sylvanticus · 4 months
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A scaleless carno :o
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rhiusvell-art · 1 year
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He a proud boy
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Went to exotic animal expo to possibly pick another tarantula or two. Came back with a baby scaleless corn snake female. Ph. Amel Hypo Diffused. Love the pattern on this little lady! ❤️ The texture of their skin... It's just one of a kind.
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xemxemgulion · 8 months
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Line art of one of my other dragonborn characters, Corgetta the scuteless/scaleless dragonborn with smooth leathery skin, all due to selective breading of course, since dragonborn in her world are suppose to be covered in ostioderms! And yes, just like official dnd dragonborn, the dragonborn of my world were also subjected to selective breading! Now all's I'd gotta do is colour her!
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Can u tell me why breeding scaleless snakes are bad? /genuinely asking (im not trying to pick a fight- im just trying to understand 😊)
Sure thing! The basic idea is that scales are really important to how a snake functions, and when you mess with that, you tamper with the snake's ability to be a snake.
Scaleless rat/cornsnakes are unethical but they're not, like, the worst thing ever. The snake will still have belly scutes but lack scales on their backs and sides. The main issues a scaleless rat/corn will suffer from are:
Mobility issues caused by the lack of scales along the sides. Snake movement is complex and involves muscles attached to the belly and side scales, so without side scales, they're clumsy and have issues holding on to things
Shedding issues
Increased risk of injury - snake skin really isn't meant to just be exposed
Unethical! But it could be worse.
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Scaleless ball pythons are such an unethical morph I consider breeding them to be animal abuse, full-stop. The scaleless morph in ball pythons is more extreme than rat/corns, and also involves the loss of belly scales.
Along with the issues scaleless rat/corns deal with, scaleless ball pythons also suffer through:
Even worse mobility issues due to the lack of belly scales, which are the most important when it comes to mobility
Belly sores - that's a load-bearing part of the body that's now unprotected
Massive, massive difficulty eating. Ball pythons have heat pits on their lips to detect infrared signatures, and that's what they rely on to eat. These pits are set into the scales, and the scaleless morph doesn't know what to do with them so they're just gone. Scaleless bps are left not being able to use the way they've evolved to hunt and find food.
There's a reason you can't find any scaleless ball pythons who are full-grown.
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Because of all these issues, I consider it unethical to breed scaleless snakes, and I strongly recommend avoiding buying from anyone who breeds them.
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val-of-the-north · 4 months
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Their dynamic is like this to me (+bonus Tark and Najka mention)
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hivvernal · 3 months
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Always been a fan of the theory that Priscilla is Seath's daughter, I wonder if he'd mourn her
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mushychord · 4 months
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eghostsofdeadchildren · 3 months
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Seath the Scaleless.
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thepalecaesar · 9 months
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Dark Souls: Eclampsia
The pale entity bears the grim designs, And grim designs deliver weird outcomes alone
The pale duke bears the pale infants
The postmature one is willing to be delivered premature, preterm, So even the music, put on oh so in time, cannot just lull him back to sleep To help it all last even if a little while longer
There is More to this so-called resin than meets the eye
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suzythesilkie · 7 months
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Looking through old art folders and I just... find this master piece.....
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
Daily fish fact #393
Scaleless blackfish!
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These fish have been found living near extinct volcanoes!
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prince-sawgrass · 5 months
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Axolotl, they’re an allwing oc for an rp with some friends :D
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cyborgnachte · 4 months
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Without a doubt, Archives is my favorite zone in DS1. Everything about the environmental story telling and the visuals were just *chefs kiss*
I loved the jail break and even the fake out boss fight that puts you in it! The moving staircases and the hidden rooms, it's just great.
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pikno · 5 months
I think people who mod out Au Ra scales are cowards.
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What should you do if you're breeding snakes and a scaleless one pops up?
Go buy a lottery ticket, first of all - that's incredibly rare!
After that, I'd absolutely make sure the snake will never be used for breeding. Responsible breeders sell snakes with any medical defects, such as spinal kinks, to homes with the understanding that they're never going to be bred. I would also have a vet assess the snake's needs and inform potential new owners that the snake needs a modified enclosure - this would also be smart even if you kept the snake as your own personal pet.
I would also consider it important to not breed the snake's parents together again; scalelessness is a recessive trait and the parents probably just carried it by random chance!
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