#sc: prince/princess kalyn
tenebrous-if · 6 months
Can we get some facts about MCs family members and their betrothed ? Maybe also how they changed after MC was missing for awhile.
King Leonidas and Queen Nyra
Nyra, who was then Crown Princess, met Leonidas during his opening tourney of being a knight— something he didn’t wish to do as he’s never truly enjoyed that sort of thing; it’s something his father wished of him and he didn’t wish to be more of a disappointment. Nyra felt endeared to the fumbling boy that could barely hold the sword up, let alone hope to wield it, but the gentleness he displayed towards his horse is what truly made her wish to meet him. (They fell in love fairly quickly… Leonidas is one of her most trusted advisors.)
Nyra, like all members of her bloodline, has a magical gift in the form of water magic— said magic, like it does with all the family, showcasing itself by changing the color of her eyes on the dawn of her sixteenth birthday. Changing light green to enchanting blue.
Leonidas is definitely the softer of the two. Sneaking his children little treats after dinner has finished, or trying to persuade his wife to let them play a bit longer, but it’s Nyra that read to you when you were little before bed— despite Leonidas being the scholar between them— as she’d do different voices and various other things; all in the effort to make her darling children smile.
They both still wear midnight purple— the color of mourning for a royal within Aetheria— due to the loss of you. Nyra wearing a necklace/earrings with the stone and Leonidas with his cape being the color… Something that’s understated, as it’s not the full outfit, but something that still shows that they’re thinking of you.
Leonidas has become much more finicky of his children, worrying constantly when they’re not where they’re supposed to be. The stress has caused his darker hair to start going a bit more grey. While Nyra has been much more protective and less willing to bend her already iron-clad rules… She won’t let another one of her children disappear.
Crown Prince Elarin
Many call him cold-hearted, aloof in the face of all the heartache that his family has faced as he’s never been seen to have shed a single tear for you… Of course, that wasn’t the case within the privacy of his quarters, but he refused to break within the public eye— remaining the perfect heir as he was always trained to do.
He has a certain fondness for the old tabby that’s made her home within the stables of the palace— a scruffy thing with half its right ear missing and a scar across her face, but the tabby has survived despite everything and Elarin, however foolish he believes it to be, hopes that if the cat could survive then so could you.
Likes the peace and quiet of the library within the Royal Wing, less people coming into bother him— barring the cleaning staff— which is what he prefers. When he’s not in with his various tutors then he’s there simply basking in the tranquility that the place offers him… It happens few and far between as of late.
Stills wears a small trinket that you made for him years before— a silly birthday present that he had pretended to not understand… The little brooch now sits snugly over his heart, underneath the sash that he wears to court.
To an outsiders perspective he hasn’t changed in the slightest, but to the people that know him they know that he’s become colder, more withdraw, focused more and more on his duties… It helps him stop wondering about what could have been; even if he does stop to stare at the Map of Arvandor whenever he sees it… Wondering where you could have possibly gone.
Prince/Princess Kalyn
Being your twin, your disappearance destroyed them completely. They couldn’t be in their quarters of the castle, that they shared with you, for months after the fact. They wouldn’t even let the cleaning staff in either— refusing to let anyone destroy the last bits of you they had.
As is custom, on the sixteenth birthday of a royal heir a ball is held to honor them, and to showcase their gift, Kalyn absolutely refused to have theirs without you by their side. As it would feel like they’d be celebrating something that wasn’t wholly theirs (and it isn’t in their eyes).
Was always hot-headed as a child, which is why their gift with fire magic wasn’t a surprise, but they detest the color of their crimson eyes now… As it took away the small connection they had with you… The color of your eyes. Because, at least, when they looked in the mirror they could pretend that you were looking back.
Has a sweet tooth the likes no one has seen before. Kalyn and Leonidas always had a little “date” where they’d sneak into the palace kitchens to raid the sweets… Something that Leonidas spoke with the cooks beforehand so they were prepared (Kalyn still thinks they were being thieves of the night).
They’re still fairly hot-headed, but they’re also more closed off in a sense that they try not to form new connections with other people. When they used to try to make friends with everyone and anyone. The one topic that is definitely liable to make them blow up is you… so people tread that line with extreme caution. Especially after they punched a dignitary who had been talking about a conspiracy that the royal family is the one that caused you to vanish.
Princess Isadora
Spends a lot of her time within the castle gardens or within the courtyard surrounded by admirers and potential suitors… Not that she truly pays them any attention. While getting gifts are cute/endearing, and she gives thanks to the people who went out of their way to give her one, it’s a simple benefit nothing more— it can also get tedious when she’s simply trying to be alone.
Has a deep fondness and love for animals and plants, all living things really. You can typically see her with her loyal hound heeling at her feet or following closely by her side… She always feels safe when he’s nearby.
Her sixteenth birthday is coming up, along with the ball and manifestation of her gift, which is coincidentally around the time that you’re found… Maybe you can finally have the ball that was stolen from you (and Kalyn)… If she agrees to it, of course.
Tries her best to be there for her family when the time of your disappearance comes around… Even if she feels like a ghost at times due to it, because she doesn’t truly understand but still feels the faint echoes of her own pain falling back to her— telling her things she tries to grasp, to remember, but it’s always too far out of reach.
She was five years old when you vanished. Remembers faint things about you, but she’s mainly been affected by the way her family is now without you. A part of her misses you, misses the relationship she used to have with you, but she doesn’t truly remember you completely… She’s also far from being the energetic child with chubby cheeks that you remember.
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Did anyone in both kingdoms royal court recommend Kalyn marry A after MC disappeared ? If so how did both parties respond to the suggestion ?
Yes. It was something that was broached after the third year of the MCs disappearance. Before Kalyn met their current lover and after A had started to take on the mantle of what it truly meant to be the Crown Heir— that sometimes what was best for their country wasn’t what was best for them.
A understood the suggestion, but they were firmly against it. They became icy, more so than they typically are when in court, and made it known it’s not something they’d even ponder. King Daemon accepted this and didn’t even bother trying to advocate for the idea.
Kalyn… Kalyn blew up and it took a long time for people to calm them down (people meaning Isadora and Elarin; as Nyra and Leonidas worked to fix the entire situation on the political level). They were vehemently against the idea— partially because they aren’t some stand-in for the MC, they’re not spare parts to be used when the MC isn’t available, and because they feel like it’s wrong on so many levels (especially with the childhood sweethearts route).
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
I had a question about the MC’s twin. Is their gender the same as MC, opposite, or player determined?
They’ll be the same (for NB!MCs you’ll get to choose AFAB or AMAB, which will correlate to Kalyn— just wanted to add that in case anyone was curious about how that’d work).
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Like with the ROs can you share pics of the family’s hair color?
Sure 😂
I’m assuming you mean their hair colors?
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Queen Nyra:
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King Leonidas:
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Crown Prince Elarin:
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Prince/Princess Kalyn:
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Princess Isadora:
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Omg A's mom is so sweet and romantic? Really sad that she passed away T.T what about MC's family did they ever thought that MC was gone for good?
If Evelina were alive, and it’s a Modern AU, her favorite movie would definitely be The Princess Bride, which should tell you all you need to know. 😂
You could more in depth insights on the family’s thoughts in this post.
In a general sense? They never lost hope, truly, but it became harder and harder to grasp onto it as the years went by, which I feel like is completely understandable.
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Can we play matchmaker for the siblings? 🥺
I think it could be applied to Isadora, and her relationship with Leia… Kalyn could use a nudge in the right direction with their own relationship too…
Elarin is very hands on with his own proposals as he wishes to be well informed about the entire thing— so the MC wouldn’t really be playing matchmaker with him.
If you choose to do so you can definitely help out your twin and younger sister!
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Are Elarin and Kalyn engaged at all ? And is there anyone specific who is dead set on trying to marry A ?
Elarin has been so focused on his studies, getting acclimated to more royal duties, and various other things, that he hasn’t entertained the notion of marriage— until recently, that is. As he’s finally starting to actively take a part in looking for his betrothed.
Kalyn, on the other hand, has been in a stagnated relationship with a noble from Eseyra, a tropical island nation, but they haven’t fully committed to it because they can’t stomach leaving Aetheria— both because of their family and because they can’t imagine not being there when you come back.
There are quite a number of suitors that have been more persistent to gain A’s favor and, hopefully, their hand. You’ll meet two of said suitors within the game.
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Can I ask you the same (Pinterest) for MC's eyes and their family'eyes?
Sure! I haven’t gotten around to making specific boards for the family yet, but I hope to rectify that soon! (The picture for Isadora is what her eyes will be turning into as she hasn’t turned sixteen yet.)
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Queen Nyra:
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King Leonidas:
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Crown Prince Elarin:
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Prince/Princess Kalyn:
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Princess Isadora:
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The MC:
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Fellow Swan Princess Enjoyer here, you have excellent taste. 😘Since you mentioned A is a hunter, I can’t help but picture A making their staff run around the grounds in a mock hunt a la Practice,Practice,Practice 😂😂
You’ve mentioned in an ask that A will visit MC’s family from time to time- did they grow closer due to the shared loss? Are MC’s parents and siblings aware that A cared deeply/was falling in love (if applicable) with MC? And we’re A’s parents affected by MC’s kidnapping besides “darn, there goes a royal merger”? Also it’s very sweet that A’s baby sister and MC’s baby sister had each other especially during what I imagine to be very tumultuous years growing up🩵
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I could definitely see A doing that with the staff that volunteer to do so 😂 — all the while Leia is watching on the terrace, tea in hand, discarded book off to the side, completely amused by her sibling. (A’s best friend would totally participate too.) And, as a small side note, this is totally the song of A’s childhood.
The Aetherian Royal Family has definitely grown closer with the Crown Heir of Aerilon (and their sister), as A truly didn’t have to continue on with the relationship the way that they had, but, without fail, they still try to send letters for important dates, holidays, and will give presents for birthdays and festivals.
Nyra is partially aware of how A feels, Leonidas more so as he knows what it’s like to fall for an Aetherian Royal (and what said fall looks like in another). The siblings are less so aware: Elarin had other things to focus on, Kalyn is most cognizant of it but they never gave it much thought, and Isadora was too young.
As for A’s parents? Their mother had been absolutely crushed by the events as she always treated you with the upmost care and love. Unfortunately, she passed away a few years ago (something your MCs will be able to react to). As for their father? He was put off by it, yes. He had his reasons for wanting the match to begin with— not all of them having to do with political aspect of it— and he wasn’t too thrilled that years of planning just went down the drain. Still, he felt sympathy for the MCs family and he hoped that you’d be found soon (and that you were safe).
Isadora and Leia’s relationship is one that I adore and I can’t wait for you all to experience it too. It’s a reflection of A’s and the MCs (in a way), but different all the same.
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
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Nyra du Aetheria is the Queen of Aetheria, and your mother.
Age: 48
Character Traits: Intelligent, charming, perceptive, dutiful, and refined.
Eye Color: Light Green Sapphire Blue
Hair Color: Black Cherry
Hair Length/Type: Nyra keeps her hair down to her hips in elegant waves.
Height: 5’2” // 157.48 cm
Gift: Water Magic
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Leonidas du Aetheria is the King of Aetheria, and your father.
Age: 47
Character Traits: Inquisitive, gentle, loyal, intelligent, and caring.
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Salt-and-Pepper
Hair Type/Length: Leonidas keeps his hair cut short, only a bit of his boyish curls naturally being displayed.
Height: 6’2” // 187.96 cm
Gift: N/A
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Elarin du Aetheria is the Crown Prince of Aetheria, and your older brother.
Age: 28
Character Traits: Ambitious, cunning, analytical, loyal, and perceptive.
Eye Color: Hazel Icy Silver
Hair Color: Ebony Black
Hair Type/Length: No matter how hard he tries, a lock of his hair always falls across his forehead, the rest being maintained easily enough as it falls just underneath his ears in slight waves.
Height: 6’4” // 193.04 cm
Gift: Air Magic
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Kalyn du Aetheria is a Prince/Princess of Aetheria, and your twin.
Age: 25
Character Traits: Hot-headed, loyal, stubborn, outgoing, and caring.
Eye Color: N/A Crimson
Hair Color: Dark Auburn
Hair Length/Type: Kalyn keeps their hair to just over their shoulders, typically it’s slightly tousled like they simply ran their hand through it and called it a day.
Height: 5’8” // 172.72 cm
Gift: Fire Magic
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Isadora du Aetheria is a Princess of Aetheria, and your younger sister.
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Character Traits: Cunning, intelligent, perceptive, charming, and adventurous.
Eye Color: Blue/Green (changing to Forest Green)
Hair Color: Honey Blonde
Hair Length/Type: Isadora keeps her hair down to her mid-back in a mixture of soft waves and curls.
Height: 5’5” // 165.1 cm
Gift: Earth/Nature Magic
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tenebrous-if · 4 months
Are MC and Kalyn identical or fraternal?
Fraternal — for the most part anyway. There will be comments if you do happen to choose the same features though (like hair color).
The only thing that’ll be consistently the same for both the MC and Kalyn is that you shared the same eye color from before your powers took hold (before your eyes turned gold and theirs turned crimson).
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