grasp onto it as the years went by, which I feel like is completely understandable.
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Ooh so MC will have to "fight" A's new hoping-to-be-spouses to win A's hand? In a more serious note, is the the promise of marriage between the two royal families still in place (like did they agree to keep the engagement until/if MC came back, within a reasonable time frame)? Has anyone of the family and A, thought/accepted that MC was gone and not coming back during the years?
😂, that’d be amusing to see.
The promise is no longer in place, no. If it were other noble families wouldn’t even have the gumption to send in proposals due to the possibility of offending Aetheria or King Daemon himself. It was kept for a single year after the fact, but as more time wore on Daemon had to think pragmatically and do what’s best for his kingdom.
The late Queen Evelina believed, even on her death bed, that the MC would one day return and she told A— if on the childhood sweethearts route— to not give up hope as true love always found its way back.
King Daemon, on the other hand, believed you to be dead the longer it took to find you. He felt sympathy for Aetheria, of course, and let A grieve in their own way before he began pushing proposals their way once more; just because it happened doesn’t mean his child suddenly stopped being the heir to his country, and that his people no longer needed a strong leader to guide them.
Leia was too young to really have an opinion on it, but she hoped that some kind of answer would come— even if said answer was in the form of your body being discovered. At least then her best friend and sibling could grieve with the full knowledge of what they’re grieving for.
A has always been stuck in the middle. They hope, will always hope, for the best possible outcome, that you’re alive somewhere, but it’s become harder and harder to trust that hope as the years wore on and it fades into a mere ember at times… But said hope has never left them, even their darkest of hours.
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