#scaffold awareness training
oshatraining · 6 months
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safetycourses2022 · 4 months
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stakscaffoldseo · 8 months
Scaffolding training and qualification involves training about the safe usage of scaffolds and ladders to avoid falls and prevent other types of accidents. This training includes a comprehensive overview of the methods, safety guidelines and regulations required for installing a scaffold at the construction site. Here, you will learn about the importance of proper training for scaffolders in Sussex.
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hb-writes · 9 months
Go Play in Traffic - Part 2
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Summary: Charlie comes to her brother intending to talk some things through, realizing too late that perhaps it’s not the best time. 
Characters: Harvey Specter, Charlie Specter, Donna Paulson
Content Warnings: Angst, Mental Health.
Part One
Charlie shivered as the rain pelted her clothes, every inch of her soaked through to the bones. She had walked nearly four blocks before realizing she was cold, before realizing she had left her jacket and umbrella on the couch in Harvey’s office in the wave of her anger. It was all stupid—Charlie felt so, so stupid—but she shook it off. 
Told herself it didn’t matter.
None of it did. 
She focused on nothing but moving forward, one foot in front of the other. In just a few more blocks, she would hit FDR drive. 
Just as she’d told Harvey she would. 
Just as her brother had suggested. 
Charlie didn’t care if he had only said it in anger. Annoyance. 
It didn’t matter.
None of it did. 
Midtown East was a blur that Charlie was only half aware of as she passed through it. After bursting from the building lobby, her decision to head towards the river hadn’t been a conscious one, not really, but despite having a whole five boroughs available to her, the river was the only thing on Charlie’s mind, the only place she could think to go. 
Hoping on a subway train would’ve probably angered Harvey more, but Charlie wasn’t worried about her brother any more. She just needed to see the water of the river, all of it staging a desperate attempt at flowing South to meet the ocean. She needed to see that…and she needed to see the cars on the FDR, all of them racing by her on the highway. 
All of it going somewhere, on their way towards something. 
Charlie needed to know it was possible to move forward. To know it was possible to achieve something, and more than that, Charlie ached to feel something bigger and more powerful than whatever was raging within her now. 
She hadn’t sorted out exactly what she was feeling. She didn’t really want to, but she could feel the weight of it, the power of it swelling within her. She had settled into something close to neutrality in recent weeks, a certain numbness that was both comforting and terrifying at the same time. It was scary enough that Charlie had worked up the nerve to say something…to ask for help. 
It was exhausting, holding it all so tightly and trying to keep herself from bursting. She felt suddenly tired from the exertion, from all the tension and from the way she had covered the last few blocks in what felt like no time at all. 
She was grateful for the brief reprieve provided by a red light, the first she’d encountered since leaving her brother’s office. Charlie backtracked a few steps from the street corner to wait under a section of metal scaffolding that was somehow foreign…clearly wrong and intrusive, and yet an accepted part of the landscape of the city and glanced over her shoulder. Charlie felt like whatever she was feeling was like that scaffold. Whatever had settled inside of her in recent weeks was foreign, too. It wasn’t part of her and yet, it felt like it had nestled its way in and made a home. No one seemed to question it, no one except her. 
Charlie glanced down the sidewalk behind her. It was mostly clear, the realization a simultaneous relief and injury. She turned back around, watching the traffic and suddenly impatient for movement once again as the wind ran through her damp clothes. The water had gotten through her shoes, soaking through her clothes and her hair, and now it seemed to soak into her skin, into her bones. All of her felt cold and weary, but Charlie’s feet tugged her forward when the walking signal flashed even though her heart wasn’t in it anymore, not really.
Charlie started as someone passing in the other direction bumped her shoulder, the contents of his umbrella spilling over her head. The man moved on without even acknowledging Charlie, without seeing or hearing her though a muted apology had slipped from her lips. It was silly of her to expect his forgiveness or even an acknowledgement. This was New York afterall. No one seemed to have time for that sort of thing. And anyway, she had been the one walking aimlessly in the middle of the sidewalk, all purpose forgotten. 
She should’ve just been grateful that he hadn’t shouted at her. Maybe she would have deserved it if he had, with her being in the way like that. But even from this man she didn’t know, Charlie felt herself longing for a little kindness. A little connection. 
She walked another avenue in a blur, oblivious as she moved over the curb and the sidewalk transitioned into the street. She was just an avenue from the river. An avenue from the highway. Just an avenue stood between her and—
Charlie flinched, the strong push of air crashed against her as a car passed by, just inches from her before a hand on her elbow tugged her back. 
Charlie’s heart thumped in her chest as she twisted to watch after the same car moved through the next set of lights, passing under another red without even tapping on the brakes. She heaved a breath, realizing the hand that had pulled her back was still on her arm, the knuckles white with the strength of the grip. 
“Thank y—” she started, pausing when she finally pulled her eyes to find it wasn’t a diligent stranger who’d pulled her back from harm’s way.
Harvey stood there before her, out of breath and just as wet as she was, his hair plastered flat against his head. 
Harvey’s chest heaved beneath his ruined suit jacket, his eyes wide with some emotion Charlie couldn’t quite place. An emotion she couldn’t quite bear to withstand.
She looked away from him, glancing to see the light had changed to green once again, the zooming cars trapping her there in the bike lane with her brother. Charlie tugged her arm free, drenching her foot in an ever growing puddle as she stepped away, pulling her arms around her body as she watched the passing traffic for a few seconds. 
Harvey finally opened his mouth as Charlie stepped once again into the street, her eyes spotting a narrow opportunity to cross before his words could grasp her and hold her there… Harvey hesitated to follow for only a second, long enough that by the time he went after her, a car was honking after slamming on their brakes to avoid hitting him.
Charlie didn’t turn back. She didn’t even flinch as she kept walking, the purpose in her newly flared by her brother’s proximity. 
It was stupid. Charlie knew it was, but she needed to reach FDR Drive. She needed to see the East River. She needed the control that came with following through on something she’d said she was going to do, even if it was something as dumb as this, something that meant nothing, fueled only by her misplaced anger at her brother. Fueled by a bit of childishness. 
And lord, did Charlie feel childish. Her brother was right. At the core of it, Harvey had seen through her outburst, at least part of the way. 
Charlie had been looking for his attention. A little connection. A small measure of confirmation. Charlie had wanted—no, needed—to know that Harvey still saw her. That he recognized that something wasn’t right.
She needed to know that he would help her fix it. She needed to know that all of this was still worth it to him. That whatever pay off he got out of raising her was still worth the trouble, even now. Even when she wasn’t the little kid who had been easy to deal with. Even with her as thoroughly messed up as she felt. 
Even with her arguing with him in the office and giving chase in the middle of a rainstorm… 
Because the older Charlie got, the more she realized how big of a sacrifice her brother had made. She understood what he’d given up—what he was still actively giving up—on her behalf. And maybe that was an answer in itself. 
Maybe Charlie should have been able to read enough into that, but some part of her needed to hear him say it. She knew she was a burden. Charlie knew she was a pain in his ass, a drain on his resources, a drain on his life. 
Those were things she didn’t need him to say. And it seemed that Charlie was always adding to that list, creating more problems. Asking him to give more of himself. More of his life.  More of his freedom. More of his time. More of his patience. More of his money. More of his help. 
Help. Charlie supposed that was what she had truly been after, what she had spent days and weeks working herself to ask after. It shouldn’t have been difficult. Charlie knew her brother wouldn’t say no. He wouldn’t ignore her needs. He wouldn’t make her feel poorly about it either, but it had still been difficult to find the words, difficult to find the nerve to say something wasn’t right. 
Because it seemed that nobody else needed help. Paying someone to talk felt extravagant. Childish. As though Charlie should have been able to sort through things on her own. As if she should have been able to push through, but she couldn’t. 
She was stuck and she was tired and confused and hurt. Hurt by the fact that no one had seemed to notice that she was each of those things. Hurt that no one had noticed she was struggling. Hurt that Harvey hadn’t seen it. 
Charlie finally reached the highway and she was so tired of walking, so tired of running. The water was right there. Just a flight of stairs and a pedestrian bridge stood between Charlie and the small riverside park that occupied the space between the East River and the highway. 
She was so close, just there, but with a little protection from the rain as she stood beneath the bridge, she couldn’t bring herself to move. All drive had left her and deep down, some part of Charlie feared that it wouldn’t soothe her. It wouldn’t help anything. Some part of her feared she would see the raging waters and realize none of it compared to what she felt inside. 
She lowered herself to the steps. The wind was something fierce so close to the water, barely blocked out by the buildings surrounding the bridge, but Charlie barely felt the cold, all of it somehow blocked out of her consciousness. 
She wished she could do the same to the sensations in her mind, her heart, but they continued to swirl and pummel her, even as Harvey slid down onto the step beside her. 
There had been a hundred things on Harvey’s mind to say as he trailed after her, but now that Charlie was in front of him, now that he saw her hunched over with her head down over her knees, Harvey could only remember one of them. 
He was sorry, so goddamn sorry for saying what he did. For letting this go on as long as he had. For letting his bad day get to him. 
Her jacket was soaked, but Harvey still slid it over Charlie’s shoulders and pulled her against him. Charlie didn’t push him away, didn’t so much as flinch at the contact, and Harvey set his hand on her back, rubbing small circles as she remained folded over, closed in on herself, the fact that she was crying only knowable to Harvey because he knew her so well, could read her well-enough. 
Even if he had fucked up. Even if he had read her wrong. He had thought to give her space, to let her come to him when she was ready, but it had been a mistake. 
Charlie heard her brother apologize, heard him say that he shouldn’t have said what he did, heard him say that he should’ve listened better, and for some reason, the words didn’t help. For some reason, the words hurt, a bit of guilt coursing through her as they landed. 
She lifted her head just enough to see him, just enough to meet his eye. 
“It’s my fault,” she mumbled, shaking her head. 
Harvey frowned and heaved a sigh as he looked away for a moment, to the rain that had started falling suddenly harder. Charlie was still looking at him when he turned back. “How about I let you take 10% for ruining my favorite suit?” 
“It’s wrecked.” 
“Better a ruined suit than…” Harvey’s breath caught on the words and he swallowed hard. “The suit’s replaceable,” he offered. “How about we head home?” 
“What about—?”
“I’m done for the day.” Harvey didn’t bother to say that he knew she needed him more just now. He didn’t bother to say that he needed to be with her just now, either. “And as you so eloquently pointed out, my suit’s wrecked. If I look half as bad as you, they probably won’t even let me in the lobby.” 
Charlie let out a soft snort, something resembling a smile almost gracing her face as she assessed him, drenched suit and messy hair. 
“What do you say?” 
Charlie nodded and Harvey fished his phone from his pocket to call for a car. Charlie seemed to zone out, staring ahead, and Harvey reached out to rub her back again as he ordered their car, rattling off the closest cross streets. 
“Come on,” Harvey said, guiding her up from the step a few moments after hanging up. Charlie slid her arms into the coat as they stepped out from under the bridge, walking towards the street. Harvey stepped to the right—the car would pick them up on First Avenue, but Charlie stepped the other way, towards the brick barricade at the other end of the street. 
Harvey followed after her, settling beside her as they both leaned on the ledge, looking out over the highway below, towards the park on the far side and the water just beyond that. 
Charlie felt Harvey’s hand fall on her shoulder and she turned toward him, blinking at the burning tears in her eyes. 
“Thank you for coming after me. For…” 
The word didn’t quite make it out and Charlie tried to swallow at the stubborn lump in her throat. 
Harvey pulled her in, hugging her against his chest. He didn’t need her to say it to know. 
“That’s what I’m here for.” 
Charlie hugged him back, letting the relief wash over her, some part of her convinced it would be okay. There was a breadth of words left unsaid between them, a conversation that needed to take place, plans that would need to be made, but that would come later. When they were back home, dry and warm. 
Charlie needed that conversation to take place. She needed to tell her brother all she had been holding in. She needed his help to sort it all, but for now, this was enough. The few words they’d shared and the comfort of their closeness was enough to soothe them both, enough to get them through a long car ride home in rush hour traffic on a rainy Friday.
And if it was enough to get them through that, it was enough to get them through anything…
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
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may--hawk · 3 months
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Most demons make it their goal to stay as far away as possible from their Room, except for those who go mad. Beelzebub knows exactly where their Room is, can picture it like a point on a compass wherever they go in Hell. They can even feel it the few times they’re on Earth; can feel it above them, out there, all around. Like entropy. Their Room is in the Velvet Wing, three corridors off from the cafeteria, up a set of spiral stairs that tightens around you as you go. There’s a thunderstorm at the top, always, making the metal rungs slippery and treacherous. There are three Rooms up there, bunched along a small, narrow metal pathway. Your hair gets wet, walking to it, your face. Water beads in your eyelashes. Their Room is the one in the middle. They know it’s theirs because they can feel it. Because every time they’re near it, they lose a fly or two, can feel the flies slipping away from them, squeezing in the cracks around the door, and - Beelzebub doesn’t know where they go from there. They can’t feel them anymore, can only feel the lack, the loss. Beelzebub’s not mad, but they do wonder, sometimes.
Rating: G
Hell is limitless, vast, an unfolding, spiraling labyrinth of misery, damnation, and flickering fluorescent lights. Although the shell is, of course, the basement of a vast and unknowable office building rented from Ineffable Holdings LLC,1 much of Hell has been built by the demons in it, both intentionally and unconsciously. The Pit, of course, has always been there in the universe, a deep dark core, perhaps its very center, perhaps the very first thing She created, perhaps, even, what she created everything from, pulling matter out from the Pit in the metaphysical equivalent of pulling a rope, hand over hand, from a well. Certainly the Pit has the power to unmake and remake. A demon, once out of it, is always aware of it, of their proximity to it at any given point in time or space.
The basic architecture of Hell, its infernal scaffolding, is there when the wretched demons pull themselves out of the pit: the Dark Auditorium, the river Styx running through the cafeteria,2 the hallways, the vast chamber that would later become the Filing Room. Lucifer assembles them, puts them to work. They begin construction with a handful of barely legible plans and unfamiliar bodies, shattered beyond recognition. A few dozen of them are sent out as cartographers; three return.3 What the demons discover, when they begin to disperse, to spread out, to get some distance between them, are the Rooms. They don’t know what the Rooms are, not at first, largely because a demon is perfectly able to go into another’s Room, and return unharmed, provided they have the normal immunity against, say, piranhas, or fiery infernos, or being buried alive, or locusts, or a Black Friday sale at an appliance store circa 2002.
The demons only really begin to understand the meaning of the Rooms when a demon discovers their own Room for the first time. There has not yet been a single demon who has, upon entering their Room, been able to escape it. It’s part of the design. The demons, still traveling in packs at that point in time, still have each other’s backs. A horde of half-unravelled angels prowling the darkened halls of a still-unfamiliar place. Beelzebub4 is with the first pack of demons when they go down three levels, over two, and take the elevator up and to the left. There they find the first Rooms, jammed into corridors, a dizzying array of Rooms, some of them non-Euclidian in their geometry, opening on each other in a never ending maze. Some stand with their doors open. One Room is just a long empty space of nothingness, pure nothingness. Another is a dinner party with a creeping sense of unease and tardiness; still another is a train station. There is a Room of Mirrors, reflecting you back at yourself, monstrous and deformed;, in the very center of the Room, you are shown as you had been, as an angel, before. Pure and whole. Other Rooms are firmly shut and latched, chained and barred, leeching enticing scents of perfume, or food, or the dead, from within, a specific lure to each demon the Room is for. Some Rooms waft out the sounds of chamber music, or low voices, or a single, long, drawn out violin that goes on and on and on and on.
Continue reading at AO3.
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kudosmyhero · 2 months
Daredevil (vol. 1) #122: Hydra-and-Seek
Read Date: July 04, 2023 Cover Date: June 1975 ● Writer: Tony Isabella ● Penciler: William Robert Brown ● Inker: Vince Colletta ● Colorist: Janice Cohen ● Letterer: Karen Mantlo ● Editor: Len Wein ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● ok but why does his costume mold to every fold of his ear?
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● feels like the series is starting to find its feet again--yay! ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Since Foggy Nelson has been captured by Hydra, Daredevil, the Black Widow, and S.H.I.E.L.D. have been scouring the city trying to find out where the terrorist organization has taken him. Their search leads them nowhere, until the Black Widow finds a calling card of the criminal Blackwing detailing that Hydra has an outpost hidden in a warehouse in Queens. Daredevil convinces Natasha to let him go, but not before the two get into an argument over who is going to save Foggy Nelson.
Daredevil leaves and pauses to take out his frustrations. Natasha sees this and the two talk about their relationship and how it's not working. They make up and decide to go to the warehouse together, fully aware that it is probably a trap. Sure enough, Blackwing and El Jaguar are waiting for them in the warehouse poised to attack. When the two heroes attack, Natasha goes for a direct assault allowing for Daredevil to sneak in while the others are distracted.
Natasha fights El Jaguar, while Daredevil goes to battle Blackwing. Daredevil is out matched by the army of trained bats and the gigantic genetically engineered bat that Blackwing employs. During the fight, Daredevil is doused with dried blood to make him a bigger target for the gigantic bat, and the Man Without Fear is forced to break his Billy-Club and use it to impale the giant bat, killing it instantly. While the Black Widow knocks out El Jaguar, Daredevil finds himself at a disadvantage against Blackwing without his Billy-Club and accidentally jumps off the roof scaffolds and crashes to the ground knocking himself out.
With Daredevil knocked out and Nick Fury's forces on their way into a trap, the Supreme Hydra contacts Blackwing and commends him on his victory, unmasking and revealing himself to be none other than Silvermane.
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Fan Art: Daredevil by Pulvis
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 20
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ao3feed-superbat · 1 year
Despite All My Rage
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pbBNGch by HollowSr In a time travel mishap, a feral and reckless training era Bruce Wayne falls into the future. The league can handle seeing their leader impulsive, cocky, blood hungry. Flirty is... flirty is something they're unprepared for. Also the amount of villains he is close friends with seems... improbably high. Damian's just excited to be at a higher rank in the league than him. ... Clark whipped around, seconds away from catching whatever was flying at him before remembering he was currently Clark Kent. He stumbled, allowing the projectile, a sharpened piece of metal from the warehouse, to just barely brush past him. "Are you aware your prescription is fake?" A hunched figure dropped down from the scaffolding. Lithe and quiet, his eyes down and stance alert like a wild animal. "I'm sorry?" The man stepped forward. The boy? The young man "They're fake.” The young man repeated, “Is it a fashion choice or are you just a liar?" Words: 1914, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, DCeased (DC Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Jim Gordon, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Diana (Wonder Woman), Roman Sionis, J'onn J'onzz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake, Oliver Queen, Black Canary (DCU), Victor Fries, Gorilla Grodd, Lois Lane Relationships: Bruce Wayne & Everyone, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Bruce Wayne, J'onn J'onzz/Bruce Wayne, Roman Sionis/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Time Travel, Young Bruce Wayne, Age Regression/De-Aging, Age Difference, Flirting, Bruce is in his like 20s, But just want to heads up on the age difference flirting and tropes read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/pbBNGch
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aralezinspace · 1 year
The Perfect Knight
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~AO3~ Templar!Hob & Yeraz (Blade in the Dark- Sandman/Assassin's Creed crossover AU) Action
Kinktober prompt: Blades
Kinktober masterlist
Posting this one today in honor of the release of Assassin's Creed: Mirage, I'm so fricken excited to play it and get started writing this absolutely MASSIVE adventure 🤩Art of Templar!Hob by @designtheendless (still fuckin sends me every time 🥵)
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Yeraz had been tailing the Templar captain Robert Gadling for the better part of two weeks, and had almost nothing to show for it. All they had learned was that he was a formidable soldier, he cared enough about his horse to name it (who names a horse Alexios anyway), and he snored. He appeared to be an exemplary Templar in his commitment to order- his daily routine hardly varied. 
He was almost too perfect a Templar. 
On this particular day, they had followed him to the market around midday. Perched on a piece of scaffolding that spanned two buildings, they watched him peruse the stalls. A brow quirked when they noticed a break in his routine: rather than the bread and dried meats he usually purchased for his midday meal, he instead went two stalls over and bought some dried fruit and a small wedge of cheese. 
One small break in routine was not enough to constitute him a threat. Yeraz continued to watch. 
He perched on the side of the central fountain to eat his lunch, offering a small child the last of his cheese with a kind smile. That was another thing- he was almost impossibly kind. Most of his brethren wouldn’t have looked twice at a starving child. Yeraz’s confusion grew, and they wondered (not for the first time) what about this man had piqued Morhepus’ interest. 
Yeraz grumbled and inched across the scaffolding to the nearest rooftop when Gadling moved to leave. They eased themselves down a nearby ladder, watching him out of the corner of their eye. They melded into the bustling crowd, sharp eyes keeping his tall frame in view. Left, then right, then another right- that was his usual route from the market back to the barracks, where he would train for most of the afternoon.   
Gadling paused at the first intersection. He looked both ways, then turned right. 
Yeraz frowned, two breaks in routine in as many hours. He couldn’t know he was being tailed, could he? Yeraz was a Master Assassin of the Dreaming; their targets never knew they were being tailed until it was too late. 
But still, their orders remained. Moving on silent feet, they continued to follow him, gently pushing past civilians going about their business. He was moving faster now, a hand on the hilt of his sword to keep it from swinging with his purposeful strides. Yeraz’s frown grew deeper as they matched his pace. 
The crowds grew thinner and the alleys narrowed as they drew further away from the market. Yeraz couldn’t shake the feeling Gadling knew he was being followed; he was even whistling to himself. And then, the impossible happened: Yeraz lost him. 
One minute he was maybe a hundred feet away, the next he was gone. They swore under their breath, their stomach clenching. How could they have lost him? 
All it took was one moment of lost awareness, one moment of panic and uncertainty, for the hunter to become the hunted. 
He was quick, and knew how to take full advantage of an opening when presented. Before they could do anything, Yeraz was shoved into the building at their back, their head cracking against the stone. Gadling’s forearm was nearly crushing their throat, while his other hand held a dagger, the point beneath their chin- Yeraz was almost going cross-eyed trying to keep it in view. 
One of Gadling’s legs wedged itself between theirs, using his whole body to keep them down. “Who are you,” he hissed, “You’ve been tailing me for over ten days now, why?” Yeraz grunted and squirmed but didn’t answer. Heat really shouldn’t be coiling in their belly from this man looming over them, wisps of dark hair coming out of their tie, the rings of his mail leaving indents in their flesh, the point of his dagger just barely breaking the skin. 
The brush of cold metal sent shivers down their spine despite the heat of the sun. Their blood rushed and burned at the thought that this man just might prove a challenge- so few stood a chance against Yeraz in a fight, it was exhilarating to meet someone who could not only match them, but gain the upper hand. 
He flipped the dagger so the edge rested across their neck, just above his forearm. He pressed harder, the edge splitting the skin just enough to release a trickle of blood. And oh if that teasing display of his skill with a blade didn’t make their knees weak. “Who. Are. You,” he demanded again in a low growl. His eyes were positively blazing as he studied his captive.
“No one,” Yeraz choked with a defiant smirk, “I am but a blade in the crowd.” Gadling’s features turned hard and cold. 
“Assassin.” The word was hissed like a swear but with an undercurrent of awe and fascination. His eyes darted over their features, committing them to memory. He gave them another little shove. “That doesn’t explain why you’ve been following me.” 
“Doesn’t it?” Yeraz quipped breathlessly, “My master has taken an interest in you. Make of that what you will.” Gadling paused for a moment in thought before loosening his hold and sheathing his dagger. 
“Go,” he growled, “Tell your master what you know. But know this: if I see you tailing me again, it won’t end well for you.”
“Oh trust me,” Yeraz replied with a smirk as they adjusted their robes and gave Gadling a once over, committing the sight to memory for later contemplation. “You won’t see me.” With that, they gracefully scrambled up the wall they had been pinned against and darted away across the rooftops, leaving a confusedly aroused knight in their wake.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
3 minute read
The London Ambulance Service (LAS) has doubled the number of women who are specially trained to work in the most dangerous environments following a recruitment campaign.
Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) paramedics respond to patients in the most perilous situations including fires, collapsed buildings, people trapped under trains or vehicles, people in water, or those in hard-to-reach places. 
Their specialist training means paramedics can enter a “hot zone” – an area where there is a potential threat to life, such as an active terrorist attack – and begin treating patients as soon as possible, rather than waiting for fire and rescue crews to bring patients out of the dangerous area.
HART are also trained to respond to chemical incidents, terror attacks and other high risk jobs.
Paramedics Rae Childs and Natalie Cole have over 10 years’ experience with LAS between them but are new to HART. They still treat ill or injured patients but now face the extra challenge of responding to them in dangerous conditions.
Rae said: “We’ve been going through a lot of training which includes working at height on scaffolding, off-roading utility terrain vehicles, winching up buildings and water rescue.”
HART paramedics also spend time training alongside emergency service colleagues in the police and fire services.
Natalie said: “We are working alongside some of the most elite and experienced units in the country. It’s taking us out of our comfort zones but actually it is so empowering to get this opportunity, knowing we are specially trained to help people in the most difficult, dangerous and challenging circumstances.”
Previously the team of 98 HART paramedics only included 11 women. That number now stands at 22 with more women already applying.
Natasha Wills is the Director of Resilience and Specialist Assets at LAS and HART paramedics are one of the specialties in her department.
She said her department had made a “deliberate effort to change” HART across the country from what had “traditionally been a male-dominated team”. 
The team held awareness days, encouraging female parademics to try out training activities for themselves.
“Rather than being intimidated by the gear, the uniform, the physical activity, when women saw an opportunity to apply, they found it a rewarding way to progress their careers. I would encourage any paramedic not to rule themselves out, but to give it a go.”
Since joining the HART team, Rae and Natalie have found that other women are now more likely to sign up to join them.
Rae added: “Having a more diverse team means there will be different ideas, better problem solving and more innovative thinking when it comes to approaching complex jobs.
“It’s good for women to be part of the team but it’s even better for our patients.”
LAS and Yorkshire Ambulance Service were the first ambulance services to set up HART, in response to the 2005 London terror attacks.
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Langblr reactivation challenge
Day 5: Find a video in your target language and watch it as many times as you need to in order to understand it. Make a post about the video. What was it about? Did you like the video? Was it difficult to understand? Make sure you link the video. Try to write your answers in your target language, but if you can’t that’s okay!
Ce video s’agit d’architecture en Maroc et le mouvement écologique. La architecte invitée au programme est une spécialiste d’architecture écologique et professeure a l’universite Rabat en Maroc. Elle dit que l’architecture écologique est une architecture la mois consommatrice et la plus performante et près de nature. Elle souligne que les problèmes de la climatisation et de la chauffage. Elle introduit les simulations écologiques et performant pour améliorer les constructions
Les medinas, espèce d’architecture marocain, est une example d’architecture écologique; les bâtiments sont construits des matériaux locaux, ont des dessins qui ventilée naturellement comme les patios, sont construits de la terre qui peut-être très performante pour
La présentatrice demande si l’architecture écologique se limite d’etre construire pour les elites et pas pour tous les citoyens. L’architecte insists que il y a toujours en Maroc une manque de connaissance d’architecture écologiques et il faut qu’on apprend a la publique l’urgence de la crise climatique. Le tourisme aussi s’avance vers l’ecotourisme, donc les lodges autonomes et les autres bâtiments verts vont devenir le point de départ pour architecture en Maroc.
le colibri hummingbird
le brasier inferno
le mieux-etre greater well-being, improved standard of living
la consommatrice / le consommateur consumer
induit induced
s’étaler to spread out
la couche d’ozone ozone layer
doubles par voie ?
le frein brake
le défi challenge
la facture bill
onéreuse / onéreux costly
le manque de competences lack of competence
exercer to train, exercise
serein serene dispassionate
l*e citoyen lambda* ordinary citizen
sensibiliser (qqn à qch) to raise awareness (of something)
son altesse her higness
l’échafaudages (m) scaffolding
l’arrosage (m) watering
l’assainissement (m) sanitization ; stablizing
l’affirmer haut et fort to state (qch) loud and clear
alimenté(e) (en eau, électricité) to be supplied (with …)
la voile sailing
le commanditaire silent partner
guérir to recover
rectifier le tir (corriger le tir) to make adjustments
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hazwopercentertx · 4 days
Reasons To Take The Confined Space Training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska
Every profession carries the same risks that must be mitigated as ideally as possible to continue with the tasks. The employee and the employer must be concerned about accidents on the job. Workplace safety is imperative regardless of the type of work that is going on. OSHA has a set of standards that must be complied with to ensure safety and security. Online fall protection training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska is the best way forward.
While almost all tasks performed at a considerable height come with the additional risks of slipping and falling, the following industries are notorious for having more share of accidents on account of falling from heights:
· Construction
· Maintenance
· Manufacturing
· General Industry
The other industries are not entirely safe either. It is always vital for all workers to consider the training that may be taken online and from the privacy of their homes. This also reduces absenteeism or the need to request leave to attend training classes. Fortunately, the workers can always choose to take the test on weekends and national holidays, thereby not losing even a day of work.
First things first, though. One must understand the purpose of fall protection training and be informed about the benefits that come to a trained person. Interestingly, the training imparts education and raises awareness of the dangers of ignoring the guidelines when ascending or working at heights.  Understanding various equipment and safety protocols is a part of the course that needs to be implemented perfectly by all at-risk people.
Taking the training is mandatory in the states of New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska. Thus, only trained workers must scale heights to perform responsibilities at specific heights. Not training the workers or supervising them properly can result in penalties.
Hazards encountered by workers
· Slippery surfaces
· Unprotected edges
· Unsafe ladders
· Faulty Scaffolding
The Training
The course is divided into twelve distinct modules, each focusing on a particular topic of relevance. Some modules include exercises that help the students recapture and revise the lessons taught. The modules include the following:-
· The Science of Falls
· Fall Controls and Protection — The Big Three
· Ladders, Stairways and Scaffolds
· Struck-by and Falls-to-the-Same-Level Controls
· Other Fall Controls
· Calculating Fall Distances (Exercise)
· Prompt Rescue Plan
· Site Safety Plans and Checklists
· Choosing Fall Protection (Exercise)
· Making Decisions and Wearing Equipment  
The entire training is usually completed in 8 hours, with the final test being important to pass successfully to qualify for the certificate. Once generated and shared with the employer, the certificate may be oriented out.
Statistics reveal that many people have to remain in confined spaces when performing their assigned tasks. OSHA recommends that people take confined space training in New York, New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and Alaska, imparting knowledge and skills for safeguarding themselves when in a confined space.
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oshatraining · 2 years
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safetycourses2022 · 4 months
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natl-safety · 7 days
National Safety Partners Enhancing Workplace Safety for a Better Tomorrow
In today's dynamic and rapidly evolving business environment, workplace safety is more critical than ever. The growing emphasis on employee well-being, regulatory compliance, and risk management has given rise to organizations that specialize in helping businesses create safer work environments. Among these is National Safety Partners (NSP), a leading organization dedicated to fostering a culture of safety across various industries. With an unwavering commitment to reducing workplace hazards, NSP has become a trusted partner for companies looking to enhance their safety protocols and ensure a secure future for their workforce.
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The Mission of National Safety Partners
At the heart of NSP's operations is its core mission: to safeguard employees by minimizing risks and creating a culture of safety that permeates every level of an organization. National Safety Partners believes that safety is not just a compliance issue, but a fundamental business priority that can drive operational excellence and employee satisfaction. By integrating safety into the fabric of a company’s day-to-day operations, NSP helps businesses mitigate risks and reduce the likelihood of accidents that could lead to costly injuries, downtime, or legal liabilities.
Comprehensive Safety Solutions
NSP offers a comprehensive suite of services that address the multifaceted nature of workplace safety. From risk assessments and safety audits to employee training and safety program development, NSP provides end-to-end solutions that are customized to meet the unique needs of each client. Their team of experienced safety professionals works closely with businesses to identify potential hazards, develop effective control measures, and implement robust safety systems that align with both regulatory standards and industry best practices.
One of NSP's key offerings is its specialized training programs, designed to equip employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their jobs safely. These programs cover a wide range of topics, including hazard communication, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, emergency response procedures, and ergonomic safety. Through interactive workshops and hands-on training sessions, NSP ensures that employees are not only aware of safety protocols but also actively engaged in maintaining a safe work environment.
Industry-Specific Expertise
What sets NSP apart is its deep industry-specific expertise. Recognizing that each industry presents unique safety challenges, NSP tailors its services to meet the specific demands of sectors such as construction, manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. For example, in the construction industry, NSP focuses on fall prevention, scaffolding safety, and electrical hazard management, while in healthcare, the emphasis may be on infection control and ergonomics for healthcare workers. This customized approach ensures that safety measures are not only effective but also relevant to the operational realities of the business.
The Future of Workplace Safety
As technology continues to reshape the business landscape, NSP is at the forefront of integrating innovative solutions into workplace safety practices. The use of predictive analytics, IoT-enabled devices, and AI-driven safety monitoring systems are just a few examples of how NSP is leveraging technology to enhance its services. By staying ahead of emerging trends, NSP helps businesses future-proof their safety protocols and stay compliant with ever-changing regulations.
National Safety Partners is more than just a safety consultancy—it is a strategic partner committed to helping businesses protect their most valuable asset: their people. Through its comprehensive safety solutions, industry expertise, and forward-thinking approach, NSP is leading the way in creating safer workplaces, one company at a time.
For more info:-
National Safety Partners
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fhvsydney · 1 month
Essential Guidelines for Safe Working on Heights
Working on heights is a critical aspect of various industries, including construction, maintenance, and utilities. However, it presents unique risks that require careful management to ensure safety. Understanding and implementing essential safety guidelines is crucial for preventing accidents and protecting workers.
The first step in working safely at heights is conducting a thorough risk assessment. Before starting any task, it’s essential to evaluate the work environment to identify potential hazards. This includes checking the stability of surfaces, assessing weather conditions, and inspecting equipment for any signs of wear or damage. A proactive approach to hazard identification helps in planning and implementing effective control measures to mitigate risks.
Proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is another fundamental aspect of working safely at heights. Workers should be equipped with essential gear such as safety harnesses, helmets, and lanyards. It is vital to ensure that this equipment is correctly fitted, used, and maintained. Regular inspections are necessary to confirm that PPE remains in good working condition and provides the required protection against falls and other injuries.
Training on the correct use of tools and equipment is also crucial. Workers must be proficient in operating ladders, scaffolding, and elevated work platforms. Understanding how to safely set up and use this equipment, including adhering to weight limits and stability guidelines, minimizes the risk of equipment-related accidents.
Additionally, emergency preparedness is a key component of working on heights. Workers should be trained in emergency response procedures, including first aid and rescue techniques. Knowing how to quickly and effectively respond to emergencies can significantly reduce the severity of injuries and improve overall safety outcomes.
Promoting a culture of safety through regular training and awareness is essential. Ensuring that all workers are familiar with safety procedures, including the proper use of PPE and equipment, and maintaining an open line of communication about safety concerns, fosters a safer work environment.
 working on heights requires meticulous attention to safety guidelines. By conducting thorough risk assessments, using appropriate PPE, properly operating equipment, and being prepared for emergencies, workers and employers can significantly reduce the risks associated with elevated tasks. Prioritizing these safety measures not only protects individuals but also enhances overall productivity and workplace safety.
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digitalsanshta · 1 month
In the realm of construction, safety is not just a protocol but a critical priority that can significantly impact project outcomes and worker well-being. As construction sites are inherently hazardous, having the best safety consultants on board can make a substantial difference in preventing accidents and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Among the top names in the industry, Lunima Safety Solution (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. stands out as a leader in providing comprehensive construction safety consulting services across India.
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Why Construction Safety Consultants Are Essential
Construction sites present a unique set of challenges, from heavy machinery and scaffolding to electrical hazards and falling risks. Best construction safety consultants in india play a crucial role in:
Risk Assessment and Management: Identifying potential hazards and assessing risks to devise strategies that mitigate them.
Compliance with Regulations: Ensuring that all safety practices meet the latest industry standards and legal requirements.
Training and Education: Providing training programs to equip workers with the knowledge and skills needed to operate safely.
Emergency Preparedness: Developing emergency response plans to handle accidents and unforeseen situations effectively.
Why Choose Lunima Safety Solution
Lunima Safety Solution (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. is renowned for its expertise in construction safety consulting. Here’s why they are considered among the best in India:
Comprehensive Safety Services: Lunima offers a wide range of safety consulting services tailored to the construction industry. Their services include safety audits, risk assessments, compliance checks, and the development of safety management systems.
Expert Team: The company boasts a team of highly qualified safety professionals with extensive experience in the construction sector. Their expertise ensures that all safety measures are not only effective but also aligned with the latest industry standards.
Customized Solutions: Understanding that each construction project is unique, Lunima provides customized safety solutions. They work closely with clients to understand specific project needs and challenges, ensuring that safety strategies are relevant and practical.
Training Programs: Lunima is committed to enhancing safety awareness through its training programs. They offer comprehensive training sessions for workers and management, covering various aspects of construction safety, including equipment handling, emergency response, and regulatory compliance.
Proactive Approach: Lunima’s proactive approach involves not just reacting to safety issues but anticipating potential risks and addressing them before they become problems. This forward-thinking mindset helps in maintaining a safe working environment and reducing the likelihood of accidents.
Track Record of Success: With numerous successful projects and satisfied clients, Lunima Safety Solution has a proven track record of enhancing safety standards on construction sites. Their reputation for excellence speaks volumes about their commitment to quality and safety.
When it comes to ensuring safety on construction sites, Lunima Safety Solution (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. emerges as a Best construction safety consultants in india. Their comprehensive services, expert team, and commitment to customized safety solutions make them a valuable partner for any construction project. By prioritizing safety and leveraging their expertise, Lunima helps clients create safer work environments, ensuring that projects are completed without compromising on the well-being of workers.
For anyone looking to enhance construction safety and meet regulatory requirements effectively, Lunima Safety Solution stands out as a reliable and experienced consultant that can deliver exceptional results.
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