#sc: geros kyriaku
megarywrites · 1 year
find the word tag game
tagged by @writingbyricochet (thanks!) and mine were: brilliant, sparkle, charge, and feather. all of mine will be taken from Seafoam, ofc
I'll tag: @thewriteflame @isherwoodj @caitlinbirenbaum @daisywords and @pinespittinink and your words will be: near, necessary, need, never, and news
“You don’t have to use any of the hammocks if you don’t want to,” she said as she smoothly slid into the one woven from frilly, olive-green algae. “Some of the others sleep wherever they want. But I really like having my own designated space to retreat to.” I swam a little further up, to the one strung across the beams just above hers. It was made from what looked like a ship’s sail, only it had been dyed violet. At one point, it had probably been a brilliant shade, but after however long it had been submerged in the saltwater, its vibrancy had been greatly diminished.
The sky was devoid of clouds on a day that it should have been raining. The sky was blue and clear, the sun’s warmth beating down on us, its light sparkling on the sea. Even my downcast gaze was not enough to keep the too-bright light from glaring in my eyes. The bells in the latridom started to chime as we stepped onto the cobblestone lane, the Stoli moving out from behind us, flanking our sides to keep the on-lookers and well-wishers from approaching. My chin quivered as I held my head high, willing myself not to cry. Not quite yet. Ma’s steps faltered and I slowed as the Stoli on her side reached out, holding her up. Stroking her arms and back and veil-covered hair.  “Ma,” I whispered, offering her my hand to hold.  Her trembling fingers slid between mine, and I squeezed her hand tightly before I started us walking again.
Dinner for the captains was already plattered by the time we arrived. The Sorma directed us to our places, and I was in charge of serving the vina tonight—a honey-gold vina to accompany the main course, and a pale violet vina that smelled of ender blossoms for the dessert. I could feel Zeno’s gaze on me for the majority of the night, but I didn’t pay him any mind, until he kept moving his goblet out of reach. If Geros hadn’t had been there, I would have smacked the back of his head and grabbed the goblet myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him grinning at me when I shook my head slightly.  “Am I annoying you?” he asked softly when he finally relented and I started pouring the violet vina into his crystal goblet.  I glanced up the table, finding Geros deep in conversation with one of the other men. Something about Jou’eou refusing to trade with Grea anymore. “Of course,” I whispered back, being careful to barely move my mouth and give my speech away. His chuckle filled my ear as I moved away and onto Omero.
“Please, let’s head to my home. You can ask all the questions you wish along the way.”  She started forward, wriggling her nearly glowing teal tail to propel herself, the spiny, feathery fins waving around with each smooth movement. I tried to kick my feet, but they moved as one. Were my feet still bound? Again, I attempted to move, but when I looked down to inspect what was the matter, my hair bushed fluidly in my face until I frantically pushed it away.  A tail. I had one, too.
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megarywrites · 1 year
find the word
tagged by @thewriteflame (thanks!) and my words were: early, froze, grave, and hull (it's almost like you knew I just finished a chapter with the title "Haunted Hull" lol)
I'll tag: @isherwoodj @pinespittinink @daisywords and @aether-wasteland-s, and your words will be: dawn, morning, afternoon, evening, twilight (or dusk), and midnight (no pressure ofc!)
early (this made me realize how many times i have nearly in my manuscript, but that's a problem for rewrite draft me lol)
The all too familiar pounding of Cilia’s fist on our door thudded heavily through the small room. I gave a feeble attempt to open my eyes, but the most I could manage was the thinnest squint. But Solera, of course, was already up. Puttering around. Probably folding her clothes or mine…or sketching. My squint narrowed further as I listened hard for a hint of what she was doing.  But it was a bit too quiet.  Had she slipped out again to see the sunrise?  I ripped my blanket off my head, looking over at her bed, expecting to find it empty, only… She looked over at me, her smile a bright, sweet assault. It was too early for anyone to be so cheerful, especially here. Even if it did suit her a bit too well.  Groaning, I flipped the blanket back over my head and rolled over, earning a laugh from her. Alright, well, I couldn’t not smile at that.
A smile split the Droma’s beard, my mouth going dry as he reached for the hem of Ma’s veil. Kolette reached for my hand again, squeezing tightly as Ma’s identity was slowly revealed. The Droma’s eyes widened as the veil slipped through his fingers. Gasps filled the latridom, and the Diamo, who had been smiling, froze, his gaze darting around at the adverse reaction.  The Stoli, as ever, remained calm. The soot-grey lady stood, took a step toward Ma, but halted at a look from the Diamo.  The Droma stepped away from Ma, shaking his head. Even from here, his anger was palpable. I shrank back, sinking further into my seat, holding Ma’s mourning veil taut over my face.  “What happened?” the Diamo asked, his voice much more reserved than it had been before. The Droma stepped toward Ma, fists clenched. “Sosta.” The Droma stopped, glaring at Ma as she lifted her chin, but did not look away. “Remember your position.” He backed away again, his chest heaving.
“Where is he?” Ma asked as she looked down, surveying the carved stones. The Droma turned at the sound of her voice. He glanced between us, offering a sad yet kind smile and holding his hands out to take ours. Or, rather, just mine in both of his. My hand twitched as I fought the urge to jerk it out of his grasp, but then he pulled me closer and linked our arms.  “Come, let me show you.”  I sent a pleading glance at Ma, but the veil made it worthless, as he led us to the furthest stone. Ma sank to the grass once we reached it, and I freed myself of the Droma’s grasp to join her on the ground, wrapping my arms around her as I stared at the stone.  Arteras Galanis 921 N.H. – 977 N.H.  My grip around Ma tightened as she started rocking slightly, her hand escaping the confines of her veil to caress the carving of Pa’s name with the tips of her fingers. I pursed my lips as my throat grew increasingly tight, staving off the tears for now. She escaped my hold, her hands reaching out to brace herself as she pressed her forehead against the ground, right up against his gravestone.  She was murmuring something. Something I couldn't catch. But then, the words weren’t for me.  I placed my hand on her back, rubbing as gently as I could as I surveyed the sea. Could he hear her now, wherever he was?  Hopefully, he could.
I looked up, finding the stern sinking amidst the debris. The faded red [ship's name] painted onto the side of the hull was glaring back at me in the dimly lit waters.  I was trembling again.  Not with fear, but with an unbridled rage.   I changed my grip on the dagger, holding it like I had the shard of the plate that I slain [the captain] with and surged toward the surface. Sputtering, I took in great gasps of the frigid, salty air and whirled around, torrents of rain pelting my face.  It was coming down in sheets, mingling with the blooming pools of blood surrounding the cleft ship. The [ship's crew] were pouring out of the hull, into the waiting daggers and swords brandished by the mermaids.
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megarywrites · 1 year
find the word game
tagged by @thewriteflame and my words were: murder, monster, mirror, and mark (to absolutely no one's surprise, Seafoam has all of these lol)
I'll tag: @daisywords @pinespittinink @caitlinbirenbaum @aninkwellofnectar @isherwoodj and anyone else who wants to! your words are: stale, stiff, stagnant, strip, and start
The smile fell from my face as I spotted what was left of [redacted] bobbing away from me on the crimson waves.  I had done it. Gotten my revenge. Wholly and completely. So what was wrong with me? Why wasn’t I— My breathing quickened, my heart stuttering in my rapidly tightening chest. The pressure within me built, tautening until I thought it would break me on its own.  So I screamed.  It was like it was being ripped from my throat, from my very soul. I put everything I could think of into it. My lingering rage that not even the murders could have quenched. The grief over the girl I had been before all this. The hatred I could never fully name.  Until I was empty.  Spent.
My vision blurred as I squinted through the blueness surrounding me, suffocating me. Where was I? Had I not died?  Water filled my mouth as I opened it, spurring a coughing fit. Bubbles erupted before my face, and I pushed away from them, floating, drifting away. My hair bushed and billowed around me as I held…my breath? Could I do that now? Something dark and long and sinister writhed before me, snaking its way toward me in the darkening blueness. Had I survived the plunge only to be killed again? By this? One of the monsters from Pa’s old stories? But…wait…something accompanied the monster. A human. No, a fish? Both, somehow?  It—no, she, I could see that now—swam up to me, her hair like mine, swirling around her face and shoulders. There was something familiar in her air, something I could not place. Not until she brushed her hair back to look at me properly.  Ma.
When I stepped away, [the Diamo] cocked his head to the side, inspecting himself thoroughly.  “The belt?”  Oh right, of course.  Ducking my head in a nod, I hurried back to the wardrobe, grabbing the first coiled belt I could lay my hand on. [Geros] let out a long, clearly impatient sigh as I wrapped it around his waist and came around the front to tie it off in a limp bow. He reached up to preen his wavy hair into place as I returned to the wardrobe to grab a pair of his sandals. When I turned back, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, foot extended expectantly. So I knelt before him, slipping the first sandal on before weaving the straps around his calf.  “We’ll head straight to the inner courtyard today. I have quite a few criminals to judge today,” he said in a droll voice. He stood just as I finished tying off his second sandal, and I stuck close to him as he returned, inspecting himself in the mirror. He leaned closer, smoothing the mustache of his gray-peppered beard, then turned away, heading for the innermost door.  I followed two steps behind, closing the door to his chambers behind us before quickening my steps to catch up to him.
How long had it been since we had set off from Aspyra? I had tried to keep track, but I didn’t always sleep when darkness fell, so I had lost count. I crawled across the room, splinters pricking my bare knees, to a little indent in the walls. There, if I hunkered down on the floor and tucked myself out of sight of the door, were clusters of marks scratched into the wall. Did they mark the days of the other Stoli’s torments? I placed my hand over them, fingertips feeling for the scars.  Even if they weren’t here, I wasn’t alone.  My head rested against the wall, the rolling waves and rocking ship lulling me half to sleep. A shiver wracked my body, though, reviving me and reminding me that I was still naked.
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megarywrites · 1 year
find the word game
I was tagged by @thewriteflame and my words were: improve, judge, keep, and lied (funnily enough, these snippets all come from around the same time in the book, so they're sorta interconnected. Also, they're not in order. (the actual chronological order would be keep, improve, judge, and then lied)) and, me being be, the snippets are all stupid long lol
I'll tag: @isherwoodj @aninkwellofnectar @pinespittinink @daisywords and @bebewrites and your words will be: nasty, never, nifty, noble, and nudge
Solera stayed next to me as I trudged through the orchard, returned to the path, and started back toward the bluff. Dread pooled in my heart, and it sank further with every step. By the time we reached the top of the cliff, I slowed, my steps dragging until I kneeled in the grass, tears wetting my cheeks.   She would be fine. She would get better.  There was already so much improvement in the few hours we spent with her.  Right? With Kolette looking after her, there was no way she would deteriorate like that again.  I covered my eyes with a shaking hand, the vision of her curled up etched in my mind. In such obvious pain. So frail, too. Like the slightest breeze would have carried her away.  A choked sob escaped, and I quickly covered my mouth, but it was too late. Solera had already noticed, and she was beside me again, arms around me, the sound of her voice soothing, even if I couldn’t focus on the words.
He let out a long, clearly impatient sigh as I wrapped it around his waist and came around the front to tie it off in a limp bow. He reached up to preen his wavy hair into place as I returned to the wardrobe to grab a pair of his sandals. When I turned back, he was sitting on the edge of his bed, foot extended expectantly. So I knelt before him, slipping the first sandal on before weaving the straps around his calf.  “We’ll head straight to the inner courtyard. I have quite a few criminals to judge today,” he said in a droll voice. He stood just as I finished tying off his second sandal, and I stuck close to him as he returned, inspecting himself in the mirror. He leaned closer, smoothing the mustache of his gray-peppered beard, then turned away, heading for the innermost door.  I followed two steps behind, closing the door to his chambers behind us before quickening my steps to catch up to him. 
Water sloshed in the kitchen and I glanced to the door, the rim of my vision obstructed with forming tears. If I had to guess, Solera was making tea. Quickly too, from the sounds of it. I closed my eyes and pressed my head against Ma’s, any other possible solution nonexistent in my mind. The kettle whistled, my eyes flying open. She poured something, her footsteps approached and when she appeared in the doorway, she carried a large mug.  “I made some tvinsta,” she said softly, glancing between us, her gaze settling on Ma. “Do you think you’ll be able to keep this all down?” When Ma nodded, she set it aside. “You have such a nice selection of potions, I was able to combine a few that I think will help you feel better.” She sounded so calm, so soothing. I could almost allow myself to relax. Just a little. She looked up at me, her warm gaze capturing my attention. “We should probably try to clean up a bit.” She was right, of course. I helped Ma into a new change of clothes and she took her tvinsta tea out into the living room and arranged the cushions for her to be comfortable while we cleaned the house. Ma murmured pained apologies as we bustled around, but we were quick to shush her and remind her to keep drinking her tea. She only retched once, but Solera already had a bucket sitting beside her so it didn’t get everywhere.  My hands shook as I tipped the sick over the wall, tears springing to my eyes again. Did no one here care about her? Were they too caught up in their families and livelihoods to pay a now-childless widow any mind? I sloshed a bit of well water into the bucket, swishing it around, cleaning the vomit from the sides and bottom of the bucket before I dumped it out again. Should I even go back to Katania, now that I knew she’s sick?  Laughter from inside was carried out on the breeze. Ma’s laughter. I grabbed the handle of the bucket and hurried back in to find Solera sitting with Ma, who was now all wrapped up in our biggest, warmest blanket, on the sooty edge of the hearth. Both of them looked up at me, then at each other conspiratorially, Solera breaking into a grin.  “What?” I asked, my gaze darting between the pair of them as I placed the bucket down by Ma.  “Oh, nothing.” Solera, taking the cue from Ma, tried to school her expression. Unsuccessfully.
“There’s been something that I’ve been thinking about all day, and I’ve been meaning to ask you when I had the time.” He glanced at me again before picking up his goblet to take a long sip of his vina. Then, after clearing his throat, he continued, “About your mother.” My brow furrowed slightly, and he nodded, cutting off another bite of chicken. “You implied earlier that you hadn’t heard that she was ill, and yet”—he stuck the piece of chicken in his mouth, watching me as he chewed it with agonizing slowness. He knew…he had to know… “Sosta wrote to me to say that you had fled to Psari to visit and tend to her?” I sat forward, my mouth open to retort, only for him to hold his fork up, waving it back and forth between us. “Don’t speak.”  I bit my tongue, thoughts of Osmari flooding back in my head. Instantly I released it and sank away from him, though my gaze didn’t leave his.  Did Sosta reveal that Solera had been with me? Or did he just want to implement me in this.  “So, you lied to me.” My breaths were coming shorter now. “You saw what happens when someone lies to me today.” I clenched my trembling hands even tighter, my tongue suddenly heavy in my mouth. “I don’t necessarily appreciate being lied to, Thala.”  His attention dropped back to his plate, and he made me sit in perfect silence as he enjoyed several more bites. Until his plate was cleaned. Then he looked up at me, expectantly, and I reached out to grab his plate, cursing my shaking hands as I returned to the side table with the bowl of shaved fruit and a glazed mespoli. He picked up his knife and fork, gesturing with the knife for me to return to my seat.  “Now,” he said as soon as I was settled, “I’m not without mercy. It’s understandable that you would be worried about your mother. It speaks to your devotion to her. However, if it happens again”—he paused, holding my gaze for a few seconds—”I’ll rip your tongue out myself. Is that clear?”  I nodded immediately, eyes widening involuntarily.  He cut off the tip of his mespoli, glancing over at me. “Why are you still sitting?”  I hurried to stand, returning to the welcoming shadows, willing myself to melt into the wall as he finished his dessert. 
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megarywrites · 2 years
Find the Word tag game
I was tagged by @thewriteflame and my words were: hunger, wheel, cloth, and rough. (last one is a bit intense, so read at your own discretion)
Calio set the plate on the tiny table, then hobbled over to where the chair sat, dragging it back over to it. 
I shook my head. 
“Don’t worry, child. I ain’t gonna touch you.” I gulped, watching him sit in the chair. “What’s your name?” 
“Arteras’ girl?” I nodded, and he pursed his lips, nodding too. “Sorry for your loss. Good man, that.” He inspected me for a moment, without the hunger in his eyes that the other men had. Rather, with concern. Fatherly concern. “You should eat, you know. Long journey ahead.”  
“How long?” 
“From what the Captain said, few cycles at least. Heading to Basate.”
The sun gleamed too bright against the white stucco walls of the buildings towering around us, curtains sweeping out of the windows, blowing in the breeze off of the sea. The roofs, in stark contrast to the white, were painted in shades of blue and green. Red occasionally, but far less so. The crowds parted without truly noticing us, the din of haggling and merchants advertising their wares and children being reprimanded and gossiping and laughter filled the streets. 
No matter how much I looked around, I would not be able to take it all in. Not today, at least. 
Sosta turned the cart, the wheels bouncing roughly over the cobblestone lane, and my mouth fell open as my head tipped back. 
It had to be at least twice the height of the latridom back home, with its tallest towers made purely of coloured stained glass. Marble and wood made up the base, but even they gleamed. 
No, shone.
 “Can I see the cloth?” 
I took it from her, getting up to dampen it again before I drizzled some of Veludor over it, setting the vial aside on the counter. Then, I rubbed it vigorously together as I made my way back to her, an iridescent lather forming over the surface of the cloth and a burst of citrus perfuming the air. “Here, this should help a bit.” 
She reached for the cloth, but I kept hold of it as I sat on the cushion that Zeno had been inhabiting, dabbing the cool cloth over her cheek and under her eye. “Does it hurt much?” 
Ma shook her head as Zeno sat back down, right beside me. “Not right now, no.”
“Help! Help me, please!” she screamed, scrabbling at his arms. A few more Dromas descended as well, helping to restrain her. Strong arms wrapped around me, too, pulling me backwards. I scratched at the hands firmly clasped around my middle, my gaze not leaving Osmari once her eyes found mine. “Help me!” 
One of the Dromas held her jaw open, keeping her from yelling anything else as the one manhandling me forced me to turn away from her as the tong-like device was fit onto her tongue. Her screaming was muffled as he carried me up the few steps, his muttered curses at my continued struggling buffeting the hair at the top of my head. 
He dropped me roughly on the pavilion and I crawled away from him, peering around him in the second it took for Nikkolai to yank back and rip Osmari’s tongue out of her mouth. 
Gagging, I ripped my sioti off and stumbled to the far edge of the pavilion, away from the Droma guarding me, and fell to my knees, heaving up my morning meal.
I’ll tag..... @aninkwellofnectar @laufire-writes @isherwoodj and @flowerprose
your words are: gloom(y), raspy, abrasive, pungent, and mild
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megarywrites · 3 years
I got tagged ages ago to do a last lines tag by @zmlorenz and I haven’t had much time to write lately but now that I’ve finished this huge scene I might as well share it! 
I would share the last lines I have, but it would require a lot of context, so I’m just gonna share a bit a wrote this morning on my break at work because I’m stupid proud of how it turned out
The Diamo was sitting behind a large desk in a plush, high-backed chair, evidently waiting for us to join him. The Droma stood off to the side behind him, his arms crossed as his glare darted between Ma and I. 
Ma released my hand and started for the simple chairs set up before the desk. She took the one on the left and, after a second of hesitation, I took the one on the right. 
The Diamo sighed as soon as I was settled. “First of all, I would just like to know why.” 
I did not turn my head, but my gaze darted to what I could see of Ma out of the corner of my eye. “I would like to know that as well.” 
The Diamo coughed a laugh. “What?” 
“Why did he,” she said, with a disdainful nod toward the Droma, “choose my daughter to be his wife?” 
“I didn’t choose,” he said with such a sneer in his voice that it took an effort not to roll my eyes. “The gods did.  How dare you question them? Defy th—“ 
But he broke off as Ma let out a bite of a laugh. “This was no decision of the gods. And even if it were, I would have done exactly what I did.” He stepped back, blinking rapidly. “How dare you try to take my daughter away from me, sweeping her off into an unbalanced and unhappy marriage? I’d rather she tie herself to a hog running rampant in sewage than let her bind herself to a man such as you.” She rose from her seat, pointing aggressively at the Droma as he almost cowered away from her, even with the desk between them. “You’re vile, to prey on a girl who cannot decline the offer of marriage. To declare it in such a way that she could not refuse. I despise—“ 
The Diamo stood, his hand raised between them. “Before I begin, may I have your name?” 
“Mitapi.” If she said it with any more force, she would have spat on the desk. Or the Diamo himself. 
“Mitapi, calm yourself, and”—The door opened, bringing with it the comforting smell of spiced kappe and the return of the Stoli—“Sit. Have some kappe. I hope we can discuss the matter without voices being raised?”
holy shit that was longer that I was expecting lol for context, the Droma (basically, the combination of a priest and a governor) declared that he’d be marrying Thala without telling her and Mitapi decided that she would take her place as the bride. This is an excerpt from the aftermath of that (also the Diamo is the equivalent of a combination of the pope and a king so yeah we stan Mitapi in this house).
I’ll tag..... @thewriteflame, @nectargrapes , @howdywrites , @dgwriteblr and whoever else sees this and wants to post a bit of their writing lol
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megarywrites · 3 years
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A few non-spoilery memes for Seafoam (namely, Part I)
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megarywrites · 2 years
OC Superlatives tag game
tagged by @aninkwellofnectar <3 
Rules: Which of your characters best fit the following descriptions?
Most arrogant - Geros
Most humble - Mitapi
Most charming - Solera
Most aggressive - Sosta
Most talkative - Sunhi (haven’t really interacted with her much so i’m not sure, but she seems like the type lol)
Least talkative - the Stoli, collectively lol when they’re not by themselves lol
Most relatable - Thala (for me personally, but all the women in here have been relatable to some degree so far)
Least relatable - Geros (absolute piece of shit lmao...any of the antagonists tho lbr) 
Most ambitious - Thala and Zeno
Most easy-going - Aziri (haven’t interacted with him at all yet, but he’ll arrive soon enough and i’m looking forward to getting to know him better)
Most high-strung - Cilia
Most pretentious - Sosta
Most cheerful - Solera
Most patient - Mitha
Most diligent - Samra
open tag for anyone who wants to participate!
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megarywrites · 2 years
I Can Fix Her
tagged by @thewriteflame <3 Doing this for my main girl, Thala, ofc ^^
template here
Mitapi and Mitha - I can fix her
Alessia - "I can fix her" Yeah? Well I could accept her as she is. You don't like the murder? Grow up. The atrocities are part of her and I've decided they're funny
Sosta - I can fix her by making her worse
Damya - I could fix her, but whatever's going on with her is much more amusing
Cilia - "I can fix her" Okay Bob the Builder, relax
Olena - "I can fix her" You can't even fix your sleep schedule bestie
Solera - I love her, no matter how many men, women and children she's killed
Geros - "I can fix her" That's cute. I can break her. I can leave her a shell of a woman
Samra - I can stick around and see how much she can fuck up. Kinda like watching a trainwreck
open tag for anyone who wants to do this!
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